4242 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BeltBelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, November 15, 2018 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 43, No. 42 Holiday closures scheduled South Belt-Ellington Leader The Leader office will be closed Wednesday, Special election called to replace Garcia Nov. 21, through Friday, Nov. 23, for the Thanksgiving holiday. The Thursday edition of the Leader will be available Wednesday, By James Bolen the people of Senate District 6 have seamless expedited period is intended to speed up special before, and I hope we fi nd it again,” Garcia wrote Nov. 21. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday, Nov. 9, and high-quality representation. By resigning elections for vacancies that occur near a legisla- in her resignation letter. Clear Brook City MUD called for a special election to fi ll the state Senate at 12:01 p.m., it allows the governor to call an tive session. The period begins 60 days prior to a Multiple candidates have expressed an inter- The Clear Brook City Municipal Utility District 6 seat being vacated by Sylvia Garcia. election with enough time for my successor to be legislative session, which, in this, case begins at est in fi lling Garcia’s current District 6 seat, in- District office will be closed Thursday, Nov. The election for the district, which encom- elected, sworn in and ready to start the legislative noon on Jan. 8. cluding two local Democrats presently serving in 22, and Friday, Nov. 23, in observance of passes much of the South Belt community, will session from Day 1.” Under the expedited guidelines, Abbott must the Texas House: state Reps.