Sage Allen with 116V279 in Reeeipts
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/ r- r ,'T- ■• r s r - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 195* K f Shopping Tir^^ StoresJ^l Be Open until 9 p. m. Tomorrow -J PAGE tHvELVE iUantljfHtpr gwgnlug i}gralb evO«« y, ^ Tha Waattiar - 1840 at ages 85 and over was the Hfgue work like forwarding and Action Tabled ATcraffe Daily Ket Press Ran first at consequence in at least 50 j new listings. - . Pareeaat at D. M. Weather Baiaaa J Weddings For the Week Ended yearn ] Seea Alon^ Dec. 6, 1858 •W . *""**“*. About Town Heard Along Main Street "It U quite "likely that the up Manchester, On Derby Plot ward trend will continue as women TeSi It happens Bniuii-(?ro8by Partly elaudy. mild tealght aad now at the younger ages reaph too. - ■' ' ~ ^ • 10,815 Tneeday. Mlalamwi tealfh t MMO. And on Some of Manche$ter', Side StreeU, Too later life," the sutisticians pre The rath cr^th etic picture of a Considerable Objection dict. , mother and her two young children Member ef the Audit niMt In Oi« Mniwnlc Temple Mon- ntl.k.a-Oram 'from the ranks of Little SUnkers on one of the recent cold To $12,0OO Purchase ..Bureau ef'ClmUatieas Manche»ter-^A-CUy' of VUlage Charm daynlKht *t ’^*0. CendWatee wilt Stlek-a-ursm Atwster Atwater Center and j'’'"b'ew Channel nights. First we see them standing be Initiated nnd the membera are We don’t know if you ve^ ever Ohio. This will be the Television viewers in Manches outside a uvem. The mother IS Is Voiced at Hearing -X PRUm PIVK g r i t R heard of it. but it *®""*** flrSt Junior Aroma in Ohio. Radio (EIGHTEEN PAGES) (emlpded to wear their white ter wl&> purchased, new seta in looking intently through the large (ClMslfM AiTerttslag em Pag* ID) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1952 to us. It's an org^lsatlon called publicity is beln$ given the past two qnd three years are window. She has a llrm grasp on The question Jrf appropriating VOL. LXXn, NO. 58 The Deodorised Order of j^e programs of the Akron Stink- her children's hands, one in her Skunk and is apparently in ^ e happily (7» looking forward to 512,000 for th« purchase of prop Saul M- Silversteln of Stephen picking up the neWi.New Britain right and one in her left. midst of *- woi4d.-a:lde_jntm^T ^ ^ stinker, the publication We see her again about , three erty near the Mahcheater Green •tteet wlU five a travel ship drive. Headquarters of the \7, „. Ralph W. Lewis of Ewt channel in January. One local Sch(x>i was, tabled by the Board of row nUcht at 8 o’clock in Temple order, w hich describes itself as a I e attained the teevee company has sent out post blocks and 15 minutes later. The Coronation Splendor-Worn Once in lifetim e. Beth Shotom. Ulurt^rated *>y unique social-service organic- ^ cards tq its customers informing same picture, the same mother, Directors last night after a public the same Children. And It'S Just hearing on the subject In which pictures taken durlnf hl» ijl* tlon," is rialstow. N. "^xhe Stink-a-Gram we saw w m them that the supply of UHF sneks’ stay in Europe the past tinktive" Christmas gift, »e Christmas edition and it iwued converters will be limited for as cold. Only this time we're a bit considerable objection to the pro summer with a Rovernme^ some time to come and advises closer. We hear one of the young Sage Allen der says, is a Stinker , special rallying Icall to Lone posal was voiced. scency. A .social time with re- W e f i r s t sniffed, the organlMlion a s^cm that orders be placed as soon as sters ask, "Is daddy in this one. (reehmenta will follow. • p In his motlorf to UWe. Director when we came «cr<w lU holiday aeaaon Stinkar- possible. Mother I" Walter T. Mahoney specified no will and The price for tbb converters, definite date for consideration of " •nie Gleaneri «roup of th e ^ u th with instructions to connect .to Hot Deg best wishes for Peace. Health and One Sfternoon during the past the Item. ICftthodist Church will Happiness go out to Stinkers the set, la 540. The action took place at the SERVICES Ouistmas party •"** covered. Here are a few of the ..