IDAHO MpetroleumInformationcorp. Twp 1<:\;-33e POWER CO. P I Denver, Colorado Section 35 WILDCAT (W) @ sw se, 645 w of Boun C> 1968 All Rights Reserved clary side of sw se J66< OPR: States Oil WELL 11:1 Porter n of L Boundary side -""'--""-=='-"''-'-----,------'-'-'"'''"'''..!!.;.=...:==------'-- line. ELEV: SI67 KB DSTS & CORES: SPUD:7-3-69 COMPL:7-15-69 TOPS: Log -Sample TD: 3680 PB: No cores or tests. CSG: 85/8"@l573w/460 No tops released.


PROD. ZONE: , INIT. PROD: D&A (tight hole) Contr: Signal

MAP MS: ill1_966280

" -':.­

The post.Register, Idah·o Falls. Thursday. July 10, 196'f_ ur[na;~:I~~J,mu~~~~;~~:::~~ -alley Exc·lted Over will jpJl whethpr there is ~troJe- Arbon V urn. The cutting:'>, small seed· like rock particles, are separated ~~~~rs~~p~u~~~~;'~~~~~~ ·11 And Gas ~~e g~~~;~ld ~':n~t~~\':::':hh:(~\ Prosp ects For 0 J By Paul Smitb and g,as de'p?sits com~ from the, .Interrnounlai~ ljned up Statf':~ ~~~~~:~Ohn, an independent ~on- i Idaho State Journal same geologIc .t~rmatlOn.s. . 011 C~. of Denver to do th~, ex tl'3ctor, examines the cuttings I POCATELLO (AP) - There's The test drillmg, Vz IDJles IploratlOn and hoped-for de\f lop- with a microscope and ultra vi· I excitement in the Arbon Valle~' northwest of the Arbon Post Of· ment. .' . olet lig-ht. He also has an elee- i southwest of here these days as fiee, is admittedly a long shot. .States ~II! ~n ttU'D, hlr:d, the Lronic detector which will showI an oil dIill bores into the ground But when is first Signal DnUm>:> C;0'.' Demel, ,to: if thf'r'e is gas. If gas is present,. on the Donald Porter farm. found in an area, "wildcatilng" do the actual. dn.llmg. ~f pebo'! graPhS, on the detector will ShOW] Whether the excitement is jus- is the way it's usually done. leurn produetl~m IS .obtamed, all J what typ€> of gas-such as pro­ tiUM may be known in a month Intermountain Gas Co., which thre~ rompames WIll share the I pane, methane, or butane. or so. says it needs a local supply of profits: ,I The exploration men reJX>rted­ If a productive oil or gas sup- natural gas to supplement or reo ,,~ll o~l we~l;s have at If>ast so~nellY have,selected a couple of oth. .. ply, or both, are found the~' place its pipeline source, initiat· a~oclated g~s, a .consu,lung er pJRcess for teRt drilling, but would be Idaho's first. Both 011 ed th~ project in Arbon Valley. engmeer expla.m~. som~tlmes:lmuCh depends upon the tirst i '-CC---~~~=~~======~;the ~as s~ppl?, IS mSUff!Clent to II hole, If it turns out to be a "dry 1 ISU Archaeology Data Publolshed put In a pIpelIne, sometImes nol, lIole " the drillers might pull even e,nough to provide fuel for II out. 'It it shows some petroleum j Team To Dig Of S V II !~he drill. On, the othe,r hand,: supply, hut nothing prod~ctive, un a ey ':~omf': wells ale found WIth noth- :,1 the other holE'S likely WIll be . mg but gas. I 1drilled. It the first hole proves -i In N or th Id ah 0 Geo Iogy Terraln ,There seems to be more ex" to be a well, there would be ex. 1 I Cl~er:nent among the doze.n-man 1 citement indeed in Intermoun· .'1 (Special To The Post·Register) (SpeciaJ To 11te Post·Register) ~I~l~ng crew about the o.~ ~~ I tain's lease area, which is about POC..o\TELLO. July 10 - A MOSCOW, July 10 - A de­ ,slbllity. The men. pro~ I 12 miles long by six miles wide, project for archaeological tailed report on the geology of I who travel from ollIleld to 011· study in the Clearwater River the Pioneer Mountains north· field.. Though primarily interesl·: Valley in Idaho has been ap­ east of Sun Valley has been ed in gas, Intermoootain would' proved for $29,000 in National pUblished by the Idaho Bureau he "very happy" if oil were Science Foundation (NSF) 01 Mines and Geology, It was found, says District Manager grant funds toc Idaho State announced Thursday by OF. R. Stan Day of Pocatello. The com· University. R, Reid, bureau director. pany has sewed up 55,000 acres The $29,000 grant lor the Hyndman Peak, whicn 15 one of oil leases: in the valle~·. continuing project is tor a two- of the scenic attractions in me The explorers aren't saying year period 'beginning in June Sawtooth Range, jfi approxl· much about why Arbon Valley of thls year. mately in the center of the 250 was ch~n, but the same type This research is under the square miles that were map­ 01 rock formations have be£'n direction of Dr. Earl H. Swan­ ped. found. in the areas ~hat prodUce son, chairman of the ISU de· The area is one In WhlCD?!'Ie oil in and . It partment of anthropology and rocks have unaergone exteru;­ would do no good to drill into direator of the ISU Museum. jve metamorphlsm. and these the bare rock; the rock needs At 'the Lenore site on the units have ~n stu41e

