Metilber of Audit Bureau of Circulation Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1950— Permission to Reproduce, Excupt oa Time May Be Later Than We Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Come With Us to a Disquieting Denver Meeting DENVER CATHOLIC !!■

By R egister S t a f f W riter ingly expecting a flying atUek at other, poorly dressed “ proles” the philosophy that called for At thia point, ha raached hia any minute nrom a phalanx of with self-hacked haircuts. We elimaz. "Tha people, all over the If you are laboring under certain rather abrupt twists and Notre Dame' lettermen or a goon were ,^aite a heterogeneous turns in Communist lo^c— and world, are raoving,” he aaid, the impresMon that it cannot squad of Falangists sent special group. that it was this reasoning that cocking hia head and liatening. happen here, catch the show delivery by Francisco Franco. Jane Rogers was talking. A for­ American Communists like. There waa a tenaion-filled si­ at the CRC center in Denver Inside, things were getting mer Denver Communist party lence. “ The people . . . all over warm; the place, a scrubby room He denied the presence of Mos­ the world . . . are moving T’ he treasurer and A e of the “ Denver cow influence, only to reverse REGISTERPrice per copy, three cents some night. The entertain­ with dimensions similar to those aaid again, reverently. Every­ Six” recently convicted of- con­ course again by saying that the ment wilUkeep you on the rim of a whistle-stop railway depot, tempt in a decision handed down thing waa very tenae. In fact, was packed. | only reason Communists sestn to not ona of ua moved. VOL. XLV. No. 23. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1950 DENVER, COLORADO of your seat, and the effect on by the U. S. District Court, she follow “ the line” is that they In the audience, which, unfor­ is the wife of Tracy Rogers, and your thinking will be the same tunately enough, was composed of appreciate the superior brand of Say that sentence to vourselves as if someone had planted a vest a more innocent appearing per­ thinking emanating froin Moscow. 10 times before breakfast every large delegations of Negroes and son you have never seen . . . un­ pocket A-bomb in the pit of your Spanish-American people as well He also denied being an old fogey morning,” he admonished. Archdiocesan Collection Feb. 5 less it be Dr. Phillips. But more Following Dr. Phillips, who, for complacency. as a fair share of those boasting professor who had absent-mind­ about him in a minute. some reason, was invited to speak^ * The CRC building, located other ethnic origins, were a few edly signed some card; he said that slif^htly off dead-center in Denver’s familiar faces: Harold Zepelin, of Rather miscast as a rebel, Mrs. he was, ^ d had been for 15 years, before various groups at both the five points area i.s, of course, so many Red affiliations; Tracy Rogers sing-songs her grievances an “ active Communist,” University of Colorado and Den- .ver university during recent visits, the Denver affiliate of the na­ Jtogers, several times a candidate as though she were giving out Following thi.s, everyone, with *k Gold Medal kitchen-tested Mrs. Maia James Scherrer, head of Aid for Two Projects tional Civil Rights Congress, the through the courtesy of Dr. Phil­ for public office on the Qommunist the Civil Rights Congress office in outfit that helped bail out Gerhard ticket; Shirley Wellinger of the recipe. For her part, as she re­ lips, tnjoyed a few moments of Eisler and posted bond for the 11 tailed in a nervous voice, she is deep emotion over the glorious Pueblo, and no mean actress, took National Association of Mexican- the floor. Communists recently convicted in Amfficans; and Charles "Duke” a victim of the justice system that successes in China. The feeling New York—and which was termed McKenna, formerly of the Mine, we have in the . She, pervaded that, somehow, prosper­ A small, youngish, rather attrac­ “ subversive” and “ Communist” by was not very convincing, but the ity— for the Communists— was tive woman, she told, in a tremu next speaker was. lous voice, of the Pueblo chapter’s Asked by Archbishop Justice Tom Clark when he was Attorney^ General. The Congres­ This was Samuel Menin, the fight for minority rights. She sional Committee on Un-American man who defends the local Com­ threw back her head and shoul­ Assistance for two worthy projects in the Archdiocese of Denver is asked Activities pegged it as “dedicated mies whenever an investigation' is ders; her little fists clenched in b> Archbishop L rban J. \ehr. in a letter issued this w’eek. The projects are not to the broader issue of civil undertaken to see whether they anger; she cried just a little— and liberties, but .specifically to the de­ have strayed outside the pale of then, finally, she broke down in the sisters’ house at St. Thomas’ seminary, and the student chapel at Colo­ fense of individual Communists the law. an impassioned plea for more rado university in Boulder. ; and the Communist party” and money for the “ people’s fight.” At Mr. Menin spoke at length of The sisters’ house, completed in December, will provide quar- “controlled by individuals who are the Iqcal contempt trials, took a this point several ushers appeared ters_ for nuns who will take over the culinary department at the either members of the Communist few cracks at retired Judge J. Fos­ from nowhere and took up the col­ Priest Keynoter ^'eminary and for other lay workers at the institution. j party or openly loyg^ to it.” ter Symes; got a round of laughs lection while Mrs. Scherrer put the by calling Government Attorney dun on the audience in approved At Colorado U. The students' chapel at Colorado U. is now under construction. A recent Wednesday night’s, It is planned to complete a basement church, which will seat 350 entertainment at the CRC was Max H. Goldsheim “ Mr. Gold- auctioneer style. “ Look at the color of these persons. Several meeting rooms will also be provided in the struc­ quite superior. In addition to a swine;” and, finally, scored heav­ ture. Catholic student enrollment at the state university has mpre full slate of local talent, the bill ily with the partisan crowd by la­ walls,” she said, “ green! “ That is what we need .... _^than tripled since prewar years, Archbishop Vehr points out, dnd featured a big "bitter and eg|^” beling Justice Tom Clark as the now numbers more than 900. m«n (Get ’em bitter— then eg'g “ arch-enemy of civil rights.” grreen! Dr. Phillips followed the shrewd “ Do I hear 10? A collection to aid both projects will be taken up in all the ’em on!) from the itete of churches of the archdiocese Sunday, Feb. 5. f Washington, namely. Dr. Her­ Mr. Menin, and it was here that “ How about five? The letter of Archbishop Vehr follows: bert J. Phillips, until recently a the program shifted into high gear. "One, maybe? "All right. If you cannot afford philosophy {irofessor at the Uni­ In appearance, Dr. Phillips is a ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER anything larger, give us your 1 versity of Washington and an hayseed; mentally, he most cer­ Chancery Office avowed and admittedly “ very change.” Samuel Menin tainly is not. He looks like the active” Communist party mem­ typical "down East” cracker-bar­ Mr>. Mala Jamei Scherrer Following this, and after a 1^36 Logan Street ber since 1935. . Mill, and Smelter Workers’ union rel sage— he even has a sprig of •hort queition aestion conducted Denver 5, Colorado Things got moving down at 2540 and now head of the local Civil hair blooming in back to match just around the comer. Dr. Phil­ by Dr. Phillipt, everyone went Washington street at about 8 p.m Rights Congress chapter, and host the cowlick out front— but, with­ lips carefully fed this fancy. home, moat having decided that Jan. 22, 1950 with a guard (con,iplete with Bull­ for the evening as well. out a doubt, under that hay hair After this, he pointed with pride thiaga were looking up for the Reverend dear Father and beloved people: dog Drummond trenchcoat, turned- The rest of the crowd was in­ there throbs an ever-thinking to the defeat, in Illinois and Min­ "cauae” — while a couple of ua May I ask your generous help for two projects in the arch­ up collar, cigarette, and slouch hat deed a cross-cut; included, on brain. nesota, of laws res^icting party wondered if it ia not, perhapa, diocese? First, the sisters’ house at St, Thomas' seminary, and secoi^, as though he were on loan from the one hand, were heavy-haired ^ This man is smooth. Like the activities, and he positively glowed aa the legend on the aun dial the new St. Thomas Aquinas' church for the Catholic student^ attend­ the Dick Tracy comic strip) nacing “ intellectuals” with deep glasses other speakers, he knelt briefly at over the wonderful new “ democ­ reada, a little later than we ing our State university in Boulder. j back and forth out in front,lt.l seem- and bizarre get-ups ana, on the Mrs. Rogers’ shrine, she being the racies” in Eastern Europe. think. The first, the sisters' house at St. Thomas’ seminary, is niiw martyr of the evening. Then he ’ finished. With hiodest furnishings and some necessary remodeling placed his hand on her shoulder, in the seminary kitchen it cost 880.000. I,.a8l year’s collection for said that he felt humble because he this purpose amounted to 820,000. This new building will enable the W ithin $210 of Goal had never been jailed for the Services Begin Feb. 5 seminary to house approximately 170 students for the priesthodd. “ cause,” and called her "comrade.” We must soon provide for other expansions. Then followed > not-very- The. second project is a student church at our State university brief review of his own cate (he 'Holy Year' Mission in Boulder. Before the war, the Catholic student enrollment at t|ie Upsurge of Activity wat one of three University of The Very Rev.' Vincent J. Stale university was approximately 300. This has now grown to 9()0 Wathington profesiort diimitted students. For some II) years past, the sisters at St. Gertrude’s ac^ - for political beliefs and activ Flynn (above) will be the emy, Boulder, have graciously allowed the use of their academy ities), after which he told o keynote speaker at the opening con­ chapel to the university students. A university student church becaipe Adds to Burse Fund trying to testify in the Ne:1 Slated at Cathedral vocation of the University of Colo­ imperative. The good Catholic people of Boulder had a drive this past year and also the Catholic students at the university. A generotaa York Communist trial and of rado “ Religion in Life Week,” to A flurry of activity on the burse front brought the speaking on the tame platforms A special Holy Year mission, the theme of which will be non-resident gave $30,000. A representative basement church is nqw be held in Boulder Feb. 5-10. Fa­ Poor Souls’ to witfiin $210 of completion this week. with ralativcs of tha “ Trenton the Holy Father’s plea for a "great return” to Christ, will in process of completion which will accommodate approximately 3S0 Siz” and, later, with the famous ther Flynn, president of the Col­ persons, with several meeting rooms. The new church will cost Eight donations, headed by an anonymous gift of $1,000, "Hollywood Ten.” be held at the Cathedral, Denver, beginning Sunday, Feb. 5, lege of St. Thomas and St. Thomas 870,000, and when completed will have an indebtedness of approxi­ Milftary academy in St. Paul, amounted to $1,158, giving the burse a grand total of After this, by way of explaining it is announced by the Very Rev. Monsignor Walter J. Can- mately 820,000. As you know, most students have very limited fnn^s Minn., will speak at an all-school $5,790. Six thousand dollars is the figure for a completed how he. had remained in the party avan, pastor. The services will last for two weeks, one of necessary for their education. Their own resources cannot carry'* for l'5 years out of sheer apprecia­ convocation Monday morning, Feb. large indebtedness on their student church. The project might haya burse. The interest on thi.s amount which will be for men and the 6, on “ 1 Believe God.” i.s applied to the education of a Besides the $1,000 gift, the fqj- tion of its limitless virtues, he got other for women, A special mis­ sions and retreats; and the Rev. a special appeal to all alumni of onr Stale university who know frota seminarian for the Archdiocese of lowing gifts were received this a good ovation by disavowing w - sion also will be given for the Daniel Connors and the Rev, He is national chaplain of the experience the spirilnal needs af our Catholic students there. Denver. week: Anonymous gifts of $10 and ing bought off with Moscow gold, pupils of the school. Maurice Smith of Buffalo, N. Y. National Federation of Catholic Both of these projects are a general obligation of Catholiies $5 from Denver, $10 from a friend ^ t a better response by wonder­ College Students, and a member of throughout the archdiocese, regardless of parish limitations. 1 petees Parish Burses Grow 60,000 Communions in Denver, $3 from another in­ ing aloud how Communism re­ Not only parlahioBCra of the the advisory board of the National sent them for your generous consideration. They became aecessaj^ Cathedral but all rMidenti of In addition, the Chancery office cognito friend, and $30 from John mains so popular when the party Distributed in Year Student association. Last year owing^to the numerical growth of our area and could not be poft- Denver are invited to the >erv- poned. I will divide your contributions between these two ’nndim- announce.s the receipt of $1,000 to Brekel of Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. does not run any “ Communist pa­ ilore than 60,000 Communions Father Flynn was president of the be applied to the parish burse of P. J. Puhl of Denver gave $60 in rochial schools,” and brought down icei, Non-Catholiet are welcome. As.sociation of American Colleges. takings. Kindly give what you feel able to do for these necessai7 Thia Holy Year mistion ii an were distributed at the Cathedral St Mary’s parish, Colorado memory of Mr. and Mrs. John P. the house by archly asking how In his own state he serves as presi­ works of religion. | opportune time for Catholics in the year 1949, it was also an­ Springs, and $600 for the burse of Puhl, parents of the Rev. Albert the party could do so well without nounced by Monsignor Canavan. dent of the State Council of Minne­ May God bless you and your families. I the Annunciation parish in Lead- Puhl of the Cathedral parish, and holding “ threats of after-death to invite non-Catholica or lax sota Colleges. He delivered the Faithfully yours in Christ. Catholics of their acquaintance Other statistics for the year show ville. $50 in memory of Mr. and Mrs. sanctions” over the heads of its main address at the convention of, « URBAN J. VEHR to accompany them to the that there were 299 Baptisms— Thomas Kramer. adherents. nearly 1,000 presidents and admin­ Archbishop of Denver If the $210 necessary for its services. 196 of infants and 103 of adults. ,compIetion is received before Contributions for tha compla- He moved to answer this ques­ One hundred.., twelve weddings istrators of U. S. collies and uni­ Kindly read this letter at the Masses on Sunday, Jan. 29. The the end of January, it will maan tion of tha Poor Souls' bursa tion by asking another. “ What is Three Oblates of Mary Immacu­ took place, in 62 of which both versities in Cincinnati, 0., earlier, eolleetion is to be taken on Sunday, Feb. 5, and sent to tha Chance^T that the Poor Souls’ burse has may be sent directly to the Most all this talk about following the late will conduct the services. They parties were Catholic. Funerals this month. within two weeks. I been completed in just nine Rev. Urban J, Vahr at tha Chan­ ‘party line’?” he asked, and then are the Rev. John Hynes of Mc­ numbered 67. Cook, Neb., well known ii! this months by voluntary contribu- cery office, 1536 Logan street, went on to explain that, certainly, School statistics show that 11 part of the country for his mis- Holy Father Blesses Work of Local Orphanage 1 tions-to this important work. Denver 5, Colo. they all knew the reasoning behind lay teachers are employed as teachers in the Cathedral grade and high schools. Twenty-five Sis­ ters of Charity are on the faculty. Denver Nuns Return From Observance First Round St. Joseph's Parish Hall Blessed There are 683 pupils enrolled in the high school and 397 in the gprade school. Of Mother Cabrini Rome In Fleming Work has been started on the Father Mac Memorial addition to By Marion W oods Mother General of the order, cele­ 10, 17 sisters took plane for the high school. The excavation is Three major celebrations in brated her golden jubilee of reli­ United States. On the way over completed for the two-story and three short weeks and each of gious profession. Mother Antoin­ they must have compared the School Case basement structure and footings "once in a lifetime" propor­ ette is the immediate successor of speed and comfort of their trans­ have been poured. Total cost of The district court in Ster­ tions! Such was the record of St Frances Xavier Cabrini, portation with the long, seasick the building is expected to be Mother Matilda and Mother founder of the order. voyage of their foundress. The fe- ling has ruled against Logan $120,000. A campaign is in prog­ Angela of the Missionary Sis­ turn journey in foggy weather was ress to help defray the cost. ,, The third major observance was County Treasurer W. F. Alex­ ters of the Sacred Heart from the centenary of the birth of an anxious one and it was wfth ander in the first decision in Queen of Heaven orphanage, Mother Cabrini. Just one hun­ thankful hearts that they reach^ litigation concern ing two Denver, who returned recently dred years after the unheralded New York. | Former Denver Editor's after spending three close- birth of a frail little child her Mother Angela and Mother Mp- nuns hired a.s teachers by a public packed weeks in Rome. school district- spiritual daughters gathered from tilda are now back in the routine Daughter Takes Vows The sisters left New York by every corner of the globe to com­ of their life of prayer and service The court refused to advise plane Dec. 19 with 21 other repre­ memorate the event. The grain of with memories of their crowdW Alexander whether he should pay Elizabeth, N. J.— Joan McCabe sentatives of the order’s American mustard seed had again fulfilled its three weeks to last forever. • the sisters or not, because the of Washington, daughter of the houses. A swift flight in perfect promise. Cardinal Federico Tedes- courts are not constituted to give late Garence J. McCabe, an editor weather, and the next day they chini offered the jubilee Mass in legal advice to public officials. He on the NCWC News Service staff arrived in Rome where 120 of them the presence of a distinguished All Records Are Brokep had, according to the court, filed for more than 20 years, was a assembled in time for the opening throng. In Campaign for Clothing an irregular pleading, and fur­ member of a class that pronounced of the Holy Year. One or two sis­ One sad event occurred on Jan. thermore djd not make the teach­ simple vows as Benedictine nuns ters came from each of the far- 4 when the superior of the sisters’ With final results not yet tabu­ ers a party to his plea. Hence at the Benedictine mother-house flung fields where Mother Ca- Chicago house died in Rome shortly lated all previous records have ^ - the court ruled that the interest here. Her father formerly worked brini’s daughters now labor—from after completing the Holy Year ready been broken in the clothinjg of the teachers could not be in­ on the Rocky Mountain News, Den­ France, Spain, the Argentine, pilgrimages. She had had a heart drive conducted Jan. 15 in the fluenced by any ruling it might ver. Brazil, Central America, and Aus­ condition for some time but her Archdiocese of Denver for the w^r make in their absence. Miss McCabe, before joining the tralia. death occurred suddenly. needy of Europe and the Far East Th^ county treasurer had Benedictines last July, was a They were present at the open­ Three week.s passed with un­ Reports from 56 parishes show 17 sought'a court ruling on whether teacher at SL Anthony’s school in ing of the Holy Door where the believable swiftness and, on Jan. tons of clothing collected. ’ he should honor warrants issued Washington. Prior to that she had age-old ceremonies, the great in payment of salaries to the nuns served with the National Council throngs from every nation under as teachers. District Judge George of Catholic Women and with the heaven, and the devotion and M$gr. Cavanagh to Speak C. Twombly sustained a motion by National Catholic Community fervor of these crowds left an ine­ the board members to dismiss Service in Washington. radicable impression. The sisters Alexander’s motion for a declara­ made their jubilee visits to the Among those present at the four Basilicas and then embarked At Scout Sunday Serviceii tory judgment. ARCHBISHOP URBAN J. VEHR, as-1 Joseph’s Redemptorist parish, DenvertIKJan. 24. The ceremonies was the Rev. Dr. Ed­ Alexander must now within 10 on a series of pilgrimages in Rome The Very Rev. Monsignor John Vehr will award the Catholifc building will be used for all parish and school activi­ gar Schmiedeler, O.S.B., director that few other groups will have days answer a separate suit in sisted by the Rev. Barry Wogan (left) and ties, the first of which will be the second annual B. Cavanagh will be the principal scouting medal, the Ad Altare De^ of the Family Life Bureau, Na­ opportunity to equal. Every after­ viandamui filed against him by the the Very Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Cullen (right), band concert and dance Feb. 4.— {Register photo by tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ cross, to 40 Boy Scouts in the cerer noon busses would arrive to take speaker at the joint Catholic Scout nun-teachers whereby they seek to is shown blessing the new activities building of St. Bill Hofschulte) monies. The annual Scout Sunday ence. the sisters to another holy spot Sunday ceremonies to be held in compel him to honor warrants is­ services climax a year of intensive the Cathedral, Denver, on Sunday, sued in payment of salaries to They went to the catacombs, to the work and achievement on the pari famous shrines and churches. They Feb. 12. Archbishop Urban J. them in October and November, of the scouts who receive the Cathi climbed the Holy Stairs, they vene­ olic scouting award. It is the high! 1949. Their case rests on the plea rated the most priceless relics. that his refusal means deprivation est religious award for Catholic Then came what both sisters re­ Boy' Scouts. to them of a substantial civil 22 DPs to Arrive Within Week gard B« the most memorable of right, namely, the right to teach their many privileges. The Holy Monsignor Cavanagh is the man| a.s qualified, certificated public Father granted a private audience aging director of the Register Sysy school teachers. Alexander hon­ Family of Seven in Group; Total Rises to 154 to the 120 Missionary Sisters of tern of Newspapers, the founded ’ ored such warrants for 10 years, THfi LARGEST NUMBER of dolnik, and the Janis Bemans the Jdelski family and a job for Mersey, Miss Erdoesy-Pojenar, the Sacred Heart, and addressed and present director of a weekly* until last fall, displaced persons to be brought family. Mr. Jdelski. a Hungarian, will reside with them in paternal strain. Then he religious radio program. Ask anj Learn, and is known as a capable A suit brought by W. E. Outcalt to the Denver area in one week’s The group that is scheduled The Denver Catholic Chari­ Dr. and Mrs. Kemp Cooper in spoke to each sister individually, against Alexander, the board of ties office is sponsoring the Denver. Mykola Mycaniuk, his inquiring where she was stationed orator. Monsignor Cavanagh will time will land in the United to arrive in New York Jan. 26 in­ develop in his talk the national education of the school district, cludes two single men, a family Lauf family, which include* Mr. wife, Stephania, and their five- and what her specific work might States this week, according to month-oldl-aon, Peter, a Ukrain- Boy Scout theme for this yearj and the county and state superin­ inforniation released by the of three, and a family of seven. and Mrs. Lauf and a 15-year-old be. tendents of public instruction is daughter. Mr. Lauf will act as ian family, will live in Colorado Mother Angela told him of "Strengthening the Arm of Lib4 Archdiocesan Resettlement of­ The information received by erty." , i now pending on motions by the telegram regarding the latter caretaker of the Charities prop­ Springs in a residence provided Queen of Heaven orphanage in fice. Twenty-two persons, in by Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boyko. school board members. The suit groups that will arrive at New group included only family erty. Denver and the Holy Father Every Catholic Cub Scout and charges the operation of St Peter’s names. Josef Suhadolnik, a Slovenian, sent hit special blessing to tbe Boy Scout in the Denver area ii York city and New Orleans A 42-year-old Croatian named will work for John Mehlin in school near Fleming is illegal be­ ports of entry, have been spon­ sisters and children there. expected to participate in the Bazant and a 4.3-year-old Czech Denver’ and a Latvian family, cause public tax funds are used sored by benevolent individuals named Hradil are the two single Mother Angela then mentioned Scout Sunday services to be held to pay the nuns who teach in the THE JOELSKI FAMILY, in­ Janis Bemans, his wife, Mar- their dependence on their many at 3:30^ on that afternoon. The. and organizations of the arch­ cluding the parents, three men arriving in New Yprk with griete - Valentine, and their school. diocese and will bring the total benefactors and on the stall ceremonies will begin at 4 o’clock daughters, and two sons, will be the group. One of the men has three sons, Arvids, Evalds, and There is no .statute in the state of DPs resettled in this locality been spoken for by St. Vincent’s workers of Catholic Charities. and v’ill last about one hour. A of Colorado that prohibits the sis­ to 154. aided ih their adiustment to Janis, will settle near Cheyenne The Holy Father smilingly large group of seminarians from; American life by the members orphanage, where he will work Wells. Their sponsor, who was ters from wearing their religious as a maintenance helper. added a special blessing to all St. Thomas’ seminary who were!, Among the arrivals who will of St. John’s parish, Loveland, encouraged to underwrite the those who in any way assist the former scouts will take part in thet garb while teaching, and there is disembark at the Gulf Coast no law against tie renting of under the direction of Father Berans family’s American ven­ work of the orphanage. program. Two scouts from Rifle port this week end are Juliana Francis J. Kappes, their pastor. OF THE ture by Father A. C. Kieffer of Church property for schools or DPi WHO WILL Another jubilee was celebrated and one boy from Idaho Springs: Erdoesy - Pojenar, the Mykola As a special project, the parish­ ARRIVE in New Orleans this Cheyenne Wells, is Joseph by the sisters a few days later. other public purposes. Myckaniuk family, J«Mf Suha- will be among those receiving the! ioners are finding housing for week , end on the ateamship Mousel of Firstview. Mother Antoinette della Casa, Montignor Cavanagh scouting cross, <

