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PAGE PAGE The Etiology and Educative Treatment of Convergent Str:abismus, The Treatment of Clhronic Enlargement of the Prostate, Mr. J. H. Mr. Priestley Smith (Five Figures) ...... I, 2, 3, 5 Nicoll (Two Figures) ...... 2324 Growth as an Agent in (i) Production and (2) the Removal of Injuries of the Elbow-Joint, Mr. T. Kennedy Dalziel ...... 1328 Deformityv, Mr. H. Marsh (Six Figures) ...... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 A Contribution to the Treatment of Empyema, Dr. W. M. Hutton ... 132t Case of Multiple Prostatic Stones, Mr. Golding-Bird (Two Figures) I6, 17 Axis Traction with Ordinary Forceps, Mr. T. A. Dukes ...... 2390 A Case of Marignant Polypus of the Nose, Dr. G. Hunter Mackenzie 8I The Operative Treatment of Cleft Palate, Mr. E. Owen ...... 2321 Imnproved Clinical Thermometers ...... 89 The Treatment of Spina Bifida by the " Open Operation" followed by A New Suture for the Intestine, Mesentery, etc., Mr. A. E. Barker Closure of the Spinal Canal, Professor C. Y. Pearson (Two Two Figures) ...... I48 Figures) ...... 2393 The Promontory and the Build of the Pelvis, Dr. A. H. F. Barbour ... 157 Remarks on Coxa Vara, Mr. E. M. Little ...... 2395 A Case of Recurrent Sarcoma of the Fascia of the Back treated by Excision of the Gasserian Ganglion for Trigeminal Neuralgia, Mr. J. Coley's Fluid Mr. A. M. Sheild . ... 227 Hutchinson, jun. (Two Figures) ...... 2397, 2398 Excision of the Upper End of the Tibia for Myeloid Sarcoma as a Cases of Traumatic Musculo-spinal Paralysis with Restoration of Substitute for Amputation, Mr. C. A. Morton (Three Figures) 229, 230 Function after Secondary Operation, Dr. R. Kennedy (Six CoxaVara or Deflection of the Neck of the Femur, Mr. A. H. Tubby Figures) ...... 2-1399, 1400, 2402 (Four Figures) ...... 230, 232 C.1ses of Spasmodic Torticollis, Mr. R. H. Parry (Two Figures) ... 1403 An Operation for Elevation of the Female Bladder in Prolapse or R]apture of Gall Bladder, Laparotomy, Cure, Mr. W. T. Thomas ... 1407 Cystocele, Dr. D. Lowson (Nine Figures) ...... 233 Successful Removal of Stones of Unusual Size from Both Kidneys, Soil as a Factor In the Spread of Certain Diseases, Dr. J. Robertson Mr. W. F. Brook (Three Figures) ...... I44, 2425 (Five Map) ...... 422, 423 Incurvation of the Neck of the Femur (Coxa Vara) with Notes of a The Water Supply of Venice, Mr. E. H. Van Someren (Two Figures)... 427 Case, Mr. J. L. Firth (Two Figures).,...... 2423, 2424 Case of Orbital (jTst, Dr. A. Hill Griffith ...... 487 Excision of the Left Scapula for Squamous Epithelioma, Mr. H. The New Fever ospital for the City of Edinburgh (Three Figures) Littlewood (Two Figures)...... 1425 502, 503 Aspiration of Mammary Cancer duriug Removal, Mr. J. T. Fox ... 1427 The Local Action of Crude Diphtheria Toxin, Dr. J. J. Douglas Fractured Patella Mr E L. Luckman ...... 1428 (Twelve Figures)...... $97, 598 Monument to Wilhelm Meyer...... 1441 A New and Original Method of Making Casts, Dr. G. A. Peters (Six County Borough of Brighton, New Sanatorium (Three Figures) 1453, I454 Figures) ...... 62I, 622, 623, 624, 1585 Radical Cure of Herniaby an Improved Method of Torsion of the Scissors Forceps, Mr. H. de Paiva Vealo ...... 635 Sac, Mr. C. B. Ball (Four Figures) ...... 148o A New Catheter Dish, Mr. H. de Paiva Veale ...... 