Land at Silverdale Avenue, Guiseley Greenspace Assessment

Prepared on Behalf of Stonebridge Homes Limited

March 2017

Land at Silverdale Avenue, Guiseley Greenspace Assessment

Prepared on Behalf of Stonebridge Homes Limited

Status: Draft Final Issue/Rev: 01 02 Date: 05/09/2016 02/03/17 Prepared by: JB JB Checked by: SN SN Authorised SN SN by:

Barton Willmore LLP 3rd Floor 14 King Street LS1 2HL

Tel: 0113 2044 777 Ref: 25054/A5/GSA/JB

Email: [email protected] Date: March 2017


The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Barton Willmore LLP.

All Barton Willmore stationery is produced using recycled or FSC paper and vegetable oil based inks.

Contents Page

1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 The Site Context 3 3.0 Proposed Development 7 4.0 Planning Policy Context 9 5.0 Greenspace Assessment 13 6.0 Conclusions 23


2.1 Aerial View of the Site 4.1 Aireborough Greenspace Provision (2015) 5.1 Core Strategy Policy G3: Standards for Greenspace Provision 5.2 2015 Greenspace Background Paper Extract: Provision of Greenspace in Aireborough 5.3 Additional Greenspace Sites not already assessed by 5.4 Greenspace Assessment: Provision in Guiseley and Rawdon


1. 2015 Greenspace Background Paper Appendix Extract 2. Greenspace Assessment 2015 Extract Map Aireborough 3. Surplus Greenspace in the Guiseley and Yeadon Area 4. Overview maps of Additional Sites not considered by the Council



1.1 This Greenspace Assessment has been prepared by Barton Willmore on behalf of Stonebridge Homes Limited (hereafter referred to as the ‘Applicants’) and provides an assessment of Greenspace in the Guiseley and Rawdon Area in response to Policy H2 and G6 of the Leeds City Council Core Strategy. This assessment helps to support a full planning application submitted to Leeds City Council (the ‘Council’) to obtain planning consent for the following development at land at Silverdale Avenue, Guiseley (the ‘Site’):

Development of 46 residential units with associated access and landscaping.

1.2 This Assessment sets out the details of the Site, the policy context of Greenspace provision in the area and an assessment of Greenspace in the sub area in which the Site is located. This assessment should be read in conjunction with the Planning Statement which accompanies the planning application.

Structure of the Statement

1.3 The remainder of this Statement is structured as follows:

 Section 2.0 provides a description of the Site and its context including its planning history;  Section 3.0 describes the proposed development in more detail;  Section 4.0 sets out the relevant planning policy and guidance relevant to green space provision;  Section 5.0 considers the provision of Greenspace in the Guiseley and Rawdon area; and  Section 6.0 summarises the assessment and draws conclusions.


1.4 As highlighted above, this Greenspace Assessment has been prepared to address planning policy requirements. The Assessment will firstly set a background and context to the proposals and then assess what is required from planning policies H2 and G6 in terms of Greenspace requirements in Leeds.

1.5 The Assessment will then define the analysis/study area and look at what the most up -to- date Greenspace Provision for that area is and how it was assessed by the Local Planning Authority in terms of quantity and quality.

1.6 The types of Greenspace categorised by the Council will then be assessed to see what types of Greenspace would be suitable on the application Site and then finally the

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assessment will look at alternative Greenspace Sites in the analysis area and determine whether the area has a surplus of these Greenspace typologies.

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Site Context

2.1 The Site is located to the west of Silverdale Avenue in Guiseley. Guiseley Town is a major service settlement and is located approximately 9 miles north west of Leeds City Centre. Bus and train services provide transport links to the wider city region and to the transport hubs in Leeds City Centre on a frequent basis.

2.2 The Site is located 0.4 miles south of the town centre of Guiseley and is well placed to services and amenities, including shops, schools and other conveniences.

2.3 The Site is located within a residential area of Guiseley within the development limits and is surrounded by residential properties, with Silverdale Avenue forming the Site’s eastern boundary. Guiseley Conservation Area lies adjacent to the Site.

Site Description

2.4 The Site itself is a 1.5 hectare undeveloped piece of land and forms part of a larger 1.98 hectare infill site which is designated as allotments in the Unitary Development Plan. However, only part of the Site has been used for allotments over the years and now only a small proportion is used as such and is excluded from this application. The Site is divided up into several privately owned plots with owners utilising the land as appropriate to their needs.

2.5 The Site is formed of several plots owned by a number of land owners. These landowners have formed a joint consortium to promote and develop this site and all are fully aware of the proposals and the application submitted to the Council.

2.6 Access points to the Site are located to the east, south and west. The only existing vehicle access point into the Site is to the west. This is a single un-adopted track which joins Coach Road; another single track lane which is partly gravelled and not evenly surfaced. To the south of the Site is a potential vehicle access point to the Site from Silverdale Mount; an adopted well maintained road. A further pedestrian access point is located off Silverdale Avenue to the east.

2.7 The Site is predominantly shrub and grassland and did contain various ad-hoc buildings and sheds located within the plots but these have since been removed. The eastern boundary is contained by a drystone wall but is predominantly an open gap in the residential frontage of Silverdale Avenue.

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Figure 2.1: Aerial View of the Site

Planning History

2.8 The Site has been subject to various planning applications over the years; many are old applications with the most recent being in 2012 for a new roof to an allotment store.

2.9 Most notably is a 2005 Appeal Decision which clearly states that in 2004/2005 only 50% of the allotments were in use on site. It is evident from the Site now that this use has decreased and only a proportion of the Site is in use as private gardens/allotments.


Pre-application Enquiry

2.10 Pre-application enquiries were undertaken with the Council which included a meeting held at the Council’s offices with a number of officers relating to policy, highways, landscape and design. Two of the three Councillors from Guiseley also attended the meeting.

