Adrian Wojnarowski | 390 pages | 19 Jan 2006 | GOTHAM BOOKS | 9781592401864 | English | United States The Miracle of St. Anthony: A Season with Coach Bob Hurley and Basketballs Most Improbable Dynasty PDF Book Share this: Facebook. You are commenting using your WordPress. Imagine it as your only option? Gale Sayers and Al Silverman. Fascinating view of the world of High School from the perspective of an extraordinary Jersey City coach. Hurley," and told him it was an honor to compete against St. I am so glad I took the time to read. Anthony by . Insider Front Page. And what happened? Sister Mary Alan Barszczewski, the administrative head of the school, does not let her debilitating illness come in the way of cheering for her team and acting as a friend and counselor to the players. Anthony's emerges as the more human and altruistic. This place is so bad even the associated church cuts its ties with it. Andrew Beaton and Ron Guidry. Not only is the writing phenomenal definitely going to check out Wojnarowski's columns , but the story of Bob Hurley is incredible. Looking for More Great Reads? He has turned that fame into a way to raise funds for the school by coaching clinics for wealthier schools. Lists with This Book. A lot of his lessons are not about basketball, but about life, and doing things the right way. When this season is done, we'll go back to the one simple thing: If this ends up anything short of a state championship, you're just going to be a bunch of people that all the adults will remember as the worst class in St. Ant In a city mired in endless decay, where the youth suffer through all the horrors of urban blight, hope comes in a most unassuming form: a tiny brick schoolhouse run by two Felician nuns where a singular basketball genius takes teenagers from the mean streets of Jersey City and turns them into champions on the hardcourt. Mark Fainaru-Wada and Steve Fainaru. A Season Inside. Team ESPN. Anthony High School for over thirty years, winning state and national championships and offering his players rescue from their surroundings through college scholarships, when he met his most dysfunctional team yet. Hurley, by sheer force of personality and faith, even getting the kids so late when they are so emotionally formed already, still saves the vast majority, making their futures as happy, self-fulfilled members of society, at least a possibility. Bob Hurley Sr. The Miracle of St. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Fantasy Soccer. Fantasy Baseball. Pigskin Pick'em. Sort order. David Gessner. The Blind Side. The Miracle of St. Anthony: A Season with Coach Bob Hurley and Basketballs Most Improbable Dynasty Writer

About The Miracle of St. He was focused on the totality of his players, not just athletic ability. That being said, there is clearly a method to his madness. ESPN Corrections. Anthony High School could get out. Hurley is first and foremost a teacher. Until the last chapter, this was a 3 star book - it never really captivated me, but held my attention long enough to finish it. There is not a person who has a bigger impact by simply doing his job. Feb 13, Patrick Laney rated it really liked it Shelves: basketball , ESPN Cars. Bob Hurley is a remarkable coach; Adrian Wojnarowski is his equal as a writer. A lost opportunity there. Anthony history. Refresh and try again. Oct 12, Hung Tran rated it it was amazing. He is a throwback in an era when a coach is more a babysitter to recalcitrant players who tend to use school and college as avenues to showcase their talents to strike it rich in the NBA. While the books are about two basketball coaches, Bob Hurley and , driven to achieve excellence for their programs, Hurley of St. Jonathan Abrams. Anthony points, and Stewart told his kids he had never been prouder of them. I've always been attracted to strong disciplinary figures and situations, and the story has honestly given me a new perspective of competing interacting with the students I work with. Please try again later. It's a shame that one of the billionaires buying million dollar apartments in New York didn't read this book and give the school and coach enough money to continue the mission. Jersey City, tough school, great coach, great writing. So much that I was turned off by the negativity, language and talking down to his players. Showing Great story, but unfortunately only the Hurley family has stood the test of time. Olympic Sports. A reader may be conflicted with how they look at the main focus of the book. However, a theme throughout is how these seniors commonly scraped by on and off the court. Unfortunately so few of us do have such a figure. Bob Hurley is a legend in high school basketball but his real legacy is the value he has placed on staying in one place to transform lives for 50 years. As the coaches passed, Hurley told Elizabeth's coach Donnie Stewart this had been the first time all season that an opposing team had played harder than his own. Yet the fear of Coach Hurley finding out his secret — he has a son out of wedlock — casts an ubiquitous pall on his game and his life. But the humanity of Bob Hurley that shows through makes you understand why he is never satisfied with his team's progress in maturing as people and why he is nervous letting his seniors go each year. If you love the guy, then you are in heaven. If you are intrigued, like I am, the book is a fun adventure. As I recall from one of my favorite movies, Remember the Titans the team can be perfect even if individual players are not Martin Dugard. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Yes, maybe those players reacted as they did due to their own personal circumstances and desire to succeed, but I would not have remained a player. Also available from:. The three books together manage to give you a complete perspective, even if it is within a small radius, of life from the streets, to the gym, to even the NBA complete with success and failure in all areas. Aug 14, Suzanne Hamilton rated it it was amazing. You have to wonder how their peers who are shorter in stature manage to do this, given that most of the guys in this book are six feet or taller. Related Articles. Other editions. The Miracle of St. Anthony: A Season with Coach Bob Hurley and Basketballs Most Improbable Dynasty Reviews

