Notee on Cleonymidae (Hym. Chalcidoidea). I


In the year 1958 BouCek putrlished an excellent paper on Cleongmidae with a key to the genera (only for Cleongminael. He had unfortunately not seen the types of some of the genera and for that reason he could not place some of the genera salisfactorily. He also discussed lhe status of the family Cleongmi

Anber). I think *-e musl search for lhe ancestors of many groups of Cft.rlci- doidea particulnrly in this group (He)'denini). In a forthcoming paper I hope to give valid reasons lor this hypothesis.

Ke1' to the lribea of the eubfamil;- Cleonl-minae. l. .{ntcn[ae Nith clala as]'nrmetric ..,,..... 2. -{nteDnae \rith clava ,ot u"t--ut.i" . . . . . : : . . . . : . . : . . . . . : . . : . : : ...... J. 2. .{ntennae 1l-jointed {lll7l). }-ore femora \rilhoul tooth r(,ntralh. Anteunal sulcus \yatrting or nearl-r- so. Pro[otum normal, abetrant genera (Nordni.$rs Walk., Pan. norrirllo Erd) Nith l)rg l,ronotunr ...... - Clet)ngnini .{nlennae l2-jointed (11163) ...... see Hegdenini 3. Axillae projecting il front of a level with the base of scutellum ...... {. .{\illae not l)rojecting. nornral ...... 5. {. .lnlennae l0-jointed (11251). Legs narro$' and long. Gaster elongate, ovipositor long. Propodeum very reduced in the nrirldle. Eyes verl large. Hind tibia with I sl)rrr /,.Itri.iri tIib. n. Anlennae l3-jointed (fll73). Fore femora srsollen, ventrally \\ith large, btack setae. Ovipositor long or short. Thorax compressed dorsall-y. Iuner orbiles pro- duced, \r'ith transyerse keels . .,.. . - - Oodetini ,. .{ntennae l3-jointed (l 12-jointed genus from Baltic Amber) . .. . -...... 6. .Lnterrnae ll- or l2-jointed ....---...--- 7. 6. Pronotum longer than ryide. .{ntennae l3-jointed (11173) or 12-jointed (ll163). Gastcr not sclerotized . IlcAdenini trib. n 7. Petiole long, cvlindric. Gasler loug and laterallv compressed. Legs lollg and slender ...... -...... 8. Petiole ferl' short. Gaster not laterall.\- compressed. Legs stout, femora s\rollen, seldom slender and not especially long ...... ,...... 9. 8. Petiole \rith transverse striation ard long hairs. Oripositor long. Prepectus yer\ large. Inner orbites produced, \tith translerse keels ...... -.... - Leploloenini 9. Gasler sclerotized and with a longitudinal carina dofso,laterally. For.e femora srlolierr, rsith a tooth more or less distinct distallv on the tentral side. Antennae 11 jointed (lllTll ...... ,ycis.ini Gaster more or less tubular and less sclelotized, no loDgitudinal carina dorso- lateralll. Legs slender but fore femora ss'ollen in some genera. Antennae ll-joirlled (lll7l), in aberrant genus l2-jointed (11172) ...... T houmosurini Cleongmini To this tribe belong the following genera: Cleonymus Latr., Callocleonymas llasi., Glgphotoma Cam., PlinoDius Ashm., Nol(rnisus rfi/alk. and Pannoniella Erd, Accord- in8 to the description Apldqgerrh s Girlt. seems to belong to this lribe.

Cleongmus Latr. 1809 Laheille, Gen. Crusl. Ins., {. p. 29, 1E09 Type': Diplolepis depressa Fabr. C. Deftiliensrs (Risbec), M6m. I'Inst. Sci. Iladagascar., II, pp. 391- Iladagascar 393. 1959 Comb. n. C hei r o ptc hg t Del'ilienrrs Risb. C. depressa (Fabricius), Suppl. Ent. Syst., p. 231, f8l0 Europa Ichncumon depr€ssa Febr. Entomol. Ts. tro. P. lt.1-2,1961 NOTES ON CLEONYMTDAE (HyM. CHALCTDOTDEA). r. 93

C- obscurus Walker, Ent. M. llag., 4, p. 352, 1837 Europa C- colilornicus Girault, Journ, Ent. and Zool., I, p. 11, l9l7 Californien C- nigriclauatus Girault, Descr. Hym. Chalcidoid. Variorum cum Observ., Florida III, p. 6, 1917 C. collaris Spinola, U6m. accad. Sc. Torino (2), XIII, p. 46, f853 Brazil C. albomaculatas Heqvisl, South African Auimal Life., VII., pp. 415- Cape Prov, 416, 1960 C. saDmersus Brues, Bull. llus. Comp. Zool. Havard Coll., 54, p. 27, t.47, l9l0 This species from Florissatrt, Colorado, preserved in the lliocene shales and de- scribed b-'- Brues as belonging lo Cleongmu$ seems to me not to be a lrue CIeo- nyzrus. According to description and figure C. submersus has an other shape of head than recent species of Cleonymus. The rving vei[s ilr fore rving are different. There is doubt if C. suDmersas belongs to Cleongminae. Itr ant case this species must be lransferred to an olher genus, probabl! a ne!!' oDe. As a nes' genus for this species I propose Brrresisco. Bruesisca gen. n. Type: Cleongmut tubmersu$ Brues B. submersus (Brues), Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Havard Coll., 54, p. 27, t. 47, l9l0 Comb- n.

Plinobitts Asm. 1896 Ashmead. Proc. Enl. Soc. W&sh., {, p. ll, 1896 Type: Ciarilopus mognilicus Ashm. P. ogrili Rohwer, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 2t, p. 5, lgfg California P. calitotnicus Crarvford, Insec. Insc. llenstr,, 4, p. 142, l9l7 (1916) P- mognilicus (Ashmead), Iians. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 3: app., IV, 1888 U.S.A. Chafilopus mognilicu.s Ashm. (N. J., lV. Ve., 1'4. Xans., Tex.) Syn: Prinobius tlysphagae Girault, Ent. News., 26, p. t30, 1915 P- te],anus Crawford, Insec. Insc. Menstr., 4, p. ll2, 1917 (1916) Teias

Cttllocleongmus Masi 1939 Masi, Boll. Lab. Ent. Portici., III, pp. 2E9-290, 1939 Typer C. pulcfter llasi C. ferrierei Kerrich, Eos., XXXXIII, pp.270-272, l9'o7 (:hiDa:) C. pulch Masi, Boll. Lab. Ent. Portici., III, pp. 291-291, 1939 Strmali

Nor(nisus Walk. 1837 lvalker, Ent. Uag.,4, p. 352, 1837 Type: N. uersicolor Walk. N. Detsicolot Walker, ibid.