2.11 The meeting went into detail regarding the policy position and set out which policies need to be complied with if an application was made prior to the Allocations DPD being adopted. The meeting went through the requirements of Core Strategy Policy G6: Protection and Redevelopment of Existing Green Space. It was concluded by Officers in their formal response that:

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“Any application would need to show that an adequate supply of accessible green/open space is available in the area and the Site offer no potential for use as alterative open space. It was agreed that amenity space would be the most relevant type of open space that should be considered as part of this scheme and whilst figures were discussed these were not confirmed. Further information in relation to this matter would need to be submitted with the application. The loss of the allotments from the Site would also need to be addressed in any submission.

The Greenspace lost would need to be replaced in the locality.”

2.12 Officers also commented on the Site being a draft Phase 1 allocation as well as highlighting that the Site was within the 5 year housing land supply.

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25054/A5/GSA/JB 6 March 2017 The Proposed Development


3.1 Consent is sought for the construction of 46 residential units. In addition to the new homes, the development will also provide areas of open space and associated infrastructure such as internal access roads and vehicular parking facilities.

3.2 The remaining site outside the red line area will remain as private allotments.

3.3 The Site is 1.4 hectares in size and the proposal seeks to erect 46 residential units. The use of this site for residential is consistent with the surrounding land uses and the density of the proposed scheme is also suitable for the locality of Guiseley and the Silverdale area.

3.4 The proposed layout that is submitted in support of the application indicates that the vehicular and pedestrian access to the Site will be via Silverdale Mount to the South and for some properties direct access from Silverdale Avenue is proposed. The layout responds to the locations of neighbouring properties and ensures there will be no overlooking or loss of amenity for either the existing properties or the dwellings proposed.

3.5 The main vehicle access point from Silverdale Mount will lead to arterial private roads leading through the development site with the dwellings to be largely located along these roads and in cul-de-sacs off these. Vehicular parking areas are provided for each dwelling and areas of landscaping will also be located within the development.

3.6 The dwellings will be 2 - 2.5 storeys in height; which is typical of residential dwellings in this area. The heights of the development have been designed in accordan ce with the surrounding buildings to ensure they will integrate into the townscape suitably and not appear to overbear on the surrounding properties.

3.7 The layout of the development has been designed to retain the existing boundary trees on site. Two trees will however need to be felled to accommodate the proposal. Arboriculture details are contained within the Tree Report enclosed with this application. As part and parcel of the layout, soft landscaping has been considered and replacement tree planting is proposed. The existing mature trees on site will provide adequate screening from the adjacent uses.

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25054/A5/GSA/JB 8 March 2017 Planning Policy Context


4.1 This section of this statement outlines the relevant planning policy context in terms of Greenspace provision for the proposed development and considers national and local policy guidance. The Planning Statement sets out a comprehensive assessment of all relevant planning policies associated with the proposal including those set out below.

The National Planning Policy Framework (‘the Framework’)

4.2 The Framework was published and came into force on 27 th March 2012. Its underlying mainstay is the presumption in favour of sustainable development at paragraph 14. Paragraph 7 of the Framework states that there are three dimensions to sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. Paragraph 8 further notes that “these roles should not be undertaken in isolation, because they are mutually dependent” and that to achieve sustainable development, “economic, social and environmental gains should be sought jointly and simultaneously through the planning system”.

Promoting Healthy Communities

4.3 In terms of Greenspace, section 8 of the NPPF sets out how to promote healthy communities. In this chapter, the provision and access to high quality open spaces and opportunities for sports and recreation is promoted as they “can make an important contribution to the health and well-being of communities.”

4.4 However the Framework is clear that planning policies in relation to open space “should be based on robust and up-to-date assessments of the needs for open space, sports, recreation facilities and opportunities for new provision”…”assessments should identify specific needs and quantitate or qualitative deficits or surpluses of open space, sports and recreational facilities in the local area.” It is these assessments that should be used to determine what open space, sports and recreational provision is required.

4.5 Existing open space should not be built on, unless one of the 3 criteria at paragraph 74 are met. These include:

 “an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or  the loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location; or  the development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss.”

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The Leeds Unitary Development Plan Review (2006) (‘the UDPR’)

4.6 The Council’s Unitary Development Plan was adopted in 2001 and a review of the Plan was undertaken in 2006. The UDPR is now out of date as per paragraphs 214 and 215 of the Framework and the amount of weight that can be attributed to the policies within the UDPR is dependent upon their conformity with the Framework.

4.7 The UDPR does contain policy N1a Protection of Allotments which protects “land currently used as allotment gardens”. This policy does not permit development on allotment gardens currently. This policy has now been updated by Policy G6 of the Core Strategy which is commented on below.

The Leeds City Council Core Strategy

4.8 The Council’s Core Strategy was adopted on 12 November 2014. It sets out the strategic policies for the district. The Core Strategy Policies which are the underpinning policies to this development in which officers highlighted din the pre-application discussions are as follows.

Policy H2: New Housing Development on Non Allocated Sites

4.9 This policy sets out that new housing development will be acceptable in principle on non- allocated sites, subject to 3 criteria relating to infrastructure capacity, accessibility standards and Green belt policy. Policy H2 has a second 2 criteria points relating to greenfield land. Housing development should adhere to at least one of the two criteria. The criteria in relation to greenfield land state:

a) “Should not be developed if it has intrinsic value as amenity space or for recreation or for nature conservation, or makes a valuable contribution to the visual, historic and/or spatial character of an area, or

b) May be developed if it concerns a piece of designated green space found to be surplus to requirements by the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment.”

G6 Protection and Redevelopment of Existing Green Space

4.10 Policy G6: Protection and Redevelopment of Existing Green Space goes on to provide further criteria in relation to Greenspace in which developments need to comply with.

i. There is an adequate supply of accessible green space/open space within the analysis area and the development site offers no potential for use as an alternative deficient open space type, as illustrated in the Leeds Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment, or,

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ii. The green space/open space is replaced by an area of at least equal size, accessibility and quality in the same locality; or iii. Where supported by evidence and in the delivery of wider planning benefits, redevelopment proposals demonstrate a clear relationship to improvements of existing green space quality in the same locality.

