Aspects of Autonomous Corner Modules As an Enabler for New Vehicle Chassis Solutions
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Aspects of Autonomous Corner Modules as an Enabler for New Vehicle Chassis Solutions Mats Jonasson Licentiate Thesis TRITA-AVE 2006:101 ISSN 1651-7660 ISBN 978-91-7178-559-6 Postal address Visiting address Telephone Internet Royal Institute of Technology Teknikringen 8 +46 8 790 6000 Vehicle Dynamics Stockholm Telefax SE-100 44 Stockholm +46 0 790 9290 Typeset using KTH Vehicle Dynamics LATEXstyle c Mats Jonasson 2007 ¡£¢¥¤§¦©¨ ¤ This thesis adopts a novel approach to propelling and controlling the dynamics of a vehicle by using autonomous corner modules (ACM). This configuration is characterised by vehicle controlled functions and distributed actuation and offers active and individual control of steering, camber, propulsion/braking and vertical load. Algorithms which control vehicles with ACMs from a state-space trajectory description are reviewed and further developed. This principle involves force allocation, where forces to each tyre are distributed within their limitations. One force allocation procedure proposed and used is based on a constrained, linear, least-square optimisation, where cost functions are used to favour solu- tions directed to specific attributes. The ACM configuration reduces tyre force constraints, due to lessen restric- tions in wheel kinematics compared to conventional vehicles. Thus, the tyres can generate forces considerably differently, which in turn, enables a new mo- tion pattern. This is used to control vehicle slip and vehicle yaw independently. The ACM shows one important potential; the extraordinary ability to en- sure vehicle stability. This is feasible firstly due to closed-loop control of a large number of available actuators and secondly due to better use of adhesion potential. The ability to ensure vehicle stability was demonstrated by creating actuator faults. This thesis also offers an insight in ACM actuators and their interaction, as a result of the force allocation procedure. ¤¥¢ This research has been accomplished in cooperation with Volvo Car Corpo- ration (VCC) in Göteborg and the division of Vehicle Dynamics at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. The financial support was pro- vided by VCC and the Swedish National Energy Agency in the “Energisystem i vägfordon” research programme, which I am most grateful for. I would like to express my gratitude to all people involved, especially my academic supervisor Professor Annika Stensson Trigell at KTH for her support and incessant encouragement during the entire project. I would also like to thank Mr Sigvard Zetterström at VCC for his excellent guidance to the disci- pline of applied chassis technologies and for introducing me into the exciting area of autonomous corner modules (ACM). Furthermore, I would like to thank my co-authors for inspiring partner- ships and for putting my own research into new perspectives, especially Johan Andreasson, PhD student at KTH for guidance in vehicle dynamics and for assisting me with various practical matters. I am also grateful to Dr Oskar Wallmark, now employed by KTH, for fruitful cooperation in merging aspects of control of electrical machines into vehicle dynamics and providing me with useful knowledge of things PhD students must know. I would also like to thank Fredrik Roos, PhD student at KTH for jointly working with active control of vertical wheel loads and for his assistance in understanding mechatronics. I am indebted to Mr Alf Söderström at VCC for his insights into vehicle handling. I would also like to thank all members of the steering committee, who have not been acknowledged before, for their valuable guidance; Professor Mats Alaküla at LTH, Assistant Professor Urban Kristiansson at VCC and Mr Johan Wedlin at Volvo AB. I would also like to thank Indira Antonsson at VCC for proofreading this thesis and for providing English language advice. Finally, I'm very proud and fortunate to be married to my wonderful wife Cathrin, who has given me support, care and understanding throughout. I am blessed by the presence of my three children; Frida, Simon and Sofia, my lights of inspiration. I thank you for your constant support. Thank you all for your assistance, which has undoubtedly contributed to this licentiate thesis. Mats Jonasson Göteborg, February 2007 ! £¨! !"¦©¢ Paper A Jonasson, M., Zetterström, S. and Trigell, A. S., `Autonomous corner modules as an enabler for new vehicle chassis solutions', Proceedings of the FISITA World Automotive Conference, Yokohama, Japan, October 2006. Paper B Jonasson, M. and Wallmark, O., `Stability of an electric vehicle with perma- nent magnet in-wheel motors during electrical faults', Proceedings of the 22nd International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition, Yokohama, Japan, October 2006. Paper C Jonasson, M. and Wallmark, O., `Control of electric vehicles with autonomous corner modules: implementation aspects and fault handling', submitted for publication, 2006. Paper D Jonasson, M. and Andreasson, J., `Exploiting autonomous corner modules to resolve force constraints in the tyre contact patch', submitted for publication, 2007. #%$'&)(+*-,/.10)(2,3$'&546$87¥,9&5:',<;5,3:©05=8>?