The School of Music presents the 93rd program of the 1989-90 season

The Singers

Joan Catoni Conlon Conductor M3J 1

with members of the

Collegium Musicum Margriet Tindemans, Director

May 22, 1990 8:00 PM. Meany Theater C J4-s c;. ::P 1/, & &> Ah, Robin, gentle Robio , . . ~ . '~,-? , -: , ' , . , ~ , , , WILLIAM CORNYSH (1468 - 1523) Program Margriet Tindemans. Cynthia Beilmen, and Roben Tangney c; l l)c A­ )(c.d~I1IOY\a. \ Fdx >O'~

Die Weiber mit den Floben . , . ~ ': . ~\ , , , , , , . ,IVO DE VENTO (c. 1543 - 1575) Six Cbansons ...... ~ ".. ~ T ...... , . . PAUL HINDEMITB (1895 - 1963) "Women who have/kas have an ongoing war. They would pay anyfortune I. La Bicbe (The doe) to get ridofthem ... The war begins in morning and lasts into the night. They "0 lhou doe, whaJ vistas of ancient forests appear in your eyes have to throw offllleir clolheS white l~y fight the fleas~ven the Pope reflected, confident or fearful ... your gracefulness is shown in your CQlW)t ban fleas, or send thefleas to the fires ofhell..." ' serenity." Laurie H. Flint, soprano 2. Un Cygne (A swan) Brian Fairbanks, counter-tenor "A swan. slowly moving through the water, creates a floa.ling Gabriel Dumitrescu, baritone vision. redoubled. .." Le Chant des Oi.sseau ' " , ,-':.~ , .', , , , . , , , . NICOLAS GOMBERT (1495 - 1560) 3. Puisque tout passe (Since all is passing) "Since all is passing, retain the melodies that wander by us..." "Awake, you sleeping hearts, the god oflove rings the bells on this first day ofMay... birds will perform miracles ..." 4. Printemps (Spring ) Vicki Melin, Erin Durrett, Margriet Tindemaos "0. song that flows from spring, soaring through the verdtJnt forest... after our song is ended. others will assume the parl... meanwhile, my heartfully surrenders ..... Come Again! , . . ," " ,r.:,.. , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , (c. 1563 - 1626) 5. En Diver (In Winter) Julia Vogel, Cynthia Beibnen Marc Cassone, Robert Tangney "In winter, the grisly guest, Death, comes stealing through the doorway, seeking to COfU/uer the yOWlg and the old. But in Spring, Deathflees, greeting the passersby." Au joli jeu . " . " ' . ! : , ~. ,', , , , .. , , , , , , , , . CLEMENf JANEQUIN (1485 - 1558) 6. Verger (Orchard) "Whaljun to play the game of chasing women! When I was oU/lookingfor amusement the olher day, 1met a beautiful maiden. Smiling sweetly. 1asked "The realness ofearth is moSJ profoundly felt within thy branches, her for a kiss. At first. she objected..." oorchard..." "A Bird Fancier's Delight" (1717) " " , ' ~~' ,I Q, , ' , ' , , ,, , , ' , ' ANONYMOUS A helpfuJ compendium of tunes for leaching your pel bird how to singl The Madrigal Singers

Wann DDS die Benn' ,,' D? ,":> ,>, , , , , , ,BALDASSARE DONATI (c. 1530 - 1603) Joan Catoni Conlon, conductor Dianne Vars, assistant conductor "When OUT hen lays an egg, her song sounds throughout the house, buk, buk. buk, buk, buk. buk, GAAK ..... LaoraAsh Gretchen Hubbert Bob Bavis Ellen Kaisse Suite ror Chorus ' , . ' , , , ! :~'! 1.1~ , , , , , , ' , ' , , ' DOMlNICK ARGENTO (b. 1927) Cynthia BeibDen Brian Koreski from me opera Colonel Jonathan the Saint (1963) Marc Cassone Brent Kroon 1. Spiritual: "There's singin' up in heaven" Gabriel Dwnitrescu Pat Patterson 2. Excursionist Song: "My lillIe boat rocks gently" Tara O'Brien Pride Phil Raether 3. Spiritual: "Whal can thai shadow be?" Brian Fairbanks Dominika Rosse! 4. Chorus for the Masque: "Orpheus in the Underworld" Douglas Fullington Robert Tangney 5. Spiritual: "IfI had a " Laurie Hungerford Flint DianneVars Robert Holcomb Julia Vogel Julia Vogel, soprano Brent Kroon, tenor