The Emerging Leeds Site Allocations DPD

4.11 The Site Allocations DPD will form part of the development plan for Leeds and will identify land in appropriate locations to meet the housing, employment, retail and Greenspace requirements for the district in accordance with the Council’s overarching strategic document, the Core Strategy. The Council are seeking to allocate enough land to meet their housing target of 66,000 units over the plan period of 15 years.

4.12 The Council have assessed all sites put forward as part of the Site Allocations DPD process and have dismissed those sites which they do not consider to be suitable and they have published the Publication Draft of the Plan, which includes the proposed housing , employment and Greenspace allocations. These include a combination of identified sites (those sites with existing planning permission or recently expired permissions or existing UDP allocations) and proposed allocations.

4.13 The Site has been identified as a draft housing allocation in the submission draft docu ment (site reference HG2-6) and is located in the Aireborough Housing Market Character Area (‘HMCA’). The Site is identified as Phase 1 allocation accommodating 32 units on a 1.98 hectare site.

Greenspace Background Papers

4.14 In the UDP the Site was designated as allotments. As previously stressed, the allotments are privately owned and only a small proportion of the land is used as gardens/allotments at present. The Site is also highlighted as allotments in the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment 2011. However, this document is based on the requirements of PPG17 and is now out-of-date.

4.15 The evidence of Greenspace within the authority has therefore been updated since the 2011 document and the Greenspace Background Paper (September 2015) now provides the most up-to-date evidence base on Greenspace. This background paper is based on the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment but has done further assessments of Greenspace and summarises all the Sites which contribute towards the supply of Greenspace in Leeds. It is this document in which the recent Sites and Allocations DPD is based and forms the most up-to-date evidence base.

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4.16 The Background Paper defines the provision of Greenspace by Housing Market Character Area and its sub-areas. It also categorises green space into 6 categories, allotments being one of these. The background paper sets out the standards of Greenspace in terms of quantity, quality and accessibility. It scores each site on its suitability. The Site is located in Aireborough and the table below shows the current provision of Greenspace in this area.

Figure 4.1: Aireborough Greenspace Provision (2015)

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Policy Considerations

5.1 Whilst the Site is proposed as a residential allocation in the Sites and Allocations Plan DPD, only a certain amount of weight can be given to this draft allocation until the DPD is adopted. Therefore, in accordance with the current development plan, the Site is designated as allotments in the Unitary Development Plan and the proposed development needs to be assessed against Policy H2 and G6 of the Core Strategy as confirmed by the Council in pre- application discussion.

5.2 As set out above, Policy H2 permits new housing development on non-allocated land subject to a series of criteria. The criteria ensures only sites which are located in accessible places and which will not burden existing infrastructure or impact the Green Belt will come forward for housing development.

5.3 In line with the criteria, the Site is located within the development limits of a major settlement within 300 metres of a bus stop which provides access into Guiseley Town, , Shipley and Bradford. Guiseley is a major settlement which has various services and amenities including a Train Station within 700 metres of the Site. Health, Education (Primary and Secondary) and shopping facilities are available within 500 metres. The Site is therefore well located and the development of this site with 46 dwellings will not put strain on any existing infrastructure. The proposals therefore comply with the first 3 criteria of policy H2.

5.4 The second 2 criteria points relating to Greenfield land states that development:

a) “Should not be developed if it has intrinsic value as amenity space or for recreation or for nature conservation, or makes a valuable contribution to the visual, historic and/or spatial character of an area, or

b) May be developed if it concerns a piece of designated green space found to be surplus to requirements by the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment.”

5.5 The following assessment confirms that there is a surplus of Greenspace in the area and, therefore, the proposals comply with criteria b) of Policy H2. Furthermore, this site cannot be considered as having intrinsic value as amenity space, recreation or as a visual contribution to the area. The Site is private and therefore it cannot be considered as amenity/recreational space given the public cannot access the Site. In terms of visual contributions, the Site is predominantly shrub land with ad hoc buildings as the application documents demonstrate, and therefore cannot be considered to provide a visual contribution to the local area.

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5.6 Policy G6 goes on to provide further criteria in relation to Greenspace in which developments need to comply with as follows:

i. There is an adequate supply of accessible green space/open space within the analysis area and the development site offers no potential for use as an alternative deficient open space type, as illustrated in the Leeds Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment, or,

ii. The green space/open space is replaced by an area of at least equal size, accessibility and quality in the same locality; or

iii. Where supported by evidence and in the delivery of wider planning benefits, redevelopment proposals demonstrate a clear relationship to improvements of existing green space quality in the same locality.

5.7 From the wording of the policy it is clear that only one of the 3 criteria need s to be adhered to. In accordance with Policy G6 the commentary below demonstrates compliance with criteria i. in the fact there is an adequate supply of accessible Greenspace within the area and that the Site could not provide for any other open space which is deficient in that area.

The Study Area

5.8 The Site is located in the Aireborough Housing Market Character Area which for the purposes of the most up-to-date Greenspace Assessment (2015 Background Paper) is split up into three sub-areas.

5.9 The Aireborough area is characterised by the major settlements of Guiseley, Yeadon and Rawdon. It is surrounded by Green Belt to the north, east and west, and includes large areas of countryside, including Hawksworth Moor to the west and the Wharfe Valley to the north. Aireborough extends out to Bradford MDC.

5.10 The Site is located in the sub-area of Guiseley and Rawdon. Guiseley is considered as a Major Settlement in the Core Strategy and Rawdon lies adjacent .

5.11 The Aireborough area was formally classed as the Outer North West and this is what it is referred to in the Unitary Development Plan and the 2011 Open Space Assessment when the Site was designated as allotments.