=@0)(+A5$8*B4 Mats Jonasson, PhD student, is the first author of all appended papers. In [pa- per A], he undertook all writing, while Mr Sigvard Zetterström and Professor Annika Stensson Trigell contributed with the problem formulation and useful background material. In addition, they contributed with valuable comments and took part in reviewing the paper. C The contributions of the individual authors in [paper B and C], as concerns modelling and writing the paper, are equal. In these papers, Dr Oskar Wall- mark has described the electrical parts used and their behaviour during electri- cal faults. In addition, he has performed measurements on electrical machines and simulations of power electronics. Mats Jonasson has contributed to the method of tyre force allocation adopted and the tyre models used. In [paper D], the contribution from both authors are equal. Mats Jonasson has prepared all models and simulations and the paper has been jointly writ- ten. Johan Andreasson, PhD student, has given essential inputs to the approach adopted. One of them is related to the interpretation of vertical tyre force allo- cation and the subsequent evaluation of adhesion potential applied. D E¤¥¤¥¢ FHG+IKJ-LNM+OPJ Q FRO2S2T+UWVYX Z2[]\^Z`_aZ`T2JKI QbQbQ FHc]c]Z`T`[^Z2[§c+M^c]Z`LNI d e UfT2JKZ`T2JKI dgQbQ h h jilknmpo+q+rtsuknv o2i wtx<wzy|{-}~K3WP - . w 9 j wtx . 5KK H-3W-P{P wtx . wtx `x<wfW -}BB1}{-{-}nb9 {B W . wtx `x ){P uK W Rb?lP {-9 B B}n9 }©P } K . wtx Ku{-3}H{PP-3t{-} . ¡ wtx x<w¢Pl3}B}BW ub{P B£ . ¤ wtx x ¦¥§9 -} P ?¨fP } ?}BW B3W . © wtx x ª§}n{B W « -'}Bl9 -N¬2uK -Rª)®¯b«P -{Bb¨9l3}BK°w-± ²´³ hh rWµgµ·¶Pm9¸Hot¹®¶ºWº2»litqW»q¥ºt¶º2»lmp¼ ½´³ hP½ sv »lilknv ¾`sHs-o2ilknmNvÀ¿Wrlknv o2it¼ hÆ ÁÂ)o2itsÃÀrtq+vÀitÄamp»lµ·¶Pm£Å¼ ÆÈÇ hPÊ »s-o2µgµ·»litqW¶Pknv o2it¼¹potm)¹NrlknrWmp»HÉotm£Å Ë5ZÌNZ`LNZ`T`OlZWI ÍfÎ C C Â)o2ilk»lilk¼ ÏÑЧÒÔÓ°Õ?Ö6×ÙØ Ú)¤§¦©ÛEÜ ¤ÞÝE This chapter provides the background for this research and introduces drivers to advanced chassis technology where functions of vehicle dynamics are soft- ware controlled. Contributions of design proposals exploiting this opportunity are discussed. Finally, a brief description of the research approach adopted is presented. ßàbß á%=®âäã|å©*B$'0&5: This research started at Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) in 2004, after a long pe- riod of promising ACM design proposals from the inventor Mr Sigvard Zetter- ström at VCC. The reason for the following research has been to prepare the vehicle for the transition into a new type of chassis, partly driven by new propul- sion technologies and energy buffers. Keeping the approaching shortage of fos- sil fuels and the environmental challenges in mind, there is a need to understand chassis implications in the use of alternative propulsions than those offered by the combustion engine. New energy converters and buffers set new conditions for the chassis development in its entirety. In addition, there has been an interest to understand the implications of vehicle configurations, where each corner is able to act independently with- out any mechanical connections between the wheels and between wheels and power source. At the same time, Professor Annika Stensson Trigell and Johan Andreas- son, PhD student, at KTH were in the process of investigating a new research approach of controlling vehicles involving methods of tyre force allocation. The thoughts behind these ideas came from knowledge of flight control. Thus, h ² æfçèé-êNë-ìäí îðï-êbì/ñtòtóônêbõ ñlï KTH started a joint research project, supported by the Swedish National Energy Agency, designating ACM as the target for research. ßàpö ÷Þ*-,<;)ø5*B4 The increasingly sophisticated demands on chassis technologies are driving the development process of vehicles toward new and refined chassis solutions for even more modern vehicle platforms. Since nearly all chassis systems include mechanical components, a great deal of replacements are involved. In addition, modifications of chassis components in existing vehicles are difficult to carry through since the mechanical components can rarely be tuned to perfection. As a result, there has been an increasing interest in new chassis solutions, as an alternative to the state-of-the-art options, where attributes of vehicle dynamics are determined by software implementations. There has been extensive research into the use of active chassis components to enable new vehicle dynamic functions in conventional vehicles. However, vehicles that allow each tyre to generate forces in perpendicular directions and also allow all tyres to be fully independently controlled, have not gained equal attention. These types of vehicles, with “freely controlled” tyre forces, en- able a new and broader range of possible vehicle responses that cannot be per- formed in conventional vehicles.