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Object introduction, exploration, and play behavior in Black- throated monitor lizards ( albigularis albigularis)

Jennifer Diane Walton Manrod

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Recommended Citation Manrod, Jennifer Diane Walton, "Object introduction, exploration, and play behavior in Black-throated monitor lizards (Varanus albigularis albigularis). " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2003.

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I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Jennifer Diane Walton Manrod entitled "Object introduction, exploration, and play behavior in Black-throated monitor lizards (Varanus albigularis albigularis)." I have examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the equirr ements for the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

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(Original signatures are on file with official studentecor r ds.) To the Graduate Council:

I am submitting herewith a thesis written byJennifer Manrod entitled "Object Introduction, Exploration, and Play Behavior in Black-throatedMonitor Lizards (Varanus albigularis albigularis)." I haveexamined the finalpaper copyof this thesis forform and content and recommend that it beaccepted in partial fulfillmentof the requirementsfor the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Ecologyand EvolutionaryBiology.

Gordon Bur

C4.-u�f>� C�) Christine Boake, Department Head

We have read this thesis and -n I _, Object Introduction, Exploration, and Play Behavior in Black-throated Monitor Lizards (Varanus a/bigularis albigularis).

A Thesis Presented forthe Master of _Science Degree The University of Tennessee,Knoxville

JenniferManrod December 2003 DEDICATION This thesis is dedicatedto my husband, Matthew Manrod, greatsupporter and friend, my parents, RobertWalton and Gwen Walton, wonderful role modelsand guides, and the rest of my family,friends and coworkers, for always encouraging me, believingin me, and inspiring me to reachfor the stars, achieve my goals, and accomplishfeats I couldhave never imagined.

ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank all thosewho helpedme complete my Master of Science degree. First of all, I would like to thank Dr. Burghardtfor his guidanceand his effortin makingme familiarwith the scienceof behavior and the utilization of the Observe!® program and for chairing my thesis committee. I would alsolike to thankDr. Neil Greenbergwho helpedme beginthis journey and gaveme adviceand insightinto ethologyas well as servingon my thesiscommittee. Dr. Lou Gross was always available and patientand helpedin statistical and computingissues as well as servedon mycommittee. Dr. Sandy Echternachtprovided helpful editorial suggestions and alsoserved on my committee. Finally, I would like tothank Mike Oneil,of the StatisticalConsulting Center at TheUniversity of Tennessee,for his insightand guidancein the statisticsthat furthersupported this thesis. Lastly, I would like to thank the Dallas Zoo, especiallyRuston Hartdegan, whose dedicated staff made this workpossible.

iii ABSTRACT It is widely accepted that providingstimulus enrichment and opportunitiesto play is an important partof the development and maintenance of behavior and well-beingin mammals. However, extending this idea to non-avianreptiles has barelybeen explored Observationsreported by scientists, zookeepers, and others,however, have suggestedthat non-avian can and do performsome formof play and explorationwith novelobjects and maybenefit from enriched environments. Varanids display several · advanced mammalian-likecharacteristics (i.e. physiology, life history, and prey discrimination) compared to other reptiles, and it is plausiblethat higher cognitivebehaviors are also present. It was hypothesized thatplay and exploratorybehaviors would beexhibited in the thesetrials and thatthe monitorswould react differentlyto eachstimulus. This study, basedon systematicvideotaped trials, analyzedthe behaviors of eight juvenile Black­ throatedmonitors, Varanus albigularis, in responseto an enriched environment. Two objects(food ball and food tube) and one social stimulus were introduced. Thefood ball allowed the monitors to see and smell, but not attain, the prey while the food tube allowedthe monitors to attain the prey through hinged doors. In the social introductions the monitors could seeand smell, but had no physical contact with, a consj:,eci:ficplaced in their home enclosure. After constructing a behavioralinventory based on the videotapes, the mean duration and mean occurrenceof various state and eventbehaviors were analyzed. There were many significantdifferences in the amount andtype of behaviorpatterns elicited (p<0.009)by the differenttypes of stimuli introduced. Responsesto the food ball exhibited the most change over time and primarily consistedof exploratoryand play-likebehaviors afterthe predatoryresponses decliined. However, this stimulus was presentedthe most times (10). Responsesto the foodtube were primarily predatorybehaviors and the lizards showed learning in openingthe tubeand capturing the preyby the second trial. Finallythe conspecificelicited social behaviors that were not seen in the other two treatments such as a rocking seesaw behavior. These results suggest theseanimals are interactive, discriminating, and exploratory. Thisstudy provides further evidencefor the needfor morein depthenrichment, specificallyobject introductions, in captive non-avian reptiles. The responsesseen in captivitycan lead us to reassess behavior reportedin wild monitors, as well as to lookfor more affiliative social behavior and novel foraging tactics. Due to the results of this and similar studies, serious consideration should be given to providing enrichment in captivesquamate reptilesin general, and large long-lived species in particular.


I. INTRODUCTION 1 ImJ>Ortance of Enrichment ...... l Histocy ...... -...... 1 Previous Studies and Definitionof Enrichment ...... 2 ()t)jectIntrochictions ...... 3 DefiningBehaviors ()t)served When Providing Enrichment ...... 6 Criteria for Exploration and Play in CaptiveAnimals ...... 6

II. NON-AVIAN BEHAVIOR, EVOLUTION, AND PHYSIOLOGY 9 Non-avianRei,tile Play ...... 9 Monitors ...... � ...... 9 Evolution and Life Histocy...... 10 SensocyCal)3bilities ...... 10 Physicaland BrainSize Variance ...... 11 Physiology ...... 11 Natural Histocy ...... 13 Current Study and GeneralPredictions ...... 14 CaptiveEnvironment ...... 14 Si:,ecies .:...... 15 Summacyof ExperimentalProtocol ...... 15 GeneralPredictions ...... 16

Ill. METHODS ...... 17 Subjects ...... 17 Housing and Maintenance...... 17 Procedure ...... 18 ExperimentalDesign ...... 18 ()l)jects Introd.uced ...... 19 Data Analysis ...... 22 Ethogram ...... 22 Analysis...... 26

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...... 29 ResJ>Onseto Different()t)jects ...... 29 C>verallResJ>Onse ...... 29 Comparisonof Behaviors Elicited ...... 32 Predictability ...... 45 Habituation and Learning...... 45 Comparisonof Habituationof State and Event BehaviorsBetween Trials 48 Rates of Tongue FlickingAcross, Between, and Within Trials ...... 55 I...earningin Food. Tul,e Trials ...... 61 IndividualDifferences ...... 64


APPENDIX ...... 77

VITA ···················································································· 84

V LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. Summaryof Black-throated Monitor Trials including Dates and Days Between Trials. 19

2. State Behaviors Observed DuringVideotape Analysisin the Black-throated 23 Monitor Studies.

3. Event Behaviors Observed DuringVideotape Analysis in the Black-throated 24 Monitor Studies.

4. Summaryof Pooled Behavior Pattern used in the Analyses of the Black-throated 27 Monitor Trials.

5. Multivariate Tests of State Behavior Patterns Observed in Black-throated Monitor Trials. 37

6. Multivariate Tests of Mean Occurrence of State and Event Behavior PatternsObserved in 37 Black-throated Monitor Trials.

7. Multivariate Tests of Mean Duration of Locomotion State Behaviors. 38

8. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) of Durations of State Locomotion Behaviors. 38

9. UnivariateTests (Between-Subjects) of Durations of State Behaviors Involving the Object 40 Introduced.

10. Multivariate Tests of Event Locomotion Behaviors. 40

11. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) for Event Locomotion Behaviors. 40

12. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) of Event Behaviors Involving the Object 43

13. Summaryof CanonicalDiscriminant Functions for Durations oflnteraction State 46 Behaviors.

14. Summaryof Canonical DiscriminantFunctions for Occurrenceof Interaction State and 47 Event Behaviors.

15. Ordered Repeated Measures Multivariate Tests for Occurrence of Behaviors Among 49 Food Ball Trials.

16. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) forOccurrence of Event Behaviors Involving the ;49 Object Among Trials.

17. Ordered Repeated Measures Multivariate Tests for Duration of Behaviors Among 49 Food Ball Trials.

18. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) of Occurrence of Tongue Flicks During the Object 59 IntroductionsOver Two Minute Intervals.

19. UnivariateTests (Between-Subjects) of Latency to Head Insert and Capture in Food 62 Tube Trials.

20. Pairwise Comparisons of Latency to Head Insert and Capture in Food Tube Trials. 62

vi 21. Latency(in Minutes) to First Head Insertion into FoodTube in Black-throated Monitor 63 Trials.

22. Average Time (in Minutes) to 1st Captureof Each PreyDuring FoodTube 65 Black-throatedMonitor Trials.

23. MultivariateTests of Event LocomotionBehaviors Among Individuals. 66

24. UnivariateTests (Between-Subjects)of Event LocomotionBehaviors Among 66 Individuals.

Al. Details of Black-throatedMonitors 611-14 Preyand SocialStimuli Trials. 78

A2. Detailsof Black-throated Monitors 615,618. 621-22 Preyand SocialStimuli Trials. 80

A3. Pairwise Comparisons of Durations of Interaction Behaviors. 82

A4. PairwiseComparisons of Occurrencesof Interaction Behaviors. 82

A5. Pairwise Comparisonsof Durations of LocomotionBehaviors. 83

A6. Pairwise Comparisonsof Occurrence of LocomotionBehaviors. 83

vii LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. Diagram of Black-throated Monitor Enriched Enclosure. 18

2. Images of Prey Objects. 20

3. Diagram of Enriched Enclosure to Show the Size Ratio of Social Stimulus to 21 Black-throated Monitors During First Trial.

4. Mean Duration (Minutes) of Pooled State {Top) and Interaction (IN) State (Bottom) 30 Behavior Patternsof the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 10 15-Min Introductionsof the Food Ball.

5. Mean Occurrenceof Pooled State (Top), Interaction (IN) State (Middle), and 31 Interaction (IN) Event (Bottom) Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 10 15-Min Introductionsof the Food Ball.

6. Mean Duration (Minutes) of Pooled State {Top) and Interaction {IN) State (Bottom) 33 BehaviorPatterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 3 15-Min Introductions of the Food Tube.

7. Mean Occurrenceof Pooled State (Top), Interaction (IN) State (Middle), and 34 Interaction (IN) Event (Bottom) Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 3 15-Min Introductions of the Food Tube.

8. Mean Duration (Minutes) of Pooled State (Top) and Interaction (IN) State (Bottom) 35 Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 7 15-Min Introductionsof the Social Stimulus.

9. Mean Occurrence of Pooled State (Top), Interaction (IN) State (Middle), and 36 Interaction (IN) Event (Bottom) Behavior Patternsof the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 7 15-Min Introductions of the Social Stimulus.

10. Mean Duration (Minutes) of the Pooled State {Top), Interaction (IN) State (Middle), 39 and Locomotion {LO) State (Bottom) Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min Introductions of the Food Ball (N=lO), Food Tube (N=3), and Social {N=7) Stimuli.

11. Mean Occurrenceof the Pooled State (Top Left), Interaction (IN) State (Top Right), 42 Locomotion (LO) State (Bottom Left), and Interaction (IN) Event (Bottom Right) Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min Introductionsof the Food Ball (N=lO), Food Tube (N=3), and Social (N=7) Stimuli.

12. Mean Duration (Minutes) of State (Top) and Occurrence of State (Middle) and Event 50 (Bottom) Behavior Patternsof the 8 Black-throated Monitors Involvingthe Object in 15-Min Introductionsof the lstFood Ball, 2nd Food Ball, 3rc1 Food Ball, 5th Food Ball, and 10th Food Ball Trials.

13. Mean Duration (Top) and Occurrence (Bottom) of State Behavior Patterns of the 8 51 Black-throated Monitors in the 15-Min Introductions of the 1st Food Tube, 2nd Food Tube, and 3rd Food Tube Trials.

viii 14. Mean Occurrenceoflnteraction (IN) Event (Top) and Most Frequent State and 52 Event (Bottom) Behavior Patternsof the 8 Black-throated Monitors in 15-Min Introductionsof the I st Food Tube, 2nd Food Tube, and 3rd Food Tube Trials.

15. Mean Duration (Top) and Occurrence(Bottom) of State Behavior Patterns of the 8 53 Black-throated Monitors in the 15-Min Introductionsof the 1st Social, 2nd Social, 3rd Social, 4th Social, and 8th Social Trials.

16. Mean Occurrence of Interaction (IN) Event (Top) and Most FrequentState and Event 54 (Bottom) Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in the 15-Min Introductions of the 1st Social, 2nd Social, 3rd Social, 4th Social, and 8th Social Trials.

17. Mean OccurrenceofTongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min 56 Introductions of the Food Ball (N=I0), Food Tube (N=3), and Social (N=7) Stimuli.

18. Mean Occurrenceof Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min 56 Introductionsof the 1st Food Ball, 2nd Food Ball, 3rd Food Ball, 5th Food Ball, and 10th Food Ball Trials.

19. Mean Occurrence ofTongue Flicks ofthe 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min 57 Introductionsof the 1st Food Tube, 2nd Food Tube, and 3rd Food Tube Trials.

20. Mean Occurrence of Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min 57 Introductionsof the 1st Social, 2nd Social, 3rd Social, 4th Social, and 8th Social Trials.

21. Mean Occurrence (Per Minute) of Tongue Flicks of each of the 8 Black-throated 59 Monitors within 2-Min Intervals in the Baseline (0-5 Min, First Arrow), Object Present (5-20 Min), and Post Trial (20-30 Min, Second Arrow) Periods in Food Ball (N=l0), Food Tube (N=3), and Social (N=7) Trials.

22. Mean Occurrence (Per Minute) of Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors 60 within 2-Min Intervals in the Baseline (0-5 Min, First Arrow), Object Present (5-20 Min), and Post Trial (20-30 Min, Second Arrow) Periods in the 1st Food Ball, 2nd Food Ball, and 3rd Food Ball Trials.

23. Mean Occurrence (Per Minute) of Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors 60 within 2-Min Intervals in the Baseline (0-5 Min, First Arrow), Object Present (5-20 Min), and Post Trial (20-30 Min, Second Arrow) Periods in the 1st Food Ball, 2nd Food Tube, and 3rd Food Tube Trials.

24. Mean Occurrence(Per Minute) of Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors 62 within 2-Min Intervals in the Baseline (0-5 Min, First Arrow), Object Present (5-20 Min), and Post Trial (20-30 Min, Second Arrow) Periods in the 1st Social, 2nd Social, and 3rd Social Trials.

25. Mean Latency per Individual per Trial ·to Head Insertionin the 1st Food Tube, 63 2nd Food Tube, and 3rd Food Tube Black-throated Monitor Trials.

ix 26. Mean Latency per Individual per Trial to Capture 1st and 3rd Prey in the 1st Food Tube, 65 2nd Food Tube, and 3rd Food Tube Black-throated Monitor Trials.

27. Mean Occurrence of Behaviors Observed Per Trial in Food Ball (N=lO) Black-throated 67 Monitor Trials For each Individual of KnownSex (A) and of UnknownSex (B).

X SECTION I: INTRODUCTION To fullyunderstand both the nature of this studyand the impactit could have on current and future non-avian reptile·captive environments, it is important to exploreour past and current understanding of enrichment, exploration, and p�y.

Importanceof Enrichment

History In the pastfew decadesthere have been many studies on captiveanimals and their well-being. The impetusfor this work derives fromthe increasing needto maintain captive populations of species threatenedin their natural habitat, and a growing numberof plansto re-introduce captivebred into the wild. Early attempts to improve captive conditions were based on increasing an animal's activityby increasing the size and enhancing the naturalappearance of the enclosure(Hediger 1950). However, larger exhibitsdid not necessarily lead to greateractivity or more normaVnatural behavior. Hedigerwas one of the firstto recognizethat spacewas not the only problemwith captivity. He summarized the biological problemsof captivityinto threegroups: space, food, and the animal-human relationship (Hediger 1950). Various methodsto reduce the effectsof theseproblems, including increasingspace, complexity, and variability were discussed. Specificallyhe proposed novel presentationsof foodto encourage natural foragingin order to minimizethe stress of the captiveanimals (Hediger 1950, 1969). The amount of space, complexity, and variabilityprovided by captive environmenthas beenthe focusof recentstudies. This first formof enrichment, striving for naturalism, is seen in most modem zoos. Though aesthetically pleasing to viewers, and more stimulating than enclosures of the past, "naturalistic" environmentsstill may bepredictable and boring to the animals. This appliesespecially to large and naturally wide-ranging animals (Burghardt 1996� Rivas and Burghardt 2002). The idea that changing the generalappearance and size of enclosures couldact as the only formof enrichment was illustrated in a surveyof gorilla, Gorillagorilla, and orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, enclosures in forty-one zoos. Activitylevels were measuredand found to bemost highly correlated with thenumber of animals presentas well asthe presence of stationaryor temporaryobjects available. Specifically,both species' activitylevels were correlated with the numberof animals present. For gorillas,the availabilityof both stationaryand temporaryobjects was alsocorrelated with increasedactivity levels; orangutans were more active when stationaryand movable objects wereavailable. The size and construction of the enclosures were not correlated with activitylevels (Carlstead 1996). In general, "environmental enrichment" means providing a complex and diverse environment that increases the possibilitythat the captive animal will demonstrate more of its natural behaviorsincluding findingfood, establishing territories, building a nest, maintaining its physical condition, escaping

1 conspecifics,or hiding ( 1996). The firstpubl ishedrecognition of the significanceof enrichment was byYerkes ( 1925) concerning nonhuman primates. Yerkes' discussion of enrichment was later greatly extended byHediger (1950, 1969). The importance of the physical environment of animals incaptivity, as well as the impact of management decisionsand diet on the well beingof animals, were the main premise of theseearly concerns. In the 1960' s, the planning of zooexhibits included not only the needs of the publicbut also the animals' natural historyinto exhibit plans (Kortland 1960; Reynolds and Reynolds 1965; Freemanand Alcock19 73). The 1980's saw substantial growth in the proliferation and sharing of environmental enrichment among animal caretakers. Beforethat time, many inventive enrichment ideas went unreported. Thesedevelopments furthered both the acceptance and proliferation of enrichment (Shepherdson 1998; Mellen and MacPhee 2001)

PreviousStudies and Definition of Enrichment Hal Markowitz pioneered studies of enrichment and developed methods for enhancing the behavioral patternsof a varietyof zoo animals. Markowitz' major premise was to provide animals some choices within their environment (Markowitz and Woodworth 1978; Markowitz 1982; Markowitz and Aday 1998). The idea of choice spurred many examinations ofthe predictable manner in whichzoo animals are fed. One of the first studies in this area demonstratedthat when given a choicebetween "working" forfood and having foodprovided, many animals choseto workfor their food(Neuringer 1969). This and more recent studies demonstratedthe biological need forforaging and that denying an animal appetitive opportunities might bea source of frustrationor stress (McFarland 1989; Carlstead et al. 1991; Shepherdsonet al. 1993; Hughes and Duncan 1998; Shepherdson 1998). Carlstead ( 1998) further explored the biological needfor foraging or predation and the pitfalls of the typical feeding routine in zoos. She theorized that the zooanimals who are out of their natural environment, living in restricted relatively stimulus-poor surroundings, fed in a highly predictable manner requiringlittle to no effort to obtainfood , will most likelydevelop stereotypies (Carlstead 1998; Mellen and MacPhee 2001 ). Some degreeof controlover the environment can beachieved by allowing a captive · animal the opportunityto work forfood. This is accomplishedby providing more natural prey that takes more time to locate and consume (Kastelein et al. 1989), or byhiding foo d to encourage forage feeding (Kasteleinand Weipkema 1989). Animals seemto benefit from seeingthings change as a result of their actionsand having some control overtheir environmental contingencies (Markowitz 1982). Besides reducing the behavioral effects of a captive environment, someexperiments reportfunctional changes in brain anatomy as a result of rearing animals in environments of varyingphysical complexity. For example, rats rearedin enriched environments (larger cages, larger groups, tunnels, nest material, and toys) have a highercerebral cortex weight, increased number of glial cells, and·increaseddendritic branching in the visual cortex (Wurbel 200 I). Behaviorally, animals rearedin more complex environments exhibit higher motor activity and more exploration in a standard test situation. There were also possible

2 differences in emotionalitythat mayenhance learningand the responsein a novel situation. The environmentallyfacilitated development of neurons in the central nervous systemhas been theorized to explain the behavioral changes seen in enrichment studies. Such development is thoughtto enhance an animal's abilityto cope with multiple and varied environmental challenges (Carlstead 1996). More recent studies,mostly in rats, havefound that enrichment bas additionaleffects on the brain including increased neurons and synapses, especiallyin the cortex and hippocampal regionsthat are associated with increased learning and memory(Wurbel 200 I). Although the possibilityfor increasing an animal's welfare throughenrichment has beensupported by thesephysiological studies, it is oftendifficult in most captive speciesto measure and quantifydiff erences in physiology and in the brain without an inordinate amount of stress. Thus, in order to findthe most effective enrichment plan in typical captive environments, behavioral indices have beenused to assess the value of enrichmenti nvolving maintaining levels of movement, alleviating space confinement, and modifying deviant behavior (repetitive pacing, attempts to breakconfinement, resting or sleeping abnormally, engaging in destructive activitytoward itself, keepers, or the enclosure) (Andersonand Wood 200 I). Markowitz once describedthe overall definition of environmental enrichmentas elements of the environment that measurably increase the animal's well-being. The main goal of enrichment is to provide captiveanimals with the physical, behavioral and psychologicalresources that will bestcompensate for the deficitsresulting from their captivestate (Burghardt19%). The recent discipline of environmental enrichment is an explicitly systematic, scientificapproach to understanding and providing for the psychological and behavioral needs of captive animals. Combining recently derived knowledgefrom the fieldsof ethology, psychology, neuroscience, andapplied animal science, this new discipline offers an alternative way of looking at the environments providedfor captive animals. Today's enrichment techniques involve assessing an animal's natural and individual history, exhibit constraints, and providingspecies appropriateopportunities. It has recently been proposedthat there is no single definition of enrichment (Mellen and MacPhee 2001). Instead it is suggested that enrichment can be re-definedfor each species and perhaps different plans can bedeveloped for each individual as well as different situations and desired outcomes (e.g., breedingsuccess, increased activity, etc.). The most recent enrichment studiesin captivityhave been conducted not only in an attempt to alleviate abnormal behavioror inactivity,but to implement a concerted plan of action for captive managementwith measurable goals and results (Mellen and MacPhee 2001).