Pannoniella Erd. 1960 Erd6s, Acta Zoologica Acad. Sci. Hung., VI, p. 306, f960 Pannonica Erd6s, Ann. hist.-n8t. IUus. Hung., 39, pp. l3l-f$, 1916 (praeocc.) Type: P. se:rramoso Erd. P. serramoso (Erdiis), ibid., p. 132, 19{6 Hungary Ponnonica se.rranroso Erd. CsR

Entomol. Tr. Aro- E2- 8.1-2,196t 9{ KARL-JOHAN HEQ\'IST

Glgphotoma Cam. 1912 Cameron, Societas entomolo8ica, XXVII, pp.6Ht, 1912 Type: G. albilarsis Cam. In British \Iuseum (Nat. Mus.) 2 species were marked as types but apparently not described lry Cameron: Glgphotoma lesfdceicornis and G. pilosa. Both where males. They fitted very well with Masi's Panacleongmus. Obviously Glypftotoma is con- generic with Paracleongmus and since Glgphotoma is older than Pardcleongmus lhe latter must be a synonym of Glgphotoma. Glgphotoma Cam. (see above) Strr: Parucleongmur \lasi, Nonosia-, V, pp. 3{0- 3, f926 G. anguitatas (Masi), I(onos.ia., V, pp. 34{}-343. 1926 Comb. n. Formosa Paracl eony mus ollgur,olu3 llasi. G. alDitdrsis Cameron, Soc. entom., XXVU, p. 64, 1912 Borneo Aplatggerrhus Girlt. 1913 Girault, Trans. R. Soc. S. Auslral.,37, p.77, 1913 Type: .{. magrrilicus Girlt. A, magnilicus Girault, Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral., 37, p. 77, 1913 Tasmania A- dentatitemw Girault, Insec. InEc. Menstr., 14, p. 60, 1926 A- imperialis Dodd, Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia., {8, p. 163, 1924 Norlolk Isl. A- regalis Dodd, ibid., p. 164 Lord Howe Isl. Ilegdenini trib. n. To this lribe belongs following genera: Hegdenia F6rsl., Patahegdenid Cam. and a ne\f, Benus from Baltic Amber lleydeniopsis gen. n. Hegdenia F6rst. 1856 Fdrster, H!'Er. Stud., 2, pp. {6,.1E, 1656 Type: II. preriosa Fdrst. H. p.etiosd Ftirster, Hym. Stud., 2, pp. 48--49, 1656 Europa S)-n: trgcisca $iruestri nusso, BolI. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici 2, pp. f95-205, 1939 Hegde\ia excellent Wachtl, Wien. Ent. Ztg., E, pp. E9-91, 1889 H. notalensis (Westwood), Thesaurus Ent, Oxon., p. l4S, 1.2? f. 6, Natal 1876 ,Lrrcisca nalaaensir Wesls. H. segrigi (Risbec), trI6m. I'Inst. Sci. trIadagascar., II, pp. 387-390, Iladagascar 1952 Lgcisca segringi Risb. Il. unica Cook & Davis, llich. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul., 73, p. 15, 1891 U.S.A. (lrlont., Iich., Va., If,'. Va., N.C.) Hegdeniopsis gen. n. Head subglobular. Antennae (fig. 2 B) inserted near the base of cllp€us and sith 12 joints (11163). Clava has an appendage as in the genus Cleonymus (fig.2B). Eles large, hairy. Irlalar space as long as half breath of eye. Ocelli in an equilateral triangel. Prolhorat long and of the sane shape as it Hegdenia and P

Entomol. Ts. Aro.n. H.1-2,1 1 NOTES ON CLEONYMIDAE (HYM. CHALCIDOIDEA). I. 95

B o


Fig. 2. A. Hegdeniopris cleonymoides sp.D. B. The antennae of H. cleonomoides sp.i.

H. cleonymoides sp.rt. 9 Thorar metallic gr:een-dark blue with tint of bronry, arillae blue. Ilead, an- tennae, legs and gaster reddish brown. Femora dark brown outside. About morphological caracteres see above and fig. 2 A. Length: 3-0 mlh.

Entu//I.ol. Ts. Aro. n. H.1-2, r 1 96 IiARL.JOHAN HEqVIST

Holotl'pe ir the collection of Swedish fluseum of Natural HistorJ'. \l'ell preserved iD Baltic,{mber s'ith onl}' the e-ings lost. This species seems to be a link bet$'een Hegdania F6rst and Cleorymus Latr. Hegdeniopsis is the first true Cleongmidae knou'n from Ballic amber. Cleongmus .$rrbmerJas llrues (see p. 93) is a questionable member. From this ncN genus rre can draN thc conclusion lhat the genera Hegdenia and P(ttahegdenid belo[g to an old group aDd are relicls onlj- of a larger group.

Patohegdenie (lam. 1911nec Girlt. 1915 Canrcron. Proc. l-inn. Soc. New South Wales.,36. pp.653-651, 19ll Type: P. longicollis Cam. P. crisl(lripellnis Girault, lrsec. IDsc. llenstr., 12, p.3, 1921 Queensland P- lonqicollis Cameron, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South l\'ales., 36, \.S. \\'ales pp. 651-655, 191I P. madagasca ensis Heqv. sp.n. {see belorv) )[adagascar

Purahegdenio sp.n. d. Greerr \rith bronce and scarlet tints. Legs, scapc, pedicel (the rest of an]ennae brooken) and base of peliole rellorvish br.o\yu, taNus 1'ellorvish rvhite. Face and anterior part of mesopleura rvith n'hite scalelike hairs. Fore wings with pale Iel- lorvish bror\lr reins and 2 tufts of hlack selae, one at the base of parastigma and the other one at the base of the marginal vein. Belo$ the parastigma a r:ery pale infusca- tion aDd rouud and belo\r lhe stigmal \'ein an infuscated spot. Head (fig. I C) large about 2 times *'ider than long. Antennae inserted just above l level of \'elrtral edge of e1"es. l{alar space nearlJ' as long as the breadth of e}'e. Pronolum nruch longer than *ide. Notaulices complete but partll- illdefined. Pro- podeum (fig. I A) long \!ith median carina aDd complete plica lateralis. Fimbriae fell and scaltcred. Spiracles small, circular. Petiole long, half the length of gaster. Hind tibia Nith t\ro spurs. Fore femora srvollen. Fore ring (fig. I lll Nilh bssal part lrare, marginal $ein much longer (2 times) than postmarginal vein, the latter some$'hal longer lhsn lhe sligmal vein. Lenglh: 1.9 mm. Holotl"pe in the collection of British fluseum (Nat. Hist.). Lordon lladagascar, P6rinet, l7.XI, 1952, leg. X. E. Schedl. This neN sl)ecies is thc first representatiye of Pdraftegdenio Cam. outside Australia. It is tery similar to Parahegdenia longicollis Cam., but differs in having t$'o tufts on the fore Ning, one at the base of parastigma and the other one at base of marginal vein. Fore femora lvithout truncate teeth ventrally and Nith pronotum reticulated. In soDre respect this species is similar lo Hegdeniopsis cleonymoides sp.n. (see the description pp. 9{-95).

