Dissertation Airborne laser scanning terrain and land cover models as basis for hydrological and hydraulic studies

ausgeführt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Naturwissenschaften (Doktor rerum naturalium)

unter der Leitung von

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing Dr.techn Wolfgang Wagner Forschungsgruppen Photogrammetrie & Fernerkundung E120 Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing Dr.techn Günter Blöschl Centre for Water Resource Systems (CWRS) E006

eingereicht an der Technischen Universität Wien Fakultät für Mathematik und Geoinformation

als Beitrag zum Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems

von Mag. Michael Vetter 0317610 Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24 6890 Lustenau

Wien, Mai 2013

Dissertation Airborne laser scanning terrain and land cover models as basis for hydrological and hydraulic studies

submitted for the academic degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences (Doctor rerum naturalium)

supervised by

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing Dr.techn Wolfgang Wagner Research Groups Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing E120 Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing Dr.techn Günter Blöschl Centre for Water Resource Systems (CWRS) E006

submitted at the Vienna University of Technology Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation

as part of the Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems

by Mag. Michael Vetter 0317610 Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24 6890 Lustenau

Vienna, May 2013


Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich diese Arbeit selbständig verfasst habe, dass ich die verwendeten Quellen und Hilfsmittel vollständig angegeben habe und dass ich die Stellen der Arbeit, einschließlich Tabellen, Karten und Abbildungen, die an- deren Werken oder dem Internet im Wortlaut oder dem Sinn nach entnommen sind, auf jeden Fall unter Angabe der Quelle als Entlehnung kenntlich gemacht habe. I declare that all the material presented in this thesis is my own work and have not been written, entirely or partly, by any other person. I also declare that any external information published, including texts, tables, maps and figures, are cited if they are used literally or analogously.

Vienna, May 2013

’Es ist nicht genug zu wissen - man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen - man muss auch tun.’

’Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do’

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


I would like to thank...... my supervisors, DI Dr. Wolfgang Wagner and Prof. DI Dr. Günter Blöschl for discussions, inspirations and guidance. . . . the ’Centre for Water Resource Systems of the Vienna University of Technology’ and the ’Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems’ for the research network. . . . the financial support from the Austrian Science Funds (FWF) as part of the Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems (DK-plus W1219- N22). . . . the Federal State of and the City of Vienna for providing the laser scanning data for my research. . . . my family and all my friends for constant motiva- tion. . . . my fiancée for supporting me during the years of hurrying from one deadline to the next. . . . my co-authors for the great teamwork and support.

Special thanks to Bernhard Höfle, Gottfried Mandlburger and Martin Rutzinger for endless hours of fruitful discussions, shared thoughts and the motivation to go continue my studies.

Michael Vetter Vienna May, 2013



In recent years, Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) has become the state-of-the-art technique for topographic data acquisition. Most ALS sensors record the re- flected laser beam with X,Y,Z coordinates and the signal amplitude (also referred to as intensity) as a three-dimensional point cloud. One or more echoes,or even the full-waveform can be recorded per laser shot, depending on the scanner type.

Most applications in hydrology or hydraulics use Digital Surface Models (DSMs) or Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) in gridded raster formats generated from a 3D ALS point cloud. To compute those models, the point cloud is filtered and clas- sified in ground, vegetation or building and other object classes. Those elevation models are regularly used for drainage network delineation, volume estimation of the water body, calculation of flow velocity or inundated areas, flood simula- tions and many more. The analysis is often based on the original DTM without any modifications. This thesis presents methods generating specific parameters from ALS data i.e. improved DTMs or generating input parameters from ALS for special tasks in the hydro-related context. In this thesis the hydro-related con- text is mentioned as the topics which are in the scientific field of hydrology and hydrodynamic-numerical modeling based on ALS data. The main goal is to show the capability of using high-resolution DTMs from ALS in hydraulic and hydro- logical studies.

The high level of topographic details is the main advantage using ALS data, which also causes many problems in different hydrological and hydraulic applications. So, the detailed topographic information can have a negative impact on the qual- ity of hydrological and hydraulic applications. Besides the high level of geometric details, the intensity values as well as the full vertical point distribution within the 3D point cloud is available. It is shown, based on selected applications, how to minimize the negative effects of topographic details and how to extract spe- cific parameters for hydrological and hydraulic purposes directly from ALS data by using geoinformation and remote sensing methods. Those applications are embedded in a workflow including the following parts: 1) drainage network de- lineation, 2) water surface classification, 3) river bed modeling and 4) hydraulic

iii roughness estimation. The main focus is on improving existing methods to ex- tract hydraulic and hydrological features from the ALS data with a high level of automatization. The first part deals with Laser Remote Sensing technology in general. Be- sides the measurement principles, different laser platforms and common grid- ded derivatives are presented. Finally, recent technology trends are dis- cussed. Within the first methodological chapter a workflow to optimize a 1m-DTM for drainage network delineation is presented. A 1m-DTM is normally not used as basis for flow accumulation methods because of the high amount of included ter- rain details and the potential of wrong deflection of the drainage delineation al- gorithms along road edges. Mostly coarse DTMs, smoothed by using average filters, are used. Where detailed topographic features and roads are removed by the DTM smoothing. Therefore, the 1m spatial resolution of the ALS DTM is no longer available for the drainage delineation. By removing anthropogenic structures, mainly roads, a conditioned DTM is produced without the negative influences of the roads from the original 1m-DTM on the flow accumulation. The resulting drainage network computed on the conditioned 1m-DTM show an in- crease in delineation accuracy of up to 9% in correctness and completeness com- pared to the original 1m-DTM or a coarse resolution 5m-DTM as basis for flow accumulation. The second methodological chapter is about the delineation of water surface areas using ALS geometric and radiometric data derived from the point cloud. Because of the interaction of the laser signal at a specific wavelength and the water sur- face, the capability to identify areas containing water is very high. These water surface areas are used for land cover classification or generating proper geome- try data for hydrodynamic-numerical models. The extent of the water surface is used to replace the water surface with river bed geometry or for hydraulic friction parameter allocation. Based on the water surface extent a river bed modeling method is presented in the next chapter. An additional raster based water surface delineation procedure has been developed. By combining the existing water surface with terrestrially measured cross section data, a river bed model is created, which is finally inte- grated into the existing DTM. The main aim of this chapter is to create a DTM of the watercourse, including the river bed model, which can be used as basis for hydrodynamic-numerical modeling and for change detection between two major flood events. The advantage of the DTM with an integrated river bed is that the relevant elevation data of the flood plains are used from the dense and accurate

iv original DTM and the river bed is an interpolated DTM from cross sections. If the distance between the cross sections is large, the river bed model is of poor quality, because of the linear interpolation of the cross sections. In the final methodological part a point cloud based method for estimating hy- draulic roughness coefficients is presented. Based on the geometry of the 3D point cloud, vertical structures of the vegetation are analyzed and classified into different land cover classes, which are transformed to Manning’s n values. The advantages of the presented method are that the data analysis is fully auto- matic, reproducible and fast. Finally, the geometry used as elevation input for a 2D hydrodynamic-numerical model and the roughness parameters are measured at one single point in time and calculated from the same data source. There- fore, it is possible to create a hydrodynamic-numerical model exactly from the time of ALS data acquisition with all relevant geometry and roughness parame- ters.



Seit einigen Jahren wird Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) als Methode zur Er- fassung von topographischen Daten herangezogen. Die meisten ALS Sensoren nehmen neben den X,Y,Z Koordinaten auch die Signalamplitude (auch Inten- sität genannt) als Dreidimensionale Punktwolke auf, wobei zwischen single, multiple-echos und fullwave-form Aufnahmesystemen unterschieden werden kann.

Für Anwendungen im Bereich der Hydrologie oder der Hydraulik werden meist Digitale Oberflächenmodelle (DOM) oder Digitale Geländemodelle (DGM) in Rasterformat verwendet, welche aus der 3D Punktwolke abgeleitet werden. Diese Modelle werden durch Filterung und Klassifikation der Punktwolke in Boden- , Vegetations- oder Gebäude- und andere Klassen berechnet. Meist werden Geländemodelle zur Berechnung von Gerinnenetzwerken, Volumensabschätzun- gen von Wasserkörpern, der Berechnung von Überflutungsflächen und der Fließgeschwindigkeiten in hydrodynamisch-numerischen Modellen herangezo- gen. Diese Analysen basieren zum größten Teil auf den originalen Geländemod- ellen, die nicht speziell optimiert wurden. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wer- den Methoden zur Verbesserung von DGMen sowie der Generierung von Input- parametern für hydro-relevante Fragestellungen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Das Ziel der Dissertation ist es, das vorhandene Potential von hochauflösenden ALS Daten für hydrologische und hydraulische Studien aufzuzeigen und nutzbar zu machen.

Der Vorteil von räumlich hoch auflösenden ALS Daten gegenüber räumlich geringaufgelösten topographischen Daten, ist der hohe Detailgrad an Gelände- informationen, wobei dieser bei hydrologischen und hydraulischen Fragestellun- gen oft auch negative Auswirkungen hat. Neben der hohen Detailgenauigkeit der topographischen Informationen beinhalten ALS Daten zusätzlich die Inten- sitätsinformation und verfügen zudem über eine gute vertikale Verteilung der Messungen. Anhand von ausgewählten Anwendungen wird gezeigt, wie solche negativen Geländeeinflüsse minimiert werden können und wie aus den ALS Daten Objekte aber auch spezielle Parameter für hydraulische und hydrologis- che Fragestellungen berechnet werden können. Diese Anwendungen sind, 1)

vii Gerinnenetzwerkableitung, 2) Wasseroberflächenklassifikation, 3) Flusssohlenin- terpolation und 4) hydraulische Rauigkeitsbestimmung. Das Hauptaugenmerk der Arbeit liegt auf der Verbesserung bestehender Methoden zur Generierung hydrologischer und hydraulischer Merkmale aus ALS Daten bei maximaler Au- tomation.

Einleitend wird auf die aktuelle Situation im Bereich Laser Fernerkundung einge- gangen. Dabei werden neben der Aufnahmeprinzipien die verschiedene Sensor- plattformen und die abgeleiteten Rastermodelle vorgestellt. Zudem wird auf ak- tuelle technologische Trends eingegangen.

Im ersten Methodenteil der Dissertation wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, bei dem ein 1m-DGM für die Ableitung von Gerinnenetzwerken optimiert wird. Nor- malerweise werden nur selten 1m-DGMe für die Ableitung von Gerinnenetzw- erken, basierend auf Fließakkumulationmethoden, herangezogen, da der hohe Detailgrad der topographischen Informationen sowie die im Geländemodell en- thaltenen Straßen einen negativen Einfluss haben. Meist werden räumlich ger- ing aufgelöste Geländemodelle verwendet, bei denen Straßen und topographis- che Kleinstrukturen durch eine Glättung (zB. low pass filter) eliminiert wer- den. Dabei geht gleichzeitig der hohe Detailgrad und die hohe räumliche Auflö- sung verloren, welche schließlich nicht mehr für die Gerinneberechnung vorhan- den sind. Durch eliminieren der anthropogenen Strukturen, hauptsächlich der Straßen, kann ein optimiertes DGM erstellt werden, bei dem die negativen Ein- flüsse der Straßen auf die Fließakkumulationmethoden minimiert werden. Der Ergebnisvergleich zwischen Netzwerken, die auf dem optimierten 1m-DGM und denen, die auf dem original 1m-DGM, einem 5m optimierten oder einem geglät- teten 5m-DGM basieren, zeigen eine Verbesserung von rund 9% bei der Voll- ständigkeit bzw. Genauigkeit.

Im zweiten methodischen Teil wird ein punktwolkenbasierter Ansatz zur Wasser- oberflächenklassifikation basierend auf Geometrie- und Radiometriedaten er- läutert. Durch die Interaktion des Laserstrahls einer bestimmten Wellenlänge mit der Wasseroberfläche können ALS Intensitätsdaten optimal zur Detek- tion von Wasseroberflächen eingesetzt werden. Wasseroberflächen sind vor allem in der Erstellung von Landbedeckungskarten aber auch für die Berech- nung von hydrodynamisch-numerischen Modellen wichtig. Die genaue Lage der Wasserfläche nimmt bei der hydrodynamisch-numerischen Berechnung einen hohen Stellenwert ein, da diese für die Integration von Flusssohlen- modellen aber auch für die Zuweisung von Rauigkeitsparameteren verwendet wird.

viii Weiters wird, ausgehend von der Wasseroberfläche, ein Flusssohlenmodell er- rechnet. Zudem wird eine zusätzliche Methode zur Wasseroberflächenableitung basierend auf Rasterdaten vorgestellt. Durch die Kombination von Wasserober- fläche und terrestrisch-gemessenen Flussquerprofilen wird ein Flussbettmodell berechnet, das mit dem bestehenden DGM vereinigt wird. Das neu berech- nete DGM mit der integrierten Flusssohle kann für hydrodynamisch-numerische Modellierungen aber auch für die Berechnung von Flusssohlenveränderungen zwischen zwei Hochwasserereignissen herangezogen werden. Die Vorteile der Methode sind, dass die hochauflösenden Geländedaten aus dem ALS erhalten und mit dem Flusssohlenmodell ergänzt werden. Die Qualität des abgeleiteten Flusssohlenmodells hängt dabei primär von den Abständen der verwendeten Flussquerprofile ab. Im letzten Methodenteil wird ein punktwolkenbasierter Ansatz zur hydraulis- chen Rauigkeitsbestimmung vorgestellt. Ausgehend von Geometriedaten der 3D Punktwolke werden die vertikalen Strukturen der Vegetation analysiert und ver- schiedene Landbedeckungsklassen berechnet, welchen schließlich Manning’s n Werte zugewiesen werden. Die Vorteile dieser Methode sind die vollautoma- tisierte Analyse, die hohe Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse sowie die kurze Rechenzeit. Mit dieser Methode wird ermöglicht, dass die Geometrie und die Rauigkeitsdaten von ein und derselben Befliegung abgeleitet werden und beide als Input für hydrodynamisch-numerische Modellierungen dienen können. Da- her kann sichergestellt werden, dass alle Inputdaten (Geometrie und Rauigkeiten) von exakt einem Zeitpunkt stammen, was bis dato nicht der Fall gewesen ist.



Acknowledgements i

Abstract iii

Kurzfassung vii

List of Figures xv

List of Tables xvii

1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation ...... 2 1.2 Research aims ...... 3 1.3 Thesis outline ...... 4 1.3.1 Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems . . 4 1.3.2 Structure ...... 5 1.3.3 Selected publications ...... 7 1.3.4 Additional publications ...... 8

2 LiDAR background and terminology 11 2.1 LiDAR technology ...... 12 2.2 ALS data and derivatives ...... 16 2.3 Recent trends in LiDAR technology ...... 18

3 Conditioning of high resolution airborne laser scanning data for drainage network delineation 21 3.1 Introduction ...... 22 3.2 Objectives ...... 23 3.3 Test site and data ...... 24 3.4 Methods ...... 26 3.5 Results ...... 28 3.5.1 DTM conditioning ...... 28 3.5.2 Drainage derivation ...... 29 3.5.3 Accuracy of the derived drainage network ...... 30

xi 3.6 Discussion ...... 31 3.7 Conclusion ...... 35 3.8 Acknowledgments ...... 36

4 Water classification using 3D airborne laser scanning point clouds 37 4.1 Introduction ...... 38 4.2 Background ...... 40 4.2.1 Interaction of near infrared laser light with water ...... 40 4.2.2 Related work ...... 40 4.3 Test sites and data ...... 42 4.3.1 Test sites ...... 42 4.3.2 Reference data production ...... 43 4.4 Water surface classification ...... 44 4.4.1 Amplitude correction and radiometric adjustment ...... 44 4.4.2 Laser shot dropout modeling ...... 46 4.4.3 Data exploration ...... 47 4.4.4 Threshold based classification ...... 51 4.5 Results ...... 51 4.6 Discussion ...... 52 4.7 Conclusion ...... 54 4.8 Acknowledgments ...... 54

5 Estimating changes of riverine landscapes and riverbeds by using air- borne LiDAR data and river cross-sections 55 5.1 Introduction ...... 56 5.2 Test site and data ...... 59 5.3 Methods ...... 62 5.3.1 Water surface delineation ...... 62 5.3.2 Centerline computation ...... 63 5.3.3 Three-dimensional riverbed point cloud generation . . . . . 63 5.3.4 DBM generation ...... 64 5.4 Results ...... 64 5.5 Discussion ...... 67 5.6 Conclusions and Outlook ...... 68 5.7 Acknowledgements ...... 71

6 Vertical vegetation structure analysis and hydraulic roughness determi- nation using dense ALS point cloud data – a voxel based approach 73 6.1 Introduction ...... 74

xii 6.2 Background ...... 75 6.2.1 Vegetation structure and surface roughness ...... 75 6.2.2 LiDAR used in hydraulics and hydrology ...... 76 6.3 Method ...... 78 6.3.1 General concept ...... 78 6.3.2 Cell-level ...... 80 6.3.3 Voxel-level ...... 80 6.3.4 Connection-level ...... 80 6.3.5 Hydraulic roughness classification ...... 81 6.4 Results and discussion ...... 81 6.5 Conclusions and future work ...... 83 6.6 Acknowledgements ...... 84

7 Synthesis and conclusions 85 7.1 Synthesis and major findings ...... 86 7.1.1 Drainage network delineation ...... 86 7.1.2 Water surface mapping ...... 88 7.1.3 River bed modeling ...... 89 7.1.4 Hydraulic roughness estimation ...... 90 7.1.5 Ongoing work ...... 90 7.2 Conclusion ...... 92 7.3 Future work ...... 93 7.4 Final paragraph ...... 93

Bibliography 95

Curriculum vitae 113


List of Figures

1.1 Relations between the different thesis chapters ...... 5

2.1 Principle of LiDAR distance measurement ...... 13 2.2 ALS-platform, scan pattern, GPS, INU ...... 14 2.3 Discrete echo recording vs. full-waveform ...... 15 2.4 Point cloud, DTM, DSM and DIM ...... 17

3.1 Test site (Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg, ) ...... 25 3.2 Workflow ...... 27 3.3 Difference plot between original and conditioned 1m-DTM . . . . . 29 3.4 Drainage network based on original and conditioned DTMs (1m, 5m) 30 3.5 Results of drainage network delineation ...... 32

4.1 Water surface classification workflow ...... 44 4.2 Radiometric adjustment ...... 45 4.3 Corrected vs. radiometric adjusted amplitude values ...... 46 4.4 Dropout modeling schema ...... 46 4.5 Terrestrial orthophoto with measured water-land boundary . . . . 47 4.6 Relation between angle and corrected amplitude values on water . 48 4.7 Profile through a watercourse ...... 49 4.8 Standard deviation of height and amplitude density ratio ...... 50 4.9 Pre-classification at the Venter Ache ...... 51 4.10 Classification results, Bregenzer Ache, Venter Ache ...... 52 4.11 Classification results, Hintereisfernerbach ...... 53

5.1 River bed modeling test site ...... 60 5.2 Used digital models ...... 61 5.3 Workflow of the DBM derivation method ...... 61 5.4 Steps of the 3D-riverbed point cloud calculation ...... 64 5.5 DIMs and WEPs ...... 65 5.6 Plots through cross-section No. 1 and No. 4 (at locations in Fig. 5.1) 66 5.7 Difference-models and plots through the river ...... 69

6.1 Basic concept ...... 79 6.2 Schema of the cell-, voxel- and connection-level ...... 80

xv 6.3 Traditionally derived Manning’s values vs. the ALS derived values 82 6.4 Depth of inundated area and difference model from 2D simulation 82

xvi List of Tables

3.1 Cumulative length of networks ...... 32 3.2 Error assessment (completeness, correctness and quality) ...... 32 3.3 Additional error assessment ...... 34

4.1 Flight data and test sites ...... 43

6.1 Rule-base for hydraulic roughness classification ...... 82


C HAPTER 1 Introduction 1 1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation and quality (Wagner et al., 2011). Due to these facts, the adaptation of existing Water resource management and flood methods or the conditioning of the in- protection play an important role in hu- put data have to be applied to gain ac- man activities. On the one hand the curate and proper modeling results (Er- availability of water influence the settle- picum et al., 2010; Höfle and Rutzinger, ment strategies and the size of an urban 2011). The importance of using the best settlement. On the other hand the fre- available resolution of the data, which quency and magnitude of flood events are then specially modified for an appli- are the main limitations for the spread cations, is crucial (Mandlburger et al., of human settlements. Therefore, the 2009). management of water resources and the reduction of potential flood damages Due to the large number of floods in the have been in focus of research for a long last years, which caused tremendous time (Hubbart, 2008). Nowadays, an damages to human properties, dam- increasing use of remote sensing data age and risk reduction strategies have can be observed due to data’s accuracy, become an important field of research the spatial and temporal resolution and (EEA, 2010). Remote sensing data and the use of data from different sensors methods are used in many different sci- like RADAR, LiDAR or images used in entific fields (e.g. Höfle and Rutzinger, studies, related to water resources man- 2011; Hohenthal et al., 2011; Abermann agement and flood protection (Wagner et al., 2010; Hyyppä et al., 2004). Air- et al., 2011). By the use of remote sens- borne laser scanning point clouds and ing technologies, like Airborne Laser derived products are available on lo- Scanning (ALS), Terrestrial Laser Scan- cal and regional scale with high spa- ning (TLS), airborne or space borne im- tial resolution. In this thesis the term agery and other Earth Observation tech- ’high resolution’ is used synonymously niques, the ability of solving water re- for a cell size of 1x1 m or the ALS point lated questions is nowadays more so- cloud, which exhibiting a point density phisticated than in the past. Available of more than 1 point/m2. The impor- data from different sensors reach the tance to provide strategies to increase level of 1m spatial resolution or even feature delineation accuracy using high less, a temporal resolution of several resolution spatial data like ALS as in- hours and a high spectral resolution. At put is becoming increasingly evident the same time the methods and algo- (Li and Wong, 2010; Sofia et al., 2011; rithms for data processing have become Wichmann et al., 2008). Area-wide and more robust and sophisticated, while country-wide ALS data with high spa- the quality of mapping and classifica- tial resolution have already been avail- tion results have increased with a lit- able in many European countries (Man- tle time delay regarding to data amount dlburger et al., 2010a). The high spatial

2 1.2 Research aims resolution causes manifold challenges for hydraulic or hydrological applica- in data processing and analysis us- tions so far. The whole capability of ing existing hydraulic and hydrological ALS data are the high spatial resolu- algorithms (Mandlburger et al., 2009, tion and the provided radiometric infor- 2011b). Most of the hydro-related meth- mation (Mallet and Bretar, 2009; Wag- ods were created to use low spatial reso- ner, 2010). At first the main focus is lution topographic data. Two strategies the use of the highest available spa- can be figured out in order to overcome tial resolution as well as the backscat- this problem. Firstly, the algorithms tered information (referred to as inten- which are used in the specific applica- sity or amplitude) to increase the accu- tions can be changed to handle the full racy of water related studies. To achieve spatial resolution of the input ALS data. this goal, geoinformation methods are Secondly, the ALS data themselves can used to improve ALS based elevation individually be adapted for the very and point cloud data to gain more special applications and the used algo- accurate results (Mandlburger et al., rithms. 2009; Cobby et al., 2003; Hollaus et al., 2005). The motivation behind this thesis is to show the advantages of using the By presenting four different methods, full spatial resolution and the radiomet- which are from the hydrological and ric capacity of the ALS data to main- hydraulic field, the potential of using tain an increase in the accuracy of hy- high resolution ALS data as input is drological and hydraulic study results demonstrated. It is figured out that the by using ALS data as input. It will use of ALS data in hydro-related stud- be demonstrated that spatial resolution ies improves the results significantly. and the radiometric information of ALS The focus is on creating different meth- data can be used to achieve more ac- ods, which can be used in a work- curate results in the scientific field of flow to improve the capability of us- hydrology and hydraulics by condition- ing ALS data in hydro-related studies. ing the input data and by extracting Therefore, the methods are developed relevant features directly from the ALS in a way that the output layer of one data. method can be used as input for an other part of the workflow (cf. Fig. 1.1). This thesis investigates the use of ALS 1.2 Research aims data in combination with methods from geoinformatics to increase the capabil- ity for information extraction (DTM or The aim of this research is to ex- point cloud) and hydro-related applica- plore and use the full potential of the tions. ALS data within hydro-related stud- ies, which have been done very rarely Some methods presented in this the-

3 1 Introduction sis are more generic and can also be ability to improve the quality of hydro- used for other applications outside the logical or hydrodynamic modeling re- hydrological or hydraulic field. Some sults. methods are specially designed to cal- culate features in the domain of hydro The main goals can be divided sciences. But all in all the combination and summarized into the four main of the presented methods is the essen- chapters of this thesis, focusing tial part of this thesis and shows the on:

1. improving terrain models (DTMs) for drainage delineation by conditioning the DTM, where anthropogenic structures, like roads, are strictly removed from the DTM before deriving drainage networks. 2. introducing a point cloud based method for water surface classification in- tegrating geometry and backscattered intensity information of the original 3D ALS point cloud. 3. developing an approach to interpolated the river bed from terrestrially mea- sured data, which can be integrated into the DTM to quantify changes of the river bed between major flood events or which can be used as improved data source for hydraulic modeling. 4. presenting a point cloud based method for vertical vegetation classification, which is used for hydraulic friction coefficient determination using the geo- metric information of the laser data.

