Sherill Tippins | 457 pages | 27 Mar 2015 | Mariner Books | 9780544334472 | English | Boston, United States Inside the Dream Palace : The Life and Times of New Yorks Legendary Chelsea Hotel PDF Book Now as legendary as the artists it has housed and the countless creative collaborations it has sparked, the Chelsea has always stood as a mystery as well: Why and how did this hotel become the largest and longest-lived artists' community of the known world? At that point, a writer is no longer in control of his writing life; his writing has taken control of him. Sherill Tippins captures the mad magic of this storied building. Reluctantly, the architect gave in to middle-class demand, but he later wrote of his deep frustration over this failure to solve one of the most crucial problems of the city's working poor. To ask other readers questions about Inside the Dream Palace , please sign up. Tippins describes the development of the building, structural and interior decorating changes over the years, and more importantly the life and times of the various guests and residents from the building. No library descriptions found. Satisfaction is guaranteed with every order. Or will the Chelsea be given a rebirth through painstaking effort by the community that loves it? Nov 28, Pamela rated it really liked it. It is an endlessly fascinating and thoroughly and painstakingly well researched biography of the iconic Hotel Chelsea in , and follows the successive generations of artists, writers, socialites and eccentrics who made it their home or base or refuge since its founding in Fascinating and dramatic, this meaty work of nonfiction captures the spirit of the place and puts the residents and passers-through into social, artistic and political context for readers. Perhaps nowhere is this more evident then in the utopian dreams of Charles Fourier which the book begins with. Amazing read! It explains why over the years such a variety of artists wer This book was so well written and researched that I have to give it at least 4 stars. Quick Links Amazon. A zesty, energetic history, not only of a building, but of more than a century of American culture. Depending on your favorite, or perhaps least favorite, period of modern American artistic expression, the Chelsea Hotel in is either a symbol of potential and creativity or rock-bottom depravity. This book was a bit long, and at times I felt myself swimming in it, but really, I've got nothing but time in And oh the stories she could tell, only a fraction of which could fit into Tippins book. Kerouac's new editor, Malcolm Cowley, asked him to delete scenes of homosexual couplings in his still-unpublished , and the young author complied, for the sake of publication, cutting half the text he had refused to touch for Robert Giroux. One can only hope that the new owners will value the history of that spirit and not whitewash over it and turn it into just another homogeneous hotel. Enlarge cover. Tippins smoothly conveys the atmosphere at the Chelsea in its early days through her descriptions of Gilded Age luminaries like William Dean Howells, while she focuses on the hard-drinking Thomas Wolfe and the suave composer in her treatment of the Depression era. By exploring what it takes to maintain a creative community and how artists have enhanced and informed New York City life, Tippins, author of the acclaimed February House , delivers a lively and masterly history of the Chelsea and those who cohabitated there. She lives in New York City. Would love to go there and see inside - apparently not possible but would love to listen to the tales of the walls. Lively, colorful, and definitive. Once the building is built, she then tells the story of the hotel by following along the different famous groups of people who lived there. Publisher Description. Full of facts and mini stories. McMillan , Hardcover 5. With internet some of this There was increasing violence in the rooms which, decade by decade, had been divided up into smaller and smaller units , fires broke out on a regular basis, and the once stunning building fell into disrepair. Today the Chelsea stands poised in limbo between two futures: Will this symbol of New York's artistic invention be converted to a profit-driven business catering to the top one percent? Buy It Now. The top floor was reserved for sun-lit artist studios, and the roof had garden space and a brick promenade. View 1 comment. Pre-owned Pre-owned. Inside the Dream Palace : The Life and Times of New Yorks Legendary Chelsea Hotel Writer

There was increasing violence in the rooms which, decade by decade, had been divided up into smaller and smaller units , fires broke out on a regular basis, and the once stunning building fell into disrepair. It's much more of an art history book than anything. I've never read a word written by the novelist, literary critic and playwri I waited until this week to start reading "Inside the Dream Palace," perhaps proving only to myself that years of procrastination can pay off because the ARC is a digital treasure I finally uncovered. I've never read a word written by the novelist, literary critic and playwright, but I read every word "Dream Palace" author Sherill Tippins wrote about Howells championing Stephen Crane after reading "Maggie: A Girl of the Streets," a work of realism I found far more captivating than Crane's masterpiece, "The Red Badge of Courage. It afforded them the supreme privilege of staying true to their own visions, thus making them "the only people in the world who really live. Though its future is uncertain, Tippins ensures that the Chelsea Hotel, dream palace and microcosm, will live on in our collective memory. : "I watched the new age, the 60s, stagger into the Chelsea with its young bloodshot eyes and made a few attempts to join the dance around the Maypole, but I could not help myself: to me it all felt self-regarding, self-indulgent, and not at all free. Current residents have waged a very public battle with its recent owners. I'm always interested in reading social history books on NYC, and have had my eye on this title for a while, so when it was released on audiobook, I decided to buy it. This book was so well written and researched that I have to give it at least 4 stars. Read the rest of my review on LitReactor Stock photo. On rare occasions, Tippins switches gears from mellow to irate, as when she talks about capitalism — claiming more than once, for instance, that the greatest crime in New York is having no money. Thank you, Sherill Tippins, for this exciting story of how a building became a community and went on to be a legend. McMillan , Hardcover 5. Tippins is an indispensable urban historian; her book is a guide to the lofty aspirations and crashing disappointments of America's artistic avant-garde over the last century and a half. Or will the Chelsea be given a rebirth through painstaking effort by the community that loves it? Today the Chelsea stands poised in limbo between two futures: Will this symbol of New York's artistic invention be converted to a profit-driven business catering to the top one percent? She has written a history, not just of a hotel, but of a dream: the dream that art can change the world. The Chelsea deserves them all. Skip to main content. Be the first to write a review About this product. Thank you, Sherill Tippins, for this exciting story of how a building became a community and went on to be a legend. The author did a visceral job of allowing the reader to feel the seediness and self indulgence while still keeping the true creative spirit alive. The story of Brad - the manager of the hotel and how giving he was and how that probably contributed to the decline as the hotel was stripped of art, nothing repaired, and his bling eye to many issues. Suddenly we realize that America has turned into something ugly — and vicious — and corroded at the heart of its power with easy wealth and graft and special privilege. I liked the early chapters somewhat better because I was less familiar with the stories of Howells, , and John Sloan and I was surprised more often than in the chapters that cover the s, 60s and 70s, though the perspective gave the stories freshness. Inside the Dream Palace : The Life and Times of New Yorks Legendary Chelsea Hotel Reviews