Ooderini Bout. lg58 Boutek l9i8 formed for Oodera Westw. a new tribe. He discussed the status of Oodera amd pointed out the peculiar form of thorax. I have had the opportunit-\- to examine some of the ttpes in British lluseum (Nat. Hist.) and the types of \l'est- $ood in Hope Department of Entomolog)- at Oxford. In the follo$'ing I have tried to list all species belonging to this Benus. Entomol. Ts. lrs. E2. H. 1-2, 1961 NOTES ON CLEONYMIDAE IHYM. CHALCIDOIDEA) 97


@ 1l \ \ ooo



Fig- l. Paruhegdenia mo.dagascotiensis sp.n. A. Propodeum and sculellum. B. Fore sing. C. Head in dorsal view.

Oodera Westw. 1874 \\restwood, Thessur. Ent. Oxon., p. lI5, 187{ Syn: Sl€llopiora Risbec, lllm. lnst. Fr. Afr. Noire, 13, p.239, l95l Type: O. g.ocilis Westw. O. dokorensis Risbec, Bull. |I.F.A.N. XIX, pp. 256-260, f957 Frence West Africa O- fotmosa Giraud, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges, Wien, 13, p.21, 1863 South Europe Syn: O. Deslio Nikolskaja, Chalcid Fauna SSSR., p. {74, 1952 O- grocilis WestrYood, Thesaur. Ent. Oxon., p. f45, 187.1 Aru O. longicollis Cameron, Roy. Asiat. Soc. No. 39, p. 97, 1903 Borneo Epistenid longicollis CaDr., J. Strait. Asiat, Soc. 1903 O. madegassa Bouaek, Acta. Enl. Mus. Nat, Prag. XXII, pp, 376 |radegascdr 379, 1958 O- magnilica (Risbec), Mim. Inst. F. Afr. Noire. 13, pp. 239-243, 1951 Senegal Stello phora magnirica nisb. O- monstrum Nikolskaja, Chalcid Fauna SSSR,, p, 474, 1952 South part of SSSR Entomol. Ts. Ars. n. ll. 1-2, 1S$,


O- ornqta Gahan, Philipp. J. Sci., 27, p. 97, 1925 Philippines O. obscuta Westrlood, Thesaur. Ent. Oxon. p. 146, 1874 ? O. tutimana Westrvood, ibid., p. f46, 1874 Cambogia (Mouhot) O. tenuicollis (\I'alker), Notes on Chalcid. Pt.5, p.86, 1872 Comb. n. \t1'sol E,Jpelmu3 tnnicollis $'alter, ibid.

Lgciscini Bout. 1958 To this tribus belongs follorvin8 genera: Lycisco Spin., Llrolycisca Rom., Episle- ni.r lvest\'., Neolgcisca Heqv., Romanisca Heqv., Paralgcisca lleqy., .,lma?onisca Heqr'., and Solen.r.a West$r.

Solenura Westw. 1868 Westwood, Trans Ert. Soc. London., p.36, 1868 S].n: Ormgrodes Brues, Bull. \\'isc. Nal. Hist. Soc.,5, p. {6, f907 Thecasorna llalsumura, Thousand lnsects of Japan. Suppl. IV, p. 159, tgf8 faogo Cameron, Entomologist., -12, pp. 21G-211, 1909. !gn. n. Type: .S. relescopico Westw. S. onia (Walker), List Hym. Brit. Mus. Chalcid., I, p. 93, 1846. Malaya (Penang) Comb. n. Epistenro on.a W'alk. S. leret.ius (Walker), ibid., I, p. 93, 1846. Cozrb. n. Philippines Epistenio leretrirs Welk. S. fusco-aeneo ltasi, Boll. Soc. ent. ital., p. 6E, 1943 Somali S. nrgra (Walker), Notes on Chalcid., Pt. 6, p. 87, 1872- Comb. n. Zululand Epist€rid nigra Walk. S. rulipes (CameroD), Entornologist., 42, p.2ll, 1909. ComD, n. Borneo Taoga rnlipes Ca,io. S, telescopica Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. London,, p. 36, Java, Formosa, Japan 1868 Syn: Z?recasoma longicaudo llatsm., Thousand of Japan. Suppl. IV, p. f59, fglS In the type-collection in British i{useum (Nat. Hist.) lhere is an other species of Cameron, Taoga carinata:Solenuta co.tinata Comb. n,, which seems to bc only a manuscript name.

Amasonisca Hegv. 1958 Heqvist, Ent. Tidskr,, 79, p. lS6, 1958 Type: .4. Datesi Heqv. ,{. boresi Heqvist, ibid., p. 198, 1958 Brazil

Paralgcisca Heqv. 1958 Heqvist, Ent. Tidslr., 79, p. 192, r95E Type: P- crirrdd Heqv. P. ctislata Heqvist, ibid., pp. 192-193, 1958 Ilrazil

Romanisca Heqv. 1958 Heqvist, Ent. Tidskr., 79, p. l9l, 1958 Type: annalicornis Heqv. R. annulicotnis H€qvist, ibid., p. 194, 1958 I} azil EntomoLfs. Aro. n. H. 1-2, 1961 NOTES ON CLEONYMIDAE (HYM. CHALCIDOIDEA). I 9!r

Neolgcisca Hegv. 1958 Heqvist, Enl. Tidst.., 79, pp. 19&-199, 195a Type: N. macurata Heqv. N. maculda Heqvist, ibid., pp. 199-200, 1968 llrazil