Greenspace Background Paper 2105 Methodology

5.12 The 2015 Background Paper forms the most up-to-date assessment on Greenspace in Leeds and whilst Policy G6 relates to the 2011 Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment, in accordance with the Framework, the most up-to-date evidence base should be used to inform decisions.

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5.13 As highlighted in the background paper, it is tool to help direct resour ces for future provision of Greenspace when the opportunity arises and it provides the information to assess the quantity, quality and accessibility of green space when determining planning applications in accordance with Core Strategy policies on green sp ace.

5.14 The Background paper has assessed the Sites contained in the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment 2011 as well as providing additional sites and deleting sites, mainly where they are no longer in green space use or they have been allocate d for alternative uses.

5.15 Each allocated site in the Background Paper has been recorded, plotted, assessed (in terms of quality and facilities available) and classified according to typology using the following categories:

• Parks & Gardens; • Amenity Space; • Children and Young People’s Play Provision; • Outdoor Sport; • Allotments; • Natural Green Space; • City Centre Civic Space; • Cemeteries/Churchyards; • Green Corridors; and • Private Gardens open to the public e.g. Harewood House .

5.16 The categories above are then reduced into 6 typologies of Greenspace as follows:

• Parks and Gardens; • Outdoor Sports; • Amenity; • Children’s and Young People’s Equipped Play; • Allotments; and • Natural.

5.17 Cemeteries are afforded with amenity value protection in the list above as there is no standard for provision given in Policy G3 of the Core Strategy. The assessment also includes some private Greenspace such as sports clubs but not golf clubs apart from the municipal golf courses which are considered as ‘parks and gardens’ for the sake o f the typologies above.

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5.18 It is clearly highlighted that New green space on identified housing sites have been identified where possible but for future sites for development this has not been possible but those areas of Greenspace provided through residential development will be “still afforded protection through their delivery as part of their associated planning consent.” The Council have therefore set out that there are areas of Greenspace or future areas of Greenspace which will be delivered through the plan period which will be surplus to the provision identified in the 2015 Background Paper.

5.19 The types of Greenspace are assessed against certain standards based on quantity, quality and accessibility. Policy G3 of the Core Strategy sets out the st andards for Greenspace provision as follows:

Figure 5.1: Core Strategy Policy G3: Standards for Greenspace Provision

Type Quantity per 1000 Quality (Sites were Accessibility people scored from 1 to 10,

10 being excellent

quality, 1 very poor. A score of 7 is considered good) Parks and gardens 1 hectare Good (7) 720 metres

Outdoor sports 1.2 hectares (does not Good (7) Tennis court 720 metres, provision include education bowling greens and provision) grass playing 3 pitches 3.2km, athletics tracks, synthetic pitches 6.4km Amenity Greenspace 0.45 hectares Good (7) 480 metres

Children and young 2 facilities (per 1000 Good (7) 720 metres people’s equipped play children/young people, facilities 0 -16 year olds) (excluding education provision)

Allotments 0.24 hectares Good (7) 960 metres

Natural green space 0.7 hectares main Good (7) 720 metres and 2km urban area and major from site of 20 hectares settlements, 2 hectares other areas

City Centre open 0.41 hectares Good (7) 720 metres space (all types including civic space)

5.20 Each site which has been allocated is set out in a table at an appendix of the 2015 Background Paper and sets out its score in line with the standards above. An extract of this appendix relevant to Aireborough is also provided at Appendix 1 of this report.

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Existing Position in the Guiseley and Rawdon Area

5.21 In terms of Aireborough, the table below taken from the 2015 Backgr ound Paper sets out the most up to date provision of Greenspace. As highlighted above, the Site is located in the Guiseley and Rawdon sub-area.

Figure 5.2: 2015 Greenspace Background Paper Extract: Provision of Greenspace in Aireborough

5.22 In addition to the table above and Appendix 1 of this report, enclosed at Appendix 2 is an extract map from the Greenspace Background Paper mapping out all the greenspace Sites in Aireborough that contribute to the above table as well.

5.23 As the above table demonstrates there is not a deficiency in allotments in the Guiseley and Rawdon Area and this provision does not include the Site (which formally was designated as an allotment and which this assessment is addressing). In line with Policy G6 i., whilst there is an adequate supply of allotments in the area, the policy goes on to state that developers need to look at whether the development site could offer other potential Greenspace uses that are deficient in the area in line with Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment 2011. Given that this document is out of date, the evidence base is superseded by the 2015 Greenspace Background Paper and as clearly highlighted in this paper, the Background Paper should be used for the considerations of planning application s.

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5.24 In line with the table above from the 2015 Background Paper, each other type of Greenspace is deficient in the study area and while they are not deficient by much, all other types need to be addressed.

The Site’s Suitability for types of Greenspace

5.25 Whilst an assessment of allotments is not required given the supply in the study area, in line with Policy G6 i., the other 5 types of Greenspace need to be assessed.

5.26 However, it is evident that not all the types of Greenspace would be suitable for the Site given its size, location and constraints. This was discussed and agreed through the pre- application discussions.

5.27 It was agreed that Parks and Gardens as well as Outdoor Sports would not be suitable for this site, mainly due to the Site’s size. In the pre-application response, which is appended to the Statement of Community Involvement, it confirms that the most appropriate types of Greenspace to assess would be Natural and Amenity.

5.28 Whilst Children’s and Young Peoples Equipped Play could possibly be accommodated on site, it is acknowledged that children’s ply areas could be accommodated on several amenity areas and there will be residential developments that are brought forward that will help deliver this type of open space. Furthermore, the assessment of additional Greenspace highlighted below identifies several sites which could also potentially provide a children’s play area and monies from CIL could be used to deliver a play area on many of the Sites.

5.29 The assessment below in accordance with guidance given by Leeds City Council looks at the provision of amenity and natural space.