Full Name of the Company, Organization, or Individual R. Denny Jackson d/b/a States Oil Company, a sole proprietorship Post Oflice Address (Box or Street Address) 320 Denver Club Building, Denver, a sole proprietorship

If a reorganization, give name and address of previous organization

If a foreign corporation. give (2) Name and postoffice address of state agent (3) Date of permit to do business in state (I) State where incorporated

Principal Officers or Partners (if partnership) TITLE POSTOFFICE ADDRESS NAME

R. Denny Jackson Owner 320 Denver Club Bldg., Denv er




CERTIFICATE: I. the undersi.gned. state that I am the of the UL.Q,L.C'::' v~ owner } by sai.d company to make this report and that this report was prepared under my supervisi·, true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. . ~ 1

~ DENNY. JACKSON dlb''-' ·STATE'! (III; COMPM~: • BOle proprietorship IDAHO OIL & GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION Organization Report

Form No. O~1 Authorized by Order No.2 Effective July 15, 1963 ,~--~ ~. '--"'


API Well Number Serial List County ad/( Code c ?z List of Wells

Permit Date Well No. Company Well Name Location

?'UJ. ~ i:,-I/J' (,,7 .2/. /.,,1 )1:/;;:;, /7/ j/ I;Y-""IN' 12-1;-, */ c;',r. 33' -r/c' S 1?33J: / ~ ~,~ i\.~ , A~ I I I -~-- ­ I -,- & , I IDAHQ BUR£AU OF HINES GillLOOY I 1 :.Jniverllity of Idaho I I • - - f ­ - ·1- _. vlELL IJJG Moscol.r, Idaho : • <"S /JPI Alo.I/-077-.;}O,OOI ••• 1------. Locate well correctly :STATE NO. POU/E~ , 3 1 ------__-- 1

.3.20 iDEN(/e~ CLul!l BLDG Company ST~re.s OIL CDF-fP,qN! Address DCNvsg CO.£DR"'Od

Lessor or Tract DoNaL D POR rlE"~ Field W IL DC'" T State /.D"'1HO

''lell No. / Sec • .3~- T./.oSR.33E.Neridian County POWER. /A /'4/1<2.5 III U/. /9"!dON Posro~""N::E 1o~.ation 600 {roW! SouM //"e- - /'?'?s' fra"1 eO's'" I/,,-e Give description from kno,~ permanent object or monument Elevation $/h7· RE. Date started 7/.3/~7 Date completed 7/1¢/6;(

Purpose of well Ex Pi. 0 R'" NO A/ OIL ,. G'1,s.

Oil or Gas Sands or Zones

Give rate of flow, pressure, type of oil or gas.

Water Sands or Zones

Give rate of flow, pressure, type of .~ter, etc.

Casin Record Casin Ith landed. Casing left in hole (size, position. etc.)

------~------_~~_~~_~1(!~~_~~~~~~_~~_=_~Z~_~___ ------_ ~~~_~~ _

Cementing Record Shooting Record

Amount of cement used, position, etc. Position, cleaned to depth, reason

Plugging Record

.3$lfJa'- ..3'IfJO' .3 0 :rocKS /tJ'sf?CC.s (11 1"01' er sfJrwce.. CQ$,n" __ .s.;}~'- ~ '?'s'. ,;], 0 SClCKS ------­

Driller or contractor Name and Ad~ress: __ Type of Drill ,fa r-1~ >( 7 Da+.e Signed tf',.D J" ct<,so/V

Title Ow/f/cte. ~ " ...... " -".' •

IDA.HO BlJElliA.U OF J!llTIffiS & Gi!X)LOGY • "t}PI- N(}, /1- <:J77- 2q,i!>o l ppRrER ,------, .j)<:JU/~R. \'Jell Nc. I Sec. as- T•./p.s R. 33E :STA.TE,------­ NO -.3 : DRILLING RECORD Remarks Frem To Description of Formation Core, recovery, oil, gas, =,ter. ShO~1S. etc •

~t>r fQ "eo. 363"0 All VQ/I