J j L i L a y ■■ SsStiSM H R I

4 PAGE TWO • Office, 938 B< ;k Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitene 4205 Thursday, January 26,11950

615 nth StrMt BetwMii Wdtan CdUemik Presentation Credit Union Under Auispices of St. John's Group The Denver Catholic Register Published Weekly b!’ the Declares V/2% Dividend; Regis College Prexy to Give Catholic Press Societ;', Inc. 938 Bannock Street, l enVer, Colo. j Special Sunday Dinner Shows Great Progress Lectures on Spiritual Life Subscription: $1.50 Per Year sold in combination ^ th the _S«rpeiI from lliOO AM. to 5:00 PM. (Preientation Pariah, DeuTor) Register, National Edition, in Choice of Soup or Cocktail (St. John't Pariah, Danvar) program are invited to a tea which At the annual meeting of the Presentation parish David Boardman as sponsors; An­ Archdiocese of Denver, j an ■■ ROAST LOUV OF PORK credit union, held Jan. 16, a dividend of 3V^ per cent was The Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc­ will be held iiw St. Philomena’s thony Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. school hall on l^dnesday, Feb. 1, Entered as Second (jlau ■ H f t OreMinf, Stewed Apple*. Potato** and Vwetable* declared. Final reports on the years’ activities showed a Carthy, S.J., president of Regis col­ Anthony Rucetta, with David Gari­ n a n n V Indiriduallr Baked lege, will give a series of Lenten at 1:15 p.ra. Mary K. Myers, the baldi and Helen Greco as sponsors; Matter at the Post Office, fl r l CHICKEN PIE tremendous growth in this comparatively new parish or­ lectlires on “ The Spiritual Life’’ executive director of Girl Scouts, Christophen Edward, son of Mr. Denver, Colo, j under the sponsorship of the Infant will be the speaker. n a Bolls, Salad, D«ssert and Drink ganization. Peter Ekler and Mrs. Richard Newcomb were and Mrs. Rftbert E. Fair, with Mr. Harity C an at thi *m b m I« af air Humaiil anas elected to the board of directors. of Prague circle of St. John’s Altar School Superintendent and Mrs. Robert Bate as sponsors; Privata DIninjr Booma for Partfea— Phona CH. 3111 ______The Rev. M. J. Blenkush, Frank and Rosary society. The lecture se­ Addresses PTA and Edward Stanley, son of Mr. A.R.C. DOLL SBOP 00 SEATS • NO LIQUOR • ORGAN MUSK Glore, and Mrs. Helen Keenan are Miss Betty Plonk ries will be given in the sisters’ The first PTA meeting of the and Mrs. Edward Doienc, with Mr. Hr. and Mrt. John A. Mebonrt the other members of the boar^. convent at 10:16 a.m. every Tues­ year was held on Monday, Jan. 23, and Mrs. Edward Zagar as spon­ Ed Rider was re-elected to . the day in Lent, beginning on Tuesday, sors. DOLLS and TOYS W W i in the school auditorium. The Rev. credit committee, on which Louis Weds in Mother Feb. 28. Everj'one in -^St John’s Edward Leyden, superintendent of Mrs. J. Dutton is convalescing in Doll Hospital j Kerstiens and Hugh Campbell also parish, as well as interested Cath­ parochial schools, addressed the Mercy hospital following an oper­ Religioas Statnea RepairM serve. Eileen Pufficy also was olics and non-Catholics throughout meeting. He described the findings ation. ISIS Arapaho* ' MA. 7317 re-elected to her former post. She, Of God Church the city, is invited to attend the of recent surveys made to compare together with Mj^. Marie Buchholz Mrs. M. H. Hurlburt is ill in m - lecture series, the scholastic rating of parochial Mercy hospital. and Simon Forster, make, up the (Mother of God Pariah, Denrer) Mrs. Ralph Dines presided at the school students with the national On Thursday, Feb. 2, the J'east ZIPPER REPAmS'A io t ! supervisory committee. Miss Betty Plank of Cathedral meeting of S t John’s Altar and average, and told of further efforts of the Purificatio'n, candles will be All members of the parish are pariah and Ralph Kohnen of this Rosary society in the school hall On Almost Anj Garment or $.rtlel* olloam being made to maintain or improve blessed before the 8 o’clock Mass. I urged to join the credit union and parish were married in Mother of on Friday, Jan. 20, with 60 mem­ these high standards. Father Ley­ On Friday, Feb. 3, the Feast of St. Buying to avail themselves of the benefits God church Saturday, Jan: 21, at bers in attendance. New members ROY SYSTEM, INC. Zttto«®W« • den stressed the importance of in­ Blaise, throats will be blessed after Moilein of the insurance plan, either a Nuptial Mass offered by Father who were introduced were Mmes. terest by the parents in home work SHOE REPAIR I • through savings or through loans. the Masses, in the afternoon at 3 izinQ ’ {S a ftD ip " ' Harry Brennan. Vincent Foxhoven J. F. Harringrton, T. J. Sullivan, and in the progress of the child 13 Broadwa, ■P. 3133 It is from the combined savings of o’clock, and in the evening at 7:30. was best man Rnd Miss Margaret M. E. Proutt, J. Falk, David in every subject R m t o l h w " - - the members that loans are made Foy was maid of honor. Mr. Koh- Ramaley, and K. K. Dunham. Miss Angela Eisenman spoke on f sisUsi* • to other members, at a low rate nen’s parents are Mr.' and Mrs. Father John P. Moran gave a »3.00 of interest. John Kohnen of Sterling, and his the 4-H clubs and the interesting short talk. He told of the need for and valuable projects which they Mrs. Leonard Swigert was a bride’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. new cassocks and surplices for the ...... per y««>' guest of the Altar and Rosary John Plank of Fleming. have provided among parochial boys who serve Mass, and it was school students during the past Why Not Read a GOOD Book meeting held recently. A brief re­ Tickets are being distributed to voted to purchase 12 of each. port on the past year’s work was the members of the Men's club for year. Herbert Gundell illustrated Mrs. Ed Monckton made an an­ a numberi of the local projects by given by the members of various a Mardi Gras games party to be nouncement of a card party, spon­ committees. The society has under­ given by the club on Feb. 11 in colored slides. This week end? DENVER INDUSTRUIIUNK sored by the Mile High Bridge Entertainment was provided by taken, among other things, to pur­ the parish hall. club Wednesday, Feb. 1 in the C IO R C I f. R O C IC f m lin i Judy Welch and Betty Bathauer, chase the organ for the new Catechism classes for grade Rainbow ballroom for the benefit ^1534 California $t. chapel. The following officers who did a tap dance. They are stu­ Cooking for Christ The Vatican Oppofite 0*nv*r Dry Coed* Ca /PhenaMAin3155< school children attending the pub­ of the March of Dimes fund. i were elected to serve the organi­ lic schools will be held in the base­ dents of the Daye and Knight Mrs. Dines asked Father Moran Florence Berger Ann Carnahan zation. President, Mrs. Helen Ker­ ment of the church on Saturday studio at 331 Clarkson. Sister Anna and Mmes. P. C. Allen, Andrew stiens for a term of two years; morning at 9:30. ' Marie’s students demonstrated how McCallin, and Emmett Cloughesy |50 4 0 0 vice president, Mrs. E. S. Sedl- The blessing of candles will take a sodality meeting is conducted by mayer; treasurer, Mrs. Richard to act as a nominating committee the first grade. place on Candlemas day, Feb. 2, to select the officers of the society Newcomb; financial secretary, before the 8 o’clock Mass. Bledsed The following infants were bap­ This helpful story cook book A complete and intimdte MORGAN, LEIBMA.N & HICKEY Mrs. Gus Ibold; recording secre­ for the ensuing year. tized Sunday by Father Moran: candles may be obtained at the Vincent Smith, noted philosopher will bring the liturgical year picture of life in the Hqly INSURANCE SINCE 1897 tary, Mrs. W. Burkhardt; ways rectory after Mass. Stephen Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. into your home via its 80 City— 150 illustrations. | and means, Mrs. T. H. Kissell. and lecturer, was the guest Arthur Haney, with Mr. and Mrs. speaker, his topic being “ The kitchen recipes. The Presentation Holy Name ALL LINES OF INSURANCE society elected the following of­ Atomic Age.’’ The eighth grade ficers for the coming year: Presi­ Edgewoter Parish pupils of St. John’s school were Fr. Bonnet W ill Speak Shepherds in the ^ 6*« and Eleetrie Bids. Phon* TAbor 1391 dent, Bud Cronkey; vice president, invited to hear this interesting talk. Assignment to Rome Harold Kerstiens; secretary. Bud Mmes. Frank Freeman and On Sacred Heart Hour Anthony Pottison, M ist Lee; and treasurer, ,Hugh (JRmp- Altar Society Sets Leonard Freeman, Jr., served a The Rev. Christian L. Bonnet, O.F.M.Cop. E. Boyd Barrett bell. The society has made plans to dessert-luncheon before the meet­ S.J., of the faculty of Regis col­ hold a pre-Lenten dance Tuesday, ing. They were assisted by Mmes. lege, will be the speaker on the OOO goo Feb. 21, in the Aeroplane ball­ P arty February 14 W. B. Bastien, John Cutshaw, Sacred Heart radio program to be room. Frank Siems, Emmett Cloughesy, heard over station KMYR Sunday, (St. Mary Magdalene’* Pariah, and Joseph McGill. The Presentation men’s basket­ Jan. 29, at 12:15 o’clock. Concise and authoritative * Edgewater) The Infant of Prague circle A poignant and powerful “C oat-of-M dll” ball team will play Annunciation Father Bonnet will speak on information on the Eternal count of conversion to team Sunday, Jan. 29, at 8 j).m. A Valentine day card party is members were guests of Mrs. T. A. “ When All Seems Lost, Why Are i City and the Holy Year. Church. in the State Armory. » being planned by the Altar society Cosgriff for luncheon on Jan. 19. Ye Fearful?’’ Transcribed music The 4-H Apron Strings are mak­ to be held in the parish hall on the Mr. and Mrs. Clem N. Kohl re­ by the St. Louis -Scholastic choir P ro tectio n ing needle holders. After this pro­ evening of Feb. 14. Those serving turned from a trip to Laguna will be played on the program, ject, they will begin making var­ on the committee are Mrs. Sea- Beach and Los Angeles, Calif. which is under the direction of the The Holy Year of Jubilee pluf Pena •Traction ! ious other articles, using the sew­ wright, Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. Kaysen, Mothers^ of all Girl Scouts and Rev. J. Clement Ryan, S.J., of Herbert Thurston, S.J. ing machine. Mrs. Isman of the Mrs. Kolbel, Mrs. Aylward, Mrs. those interested in the scouting Regis college. Ptna-Tread’s closely meshed steel coils act os o protective armor, 4-H clubs was a visitor at their re­ Petrie, and Mrs. Slavens. 4 ^ 5 deflecting gloss, pieces of metal and sharp rocks. . . helps to cent meeting. The group at­ The students of the 11th and 12th prevent punctures and tire cuts. Result— greater mileage! tended the stock show together. grades in high school will meet for Archbishop to Offer Men's Moss Baptized recently were Vincent instructions in the parish hall the An account of the history and ceremonial of the Holy Y ^ r For proven skid-control and quick stops on slick ice, snow and John McNally, son of Mr. and Mrs. evening of Jan. 30 from 7 to 8 greasy blocktop, see this remarkable year 'round safety tread John J. McNally. Sponsors, James o’clock. McNallv and Mary Tuck; Charles Confirmation Slated ««• take a ride with your Pena-Tread Dealer today! The Thimble club will meet at Edward Apodaca, son of Mr. and 3200 Gray street, in the home of Mrs. Thomas Apodaca, sponsors, Joseph ApodaA and Aurora Dur­ i^rs. H. C. Osberg, on Wednesday, Phone ham; Dorothy Laverne Gamble, Feb. 1, at 1 o’clock. Anyone inter­ In Brighton Jon. 29 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ested in sewing for the summer V. Gamble, sponsors, Felix Katich bazaar is invited to attend. Brighton.— (St. Augustine’s Parish)— Archbishop Ur­ TA 1261 and Cora Sais; Maureen Therese Timothy John Nusse, infant son ban J. Vehr will administer the sacrament of Confirma­ ^The West’s Largest Church Goods Supply Housd* f ^ e n < m ^ e a d Donohoue, daughter of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nusse of 2230 Vance street, was baptized on tion in Brighton Sunday afternoon, Jan. 29, at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Eugene A. Donohoue, spon­ Established 1902 1633 Tremont Place sors, William J. and Ellen Dono­ Sunday, Jan. 22. Edward and Ninety-seven adults and children will be confirmed at this 1 time. P ENETRATION ♦ TRACf/ON houe. Millie Nusse were sponsors. TAbor 3789 Denver 2, Colo.j The 8 o’clock Mats, Sunday, Jan. 29, will be tha annual Com­ munion Mats for the men and Holy Nome Society Reinstated boys of the parish. Archbishop Joe Kavanaugh Vehr will be the celebrant of Lincoln at 7th Ave. — Denver the Mass. A large number of men and boys are expected to At St. Rose of Lima's Parish attend the Mass and receive Communion. Women of the par­ (St. Role of Lima's Parish, Denrer) ish will not be admitted to this Some 50 men responded to an invitation of Father Barry Wogan to attend a meeting Mass. for the purpose of reactivating the Holy Name society. Approximately 70 men have A breakfast will be served after the 8 o’clock Mass in the base­ joHnson given their names as active members of the society. Walter Meyer is president, Frank one ofthefirst ment of the churqh for the men Bender is treasurer, and Edwin Victor Cresto; and 10 o’clock Mass, and boys by the women of the STORAGE & mauinc co. Moore is secretary Sisters of Charity every Sunday. R. Silva and A1 Urban. Public high school children attend Altar and Rosary society. Mrs. 0 0 4 la ia ic Dt%T/\IM€E Father Wogan talked’ on the Next Meeting Feb. 6 John Irsik and Mrs. John Kalcevic #. # dk history and function of the Holy the Junior Newman club classes at Following the meeting refresh­ St Francis de Sales’ every Tues­ are co-chairmen in charge of ar­ Name society. Plans were made for rangements for the breakfast proud owners ments were served. The next meet­ different activities of the society, day evening. ing of the society will be Monday A good start toward a parish Mrs. Everett Dahlinger will be in such as taking over the redecora­ charge of the dining Yoom. tion of the church. In general the evening, Feb. 6, at 8 p.m. in the hall and parish school has been parish hall. made during the past years in the There will be a special Mass at O F nils .VFIVFSI For the Safety of Your Goods meeting served as an occasion for 6 o’clock Sunday, Jan. 29, to ac­ the men of the parish to become Communion Sunday for the $22,000 which has been set aside Holy Name society is the second for these immediate needs. The commodate the women who are Use Johnson Service on Every Move acquainted serving breakfast after the 8 Ushers were named for Jan. 29: Sunday of each month, at which goal for 1950 is to increase the AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN UNES, INC. o’clock Mass. At the 8 o’clock Mass, W. A. time all members are asked to re­ building fund so that actual con­ •MOVING WITH CARE EVERYWHERE" ceive Communion in a body in the struction may begin. Mr. and Mrs. John Marino and Meyer and Leo Flaig; and 10 Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Mancini left STORAGE - PACKING SHIPPING o’clock Mass, A1 Wilson and John 8 o’clock Mass. The annual financial statement Jan. 22 was Communion Sunday of the Altar and Rosary society here Jan. 21 for a w o weeks’ va­ Rowe. Ushers for Feb. 5 are: 8 cation in California. They plan to T o p p o n Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway o’clock Mass, John Demmitt and for the children of the parish. The was distributed with the parish re­ first Sunday of each month the port. return by way of Mexico. G A S R A N G E children have an opportunity of Members and those interested in receiving Communion in a body joining the sewing circles met in in the 8 o’clock 5Iass. the parish hall Jan. 24. 'Hearf Campaign Whs The aqnual financial statement Card Party Schaduled prepared by the pastor for 1949 The St. Rose of Lima circle Praise from Cardinal was distributed to members of the plans to sponsor a card party parish Jan. 22. Reports may be “ The collective effort to alleviate Valentine day. Members of this suffering and to save lives is EVERY ^eioice procured by stopping at the rec­ circle are Mrs. E. DeMers, presi­ tory or by calling PE. 9277. strikingly evidenced in the fight dent; and Mmes. E. Geiermann, made by science to overcome the Parish Shown to Be D. McCormac, C. Read, F. Ger- heart diseases,” declared Cardinal in Good Financial Shape lits, G. Watson, G. Decker, J. Oli­ Dennis Dougherty of Philadelphia. ^ e s e i o e s Because of the splendic] ad-, vetti, and R. Eeckhout. “ Much has already been accom­ ministration and labors of Fa- The St. Jude circle was organ­ plished in this line; but far more thar Grohman, who was pastor ized Jan. 20. Mrs. J. McDonald remains to be done. Final control for 19 years until his retire­ was named president and Mrs. J. of heart disease does not. however, ment in September, the report Figlino was named secretary-treas­ depend solely upon physicians ^and THE FINEST ■hows the parish to be in healthy urer. Other members are Mmes. scientists. It depends also upon' our financial condition with a sub­ W. M. Mueller, W. H. Echardt, E. citizens at large. Individual con­ stantial reserve. One hundred Trelour, L. G. Sengenburger, H. tributions are needed in order to sixty-five families are registered J. DeNicola, L. Reichwein, P. realize the hope of eventual con­ on the pariih books and 375 Poraponio, J9 B. Francone, J. Don­ trol of such diseases. people attend Mass at St. Rose aldson, P. Ferguson, A. M. Beyer, “ Financial support of the Heart of Lima’s church on Sundays. M. Kerin, J. Mathis, and R. Ker­ Campaign of the Affiliates of the Some 200 people attended the shaw. St. Jude’s circle plans to American Heart association will mission in October. The number meet on the fourth Monday eve­ help safeguard the hearts of our of Communions during the year ning of each month at 7 :30. citizens. This safeguard is scien­ was close to 4,000. An average of Parishioners are asked to call tific research, broad dissemination A t Boulevard Mortuary',i m ', the finest 70 public school children attend RA. 5125 when they have news of facts about heart disease, and equipment is used o ni ^ ^ e ri y ser\ice, J. F. catechism classes conducted by the of the parish to submit community heart programs.’* MeCONATY 24 Months to Pay 1 regardless of price. Trained and at­ tentive personnel handle every detail, Brand new — just outi New handlee, chroma with gold in­ Card Party in Annunciation Parish beeuty — new conveniences — serts, enhanced tha appearance respecting preferences of the family. new ease — new certainty — of the range, already wo^q naw enjoymant in meal prep­ famous for pleasing design and The newest and latest in our own aration! 'That’s the new Tap- proportion. automobile equipment is always used: Thursday, Feb. 2, Will Benefit School pen for 19501 This newest Tappan is fully One price covers all; there are no (Annunciation Parish, Denver) tertained students from all Den­ sary society will take orders for Famous Tappan Tel-U-Set, automatic, of course. It pro^ ver senior high schools at a “ Sack holy candles at aff Masses: Mmes. smartly improved with illu­ vides every feature you c n unexpected extras at Boulevard. A card party will be given Hop" Jan. 23 in the gym. Eva Gick, 7:30 Mass; John Mum­ minated clo^ dial and taste­ imagine in a truly fine range. Thursday afternoon, Feb. 2, in Ha- ford, 8:30 Mass; Nellie Martin, fully decorated with beauti­ Be among the first to own gua hall for the benefit of the Mrt. Mumford Eiocted 9:30 Mass; K. J. Glasmann, 10:45 ful gold and red. New door this newest of all ranges. : Z ratW Personnel and the fin est rade school. Co-operating with Head of Altar Society Mass; and John Murphy, 12 Mass. FULLY AUTOMATIC • SERVA TRAYS • PYROSUS UNITS t f ister Theodata as chairman are YISUALITE OVEN with CHROME INTERIOR • COVE TOP ■ Mrs. John P, O’Hehir and the room At a recent meeting of the Al­ Pinochle Club Stjuipm ent U sed on Soery S et nice mothers of the PTA. Tickets are tar and Rosary society, the follow­ Meet Jon. 26 Let Us Give You a Complete Demonstretion 35 cents and may be obtained ing officers were elected: Mrs. The pinochle club will meet Fri­ Nine Tappan Models to choose horn rengina in price John B. Mumford, 3757 Humboldt from th^ grade school children. day, Jan. 26, at 8 p.m. in the home from $14435 to $359.95. | E. A. street, president; Mrs. Eva Gick, of Mr. and Mrs. John Fanko, 3954 FLOYO Many attractive items have been donated, and tables will be pro­ 3346 Gilpin street, vice president; Brighton boulevard. It Colts No Mors to Own ths Bsit. Phons for Both Storst—AC. 054j BOJILEVARD vided for those wishing to play Mrs, Alice Genty, 1717 E. 36th I ^ t week’s winners were Mmes. canasta. avenue, treasurer; and Mrs. K. J. McCullough, Roach, Robinson, and Monsignor Charles Hagui is Glasmann, 3721 Race street, sec­ Hebert. ’Tnis week’s winners were \ im a v C iu v u t ■pending a month in Ariaona for retary.. Mrs. Frank Pankoski and Mmes.. Roach, Hebert, and FEDERAL BOULEVARD at NORTH SPEER...PHONE 1626 his haalth. Mrs. ’T. F. Carr will act on the Murphy. The Brick Birds club of the ways and means committee. Special prizes were donated by 1543 Champa 765 Santo N high school, under the supervision On Sunday, Jan. 29, the follow­ Mrs. J. J. Roach and Mrs. Kate of Father Donald McMahon, en­ ing members of the Altar and Ro­ McCullough. Thursday, January 26, 1950 Office, '938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 PAGE THREE

'H eart' C om poign New K. of C. Members in Welby ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH With $55,000 Goal Patroniae These Friendly Firms BY J. O. MOLBERG Will Begin Feb. I JEWELEEr- Woshington Park Mkt. FINER CLEANING A goal of $65,000 to combat SpeciiliiinK Red & TP kite Food Store In Dtsfcninf heart disease has been set by the t and Colorado Heart association in its BILL HUGHES, Prop. Minafactnrtnc 11950 Heart campaign, which will Complete Food Service 0.II.CIEMER5 open Feb. 1 and continue through­ out the month. Seventy-five per 598 South Gilpin 1 cent of the amount contributed will “ It’s Smart to B« Thrifty" 2060 tO.UNIVEROTY fd.PlUSM remain in the state for lotal use. Of the other 25 per cent, which 'will go to the American Heart as- LEN’S Pharmacy OPEN SUNDAYS 9 to I2;30 .sociationr more than one-half will L. 0. FEHR, Prop. ' Daily 7 to 7 AMETHYST Meoibtr 8t. I^cvnt dt Pinl’z ParUli L«t’« PEEK into th* atory of the be returned to Colorado in the form emethyat. It ia a variety of quartz. of research grants and educational Have Your Doctor Phono Howes Food Store ranKing in color from pale violet and community projects. Uz Your Preicription Booker Hawes—Gayle Hawea to purple. The Current projects of the Colorado 2707 E.. Louisiana RA. 3739 An IGA Store deep purple ia the Heart association are the rheu­ At Looliltnt tnd Sentb Clirton most favored of matic fever diagnostic service, in Quality Hleats - these for gem- the Denver public schools co-spon­ stones. . . the An- sored with the state board of Groceries / " ^ XV/ »*py eat being found in R u d is ill health, and the education of the Fresh & Frozen Fruits Russia, Brazil ' people of Colorado regarding heart tfwiw’ V Ceylon. This and Vegetables atone was very popular centuries disease, the number one cause of Variety & Hardware ago, both for ifs beauty and its deaths in the U. S. It is hoped to Infanta' and Chlldran’a Wear Louisiana and Clayton make the rheumatic fever diag­ Fizurinaa — Notiona — Hoalary supposedly various magical pow*ra. Electric Appliancaa SP, .5717 Chieli among its virtues was the nostic service state wide. McHarlry Palnti A Glaaa powff to ward off drunkenness. The funds received in the drive 2624 E. Loniaiana RA. 9875 There are several legends which will also be used to start a health THE FIRST MEMBERS to be initiated into the new + + + + . + probably gave rise to this belief, clinic for the express work of ex­ Welby of C. council 3268 Jan. 15 are shown above. Park Lane Grocery one being that Bacchus, the god of amining and studying cardiac Rinthn- 4 Walter The firms listed here de^ wine, gave the atone the color of Twenty-one members were initiated. The officers are seen cases, to correlate work in this Five Brothers Join K. of C. serve to be remembered wine. Perhaps the nicest story is field, and to institute a program in the front row'. MEATS that Amethyst, a mythological of studying cardiac conditions in when you are distributing youth, was turned by Diana into a 4- - f + " f + Freah Vegetablea industry in conjunction with in­ stone of great beauty. and Bird'a Eye Fooda your patronage in the dif­ dustrial leaders of the state. Regardless of these virtues, the FREE DELIVERY Officers of the Colorado Heart ferent lines of business. stone has lost some of its popu­ RA. 5456 1923 E. Kentucky larity during the past years. A association are Edgar Durbin, Welby Knights to Get ------generation or two ago,’ amethysts M.D.; Charles S. Sterne, Mrs. R. G. were to be seen mounted in rings, Bosworth, Mildred E. Doster, and necklaces and brooches. At one Lester W. Hall. Clifford M- Berry time, they v^Sre even said to be is chairman of the campaign com­ Charter; Presentation equal or more than the value of the mittee. Q o x x i e b r a e diamond. From traditional times, the stone has been used in ecclesi­ astical rings worn by bishops and Banquet Set After Lent other church prelates. Shopping District The most interesting thing about DORAN JHE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Coronado council 3268, [ these crystals is the way they are found . . . standing upright in pil HATTERS W’elby, have applied for and w'ill receive in a few weeks a charter, lars w^ged tightly together. Reconditioninf it was disclosed recently by the supreme council. BONNIE BRAE The amethyst is the birthstone Serrire Exclaifr*l7" The council was organized late in 1949 by the Rev. John CONOCO PRODUCTS for February. 733 £. Colfax at Clarkion Lauretti, O.S.M., assistant pastor of Assumption parish, Welby, and Lubrication, Car Waahing, Batteriea DREG CO. J. O. MOLBERG STORES CALL MAIN 1838 shortly thereafter 47 members transferred from other councils Recharged, Tire Vulcanizing Alfred C. Anderten, Owner-Manager ^For Fret Pick-up tpd DelWerr Hate your Doctor phone us 1807 BROADWAY and one man was initiated to make up a charter membership of Serrlce your Prescriptions 1019 EAST COLFAX 48 members. Formal announcement was then made by Earl C. BONNIE BRAE Bach, district deputy, that Coronado council Jan. 8 had been as­ CONOCO SERVICE Beera, Winet, Etc. signed number 3268 at the council's first corporate Communion 724 So. University PE. 9909 763 So. Univeraity RA. 2874 breakfast. • a a DENVER'S OLDEST CHEVROLET DEALER Preisser's Red & W hite y y JAN. 15 AN INlTIATIONNvas held at the Denver council’s Buchanan's @ Service hall at which time Coronado council 3268 was formally instituted Grocery and^ Market Here's How Your r«r abould bv Toncd- and 21 additional members were initiated. Following the initiation FIVE BROTHERS were initiated into the new Vp every 6,000 milet to uv« a buffet supper and dance was held in honor of the new members. Welby K. of C. council. They are, left to right, back row, FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AND ^ Complete Washing and QUALITY GROCERIES AT I I major operatinz expenaea. A charter presentation banquet and dance will be held Ralph, Frank, and William Rotello; and front row, Anthony and REASONABLE PRICES Lubricating Service to Save Wt hava the equipment and after Lent. Joseph Rotello. Free Deliverv SPmee 4447 Lee Tires and Phillips factory-trainbd raeehanica— 3831 E. Ohio Av'e. (So. UaW. tnd Ohio) let them eiva jrour car an Batteries MONEY NH expert tune-up I Religious Vocations Are Theme Grade Teachers' vThe firms listed here de­ GENE and BILL’ S FRIENDLY SERVICE: on Your All Work Authorixed serve to be remembered BB Shortage Acute Fre« Plck*ap and Dtlivcry Chavrolet Flat when you are distributing Archbishop Is Guest of Honor 709 S. Univ. SP. 9723 Rate Pricea American colleges will have to your patronage in the dif­ Car train foui* times the number of Open (ram 7 'til 11 p.m. RR grade school teachers of last year ferent lines of business. in order to meet the high need for Of PTA at Blessed Sacrament teachers in 1953-54 when a .tre­ ALWAYS NEEDED VINERg VIHER % mendously increased number of (Bletted S acram ent Parish, D en T er) children will crowd the schools, a 45 5 BROADVIfAY • TELEPHONE PEorl 4641 A large number of parents and friends of the school children gathered in the school U. S. government bulletin reveals. hall for the January meeting of the PTA to honor Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver, Main cause of the teacher short­ age problem, the szport says, is Blouses who was a guest of the evening. Archbishop Vehr traced the growth of the Church in the fact that fewer teachers than AND HOUSE OF WU Colorado during his 19 years of office in this diocese, first, as Bishop, and later as Arch­ are needed are being trained. In bishop. 1947 when 75,000 teachers were THE FINEST PRODUCTS OF The theme of the meeting was needed ony 25,0(f0 were trained. ORIENTAL CRAFTSMANSHIP on vocations. Using this as a basis, of Park Hill; Capt. Albert Lester, were Leo R. Darby and Lucile F, The need for teachers has been Skirts Importrd Chlneu Ttaa, Dithaa, Briaa- His Excellency pleaded for reli­ scoutmaster; Joseph Couwlier, as­ Darby. Father Muicahy also bap­ made more acute by the millions sistant scoutmaster, and Mrs. of “ war babies,” many of them wara. Cloiaonna, Enamalwara, Broaadt gious vocations to meet the ever- tised John Patrick Groark, infant Yes, there is always a place Blouiaa. Mina Traaa, Jawalry, Fifur- increasing demands for priests and Couwlier; Mrs. R. F. Van Over- already of grrammar school age. for more skirts and blouses in inai. Embroidarad Slippara. Hand- son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. 6117 E. ColfaX nuns. "A vocation is a question of schilde, district chairman of Park Millions more of “ post-war babies” Paintad Prinia and Embroidarad Pic­ Groark, with William Foley and your wardrobe. We have one Near Kearney ture. Silk Apparal, Bamboo Scroant, knowledge,” the Archbishop said, Hill Women’s auxiliary; Mrs. P. will soon be starting school. Miss Mary Ellen Logan as spon­ FLorida 0726 Chairs, Tablaa, Mats, and Baskata. “ and the vocational years are be­ F. Hopkins, president of the Cub On the other hand, nearly every of the most complete selections tween 16 and 18, the psychological Scout auxiliary; and Donald Dunn, sors; and the infant daughter, state now has an over-supply of of blouses and skirts in Denver. time when the child shows a bent cubmaster, and Mrs. Dunn. The Mary Helen Weis, of Mr. and Mrs. high school teachers. In 1949, four T ry us and see. toward _ the path he wishes to attendance at this dinner was 200. Joseph W. Weis, with Mr. and Mrs. high school teachers were trained C. W. Henkels as sponsors. OPtN THURSDAY N1TE8 UNTIL » P.M. choose in life.” Boy Scout troop 145 hold ita for every one needed. Floors Cost Money The Very Rev. William J. Ken- owD court of honor in Bloited neally, C.M., rector of St. Sacrament achool halt Friday Have Them Treated and Preserved by Thomas’ seminary and the gruest evening, Jan. 20. Preaent on St. Catherine's Society speaker of the evening, also chose thia occaaion wera Father Blouses From Experts at Very Low Cost the vocational theme for his talk. Borer, acout chaplain; Capt. Al- He outlined three vocations in hart Leater, Joaeph Couwlier, life. He stressed the religious vo­ three committeemen, 28 acouta, Sets Communion Sunday Skirts From CALL TA. 4488 cation and the moral oblig^ation on four recruita, and 34 gueata. the part of parents to foster such Bob McKiiy and Terry Reyilolds (St. Catherine’a Pariah, Denver^ which was purchased for the desires. The eighth g^rade pre­ received den chief awards; Ken­ Members of St. Catherine’s Al­ blanket benefit and awarded to S h o p L E. J. SCARRY & CO. sented a short play depicting the neth Ryan, John Dwyer, and tar and Rosary society will meet Mrs. T. P. Hanley. three major vocations in life. The Terry Reynolds, second class Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 1 in the A social hour followed the busi­ i n so. UNIVERSITY BLVD. ^ PHONE PE. 1844 Manufacturing Chemists meeting was presided over by Mrs. awards; Raymond V a n Over- church for recitation of the Ro­ ness meeting with Mrs. J. A. Foley, Frank Sabine, PTA president. schilde, James O’Connor, James sary. A meeting will follow in the past president, and Mrs. Henry Following the meeting refresh­ Creamer, and Pat/ick Gerrity, cafeteria. Lewis, vice president, serving at 1620 M arket St. D enver 2, C olo. ments were served by the mothers first class awards; and Karl Cham­ The monthly Communion for the artistically arranged table. of the fourth, sixth, and seventh bers, life award; members will be held Sunday, Feb. Mmes, Dominic Figliolino, Angelo SOETH GAYLORD graders. Eight merit badges were 5, in the 7 :30 Mass. Girardo, R. E. Long, and Ralph On Feb. 2 the Mothers’ club awarded: Karl Chambers and John Sbeck, fourth and fifth grade room CATHEDRAL PARISH will have a meeting in the home Chambers, safety and first aid; Father Leyden mothers, were hostesses, assisted Shopping District Terry Kirley, safety; James Crea­ Talks on Legislation These Friendly Firms Deserve YoUr Patronage of Mrs. George Cattermole. As­ by Mmes. Henry Bartel, H. M. sisting hostesses will be Mraes. J. mer, home repairs; Dave Lanc'as- Some 165 fathers and mothers Floyd, Orville Gifford, August ter, firemanship; and Donald Voll- Peri, Emile Poirier, Francis Tanko, Gaul, J. J. McCabe, and Marcella attended the annual open meeting Edwards. On Sunday evening the mer, art and Edwin Wissbaum. Overstake's Pharmacy Shoes for the Family high school girls’ choir will be en­ On Tuesday, Jan. 24, St. Joan Jan. 22. The Rev. Edward ^eyden Members of St Catherine’s PTA 1000 So. Gaylord RA. 4401 BURKE'S BROADMOOR tertained in the convent by the of Arc’s circle was entertained in was the guest speaker and advised who attended the January league Have Your Doctor Phone Loweat Pricea in Denver sisters of the school. the home of Mrs. Peter D. Walsh the members as to pending legis­ meeting are Mmes. Horace Ander­ X-Ray Fitting sen, Jules Anselmo, John Burns, Vs His Prescription CLEAXERS Th» PTA of Bleaaed Sacra­ with Mrs. Elmer Lang and Mrs. lation, which now asks only for M. E. Cooke, Charles Des Moin- We Deliver Sendel Shoe Store ment achool, working with the D. G. Mulligan as co-hostesses. bus transportation for parochial eaux7 John Downing, Vincent Best and Fastest Service in Denver PTA of Park Hill achoola, waa On the same day St. Anne’s circle school children. Father Leyden We Give Green Stamps 1023 So. Gaylord RA. 5087 Dwyer, H. M. Floyd, J. A. Foley, inatrumental in arranging for members were guests of Mrs. H. asked for the co-operation of the Harry Gerdom, .4ngelo Cirflfilo. the erection of two atop lighta J. VonDetten in her home. Mrs. parents in writing to their Con­ 1092 So. SUITS 90c DRESSES $1.00 Pierre Archambault entertained Harry Johnson, Val Jones, Joseph Free Pickup and Delivery at the interaection of E. 17th gressmen for consideration of this Yanger. Henry Lewis, Frank Ma- Gavlord avenue and Elm atreet. Theae St Rita’s circle at the Tiffin. bill. spcousn n Msrr pastoo zone, Galen Rowe, Joseph Sar- PE. 2464 BOB'S 712 So Pearl, PE S48S, and 26 E. 11th Are., MA 7442 atop lighta operate only during Plans are being made by St. Rita’s The Rev. Dr. D. A. Lemieux, tircle members to sew for the tore, Louis Santangelo, William MAfiY ANNE achool houra. paator,-welcomed the (athera at­ Scavo, William Schwarz, Ray Infant of Prague nursery. tending the meeting and re­ Plans are being made to . have Brother Joseph of the Chris­ Slattery, Mike Spero, Stanley BAKERIES lights operating *at Montview minded them of the dignity at­ SUPER MMKn tian Brothers spoke to the eighth Schneider, and John Sullivan, Meata - Groceriea > Vegetablea DEMD boulevard and Elm street. On the tached to the origin of the name grade students on vocations this Baptized last Sunday were Rich­ Better Quality for Less Dec. rated committee from the parish work­ “father;” and of their oblige-, past week. Father Dunstan Dool- ard Berninzoni, son of Mr. and WEDDING ing with the city traffic depart­ tiona aa fatbera to tbeir fam- CAKES ing, recently ordained a Francis­ Mrs. Robert Berninzoni, with Mobiloil • Pennzoil - Mobilgaa ment were Monsig^nor Harold V. iliea. ("all butler” ) can priest, visited the school be­ Henry Waldron and Marion Ber­ Lubrication A Waahing Campbell and Mmes. Frank Sa­ ninzoni as sponsors; Richard Lee SC and fore his return to Washington, The teachers and room mothers Tune Up - Clutch A Brake u up bine, H. B. Maltby, and Marcella of each grade were introduced by Calabra, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ D. C. Edwards. thur jCalabra, with Louis Lutito FrM DallTcry on 82 Order Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Mrs. Horace Andersen, president, So. Gaylord Service Several of the parish circles and Beverly Calabra as spongers; 1024 S. Gaylord 26 Broadway Monaghan announce the birth of who wore a corsage presented to met in the past week. St. An­ her by the members of the council. Carol Ann Grout, daughter of Mr. PEarl 7315 - SPruco 7413 thony’s circle* met Thursday, their second child, Mary Sydney, The ways and means committee and Mrs. Joseph Grout, with Mr. Center and Garage 1 a.t"e»w»»r«e«a—I—a—|i a a a f f z» ACROSS TROn THE CATHEODAL Jan. 19, at the home of Mrs. W. D. on Jan. 20 in St. Joseph’s hospital. displayed a lovely green blanket, and Mrs. Harry Grout, Jr., as spon­ 1001 So. Gaylord SP. 6443 Bryson with Mrs. George Nichols Mrs. John Rohan departed on sors; and Kathleen Jo Heinrich, Sunday for Honolulu to visit her BONNIE BRAE as co-hostess. Mrs. Ruth O’Keefe daughter'O f Mr. and Mrs. John daughter, Mrs. C. Stewart. Mrs. The firms listed here de-> was a guest Prizes were won by Heinrich, with Pete Heinrich and Plumbing and Heating CLARK'S FLOWERS Rohan is flying to the islands on Wheatridge Parish Mrs. David Douglas and Mrs. G. Elizabeth Laird as sponsors. Troy Carl serve to be remembered! (Ji COMPLETE LINE OF CUT FLOWERS a Stratocruiser. She plans to return a n d POTTED PLANTS « M. Keyser. Cunningham Cunningham by boat when you are distributing! }W t Dalivar TA. 3667 PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED On Jan. 20 St. Jude’s circle Ret. Ph. Rea. Ph. The Blair Kittlestons and the To Sponsor Next FOR AND DELIVERED met in the home of Mrs. Patrick PE. 1171 DE. 7091 your patronage in the dif-| Floral Sprays and Corsages Edward Coughlins will spend the Dr. G. J. COLFAX DRIVE-IN 1131 E. CQLFAX Colfax at Downing Denver Hopkins with Mrs. M. J. Burg as­ G. E. APPLIANCES ferent lines of business. KEyalone 3217 sisting. Bridge honors went to coming week end at the Broad­ Card Party Feb. 1 moor hotel in Colorado Springs. Schaeuble 1076 So. Gaylord RA. 4607 Mmes. Richard Sills, F. Munday, Convalescing at home following and Sam Perrj'. (Sta, Peter and Paul’a Pariah, DOYLE’S a major operation is Mrs. Clifford Wheatridge) Optometrist Prescriptions and Sick Room Auxiliary Entertains Welsch. Mrs. M. F. Ginn is con­ PHARMACY Scouts and Dads valescing in Fitzsimons hospital. The next card party sponsored Supplies Exclusively by the parish will ^ held at Weak- Specialist PYREXWARE. SILEX COFFEE HAKEB Tho PartioiJAr Droffirt The Mothers’ auxiliary of Boy The I^uis Dispenses are hosts to Fra* Delivery KEMTONE — McMURTRY PAINTS land store Wednesday, Feb. 1, at For Visual HOUSEHOLD WARE stOCOtH 4 Scout troop 145, under the lead­ Dr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Paris, Ken (.arton, Heglitorad Pharmaclat VtMVtS,, COLO- 17th AVE. AND GRANT ership of Mrs. Don Kirley, held and daughter, Caroline, from Buf­ 8 p.m. The committee in charge has Eye Care KE. 6187 FREE DELIVERY its annual dinner for scouts and falo, N.Y, announced that canasta will be So. Gaylord Hdw. Co. their dads Saturday evening, Jan. Dr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Swi- added if enough players express 638 Empire Bldg. KE. 3840 THE 1011 DISPENSARY loss So. Gaylord SP. 2961 21, in the school hall. This dinner gert were hosts at a dinner party interest.’' has beconfe a tradition. The din­ preceding the PTA meeting, ^ e ir The sacristy workers for the CARROLL SISTERS NOB HILL INN Hatchett Drug Store ner was prepared and served by guests were Archbishop Vehr, Fa­ week of Jan. 28 are Mrs. Una Rose Quality Cleaning 42» EAST COLFAX the mothers. ‘The Store of Quality and Sarrlea” ther Kenneally, Father Mui­ Thomson and Mrs. Harold Trose. COCKTAILS The special guests were the Alvie John Simons^ infant son SCHOOL OF DANCING Washington Park [ommunity flouier W. A. HATCHETT 7 A 1 T D A M T cahy, and Father Borer. Delicious Dinners Raz. Pb. OwAar lU l u K A N 1 Rev. William J. Muicahy and the Paul Joseph Ryan, infant son of of Mr. and Mrs. George Simons, To* - Tap • Ballet • Acrobatic Cleaner§ HOT AND COLD LUNCHES Rev. Anthony Borer, S.M.B.; the Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Ryan, was baptized by Father Robert Mc­ Enrollnanta Satnrdar* lt:M to 4 PM, ■ N. W. CHRISTENSEN PHONE $Prucc73l8 Coaponndinz praacriptiena ia Um most StOFE scout officials. Chief E. £. Skin­ Mahon Jan. 22. The sponsors were Yoar Baainaaa la Appreciated Hare important part of ear baainaaa. was baptized Sunday, Jan. 22, by Home Phone GL. 1373 1087 S. Gaylord SP. 7898, VAN ZntUERMAN, Manager ner; A. Phelps, district chairman Father Muicahy. Tha eponsors Fred and Margaret Simons. But. TA. 4933