ObjectIn troductions The introduction of a novel object is one of the most common and cost effectivemethods of enrichment. In the past decade, much research has been done on the introduction of different objectsand their effect on various species. Usually the choice of objects used is based on expense, ease in preparation,

3 durability, cleaning, and maintenance. Most obj ect introductions and enrichment research has beenon mammals, specifically non-human primates. Recently, one of thesestudies not only exploredthe animals' response to differentobj ectsbut also concentratedon the properties of the objects (Sambrook and Buchanan-Smith 1995). The study compared complexobjects and objectsthat respondt� the animal, in this casefour speciesof guenon (Cercopi thecus). The .studyspecies includedfive individualsof the Diana monkeys(C. diana),four Hamlyn 's owlfaced monkeys (C. hamlyni),two de Brazza'smonkeys (C. neglectus), and two Allen's swamp monkeys (Allenopithecus nigroviridus). The items introduced included simple objects (two yellow maracas, one with and one without contents) and complex objects (two white toy phones that hada rotating disc, sliding toggle, and a pad that playeda tune when pressed, one functioning, one fusedwith glue). The results showedthat responsiveness (:functioning maraca and telephone)but not complexity (no preferencebetween simple or complex) affected the interest an object held forthis set of animals. This study showedthat an obj ectthat an animal can control, and that responds to the animal in some way, is used bya larger proportion of animals and forlonger periods of time than devices that do not respond Complexity and responsiveness are only two of the characteristics recently studied. It has been found that continuing novelty and variability are also needed to increaseexploratory behavior in animals (Mench 1998). Additional studies have beenconducted on a varietyof other mammals. Most of this research is begun with specific goals, primarily the reduction or removal of sterotypies and other harmful behavior patterns. An example of a studythat attempted to reduce the performanceof a stereotypicbehavior was recently conducted with captive common seals, Phoca vitulina (Grindod and Cleaver 2001). The enrichment technique that appearedto ha:vethe most impacton the seal'sbehavior was the fishpull (a fish attachedto a pulley system). All the seals actively chased and competedfor food presentedin this manner. This encouragednot only fee ding behavior,but alsonot overtly aggressivecompetitive interactions among the animals, which are often seen with the provision of supplementary resources (Chamove and Anderson 1989; Murray et al. 1998). Another enrichment item that gained much attention from the animals was the fishhidden in a bottle. The main goal was to occupy more time in feeding/foragingbehaviors by the seals. A significant reduction in the performance of stereotypic circling behavior in threecaptive common seals was observed(Grindod and Cleaver 200 1). Comparative studies have also beencompleted on a wide varietyof mammalian species. In a recent study, unusual because comparable experimental methods were used, various stimuli (ob jects, sound, and odors) were provided to four different captive species in an attempt to further understand the exploratory and playbehaviors involved in enrichment (Lampard 2002). The species investigated were barbarysheep (Ammotragus lervia), plains zebra (Equus butchelli), oriental small-clawed otters (Aonyx cinerea), and collared peccaries (Tayassu tajucu). The specific enrichment included stationaryand movable obj ects, food related olfactory stimuli, and predator-associated auditory stimuli. Through this extensive study it was foundthat both exploratoryand play behavior increased during the novel introductions, while there

4 was a decrease in stereotypical behaviorsacross all species (Lampard2002). Nonetheless, species differencesoccurred, and some were unexpected. Glickman and Sroges (1966)conducted one of the most comprehensivestudies of object exploration in a captive environment. Their studyincluded 242 subjectsrepresenting over 100different species including four non-avianreptile species. The exploratory behavior observed wassubdi vided into visual exploration and contact with a series of objects that includeda water hose, woodblock, and pieceof metal chain. The data were compared and various trends emerged concerningthe amount of exploration and the animals' habitat and behavioraladaptations. Non-avian reptileswere includedin this comparative studyof curiosity in zoo animals toward introducedobj ects (Glickman and Sroges 1966). An Orinococrocodile (Cro codylus intennedius) was rated highest in response to an introducedobject followed by three lizards, two of which were monitors. Overall, it was foundthat predatoryspecies were the most likely to explore, while prey specieswere more cautious and tended to avoid novel stimuli (Glickmanand Sroges 1966). There has been considerableresearch on object enrichment in primates and mammals as seen in the examples above;however, there have not beenmany similar studies concerningbirds or non-avian reptiles. Recentlythese two taxahave beengaining attention. One such studyinvolved young Amazon parrots (Amazonaamazoni ca). Although stereotypicbehaviors, e.g. psychogenic feather picking,have been studied in domestic birds such as chickens,similar behaviorsin wild species such as parrotshave only recently beenexamined (Meehan et al.2003 ). The subjectsexplored were sixteen Orange-winged Amazon parrots(A. amazonica) hatched in the animal colony at the Universityof California,Davis, from wild­ caught pairsimported from Guyana. These individuals were separated into either a control or enriched group. Two categories of enrichment were usedincluding physical enrichment and foragingopportunities. The physical enrichment includedperching sites, climbing/swinging opportunitie s, and movableobj ects. The foragingopportunities included barriers that could bechewed, objectsthat could bemanipulated through holes, edible and inedible material that had to be sorted, or foodcontainers that had to be opened. A differentcombination of ·one foragingand one physicalenrichment object was presented to each of the enriched individuals perweek for 16 weeks. After 16 weeks, the control group (which had developed featherpicking) was enriched and feather scores recordedfor another 16 weeks during which re-feathering occurred. The feather scores represented the extentof featherpicking and were quantifiedon a ten point scale,based on scoringthe feather condition in fivebody areas. The data showed that providing an enrichedenvironment, including foraging substrates and increasedphysical complexity, can significantly modifyboth the development andperf ormance of stereotypicalf eather pickingbeh avior byparrots (Meehan et al. 2003). Although there have only beena few enrichment studiesin non-domestic birds, as comparedto mammalian studies, similar studies in non-avian reptileshave beeneven more rare. One well-documented and systematic studywas conducted on a captiveNile soft-shelledturtle (Trionyx triunguis) at the National Zoo(Burghardt et al. 1996). Over several years this adult turtle was provided various objectsincluding

5 balls, sticks, and hoses(all non-food obj ects) in an attempt to reduce self-mutilation behavior. Video analyses of theseinteractions helpedto developand establishvarious behavior patternsand indicated that the turtle was interacting with the obj ects and increasing its activity levels during the introductions. The level of self-mutilation behavior decreasedgreatly over many months of enrichment (Burghardt et al. 1996). This study establishedthe possibilitythat enrichment couldimprove the conditions in captive non­ avian reptiles.

Defining Behaviors ObservedWhen Providing Enrichment

Criteriafo r Exploration and Play in Captive Animals The discipline of enrichment is not only concernedwith which objectsto introducebut alsohow to define the behaviors observed during the enrichment. One of the most frequent responses to obj ect introduction, sofar documented mostly in mammals, has been the appearance of exploratory and play behavior.

Exp loration Both pastand present studies have investigated exploratory behavior in captive animals. In the past, the main focus of discussion was the relationship betweenexploration and fear . One of the theories was that exploration occurred in the presence of a novel stimulus when both curiosity and fear/anxiety were elicite.d, thus defining exploration as a combination of tendenciesto approach and avoid the novel stimulus. Another prevalent theory was a directrelationship between exploration and fe ar, stating that exploration occurred when a low amount of fear is elicited causing the animalto approach. However, if fe ar was high, the novel stimulus would only elicit avoidancebehaviors (Russel, 1973). In bothpast and present discussions, a common theme seems to bethe difficulty in finding a uniform definition of the terms, such as explorationand play, usedto describe an animal's responseto a novel stimulus or environment. Over the last fiftyyears, the main debate has beenthe struggle to arrive at a universal theory for the motivation behind exploration. Overall,through pastand presentday studies, explorationhas been mainly definedas thoseactivities concerned with gathering information aboutthe environment. Exploration is primarily considered an investigatory behavior (Burghardt 1984 ). In orderto further define exploration, it was thought that the motivation behindthe behavior must firstbe agreed upon. Recently it has been suggestedthat, "if a motivational force must beproposed it is sufficientto accept that, as indicated bystudies of stimulus deprivation (Kish and Antonis 1956; Darchen 1957; Premacket al. 1957), animals seem to have a behavioral 'need'for sensory changethat can be satisfiedby exploratory responses" (Hughes 1997 p. 219).

6 Hughesdefined exploration in two differentterms, intrinsic and extrinsicexploration. Extrinsic explorationis stimulus driven and involvedin experimentsthat presentthe animal with a choice, e.g., betweenfamiliar and novel environments. Intrinsic explorationis the behaviorseen in novel object introductions. These intrinsic explorationbehaviors seem to happen more frequently when the animal is healthy, well fed, and unstressed. Thesebehaviors occur when the animal is presentedwith an object in a familiar environmentand thereis no apparentchance forhabituation to occurbefore the trial or escape fromthe noveltyduring the trial. It involves exploratoryacts thatdo not seem to occurin orderto reacha particulargoal, other than performingthe acts themselves(Hughes 1997). Explorationhas alsorecently been investigated in terms of stressconditions and the resulting physiologicalchanges that occurbefore, during, and after this behavior. It has beenshown that glucocorticoidevokes the exploratory responsein rats in novel, but not familiar environments (Greenberg et al. 2001 ). Further studies have shownthat corticotrophic-releasinghormone also plays a role in enhancing the effects of novelty(Greenberg et al. 2002).

Play The problemof definingbehaviors that occur in object introduction research is further complicated in defining and identifying play and distinguishing play from exploratorybehaviors. The manipulation of objects was once considered only intense exploratoryaction and rarely classified as play. It was later determinedthat duringthese enrichment sessionsmost earlyresponses in the interaction are clearly exploratoryand most of latter responses areclearly playful (Aldis 1975). Exploration can be summarized as 'what is this object?' while play followsexploration and can besummarized as 'what can I do with this object?' (Hutt19 70). Most definitionsof play serveonly as a posthoc means of describing the behaviorthat the investigator is convincedis play. The surplus resourcetheory was applied to play and summarizedby Burghardt in 1988. The main concept of this theory was that when other needs are met, play can bebeneficial but it is doubtful that play originatedin direct association with any long term or delayedbenefits (Burghardt 1988). The many discussions, investigations, and evaluationsof play in the literature have recentlybeen reviewed and the result was a set of fivecriteria that aid in separating play from nonplay in all contexts and species (Burghardt 2001). These five criteria have been proposeduseful in separatingplay from non-playful behavior in any specieswhere it may occur:

1. "Not Completely Functional": Play behavior is not completely functionalin the formor context in which it is expressed. In other words, the behavior includes elements or is directed toward stimuli that do not contribute to current survival.

7 2. "Endogenous Component": Play involves phenomenon to which one or more of the followingterms can beinvolv ed: spontaneous, voluntary, intentional, pleasurable, rewarding, or "done forits own sake."

3. "Structural/temporal difference": Play is distinguished fromthe "serious" performance of other behaviorin at leastone respect; incomplete, exaggerated, awkward, or involvingbehavior patterns with either a modified form, sequence, or target.

4. "Repeated": Play involves behavior that is repeated in similar, butnot rigidly stereotyped, formduring at least a portion of the animal's ontogeny. This particularcriterion is important in distinguishing curiosityin responseto novel stimuli fromplay actions followinginitial exploratorybehavi or.

5. "Relaxedfield": Play is only initiated when the animal is adequatelyfed, healthy, and freefrom acute or chronic stress.

Using thesefive criteria, playis considered to be "repeated, incompletelyfunctional behavior diff ering from more adaptive versions structurally, contextually, or ontogenetically, and initiatedvoluntarily when the animal is in a relaxed or unstressed setting" (Burghardt200 1 p. 322). Itis importantto not only record that play occurs but investigate the animals, environments, and developmental stages where play occurs comparingcaptive, wild, juvenile, and adult forms of this behavior. In general, play is more frequent in captiveanimals than in their free-rangingcount erparts. The higher rates of play seen among captiveanimals arecommonly attributed to unlimited foodresources and the absence of predators. Captive animals have no needto fleefrom danger and a reduced need to search activelyfor food; therefore, play might bea captiveanimal 's only means of staying fit and active (Thompson 1996). Adult animals, in particular, seemto show more play in captivity (Fagen 1981). Fagen suggestedthat this mightrepresent a reversion to a more juvenilestate, since in captivity most of an animal's needsare provided for. Alternatively, he proposedthat play in adult captives might provide a means of remaining in a healthy physical condition where opportunities for vigorous exercise are otherwise absent. Obj ect play byadults consists of patterns from more than one typeof behaviorand is rarely mixed, although there is often repetitionof particular behavior patterns. Carnivorousspecies from a varietyof taxonomic groups incorporate elements of predatory behavior into play with obj ects. Adult object play, in captive animals, mayhave becomea distinctivepart of adult behavior because of reduced opportunitiesfor hunting (Hall 1998).

8 SECTION n NON-AVIAN REPTILE BEHAVIOR, EVOLUTION, AND PHYSIOLOGY The behavior,evolutionary history, and physiologyof squamate reptilesin general, and monitors specifically,are discussedhere in relation to the occurrenceand abilityto play and interact with enrichment such as novel objects. The objectivesof this current studyare presentedalong with generalhypotheses and predictions.

Non-avian Reptile Play Since scientists have been reluctantto classify non-avian reptilian behavior as play behavior (Bekoff and Byers 1981), there has beenlittle incentive to provideenrichment forthese animals (Fagen 1981; Burghardt 1984). Theseobject ions have mainly beenbased on the assumption of non-avian reptiles' relatively low intelligenceand their small brains; in other words,the idea that play is restrictedto "higher" animals and that this behavior is evidenceof advancedmental functioning. Not only their brain size, but alsothe lack of homeothermy and relatively low metabolicrates have alsobeen reptilian traits associated with the inabilityto play. These traitsin mammals(increased brain size in relation to bodysize, endothermy, and increased metabolic rates) were thought, in the surplus resource theory, to have servedas the motivational sources to playbehavior (Burghardt1982, 1984). But perhaps non-avian reptiles do not play in the mammalian way, or we simply have not observed these animals in contexts conducive to play. Nevertheless, there were a few early reports of non-avian reptilianplay in the American Alligator (A lligator mississippiensis) (Lazelland Spitzer1977) and the Komododragon (Varanus komodoensis)(Hill 1946) though thesewere anecdotal and undocumentedby film or video. Recently play has beenconfirmed in the , one of the few non-avian squamate reptilesfor which documented records for play exist (Burghardtet al 2002). A fewdocumented reports of play have also beenreported in turtles (Burghardt1998; Burghardt et al. 1996; Kramer and Burghardt1998). Theseturtles' ob jectand socialplay behavior fitall five play criteria listed in SectionI (Kramerand Burghardt1998).

Monitors If play was to be found in non-avian reptiles, authors have predicted it would be seen in crocodilians due to their extensive parental care and varanid lizards due to their relatively highmetabolic rate (Fagan 1981; Burghardt 1984; Burghardt1988). Monitor lizards may be the bestcandidates for the study of mammalian-likeplay in squamate reptiles. This is not only becauseof their physiology,but also their foragingabilities (Cooper and Burghardt1990; Kaufman et al. 1994; Kaufman et al. 1996; Phillips 1995) and their unique life-history traits (Ciofi 1999) as compared to other squamate reptiles. Monitor play is a good test for the surplus resource theorybecause they appear to have some of the physiological traits associatedwith play in animals (Burghardt1984, 1988).

9 Evolution and Life History Lizards are the most successfulnon-avian reptilesas measured bythe sheer number of speciesand include20 (on some counts 27) living families. This group of non-avianreptiles exceeds all others in anatomical, behavioral, andreproductive diversityas well as extent geographical diversity. Most lizards are terrestrialand are activeby day. Manyspecies constantly use their tongueto sample moleculesand retrieve them into their mouth in order to collectchemical information on food, mates, territories and predators. Lizards with long, forked tongues, such as beadedlizards, whiptails, and monitors, have further developedthis ability compared to other lizards, which mainlyuse the tonguefor capturing prey rather than chemosensation. Most lizards are predatorsfeeding on insects,small terrestrial invertebrates as well as, in larger lizards, mammals, birds and other reptiles. Only2% of all lizards are primarily herbivores(Pianka and Vit 2003; Hallidayand Adler 2002). Some monitors are the largest of all living lizards and are related to mosasaurs - fossil marine lizards (which were much larger than presentday monitors) and snakes. Lizards and snakesrepresent the reptilianorder squamat a. Squamates include a varietyof non-avian reptiles,which are divided into two suborders, Sauria (Lacertilia/lizards) and Serpentes(Ophidia/snakes). Monitors are in the infraorder Diploglossa and the superfamily Platynota. The Platynota or Varanoidea includeHelodermatidae (Beaded lizards), Lanthanotidae(Earless Monitor), and (Monitors) and are the closest lizard relatives of snakes(Pianka and Vit 2003� Halliday and Adler 2002�Bellairs 1970). Like snakes, most monitorsswallow preywhole and usually headfirst. Most monitors share the common bodyshape with an elongatebody, well-developedlimbs, and strong claws on all digits. The monitor neck is usuallylong and the tail is muscular and slightly to highly laterallycompressed. The are two radiationsof monitors, classifiedby geogra phical distribution, Old World (African and Asian) and Australian. The Old World monitors are primaryAfrican or Asian species(Halliday and Adler 2002; Bellairs 1970).