1.3 Thesis outline and has been designed to run from 2009 to 2021 involving about 70 PhD stu- dents. 1.3.1 Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems Two institutes, ’Research Groups Pho- togrammetry & Remote Sensing, De- partment of Geodesy and Geoinforma- This PhD thesis is written within the tion’ and the ’CWRS - Centre for Wa- context of the ’Vienna Doctoral Pro- ter Resource Systems’ from the ’Vi- gramme on Water Resource Systems enna University of Technology’, have (DK-Plus)’ located at the ’Vienna Uni- been involved in supervising this the- versity of Technology, Austria’. This sis. interdisciplinary program focuses on the research of complex water re- The supervisors are Prof. Wolfgang source systems. The doctoral pro- Wagner (Research Groups Photogram- gram is funded by the Austrian Sci- metry & Remote Sensing) and Prof. ence Funds FWF (DK-plus W1219-N22) Günter Blöschl head of the ’Department

4 1.3 Thesis outline

Figure 1.1: Overall context of the different thesis chapters and relations to each other of Hydrology and Water Resources data acquisition and processing is pre- Management’, director of the ’Centre sented. The chapter is related to Wag- for Water Resource Systems’, chair of ner et al. (2011), where a short ver- the ’Vienna Doctoral Programme on sion of the presented chapter is pub- Water Resource Systems’ and president lished. of the ’European Geosciences Union, EGU’. The first methodological part of this thesis is chapter 3, relating to Vetter and Mandlburger (2013). This chapter 1.3.2 Structure deals with the conditioning of high res- olution DTMs derived from ALS data This cumulative thesis comprises three for drainage network delineation. A peer-review journal papers (chapter workflow is presented in which the 3, 4, 5) and one peer-reviewed con- influences of roads on the drainage ference proceeding paper (chapter network delineation is minimized and 6). the accuracy of the derived network is maximized. This is done by recalcu- The thesis structure is as fol- lating the DTM along streets and re- lows: placing the original slope with a so- called ’near-natural slope’, which corre- In chapter 2 a general overview about sponds to the original slope before the LiDAR (ALS and TLS) techniques and road construction works. A compar- methods is presented. A technical ison of network delineation results is overview about data acquisition and done for networks derived from four processing is given. Besides the point different DTM-variations (conditioned cloud processing, the relevant deriva- 1m & 5m-DTM and original 1m & tives are described in detail. Fi- smoothed 5m-DTM). The network de- nally, an outlook on recent trends in lineation results show an increase in

5 1 Introduction correctness and completeness using the nally integrated into the DTM, result- conditioned 1m-DTM instead of the ing in a DTM of the watercourse (DTM- original 1m-DTM, the smoothed 5m- W). The advantage of this DTM-W is DTM or the conditioned 5m-DTM. The that the interpolation of the river bed results can be used to improve existing is takes place only for the water sur- river data sets and for further calcula- face area, whereas all non-water areas tions in which the potential locations of are used without any changes from the streams are needed as a priori informa- DTM. The results show the potential to tion. estimate river bed changes during two major flood events. Furthermore, the In chapter 4, a method to delineate wa- DTM-W can be used as geometry in- ter surface areas using ALS geometry put for hydrodynamic-numerical mod- and intensity values is presented. This eling. chapter relates to Vetter et al. (2009b) where a point cloud based method In the field of hydraulics the use of the (threshold based classification) includ- surface and vegetation roughness is an ing a radiometric adjustment of multi- important component of the reproduc- temporal data is described. A raster- tion of realistic flood scenarios. The fi- based classification, related to Vetter nal methodological chapter 6 deals with et al. (2011b), is presented in chap- the estimation of surface near vegeta- ter 5. The results of both methods tion roughness for hydrodynamic mod- for water surface mapping, presented els. This chapter bases on Vetter et al. in these chapters, are important input (2011a) and outlines a method where files for hydraulic applications in gen- the surface-near vertical structure of the eral. point cloud is analyzed. The main ad- vantage of these methods is to gener- Chapter 5 is related to Vetter et al. ate a consistent data set of elevation and (2011b), where a method is introduced roughness parameters from the same to calculate river bed models using ALS data source and acquisition time. Both, elevation data and terrestrially mea- elevation and roughness, are derived sured river cross sections. To generate from the same ALS point cloud, which such a river bed model, the information has never been done in hydrological of the existing water surface and terres- research before. Therefore, all input trially measured river cross sections are data, which are extracted from remote needed. The water surface extent is de- sensing data (geometry and roughness), rived by using the point cloud based are derived from the same measure- methods from chapter 3 or the raster ment. based approach presented in chapter 4. By densification of the measured cross A synthesis of the presented meth- sections and a linear interpolation, the ods is given in chapter 7, where river bed model is generated and fi- the advantages and disadvantages of

6 1.3 Thesis outline the methods are discussed. Finally, 1.3.3 Selected publications a summary of the major findings and an overview of future work is It has to be clarified that Michael Vetter given. is the lead author of all four main contri- butions included in this thesis (chapter 3 - 6) and the co-author of the LiDAR As shown in Fig. 1.1 all methodological theory chapter 2. The selected papers chapters are related to each other. The were written autonomously by the first results of chapter 3 can be used as input author. The co-authors supported the for the calculation of the water surface research process, acted as excellent dis- area (chapter 4 and 5) using a buffer of cussion partners and were involved in the derived river network to pre-select the proofreading process. The LiDAR the ALS data for water surface classifi- theory part (Chapter 2) was also writ- cation. The results of the water surface ten by the thesis author and was pub- delineation are used in chapter 5. The lished as a summary of the presented last chapter 6 is important for hydro- chapter in a book, where the thesis au- dynamic modeling, where the resulting thor was one of two co-authors. Four of DTM with the river bed (chapter 5) and the five contributions have already been the roughness from chapter 6 are com- published and one paper has been sub- bined. mitted.

Chapter 2, Wagner et al. (2011) Wagner, W., Vetter, M. & Bartsch A. (2011): Novel Microwave- and Lidar Re- mote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring of In-Land Water Resources. Report for acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften; Report No. 7, 42 p. Chapter 3, Vetter and Mandlburger (2013) Vetter, M. & Mandlburger, G. (2013): Conditioning of high resolution air- borne laser scanning data for river network delineation. Submitted to: Jour- nal of photogrammetry, remote sensing and geoinformation processing, February 2013. Chapter 4, Vetter et al. (2009b) Vetter, M., Höfle, B. & Rutzinger, M. (2009): Water classification using 3D air- borne laser scanning point clouds. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation, 97(2), 227-238.

7 1 Introduction

Chapter 5, Vetter et al. (2011b) Vetter, M., Höfle, B., Rutzinger, M. & Mandlburger, G. (2011): Estimating changes of riverine landscapes and riverbeds by using airborne LiDAR data and river cross-sections. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie/Annals of Geomorphology 55(2), 51-65. doi:10.1127/0372-8854/2011/0055S2-0045. Chapter 6, Vetter et al. (2011a) Vetter, M., Höfle, B., Hollaus, M., Gschöpf, C., Mandlburger, G., Pfeifer, N. & Wagner, W. (2011): Vertical vegetation structure analysis and hydraulic roughness determination using dense ALS point cloud data – a voxel based approach. Inter- national Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXVIII - 5/W12, 265-270. doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XXXVIII-5-W12- 265-2011.

1.3.4 Additional publications The additional contributions were pub- lished between 2007 and 2013. The pre- Many additional contributions have vious ones (before 2009) were prepared been published as first or co-author. during the master studies and can be Those are peer-reviewed journal papers seen as the stimulation for the chosen or proceeding contributions, reviewed research topic. Most of the additional abstracts, book chapters or technical re- publications are related to the different ports. The reviewed abstracts, most of thesis chapters and therefore, more or them submitted to the European Geo- less relevant for the success of this the- sciences Union (EGU), are not listed. sis project.

Peer-reviewed articles: 1. Fritzmann et al. (2011): Fritzmann, P., Höfle, B., Sailer, R., Stötter, J. & Vetter, M. (2011): Multi-temporal surface classification of airborne LiDAR intensity data in high mountain en- vironments - A case study from Hintereisferner, Austria. In: Pfeifer, N., Roncat, A., Stötter, J. & Becht, M.: Laser Scanning Applications in Geomorphology. Zeitschrift für Geomorpholo- gie/Annals of Geomorphology 55(2), 105–126. DOI: 10.1127/0372-8854/2011/0055S2-0048. 2. Höfle et al. (2009): Höfle, B., Vetter, M., Pfeifer, N., Mandlburger, G. & Stötter, J. (2009): Water surface mapping from airborne laser scanning using signal amplitude and elevation data. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 34(12), 1635-1649. DOI:10.1002/esp.1853. 3. Pfurtscheller and Vetter (2013): Pfurtscheller, C. & Vetter, M. (2013): Assessing en- trepreneurial and regional-economic flood impacts on a globalised production company base on LIDAR data and 2D flood modelling. Submitted to: Journal of Flood Risk Manage- ment, January 2013.

8 1.3 Thesis outline

Peer-reviewed proceedings: 4. Eysn et al. (2010): Eysn, L., Hollaus, M., Vetter, M. & Pfeifer, N. (2010): Waldlückener- fassung aus ALS Daten mittels Alpha-Shapes. In: Kohlhofer, G. and Franzen, M. (eds): Dreiländertagung OVG, DGPF und SGPF, 30. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, Wien, 1.–3. Juli 2010, 552–560. 5. Mandlburger et al. (2011b): Mandlburger, G., Vetter, M., Milenkovic, M. & Pfeifer, N. (2011): Derivation of a countrywide river network based on Airborne Laser Scanning DEMs - re- sults of a pilot study . 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, Australia, 12–16 December 2011, 2423-2429. 6. Rutzinger et al. (2010): Rutzinger, M., Rüf, B., Höfle, B. & Vetter, M. (2010): Change detec- tion of building footprints from airborne laser scanning acquired in short time intervals. In: Wagner, W. and Székely, B. (eds): ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium, ’100 Years ISPRS – Advancing Remote Sensing Science’, Vienna, Austria, July 5–7, vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 475–480. 7. Vetter et al. (2009c): Vetter, M., Jochem, A., Franke, M., Schöberl, F. & Werthmann, M. (2009): Auswirkung der Geländemodellauflösung auf Hochwassermodellierungen. Angewandte Geoinformatik 2009, Beiträge zum 21. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg, Austria, Wichmann Ver- lag, Heidelberg, 378-386. 8. Vetter et al. (2008): Vetter, M., Höfle, B., Mandlburger, G. & Rutzinger, M. (2008): Ableitung von Flusssohlenmodellen aus Flussquerprofilen und Integration in Airborne Laserscan- ning Geländemodelle mit GRASS GIS. Angewandte Geoinformatik 2008, Beiträge zum 20. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg, Austria, Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, 382-391. 9. Wichmann et al. (2008): Wichmann, V., Rutzinger, M. & Vetter, M. (2008): Digital terrain model generation from airborne laser scanning point data and the effect of grid-cell size on the simulation results of a debris flow model. Böhner, J., Blaschke, T., Montanarella, L.: SAGA - Second Out. Hamburger Beiträge zur Physischen Geographie und Landschaft- sökologie (19), Hamburg, , S. 103-113. Book chapters: 10. Rutzinger et al. (2011b): Rutzinger, M., Höfle, B., Vetter, M. & Pfeifer, N. (2011): Digital terrain models from airborne laser scanning for the automatic extraction of natural and an- thropogenic linear structures. In: Geomorphological Mapping: a professional handbook of techniques and applications. In: Smith, M., Paron, P., Griffiths, J., S., pp. 475–488. Elsevier.

9 1 Introduction

Technical reports: 11. Adams et al. (2007): Adams, M., Falkner, M., Franke, M., Jochem, A., Lochner, B., Link, S., Vetter, M. & Werthmann, M. (2007): Hochwasser Risiko Modellierung Innsbruck - End- bericht zum Projektmodul Geoökologie und Raumforschung 2006/2007. Interner Bericht, Institut für Geographie, Universität Innsbruck. 12. Pfurtscheller and Vetter (2012a): Pfurtscheller, C. & Vetter, M. (2012): Betriebliche und ökonomische Schäden auf Basis einer Hochwassermodellierung. Internal report (Company 1), 18 p. 13. Pfurtscheller and Vetter (2012b): Pfurtscheller, C. & Vetter, M. (2012): Betriebliche und ökonomische Schäden auf Basis einer Hochwassermodellierung. Internal report (Company 2), 18 p. Master’s thesis: 14. Vetter (2008): Vetter, M. (2008): Punktwolkenbasierte Ableitung von Wasseroberflächen aus Airborne Laser Scanning Daten - Unter Verwendung von Radiometrie- und Geometrieat- tributen. Master’s thesis, Institut für Geographie, Universität Innsbruck.

10 C HAPTER 2 iA akrudadterminology and background LiDAR 11 2 LiDAR background and terminology

2.1 LiDAR technology using the ALS point cloud data for hydrodynamic-numerical flood simula- Nowadays, Laser Scanning, also re- tions. ferred to as LiDAR (Light Detection Besides the ALS data, TLS (Terrestrial And Ranging) or LaDAR (Laser Detec- Laser Scanning) is used for small ar- tion and Ranging), is used as a fast eas like landslide volume calculation, and accurate technique to collect topo- snow height estimation, river monitor- graphic Earth information (Baltsavias, ing and many others (Roncat et al., 2010; 1999a; Wehr and Lohr, 1999). For cap- Grünewald et al., 2010; Heritage and turing terrain data Airborne Laser Scan- Milan, 2009). Recent studies have inves- ning (ALS) has became the state of the tigated Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) art data source. ALS is a time and for corridor mapping, in which a TLS cost effective method to acquire topo- has been mounted on a car or boat to graphic data with a low amount of user collect data of roads, the building fa- interaction, a high ground sampling cades or riverine landscapes (Rutzinger 2 density (typically 1-50 points per m ) et al., 2011a; Alho et al., 2009; Ho- and a height accuracy of less than henthal et al., 2011). The advantage 15 cm. Many scientific studies show of TLS is the high ground sampling that the trend is to increase sampling density (several hundred points per rates, improve height accuracy, use dif- m2). Limitations of TLS are the ob- ferent wavelength for specific applica- serving area, the data acquisition time tions and to establish Full-WaveForm and the range, which are small, time- (FWF) LiDAR systems (Bretar et al., consuming and short. Beside the data 2009; Pfennigbauer et al., 2010; Wagner collection, the post-processing and reg- et al., 2004). ALS is mostly used for istration of the point cloud is also time- data acquisition of area-wide Earth sur- consuming. TLS data can be used for face information. ALS data are used monitoring, as independent source for in different scientific disciplines like validation of ALS data and as refer- archeology (Doneus et al., 2010), geol- ence data sets for land cover mapping ogy (Székely et al., 2009), geomorphol- or roughness estimation of flood in- ogy (Höfle and Rutzinger, 2011), hy- undated areas (Straatsma et al., 2008). drology (Marcus, 2010), urban change The sensor developing companies have detection (Rutzinger et al., 2010), wa- changed their products in the last few ter surface mapping (Höfle et al., 2009), years from huge and heavy scanners to glaciology (Abermann et al., 2010) and small and light TLS systems. Further- many more. The main focus for non- more, modern TLS systems record mul- remote sensing disciplines is on us- tiple echoes and use FWF technology ing Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) (Cary, 2009). as basis for calculations. Mandlburger et al. (2009) show the advantages of The recent trend in the field of Space-

12 2.1 LiDAR technology borne remote sensing related to LiDAR short pulse length (Mandlburger et al., is towards the development of space- 2011a). The pulse length can only be de- borne LiDAR scanners instead of Li- creased by using more energy for pulse DAR profilers, which are presented in generating, which leads to eye safety Yu et al. (2010), by introducing the problems, or by a short observation dis- NASA project LiDAR Surface Topogra- tance. phy (LIST).

For bathymetric studies a two wave- length laser system is used to mea- sure the water surface and the river or sea bottom. One wavelength oper- ates with 1064 nm in the near-infrared and reflects at the water surface, while Figure 2.1: Principle of LiDAR dis- the second wavelength is in the visi- tance measurement (cf. Thiel and Wehr ble spectrum of electro magnetic wave- (2004); Wagner et al. (2003)). length from 520 nm to 532 nm (Irish and Lillycrop, 1999; Guenther et al., The main principle of data collection is 2000). Restrict properties limit the mea- identical for all LiDAR systems. A laser surements of rivers, lakes or sea beds. source is mounted in the system, which The main limitations of bathymetric Li- produces homogeneous light ranging DAR systems are that clear water condi- from 905 nm to 1550 nm. The elector tions are required and a minimum wa- magnetic wave is transmitted by this ter depth of about 1.5 m is necessary to laser source into the object direction. distinguish the water surface from the Most topographic LiDAR systems are riverbed targets depending on the used pulsed. A continuous wave is trans- ALS system and pulse length (Guen- mitted for close range remote sensing ther et al., 2000; Allouis et al., 2010). (TLS only), which is not discussed here The maximum penetration depth of a (more information in Baltsavias (1999a); bathymetric ALS System is typically 2 Wehr and Lohr (1999)). The transmit- to 3 times the Secchi depth, which is the ted laser pulse reflects upon the ob- water depth where a black and white jects surface and a part of the reflected disk can barely be seen with the naked energy can be recorded at the sensors eye. The Secchi depth depends primar- receiver. The distance calculation is ily on the turbidity of the water (Guen- bases on the travel time of the laser ther et al., 2000). Ongoing develop- pulse between sensor and object (speed- ments are showing that companies are of-light * travel time / 2; Fig. 2.1). interested in building bathymetric Li- Then, the precisely measured range is DAR systems, which are able to collect connected to the position and attitude data in shallow water areas by using of the remote sensing platform (GPS,

13 2 LiDAR background and terminology

Global Positioning System; and IMU, scanners. Inertial Measurement Unit). The angle of the oscillating mirror, which is in- One of the main problems with LiDAR stalled to generate the scanning pattern, data is the lack of processing software, has to be added in the process (Fig. 2.2) which is able to handle huge data sets to calculate the x,y,z location of each at the same time. If the data are more measurement. Beside the x,y,z coordi- accurate and dense, the processing de- nates of each laser shot, the backscat- mand is more important. Current in- tered energy is recorded for each re- vestigations on software development flection or wave-form, in FWF systems for Orientation and Processing of Air- the whole wave form is stored. The borne Laser Scanning (OPALS) and for first generation of laser scanner col- Digital Elevation Modeling and filter- lected the data as discrete echo record- ing (SCOP++) have been done by the In- ing system (max. 4). The new scanner stitute of Photogrammetry and Remote generation (FWF systems) record the Sensing, Vienna University of Technol- whole wave-form of the reflected pulse ogy (IPF, Mandlburger et al. (2010b); (Fig. 2.3). Pfeifer et al. (2001)). Other powerful tools are LAS-tools or Terasolid (Isen- burg et al., 2006; Terrasolid, 2012). Be- side the software, the storage and hard- ware components are very important for huge ALS and TLS data sets. The increase in sampling density also in- creases the storage space and process- ing demand. If the latest trend (the pulse length is being reduced while the digitizing interval is getting smaller) is achieved, the file size will increase again. Another important point is the Figure 2.2: ALS-platform, scan pattern, use of data. Point cloud data are GPS, INU (cf. Abo Akel et al. (2003) p. mostly used to generate Digital Eleva- 3). tion Models (DEMs) as input for several As seen in different scientific fields the other applications like hydrodynamic- use of FWF systems is increasing signif- numerical modeling, change detection, icantly because of better vertical reso- etc. Applications operating on the orig- lution and the increase of information. inal point cloud have became more pop- As Pfennigbauer et al. (2010) presented, ular (Höfle and Rutzinger, 2011). Beside the trend for modern laser scanner sys- the x,y,z information, also the radiomet- tems is to produce short pulse length to ric information is of high importance increase the vertical resolution of FWF and becomes a significant data source

14 2.1 LiDAR technology

Figure 2.3: Discrete echo recording vs. full-waveform (cf. Hug et al. (2004) p. 25 and Wagner et al. (2004) p. 2). for classification applications (Höfle, pling density, while doubling the acqui- 2007). sition area and shortening the time de- mand. Another trend can be seen in As mentioned before, the main goals reducing the transmitted pulse length are to increase the accuracy and the while increasing the FWF digitizing in- ground sampling rate of the scanners, terval, e.g. Riegl VQ820G (Bathymet- especially for FWF sensors. The latest ric LiDAR with two wave length: 1 ns trend in sensor development shows the pulse length and 0.1 ns digitizing in- change from sensors, which work with terval). The advantage of using short one pulse in air, to ’Multiple Pulses in transmitted pulse length and increasing Air’ for Leica, ’multiple-time-around’ FWF digitizing interval is a better ver- for Riegl or ’multi-pulse technology’ for tical resolution of the data. The results Optech scanners, which operates with can improve shallow water bathymetry, two pulses in air at the same time. vegetation classification and hydrody- The advantage of using this technol- namic models by a better representa- ogy is to double the point density of tion of vertical structures of the ground the observed area. By using multiple- near vegetation and the surface rough- time-around, the aircraft can fly in a ness. higher altitude than with conventional systems to collect the same ground sam-