Alternative Greenspace Sites

5.30 In accordance with policy requirements part of this assessment, Barton Willmore have analysed the study area of Guiseley and Rawdon and have sought to find Greenspace which has not be considered by Leeds City Council in the 2015 Greenspace Background Paper to prove there is an adequate supply in the area and therefore development of the Site is in accordance with Policy H2 and G6 of the Core Strategy.

5.31 This assessment of additional sites was firstly started through desk based research looking at the various background papers of the Sites and Allocation DPD. This together with a mapping exercise identified various pieces of land in the area which fall into the amenity and natural typologies. As highlighted above, many of the amenity sites highlighted could also accommodate Children’s Play as well.

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5.32 This desk based research was corroborated by site visits to ensure the Sites identified were firstly accessible and also suitable in terms of quality. All sites identified are accessible and accord with the accessibility standards as highlighted in Policy G3 and in the 2015 Background Paper. There were a few sites that were not accessible and were therefore ruled out.

5.33 In terms of quality, the Site visits ensured that each site falls into either the Natural or Amenity criteria and that they fulfilled the functions of these types of Greenspace.

5.34 The table below sets out the additional pieces of Greenspace in the Guiseley and Rawdon Area which have been identified from this Greenspace Assessment. Proformas for each site together with site plans and photographs are provided at Appendix 3. The proformas provide further detail on each site and an overview map is also provided at Appendix 4 to show the location of each site in context to Guiseley and Rawdon.

Figure 5.3: Additional Greenspace Sites not already assessed by Leeds City Council


A Land North Of Billing View Road Rawdon 5.07 Yes Natural B Land At Crowtrees Court Rawdon 0.1 Yes Amenity C Land East Of New Road Side Yeadon 0.11 No Amenity Land Between Bradford Road And D Guiseley 0.4 Yes Amenity Fieldhead Drive E Land At Benton Park School Rawdon 0.47 No Natural Land Between Markham Crescent And F Rawdon 0.13 Yes Amenity Markham Avenue G Land North Of Greenacre Park Rawdon 0.5 Yes Amenity H Land South Of Bingley Lands Guiseley 0.17 Yes Amenity Land Between Moorland Drive And I Guiseley 0.1 Yes Amenity Moorland Avenue Land North And South of Greenlea J Yeadon 0.22 Yes Amenity Avenue K Land North Of Milner’s Lane Yeadon 1.9 Yes Natural L Land At Lea Mill Park Drive Yeadon 0.14 Yes Amenity M Land At Blake Crescent Guiseley 0.56 Yes Amenity N Land At Shaw Close Guiseley 0.31 Yes Amenity O Land At Shakespeare Close Guiseley 0.98 Yes Amenity Land Between Lands Lane And Town P Guiseley 0.1 Yes Amenity Street

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5.35 Sites have not been scored in terms of quality but the plans and photographs demonstrate that most of the Sites are accessible to the public and each site fulfils the qualities and functions of the Greenspace type specified. The overview map at Appendix 4 shows that each site is located in close proximity to urban areas and fulfils the accessibility criteria required of open Greenspace. In line with the Councils assessment of Greenspace two private sites have been included as they contribute to the overall area and provide the functions of either natural or amenity Greenspace. These sites are Site C and Site E.

5.36 Overall the assessment undertaken demonstrates that there is an additional 3.82 hectares of Amenity space and 7.44 hectares of Natural space. This results in the following provision of Greenspace in the Guiseley and Rawdon area. This provision is also in addition to the other greenspace provision in the other subareas which contribute to the overall greenspace provision in Aireborough.

Figure 5.4: Greenspace Assessment: Provision in Guiseley and Rawdon

Parks and Outdoor Amenity Children’s and Allotments Natural Gardens sports Young Peoples Equipped Play

Guiseley and 0.52 0.47 3.56 0.37 0 6.93 Rawdon


5.37 As highlighted above, the Site would not be suitable for Parks and Gardens or Outdoor Sports. There is no deficiency in allotments and as agreed with the Council the two types of Greenspace to focus on are Amenity and Natural given that children’s play can be incorporated into many amenity sites.

5.38 The assessment shows that there are several sites in the area that function as Natural or Amenity Space which haven’t been considered by the Council. This could be due to their size or just by oversight given that they have not been considered pre viously or considered elsewhere in any other Council document.

5.39 The Council clearly states that new green space on identified housing sites have not been able to be identified in all cases but they should have the same protection. This acknowledges some sites have not been taken into consideration within the various areas. Therefore, this assessment concludes that there is a surplus of both Natural and Amenity Greenspace in Guiseley and Rawdon and therefore there is an adequate supply.

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5.40 The assessment shows that there is an adequate supply of all other suitable Greenspace in the study area and therefore the proposals comply with Policy H2 and G6 i. and therefore should be supported by the Council for residential development.

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25054/A5/GSA/JB 22 March 2017 Conclusions


6.1 The Application seeks full planning permission for the construction of 46 units on the Site at Silverdale Avenue. The Site is currently designated as allotments in the Unitary Development Plan, although the Site has been put forward as a draft residential allocation in the Site and Allocation DPD which is scheduled for adoption next year.

6.2 The Site is in a highly sustainable location and is considered suitable for residential development, however due to the limited weight given to the draft allocation until the DPD is adopted, the Site needs to accord with the current development plan and needs to address the former designation as allotments.

6.3 Policy H2 and G6 of the Core Strategy set out that development on non-allocated residential sites need to ensure that there is an adequate supply of Greenspace in the area to allow residential development on Greenspace designations. Whilst Policy G6 refers to the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment 2011, the 2015 Background Paper is the most up to date evidence of Greenspace in Leeds and supersedes the 2011 Assessment.

6.4 The 2015 Background Paper sets out that there is not a deficiency of allotments in the area in which the Site is located, but Policy G6 requires other types of suitable Greenspace to be analysed. As confirmed by the Council the two types of Greenspace to analyse is Natural and Amenity.

6.5 An assessment of Greenspace was undertaken using desk based research corroborated by site visits to identify additional pieces of Amenity and Natural Greenspace which hadn’t been identified by the Council.