Dpistenia Westw. 1832 \l'esl\*ood, in Griffith, Anim. Kin8d. Ins., 2, p. 432, 1832 Syn: Dasgglenes Ashmead, Csnad. Ent.,20, p. 174, 1EE8 ,dioD.a Brithes, Ent. Mitt., 16, p.330, 1927 "l\pei E- coeruleatd West\ . Several species are d€scribed as belonging to this genus but many of them belong to other Benera. In the following only a preliminary list of the species is given. E. americana Girault,r Arch. Natur8es., 78, A 9, pp. 172-173, l9l2 Paragual 'Walker, E. basalis Trans. Ent. Soc. LoDdoD., I, p. 192, 1862 Brazil E. bclla Strand, Arch. Naturges., I, p. 153, fgll Peru E. ciilrnsis BrEthes, Revist. chilena., XX, pp. 27-28, 1916 Peru (Aconcagua) E- coeruleata Westrvood, in Griffith, Anim. Kingd. Ins., 2, p. 432, U.S.A. (Georgia) 1832 E. conica Brithes,r Anal. llus. Nac. Bs. As., XII, Paraguay (San BernandiDo) p. 226, 1909 E. cupreoviridis Brelhes, An. tr{us. Buenos-Aires., IX, Paraguay (Asunci6n) pp. ll-12, 1906 E. gemmata Giraull,r Arch. Natur8es., 7E, A 0, pp. 173-174, l9l2 Paraguay E- goethei Girault, Arch. Nalurges. -{bt. A, p. 56, l9l3 E- impetialis Smith, Journ. Proc. Linn, Soc. London Zool.,2, p. 127,lA57 Borneo E. Iiguensis Brethes, Rev. chil., XX, p. 28, fgf6 Peru. (Asunci6n) E. maculipennis (Philippi), Stett. EnL Zeil.,32, p.289, 1871 Chile {Valdiria) P rogl oc hi n maculip.nnis Philippi E- miripes Girault, Insec. Insc. Menstr., X, pp. 4l--42, 1922 Queensland E. nigtiaened Girault, Mem. Queensl. Mus., IV, pp. 215-216, l9l5 E- odgneri Ashmead, Psyche., 7, p.336, 1896 U.S.A. (CalifornienJ E. quodtipldgiala Walker, Notes on Chalcid., Pt. 5, p. 85, 1872 Brazil E. oEmia? (Ashmead), C-anad. Ent., 20, p. 174, 1888 U.S.A. (N.J., ?Fla.) Dosgglenes oimrae Ashm. E. politus (Say), Contr. Maclur. tyc. Phila., I, p. ?9, 1928 U.S.A. (Va.) Spalangarrr politur Say E- rcgalis Cockerell, Psyche., 39, p. 228, 1934 U.S.A. (Colo.) E- $chmidti (Brathes), Ent. Mitt., 16, pp. 330-331, 1927 Costa Rica (San Jos6) I.riobia sclrrnidti Brith. E- scutdta Walker, Trans. Ent, Soc. London., 1, p. 392, 1862 Brazil E. scutellald Brithes,r Anal. Mus. Nac. Bs. As., XII, Paraguay (San Bemandino) pp. 226-227, 1009 E. .rpesiosisrima Girault, Rec. S. Austr. Mus., III, p. 313, Queensland (Xuranda) ts27 E. utest@oodi (Gu6rin),Icon. Rogne. Anim., 7, ins. p.416, 1845 Colombia Lgcisca uestaoodi Glu61.

1 It is possible lhal E. americana Girault. is synoD:rrnous lo E, scutellata Brethes and E, gefimata Giraull lo E, conica Brithes. Entomol. Tt. Aro. E2. H.l-2,1961 100 XARL.JOHAN HEQVIST

Species described as Epistenia Westw. but not belonging to this genus E- anra Walk.:.Sol€ntra Weslw. E. aequalis Walk.: Cluyseida Spin. E- baltedtd Cam.: UrolUtcisco Rom. D. I etetrius Walk.:Solanurd lvestrv. E. longicollis Cam.: O.,de.a Westw. E- maculipes Cam.- Lgcisca Spin. E. nigra Walk.:Solenurd Westw.

Urolgcisca Rom. 1920 Roman, Ark. Zool., 12, pp. rg-m, 1920 T1'pe: U. apicolis \l'alk. A. apicalis (Walker), Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., I, p.393, f862 Brazil ,rcis.d apicalis Wolk. U hqstata (Walker), ibid., p.393 Brazil ,-gcisca rtosdla 1l'alk. U. balteqta (Cameron), Biol. Centr. Amer. Hym., I, p. 392, 1884 Guatemala E pi st e nia balt eat a C^m.

Lycisco Spin. 1840 Spinola, Mag. Zool.,2:e s6r. 2, pp, l{-18, 18{0 Type: .L. raploria Spin. About syDon)-ms see Heqvist (1958) I.

Lycisca ogloblina sp.n. 9. Blue-black $'ith face Breen, tint of bronzy and red on vertex and occiput (even some tint of green). ilouthpart and the base of antennae reddish brou'n. Antennae lrlack. Pronotum with anterior parl and posterior part green, laterally blue. A spot in front of each axilla and a narrow band of posterior margin of scapulae green. Post- E^tontol- Ts- Aro. ta. ll.1-2,1 1 NOTES ON CLEONYMIDAE (HYM. CHALCIDOIDEA). I 101

oo A D


A A B c

Fig. 3. Hesd, from in front and laterally. A. Iycisca ama.onica Rom. B. L. cyoniceps Rom C. L. nebulipennis strand. D. L, ogloblina spn. scutellum rioletl)lue and propodeum green Nith tint of blue. Pleurac with mixlure of red. blue and green.2nd,3rd and 4th segments of gaster Nith a spot of 8recn. The rest of gaster \\ith tint of violet, red and green. Fore and mid legs reddish broNn with 1'ellow trochanlers. Hinds legs \r'ith coxae black $'ith blue and red tints, tro- chanteres and knee 1'ellos', femora, tibia and tarsus reddish bro\\n. All clas' joints darker (broll'n). Wing rseins reddish bron'n, a [rro\\ n infuscalion from parastigma to stigmal vein. Head (fig. 3 D) semi8lobular. \Ialar space more than half tength of e1e. Anteunae (lll7l) inserted belo$ a leyel of ventral edge of eyes. Pedicel as long as lst funicle joint. Fore femora very s$ollen. .lth segment of gaster as long as 2nd aDd 3rd segments together and nearl.'- as long as 5th. Postmarginal vein longer lhan marginal vein. Speculum small, narroN. 6. Similar to female but the green spots on lhorax larger. Scutellum N'ith a blue spot and lhe 41h se8ment of gaster with a blue spot on each sides. 'Ihe red tiot on thorax, rertex and occiput nrore distinct. Length: 9. 5.0-?.5 mm; 6. 6.0 mm Hololype, Allotlpe and 2 Paratlpes (99). Locality:.{rgentina, Loreto. Exp. St. leg. A. O8loblin L. ogloblina sp.n. is similar to L. decora Strand but differs in the colour aDd is not s\\'ollen behind e.,-es. The length of the gaster segments is also different. Because the segurents of gaster are so sclerotized in l-ycisc( the yariation secms to be verr small in the length of segments. For that reason I have modified my ke)' (see Heqvist 1958) and used this character iu the following ke1'.