L m m 7

PAGE FOUR Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thun


Thunday, Januory 26, 1950 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE FIVi

Holy Family High Starts Junior Achievement Group DR. JAMES P. GRAY Optometrist VISUAL CARE EYES EXAMINED VISUAL t HaINING Optometrist 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif. SL Phone for Appointment TA. 8883


D on Anda rionJoieph Sallivan Don AndarionJoieph Ken Volk Earl Daley , ASSETS LIABILITIES A CAPITAL | It is well to find out THE JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ORGANIZATION as well as all other high schools in Denver had a wide variety of Loans Outstanding ..$49,816.37 Shares ...... _....$40,063.44( where your funeral dollars fields to choose from, such as rubber production, banking, plastics, was recently-introduced to the juniors and seniors of Holy Cash in B ank...... 5,634.18 Deposits...... 6,321.88 will bring the most value in and chemicals. In a case where machinny is needed, money is raised Notes Payable'...... 5,000.00 merchandise, service and Family high school, Denver. This organization originated in the by selling shares, and the machinery is rented. Guaranty Fund ...... 362.28 East and was only recently brought to Denver. It was organized by surroundings. Holy Family high is well represented, with students holding Undivided Earnings.. 1,770.661 t a group of businessmen to give youths in the age group of 16 to 20 the office of president in four different companies: Earl Daley, presi­ Profit & Loss...... 1,932.34 Why not visit our con­ an opportunity to form businesses and actually market their own dent of .the J. A. Bank Co.; Ken Volk, president of Novelty Aces, products. Inc. (plastics); Joe Sullivan, president of the Chemical Co.; and $55,450.56 $55,450.66 veniently located establish­ Many of Denver’s biggest firms are sponsoring the JAO, includ­ Don Anderson, president of the Rubber Co. Other mem^rs of the ment and see fyr yourself ing the Gat^ Rubber Co., the Central Bank and Trust Co., and th6 Junior Achievement organization at Holy Family high are John A. Norgren Co. Three advisers from each of these firms are at how complete our facilities Hammond, Edward Roach, Frank Steinke, Ray Heiland, Bart Finn, 224 Shareholders 4 Depositors 85 Borrowers all meetings in order to show the students what to do. After the Tom Finn, Jack Hamill, Jim Phillips, Harold Harris, Bob Moriarity, are to serve your particu­ company gets started and can be left on its o^vn, officers are elected Lbuis King, Don Bolke, Norma Dunlap, Marilyn Holzer, and Donna CREDIT COUHITTEB—1959 BOARD OF DIRRCT0R8—1951 lar needs, and how well our and the company is left to the students. Students at Holy Family Baker. Joseph Andrew, Chnirman Daniel Longo. Preeident prices fit your budget. John M. Garramone Roxtc Carbone, Vice Preeident Daniel Iiongo, Jt, Felix Andrew, Treiuurer Helen B- Pnghee, Clerk SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE—1950 Salvatore A. Acierno Dominic Colaelto Fr. Campbell to Give Heights Retreat LuolIIe Maaoiotro, Chairman Bcv. Thoa. LoCaacio Joeephine Petraglla Jerry Long© James Bellanti Tony Uottola Horan & Son Chapels Jesuit Served as Air Transport Chaplain KEystone 6298 (Loretto Heighti Collage, Denver) KEystone 6 2 9 7 of civic entertainment, especially Four hundred children from the 1527 Cleveland Place Father Daniel V. Campbell, S.J., will conduct the an­ to hospitals, orphanages, and sim­ Queen of Heaven, St. Vincent’s, nual mid-semester three-day retreat for the students at ilar institutions. Joining with the and St. Qara’s orphanages will be Loretto Heights college on Feb. 1, 2, and 3. A native of musicians are the Heights girls, present. Their transportation will who will furnish singing, dancing, be furnished, free of charge, Denver, Father Campbell was graduated from Regis high and speech talent. through the courtesy of the Denver school before entering the Society of Jesus. He received The orchestra will be- composed Tramway corporation. his A.B. and M.A. degrees at St o f 15 members of the Denver Women's Club Plans Louis university. radio staffs will also be on the union of the American Federa­ program. tion of Musicians. James Petrillo, Party on April 15 Following his ordination, he The Women’s club of Loretto joined the Jesuit Mission band of The jubilee year furni.hei New York, is the national presi­ Save on 1949 Ford dent; the local president is Michael Heights college will sponsor the keynote of the convention, the Midwest province. During the party on April 15 in the ballroom past year, he has been giving re­ "the lilver hammer of truth to Muro. Fuel is expensive! But insula­ open the door to new ideal and at the college. Plans, announced treats and missions with the Jesuit Jamei K.nna of the ipaech by Mrs. Herbert P. Alie, president tion, storm doors and win­ a reiteration of all things in Demonstrators and Trade-ins Mission band. and drama department is col- of the club, include a fashion show Chriit." laboring with Max Di Julio in dows and weather-stripping Father Campbell served as chap­ luncheon, and bridge. Mrs. Michae will keep your home comfort­ lain during World war II. He was ACSPR is the Association of arranging the show. Member* of McDonough is the chairman for the first chaplain assigned to the Catholic Schools Press Relations the dancing clasies taught by the party. able on less fuel and at army air transport command. He and embraces more than 25 high Miss Florence DiGaetano will The fashion show will feature smaller expense. (Keeps your also perform. saw active duty in the Pacific schools and colleges in Colorado, children and women’s spring and home cooler in summer, too.) \ K a s E n ^ B E m theater, in India, and in Alaska. Wyoming, New Mexico,-and Texas. One of the special features will summer styles. Children from be an original composition of Mr. parochial schools and students of Make these improvements Di Julio’s— “ Alice in ’ Orchestra- Loretto Heights will do most of now! Yo\i can finance the en­ 1335 Broadway 1314 Acoma land.” It is a musical narration for the modeling. There will also be ohiWren to introduce the various special "mother and daughter” out tire cost on the Denver Na­ m i i v 3111 instruments. Miss Joann Flood is fits shown. The show will be held tional’s FHA plan — nothing the narrator. TherA will also be an in the college auditorium at down, up to 36 months to pay original composition by Eddie o’clock, followed by luncheon Rogers, a violinist of the KOA or­ served at the bridge tables. in convenient monthly instal­ chestra. Voice soloists will be Mary The price for a table for the ments. Carolyn Sinnett and Ann Hoare. fashion show, luncheon, and bridge • RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. Miss Georgiana Rieden will play party is |5. Individual tickets will Get an estimate from your dealer, then see the GENERAL TIRES two piano numbers. be $1.26. General Batteries St. Francis' Pupils Given Initalment Loan Depqrtment

G E N E R A L ^ recapping I Review on Traffic Safety The Bank to See for loans" Kraft Inspected S9UEECEE (St. Francis de Sales’ High program was a ^follow-up to the • Auto • Signatuf* Used Tires School, Denver) lectures which he gave' several • Titls I Improvstnont loons On Jan. 24, Police Officer Hale weeks ago to the same pupils. • FHA and (H Homo loans G.T.A.C. Easy Pay 1401 W. Colfax TA. 66frt presented two moving pictures il­ The Sodality of Our Lady held lustrating the necessity of traffic its bimonthly meeting Jan. 24 in safety laws to the high school stu­ the high school auditorium with dents at SL Francis de Sales’, His the recitation of the Little Office by the student body. Max Di Julio Fr. Daniel V. Campbell, S.J. Marquette to Give The art classes made a tour Cleaning at its Best Since the war. Father Campbell This year marks the 17th conven­ of the Denver Art museum on In Rome You Will Hear taught philosophy and religion at tion sponsored by the association Wednesday, Jan. 25, under the di­ Music’s Richest Voice” Marquette university, Milwaukee, to study the aims and practices of Richard McDermott rection of the art instructor, Miss Wis., prior to rejoining the mis­ journalism. Virginia Lamansky. 3 DAY SERVICE sion group. The convention opens at noon On Jan. 31, the "Senior Re­ on Thursday, Feb. 16, and closes view” will be presented to the The WURLITZER Pickup and Delivery Mrs. Apna Campbell, motheif of with a banquet and dance on the Engineer's Degree Father Campbell, resides at 1628 student body for t^e benefit of Electronic Organ evening of Friday, Feb. 17. Round­ the expenses of the Press club. 594 So. Broadway - PE. 4686 Race street and is a member of Included among 401 seniors at table discussions on radio writing, Reports will be given to the stu­ the Cathedral parish. She is the photography, feature writing, Marquette university, Milwaukee, sponsor of Our Lady of Loretto Wis., who will participate in mid­ dents on Jan. 31 at the close of In The VATICAN proof reading, and straight news the semester. Classes will be re­ SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS club. Sister M. Maura, his sister, are planned. At a special session, year commencement exercises to be John H. (Red) Bolsin^er. Prop. is assistant professor of French held Tuesday, Jan. 31, is Richard sumed on Feb. 9 ^ ter the annual representatives of three radio sta­ retreat from Feb. 1-3 for the sen­ at Loretto Heights and is director tions will explain how they collect, L. McDermott, 860 Carr street, of the department ior-junior group and Feb. 6-8 for prepare, and broadcast their news Denver. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P, McDermott, former parish­ the sophomore-freshman group. 'Pilgrims of Press' programs. Both will be conducted by the 1749 Tremont .PI. ioners of St Catherine’s, now re­ DENVER’S MOST ConvenHon Theme An extemporaneous writing con­ Very Rev. Harry Smith, C.SS.R., test is one of the highlights, and side in Cheyenne, Wyo. 618 E. 16th A t .. pastor of SL Joseph’s parish. progressive "Pilgrims^of the Press” is the prizes will be awarded to the’ win­ The principal speaker for the Preparation* for Pep Club Fete 425 £. 17th Are. theme of the ACSPR convention to ners at the banquet Friday night. graduation will be Father Robert be held at Loretto Heights college There will also be prizes given to A. Johnston, S.J., director of the The Pep cliib dance, one of the 604 E. n t h A t .. Feb. 16 and 17. John Cogley, three gala affairs of the year, will 1II7-M Hark*t St the writers of articles judged the department of speech at St. Louis feature editor of Commonweal, and TAbor 6379 best - published in school papers university. Candidates will be pre­ take place Feb. 20. Preliminary Lois Schumacher, co-editor of the this year. sented by their respective deans, preparations have been made with CISCA publication. Today, are the Members of the Loretto Heights and degrees will be conferred nominations by the members for out-of-town speakers coming for Press club sponsor the convention. by Father Edward J. O’Donnell, the queen and her attendants. The the two-day parley. Prominent Miss Bertha Culig of Pueblo is result of the election which took members of the Denver press and S.J., Marquette president. the president and Miss Theresa Mr. McDermott is a candidate place on Jan. 24 gave the vote to Houck of Williams, Ariz., is the for the de^ee of bachelor of elec­ Mary Smith, who will have a rep­ convention secretary. trical engineering. resentative from each group in Starting tomorrow at The DEIWER Knights of Orphans W ill Be the school. Entertained at Party Favor Received A musical show will be given . ., see how your dreams of a dis­ C o lu m b n s Sunday afternoon at Loretto A reader of the Regiater wishes Missourian Heads INSURANCE Heights college for the children to publish thanks to the Sacred of three of Benver’s orphanages, Heart of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin tinctive wardrobe at smail cost can Juvenile — Adult through the courtesj- of the radio Mary, St. Joseph, ,St. Anthony, freshmen at Regis W. J. Bindel, General Agent and transcription fund of the SL Therese, SL Christopher, and Leo Koll, Field Agent American Federation of Musicians. other saints, and to Matt Talbot, Edward Kohl of Claytoq, Mo., come true when yon “make it your- 1575 Grant St. 'TA. 1480 At frequent intervals this organiza­ for many favors received through one of the stars on the Regis col­ tion donates its services to all kinds their intercession. lege freshman basketball team, m t was elected president of the fresh­ self!’* See our man class at Regis in a stu­ dent election GRAND OPENING held this week. Ned H. Peistrup g Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 27, 28, 29 of SL Louis, Mo., FABRIC FANTASY was chosen vice ^ president, a n d Leo Kerker of Rock Island, 111., FREE! FREE! was named secre­ in 7 thrilling window displays . . . and tary • treasurer. Al Schwitalla of Maestro Armando Antonelli plays the Wurlitzer Organ A Beautiful Gardenia for Ycm Edward Kohl Wichita, K a n s., in the Consistory at the Vatican. The Papal throne may informally modeled in our Yard was elected as representative for the class to the student council, be seen in the background. * OPENING SPECIAL with Jack Flynn of Parsons, Kans., Good^ Centei^-Street Floor. A Lovely SPRING BOUQUETlOUQUET o c as alternate representative. Votican officials, including Moesfro Antonelli, chief orgonist at St. Peter's, have expressed pleasure with O n l y 5 1 - 9 5 the tone quality of the Wurlitzer Organ. I and Fr. McCarthy to Give' Carry You, too, will be thrilled by the beauty of "Music's Cut Flowers, Plants, Corsages Retreat in St, Lovis Richest Voice" whether it be for Church, school or home. Wedding and Funeral Designs There is no obligation for trial demonstration. The The Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc-ery Larry and Joe Invile You to Visit Them at the Carthy, S.J., president of Regis ihriees range frmn $1,130 te $3,090 *WNw. OwiTtr Shopt wUh ConMwtn'-Kfyitofls Sill college, will leave Denver- Friday, Pr«» DsItTSrr Jan. 27, to conduct a retreat for DE. 4291 the law school students at St. d k ih i. :}I b u M. Louis university from Monday, 5602 E. Colfax Jan. 30, to Thursday, Feb. 2. KNIGHT-CAMPBELL'S Father McCarthy will return to 1617 Coiifornia Street Denver Regis the latter part of next week. -- - --n— i:

fA&l SIX Offiet, 938 Bannock Streat THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tijaphone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, Januory 26, 1950 Mercy Nursing School Director M arried Two Travelers WHAT TO DO-WITH DR. B.SCHOR YOUR OUTDATED FUR Optometrist Speak at I Sr. Jerome Nominated COAT