15 2 LiDAR background and terminology

2.2 ALS data and derivatives roll-angle).

An important step to generate a DTM The main ALS product is the point is to remove all off-terrain points from cloud, which is derived from the the point cloud (vegetation, buildings, recorded data by applying different power lines, ...). This process is called corrections, transformations and syn- filtering and can be done in different chronizations of GPS and IMU to the ways. One solution is the robust inter- raw data. The point cloud consists polation approach (Kraus and Pfeifer, of x,y,z coordinates and different at- 1998), where all points are weighted tributes like amplitude/intensity, No. by the vertical distance to the aver- of echoes, echo No. depending on age surface. Points above the aver- whether a FWF or pulsed system is age surface get smaller weight. An im- used or not. provement of this method by adding the FWF attribute of the Echo Width is The most common products beside presented by Mandlburger et al. (2007). the ALS point cloud are the derived A comparison of the most common fil- Digital Elevation Models, which are ter approaches is presented in Sithole generated by filtering the point cloud and Vosselman (2004). The DTM in- data. Those are the Digital Ter- cludes all points belonging to the Earth rain Model (DTM), the Digital Surface surface after filtering the point cloud Model (DSM), the normalized Digital (Fig. 2.4b). The quality of a derived Surface Model (nDSM) and the Digi- DTM depends mainly on the ground tal Intensity Model (DIM), which are sampling density and the used filter- shown in Figure 2.3. The ALS point ing algorithm (Sithole and Vosselman, cloud contains all measurements of the 2004). ALS acquisition in x,y,z information, timestamp (GPS time of the collected The DSM is a regular raster model laser shot) and the radiometric infor- computed by using the closest points mation (so-called intensity for discrete to the scanner of each raster cell, as echo recording ALS or amplitude for mentioned in Pfeifer and Mandlburger FWF systems). Additional attributes (2008) or Elmqvist et al. (2001) (Fig. 2.4). per echo can be calculated in a post Sometimes a DSM is called Canopy process after the flight campaign of Model and represents the upper most FWF missions (echo width, number of elevation information of each raster echoes and echo number, (Wagner et al., cell. 2006). With the point cloud the trajec- tory information is stored which con- A normalized DSM (nDSM) can be cal- tains the location of the flight trajectory, culated by subtracting the DTM from timestamp and the angles of attitude the DSM. The elevation data included (IMU information, head-, pitch- and in a nDSM are the heights of all off-

16 2.2 ALS data and derivatives

Figure 2.4: a) point cloud, b) shading of DTM, c) shading of DSM, d) DIM. terrain objects (trees, buildings, cars, nigbauer and Ullrich (2010) for FWF ...). The accuracy of a nDSM de- systems. pends primarily on the used DTM and DSM. For most scientific applications related to hydrology the derived terrain model A Digital Intensity Model (DIM) repre- is used as input. There are two main sents the radiometric information of the reasons for using the rasterized mod- laser scanning data in a regular raster. els instead of point cloud data. Firstly, DIMs are mostly used for classification the usability of rasterized data is much applications of objects like forest or wa- more easier than the use of the point ter areas (Höfle et al., 2007; Vetter et al., cloud and the software tools for raster 2011b). In most cases the DIMs are cal- operations are widely spread and user culated for the last or first echoes only. friendly. Most of the point cloud tools To receive adequate radiometric values need a profound knowledge of the (in a point cloud or a raster domain) an point cloud structure and the physi- intensity correction has to be applied. cal properties of the used LiDAR sys- A correction approach is presented by tem. Only a few commercial point (Höfle and Pfeifer, 2007), where the cloud tools are available but most point range and the geometric influences are cloud based studies are done by ’self- reduced. This approach is a strip-wise developed software’ at the researcher’s relative correction. Instead of a cali- institutes. The used modeling software bration the result of the correction is in (e.g. hydrodynamic-numerical mod- digital numbers (DN) depending on the eling software) uses mostly rasterized used scanner. The calibration results or meshed data sets as input. Some in radiometric information, which rep- properties like vegetation structure or resent the reflectivity of the observed hydraulic friction coefficient are some- material (Wagner et al., 2008; Wagner, times calculated in the point cloud do- 2010). An on-line calibration of radio- main and then transformed to a raster metric information is discussed in Pfen- to use it with hydrodynamic-numerical

17 2 LiDAR background and terminology models. Another challenge is to find a possibil- ity to use the existing numeric mod- As hydrodynamic-numerical modeling els, reduce ALS data complexity and software is not able to handle huge sets minimize the calibrating effort of the of ALS data as input, the ALS data model. Calibration is normally used resolution has to be reduced without to reach the assumed goal by chang- loosing any hydrodynamic relevant ter- ing some model parameters and values rain information as shown in Mandl- until the result seems realistic, which burger et al. (2009). Without data re- is state of the art. It is assumed duction some numerical models (for that dense ALS data can improve small scale natural process modeling model outputs and reduce calibration e.g. floods, debris flow) are not able to efforts. use the whole data resolution and com- plexity of ALS DTMs. The impact of more or less complex input data on nu- 2.3 Recent trends in LiDAR merical models are presented in Wich- technology mann et al. (2008) by using different DTM cell resolutions for modeling de- The latest trend in LiDAR remote sens- bris flow. The extent of the modeled ing can be seen on sensor develop- debris flow fits best to the terrestrial ing. The sensors weight and size measured area by using a cell resolu- have decreased successively within the tion of more than 5 m, which raises last few years by increasing function- three questions. Are the input ALS data ality and usability. This trend can too dense and complex for the numer- be seen for both, ALS and TLS sen- ical model? Are the used numerical sors. models optimized for less complex in- put data? Further, should future inves- Also in the sensor technology area a tigations concentrate on data reduction trend can be seen in shortening the or on adapting natural process model- pulse length while increasing the digi- ing algorithms for dense data set? The tizing rate in the FWF sector. But also trends in sensor development and data the use of FWF terrestrial scanner is collection techniques focus on the in- a new trend which is becoming more crease of sampling density and accu- and more important. The multi-pulse in racy. Therefore, data complexity in- air technology will become more pop- creases and the DTM cell resolution de- ular in order to acquire data of large creases, while numeric models are not areas and with the space-borne LiDAR being able to use these data. A chal- project LIST global data can be taken. lenge is to find a way to modify numer- In order to build a bathymetric shal- ical models which use dense ALS data low water scanner research is going as input. on.

18 2.3 Recent trends in LiDAR technology

The use of radiometric information for OPALS the handling of huge data sets is classification and segmentation appli- easy and the main topics of georeferenc- cations is often demonstrated in pub- ing, radiometric calibration and strip lications, because the radiometric cal- adjustment are implemented. Many sci- ibration of data for accurate results is entific research groups or institutions very important. Riegl plans to integrate are developing their own software, ei- an on-line radiometric calibration into ther as commercial software products the sensor (Pfennigbauer and Ullrich, or as open source tools in order to 2010). solve specific problems. If we focus on more interaction between scientists and The potential of multi-temporal LiDAR their ’own-developed’ software, a huge data sets for change detection applica- benefit in developing intelligent soft- tions, large mass movement detection ware solutions can be achieved. A fast or flood damage estimation has been progress in dealing with actual prob- shown in several studies within the last lems like organizing and storing point years. Some communities, local author- cloud or raster data can be assumed, if ities or scientists have started to collect a global network of LiDAR software de- data again (Vetter et al., 2009a), because veloper and users can be established. many applications can only be done Another important issue is the use of with multi-temporal data, e.g. to detect standards in data collection, recording large and very slow mass movements. and storing. Such a standard is LAS 2, But to use multi-temporal data sets, a which should be the standard format. very accurate georeferencing including But as long as the scanning compa- a strip adjustment is needed, which is nies are not able to provide the data not the case in most of the studies. So, in such a standard, we can not expect user of ALS data as well as scientists that users use such a standard. There- should become aware of the importance fore, the focus should be on standard of strip adjustment, radiometric cali- development and on building networks bration and filtering approaches. For between different software developer those topics an intelligent software so- teams. lution is necessary. With a software like


C HAPTER 3 delineation network drainage for data scanning laser airborne resolution high of Conditioning 21 3 DTM conditioning

In this chapter a method is presented to adapt a 1m ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) DTM (Digital Terrain Model) for drainage network delineation. 1m-DTMs are rarely used for mapping drainage networks because of the high relief energy, high amount of topographic features and the resulting negative influences, like wrong deflection of the drainage for the network delineation. This mainly applies to anthropogenic structures like roads and artificial embankments. We present a workflow to subtract the influence of roads in the DTM, replacing the actual road profile by an average hill slope of the neighboring terrain. This conditioned DTM is finally the basis for drainage network delineation using standard flow accumulation. The drainage networks are derived for four DTM variants (1m-DTM, 1m conditioned, 5m resampled and 5m conditioned DTM) and the results are compared to a reference data set. It is shown that the accuracy of the derived drainage network can be increased by 3-5% using the conditioned instead of the original 1m-DTM. The gain in accuracy amounts up to 12% if the conditioned 1m-DTM is used instead of the low pass filtered or conditioned 5m-DTM. Therefore, our conclusion is that high resolution and conditioned 1m-DTMs should be preferred instead of a coarse spatial resolution or original 1m-DTM to drainage network delineation, if anthropogenic structures, like roads, are removed strictly.

3.1 Introduction ric accuracy and the completeness of the Austrian river network is currently poor, especially for small catchments. Within the last two decades Airborne The European Water Framework Di- Laser Scanning (ALS) has become the rective (WFD, EU, 2000) obligates the prime acquisition technique for col- member countries to provide a de- lecting topographic data in high spa- tailed, up-to-date river network in high tial resolution (> 1 point/m2) and a planimetric accuracy with additional at- good height accuracy of less than 15 tributes per river reach (e.g. length, bed cm (Wehr and Lohr, 1999; Baltsavias, slope, width stream ordering ...). Cur- 1999b), which is employed in many rently, there are activities being under- different fields (Höfle and Rutzinger, taken to standardize the data exchange 2011; Mandlburger et al., 2009; Sofia on a transnational level. Respective et al., 2011). While in many Euro- guidelines for basic datasets have al- pean countries the whole territory is ready been implemented (INSPIRE, EU, already covered by ALS (NL, CH), 2007). other countries will be finishing data acquisition in the near future. Al- The standard drainage delineation most all European countries maintain methods implemented in proper a GIS based river network providing GIS-Software are based either on the main rivers, derived from low res- single-neighbor flow algorithms (D8, olution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) O’Callaghan and Mark, 1984) or or topographic maps. The planimet- multiple-neighbor flow algorithms like

22 3.2 Objectives multiple flow direction (FD8, Quinn rectness and completeness of the final et al., 1991). Both flow algorithms are drainage system. Due to the fact that used to compute drainage networks roads and streets produce massive er- which indicate the potential water- rors for drainage network delineation courses. A comprehensive overview (Vianello et al., 2009) it is our aim to about flow algorithms and their differ- show the positive impact of manipulat- ences are given by Gruber and Peck- ing artificial structures in a high spa- ham (2009) and Wilson et al. (2008). tial resolution ALS DTM for the delin- Various implementations are available eation quality. The goal of this chap- in standard GIS software providing ter is the derivation of potential river specialized tools for individual envi- drainage systems. Hereby, the term ’po- ronments. Besides flow accumula- tential river’ is taken to describe the wa- tion, other methods exist to derive tercourse following the terrain gradient drainage networks and hydrological re- under regular hydrological conditions. lated features (Passalacqua et al., 2010, At locations where streets block the po- 1012). tential flow path, pipes and culverts are usually built to guarantee a continu- The differences between drainage net- ous watercourse along ditches. Those work delineation based on high spatial pipes and culverts are dimensioned to resolution and coarse DTMs are shown cope with regular run-off volumes. As in Li and Wong (2010). The quality of a regular hydrological conditions are pre- drainage network based on high spatial sumed in this chapter, no deflections resolution data (e.g 1m-DTM grid) is alongside the streets are expected. As mainly influenced by man-made objects subsurface man-made structures under like streets, roads and banks, where roads (e.g. pipes) are undetectable the flow direction is deflected along within ALS, the roads act as walls or the gradient of the road. Remaining barriers if they are not removed from bridges or missing objects like culverts the ALS DTM prior to the drainage de- or pipes acting as flow barriers, which lineation. As many countries already are not represented in the DTM and have a 1m-DTM available, the goal is to yield unrealistic flow paths (Vianello exploit the full potential of those data et al., 2009). as source for drainage network delin- eation, which is not the case up to now (Mandlburger et al., 2011b). Therefore, 3.2 Objectives we present a method to condition a DTM by section-wise recalculating the We present a study to map the poten- near-natural slope before the road has tial river drainage network system by been constructed and by replacing the using high resolution ALS DTM in or- actual road profile based on the average der to increase the level of detail, cor- hill slope. This yields a conditioned 1m-

23 3 DTM conditioning

DTM without streets. The results are cloud, using the hierarchic robust filter- compared to a reference data set pro- ing approach described by Kraus and vided by the local mapping authority. Pfeifer (1998), of the November 2003 We assume that the conditioning of the campaign, has been chosen. The av- DTM leads to a better drainage network erage point density is 1.6 points/m2 mapping accuracy when applying auto- (last echoes). The data were collected matic delineation based on flow accu- with Optech’s ALTM 2050 scanner in mulation. discrete echo recording with a maxi- mum of four reflections per laser shot. The provided terrain model features a spatial resolution of 1m (regular grid). 3.3 Test site and data Based on the original 1m-DTM, an ad- ditional resampled 5m model was cal- culated. The chosen test site is a sub-catchment of the (Vorarlberg, Aus- Besides the topographic data, a street tria) draining the Bregenzerwald. The and a drainage network layer were pro- Bregenzer Ach is an alpine river with vided by the local mapping author- an approximate length of 80 km, a to- ity (Landesamt für Vermessung und 2 tal catchment area of 830 km , an av- Geoinformation, LVG). The street layer 3 erage annual discharge of 46 m /s and contained several files each of them rep- 3 a maximum discharge of 1350 m /s, resenting a different street/road type which was measured in August 2005, like high order streets, municipal roads, as a 100 year flood event (Amt der Vo- forest roads or hiking trails. The lay- rarlberger Landesregierung, 2005). The ers were produced by different depart- selected sub-catchment covers an area ments within the authority of Vorarl- 2 of 93 km and is divided into an up- berg on the basis of ortho images and per (Bolgenach) and a lower (Weißache) shaded relief maps of the 1m-DTM. Be- sub-catchment (cf. Figure 3.1, green and fore using the data in the actual pro- red). The terrain elevations range from cessing, a consistency check was per- 450 m at the confluence of the Weißach formed and the different layers were and the Bregenzer Ach to 1645 m at merged into a single data set. The street the Feuerstätterkopf. The dominant ge- locations are checked by a visual in- ological formation is Molasse with a spection. The streets locations are in dense drainage system (Egger et al., a range of maximum 5m compared to 1999). the shaded relief map of the 1m ALS DTM. For the test site Airborne Laser Scan- ning data are available from different The drainage network data set was epochs. For this study the Digital provided by the local hydrology and Terrain Model derived from the point geoinformation department (Abteilung

24 3.3 Test site and data

Figure 3.1: Test site (Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg, Austria); shading superimposed with elevation coding, roads and existing river network. Map sources: Aus- tria: Wikimedia.ogr as svg; Vorarlberg: http://vogis.cnv.at/ (WMS); catchments, streets and official drainage network: Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinfor- mation (LVG, Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung).

Wasserwirtschaft; Landesamt für Ver- eral state in whole Austria. The latest messung und Geoinformation). This timestamp of the river network refer- data set has been mapped in a semi- ence data is October 10, 2012. Those automatic way by deriving the main data are used for evaluating the pre- drainage network using standard flow sented methods. Although there is a accumulation methods based on the time difference between the ALS DTM mentioned 1m ALS DTM from 2003. and the reference data set, this time Based on the resulting vector data set, gap is of minor importance, because no interactive editing has been applied us- streets have been built and no major ing ortho images and 1m shaded relief mass movements or other natural haz- maps to improve the correctness and ards have occurred. Only in one part completeness of the data set. This data a huge land slide is being currently ac- set also includes all culverts, piped sec- tive but in this area no streets are lo- tions, bridges and fictive axes through cated. lakes. The provided drainage network is constantly being improved and en- tirely supervised by hydrology experts and is the best available data set cov- ering the entire area of one single fed-

25 3 DTM conditioning

3.4 Methods conditioning (2). Then, perpendicular lines (cross sections) with a fixed dis- tance along the street axis and a pre- The method relies on two data sets. The defined length are created (3). For first data set is the ALS DTM with 1m each cross section the X,Y,Z coordinates spatial resolution, which is used as ba- of the start and end point are fetched sic input for the conditioning workflow, from the ALS DTM and the interme- presented later, and the drainage net- diate point coordinates are calculated work delineation process. The second by linear interpolation, which results is a vector (polyline) layer representing in an upper, middle and lower X,Y,Z the axes of the existing streets. Wher- coordinate triple (4). Further, all ex- ever possible street data from the local tracted points of a single street line are mapping authorities should be used as triangulated (5) and from the result- these datasets are generally well main- ing TIN a regular grid of the buffer tained in Europe concerning both, ac- area (6) is derived representing the curacy and up-to-dateness. If no such reconstructed near-natural slope. Fi- official data source is available, street nally, the buffer from step (2) is used layers can also be extracted from Open- to clip the ALS DTM (7) and, by StreetMap (OSM) or can be obtained a map algebra operation, the clipped from commercial navigation and rout- ALS DTM and the reconstructed slope ing system providers. If no centerlines along the street are fused to the con- of the streets are available, they can be ditioned 1m-DTM (8), containing no derived by using a multi-scale segmen- streets. tation approach (Baatz, 2003) or a raster based classification approach using ele- vation, slope, aspect and curvature (first In order to evaluate the influence of dif- and second order derivatives) as shown ferent spatial resolutions of the data, a in Wood (1996), Brügelmann (2000) or resampled 5m-DTM is derived by ap- Rutzinger et al. (2011b). The street ar- plying an average filter (5x5m kernel). eas can be used to get the centerlines. To simulate the influence of a coarser By using a point cloud based break- resolution on the final drainage net- line detection approach as described work product, the 1m-DTM was down- in Briese (2004), the upper and lower sampled to 5m-DTM instead of using an edge can be used to calculate the cen- other data set. The down-sampling was terline. chosen to guarantee the comparability of the derived drainage systems using The developed workflow is shown in the same data source as for DTM con- Figure 3.2, where the street layer is the ditioning. So, both models, the origi- main input (1) for DTM conditioning. nal and the conditioned 1m-DTM, are First, the centerlines of the streets are down-sampled. Therefore, four dif- buffered to define the extent for DTM ferent DTM variations are used (origi-

26 3.4 Methods

Figure 3.2: Workflow and processing chain for DTM conditioning (following the numbers). nal 1m-DTM, conditioned 1m-DTM, re- from both layers are accepted as cor- sampled 5m-DTM and conditioned 5m- responding, if they lay within the re- DTM). lated search radius. Correctness and completeness are calculated for differ- For drainage network delineation, a ent search radii (1m, 5m, 10m and standard flow accumulation method 15m). This provides a separation into based on Multiple Flow Directions true positives (TP, correctly identified (MFD, FD8) is used to compute the in both), false positives (FP, reference drainage network, as implemented in corresponds to the derived layer) and GRASS-GIS (r.stream.extract, Jasiewicz false negatives (FN, derived layer corre- and Metz, 2011; GRASS Development sponds to reference). Correctness (equ. Team, 2013). 3.1), completeness (equ. 3.2) and qual- ity (equ. 3.3) are calculated for each ra- For the error assessment a line based dius. approach as described in Rutzinger et al. (2012) is chosen. For each data set (i.e., reference and the de- rived drainage network) the lines are transformed to points with a fixed dis- TP Correctness = (3.1) tance. The resulting point layers are an- TP + FP alyzed by finding corresponding points TP of the reference layer in the derived Completeness = (3.2) drainage (correctness measure). Com- TP + FN TP pleteness is calculated from classifica- Quality = (3.3) tion (drainage) to reference. Points TP + FP + FN

27 3 DTM conditioning

3.5 Results delaunay triangulation) has less inter- polation points and results in a coarse representation of the near-natural slope. In this section we present the results of The used parameters are a): 7 m for data processing (DTM conditioning) as buffering, results in a buffer width of well as the comparison of the different 14 m, which is equal to a four lane drainage networks obtained by using road; b): 3 m distance along axis; c): the respective DTM variants: original 16 m in length for the cross sections. and conditioned 1m-DTM and down- During the workflow (cf. Figure 3.2, sampled 5m-DTM (with and without step 4) the X,Y,Z coordinates of the start DTM conditioning). The comparison and end points of the cross sections are is carried out both, by visual inspec- fetched from the DTM and the middle tion of the achieved drainage networks point coordinates are calculated by lin- and by statistical analysis of the ac- ear interpolation of the start and end curacy with respect to the reference point. All three coordinate points are data. The street layer is the main in- used for the triangulation. If the ra- put for the workflow. The input street tio c/3b is too large, the triangulation layer is a compilation of different lay- fails in curved road sections. There- ers with varying qualities and up-to- fore, the ration should be lower than dateness, as mentioned in the method 2:1. section

Figure 3.3 shows a color coded height difference image for a short street sec- 3.5.1 DTM conditioning tion. Three cross sectional plots based on the original and the conditioned 1m- The used parameters for the DTM con- DTM illustrate the straightening of the ditioning are a) the buffering distance, profile. Within the plots the original b) cross section distance along the street hill slope of the DTM is shown in blue axis, and c) the length of the cross and the conditioned profile in red. By sections. The buffering distance a) is using the three coordinate triples for strongly related to the cross section the interpolation, the near-natural slope length c). Because the length c) has to can be supposed as a reliable estimate be larger than the buffering distance to for the near-natural slope before the guarantee that no data holes are pro- road has been constructed. The inter- duced during data fusing (e.g Figure polation is carried out for all streets 3.2, step 8). The cross section distance and roads within the provided street b) controls the granularity of the in- layer, which results in a DTM where all terpolated slopes and therefore should roads are removed and replaced by the be kept small. If distance c) is too near-natural slope. This conditioned large, the linear interpolation (using a DTM is finally the basis for the fur-

28 3.5 Results

Figure 3.3: Difference between original and conditioned 1m-DTM with streets centerline (black), cross sections (blue), interpolation points (red) and triangula- tion (green); sections through original and conditioned DTM (DTM blue solid line, conditioned DTM red dashed line). ther calculations of the drainage net- The drainage networks based on the work. The conditioned 5m-DTM is cal- four different DTM variants are shown culated by resampling the conditioned in Figure 3.4. It is clearly visible that 1m-DTM. the 1m-DTM results in many drainage segments alongside the streets (Fig- ure 3.4a). A drainage segment is 3.5.2 Drainage derivation a part of the stream network which is between two nodes (nodes are in- The Multiple Flow Direction was cal- tersection points, confluence points, culated based on the 1m and on the source or end points). These prob- 5m resampled DTM with and with- lems are reduced but not completely out DTM conditioning. The parameters removed by using a resampled 5m- for drainage network delineation are I) DTM (Figure 3.4b). Using the pro- minimum catchment area (2.5 ha) and posed DTM conditioning along the II) minimum segment length (>100 m). streets, the artificial flow patterns are Both are applied to the 1m and 5m- more effectively removed and the high DTMs to produce comparable results. A level of detail is preserve at the discussion about different drainage de- same time (Figure 3.4c). The use of lineation parameters is not given in this a conditioned 5m-DTM (Figure 3.4d) chapter. shows no deflection at all along the

29 3 DTM conditioning

Figure 3.4: Drainage network based on original and conditioned DTMs (1m, 5m). a) 1m-DTM; b) resampled 5m-DTM; c) conditioned 1m-DTM; d) 5m conditioned DTM. roads. also decreases if a down-sampled 5m- DTM is used. On the one hand, the The differences between the results of length in the direction to the stream the drainage network based on the orig- source decreases and on the other hand, inal and conditioned DTMs are shown the spatial resolution and, therefore, in Figure 3.4e (1m) and Figure 3.4f (5m). the stream mapping accuracy also de- The deflection of delineated drainage creases. segments is higher for the original 1m and the 5m resampled DTM as for both conditioned models.By resampling the 3.5.3 Accuracy of the derived DTM, small but sometimes relevant drainage network terrain features are removed. If an important terrain feature is removed, A visual comparison of the derived the direction of the drainage can be drainage system of both conditioned changed dramatically and can result DTMs (1m and 5m) and the provided in a wrong final network. This phe- official drainage system is presented in nomenon can be seen in Figure 3.4b Figure 3.5a. The completeness of the and Figure 3.5a alike. The level of de- derived drainage network based on the tail of the derived drainage network 1m conditioned DTM is satisfying. A

30 3.6 Discussion few locations at the stream head are deal with such a piped section along the missing, where the stream head is close road. The evaluation was carried out to the catchment boundary. This results without the respective piped sections in from the used catchment area threshold the reference data set (all in Table 3.2 & for the drainage network delineation. 3.3). As can be seen in Figure 3.5a and 5b more stream candidates derived from A 1m point spacing is used for the the 1m conditioned DTM occur than in error assessment for all drainage net- the official drainage network. The cu- works and the reference data. The mulative lengths of the reference data percentages of completeness, correct- and the derived drainage networks are ness and the quality are shown in Ta- analyzed in Table 3.1. The reference ble 3.2. For all measures the ref- subset (cf. Table 3.1) is a selection of erence data subset (cf. Figure 3.1) the original reference data set, where is used, which is the reference data all piped and fictive river segments are set without non-overland drainage seg- removed. Whereas, 7.5% of the refer- ments. ence data are segments which are fic- tive or piped sections (reference subset, Table 3.1). Those 7.5% are the differ- ence between the reference and the ref- 3.6 Discussion erence subset (cf. Table 3.1). The de- rived network based on the conditioned The presented method of DTM condi- and original 1m-DTM is more than two tioning, using existing street data to re- times the length of the reference (cf. place and remodel near-natural slopes Figure 3.5) and the drainage based on along the roads, uses a global constant both 5m models are approx. 1.4 times street buffer width. A global width was longer than the reference, where a small chosen as the GIS metadata of the ref- part of the differences in length occur erence do not contain any road classifi- from the raster pattern (zig-zag), pre- cation information. It is assumed that sented in the derived data. However, a street width dependent buffering in- most of the differences occur from the creases the quality of the conditioning high amount of drainage segments and process. As shown in Table 3.2, the com- the extended length. As can be seen pleteness of the derived river network in Fig. 5a, the test site contain piped is much better than the correctness for sections alongside the road and conse- all considered DTM variants using all quentially, the reference data set shows derived stream segments. The com- flow paths following the course of the pleteness is almost the same for both road. In this specific case the piped 1m models, but up to 17% better be- section is a measure to prevent mass tween 1m and 5m-DTMs. Whereas, the movements. As our approach can not correctness and the quality measure is

31 3 DTM conditioning

Table 3.1: Cumulative length of networks, reference data, reference data without the fictive and piped sections (reference subset) and derived networks based on original DTM and conditioned DTM (1 & 5m).