^^h ere — and Stlnkerhood s football season a friend went to directors’ meeting in the hearing meetlnf Monday nifht a t -7.43 at many interesting items it spanU virtually world-wide Stink Careful. Fellas! a professional football game at That Interpret The Wishes This report concerned Pretty the Polo Grounds. Midway in the room of the Municipal B ulld^. the church. e r Aromas girdle the glbbe and It appears that two members of In th r discussion. Mrs. Helen With 116v279 in Reeeipts Kitty Aroma, No. 45, in Swamp- their recoi*d« of accompllRnmenl in the unorganized hotrod sect have third period, according to our Fitzpatrick said the Green School Of The FsBilly scott. Mass. extending help to the unfortunate devised a method for lettipg off friend, a man sitting in the next locaUan Is the worst possible place Amonf the divorces In excess energy and at the same time seat to him became hungry and Mrs. Raymond £. Braqa "Members of this Junior Aroma are well known. for a school. _ u., SupeHor court, •rescently’ enjoyed a Hf''®?'” ’? "But we especially direct this saving wear and tear on their own wanted to buy a hot^iiog. - Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crosbijr of ShM wan 3olne<l In her opinion ly ^ JOHN B. BURKE Say svere two local residents. party-at the home of VGS * n e t cars. But, oh brother, what they The fellow got up and shouted. lOTenc H. Machia from Christmas message to that great Princeton, Me.,-announce the mar Mahoney who objected also to add-, Raper. 42 Maple avenue. Swamp- arm y of LONE STINKERS w ith can do to vehicles left in their care Hey, hot dog! Hey, hot dog!" riage of their daughter, Mias Vir ing rooms to old school buildings. Eisenhower of Czech Reds Was A lone R. Machia on the .R^J^*** acott. Janet Carter was welcomed The other night we had occa- fellow shouted for a "dog" for FUNBIAl HOMI New Purge out Aroma sfflllatlons that m ^e ginia Crosby, a resident of Man The Vernon street property, tolerable cruelty. as a new member. Plans were up the numerical strength of our Sion to wait while our own car was j jq minutes \intll he finally chester for the past year, to Ray owhed by John Derby, woidd be $45 m week alimony and $8 a wMk made for a harvest supper. Games being used by the wife M S »hop-|^,^^^^ ^^e eye of the vendor. The m EMti r S t Tet < each for the support organization, but who b^ause of . _ ----- . little time . started over near the hun- mond Edward Braun, son of Mr. needed for any expansion of tne First Time w’ere played and cider and doUgh- th^fact they are so widely scat- ping tour. To kill . and Mrs. Lorenzo •’Ji Braun of school. It is one of several pro^ a m b u l a n c e S E B V l^ Confers on dren. and Lois E. Dunham from nuts served by the wc wknderEd up toward Main \ gry fan but he never made It. Belgrade Says tered. must reap J^hro^h Forbea street. East Hartford. The ertles the Board of Education Is Launched, Mfeel i. Dunham, also on the DDIGS Thelma E. Avery and VGH street and stood on the voroer Before he reached the man, he grounds of intolerable cruelty, benefits of Stlnkerhood through watching life whiz past us. That ceremony was ptrtormsd In Prince Interested In acquiring In the area. Reta M. Raper of^Odd Scent Aro ^rsonal initiative, the »ttlwa^e (the vendor) ran out of. hot dogs ton on Nov. 18. Also against the purchase was Mintitar ofaBelgrada radio Um most promt- With Funds bUinM fianted |18 a week all- ma. No. 67." goal being the formation of an wasn't the only thing that Several minutes later another . Mrs. Braun waa graduated from Korea War Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Dec.t«ot^ m n y and IIS a week for the sup whizzed. Director Jacob Miller who felt buy ly^cai Boucasioii, nont ta Flartlnger* Ha sarved as Then from Akron. Ohio. vendor was spotted. The fellow Princeton High School and la pre ing It would be a piecemeal action. 8—(/P)—Belgrade radio today ^,dio,ir^adlm lr Kop^va. Kop^va, iformer Mtaia-, pramiar■go fro» April. 1845.i to —Juna, —— - r port of one child. "The Akron Aroma announce ^^"W* do not ■ wish the LONE Our attention was attracted to a jumped up again, and..*, stated sently emi^yed by Uw .Pioneer Hartfonl, Dec. 8—(AV-A nearby parking lot. There were ' The only directors’ voting , DON'T Aboard USS Helena En reported a major new purge tare of«r NationalNsHonsi Security.Reeurltv. / 1846. HaHo la a fomitrformer laadar of the that future meetings will be held SllNKER to be the Forgotten shouUng. "Hey. hot dog. Hey, Parachute Company- Mr! Braun agalnqt.. tabllrtg were Hsrold A Social DemoeraU. He was Inatru- Sage-Alien driver, $16,279.'^ . at the Fred Gareri Spaghetti Stinker, on the contrary, we warn four vehicles parked there as we hot dog!" The vendor aaked.