Leonie Huddy Curriculum Vitae Department of Political Science SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-4392 (631) 632-7639
[email protected] Educational Background 1989 University of California, Los Angeles. Ph.D. Social Psychology. "Generational Agreement on Old-Age Policies: Explanations based on realistic interest, symbolic political attitudes, and age identities." 1983 University of California, Los Angeles M.A. Social Psychology 1979 University of New England, Armidale Australia B.Sc. (Honors) Zoology 1977 Monash University, Melbourne Australia B.Sc. Majors: Psychology/Zoology Professional Appointments 2006-present Stony Brook University, Professor, Political Science 1999-2015 Stony Brook University, Director, Center for Survey Research 1995-2006 Stony Brook University, Associate Professor, Political Science 1989-94 Stony Brook University, Assistant Professor, Political Science 1988-89 Stony Brook University, Instructor, Political Science 1986-88 Research Consultant Rand Corporation Awards and Grants 2016 John Sullivan Award for the best paper presented by a graduate student at the 2015 APSA section panels, APSA Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior section. (awarded to Alexa Bankert for a paper co-authored with Huddy and Rosema). 2016 Jeanne Knutson award in recognition of long-standing service to the International Society of Political Psychology 2016 Visiting Fellowship, US Studies Centre, University of Sydney, Australia 2015 ISPP Small Grant, APSA Political Psychology preconference ($3,000) 2014 National Science Foundation ($115,570). RAPID grant: Social Welfare and Empathy: Children at the Border. co-PI Stanley Feldman. 2014 Nevitt Sanford Award for distinguished professional contributions to political psychology, the International Society for Political Psychology 2014 Visiting Fellowship, the Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University (July/August) 2013 Stony Brook University Twin Study - Pilot Project (Vice-President for Research, Stony Brook University), $50,000 (with Stanley Feldman).