Figure 3.5: Results of drainage network delineation. a) drainage from conditioned 5m-DTM (green), conditioned 1m-DTM (dark blue) and the reference network (red), b) whole test site, 1m conditioned DTM and reference data.

Table 3.2: Error assessment (completeness, correctness and quality); complete drainage network compared with the reference subset (cf. Table 3.1, without piped segments). .

32 3.6 Discussion much better for the 5m models. How- lected and cut to the same length as ever, this is mainly due to the fact that the reference, resulting in 153 drainage more streams are detected using the 1m segments which spatially correlate to models. Therefore, additional error as- the reference segments. So, all fictive sessments are presented in Table 3.3. and underground sections as well as all The presented method of DTM condi- additional segments, which are not in- tioning, using existing street data to re- cluded in the reference data set are cut place and remodel near-natural slopes out. along the roads, uses a global constant street buffer width. A global width was As shown in Table 3.2 and 3.3 the com- chosen as the GIS metadata of the ref- pleteness measure is higher for the de- erence do not contain any road clas- rived drainage network using the con- sification information. It is assumed ditioned 1m-DTM than the drainage that a street width dependent buffer- derived based on the original 1m or ing increases the quality of the condi- both 5m-DTMs. The correctness is the tioning process. Additionally, the main higher for the conditioned 1m-DTM rivers are excluded from the error as- compared to the other DTMs within sessment in the second part of Table the 1m search radius (Table 3.2). If 3.3 (Selection II) because the width of the main river is included (Table 3.2) the Weißache and the Bolgenache is be- in the classification, the correctness of tween 20 m and 50 m. For streams the streams based on the coarse reso- of that size, the planimetric accuracy lution DTMs is higher. In Table 3.3 of the river axis (centerline) based on both, correctness and completeness are flow accumulation is of low accuracy higher for the 1m conditioned DTM (derived line is meandering). For de- streams. riving the centerline of the main river As mentioned in the method section in an accurate way more suitable ap- the completeness is calculated from proaches exist. Applicable methods are all reference candidates to the de- presented by Höfle et al. (2009) and Vet- rived drainage and the correctness from ter et al. (2011b), where the backscat- the derived drainage to the reference tered intensity data from the ALS point data. The correctness is lower than cloud are included in the classification the completeness, because only over- process. land stream segments from the refer- ence data are used. In contrast to that, The accuracy measures in Selection III the piped and fictive stream segments of Table 3.3 are calculated for 96 refer- are existing in the derived network as a ence data segments (same segments as result of the DTM conditioning. Those shown in Figure 3.5a without piped and segments can not be detected automat- fictive sections). For those segments ically. The correctness measures are the derived drainage segments are se- in the same range or even higher for

33 3 DTM conditioning

Table 3.3: Error assessment (completeness, correctness and quality); Selection I: all derived drainage segments spatially correlating with reference data segments are considered; Selection II: as in Selection I, but excluding main channels; Selec- tion III: 153 selected drainage segments without piped and fictive river sections (selection area as in Figure 3.5a). the coarse spatial resolution DTMs in- percent’ is within narrow bounds, but stead of the 1m-DTMs. This occurs nonetheless the remaining 5% improve- mainly from the amount of derived seg- ment may locally make up a big differ- ments (cf. Table 3.1) and within the ence. Comparing the conditioned DTM subset I of Table 3.3 and 3.2, where the with the results of coarse spatial reso- main river is included in the classifica- lution DTM, the average is between 1 tion. and 12% better using the conditioned DTM. The main differences between 1m and 5m results are in the completeness The accuracy of the derived drainage and only minor differences occur in the network is in average 3 to 5% more ac- correctness. By using coarse resolu- curate for all three measures (complete- tion input data, the possibility of de- ness, correctness and quality), using the flecting the derived drainage segment presented conditioned DTM, than the is much more evident. Some terrain original 1m-DTM. We consider a 5% in- features are resampled or erased, be- crease in quality as a relevant improve- cause of the resampling of a 1m-DTM ment. It is crucial to mention that not all to a 5m-DTM. Therefore, the flow ac- man-made structures necessarily have cumulation follows a wrong slope (e.g. high impact on the natural run-off. In drain to a neighboring valley, cf. Figure other words, in most cases the run- 3.5a). off is dominated by the overall natu- ral relief. Thus, the improvement po- tential in terms of ’gain of accuracy in

34 3.7 Conclusion

3.7 Conclusion like streets for the delineation process. The main advantage of the DTM con- ditioning is that the deflections along The main goal of this chapter is to find the roads and streets, which are oc- out, whether there is a benefit of us- curring during the flow accumulation ing high resolution ALS elevation mod- process, are minimized. Therefore, the els for river network delineation? If streets and roads are replaced by the so, what has to be considered to avoid near-natural slope. So, high resolu- maximum detail of drainage delin- tion and conditioned DTMs are used eation accuracy and overcome the an- for drainage network delineation re- thropogenic effects, which are existing sulting in a maximum available level of in the elevation model? We conclude detail, correctness and completeness of the use of high resolution ALS DTMs the derived drainage network as the an- for river network delineation produces thropogenic effects are removed strictly. results in a high level of correctness The comparison of derived drainage and completeness, as anthropogenic ef- networks based on four different DTMs fects, especially roads and streets, are show the potential of conditioned 1m- removed strictly. Furthermore, high DTMs in the field of drainage network spatial resolution ALS DTMs for river delineation. drainage delineation applications have to be preferred instead to coarse reso- lution DTMs, because the resamlping An accurate, correct and complete influences the flow accumulation espe- drainage system is a mixture of an ac- cially at transaction zones between tor- curately derived drainage network, a rent valleys. And finally, coarse spa- complete data base of additional infor- tial resolution shows to have a nega- mation like locations of bridges, pipes, tive impact on the correctness and com- culverts and the local knowledge of an pleteness of deriving river networks, expert, who is able to connect those based on flow accumulation methods, information to one consistent data set. advocating for the use of high spa- By using a conditioned 1m-DTM as in- tial resolution ALS DTMs, which are put for flow accumulation, one part currently available on a country-wide of getting an accurate drainage sys- level. tem can be optimized. By providing dense and accurate network, as pre- Quality and accuracy of derived sented, expert knowledge can be used drainage networks are strongly related for more sophisticated things than dig- to the input elevation data set and their itizing lines on ortho photos or shaded spatial resolution. Not the whole poten- relief maps. But the proof of an expert tial of available high resolution DTMs is an essential part, because the flow from ALS have been used up to now, accumulation methods are not able to because of the influences of features distinguish between different features

35 3 DTM conditioning influencing the drainage. Therefore, errors, which mainly occur from the an automatically derived drainage net- roads, the interactive editing part is work can not be derived 100% correctly minimized, while the accuracy and den- in an anthropogenic affected environ- sity of the derived drainage network is ment. maximized. By using conditioned 1m-DTM for drainage network delineation an in- crease in accuracy is shown. This finally 3.8 Acknowledgments results in the ability to use the whole potential of high resolution DTMs for The authors want to thank the ’Lan- drainage delineation processes. Be- desamt für Vermessung und Geoinfor- sides this advantage there are also ma- mation’ of Vorarlberg, Austria, namely jor disadvantages namely the compu- to Peter Drexel for providing the el- tation time and area. The time of evation data as well as the refer- computation increases significantly if a ence data set of the drainage net- 1m-DTM is used instead of a 5m or work. To the colleagues Bernhard even coarse DTM, while the compu- Höfle from the University of Hei- tation area decreases. The presented delberg and Martin Rutzinger from approach of DTM conditioning works the University of Innsbruck for sup- locally. Therefore, the area of inter- porting the accuracy measure calcula- est is not limited from this point of tion. This study was co-funded by the view. Limitation concerning the size Austrian Federal Ministry of Agricul- of computation area is only caused ture, Forestry, Environment and Wa- by flow algorithm. The computation ter Management (Project: BlMLFUW- time of conditioning and drainage de- UW.3.2.5/0040-VII/2010). We would lineation is almost balanced. The pre- also like to acknowledge the finan- sented method is created for drainage cial support from the Austrian Sci- network delineation with the best avail- ence Funds (FWF) as part of the Vi- able accuracy for small catchments with enna Doctoral Programme on Water a minimum of ex-post editing of the re- Resource Systems (DK-plus W1219- sults. By minimizing the delineation N22).

36 C HAPTER 4 ae cnigpitclouds point scanning laser airborne 3D using classification Water 37 4 Water surface delineation

Airborne laser scanning (ALS), also referred to as airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), provides highly accurate measurements of the Earth surface. In the last twenty years, ALS has been established as a standard technique for delineating objects (e.g. build- ings, trees, roads) and mapping changes. Studies on hydrology or geomorphology such as monitoring of braided river structures, calculation of erosion and accumulation potential in watercourses, or floodplain mapping require all the precise location of the water surface. This chapter shows a 3D point cloud based method, which allows an automatic water sur- face classification by using geometric and radiometric ALS information and the location of modeled lost reflections, which are called laser shot dropouts. The classification result can be used to map the watercourse, to improve DTM filtering routines or to replace water points with river bed heights for hydraulic modeling etc. The method relies on a threshold based classification using geometry and radiometric in- formation of the 3D point cloud. The method is divided into five major steps. First, we correct the amplitude values by reducing the atmospheric and geometric influences to the laser shots. A radiometric adjustment was applied to the amplitude values of the data sets, which allows multi-temporal analysis of the amplitude values. The second step is the interpolation of the coordinates of the laser shot dropouts, which are the most important input to delineate water surfaces. In step three and four the two attributes (standard de- viation of height values and the amplitude density ratio value) are calculated at a fixed distance to each reflection and dropout. These are used in step five to distinguish wa- ter and dry land points. The exploration of the attributes for the classification and the evaluation of the classification results are done by comparing the results to a terrestrial or- thophoto mosaic and dGPS measurements, which were taken simultaneously to the ALS campaign. One of the major tasks is the use of modeled laser shot dropouts within a threshold based classification method to distinguish water and non-water echoes. The method is also suited to detect water under riverine vegetation, which is problematic by using data from sen- sors, that are not able to penetrate vegetation. The classification accuracy is about 95%. The achieved amplitude correction and the radiometric adjustment make the data sets comparable and allow to calculate changes in the channel flow paths within the differ- ent flights.

4.1 Introduction beam as X,Y,Z coordinates and the sig- nal amplitude (also referred to as inten- sity) as a three-dimensional point cloud. The use of airborne laser scanning Depending on the scanner type, sin- (ALS) has developed to the state-of-the- gle, multiple-echoes or even the full- art technique for topographic data ac- waveform (Wagner et al., 2004; Briese quisition in the last twenty years. Most et al., 2008) can be recorded. Most ALS ALS sensors record the reflected laser

38 4.1 Introduction driven applications use Digital Surface are uninterpretable because of the un- Models (DSMs) or Digital Terrain Mod- known backscattering properties. Fur- els (DTMs) in raster format computed thermore, the raster interpolation error from the 3D point cloud. To generate is not present in point data sets. The those models the point cloud is filtered advantage of the used data is that land, and classified in e.g. ground, vegetation vegetation and water points can be dis- and building points (Sithole and Vossel- tinguished. By using radiometric ad- man, 2004). justed data sets just one set of clas- sification parameters has to be found Most hydraulic applications use the because the amplitudes of the differ- modeled water surface, derived from a ent dates are comparable. The re- meshed or rasterized DTM, to calculate sults of the presented classification can the volume of the water body, the flow be used to improve DTM and DSM velocity, the floodplain area or to com- filtering. Furthermore, the combina- pute flood simulations (Mandlburger tion of the topographic riverbed in- et al., 2009). The analysis of differ- formation computed from measured ent ALS data sets makes the monitoring river cross sections and the derived of changes in the watercourse and the water surface is essential to calculate flow path of rivers possible. The pre- a DTM of the watercourse (DTM-W). sented method demonstrates the abil- Such a DTM-W can be used as basis ity to map water surfaces by using the for hydraulic models (Brockmann and 3D point cloud information. The cal- Mandlburger, 2001; Mandlburger et al., culation of radiometric adjusted ampli- 2009). tude values of multi-temporal ALS data makes the single data sets comparable to each other. The chapter is structured as follows. In section 4.2, the interaction of laser light We demonstrate a new approach to dis- in the near infrared wavelength with tinguish water and non-water echoes water and the related work on different from the 3D ALS point cloud by using water surface delineation methods are geometry and signal amplitude values. discussed. The test sites are presented We use this ALS data instead of opti- in section 4.3 including the reference cal images or radar data sets because data production part. In section 4.4 the the ALS data provide more informa- amplitude correction and the radiomet- tion about the surface structure and has ric adjustment method, the laser shot the positive effect that ground reflec- dropout modeling routine, the data ex- tions beyond vegetation are recorded. ploration and the classification method It is possible to detect reflections (lo- are explained. In section 4.5 the clas- cation and amplitude), which are ly- sification results are demonstrated. Fi- ing on as well as under vegetation. nally, in sections 4.6 and 4.7 the re- The amplitude values under vegetation sults are discussed and a conclusion is

39 4 Water surface delineation given. tion (BRDF) of water is not Lamber- tian. Some of those reflections can reach the receiver. If there is not enough en- 4.2 Background ergy to detect an echo at the receiver, it won’t be recorded (dropout). If there is enough energy at the receiver the echo 4.2.1 Interaction of near infrared laser will be detected at a very low ampli- light with water tude. Incidence angles near 0°(nadir) most likely lead to specular reflections Electromagnetic waves with 1064 nm (i.e. if the water surface is smooth), wavelength, which are emitted by the which causes extremely high amplitude Optech’s ALTM 3100 (Optech, 2008), values (section (Höfle et al., have special characteristics when they 2009). hit the water surface. Most of the emit- ted laser pulses are reflected specular 4.2.2 Related work on the water surface and a few are ab- sorbed. The reflectance and absorption Various remote sensing techniques rate depend on the angle of incidence are used to delineate water surfaces and the wavelength of the laser light for floodplain mapping, natural haz- (Wolfe and Zissis, 1989; Jensen, 2007). ard forecasting, water depth measure- The incidence angle on water surfaces is ments, etc. The air- and spaceborne op- almost the same as the scan angle of the tical sensors provide the most common laser range vector because of the low lo- and popular data for classifying differ- cal slope of the water surface. If laser ent land cover classes including water beams have an incidence angle larger areas (Ustin, 2004; Jensen, 2007; Marcus than 9°, most of the light reflect spec- and Fonstad, 2008). Many features can ularly, but not in the direction of the be derived for water by using the in- ALS receiver, which is the reason for the formation of multi-spectral optical sen- high number of dropouts (Brzank et al., sors (e.g. suspended load, proportion 2008; Höfle et al., 2009). In general, the of organic material, water depth, etc.) water surface roughness is not homoge- (Jensen, 2007). Optical data are used for neous because of waves. So the spec- landcover classification and monitoring ular reflected laser beam is fragmented of large areas. The combination of opti- into small single reflections. All of them cal data with near-infrared information are reflected in different directions be- is a standard method for water surface cause of different angles of incidence, delineation. which are a result of the locale slope and the roughness of the water surface Radar sensors are used for soil mois- within the laser footprint. The Bidi- ture mapping, floodplain mapping, wa- rectional Reflectance Distribution Func- ter stage modeling etc. (e.g. Hall

40 4.2 Background

(1996), Ustin (2004) and Crétaux and and Mandlburger, 2001; Vetter et al., Birkett (2006)). The advantage of us- 2008) the ALS DTM can be modified ing spaceborn radar is the fast revisiting and updated for hydraulical applica- time of the sensor, the global coverage, tions. Brügelmann and Bollweg (2004) the high accuracy and spatial resolu- and Mertes (2002) show different ap- tion of the data especially of TerraSAR- plications of ALS data for monitor- X (SpotLight, 1 m) and the indepen- ing river environments using rasterized dence of weather situations (especially data. for tracking the water stage during and after flood events) (Schumann et al., Antonarakis et al. (2008) present an 2007). object-based classification method for In the last few years, measurements delineating the water surface by using with ALS have been established as an an elevation and an intensity model. additional group of sensors for the data They classify water by combining both acquisition of the Earth surface. A rasters with near-infrared SPOT im- large number of methods are avail- ages, which have low intensities in the able for measuring, monitoring and water areas. The delineation accuracy delineating features. ALS data are of raster based methods are always in mostly used to generate Digital Sur- the resolution of the used input mod- face Models (DSMs), Digital Terrain els. To compute the location of the wa- Models (DTMs) for the detection of ter surface only a few methods are es- buildings, trees, roads, etc. (Kraus tablished by using the 3D point cloud and Pfeifer, 1998; Vosselman, 2003; information (Brzank and Heipke, 2006; Rutzinger, 2008) or to distinguish dif- Höfle et al., 2009). Brockmann and ferent surface classes (e.g. snow types) Mandlburger (2001) integrate the ALS (Höfle et al., 2007). In bathymetry, points and an interpolated river bed ALS systems with two wavelengths model, which is generated from mea- are used to measure through the wa- sured river cross sections, to derive ter body to derive the elevation model the water-land boundary as well as the of underwater objects and the bottom height of the water surface. Another of rivers, lakes, or the ocean (Irish approach is demonstrated by Brzank and Lillycrop, 1999; Guenther et al., and Heipke (2006), who use a strip 2000). wise classification method by calculat- ing a membership function for each In hydraulics, ALS data are used as point. As parameters they use the raster or triangulated mesh models. height information, slope, amplitude, Those are the basis for hydraulical mod- missing points (not modeled, only the els (Mandlburger et al., 2009). By gen- gap between two reflections) and the erating river bed models out of mea- point density to classify water and land sured river cross sections (Brockmann points in the Wadden Sea. Höfle (2007)

41 4 Water surface delineation and Höfle et al. (2009) figured out that August and November (Geist and Stöt- the use of corrected signal amplitudes, ter, 2007). One orthophoto is avail- the standard deviation of height val- able from the flight of August 12, 2003 ues and modeled dropouts can be used (H03). to run a seeded region growing seg- mentation to derive water surface in- formation. Those methods operate on the 3D point cloud. The results are of This test site was chosen because of high position accuracy and can be used the available time series and the spe- as input for accurate hydraulic mod- cial river structure. The Hintereisferner- els. bach near the glacier is a braided river with a lot of sand and gravel bars in the channel, high suspended load and a turbulent, rough water surface, which 4.3 Test sites and data makes the classification of water com- plex.

Three different river sections, which are located in Austria, covered by seven ALS data sets are used in the fol- The test site at the Venter Ache is lowing study. We use different types located in Zwieselstein (Ötztal, Tyrol; of rivers and various ALS data sets 46°56’09.17” N; 11°01’21.53” E). It is (Tab. 4.1), with different water condi- the reference area of the ALS campaign tions, river geometries, morphological at the Hintereisferner of October 11, parameters, point densities, sensor pa- 2007 (H07). For this test site a terres- rameters, vegetation covering, etc. in trial orthophoto mosaic was computed order to test the parameter settings and (sec. 4.3.2) which was used to check the to demonstrate the robustness of the relevant attributes for the classification method. method.

4.3.1 Test sites The Venter Ache near Zwieselstein is a torrent with many rocks in the chan- The test site at the Hintereisferner- nel. The water surface is character- bach is located in the upper Ötztal ized by a rough surface and fast flow- (Tyrol) at the glacier forefield of the ing channel sections. At the edges of glacier Hintereisferner (46°49’13.77” N; the channel many pools are located, 10°48’23.58” E). Five ALS flights are surrounded by gravel and sand, with available at this test site, which were slow flowing and a smooth water sur- taken in the years 2003 to 2007 between face.