Key to the specier of Lycisca Spin. (L raptoria Spin. not included) oo

I Large species (9-21 mm). Abdomen (fig. a D) much longer than thorai+ head ... - -.. -... -...... 2 Small species (5.0-f2 mm). Gasier as lon8 as or somewhat lon8er than thorax+ head { Entomol. Ts. Ats.82- H.1-2,196, 102 KARL-JOHAN I'EQVIST

2. Yalvula ventralis from posterior mar8in of 3rd se8ment. The length from poste- rior margin of 5th segment to apex 2 times the length of the 4th segment. Abdomen lon8 narro\r'. Black, blue spots on orbites, anterior part of pronotum and posterior laterally, posterior part and lengthwise of notaulices, callus, occiput, laterally of gaster, posterior margin of the scutum, pleurites aud coxae \.ith a mixture of blue, green and purpure. Basal part of scape blue, posterior part of gaster blue \r'ith tint of red. Legs (\:ithout coxae) fuscous-reddish brorvn. Length l&-21 mm. /-. romondi Westn'. -. Vallula ventralis from the middel of 4th segment. The length from posterior margin of 5th segment to apex shorter than 2 times the lth segment. Abdomen more stout ...... ,. 3 3. 5th segment at least 1.5 longer thar 4th. The length from posterior margin of 5th segment to apex 1.5 times the length of the 4th segment. Hind corae as long as lst-3rd segmenl combined. From half 5th segment to apex golden red. Black, \rith a blue-green baDd atrterior ar|d posterior of the pronotum, poste- rior of the mesonotum and on callus. Legs reddish bro\r'n. Pleurites and coxae blue, greel and red mixed. Length 12-20 mm...... ,. L. ignicaudatd Westw. -. 5th seBment 11/r longer than 4th. The length fron posterior margin of 5th seg- nent to apex as long as the length of {th segment. I{ind coxae not so long as lst-3rd segmerts combined. From posterior part of 5th segment lo apex gol- den red. Black. face partll', occiput, a broad band anterior and posterior of pronotum, posterior of mesonotun, callus, lst-4th segrnents of the gaster laterallv green- blue. Legs reddish brorvn, hind legs fuscous, coxae green, blue and red, apically mixed rvhite-1'ellow. Length 9 15 mm. a. m.rculipes Canr. {. Gaster longer than lhorax+head (l r/r limes). Head srvollen behind eles E'ith equal puncturation on head, pronotum, meso- praescutuD and scutellum. Scapulae \vith more coarse punctures. Head green- blue $'ith a black spot all round ocelli. Pronotum green, Nith t.rvo black spols posteriorly. llesonutum black rvith a green band posterior. Scutellum black with a green spot in the middel alrd at apex. Propodeunr green. Abdomen black with tiDt of scarlet on second and third segments, $ith a green bandon 4th se8anent and a golden green spot laterall]", 5th segment \rith a golden green spot laterallv. Fore- and middel legs pale reddish bro$'n with coxae arrd femurs ventrally !'ello\e, hiDd legs pale reddish bro$'n with coxae violet-blue at apex yellow and tibia reddish broNn, larsus reddish bro*'n ryith penultimale and ultimate joints darker. Length l2 mnr l. dtcoro Slrand Gaster as long as thorax +head .... o 5. The length from posterior margin of 5th segment to apex as the leugth of the 4th segment or shorler ....6 -. The length from post€rior margin of sth segnent to apex r/r limes longer than {th se8mert ...... -.... 8 6. The length from posterior margin of the 5th segment shorter than ,lth segmert. Blue'black $'ith face green, tint of bronzy and red on vertex and occiput (even some tint of green). \Iouthpart and the base of antennae reddish brown. Alr- tennae black. Pronolum \yith anterior- and posterior part Breen, laterally blue. A spot in front of axillae and a narrow band of posterior margin of scapulae green. Postscutellum yiolel-blue and propodeum green with tint of blue. Pleurae

Dntomol- Ts- .lrg. 8'). II. 1-2, 1 1 NOTES ON CLEONYMIDAE (HYM. CHALCIDOIDEA). I. 103







Fi8. {. ,{. Gaster iin dorso-laterally view) of tryci$ca romondi \\'esl*'. B- Gaster lin dorso- laterauy view) of L. ignicaudota West$'. D. L. ,omanili Westw. female, C. .{rtenna of L, romandi \\test$. E. Head, from in front lpartly) of L. romandi \Yest$'., G. Fore leg of I-. .omondi Westw.

$'ith mixlure of red, blue and green. 2nd, 3rd and 4lh segments of gaster with a spot of Breen. The rest of gaster $ith tiDt of violet, red and green. Fore and mid legs reddish brorvn with trochanters ]ellow. Hind legs with coxae black *'ith blue and red tints, lrochanteres and kDec yellox', femora, tibia and tarsus Enlonlol. Ts. {rc. Ea. H- 1-2.1961 l0+ XANL.JOHAN HEQYIST

reddish bro\yn, All claw joints darker (brown). Wing veins reddish broNn, a bro$'n infuscation from parastigma in an arch to stigmal Yein. Lenglh 5.0- 7.5 mm. . . . L. ogloblina sp.rt. The length froDr posterior margin of 5th segment to apex the same as the length of 4lh segment 7. Hind coxae as long as 1st-3rd segmenls combined. Punctulation on the face verl'fine. Inner orbits (fig. 38) very narro$'and produced (much shorter than the diameler of ocellus). Valvula ventralis from anierior margi[ of the 5th seg- ment. Black, rvith face, occiput, pronotum, a band postelior or the lYhole meso- praescutum, propodeum, gaster laterally, pleurites and all coxae green-blue. Praescutum golden red and posterior part of the scutellum violet-blue. Legs fulvous. Length 7 l0 mm...... L. cy(ni.eps Rom. -. Hind coxae as long as lst-2nd+3rd segments combined. Puncturation on the face more coarse. Inner orbits (fig. 3 C) not very narrory (:the diameter of the ocellus) and not produced. Valvula ventralis from the middle of the 4th segment. Black, $'ith face, occiput, almost the $'hole pronotum, scutum, posterior part of the scutellum, callus and Baster laterall)' green-blue. Legs reddish broNn lr'ith tint of green, nriddel and hind coxae reddish brorvn l)ut sometimes all coxae blue-violet-grceu $'ith onl-r- the apex yelloN. llid and hind legs \yith a -yellow spot uear the knees. Length 8-10 mm. .... L. n€bulipennis Strand 8. Valvula venlralis from the middle of 4th segment. Puncturation on face coarse. Irner orbits (fig. 3A) nearl]'of the same bredth as the diamcter of the ocellus. Propodeu[r not punctured all over. lllack, s'ith head, pronolum, scutum and half posterior part of scutellum, cal- lus, and Baster lateralll' green-blue. Fore and nriddel coxae lello\\'-fulvous, hind coxae blue, apicalll- yellorv. Legs fulvous-1'ellow. Length l0-12 mm. ,. omo:onico Rom.