Announces the Removal of ^is Offices Press Club Rally •Restyle to a ?44°.50 from 225 Mack Bldg, to Swo talks by travelers recently ^amorous cape O I .{ 634 EMPIRE BUILDING returned from abroad and a best­ For Post With NCCN • Roslyle to a two flare seller book review will feature the 3563 — — 16th & Glenarm K£. Colorado Catholic Women’s Press (Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Nursat, Denver Chapter) fingertip .50 Ann Oakley, Mary MeSweeney, club meeting: Thursday, Feb. 2. Sister Mary Jerome, director of the Mercy hospital length ... Mrs. May West Owen will preside Geraldine Chavez, Dorothy Bann, ’39 school of nursing, has been nominated as a member of the Catherine Lavelle, ,and Cecelia at the session, scheduled to open at board of directors of the National Council of Catholic Nurses. • Restyle to three quarter 6:16 p.m, in the Denver Athletic Light. During the same year the club, 1325 Glenarm place, Denver. 'The national council will hold its biennial meeting and of­ group ffave a dance on Nov. 10 length— three $ ^ Q .5 0 for the Catholic soldiers. . Mrs. Phil Clarke will give the ficer elections in Los Angeles, Calif., May 5-7. or four flares..Hw C A R L S O N Finest Quality first travelogue, an account of her Sister Mary.Jerome was graduated from the Mercy Miss Elsie Collier, who had been t r ip ^ Europe, and the Rev. Paul employed in surgery, resigned Jan. • Restyle to a $ ^ 4 * .5 0 hospital school of nursing in 1936. After graduation, she 7 to accept a position Jan. 16 at Fife, O.S.B., will follow with a Bolero WaistlineO I F R IN K DAIRY FOODS brief discussion of conditions in served as assistant supervisor of surgery at the hospital. the Veterans’ hospital. Fort Lo­ Spain as he found them'on travels She attended St. Louis university, gan. Miss Collier is now making 1939-41, where she earned a The credit union met Tuesday, her home at 4601 S. Sherman or to a beauti- $ .50 MIIKS- through the country. Peace of Soul, Jan. 24, in Mercy hospital. Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen’s re­ bachelor of science degree in nurs­ street in St. Louis’ parish, Engle­ ful Stole ...... Golden Guernsey The teller committee met Sun­ wood. 19 markably popular work, is the book ing education. She also received Homogenized Vitamin D day, Jan. 22, in the home of Mrs. plu* material* if needed to be reviewed by the Rev. George her master’s degree from the same Mrs. Lillian Todd, Mercy hos­ In a recent wedding sol­ Pauline Woolman, at which time The above price* do not applj to •FRINK-the Betr R. Evans. institution in 1949. Sister has been pital alumna, worked in the deliv­ emnized in St. "Vincent de director of the Mercy hospital ballots were counted and presented ery room for several weeks on the let-oot work. CREAM-BUniR- , Wednesday, March 1, will be the Paul’s church, Miss Evelyn Leg­ school of nursing since 1941. to Mrs. Josephine Hayes, president. 11 to 7 o’clock Shift. BUTTER MILK closing date for the spring poetry gett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Complete Inturance Protection Sister Jerome has served on The following members of the com­ Mrs. Bette Fanger, ACCN treas­ L. Leggett, became the bride of Ed­ COTTAGE CHEESE contest, announced Mrs. Katljerine mittee were present: Mrs. Jose­ Kenehan, chairman. All meiitbdrs urer (’49), Denver chapter secre­ ward Paul Fried, son of Mr. and Carlson's Delicious phine Hayes, Mrs. Pauline Wool- tary (’49), and treasurer (’47), Mrs. Robert Fried. After a brief of the club in good standing are man, Miss Catherine Sharping, ICE CREAM eligible to compete for awards to starts her 11th vear as treasurer stay at the Broadmoor hotel at Daniels Fur Shop Miss -Florine Gallagher, Mtis. of St. Joseph’s hospital alumnae. Colorado Springe, the couple are be made at the meeting in April. 26 Years Experience At your store or at your door Clare Marker, Mrs. Marian Mrs. Charles Gilmer is making making their home in Denver. Pn- Brown, Miss Loretta Dwyer, and her home at 309 Bell avenue in ther Arthur G. Dresen officiated 829 15th St."«r Chimpa AL. 8124 Miss Ann Taphen. Alamosa. Mrs. Gilmer is the at the ceremony and offered the Guild of Infant of Prague Nuptial Mass. Special attention eWen to ont of The CARLSON-FRINK Co. Officers Are Elected former Regina Puhl, Two other town orderi The Guild of the Infant of sisters, Mrs. Marie Lumley and Denver's Quality Dairy — MAin 0111 Prague gave 22 hours of service to Mrs. Freda McGowan, as well as By Orphanage Aid the Infant of Prague nursery from a niece, Caroline Abegg, are English Prof to Talk Jan. 16 to 23. graduates of St. Joseph’s school. A large number of members of Mrs. Betty Moriarity, sister of A brother. Father Albert Puhl, is At Heights Club Rally the Queen of Heaven'Aid society Mrs. Cele Geiger, is spending a few stationed at Cathedral parish. FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE OF attended the meeting at the or­ days in Denver. Sister Jean Carmel, of the Eng­ phanage in Denver Jan. 17. Catherine Halleron is making Mrs. Coming, mother of Mrs. her home at Winter Haven, Fla. lish department at Loretto Heights Election of officers resulted in GAS HEATING EQUIPMENT Claire Marker, is' recuperating She writes she still subscribes to college, Denver, will speak on her the re-election of the present of­ from minor injuries incurred in a the Denver Catholic Register in experiences in Rome at the next OF ALL KINDS CALL KILLAM ficers: President, Mrs. Irene Ko- recent fall. order to keep up with the Denver Killam licented gai engineers solve your heating problem ser; financial secretary, Mrs. 0. Credit Union nursing news. meeting of the Loretto Heights Buehler; recording secretary, Miss quicker and invariably at lower cost because Killam men have The credit union announces the Miss Catherine (Kay) Smith, Women’s club, Feb. 2, at 1:30 p.m., been specialists tor thirty years in solving every kind of gas Sue Holly; and treasurer, Mrs. G. youngest member, who is just eight who was formerly secretary for in Pancratia hall. This will be a J. O’Byrrte. heating problem. Have your gas heating equipment checked days old. Congiratulations are in Dr. John Harrington, is taking continuation of Sister Jean Car­ now for maximum operating efficiency and economy of Mrs. Virgil Tout was appointed order to Mr. and Mrs. John Hut- a postgraduate course in anes­ operation. press correspondent to fill the mel’s discussion on her European man in knowing that the thrifty thesia at Charity hospital. New travels last summer. Mrs. R. E. vacancy caused by the resigna way is the credit union way. Orleans, La. tion of Miss Margaret Brennan. Cuthbertson, program chairman, St. Joseph'* Hospital Miss Lee Zanon, 1644 Race arranged the program. The following were enrolled as Siiter Mary Jerome Elizabeth Maloney, sister of street, is taking a month’s vaca­ MACARONI K illa tn g a s b u r n e r co. annual members: Mrs. Daniel Monsignor David Maloney, term­ tion in Trinidad and Albuquerque. Mrs. H. P. Alie, president of MANUFACTURIKS AND HEATING ENGINEERS Yacovetta, Mary Douglas, h^s. many committees in nursing organ­ inated her services with the navy While in Albuquerque, Miss Zanon the club, will preside. Tea will be Pauline Thomas, Mrs. Josephine izations, and has been a member and is again making her home at plans to visit Helen Riordan, who served by the hospitality commit­ 260 BROADWAY (or nwy M u tlsi Sh S. S.n.V Dr. D. C. Werthman Negiri, and Mrs. Gino Aiollo. of the ACCN executive committee 1240 Broadway in Littleton. organized the Spiritual Study club tee. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. ------Mother Angela gave an inter of the Denver chapter since 1946 Belva Olsen, past president of in 1948 and who was an active anil A§sociate esting talk on her trip to RoYne. She was elected a member of the the ACCN, sends news that she member of Our Lady of Fatima Dentists keeps busy teaching a practical bridge circle during her residence The Rev. William B. Faherty, board of directors of district 2, Colorado State Nurses’ associa­ nurse course in the San Francisco in Denver. Meeting Set on Feb. 3 PLATES S.J., spoke on his new book, just tion, in January. public schools and by working on Father George Evans, SL Philo- 606 15th Street 1206 15th Street WESTERKAMP'S gone to press, titled the Destiny VOSS BROS. her master’s degree in nursing mena’s parish, who will go to By Tabernacle Society KEyatone 8721 TAbor 5761 ' KE. 9043 5106 Wash. of Modem Woman. More will be Executive Board education. Miss Olsen, who makes Rome to study canon law, is the heard about this book when it The Tabernacle lociety will EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY BAKERIES Holds Meeting her home at 337 22nd avenue, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Evans, comes off the press. All enjoyed apartment 9, S a n Francisco, 940 E. Eighth avenue. Mrs. Evans meet with Mra. T. A. Cosgriff, SHOULD HAVE , 3 Stores to Serve You Father Faherty’s talk and hope he The executive board met Jan. 23 BEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES in the Knights of Columbus hall. Calif., was ■ assistant nursing arts is the former Mary Roche. 1130 E. Seventh avenue, Den­ — WE DELIVER — will soon be a guest again. instructor during her stay in Den­ Mrs. Roy Johnson, the former ver, on Friday, Feb. 3, at 2 The special prize, donated by The regular meeting of the ver. During 1941, when Miss Margaret Strauss, who was science o’clock. The Rev. Bernard Mur­ Mrs. Zehna, was awarded to Mrs. Denver chapter of the ACCN Olsen was ACCN president, the ray, S.J., will be the gueat CASH instructor at St. Joseph’s and the Will Pay Cash for Small Buehler. group had as its project the Colorado School for Nurses from apeaker. will be held Thurtday, Jan. 26, Home* in or Near Denver. Refreshments were served by teaching of home nursing classes 1938 to 1942, now lives' at 351 01832709 at 7:45 p.m. in St. Anthony’* Quick Action— Call or Sea ELEVATORS the sisters and girls. for the American Red Cross. Mem­ Oakdene avenue, Lconia, N. J. hoipital. Installation of new of­ DENVER bers en^ged in teaching classes Mrs. Johnson served as ACCN A. B. WILLIAMS ficer* will fa* held, and a trav­ at that time included Misses Ther- program chairman in 1941. The T. E. GREENE Fort Morgan Flour Mills Si. Clara's AH Society elogue will be presented a* a Kiely, Frances De May Johnsons are the parents of an A Friday Dinner 1641 Stout TA. 6266 program. Learned, Helen Tubbs Mahoney, adopted son, James Edward. FORT MORGAN Will Meet February I That's Different! BRANCHES AT— St. Clara’s Aid society, Denver, LONGMONT . . . YUMA will meet Wednesday, Feb. 1. All Cathedral PTA Committees Report HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE members are urged to attend this meeting as it is of great import­ Dr. F. A. Smith MILLERS AND HANDLERS ance. The hostesses appointed for Book Rental Group Has Balance of $350 the month of February are Mmes. FISH 'n CHIPS /OF FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, W. H. Grimm, Ella Costellan, A1 The meeting of the Cathedral ment booth at the carnival Feb. held Jan. 18 in the home of Mrs. "The Plneet Thb Side of London” Optometrist BARLEY, OATS, AND MILL Horne, and John Lamese. Other ap­ PTA, Denver, in January was|de- 21. This carnival is a parish proj­ Ben-Jpsen, 1558 Franklin. Miss C. voted principally to committee re­ ect. Committees will be announced Carothers from scout headquarters FEEDS pointments were as follows: Ella Eye. Examined • Viaual Care ports, so that membership could later. was guest speaker. Mothers attend­ Our Recipe Is the Only Gostellqn, deanery chairman; Mrs. Individually Styled Gla**a* Country ShippersI Rose Shall, chairman of the ways hear about the prog:ress of the or­ Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, ways and ing included Mmes. June Mar­ ganization in brief. Genuine English Style Consign Your Shipment To Vs and means committee; and tele­ means chairman, announced that shall, Tom Morrissey, Armel Fau- Mrs. George Schwartz gave the bion, J. L. McCain, Jack Marsh, phone committee, Mrs. Saunders, April 19 will be the date for the Used in Denver Mrs. Simms, Mrs. Wartner, and league report, announcing the only large fund-raising activity of Peter Stremel, Carl Glathar, John % Ford Optical Co. Mrs. Carrol. city-wide league card party. Those the year for the PTA. This event Dandrow, Joseph Fullham, Mar­ persons wishing tickets may con­ will be a card party to be held in garet Palmer, Ernest Gendren, 1558 Broadway tact Mrs. Schwartz at EA. 0184. Malo hall. Further information Ben Ipsen, Robert Gruber, and 195 Federal Blvd. TAbor 1295 Ftmllr Sit« The book rental committee will be forthcoming at the PTA John Shanahan. $i| 50 reported that all bill* were paid meeting in March. St Philomena's Neighborhood for the year and that a balance Chicken Pie Emma Jean Miller, Catherine club, of which the Catitedral CToup WHOLE of $350 remained. It wa* voted is a member, will honor all its to tran*fer thi* amount to Mon- Haas, and Carrie Jones staffed FRIED CHICKENS the nursery for January. Mothers members at a tea Wednesday, •ignor Walter J. Cxnavan to Feb. 1, at 1:15 p.m. in St. Philo- Delicioui O C aid in the expen*e of wiring the are again reminded that this serv­ ice is conducted every month in mena’s hall, E. 10th avenue and Golden Brown C e C w *chool building* for a public ad- Fillmore street Miss Mary Kay WOLF’S CHILE dra*a *y*tem. Sister Irene Therese’s fourth grade room in the Logan street Meyers, executive director of the The Beer That Mrs. George Schwartz will con­ Gifl Scouts, will be the guest duct a class on the Cathedral building. Sold at Leading Grocery Stores HUMMEL'S Sister Irene^Therese and her speaker. AH mothers interested in Made Milwaukee Famous schools’ book rental system scouting are invited to attend. *'DenTcr'i Lcsdlnf D«liea(GG««n” Wednesday, March 8. All schools pupils won the special prize this Canned No. 2 Chili No. 300, Barbecue Sauce-Can No. 2 311 E. 7th Ave. KE. 1986 The following Cathedralites at­ MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. interested are invited to send rep­ month. 1 tended the meeting Jan. 19: Mmes. and Chile Beans — Cooked in Beef Broth—- Open San. and Doily Till 7:3* P.H. The Brownie troops of grades resentatives. Further information A. J. Hamiiton, Ralph Nickless, ^Robert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Murray^ Clo««d Handi.ri 3 and 2 will hold their first meeting Can No. 2 Tamale* may be obtained by calling EA. Philip Pietrowski, George this Thursday, Jan. 26, from 2:30 0184. Schwartz, John Evers, Paul Fitz­ to 3:46 in their respective class­ KE. 2096 ' 730 23rd Street Mrs. John Evers, head room gerald, A. J. Harris, Ben Olquin, rooms. Leaders are Mmes. John mother, gave a comprehensive re­ Frahk Sabine, Jamu McDonald, Ask for Wolfs Famous Chili At Your Grocer's port on room mother activities. Dandrow, June Marshall, Anthony Paul Lenig, Frank MOTane, Horace She asked for continued good ■Varrecchia, Joseph Fulham, and Anderson, and L. R. Siebert. ^york from the rooth mothers, es­ Margaret Palmer. A meeting for pecially in aiding the PTA refresh­ mothers of these two troops was Fr. Harry Brennan Speaks GET At Women's Council Parley Father Harry Brennan of the Monday, Jan. 23, in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, Australia, Charities annex, 1665 Grant YOUR addressed members of the Denver street, Denver. deanery, ACCW, at their meeting About 60 members heard Father Brennan describe the Catholic Ac­ COPY tion organization of his home PTA Ex-President Club archdiocese, from which he is on leave. He is at present an assistant SOON To Hold Dessert-Lunch at Mother of God parish, Denver, The past presidents’ social club and is studying journalism at the of the Catholic Parent-Teachers’ Register offices. league will meet Wednesday, Feb. Other speakers were the Rev. 1, at 12:30 p.m. in the Catholic William Monahan, moderator of Charities annex, 1665 Grant street, the deanery, who spoke on the Denver. coming White House youth con­ A dessert-luncheon will open the ference; and Mrs. John Murtaugh, meeting with ML Carmel and St. who made preliminary announce­ Francis de Sales’ units as host­ ments on the combined ACCW- ess. Denver deanery meeting to be held Mrs. M. E. Cooke, newly elected Feb. 20 in Denver. You’ll find this issue the best yet, three fasci­ president, will present the follow­ Mrs. Fred H. Thompson, first ing standing committees: Member­ vice president of the deanery, pre­ ship, Mrs. Anton V. Padboy, Holy sided at the gathering in the ab­ nating stories, three interesting features, three art­ Rosary parish; hospUality, Mrs. sence of Mrs. Fred Gushurst, Anthony S. Zarlengo, St. Dominic’s president. • icles about your children, a large section of recipes, parish; publicity, Mrs. James A. Refreshments were served fol­ Foley, St. Catherine’s parish; ways lowing -the meeting by Mmes. Eliz household hints, suggestions about equipment and and means, Mrs. Thomas J. Mor­ abeth Sheby, Mrs. John Murtaugh, rissey, Blessed Sacrament parish; Mrs. L. A. Higgins, Mrs. William decoration; fashions and needlework, besides your sick, Mrs. Angelo Rossi, Assump­ McFarland, and Mrs. 0. C. Hence- tion parish; and telephone, Mrs. favorite Personal Touch, Reel Dope, Teen Scene, A. J. Linnebur, Loyola parish. A large attendance is antici­ and Buyer’s Guide. On sale now. pated. Meeting Is Set Feb. 2 Richard Joseph Polak By Women's Study Club Born in St. Joseph’s The Catholic Woman’s Study Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Polak club will hold its monthly meeting with luncheon in the Denver Dry announce the birth of a boy, Rich­ I' ard Joseph, on Jan. 11 in St. Jo­ Goods tea room Thursday, Feb. 2, '•1 seph’s hospital, Denver. He will be at 12:80 p.m. baptized this Sunday, Jan. 29, in An interesting program ar­ Holy Ghost qhurch by the Very ranged by Mrs. J. Morse will follow WAY Rev. Monsignor John Cavanagh, a short business meeting. All reser­ '! 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sprague vations must be made before Mon­ as sponsors. Grandparents ate day noon Jan. 30 by calling AL. h I Amelia L. Polak ahd L. V. Gies. 1277. • 1 t'l ■ f 1! J, Thursday, January 26, 1950 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN t - Redemptorist Parish Activities Building Dedicated Brings Down the House I i' i.^^usements -f Dining Blessed Mother Statue 1 Recreation Given to St. Joseph’s (St. Joteph’i RedemptorUt Pariih, D«nTer) Through the generosity of a member of the parish a very beautiful and lifelike OF ALL statue of Our I,ady has been placed on a stand in the northwest corner of the church. The statue was blessed by His Excellency, Archbishop Vehr, Jan, 24, when he blessed and dedicated the new parish activi- ties building. sponse to his appeal for funds for in completely Catholic surround­ the work among the poor natives i l l The statue is a beautiful addi­ ings. All married couples inter­ of the Amazon valley. tion to the church and comple­ ested in joining the Double Ring ments the shrine of Mother Ca- He writes: “ I have been touched club are asked to attend this first brini, which is on the opposite side deeply h f the generosity of the of the church. people of St. Joseph’s parish in meeting. Father Smith, pastor, will Father Harry S. Smith, C.SS.R., their response to the appeal I be the spiritual director of the FRIDAY'S MENU INCLUDES— is now looking for someone to do­ made to their charity last Sunday. club. I; Not only my gratitude, but the Lobster Tails, Frog Saddles, Jumbo nate a vigil light stand similar to A pre-Lenten parish dance has the one before the Mother Cabrini gratitude of all the Redemptorist been set for Saturday evening, Shrimp, Eastern Scallops, Mountain shrine so that devotees of our Fathers and their unf.ortunate Feb. 11. Dwight M. McCready’s people in the Amazon valley is Trout, Halibut and Salmon Steak. Blessed Lady can burn candles to orchestra has been engaged and symbolize their devotion. The extended to you all today. We will there will be refreshments and The Holland House, personally supervised wrought-iron stand beneath th e make this gratitude real by re­ spontaneous entertainment The statue was made by Dufficy & membering you and your inten­ usual donation of per couple by Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Holland, is the Son, and part of the cost was tions in our prayers. Holy Masses, will be asked to help defray ex­ ■ ^ and in the sacrifices connected place to remember on Ember Days. donated. It is hoped the balance penses of the dance. Be sure to will be mven by some loyal mem­ with this mission work in the reserve this date for an evening ber of the parish. ‘Green Hell’ of the jungle. Our of entertainment and recreation. people, and particularly the chil­ Activities Building dren, will never forget your kind­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginsburg Completed ness toward them and their needs announce the birth of their child. THE HOLLAND HOUSE In the recent graduation at Ohio .■ GO ID f N. C O lO R A DO ke parith actiTitiei building both spiritual and physical. May U i l>owow complete and in aerrice. God bless you and Our Blessed State university, one of the grad­ St. Joseph’s basketball teams Lady and St. Joseph reward uates was Mrs. Helen Dulla Met­ practice in the building and the you for your great kindness. Very calf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Young People’s clubs of the city gratefully yours, John N. McCor­ John Dulla, who are members of Tnfdlcu(a*c/ u/ko^ use the floor for their games. mick, C.SS.R." St Joseph’s Redemptorist parish RE-ENACTING A FAMOUS BIBLICAL SCENE, Vic­ As a fitting celebration to in­ Father McCormick left Jan. 24 Mrs. Metcalf received the degree tor Mature, as the blinded Samson, presses against the ^ o u r c m d augurate properly the use of for Txeas, where he will preach a of bachelor of science in nursing columns that hold up the Philistine temple. The scene is from Cecil B. the building not only for athletic triduum. He will then go to education. She is a member of Pi DeM ill^ Samson and Delilah, a Paramount picture in Technicolor. purposes but for any parish ac­ Wichita, Kans., where he will Lambda Theta, national honorary De Mille first conceived the idea for his new film 14 years ago. tivity the annual band concert preach in several churches for the educational sorority. She also was Since that time, he kept a staff of experts busy doing original will be held in the building Sat­ missions. In the spring he will re­ a pledge of Sigma Theta Tau, na­ research on the Minoan Age, the period of the old BiblicaUstory. It urday, Feb. 4, beginning at 8 turn to Amazonas for another tional nurses’ honorary group. Mrs, was only when every possible avenue of research had been covered that p.m. three years of duty in mission Metcalf is a graduate of St Jo­ DeMille finally put the film into production. Hedy Lamarr, Victor This concert is under the spon­ work. seph’s hospital. Alliance, Neb., l$00 1hso\yation$ 7HA 9/77 Mature, George Sanders, Angela Lansbury, and Henry Wilcoxon sorship of St. Joseph’s PTA. St. Double Ring Club and was employed for a short head the cast of thousands in the Paramount production that opens Joseph’s band will mve an hour’s time at Mercy hospital, Denver. Jan. 27 at the Denham theater, Denver. concert and this will be followed To Be Organized by dancing with music provided Tueiduy evening, Jan, 31, fol­ by Dwight McCready’s orchestra. lowing devotions in honor of It is requested that tickets to the Our Mother of Perpetual Help, concert be procured as soon as pos­ the first meeting of St. Joseph’s Dinner to Honor New Leaders sible so sufficient seating can be Double Ring club will be held BOGGIOS provided, and also that the PTA in the church hall. The purpose may estimate the number of peo- of this club is to organize the ^Ol'SSER/f p a r ISU'^'^ le who might desire refreshments. married couples of St. Joseph's fAMOUS fO « U N I fN JO Y THE WEST’S ?he PTA plans to serve sand­ Elected by Archbishop's Guild parish into a group for recrea­ FOOD Se«VtD IN A ★ MOST «tF»ES H IN O wiches and beverages during the tional and social purposes. (Archbi*hop’* Guild, Denver) OHACIOUS MANNtH COCATAll lO U N G t collect toys for ihe Infant of evening’s entertainment. Since there now are ample Prague nursery, especially toys to TREMONT AT BROADWAY Father John McCormick, C.SS.R., facilities for all kinds of activities Circles of the Archbishop’s guild are holding election be used when the .children play Vice Provincial of the Redemptor­ using either the hall or the gym, it ^ KE. 9618 * CH. 2494 of officers this month. The new circle presidents will be outdoors. This group is also ist missionary province in Ama­ will be easy to organize a group the guests of the guild at a dinner in February on a date planning to complete garments for zonas, Brazil, has written a letter that can have its social events to­ the children at-the nursery. in gratitude for the generous re- gether under Catholic auspices and to be announced later by the president. Miss Isabelle Mc­ Namara. Circles that have not selected new officers are Our Lady of Lourdc* Circle urged to do so before Feb. 1, Mrs. Helen Canny entertained St. Jude’* Circle bers announced forthcoming mar­ the members of her circle on Jan. Sacred Heart High School riages within their families. Mrs. 17. Miss Catherine Corcoran and Burt Sidell It was erroneously reported last Marie Kurtz announced the en­ Mrs. Mary Ellen McCluskey have week that funds would be col­ gagement of her daughter, Joan joined the circle. Orchestra lected during the year. This should Marie, to Fred Mursko. Mrs. Lu­ St. Ann's Circle DANCING have been toys which will be dis­ 9 P.IVI. to 1 A.M. — No Cover Charge Alumni Invited to Reunion cille Williams disclosed that her The following officers were tributed to the Little Flower cen­ son, Henry, would wed Rose Gor- Good Food — Cocktail Service ter. Mrs. Alice Bell has returned elected at the meeting in the home (Sacred Heart Pariili, Denrei^ han in an early spring ceremony. of Mrs. Lois O’Fallon: President, from a visit to Colorado Springs. Mrs. Katherine Bradley is enter­ On Feb. 17 Adelphian hall of Sacred Heart school will Our Lady of the Rosary Circle Mrs. Josephine Ipsen; secretary- taining her aunts, Mrs. J. R. Pala­ treasurer, Rita Seneunemann; his­ , DENWOOD INN be ringing with the voices of former high school students Mrs. Nellie McEnery, who re­ cios and Miss Alice Curry of Elk cently returned from a four-month torian, Miss Jeanette Jones; and 2598 S. Broadway SP. 9761 long since departed from the school, when the group meets Point, S. Dak. Miss Curry will publicity, Miss Ruth Birch. for its first general reunion. Memories dear to their hearts, visit in Ireland, was hostess to resume her trip to Sarart:oga, Calif., the circle members Jan. 10. Mrs. to visit her sister. Sister Assump­ It was decided that the group Cecil B. DeMille s faces vivid only in thoughts of long ago and friendships, McEnery gave a very interesting tion, at the Notre Dame convent. will meet on the first Wednesday old but not forgotten, will be re­ report of her trip. Plans were of every month. Plans for the first "SAMSON AND united in fervent handclasps. Mrs. Carolyn Alexus has offered made for the annual Communion to sew 10 garments to be given to annual party to be held in Febru­ The program for the evening, breakfast for the circle members ary were made. DELILAH" the Infant of Prague nursery. starring ( beginning ^ 8:30, will include Book Review Sel to be held Jan. 29. Ave Maria Circle Kathryne Lynne, daughter of St. Joseph’s Circle r/j dancing, visiting, refreshments, The members of this circle met Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, was Hedy Lamarr I and some spur-of-the-moment fun. Mrs. Alberta Kurtz was installed in the home, of Mrs. Wayne Duck­ baptized Jan. 22 in the Cathedral, Good music will be provided and as president of the circle. The hon­ worth Jan. 11. with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Murphey, Victor Mature the evening should be enjdyable By Altar Unit of ored guests at the meeting were BIe**ed Malgin Circle Mrs. Smith’s parents, as sponsors. George Sanders for all. A reasonable charge will Miss Isabella McNamara, Mrs. A social meeting was held in Queen of Heaven Circle be made to cover expenses. Eileen Koester, Mrs. Clella Barry, the home of Miss Marie Celia Jan. Angela Lansbury E d e l w e iss and Miss Jessie Pasquale. Mrs. An election of officers featured An invitation ii extended to 11. Lakewood Parish Virginia Thompson was presented the first meeting of the year Jan. Henry Wilcoxon J all former S.H.H.S. itudentz Blessed Sacrament Circle 24 of the Queen of Heaven circle. with a gift in appreciation for the (St. Bernadette’ * Parith, On Jan. 19, Mrs. Peter Schoen- Archbishop’s guild, Denver, held in Produced and Directed by . 