42 4.3 Test sites and data

Date p/m2 Altit.[m] The Bregenzer Ache is a strongly H03 12.08.2003 2.0 1000 regulated river and therefore char- H04 05.10.2004 2.0 1000 H05 12.10.2005 2.0 1000 acterized by a smooth water sur- H06 08.10.2006 2.0 800 face. Huge sand and gravel bars in- H07 11.10.2007 2.0 1000 side the Weißache and the Bregen- Z07 11.10.2007 1.5 1000 zer Ache are evident, which make D03 11.09.2003 1.6 728 the classification process more com- Scanner frequ.[Hz] v [m/s] plex. H03 ALTM 2050 30 75 H04 ALTM 2050 30 75 H05 ALTM 3100 40 75 H06 ALTM 3100 41 75 H07 ALTM 3100 41 70 Z07 ALTM 3100 41 70 4.3.2 Reference data production D03 ALTM 2050 30 70

Angle PRF[kHz] width[m] ◦ H03 20 50 155 To analyze the ALS point attributes, it is ◦ H04 20 50 155 ◦ necessary to know which material (in- H05 20 70 400-600 ◦ cluding water) is hit by the laser beam. H06 20 70 300-600 ◦ H07 20 70 300-600 The use of orthophotos with higher ◦ Z07 20 70 300-600 resolution than the average point dis- ◦ D03 30 20 328-428 tance are a proper method to evaluate and analyze the ALS data. However, Table 4.1: Flight data: H = Hin- orthophotos from aerial images (taken tereisferner (Hintereisfernerbach), Z = parallel to the ALS campaign) are rarely Zwieselstein (Venter Ache), D = Doren available or the resolution of the images (Bregenzer Ache); 03 - 07 = year of flight is too low. Thus, we use a terrestrial 2 (2003 - 2007); points/m = mean point orthophoto mosaic with a cell size of density; Altitude = flying altitude above 5 cm and a vertical position accuracy of ground; frequ. = scan frequency; v = 15 cm. speed of the aircraft; Angle = maximum scan angle; PRF = pulse repetition fre- quency; width = width of the swath We took about 50 images of an ap- proximate 70 m long section of the The Bregenzer Ache is the largest Venter Ache to generate the terres- river in the Bregenzerwald (Vorarl- trial orthophoto. The initial orienta- berg; 47°28’26.93” N; 9°51’11.22” E). tion, the bundle block adjustment, the The site near Doren was chosen because semiautomatic terrain point extraction of the confluence with the Weißache and the final orthophoto computation and the lake in the center of the test are done in ORPHEUS (Kager et al., site. 2002).

43 4 Water surface delineation

Terrestrial 4.4 Water surface classification ALS point cloud orthophoto

i) Amplitude Dropout ii) correction modeling The presented method uses the geom- etry and amplitude values of the 3D Attribute Evaluation point cloud. The local roughness on calculation iii) reflections dropouts iv) σ σ water surfaces and bare Earth is very (z) & ampDensRatio (z) & ampDensRatio low. The smoothness depends on the v) water level and on the roughness of Threshold based Water points classification the riverbed. The amplitude values are mostly low on water because of Figure 4.1: Work flow of the classifica- the special reflectance and absorption tion method; σ(z) = standard deviation properties (sec. 4.2.1). By analyzing of height values; ampDensRatio = ampli- smooth areas with very low amplitude tude density ratio values, water echoes can be classified (sec. 4.4.3). 4.4.1 Amplitude correction and The water surface classification method radiometric adjustment comprises five major steps (Fig. 4.1). Firstly, a correction and radiometric ad- The amplitude correction of each laser justment for amplitude values (i) and shot is necessary to calculate ampli- secondly, the locations of laser shot tudes, which are almost free of atmo- dropouts have to be computed (ii) (sec. spheric and geometric influences. The 4.4.1 and 4.4.2). Next, the roughness pa- correction was applied by using the rameter (standard deviation of height model-driven correction approach of values) and the amplitude density ra- Höfle and Pfeifer (2007). The used tio of each reflection (iii) and each drop- method is derived from the radar equa- out (iv) are computed at a fixed dis- tion (Jelalian, 1992). The main goal tance of 2 m (sec. 4.4.3). By analyz- of the amplitude correction is to cal- ing a part of the laser shot attributes culate comparable amplitude values by of the Venter Ache by using the ter- (a) correcting the different ranges of all restrial orthophoto mosaic it is possi- laser shots within the different flight ble to extract the proper information strips, (b) accounting for atmospheric for the classification step (v), which has attenuation and (c) to normalize the re- to be applied to distinguish water and flection properties (Höfle and Pfeifer, non-water echoes (sec. 4.4.4). After 2007). the classification, the results are eval- uated by using all laser shots, which In this study, the amplitudes were cor- are corresponding to the measured GPS rected to a standard range of 1000 line. m. The influence of the atmosphere

44 4.4 Water surface classification was not corrected because of miss- amplitudes of the points with a scan ing meteorological data. The direc- angle < 10°within each reference area tional scattering properties of the tar- are selected to calculate the mean am- gets are considered by globally as- plitude value for each reference area. suming Lambertian scatterers. Al- The angle criterion is used to guaran- though water surfaces exhibit a strong tee that all reflections have almost the contribution of specular reflection as- same scattering properties. By multi- suming this simple reflectance model plying the corrected amplitude values was chosen as pragmatic solution for with the radiometric adjustment factor, the apriori unclassified laser points. the data sets from all flight campaigns A data-driven solution, for example, at the Hintereisferner (H03-H06) be- is presented in Brzank et al. (2008) come comparable and correspond to the where an empirical model is estimated amplitude values of the reference data for the reflectance behavior of wa- set (H07). ter. All data sets were corrected the same way (Höfle and Pfeifer, 2007).

The radiometric adjustment of ampli- tudes is necessary to make the ampli- tude values of each flight campaign comparable to each other, when using ALS data sets from different flight cam- paigns of one test site. For this study we did a radiometric adjustment for the flights at the Hintereisferner (H03- H07). For the two flights at the other test sites (Z07, D03) a radiometric ad- justment of the amplitudes can not be realized because at least two differ- ent data sets must be available of one site.

The radiometric adjustment at the Hin- Figure 4.2: Radiometric adjustment: a) tereisfernerbach (H03-H07) was real- corrected amplitude values of all data ized by analyzing the amplitude values sets (H03 to H07) at the Hintereisferner of the different data sets. Thirty-five ref- (mean values of all 35 reference areas, 4 2 erence areas (4 m2) with homogeneous m ); b) radiometric adjusted amplitude amplitude values are chosen to calcu- values (adjusted to H07, red dashed late the radiometric adjustment factor line), the radiometric adjustment factors between the data sets (Fig. 4.2). The are shown in the legend

45 4 Water surface delineation


4.4.2 Laser shot dropout modeling

Figure 4.3: Corrected vs. radiomet- ric adjusted amplitude values: a) cor- rected amplitudes (October 11, 2007, H07); b) corrected amplitudes (Octo- ber 5, 2004, H04); c) corrected and ra- diometric adjusted (the radiometric ad- justment factor is 1.74; October 5, 2004, H04); the graphic shows amplitude im- Figure 4.4: Dropout modeling schema ages (range from 0, black to 160, white) (Höfle et al., 2009) A laser shot dropout is a laser shot with The remaining strong deviations be- no recorded echo. It can occur due to, tween the strips in figure 4.2 (reference (i) a specular reflection which is not in areas 6 to 8 and 26 to 29 of H05 and H06) the direction of the ALS receiver, (ii) a can be explained by changing surface strong absorption at the reflector or (iii) conditions compared to the other ALS a lot of reflections on very small areas data (e.g. dry rock instead of wet rock). (foliage in the canopy) in a volume scat- In figure 4.3, the reference data set of terer like a tree with a lot of inside scat- October 11, 2007 (H07) (Fig. 4.3a) and tering (Katzenbeisser and Kurz, 2004). the data set of October 5, 2004 (H04), By using information of the recorded (Fig. 4.3b) with corrected amplitudes timestamps of the laser shots, the PRF, are shown. The results of the corrected the IMU and GPS data, the location and radiometric adjusted amplitudes of of each dropout can be calculated (Fig. October 5, 2004 (H04) are displayed in 4.4). figure 4.3c. The amplitude differences between figure 4.3a and 4.3b are the re- To model laser shot dropouts, the time sult of different sensors and campaign gaps between neighboring points (P1 to ∆ settings, which are not corrected by the P2), which are larger than t (equation amplitude correction approach (Höfle 4.1) have to be found in the recorded and Pfeifer, 2007). For the amplitude timestamps (tP1 and tP2 ). After find- values of October 5, 2004 (H04), the ra- ing the time gaps, the number of miss- diometric adjustment factor is 1.74 (Fig. ing reflections n are calculated (equa-

46 4.4 Water surface classification tion 4.2). At each location where a re- flection is missing the X,Y,Z coordinates are calculated (Mi) by using a linear in- terpolation (equation 4.3). The ampli- tude value is set to zero. Uncertainty in elevation leads to rather low verti- cal accuracy of the interpolated point. Therefore, the height value is not used for calculations but only for visualiza- tion.

1 ∆t[s]= (4.1) PRF[Hz] t − t n = P2 P1 − 1 ∆t (4.2) ∈ > n N, tP2 tP1 −→ −→ −−→ i M = P + P P ∗ , i = 1, ..., n i 1 1 2 n + 1 (4.3)

4.4.3 Data exploration Figure 4.5: Terrestrial orthophoto su- perimposed by the dGPS measured To interpret the ALS data and its cov- water-land boundary (red line); upper ered surface, the ALS point cloud is image: corrected amplitudes of the last compared to the terrestrial orthophoto echoes (October 2007, Z07; color accord- mosaic. Differential GPS (dGPS) mea- ing to corrected amplitudes); lower im- surements were acquired at the same age: modeled dropouts (colored by the time as the ALS campaign. These amplitude value of zero) dGPS measurements are used for the terrestrial orthophoto production and For checking the amplitude values and for checking the position of the water- the point density on water surfaces (sec. land boundary. The dGPS mea- an independent test site in Inns- sured lines are also used for evalua- bruck, which is not listed in table 4.1, tion. The terrestrial orthophoto (Fig. was used. This test site has the ad- 4.5) is only used for visual inspec- vantage that the whole range of scan tion. angles is present within one connected

47 4 Water surface delineation water area (river Inn). The test site at 2009). Almost 85% of the points in fig- the Venter Ache (Z07) was used to an- ure 4.6 are lower than an amplitude of alyze the geometric properties and the 50 and 95% of all reflections on water local roughness of the point cloud (sec. are within an incidence angle range be- tween 0°to 10°. Therefore, water is char- acterized by low amplitude values, ap- proximate 10 - 20 % of the whole range Amplitude values and of the signal amplitudes (excluding out- dropouts liers) and a high number of dropouts (Höfle et al., 2009). That can also be seen Figure 4.6 demonstrates the relation be- in figure 4.5. If no reference data set tween the incidence angle and the sig- is available, 10 to 20% of the amplitude nal amplitude on water. The selected range of the whole data set can be used points are from two ALS campaigns at as estimate for the upper threshold in the Inn in Innsbruck (Höfle et al., 2009). equation 4.5. The red points are from a summer flight with a lot of suspended load and the blue ones are from fall with clear wa- ter conditions. This can also be seen in the different number and strength of the amplitudes in the plot (Schmugge et al., 2002). The summer flight with higher suspended load has a higher backscat- tering potential than the other, but not a Lambertian (Höfle et al., 2009). Those data were selected because the Inn is Figure 4.6: Relation between angle of wide enough to guarantee that only wa- incidence (=scan angle) and corrected ter reflections are within the selection. amplitude values on water (water body The visual inspection of the amplitudes at the Inn in Innsbruck in summer 2005, at the Venter Ache (Z07, Fig. 4.5) shows red; in fall 2005, blue) according to the same results as figure 4.6. Most of Höfle et al. (2009) the water reflections have very low am- The amplitude density ratio (equation plitudes. 4.5) is calculated by modifying the in- A decrease of amplitude values is evi- tensity density of Clode et al. (2005) dent from nadir to the end of the scan (equation 4.4) by adding the drop- line (incidence angle with 20°). The out information. The amplitude den- point density decreases and therefore sity ratio ampDensRatio is the relation the dropouts increase in the direction to between the number of echoes with the scan edges in a non linear regres- an amplitude value within a defined sion (Brzank et al., 2008; Höfle et al., interval (0 to 50, derived from Fig.

48 4.4 Water surface classification

4.6 and Fig. 4.5) echoesAmpValue < water and vegetation (with a lot of valuemax AND echoesAmpValue > valuemin plus dropouts) from bare Earth character- the number of dropouts (with an am- ized by a very few dropouts (Fig. plitude of zero) divided by the num- 4.8b). ber of echoes + dropouts at a fixed dis- tance of a point (2 m). If there are no dropouts within the search radius, the Geometry values results of equation 4.4 and equation 4.5 are the same. The attribute amp DensRatio To remove the vegetation points, can be calculated for both, reflections which have a high amp be- and dropouts. The amp is high DensRatio DensRatio cause of the low reflection proper- if the points, which are surrounding the ties and a lot of dropouts, the stan- search point, have low amplitude val- dard deviation of height values σ(z) is ues and/or most of them are dropouts. used. If only a few amplitude values are high and most of the points in the search The profile (Fig. 4.7) shows the el- radius are dropouts the ampDensRatio is evation variation and the roughness also high. Both cases are evident on of a river with a sand or gravel vegetation and on water (Fig. 4.8b). bar, river banks and vegetation. By If no reflection is found within the visual inspection, the low rough- search radius, the ampDensRatio is 100%. ness of the water surface can be When all amplitude values are higher seen. than valuemax and no dropout is found within the search radius, the value is By using a fixed distance search radius 0%. for each point (2 m) the standard de- viation of height values σ(z) is calcu- lated for each reflection and each drop- echoesAmpValue amp = ∗ 100 (4.4) dens echoes out.

dropouts + echoesAmpValue amp = ∗ 100 DensRatio dropouts + echoes (4.5)

The information of the ampDensRatio is used for calculating the point density and the relation of low amplitudes plus dropouts to all potential reflec- Figure 4.7: Profile through a water- course, showing the elevation values of tions at the same time. The ampDensRatio attribute can be used to distinguish the ALS point cloud

49 4 Water surface delineation

(a) Standard deviation of height values (b) Calculated amplitude density ra- σ(z) at the Venter Ache: upper image: tio at the Venter Ache: upper image: echoes; lower image: dropouts colored echoes; lower image: dropouts; colored σ by (z) in m by ampDensRatio in % Figure 4.8: Standard deviation of height and amplitude density ratio at the Venter Ache superimposed by the terrestrial ortho image

The roughness parameters of water sur- figured out with < 0.3 m on rivers with faces are very different from the sur- smooth surface and < 0.5 m on rivers, rounding areas of rivers, especially if which are rough and steep. The calcula- riverine vegetation is present. In ar- tion of σ(z) is done for both, reflections eas with vegetation the local rough- and dropouts. Sometimes there are ness is higher than on bare Earth (e.g. no reflections within the search radius fields) and much higher than on water around a dropout (especially on water). (Fig. 4.8a). The information of the lo- In this case the σ(z) is zero. Only the cal roughness can be used for deleting values of the reflections are used for all vegetation points in the classification calculating σ(z). The very uncertain process. Therefore, the threshold can be height values of dropouts are not used

50 4.5 Results for any calculations only for visualiza- is higher than the specific threshold, tion. the point belongs to water, otherwise to land.

4.4.4 Threshold based classification

The classification routine uses two dif- ferent attributes to classify the points into water or non-water. The in- put attributes are the local roughness σ(z) and the amplitude density ratio (ampDensRatio, equation 4.5), which are Figure 4.9: Pre-classification at the Ven- σ described in section 4.4.3. The at- ter Ache: a) (z); b) ampDensRatio; bright: tribute σ(z) is used for classifying hor- high value; dark: low value izontal areas (e.g. fields, roads, wa- ter) and the ampDensRatio is used to fil- ter out the points with a high drop- 4.5 Results out rate (water and vegetation). By combining both, water can be local- The advantage of a 3D point cloud ized. based classification is that the points The thresholds of the attributes are ex- are not manipulated in their 3D posi- tracted by using a part of the echoes, tion. By using corrected and radiomet- which represent water in the terrestrial rically adjusted amplitude values, the orthophoto mosaic at the Venter Ache. classification parameters have to be cal- The thresholds of the classification are culated only once and can be used for σ (z)< 0.3 m and ampDensRatio> 50% for all data sets. The use of the modeled the class water. The value σ(z) depends dropouts provides information on ob- on the roughness of the water surface. jects with no reflections, which is neces- If the surface is smooth the threshold sary for classifying water surfaces. The can be set very low, in contrast to a tor- result of the Bregenzer Ache (Fig. 4.10a) rent with a rough water surface. The shows the advantage of using the mod- ampDensRatio is set to 50%. If half of eled dropouts to classify water. The the reflections are on land (higher than center of the test site contains a lake the upper threshold) and half are on with no ALS returns. The lake can water (lower or dropouts) the 50% are not be classified without the location fulfilled and the point can be a water information of dropouts. In this case, point. First, the σ(z) attributes (Fig. only the modeled dropouts are used to 4.9a) and then the ampDensRatio values compute the water surface. Each re- are classified (Fig. 4.9b). If σ(z) is flection on the lake, which are only a lower and the attribute of ampDensRatio few, are classified as water because of

51 4 Water surface delineation

σ a (z) of zero and a ampDensRatio of land boundary (GPS line), which shows 100%. The results of the classification that the classification underestimates at the Venter Ache are shown in figure the water surface area at the present 4.10b. thresholds. Visually the horizontal dis- tance (i.e. underestimation) between The results at the Hintereisfernerbach GPS line and the outer classified water show the possibility to apply the points lies between 0.5 m and 1 m, in- method for multi-temporal analysis of dicating that the horizontal accuracy is the watercourse of a braided river (Fig. in the range of the given average point 4.11). In multi-temporal analysis the distance. spatial change of the flow paths dur- ing the years (Fig. 4.11f) can be com- puted. 4.6 Discussion

With the presented dropout modeling method, only dropouts which have two neighbors along the scan line can be modeled. That means that drop- Figure 4.10: Classification results: a) outs which are located at the end of Bregenzer Ache, D03; b) Venter Ache, a scan line are not detected. In spe- Z07 cial cases, the end of the scan line is located in a water area and then The reference area Venter Ache is used the used modeling method will be to assess the accuracy of the method stopped at the last reflection in the scan by comparing the result with the mea- line. sured GPS lines. The classification accu- racy of the presented method was eval- In the future, the modeling of dropouts uated by a manual selection of all wa- has to be improved by a pre-calculation ter reflections at the reference area. All of the scan line locations and an ex- echoes, which are corresponding to the trapolation method for dropouts to the water surface of the measured water- swath edge. Another method for de- land boundary are selected and com- tecting dropouts is to use the informa- pared with the number of classified wa- tion of the raw data from the providers. ter points. A comparison of the selected This is possible when providers can reflections with the calculated water record and deliver the whole raw in- points shows 95% of correct classified formation of the scans, including the water points. Zero percent of the classi- timestamps of the non-recorded reflec- fied water points are outside the water tions.

52 4.6 Discussion

Figure 4.11: Classification results at the Hintereisfernerbach: a) August 12, 2003, H03; b) October 5, 2004, H04; c) October 12, 2005, H05; d) October 8, 2006, H06; e) October 11, 2007, H07; f) combination of all classification results

The availability of corrected and ra- sured with a reflectometer). The same diometric adjusted amplitude values is targets can be used at each campaign. very important for deriving the water The known reflectivity of that area can points of multi-temporal data sets be- be used for radiometric calibration and cause of the comparability of the differ- adjustment after amplitude correction ent data sets. (Briese et al., 2008; Kaasalainen et al., 2008). To improve the comparability of multi- temporal data sets, exactly one flight The computation time (including point pattern and one scanner type should be selection, dropout modeling and clas- used for all flights in the same area. The sification) depends on the selected radiometric adjustment method can be area and the point density. The improved by using radiometric calibra- use of a raster based flow accu- tion targets (e.g. natural targets mea- mulation for calculating the poten-

53 4 Water surface delineation tial location of rivers and water ar- tion thresholds can be applied to data eas can be implemented as a pre- sets with corrected and radiometric ad- selection routine to reduce the compu- justed amplitudes, improving the trans- tation time. ferability and comparability to other data sets. A terrestrial orthophoto mo- saic is used to check the thresholds for 4.7 Conclusion the calculated attributes by visual in- spection. A classification accuracy of 95% correctly derived water reflections The chapter presents a method to clas- was reached. sify ALS reflections that belong to water by using the attributes of ampDensRatio and σ(z). The attributes are calcu- lated within the 3D ALS point cloud. 4.8 Acknowledgments The main novelty of this method is the use of modeled laser shot dropouts, Thanks to Camillo Ressl and Norbert which mainly occur on water and veg- Pfeifer for the calibrated camera, for etation. The relation between low am- providing the software and the lab and plitudes and dropouts combined with for supporting the generating process the standard deviation of height values of the terrestrial orthophoto at the In- within a search radius of a point pro- stitute of Photogrammetry & Remote vides significant information to distin- Sensing, Vienna University of Technol- guish water and land. For the multi- ogy. Thanks also to the local govern- temporal analysis of different ALS cam- ment of Vorarlberg (Vorarlberger Lan- paigns of the same area the ampli- desregierung, Landesvermessungsamt) tude correction and radiometric adjust- for the ALS data set of the Bregenzer ment are required. The same classifica- Ache.

54 C HAPTER 5 aaadrvrcross-sections river and data LiDAR airborne using by riverbeds and landscapes riverine of changes Estimating 55 5 River bed modeling

Today, Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), also referred to as airborne LiDAR, derived Dig- ital Terrain Models (DTMs) and Digital Surface Models (DSMs) are used in different scientific disciplines, such as hydrology, geomorphology, forestry, archaeology and oth- ers. In geomorphology, ALS data are used for studies on landslides, soil erosion, mass movements, glacial geomorphology, river geomorphology, and many others. In the field of river geomorphology, ALS data sets provide information on riverine vegetation, the water level and water-land-boundaries, the elevation of the riparian foreland and their roughness. Small-footprint ALS systems used for topographic data acquisition operate mainly in the near-infrared wavelength. Thus, topographic ALS is not able to penetrate water but to provide a highly detailed representation of the dry land. Therefore, a method to derive Digital Bathymetric Models (DBMs) by using river cross-sections acquired by terrestrial field surveys is presented in this chapter. The DBM, which is combined with the ALS-DTM to a DTM of the watercourse, is the basis for calculating changes of the riverbed and the riverine landscape between two ALS data epochs. The first step of the DBM delineation method is to separate water from land in the ALS data. A raster-based approach to derive the Water-Extent-Polygon (WEP) is presented which incorporates the signal strength of the ALS backscatter (referred to as intensity or amplitude), terrain slope and height differences between the DTM and DSM (i.e. the so-called normalized DSM, nDSM). In the second step, the river centerline is extracted by applying a shrinking al- gorithm to the WEP. Subsequently, a dense array of 2D-transects, perpendicular to the centerline, is defined. For these 2D-transects the heights are interpolated linearly from the measured river cross-sections. From the obtained 3D point cloud representing the riverbed a raster model can be calculated by applying a suitable interpolation technique. In the fi- nal step, the DTM and the DBM are combined to a DTM of the watercourse. For two available ALS-DTM data sets (years 2003 and 2006) the respective watercourse DTMs are calculated based on terrestrially measured river cross-section data sets. By computing difference-models changes in the water level between the two ALS-DTMs are calculated. To estimate the accumulation and erosion potential of the riverbed between the two peri- ods, the difference-model of watercourse DTMs is used. The results show the potential of using ALS in combination with river cross-section data as input for DBM modeling, wa- tercourse DTM generation, riverine landscape and riverbed change detection. The main objectives of the chapter are on presenting an accurate WEP delineation approach and a workflow to model a watercourse DTM.