Members of the Collegium Musicum Margriet Tindemans, director

Margriet TIndemans. viola da gmnba The Madrigal Singers Joan Catoni Conlon Erin Durrell, voice Vicki Melin, flute, recorder The University of Washington Madrigal Singers, the longest-standing choral ensemble at the University, was founded in the 1930's by Helen Hall, then directed by Gerald Kechley from 1955 until 1986. The select ensemble has performed throughout the Pacific Northwest, and by invitation for conferences of the American Choral Directors Association and the Washington Music Educators Association. While the ensemble focuses on madrigalliteratore from the , they frequently also perform contemporary repertoire. In fact, Friends of Music (1/1/89 - 5~819O) their concerts have included premiere performances of many new works. Edwin W. Catherine lJFETIME FRIENDS &: M. Davis M~w Foundatioo PoundaJiao Daniel and Arondhali NeumlO The current director of the Madrigal Singers. Joan Catoni Conlon, is on the Oiesler and Marion &.lJ Ramesb and SIWJla Gangolli Maynard and Ellen Pennell Choral Music Faculty of the University of Washington. where she also directs The Boeing Company Cliades and Janet Griffes Andrew and Marianna Price BrecheminFamily Foundatioo PONCHO Melville and Mary Price the University Chorale. and teaches various courses on choral repertoire. She Nancy A. Cleminsbaw Mrs. V.R. Scheumann Mrs. John S. RoblDsoo directs Seattle's Pacific Northwest Chamber Chorus. and is active as a guest Meade and Deborah Emory SeanleFoundaJioo GilbenJ. Roth Richard and Judith Evans Tom and Lorrain.eSakata conductor and adjudicator througbout the region. In addition 10 her interests in SUPPORTERS (SlSo.$999) William and Ruth Getberding CONTRlBUfORS ($SO-$2A9) choral music, Dr. Conlon also studies the classical vocal music of North India. Demar Irvine Anooymous Luther and Carol Jones James and Jane Beale George and Lorna Aagaard and was affiliated w.ith Delhi U Diversity in 1983-84 as recipient of a grant from Hans and Thehna Lehmann Kenne!h Bensboof George H. Allisoo the Indo-U .S. Subcommision. She has edited and published previously unheard Edmund and Carolyn Linldield CCNAAO in Seattle Mar rita Andrijic Donald and Linda Miller Digital Equipmenl Coqxnlioo Gla~s Haug AmI..zen choral works by Georg Philipp Telemann with Augsburg Publishing House and Au.ra Bonell Morrison Feidinand Ebentadt Foundaliao Renaldo A. BaggoU Lawson-Gould Currently, she is working on a book on performance of the vocal Arthur and Helen Ness Morris and Evelyn Gorelick Henry and Helen Balisky Donald and Carolyn Rowland Richard F_ Gnham Niranjan and Shanlha Benegal music of for the American Choral Directors Association. Ward and Mal}' logrim Cad and Corrine Berg SPONSORS ($1~t999) Miltoo and Virginia Katims Andrew Bile:s Babb Foundatiao Kathleen O. Long Kan::n Gottlieb Bleaken David and Jane Davis Theodore L Marlc.s Kelly and Marg m:t Bonham TheSchoolof~~ presents the 93ro program of the 1989-90 season

The Madrigal Singers Joan Catoni Conlon Conductor M3J (11''0 ~-z,.2- "Birds, Bees, Trees, and Fleas" A celebration of the season. offlora. and offauna


with members of the

Collegium Musicum Margriet Tindemans, Director

May 22, 1990 8:00 PM, Meany Theater