Sensory Capabilities Monitors have goodhearing, sight, and sense of smell as compared to most other non-avian reptiles, although comparedto mammals some of theseabilities may be limited (Ciofi 1999; Steel 1996). Though incapable of vocalizing, monitors use hearing to aid in defense or foraging. Compared to mammals, non-avian reptile hearing is limited. Among non-avian reptiles, however, monitors have good hearing. The varanid cochlea is the most advanced among lizards, though it contains fewer receptor cells than mammals (Ciofi 1999). Visuallyvaranids seem betterat picking up movement than stationaryobjects, but havepoor vision in dim light (Ciofi 1999). Recently, the eye structure of the varanid, Va ranusgriseus caspius, was investigated(Roll 2002). Cells in the retina usually include both rods (low light vision) and cones (bright light and color vision). Although, most specieshave bothof thesecells, pure cone retinal structure is found

10 in many diurnal lizards. The varanid retina appears to contain no rods, butdoes containdiffe rent types of cone cells as well as colored oil droplets. Therefore, the varanid eye has the morphologicalbasis for color vision (Roll2002). The varanid primaryfood detectors are the chemical sensesof smell and vomerolfaction, as true of many other squamate reptiles. The highly developedJacobson 's organ (a pair of sensory sacs openinginto the roofof the mouth in front of the internal nasal apertures) is characteristic of all monitors and the monitor's tongue is forked and extremely specializedfor this mode of chemoreception. Unlike some other lizards, the monitor's tongue has an exclusively sensoryfunction and is devoidof taste buds. The monitor's flicking tonguesamples particles from ambient air currentsand movespast the Jacobson'sorgan. These particles are then transported to the ducts of the Jacobson's organ byciliary action. Using the Jacobson's organ as a major source of sensory input, the monitor can assess whether potential prey or enemies are nearby. A monitor samples the air currentsand molecules in its vicinity, rather than sniffing them as a mammal does. Its tongue will samplea volume of air at least as great (if not greater) than the similar tongue of structurally advanced snakes (Steel 1996; Gove and Burghardt 1983 ).

Physical and Brain Size Va riance Monitor lizards all share a distinctive bodyform but varygreatly in size. This diversegenus includes 57 species (Halliday and Adler 2002). Varanid speciesvary in adult mass bynearly five orders of magnitude. No other terrestrial vertebrate genus exhibits this range in size variance (Pianka 1995). In a recent study,prevalence and complexityof play was significantly correlated with brain size with larger­ brained orders having more playfulspecies (in mammals) (lwaniuket al. 2001). It was also noted that those specieswith the largest brains in their taxa were more likely to playinto adulthood. The results of this comparison across mammalian orders revealed a significant positiverelation betweenplay and brain size. Only large increases in brainsize, as evident across orders, mayhave had a role in evolution. The authors concluded that there was a stepwiserelationship between brain size and play. That is, a large difference in brain size affe cts play, but small differences donot (lwaniuk et al. 2001). This trend in mammalian taxa could possiblybe similar in reptilian taxa, again leading to the increased possibilitythat varanids play.

Physiology Not only the varanids' senses, but also their general physiologylends to theseanimals being more 44mammal-like,, then other non-avian reptiles. Asdiscussed below, varanids havean unusually efficient heart and lungs (Hom 1997), a larger more complex lung structure leading to more efficientgas exchange, a more completeventricular septumin the heart (which facilitatesless mixing of oxygenatedand unoxygenatedblood), as well as an increased metabolic rate and an increased core bodytemperature as

11 comparedto other lizards (Steel1996). All of thesetraits furthersupport the possibilitythat these animals have the abilityto play.

RespiratorySys tem The varanid saccu1arlungs are proportionatelytwice the size of thosenonnally found in lizards. This allowsa higherlevel of gas exchange and is similar to the complex ultra-efficientlungs of birds and mammals. The abilityto sustain high levels of aerobic activitvand recover rapidlyis due largely to this complex lung structure, which allows the lungs to bereadily dilatedby non-respiratory :functions in order to achieve efficient ventilation. Varanids are much more efficient in oxygen usecompared to other lizards. Monitors remove moreoxygen from the air as well as consume more oxygenduring activity, largely due to the complexlung structure with greatersurf ace areathan many other species(Steel 1996). Gular pumping during sustained activityfurther enhances the superiorrespiratory system of the monitors. It is thought that most lizards usea lateral undulatorygait, which prevents effective lung ventilation during moderateto high-speedlocomotion. If this was true, as the lizard increasesactivity, just when it needsmore oxygen, it is actually able to breathe less effectively. This restriction on activitylevel is termedan axialconstraint. In a recentstudy, Owerkowicz (1999) comparedgreen iguanas to monitor lizards during sustained activity. Though the green iguanas showed an axial constraint as expected, the monitors circumvented this constraintby using accessory gular pump to augmentcostal ventilation (Owerkowiczet al. 1999).

Ci rculatory Sys tem The increased efficiency of the varanidrespiratory system complements an advanced heart and circulatory systemas compared toa normal, typically conservative, non-avian reptilian arrangement (Steel 1996). Although the varanid circulatory system is not comparable in efficiencyto the mammalian heart, the degree of intra-ventricular mixingis limited and represents an enhancedlevel of efficiencycompared to typicalsquamate reptiles. Varanids also have a higher oxygen transportation capability. Thisis not dueto any increase in oxygenaffinity of hemoglobinbut to an avoidanceof metabolicacidosis during activity. Varanids, comparedto other squamate reptiles, also have a higher level of myoglobin, equal to that of mammals. Myoglobinfa cilitates rapidtransfer of oxygenfrom the bloodto the muscle fibers during activity. Due to the combination of these respiratoryand circulatory advances in the useof oxygen, monitors canmaintain comparatively high levels of sustainedactivity, by non-avian reptilian standards. In this respect, varanids are almostintermediate between typical non-avian reptiles and more energy-efficient mammals (Steel 1996).

12 Me tabolic Rate All of thesefa ctors (increasedcomplexity in the lung structure,limited intraventri cular mixing, avoidanceof metabolicacidosis during activity, higher level of myoglobin, and utilization of gular pumping)combine to result in the high aerobic activityof varanidlizards (Frappell et al. 2002). The monitor's capacityfor sustained activity transcends the capabilities of most other non-avianreptiles and approachesthe warm-bloodedmammalian level (Steel 1996). The respiratoryand circulatoryfactors are further enhanced bythe varanid's increased metabolic rate. The high aerobic metabolic rateof manyvaranids is an exceptionamong lizards. Squamate metabolic ratesincrease with increasing mass at a higherrate than expected. The rate is greater than that observedfor the class-wideanalysis of the metabolic rate of mammals (Andrews 1985). This is possiblydue to the developmenton an efficient predatoryspecialization that can require both sustained and bursts of �gh energy and maybe why there are no strict herbivores in this fami ly. The relative increase in the standard metabolism of varanidsmay reflecttheir life historytraits, particularly their widely foraging and primarily carnivorous diet (Thompson 1997).

Natural History Ecologically, monitors are comparableto small to medium-sizedspecies of predatorymammals. They occupysimilar e.cological niches in and competewell with mammalsof comparablesize in Africa and Asia. Varanids successfully inhabit diverse ecological environments including deserts, steppes, relatively dry forests, tropical humid rainforests, rivers and riverbanks, and marine shores (Hom 1997). One of the primary traits associated with play in mammais is postnatal care. The presenceand degree of parental care seems mostly related to ecological conditions, such asunstable environments(e.g. temperature, humidity, or precipitation) and predation (byboth other species or conspecifics). This typeof environment could lead to the need for further protectionof eggs or neonates (Burghardt 1984, 1988). Most squamatereptiles deposit their clutchon or in the groundwith some preparation, cover, or protection. However, some species of monitors go through complex behavior when laying a clutch that offers an uniqueform of protection. V. albigularis and many other species (V. giganticus, V. gouldii, V. rosenbergi, V. niloticus, V. sa/vator, and V. varius) dig a deeptunnel into a termite mound and lay their clutch at the end of this tunnel, after which the termites seal the hole. Once the wall of the mound is hardened, no predator, other than another monitor,will beable to disturbthe eggs. The termites control the incubation temperatureand humidity,. which means the embryoshave suitableincubation conditions for proper development(Pianka and Vit 2003). If these environmentalfactors are compared to the eggs in a bird's nest or to the offspring of a mammal, the eggs of a monitor havefar better chances for survival in terms of protection and stabilityuntil hatching. Afteroviposition, a varanidfemale may also guardthe areawhere a clutch was laid from competitive fe males or predators. This behavior was seen in a fe male Komodo defendingits nest site

13 successfullyagainst a larger competitivefemale and a farbigger male, which was in search of the eggs (Hom 1997). Some of these species, when the young are near term, will evendig the neonates out of the termite mound (Steel1996). All of these physiological, life history,and behavioraltraits seem to allow monitors to bemore "mammal-like" in their predatory strategy andcommun ication as well as overallbehavior (Auffenberg 1978; Fagen 1981). This leads to the predictionthat theseanimals are capable of higher cognitive behaviors as well as curiosityand play.

Current Study and GeneralPredictions

Capti,ve Environment The current study was conducted at the Dallas Zooin offexhibit enclosures. There are advantages and disadvantagesto conductingresearch in zoos. The advantages are the availability of rareor endangeredspecies, familiarity with subjects, as well as repeatabilityand longevityof experiments. Smaller populationsallow the researcher to conduct manymore trials on only a few individuals, thus getting a bettercontextual picture of the overallresponses (Saudargas and Drummer 1996). The data are more likely to be accurate, for an individual, if multiple trials can beconducted with the same object or stimulus (in laboratoryexperimen tsindividuals are rarely testedmul tiple times, the preference is many different individuals testedfew times). With the increasedability to repeatexperimental conditions, habituation and longevity of an enrichment regimen can also beexplored (Saudargas and Drummer 1996). The historyof the individual animal and the naturaland life historyof the species is also usually well knownby theresearcher in a captive study. This is very importantwhen formulatingthe experimental design as well as when interpreting the behaviors observed(Greenberg 1994). Finally, the zoo environment also seems to allow researchers to increase the overall time of a research project. While in most fieldand laboratorystudies observations and experimentsare conductedover only a fewmonths, zoo researchis usually conductedover years (Saudargas and Drummer1996). Along with theseadvantages there are also several disadvantageswhen conducting a zoostudy. Theseinclude lower statistical power, inability or difficultyin generalizingacross species,concerns of public opinion and presence, as well as less environmental control. Zooresearch usually involves only one subject, or a small samplesize, due to animalavailability. The main disadvantage occurswhen analyzing the datadue to thefact that many statistical tests are most powerfulwith at least a samplesize of twenty­ five. The smallnumber of individualanimals also leads to difficultywhen tryingto hypothesize an expectedbeha vioral patterngenerally across an entire species. When conducting zoologicalstudies, the public alsohas to beconsidered if the animals are on exhibit during trials. If the trials include animals on exhibit, the public opinion and theproblem of educatingthe public as to what is takingplace, as well as the

14 effectthe public has on the animals' behavior,must beconsidered. Finally,there may not bemuch environmental controlin an outdoor enclosure (Saudargas and Drummer 1996). Thesedisadvantages are taken into account in this current study. They wereconsidered and noted when recording the behaviors as well as when analyzing the data. The advantageswere alsofully realized with multiple trials over a long periodof timeper individual as well as detailedaccounts of each individual's history.

Sp ecies Eight Black-throated monitors were observedin an enriched environment during this study. Most researchhas beenon the White-throated savanna monitor (Kaufmanet al 1994 and 1996; Phillips 1995; Secor and Phillips 1997) and as of yet there havebeen no morphological (besides color of the throat), physiological,molecular, or behavioraldiff erences notedbetween these two monitors (White and Black­ throated monitors) and both are considered the subspecies Va ranus albigularis albigularis (Bennett1998). So it is assumedthat pastresearch, as well as fieldand captive observationsof White -throatedmonitors, applies to Black-throated monitor as well The Black-throated monitor inhabits the grasslandsof south and east Africa and experiences months of fasting during the dry season (Secor and Phillips1997). This monitor, like most large monitor species,was incredibly difficultto studyin the fielddue, in part, to harsh habitat and large home ranges (Phillips 1995). Though the naturalbehavior of monitors is hard to observe, studieson captive animals should beuseful. The lack of captive research is most likely due to the only recent success in captive rearing and breeding. Now that these goals have been met to a considerable degree,further investigationinto the specificsof monitor behavior must beimplemented to enhance the qualityof their captive lives byproviding appro priate environments and experiences (Burghardt1996).

Summary of Experimental,Protocol This systematic studyanalyzed the videotapedbehavior of eight individually housedjuvenile Black­ throated monitors, V. a. albigularis, in responseto an enrichedenvironment involving presentationof three types of obj ects, including socialintroductions. This studywas conducted at the Dallas Zooin Texas by zoostaff, primarily Ruston Hardtegan, in 2001. The tapeswere collectedand then I analyzedthem and created ethograms to further understand these objectintroductions. This studycompared the responsesof theseeight monitors to two objectscontaining prey and one containing a clutchmate. One goal was to comparediff erences in the amount and intensityof the monitors' responses,as well as theoverall level of activitylevels duringthe sessions,to theseobjects. The monitors' abilities to discriminate, learn, explore, and play in the presence of the objects werealso comparedand analyzed.

15 Genera/, Predictions I predictedthat, when obj ectswere introducedto the monitors, play and exploratory behavior as well as predatory and social behavior would beexhibited. One of the main concepts involved in formulatingthe predictions was surplus resource theory, as mentioned in the discussion of play in Section I. The concept that captive animals have all other needs met, combinedwith the physical evidence to support the use of excess energyduring play, supportedmy overall hypothesis. I expectedto document exploration, play, habituation, and learningin the monitors' responses to the different objects.

16 SECTION III. METHODS The Dallas Zooand the University of TennesseeReptile Ethology Lab developeda joint studyon enrichment wi1:hBlack-throated monitors that included a comparisonof noninvasiveMRI brainimages of enrichedindivid uals with a control group that receivedno enrichment. All animals came from the same clutch. Thisneurological study also providedan opportunityto observe and analyze the behavior of these monitors during object introductionsprovided for enrichment. Eight juvenile monitors and their reactions to and interaction with two objects and novel conspecifics in a systematic experimental protocol were videotapedand analyzed.

Subjects This study included 16 monitors: eight enrichedand eight control animals fromthe same clutch. However,only the enriched subjectswere given objects and thus available for analysis. The monitors hatched in November of 2000 and were about threemonths old when introducedobject enrichment began in February of 2001. The monitors were measured and weighedeach month after hatching. The eight enriched individuals observed during the objectintroductions are identifiedby the followingnumbers: 611 (female), 612, 613 (male), 614 (male), 615 (male),' 618, 621, 622 (female) (AppendixTable A-1 and 2). Becausethe animals were underone year of ag� duringtesting, three individ uals could not be sexed due to the fact thathemipene calcificationdoes not usuallyshow up on radiographsbefore one year.

Housing and Maintenance The group of eight individuals investigated in this current studywere housed in enriched enclosures that included eight centimeters of Cyprusmulch substrate,a horizontal shelf (at approx. 15 cm height, 61 cm long) that ran along the length ofthe back wall, a hidebox (approx. 20 x 15 x 8 cm) that was placed under the shelf to allow more floor space, and paintedenclosure walls so the animals could not see one another but could seethe outsideactivity (Figure 1). The cages were approximately 122 x 61 x 46 cm and were acrylic. Each was dividedinto two enclosures measuring approximately 61 x 61 x 46 cm by a plywoodwalt Eachcage had a 85 wattspot lamp giving a baskingarea of about 105-115 degrees Fas well as a double bulb 61cm fluorescentfixture with Sylvania 350BL bulbs (20 watts). The monitors were given a baskingarea that rangedbetween 30 and 40 degrees Celsius. There was also a plastic water bowl measuring approximately 15 centimeters in diameter and six centimeters deep. In the beginningof the trials,because the monitors were soyoung, they were fedtwice a week, one feeding of crickets and one feedingof 2-3 fuzzies(young furry mice). Trial days were spacedbetween feedings. The monitors were not on displayduring the trials. Usually the monitors would go one weekend without food (Friday through Sunday), tested on Monday, and fed on Tuesday. OnThursday, the trials would be run again and the monitors would befed after the trials, given that all went as planned duringthe

17 Figure 1. Diagramof Black-throatedMonitor EnrichedEncl osure. week. Afterthe monitors were six to seven months old (threemonths into trials), theywere fe d onlymice and only once a week(usually Tuesdays). The eight control individuals were kept in enclosures with cage papersubstrat e, no additional furnishings(no shelf), walls were paintedall the way around (i.e., no visibilityto outside exceptthrough theenclosure top) andhide boxeswere placedin the comer but were moved aroundquite a bit bythe animals. The controlgroup was only given deadprey in feedings. These animals were comparedto the enriched group in an additional set of trials comparingthe social interactions of two groupsof fourlizards, all fromeither the enrichedor fromthe controlgroups, when each group was placedin a large opaque container and observedfor two hours. The control groupwas not used in the present comparison. The future analysis of the additional social trials will hopefullyfurther the exploration and understanding of the monitors' responses to social introductions and continueto support the theories derivedin this study concerningthe need forenrichment in reptiles, specifically the resulting increasein activityin captive monitor lizards due to obj ectintroductions .


Exp erimentalDesi gn Each _twenty to twenty-five minute session includeda fifteen-minuteint roduction as well as 2-3 minutesof pre and post introductionobservations documented for each trial. The pre and post intervals were recorded on videotapeto documentbaseline, introduction, and posttest behaviors. Table 1 summarizesthe trials, the order each objectwas introduced, and the number of daysbetween each type (FB=Food Ball, Ff=Foodtube, S=Social) of trial in the sequence. All eight enriched monitors were given the same objects in the same order throughout the experiment. All sessions were tapedfrom outsideof the

18 . . Ta ble 1 Summary of Blac k -t hr oa ted M omtor T nals I ncl u di ng D ate an dDays BetweenTrials. SequenceNumber of Date of Trial #ofDays # Days By Obj ect ObjectPres ented BetweenTrials Between Trials FoodBall 1 February7, 200 1 - FB 2: 20 Social 1 February26, 200 1 19 FB 3: 7 FoodBall 2 March5, 2001 6 FB 4: 9 Social 2 March 7, 2001 2 FB 5: 7 FoodBall 3 March 12, 200 1 5 FB 6: 5 Social 3 March 14, 2001 2 FB 7: 15 FoodBall 4 March21, 2001 7 FB 8: 13 FoodBall 5 March 28, 2001 7 FB 9: 10 FoodBall 6 April2, 2001 5 FB 10: 6 Social 4 April 5, 200 1 3 Ff 2: 8 FoodBall 7 April 17, 2001 12 Ff 3: 7 Social 5 April 18, 2001 1 S 2: 7 FoodBall 8 April 30, 2001 12 s 3: 7 Social 6 May 3, 2001 3 S 4: 22 FoodBall 9 May9, 2001 6 S 5: 13 FoodBall 10 May 15, 2001 6 S 6: 15 Social 7 May 17, 2001 2 S 7: 14 FoodTube 1 May 22, 2001 5 S 8: 21 FoodTube 2 May 30, 2001 8 FoodTube 3 June 5, 2001 7 Social 8 June 7, 2001 2 enclosure and were recorded in full. Only one trial per individual was completed per day. Trial days were spacedbetween feedings and one objectand one social trial was completed(if possible) per week The specifics of each trial are detailed in the Appendix Tables A-1 and A-2. In a zoosituation it is not always possible to carry out a standard large group designwith high subj ectnumbers and matched control groups (Saudargas and Drummer 1996). One way to help alleviate this problem is to implement a repeated measures design. The preferred method is the ABAB design, or the baseline (A), experimentalcondition (B), reinstatement of baseline conditions (A), and reinstatementof experimentalcondition (A) design. Due to time and environmentalconstraints, however, most zoo research cannot carry out the full ABABdesign. This currentstudy is based on the minimized ABAdesign. The trials all consistedof some data on the individual's behavior before (A), during (B), and after (A) an object wasintroduced in an effort to measure normalbaseline, interactive, as well as post-trial behaviors.