5.1 Introduction (on August 22/23, 2005), which was at least a 100 year event. The damages on human property and infrastructure rose During the last decades a series of ma- up to 178,200,000 efor the Federal State jor floods occurred throughout Europe. of Vorarlberg, Austria (Amt der Vorarl- Several of them generated severe dam- berger Landesregierung, 2005). Apart ages, especially the August 2005 event

56 5.1 Introduction from economic damages on human ies present approaches for the gener- property also non-monetary measur- ation of Digital Bathymetric Models able changes occurred at the riverine (DBMs) used in hydrodynamic appli- landscape and the riverbed topogra- cations. Most of them use a water- phy. A novel method to estimate and course DTM, which is the combination quantify these riverbed changes after of the DBM and the ALS-DTM (Brock- flood events is presented in this chap- mann and Mandlburger, 2001), for ap- ter. The main objective of the chap- plications in 1D or 2D hydrodynamic ter is to introduce a set of methods models (Carter and Shankar, 1997; Mer- to generate Digital Bathymetric Models wade et al., 2008; Legleiter and Kyri- (DBMs) by combining Airborne Laser akidis, 2008). Scanning (ALS) elevation, radiometric data, and river cross-sections of field Regarding river geomorphology, the surveys to estimate changes of the river- main interest for creating a DBM is to ine landscape and the riverbed. There- estimate the volume and the changes fore, a Water-Extent-Polygon (WEP) de- of the riverbed and the riverine land- lineation approach, operating on raster- scape (Lane et al., 2006). To measure ized ALS input data, and the method the riverbed, topographic laser scan- to derive a DBM from measured river ning systems, ALS and TLS, cannot cross-sections are presented. It is also be used as most topographic LiDAR aimed at investigating the potential of systems use laser sources operating in multi-temporal ALS data sets featuring the near-infrared light spectrum with additional radiometric information to- wavelengths varying from 905 nm to gether with accurate and dense river 1550 nm, which are not able to pene- cross-sections with respect to change trate water bodies (Höfle et al. (2009)). detection. A bathymetric LiDAR system has to be used to measure the depth of wa- In geomorphology, the use of topo- ter bodies. Those systems provide two graphic data collected with ALS or different wavelengths, one in the green TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning) sys- spectrum (from 520 nm to 532 nm), tems, are manifold. An extensive penetrating water, and a second in the overview of ALS-related applications in near-infrared with e.g. 1064 nm re- geomorphology is given by Höfle and flecting at the water surface (Irish and Rutzinger (2011). In hydrology, ALS Lillycrop, 1999; Guenther et al., 2000). is mostly used to generate Digital Ter- The main limitations of bathymetric Li- rain Models (DTMs) for hydrodynamic DAR systems are that clear water condi- simulations of flood inundated ar- tions are required and a minimum wa- eas and for roughness parametrization ter depth of about 1.5 m is necessary to (Mandlburger et al., 2009; Straatsma distinguish the water surface from the and Baptist, 2008). Several stud- riverbed targets depending on the used

57 5 River bed modeling

ALS system and pulse length (Guen- intensity and the point density to clas- ther et al., 2000; Allouis et al., 2010). sify the ALS point cloud into water and The maximum penetration depth of a land points. Höfle et al. (2009) and bathymetric ALS System is typically 2 Vetter et al. (2009b) use modeled laser to 3 times the Secchi depth, which is the shot dropouts, geometry and radiomet- water depth where a black and white ric information of the raw ALS point disk can barely be seen with the naked cloud to classify and map water surface eye. The Secchi depth depends primar- locations. Dropouts are non-recorded ily on the turbidity of the water (Guen- laser shots, which mainly occur on wa- ther et al., 2000). A broad overview ter because of specular reflections not of different active and passive remote directed towards the receiver or high sensing techniques for monitoring wa- absorption. By detecting gaps in the ter bodies is given by Mertes (2002) timestamps of the ALS point cloud the and Marcus and Fonstad (2008) (e.g. x,y,z coordinates of dropouts can be cal- water quality, temperature and depth). culated. Legleiter et al. (2004) show the ability to calculate water depth using the color Different approaches to model a DBM information of the green and red band and integrate it into a DTM are al- of passive optical remote sensing data. ready published. Most of them are re- With echo sounding systems bathymet- lated to applications in hydrology or ric data can be acquired (Dinehart, 2002; hydraulics. However, the ability to cal- Schmitt et al., 2008), but echo sounding culate changes of the riverbed between cannot be used in shallow water due multi-temporal data sets is not inves- to a minimum depth restriction of ap- tigated yet. Brockmann and Mandl- prox. 1 m (Beyer et al., 2003). This re- burger (2001) are using a water-land- stricts echo sounding to rivers exceed- boundary derived from ALS data. This ing this minimum depth, the require- water-land-boundary is a contour line ment of using a boat or access from the based approach and the result is com- river bank for acquiring the measure- parable to the presented WEP method ments. described in Sec. 5.3.1. The mea- sured cross-sections are transformed Methods to derive water surface areas into an axis-oriented system, where from ALS data using the intensity in- a dense set of profiles perpendicular formation were published by Brzank to the river axis is calculated using and Heipke (2006); Höfle et al. (2009) bi-linear interpolation method. Af- and Vetter et al. (2009b). Brzank and ter back transformation, a DBM is de- Heipke (2006) present a strip-wise clas- rived from those data and the results sification method using a membership are used as input for hydrodynamic function to distinguish water and non- flood modeling. Flanagin et al. (2007) water points. They use elevation, slope, use a cubic-spline-interpolation to cal-

58 5.2 Test site and data culate a DBM by generating a fixed 5.2 Test site and data number of interpolation nodes along the measured cross-sections. Then, a dense mesh of intermediate nodes is The test site is located in the west- computed between the cross-sections, ern part of the Bregenzer Wald (Federal which are used to generate the DBM. State of Vorarlberg, Austria). The river Various studies present the advan- Bregenzer Ache crosses the test site tage of different spatial interpolation from southeast to northwest (Fig. 5.1). methods for improving the accuracy The catchment area of the Bregenzer Ache at the nearest gauging station of the interpolated riverbed models. 2 Legleiter and Kyriakidis (2008) use a (Kennelbach) is 826.3 km . Within the Kriging method to calculate DBMs. test site, the Bregenzer Ache is an al- Heitzinger and Kager (1998) introduce most non-regulated river. Two weirs a triangulation with integrated break- are situated within the test site and one lines. Merwade (2009) compares sev- is located upstream, regulating the dis- eral interpolation methods on a large charge and ensuring the availability of data set. He uses inverse distance enough water for the lake, which is con- weighted (IDW), regularized splines, nected to a hydroelectric power plant splines with tension, TOPOGRID, nat- (Fig. 5.1). The study was carried out for ural neighbors, and ordinary Kriging a 3.5 km long section of the Bregenzer based on isotropic and anisotropic var- Ache directly after the convolution of iograms. The outcome of this study the Weissache and the Bregenzer Ache. The mean annual discharge at the gaug- is that the accuracy of the interpola- 3 tion primarily depends on the quality ing station in Kennelbach is 46 m /s and the density of the cross-sections and the water level height averages out at 1.53 m. The mean low annual dis- and secondly on the used interpolation 3 method. charge is 5 m /s, the average annual maximum discharge (HQ1) adds up to 480 m3/s and the 100 year event dis- charge (HQ100) is 1450 m3/s. The an- The chapter is structured as follows: nual sediment transportation rate is ap- In section 5.2, the used data sets, the prox. 5,000 m3/year (Rudhardt+Gasser test site and the used model acronyms and Hunziker, Zarn und Partner, 2004; are described and defined. A de- Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung, scription of the developed method and 2005) and the average bed slope is the different processing steps are pre- 4.45 ‰. sented in section 5.3. The results are presented in section 5.4. The chap- For the test site, two ALS flight cam- ter ends with a discussion, a conclu- paigns were carried out in the years sion and an outlook in section 5.5 and 2003 and 2006. The first was col- 5.6. lected with an Optech ALTM 2050

59 5 River bed modeling

Figure 5.1: Test site and cross-section locations: shading of the DTM2003, superim- posed with an aerial image from 2001; black dots; river cross-sections with IDs; black dots: weir locations.

on September 11, 2003. The aver- the cross-sections of 2005. The dis- age point density is 1.6 points/m2 tance between the cross-sections range for the last echoes. After the flood from 150 m to 820 m along the flow event in August 2005, the river cor- path. ridor was scanned again on June 11, 2006, with an Optech ALTM 3100 and In the following paragraph, the used the same average point density of terms and acronyms of the different 2 1.6 points/m . models are introduced and described. The original ALS point cloud includes The terrestrially measured river cross- all echoes of the ALS measuring cam- sections are provided as ASCII-files paign with the coordinate triple X,Y,Z (with year, ID, point No., X, Y and and the intensity values for each re- Z). In total, nine different river cross- flection (Fig. 5.2a). From the three sections data sets are available, mea- dimensional ALS point cloud, digi- sured with GPS in one or two year tal elevation models (2.5D) in regu- intervals. Eight cross-sections of the lar raster structure are derived. These years 2004 and 2005 are used for this are the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), study. Therefore, the data sets (ALS- representing the elevations of the bare DTM and cross-sections) for the differ- Earth (Fig. 5.2b) and the Digital Sur- ent epoch are DTM2003 with the cross- face Model (DSM), which comprise the sections from 2004 and DTM2006 with nearest objects to the sensor (Fig. 5.2c)

60 5.2 Test site and data

Figure 5.2: Used digital models: a) ALS point cloud (Z-coded); b) DTM (shading); c) DSM (shading); d) DIM (0 to 255); e) WEP2006; f) DBM2006 (shading); g) water- course DTM2006 (DTM-W2006) (shading); difference-model of watercourse DTMs (DTM-W2006 DTM-W2003, 0.5 m classes).

Figure 5.3: Workflow of the DBM derivation method.

(Elmqvist et al., 2001; Pfeifer and Man- used. The 2D Water-Extent-Polygon dlburger, 2008). The difference model (WEP) represents the current extent of DSM-DTM represents the object heights the water body of the ALS acquisition above ground and is often referred to time (Fig. 5.2e). The Digital Bathy- as normalized DSM (nDSM). An in- metric Model (DBM) is a 2.5D eleva- tensity model (Digital Intensity Model, tion model of the riverbed within the DIM) can be derived from radiomet- WEP (Fig. 5.2f). The DTM of the ric information either from the first or watercourse represents a 2.5D model the last echoes of the ALS point cloud of the flow-effective area (Brockmann (Fig. 5.2d; Collin et al. 2010). For and Mandlburger, 2001) of the DTM this study, only the last echo DIM is and the DBM [DTM-W = DBM if(DBM

61 5 River bed modeling

< DTM) else DTM] (Fig. 5.2g). The (Sec. 5.3.3). All steps of the workflow difference-model between epoch 2006 are implemented in Python program- and 2003 is shown in Figure 5.2h rep- ming language (Python Software Foun- resents the elevation changes within dation, 2012). The scripts run within the extent of the combined WEP of the framework of the open source Ge- both years. The raster models, which ographic Information System GRASS are derived by the presented method (Geographic Resources Analysis Sup- (see Sec. 5.3) are shown in Fig. 5.2e to port System; GRASS Development 5.2h. Team (2013)).

5.3.1 Water surface delineation 5.3 Methods

The first step of the riverbed derivation The presented workflow consists of five is to calculate a WEP in order to exclude sequential processing steps (Fig. 5.3). water areas from the ALS data and de- The first step is to detect water and fine the DBM interpolation extent. The non-water areas, resulting in a WEP WEP is used on the one hand for the (Sec. 5.3.1). The WEP, representing derivation of the centerline and on the the extent of the water surface, is of other hand as a clipping polygon for the high importance because only the parts perpendicular 2D-transects. The ras- within the WEP are used for the DBM terized intensity model (DIM) and the calculation, whereas the surrounding DTM are used as input for a threshold- dry areas are taken from the ALS- based classification into water and non- DTM. Based on the derived WEP, the water areas. The classification is done centerline can be extracted by shrink- by using raster algebra. The classifi- ing the WEP area to a single line cation thresholds on intensity, nDSM (Sec. 5.3.1). In the next step, a dense heights and surface slope (from DTM) set of 2D-transects is generated perpen- are defined empirically. As the DIMs dicular to the centerline. Moreover, are provided as non-calibrated raster the measured river cross-sections are models, in gray scale ranging from 0 integrated and 2D-longitudinal-profiles (low) to 255 (high), different thresh- almost parallel to the centerline are olds are used for each data set. This produced (Sec. 5.3.2). By mapping means the intensity values of the data heights to the 2D-longitudinal-profiles sets are not directly comparable to each a 3D-riverbed point cloud is derived other depending on the ALS acquisi- (Sec. 5.3.2). This riverbed point cloud tion parameters altitude and scan fre- is interpolated to a DBM. The DBM is quency. For further details refer to then implemented into the DTM as last Höfle and Pfeifer (2007). As presented step resulting in a watercourse DTM in Höfle et al. (2009) and Vetter et al.

62 5.3 Methods

(2009b), water areas can be character- smoothed by a moving average ap- ized by low and very high intensity val- proach. ues. The high intensity values mainly occur when scanning in nadir direction (vertically beneath the sensor) where 5.3.3 Three-dimensional riverbed the laser signal reflects mostly specu- point cloud generation larly toward the receiver. Therefore, a lower and an upper intensity thresh- To generate the DBM, the terrestri- old are used for the classification. After ally measured cross-sections have to be the threshold-based classification, small transformed from discrete point mea- areas occurring from misclassifications surement into continuous area-wide in- are erased using an area threshold of 2 formation. Therefore, a dense set of 50 m . Then, the outlines are smoothed 2D-transects perpendicular to the cen- using an alpha shape approach (Edels- terline has to be generated (Fig. 5.4a). brunner and Mücke, 1994) erasing small The 2D-transects are lined up in a reg- gapes and distortions of the WEP out- ular spacing orthogonal to the center- line. line (10 m in this study) in order to construct the topography of the river between the cross-sections. Those 2D- 5.3.2 Centerline computation transects are cut at the edges of the WEP,as the DBM is restricted to the area of the WEP (Fig. 5.4a). The final pre- An essential step for the DBM calcula- processing step is to apply appropri- tion is the derivation of the river center- ate heights to the 2D-transects. There- line. The centerline is derived by ap- fore, the 2D-transects and the river plying a shrinking algorithm (also re- cross-sections are divided into a fixed ferred to as skeletonization or thinning) number of segments. The lengths of to the WEP. The used shrinking algo- those segments are in percent relative to rithm is a raster-based iterative algo- the length of the corresponding cross- rithm, which works from the outer most section or 2D-transect. Segment labels part of an area to the center. In each iter- are assigned to each segment point of ation the outer most pixel row is erased all cross-sections and 2D-transects. By at the edge of the raster until only a connecting corresponding segment la- row of single pixels remains (Zhou et bels, 2D-longitudinal-profiles are calcu- al. 1995). This raster is vectorized re- lated (Fig. 5.4b), which are almost par- sulting in a centerline. Small branches, allel to the flow direction. Then, the ele- which are artifacts of the shrinking pro- vation information of the cross-sections cess, are removed by applying a length can be interpolated linearly from one to criterion. Finally, the resulting vec- the next cross-section at each intersec- tor representation of the centerline is tion location of the longitudinal-profiles

63 5 River bed modeling with the transect resulting in a 3D- 5.4 Results riverbed point cloud. The 3D-riverbed point cloud is used to generate the DBM (Fig. 5.4c). At the beginning, the WEP delineation method results are analyzed. Then the DBM derivation and the watercourse 5.3.4 DBM generation DTM production are shown in differ- ent plots. Finally, the area-wide esti- After all previous steps, the 3D- mation of the riverine landscape and riverbed point cloud is interpolated into riverbed change detection are demon- a regular raster of the DBM by using strated. any suitable interpolation technique. In Two independent sets of thresholds this study, a natural neighbor interpo- are empirically derived for the WEP lation method is used (Fan et al., 2005). classification of WEP (Fig. 5.5a) By combining the DBM with the DTM, 2003 and WEP (Fig. 5.5b). The clas- a watercourse DTM (containing bathy- 2006 sification thresholds for WEP are metric information) can be produced. 2003 [nDSM<1.5 m AND slope<3° AND Those areas of the DBM representing (DIM<25 OR DIM>70)] and for WEP lower elevations than the DTM are used 2006 [nDSM<1.5 m AND slope<3° AND from the DBM to calculate a DTM of the (DIM<65 OR DIM>110)]. The values of watercourse. All other areas are used the DIM are in digital numbers rang- from the DTM. Therefore, the water- ing from 0 to 255. After smoothing course DTM represent only the low- the WEPs using the alpha shape ap- est elevation of both models (DBM and proach (with alpha values of 5m for DTM). both WEPs), a visual inspection using the DIM as reference is recommended. A manual manipulation of the WEPs was done at maximum 8 locations per WEP (Fig. 5.5, white stars). This step is necessary because the alpha shape approach smooths only small irregular- ities of the boundary. The DBM de- lineation is isotropic and cannot han- Figure 5.4: Steps of the 3D-riverbed dle back water areas. Therefore, back point cloud calculation: a) WEP with water areas are erased from the WEP cross-sections, smoothed centerline and (Fig. 5.5c and 5d). The final WEP2003 2D-transects (perpendicular to the cen- and WEP2006 presenting the different terline); b) Fig. a) plus the 3D- water extents of the two ALS acquisi- longitudinal-profiles; c) 3D-riverbed tion times after smoothing and clean- point cloud. ing of the back water areas are shown

64 5.4 Results

Figure 5.5: DIMs and WEPs: a) DIM of the last echoes and WEP2003; b) DIM of the last echoes and WEP2006; c) Zoom of a); d) Zoom of b); Thick white line is final WEP after cleaning and manual correction; Thin white line in c) and d) WEP before cleaning and correction; White stars: Locations of manual correction.

in Figure 5.5. width of WEP2003 and WEP2006 in Fig- ure 5.6a is 5 m, which is 120% related To estimate changes along the mea- to the width of WEP2003. The area dif- sured cross-sections, plots through the ference of the WEPs for the whole test DTMs, the related DBMs and the cross- site is 10.22 ha (WEP2003) to 13.71 ha sections are presented in Figure 5.6a (WEP2006), which is 34% more in 2006 and 5.6b. For an area-wide estimation than in 2003 (see Fig. 5.5a and 5.5b). As of the changes, difference-models are mentioned in Sec. 5.3 the WEP repre- calculated for the DTMs, the DTM mi- sents the extent for the DBM calcula- nus DBM and the watercourse DTMs, tion. which are shown in Figure 5.7. A huge change of the water stage be- The blue and red rings in Fig. 5.6 are the tween the two DTMs can be seen in points of intersection between the mea- Figure 5.6, where the water level is sured river cross-section and the DTM. 0.5 m to 1.0 m higher in DTM2006 than They represent the location of the WEP in DTM2003 (also shown in Fig. 5.7a). based on the DTM and the cross-section In the plots, a horizontal expansion of of each year. The result shows the ac- the water body (2006) can be seen due curacy of the WEP delineation method. to the change in the water level. The The accuracy of the WEP at the location horizontal expansion between the river of the measured cross-sections (cross-

65 5 River bed modeling

Figure 5.6: Plots through cross-section No. 1 and No. 4 (see locations in Fig. 5.1) with DTM, DBM and cross-section of both years: a) Profile No. 1 (Fig.. 5.1); b) Profile No. 4 (Fig. 5.1).

section No. 1 and No. 4; see Fig. 5.1) sion areas can be clearly seen in Fig- is in the range of plus/minus the used ure 5.7. The distance between the cal- raster resolution (1 m). A larger dif- culated DBMs and the measured cross- ference can only be observed at the in- sections (Fig. 5.6) are in the range of ± tersection between DTM2006 and cross- 5 cm, originating from the aggregation section 2005 at the left river bank in of the measured cross-section points to Figure 5.6b (is not comparable with a raster DBM and the linear interpo- the location of the WEP and the DTM) lation of the cross-section data to the due to a DTM interpolation or a cross- riverbed point cloud (cf. Sec. 5.3.3). Due section measuring problem. The inter- to the lack of reference data between the section between the derived WEP and measured cross-sections the accuracy of the DTM shows the correct location of the DBM can only be estimated at the the water surface based on the geomet- cross-section locations. A ’leave-one- rical and hydrological properties of the out cross-validation’ using the cross- DTM. section data can not be applied, because of the large distance between the cross- In Figure 5.6a, an accumulation area in sections. the middle of the riverbed can be seen between the measured cross-sections To demonstrate the area-wide changes, and the two calculated DBMs. For the difference-models are shown in Fig- whole river width, erosion is dominant ure 5.7. To calculate the changes in Figure 5.6b. The deposit and ero- between the two DTMs, a DTM-

66 5.5 Discussion difference-model was calculated amount of change. The reddish color (Fig. 5.7a). The changes between the represents deposit areas from 2003 to DTMs along the river corridor occur 2006 and the bluish erosion. The erosion from the different water stages. The and accumulation rates range mainly differences of the riverine landscape are from 1.25 m to -1.25 m. Only at the mea- dominated by elevation changes due to sured cross-sections the erosion and ac- erosion or accumulation. In the forested cumulation rates can be estimated prop- areas, the changes (Fig. 5.7a) mainly oc- erly. Between the cross-sections the re- cur from uncertainties in DTM gener- sult is a rough approximation. The ation and differences in ALS data col- changes in between the measured river lection season and settings. The wa- cross-sections are shown in the plots ter level of 2003 is on average -0.75 m through no. I and no. II in Fig- lower than in 2006 (cf. Fig. 5.6, 5.7a, 5.7e ure 5.7e and 5.7f (plot locations in and 5.7f). In Figure 5.7b, the difference Fig. 5.7). An evaluation for the ac- between the DBM2003 minus DTM2003 curacy of the changes is only possi- and in Figure 5.7c for DBM2006 minus ble at the cross-sections (Fig. 5.6) due DTM2006 is shown, which present the to the lack of independent reference depth of the water body of the different data from the cross-section measuring years. epochs.