6.6 The assessment concluded that there were several pieces of land which provide the functions and standards of Natural and Amenity space in Leeds. These sites have been identified in this report and in conclusion it confirms that there is a surplus of both of these types of Greenspace in the Guiseley and Rawdon Area where the assessment was undertaken.

6.7 This assessment therefore demonstrates that there is an adequate supply of all other suitable Greenspace uses that the Site could have potentially accommodated and therefore the proposals accord with Policy H2 and G6 i. of the Core Strategy which enables residential development to be developed on this site. Furthermore, in accordance with CIL regulations, monies will be given by the Applicant which can be used to provide or upgrade further Greenspace provision in the area which will again help the surplus and/or standards of Greenspace in this area.

25054/A5/GSA/JB 23 March 2017


2015 Greenspace Background Paper Appendix Extract

Site Ref HMCA Address Ward Area (Ha) Typology Average Quality (G…) Score (at Issues & Options Stage) 41 Aireborough Engine Fields Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.83 Amenity Greenspace 5.80 55 Aireborough Green Bottom Bowling Club Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.32 Outdoor Sport 6.61 56 Aireborough Cairn Garth Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.93 Natural 4.53 69 Aireborough Kirk Lane Park Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 3.04 Neighbourhood Park 4.80 73 Aireborough Micklefield Park, Rawdon Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 4.28 Neighbourhood Park 7.33 77 Aireborough Nethermore Park, Guiseley Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 3.56 Neighbourhood Park 5.07 81 Aireborough Nunroyd Park, Guiseley Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 22.33 Neighbourhood Park 5.33 96 Aireborough Tarnfield Park, Yeadon Otley and Yeadon (100%) 16.95 Neighbourhood Park 6.33 133 Aireborough Hawksworth W ood (Guiseley) Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 3.31 Natural 5.73 152 Aireborough Fairfax Grove POS Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.30 Amenity Greenspace 6.18 163 Aireborough Yeadon Cemetery Otley and Yeadon (100%) 2.51 Cemeteries 5.66 765 Aireborough St Oswalds Church Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.94 Cemeteries 4.92 766 Aireborough Shaw Lane Recreation Ground Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 3.00 Neighbourhood Park 4.61 Local Recreation 839 Aireborough Henshaw Oval Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.27 Area 5.38 840 Aireborough Cemetery Road Allotments ‐ Yeadon Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.30 Allotments 5.09 842 Aireborough Flicks Allotments, Yeadon Otley and Yeadon (100%) 1.11 Allotments 3.63 853 Aireborough Nunroyd Beck (Shaw Lane) Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.95 Amenity Greenspace 4.20 854 Aireborough Coppice W ood Avenue Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.23 Amenity Greenspace 5.50 886 Aireborough Hawkhill Avenue Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.37 Amenity Greenspace 3.61 1029 Aireborough Plane Tree Hill Otley and Yeadon (100%) 3.45 Amenity Greenspace 3.20 Rawdon Common, Rawdon Ponds, off 1030 Aireborough Bayton Lane Otley and Yeadon (100%) 4.14 Natural 3.60 Local Recreation 1039 Aireborough New Road Side Playing Fields Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 4.24 Area 5.76 1040 Aireborough Little Moor Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.98 Natural 3.80 1041 Aireborough Victory Garden (Pease Hill) Allotments Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.66 Allotments 6.58 Local Recreation 1042 Aireborough Park Avenue Playing Fields Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.97 Area 3.92 1043 Aireborough Pease Hill Allotments (Crowtrees) Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 1.28 Allotments 6.50 1047 Aireborough High Royds Hospital 3 Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 5.18 Amenity Greenspace 2.37 1060 Aireborough Larkfield Dam Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 5.24 Natural 6.15 1061 Aireborough Billing Hill Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 1.87 Natural 6.30 31 1070 Aireborough Tranmere Park Tennis Courts Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.25 Outdoor Sport 7.07 1086 Aireborough The Oval ‐ Otley Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.28 Amenity Greenspace 5.30 Site Ref HMCA Address Ward Area (Ha) Typology Average Quality (G…) Score (at Issues & Options Stage) 1087 Aireborough Tranmere Park Primary School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 1.32 Childrens Play 7.00 1338 Aireborough Guiseley Secondary School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 7.68 Outdoor Sport 6.88 1342 Aireborough Emmott Drive Horsforth (100%) 0.22 Amenity Greenspace 6.90 Local Recreation 1356 Aireborough Jubilee Hall Horsforth (100%) 0.69 Area 6.92 1357 Aireborough St Peters Church Horsforth (100%) 1.07 Cemeteries 8.08 1359 Aireborough Layton Park Drive Horsforth (100%) 0.92 Amenity Greenspace 5.69 1360 Aireborough Billing View Pond Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 1.10 Natural 5.91 1362 Aireborough Yeadon Brickwoods /Railway Cutting Guiseley and Rawdon (97%) 2.10 Natural 4.46 1363 Aireborough W est Lea Crescent POS Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.27 Amenity Greenspace 6.15 1364 Aireborough Greenlea Avenue POS Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.57 Amenity Greenspace 5.92 1393 Aireborough Hawksworth Spring W ood Guiseley and Rawdon (54%) 4.46 Natural 2.27 Local Recreation 1394 Aireborough Hawthorn Crescent POS Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.44 Area 5.84 1395 Aireborough Kirk Lane Allotments Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.34 Allotments 7.58 1396 Aireborough Engine Fields Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 2.63 Natural 7.41 1397 Aireborough Harper Terrace Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.28 Amenity Greenspace 5.61 1412 Aireborough Springwood Road (Rear of) Horsforth (100%) 1.17 Natural 5.07 1413 Aireborough Orchard Hill Horsforth (100%) 2.20 Natural 3.85 1415 Aireborough Bronte House School Playing Fields Horsforth (100%) 1.59 Outdoor Sport 6.63 1425 Aireborough Sodhall Hill W oods Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 1.55 Natural 5.69 1599 Aireborough Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.78 Outdoor Sport 9.00 St Oswald Church of Junior 1601 Aireborough School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 1.53 Outdoor Sport 7.50 1603 Aireborough Queensway Junior and Infant School Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.51 Outdoor Sport 8.50 1611 Aireborough St Marys Comprehensive School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 4.41 Outdoor Sport 9.00 Hawksworth Church of England 1616 Aireborough Primary School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.30 Outdoor Sport 9.12 1665 Aireborough Fulford Grange Meadow Horsforth (100%) 1.08 Natural 5.25 1666 Aireborough Fulford Grange 1 Horsforth (100%) 0.28 Amenity Greenspace 6.66 1667 Aireborough Fulford Grange 2 Horsforth (100%) 0.37 Amenity Greenspace 6.83 1692 Aireborough Benton Park School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 2.48 Outdoor Sport 6.75 1773 Aireborough Yeadon Cricket Club Otley and Yeadon (100%) 2.05 Outdoor Sport 6.25 32 1774 Aireborough Yeadon Football Pitch Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.85 Outdoor Sport 5.41 1775 Aireborough Swaine Hill Terrace Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.54 Amenity Greenspace 6.00 Site Ref HMCA Address Ward Area (Ha) Typology Average Quality (G…) Score (at Issues & Options Stage) 1780 Aireborough Rawdon Cricket Club Guiseley and Rawdon (95%) 1.44 Outdoor Sport 7.50 1785 Aireborough Cragg W ood South Horsforth (100%) 9.99 Natural 6.46 1786 Aireborough Rawdon Grounds Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.83 Outdoor Sport 6.76 1787 Aireborough Cragg W ood North Horsforth (100%) 5.67 Natural 5.69 1807 Aireborough Rawdon St Peters C of School Horsforth (100%) 2.04 Outdoor Sport 6.60 1808 Aireborough Rufford Park Primary School Otley and Yeadon (100%) 0.90 Outdoor Sport 8.57 1809 Aireborough Yeadon ‐ W estfield Junior School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 2.08 Outdoor Sport 7.25 1810 Aireborough Guiseley Infant School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.90 Outdoor Sport 8.37 Woodhouse Public School Playing 1816 Aireborough Fields Horsforth (100%) 10.35 Outdoor Sport 9.30 1818 Aireborough Rawdon Meadow Playing Fields Horsforth (100%) 5.14 Outdoor Sport 8.16 1844 Aireborough Moor (Ripley Lane) Allotments Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.67 Allotments 6.00 1869 Aireborough Yeadon Banks Otley and Yeadon (100%) 4.73 Natural 2.07 1870 Aireborough Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.50 Natural 8.27 1871 Aireborough The Green Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 0.94 Amenity Greenspace 7.00 1872 Aireborough Parkinson Park Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 4.26 Natural 4.38 1873 Aireborough High Royds Guiseley and Rawdon (100%) 11.79 Amenity Greenspace 8.00 1898 Aireborough Engine Fields Otley and Yeadon (70%) 3.34 Amenity Greenspace 7.41 Aireborough, 91 North Rawdon Crematorium Horsforth (100%) 7.42 Cemeteries 5.60 North 1420 Leeds Scotland Lane W ood Otley and Yeadon (80%) 0.64 Natural 6.23 Aireborough, 83 Outer Otley Chevin Country Park Otley and Yeadon (77%) 175.15 Natural 6.80 Parish Church Gardens (Penny Pocket 84 City Centre Park) City and Hunslet (100%) 0.94 Amenity Greenspace 7.13 85 City Centre Park Square City and Hunslet (100%) 0.62 Amenity Greenspace 7.86 Hyde Park and W oodhouse 128 City Centre Hanover Square (100%) 0.90 Amenity Greenspace 4.06 Hyde Park and W oodhouse 141 City Centre Lovell Park (100%) 1.55 Neighbourhood Park 4.00 Hyde Park and W oodhouse 161 City Centre W oodhouse Square (100%) 0.26 Amenity Greenspace 5.86 33 178 City Centre Drydock POS City and Hunslet (100%) 0.50 Amenity Greenspace 4.36