Objects In troduced Each of the eight enriched monitors underwent a series of20 trials in the same order. Thesetrials included three typesof introductions. Two of these were objectintroductions associatedwith prey(Figure 2), the foodball and foodtube (prey could beretrieved) trials.

19 Figure 2. Images of Prey Objects. Top: Picture ofPrey Objects. Bottom: Diagram of EnrichedEnclosure to Show the Size Ratio of Prey Objects (Normallynot Both at Same Time) to Black-throated Monitors During First Trial.

20 Food Ball One object was the foodball, a clear plastic ball 7 .6 cm in diameter with 11 holes (0.5cm in diameter) drilled on each side. This object was split in half, two to three live fuzzies were placed inside, and then the two sides were screwed together and secured beforethe object was introduced. The monitor could see and smell, but not attain the prey in these trials. There were ten foodball trials conducted for each of the eight individuals.

Food Tu be The second food enrichment trial involved a foodtube which was a clear plastic tube 20.3 x 6.4cm with fourrows of holes (0.5cm in diameter) and two hinged doors. Every other row had fiveholes drilled in a parallel line along the tube. Two rows had three holes followedby a hinged door (3.5 x 3.5cm) on opposite ends of the tube. Two to three live fuzzies were placed inside the tube. In these trials, the monitors could possibly retrieve the prey from the object. There were three food tube trials conducted for each of the eight individuals.

Social The third trialwas a social enrichment (Figure 3) involving one lizard fromthe enriched group being placed in a small clear plastic pet container with a screened lid 22.9xl2.7xl 7.8cm and then introduced in the home cage of another enriched individual. This process was repeated ( seven trials for each) until each monitorhad been introduced to each of the other enriched monitors.

Figure 3. Diagram of Enriched Enclosure to Show the Size Ratio of Social Stimulus to Black-throated Monitors During First Trial.

21 Data Analysis

Ethogram During the video analysis many behaviors were identified and an ethogram was constructed. Thesebehaviors were then grouped or rankedby actual occurrence. The Observer®program (Noldus) was usedto quantifythe behaviorin the trialsthrough a repeatedviewing of the tapes. The behaviorpatterns in the ethogram·are divided into either states or events. State behaviors are those with a measurableduration and event behaviors are those that are nearly instantaneous and that are bestquantified using occurrence analysis (Lehner 1996). Ofthe behaviorsobserved, twenty-five were found useful in comparingthe different trials. Descriptions of the state and eventbehavio rs, the abbreviationfor the behavior, and a brief descriptionof the movement or position involvedin each behavior, are provided in Tables 2 and 3. The modifiers involved with both state and event behaviors indicate to what or to whom the behavior is directedtoward. The modifiers usedare ob (indicating the behaviorwas directed toward the introduceditem) and ot (indicating the behaviorinvolved was directedtoward other objects in the enclosure [e.g. glass, substrate, or tree stump]). The state behaviors that are separatedby modifiers are approach (AP) and head insertion (HI). Some of these behaviors were describedby Auff enberg ( 1981) in fieldobservations including rest, shake, swallow, walk, climb, mouth grab, and tongueflick. Duringmy observations, resting was recorded when the monitor was immobileas describedin Table 2. The monitors were usually resting, or basking, on the highest point in their enclosures (secondshelf in enclosure, Fig 1). The resting positionsobserved were describedby Auff enberg (1981) in a fieldstudy of Komodo dragons as "posterior adpression" (resting in a sortof seated position) and "ventral adpression" (lyingdown) . Both of these restingpositions were consideredbasking behavior in these wild populations. Approachingthe object (APob) occurredmostly in the beginningof the introduction. This behaviorwas distinguished frominteraction (INob), since there was no physical contactwith the object. Approachingthe obj ectusually began with a directed motion, or "bee-line", towards the objectfollowed by a circling behavior. General approachingbehavior (APot) was also recordedwhen it seemedthe monitor was movingtoward the other objectssuch as the glass window of the enclosure. Another state behavior involving the obj ect was moving the obj ect (MO). This behavior was enacted when the monitor mouth grabbedthe object, held on, and draggedor carried the introducedobj ect. The overall interaction with the obj ect(]Nob) included the time spentinvolved in physicalcontact and beingattentive to the objectfor more than five seconds, while the state behaviors move object(MO) and head insert (Blob) were recordedonly when the monitor was moving the object or insertingits head into the object. The event behaviors (quick behaviors only recordedfor occurrence) involving the object duringinte raction, discussedbelow, were alsorecorded. Finally, therewere also three general state

22 . .. T abl e 2• State Beha:viors Obse IV ed Duri ng Vd1 eotape Anal ys1s m the Blac k -t hroa ted Momtor . Stu di es. Behavior Pattern Description 1. Resting (RS) 1. There was no movement besides maintenance (tongue flicks, breathing, or head movement) activity. Resting was categorizedby two forms: RSs a seatedposition (front legs still straight)and RSIa lying down (allfour legs spread, belly touching ground) position.

2. Walk (WA) 2. Moving aroundenclosure with no apparent orientation toward a particularobject. Usuallymonitors were walking around the perimeter of the enclosure in and out of the brush.

3. Approach (AP) 3. Movement directed toward a specific item in the enclosure. This behaviorwas most often enactedwhen the monitor was approaching the introducedobject (APob) or when the monitor was approachingthe glass of the enclosure(APot).

4. Moving (MO) 4. Apparentpurposeful physical movement, of the introducedob ject,by the monitor. For example,both monitor species would pick up or push the objectusually with the head/mouth and move it around the enclosure.

5. Head Insertion (HI) 5. Head inserted at leasttwo thirds into the objectfor at leastfive seconds. This occurred with the introduced object (Blob) and rarelyinto thesubstrate (IDot).

6. Interact(INob) 6. Interactingwith object. Monitor spentmore than a few seconds in physicalcontact and /or chasing and being attentive to object introduced.

7. Digging (DI) 7. Diggingin substrate. This motion occurred usually with alternating front claws scraping and with rostrum angled and sometimes burying into substrate. 8. Defecation (DF) 8. HindLegs lowered, bodylowered, then a side-to-side movementwhile defecating.

9. HeadHidden (HH) 9. Anteriorportion of body(head and frontlegs) was covered usually under the secondlevel of the enclosureor undersubstrate (Black- throated). Atthese points it was impossible to recordtongue flicks, movement, or the actual position of the monitor. This behavior was also inactedwhen the session began and the monitor could not befound, until . it emerged duringthe trial.

I 0. EscapeHorizontal (EH) 10. Pacingalong edgeof enclosuresnout nudgingand fore scraping the glass wall

11. Escape Vertically(EV) 11. Up on hind legs, fore scraping wall in vertical position

12. Walk Up (WU) 12. Walking on secondlevel of enclosure

13. Seesaw (SE) 13. Legsspace apart and bodyswaying forward and backor side-to-side. Sometimes a series of head bobs would accompany this motion.

23 . . . T abl e 3 • Event Behaviors. Obse IVed Dunng Vd1 eotape Analys1s m. th e Bl ac k- throa ted M omtor Studies. BehaviorPattern Description 1. Tongue Flick (TF) 1. A singleextension and retraction of the tongue from the mouth. The fast tongue flickwas recordedwhen justthe simple motion of bringingthe tongue in and out in a fairly quickmanner occurred.

2. Lick (LI) 2. Slow tongue flick. The slow tongue flickwas recordedwhen the tongue was out of the mouth and then went along the side of the snout, which usually was a muchslower motion then the rest of the flicks.

3. SnoutNudge (SN) 3. Pressingthe snout into an obj ect in a shortswift movement oftenresulting in movingthe obj ect.

4. ForeScrape (FS) 4. Moving the forearmand claws onto the objectand then pullingback and out alongthe substrate.

5. Mouth Grab (MG) 5. A bite at object with mouth openfollowed by the obj ectbeing held in the mouth formore than 0 .1 second It typically was followed bya shakeor head insertion.

6. Shake(SH) 6. With the obj ect held in the mouth, monitor would shake the head back and forth. Shakingwas categorizedin two forms. Shake fast (SHf) occurred in 0.1 secondsor less. Shakeslow (SHs) occurredin greaterthan 0.1 seconds.

7. Yawn (YA) 7. Mouth slowly, but briefly, opens wide. Usuallyfrom resting position.

8. Tail Swipe(TS) 8. The tail is rapidlywhipped

9. Bite (BI) 9. Quicksnap towards obj ectwith mouth open, though objectis not held with the mouth as in mouth grab.

10. Head wipe(HW) 10. With the head bentdown towards the object, the headis then swiped sidewaysback and forth on the object.

11. CapturePrey ( CP) 11. Recordedat time when monitor firstcaptured prey, followed by ing estion.

12. Drink (DR) 12. Tongue flick directed into water bowl.

24 behaviorsto delineate the restof the time spentby the monitor includingdigging (DI), defecation (DF), and head hidden (BB). There were some complex locomotionbehaviors, escape horizontally (EB) and escape vertically (EV). These behaviorsinvolved very rapid movements along the perimeterof the enclosure walls, either horizontally or vertically. These behaviors occurred most oftenafter the obj ectwas removed, or, in later trials, afterthe monitor seemedto lose interest in the object. The walk up (WU) behavior involved walking up onto the second level of the enclosure and included instances when the Black-throated monitors were making "walking" movements while in a stationaryvertical position against the enclosure wall. The seesaw (SE) behavior was also a fairly complex behavior seen,for themost part,only in the socialstimulus trials. This patternseemed to bea display behaviorbrought on bythe presence of the introducedindividual in the subject'shome cage. All of the state behaviorswere recorded as durations. The number of occurences was also compared among the state behaviors that occurred most often: RE, WA, AP,MO, HI, and INob. Within these thirteen state behaviors, twelve event behaviors were recorded. Tongue flick (TF) frequencies were an overall measure of the monitors' activity during the trials. Tongue flicks (TF) were recorded through video observations. Tongue flick rates are a good measure of overall activity in squamate reptiles(Burghardt and Pruiit 1975), and therefore reflect how active the monitors were before the object was introduced (pre-introduction), duringthe trial,and after the objectwas removed (post-removal). A similar event behavior, lick (LI) was also measured. The lick was basically a slow tongue flick as described in Table 3. Theseslower tongue flicks(licks) usually occurred when the monitor was resting and were most likely to occur right after interaction with the object. Four of the twelve event behaviors were directedat the obj ectintroduced, snout nudge (SN), fore scrape (FS), mouth grab (MG), and shake (SH). Snout nudge (SN) and fore scrape(FS) occurredmainly with the non-preylike trials. Both mouth grab (MG) and shake(SH) we�e also observed and describedby Auffenberg (1981) from fieldstudies. The shake (SH) was definedoccurring when the prey was slung side-to-side and sometimes poundedagainst the ground(Auff enberg 1981). Itappears to bederived froma predatorymovement forstunning, killing, or furthertearing the prey. The mouth grab(MG) events were describedas a "bite" followedby gripping with the teeth (Auffenberg 1981). The yawn (YA) did not occur often duringthe trials, but when observedoccurred in the pre­ introduction periods. The tail swipe (TS) occurred when the tail was curled tightagainst the bodythen swiftlyswiped. In the Black-throated monitor trials this behavior occurred most at the introductionor removalof the object(most frequently the social stimulus, the largest apparatusintroduced) and was mostly directedtoward the keeper's hand. However, in the firstfew social introductions, this behavioroccurred and wasdirected towards the individual introduced. Thebite (Bl) behavior was a very quick bite or snap towards theobj ect. Head wipe(HW) was most prevalent in the socialtrials and involvedthe monitor climbing/walkingup onto the top of the

25 introducedindividu al's small enclosureand wiping its headover and over on the lid. The captureand onset of the ingestionof the prey (CP) was also recordedin the Black-throated monitor trials. Finally the drink behavior (DR) was recorded. Overall, most of thesebehaviors have beenobserved and documented in field studies of wild monitors. From these descriptions, the behaviors observedin captivity, at least by definition, mimic thosein the wild.


General/Grouped Behaviors Data for all behaviors observed in the trials were analysedin three ways, including duration, occurrence, and changes over trials. Tongue flickrates were also analyzedwithin the trials. These measureswere comparedacross objects and individuals. Another part of the analysespooled the state behaviorsinto general categories in order to get a better overall pictureof the monitors' behavior. The specificbehaviors (See Tables 2 and 3 for definitions)were pooledaccording to typeof movement as well as what the behaviorinvolved or was directedtoward (using the modifiersdiscussed earlier). The Rest (RE) categoryincluded all restingbehaviors (RS). Locomotion (LO) includedall state behaviorsrepresenting movement, not directed at the object: walk (WA), escape(EV and EH), walk up (WU), HeadInsert other (Blot), Digging (DI), Defecation (DF) and approach other (APot). Interact (IN) included approach object (APob), moving (MO), interact object {INob), and head insertob ject(Blo b). Finally the Othercategory (OT) included head hidden (BB) durations, though these durationswere relatively short and were omittedfrom this analysis. These groupings are summarizedin Table 4. In additionto the groupedbehavior categ ories, a more specificanalysis involved only those behaviors directedtoward the objectin order to further investigate the response of the monitors' to each typeof object. This was accomplished bydividing the interactwith object (IN) category into the frequencies of the specific state and event behaviors involved.The only comparisons that took within­ session time data into accountwere those involving the tongue-flickcounts.

Statistics The behaviors were first analyzed overall bygraphing the patterns observedin the trials. Through these visual representations, a general pictureis given of what responses were elicited in each typeof introduction. In general, parametric tests are usually preferred to non-parametricbecause they are more powerfuland robust(Searle 1999). The increased powerof parametricstatistics is mainly due to the use of rawscores in the calculations. Parametrictests look at the size of values, not just the order. The data in this studywere very complex and includedboth independent, categorical, as well as dependentcontinuous variables. In essencethe data were, overall, toocomplex to run nonparametric analyses without sacrificing much of the information containedin the raw data (Conover 1999).

26 Table 4 Sui.o.AUMUJ of PooledBehavior Patterns used in the Analysesof the Black-throatedMonitorJ,tials. Pooled Behavior Description SpecificBehaviors Included ::- Pattern *Detailed Definitions in Table 2. 1. Rest (RE) 1. Therewas no movement Includes all Resting behaviors (RS): besides maintenance (tongue flicks, breathing, or head RSs,RSI movement) activity.

2. Locomotion 2. General movement, not Includes all movement behaviors: involving the object. (LO) Walk (WA), Approachother (APot), Head Insertother (filot), Digging (DI), Defecation (DF),Escape Horizontal (EH), EscapeVertical (EV), and Walk up (WU)

3. Interaction (IN) 3. Interaction with the object. Includes all behaviors directed toward the object:

Approachobject (APob), Moving object (MO), Head Insert into object (Blob), Interactobject (INob), and Seesaw (SE).

Another reasonto useparametric tests for these datais that, in general, parametric tests can be used on a smaller samplethan non-parametric tests. Finally, it is arguedby many statisticians that parametrictests do not producemany errors and are, therefore, more robust even if there are small violations of the underlying conditions (Franklin et al. 1997). There were ten food ball,three food tube,and sevensocial trials conductedfor each of theBlack­ throated monitors. With twenty trials per individual, this studywas robust and suited for parametric statistics. These data were analyzedusing MANOVA. MANOVA was used due to its abilityto handlethis complex data set as well as its overall robustness to violations of normality. This test was also utilized in · order to see the main and interaction effects of this typeof mixeddata set. To test the releationship betweenthe independentand dependentvariables, Wilk' s lambdawas performed. This is the most common traditional test where thereare more than two groupsformed by the independent variables. The second step in the MANOVA was to determine just which group means differ significantlyfrom others. For this procedure, the least significantdiff erencetest (LSD), also called Fisher's LSD or the protestedt­ test was conducted. The analysis compares all possible pairsof means after the F-test rejects the null hypothesis that the groupsdo not differ. A Discriminant Analysis was also performed on the data to show that the objects introducedcould be predictedby the behaviorselicited during the trials'. There were also ordered repeated measure MANOVAs conducted on the tongue flickdata to compare the within trial tongue flick counts over two minute intervals. With only eight individuals and unbalancedtreatments in

27 the study, all such statistical tests must beviewed with caution. All analyseswere conducted using SPSS 11.5 (SPSS Inc., 1989-2002). All statistical tests were conductedusing a significance of �0.05. Though there were multiple tests conducted,only one null hypothesiswas beingtested at a time and all tests were one-tailed. Thus, thoughmultiple comparisons were made, statisticalsignificance remained at �0. 05. Asmentioned earlier, this studyhad a fairly large dataset. Through observation, some preliminarytrends havebeen seenin terms of the patterns of behavior duringthe different object introductions. Thesepatterns could beanalyzed using both lag sequential, to identifystrong patterns, and Markov correlationanalysis to investigatethe statisticalsignificance and interdependence of individual behavior patterns (Lehner 1996). Theseanalyses will beconducted at a later date in orderto explorethe behaviors elicited in the Black-throatedmonitor trials.

Comparisons The main comparisons madewere . among the· diffe rent objects, across trials of the same objects, and among the individuals. Both mean occurrence and percent duration (to adjustfor differences in trial times) were compared. First the pooledbehaviors (Locomotion, Interaction with Object, Interactionwith Human, Resting,and Tongue Flick) and then the specificbehaviors, as listed in the general methods section, were compared. The occurrenceof tongue flickswas alsocompared in the pre, during, and post intervals of theobserved trials. It was foundthat there weresi gnificantly more tongue flicksduring the object introductionsthan in the pre or post interval (p=0.000,LSD) and there weresignificantly more tongue flicks in the post interval as compared to the pre interval (p=0.006, LSD). This was consistent across virtuallyall baseline, introduction, and post test periods. The tongue flickdata and behaviorswere alsoused to comparethe different objectsas well as in comparing the first, second, and third trial for each object. MANOVA was again used in these analysis to compare the trials. A multiple measures MANOVA was conducted to comparethe tongue flick data over two minute intervalsthroughout the entire sessions. This was in orderto furtherillustrate anyhabituation that may haveoccurred. Another factor investigated was the number of timesan outside noise(talking, radio,water) was noticed bythe individual in the trial. There was no significantdiff erencefound in the occurrenceof thesenoises among the individualsor types of objectspresented.

28 SECTION IV. RES ULTS AND DISCUSSION The diffe rence in the monitors' responsesto the objects aswell as among individual monitors were comparedboth among and within the treatments. The general null hypothesisfor thesedata wasthat the Black-throated monitors would exhibit no diffe rence in their responses to the different stimuli. More specific alternative hypothesesand basicstati stical resultsare given (basedon rejectingthe null hypothesis above)in order to estimate thesignificance of the trends across time both withinand among the different trials as observedin the graphs.

Responseto Different Objects


Food Ball The firststimulus the monitors were exposedto was the foodball, the smallest and therefore most movable objectintroduced. The foodball was presentedto each of the monitors over ten trials and was therefore the most frequent treatment. The preywithin this objectcould be seen and smelled but not attained. The primary interaction with the foodball involved forescraping (FS) and moving the object (MO) rapidly around the enclosure with many instances of circling or approaching the object(AP) (Figure 1 4 and 5 ). Though the firstfe w trials involvedsome biting (Bl), most of the trials involved boutsof movingthe obj ectby snout nudging (SN) and pushingthe food ball both around the perimeterand across the center of the cage during the introduction. In other words, during the food ball trials, the monitors would interact for a lengthyperiod and during this interaction, theywould AP more oftenthan have any direct physical contact with the object (INob) (Figure 4 and 5).