1644 GLENARM . OPEN 11 A M. to 3 A M regardlets of the length of their work done during her year as Lakewood) daller- was hostess to her circle the home of Mrs. Frances Graves. Cecil B. DeMille attendance, and to their wive*, president. An event of special interest to members. There was an election of Officers are Marie Ansbury, Color by huibandi, and e*cort*. The plan Altar and Rosary society members Mrs. Helen Barnum will assist officers and the members sewed president; Mrs. Francine Esser, TECHNICOLOR i* primarily intended to bring is the book review scheduled this on the layette committee of the garments to be given to the Infant Secretary; Eleanor Propes, public­ Friday, Jan. 27, at 1:30 p.m. in the circle. The new members ofthe ty lesse I tisky li. Fiiinc V link together a* many a* poitibie of of Prague nursery. ity .chairman; and Mary Jo Mc- T H E A T P E Jefferson hall, 7821 W. Colfa* circle are Mrs. Kay Fuler, Mrs. Morning Star Circle Ernery, linpn chairman. Mrs. Esser lion tintiiKils ty HiiDld Isnb the old claitmate* for a reunion. avenue. A Doctor Wears Three Bertha Kirk*, and Mrs. Pauline Mrs. Clella Barry, vestment retently returned to the circle ind Vlaiai laMmsky To date letters have been sent Faces is the selection, a popular Wolford. Mrs. Alma Lee is re­ chairman, and Miss Jessie Pasqual, after a trip to Niagara Falls, Based gpen Itie Nny ol SensM end DeliU in ower ported ill. T to aproximately 600 former stu­ work by Mary Bard describing the m "PLAYS ALL THiTHE B/G HITS linen chairman, attended the re­ N. Y. (be Holy Bible. Iudeesl3'l6 dents explaining the plan of the reactions of a wife to the demands Sancta Maria Circle cent meeting of St. Joseph’s circle Entertainment and refreshments evening. A list of names of those of the medical profession on her Miss Josephine Hytrek enter­ as guests at the installation cere­ followed the meeting. A Paramount husband. Mrs. Avery White will tained at a farewell party for Miss THLIRSD.4Y — FRIDAY — SATURDAY whose addresses are not available monies. Picture is included with the request for in­ give the review. Tickets may be Kay Huber Jan. 10. Miss Huber Mystical Rose Circle New Catechist Order formation concerning them. The purchased from society members has accepted a position in New The recently elected president *• Qterj’ •* SHIRLEY TEMPLE York and left Denver last week ABBOTT & committee urges all to co-operate. at 50 cents. of this circle is Mrs. Helen Kinkel, Nagoya,, . , Japan. ■ Preparations A B. FITZGERALD end. She was the co-chairmari of COSTELLO N It is hoped that all who have re­ Parishioners are expected to and Mrs. Rita Dalton is secretary- are being completed for the estab­ "STORY OF ceived a letter will return the card turn out in large numbers for the entertainmerit committee of treasurer. They werp chosen' at a lishment of a new religious commu­ Starts Friday 'H IT THE ICE' D form to Zuni street, or a call to the social and dance Thursday the Archbishop’s guild. meeting in the home of Mrs. Mar­ nity of women catechists. A house SEABISCUIT" GL. 9B12 will bring one by return evening, Jan. 26, in Jefferson hall. Our Lady of Sorrow* Circle ion Kelly.' capable of accommodating about 20 mail. Festivities will start at 8 o’clock, At a recent meeting in the home Our Lady of Fatima Circle candidates is being erected near DENHAM SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY. The following women repre­ with both modem and square of Mrs. Martha Serafini, election The entire gi»up spent the the Catholic University of Na­ sented Sacred Heart PTA at the dancing to be featured. of officers was held. Miss Kather­ afternoon of Jan. 15 at the Infant goya. past PTA league meeting: Mmes. Full details will be given in the ine Bradley was elected president of Prague nursery. Sally Olguin, Ruth Harris, Jean­ Register next week on St. Berna­ and will be assisted by Mrs. Car­ Our Lady of Loretto Circle SPECIAL ATTRACTION ette Trujillo, Bertina Sanchez, dette’s first parish mission, which olyn Alexus, secretary. Miss Mary On Jan. 20, Miss Catherine Marie Chavez, Dalia Jarger, and is to open Sunday, Feb. 5. The Evelyn Byrne was chosen as linen Maher was hostess for the mem­ PLUS PAT O’BRIEN “ DANGEROUS PROFESSION” Tillie Martinez. Rev. Daniel Campbell of the Mis­ chairman, and Mrs. Martha Sera­ bers of the circle. There will be an souri province Jesuit mission band. fini was elected publicity chair­ election of officers soon. a paduate of Regis high school, man. S t France* Cabrini’* Circle Seton Guild Will Hold wi‘fi lead the services At the meeting two of the mem­ The members have decided to The Little Flower circle of the YOUR BEST Altar and Rosary society will en p g ts o N S Gathering on Feb, 2 joy a dessert-bridge luncheon HOTEL VALUE Thursday, Jan. 26, starting at 12 Junior C D. of A. Troop In Annex of Charities noon in the home of Mrs. Pat Brannan, 6 Lakewood Heights SHIRLEY-SAVOY H Om ' The Seton guild will meet in the drive. » I DENVER Catholic Charities annex, Denver, Is Entertained at Party Thursday, Feb. 2, at 12:30 p.m. St. Therese's troop of the Junior St. Thomas’ seminary. Marilyn The business meeting will start Nun Exhibits Art Catholic Daughters of America, at 12:30 p.m., and refreshments Nelson is back in school after a re­ Recommended by Roland L. Hill Denver, was entertained Dec. 30 cent operation. ^ u n k fM p e m o fM M 6 will be served at 1 p.m., followed Boston.—Sister Mary Divine Savior, Manchester, -N. H., was at a party in the home of Mrs. St. Bernadette’s troop held its by games. Friends of the gni'ld are among the exhibitors at the 17th Glen Nelson. Assisting Mrs. Nel­ business meeting with Madonna invited to attend. annual exhibition of the Boston So­ son were Mmes. Goddard and Bisofberger Jan. 7. The girls have The president, Mrs. H. Weber, ciety of Independent Artists. The Kleinschnitz. Margie Kleinschnitz lAgun work on a quilt they ex­ requests all members to attend nun submitted an oil painting, enjoyed the holiday vacationing pect to finish before June. The this special business meeting. “ Mariner’s Delight” with her brother, Jim, who attends next social will be a skating party, followed by a potluck dinner in the | T » C TRANSFER T l U r home of Nancy Sorrels. The square dancing project of this I I V INVENTORY I l l v l l - CPTL Card Party Set Jan. 27 troop, under the direction of Mrs. Annette Vigil, is progressing sat­ s isfactorily. The next business meeting will be with Mary Con­ S Letter T. Raber Taylor Tells of 'Fun at Home' nors. FINAL ARRANGEMENTS man. Mr. Taylor carried with will be available for members St. Frances Cabrini’s troop wel­ L e g a l S iz e him a “ surprise” package which at the next meeting. comed a new member, Donna Mae Pat O’Brien Allan (Red Rider) Lane hav«-been completed for the third Fiore, who was hostess in the annuaj CPTL benefit card party contained authentic information THE REV. EDWARD LEY- Barbara Hale Little Beaver and suggestions on hia topic, DEN, moderator for the league, home of her cousin, Gloria Sorama, C h e c k 'Boy With Green Hair'‘ "Vigilantes of Boomtown'' Friday, Jan. 27, in the Knights of "Fun for the Child in the Home.” announced that a new health Jan. 7. The quilt project of the Columbus hall, 1574 Grant From hia six little daughters, council is being organized and troop is well under way. Gloria 5 Drawer and Snap Down Styles street. The hospitality commit­ Mr. Taylor acquired the contents will be composed of mothers and Somma, Donna Mae Fiore, and Sun., Mon,, Tues., Wed., Jan. 29, 30, 31, Feb. 1 tee appointed for the party will of the “ surprise” package, which nuns from the Catholic PTA Diana Frazzini were chosen to With or Without Metal Fronts include Mrs. M. E. Cooke and proved to be amusing as well units who will work with the entertain the Senior court Jan. Mrs. A. F. Zarlengo. Others as­ 12. The next meeting of the troop Walt Disney'* Virginia Mayo as instructive to the members public health group. 'This is a sisting at the party will be present. very important step in the pa­ will be with Diane Gilba, ‘4006 "Ichobod and Mr. Toad" "Smart Girls Don't Talk" Mmes. William Augustine, Ed Mr. Taylor’s conclusions were rochial school health program. Wyandot, Jan. 28. FOLDERS!! FILING EQUIPMENT!! I Conway, Henry Cooper, M. De- that children love to be a part Mrs. Gallegos announced that Sewing Garments J Bell, Herman Doyle, J. A. Har­ of what is going on in the home, the date of the annual educa­ ris, Ray Ingram, Valens Jones, from prayers to recreation and tional conference will be March For Hospital Infants T. Jj Morrissey, B. Olguin, Wil­ work. Mr. Taylor redbmmended 23 in the Shirley-Savoy hotel, St. Ann’s troop met Jan. 14 with WE HAVE MOVED liam' Reed, Angelo Rossi, Frank COIBCUIPRODUCTSCO. i to parents for their guidance in Denver. Other announcements Margaret McGrath. Arrangements Sabine, George Schwartz, George rearing their children the book­ about the conference will be made were worked out for the junior Stationery — Office Equipment ^ Smart, and William Swigert. let written by His Holiness, at a later date. initiation, to be held Feb. 25. The ABEGG-FELLOWS Printing Co. T. Raber Taylor was intro­ Pope Pius XII, entitled Guiding Mrs. J. J. Sullivan of St. troop has begun making infant duced as guest speaker at the 5 Christ’s Little Ones, which will Catherine’s won the monthly garments for the St. Joseph baby 1707 Lawrence -T A 2990 | 1454 Welton in Rear • Denver • KE. 4054 CPTL meeting Jan. 20 by Mrs. be! ordered in quantity by Mrs. prize donated by Mrs. M. £ . annex. The next meeting will he A F. Zarlengo, program chair­ Ly M. Gallegos, president, and Cooke, hospitality chairman. with Charlene Norris Feb. IL ,W( L PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thuredoy, Jonuory 2|6, 1950 Optometrist and Optician 40 Hours' Starts Jon. 27 JERRY RRiEEIV Helen Walsh Lady of Lourdes AaiocUt* In Holy Family Church Florist. W. R. JOSEPH EYES EXAMINED Altar Society (Holy Family Pariih, Denver) 1 o ’clock Mrs. William Dowling 1004 15th St. Phon* TAber 1U« The Forty Hours’ devotion will will entertain St. Ann’s circle in MAin 2279 lI M lf Mi JmUc Bids. bo held in Holy Family church her home, 4573 Utica street. To Meet Feb. 2 starting Friday, Jan. 27, with Solemn Mass at 9 o’clock. HOLY FAMILY (Our Ladp of Lourdai PaHik, In the evening at 7:30 o’clock *■ Danvar) there ^ill be a sermon by the Rev. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH PatronUe Thsts Friendly Firm* R. M. Burke, O.P., and Benedic­ A party wiU -be given for tion of the Blessed Sacrament. Patronise These Friendly Firms members of Our Lady of ConfeuioDB will be heard Friday FANNING'S TEXACO Lourdes Altar and Rosary so­ after services and Saturday at the usual hours. Masses Saturday, ciety at the meeting Thursday, Jan. 28, will be at 6:16, 7, and 8 JACKSON'S Feb. 2. The meeting will be held SERVICE o'clock. The closing will take place ROTOUll'S in the Center House beginning at Cut Rate Drugs COMPLETE WASHING AND Sunday afternoon, Jan. 29, at 4 796 So. Broadjvay 8 o’clock. Before the meeting, o’clock. PRESCRIPTIONS LUBRICATING SERVICE members will assemble in the FOUNTAIN SERVICE church for the recitation of the Instruction class for non-Cath- FREE PROMPT DELIVERY 44th Stuart GR. 9824 Rosary. Refreshments will be olics is held each Tuesday evening Call BP 3445 Downlnf A AlamMla Standard Gas & Oils served follofwing the business meet­ beginning at 8 o’clock in the high ing. Members of the society held a school building. successful card party last week in In the first evening of play at ST. ANTHONY'S St. Francis de Sales’ school. Mrs. the PTA-sponsored card tourna­ It’s a tiriil Wieder was in charge. Sunday, ment Jan. 19, the high score in EGGS Patronite These Friendly Firms Jan. 29, the last Sunday of the bridge was held by Mabel Good­ ti be reieiberei month, will be Communion day for man, and in pinochle, by Mrs. A. the members of the Altar society, A. McNulty, New players for the 4 0 * ^ Doz. with Complete Line ♦hey will receive in a body in the tournament or for a single eve­ Quality Dairy Products Quality Meats & Groceries 8:30 Mass. ning’s play are welcome, and will The Rocks of Lourdes club an­ be credited with the low score of BEER TO TAKE OUT nounced this week that members the first evening’s game. A 64 Broadway Creamery RA. 1818^ SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS piece set of silverware, service FREE DEUVERYd of the Mardi Gras committee on 66 So. Broadway SP, 2665 ticket sales will be in the Center for eight, has been on display and You Will Be Protid FIORE GROCERY will be awarded the last night of 1«7I SO. FEDEBAL WE. 138 House after each Mass on Sundays Thay Came Fron^ from now until after the Mardi the tournament, Feb. 16. The sil­ Gras to distribute new tickets and Begun in 1946 under the direction of the Very ver was donated by Alan Coomer, FORGET-l»lE.$OT SOUTHWESTERN MISSION STYLE jeweler, 1450 Champa street to receive returns. Members of the stands out in every architectural line of the Rev. Howard L. Delaney, the church is now just BUCHANAN’S FLOWER SHOP Rocks announced also that a barn nearing completion of its interior. Mass has been Baptized this week were Col­ 285 SO. DOWNING ST. DOMINIC'S party will be held on Feb. 8 at Church of Christ the King in La Veta, in the Dio­ lette Anne, infant daughter of Christian Bros. Wines cese of Pueblo. The church is shown here in its celebrated, however, for almost two years in the Patronise These Friendly Firms Grandview Grange, located at 6000 magnificent edifice, which is one of the most unique Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beluscalc, spon­ All Popniir Botrt S. University. most recent picture. The La Veta church is a mission sor, Stephen Hlivak; and John Nor­ Wt DcliTtr Alameda Drug Store of St. Mary’s parish, Walsenburg, and is attended on and beautiful In the diocese.— (Photo by John M Members of the committee in man, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. V. 0. PETERSON, Prop. Sundays by the Rev. Stephen Murawski. O’Connor, Trinidad) PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy. charge of the 1960 Mardi Gras Norman Johnson, whose sponsors Cut Rate Dr^gs 10% DISCOUNT ball, to be held in the Rainbow were Robert Lally and Prances WITH THIS AD Fountain Scn'ice Schpol Suppliea ballroom Feb. 20, will meet early Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Milton CONOCO PRODUCTS Your Business Appreciated ON CASH St CARRY next week to make final prepara­ Brown were the sponsors at the Lubrication - Delco Batteries tions for the dance. Bill Pitre’s or­ Forty Hours^ Devotion Opens Baptism of Diana Virginia and Alameda & So. XELENT CLEANERS chestra will play at the third an­ Margaret Rose, infant daughters Car Washing nual Mardi Gras. of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peel. ■ 3006 Fadaral Bird. GR. 2850 ■ d Officers and members of the ^aaaaraaaaaBB.. BBBBBBB# Tha annual novana in honor W. A. (Dutch) THOAAAS E of Ou.‘ Lady of Lourdai will be­ Altar and Rosary society who will Feb. 3 at St. Dominic's Church Alameda A Logan PE. 9840 HASTEN, HASTEN V gin Friday, Feb. 3, and will care for the altars during the clo.a on the Feast of Our Lady Forty Hours’ devotion are Mmes. (St. Dominic’s Parish, Denvar) ANNUNCIATION of Lourdes, Feb. 11. The Forty Clara Heidewtadt, Edith Butz, MIRK'S & BRYAN I Patronise These Friendly Firms Hours’ doTotion will begin Forty Hours’ adoration will open in the church Friday morning, Feb. 3, with a High Catherine Dowling, Florence Thursday, Feb. 9. Duffy, Caroline Epping, and Marie Mass of Exposition at 8 o’clock. The-Blessed Sacrament tvill remain exposed all day and Kline. DRUG STORE The honor card system has been AT LOWEST until after the close of the Holy Hour devotions in the evening at 8 :30. The sermon for St. Rita’s circle met Jan. 25 in CUT RATE PRICES Optometrists- introduced at Our Lady of Lourdes DRUGS PRICES IN DENVER the opening of the Forty Hours' the home of Mrs. P. Kriley, 3728 Pr««;rIptiotii Accaraltir F!H«I d t school. This week parents of chil­ and the Holy Hour will be preached the sixth grade under the direction Two Dominican Sisters of the Win*!, B i»*, Etc. — Fountain dren attending school will receive Quitman street. by the Rev. J. G. Forquer, O.P. of Sister Raphaella presented a St. Mary community, Columbus, Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 31, at 1300 So. Pearl SP. 7539 = 5 Broadway PEarl 4668 two report cards, one telling of playette on "The Pumpkinville Confessions will be heard after 0., visited the parish Tuesday, Jan. the progress made in the child’s the evening services. PTA.’’ DENVER 51 STORE studies, and the second card giv­ Saturday morning, Feb. 4, the Candles to Be 24. Both had been superiors of Clarence Moore Named QUAUTY CLEANING ing a detailed report on the child's Blessed Sacrament will be ex the sisters at the Dominican house REASONABLE PRICES ______iMiiiiniMniiijiiBiww titl FRANKLIN ST. conduct at school. Courtesy, obedi­ Blessed Feb. 2 posed on the main altar after the of studies. River Forest, 111., and Tsar Gsrinsnts Insured sgsinst Fir* Candlemas day, Thursday, Feb. ence, respect, and orderliness will 6:30 High Mass. The 7 o’clock Di­ Chairman of Campaign and Theft 2, the candles to be used in the were known at that time to the The firms listed herfe de­ be the theme of the honor card. alogue Mass in honor of Our Lady church during the year and for priests now residing here. They Clarence C. Moore, managing di serve to be rememl^ered St. Philomena's Parish of Fatima will be said on the Ro­ sick calls in the parishioners’ are Sisters Janet and Mary Bede. rector of the Moore Hardware sary altar at 7 o’clock and the homes will be blessed before the They are now stationed at Abi- company, was named chairman of ■when you are distribiiting Patronise These Friendly Firms High Mass for peace at the same St. Anthony's Student, 8 o’clock Mass. The candles for quiu, N. Mex. Their visit to this the 1960 Red Cross fund cam­ altar will be sung by the school CLEANERS AND DYERS your patronage-in thd dif­ homes will be distributed after the city was ;iecessitated in order to paign, according to an announce­ children at 8 o’clock. The Blessed DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY>: Sterling, Enters Convent 8 o’clock Mass, or may be called procure equipment for their new ment made this week by Lloyd E. 323 BROADWAY ferent lines of busines^. Sacrament will remain exposed all for at the recto^. mission house. Yoder, president of the Denver Phones PE. 3753 St PE. 3754 day Saturday until after the serv­ Donbar-Andlrews Pauline Kaiser, a member of the Confessions will be heard Thurs­ The Girl Scouts of troop 237 chapter, American Red Cross. Jaclf ices in the evening at 7:30. The Jewelers senior class of St. Anthony’s high day afternoon, Feb. 2, starting are continuing a series of instruc­ Foster, editor of the Rocky Moun­ sermon will be given by the Rev. SpMiaHiU In Pino Roptlrlnf school. Sterling, has joined an or­ at 4 p.m. and again in the evening tions on first aid every Tuesday tain News, who spearheaded the J. P. Houlihan, O.P; Confessions MALONE DRUG DExUr 0602 3389 East Colfax der of nuhs at a convent in Corpus at 7:30 in preparation for first afternoon after school in the successful 1949 campaign, will act Dcnrer. Colo. Christi, Tex. Pauline was noted at will be heard at 4 o’clock and after Friday and the opening of the church auditorium under the direc­ as associate chairman, and Harold Prescriptions a Specialty Wb«r« Parkins it No Problem St. Anthony’s for her spirituality the evening devotions. Forty Hours’ devotion. tion of Mrs. Jack Hamill. The Baker, executive manager of the and scholastic achievements and On Sunday, Feb. 6, the Blessed entire series will take 12 consecu­ Denver chapter, will serve as cam­ Fountain Service — Gold Beer, Etc; Sacrament will be exposed at the On Friday, Febr4, St. Blaiie’i Tba firms listed hpre deserve to 'for her interest in the sodality. tive lessons before the girls will paign director, Yoder said. children’s Mass at 9 o’clock until day, throats will ba blaised after remembered when you are dit- She plans to continue her educa­ receive their certificates. Dates for the general solicitation 100 So. Bdwy. - SP. 6226 — We Deliver the closing exercises at 3:30. The the Maisev at 6:30, 7, and 8 have been set as March 6-14. tiibutlnf your patronage to the dif­ tion and take up the field of teach­ o’clock; in the afternoon at The Girl Scouts Adult Neigh­ ferent Unas of business. ing in her new life. children will walk in procession Actual solicitation in certain divi­ and the sermon will be given by 3:30, anif in the evening after borhood club will meet Monday, sions is slated to begin slightly in the pastor, the Very Rev. Peter devotion*. Jan, 30, at 1 o'clock, in the home advance of these dates. LOYOU PARISH O’Brien, O.P. , Sunday, Jan. 29, will be Com­ of Mrs. Ted Herrerra, 2107 Grove A gam*, party to be conduc­ munion Sunday for the PTA mem­ street. Many important subjects Patronise These Friendly Firms ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH ted by the Altar and Rotary so­ bers and for the Blessed Martin leading up to Ihe summer work Denver Man, Stationed ciety will be held Thursday eve­ Young People’s club in the 7:30 will be discussed at this meeting Please Patronise These Friendly Firms ning, Jan. 26, in the'church au­ Mass. and all leaders and committM In Japan, 1$ Promoted SAVE TIME TRADE AT HOME ditorium at 8 ^ ’clock. The vari­ members are requested to attend. Rocky Fiort and Joo Hayeai Cana Group Forms Mrs. Helen Hamill will preside. ous committees have made ar­ Junior S. Murphy, Denver sol­ COLO. BLYD. SINCLAIR Rocky’s Pharmacy, Inc. rangements to entertain a large Permanent Unit St. Ann’s circle will meet Thurs­ dier now serving with the 24th DRAPER'S Santa Fe Shoe group of players. Refreshments The Cana group met for the day, Jan. 26, at 1 o’clock, in the infantry division on Honshu, Winter Weather destroys Your Conveniens Hospital will be served and special prizes second time at the home of Mr. home of Mrs. Thomas Ryan, 2831 Japan, was promoted to the rank operating efficiency — So Druggist UPHOLSTERY will be offered. Homemade and Mrs. Phil Gartland, 3315 W. Decatur street, for a dessert- of private first class by his com­ Prescription* LiquoO Work Done While You Wait cookies will be available for luncheon and cards. why not Sinclair-ize and Hayward place, Monday evening, manding officer recently. He won 17th snd Bsc. EAst 1847 926 West 6th Ave. Shop Cloees Noon Saturdayg those patrons who wish to take Jan. 23, with Father O’Brien out­ Two circle meetings are sched­ the promotion because of his ex­ protect 10 ways. them home. lining the program of the organiza­ uled for Wednesday, Feb. 1. Both cellent appearance, soldierly bear­ Tha firms listed her* desarvt ta 742 Santa Fe Drive be remembered when you ar. .dte- ' Mrs. A. F. Zarlengo and her tion. It was decided to form a meetings are to be held at 1 p.m. ing, and military proficiency, his 2815 Colo. Blvd. EA. 9988 committee have made arrange­ pei^nanent unit of the 12 married They are Ave Maria bridge circle commanding officer said. , tributing your patronage to the dif­ ments for the cookies. Mrs. John couples and to meet every second whi^ will meet at the home of Private Murphy who is the son ferent lines of businaas. Walsh and her group have pro­ and fourth Monday nights at the Mrs. A. A. Kloberdans, 2989 New­ of Mr. and Mrs. ^uart Murphy of ^ Hastings Drugs vided the refreshments. The offi­ homes of the various members. ton street, and the Little Flower Denver, re-enlisted in the array in cers of the society have arranged, The next meeting will be held circle which w^l meet at the home 1948, and served with the Seventh ^ Prescriptions with the co-operation of the mem­ Monday, Feb. 13, at the home of of Mrs. Henri Abromeit, 8875 infantry division in Korea prior to CHRIST THE KING PARISH bers and the school children, to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Naugh- Clay street. Both social gather­ coming to the 24th infantry di­ ^ Fountain & Luncheonette give away an afghan bedspread ton, 2944 Federal boulevard, at ings will serve a deisert-luncheon vision. He attended school prior to Patronise These Friendly Firms the evening of the party. It will 8 p.m. and bridge games will follow. his first enlistment in 1946. Furniture Repairing bh 733 Santa Fe Dr. KE. 6532 be on display that evening. The Refinishing special prizes will be given to in­ . + + + dividuals present. Tickets are 60 ST. CATHERINE'S PARISH SAMPLES FURNISHED cents and may be obtained at the Littleton Choir Commences Practice Free Estimates The firms listed here de­ doors the evening of the party. Patronise These Friendly Firms The women will be assisted in Evening Call* serve to be remembered All Work Guaranteed conducting the games by members More Male Voices Are in Demand when you are distributing of the Holy Name society, in­ Bus. Phone MAin 4507 cluding: John‘ Reilly, chairman; your patronage in the dif­ (St. Mary’* Pari*fa, Littleton) reside in Los Angeles, Calif., an­ of Wichita, where she majored in Distinctiwe Cleaners & Tailors Joseph Bretz, James Cdursey, As announced by the Rev. Fred nounced the birth of their second music. In Wichita she was a mem­ RAY WILLIS HELEN WILLIS P p, RAce 1926 Thomas Farrell, Phil Mahoney, K ti. Phones ferent lines of business. erick D. McCallin at all the Masses child, another daughter, Jean Ma­ ber of the Wichita Symphony or­ Enos Patrick, Jr.; Adam Ross, Sunday, Jan. 22, the senior choir rie, in Los Angeles Jan. 13. The chestra, and is now a raembe)’ of 5068 FEDERAL BLVD. GENESEE 1996 + + + ■ and Phil Zangari. Boys will dis­ of St. Mary’s parish has begun reg< Brooks’ other daughter, Marcia the Pueblo Civic symphony. pense the soft drinks. ular practices on the second and Ann, is now two years old. Mrs. Mr. Gertig was graduated from CHEERFUL PICKUP AND DELIVERY Mrs. Jerry Buckley, chairman fourth Monday evenings of every Anna M. Brooks of the parish is Littleton high school in 1943, and of the sponsor committee, to­ month after the novena services, the baby’s paternal grandmother. served m6re than two years in ihe gether with her co-workers, Mmes. ^actice begins at approximately On Jan. 22, Robert Emmett array, a year of that time being in LOOKING FOR Bernard Pilz, Nellie Reddy, John 8:15, and lasts no longer than one Murphy, infant son of Mr. and the South Pacific. After his dis­ Finest Qnality Meats & Groeeries? Storm, John Udick, and John hour. Mrs. Gerard Murphy, was bap­ charge from the army he attended Walsh have secured the following BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Everyday Low Prices? The primary purpose of the prac tized in St. Mary’s church by Fa­ the University of Denver for a patrons for the event: tices at this time is to learn new ther McCallin. Sponsors for the year before going to Rocky Ford Patronise These Friendly Firms Service of Personnel With 84 Years Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Buckley, A. hymns to be sung at the 10 o'clock infant, who is the Murphys’ sixth to become a partner in the Rocky C. Carroll, Ted Day, T. J. Farrell, Mass every Sunday, for which the child, were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ford Apto Parts company. Experience in Marketing? Phil Gartland, P. 0. Haggerty, senior choir provides the music, Clancy. No definite plans have been NEW HOMES FOR SALE Leo J. Hoover, Harry Hughes, and also, later (Jn, to begin prac­ Otto Pribyl, J. M. Ross, Frank L. Kenneth Gertig Engaged made for the wedding. ROSS VARIETY STORE 2 and 3 Bad Room* in Park Hill C h a h U s L A . tices for the music l;,o be sung dur­ • OFFICE DE. 4364 Scheer, Frank L. Stone, John ing Holy Week and on Easier Sun­ To Rocky Ford Girl The e1a**a« of instruction for NOTIONS - INFANT WEAR Compirta RmI E*tat* Sarrlca Storm, Frank Whelan, and A. F. day. Each member is asked to be both Catholic* and non-Catho- Hardware - Toy* Zarlengo. From Rocky Ford comes news lics will b« rasumod on Thurs­ JOHN Fa BRUNO NATIONAL BRANDS STORE present on time and to stay until 2214-16 Kearney Among the women who have the practice ends. Since these of the announcement by Mr. and day araning. Fob. 2, beginning Realtor 743 Santa Fe Drive KEystone 0747 become sponsors are Mmes. Anna practices at present are being held Mrs. I. W. Reed of the engage­ at 8 o'clock, and will ba contin- DE. 4488 6107 E. 22nd Ames, Orin Austin, Anna Calli- only twice every month, it is felt ment of their daughter, Aileen, to uod through tha spring months. crate, Mary Chase, 6. L. Clai^, that every choir member should be Kenneth W. Gertig, son of Mr. and This instruction pariod it hald John C. Mae Clary, Mary C. Collins, Eva able to be present Any interested Mrs. Frank L. Gertig of 209 Rapp in St. Mary’s chur^, and lasts Collins, Arthur H. Cross, Blan^e newcomers will be welcome. Male avenue in Littleton. • for about ona hour, or until 9 Fairfax Hardware Cuneo, A. DeBell Drake, Paul Du voices are particularly in demand. Miss Reed is a graduate of the p.m. Parishioner* are urged to (Callaz at Ealrfox) ST. JOHN'S PARISH cey, P. E. Duggan, and E. J. Egan. HARDWARE. GLASS. PAINTS The Ave Maria circle of the Rocky Ford high school and at-' attend these cleeset and to faring «8AT8 and Patronise These Friendly Firms Other sponsors are Mmes. Kate Archbishop’s guild met Jan. 25, tended Colorado A. & M. coUeg;e thair non-Catholic family mem­ HOUSEHOLD ITEMS A. Ernst, Joseph Ford, J. H. Fra- with Mrs, Clarence P. HoffipAD as in Fort Collins and the University bers and friends with them. FR. 2725 5022 E. Colfax her, Charles Grant, E. M. Grant, hostess for the meeting in her home H. L. Hiaihart, Prop. tsil Fairfax Permanent Waving Dominic Grisenti, J. P. Hairing Guaranteed on Lilly street The evening was a Specialty ton. Con A. Harvey, A. Hei. devoted to sewing altar unens, S t Cajetan's School CSMC RADIO SERVICE berger, William Hirzel, Thomas after which Mrs. Hoffman served Kelley, P. E. Kennedy, Bj/Keoppel My Lady Edith refreshments to the circle mem­ and Sales Earl Kinnel, Andrew^ Krause, 23RD AND ONEIDA Beauty Shoppe TIP TOP RADIO Mary Laharty, Mary Larcen, and bers. iOrgonizes in 2 Sections L. L. LeMay; Mrs. L. King Gertig, who, with SHOPPING DISTRICT Hlnnl* Kwaeltr, Hgr. & APPLIANCE her family, now resides in Glen (St, Cajetan’s Parish, Danvar) the Sacred He£H society took Peter Mihm, S. A. Miller, Mary 2804 E. 6th Atb. EA. 0788 wood Springs, will be a visitor in place Jan. 22. Officers for the 2434 E. 3rd Ave. EA. 2222 Pianfetti, Bernard Pilz, Victor The Junior unit of the Catholic Littleton for about three weeks. Carmelites include Mrs. Pauline Pinneo, Mayme Rasby, Levi Sain Students’ Mission Crusade was She is staying in the home of her Valdez, president | Mrs. Celestina MONTVIEW The firms listed here de­ don, Josephine Smollen, Gordon organized by the children of S t SKELLY husband’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gallegos, vice president; Mrs. Lucy Smith, S. F. Speas, M. J. Stemmier, Cajetan’s school. The upper divi­ serve to be remembered Frank L. Gertig, on Rapp avenue Alires, secretary; and Mrs. Maria BARBER SHOP TROUTMAN’S Pauline Surmeier, Anthony Tezak, sion, or S t Cajetan’s unit, elected Torres, treasurer. SERVICE STATION Miss Remigia Whitmore, daugh­ the following as officers: Barbara OPEN when you are distributing Marlene Tonini, J. M. Tyne, Jo­ Those of the Sacred Heart so­ Circle'Drive Mkt. seph Quinn, John A. Udick, Joseph ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitmore, Chavez, president; Lupe Gonzales, 8:00 A.M, to 6:00 P.M. Weekday* your patronage in the dif­ is convalescing in her home on ciety are Mrs. Trinidad Vigil, Corner of 23rd and Oneida K. Weigel, Margaret Zeiti, and vice president; Joseph Moya, re­ 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M, Saturday* A Complete Food Store Harrison avenue after having un president; Mrs. E. Gurule, vice FR. 9727 ferent lines of business. Misses Margaret Carey, Ruth cording secretary; Norrie Archu- Your Business Appreciated dergone treatment in a Denver president; Mrs. E. Romero, secre­ 2422 E. 6th Ave. FR. 8071 Kennedy, Nell Miller, Geraldine letta, corresponding secretary; 2231 Oneida hospital. Edwin Famell, who re­ tary; and Mrs. Catherine Vallejos, Neville, and Nina Smith. Margaret Torres, treasurer; and treasurer. sides on Bowles avenue, returned Reynaldo Valdez, librarian. HATHAWAY’S PTA Hears Fi^ Lay dan to his home after undergoing a ton­ Rehearsal for the Easter Masses The PTA meeting Thursday, sillectomy in St. Joseph’s hospital The lower nades, or Holy Child­ began Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the MILLER'S CLEANED BELL'S ' City Lace Cleaners Jan. 19, brought out a large gath­ in Denver last week. Mrs. Walter hood unit, elected the following: church basement. The newly or­ Phillip Rodriguez, president; Prompt PUk-ap and OallTaty 2625 EAST 3RD AVE. PHONE DE. 6891 ering to hear the address by the Sanchez returned to her home on ganized girls’ choir is under the JEWELRY STORE Rev. Edward A. Leyden, arehdi- Broadway Jan. 22 with her son, Fjora Cisneros, vice president; direction of Mrs. Felix Gallegos. We Give Your Clothes That Certains snd Pillows CsrslDlIr Clesnsd snd Rstemsd Bsbis Sis. ocesan director of schools. The who was bom in Mercy hospital, Barbara Garcia, secretary; and Magdalene Gallegos is the organ­ Personalised Touch JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS SpsdsI Cars GItsu Tabls Lioana—Blsnlctts Lsandarsd Withsat Skrialuts Juliana Torres, treasurer. meeting was held in the church Denver, Jan. 17. ist New members are still being 2235 Oneida DExt^r 7804 2285 ONEIDA DE. 9488 WE CALL AND DELIVER auditorium and the children from I Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks, who Elections for the Carmelites and accepted.

