Meth Lab Cleanup Participant Guide
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nsortium t Co for es Ha dw za i rd M o u s W a s t e W o r k e r T r a i n i n g Meth Lab Cleanup Participant Guide January 2007 Copyright © 2007 Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training Introduction Acknowledgments This curriculum has been developed by the Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training under grant number D42 ES07200 and cooperative agreement U45 ES 06184 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. As a group of trainers dedicated to providing you with useful information to safeguard your health and safety, we encourage you to comment on these materials. Please give your suggestions to those teaching the program in which you are now enrolled, or forward them to the Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 670056, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056. Warning This material has been copyrighted by the Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training. A recipient of the material, other than the Federal Government, may not reproduce it without permission of the copyright owner. The material was prepared for use by experienced instructors in the training of persons who are or who anticipate being employed at a meth lab cleanup worksite. Authors of this material have prepared it for the training of this category of workers as of the date specified on the title page. Users are cautioned that the subject is constantly evolving. Therefore, the material may require additions, deletions, or modifications to incorporate the effects of that evolution occurring after the date of this material preparation. Disclaimer There is currently no Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation spe- cifically regarding the cleanup of methamphetamine (meth) labs. Since a meth lab can often be considered a hazardous waste site due to the toxic mix of chemicals that go into produc- tion, we will regularly refer to OSHA’s hazardous waste site regulations. This regulation, 29 CFR 1910.120, requires training material to cover basic hazard recognition, use of provided personal protective equipment, basic hazard control, decontamination procedures, and other relevant standard operating procedures. At the time these materials were prepared, Colorado had the most comprehensive state regulations for meth lab cleanup procedures. This introductory program is therefore based largely off the Colorado laws and standards, with references also to Washington and Tennes- see state standards. Additional training is necessary to perform many activities. These activities include imple- menting the emergency response plan, identifying materials using monitoring instruments, selecting protective equipment, and performing advanced control containment or confine- ment. Additional site-specific training for emergency response must be provided so that you understand how to recognize and respond to alarms at the site and can carry out any role which may be assigned during a response. For information about further training, consult the training instructor, your company safety and health plan, or your company health and safety representative. Introduction Introduction Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training Programs CEA SEMCOSH 1550 Howard 7752 W. Vernor, Ste. 103 Detroit, MI 48216 Detroit, MI 48216 Phone ....................................................... 519-973-1116 Phone .......................................................313-849-3345 Greater Cincinnati Occupational Health Center The Three Affiliated Tribes 7030 Reading Rd., Ste. 540 Emergency Management Cincinnati, OH 45237 Hc3 Box Z Phone .......................................................513-531-7101 204 W. Main St. Environmental Division Tribal Administration Building DWEJ New Town, ND 58763 4875 Lakeview Phone .......................................................701-627-4569 Detroit, MI 48215 Phone .......................................................313-821-1064 University of Illinois Labor Education Program Fisk University ILIR Dept. of Chemistry 504 E. Armory Environmental Justice Education & Research Champaign, IL 61820 1000 17th Ave., N. Phone .......................................................217-244-4099 Nashville, TN 37208-3051 Phone .......................................................615-329-8626 University of Kentucky 425 Patterson Office Tower Indiana University Lexington, KY 40506 Environmental Management Institute Phone .......................................................859-257-5741 5610 Crawfordsville Rd., Ste. 15 Indianapolis, IN 46224 Phone .......................................................800-488-8842 University of Louisville Hazardous Materials Training Center University of Louisville—UCCPE/Shelby Campus Lakeshore Technical College 101 Founders Union Hazardous Materials Training Program Louisville, KY 40292 1290 North Ave. Phone .......................................................502-852-0364 Cleveland, WI 53015-1414 Phone .......................................................888-468-6582 University of Minnesota Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety Michigan State University 2221 University Ave., SE, Ste. 350 Global Community Security Institute Minneapolis, MN 55414 202A S. Kedzie Phone .......................................................612-625-2946 East Lansing, MI 48824 Phone .......................................................517-432-3981 University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services Ohio Environmental Council 226 Capitol Boulevard Building, Ste. 606 1207 Grandview Ave., Ste. 201 Nashville, TN 37219-1804 Columbus, OH 43212 Phone .......................................................615-532-4912 Phone .......................................................614-487-7506 Introduction Other Training Programs Funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) AFSCME Training and Education Institute Laborers—AGC Education and Training Fund 1625 L St., NW Route 97 and Murdock Road Washington, DC 20036 P.O. Box 37 Phone ........................................................202-429-1233 Pomfret Center, CT 06259 Fax ............................................................202-223-3255 Phone ........................................................703-960-3145 Fax ............................................................703-960-3146 George Meany Center for Labor Studies Railway Workers Hazardous Materials Program National Puerto Rican Forum 10000 New Hampshire Avenue 180 N. Wabash, 4th Fl. Silver Spring, MD 20903 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone ........................................................301-431-6400 Phone ........................................................312-926-5563 Fax ............................................................301-434-0371 Fax ............................................................312-362-6021 International Association of Firefighters Paper, Allied Industrial, Chemical & Energy 1750 New York Ave., NW Workers International Union (PACE) Washington, DC 20006 3340 Perimeter Dr. Phone ........................................................202-737-8484 Nashville, TN 37211 Fax ............................................................202-637-0839 Phone ........................................................615-831-6781 Fax ............................................................615-833-9332 International Chemical Workers Union 1655 W. Market St. Service Employees Internat’l Union, AFL-CIO Akron, OH 44313 Occupational Safety and Health Phone ........................................................330-867-2444 1313 L Street, NW Fax ............................................................330-867-0544 Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone ........................................................202-898-3385 Fax ............................................................202-898-3403 International Union of Operating Engineers Research and Education 1125 Seventeenth Street, NW The Center to Protect Workers’ Rights Washington, D.C. 20036 111 Massachusetts Ave., NW Phone ........................................................202-778-2643 Washington, DC 20001 Fax ............................................................202-778-2691 Phone ........................................................202-962-8999 Fax ............................................................202-354-8015 Kirkwood Community College HMTRI United Auto Workers HazMat Training Research Institute Health and Safety Department Health Occupations 8000 E. Jefferson Ave. 6301 Kirkwood Blvd., SW Detroit, MI 48214 P.O. Box 2068 Phone ........................................................313-926-5563 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-2068 Fax ............................................................313-824-4473 Phone ........................................................319-398-5893 Fax ............................................................319-398-5894 Introduction Other Training Funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), cont. University of Alabama—Birmingham Center for Labor Education and Research 1043 Building 102 1530 3rd Ave., S. Birmingham, AL 35294-4490 Phone ........................................................205-934-8752 Fax ............................................................205-975-5087 University of California UCLA-LOSH Program SPPSR/IIR 6350B Public Policy Building P.O. Box 951478 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1478 Phone ........................................................310-794-5964 Fax ............................................................310-794-6410