Food Tu be The second object,which also contained prey, was the foodtube . All three of these trials were completedafter the ten foodball trials. The foodtube was larger and more awkward to move than the food ball, though it was moved (MO) in some of the trials. When it was moved, the foodtube was mouth grabbed(MG) at theedge of one of the hinged doorsand shookside to sidewith bothfast and slow movements (SH). The most frequent mode of interaction with this object involved head insertion(HI) which was the behavior elicited in orderto capture( CP) the preywithin the tube. Before and during HI the monitors would alsofore scrape (FS)first at the hinged doors, then insidethe tube, as they searchedfor the prey. There were alsobouts of BI beforeand after the prey were ingested. TheBI were

1 All figures refer only to those behaviors(AP, Ill) directed at the object, unless otherwisestated. 29 15 � V) -1 + 12 .....Cl) :::, ;::: 9 � ;::: .2- 6 :::, 0 ;::: t,;S Cl) 3 � 0 RE LO IN BehaviorPattern

5 � V) ;!:_ 4 (/) Cl) -:::, 6.5 3 ;::: 0 2 -� :::, 0 ;::: t,;S Cl) 1 � 0 MO HI AP INob SE BehaviorPattern

Figure 4. Mean Duration (Minutes) of Pooled State (Top) and Interaction (IN) State (Bottom) Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 10 15-Min Introductions of the Food Ball. RE=resting, LO=locomotion, INob=Interact with object, AP=approach object, M O=moving object, HI=head insert, SE=seesa w. 2

2 SE represents Standard Error in all Figures. 30 30

25 f}] + 20 -

15 j 10 � 5

0 RE w IN BehaviorPattern


25 - � + 20

15 - J 10 ! 5

0 AP INob MO HI SE BehaviorPa ttern

30 25 � + 20


5 0 SN FS BI SH Behavior Pattern

Figure 5. Mean Occurrence of Pooled State {Top), Interaction {IN) State (Middle), and Interaction (IN) Event (Bottom)Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 10 15-Min Introductions of the Food Ball. RE=resting, LO=locomotion, INob=interact with object, AP=approach object, MO=moving object, HI=head insert, SE=seesaw SN=snout nudge, FS=fore scrape, BI=bite, and SH=shake. **SN, FS, BI, and SH all occurred during IN ob or MO state behaviors.

31 usually directed at the hinge of the doorsand were fairly rapidand repeated. Overallthe monitors were veryactive in the food tubetrials (Figure 6 and 7).

Social The social stimulus was a container housing a conspecific and tookup a large portionof the enclosure (Figure 3). The monitors would usually pausebefore moving around (LO) and approachingthe introducedconspecific (AP). Initiallyhowever, the lizards typicallyperformed the seesawbehavior (SE), a forwardand back or sideto side swaying motion, sometimes accompaniedby head bobs,only seen in the socialtrial s. The monitor would then approach the object(AP) and fore scrape (FS) the sides while standingvertically againstthe container and finallyclimb up on top of the cage. Once on top, boutsof headwiping (HW) would occur, while the monitor moved around to eachof the comers of the lid There were also somebouts of biting (Bl) that were usuallydirected at the handle on the lid of the object (Figure 8 and 9).

Comparison of Behaviors Elicited

Hypothesis One: Different behavior patternswould be elicited in response to the different objects.

It was predicted that the monitorswould responddiffe rentlyto each of the three objects introduced because the obj ectswere verydiffe rent. The foo d ballcontained prey but the monitors could only see and smell, but not attain or ingest, the prey. The food tubecontained prey that the monitors could see, smell, attain,and ingest byopening the hinged doors and head inserting. The social stimulusdid not containprey, J was verylarge, and contained a conspecific,which the monitors could see and smell, butcould not have physical contact. The overall behaviorsperformed were comparedfor each of the three objects,along with overall tongue flicks rates, whichcan also serve as a measure of general activity (Burghardt and Pruitt 1975). Statistical analysis was carried out to confirmthe trends observed. It was foundthat there were significant diffe rences in both duration (of state behaviors) (p=0.000 Wilk's Lambda, Table 5) and occurrence (of state and event behaviors) (p=0.000Wilk 's Lamlxla, Table 6) of the twelvebehaviors listed above (RE, LO, IN,AP, INob, MO, HI, SE, SN, FS, BI, SH, TF) when comparingthe three objects introduced.

Duration There were no significant diffe rences in the duration of the resting (RE) and locomotion (LO) pooledbehaviors alone. Overall, the food ball kept the monitors very active. Although there were no significantdiffe rences found in the pooledLO behavior, there were significant differences in the specific 32 . 15 �- � + 12 - -.r/l 0 -::I .a 6 9 =0 ·.:::, 6

=� 0 3 ::E 0 RE LO IN BehaviorPattern

2 � + -.r/l 0 1.5 .a 6 1 =0 ....e 8 ;I 0 0.5 ::E 0 AP INob MO m SE BehaviorPattern

Figure6. Mean Duration (Minutes) of Pooled State (Top) and Interaction (IN) State (Bottom) Behavior Patterns ofthe 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 3 15-Min Introductionsof the FoodTube. Abbreviationsfor Behaviors as in Figure 4.

33 35 30 IJ.l 25 20 15 1 10 5 0 RE LO IN BehaviorPattern

35 30 gj 25 20 15 10 5

0 AP !Nob MO HI SE Behavior Pattern

90 80

IJ.l 70 60 50 40 30 j 20 10

0 SN FS BI SH Behavior Pattern

Figure 7. Mean Occurrenceof Pooled State (Top), Interaction (IN) State (Middle), and Interaction (IN) Event (Bottom) Behavior Patternsof the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 3 15-Min Introductions of the Food Tube. Abbreviations for Behaviors as in Figure 5.

34 15 � - T -+ 12 .s 9 - 6= .s 6 - a T ;I - 0 3 �

0 I RE w IN Behavior Pattern

5 � + 4 -0 .s 3 6= 2 a-� � 1 � 0 AP INob MO HI SE Behavior Pattern

Figure 8. Mean Duration (Minutes) of Pooled State (Top) and Interaction (IN) State (Bottom) Behavior Patternsof the 8 Black-throatedMonitors in all 7 15-Min Introductions of the Social Stimulus. Abbreviations forBehaviors as in Figure4.

35 18 16 ., 14 12

t 10 0 8

I) 6 � 4 2 0 IN RE LO Behavior Pattern


7 6 � s:: t 5 0 0 4 0 s:: 3

� 2

0 IN ob AP HI MO SE Behavior Pattern



u 15

0 0 0 10 u � 5

0 SN FS BI SH Behavior Pattern

Figure9. Mean Occwrence of Pooled State (Top), Interaction (IN)State (Middle), and Interaction (IN)Event (Bottom) BehaviorPatterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 7 15-Min Introductions of the Social Stimulus. Abbreviations for Behaviorsas in Figure 5.

36 Table 5. Multivariate Tests of State BehaviorPatterns Observed in Black-throated Monitor Trials. (RE, W, IN, AP, INob,MO, HI, andSE).3 Effect Wilk's Lambda F HyPothesis df Error df Sig. Intercept* 0.334 46.146 6.00 139.00 0.000 Object• 0.458 24.663 6.00 310.00 0.000

Table 6. Multivariate Tests of MeanOccurrence of State and Event BehaviorPatterns Observed in Black­ throatedMonitor Trials. (RE, LO, IN,INob, AP, MO, III,SE, SN, F'S, B1,SB, and overallTF count) Effect Wilk'sLambda F Hypothesis df Errordf Sig. Intercept• 0.017 1438.996 6.00 152.00 0.000 Object* 0.442 12.772 11.00 302.00 0.000 locomotionbehaviors (p=0.000 Wilk's Lambda,Table 7 and 8, Figure 10). The foodball led to significantlylonger durations of escapevertically (EV) than all of the other trials (p<0.048 LSD, Appendix TableA-5 and A-6,Figure 10). The foodball, asexpected, seemed to keep the monitor's interest for longer periodsas comparedto the foodtube and social trials. Though durations of the resting (RE) and locomotion (LO) pooled behaviorswere not significantly different, there were significant differences in the duration of the pooledinteraction (IN)and the specificinteraction state (approach (AP), interact (INob), move (MO), head insert (HI), seesaw (SE)) behaviors (p<0.000 Wilk's lambda, Table 5 and Table 9, Figure 10) when comparing the differentobjects. The foodball elicited longer periodsof actualphysical contact and interactions (IN) than the othertrials (Figure 10). When those interactionbehaviors were furtheranalyzed, the foodball trials again showed this trendin boththe large amount of time spent approaching, or circling the object(AP) (Figure 10). The foodtube trials were more similar to the foodball trials than to the social trialsin the analysis of the time spent and the specific behaviors involved (Appendix, Tables A3-A6).

Occu"ence The foodtube led to a significant diffe rence in the occurrence of all of the grouped behaviors (p<0.006 LSD, Table 6, AppendixTable A-3 through A-6). The foodtube elicitedfewer occurrences of resting(RE) and locomotion (LO) than the food ball and social trials. The overall occurrence of locomotion (LO), i.e., general activity notdirected at the obj ect, was further analyzedby specific behaviors. There were significantdifferences found in this analysis among the differenttypes of trials and in the behaviorsinvolved in LO (p=0.000 Wilk's Lambda,Table 10). There was also significant differences in occurrence of walk (WA), walk up (WU), escape horizontally (EB), and escape vertically (EV) motions (p<0.047 LSD, Table 11) among the different objects introduced.. The foodball elici ted

3 All behaviorsabbreviated in statistical tables are as in Figures 4 and 5 and in all table * indicates significant diffe rence betweenobjects for the behaviors. 37 Table 7. Multivariate Tests of MeanDuration of LocomotionState Behaviors. (WA, WU, EH, EV) Effect Wilk's Lambda F HyPOtbesis df Errordf Sig. Intercept* 0.334 46. 146 6.0 139.000 0.000 Object * 0.645 . 5.685 12.0 278.000 0.000

Table 8. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) of Durations of State Locomotion Behaviors. (WA)Walk, (WU)WalkUp,(EH)Escape Horizontally, (EV)Escape Vertically Source Dependent Type IDSum of Df Mean Square F Sig Variable Squares Corrected Model WA 3578.771 9 397.641 8.397 0.000 WU 17.065 9 1.896 1.384 0.200 EH 2568.870 9 285.430 5.694 0.000 EV 215.6000 9 23.956 3.654 0.000 Intercept WA 11604.179 1 11604.179 245.060 0.000 WU 18.828 1 18.828 13.747 0.000 EH 1714.040 1 1714.040 34.196 0.000 EV 87.940 1 87.940 13.413 0.000 Obj ect Intro* WA* 2579.966 2 1289.983 27.242 0.000 WU* 9.348 2 4.674 3.413 0.036 EH* 783.120 2 391.560 7.812 0.001 EV* 116.163 2 58.081 8.859 0.000 Error WA 6818.750 144 47.352 WU 197.231 144 1.370 EH 7217.942 144 50.125 EV 944.134 144 6.556

38 15 ... •Food BaU ::s .:! 12 •Food Tube 6 □ Social c:1 9 .; a := 0 6 Q .,c:1 0 3 � 0 RE LO IN Behavior Pattern

5 .s a ■ Food Ball DFood Tube :s 4 - 0 Social C �0 3

::s 0 2 C cu :s0 0 AP IN ob MO HI SE Behavior Patte rn

2 •Food Ball ::::, 1.7 5 .!:! II Fo od Tube e 1.5 □Social c:1 1.25 .2 ... 1 =::s Q 0.75 .,c:1 0 0.5 � 0.25

0 WA WU EV EH Behavior Patte rn

Figure 10. MeanDuration (Minutes)of the Pooled State (Top), Interaction (IN) State (Middle), and Locomotion (W) State (Bottom) Behavior Patternsof the 8 Black­ throatedMonitors in all 15-Min Introductions of the FoodBall (N=lO), FoodTube (N=3), and Social (N=7) Stimuli. Abbreviations for Behaviors as in Figure4. (WA) W� (WU) Walk up, (EV) Escape Vertically, (EH) EscapeHorizontally. Significant diffe rences (p<0.05) indicated byletters.

39 Table 9. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) of Durations of State Behaviors Involving the Obj ect Introduced. (Hl)HeadInsert, (IN)lnterarct, (MO)Move object Source Dependent Type ID Sum of df Mean Square F Sig Variable Squares CorrectedModel Ill* 2114.050 9 234.894 18.211 0.000 IN* 23418.957 9 2602.106 12.232 0.000 MO* 1335.215 9 148.357 3.397 0.001 Intercept Ill* 1290.237 1 1290.237 100.032 0.000 IN* 82899.435 1 82899.435 389.693 0.000 MO* 3394.551 1 3394.551 77.721 0.000 Object* Ill* 1893.606 2 946.803 73.405 0.000 IN* 19265.248 2 9632.624 45.281 0.000 MO* 1110.514 2 555.257 12.713 0.000 Error m 1934.739 150 12.898 IN 31909.511 150 212.730 MO 6551.428 150 43.676

Table 10. Multivariate Tests of Event LocomotionBehaviors . Effect Wilk's Lambda F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Intercept* 0.290 34.535 10.0 141.000 0.000 Object Intro* 0.511 5.615 20.0 282.000 0.000

Table 11. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) of Event LocomotionBehaviors. Abbrev. as in Table 8. Source Dependent Type IDSum of df Mean Square F Sig Variable Squares Corrected Model WA* 4448.590 9 494.288 8.579 0.000 WU* 101.390 9 11.266 2.872 0.004 EH* 578.029 9 64.225 3.961 0.000 EV* 291.038 9 32.338 3.885 0.000 TS* 19.755 9 2.195 2.756 0.005 Intercept WA* 15257.219 1 15257.219 264.797 0.000 WU* 69.807 1 69.807 17.796 0.000 EH* 469:756 1 469.756 28.971 0.000 EV* 87.813 1 87.813 10.548 0.001 TS* 19.403 l 19.403 24.357 0.000 Obj ectIntro* WA* 3377.715 2 1688.857 29.311 0.000 WU* 42.215 2 21.107 5.381 0.006 EH* 306.285 2 153.143 9.445 0.000 EV* 126.544 2 63.272 7.601 0.001 TS* 5.462 2 2.731 3.428 0.035 Error WA 8642.785 150 57.619 WU 588.385 150 3.923 EH 2432.165 150 16.214 EV 1248.706 150 8.325 TS 119.488 150 0.797

40 significantlygreater occurrences of escaping horizontallyas comparedto all of the othertrials (p=O.000 LSD, AppendixTable A-5 and A-6). The foodball trials alsoled to significantlymore occurrences of both dig (DI) and locomotion (LO) (Figure11) thanin the other trials (p<0.03 LSD, AppendixTable A- 6). There was also a significantdifference between the pooledinteraction behavior (IN) (p=O.000 Wilk's Lambda, Table 4) and the specific state and event interaction behaviors (p<0.032 LSD, Table 12). When the pooledinteraction behaviors were furtheranalyzed, the foodball trials againshowed this trend in the number of times spent approaching, or circling the object(AP) (Figure 11 ). The food ball, as expected,seemed to keep the monitor's interestfor longer periods as comparedto the food tube andsocial trials. In the food tubetrials interaction (INob) occurredsignificantly more often than in any of the other trials (p<0.01 LSD, AppendixTable A-4). However, in durations of the grouped behaviors, foodtube trials led to shorter durationsof interaction with the object, INob(Figure 10) and overall the foodball held the monitors' attentionfor longer periodsalthough the food tubehad more bouts of interaction.

Hypothesis Two: Th e fo od ball would elicitmore exploratory and play-like behaviors and keep the monitor 's attentionfo r longer periodsof time as compared to the foodtube.

The event interactionbehaviors were also analyzed and were foundto be significant (p=0.000 Wilk's Lamlxla,Table 6). The foodtube elicited significantly more forescrape and bites as comparedto thefood balland socialstim ulus (p=0.000LSD, AppendixA-4, Figure 11). As shown above,the foodball and food tubeob jectselicited diffe rent responses. Did, as was expected, the foodball elicit moreexploratory and play-like behaviorsand keep the monitor's attentionfor · a longer periodof time than the foodtube, due to the fact that preycould be attained in the food tube? In the foodball trials the prey couldnot beattained and thus the monitorsshould continue to beattra cted to, and interact with,this object. Also, since the predatory response, or consumatory reaction, could not be completedin the food ball trials, it was also expectedthat the monitors' behaviorwould change to more exploratoryand play-like responses over time. In the majorityof thefood ball trials, all of the individuals began circling (AP)and snout nudging (SN) the object(Figure 11), while biting (Bl) was only evident in the firstfew trials. The changes over foodball trials will befurther discussed in relation to habituation and learning below. In all of these behaviors, foodball trials were much more like the social trials than the foodtube trials (Figure 11, AppendixTable A-4 ).

Hypothesis Three: Thefo od tube would elicit more predatory-likebehav iors th an the fo od ball.

As stated above in hypothesis one, the food ball and food tube were expected to elicit different behaviors. Just as the foodball was expected to elicit more exploratoryand possiblyplay behavior because the preycould not be attained� the foodtube was expectedto elicit more predatorybehaviors becausethe prey could beattained and ingested

41 25 14 a a ■Food Ball ■ FoodBaU

· u:i20 cr.i m FoodTube C'-1 + + IO u cu □ social s <.> it � 8 b u :::s �10 � 6 C: 0 u... !; 4 :::;: 5 cu :::E2 0 0 RE LO INob AP MO HI SE BehaVK>fPattern BehamrPattern

15 90 I Food Ball 80 ■FoodBall a J;i:l 12 I Food Tube c:n70 tiFoodTme C'-1 a □Social cu6Q <.> � 9 c::: u 50 ... b := �40

�6Cl �30 -u "" u �3 ::E2 Q IO a 0 0 WA WU EV EH SN FS BI SH BehaWlfPattern Behavior Pattern

Figure 11. Mean Occurrence of the Pooled State (Top Left), Interaction (IN) State (Top Right), Locomotion(LO) State (Bottom Left), and Interaction(IN) Event (Bottom Right) Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throatedMonitors in all 15-MinIntroductions of the Food Ball (N=IO), Food Tube (N=3), and Social (N=7) Stimuli. Abbreviations forBehavors as in Figure 5 and 10. Significant differences (p<0.05) indicated by letters.