At the outlet of the test site between cross-section no. 7 and 8 (cf. Fig. 5.1 and 5.7), the differences are positive 5.5 Discussion (Fig. 5.7b and 5.7c), which is the re- sult of the watercourse DTM fusion pro- cess occurring from two natural steps In August 2005, a major flood event in the riverbed where only upstream occurred in the westernmost part of of the steps a measured cross-section Austria with a discharge of more than 3 is located. As mentioned in Sec. 5.3.3, 1350 m /s at the Bregenzer Ache. The the elevation data are interpolated lin- gauging station in Kennelbach failed 3 early from one measured cross-section at 1350 m /s and an even higher dis- to the next. If no measured cross- charge can be assumed. A general trend section is available before and behind in changes of the riverbed can be seen in the elevation step in the riverbed, the the main channel after the flood event of interpolated DBM is above the wa- 2005. By using the presented methods, ter level resulting in a wrong DBM it is possible to locate and quantify these (Fig. 5.7e). changes. A comparison of the WEP and the related DIM shows that it is pos- Figure 5.7d shows the difference model sible to derive a Water-Extent-Polygon of the watercourse DTM2006 minus wa- with an accuracy in the range of the tercourse DTM2003, which includes the DTM resolution (Fig. 5.5 and 6). By

67 5 River bed modeling using a point-cloud-based WEP delin- of each weir as well as at each curve eation approach, it is possible to derive a cross-section should be measured. A the WEP even more accurately (Höfle relation between the number of cross- et al. (2009)). But since – as fstudy – sections and the sinuosity index (ratio the point cloud is not always available, between river length and valley length) a raster-based approach was chosen. In is assumed. The higher the sinuosity general, to derive water surface areas index of a river, the denser the cross- using ALS data, it is essential to include sections should be measured. If a dense ALS backscatter data (i.e. signal inten- set of river cross-sections is available a sity data). ’leave-one-out cross-validation’ can be applied to calculate the accuracy of the The locations of the measured cross- derived DBMs and the change detection sections have a critical influence on the result (erosion/accumulation). This can results of the final DBM. Mainly, the not be done if the distance between the distance between the cross-sections in cross-sections is too large as in the pre- flow direction should be short enough sented study. to guarantee that all major river struc- tures are included (e.g. stationary sand or gravel bars, point bars, cutbanks and 5.6 Conclusions and Outlook weirs), which is not the case in this data set. The average cross-section dis- tance in the used data set is 450 m, The chapter introduces a novel ap- since those data are not produced for proach to derive the Water–Extent– creating DBMs. They are only used Polygon (WEP) using raster data com- for cross-section-based monitoring pur- prising radiometry (intensity) and ge- poses. Hence, it is impossible to gather ometry (DTM). The innovation of the the strong change of hydraulic steps chapter is the utilization of intensity caused by weirs within the river. The data for deriving the WEP, which re- quality of the DBM depends mainly on sults in a WEP with an accuracy of the density of measured cross-sections less than one meter. This accuracy is (i.e. spatial resolution along and across usually sufficient for hydraulic studies. the river axis) and on the shape and We showed the estimation of changes flow path of the river. If the cross- along river corridors by using the WEP sections data contain all significant el- as input data for digital bathymetric evation changes (point bars, cutbanks model (DBM) derivation. The DBM and weirs), the quality of the derivation delineation extent is restricted by the will be increased. Hence, the number of derived WEP allowing the estimation cross-sections should depend mainly on of changes of the riverbed. The pre- the quantity of weirs and the number of sented method produces proper results curves. Therefore, in front and behind for DBM derivation and change detec-

68 5.6 Conclusions and Outlook

Figure 5.7: Difference-models and plots through the river: a) DTM2003 – DTM2006; b) DBM2003 – DTM2003; c) DBM2006 – DTM2006; d) Difference model of the wa- tercourse DTMs (cut at the combination of WEP2003 and WEP2006) DTM-W2006 - DTM-W2003; e) Plot through river at location No. I; f) Plot through river at location No. II; cross-section No.: 4 to 8 (i.e. Fig. 5.1); No. I and II: Plot locations from A to B; Black line in a): WEP2006.

tion with a minimum of manual inter- is not possible to collect these data in action for the user. The main prob- shallow water. The focus of future in- lems occur due to the large distance be- vestigations should concentrate on the tween the river cross-section data set development of sensors and techniques, and the non-corrected intensity raster which are able to collect data in shal- data sets. low water with high density and ac- curacy. However, with a dense set Nowadays, with methods like echo of river cross-sections or echo sound- sounding, it is possible to collect bathy- ing data the quality of the bathymet- metric data in short distances and pe- ric model can also be increased signifi- riods with high accuracy. But still, it cantly.

69 5 River bed modeling

The information of the water depth dur- eas with additional roughness informa- ing the measuring process of the cross- tion of the riverine landscape derived sections at one location, mainly in the from the ALS point cloud, new in- middle of each measured cross-section, put data sets for numerical hydraulic could be helpful to get an independent models can be provided. A com- source of the water level. Then, the wa- bination of derived roughness coeffi- ter depth information could be used to cients from ALS data, WEP and wa- verify the WEP delineation procedure. tercourse DTM can provide input data Assuming an almost horizontal water for numeric hydraulic models from one surface (perpendicular to the flow di- specific time, which is not the case rection), the water depth information yet. could be used to derive a 3D-centerline and 3D-orthogonal-profiles, which can It is demonstrated that the radiomet- be intersected with a given DTM to de- ric information of the ALS data can rive the WEP. be used to delineate Water-Extent- Multi-temporal data sets are essential Polygons. The radiometric ALS data ex- for change detection. Therefore, a dense hibit a high potential for calculating fea- measuring network of topographic and tures, which are not distinguishable on bathymetric data is a requirement. The the basis of elevation data only. There- importance and benefit of a simultane- fore, the use of radiometric data, DIM or ous data collection of ALS and bathy- point cloud intensity values, should be metric field information needs to be em- increased for classification and change phasized. Beside the data collection detection applications. An additional (time series and location), further in- point density raster including laser shot vestigations should concentrate on the dropouts (as used by Höfle et al. (2009) development of adequate methods to and Vetter et al. (2009b)) can be useful calculate the total volume changes of to improve the presented raster-based the riverbed. The lack of ground truth WEP approach by using the numbers on the transported material is a fun- of laser shot dropouts per raster cell. damental drawback. Therefore, only In general, the use of laser shot drop- a relative estimation of areas of ac- outs can be used to improve several cumulation and erosion could be per- raster or point-cloud-based classifica- formed. tion approaches. Another point is the lack of intensity correction approaches For land cover classification studies, the for raster intensity data, which is of derived WEP can be used for water high importance to use the intensity surface classification, which is an accu- values. If the point cloud, including co- rate and fast solution instead of field ordinates, timestamps and flight trajec- surveying or digitizing from aerial im- tory information are not available, the agery. By combining the water ar- data cannot be corrected, which result

70 5.7 Acknowledgements in intensity values affected by scan an- 5.7 Acknowledgements gle and range. For an accurate use of intensity values, a correction is es- We thank the Federal State of Vorarl- sential. By using multi-temporal data berg (Vorarlberger Landesregierung, sets, a radiometric adjustment or cal- Landesvermessungsamt Feldkirch, ibration of the intensity data have to Austria) for the geospatial data of the be applied to produce intensity val- Bregenzer Ache, which are the ALS el- ues of each period, which are compara- evation and intensity raster data. And ble. we cordially thank the Vorarlberger Ill- werke AG (Bregenz, Austria) for pro- viding the river cross-sections data sets.


C HAPTER 6 es L on lu aa–avoxel approach a based – data cloud point ALS dense using determination roughness hydraulic and analysis structure vegetation Vertical 73 6 Hydraulic roughness estimation

In this chapter the complexity of the vertical vegetation structure, based on dense air- borne laser scanning (ALS) point cloud data (25 echoes/m2), is analyzed to calculate veg- etation roughness for hydraulic applications. Using the original 3D ALS point cloud, three levels of abstractions are derived (cells, voxels and connections) to analyze ALS data based on a 1x1 m2 raster over the whole data set. A voxel structure is used to count the echoes in predefined detrended height levels within each cell. In general, it is assumed that the number of voxels containing echoes is an indicator for elevated objects and conse- quently for increased roughness. Neighboring voxels containing at least one data point are merged together to connections. An additional height threshold is applied to connect verti- cal neighboring voxels with a certain distance in between. Thus, the connections indicate continuous vegetation structures. The height of the surface near or lowest connection is an indicator for hydrodynamic roughness coefficients. For cells, voxels and connections the laser echoes are counted within the structure and various statistical measures are calcu- lated. Based on these derived statistical parameters a rule-based classification is developed by applying a decision tree to assess vegetation types. Roughness coefficient values such as Manning’s n are estimated, which are used as input for 2D hydrodynamic-numerical modeling. The estimated Manning’s n values from the ALS point cloud are compared with a traditional Manning’s map. Finally, the effect of these two different Manning’s n maps as input on the 2D hydraulics are quantified by calculating a height difference model of the inundated depth maps. The results show the large potential of using the entire vertical vegetation structure for hydraulic roughness estimation.

6.1 Introduction Hydrology and water management benefit mostly from technological ad- vances in airborne, mobile and terres- Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), often trial laser scanning. It is a permanent referred to as LiDAR, is used as a fast process that sensor weight and size con- and accurate technique to collect topo- tinue to decrease whereas the function- graphic information. ALS has become ality (full-waveform, multiple pulses in a state-of-the-art data source for captur- air, multiple wavelengths, on-line ra- ing terrain data. ALS is a time and cost- diometric calibration, higher sampling effective method to acquire large area density, increasing vertical resolution topographic data with low amount of etc.) and the usability are improving user interaction, high ground sampling (Pfennigbauer and Ullrich, 2010). Be- density and height accuracy of less than cause laser pulses can penetrate the 15 cm. It is used for area-wide 3D data vegetation canopy only through gaps of acquisition to support a range of sci- the foliage, a very dense ALS data set is entific disciplines like (geo)archeology, needed to determine vertical vegetation geology, geomorphology, hydrology structure parameters. Dense laser scan- and many more (Höfle and Rutzinger, ning point cloud data provide precise 2011).

74 6.2 Background geometry and high vertical resolution the delineation of Manning’s n values allowing an improved 3D surface clas- from ALS point cloud data lead to a sification for hydraulic roughness map time consistent geospatial input data calculation. set. As a major benefit, the digital ter- rain model (DTM) and the roughness The roughness of the terrain and the are derived from the same ALS point type of vegetation (trees, shrubs or cloud and, thus, have no temporal dif- grass) have a strong influence on the ference. This improves the modeling floodplain and channel flow regime. results and may replace the prepara- Thus, hydraulic models need to param- tion of roughness maps by digitizing eterize the effect of roughness through aerial images and performing field sur- the use of hydraulic friction coefficients veys. such as Manning’s n or Chézy’s C, which describe the resistance of the channel and floodplain to the flow of water (Acrement and Schneider, 6.2 Background 1984; Straatsma and Baptist, 2008). The state-of-the-art in hydraulic rough- 6.2.1 Vegetation structure and surface ness parametrization is to use land roughness cover maps derived from aerial images and/or field trips to estimate repre- sentative roughness values that show Remote sensing has been applied for the most realistic flood inundation pat- Earth observation since the 1950s. terns. As highlighted in literature this The introduction of multi-echo LiDAR method is not optimal because of the technology at the end of the 1990s, deficits in the model scheme and com- made simultaneous measurements of putation method. The model input the canopies, inside the vegetation and may be compensated by using rough- the Earth surface under the vegetation ness values that are physically not possible. A huge community related to representative (Straatsma and Baptist, forestry using LiDAR data has been es- 2008). tablished in the last two decades. The main objectives are in the fields of map- The main objective of this study is ping forested areas, detection of vegeta- to improve the determination of the tion in urban areas, biomass calculation, near surface vegetation structure af- species differentiation and many oth- fecting the flow regime and being es- ers (Hyyppä et al., 2004; Naesset et al., sential for hydraulic simulation, and 2004; Rutzinger et al., 2008; Höfle and to calculate hydraulic roughness maps Hollaus, 2010; Jochem et al., 2010). In for 2D hydrodynamic-numerical simu- forestry applications the use of the point lations. With a minimum of user in- cloud and the nDSM (normalized Digi- teraction and a standardized method, tal Surface Model) is dominant. Since a

75 6 Hydraulic roughness estimation few years an increasing number of stud- vide more information such as ver- ies make use of radiometric informa- tical resolution, point density, which tion together with the 3D point cloud can be used to generate more accu- from discrete echo recording or full- rate DTMs (Pfennigbauer and Ullrich, waveform (FWF) signal analysis or ras- 2010). terized data with additional attributes for segmentation or classification ap- By using radiometric attributes of ei- proaches (Koch, 2010). The use of FWF ther discrete echo recording or FWF- technology increases the ability to map sytems vegetation mapping can be im- vegetation in a more dense horizontal proved (Höfle et al., 2009; Vetter et al., and vertical structure than with discrete 2011b). An additional attribute de- echo recording systems (Doneus et al., rived from the FWF signal is the 2010). ’echo width’, which is a measure of the height variation of a single echo Fisher et al. (2009) use a voxel based within the laser footprint (Hollaus et al., approach to estimate the vegetation 2011). types in a semiarid region by deriv- ing point density in different height levels. Hollaus et al. (2011), Hollaus 6.2.2 LiDAR used in hydraulics and and Höfle (2010) and Aubrecht et al. hydrology (2010) present new methods for estimat- ing vertical vegetation structure param- An extensive overview about active and eters of forested and urban areas us- passive remote sensing techniques in ing detrended terrain points (ALS) for river environments is given by Mar- plane fitting to describe the vertical dis- cus (2010), in which the main focus is tribution of ALS points per raster cell. on the water course. From a LiDAR By calculating the vertical vegetation perspective three main topics are rele- structure it is possible to estimate the vant for hydraulic studies: (i) the ex- volume of vegetation in different layers tent of the water surface, (ii) the digi- above the terrain (Hollaus et al., 2011). tal elevation or terrain data of the river The studies of Hollaus et al. (2011), bed and the inundation area and (iii) Aubrecht et al. (2010) and Hollaus and the riparian vegetation, artificial objects Höfle (2010) show the ability of accurate (e.g. buildings) within the inundation close-surface vegetation structure data area and roughness parameter delin- extraction. eation. An accurate DTM and roughness data Höfle et al. (2009) and Vetter et al. are of high importance to simulate (2009b) present methods to extract the water flow characteristics. Due to water surface extent from the ALS recent developments in sensor tech- point cloud using radiometric and ge- nology, current ALS systems pro- ometric information to map the wa-

76 6.2 Background ter course. Heritage and Milan (2009) even within the remote sensing com- demonstrate a method using terres- munity there are different meanings of trial laser scanner (TLS) data to cal- the term ’roughness’. While in mi- culate the river bed roughness. Vet- crowave remote sensing a surface may ter et al. (2011b) present a study about appear smooth, the very same surface river bed model implementation into is rough for LiDAR, because of the dif- the DTM by using terrestrially mea- ferent scales (i.e. wavelengths). Thus, sured cross-section data to calculate it is also a scaling problem, which in- the volume differences along the river creases by getting a better spatial and bed caused by erosion and accumu- vertical resolution. Therefore, rough- lation processes between two flood ness should be related to the scale or events. spatial resolution of the data and the application or discipline (Hollaus et al., Several studies are presented about 2011). DTM generation in general (Kraus and Pfeifer, 1998; Doneus et al., 2010). Re- Related to hydraulic roughness, veg- lated to hydraulic simulations the main etation and type of land cover have focus is on reducing the complexity of a significant influence on the out- the DTM with minimum loss of infor- put of hydrodynamic-numerical mod- mation as presented in Mandlburger eling. Many studies use ALS data et al. (2009). for land cover mapping and vegeta- tion classification for hydrodynamic- The used roughness term in hydraulic numerical models (Straatsma and Bap- studies relates mainly to Manning’s or tist, 2008; Alexander et al., 2010; Hol- other empirical equations, in which the laus et al., 2011). Forested and flood roughness value is used to describe the inundated areas are covered by trees, loss of energy of the fluids occur from shrubs and grass, which influence the grain size (in the channel) and/or form flow characteristics of water, repre- parameters such as vegetation type sented by a distinct Manning value (Naudascher, 1992). However, the term for each land cover class. By using roughness is used differently in various ALS data the hydraulic friction coeffi- scientific disciplines and spatial scales cients for each vegetation cover type of interest. Roughness in hydraulics has can be derived and used as input for a different meaning than roughness in 2D hydrodynamic-numerical models. remote sensing (Acrement and Schnei- Straatsma and Baptist (2008) present der, 1984; Naudascher, 1992). The chal- a workflow to calculate hydrodynamic lenge is to define roughness in the sense relevant vegetation parameters for 2D of the related discipline and to de- hydrodynamic-numerical models from scribe the way of the derived param- ALS data. eters and establish standards. Beside the cross-discipline definition problem, The state-of-the-art input data for flood

77 6 Hydraulic roughness estimation modeling are: (i) the geometry pro- 6.3 Method vided as DTM of the watercourse (Li- DAR, photogrammetry or terrestrial The method focuses on hydraulic survey), (ii) roughness information, roughness estimation, where partic- based on land cover maps which are ularly roughness of the near surface produced from aerial images or field layer is investigated. This approach trips, and (iii) the boundary condi- demonstrates the possibility to map tions (water levels and/or discharge hydrodynamic-numerical roughness data). parameters such as Manning’s n by using the ALS point cloud data. The Casas et al. (2010) present a work- main concept is to derive connected ver- flow to estimate hydraulic roughness tical vegetation structures and to use ∆ values using the Z value calcu- them as input for a rule-based clas- lated from subtracting the DTM el- sification to derive vegetation types, evation from each laser echo within from which the Manning’s n can be de- the related DTM cell. Finally, they rived. use the DTM detrended laser echo height to estimate the off-terrain vege- tation. 6.3.1 General concept

Regarding roughness scaling issues, The main idea for delineating homo- another problem is the sub-footprint geneous roughness areas of surface- roughness. If the footprint of a laser near vegetation is based on the spa- shot is 10 to 50 cm in diameter, the tial discretization of the laser echoes recorded elevation of the echo will be and an aggregation of the points into a mixture of the slope and the foot- (a) cell-, (b) voxel- and (c) connection- print internal surface roughness. If level, which are the different spatial ag- the sub-footprint vertical height distri- gregation units (cf. Figure 6.1). We bution is large enough, multiple dis- use this approach to calculate differ- tinct echoes can be recorded, which ent levels of abstraction within a prede- will be enabled by a better vertical fined search extent (1 x 1 m) to gener- resolution via an increased digitizing 10 ate connected vertical vegetation struc- rate of 10 Hz (0.1 ns) (Pfennigbauer tures. and Ullrich, 2010). Components of the surface roughness which are lower Before sorting the echoes into the dif- than the vertical resolution of the used ferent aggregation levels the height scanning system are contained in the of each echo is normalized to the recorded echo, which is also influenced Z0 level, which is the height of the by the terrain slope (Hollaus et al., DTM at the XY-position of the laser 2011). point. All additional calculations are

78 6.3 Method using this normalized height (nZ) val- connections-level are significant param- ues. eters to derive hydraulic resistance val- ues.

Bare ground areas will contain only a single compact voxel/conn-ection per cell whereas vegetated areas are charac- terized by a larger vertical range of nor- malized height values within a cell. In the latter case, a certain number of oc- Figure 6.1: Basic concept: spatial dis- cupied voxels per cell will be available. cretization of the ALS point cloud into Depending on the vegetation structure, cell-level (a, left), voxel-level (b, mid- these voxels will be grouped together dle) and connection-level (c, right) to one or more connections. The con- nections are a measure describing the In a first step, all laser echoes are sorted compactness of the vegetation, which into cells of 1 x 1 m size. In a second can be used for roughness classifica- step, voxels are generated by slicing the tion. cell into vertical height levels of equal height (0.5 m). Based on the nZ value each ALS echo is sorted into the related voxel. In a last step, vertically neigh- In Figure 6.1 and 6.2, the cell-, voxel- boring voxels are combined to larger and connection-level abstraction con- units of arbitrary vertical extent (con- cept is demonstrated. First, the echoes nections) where gaps between the vox- per cell are collected, then the voxels els smaller than a predefined threshold are created and finally the vertical con- (1.1 m) are ignored. Standard descrip- nections are derived. In the right part tive statistics (min, max, mean, median, of Figure 6.2 a schematic ALS point std, ...) are derived for the cells, vox- cloud is shown covering different veg- els and connections (18 parameters per etation types. The furthermost left part level). of Figure 6.2 represents all three lev- els at once for the cell with the blue The statistical parameters of the cell- echoes of the right generalized point , voxel- and connection-levels serve cloud. The results are evaluated by as basis for a rule-based classifi- visual comparison of the classification cation to derive vegetation types, maps in Figure 6.3 as well as by compar- which are finally transferred to Man- ing the hydrodynamic-numerical mod- ning values. It is assumed that the eling results (depth and extent, Fig- descriptive statistical values of the ure 6.4).

79 6 Hydraulic roughness estimation

Figure 6.2: Schema of the cell-, voxel- and connection-level related to a general- ized ALS point cloud for different vegetation structures

6.3.2 Cell-level of 0.5 m. Voxels without any echo are erased and no longer used. The vox- The cell-level is calculated in a X/Y els are used to generate the connected domain of 1 x 1 m for the whole re- vertical structures by merging vertically gion, which is also the classification ex- neighboring voxels into single struc- tent. Within each cell, the contained tures. laser echoes are sorted by the nZ value. The cell-level is the input for generat- ing the voxels and can be used to clas- 6.3.4 Connection-level sify forested areas using the maximum height. Connections describe vertically con- nected vegetation structures which are apparent in the ALS point cloud. In 6.3.3 Voxel-level other words, the connections represent vegetation units or single plants. Con- The Voxels represents a cube or a nections are derived by merging verti- cuboid with either a regular or an ir- cal neighboring voxels which are closer regular size. In this chapter the term than a certain distance (1.1 m). This voxel is used to describe a 3D bound- distance criterion is used to merge non ing box. All echoes of the cell-level illuminated areas which are assumed are sorted into the related voxels using to be of the same vegetation structure the nZ heights. The voxels are defined as shown in the left part of Figure by the cell extent (X, Y) and the height 6.2.

80 6.4 Results and discussion

6.3.5 Hydraulic roughness With the presented method it is not classification possible to derive the related river bed roughness parameters. Therefore, the For hydraulic roughness classification roughness values are manually classi- as input data for a 2D hydraulic sim- fied for areas that are covered by wa- ulation based on the ALS point cloud ter. The water surface extents are de- the statistical parameters of the cells, lineated based on a DTM and an ALS voxels and connections are used. Dif- intensity image by a raster-based clas- ferent roughness products can be gen- sification of low ALS intensity values erated by using a rule-based classi- and a maximum DTM slope of less fication. Therefore, the surface-near than 2° as described in Vetter et al. vegetation roughness is important and (2011b). used in the classification of the low- est connection. For other rough- ness products like canopy roughness the upper connections are of inter- 6.4 Results and discussion est. The rule-based classification thresholds for the statistical parameters are de- The results of the classification are rived by a decision tree (available in shown in Figure 6.3b. A visual eval- the RapidMiner software using default uation of the results has been carried settings), which is based on a refer- out between the classified ALS and the ence map with vegetation types and re- traditionally derived Manning’s n val- lated hydraulic resistance values (Fig- ues in Figure 6.3a. As shown in Fig- ure 6.3 a). A sample of 5,000 ALS echoes ure 6.3 the dominant spatial patterns with the additional cells, voxels and of the Manning’s values are compara- connections parameters for 6 vegetation ble. But the ALS derived values rep- types was used to create the decision resent the whole area in more detail tree. than the traditionally derived map. Ma- jor differences are predominantly char- Finally, the derived rule-base (decision acterized by the neighboring Manning tree) is applied to the ALS data us- classes in the ALS derived data. Be- ing the statistical values shown in Ta- tween class 0.045 and 0.050 or 0.100 ble 6.1. After classifying the 1x1 m and 0.125 large differences are evi- cells in to vegetation types and transfer- dent, which we assume that they oc- ring to Manning’s n values a modus fil- cur from wrong classification rules due ter with 8 neighbors is used to smooth to the low overall accuracy of 65% the result and to reduce the spatial het- for those four classes. For all other erogeneity of the resulting classification classes the overall accuracy is better raster. than 90%.