d d. l. Gena with the same breadlh as malar space. lst funicle segment longer than pedical. Pronotum longer than s'ide ...... - - -.. - 2 -. GeDa shorter (the breadth) than malar space. lst funicle segment somewhat shorter than pcdicel. Pronotum as long as rvide ...... 3 2. The 2nd funicle joint as long as the 3rd joint or someNhat longer, clava sorne- $hal shorler lhan t\yo last funicle joints. Len8th 8.5-l I mnr. 1.. ignicandata West\\. {Fig. 5) -. The 2nd funicle joirrt longer than lhe 3rd funicle joint (11/r times), chva as lorr8 as lhe two last funicle joints. Length 9.5 mm...... L, maculipes Cam. 3. Poslerior part of the lst segnrent of gaster Nith punctures ...... ,...... 4 -. Posterior part of the lst seBment smooth. Length 6.0 mm. .... I. ogloblina sp.n. 4. El'es rvith few hairs. Propodeum without a distinct median carina. Scutellum n'ith equal punctures as scutum (mid lobe). The length from base of antennae to apex of scape as long as pedicel, anellus and lst furricle joint. Length 5.5 mm. l. nebulipennis Strand -. El'es hai.y. Propodeum $ith a distinct Dedian carina. Scutellum with large hexa8onal puncture not equal to the puncture of scutum (mid lobe). The length from base of antenna lo apex of scape as long as pedicel, anellus and lst+2nd funicle joints. Length 5.0 mm...... I. amo.onico Rom. Entomol. Ts. .1t0. &2. H.1-2,1 l NOTES ON CLEONYMIDAE (HYIT. CHALCIDOTDEA). I. 105


Fig. 5. A. Lgcisda ignicquilato Wests'. male, B. Gaster of L. ignicardqrfl Westw in lateral view.

Tftoamosurini Boui. Follorving genera belong to lhis tribe: T haumg.satur WestN., .llresomo,ura Girlt., Westwoodiana Girlt., ,{Iig}e.i[id Girlt., ]lrdrriona Girlt-, .4usrroge..Ius Girlt., fftou- masurelloides Girlt., Parepistenro Dodd-, Cameronella Dalla Torre, Nroepis,enia HeqY. and Alighefia Girll

T haumasura Westw. 1868 'Weslsood, Trans. Ent. Soc. London., p.36, 1E68 Syn: d.esrida Cameron, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. lvales., 36, pp. 350-351, l9l1 Beloned lYestwood, Theseur. Ent. Oxon., p. l{6, 1871 Agamerionclla Giraull, trlem. Queersl. Mus., I1', pp. 2f9-2m. l9l5 Type, T- terebrator 'Westw. \.S. \\'ales 1912 Arettida annulicotnit C^m. T. arenqe Girault, unknown lo Ere T. auritegula Girault, Rec. S. Auslr. \Ius., III, p. 315, f927 Queensland T. australicq (Westwood), Thesaur. Ent. Oxon., p. 147, lA71 Victor.ia Beloned ousrralica lvests. I. Della Girault, Rec. S. Austr. Mus., III, p. 315, 1927 S..{uslralia T. breoicaudata (Westwoood), Thesaur Ent. Oron., p. 117,lA71 llrsol B e I o n eo b rcDi cau d oI a \r- ests,.

l:ntomol. Ts- :ru- 8'). ll - 1 1. lgtil 106 f,ARL-JOHAN HEQ\'IST

T. bteoistglus (Girault), MeE. Queensl. Mus., IV, p. 220, f915 Victoria Aga eionell.t Dreuirryrur Girlt. T- brisbanensis (Girault), Mem. Queensl. Mus., IV, p. 222, Australia (Brisba-tre) t 9l5 Agame r i onell a bnrDdnensi, Girlt. T. carinicollis (Cameron), Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales., 36, Solomon Isl. pp. 351-1352, l0l I ,{.eisida carrnicollis Cam. T. curculionis (Girault), Mem. Queensl. Mus., IV. p. 221, 1915 Port Darwin Ag a me ri o nel la aurcxliorfi Girlt. T- denr.rtitibiq Girault, Rec. S. Austr. Mus., III, pp. 315-316, 1927 Que€nsland I. dion( Girault, Some New Ilexapods slolen from Authority., p. 2, Victoria Brisbane 1928 T. erythropoda (Cameron), trIem. Philos. Soc. Manchester., 26, p- 122, Australia 1888 Belonea etgthropoda Csm. T- lemorulis (Westwood), Thesaur. Ent. Oron., p. 146, New Guinea Mysol, Aru l87l Eeron?a remo.ari, \Yest*-. T. impe alis (Froggatt), Forest Insecls., p. Fr5,1927 Australia Ar4sida impe .lli$ Frogg. T. locustilotDtis (Girault), Mem. Queensl. Mus., IV, pp.2l9-220, West Australia l9l5 -lg a me ri o nel la locudiro.mrs Girlt. T- mll,rmoratipennis Girault, Rec. S. Austr. Mus., III, p. 314, 1927 Queensland T. nonstgldq Girault, Insec. Insc. Menstr., X, p.49, 1922 T. pulch pes Girault, Rec. S. Austr. Mus., III, pp.314-315, 1927 I. pauo (Girault), Mem. Queensl. Mus., IV, p. 221, 1915 Agamerionello pooo Cirlt. T- respendens Gourlali, Trans. Proc. N. z. Inst. p, 373, lg27 New Zealand T- r brolemotalis ishmead, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales., XXV, p.34I, N.S. Wales 1900 T. sdnguinipes (Girault), trtem. Queensl. trIus., IV, pp. 220-22r, t9f5 Victoria Agameri onella songuinipca Girlt. T. oestooodi Girault, Insec. Insc. Menstr., 5, f54-155, l9l7 Australia In a private reprint Girault ('Some new Hexapods stolen from Authority Bris- bane, p. 2, 1928") described a ne\' genus Proshizonotus with a single species Pro- rlri:onolrrs moseri. He says 'From T haumasurq Smell, spiracle, round, abdomen conic-ovate; hind tibial spurs small. PostmarBinal distinctly shorter than marginal oyipositor a bit extended". Po$sibly synon)'mous lo lrraumosura. Neoepistenia Heqv. 1958 Heqvist, Ert. Tidslr.79, pp. 19{-196, !95E Type: lV. llouoscapus Heqv. N. llaooscapus tleqt., ibid-, p. f96, 1958 Brazil Mesomotura Girlt. 1925 Girault, Indications (in new insectsl if and law in nature. p. 3, :,"rffi.5.ff;* Type: Ir. arrs,opiani Girlt- M. aeschgli Girault, Rec. S. Austr. Mus., III, p- 312, 1927 Queensland Entomol. Ts. 4ry. n. H. l-2, 196, NOTES ON CLEONYMIDAE (EYM. CHALCIDOIDEA). I l0 t-