MS: —r s

Thursday, January 26,1950 Office, 938 Bannack Stroat THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Teltphena, KEystene 4205 PAGE NINE Growling Bulldog Regis, Denver U. to Collide Saturday Cathedral, St. Francis’ Cagers Win Regis Coming Up Fast Raiders Bounce Bulldogs Bluejays, Gremlins Keep Rangers Split Series Off Cage Leaders* Seat Loop Lead by Victories In Cross-Town Rivalry St. Francis’, Cathedral, and the fighting Regis Raider Fifty-five eager high school bucketeers lashed the Den­ teams scored wins in their respective evening hardwood en­ ver auditorium annex backboards with leather for four Of 1948-1949 Season counters Jan. 20. In the opener a rejuvenated Holy Family hours last Sunday afternoon while the balcony scoreboard B y J o h n M . H ealey ball club was outdistanced in the Hnal quarter by a faster flashed up a grand total of 192 points^and yet at.the end Cross-town rivalry between the Denver university cagers anil St. Francis’ squad by a score of 51-40. The Annunciation of the business day, no atpprecia■ ibli le change had been made the Regis college Buzz Boys will begin again this yaar whan tha two Cardinals dropped the second tilt to the Bruising Bluejays in the Denver Parochial Basket! Basketball league ftanding^ teams collide on the hardwood of tha Denvar univa'rsity arena Satur­ of Cathedral, 27-22. In the final and feature game of the eve­ The Cathedral team and St. Francis’ continued in their day night, Jan. 28, at 8 o’clock. A healthy rivalry that may become the sporting event of tha year ning, the Regis team came from behind a three-point deficit winning ways, the Bluejays forging a 35-34 win over Mul in Denvar if the series is continued. It had its start Christmas night, in the final minutes of the game to + + + + len and the Gremlins pounding 1948, in the Denver city auditorium. Although tha game was ar­ topple the previously unbeaten, out an easy 40-30 victory over a ranged at the last minute and the Rangers were given little hop# league-leading St. Joseph’s Bull­ cold S t Joseph’s squad, to main­ of emerging victorious, cage fans turned out in droves and the Rang­ dogs by a score of 43-36. 1 1 -U p tain their two-way tie for first ers came out on tha winning side of a 47-46 scora. Staging thair best parform- position. Haggerty, or rather Later in the year, kowever, the Pioneers, sparked by Vinca ance of tha laaion to data, tha Regis, clipped the Holy Family Boryla, saved face by turning back the Rangers, 42-29. Both Ranger Holy Family Tigeri, led by Gar- quint neatly in the final donny- and D.U. fans witnessing the two tilts convinced promoters on both ramone and Heideritadt and brook, 33-20, to hold a position sides of the fence that the games should be continued. finding the floor clear for a brief half step behind the Losing only ono player from last year’s varsity squad, tha Buzz money >hotf owing to a imootb leaders. Boys seemed to have more than a good chance of trouncing tha execution of plays, kept the One of the hottest games of “ Borylal ess” Pioneer squad this season,' but preseason games and Gremlin! guesting all evening. this or any other season, the ensuing tilts proved that the D.U. team had been sadly underratad. With five minutes left to play, opener, between Cathedral and On the same note, the Buzz Boys, in face of tougher competition however, the Gremlins turned Multan, see-sawed all the way than had been their principal fare last year, have not soared nearly on the speed to widen a three- up to the final horn, which so high as they did lest season. point lead to 11 before the fi­ coincided with the Mustangs’ The first of the two games slated for this season will be played nal gun soundad. Bob Waber, George Bravdica’s canning of a in the D.U. arena— on a court that teems to be jinxed in favor of Al Steinke, and Charlie O'Fal­ long and desperate looper to tha homo team, in the preseaton Skyline Six tourney, last December, lon war# chiefly responsible for tie the count at 30-aII. the Rangers were stopped cold in the last half of the B.Y.U. tussle, this third Gremlin victory; and went down in defeat. The B.Y.U. cagers, however, went on to In the wild overtime period, Joe capture the tourney crown by turning back all comers, including D.U. Greco, Cathedral’s lissome scoring High individual scorer for the In that game, the Mormon team was more than lucky to coma out on evening was Al Steinke with 17 ace, drove hard from the left court the top side of the scoring. points. Teammate Weber was next to net a lay-up and break the tie, 32-30. Serious Mel Fabrizio added Bath Teams in line with 15 markers to his 'On onef Off' credit. Garramone and Heider- another point on a free throw, Subsequently the Rangers and the Pioneers have played “ on and stadt were the high individual and the hard-working Greco off” ball. Both teams have turned in startling parformances against SWINGING AROUND to take a shot, Garcia, Bull­ scorers for the Northside Tigers brought the count to 36-30 with dog workhorse, grimaces as he speeds basketward. The with 11 and nine points, respec an added brace of charity tosses. real competition, but both have had more than their share of "cold Bulldog grimace was not effective enough, however, as St. Joseph’s tively The Mustangs, seemingly nights.” went down before the Gremlins.— (Register photo by Smyth) winded at this point, fired up in Sportscasters have predicted that towering Dale-Toft will eclipse In a bone-crushing tussle that the fair-haired Bryce Heffley, leading Ranger scorer, but the same at times looked quite a bit rougher the last minute and a half, and, led by John Jaidinger and Bravdica men picked Boryla to smother the “ green” led from Aurora in tha than a Notre Dame-Army grid Christmas day tilt last year. Big Jerry Simon is another Ranger . Regis hash Hot classic of a few years back, - the with two tallies apiece, shaved the Bluejays’ lead to one point. giant to watch. Simon thawed Ranger “ freeze-ups” both last season Movies of 1949 The Regis college freshman Cathedral Bluejays forged ahead and this season when the thaw was really needed. in the second^ half of the tilt to Then, amid the thunder of the team outscored th e freshman crowd which blanketed out the The only new angle on the game is that Bobby Wallaca, who cagers from the Colorado School dump the hustling Cardinals, 27- has been sidelined since the Regis-University of gama, will 22. final horn, Bravdica passed to Jai­ World Series of Mines, 67-56, in a preliminary dinger, who swished a long one- be ready for action against D.U. With both teams primed for tha game to the Colorado Mines- Primed for an upset over the game they cannot afford to lose, the only safe prediction is that the highly rated Bluejays, the Car­ hander for what seemed to be the Ranger tilt Jan. 20. winning Acore. With heavy hearts, outcome of the game is uncertain. The apprentice Rangers held a dinals, spearheaded by Riedel, The Regis frosh will pit their basketball know-how against the Duden, and Maes, found them­ Cathedral partisans moved to the Now Available comfortable 42-34 lead over the exits only to find that the final fledgling cagers from D.U. in a game preliminary to the varsity tilt. Oredigger yearlings at halftime. selves on the top position of a Movies of the 1949 World I4-II score at halftime. In the Mustang basket had been disal­ Looking much like top varsity ma­ lowed, having left Jaidinger’s Series are available to Denver terial, Tom Conlon scored 25 third period, however, the Car­ dinals could not bava gottan the hand after time had run out: Ca­ schools, clubs, and organizations points and Ed Kohl found the thedral, 36; Mullen, 34. Rangers Top Orediggers; mark for 15. High scorers for the range with tha Norden bomb- for showings, according to the city sight and went scoreless wall Although the St. Joseph Bull­ Miners were Hinrichs with 11 and dogs nipped at lanky Bob Web­ recreation department. Wyman with nine. into that stanza while tha Jonesmen piled up a 23-14 lead. er’s ankles throughout the sec­ Win 8th Tilt of Season Organizations desiring the films REGIS FROSH (67) Through the hustling of Di- ond contest, the St. Francis cen­ may make reservations for dates G F PF ter used his height advantage The Regis Rangers downed the but Waterman and Landers cleared Robinaon. f ...... 1 1 2 Paolo, Schnabel, and Greco, the Colorado School of Mines Oredig­ the backboards and topped the through Edward Haynes, sports di­ Corry. f ...... , 0 0 0 “ cagiiy” to dump in 20 of the Roche, f ...... 0 Jay^ maintained their comfort­ gers, 61-48, in the city auditorium Buzz Boy output o f fielders. rector, city recreation department. - . 0 0 able lead throughout tha re­ Gremlins’ 40 points and kept St. Conlon. f ...... 11 3 1 Francis’ in tbe title running. Jan. 20 before a meager handful of The Rangers, however, were OXonnell. f .... . 4 0 3 mainder of the game. The only requirements neces­ The six-foot, four-inch Weber Regis enthusiasts. 'This win was never really pressed and Coach Hell, c ...... 2 4 2 DiPaolo topped the Cathedral sary are that no admission be Conwiy. c ...... 0 0 2 was “ Mr. Big” for the day, team­ number eight for the Rangers and Varnell used his substitutes heav­ scorers with 10 points, and Maes charged for the showing, the film Kohl, g ...... 7 1 4 ing with lanky Dick Myer to brings them within sight of a ily in the second half. Bob Wallace be used in a good 16mm. sound Eckarl. g ...... 4 0 4 and Riedel shared scoring honors .500 won-lost average again. sat the entire game out on the Gcntlfmsn, f ... . 0 0 3 for the Cardinals with seven apiece. raaintdin control of the back- projector run by an €.\perienced boards, and in so doing forcing If the Rangers should defeat the bench. operator, the film be picked up and Totals ...... 29 9 21 The Cardinals scored only one Pioneers Saturday evening, Jan. REGIS (61) MINES FROSH (56) field goal in the second half. the Bulldogs to play a sniping' G F PF TP returned on schedule, and a re­ 28, the Ranger win column will Fisher, f ...... 6 1 G F PF In One of the fastest moving ball game from outside the free 0 12 port blank be ma'de out for tbe Huffman, c ...... 0 0 1 throw circle. In this department, stand at nine to counterbalance the Fennelly, t 0 s sponsors of the film. Wyman, f ____...... 4 1 4 games seen in the Parochial loop Couriey, f 0 2 ...... 3 St. Joseph’s occasionally found, nine now in the loss column. Waters, / 0 • Through the co-operation of Siltanen. f ...... 0 6 this season, the Regis Raiders came Reagen, f ...... 3 2 0 from three points behind in the but never could keep, the range, The Rangers forged ahead to an Heffley, c 6 IS Lew Fonseca, promotion director W. Silianen* c ...... 0 0 0 Simon, e , 0 0 last six minutes of play to top the despite th a valiant efforts of early lead while holding the Ore- of the American and National Cooke, c ...... 0 0 1 Bob Grabowski and Bill Frick, Brown, e , 1 5 Hinrichs, g ...... 5 1 8 hoopsters from S t Joseph’s by diggers scoreless. The defensive Petry. g 5 IS Leagues of Professional Baseball Kerwin. g ...... 0 1 0 seven points. FRED MAES makes a desperate attempt to steal who snowed in, respectively, 13 tactics of the Rangers, ably demon­ KaTsnsugh, g ...... 2 e 4 Clubs, tbe film will be made avail­ Rollins, g ...... 6 4 8 With tha laad shifting ssveral and seven points to lead the strated by Heffley, Fisher, Kava- able throughout the year. More Martin, g ...... 1 8 1 the ball from Bob Schnabel, Bluejay sparkplug, in the Bulldogs’ scoring, Steinke and Totals ...... 24 13 16 81 times in the first half as the tussle between the Cardinals and the Cathedral squad. The Cardinals’ naugh, and Petry, kept the ball M IN U (48) than 50 requests for the 1949 film Totsli ____ ...... 22 12 18 Hogan of St. Francis’ added away from the Miners for the most G PF TP fen' 's screaming drowned out the hustle was in vain as they went down in defeat, 27-22.— (Register Landers, f ...... 1 has been received to date. public address system, the game eight and sevan points for their part, until midway in the first half 2 S Halftime ecore— RoKie. <2; Mines. 34. photo by Smyth) cause to follow Weber in the Johnson, f ...... 2 • Missed free throws— Rettis; Conlon 4. was a nip and tuck affair until when Doug Waterman, Lou Land, Einarson, f ...... 0 1 O'Connell 1. Hett 2, Kohl 8. Ecksrt 2. the final two minutes of action. Gremlin scoring list. ers, and■ JJack a ...... Noll teamed up to H. Waterman, e ...... 1 5 Optn lues. I fri, 'Til 9' Mines: Wjrmtn 1, Siltsnen Resgen 1. Fireball Gene Haggerty, one- Kerns, e ...... S I Cooke 3. Hinrichs 1. Rollins 1, Kerwin Bill Frick’s ball handling and sink six fielders for the Miners. D. Waterman, g ...... 4 t 1, Martin 1. the accurate eye of Galla paced man hemp-wrecker for Regis, With the Orediggers steadily Raehle. g ...... 0 8 Officials— Webber and Ray. the Bulldog attack. made the first half of the Raider- Noll, g ...... 6 18 cutting down their lead, the Earl, g ...... 4 8 Regis held a 22-19 lead at half­ Holy Family fracas his very own Rangers again came to life a few by scoring Regis’ 11 points single- — s Junior Parochial time, but the Bulldogs forged to minutes before intermission and Totals ...... ST._...... ~....20 r IT 48 handedly. The Tigers, in the mean­ a three-point lead with a naif- Sideline Sidelights boosted the lead from 21-16 to 29- Halftime score— Regis, 29; Mines, 16. Cage Results time, did their best to slow down Missed free throwe—Regis: Fisher, dozen minutes remaining in the 16. Coursey, Helfley 2, Simon. Brown, Petry :B y J o h n O ’H a y r e : the rampaging Irishman by scor­ Nerthiide Division Teams tussle. Bill Faddis, moved to first The Rangers played a better 3, Ksvanaugh. Mines: Johnson 8, Kems St. Vincent’s 41, St. Catherine’s 28; string forward to replace big Leo ing eight marKers, Golesh, Garra­ 8, D, Waterman, Noll, 2. brand of ball in the second half, Officials— Lloyd snd Hotton. St. Patrick’s 28, St. Clara’s 20; Kennedy, who fractured his ankle The Bulldogs’ burnished coat was seared and singed by the mone, Isenhart, and Hamill all Mt. Carmel 47, St. Dominic’s 11. in a practice scrimmage, hit a sizzling Red Raiders in last Friday night’s “ hot-box” headliner in contributing. + + + .+■ lay-up to start the games-winning the auditorium annex. Hotter than the class cut-up’s pea shooter, In the last half, the rest of the 5e« our Urgo oo4 tompleto ttoclc of Eastside Division Teams drive. Malone, Haggerty, and Raider^ helped the tiring Hagg;erty Ski Equlpmeot aod Accetiorici the scintillating Raiders outshot and outhmtled the turned-bashful Loyola 20, Blessed Sacrament 15; Leahy aided in the drive. by slipping in 18 points while he 'Wha Hoppen?' Annunciation 37, St. Cajetan’s 21; Trailing 33-30 with three Bulldogs, who seldom got more than their heads through the dog added four more to bring his total White Stag Togs Cathedral 1, St. James’ forfeits. minutes left, Regis sent Malone house door. for the day to 15; Holy Family Southside Division Teams in behind the Bulldog defenders could gamer only an inadequate Sun Valley Togs Young Jack Isenhart, freshman forward for tha Holy Family dozen more notches, Heiderstadt’s St. Louis’ 19, St. Philomena’s 17; to cut the margin to one point. ■ Tigers, turned in a spectacular floor game against the St. Fran­ Assumption 26, St.'Francis’ 7; Haggerty drove in and made two »ix being the “ tops” for the Tigers Ski Sweaters cis Gremlins in tha opening game last “ fishday.” With cunning Vhen the • game ended...... with..... Regis ■ St. Joseph’s 27, St. Vincent’s 17. points to put the Raiders out in deception, he all but faked the opposition out of their suits on Ski Boots front, 34-33. well out in front, 33-20. several occasions. Despite the improved play of the Tigers, tha Shining offensive stars of the Not satisfied with the meager Groswold and glittering Gremlins were in no mood to give up the glitter, and afternoon were, of course. Cathe­ margin, the Raiders declined to they downed the Northside Cats, 51-40. dral’s Joe Greco, the Mustangs’ TROPICAL FISH freeze the ball, and Faddis added Northland Skis And on Sunday the Gremlins were even more sparkling in George Bravdica and John Jaidin Largest Selection in Denver two'imore impressive field goals. ger, SL Francis’ Bob Weber, St Leahy and Haggerty added two their win over the St. Joseph Bulldogs, who could not penetrate SKI RENTALS — REPAIRS the Gremlin defensive curtain. When the Bulldogs found they Joseph’s Bob Grabowski, and the charity tosses before the time ran Raiders’ Gene Haggerty. Operated for Skiers by Bklert Tanka from out. could not get through the curtain, they started shooting over it, 1 to 30 gal. but on few occasions was the basket filled with more leather than Of thase, Graco, Webar, and The win knocked St Joseph’s out Haggarty are, from their show­ SKI, INC, Complete Line of of the league lead and deadlocked air. At no time were the Bulldogs able to find themselves; their ings in league competition so Supplier the Raiders and the Bulldogs for hot shooters turned cold, and their cold shooters just stayed the mountain shop that way. far, definitaly of All-City cali­ Birdf - Dogs - Pets third place in league standings ber. Jaidinger and Grabowski, S081 E. Collox • EA. 8258 with two wins and one loss apiece. Cobe Joaies’ Bluejays continued their winning ways on DENVER. COLO. although not quite in the class Sunday by downing the favored and frisky Mustang five. The with the first mentioned, are OUT OF TOWNERS Quality Pet Shop fracas was a ripsnorter all the way, and not until after a blister­ tireless ball-hawks a n d hard ing overtime period did the Mustangs leave the corral with WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE “ money-players.” Bravdica, tha 151.3 Glenarm - AC. 0181 K. of C. empty saddles. Jarring Joe Greco was the handiest Cathedral quiet and bespectacled lad who leather puller around, as he beat the boards for rebounds and looks more like a scholarly Chris­ dunked 17 points to lead the scoring. tian Brother than a rampaging BOWLING The league’s most loose-jointed, limber-legged hoopster is B-baller, is hard to beat when revolving Rich Garcia. With lightning-like hands, the ‘ Twister” the chips are down. A rather self-effacing player who is more Standings Jan. 19 flicks out and steals the ball from an opponent quicker and easier Sensational a team man than an individual w L Avg. than a lazy snake snaps flies from the summer air. 39 21 800 star, his effectiveness might be Gusrds ...... 36 25 780 The Regis Ranger-Denver Pioneer tussle coming up this increased and Mullen's chances SscreUriei ______S3 27 794 Saturday night is one of the two most awaited games in the enhanced if he were encouraged Sizzling* Steak Special! Deputies ...... 8$ 27 759 region this year. The other such game is, of course, the return Grand Knights 27 S3 774 to exploit his potential scoring Wardens ...... 27 38 724 match between tbe same two teams on Feb. 28. Although each ability. 24 36 777 school has an impressive team on cartain nights, neither team Deserving special mention for 22 38 Charcoal Broiled 14-oz. Blue Ribbon 770 hat managed enough of those nights to gain an impressive record. all-around ^ay in Sunday’s con­ Individual Standings Twinkling Jim Fennelly, sophomore guard on the Regis Ranger tests. were DiPaolo, McGrail, and . Gtmes Avg. squad, is “ pre-astronomized” to occupy one of the brightest posi­ Fabrizio of Cathedral; Olivas and Can 'G...... ,,, »7 174 tions in the galaxy of Western cage stars. The nimble Iowa lad Sandri of Mullen; O’Fallon, Stein- M. Rossi—T. , 57 178 Tsfelski—C. .. 6 170 is quicker than Uncle Tom’s cat and has the “ net-bustinest,” one- ke, and Hogan of S t Francis’ ; P. Wagner— G. 50 188 handed spook shot to float in local gyms in many a year. Galla, Frick, and Wedow of St SIRLOIN STEAK Rsm sey—T. ... 60 167 Joseph’s; Faddis, Lahcy, Scavo, Zavisitn— 8. 46 167 ■Scherer— W. ... 60 167 and Malone of Regris; and Golesh, Day—C...... 54 166 Heiderstadt Hallinan, and Hamill Lynch—S. 67 166 Parish Basketball Loop of Holy Family. a Complete 6-Gourse Dinner Mullen— D. ______El 165 McMahon— G. 54 163 Marietta—G. K. __ _ 57 162 Chevrolet Quint Headed Marietta- G. K...... 57 160 MOUTH AGAPE in astonishment and anger, Bryce G. Maritcher— T. ______54 162 TiecJ; 3 Teams Unbeaten For 6-Game Coast Tour Heffley, Ranger center, sees his hook off the post go awry K. Hhrischer—G. K...... 57 160 s ^ . o o A. Rossi— S...... 54 ISO Three teams still dominate the The Mt. Carmel Holy Name Denver’s top-flight A.A.U. bas­ as he is fouled by an Oredigger defender. Heffley’s anger was .Mulligan-W...... L 45 Parish leagrue cage scene. In the team ran over an injury-ridden ketball team, the Chevrolets, will appeased as the Rangers downed the Colorado School of Mines Ore- H. Swigert—N...... 45 \n Kane— C.—...... 56 158 games played Jan. 22 the two Mt. Holy Ghost squad to the tune of take to the air this week end for digg#rs, 61-48. Heffley was high man for the evening with 18 points Prijstu— T______48 168 Carmel teams and the Blessed Sac­ 37-26. The two squads battled it a six-game, 10-day tour of the to his credit.— (Register photo Ijy Smyth) This Special Price Good Only Ktrwin— N...... 57 168 rament quint chalked up another out for the league championship West coast, where they will play W. Swigert—dS. K...... 5i 155 Vincent—N...... (o 154 win each to remain undefeated and last year. In the final two games, the top teams in that area. January 22-31, 1950 Inelnsive Welch— W...... 55 153 deadlocked for top position. St Augustine’s downed the Pres­ The Chewies will tangle with McNally-D...... 42 152 McNally-D...... ;______entation team, and the Assumption the Oakland Blu ’n Golds twice and DeSoto-Plymouth 52 152 Carlson and Larson led the H a y -D ...... 60 149 players edged by St. Philomena’a play single games against San J50 8e«u ParUn* Next Door ipeedy Blessed Sacrament drib­ Closed MondAyi Dehmer— W...... 54 148 by four points. Francisco Stewart Chevrolets, Larc« Tablci tor Partita lA. Wsgnsr— G. K ...... 57 148 blers to an impressive 61-23 win Santa Maria Dukee, the Fibber Mc­ All Late Model Used Cars Vh0 ■lason— G, K...... 57 147 Marei— Teams Brown— W...... SO 147 over the undermanned Assumption Annunciation ttam, 26; St. Philo- Gee & Molly team of Hollywood, Carry 5,000 Mile Guarantee W. Rossi—G...... 54 145 squad. The mighty Mt. Carmel mtns's, 22. and the Los Angeles Police team. Jsrrstt—C...... ifc..... 60 144 Alexians trampled a hapless St. Aucuitlns's, 24; Prstontstion After returning to Denver, the Factory Trained Mechanics on All Chrysler Made Cars Donigsn—S...... 54 189 tssm, 15. Crolden U lL an ttm Serravo— D...... 60 188 crew from ■ St. Bernadette’s. Ma­ BIssssd SscrsiBsnt team, 51; Assump­ local motormen will tangle with Restaurant KE. 1204 1265 Bdwy, Near 13th Ave. Lerg—G...... 60 187 honey led the attack for the Lake- tion tssm. 28. the Akron Goodyears Feb. 8, and lasillo ______60 137 wood boys, but the teamwork and ML Carmtl Altzlans, 88; 9L Btrns- a return game with Fibber McGee McLellan— N...... 89 187 detts's, 18. GRIFFITH MOTORS, Inc. Sm ith-N. ______8 128 strong reserve power of the Alex­ Hu Carmel Holr Name team, 57; Holy * Molly team of Hollywood will be Boche— C. — ___ _ ...... 17 lie ians proved too great' Ghost team, 55. played Feb. 9. 2770 No. Speer Blvd. GR, 3318 L PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thuridoy, JonuOry 26, 1950

Christian Brother Named to Council St Francis' PTA Plans Girl From Loyola Parish MOST OF US S Sponsors Mcotniia the (ift of tight at the mott preciout of all tentet, Second Annual Bake Safe Party Friday To Make Religious Vows hnt it it only in recent yeart that tcienee hat thown how im> (St. Franci, de Sale,’ Pariih, (Loyola Pariih, Denver) portent good Tition it to the ehild’t whole deTelopment. At the will conduct an art exhibit in the Guests at the rectory during Denver) cafeteria after the meeting. Dorothy Schmedinghoff, elightett tymptomt of ttrain, hare your child’t eyit checked. fbrmer member of the parish and the past week were Father John On Sunday, Jan. 29, the PJA Mothers of 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, lOA, At St. Patrick's .Collins, S.J., and Father Coleman now known as Sister Mary Con­ will feature its . Tha firms listed here deserve to Packer: grandson of Mr. and Mrs. C. of Washington, D. C.: a daughter, Mrs. chairman for the .social hour that 1 be remembered when you are dis* V. Boggs. Denver, and Mrs. Elizabeth William Dillon of Pueblo; six grandchil­ will follow. She will be assisted Classified Ads i K. Packer, Colorado Springs. Mass of the dren. Mrs. Daniel Hoskins, Denver: Miss ► tributing your patronage to the di(« Mmes. Joseph C. Tully, Thomas E. Angels was offered Jan. 25 in Blessed Katherine Sherman, Denver; William ) It will pay you to read ALL of the following adTertitemeitts. lertnt lines of business. Sacrament church. Dillon. Jr.. Cleveland, 0 .: and Ann. Traylor, and T. Raymond Young. Credit Union Campaign MARGARET STREWELER. 2575 S. Peggy, and Robert D. Dillon, Pueblo; Mrs. Joseph Morrone, 3575 Bel- and (our great-grandchildren. Interment was in Mt. Olivet caro lane, will extend the hospital­ POSITION WANTED PAINTING & DECORAT?ING ity of her home to the St. Frances ALEXIUS GARGAN Cabrini circle on Wednesday, Feb. Being Held in Westwood LADY WANTS part-dzy work—vicinity »f FOR INTERIOR or- exterior painting. I Alexius Garsan, son of a Colorado pio­ 8th and Colo. blvd. Call roorninga 9 to use the BEST PAINT. You recive the PROFESSIONAL SERVICE . . . neer, who started work with the Western 1. 12, Monday 4hm Friday. FR, 7642. BEST JOB. Free Estimates. Bemih Land, Union as a messenEer boy and rose to Our Lady of Fatima circle will (St. Anthony of Padua's Parish, 18, with Mrs. Margaret Tracy, 333 TA. 1007. I ______become superintendent of the company be the guests of Mrs. Paul Horan Westwood) Grove street, as hostess. Eighteen HELP WANTED # With Sympathy . . . in this area, died Jan. 20 In St. Joseph's Plans for an organization meet­ members were present, The follow­ WANTED TO RENT hospital. in her home. 345 Jersey, for a COUPLE—wife general houaework and # With Dignity . .. Mr. Gargan was born In Georgetown, 1 o'clock luncheon, on Friday, ing for the credit unioh are being ing were gpiests: Mrs. Mary Gu- cook—husband aaaiat heavier houaework, ARMY COUPLE, year old^hild—diire un» where hl.s father was connected with Feb. 3. made following arrival of word man, Mrs. Joe Reischman, Mrs. oulaide work—lawna and ao forth. New furnished house or apt. Referenced. Maxi­ # With Respect... earjy-day mining, and he attended schools from the state bank commissioner Robert Horst, and Mrs. Genevieve aqjburban home—all newest uppUancea. mum I.'yO.OO. CH. 8672. there. Mrs. Gerard Te Bockhorst, 1200 Two adulta. no children. Minimum enter­ An active worker for both Church and Dexter, will have the members of that the charter for the credit Crow. Mrs. W. C. Raver was wel­ taining. Pleasant room and bath. State FOR SALE community. Mr. Gargan had served on union will be issued soon. A drive comed into the circle as a new age, references, salary. fir*t letter. Perm- St. Anne’s circle as her guests at enant position. Pleasant home. The Reg- OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH the Denver City Council in 1910, and a dessert-luncheon at 1 o'clock, Fri­ is being conducted to induce all member. The special award was 2244 SO. GRANT |18,.ao GEO. P. HACKETHAL was a leader in the fund drive to build ister. 1620. Dept. 14. Lovely Ranch style bungalow.' Fide large the Cathedral of the Immaculate Con­ day, Feb. 3. members of the parish to enroll received by Mrs. Joe Reischman; in the credit union, and parish­ MISCELLANEOUS rooms, plus apt., or 4 bHroom ho^e. One Funeral Director ception. His Funeral Mass was offered in St. Thomas More’s circle was en­ the award went to Mrs. block to church and school. G.ll-F.H.A. that church Jan. 23. ioners are being urged to apply tertained at luncheon at the Avia­ Emma Sole. The next meeting of Wallpaper hanging, painting, remodeling terms. Allen, SP. 6477. i 1544 Lincoln Sr. TA. 5351 He is survived by a /daughter, Mrs. MORTON RFJUsT^’ RF.ALTOR Race 8757 Kenneth Cooper of Denver; a son, .Tustin tion country club by Mmes. Charles to the treasurer of the unit for the circle will be Feb. 15 in the Call KE. 5793 Gargan of Idaho Springs; a brother. Jo­ Furlong and William Ottenstein, membership cards for themselve.s home of Mrs. Margaret Hermes, I CAN SELL your home if near parochial seph Gargan of Denver: a sister, Sister and their neighbors. 740 S. Western. FOR paperhanging and painting call Anton school. Call Allen SP. 6477. ! Mary Evelyn of .St. Mary's academy; co-hostesses, Jan. 19. The mem­ Bertnger, 158 Madison, £A. 2285. and four grandchildren. bers made a departure from their Those who sign up to become All members of the Mother Ca­ custom of sewing, and enjoyed members subscribe $6 plus an en­ brini circle met in the home of DRESSMAJCING trance fee of 25 cents. Subscrip­ Homes For Sale bridge and canasta for the after­ Mrs. Lois London, 600 S. Sl)eridan, DRESSMAKING, Uiloring and remodeling. Students to Rally noon. Mrs. T. J. Flaherty was re­ tions need not be paid in a lump Jan. 17. P eg^ Parsons was wel­ Referencea for quality work. MA. 0361. Well-Known Catholic Personnel Rensselaer, Ind.—St. J o s e p h’s cipient of the canasta award, and sum but can be paid over a period comed as a new member. A bi?nti- 3000 So, Downing college will be host to the National Mrs. ' Otten.stein received the of time. Some members are paying ful statue of Mother Cabrini was BRICK REPAIRS Marion & Lafayette | Federation of Catholic College Stu­ bridge award. Mrs. John Otten­ their entrance fee and one dollar presented to Mrs. Conrad Boed- New 2 and 3 bedroom homei; full per week until they have deposited BRICK REPAIRS: Spteialiiinz In brick dents of the Fort Wayne region stein of Salt Lake City was a ing for perfect attendance at meet­ pointinz and rtpairlnz. also caulking and basements— $11,500 to $1)4,950, Feb. 11 and 12. The Very Rev. Vin­ guest. $5. ings. The special award was giv­ painting GR. 1**2 WALTER EVANS. F.H.A. Financed, St. Louis I^arish. cent J. Flynn, St. Paul, national Mrs. Arch Brinker was hostess Leaders of the drive are suggest­ en Mrs. Arthur L. Nider. The 8177 Btnlon Si . ,..rx\OtUiCfe^ chaplain of the federation, will de­ ing that parents open an account Wilson & Wilson, Realtors to St. Anthony’s circle at a des­ next meeting is scheduled for Feb. ROOFING & SIDING liver the principal address. sert-luncheon and bridge in her for their children, thus providing 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the residence .Members of St. Louia Paris! home Jan. 17. them with a systematic method of of Mrs, Conrad Boeding, 2170 S. Call mt for sny roofiiur or Ashttlo* aidins I 2868 So. Broadway SD. 1-6671 Intolerant Woman Fined Mary Immaculate circle enjoyed learning to be thrifty. Federal. job no malt.r how large or small. Open Ercningt till 9 No Down Payment — Up to Mo*, to Pay I Iunich.— Mathilde Ludendorff, the hospitality of Mrs. E. 0. Nord As stated in last week’s col­ Mrs. lola Siedlinger entertained umn carried in The Register, PE. 4718 Jow of Field Marshal Erich von at a bridge-luncheon in her home the St. Rita circle at a de.ssert- MR. DURANT life-savings insurance will cover Ludendorff, and regarded as one Jan. 18. Mmes. Elton Kerr and luncheon in her home at 401 S. BROADWAY ROOFING Sc each member of the credit union WANTED ! of the most vicious opponents of Jean J. Jacobucci were recipients Newton Jan. 25. SUPPLY. Inc. 1 of the bridge awards. at no extra cost to that member. the Catholic Church in Germany, St. Peter’s circle met Jan. 25 at 148 Broadway OLD ISSUES OF TH^ \Vas classified as a major offender Mmes. H. J. Ballard and James This means that the member is 12:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. and fined 5,000 marks, (about J. Johnson were to insured for the amount he has Lynch. DRUGGISTS $1,650) by a denazification court. St. Joseph’s circle in Mrs. Ballard’s in his saving* account up to and The Altar and Rosary society DENVER CATHOLIC She for many years engaged in home Jan. 19. Mmes. Frank Gran- including $1,000. will hold its monthly meeting Feb. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS nell and A. J. Kafka were recipi­ If a member had $600 in his writing libels against both the 1 at 1 p.m. will be mied correctly at REGISTER Catholics and the Jews. ents of the bridge awards. savings at the time of his death, A birthday dinner party was MR. EDWIN'DAVIS WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY The second grade Brownies, un­ his benefactor would receive $1,- given in honor of Mrs. Julia Ag- FebAiary 19, 425,000 at Shrine der Mrs. Jack Driscoll held investi­ 200 in cash. This service is espec­ new Jan. 16 in the home of her Ph. SP. 9788 1098 South Gaylord St. Cap de la Madeleine, Que.—In ture ceremonies Jan. 9. ially good for those who would daughter, Mrs. Rolland Larson, Vol. 43 - f U a r iM u t sprinkler system. A. C. Oughton in Febrary. G L 5709 ED DUNDON TA. '2233 162 6 l7.h5T7“ j is a prominent Chicago Catholic. The S t Anthony circle met Jan. Thursday, January 26, 1950 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN Strange But True New York Sun Goes Down The Principle of the Thing'] B y D avid I. R y a n By PaUl H. Hallett IT CAME as a considerable jolt, not merely dhu^idJbJujcdA, PERSONS WHO KEEP INSISTING thL ‘a;«\a.'ncAiru to New Yorkers or the journalistic trade, but to some point in bitter dispute is not a material aJAlLcP the country as a whole when the New York Sun advantage' but “ thd principle of the thing'i are recently announced that it was ceasing publica- apt to be hj^persensjtive and foolish in proportiofv. 3SMALLCELH tion. For the Sun was one of the oldest and most The story is tojd of two woodsmen who owndd respected newspapers in the nation— a 116-year- UN Gives Opportunity for Catholic Influence their property in common and who, when th ^ A a c I old institution that implied stability and perma­ B y R ev. J o h n B. E bel The prominent role of a Catholic priest in the fell out, split up everything they owned, down ^SOA/£CS i*v nence and proved itself to be in actual fact one of "AMERICANS, and in a very special way national and international affairs of a non- to their common boat, because neither would ten^ years' the most honorable and certainly among the No. Catholic Americans, should and must take a keen ClH-istian nation is indi.cative of the deep religious yield an inch “ on principle.” ' 1 publications in the U. S. and active interest in the United Nations,” warns spirit of India. Religious minorities are con­ This mistaking of foolish pride for devotion Technically the Sun had f^w equals. Its lay­ the Rev. Jerome D’Souza, S.J., the first Catholic sidered an integral part of the national life, and to principle is evident in two current issue out was superb and always pleasing to its priest to be a regular member of a principal UN as such are proportionally represented. The place 1) Federal aid to the parochial school chil , readers. The Sun adhered to accepted canons of delegation from a non-Christian country. And of religion in the national life is guaranteed by 2) the maintenance of diplomatic relations witii journalism and rigidly followed a strict code of tiiey “ should rejoice,” he adds, as reported in an the temper of the people. the Vatican. newspaper ethics that are demanding of both article in the Catholic World, “ at the presence Why is there such bitter opposition to th|e ability and persistence. Without deviating, the here of representatives of many Catholic coun­ allocation of one per cent of $300,000,000 in Sun modeled itself on the 14 regulations that tries that up until now have had no means of Time to Regulate proposed federal funds to schools for such inci­ Charles A. Dana laid down — regulations that playing an important role in international mat­ dentals as bus rides? Opponents will be quick to called for honesty, decency, fair play, responsibil­ ters." Divine Providence? point out that they are not concerned about th|B ity, independence, sincerity— all of which should Catholic nations such as the South American sum. What they cannot abide is the breach thih By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen be expected of any big metropolitan daily, but Republics, Belgium, and Luxembourg previously is to make in the “ wall of separation betweep are rarely found. had but a small voice in international affairs— PLANNED PARENTHOOD, INC., wants Church and State,” and also the thought that it CATHOLICS, ESPECIALLY, have reason to a voice far from commensurate with their popula­ families to have as many children as possible, said will be a precedent for a much greater slice oi mourn this latest journalistic casualty. For the tion, explains Father D’Souza. But the UN gives Mrs. P. W. Pillsbury, member of the national the school budget in the future. ' I Sun, perhaps more than any other large secular equality of vote to all members, regardless of the board of that organization, in Denver this week IT NEVER SEEMS TO OCCUR to these daily, was editorially Catholic in tone. It leaned size of their- treasury or army. "Thus,” he de­ on a fund-raising venture. Couples, she explained, people that this argument is double-edged. By 1 heavily in favor of the Church’s teachings in clares, “ intelligence, personality, and the power should have as many offspring as they “can insisting on their supposed principle they set up controversial matters. to present a case persuasively count for much; handle physically, financially, and psychologi­ a counter-principle in the private school rank^ cally." Many are the Catholic college and high school and Catholics have in this matter a first field, which is at least equally valid. If federal aid to I n Im t luujc. MDNtAlGU . Mrs. Pillsbury is of the opinion that failure 7^H erm tou9e oT students, past and present, of New York and and have won favor.” the school child for incidentals overleaps the not ^ shnne or environs, who used the Sun as their prime source THOUGH NOT CLAIMING that the UN will of people to understand this fertility phase is very stable fence between Church and State STCOLUMBANUS. as asmoU for information on world events. And these same the principal force holding back the work of (which the Supreme Court said it did not do), it R0V£fiE7O. IT A L y . is be 100-per-cent effective or successful, he calls ______, oa k tree I pupils made it a practice to “clip” the Sun's it “ the only organization thus far*devised by man Planned Parenthood. The group strives to “fix” is equally true that the denial of at least tokei) AtUt into iAs (uHsicie un, iite fourt^nWu century, but soon, editorials and columns for commentary material. that, in spite of all its defects, embodies all the conception so that children “ come when they are aid to parochial schools violates a much more wanted and because they are wanted.” OMuC die rock siraia.. became a great pUgrunoge center. J Thev found fine thoughts presented in good potentialities for maintenance of world peace. sacred natural and Constitutional right: Th^ English for educational and popular use. In the clinic conducted by the Denver chapter, right of parents to educate their children accordl A PECULIAR CUSTOM IS It is impossible, within the United Nations, to Causes listed for the sale of the Sun to the develop a war-mongering policy without realizing it was reported, 16 new women came for con­ ing to their.conscienoe-. i Pe r f o r m e d a u r u a u y m S s p r S New York World-Telegram, as given by Thomas the odds against which an aggressor would run— sultation in 24 days. Their ages were between If the payment of bus fares leads the way ti 20 and 37 years. Three had been referred to the M PEJUE CHURCH, ALPES-MARIUMFS, W. Dewart, publisher, included increased produc­ and the certainty that, ultimately, such an ag­ broader expenditures for private schools, the clinic by friends; the other 13 were sent by P ^ M C E ,-' A SH/ORD IS PASSED AROUND tion costs and “ union demands too great for us gressor would be brought down. denial of this meager assistance sets a precedeni health and welfare agencies. THE CONSREOAT/ON ON WHICH A MELON AND A to meet” The all-around cost of increases were “ There are, furthermore, many specialized for subsidizing State schools so heavily that par) I / LEMON ARE FIXED AND COINS ARE SLIPPED not balanced by sufficient advertising revenues. agencies within the outline of the UN that are PLANNED PARENTHOOD HOPES to real­ ents who must shoulder the burden of both Statp /' INTO curs IN THE f r u it s .______J f AND SO ANOTHER JOURNALISTIC giant doing wonderful work in the social, economic, ize $750,000 from its nation-wide drive for funds, and private schools will find it hard to discharge S . ^ falls from the scene. And more, 190 editorial and educational fields; in preventing or conquer­ $13,750 from the Deiy»rer area. The money will their responsibilities to both systems. It also workers have to look elsewhere for employment ing disease; in raising the standard of backward go chiefly-for the reams of pamphlets the organi­ would give official sanction to the erronej^s im-i TKe Denver Catholic Register in an already overcrowded field. Perhaps a few countries; in curtailing abuses such as traffic in zation spreads abroad. pression that religious or private schools 8re no) of the very fortunate ones will find jobs in their human beings, sale of narcotics and drugs; and The birth-control group recognizes- the source of natural right but of government sufferance ot ’ President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D chosen field. But the Sun is just another in a in disintegrating the barriers of racial discrimi­ of its opposition. Catholics, Southern Baptists, privilege. ' i Editor...... Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. long list of newspapers that have had to quit nation. These agencies of the United Nations and some synods of- the Lutheran Church are THOSE WHO OPPOSE RELATIONS with the Managinut Director...... Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. Its fall merely fits into a pattern— it is a trend have the means of exerting public influence and avowed enemies of the Planned Parenthood pro­ Vatican do .so on the ground that it violates th City Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., Litt.D. of the times— and a sign of things to come.-^ actual authority of utmost value toward cause? gram, Mrs. Pillsbury acknowledged. alleged principle of separation of Church an Associate Editors — Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A., Litt.D.; Linus For the process of centralization in the news­ dear to the Church. Along these lines, more can These are the facts. This is the stand of State by giving one Church a prestige not ac­ Riordan, Ph.D.; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A., Litt. D.; Rev. Robert paper business is as obvious as the growth of big now be effected by the action of governments Planned Parenthod, Inc. And the eve of Cath­ corded to another. No doubt, a little prestige for Kekeisen, M.A., Litt.M.; Paul H. Hallett, Litt. D.; Jack Heher, A.B.; business, which got bi.r by reducing, in one way or under the UN than by the efforts of individual olic Press month seems an appropriate time to the Catholic Church is gained in the minds of James Kelly, A.B.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan, M.F.A. ______another, competitors and competition. Even here and p^articular agencies outside. pick up the challenge to morality the group’s some Americans by the fact that we maintaiii adherents offer. It is the chief function of the an envoy at the Vatican, but this; is purely inci Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. the process is patent The coverage and interests "AS AN ORGANIZATION for the construc­ ■ of the Sun have been sold to the World-Telegram. tion of permanent and successful work, the UN Catholic press to expound truth, especially when dental. We do not send a diplomat to the Popq And the World and the Telegram were merged gives infinitely more real hope than the old it is attached by error; to explain correct moral­ to add to his importance, but, reversely, his im-i Published Weekly by ity, especially when it is subjected to false prin- portance in world affairs is so great that we can) THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) in 1931. Altogether the World-Telegram today League of Nations. This is so chiefly because of represents six former New York dailies. the equality in voting given each member. Al­ ciples. Our weapons? Sound norms of right and not afford not to send a diplomat. There woula be violation of separation of Church and State ii( 9^8 Bannock Street, 1 Philadelphia, the country’s third largest city, though the veto power might seem to refute this wrong,- given - by the Father Almighty _ . ancr agains this case only: If the President maintained a lega­ Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 formerly could boast of six dailies of good repu­ balance, the veto was never intended to be used promulgated bv His Divine Son. tion at the Holy See to discuss primarily reli4 tation and formidable circulation. Now, however, extensively, and its use may still be curtailed to THE BASIC EVIL IN THE PROGRAM gious matters, or. if he did so out of homage t<^ Subscription: the City of Brotherly Love has but two metro­ a de^ee that leaves the equality of all sub­ and aims of Planned Parenthood is that organi­ the Pope. j politan dailies, a morning and an evening paper. stantially unchanged. We must remember that zation’s intention, through intrinsically sinful 75 cents per year in Archdiocese of Denver. So far as prestige is concerned, no religious And in Baltimore, eighth city of the nation,^ much the veto is restricted to a limited field, and can­ means, to usurp the Providential prerogatives ot 151.25 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. group should be so little-minded as not to acn the same situation exists. The condition is wide­ not be wielded in the discussions of committees God in the regulation of the number of offspring Canada, $2.00 a year per subscription. or in the final resolutions of the General As­ a married couple will have. Nor does the present knowledge the right of distinction in .some otherl spread. religious group, when this is properly earned.! Foreign countries, including Philippines,, $2.75 a year, THE TREND IN METROPOLITAN news­ sembly.” sop of “ encouragement for bigger families” de­ Though his name is Portuguese, Father tract from the fundamental wrong that the birth- Catholics in the past .have cheerfully supported' paper business is away from growth and the the Jewish Consumptive Relief Fund, though thej^ Thursday, January 26, 1950 initiation of individual enterprises. It carries D’Souza is a descendant of an old Indian family controllers seek to perpetrate. Avowedly they want to limit families in certain “ worthy” cases know this adds to the prestige of the Jews. If| to the centralization of one or two— survivors of converted by Portuguese missionaries in the 17th century. The name is the result of a custom, long by taking positive, artificial means condemned the hoped-for merger of Protestant Churches goes- OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER the fittest— in each city. This, of course, repre- through, and this union of Protestant Churches' sents more than just the passing of long-standingidii 'since di.scontinucd, of Christian converts’ adopting by the natural law. They posit poverty and diffi­ The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. European names. His particular branch of the culty in childbirth as justifying reasons for the wants to establish a world headquarters. Catholics We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ traditions. will not object if our government ^es fit to main4 As we note the setting of the Sun, we wonder D’Souza family is destined to come to a halt: permission of contraception, which no reason on ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or His two brothers are priests, the one a rector of earth can justify, for it is essentially wrong. tain an embassy there. Embittered insistence onl those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. when the next great newspaper of lesser stature This is the law of God. an ill-conceived principle is a mark of an inferi-j may fall. Since the not-too-distant past the signs a seminary, the other rector of a college; and We hope The Register will be read in every home of the It is for God to decide how many children a ority complex. There are enough real principles have been evident And so another paper will his only sister is Superior General of a com­ Archdiocese. married couple should have, once the parties in the world, which both Protestants and Catholics! fall before too long; perhaps in several years; munity of Indian sisters. concerned have made use of the privileges ac­ can defend, without the creation of imaginary; We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in perhaps even sooner. HIS POSITION AS UN DELEGATE follows corded them by their state. It is God’s Providence ones. 1 the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. It seems, though, from the writing deeply upon his appointment in August, 1946, as a that cares for those who keep His law, and for « URBAN J. VEHR, etched in the recent history of journalism, that member of the Indian Constituent Assembly, the offspring His wisdom sees fit to send. And Jan. 29, 1942 Archdiocese of Denver. within the next 20 to 25 years there will hardly which drew up and approved the new Constitu­ EARTH TO HEAVEN tion. This body was chosen by the legislative if. poverty curtails, or difficult parturition in­ The Dodgers flew back from St. Louis after be a major city in the country with more than an jures, it is God who has permitted these seeming evening and morning paper— and perhaps both assembly of each province. Father D'Souza being beating the Cardinals in their final series. It was Forty Hours' Devotion named from Madras. He obtained ecclesiastical evils for His own more sublime design, which Friday and Secretary Harold Parrott was gently of these under the same ownership. When that often consi.sts in drawing a humble, obedient Week of Jan. 29 day comes, then indeed will the American news­ permission to accept the post, however, only with ribbing Rex Barney for demolishing a steak thatj husband and wife more closely to Himself through had been served on the plane. | Week of Feb. S paper reading public be upon barren days. provisions that would keep him out of politics; Our Lady of Lourdei church, Denver; he therefore takes no part in the legislative and the same kind of trials He willingly bore in His “ My Bishop told me it was okay to eat meat on] life on earth. St. Dominic’s cifurch, Denver; “ Now are the days of salvation; now is the administrative activities of the Assembly, which Friday,” jnsi.sted Barney, "in extraordinary cir-i MRS. PILLSBURY, of Planned Parenthood, cumstances like this where nothing else is avail-^ St. Francis de Sales’ church, Denver; acceptable time.”— (St. Paul)______is functioning as the interim India Parliament. Margery Reed Mayo Day nursery, Denver. Inc., thinks that the failure of people to under- able.” aUnd her society’s fertility project is a “ prin­ Parrott passed the news along to droll GiP cipal force” holding back the success of the Hodges, who was disinterestedly toying with a ) -CATHOIIC RADIO LOG group’s program. We venture another possible fruit salad. " ; Station KOA Station KFEL “ principal force” impeding Planned Parenthood. “ How high "Tip is this plpne?" asked Hodges.- AVE MARIA HOUR — Sun­ Perhaps it is that many peoyple still have too “ Twenty-one thousand feet.” | CATHOLIC HOUR— Sunday, day, 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 clear an understanding of the principles of - Hodges shook his head. “ No steak for me 4 p.m. morality. then,” he said. “ We’re too close to headquarters.” ASK AND LEARN— Sunday, FAISHLY THEATER— — (Arthur Daley, in the .Veto York Times) “ The peculiar beauty of human art . . . has 10:45 p.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. ASK FR. LORD— 7 to 7:15 the savor of the terrestrial paradise, because it “ Mankind escapes from torture only to suffer restores for a brief moment the simultaneous Station KMYR p.m. daily Monday through boredom. It has but to look about it to be sure Friday over FM. peace and delight of the mind and senses.” — that nothing present to it is sufficient.” — (Paul SACRED HEART PROGRAM Station KLZ GOOD REASONS (Jacques Maritain) Claudel) — Weekdays at 7:30 a.ra. CHURCH OF AIR— Sunday, ■ — Sundays at 12:15 noon. 8-8:30 a.m. An Age-Old Invitation Is Disregarded Again. B y E d M iller years ago in Waco, Tex., the center of Texas WHY YOU “ BEHOLD HOW GOOD and how pleasant it Baptist tradition, by an outspoken free-thinkef \ is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm named W. C. Brann, who finally got himself shot i cxxxii, 1). and killed because of his passion for calling a When Pius XII, on Dec. 23, 1949, extended spade just that. ' Hear the invitation for Protestants to “ return to the BEFORE THE TURN OF THE CENTURY, j SHOULD PAY one true Church” for a union against militant Brann, who claimed no religious affiliation, said, t atheism, the breath of rancor that rippled through in his publication, the Iconoclast: “ I believe that I Protestant ranks was neither atypical nor un­ every well-informed and patriotic American, of expected. whatsoever creed, or no-creed, would rather see 1 ASK and LEARN BY CHECK Down in Dallas, Dr. C. Oscar Johnson, presi­ the Catholics than the Baptists in control of the dent of the World Baptist alliance, a former country . . .” Shakespearean actor, constructed, both mentally and physically, along the same general lines as “ The Baptists Of today would crush liberty of Denver’s Rev. Dr. Harvey Springer, “ allowed,” conscience and freedom of speech. . . . It would KOA in a plangent voice, that the Baptists would "not be a misfortune should supreme political power Your checking account at the American accept” the Pope’s “ invitation to come back.” pass into the hands of any particular religious Instead, Dr. Johnson invited Catholics to cult. Were Protestantism united, instead of di- . 10:45 National Bank of Denver eliminotes loss or accept the Baptist beliefs and become “ free fol­ vided into dozens of warring factions, every free- ! lowers of Jesus Christ and our way of believing,” thinker would be hanged before nightfall ...” EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT theft of your money. It's so conveni- saying that this would free Catholics from “ The American Catholics have never yet I “ totalitarianism.” / jailed a Jew, Seventh Day Adventist, or iitheis; ' ent- simpiy write o check and moil it. THE BAPTISTS, said Dr. Johnson, as quoted for refusing to observe the Chri.stian Sabbath— ; Questions on religion - submitted by the radio in the Dallds Moiming News, could not “come back have never made the law an institution of perse­ audience answered on the archdiocesan broadcast. The cancelled check serves os o to the Catholic Church, because we were never a cution, or suggested that it was the duty of- the part of it.” police to club people into paradise. They do not Booklets on Catholic Church available free of cost receipt. Your check stub is o He said that the Baptists date their origin to go about with a garbled edition of the Bible in Bible times and maintained that a number of one hand and a boycott pronunciamento in the to all inquirers. reminder of bills paid. Open Baptists believe that John, forerunner of Christ, other ...” WRITE TO was the first Baptist. He also said that, tech­ “ Were Catholicism suddenly blotted out, Prot-' your checking account now at nically speaking, the Baptists are not Protestants. estantism could scarce survive a centu^. The ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA In a later interview. Dr. Johnson said that first has ever been the ark of the Christian cov­ Denver 2, Colorado the American. All deposits ore he was under suspicion in some Baptist quarters enant, the theological sun about which all sichisms because a number of Baptists believed that he revolve. These schisms are born and die; they insured up to $5,000 by Fed­ wanted union among Baptists and others. “ I come and go, but the Catholic Church goes on have never advocated union,” he replied to forever. Numerically it occupies first place in the eral Deposit Insurance Corpo­ questions concerning the proposed merger of the world’s religions, while all the warring factions MAin 5314 Baptist alliance with the Disciples of Christ of Protestantism combined could scarcely claim a ration. (Christian Church). fifth. Dr. Johnson’s statements, all in all, are “ TRULY IF THE WORLD is ever ‘captured rather like an uncompanionable sock on the jaw. for Christ’ it must be by the Catholics.” F. J. KIRCHHOF Like his Methodist bed-fellow. Bishop G. Bromley From Jan. 18 to 25, the Catholic Church cele­ Oxnam, Dr. Johnson is not exactly certain of brated the Chair of Unity Octave, a period of what kind of unity he does want. Catholics, yes— prayer for the reunion of all Christians with the on his terms—but no Disciples of Christ. Holy See first observed by the Friars of the Construction Co. FREE 1/2 HOUR PARKING HE SEEMS TO BE ABOUT as confused as Atonement in Graymoor, N. Y., when that group the Pittsburgh ministers who also spumed the was a member bTody of the Protestant Episcopal' in our convenient Parking Plozo right Holy Father’s appeal, saying “ . . . that while Church. BUILDERS next door to the bonk Protestants love unity, they love truth and free­ In contrast to Dr. Johnson, Bishop Oxnam, dom more.” The semiofficial Vatican daily paper, and the others, this of Anglican friars We Appreciate Your Patronage Osservatore Romano, in reply, pointed out that and nuns, founded in 1899, prayed incessantly “ if the love for liberty of those convened in for the unity of Christians and finally, in the 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. Tune in Pittsburgh cannot be contested, that of unity and full fruition of their prayers, entered into the truth is at least problematical, inasmuch as one Church in. October, 1909, being commissioned at THE GUY LOMBARDO SHOW (unity) is divided among the (29 Churches) and that time to continue community work according ESTABLISHED lISS the o^ er (truth) is disputed by the 29 Churches.” to the rule of the Third Order Regular of St. KLZ 8:30 p.m. every Wednesday As for Dr. Johnson’s contention that the Bap­ Francis. tists date from John the Baptist, the neat side­ The Chair of Unity devotion ^hey started has stepping of facts reminds more than slightly of spread around the world— andj their example The American Fixture Co. George Orwell’s 1984, wherein the mythical should indeed provide food for thought for Dr. MAnaftctoren of super-state’s super-dictator. Big Brother, has an Johnson and his fellow Baptists if they are, in­ Church Pews and Altarg entire staff constantly at work rewriting history deed, sincere in their desire to firtd “ the Way, The AMERICAN NATIONAL.BANK to make it mor^ compatible with present actions. Church Furniture the Truth, and the Life.” Whether Dr. Johnson wants to rationalize or not, Along with millions of Catholics and those Bank, Office, and Store Fixtures o f D e n v e r the fact is that the Baptist sect began with John outside the faith who earnestly do desire unity, Smyth in Amsterdam in 1608. we can plead: “ 0 Lord Jesus Christ, who said unto . Milheork of All Kinds Someone has said that the trouble with the Thine Apostles: Peace I leave With you, My peace MA. 0168 ijih at Lawrence Streets present generation is that they have never read I give unto you; regard not our sins, but the F. J. Kirchhof, Pres, 1236 Arapahoe St. the minutes of the previous meeting. Perhaps faith of Thy Churchy and grant unto her that C. F. Stahl, Vice Pres. that■ is■ .. Dr...... Johnson’s trouble, because his wei!efl- peace and unity which are agreeable to 'Thy will. Denver, Colo. t h e bank or PERSONALIZED BER VT-C C worn allegation of “ totalitarianism” was more Who livest and reignest God forever and ever. than adequately dispensed with more than 50 Amen.”

