Idea Generation & Testing: Using Marketing Research For New Product Development Abstract: New product development is an expensive and high-risk undertaking for corporations and organizations. Reducing the risk and increasing the probabil- ity of successful new product introduction means better understanding what con- sumers want and, subsequently, ensuring that your new product offering delivers on that. This paper discusses the various customer inputs available to new prod- uct developers, their strengths and weaknesses, and how each is used. This paper also discusses the testing of new product ideas, in terms of understanding cus- tomer reactions to guide further evaluation and development. Conducting new product development research can help Marketers and Product Developers work together more effectively by communicating the Voice of the Customer. POLARIS MARKETING RESEARCH, INC. 1455 LINCOLN PARKWAY, SUITE 320 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30346 404.816.0353 Idea Generation & Testing: Using Marketing Research in New Product Development © 2009-2010, Polaris Marketing Research, Inc. All rights Reserved. ii Contact: Polaris Marketing Research, Inc., 1455 Lincoln Parkway, Suite 320, Atlanta, GA 30346 404-816-0353, email:
[email protected], web site: Idea Generation & Testing: Using Marketing Research in New Product Development Idea Generation & Testing: Using Marketing Research for New Product Development New Coke. Colgate Kitchen Entrées. Wheaties Dunk-a-Balls Cereal. Earring Magic Ken Doll. Crystal Pepsi. What do all of these products have in common? They all failed. The truth is that most new products end in failure. Estimates of new product failures range from 33% to 90% depending on the industry. So, what can companies do to improve the success rate of new products developed? One way is to conduct sound and thoughtful marketing research.