Greenspace Assessment 2015 Extract Map Aireborough

G776 G424 G1105 G775

G1027 G1028

Outer North West G83

G83 G83


Adel and Wharfedale G1655

G741 G1611

G1873 G1844




G1872 .


Otley and Yeadon C G1047 G56




3 G77

A Aireborough


Guiseley and Rawdon G1810 c


G765 p




G1070 G766 G1603 e G1871 G1601 r G1338 G853 G163 G854 G G133 G1086

G1603 5

G1616 G1087 G840 1


G55 2 G886 G1869 G842 g


G81 A

G69 G96 N G1394

O G1068 G152 G1395 I



G1775 T G41 G1774


G1393 U G1396 G1773 G1396 G1397 S

G1425 G1396 N

G1809 O G1898 G1030


G1363 G1396

G1362 C G1364 G1808 G1029 I


G839 G1703 B






E G1420




G1692 L

G1870 L


G1599 G1354 -

G1040 g

n G1041 i G1039 G1060 G1355 p G1061 G1042 p


M G73 G1064


G1043 G1786 G1360 G1666 G1667 E G1780 G1664

S G1807 G1665 G1063 A

G1412 H

G1356 P


G1357 2


G1342 s

G1836 Weetwood a


G1359 G1148 G67 P


G1413 P G1787 North Leeds D

G1140 s





G62 a

G1491 G1352 c

G1161 o

l G1162 G1614 l


Horsforth G1415 G1785


t G91 i

G1149 S G603 G1658 \

G1106 s

G1816 t




Key o

G1818 r G61 G1108 P

Leeds City Council Wards S G705 I


G1314 \ Housing Market Characteristic Areas Calverley and Farsley G1417 G1109 G1111 M

G1110 G

G823 C

Green Space Outer West G1159 \


G59 L


G1403 h G1905 G703 G1682 G621 t G1656 G1875 a G967 G1404 G1349 P

© Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 100019567 Date: 03/09/2015 HMCA AREA

0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Kilometers Aireborough


Surplus Greenspace in the Guiseley and Yeadon Area




Site A: Land North of Billing View Road

ADDRESS: Land North of Billing View Road, Rawdon SIZE (ha): 5.072 TYPE: Natural ACCESSIBILITY: Trodden Paths and Stiles COMMENTS: The site is adjacent to other Green Space draft designations. Some elements of the land were maintained whilst other paths were overgrown. The site is awa6 from the main road and most areas are not lit.

