Diversity and coevolutionary dynamics in high-dimensional phenotype spaces Michael Doebeli∗ & Iaroslav Ispolatov∗∗ ∗ Departments of Zoology and Mathematics, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver B.C. Canada, V6T 1Z4;
[email protected] ∗∗ Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile Casilla 302, Correo 2, Santiago, Chile;
[email protected] October 15, 2018 Supporting Material: Appendix A arXiv:1701.07861v2 [q-bio.PE] 10 Feb 2017 RH: Diversity and coevolutionary dynamics Corresponding author: Michael Doebeli, Department of Zoology and Department of Math- ematics, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver B.C. Canada, V6T 1Z4, Email:
[email protected]. 1 Abstract We study macroevolutionary dynamics by extending microevolutionary competition models to long time scales. It has been shown that for a general class of competition models, gradual evolu- tionary change in continuous phenotypes (evolutionary dynamics) can be non-stationary and even chaotic when the dimension of the phenotype space in which the evolutionary dynamics unfold is high. It has also been shown that evolutionary diversification can occur along non-equilibrium trajectories in phenotype space. We combine these lines of thinking by studying long-term co- evolutionary dynamics of emerging lineages in multi-dimensional phenotype spaces. We use a statistical approach to investigate the evolutionary dynamics of many different systems. We find: 1) for a given dimension of phenotype space, the coevolutionary dynamics tends to be fast and non-stationary for an intermediate number of coexisting lineages, but tends to stabilize as the evolving communities reach a saturation level of diversity; and 2) the amount of diversity at the saturation level increases rapidly (exponentially) with the dimension of phenotype space.