635 Wound Treatment, Mr. R. Morison (Five Figures) ... 2482, 1483 Some Abnormalities of the Ocular Muscles, Dr. D. P Fitzgerald Improved Crutches ...... 00 -Two Figures) ...... 699, 700 Portable Inhaler, Dr. A. Duke ...... I501 Two Hundred Consecutive Oporations for the Radical Cure of Portable Urethral Irrigator Mr. G. Wilkinson ...... I50I hIernia, Mr. A. E. Barker (Two Figures) ...... 73 Modified Clover's Inhaler, br. T. W. Smith ...... 2501 A Case of Noma of the Ear, Mr. G. Munro Smith (Two Figures) 724, 725 Recent Advances in Brain Surgery, Dr. H O'Neill (Seven Figures) Map of Egypt and the Soudan ...... 745 2'537, 2538i 2539, 2540 Tht Treatment of Cystocele, Dr. A. Routh (Three Figures) ... 787 The Pathology of Diphtherial Paralysis, Dr. F. E. Batten (iFive TbWounds produced by Modern Small-bore Bullets, Dr. A. Ogstoii 823 Figures) ...... 2542, 2543 Cheselden's Tomb in the Burial Ground of Chelsea Hospital ... 8M6 Portrait of Surgeon-General W. C. Maclean ...... 1592 Portrait of Dr. John Wallace ...... 842 On Coxa Vara, Sir T. Stoker (Two Figures) ...... 16oi, 2603 The Mosquito and the Malaria Parasite, Dr. P. Manson (Twenty-five An Operation for Haemorrhoids (Mr. W. T. Thomas) ...... I609 Figures) ...... 85I, 852 Halsted's Operation for Removal of Cancer of the Breast, Mr. H. T. A Case of E ephantiasis of the Vulva, Dr. W. Renner ... 898 Butlin (Three Figures) ...... x665 1666, I667 The Poison Apparatus of the Mosquito (Two Figures) ...... 902 Stereoscopy in Clinical Photography and Skiagraphy, Mr. J. Mac- How our Forefathers fought the Plague (Six Figures and Whole Page kenzie Davidson (Three Figures and Full-pa Plato) I670, 2697 Illustration) ...... 904, 905, 906, 907 The Sleeping Sickness, Dr. P. Manson (Two gues) ... 673 674 The Diagnosis of Early Thyroidal Fibrosis, Dr. G. R. Murray (Thlree The Osseous System in the Insane, Mr. J. F. Briscoe (Seven Figures) Figures) 943, 944 2678, 2679 A Ctse of Bilateral Occipital Porencephaly, Dr.T. A. Clinch (Tlhree A Case of Scissors Logs, Mr. J. G. Cooke (Two Figures) ...... 2683 Figures) ...... 962 A Specimen showing one of the possible relations of Mitral to Aortic A Case of Localised Pontine Lesion, Dr. J. W. Carr ...... 963 Disease, Dr. T. W. Grifflth ...... 2684 O i-nasal Inhalation Tube, Mr. H. H. Beale ...... xo66 A Case of Double Placenta, Dr. W. H. Neale ...... I684 iew Physiological and Pathological Iaboratories for University The Town Hall, Portsmouth ...... 2709 Collg Liverpool (Three Figures) ...... IO9, IOO, IIOI Infective Sarcomata in Dogs, Mr. G. B. Smitlh and Dr. J. W'. Wash- E2ccision aass of Enlarged Cervical Glands (Tuberculous)... witl bourn (Two Figures) ...... I809 2820 a Portion of the Internal Jugular Vein, Dr. ,G. T. Beatson (Two Spindle-celled Sarcoma of Rectum, Mr. T. Carwardine (Four Figures) Figures) ...... 1125 I8rI, I8I2 The Treatment of Clubfoot, Mr. R. W. Murray (Nine Figures) Cirrhosis of the Right Lung, Dr. H. Waldo (Two Figures) ...... x8I4 2235, II36, 2237 Saw for Removing Stiff Bandages, Mr. E. G. Kendall ...... 1826 On Tendon Grafting on "Function Transference" in the Treatment Aseptic Female Catheter Stand ...... I826 of Infantile Paralysis, Mr. F. Eve (Four Fig'ues) ... 