Site B: Land at Crowtrees Court

ADDRESS: Land at Crowtrees Court, Rawdon SIZE (ha): 0.1 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible off the road, has footpaths throughout. Good access to busses. COMMENTS: Well maintained and well-lit by streetlights. Space is overlooked by residential properties. Other potential small green space parcels nearby.

Site C: Land East of New Road Side

ADDRESS: Land east of New Road Side, Yeadon SIZE (ha): 0.114 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Could not gain access, domestic garden. COMMENTS: Change of use of public open space to domestic garden

Site D: Land between Bradford Road and Fieldhead Drive

ADDRESS: Land between Bradford Road and Fieldhead Drive, Guiseley SIZE (ha): 0.4 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible by car or pedestrian COMMENTS: Overlooked by residential properties. A wall buffer between space and main road.

Site E: Land at Benton Park School

ADDRESS: Land at Benton Park School, Rawdon SIZE (ha): 0.47 TYPE: Natural ACCESSIBILITY: Access could not be gained COMMENTS: Private Property

Site F: Land between Markham Crescent and Markham Avenue

ADDRESS: Land between Markham Crescent and Markham Avenue, Rawdon SIZE (ha): 0.13 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible from both sides of the estate via footpath which continues through the centre of the space. COMMENTS: Area is surrounded by residential development

Site G: Land North of Greenacre Park Avenue

ADDRESS: Land North of Greenacre Park, Rawdon SIZE (ha): 0.5 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible by car and by foot from nearby residential areas COMMENTS: Well maintained. Over looked by housing and has street lighting. Next to a main road.

Site H: Land South of Bingley Lands

ADDRESS: Land south of Bingley Lands, Guiseley SIZE (ha): 0.17 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible by foot COMMENTS: Well maintained

Site I: Land between Moorland Drive and Moorland Avenue

ADDRESS: Land between Moorland Drive and Moorland Avenue, Guiseley SIZE (ha): 0.1 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Access available via path. COMMENTS: Well maintained. Surrounded by residential development.

Site J: Land to the North and South of Greenlea Avenue

ADDRESS: Land to the North and South of Greenlea Avenue, Yeadon SIZE (ha): 0.22 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible via foot or car. Good public transport network nearby. COMMENTS: Existing residential development surrounding the spaces. Seating facilities in the area. Areas lit by street lights.

Site K: Land North of Milner’s Road

ADDRESS: Land North of Milner’s Road, Yeadon SIZE (ha): 1.9 TYPE: Natural ACCESSIBILITY: Gated access, but open to the public. Cycle Paths and walking routes run adjacent to the site. Onsite trodden paths are available. COMMENTS: No lighting. Natural open space with a variety of trees, plants and hedging. Industrial uses to the noth and south of the site, residential to the east.

Site L: Land at Lea Mill Park Drive

ADDRESS: Land at Lea Mill Park Drive, Yeadon SIZE (ha): 0.14 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Good accessibility by car or by foot. Public transport link in close proximity. COMMENTS: Well maintained. Located within a residential area.

Site M: Land at Blake Crescent

ADDRESS: Parcels of Land at Blake Crescent, Guiseley SIZE (ha): 0.56 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible by foot and by car. COMMENTS: Well maintained. In use by children. Surrounded by residential development.

Site N: Land at Shaw Close

ADDRESS: Land at Shaw Close, Guiseley SIZE (ha): 0.31 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible by foot and by car, well maintained paths running through the space. COMMENTS: The site was well maintained and bound by residential properties

Site O: Land at Shakespeare Close (adjacent to Leeds Road)

ADDRESS: Land at Shakespeare Close (adjacent to Leeds Road), Guiseley SIZE (ha): 0.98 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Ramped and stepped access by well-maintained paths. COMMENTS: Overlooked by houses with street lighting. Bound by a stone wall. Further parcels of land available.

Site P: Land between Lands Lane and Town Street

ADDRESS: Land between Lands Lane and Town Street, Guiseley SIZE (ha): 0.1 TYPE: Amenity ACCESSIBILITY: Well linked by paths to central Guiseley. Bus stops in close proximity COMMENTS: Very well maintained, with planting and hard landscaping. Numerous benches within the space.


Overview maps of Additional Sites not considered by the Council

The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Revision Date Drn Chk - - - -

A. Land North of Billing View Road B. Land at Crowtrees Court C. Land east of New Road Side D. Land between Bradford Road and Fieldhead Drive E. Land at Benton Park School F. Land between Markham Crescent and Markham Avenue G. Land north of Greenacre Park H. Land south of Bingley Lands I I. Land between Moorland Drive and Moorland Avenue J. Land north and south of Greenlea Avenue H P K. Land north of Milner’s Lane L. Land at Lea Mill Park Drive M. Land at Blake Crescent N. Land at Shaw Close N O. Land at Shakespeare Close P. Land between Lands Lane and Town Street M





C Project A Greenspace Assessment Guiseley B Drawing Title Site Location Plan

Date Scale Drawn by Check by 05.09.16 NTS CT JW

Project No Drawing No Revision 25054 Id01 -

Planning Master Planning & Urban Design Architecture Landscape Planning & Design Project Services Environmental & Sustainability Assessment Graphic Design Reproduction from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Offices at Reading London Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds Solihull Copyright Reserved. Licence No. 100019279.