) '■Jd/ -m -T' (,•:**

PAGE TWELVE Office, 936 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitene 4205 ’ Thursday, Jonuary 26, 1950 Father Clark to Be Preacher Convert Becomes Bride Couple in Sterling Hold Open House I Miraculous Medal Novena Set Of Leo Meis in Yuma Rite To Mark Golden Wedding Jubilee Sterling.— (S t Anthony’s Par­ Yuma.— (St. John’s Parish)— his evenings the p u t week paint­ ish)— Mr. and Mrs. George Hof­ + + + + + ! The Rev, Clement V. Gallagher ing in the rectory. mann held .open house for their To Open Feb. 5 in Englewood officiated Jan. 22 when the first The Family Party club held its friends Sunday afternoon, Jan. 22, wedding ceremony in months took (St. Lottit’ Pariik, EngUwood) monthly covered-dish dinner in the in celebration of their golden wed place here. The bride, Helen Susan parish hall after the second Mass ding anniversary. A dinner was Smith, a convert, is the daughter A solemn novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal will be held in St, Jfan. 22. There were the usual good served at the Schell Chateau for of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith of Louis’ church Feb. 5-13. The Rev. John Clark, C.M., will conduct the novena. In the week eats and a jovial atmosphere. the immediate members of the Beecher Island, and the bride' Among the new members attending there, will be evening devotions, sermons, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Fa­ groom, Leo Meis, is the son of Mr. family preceding the reception. were Jack Eastin, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hofmann were ther Clark will preach at all the at 8 o’clock. A down-filled com­ and Mrs. C. F. Meis of Yuma. The Dan Shea, and J. P. Brophy, Sr. Masses on Sunday, Feb. 5. bride was lovely in a navy street married Jan. 20, 1900, in S t Jo­ forter made by the room mothers of Friends will be glad to know The purpose of the novena, Book on Holy Year ensemble, with white corsage and seph’s church at Lockport, III., and the fourth grade, Mrs. William jthat all the Brophys are in the ■which will be in progress on the accessories. Her bridesmaid, Cyr- resided in that city until June, Burnett, Mrs. William Abbey, and pink of health again. Desmond Feast of Our L^dy of Lourdes, illa Meis, wore an aqua and grey 1910, whert they moved to Iliff, Mrs. B. Olsen, will be featured. Brophy even went to Limon the Feb. 11, is to strengthen the de­ Mr. and Mrs. Hofmann lived on Tickets on the comforter will go Penned by Friar ensemble. Norbert Meis attended past week and bagged an an­ votion of all the families of the his brother. The couple left imme­ their farm until 1943, when two on sale Jan. 30. The party is telope. of their sons, Cecil and Paul, en­ parish to Our Lady. It is hoped sponsored by the sixth gprade room diately on a wedding trip to an that all families will plan to make Is Now Being Sold unannounced destination. On their tered service to serve for more mothers) Mrs. Elmer Vogt and Yuma Experiences than two years overseas. At that the novena and dedicate the family Mrs. Clarence Wollman. • return the couple will be at home to the patronage of the Mother of A timely book on the Holy to their friends at the bride­ Mild Boom time they moved to Sterling, where God. St. Louis’ parish was repre­ Year, entitled Assignment to Rome, groom’s farm home southeast of Yuma it experiencing e mild they purchased their present home. Tha Altar and Rotary toeiety sented at the meeting of the Den­ has just been published and is on Yuma. boom now that the teiimograph Mr. Hofmann is a member of the in St, Louit’ parish will hold a ver deanery meeting on Jan..23 sale in Denver now. This book, crewt era operating in tbit area. Knights of Columbus and Mrs. written by the Rev. Anthony Pat- Father Gallagher announced Jan. dessert-luncheon card party the by Mrs. William Abbey, PTA; .Mrs. 22 that the response to the clothing Thoutandt of acret of land hava Hofmann is active in the Altar and H. Hoy, Altar and Rosary society; tison, O.F.M.Cap., provides an in­ afternoon of Jan, 26 at 12:30 in and soap drive was good. Contribu bean laated, tett wellt are going Rosary society and the Catholic and.Mrs. E. Vogt, ACCN. telligent understanding of the the Recreation center. Admis­ tions are still being accepted. down, 'and the bouting tituation Daughters of America, being or­ sion will be so cents and there The Immaculate Heart of Mary great jubilee celebration. It is a it tightening up again. ganist for the latter organization. human, personal account of the Mrs. M. L. Hassman, Mrs. A. J. will be a special prize given. sodality will sponsor a “ sweetheart Millard F. Glenn died Jan. 18. Mr. Hofmann ti a membar of significance of the Holy Year. All Filla, Mrs. Perry Blach, and Mrs Proceeds from the party will ball” on Feb. 11 in the recreation He was 91 years old and the grand­ the State Seed Growers’ atao- those pilgrims who expect to visit Maurice Hahn met in Mrs. Her­ enable the society to raise funds center. There will be an orchestra man Blach’s home Jan. 19 and father of Mrs. Harold Bennett. ciation and the Colorado State to carry on its work. , for the dance and all high school Rome in the months ahead will He was buried in the Yuma ceme­ Fair commiition. He recently find it not only of practical use, worked on the Altar and Rosary Mr. and Mrs. George Hofmann The St. Louis PTA will sponsor students are invited to attend. Ad­ society’s new yearbooks. At this tery Jan. 22. was reappointed by Governor mission will be 35 cents per person but also o f great interest. Those a games party in the recreation officers’ meeting, the group de­ Any person or family moving Knoui on the State Fair com- + + - or 50 cents per couple. _____ who are unable to make the pil­ + •+ ' center on Friday evening, Feb. 3, cided to purchase enough additional miision to serve a term expir­ the couple came to this country in grimage will have brought home into S t John's parish will be cor­ Wedded 25 Yean flatware to service 24 plates. The dially welcomed by Father Gallag­ ing in 1955. He has bean active 1906, settling in Sterling. Mrs. to them through its pages the More than 100 relatives and hostess and president, Mrs. Her­ her. It is hoped that such parties in many agricultural projacts Sewald died Dec. 26, 1941. friends called the afternoon and scenes and events to be witnessed. COLORADO HATCHERY man Blach, served refreshments will call at the rectory immediately, and is widely known as an ex­ Mr. Sewald was a member of evening of Jan. 21 in the home of Father Pattison not only brings of jello, cake, and coffee. Mrs. Herman Blach appointed hibitor at agricultural fairs. He St. Anthony’s parish. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. 'Volz in GET .4HEAD and STAY AHEAD his readefs up to date on the his­ the following chairmen to head the has won numerous trophies at Surviving Mr. Sewald are three celebration of their silver wedding torical aspects of the Holy Year, Youth Organization committees of the annual Turkey local and international shows. sons, John Sewald of Proctor, anniversary. ' START NOW!! Buy U. S. Approved Pullonim Paiied Baby he also conveys to them the thrill­ He is a former "wheat king” Schedules Party Growers banquet sponsored by Jacob Sewald of Walden, and Pete Refreshments were .served from Chicks' from Colorado Hatchery. Year after year— and again ing experience of the pilgrim who and “ master seedsman” of Col­ Mike Gisi and served by the Altar Sewald of Sterling; five daugh­ a lace-covered table, centered with in 1950 the increasing demand for our baby chicks proves observes the splendor of the Eter­ The youtb organization will orado. He is also a director of and Rosary society in the parish ters, Mrs. Molly Lauer of Crook, a bouquet of sweetpeas, with silver their quality. High Egg-Records, Fast Feathering Broiler Chicks meet in tha parish hall Feb. 1 the Colorado Pure Seed Grow­ nal City and who, in visiting the sa­ hall Jan. 25: Mrs. John Shea and Mrs. Mary Dagenhart of Sterling, tapers on either side. Mrs. hfary and Rapid Growth Bloodlines have long been our foundation. for its dancing party. Members ers’ association. cred shrines, is made aware of the Mary Nicklaus, turkey prepara­ Mrs. Anna Bauer of Longmont, C. llradecky and Mrs. Charles Early Diicounlt spirit of unity, truth, and charity are urged to be present with a tion; Mrs. Maurice Hahn, wait­ Mr. and Mrs. Hofmann are par­ and Mrs. Gertrude Artzer and guest. Hradecky poured in the afternoon Writs lodsy for 19S0 Price list and early order discount certificate. that characterizes the Church. ress; Mrs. Wenzel Blach, Jr., ta­ ents of five children: George, Jr.; Mrs. Elizabeth Kloberdanz, both and Mrs. Albina Hradecky and With him they see the four Save up to $1.50 per 100 James Carpenter had the mis­ bles; Mrs. Ambrose Blach, salad; Paul, Mary Louis (Mrs. William of Sterling; two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Mrs. William Mathews in the eve­ great Basilicas of Rome, S t Pet­ fortune to have an airplane motor Mrs, Ge&rge Beethe, dessert; Mrs. G. Gale, New Lawrence, N. Y .); Schell and Mrs. Elizabeth Mari, ning. Miss Veronica Volz wa| in NEW LOCATION er’s, St. Paul’s, St. John Lateran’s, he was overhauling fall on him Perry Blach, bread and butter; Cecil, and Dan, and have seven both of Sterling; 50 grandchildren, charge of the guest book, and Mrs. P.O. Box 6634 — Stockyards Station — Denver 16, Colo. and St. Mary Major’s, visits to Mrs. George Blach, relish; and and eight great-grandchildren. Jan. 19. The accident happened in grandchildren. All the children LaVern Volk, Mrs. Herman Wise, which are part of the conditions Mrs. M. L. Hassman, cocktails. were home for the celebration. Funeral services were held Fri­ and John Albert Volz were hosts his own yard when the engine fell for gaining the jubilee indulgence. Many of the parishioners are St. Theresa’s Circle Meets day morning, Jan. 20, in St. An­ for the occasion. Mrs. Volz 'has on his hip, crushing the pelvic They witness also the moving turning in cancel^ stamps to Fa­ Mrs. Richard Mertens ■was host­ thony’s church. Burial was at been custodian at St. Anthony’s bone into the groin and splitting ceremony of the opening of the ther Gallagher, who in turn sends ess Thursday afternoon, Jan. 19, Riverside cemetery. for several years. the upper leg bone to the knee. holy door, which anticipated the them to the missions. With S t Val­ to members of St. Theresa’s cir­ He was rushed by ambulance to great celebration of Christmas entine’s day and Easter coming up, cle of St. Anthony’s Altar and Ro­ Rose Memorial hospital, Denver, eve, and ushered in the Holy Year everyone should salvage extra sary society in her home. She was where his condition is reported ^ Colorado Spri of 1950. This book is intended to stamps. Airmail and special de­ assisted by Mrs. Don Hays as co­ prepare the reader to understand critical. Surgery was performed hostess. Jan. 24. Mrs. James Carpenter, livery stamps are worth more, but the. significance of the Holy Year. any old stamp adds up to $2 a Refreshments were served to the The book may be purchased his wife, is a nurse at the Yuma following members: Mrs. J. Fox- hospital. Mrs. Verle Carpenter, pound. CALL JACK HALL along with many other new Cath­ hoven, Sirs. K. P.' Scheafer, Mrs. his mother, is caring for their olic books at the James Clarke Altar and Rosary Jpe Schutte, Mrs. Robert Ahern, preschool son. Church Goods House, 1633 Tre- Meeting Feb. 2 Mrs. M. Foxhoven, Mrs. H. Gollo- mont place. George Blach has been spending bith, Mrs. V. Fiscus, Mrs. Don If low rotes with The Altar and Rosary society Hays, Mrs. Koehler, Mrs. William will hold its regular meeting in the Lauby, Mrs. R. Mertens, Mrs. D. maximum coverage AL 0466 parish hall Thursday, Feb. 2, at Mansuetti, Mrs. M. Pimple, Mrs. on auto insurance ...You can't afford Gitechism Instructions to 1:30. Important business will be H. Schadegg, Mrs. 0. Wernsman, discussed as well as final arrange­ Mrs. D. Welch, Mrs. C. H. Murrin, is w hat you seek ■ not to get In toucli' M jil;| ments for the society’s annual card Mrs. G. Charticr, and Mrs. J. Jack Hall with me right awoy. T iiiil Begin Jan. 29 in Welby party to be given Monday, Feb. 13. Becker. Tickets will be sold the evening of Mrs. B. Cometto gave an inter­ Welby.— (Atiumption Parish)— Beginning Sunday, Jan. 29, the party at $1 each. esting reading Thursday afternoon, Chrittian doctrine initructiont will bo held every Sunday after the Very few families have escaped Jan. 19, when she entertained 10 o’clock M a d in preparation for firit Holy Communion. All chil- the flu epidemic so prevalent here members of the Immaculate Con­ dron attending public tekooU end who are seven years of age are now. Mrs. Henry Brand has suf­ ception circle of St. Anthony’s FARMER’S INSURANCE GROUP requested to attend these classes. fered one of the worst attacks. Altar and Rosary society in her 43S POUITIINTH STRUT DINVH, COLORADO :ii| On Feb. 2, the Feast of the Puri­ Even Dr.- Waski was confined to home. fication, High Mass will be at 8 lowed by Benediction, are also set his bed two days in the past week. Oyiter Supper Planned MAY REALTY o’clock. Candles will be blessed be­ for Feb. 3. Communion will be Refreshments were served to fore and distributed after Mass. given at 6 a.m. for working people. nine members. Plans were made for an oyster supper, to be given Feb. 3, the Feast of St. Blaise, A perpetual novena in honor of REALTOR for members and husbands. Mass will be at 8:15 o’clock, with Our Lady of Sorrows is being con­ special blessing of the throats Pre-Lenten Fete _ Plans for the ensuing year were ducted in the evening at 7 o’clock INSURANCE - LOANS after Mass. with the Via Matris and Benedic­ discussed at a meeting of the First Friday of the month devo­ tion. Mother Cabrini circle of St. An­ tions in honor of the Sacred Heart, thony’s Altar and Rosary society Recommended Firms Ute Theater Bldg. with Consecration prayers fol- Jan. 16 the newly organized Planned by Unit held Wednesday afternoon, Jan. council of the K. of C. held a spe­ 18, in the home of Mrs. H. C. Colorado Springs, Colo, cial meeting. The installation of Kelley. Mrs. Roy Kuhn was assist­ for AUTO officers took place Jan. 16. ing hostess. MAIN 1898 Twenty new members were in­ In Steamboat Refreshments were served to the Weldona Society itiated. Steamboat Springs.— To help in following members: Mrs. Harold SERVICE Father John Giambastiani, raising money for their auxiliary Scheberle, Mrs. L’Heureux, Mrs. O.S.M., made a special announce­ Frank Lechman, Mrs. Pete Herg' ment Jan. 15 to all parishioners fund, the membera of the Altar Slates Ravioli society of Holy Name parish are enreter, Mrs. Martin Weingardt, The M urray Drug Co. WILLIAM C. CRARON who are interested and who wish Mrs. Joe Applehans, Mrs. Alec to make the Holy Year pilgrimage. sponsoring a pre-Lenten social in "Superior Service Stores" the parish hall on Feb. 10 at 8 Weingardt, Mrs. Pete Saville, Mrs. Buckley Bros. Motors Optometrist They should consult him and all William Tatarka, and Mrs. Doug- Dinner on Feb. 16 information will be given concern­ o’clock. Valuable prizes will be Main Store Phone Main 144 121 North Tejon SL lao Sefton. Sales - S1UDEBAKER - Service ing the trip to Rome. given away during the evening’s • Store — IS North Ttjon St. PHONE MAIN 5662 Weldona.— (St. Francis’ Par­ games of canasta and bridge. Frank J. Weingardt Diet AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL MAKE CARS ft TRUCKS Card Party Fab. 7 North Store — 832 North Tejon 6t. COLOBADO SPRINGS, COLO. ish)— A ravioli dinner was plan­ Lunch ■will be served. Mrs. N. E. Frank J. Weingardt, 71, a long­ EXPERT BODY AND FENDER WORK — QUALITY PAINTING ned at the regular meeting of the The PTA will resume ita ac­ Delhaute is the chairman of a time resident of Sterling, died STEAM CLEANING — WASHING — LUBRICATION SERVICE Get Baitr's (of Denver) Altar society Jan. 12 in the home tivities and will sponsor a card committee of 14 women appointed Jan. 16 in a Sterling hospital fol­ 660 S. Broadway — New Location — RA. 2826 PETE BERONI party Tuesday evening, Feb. 7, .at lowing a brief illness. Mr. Wein­ Candy and Ice Cream at of Mrs. Victor CovelH. This dinner to make the arrangements for the FURNITURE SHOP 7:30 p.m. in the assembly room affair. gardt resided in Sterling for 39 is to be held Thursday, Feb. 16, in Service 6:30 A.Iff. to Midnight Daily UPHOLSTERING, the Farmers’ Union hall. The newly of the school. Many beautiful spe­ Father Edward Priniter an- years. Johnson-English RE-UPHOLSTERING AND cial and table prizes will be Born March 24, 1871, in Roth- REPAIRING elected officers are president, Mrs. Bounces that tha drive to reduce A. S. Lorenzini; secretary, Mrs. given. mal, Russia, Mr. Weingardt was Slip Coven end Dreperle* the parish debt on the new rec­ HAKRY'S TEXACO SlRVtCl Drug Co. Hade to Order the son of John and Opal Wein­ John Mall; treasurer, Mrs. Pete Tickets may be purchased at the BARRY FLEMING, ProprUtor LENTHERIC ToUetries Furniture Made to Order Brunelli; and news correspondent, door. Refreshments will be served. tory end hell wes very succets- gardt. He married Anna Marie Tejon «t Rijou St. Phono 1400 TVh 8. Caicide Arc. Main S20t Miss Ethel Lorenzini. There were Mr. and Mrs. Donald James are ful. A Hi(h Mess o f Thenksgiv- Rothmal in Russia and the couple TEXACO »4 risESTeNE risDUCTs SPEER BLVD. AT BANNOCK came to the United States in 1911, LUB8ICATI0S ••4 WASH INS TABOR 9222 seven new members, Mrs. Tony the parents of a girl, born Jan. 17. ing will be offered for eli the “ / / Your yeeds Are Electrical The Heyse Sheet locating at Topeka, Kans. In 1914 Kaus, Mrs. Olin, Mrs. Durbin, and The newly organized Boy Scout members of the perish. Call Main 939" Metal and Roofing Mrs. John Scholl and her daugh­ troop, under the leadership of the they moved to Sterling. Mrs. Wein­ WIRING—FIXTURES AND REPAIRS INCORPORATED ters, Marcella, Cecilia, and Mag­ scoutmaster, H. Camell, is pro­ Prayers of the congregation gardt died April 21, 1937. A MAM were offered on Sunday for the HEATING ROOFING dalene. gressing. Much credit is owed to Surviving Mr. Weingardt are RADIATOR WORKS speedy recovery of Mrs. N. A. four sops, Frank Weingardt, Jr., Berwick Electric Co. SHEET METAL Three recently baptized in the the parents of the boys who are RftdUtort RtmoTftd from Car and Brock of Hayden, who underwent and Adam Weingardt, both of J. D. BERWICK 529 SO. NEVADA parish were John Kaus, with Mr. working hard for their success. Raplaetd A group of mothers has joined a a serious operation Jan. 20 in Sterling; John Weingardt of Jules- Cleaning — Rodding — Raeering Colorado Springa. Colorado Phone: Main 562 and Mrs, Olin as sponsor; James St. Joseph’s hospital in Denver. Repairing Eat. 1888 Louis Lorenzini, with Miss Kath­ sewing circle the past week and burg, and James Weingardt of Mrs. Brock is a pioneer business­ Chicago, 111.; three daughters, Mrs. 947 Bannock (Rear) KE. 2805 ryn Chiara and Charles Gardetto made up all the neckerchiefs, beau­ Pint Door N, of V.F.W. Bldg., tifully hand embroidered with ini­ woman of Northwestern Colorado John Klein and Mrs. Stephen Ith aad Speer The firms listed here de­ as sponsors; and Anita Louise and a faithful member and gener­ FOR Scholl, with Mr. and Mrs. John tials and troop numbers. Klein, both of Sterling, and Mrs. serve to be remembered ous contributor of Holy Name Catherine Savolt of Los Angeles, Scholl as sponsors. The boys will appear in uniform parish. LETfiunkgiimaer ^AUTOMOTIVE when you are distributing Agnes, George, end Jim La­ in Boy Scout week. They also will Calif.; 25 grandchildren, and three ment gave the statue of tbe march, dressed in new uniforms, The servers for the following great-grandchildren. w your patronage in the dif­ Sapred Heart of Jesus to the with other units, as troop 170 of Sundays are: Jan. 29, John Sau«r The Rosary was recited Wednes­ SERVICE and Joseph Maguire; second Mass, day evening, Jan. 18, at the Wein­ ferent lines of business. parish church. Assumption parish. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH _ Visit Denver's Mr. and Mrs. Ilario Covelli cele­ On Feb. 12 these boys, 20 en­ Bud and Bill Haight; Feb. 5, first gardt residence, 620 Hamilton brated their 40th wedding anni­ rolled members, lyill receive Holy Maas, Jack Pluta and Ronald Bar­ street. Sterling. Fuijeral services uprotm MOTOk co. ^ LEADING SERVICE rett; second Mass, Bill and Bud , COMPLIMENTS OF versary Jan. 15. Communion in a body in tbe were conducted Thursday morn­ 1908 BROaPWAY CH.5626 Haight; Feb. 12, Leo and Jim La­ CENTER The next guild meeting will be Cathedral. In the afternoon they ing, Jan. 19, in St. Anthony’s ger. Where You Get OLSON & BENBOW held iii the home of Mrs. Chester will have the honor of escorting church. Burial was at Riverside cemetery. PLBG. & HTG. CO. EIGtS-U Chiara Thursday, Feb. 9. the Archbishop into the Cathedral. Accompany Son Quality at a A group o^ the honored scouts John Edward Sawald Die* NOTICE OP FINAL SBTTLEStENT John Edward Sewald, 74, died Fair Price! Qfyiolort (^tse. . o p JULIA E. HOADLEY. and their assistant are enjoying a To Naval Base 116 North Wcb«r St. MENTAL INCOMPETENT. No. 868SS. Jan. 16 in a Sterling hospital, fol­ WE CAN DO IT! week-end trip in Genessee, with Mayor and Mrs, J. R. Smith Tel. Main 3066 Notice U her*y given that on the 7th lowing an illness of three months. 'A' Let us figure your next print­ Open Eve- dsy of March, 1960, I will present to the Mr. Dwyer and Mr. Pedotti as drove their son, Jimmy, to the na­ ^untjr Court o( ths City snd County of escorts. Mr. Sewald had lived in the Ster­ ing job— large or small, we are nings ’till 9 2” ^ - eptorsdo, my accounts for FINAL val base in , Calif. The ling area for 43 years. F. Be TALLEY SETTLEMENT of the admlnlstntion of Smiths will visit in Arizona en Born Sept 20, 1876, in Sewald, well equipped to give you BLICK SPORTING ™ o estate whtn and where all persona tn route home. the BEST in QUALITY and Refrigeration Service n t m t may appear and object to them Russia, Mr. Sewald was the son of iCftPITft it they so desire. Double Wedding The Altar society met in the Martin and Elizabeth Heit Sewald. SERVICE. tCommercial and Houaehold Air] GOODS CO. B. C. HILLIARD. JR.. home of Mrs. Harry Cosand Thurs­ In October, 1896, he married Anna Conditioninif ‘TY.rjrthlnt for Ev.rr Sport" ______Conservator. day, Jan. 19, at 2:30 in the after­ Marie DiUe in Sewald, Russia, and Impressive Printers ^Appliance, and Electric Motor^ Phone Main 930 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Stratton First noon. In the absence of Father Repairing ESTATE OF FELIX 8AK, DECEASED JILIPHONl 19 NO. TEJON ST. Na 88190. Edward Prinster, who was ill, Mrs. Jk. W. (Bad) BrtUbsapt Lowell Shearer led ther group in l” < a BROADWAY • OINVlH Notiea it htrtby glvtn that on tha 4th 1824 CURTIS'ST. TAbor 2207 day of January, I960, letters teatameniary In New Church saring the Rosary. The society re­ ► ZECHA & ADAMS wtr* iMTjed to thw andftPsijfn^ u executrix ceived two new members, Mrs. of the above named eatate and all persons Stratton.— (St. Charles’ Parish) James Kasenga and Mrs. Galen ALEY DRUG CO. ^^^^^noc^ServIc^SuUo^^^^ bavins claims asrsiiut said eatate are re­ quired to file them for allowance In the — The first double wedding in the Moore. The next meeting will be DODGE-PLYMOUTH OWNERS PRESCRIPTION County Court of the City and County of new Stratton church took place held on Feb. 9 in the home of the I < Denver, Colorado, within six months tmn Jan. 21. Wilma Bruckner was president, Mrs. Gerald Ralston. DRUGGISTS said data dr said claimi will bt foraver barred. united in marriage to Delbert Mrs. Charles Albright returned EIVGIiVE TEIVE-EP Phono Main 250 332 So. Ttjon SL ► Stella Molliton, Kordes; and Marilyn Schmidt be­ home after spending a week visit­ A aimpla **tane-np" by ear trained mtchanlca coati sorprialngly littlt, pet COLORADO SPRINGS Executrix came the bride of Edward Disch- ing friends in Montrose. aiearee quieker atarting, faater pick ap ameother performance and greeter Ntrada Aro. at Cacha la Poidra Morris Rifkin, economy* Attorney for Estate, her. Both couples are from Strat­ Mr. and Mrs. James Kasenga 720 Symea Bldg. Ac. 2579. ton. Father Edward Dman offi­ are new members of the pari^. ciated at the ceremonies. JAMES MOTOR CO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. Kasenga works with the state I 1278 ESTATE OF PETER J. EGOER. also A Knights of Columbus dinner highway department, which has Lincoln Dodge ft Plymouth Sales ft Service K E . 8221 AURORA known aa PETER JOSEPH EGGER, DE­ for the knights and their wives was its Northwestemi Colorado head­ CEASED. No. 88382. served in the Collins hotel Jan. 17. quarters in Steamboat Springs. Notice Is hereby zlrtn that on the 4th day of January, 1950, latters of adminii- More than 50 adults were present. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Moore, who COLBURN HOTEL tratlon wert inued to tha undanisned as Following the dinner, a card party- have disposed of their ranch near NEW FASHION PURSE BROS. administrator of tha abort named aatate dance social was held in the acad­ Yampa, Colo., are now making LUXURIOUS ROOMS National Auto Body & Radiator Co. and all persona having claima against said emy hall* FRANK J. NASTLEY. Himber St Fnnci, do Sain Farioh GROCERY MARKET estate ate rtqufrcd to flit them for allow­ their home in_this city. Cocktail Lounge Cleoners & Dyers & RADIATORS, BODIES. HOODS AND FENDERS JOHN H. JOHNSON ance in tbe County Court of the City and The infant son of Francis and Mrs. L. hTChamberlain of Des New Coffee Shop GROCERIES — MEATS — FRUITS County of Denver, Colorado, within tlx Dorothy R'ueb, ' Michael Frands, Moines, la., who has been visiting REPAIRED AND MANUFACTURED Office Plant montha from aald data or said claima will 10th Avanua at Grant SPruce 0079 10022 Eaat Celfaz VEGETABLES was baptized by Father Dihan. her daughter, Mrs. Juliette Haight, Repairing Wracks a Spacialty Quality Painting 120 E. Alameda Avt. Anrora 82 be forever barred. MAIn 6291 9701 Eaat Colfax Ava Ph. Auora 222 Max J. Egger, Sponsors were Martin Vogel and and family, returned to her home D. B. CERUE, Haaafvr Admlniatrator Augusta £ueb. on Saturday. Phone TA. 2918 12 E. 8th Ave. B i