In my view, people need to look at the NBA as an elite job which it is really. Boys Among Men. Craftsman Truck Series. Against Football. Click here to learn more about this month's sponsor! What factors kept them on the edge of destruction? Hurley sees his job as his calling — and has turned down opportunities to earn much more money in collegiate coaching. Jun 10, Daniel Bondi rated it really liked it. With each page I found myself rooting harder and harder for Hurley's team on and off the court and I started to appreciate that, while somewhat heavy-handed, Hurley's approach to coaching is effective in showing kids that there is in fact a world beyond the small housing projects that they have called home. . In a city mired in endless decay, where the youth suffer through all the horrors of urban blight, hope comes in a most unassuming form: a tiny brick schoolhouse run by two Felician nuns where a singular basketball genius takes teenagers from the mean streets of Jersey City and turns them into champions on the hardcourt. Recruiting Insider. Tom Callahan. Dec 10, Michelle rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction , , sports. Bob Hurley is one of a kind, as is this book. Open Preview See a Problem? All Fantasy Games. Not sure which makes this book better, a very compelling well-told sports story or the story of an incredible person. Upon finishing this book, I was truly sad to find out that St. The book focused on the team as they strived for perfection and a championship. Butch Harmon. NBA Insider. One of the biggest debates is whether sports is truly just a game or not. MLB Front Page. Because of him, naturally. Post to Cancel. The Pro. Message Boards. The Long Run. Good, not great. A series of plucky people populate the narrative. I hope it works out for you all. It really is a great read. Coach Bob Hurley drove his players and sons extremely hard. Page 2 Front Page. Detaching myself from whether or not coach Hurley is a nice man, the book itself is an engaging, engrossing chronicle of a year when a bunch of mostly dysfunctional kids did something amazing. In The Miracle of St. Looking for More Great Reads?

The Miracle of St. Anthony: A Season with Coach Bob Hurley and Basketballs Most Improbable Dynasty Read Online

The difference is that they all come with I have owned this book for quite some time now and finally decided to give it a read. Anthony High School for over thirty years, winning state and national championships and offering his players rescue from their surroundings through college scholarships, when he met his most dysfunctional team yet. Jun 10, Daniel Bondi rated it really liked it. Trivia About The Miracle of St RealTime Scores. But also the past lives they have impacted that still comeback to them after all the years. Error rating book. Anthony, because in a world where the options are limited for children, and basketball is MORE then a game and a ticket to success or failure, there is a coach named Bob Hurley Sr who takes the lowest of the low low income, low values, low options, low environment. Anthony High School basketball team through he season. Books by Adrian Wojnarowski. Anthony players breaking out of a huddle. Page 2. NBA Front Page. Meb Keflezighi and Scott Douglas. As I recall from one of my favorite movies, Remember the Titans the team can be perfect even if individual players are not But I have real strong reservations of nearly every one of you, because when you have obstacles in your path -- academic, social, athletic, emotional -- you will not have the mental toughness, the self-discipline, the passion, to overcome it. Rating details. Read it Forward Read it first. It really is a great read. But the resolution I expected in the final chapter never came. Anthony's - is amazing and inspirational but I found the book sort of long-winded and too repetative to really enjoy. Download Hi Res. I am so glad I took the time to read. Before he dropped Woj bombs, he told this very different, very entertaining story.