This book is an interesting documentary of sorts of the life of the building - from start to The blight of the drugs makes Woodstock seem like a tea party. See all 9 - All listings for this product. Sherill Tippins, author of the acclaimed February House , deliv The next best thing to having a room key to the Chelsea Hotel during each of its famous—and infamous—decades The Chelsea Hotel, since its founding by a visionary French architect in , has been an icon of American invention: a cultural dynamo and haven for the counterculture, all in one astonishing building. The item may be missing the original packaging such as the original box or bag or tags or in the original packaging but not sealed. Description The next best thing to having a room key to the Chelsea Hotel during each of its famous—and infamous—decades The Chelsea Hotel, since its founding by a visionary French architect in , has been an icon of American invention: a cultural dynamo and haven for the counterculture, all in one astonishing building. Sloan, fro whom making a sale was still like pushing a boulder up a hill could rely on the steady paycheck to maintain his studio as well as buy food. Would love to go there and see inside - apparently not possible but would love to listen to the tales of the walls. And hours. The index in the back helped me so much when I was looking up certain topics and people. Aug 09, Philip Cherny rated it it was amazing Shelves: nonfiction , space-place-landscape-geohumanities , history , art-history , nyc. To quoth Archer: That's how we get ants. Nov 03, Mandy rated it it was amazing. Quick Links Amazon. Referring to Bellamy's Looking Backward becoming a bestseller, Howells was astonished to see how easily such a dose of undiluted socialism could be gulped down by some of the most vigilant opponents of that theory when it was presented in the sugar-coated form of a dream. Tippins offers up a reminder that American society has been shit for most people for most of our history with a bare sprinkling of hope and ecstasy courtesy of the art, music, literature, and the connection with people who get us. I found the writing became bogged down in details and strayed too far from the subject matter to give it more than 2 stars. Nov 29, Catherine Siemann rated it it was amazing Shelves: cities. The Chelsea has had its high points and low, supreme artistic achievements and drug-addled suicides, sometimes in the same room. Depending on your favorite, or perhaps least favorite, period of modern American artistic expression, the Chelsea Hotel in New York City is either a symbol of potential and creativity or rock-bottom depravity. Publisher Description. If a building can have a beating heart And a soul, surely this aging beauty did. This book was so well written and researched that I have to give it at least 4 stars. Recently added by karrinina , j. Built in by a French architect, Philip Hubert, who had been deeply influenced by the utopian philosopher Charles Fourier, the Chelsea immediately became a center of counter-culture in New York City. SarahEBear Oct 7,

Inside the Dream Palace : The Life and Times of New Yorks Legendary Chelsea Hotel Read Online

Sloan, fro whom making a sale was still like pushing a boulder up a hill could rely on the steady paycheck to maintain his studio as well as buy food. It's like the author was trying to titillate the reader. In this wide-ranging history, literary biographer Tippins explores the Chelsea Hotel's role as a refuge for artists and eccentrics for over a century. The book seems interesting enough. Average rating 3. I was surprised to learn about the initial reason and philosophy regarding the building and design of Hotel Chelsea in Past residents include Arthur C. See all 5 brand new listings. To address concerns about fire, he had separated apartments with cement-filled brick walls three feet thick and had sheathed the iron beams between floors with fireproof plaster, making it almost impossible for flames to spread from one residence to the next. How did Vicious murder his girlfriend when he had taken enough Tuinal to put less hardy souls into a coma? It is an endlessly fascinating and thoroughly and painstakingly well researched biography of the iconic Hotel Chelsea in New York, and follows the successive generations of artists, writers, socialites and eccentrics who made it their home or base or refuge since its founding in Feeling goal-oriented? Other editions. Her serene and nonjudgmental eye gives coherence and shape to a story that resists any conventional frame. A willingness to tolerate cold-water lofts and to recycle paintbrushes freed artists from having to endure just about everything petty and soul killing. Was it a pain or was it a pleasure. Book description. Oct 11, Lulu Johnson rated it it was ok. Here are some books you can read in a day , if you want a sense of accomplishment. That would have been the end of it if not for the arrival of a young New York Times reporter who had learned of Paula's performance from the police wire at the press office on Mulberry Street. Unable to afford a room on his pay of four sous per day, he had been forced to pitch a hammock in the woods outside town. We can help. Tippins starts off with the story of the actual building of the hotel, which is interesting.