42 Table 12. UnivariateTests (Between- Subjects)of Event Behaviors Involving theObj ect. Source Dependent Type IDSum of Df Mean Square F Sig Variable Squares CorrectedModel FS* 71788.622 9 7976.514 6.926 0.000 BI* 12776.636 9 1419.626 13.367 0.000 MG* 698.001 9 77.556 3.072 0.002 SHs* 14.150 9 1.572 3.249 0.001 SHf'I' 142.517 9 15.835 1.533 0.141 HW* 81987.790 9 9109.754 18.881 0.000 SN* 7433.909 9 825.990 3.845 0.000 HI* 580.760 9 64.529 27.125 0.000 AP* 1001.088 9 111.232 4.599 0.000 IN* 2879.359 9 319.929 10.725 0.000 MO* 698.151 9 77.572 8.223 0.000 Intercept FS* 127428.251 1 127428.25 1 110.649 0.000 BI* 19437.494 1 19437.494 183.017 0.000 · MG* 1195.939 1 1195.939 47.365 0.000 SHs* 8.072 1 8.072 16.680 0.000 SHf'I' 53.701 1 53.701 5.197 0.024 HW* 36978.864 1 36978.864 76.641 0.000 SN* 21473.400 1 21473.400 99.966 0.000 HI* 391.413 1 391.413 164.533 0.000 AP* 9656.738 1 9656.738 399.227 0.000 IN* 13600.755 1 13600.755 455.938 0.000 MO* 1611.263 1 1611.263 170.800 0.000 ObjectInt ro* FS* 57352.328 2 28676.164 24.900 0.000 Bl* 10879.792 2 5439.896 51.220 0.000 MG* 651.107 2 325.553 12.893 0.000 SHs* 11.256 2 5.628 11.629 0.000 SHf'I' 72.742 2 36.371 3.520 0.032 HW* 74110.315 2 37055.157 76.799 0.000 SN* 5915.934 2 2957.967 13.770 0.000 HI* 569.660 2 284.830 119.730 0.000 AP* 653.313 2 326.657 13.505 0.000 IN* 2581.359 2 1290.679 43.267 0.000 MO* 595.607 2 297.803 31.568 0.000 Error FS* 172747.322 150 1151.649 BI* 15930.858 150 106.206 MG* 3787.443 150 25.250 72.594 150 0.484 SHs* 1549.858 150 10.332 SHf'I' 72374.185 150 482.495 HW* 32221.066 150 214.807 SN* 356.840 150 2.379 HI* 3628.287 150 24.189 AP* 4474.541 150 29.830 MO*IN* 1415.043 150 9.434

43 In the interactionbehaviors there weresignificant differences in the amount of time spent(Figure 10) head inserting (HI), interacting (INob), and moving the obj ect (MO) (p<0.000 LSD, Tables 5 and 9) between the different stimuli. Specifically the monitors spent significantly more time INob in the food tube trials as comparedto the food ball trials (p=0.000LSD, AppendixTable A-3). The monitors spent more time approachingthe object (AP) in the foodball trials, while in the foodtube trials more time was spent MO and HI (Figure 10). The foodtube had significantly longer durations of MO as comparedto both the foodball and social Trials (p<0.028 LSD, Appendix Table A-3). Finally, there were alsodiffe rences in the occurrences of the interactionbehavio rs. The food tubeelicited significantly more occurrences of head insert(HI), moving the object (MO) (Figure 11), forescrape (FS), bite (Bl), and shake (SH) (Figure 11) than all of the other trials (p<0.016 LSD, AppendixTable A-4). The monitorsclearly reacted differently to the food balland food tube.

Hypothesis Four: Towards conspecifics, the monitors would be perfo rm more socially interactive responses than to the prey objects.

The social stimulus was very different from the other two trials. Each lizard was tested with the container with each of the other enriched individuals in a series of trials. Recall that the introduced individual was placedin a small plastic container (large enough forthem to rear and tum around) with a mesh lid The entire container was then placed in the subj ect'shome enclosure. Also, becauseof the nonmovable nature of this object as well as its large size (which did not allow much spacefor movement within the enclosure) it was also expected that the monitors would be less active as compared to the food ball and food tube trials. Even though it was a verydiff erent stimulus, the conspecific elicited similar amounts of time spentand occurrencesof resting (RE), locomotion (LO), and interaction (INob) as comparedto the food ball trials. The social stimuli elicited significantlyfewer occurrences of approachob ject (AP), move I obj ect (MO), bite (Bl), and snout nudge (SN) (Figure 11) than the other objects(p<0 .000,LSD Appendix Table A-4). The socialstimuli elicited significantlymore TS, HW, and SE thanthe two prey objects. These behaviors occurredrarely if at all in the other two types of trials. Observationsshowed that duringthe instant when the container was introduced, the subjectwould occasionallytail swipe (TS) or react aggressively froma defensiveposture. This was probably due to the large size of the container and its threatening appearance as it was introduced abruptly down into the enclosure. The social stimulus also elicited more occurrences oftailswipe (TS) than the food ball (p=0.01, LSD Appendix Table A-6). Bouts of the Head wipe (HW) behavioroccurred most oftenin these trials (p=0.000,LSD AppendixTable A-4). This behavior tookplace when the lizard had climbed on top of the conspecific's cage. Finally seesaw

44 (SE) was observed most oftenin the social trials forfairly long periods of time (Figures 10 and 11). This behavior seemedto be directed at the conspecific and occurredmostly in the firstfew social trials.

Predictability The hypothesisthat the differentstimuli would elicit different behaviors was supported. To further supportthis finding, a discriminateanalysis was conductedon the diffe rentbehaviors, both duration and occurrence, elicitedby the different stimuli introduced(Table 13 and 14). This analysis showed that, in general, the obj ectintroduced could bepredicted by analyzing the behaviorselicited during the trials. The foodball trials were predicted correctly I 00 percent of the time. This couldbe due to the increased numberof trials with thistreatment as comparedto the foodtube and social. If the otherst imuli hadbeen introducedat least ten times, they may have also had 100 percentpredictabi lity. The food tubewas classified correctly about 80 percent of the time and was only misclassified with the foodball. This could . have beendue to the similarities of these two obj ects, in that theyboth involved visual and olfactory prey stimuli. Finally the social trials were predictedcorrectly 70 percent of the time. If these social trialswere misclassified, they were also classified with the foodball trials. The misclassification could have been due to the fact that in bothsocial and foodball trials there were no opportunities for consumption of prey.

Habituation and Learning

Hypothesis Five: The Black-throated monitors would show greaterha bituationto the fo od ball, then to the fo od tube, and finally to the soci al stimulus over time.

There were differences in the monitors' responses to the different objects,as describedabove. To further investigate this difference, habituation was comparedamong the objects bothacross trials duringthe introduction and withinthe trials. It was thoughtthat the monitors would habituatefirst to the foodball, because the prey was unattainable and because the consummatoryresponse was not possible. As there were also many more foodball trials, habituation might bemore easily documented. The foodtube was expected to show the secondfastest habituation,because it was thought that the monitors would, over time, extract and ingest the prey faster with each trial. Finally, I was expecting little to no habituation in the social trials, due to each social stimulus presentinga new individual. Habituation has beenmeasured in various ways through different studies. Recently habituation has been measuredby pairing consecutive trials and performing multivariatestatistics to comparethe different sets of trials (Bowers 1992). Here I will comparethe first, second, and third trials for each of the objects(average of the eight individuals' responses) and the behaviors elicited.

45 Table 13. Summaryof Canonical Discriminant Functions forDurations of Interaction State Behaviors (AP, INob, MO, HI).

A Eigenvalues Function Eigenvalue % ofVariance Cumulative o/o Canonical Correlation 1 1.185 69.7 69.7 0.736 2 0.515 30.3 100.00 0.583

B. Wilk's Lambda Function Wilk's Lambda Chi-square df Sig. 1 0.302 186. 108 8 0.000 2 0.660 64.561 3 0.000

C. StandardizedCanonical DiscriminantFunction Coefficients, Structure Ma� and Functions at Group Centroids Canonical Structure Functionsat Group Centroids Function Matrix 1 2 1 2 Object 1 2 AP 0.824 0.406 0.817 0.415 1.00 -0.741 0.517 IN -0.166 0.299 0.526 -0.634 2.00 2.434 0.538 MO 0.578 -0.779 0. 160 0.509 3.00 0.015 -0.968 HI 0.114 0.546 0.032 0.199

D. ClassificationResults Predicted Group Membership Food Ball FoodTube Social Object Introduced (N) % (N) o/o (N) o/o Total (N) FoodBall 80 100.0 0 0 0 0 80 FoodTube 5 20.8 19 79.2 0 0 24 Social 17 30.4 0 0 39 69 56 .6

46 Table 14. Summaryof Canonical DiscriminantFunctions forOccurrence of Interaction Stateand Event Behaviors (AP, INob, MO, HI, FS, BI, SHs, SHf, HW).

A Eigenvalues Function Eigenvalue % of Variance Cumulative % CanonicalCorrelation 1 2.682 65.4 65.4 0.853 2 1.417 34.6 100.0 0.766

B. Wilk' s Lambda Function Wilk's Lambda Chi-square df Sig. 1 0.112 334.450 18 0.000 2 0.414 135.006 8 0.000

C. Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients, Structure Matrix, and Functions atGroup Centroids Canonical Structure Functionsat Group Function Matrix Centroids 1 2 1 2 Object 1 2 AP -0.041 0.225 0.736 0.259 1.00 -0.303 -1.158 IN 0.437 0.470 0.477 0.023 2.00 3.746 0.683 MO 0.330 0.296 0.449 0.022 3.00 -1.173 1.362 1-Il 0.051 -0.061 0.319 -0.290 FS -0.403 0.822 0.305 0.201 BI 0.660 0.167 0.230 0.072 SHs -0.209 -0.501 0. 126 0.037 SHf 0.385 0.097 -0.296 0.697 HW -0.070 -0.612 0.162 -0.259

D. ClassificationResults PredictedGrout! Membership Food Ball Food Tube Social ObjectIntroduced (N) % (N) % (N) % Total (N) FoodBall 80 100.0 0 0 0 0 80 FoodTube 6 25.0 18 75.0 0 0 24 Social 18 32.1 0 0 38 67.9 56

47 Comparison of Hab ituation of State and EventBehaviors Between Trials

Food Ball There was ·a significant diffe rence in both duration and occurrence of the behaviorspat terns occurringduring the food ball trials (p=0.000, Table15, 16,and 17). Duringthe firstfood ball trials nearly all of the behaviors were elicited(Figure 12). By the secondand followingtrials, the predatorybeh aviors (mainlybite) dropped out and the monitors seemedto exhibit more exploratory(APob) behaviors and continuedto exhibit more of the playlike behaviors(snout nudge and forescrape) than predatory(bite) (Figure12 and 13). The monitors seemed to learnthat the preywithin the ball could not be attained or ingestedand adjustedtheir responsesaccordingly. The monitors continued tointeract with the foodball, even though they learned they could not retrieve prey. This patternis consistent with the many studies and discussions concerning predatory · behavior and play. The main studies concerning the relationship betweenthese two categories of behavior have been on domestic cats, Fe /is silvestris. One studyshowed, through a series of physiologicaland behavioral experiments, that felinepredatory behavior seems to beon a continuum from avoidance (the larger the prey)through play to killing(Pellis 1988). More recentlythe motivation, specificallyhunger, for increasedpredatory behavior was linkedwith an increase in play behavior with a prey-like object (Hall 1998). If the monitoris physiologically capable of play, as discussed in SectionII, then it is possiblethat these animals can also exhibit predatoryplay behavioras is suggestedby the Black-throated monitor behavior patterns.

Fo od Tube By the third trial, the interaction with the foodtube increased in both duration and occurrence (Figure 14). During the firstfood tube trials predatorybeha viors were elicited. The main changesover the three trials were in fore scrape and head insertbehaviors (Figure 13). These behaviors most likely increased due to an increasein proficiencyby the monitors of bothattaining and ingesting prey as discussedbelow. The fore scraping behaviorwas utilizedto openthe hinged doors, then the monitors would inserttheir headinto the tubein orderto attainand ingest the preyinside thetube.

Soci al By the fourthsocial trial, the interaction with the conspecificand container increased in both duration and occurrence. The main behaviors that showeda trend in change over the three trials was the approach object, AP, behavior (Figure 15 and 16). The monitors had low duration and occurrences of approach in the first three trials. However,by the fourth trial, the monitors increasedboth the time spent and frequency of approachingthe conspecific. This behavior and trend seemto represent the avoidance mentionedearlier and may bea byproduct of the large size of this object. Due to the sizeof the introduced enclosure, the monitors didnot have much room to move around their home enclosure and thereforecould

48 Table 15. Ordered Repeated Measures Multivariate Tests forOccurrence of Behaviors Among Food Ball Trials. (FS)Fore scrape, (Bl) Bite, (MG)Mouth grab, (SN)Snout Nudge, (HI) Head Insert, (AP)Approach Object,( IN)Interact, (MO)Move Object. Effect Wilk's Lambda F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Trial* 0.010 4.095 195.00 1332.081 0.000

Table 16. UnivariateTests (Between-Subjects) forOccurrence of Event Behaviors Involving the Object AmonsTrials. Abbreviations asin Table 15. Source Dependent Type Ill Df Mean F Sig Variable Sum of Square Sguares Object Intro• FS* 75445.674 2 5029.712 4.283 0.000 BI* 13561.028 2 904.069 8.595 0.000 MG* 1561.951 2 104.130 5.129 0.000 HW* 56070.780 2 3738.052 5.476 0.000 SN* 11120.504 2 741.367 3.741 0.000 HI* 593.481 2 39.565 16.557 0.000 AP* 1764.790 2 117.653 5.914 0.000 IN* 3596.735 2 239.782 9.190 0.000 MO* 801.782 2 53.452 5.869 0.000 Error FS* 169090.270 150 1174.238 Bl* 15146.466 150 105.184 MG* 2923.493 150 20.302 HW* 98291.195 150 682.578 SN* 28534.471 150 198.156 HI* 344.119 150 2.390 AP* 2864.585 150 19.893 IN* 3757.165 150 26.091 MO* 1311.412 150 9.107

Table 17. Ordered Repeated Measures Multivariate Tests forDuration of Behaviors Among Food Ball Trials. (HI)Head Insert, (AP)Approach Object, (IN)Interact, (MO)Move Object. Effect Wilk's Lambda F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Trial* 0.092 5.592 80.00 538.924 0.000

49 15 •FBI � + lilFB2 12 9 I 6 ! 3 0 RE LO INob AP MO SE Behavior Pattern

100 '•FBI IBFB2 80 DFB3 =FB5 · 60 l5J FBIO 40

20 I * 0 RE LO IN AP MO Ill SE Behavior Pattern

100 •FBI i.mFB2 80 � * DFB3 60 =FB5 * �FBIO 40 I 20 0 SN FS BI SH Behavior Pattern

Figure 12. Mean Duration (Minutes) of State (Top) and Occurrence of State (Middle) and Event (Bottom) Behavior Patternsof the 8 Black-throated Monitors Involving the Object in 15-Min Introductions of the 1st Food Ball, 2nd Food Ball, 3rd Food Ball, 5th Food Ball, and 10th Food Ball Trials. Abbreviations of Behavior Patternsas in Figure 5. Significant differences (p<0.05) indicated by *.

50 15 f}] ■Ffl + GJFT2 12 = DFT3 t 9 .sa= 6

� 3

0 RE LO INob AP MO SE BehaviorPattern

20 ■FTI

i:.i.:i miFT2 Cl'.l + 15 DFD = 10

::E 5

0 RE LO AP MO m SE BehaviorPattern

Figure 13. Mean Duration (Top) and Occurrence(Bottom) of State Behavior Patterns st nd of the 8 Black-throatedn1 Monitors in the 15-Min Introductions of the 1 FoodTube, 2 Food Tube, and3 FoodTube Trials. Abbreviationsof Behavior Patterns as in Figure5. No specific significantdiffe rences found.

51 SN BI SH BehaviorPattern

250 •FTI .,., ■FT2 + 200 0 □FT3 c:J i= 150 ::s� C) C) 0 o:s 100 0 � 50

0 IN FS Behavior P attem

Figure 14. MeanOccurrence of lnteraction (IN) Event (fop) and Most Frequent State and Event (Bottom) Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throatedMonitors in the 15-Min Introductions of the 1st Food Tube, 2nd Food Tube, and 3n1 FoodTube Trials. Abbreviations of BehaviorPatterns as in Figure 5. No specificsignificant differencesfound

52 18 ■ Social I + 15 m Social2 □ Social 3 12 = ElSocial 4 = ISSocial 8 ·::2e 8 6 a 3

0 RE LO INob AP MO SE Behavior Pattern

25 ■ Social I ua Social 2 00 20 + Social 3 «> □ 15 e Social 4 � Social 8 10 «> 5

0 RE LO AP MO Ill SE Behavior Pattern

Figure 15. Mean Duration (fop) and Occurrence (Bottom) of State Behavior Patterns of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in the 15-Min Introductions of the l st Social, 2nd Social, 3rd SocmL 4th Social,and 8th SocialTrials. Abbreviations of BehaviorPatterns as in Figure5. No specificsignificant diff erences found.

53 20 �------, ■ Social 1 ElSocial 2 D Social 3

1;1 Social 4 lSISocial 8

0 SN BI SH BehaviorPattern

1 50 ------. ,■ SocialI CJSocial 2 o Social3 � 100 E3 Social4 � Social 8 =0

� 50

0 IN FS BehaviorPattern

Figure 16. MeanOccurrence of Interaction (IN) Event (Top) and Most Frequent State and Event (Bottom) BehaviorPatterns of the 8 Black-throatedMonitors in the 15-Min Introductions of the 1st Social,2 nd Social, 3rd Social, 4th Social, and 8th SocialTrials. Abbreviations of BehaviorPatterns as in Figure 5. No specific significant differences found.

54 not chooseto separatethemselves fromthe stimulus as easily as theycould with the food ball and food tube. It may have takenlonger for the monitors to get used to this object.

Rates of Tongue FlickingAcross, Between, and Wit hin Trials

Across Trials Overalltongue flick co unts were also compared. The trend seen in the comparisonof the other behaviorswas also evident in the overalltongue flickdata. There were significantdiff erences betweenthe objectsintroduced (p=0.000 Wil k's Lambdaand LSD Table 4, AppedixTable A-4b)and the numberof tongue flickselicited. During the food tube trials, therewere significantly fewer tongue flicks(p=O. 000 LSD Appendix Table A-4b)emitted as comparedto the food ball and socialtrials (Figure 17, Appendix Table A-4b). This was probably related to the increased duration and occurrenceof moving the object (MO) (Figure 11) as comparedto the other trials (Appendix,Table A-4). Duringthis behavior,the monitor was moving the foodtube with its mouth and thereforenot ableto emitany tongue flicks. The social stimuli elicited significantlymore tongue flicks (p=0.000LSD Figure 17, AppendixA-4b) than the food ball.

Between The mean tongue flickoccurrence was also comparedover time. The trend observedin the food ball trials, as seenin Figure 18, was that the monitors seemed to beless active with each successive trial. The food tubetrials, however, did not show a similar trend (Figure 19). There did not seem to bea change in the overall activity with each successive trial. The social trials, unlike the food ball or food tube, showed an increase in activity, i.e. numberof tongue flicks, over time (Figure 20). These comparisons further support the hypothesis that the monitors reacteddiff erently in responseto each of the stimuli introduced.

Wi thin Tri als The tongueflick data was also compared over 2 minute intervalswithin the trials. The two minute intervalswhere not significantly different when all were comparedto each other in an ordered repeated MANOVA However, there was an increase duringthe firstinterval of introduction (at 4 minutes) after which the tongue flickingremained at a constant rate. Finallythis stabilizationwas followedby a decrease of tongue flicks which to nearthe baseline rate (as seen in the firsttwo minute, pre-introduction, and interval) after the objectwas removed. Thoughthe numberof tongue flickswere not significantly different overall across all intervals, a closer look did show a significant difference among objectsin some of the intervalsduring the introduction.

55 700 a a ■Food Ball · T 600 mFood Tube D Social 500 b

1 't 400

8 300

� 200


0 ·---·-·------�-..1

Figure 17. MeanOccurrence of Tongue Flicksof the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min Introductions of the Food Ball (N=IO),Food Tube (N=3), and Social (N=7) Stimuli. Significantdiffe rences (p<0.05)indicated by letters.

1000 900 ■ FBI 800 mFB2 DFB3 + 700 (1) b EIFB5 600 t= RIFBlO ', 500 b 400 300 200 100 0 Figure18. MeanOccurrence of Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min Introductions of the 1st FoodBall, 2nd FoodBall, 3n1 FoodBall, 5th FoodBall, and 10th FoodBall Trials. Significantdiffe rences (p<0.05) indicatedby letters.

56 1000 900 ■ Ffl 11Ff2 � 800 Cl) □ Ff3 + 700 Q) 0 600

0 500 400 � Q) ::E 300 200 100 0 Figure 19. Mean Occurrence of TongueFlicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min Introductions of the 1st FoodTube, 2nd FoodTube, and 3rd Food Tube Trials. No specific significant diffe rences found

1000 ■ Social 1 900 m Social 2 Social3 � 800 □ EllSocial 4 + 700 Q) II Social 8 0 600 � 0 0 500

ij 400 Q) ::E 300 200 100 0 Figure20. MeanOccurrence of Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors in all 15-Min Introductions of the 1st Social,2 nd Social, 3rd Social,4 th Social, and 8th SocialTrials . No specificsignificant diffe rences found.