81 6 Hydraulic roughness estimation

Manning’s n Rule-base Vegetation type 0.045 max. height(lowest connection) < 0.15 streets, short grassland 0.050 max. height(lowest connection) > 0.15 AND < 0.25 grassland, agriculture 0.070 max. height(lowest connection) > 0.25 AND < 2.00 shrubs 0.090 max. height(lowest connection) > 2.00 AND < 5.00 reed 0.100 number of connections > 1 AND max. height(cell) < 10.00 small trees 0.125 number of connections > 1 AND max. height(cell) > 10.00 forest

Table 6.1: Rule-base for hydraulic roughness classification

(a) Traditionally derived Manning’s values (b) ALS derived Manning’s values

Figure 6.3: Traditionally derived Manning’s values vs. the ALS derived values [s/m1/3]

(a) Inundation depth from ALS derived Man- (b) Depth difference from ALS traditional 2D ning’s n (Q = 5000 m3/s) simulation

Figure 6.4: Depth of inundated area and difference model from 2D simulation based on the same boundary conditions for ALS and traditional derived Man- ning’s n [m]

82 6.5 Conclusions and future work

Furthermore, the hydrodynamic- try and roughness data (elevation and numerical modeling results (depth and Manning’s n) both derived from ALS area of inundation) are compared by data originating from one date of acqui- using both roughness maps as input. A sition. Which is not the case if different calibrated model was used to perform land use and land cover data are used two simulations with the same bound- to produce Manning’s n maps from dif- ary conditions and the same DTM in- ferent sources as it is state-of-the-art up put data with both roughness maps to now. (original and ALS derived). Differ- ences of the two simulation results are in the range of 2 to 3 cm in wa- 6.5 Conclusions and future ter depth and a difference in inunda- tion area extent of less than 2800 m2 work (< 1% of total inundated area, Fig- ure 6.4). The presented method has shown the potential to use ALS data as founda- The roughness classification rules are tion for hydraulic surface roughness es- based on a decision tree using a sub- timation using vertical vegetation struc- sample of the ALS data with calculated ture information. The proposed ap- voxel and connection statistical values proach derives hydraulic roughness pa- (ALS derived) created from the origi- rameters representing the near surface nal Manning’s n map. These results vegetation roughness. As the results in already calibrated Manning’s n val- have shown, the degree of detail clearly ues for the classification of the connec- increases by the use of the proposed tions where the derived roughness map method, as well as having only lit- can be used as input for the 2D simula- tle effects on the 2D hydraulic simu- tion without any further calibration. If lation results (water depth and inun- no calibrated reference data are avail- dated extent). Therefore, we assume able, the calibration effort is the same that this method is applicable to pro- as with traditional data. But the ad- duce hydraulic roughness maps, which vantage of using ALS data for rough- base on geometry data. The low differ- ness estimation is the standardization ences between the two hydrodynamic- and transferability of the classification numerical model results lead us to and therefore the reduction of manual the conclusion that the spatial dis- classification errors. The second bene- tribution of the Manning’s values in fit is that the calculation is performed our study is a feature with low im- fully automatically without any user in- pact on the hydraulic modeling results. teraction. The main potential of the However, Manning’s n is an empirical proposed method is to reach one con- value, the transfer of the ALS based sistent input data set for the geome- method to other regions can be prob-

83 6 Hydraulic roughness estimation lematic. We assume that a more phys- rameter. It should be possible to de- ically founded parameter such as the rive an inundation depth dependent Darcy-Weissbach value f performs bet- hydraulic friction coefficient by using ter. Therefore, some further tests should the connection-level values in different be done with the presented method heights. to identify the roughness value that For hydrodynamic-numerical models can be described best by ALS geom- further follow up investigation should etry data. A further approach is to focus on using dense vertical vegeta- use the FWF echo width and backscat- tion data sets as input. It is not clear ter information to improve classifica- if the hydrodynamic-numerical models tion results especially for smooth ar- are able to use dense input data sets eas such as roads and short grass- (e.g. DTMs and vegetation of 1 x 1 m). land. There is a need to verify whether the use The presented approach does not in- of friction factors in the models are ade- clude the slope effect for the normal- quate, or the models have to be adopted ized height value calculation, which re- for dense ALS derived vegetation pa- sults in overestimation of the height rameters. value. This results in misclassifica- tion in areas with steep slopes which were not evident in the used test 6.6 Acknowledgements site. By applying a slope adaptive nZ value the classification is made We would like acknowledge finan- free of slope effects and should fi- cial support from the Austrian Sci- nally result in better classification accu- ence Funds FWF as part of the Doc- racy. toral Programme on Water Resource One important feature of the approach Systems (DK-plus W1219-N22). This is the point density which has yet to work is partly funded by the Federal be investigated. The proposed method Ministry of Economics and Technol- uses statistical values per cell, voxel and ogy (BMWi), Germany, in the frame- connection and we assume the point work of the project "HyLand" (FKZ density is an important affecting pa- 50EE1014).

84 C HAPTER 7 ytei n conclusions and Synthesis 85 7 Synthesis and conclusions

This thesis shows the capacity of using high resolution ALS data within hydrological and hydraulical studies. Methods are presented where ALS data are modified and specific fea- tures are derived from the gridded and point cloud data for hydro-related applications. As shown in the different chapters, a huge potential to improve the accuracy of the modeling results is evident if the gridded ALS data are adapted or features are directly derived from the ALS point cloud. The whole potential of ALS data can be used and can increase the accuracy of results applying the presented methods, instead of using standard ALS data and derivatives.

7.1 Synthesis and major oped in order to prove the assump- findings tion that ALS data as basis for hydro- related applications affect the modeling results positively. If the data are con- While ALS data or the gridded deriva- sequently manipulated for such an ap- tives are used in different scientific plication the results can be assumed to fields and application domains (e.g. be more accurate than without manip- drainage delineation, hydrodynamic- ulation. In the hydro-related field like numerical modeling) as standard input hydrodynamic-numerical modeling or data, the whole potential and advan- drainage network delineation many dif- tages of such spatially dense data sets ferent methods are available to im- have not been exploited entirely yet. prove the model results by using dif- In this thesis it is presented that con- ferent algorithms or models but only ditioned DTMs, used with a specific a few change the input data (e.g. Ma- application, increase the quality of re- son et al., 2011; Mandlburger et al., sults. Relevant features can be derived 2009). directly from ALS by using the com- plete information provided by the point cloud. Within the hydro-related scien- 7.1.1 Drainage network delineation tific field it is not commonly used to im- prove ALS data as discussed in this the- sis. It is shown that by using flow accu- mulation methods anthropogenic struc- Therefore, by using ALS data the spa- tures, mainly roads, produce unrealistic tial resolution and the accuracy of such potential drainage networks. By replac- hydro-related applications can be im- ing the original slope alongside roads proved significantly if the data are pre- with an interpolated near-natural slope, processed and relevant information is a conditioned DTM can be calculated, extracted for a specific application in- and therefore the resulting drainage stead of using standard data sets. The network is no longer influenced by an- methods presented in this thesis and thropogenic structures. As subsurface the workflow in chapter 1 are devel- man-made structures (e.g. pipes) are

86 7.1 Synthesis and major findings undetectable within ALS, the roads act The result of chapter 3 is a drainage as walls or barriers if they are not re- network, which represents the poten- moved from the ALS DTM prior to the tial locations where water might be run- drainage delineation. Using the con- ning, derived on input data with the ditioned DTM for network delineation, best available spatial resolution. Re- the results are more accurate than the lated to the workflow in chapter 1 this results based on an original DTM or drainage network can also be used as even the coarse 5m-DTM compared to input for further calculations. So, the a reference data set. The reference data drainage network can be used to de- is created manually from shaded relief crease computation time for the wa- maps and ortho images by the map- ter surface delineation process, using ping authority. Due to the concept the buffered drainage network as a of removing the roads priorly to the pre-selection for the calculation area. drainage delineation process, the high Besides the water surface delineation spatial resolution and the full capac- the selected data within the drainage ity of the topographic data from ALS buffer of a riparian environment can can be used instead of using smoothed be used for filtering tasks. It is as- DTMs. sumed that specific filtering and DTM generating procedures within riparian As shown in different studies (e.g. zones or along the watercourse have Vianello et al., 2009; Mandlburger et al., to be used in order to compute more 2011b), the influences of roads included suitable DTMs of river corridors (Man- in the DTM on the drainage delin- dlburger et al., 2011b). The inten- eation process using a 1m-DTM are sity values (water surface information) enormous. In the presented method and the vertical vegetation structure can the DTM is conditioned, which is a be used to improve riparian filtering relatively simple procedure compared tasks. to changing the drainage delineation method. In many studies the GIS imple- Another advantage of using the condi- mented standard flow algorithms (D8, tioned DTM is the detection of piped FD8 or MFD) are used on coarse resolu- river sections. It is assumed that the tion data (Li and Wong, 2010), and oth- comparison between the drainage net- ers are creating alternative methods for work, based on the conditioned 1m- drainage delineation (Passalacqua et al., DTM, and the network from a regu- 2010; Cazorzi et al., 2013; Gruber and lar 1m-DTM, results in locations where Peckham, 2009). Using the presented the probability of piped river sections approach, the standard GIS flow algo- is very high. To find those piped rithms can be used by increasing the river sections automatically, the rela- accuracy of the derived drainage net- tion between all three, the two differ- work. ent drainage networks (derived from

87 7 Synthesis and conclusions the conditioned and original DTM) and Lehner and Briese, 2010). If no reflec- the street layer, have to be analyzed. tometer measurements are available, Another main advantage is that an es- a calibration without assumptions can tablished standard flow algorithm can not be applied. To analyze radiometric be used for drainage delineation, be- data in a proper way, the minimum re- cause the main error source, which are quirement is a correction of the radio- roads, are smoothed away from the metric information (Höfle and Pfeifer, DTM, while the rest of the DTM com- 2007). This approach is a stripe-wise prise the whole spatial capacity of the relative correction. If a multi-temporal ALS data. data set has to be used, an adjustment is needed as described in this thesis. The radiometric adjustment is impor- 7.1.2 Water surface mapping tant to produce data with the same range of values (Vetter et al., 2009b). Nowadays, the radiometric values of A similar adjustment method is pre- ALS data are underrepresented in clas- sented by Fritzmann et al. (2011) to map sification tasks because of the radio- land cover classes. As shown in vari- metric information complexity and the ous literature the radiometric informa- lack of fully automatic adjustment, cor- tion is increasingly used for classifica- rection and calibration tasks. Instead tion tasks. Kaasalainen et al. (2010) use of uncorrected intensity data, the use the radiometric information to measure of corrected intensity data leads to a soil moisture directly from ALS data. more robust classification result (Höfle Alexander et al. (2010) use the backscat- et al., 2009, 2007). An adjustment of tered information for land cover classi- the corrected data of multi-temporal fication. The correction, calibration and data is used to classify data of dif- the adjustment of intensity data play an ferent periods with the same classi- important role in classification of ALS fication rules. To classify a water data (Höfle et al., 2012). It has to be con- surface area from ALS point clouds sidered during the planning of data ac- is an important application for many quisition that the data which are needed hydro-related research questions, such for calibration are collected simultane- as land use mapping or hydraulic mod- ously with the ALS campaign Wagner eling. (2010). In order to make the radiometric infor- mation of multi-temporal ALS data sets Only pioneer studies had applied in- comparable, an absolute calibration has tensity information when the presented to be applied as described in Wagner method was created. Up to now it has (2010). Reference data and measure- become more common to use the radio- ments from a reflectometer are needed metric data for classification tasks (e.g. for the calibration (Briese et al., 2008; Höfle et al., 2012; Kaasalainen et al.,

88 7.1 Synthesis and major findings

2010; Korpela et al., 2010; Alexander This is presented in the water surface et al., 2010). The quality of the backscat- mapping and river bed interpolation tered information increases, the data part. are ready to be used and the meth- ods for correction and calibration are available. Efforts to calibrate radiomet- Recent trends in LiDAR system devel- ric data directly during data acquisi- opment show the ability of shallow tion have already been done (Pfennig- water mapping, as presented in Man- bauer and Ullrich, 2010). The capability dlburger et al. (2011a). Therefore, it of increasing classification accuracy us- will become easier to combine bathy- ing radiometric information combined metric and land surface data without with full-waveform attributes is stated any interpolation steps. If bathymet- in many studies (e.g. Bretar et al., 2009; ric data are measured without LiDAR, Alexander et al., 2010; Höfle and Hol- as in most cases, the river bed has to laus, 2010; Hollaus et al., 2011; Schmidt be reconstructed from terrestrially mea- et al., 2011). If a radiometric calibration sured cross sections. The approach of can not be applied, a very simple adjust- using the derived water surface first ment method should be used to classify and then interpolate the river bed for multi-temporal data as presented in this the water surface area is used simi- thesis. larly in a few studies with comparable results (e.g. Mandlburger, 2006). Be- sides all assumptions, which have to 7.1.3 River bed modeling be made during river bed interpola- tion using cross section data, the final Although bathymetric laser scanning DTM with the integrated watercourse systems use two wavelengths to map elevation influences the modeling re- shallow water bodies (Guenther et al., sults of hydrodynamic processes posi- 2000), many countries are covered tively (Mandlburger et al., 2009; Mason by conventional near infrared laser et al., 2011). data, which are not able to penetrate water. Therefore, terrestrially mea- sured river cross sections are used to By integrating the river bed model generate river bed information (Mer- into the DTM and using intelligent wade, 2009). While the terrain sur- ALS data reduction methods for mesh face surrounding the water body is col- generation, the set up time and the lected in high spatial resolution, the storage size of the mesh decreases, aim is to integrate only the interpo- while the expected quality of the lated river bed into the DTM and mesh is similar to meshes without not to change the terrain information data reduction (Mandlburger et al., from interpolation (Vetter et al., 2011b). 2009).

89 7 Synthesis and conclusions

7.1.4 Hydraulic roughness estimation els are 1) land cover map from author- ity, 2) land cover from OpenStreetMap (OSM, OpenStreetMap (2013)), 3) land The friction coefficient like the Man- cover from CORINE data (ministry of ning’s n value is one important in- environment), 4) land cover derived put parameter for hydrodynamic- from ortho images, 5) land cover de- numerical models. In this thesis the rived from nDSM and intensity image aim is to find a method, where the ALS and 6) land cover derived with the pre- point cloud data can be used to gener- sented voxel approach (chapter 6). The ate a land cover classification automat- preliminary results of a hydrodynamic- ically. The main findings show that the numerical model based on land cover geometry data can be used to connect classes derived from nDSM & intensity, the vertical vegetation structures and the OSM and the voxel approach show can then be classified as different land almost identical flood inundated areas cover classes. These land cover classes and flow velocities, compared to a real can also be derived by using a normal- flooding event. The hydraulic model ized DSM (nDSM), the point cloud, full- calibration was done with the voxel waveform ALS data or the combination data. It can be assumed that a combina- of image information and ALS data as tion of the nDSM & intensity, the voxel presented in many studies (Rutzinger approach and OSM data will yield the et al., 2008; Mallet et al., 2008; Casas most realistic results. Therefore, the et al., 2010; Höfle and Hollaus, 2010; land cover classes have to be derived Nordkvist et al., 2012). The crucial class from the nDSM & intensity image for of bushes under trees can not be de- non-vegetated areas, the buildings have rived by using the mentioned methods. to be extracted from OSM and the voxel The vertical point distribution of the approach has to be used in the vegeta- ALS point cloud and the derived ver- tion. Finally, the Manning’s n values tical connectivity parameter are used and the land cover classes are linked to detect underlaying vegetation in a within the hydrodynamic-numerical reproducible and objective way. This model. can not be done with traditional meth- ods and data, like image classifica- tion or raster-based classification ap- 7.1.5 Ongoing work proaches.

Within an ongoing research project The importance of the methods pre- (collaboration with the University of sented in this thesis, regarding to the Heidelberg) the influences of differ- workflow described in the ’Introduc- ently derived land cover classes for tion’ chapter, has been summarized hydrodynamic-numerical modeling are and applied in (Pfurtscheller and Vet- being tested. The used land cover mod- ter, 2013). The main steps of the

90 7.1 Synthesis and major findings workflow were used to set up a flood was measured in the streams during the model. ALS flight campaign (29 m3/s). Finally, the vertical vegetation structure was The main outcome of Pfurtscheller calculated and land cover classes were and Vetter (2013), where the the- derived. The streets were derived by sis author was the second author, using the intensity image in combina- being responsible for the ALS and tion with the nDSM and the buildings hydrodynamic-numerical modeling were taken from OpenStreetMap. Then, part, can be identified as the conclu- the Manning’s n values were added sion of this thesis regarding the re- to the related land cover classes. The mote sensing and the feature extrac- Manning’s n value for the channel was tion part for hydrodynamic-numerical added to the derived water surface. A models. The main goal in Pfurtscheller hydraulic mesh was generated with a and Vetter (2013) was to calculate the slightly modified method compared to entrepreneurial and regional-economic the method presented by Mandlburger impacts on globalised production et al. (2009). Based on this mesh a 2D companies caused by flood events. hydrodynamic-numerical model was This was done by using ALS data prepared as described in Vetsch et al. and a 2D hydrodynamic-numerical (2011). A flood scenario was created model. based on the hydrograph of the regional In order to underline the consistency flood event in 2005. The discharge of a flood with a one-hundred-year return and applicability of the developed the- 3 sis methods, the procedure within period (HQ100) is at 1450 m /s. An Pfurtscheller and Vetter (2013) needs approx. 3% increase of discharge was to be described shortly. First of all, added to the final hydrograph of the the water surface area was derived by HQ100, simulating the impact of cli- using the point cloud based classifica- mate change in this region (cf. Blöschl et al., 2011), resulting in discharge peak tion approach (chapter 4). The condi- 3 tioning of the DTM and deriving the of 1490 m /s. A worst case scenario was drainage network (chapter 3) was not calculated with a log jam at the bridge carried out because the methods were close to the production site of the com- developed after this study had been re- panies. The hydrodynamic-numerical alized. Then, the river bed model was model was calibrated with the data calculated (chapter 5). Because of the from the flood event in 2005. The re- huge distance of the terrestrially mea- sulting flood inundated areas (depth sured cross sections (up to 200m), the and velocity maps) were used to com- river bed model was not used. Instead pute the vulnerability of two selected of using the DTM with the included companies and finally to calculate the river bed model, the hydrograph was entrepreneurial and regional-economic reduced by the amount of water, which impacts.

91 7 Synthesis and conclusions

Within Pfurtscheller and Vetter (2013) 7.2 Conclusion all presented methods, described in this thesis are combined in order to run a Finally, it need to be pointed out that the hydrodynamic-numerical model. The presented methods in this thesis have main advantages are primarily the use been developed to improve the quality of the water surface and the land cover and accuracy of the results of hydro- classification approach. If no river bed related studies. These methods show model is available or only in poor qual- possible solutions to solve challenging ity, the original DTM can be used if questions related to hydrology or hy- the hydrograph is reduced by the dis- draulics. However, several solutions charge value during the ALS campaign have been developed by other scien- without any loss of quality of the fi- tists solving similar problems (e.g. Man- nal modeling results. The channel Man- dlburger, 2006; Straatsma and Baptist, ning’s n value can be added directly 2008; Straatsma et al., 2008; Höfle et al., to the water surface while the land 2009; Casas et al., 2010; Sofia et al., 2011; cover classes besides the water surface Rutzinger et al., 2011b; Cazorzi et al., are taken from the ALS data. The 2013). To sum up, the main focus of this combination of land cover classifica- thesis was to present methods where tion methods for friction parameter de- the full spatial and radiometric poten- scription based on intensity, nDSM and tial of ALS data can be used in order to point cloud data are efficient and repro- achieve an increase in accuracy of such ducible. The challenge to find under- hydro-related applications. The pre- laying vegetation is avoided by using sented methods demonstrate the abil- the vertical vegetation structure analy- ity to change the input data in order sis, while the streets are classified by to get the expected increase of the re- using the intensity and nDSM infor- sults by protecting the high spatial res- mation. The classification task is as- olution of the data. It is shown that in- sumed as being the most effective part stead of using low resolution data spe- of the presented workflow, while the el- cific manipulations of the 1m-DTM or evation and land cover data used for the extraction of selected features are hydrodynamic-numerical modeling are useful in order to solve hydro-related from one single measurement. The time topics. consistency of the data is given and the one data set can be analyzed with a high degree of automatization to reduce hydrodynamic-numerical model setup time.

92 7.3 Future work

7.3 Future work low. It is assumed that this list of ideas for future work might improve the discussed methods to a further ex- The main suggestions for future re- tent. The following points are im- search has already been given in the portant to take another step further to different thesis chapters. More gen- solve more ALS and hydro-related chal- eral future research goals are listed be- lenges.

• Full-waveform laser scanning: To improve the delineation results, discussed in the different chapters, the impact of full-waveform information needs to be figured out. The influence of point density has to be in center of further re- search as well. It can be assumed that the use of FWF data and a higher point density will increase the resulting feature accuracy, especially the drainage network delineation and the hydraulic friction estimation. • Laser shot dropouts: The use of laser shot dropouts is essential for water sur- face classification and delineation, but also for vegetation mapping. The computation of dropouts is up to now outside of the ALS acquisition pro- cess. The recording of the lost laser shots during data collection can be real- ized easily, which could increase the potential of data classification in differ- ent fields. As long as the information of the laser shot dropouts are not used, the necessity to record the data is not of further interest for laser scanning companies. • Hydro-related applications: Most of hydro-related applications use coarse res- olution input data (e.g. low pass filtered ALS DTMs). The existing meth- ods and applications should be adopted to high resolution ALS data. The amount and accuracy of the ALS data as well as the computation speed and storage capacity are increasing constantly, but only minor or slow develop- ments are registered in the hydro-related application field. The use of 1m spatial resolution data as basis for hydro-related applications is not preva- lent. The ALS data themselves have to be modified for each project sep- arately instead of changing the hydro-related application’s methods only once.

7.4 Final paragraph sult in more accurate and reproducible outcomes. It has also been demon- strated that ALS is more than a state-of- In this thesis it has been shown that the-art technique for topographic data the use of conditioned data and dif- collection if the whole capacity of the ferent feature extraction methods for data is used like the intensity infor- specific hydro-related applications re-

93 7 Synthesis and conclusions mation and the 3D information of the can fit to various applications. So, point cloud. Nevertheless, the knowl- the input data have to be manipulated edge about the functionality of the used and specific features have to be de- model and the applied algorithm is es- rived separately with customized meth- sential to generate an appropriate input ods for different applications in order data set from ALS data. It has been clar- to solve diverse research questions suc- ified that there is no standard ALS ter- cessfully. rain or surface model available, which

’Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.’ Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

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Curriculum vitae

Michael Vetter birth 17th July 1977, Lustenau, Austria citizenship Austria 1983–1992 Primary and secondary school in Lustenau 1992–1995 Journeyman’s education and examination in painting, Lustenau 1996–1997 Military service in the military band (drums), Bregenz 1999 Master craftsman’s certificate in painting and management cer- tification, Feldkirch 2001–2003 School leaving examination (Berufsreifeprüfung), Bregenz 2003–2008 Studies of Geography at the University of Innsbruck 2005–2008 Tutor and project staff at the University of Innsbruck 2007–2008 Diploma thesis: ’Punktwolkenbasierte Ableitung von Wasser- oberflächen aus Airborne Laser Scanning Daten – Unter Verwen- dung von Radiometrie- und Geometrieattributen’, Innsbruck 2008 Graduated as ’Magister der Naturwissenschaften, (Mag.rer.nat)’ 2008–2009 Scientific project staff at the University of Innsbruck 2009–2013 PhD student within the ’Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems’, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna 2010–2012 Scientific project staff at the Vienna University of Technology