Thursday, January 26, 1950 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyttone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN

I Parish Supper Club in Informal Pose RUG I St. Vincent's Group I H o m e m a k e r ’ s ' 'f -r V, ^ V ^ ' I CLEANING I Department | Releases Plans for FKEE MOTH PKOOFIXa I 2 Pc. Living I P olron isa Thei» Reliable and Friendly Firm* Room Suite ~ ^ I Thoroly Cleaned Up Membership Drive Famous Rug & THE (St. Vincent dc Paul’i Parith, Denver) Furniture Cleaning’ Co. The St. Vincent de Paul Altar and Rosary society is STILES McVeigh Company TA. 6569 1542 Blake PAINTING AND planning an extensive membership drive for the year 1950. ELECTRIC SERVICE DECORATING Every Catholic woman, young and old, should deem it a CONTRACTORS great privilege to belong to this society, either as an active 1100 Larimer TA. 6875 1328 Inca KE. 0718 or inactive member. 2 Pieces Many may not be able to partici­ pate actively, but by becoming a meeting in the Cosmopolitan hotel Recovered THE BEST m LUGGA6I member, they receive the spiritual Jan. 24. OtAMVm*,^ benefits and also help promote and Mrs. N. A. Johnson entertained $65.50 finance the work of the society. St. Anthony’s circle of the Altar Ub The membership for 1949 was 362. and Rosary society Jan. 24 in her Dues are $1 per year. Mem­ home with luncheon and canasta. Beautiful Interior - Exterior Painting Fabric* Phone CH. 6581 bership envelopes will be distrib­ Mrs. D. R. Braun won high honors. Denver 6, Colorado uted at all the Masses Sunday, Jan. Mrs. P. W. Bowling was Mrs. John- bt iin 29, and may be returned the same son’s guest for the afternoon. The Expert Rug and 1042-44 Santa Fe Drive l$u fww. day or on the following Sunday, February meeting will be held with Uphoittery Cleaning t Feb. 6. . Mrs. L. W. Sullivan. COLORAQO Those who pay at the church Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Braun will UPHOLSTERY CO. J. A. Johnson & Son should get their membership cards spend the month of February oq JUSSEL for 1950 from the committee col­ vacation in Florida. GL. 2304 2501 16th St. Electric Co. EitablUhed 35 Year* lecting the dues. This eliminates • Gutters • Sheet Metal Mrs. Earl Hahn entertained the 2611 W. 6th Are. mailing them later. The dues may Little Flower circle in her home * Gas Furnaces also be given, or mailed to any of Electrical Contractor* Jan. 19. Bridge was played, high * Gas Conversion Burners the committee members, who in­ scores being won by Mrs. (leorge Call AL. 1743 for clude the following; Mrs. B. Ma­ A Gainnteed Elctiinl Job 709 E. 6th Are. KE. 4031 Bader and Mrs. William Terhar. honey, 1382 S. Vin^; Mrs. Joe Ma- A new member to join the group girtn, 1426 S. Race; Mrs. Joseph is Mrs. Palmer Williams. Connor, 1179 S. Monroe; Mrs. Al­ In the afternoon. Miss Ar­ ELECTRIC WORK TAKING THEIR EASE in the James Bartlett, Mrs. James Koning, hostess; Dr. Thoroas corn, 1266 S. Columbine; Mrs. Mc­ lene Hahn played several selections Grath, 1304 S. Elizabeth; Mrs. C. WIRING AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Koning home are the members of the St. Duggan, Mrs. Waldo Bartlett, Jack Denny, Mrs. on the vibraharp and the marimba. Cyril Buttell, Mr. Buttell, and Mrs. Thomas Duggan. Minor, 4400 E. Florida; ai\d Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 0. Hill are James club of St. Philomena’s parish, Denver, shown Malloy, 826 S. Gilpin; motoring to Southern California LYNCH ELECTRIC COMPANY above. From left to right in the semicircle the mem­ Seated on the floor are Mrs. Roland Bartlett and Mrs. Don Ish, 1265 S. Fillmore; for a vacation. They expect to re­ James Koning. KE. 0309 (Shop) bers are Waldo Bartlett, Mrs. Jack Denny, Roland Mrs. George Rockford, 1050 S. turn to Denver in about a month. 1721 E.31stAve. MA. 6958 (Home) + - f + Elizabeth; Mrs. Sam Muto, 834 S. Columbine; Mrs. Martin Bonnar- ens, 700 S. York; Mrs. V. Dahl, 1440 S. Clayton; Mrs. F. Garland, M t. Carmel Parish St. Philomena's PTA to Meet Jan. 30 2171 S. Franklin; Mrs. F. Beck- Let us face-lift your ELDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ard, 1131 S. University; and Mrs. Study Club to Hold Bathroom on Convenient George Wentzell, 1600 S. Uni­ Budget Terms Guy Elder, Contractor Past Presidents of Unit W ill Be Honored versity; Industrial and Commercial Building that hi* titter. Mother Mary Mrs. C. Lindner, 1196 S. Gar- (St. Philomena’i Parish, Denver) mothers of Girl Scout troop 288 in held; Mrs. 9l Rohrbach, 1019 S. Party on Jan. 30 175 Vallejo St. PEarl 8930 The first PTA meeting of the her home Jan. 24. Important plans Rita, an Urtuline nun who hat No Money Down been in China for a number of Madison; Mrs. A. Metz, 1430 S. new year will be held Monday, for the spring were discussed. Milwaukee; Mrs. T. Smith, 1320 S. (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parith, Jan. 30, at 2 p.m. in the school Mrs. T. A. Triplett recently re­ year*, it tafe. At preient the it Denver) Payments os Low os turned from'tS’ ortland, Ore., where in Rome for the Holy Year pil­ Josephine; Mrs. Partsch, 1247 S. $5 per month hall. The Ihe ofimers,officers, chairman, andhall. and Fillmore; Mrs. F. Fillion, 792 S. The St. Bernadette Study club members will npnor the past presi­ she had beenwisiting her daughter. grimage after which the expect* Duff icy & Son Ornamental Iron Works High; Mrs. Shanahan, 731 S. Race; will sponsor a card party on Mon­ dents of the organization. The 11organization Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Benson and to come to the U.S. She hat bean Free Estimates 2810 W. Severn Place MA. 3559 and Mrs. George Allen, 1517 S. day night. Jan. 30, at Mt. Carmel past presidents who will be seated daughter, Mary, have moved from gone for 19 year* and her fam­ society hall, 3517 Navajo street. ily feared for her tafety at they Columbine. No Obligation WROUGHT IRON CHURCH FURNITURE - ALTAR RAILINGS at a special table are Mmes. Sidney 1120 Clayton to the home they Persons wishing to purchase tick­ Bishop, John Mohan, E. A. Hani- recently purchased at 3027 E. 12th had not heard from her for to Mrs. Claire Marker, 1200 S. PULPITS - CANDELABRA - PRIE-DIEU., Etc. ets should call Mrs. Helen Peri, CALL TODAY1 fen, John Rienhardt, Harry T. ave. long. Columbine, is chairman. Dnitned to lult Indlridnil tu tn at areat larlnp. On Tuetday, Jan. 10, a group GL. 0922, who is chairman, assisted ?ook, H. C. Cooper. Edward Wads­ Mr. and Mrs. William Hilbert Dr! and Mrs. Thomas Duggan of Altar and Rotary tociaty by Mrs. Mary Longo, co^ihairraan. AC. 0895 Write or Call u*. worth, George Schwartz, Francis are on a trip to Dallas, Tex., where will be hosts Saturday evening to mambert mat in tha homa of The next regular meeting of the P. McNamara, and E. B. Conway. Mr. Hilbert gave his niece away the S t Jame.s Supper club. Bridge club will be held in the home of FR. 6218 Father James Moynihan will be Mrt. Claire Marker to ttart tew­ in marriage. will follow dinner. ing on a number of garment* al­ Mrs. Pauline Malpiede, 3712 Pecos the guest speaker. All P fA mem­ Mr. and Mrs. John Mohan are Mrs. James Koning will be host­ bers are cordially urged to be lotted them by Mrt. William street, Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 1 at a business convention in Dallas, ess to the St. Therese club Feb. p.m. Electrical Contracting & Repairing present. Meehan, chairman of tewing Tex. 2 at 1 p.m. group*. The St. Philomena club will PLUMBING AND SUPPLY CO. Brownies, Girl Scouts' A number of women from St. The St. Jude canasta club will Mmes. Frank Beckord, Don Ish, meet in the home of Mrs. Susie Philomena’s will attend the I AM J.STROHMINCER Mothers to Be Hostesses be entertained in the home of Mrs. Leo Rockford, and Leo McGrath, De Jiacoma, 4023 Quivas street, 754 Santa Fe Drive J Mother, of all Brownie, and women’s retreat at Regis college Frank Patton, 1666 Madison, Jan. chairman of this group, sewed on Friday, Jan. 27, at 1 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29. Among them will Girl Scout, of St. Philomena'. 30. from 11 a.ra. to 3 p.m., with a Mrs. Goldie San Pietro was Elactric CompORy be Mmes. A. G. Guenther, Sidney will be ho.te..e. to the Neigh­ brief interlude for lunch. Each awarded the honor prize last week. Lietnied and Bonded Bishop Jr.; Helen Bishop, Frank Mrs. Abi Holland will entertain Th« firms listed here deserve to Mambar National Electrical Contractors Ass’n. borhood club, which include. St. the St. Rose of Lima’s circle member brought sandwiches, and It was donated by Mrs. Josephine be remembered whea you ere dis« John’., Cathedral, and St. Phil­ Jordan, Harry Zook, and D. R. Patch. Mrs. Ann Pagaluise will Costello. Thursday, Jan. 26. Mrs. Marker served hot coffee and tributinf your patronsfe to the dif* 1178 Stout St. AC. 5733 omena’., at a tea, tea. donate the prize this week. ferent lines of business. Feb, 1, at 1:15 p.m. in the .chool St. Gertrude's circle met in the Mrs. T. A. Ryan is entertaining home of J. G. Henry Jan. 20. Two On Jan. 18 at the same hours, the hall. Mi.. Mary Kay Myer. will the St Frances Cabrini circle at FLOOR new members, Mrs. A. G. Guen­ group sewed at inrs.Mrs. Leo Mc­Mc-group be the fuett .peaker. Mi.. My­ a dessert-luncheon in her hon^e, Grath’s. They were joined by COVFRUVGCO. ther and Mrs. E. J. Owens, were 810 Cook, Friday Jan. 27, at 1 CAMEO er. i. the executive director of Mmes. Fred Harrison, Edgar Al­ all Girl Scout, and Brownie, in welcomed. Numerous small altar p.m. Anyone unable to attend is linens have been completed by the corn, J. Jarvis, and James Mc­ Linoleum— Asphalt, Rubber & Plastic Tile— Wall Covering EUREKA STORM SASH COMPANY Denver. asked to call EA.6114. Donald. members of this group and will be Baptized the past week in St. SELF-STORING Every mother of Brownies and put in supply at St. Philomena’s. Mrs. L. A. Higgins, Miss Abbie • Eitimate* Complimentary Girl Scouts is urged to be present. Philomena’s were Beverly Patricia Mmes. P meeting held in the rec­ The mambart of the Uthart* TAbor 1393 1721 UWRENCE Mrs. Daryl G. Magee, the bride’s On Jan. 13 Mrs. Rex 0. Toll tory Jen. 20 it wet decided to was the guest of honor at a stork club were guetti of Momignor sister, was matron of honor. She have a pre-Lenten dinner dance Eugene O’SuUiven Jen. 23. wore a gown of cocoa lace and shower held in the home of Mrs. to be held Saturday evening, Lou Bolis. Mmes. U. Beers, Joe After an evening at card* and carried a bouquet similar to that Feb. 18, in the parith hall with refreihraenti, the annual meet­ of the bride in yellow roses. Her Kovicich, and ^George Kenney ,ajl the parith organization* ing, featuring election of of­ HOME INSULATION shoulder length veil of cocoa illu­ were co-hostesses. The evening helping. sion was held to her head wtih a was spent at cards. High prize was ficer*, wat held. Lee Dugdale Those attending the meeting wet choten at pretident; Henry coronet of tiny yellow rose buds. won by Catherine Tate and low were Father John Kelly, William Johns-Manville The altar was beautifully deco­ score by Belle Schmidt. Refresh­ Bettinger, vice pretident; and Colburn, Joe Krovich, Mrs. E. Ray C. Tharp, re-elacted aecra- rated with baskets of ivory glad­ ments were served. Mrs. Toll re­ Beers, Mrs. Lawrence Ruffe, Mr. ioli and yellow snapdragons, palms ceived many gifts. Guests were tary treaturer. and Mrs. John Polosky, Mr. and Tentative ground plans for the Rock Wool and candelabra. Mmes. Owen Acres, Eugene Bo- Mrs. William Wagenbach, and litho, William Colburn, Carl new church, recreation hall, and For Your Winter A reception followed in the home Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bolli. John Po­ rectory were posted in the vestibule of the bride’s sister, Mrs. E. B. Learned, Lawrence Ruffe, Herb losky was appointed publicity & a t m i 2 SHINGLES COMFORT Schmidt, John Polosky, Edward of the church Jan. 22. Cards for Conway, where more than IBO chairman; William Colburn, ticket pledges to the building fund were Reduce* Heating Cott up to 50% friends and relatives congratulated Tait, Doy Neighbors, William chairman; and Mrs. Madge Beers, distributed at all the Masses, and BEAUTIFUL — LASTING — ECONOMICAL the young couple. Wagenbach, and E. C. Schreiner. A Johna-Manville Inatalled Job dinner chairman. Dinner will be parishioners were requested to sign After a brief wedding trip to Will Laat a Lifetime served by the women of the par­ them and have them returned on or CALL CHERRY 6651 For FREE ESTIMATE ON REROOFING Glenwood Springs and Aspen, Mr. Food Sale ish from 6 to 8 o’clock, followed before Feb. 12. ? and Mrs. Powell will be at home Set for Feb. 4 by an evening of dancing. Music Home Insulation & Improvement Ce. at 2906 E. 17th avenue. The Mother Cabrini Sewing cir­ WESTERN ElATERITE ROOFING CO. St. Agnes’ circle met Jan. 19 in will be furnished by the Colorado cle will meet in the home of Mrs. I 16 W. 13th Ave. PhoneaAC4624 25 Mrs. John Vos School of Mines dance band. Thomas Whelan, 1382 S. Uni­ JUST OFF BROADWAY Equitable Building Denver Entertains Mothers Denver Franciscan Gives Everyone is invited to come and versity boulevard, Friday evening, Mrs. John Vos entertained the bring family and friends. This Jan. 27. promises to be one of the out­ Mrs. Bernard Shay entertained Retreats in Great Falls standing dinner dances of the year. St. Vincent de Paul’s circle of the Custom Built Great Falls, Mont — The Rev. Altar and Rosary society at lunch Fabian F. Joyce, O.F.M., has con­ Jan. 24 in the Denver Dry Goods H o t W ator FLOORS and WALLS cluded Catholic hi^h school youth MARCH OF DIMES tearoom. of Linoleum retreats in the Diocese of Great Mrs. J. Morgan Cline, president Falls. He conducted two three-day of St. Vincent’s Aid society, repre­ sented the Mt, St. Vincent boys’ at its Best Asphalt Tile Rubber Tile retreats for all the students of Central Catholic high in Billings home at the annual luncheon and Alumitile for Walls and held one for the students of Central Catholic high in Great -SPECIAL Plastic WaU Tile Falls. • \ Father Joyce has given a number 4 Your Plumber For Year* V Revitalize your 0 Mastipave Industrial Floors of youth retreats in the past six Ed O'Connor, Sr. Ed O'Connor, Jr. years throughout the West and B A T H R O O m 3030 W. 44th Ave. Diftributor* of FIGHT I ~ GL. 4323 Midwest His headquarters are in Pabco Paint St. Elizabeth's friary, Denver. He 5’x7’ Bathroom Tiled Mautz Paint has given missions in the past year IN fA N T IL E 4 ft. Ifigh and a . half in Belt, Highwood, Only..j...... D 9 Specializing in Quality Plumbing and G. ABROMEIT & SONS Texolite Paint Stockett, Sands Coulee, and Eden. PARALYSIS Pint Tax Heating Repairs Paiaten Tools dt Equipment Moke Your Bathroom a DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS Tb« firms llsttil hsrt kle Men's Communion Mass Denver; Vincent J. Dominico, five cents into the club kitty. Welby; Donald V. Freimuth, Lin- Have Your Furniture Modernized gle, Wyo.; Edward F. Hanifen, ON THE TAVERN WALL is Being Planned by K. of C. 2906 E. 17th avenue, Denver; a plaque bearing the names of ner by Bernard B. Carraher, chair­ With the Latest Styles James E. Komers, Northbrook, 111.; members and attesting to the Plans for the annual Commun­ Visit the Newly Modernized Frss Richard J. Lamb, 970 S. Chase "lack of . coercion” in their join­ man. Call SPruce 1728 ion Mass and breakfast for the The Communion and breakfast, Estimstes street, Denver; Joseph F. Lupfer, ing the club. Under the bylaws men of Metropolitan Denver, spon­ Terms If Desired Jr., 5885 W. 38th avenue, Wheat­ among the major events on the of the organization each club sored by the Knights of Columbus, annual slate of the Denver coun­ Store of ridge; Robert J. McGuire, Lexing­ member is an authorized in­ Finest Since ton, Neb.; William D. O’Hara, former and an official collector, will be drawn following a com­ cil, will be held in March, accord­ plimentary dinner to be held Upholstering 1923 Jamaica Plain, Mass.; Charles E. thereby guaranteeing both jus­ ing to Mr. Carraher. ''MPirULIKE OF RFL GIOUS ARTICLES FOR CHURCH AND HOME Seeman, West Allis, Wis".; and tice and revenue. Thursday evening, Jan. 26, at 6:30 Lynn Mason, chairman of the Andrew E. Yaneck, 1724 Gilpin • * * in the K. of C. hall, 16th and council’s blood bank, has issued street, Denver. THE CASH INTAKE, which Grant streets. a call for better support of the O’Hara has served for the past Mr. Coloroso expects to be less All members on the Communion activity. Constant drain for aid of \. I*. \V \ 4, M : i t year as president of the senior each week as the habit of swear­ committee, and representatives of knights and their families, and 88 Penn St. SP. 1728 class and also as editor-in-chief of ing ceases to be a habit, will be groups that have worked on the charitable causes, demands that 4 III 114 II 4.4IOIIS 4 4>. outstanding spiritual event in the the blood bank be refilled, Mr. the Brown and Gold, student news­ used to provide a group picnic I i a:i li MMi I tih paper. for the “ pure of speech.’’ past, have been invited to the din- Mason explained. On IIk C i u p - REGIS COLLEGE EVENING CLASSES - For Men, itr Women T 1 DIVISION OF COHERCE Accounting Business Administrotion English Philosophy Psychology Principles Advertising Rhetoric Logic Abnormal ' Mothemotici Economic Resources Survey of Literoture Metaphysics Social AND FINANCE OFFERS Advanceoi Business Cycles Philosophy of Nature History Applied Ethics Sociology Governmental Business Low Communism ^ ASSOCIATE IN Budgeting Insurance Europe since 1914 Social Problems CERTIFICATE IN COMMERCE Western Civiiixotion Religion -NEW- Auditing Investments in 2 years, 3 nights o week, SCIENCE DEGREES I Catholic Marriage Income Tax Public Speaking 36 somester hours AWAIrljX in 4 yeors, 3 nights 0 week, Music Groce end the Socroments For Business Men M f I f A I V l / J 72 semester hours ' CPA Problems Music Appreciation Thtology for the Layman Radio Announcing Spring Semester Registration is in process from 6 to 10 o'clock, tonight and. Friday night, January 26,27, o! the office of the Penn

■ - lilH