M- otistophani Girault, Indications (in new insects) of ruling .A.ustratia (Gympie) po\r'er and larv in nature. p. 3, Brisbane, 10.3.1925 M. corticis Girault, Insec. Insc. Ilenstr., 14, pp. 1$-f3{, Australia (Gympie) r926 M. keatsi Girault, Rec. S. Austr. trIus., III, p. 312, 1927 Queensland

W estutoodiena Girlt. 1922 Gireult, Insec. Insc. lIenslr., X, p. 151, 1922 Type: W. testaceilemo.q Girll.

W. putpureipes Girault, Rec. S. Austr. Mus., III, p- 316, 1927 Queensland W. testqceilemorq Girault, Insec. Insc. Llenst.,, X, p. 151, 1922

Aligherinia Girlt. 1922 Gireult, Insec. [nsc. llestr., X, pp. 14&-119, 1922 T1'pe: ..1. srdneyi Girlt. A. dngustilrons Girault, Ree. S. Austr. Mus., III, p. 3f3, Queensland (Kuranda) 1927 (S-vdnc] A. sidnegi Girault, Insec. Insc. Menstr., X, p. 149, 1922 Australia )

Alighefia Girlt. 1928 Girault, Some uew Herapods stolen Autho.ity., Priyet, p. 2, Brisbane. 23.V., 1928, Type: .4. cganea Girlt. A- cganeo Girault, ibid., p. 2, 1928 Australia In British Museum (Nat- Hist-) a specimen of an undescribed species hlonging to this Senus

Martiana Girlt. 1932 Girault, New pests from Australi&. X., P vat. B.isbane 1932 Type: M. grandicso Girlt. M- grondiosa Girault, ibid. .\ustralia

T lruumqsurcIloides Girlt. 1927 Girautt, Philipp. Journ. Sci.,32, p.551, 1927 Type: f. siluoc Girlt. I. siluae Girault, ibid., pp.551-555 Philippines

Austtogenhus Boud. 1958 Boutek, Act& Ent. IIus. N&t. Pragae., XXXII, pp. 371-373, 1958 Type: .4. gloriorur Boui. A. glotiosus Boutek, ibid., pp. 373-374, f958 Queensland

Petaepi$tenia Dodd 1915 Dodd. in Girault, llem. Queensl. llus.. I\', p.2lE. 1915 Type: P. ucricornis Dodd P. oaricotnis Dodd, ibid., pp. 218-219, 1915 Queensland (Ilrisbane) Enlomol. Ts- 4ry. W- ll- 1-2,1!t6l 108 f,ARL-JOHAN HEqvIST

Cameronella Dalla Torre 1897 Dalla Torte, wien. Ent. zeitg. xvl, p.87, 1897 Syn: Pan rralis Cameron, Proc. Manchestel Philos. Soc., XXVI, p. 121, 1888 (non trinb. lEs-l) Dinouro Ashmeed, Proc- Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales.,25, p. 3{1, l9O0 (not described) lIem. Carnegie Mus., I, pp. 28,1-285, 19(X (in a key) Type: C. Dlac&burnii C,am. C. apiomorphoe (Girault), Qd. Nat., 11, p. 16, 1931 Queensland (Brisbane) Comb. n. Dinoura apiomorphae Gill. C. aurioentris (Ashmead), Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales., 25, N.S. Wales (Sydney) p. 341, 1900 ComD. n. Drnourd auri.r? Ashm. Bred from galls of ErocrlUsc€ri' pileora C. blackburnii (Cameron), Proc. Manchesler Philos- Soc., XXVI, p. l2l, Australia ,888 Pan,rrdlis Dlocf Cem. C. cgonea (Ashmead), Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales.,25, N.S. Wales (Wellington) 342, 1900 CoaD. n. Diloiru cganed Ashtn. Bred from Bracrryscelii ourcola Schr. C, eucalqpti (Girault), Insec. Insc. Menstr., 5, p. I53, 1917 Comb- n. Australia D i no u tu eucal U pti Gitll. Reared from a chalcid id brachyscelid gells on ,Eucalypras C. pulchra (Giraull), Rec. S. Austr. Mw., 3, pp. 316-317, 1927 N.S-Wales (Sydney) Comb. n- Dinoura pulchra Girll. Iouricini tribe n. For the as ]'et sole genus trourrcia Ferr. creales a new tribe. This peculiar genus has some relations to Eupelmidae and is perhaps a link between Enpelmino.e Cleongminae. Being a parasite of eggs it differs from all other cleonuids. ^nd

Louricia Ferr. 1936 Fertidre, Bull. Ent. Res., 27, p. 331, 1936 Type: l. ouiuoro Ferr.