57 However, when comparing the intervals one byone, several were foundto besignificantly differentamong the differentobjects introduced (Figure 20, Table 18). The significant differences occurred in the first half of the trials. Most of the differenceswere seenin the comparison of the foodball and social trials (p<0.011 LSD, Appendix Table A-7). During the beginningof the introductions, at four minute, sixminute, and eightminute intervals, there were significant differences. During the fourminute interval, the foodball had significantly more tongue flicks. While duringthe six minute interval, the social trial had significantly more tongue flicksas compared to the foodball trials. Finally, in the eight minute interval, the foodball trials had significantly more tongue flicks ascompared to the socialtrials. The food tube trials were significantly different later in the introductions (p<0.039 LSD, Appendix Table A-7). In the fourteen, twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four, and twenty-six minute intervals thefood tube trials had significantlyless tongue flicks as compared to the social(fourteen minute interval) and foodball (twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four, and twenty-six minute intervals) trials. Just as there was not much difference seen among the socialtrials among the behaviors elicited, a similar trendand averageoccurrence of tongue flicksoccurred (Figure 20). Thislack of change over time could, again, bedue to the verynature of the socialtrials. Thoughthe shape of the objectwas similar each time, a new individual was presentedin each trial. Thus thesetrials mightnot beexpected to show much, if any,habituation. The slightspikes after the removal of the objectis again dueto the nature of thesetrials. Asmentioned earlier, the socialtrials had more instancesof tail swipes,or defensive/aggressive action, than anyof the other trials. This postureand subsequent behaviorwas directed toward both the individual introducedas well as the keeper's hand at the instant of removal. This seemsto suggest that thesetrials were stressfulfor the animals and therefore after or directlybefore an aggressive/defensive display they may have increasedthe number of tongue flicks elicited.

Food Ball The tongue flickdata within the trials was alsocompared over successive trials for eachstimulus (Figure 21 ). In the foodball trials, there did seem to betrend to decreasetongue flicking afterthe firsttrial in the 6 minute throughthe 18 minute intervals when comparing the first, second and third foodball trials (Figure22). Overall, the monitors' behaviors and overall activitylevel did seem to change overtime when comparing the first, secondand third trials.

Fo od Tu be The numberof tongue flicksin two-minuteintervals over the entire trial was also compared among the foodtube trials (Figure 23). There did seemto bea trend when comparingall of the 2 minute intervalsamong the thirdfood tube and the first and secondtrials. There was a trend of drasticdecrease in general activity level, i.e. numberof tongue flicks,by the secondfood tube trial. Overall, the monitors'

58 Table 18. Univariate Tests (Between-Subjects) of Occurrence of TongueFlicks Duringthe Obj ect Introductions OverTwo MinuteInterv als. Dependent Type m Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig Source Variable ObjectIntro 4 minute• 7061.375 2 3530.687 3.560 0.031 6 minute 222.720 2 111.360 0.042 0.958 8 minute* 23690.008 2 11845.004 4.705 0.010 10 minute* 67033.191 2 33516.596 11.185 0.000 12 minute* 35870.727 2 17935.363 6.562 0.002 14 minute 6845.341 2 3422.670 1.692 0.188 16 minute 12518.544 2 6259.272 2.883 0.059 18 minute 9536.787 2 4768.394 2.450 0.090 20 minute 5321.283 2 2660.641 1.814 0.167

70 ■ Food Ball 60 ···A.··- Food Tube �+ (I) �Social .... &! 40 (I) (.) I. 30 ! ! (.) ·1.. -I- . -I 20 ·- 1 ' (I) � 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Tim:(Minutes)

Figure 21. Mean Occurrence (Per Minute) of Tongue Flicks of each of the 8 Black­ throatedMonitors within 2-Min Intervals in the Baseline (0-5 Min, First Arrow), Obj ect Present (5-20 Min), and Post Trial (20-30 Min, Second Arrow) Periods in FoodBall (N=l0), FoodTube (N=3), and Social (N=7) Trials.

59 70 _._ 1st Food Ball 60 --- 2nd Food Ball 'Es i:::: --0- 3rd Food Ball 50 � � 40

30 a 20 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Time(Minu tes)

Figure 22. Mean Occurrence (Per Minute) ofTongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors within 2-Min Intervals in the Baseline (0-5 Min, First Arrow), Object Present (5-20 st nd Min), and Post Trial (20-30 Min, Second Arrow) Periods in the 1 Food Ball, 2 Food Ball, and rd 3 Food Ball Trials.

70 -+- 1st Food Tube 60 -+- 2nd Food Tube 'Es -<>- 3rd Food Tube i:::: 50 � 40

30 a 20 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Time(Minutes)

Figure 23. Mean Occurrence (Per Minute) of Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated Monitors within 2-Min Intervals inthe Baseline (0-5 Min, First Arrow), Object Present (5-20 st nd Min), and Post Trial (20-30 Min, Second Arrow) Periods in the 1 Food Tube, 2 Food Tube, and rd 3 Food Tube Trials.

60 behaviorsand overall activitylevel did seemto change overtime when comparingthe first,second, and third food tubetrials.

Social There didnot seemto bean overall trendwhen comparingall of the 2 minute intervals among the first, second, and third social trials (Figure 24 ). However bythe third social trial, the overall activity decreaseddrastically in the six and eight minute intervals comparedto the firstand secondtrials. The third social trial had increasedactivity levels in the sixteen, eighteen, twenty, twenty-second, and twenty-four minute intervals, comparedto the second trial. Overall, the monitors' behaviors and overall activitylevel didnot consist ently and drasticallychange overtime when comparingthe first, second, and third social trials.

Leaming in Food Tube Trials

Hypothesis Six: TheBlack-t hroated monitors would attain and capture the prey in the fo od tube more quickly over time.

It was hypothesizedthat behavior in the food balltrials would change more over time as compared to the food tube trials. In thefood ball trials, there is evident habituation, or decrease in activity, bythe thirdtrial, as comparedto the firsttrial (Figure 22). This seemsto suggestthat these animals didlearn that the prey could not beobtained during the first trial. With this experience, therewas just not as much interest and therefore less activity seenin the second and third trials. Although the frequency(but not the duration ) of interaction (IN)increased over the threefood tube trials, the ability of the monitors to both attain entry to the tube and also capture the prey within the food tubewere also evaluated. As_the trials progressed, the monitors became more proficientat gettingthe hinged doors of the food tube open and pulling out and consuming the prey inside. This means, over time (bythe third trial), that there was less time spent locomotingand searching forthe object (Figure 13). In these trials, the main form of measuring habituationand learningwas through latencyto head insertioninto the tubeand to capture the prey. The differences of both of these measures combined among the three food tube trials, was not foundto be significant in an ordered repeatedmeasures MANOV A However when comparedseparately, there were significant differencesfound in each of thesemeasures among the food tubetrials (p<0.035LSD, Table 19 and 20). To furtherinvestigate the monitors' reaction to the food tube, the latency to the firsthead insert (HI) was examined. Overall, the head insertion occurredquicker in the secondand third trials as comparedto the firstfoo d tube trials and this difference was significant in the univariate tests (p=0.027 LSD, Table 21, Figure 25). This result suggests that bythe second trial, the monitors had learnedto open the hinged doors quicker.

61 70 --- 1st Social 60 4) -o- 2nd Social -o- 3rd Social 50 ""' � 4) 40

30 8 20 � 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Time(Minut es)

Figure 24. Mean Occurrence(Per Minute) of Tongue Flicks of the 8 Black-throated

Monitors within 2-Min Intervals in the Baseline (0-5 Min, First Arrow), Object Present r� 5-20 Min), and Post Trial (20-30 Min, Second Arrow)Periods in I st Social, 2nd Social, and 3 Social Trials.

Table 19. Univariate Tests (Between-Subj ects) of Latency to Head Insert and Capturein Food Tube Trials. Source Dependent Type IDSum of Df Mean F Sig. Variable Squares Square CorrectedModel HI* 299100.228 2 149550. 114 4.316 0.035 CP* 81.543 2 40.772 3.941 0.027 Intercept HI* 3602463.615 1 3602463.615 103.969 0.000 CP* 636.254 1 636.254 61.494 0.000 FfTrial HI* 299100.228 2 40.772 3.941 0.035 CP* 81.543 2 149550.114 4.316 0.027 Error HI 727636.608 21 34649.362 CP 217.279 21 10.347

Table 20. PairwiseComparison of Latency to Head Insert and Capture in Food Tube Trials. Onlysi gnificant results reported. Dependent Var (I) FfTrial (J)Ff Trial Mean Difference(1- J) Std. Error Sig HI* Ff 1* Ff2* 225.009 93.072 0.025 FT3* 247.076 93.072 0.015 CP* FT 1* FT2* 3.737 1.608 0.030 FT3* 4.063 1.608 0.020

62 Table 21. Latency (in Minutes) to First Head Insertion into Food Tube in Black-throatedMonitor Trials. Individual 1st Food Tube 2nd Food Tube 3rd Food Tube Average for Individual F611 2.42 3.73 1.99 2.71 612 2.36 1.81 1.48 1.88 M6 13 6.44 1.92 2.43 3.60 M614 4.92 2. 11 1.69 2.91 M615 2.09 1.62 1.69 1.80 618 3.27 2.49 1.71 2.49 621 3.68 1.95 3.47 3.03 F622 2.39 1.96 2.14 2. 16 Averaee Per Trial 3.45 2.20 2.07 2.57 Standard Error 0.52 0.09. 0.23 0.22

10 �·-•----·--1 ■ 1st Ff +I 02nd Ff en 8 Ill3rd Ff

t:: 6

4 .B b b

2 I 11 I I I I I I 0 I I 1 . I

st Figure 25. Mean Laten

63 It was foundthat there was a similar trend, though more dramatic, in the preycapture as compared to the head insertion. As seenin Figure 26, the firstfood tube trial had the longest mean latency to capture and this diffe rence was significant when comparing the second and third trials (p<0.030 LSD, Table 22, Figure 26). The secondand third were much shorter then the first, though there was not much difference betweenthe last two trials (Table22). However,this drastic decreasein the time it tookany one individual to capture the prey in the object doesdemonstrate that these animals became better at attaining the prey. Comparingthese two measures, the trend seems to be thatthe monitors were able to learnto bothopen and inserttheir headinto the foodtube and becomemore proficientat catching and consuming the preyinside. Duringthe firstfew trials, it was observedthat the monitorswere actuallyless active then they were in response to the foodball (all ten of which were conducted before the three foodtube trials). This was probablydue to the large size of the foodtube compared to the food ball. The interaction, once the fear of noveltydecreased, was similar to the foodball, consistingof forescrape (FS) and bite (Bl). However, with each successive trial, the monitorsbecame more proficient at attainingand consuming the prey(Table 20 and 22). By the second trial, the monitors becamemuch more proficient at FS and BI at the hinged doorsto open the object, attain, and capture prey, CP (Figure 24). In the third set of trials, the individuals IG within the firstfive minutes and then began grabbing the foodtube bythe opendoors and moving it around the enclosure, if they interacted with the tubeat all.

Individual Differences In order to identifyany individuals that may beoutliers as well as document individual variability, individual diffe rences were evaluated. They were expectedto beminimal as all eight individualswere fromthe same clutch and were raisedin an identical manner. There were no significant differences among the individualswhen comparingall of the durationsand frequencies of the general behaviors. Only in the univariate(between-sub ject effects) analysis did locomotion show a significant difference (p=0.002 Wilk's Lambda LSD, Table 23) in the occurrence of some of the specific locomotionbehaviors. The data weregraphed and the individuals were groupedby those of knownand unknownsex. This was toinv estigate whether any gender differencescould beobserved. There does not seemto be any genderdiffe rences in the foodball trial interactions. There were similar results foundin the foodtube and social trials. There were a fewspecific behavior differences though, mainly in individuals 614 (Male), 615 (Male), and 622 (Female). However, these differences could be due to chance. When the general behaviors were broken down into the specificbehaviors for interaction with the objectand general locomotion, there was a significant difference overall among the individuals in bothoccurrence and duration of these behaviors. The individual reactions were alsocompared among the specificlocomotion behaviors. The locomotion differences, however, did not have a general trend and involved more than the

64 w 15 u, +I ■ 1st FT en □ 2nd Ff 12 s:::s a C ID3rd Ff � >- a f b Cl)

cu 6 0 I >- b I C Cl) 3 I , cu C I I cu Cl) I I 0 I'I 1st Prey 3rd Prey

st rd st Figure 26. Mean Laten;r.per Individual per Trial to Capture 1 and 3 Prey in the I Food Tube, 2nd Food Tube, and 3 Food Tube Black-throatedMonitor Trials. Significant differences (p<0.05) indicated by letters.

Table 22. AverageTime (in Minutes) to 1 st Capture of Each Prey During Food Tube Black-throated Monitor Trials. 3rd 1st FT 2nd FT FT 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Average for Individual Prey Prey Prey Prey Prey Prey Prey Prey Prey Individual F611 12.68 16.19 17.45 10.43 11.83 13.44 3.87 4.61 5.17 28.63 612.00 5.08 5.94 6.27 4.35 5.09 5.21 3.28 3.43 6.15 l l.74 M613 12.76 15.47 18.16 4.75 10.55 10.82 6.15 6.96 10.06 26.22 M614 13.36 13.59 14.07 5.39 6.37 11.96 3.87 4.00 8.32 22.87 M615 5.23 6.19 6.89 3.87 4.37 5.22 3.50 3.90 4.37 11.76 618.00 11.67 11.93 12.37 3.85 6.30 7.85 3.86 14.74 16.34 19.28 621.00 10.75 11.10 11.39 4.57 4.7 1 6.05 9.1 1 9.61 10.59 19.22 F622 6.18 6.49 6.77 4.86 5.69 10.77 5.11 5.31 8.16 15.29 Average Per Trial 9.71 10.86 11.67 5.26 6.87 8.91 4.84 6.57 8.65 19.38 Standard Error 1.20 1.28 1.47 0.20 0.69 0.95 0.68 1.34 1.26 1.80

65 Table 23. Multivariate Tests of Event Locomotion Behaviors Among Individuals. Effect Wilk's Lambda F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Intercept 0.290 34.535 10.0 141.000 0.000 Individual* 0.597 l.815 42.0 655.42 0.002

Table 24. Univariate Tests (Between-Subj ects) forEvent Locomotion Behaviors Among Individuals. Abbreviations as in Table 8. Source Dependent Type Ill Sum of df Mean Square F Sig Variable Squares Individual* WA* 1070.875 7 152.982 2.655 0.013 WU* 59.175 7 8.454 2.155 0.041 EH* 271.744 7 38.821 2.394 0.024 EV* 164.494 7 23.499 2.823 0.009 TS* 14.294 7 2.042 2.563 0.016

threeindividuals mentioned above. There was no specific significance among individuals and the occurrence of any one of the specific locomotionbehaviors. However, there was overall significantdiff erence among walk, walk up, tail swipe, escape horizontally, and escape vertically {p<0.041 LSD, Table 24, Figure 27). Similartrends were seen as in the grouped behavior analysis forthe interaction with the object. However, the specificanalysis of the locomotionbehaviors showed more intricate relationships and differences among the individuals and the behaviors that the trialselicited. M614 seemed to be more active in the general sense, more reactive to the social introductions, and less likely to approach the object.than some of the other individuals. However, male 614 did spend more time interacting than most of the other monitors. M615 was much less active in both general and towards the object than many of the othe� individuals. F622 showed more time spent active ·(as seen by tongue flicks, licks) than most individuals. Overall, the individuals varied, though they did not vary enough to be significant All of the analyses were calculated per individual in order to further compensatefor individual differences. This was so that no one individual would skew the data and give a false pictureof the overall monitor reaction to a particularsituation.

66 30 ■M613 25 mM614 µ,1 00 EIM615 + 20 0 15 0

� 10 � 5

0 RE w !Nob BehaviorPattern

30 ■612 25 m618 61621 20 Q 15 Q

C: 10


0 RE LO INob BehaviorPattern

Figure27. Mean Occurrenceof Behaviors ObservedPer Trial in Food Ball (N= lO) Black-throated Monitor Trials For each Individual of Known Sex (A) and of Unknown Sex (B). Similartrends were seen in bothFood Tube and Socialtrials.

67 SECTION V: CONCLUSIONS This studyexplored the responsesof 8 Black-throated monitors to three types of obj ect enrichment in a zoo setting. All animals were housedand tested in an identical fashion. It was expected that the Black-throated monitors would elicit different behavior patterns in response to two different objects containing prey as well as a socialstimulus. The foodball was a plasticball containing live mice that the monitors couldsee and smell, but not attain. The food tubewas a plastictube with hinged doors containinglive micethat the monitors could see, smell, capture, and ingest. Finally, in the social stimulus the monitorscould not have physical contact with, but could seeand smell, a conspecific. It was also expectedthat exploratory and playbehavior would beobserved and quantified. Thesedata established that exploratory, predatory, and socialbehaviors occurredin the presence of the introduced stimuli. Play behavior was moredifficult to discerndue to the presenceof prey in both obj ect treatments. Overallthe null hypothesisthat there would beno difference in the monitors' responsesto eachstimulus, was rejected. Specifically, these analyses suggestedthat the food ball, though the sameprey was presentedin the food tube, eliciteddiff erent responsesfrom the lizards than did the food tube. The lizards spentthe most time interacting with the food ball. The monitors exhibitedmore exploratorybehavior, represented bythe duration of approach_ objectbehavior and occurrence of locomotion, than with the other obj ects. (Figures 10 and 11). The monitors also continued to interact withthe food ball, eventhough they learned they could not retrieve the prey. This pattern is consistentwith the many studies and discussions concerningpredatory behavior and play (Pellis 1998). However, comparedto the food tube trials, the monitors seemedto beoverall more active (Figure 19) as seenby tongue flicks and exploratorybehaviors in the foodball tria ls. The Black-throatedmonitors discriminatedbetween the food tube, where the prey could beeaten, and the food ball, where the prey was inaccessible. The food tube elicited the most occurrences of snout nudge, fore scrape, bite, and shake. While the food ball seemedto elicit more exploratory and play-like behaviors and increasedbouts of interactionwith the object, the food tube elicitedmostly predatory behaviors and increasedtime spentthough feweroverall bouts of interaction with the obj ect (Figure 10 and 11). Althoughthere were fewbehaviors performed exclusively in either the food ballor food tube trials, the frequency and occurrencevaried. Thesediff erencescould have beendue to variation in size, type,and ease in manipulation. For example, the head insert obj ect could only occur in the food tube trialsand the monitors were more apt to forescrape in the food tube trials to openthe hinged doors. The social trials were very similar to the food ball in the time spent and numberof times the various behaviors were elicited. However, there were a few behaviorsthat only occurredin the social trials. The conspecific introductions elicited seesawand head wipebehaviors not seen in the other treatments. These behaviorsare social behaviors and were directed at the conspecific.