,. o.rirrora Ferriere, ibid., pp. 331-332, f 936 llala\u lRavarg I

Leptoloenini Boui- 1958 Comprise onlJ' one genus: L€ptoloenus Smith

Leptoloenus Smith 1 1862 Smilh, Trans. Ent. Soc. London., I, p. {3, f862 S)'n: P€Iicineara \yestn'ood, Trans. Ent. Soc. London., YII, p.35, l8ti,s Type: L- pelecinilormis Smith L. ashmeadi (Brues), Psyche., XXII, p. 6, 1915 Ilrazil Pelicinella (tslmeadi Brues 1 Smith in his description srys thet entenna is l3-jointed, but in species (l-, phantasma (lvest*'.) and L- stephonoidet Rom,) I have seen ll-jointed. Also Dodd (f927) (see p. log) mention ll joints. Entomot. Tr. {ry. P. H- 1-2,l 1 NOTES ON CLEONYMIDAE (HYM. CHALCIDOIDEA). I. 109

L. australiensis Dodd, Mem. Queensl. Mus., IX, pp. 6H8, 1927 Queensland L. howardi (Ashmead), Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 3, p.233, 1895 Brazil PelicinellL ioftidi Ashm. L. pelecinitormis Smith, Trans- Ent. Soc. London., I, pp. ,13 -14, 1868 Brazil L- phqntqsmd (Westwood), Trans. Ent. Soc. London., 7, p, 35, 1E68 Brazil Pelicinella pianrosm(r Westw. L. stephanoides Romau, Ark. Zool., 12, pp.22-24, l92O Brazil L. to?slwoodi (Ashmead), Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 3, p, 233, 1895 Brszil P el ec i nella rre3,rroodi Ashm. The following genera have been placed incorrectly it Cleongminae or belongs to Cleongminqe but are not possible to place in tribes withort seing the types. Aphotismus Girlt. 1913:belongs probable in Chalcedectinae Amerostenus Girlt. 1913:belongs lo Eupelnidae Amictomelus Girlt. 1913:Mrscogasterinae Austropholismus Girlt. 1938: frigonoderus-group Brachgcoudoni.l Ashm. 1904:Mi.ecogd$terinae Elembq Cam. 1908:Balcha Walk. lE62:Eusandalum Ratzb. 1852 Entedonastichus Girlt. lg20:Enaedoninoe see Girlt. 1922 Epicoudonio Girlt. l9l4:not Cleongminae E pi sU st o l e Girlt, 1927 : possit l :- C halce d ecti nae Eupelmophotismus Girault, Insec. Insc. llenstr., 8, 144, l92O: Cleongminae Type: E- eupelmordeus Girlt. E. eupelmoideus Girault, ibid., Queensland Not possible to place in a tribe without seiDg the type.

Eurgtomommq Girlt. 1920 : Ea.ya omidae see Girlt. 1922 Moorella Cam. 1913: Eupelmidae near Meaapelma West$. N eocaudonia Dodd 1915:Amicromelus Girlt. l9l3 Neostomdtocetas Girlt. l92O: Chalc,ididoe see Girlt. 1922 Poratomicobia Girlt. l9l5:not Cleongminae Pycnetton Gahan 1925-not Cleongminae Schironatella Girault, Rec. S. Auslr, llus., III, p. 3f2, f927 T1'pe: S. cupelmoidea Girlt. S. eupelmoidea Girault, ibid., pp. 312-313 Queensland (Kuranda) This seems to tle a true Cleonvminae but not possible to place without seing the type.

Tomicobiella Girlt. 1915:not Cleongminae T omicobomotphq Girlt, 1915:not Tomicobomorphelh Girlt. 1915:not Cleonvminae Trigonod?ropsis Girlt. 1915:not Cleonyminoe Some of Girault's species described as belonging lo Platgge.rhus Thoms. seem according to lhe descriptions to belong lo I'houmasu ni (Benus ?) and .Luscinini (Epistenia?). 1'he types will solve this problem. Ilter.tur€ AsEEv^D, W. H.: Classification of the Chalcid flies . . . llem. Carnegie llus., l, I-XI, pp. 225-551, rab. )(XXI-XXXIX, 1961. - BouaE(, Z.: Eine CleoDyminen-Studie; Bestimmungslsbelle der GattungeD mit Beschrei- bungen uEd Nolizen, Eingeschlossen einige Eupelmidae, D(XU, pp. 353-3E6, f958. E^tomo|. Ts. Aro. n.II.1-2,1 1 ll0 I(ANL.JOHAN HEQvIST

HEevrsr, N.-J.: fber die Gattung lr.lrdenra Fdrst (Hym. Chatc.). Opusc. Ent., 22, pp. 3H8. 1957 - Noles on Chelcidoidea. V. Ent. Tidskr., 79, pp. 176-200, 1S5E. - H).rnenoptera (Chalcidoidea)- Cleonymidae. South Africad Life., VII, pp.4l4- - 417. 1960. - FEaBTERE, CE. & NEnnrcE, G. J.: . 2 Chalcidoidea. in "Handbooks for lhe identificalion of British "., pp. 1-{0, 1956. KERRTCE, G. J. & GBTEAM, V. W. R. DE l'.: Systematic notes on Brilish S*edish Cleo- n]'midae, sith description of a ttew genus (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent., 12, pp. 265-lrl, 1957. - ]IuEsEBEc(, C. F. \v., I(aoMBEtN, K. V. Tow^-Es. H. K. and others: Hymenoplera of America north of llexico. Synoptic Cata- log. LI.S. Dept. A8ric. Agriculture ltonogreph No. 2. \1'ashinglon, D.C. 195f. f,BoMaEtr,- I(. Y. and olhers: Hymenoptera of .{merica north of Merico. First supplemetrl., \tashinglon, D.C. 1958. ScHlttEDEf,n-EcET. O.: Hlmenopters Fam. Chalcididae. Genere Insect (Wytsman), 97, pp. l-550, Brurelles 1909. -

Genera incertae eedie. Risbecisca Heqv. 1960 Heqvist, South .{fricen Animal Life., \'II, p. {18 1960 (No desc.iption of the genus) Antennae l3-jointed (11173) inserted on a level Nith rentral edge of eves. Pro- notum long. Notaulices complete. .{xillae meet each other in front of scutellum- Propodeum tong rvith a median carina. Gaster petiolated. Ovipositor long, pru- lroding. Fore $'ing $'ith two tufts of black setae; one at the base of parastigma and one at the base of marginal rein. \larginal vein nearly 2 times as long as post- oarginal vein. Radial vein shorler lhan postmarginal vein. LeBs slender. This is an extract from Risbeck's (Bull- d'I.F.A.N., XVII, sdr. A, pp. 241-247, 1957) description of the species Lycisca burgeoni Risb.

Type: f,gcisca b[g.oni Risb. R. butgeoni (Risbec), Bull. d'I.F.,{.N., XVII, s6r. A., pp. 2{1-217, 1955 BelSisn Cotrgo Ircisca burgeoni Risb. This aberrant genus belongs lo Heydenini. Rrsbecisca Heqv. differ lrom Hegdenia F6rst. in having a long ovipositor, slender legs, distinct notaulices and axillae meeting each other in front of scutellum,

E^lomol- Ts.lro. n. H.l-2.l l