68 The different behaviorselicited were alsocompared in a discriminateanalysis and were foundto predictthe typeof stimuluspresented (Tables 13 and 14). The monitors not only differed in the behaviors elicited among the obj ecttrials, but also differed in the amount of habituation both among and within the different trials. The food ball trials seemedto show a definite habituation trend, more so than the food tubeand social. Throughtime, with each trial, the food ball elicited an increase in the number of locomotion, interaction, and approach object behaviors (Figure 12 and 13) from the lizards. There was a general increase in the overallobj ectinteraction in the food tubetrials than in the other typesof trials. The mean tongueflicks over time also showeda decrease in general activityby the second food ball trials. Throughouttime, over the threetrials, the food tubeelici tedincreased time spentinteracting and increased occurrences of headinsert and all behaviors involvingthe obj ect(Figure 14). Unlike the food ball and food tubeintrodu ctions, the social stimuli, over the eight trials, elicited similar behaviors and the monitors actuallyincreased their interaction with the conspecific over time. The monitorsalso showed a learningability in the food tubetrials. The head insertionand mean time to capture the preywere comparedand bothbehaviors were performed morequickly with each trial. The monitors learnedto solve the problem of attainingthe preythrough the hinged doors of the tube. Finally, it was expectedthat the eight individuals, fromthe sameclutch, would not differ significantly in their responsesto the diffe rent obj ectsand this assumption was supportedthrough statistical analyses. There were some designflaws within the experimental protocol. Thougheach individual received the same numberof trials foreach condition, this studywas not balancedin numberof trials across conditions. The Black-throatedmonitor trials alsolacked control obj ects within the enrichedtrials, i.e., there was nevera trial with only the obj ects, without prey or social stimulus, to furtherexplore the base interest of the monitors' in the objectsthemselve s. Finally, this study also lackeda systematic format for the size or structureof the obj ects, thus increasingthe difficulty in decipheringwhat elements of the study were responsible forthe animals' behaviors. Despite these disadvantages, these experiments resulted in a quantitative intensive analysis of 8 individualsand their responses to various obj ect introductions. Through these observationsan ethogram was created and a comprehensive studyof this varanid' s behaviorwas conducted. This study can beused to design more scientific and comparative studiesconcerning the behavior of squamate reptiles and the possiblebenefits of enrichment, specifically objectintrodu ctions, in these animals. The obj ectresponses seenin captivitycan lead us to reassessbehavior reported in wild monitors as well as to lookfor more affiliativesocial behavior and novel foragingtactics. Most importantly, it has also beensuggested that learningand experiencemay bothbe formative processes in wild populationsand sources of problematic phenotypic plasticity and even tamingin captivepopulations (Trut 1999) that can seriously compromiseconservation and/or reintroductioneff orts. This study demonstratedevidence of learning and habituation which couldpossibly be proce sses that could help or hurt conservation efforts depending on whether the animals are enriched or deprivedin their captive environments. Serious

69 considerationshould begiven to the additionor improvement of enrichment, specificallyobject introductionin order to increasethe activitylevel of captive squamatereptiles, specifically monitor lizards.

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77 Table A-1. Details of Black-throated Monitor 611-614 Prey and Social Stimuli Trials. A. F611 Trial Time Individual Object/Ind Object Date Number Started in Trial Introduced Number 2/7/2001 7 2:0l-4pm F6 11 FoodBall FB 1 2/26/2001 13 AM(S-1 1 :59) F611 612 Social 1 3/5/2001 20 12-2pm F6 11 Food Ball FB 2 3/12/2001 35 AM(S-1 1 :59) F611 Food Ball FB 3 3/14/2001 45 12-2pm F6 11 618 Social 3 3/21/2001 52 12-2pm F611 Food Ball FB 4 3/28/2001 60 12-2pm F6 11 Food Ball FB 5 4/2/2001 68 l2-2pm F61 1 FoodBall FB 6 4/S/2001 76 12-2pm F611 614 Social4 4/17/2001 83 2:0l-4pm F611 Food Ball FB 7 4/18/2001 8S AM(S-11 :59) F611 621 Social 5 4/30/2001 98 12-2pm F611 Food Ball FB 8 S/3/2001 10S 12-2pm F611 622 Social6 5/9/2001 111 12-2pm F611 Food Ball FB 9 S/1S/2001 119 12-2pm F611 Food Ball FB IO 5/1 7/2001 126 AM(S-1 1 :59) F6 11 613 Social 7 S/22/2001 136 12-2pm F6 ll Food Tube FT 1 S/30/2001 142 12-2pm F61 l Food Tube FT 2 6/S/2001 150 12-2pm F6 11 Food Tube FT 3 6n12001 157 AM(8-l l :59) F6 11 615 Social 8

B. 612

Trial Time Individual Object/Ind Ob.iect Date Number Started in Trial Introduced Number 2nt2001 6 2:0l-4pm 612 Food Ball FB I 3/S/2001 23 12-2pm 612 Food Ball FB 2 3n12001 30 2:0l-4pm 612 611 Social 2 3/1 2/2001 38 12-2pm 612 Food Ball FB 3 3/14/2001 43 AM(S-1 1 :59) 612 618 Social 3 3/21/2001 51 12-2pm 612 Food Ball FB 4 3/28/2001 59 12-2pm 612 Food Ball FB S 4/2/2001 67 12-2pm 612 Food Ball FB 6 4/5/2001 74 AM(8-l 1 :59) 612 614 Social 4 4/17/2001 82 12-2pm 612 Food Ball FB 7 4/18/2001 87 AM(S-1 1 :59) 612 621 Social5 4/30/2001 97 12-2pm 612 Food Ball FB 8 5/3/2001 104 12-2pm 612 622 Social 6 5/9/2001 114 2:01-4pm 612 Food Ball FB 9 5/15/2001 122 12-2pm 612 Food Ball FB 10 5/17/2001 12S AM(S-1 1 :59) 612 613 Social7 5/22/2001 13S 12-2pm 612 Food Tube FT l 5/30/2001 14S 12-2pm 612 Food Tube -FT 2 6/5/2001 153 2:0l -4pm 612 Food Tube FT 3 6nt2001 160 12-2pm 612 615 Social 8

78 Table A-1. Continued.

C. M613 Trial Time Individual Object/Ind Ob.iect Date Number Started inTrial Introduced Number 2n12001 3 12-2pm M6 13 FoodBall FB 1 2/26/2001 10 AM(8-l l:59) M613 612 Social 1

3/5/2001 16 AM(8-11:59) M613 Food Ball FB 2 3n12001 24 AM(8-l 1 :59) M6 13 611 Social 2 3/12/2001 31 AM(8-1 1:59) M6 13 FoodBall FB 3

3/14/2001 41 AM(8-11 :59) M613 618 Social3 3/21/2001 49 AM(8-l l :59) M6 13 FoodBall FB 4 3/28/2001 56 AM{8-11 :59) M613 FoodBall FB 5 4/2/2001 65 AM(8-11:59) M6 13 FoodBall FB 6 4/5/2001 72 AM(S-1 1:59) M6 13 614 Social 4 4/17/2001 79 AM(8-l 1 :59) M6 13 Food Ball FB 7 4/18/2001 88 AM(8-ll :59) M6 13 621 Social 5 4/30/2001 95 AM(S-11:59) M6 13 Food Ball FB 8 5/3/2001 101 AM(8-l 1 :59) M6 13 622 Social6 5/9/2001 108 AM(8-ll:59) M6 13 Food Ball FB 9 5/15/2001 116 AM(S-1 1:59) M613 FoodBall FB 10 5/22/2001 132 AM(S-11:59) M613 FoodTube FT I 5/30/2001 139 AM(8-1 1 :59) M6 13 FoodTube Ff2 6/5/2001 146 AM(8-1 1 :59) M613 Food Tube Ff3 Vl/2001 154 AM(8-ll:59) M6 13 615 Social8

D. M614 Trial Time Individual Object/Ind Object Date Number Started inTrial Introduced Number 2n12001 1 AM(8-11:59) M614 Food Ball FB 1 2/26/2001 12 AM(8-ll:59) M614 612 Social 1 3/5/2001 18 AM<8-ll :59) M6 14 Food Ball FB 2 3nt2001 26 AM(S-11:59) M614 611 Social2 3/12/2001 34 AM(8-11:59) M614 FoodBall FB 3 3/14/2001 39 AM(S- 11:59) M6 14 618 Social 3 3/21/2001 46 AM(8-1 1 :59) M614 FoodBall FB 4 3/28/2001 55 AM(8- 11:59) M614 FoodBall FB 5 4/2/2001 63 AM(8-l l :59) M6 14 . Food Ball FB 6 4/17/2001 77 AM(8-11:59) M614 FoodBall FB 7 4/18/2001 91 2:0l-4pm M614 621 Social5 4/30/2001 93 AM(8-11:59) M614 FoodBall FB 8 5/3/2001 100 AM(8-1 l :59) M614 622 Social 6 5/9/2001 109 AM(8-1 1 :59) M6 14 FoodBall FB 9 5/15/2001 117 AM(8-11:59) M614 FoodBall FB 10 5/17/2001 129 12-2pm M614 613 Social 7 5/22/2001 130 AM(8-1 l :59) M614 FoodTube FT 1 5/30/2001 141 AM(8-1 1 :59) M614 FoodTube FT2 6/5/2001 149 12-2pm M6 14 FoodTube FT3 Vl/2001 156 AM(8-l l :59) M614 615 Social 8

79 Table A-2. Details of Black-throated Monitor 615, 618, 621-22 Prey and Social Stimuli Trials. A. M615 Trial Time Individual Object/Ind Object

Date Number Started in Trial Introduced Number 2n12001 4 12-2pm M615 Food Ball FB 1 2/26/2001 9 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 612 Social 1 3/5/2001 17 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 Food Ball FB 2 3n12001 25 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 611 Social2 3/12/2001 32 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 Food Ball FB 3 3/14/2001 42 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 618 Social3 3/21/2001 48 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 Food Ball FB 4 3/28/2001 57 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 FoodBall FB 5 4/2/2001 64 AM(8-11:59) M615 FoodBall FB 6 4/5/2001 71 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 614 Social4 4/17/2001 80 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 Food Ball FB 7 4/18/2001 89 12-2pm M615 621 Social 5 4/30/2001 94 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 Food Ball FB 8 5/3/2001 102 AM(8-1 1 :59) M615 622 Social6 5/9/2001 107 AM(8-1 l:59) M615 Food Ball FB 9 5/15/2001 115 AM(8-1 l :59) M615 Food Ball FB 10 5/17/2001 123 AM(8-1 l :59) M615 613 Social7 5/22/2001 133 AM(8-l 1 :59) M615 Food Tube Ff l 5/30/2001 138 AM(8-l l:59) M615 Food Tube FT 2 6/5/2001 147 AM(8-l l :59) M615 Food Tube FT 3

B. 618

Trial Time Individual Object/Ind Object Date Number Started in Trial Introduced Number 2n/2001 8 2:01-4pm 618 Food Ball FB 1 2/26/2001 14 AM(8-l l :59) 618 612 Social 1 3/5/2001 21 12-2pm 618 Food Ball FB 2 3n12001 28 12-2pm 618 611 Social2 3/12/2001 36 12-2pm 618 Food Ball FB 3 3/21/2001 53 12-2pm 618 Food Ball FB 4 3/28/2001 61 12-2pm 618 Food Ball FB 5 4/2/2001 69 12-2pm 618 Food Ball FB 6 4/5/2001 75 12-2pm 618 614 Social4 4/17/2001 84 2:0l-4pm 618 Food Ball FB 7 4/18/2001 86 AM(8-1 1 :59) 618 621 Social5 4/30/2001 99 12-2pm 618 Food Ball FB 8 5/3/2001 106 12-2pm 618 622 Social 6 5/9/2001 112 2:01-4pm 618 Food Ball FB 9 5/15/2001 120 12-2pm 618 Food Ball FB 10 5/17/2001 127 AM(8-l l :59) 618 613 Social 7 5/22/2001 137 12-2pm 618 Food Tube FT 1 5/30/2001 143 12-2pm 618 Food Tube FT 2 6/5/2001 151 12-2pm 618 Food Tube FT 3 6/7/2001 158 12-2pm 618 615 Social 8

80 Table A-2. Continued.

C. 621 Trial Time Individual Object/Ind Object Date Number Started in Trial Introduced Number 2/7/2001 5 12-2pm 621 Food Ball FB 1 2/26/2001 15 12-2pm 621 612 Social l 3/5/2001 22 12-2pm 621 Food Ball FB 2 3n12001 29 2:01-4pm 621 611 Social2 3/12/2001 37 12-2pm 621 Food Ball FB J 3/14/2001 44 12-2pm 621 618 Social3 3/2 1/2001 50 12-2pm 621 Food Ball FB 4 3/28/2001 58 AM(8- l 1 :59) 621 FoodBall FB5 4/2/2001 66 12-2pm 621 Food Ball FB 6 4/5/2001 73 AM(8-11:59) 621 614 Social 4 4/17/2001 81 12-2pm 621 Food Ball FB 7 4/30/2001 96 12-2pm 621 FoodBall FB 8 5/3/2001 103 AM(8-1 1 :59) 621 622 Social6 5/9/2001 113 2:01-4pm 621 FoodBall FB 9 5/15/2001 121 12-2pm 621 Food Ball FB l0 5/17/2001 124 AM(S-1 1:59) 621 613 Social 7 5/22/2001 134 12-2pm 621 FoodTube FT 1 5/30/2001 144 12-2pm 621 FoodTube FT2 6/5/2001 152 12-2pm 621 FoodTube FTJ 6n12001 159 12-2pm 621 615 Social 8

D. F622 Trial Time Individual Object/Ind Object Date Number Started inTrial Introduced Number 2n12001 2 12-2pm F622 Food Ball FB l 2/26/2001 11 AM(8-11:59) F622 612 Social 1 3/5/2001 19 AM(8-l l :59) F622 Food Ball FB 2 3n/2001 27 AM(8-1 1:59) F622 611 Social2 3/12/2001 33 AM(8-ll: 59) F622 FoodBall FB J 3/14/2001 40 AM(8-l1 :59) F622 618 Social3 3/21/2001 47 AM(8-l l :59) F622 Food Ball FB 4 3/28/2001 54 AM(8-l l:59) F622 FoodBall FB 5 4/2/2001 62 AM(8-ll:59) F622 Food Ball FB 6 4/5/2001 70 AM(8-11:59) F622 614 Social 4 4/17/2001 78 AM(8-l 1 :59) F622 FoodBall FB 7 4/18/2001 90 12-2pm F622 621 Social5 4/30/2001 92 AM(8-1 1 ;59) F622 FoodBall FB 8 519/2001 110 AM(8-ll:59) F622 Food Ball FB 9 5/15/2001 118 AM(8-1 1:59) F622 FoodBall FB 10 5/17/2001 128 12-2pm F622 613 Social7 5/22/2001 131 AM(8-l 1 :59) F622 Food Tube FT 1 5/30/2001 140 AM(8-ll :59) F622 FoodTube FT 2 6/5/2001 148 12-2pm F622 Food Tube FTJ AM(8-11 :.59) 615 Social 8 6n12001 155 F622

81 Table A-3. Pairwise Comparisons of Durations of lnteractionBehavio rs. (HI) Head Insert, (IN) Interact, (MO) Move object Dependent Object Intro Object Intro Mean Diff Std. Error Sig. Variable (I) (J) (I.J) HI FoodBall Food Tube* -9.636 0.836 0.000 Social -0.004 0.626 0.995 FoodTube• Social* 9.632 0.876 0.000 IN FoodBall* FoodTube* -25.084 3.395 0.000 Social* -20.285 2.541 0.000 FoodTube Social 4.799 3.558 0.179 MO FoodBall* FoodTube* -3.416 1.538 0.028 Social* 4.170 1.151 0.000 FoodTube* Social* 7.587 1.612 0.000

Table A-4. Pairwise Comparisons of Occurrences of InteractionBehavi ors.

A. (FS)Fore scrape, (Bl) Bite, (MG) Mouth grab,(SBs)Shake slow, (SBf) Shakefast, (HW)Headwipe, (SN)Snout nudge, (Bl)HeadInsert, (AP)Approach Obj ect,(IN)Interact Dependent Object Intro Object Intro Mean Diff Std. Error Sig. Variable (I) {J) {!-J) FS FoodBall FoodTube * -55.383 7.898 0.000 Social -8.318 5.913 0.162 FoodTube * Social* 47.065 8.280 0.000 BI* FoodBall* FoodTube* -34.853 5.196 0.000 Social� -10.004 3.890 0.010 FoodTube* Social* 24.849 5.447 0.000 MG FoodBall FoodTube -0.042 0.117 0.721 Social* 0.190 0.087 0.030 Food Tube Social 0.232 0.122 0.059 SHs FoodBall FoodTube 0.043 0.087 0.619 Social* -0.185 0.065 0.005 FoodTube Social* -0.228 0.091 0.012 SHf FoodBal l Food Tube* -1.088 0.085 0.000 Social 0.032 0.064 0.622 FoodTube* Social* 1.119 0.089 0.000 HW FoodBall* FoodTube* 2.450 0.904 0.007 Social* 3.813 0.677 0.000 FoodTube Social 1.363 0.948 0. 151 SN FoodBall FoodTube -0.338 1.018 0.740 Social -0.903 0.762 0.237 FoodTube Social -0.565 1.067 0.596 HI FoodBall FoodTube * -5.292 0.359 0.000 Social -0.018 0.269 0.947 FoodTube* Social* -5.5.274 0.376 0.000 AP FoodBall Food Tube -0.883 1.145 0.442 Social* 3.986 0.857 0.000 FoodTube Social* 4.869 1.200 0.000 IN FoodBall Food Tube -10.237 1.271 0.000 Social 1.852 0.952 0.054 FoodTube * Social* 12.089 1.333 0.000 .

82 Table A-4. Continued.

B. (MO) Move Object, (TF)Ton gue flick Dependent Object Intro Object Intro Mean Diff(I- Std. Error Sig. Variable (I) (J) MO* FoodBall* Food Tube* -2.358 0.715 0.001 Social* 3.136 0.535 0.000 Food Tube* Social* 5.494 0.749 0.000 TF* Food Ball* Food Tube* 233.115 32.138 0.000 Social* 73.161 9.4773 0.000 Food Tube* Social* -159.955 22.654 0.000

Table A-5. Pairwise Comparisons of Durations of Locomotion Behaviors. (WA) Walk, (WU) WalkUp, (EH) EscapeHorizontall l, (E� EscaEe Verticall� Dependent Object Intro Object Intro Mean Diff(I- Std. Error Sig. Variable (I) (J) J) WA Food Ball* Food Tube* 6.348 1.611 0.000 Social* 8.780 1.225 0.000 Food Tube Social 2.431 1.689 0.152 WU Food Ball* Food Tube* -6.12 0.274 0.027 Social* 0.415 0.208 0.048 Food Tube Social -0.196 0.287 0.496 EV Food Ball Food Tube 2.618 1.658 0.117 Social* 4.962 1.260 0.000 Food Tube Social 2.344 1.737 0. 179 EH Food Ball* Food Tube* 2.009 0.600 0.001 Social* 1.584 0.456 0.001 Food Tube Social -0.425 0.628 0.500

Table A-6. Pairwise Comparisonsof Occurrence of Locomotion Behaviors. (WA) Walk, (WU) WalkUp, �!!lEsca Ee Horizontalli,�Y2 Esca Ee Verticalli De(!endentVariable Object Intro (I) Object Intro {J) Mean Diff{I-J) Std. Error Sig. WA Food Ball* Food Tube* 6.429 1.767 0.000 Social* 9.959 1.323 0.000 Food Tube Social 3.530 1.852 0.059 WU Food Ball* Food Tube* 1.254 0.461 0.007 Social* 0.891 0.345 0.011 Food Tube Social -0.363 0.483 0.454 EV Food Ball* Food Tube* 2.02 1 0.672 0.003 Social* 1.652 0.503 0.001 Food Tube Social -0.369 0.704 0.601 EH Food Ball Food Tube 1.733 0.937 0.066 Social* 3.025 0.702 0.000 Food Tube Social 1.292 1.292 0.191 TS Food Ball Food Tube -0.175 0.208 0.401 Social* -0.407 0.156 0.010 Food Tube Social -0.232 0.218 0.288

83 Vita

Jennifer Diane Walton Manrod was bornand raised in Knoxville,Tennessee on April30, 1977.

She went to gradeschool and high schoolat Farragut primary, intermediate, and highschools. · She graduated fromFarragut High School in 1995. Fromthere, she went to VirginiaTech in Blacksburg,

Virginia and receiveda B.S. in Biologyin 1998. She then married Matthew Manrod in March 1999 and continueda career as a veterinaryassistant in Easton,Maryland

Jennifer then moved back to Tennessee and went to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and

earned a M.S. degree in Ecologyand Evolutionary Biology with a minor in Statistics in 2003. She is currentlyworking as a laboratorytechnician and is pursuingher teachingcareer as an adj unct professor at

Pellissippi StateCommunity College