2I39, 2240 The Intragastric "Resuscitator," Professor Turck ...... I866 Radical Cure of Spina Bifida, Mr. J. H. Nicoll (Five Figures) The Needle Douche, Professor Turck ...... x866 1244, 2245, I2I46 The Gastrodiaphanoscope Dr. Einhorn ...... 2867 Hare-lip and Cleft Palate Mr. R. W. Murray (Nine Figures) 2246, 2247 The Deglutable Stomach eioctrode, Dr. Einhorn ...... i868 Syhilitic Imbecile, Dr. T. Telford-Smit ...... 22I52 The Stomach Bucket, Dr. Einhorn ...... X868 he Etioloy of Progressive Hepatic Cirrhosis, Dr. J. G. Adami Axis Traction with Ordinary Forceps, Dr. J. F. Le Page ...... I869 (Eleven igures on Double Page Plate) ... Between 1224 and I225 Tongue Depressor and Thermometer Case Combined, Dr. J. B. Gabe I88S Catheterisation of the Eustachian Tubes, Mr. T. M. Hovell ... 2238 Localiser for Use with x Rays, Mr. G. Harrison ...... i882 A Case of Winged Scapula, Mr. W. J. Barker (Two Figures) ... 125T The Pathological Changes in a Case of Chronic Syphilitic Spinal depticeInfection ot lTrinary Tract, Mr. J. 11. Nicoll ...... 2313 Paralysis, Dr. R. T. Williamson (Six Figui-es)...... I922, 2922 Portrait of Professor Kanthack ...... 1942 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, Dec. 31St, 1898.


A. Accidents, railway, in America, IOI7 Medical Association by Dr. A. R. Simpson- Abdomien, penetrating gunshot wound of tle, Accommodation, paralysis of after influenza, 300; at the opening of the Section of Paye- immediate laparotomy, suture of stomach, 485 ; theories as to, 1556; in the lower animals, ology, at the annual meeting of the British recovery, 145; penetrating wound of with I578 Medical Association, by Dr. T. S. Clouston protrusion of injured intestine, 897; slough- Acetanilide in sunstroke, 1550 303; at the opening of the Section of ng of wall of and prolapse of fcetal .intestine Acland, T. D., cases of pbthisis treated with Pharmacology and Therapeutics, at the in a transverse presentation, 987 guaiacolate of piperidine, I54 annual meeting of the British Medical Abdominal operations, saline irrigation iD, Aconite, the pharmacology of tile alkaloids of, Association, by Dr. J. 0. Affleck o6; I878 I041 at the opening of the Section of Ophthal- organs, the solid, the shape of, 698 Act, the , prosecution under, I273, mology at the annual meeting of the British -section, the after-freatment of, 1256, 1290 Medical Association by Dr. D. Argyll Robert- I6I17; four cases of for severe injuries without -Inebriates, I898, provisions, ete., of, I183 ;the son, 308; in Psychology, atthe annual meeting external wound, 1338; in volvulus, 1820; 100 metropolitan magistrates and, 2338; summary of the British Medical Association by Sir J. cases of, I876 of provisions of, 2937 Batty Tuke, 34I, 372; at the opening of the sections, a series of, 1932 -- Infant Life Protection, a lady inspector Section of Laryngology and Otology at the an- Aberdeen, correspondence from, 56, 009, 1843; under, 1017; baby farmers and, 2358 nual meeting of the British Medical Associa- the pollution of the water supply, Professor - Local Government (Ireland) and the medical tion by Dr. P. MacBride, at the opening Hamilton's bacteriological report, suggested profession in Ireland, 649; superannuation of the Section of Dermaio ogy at the annual remedies, 56; instruction in electro-thera- under, 844, IoI6, 1292, 1466; and existing of- meeting of the British Medlial Association peutics, Lb.; resignation of, Professor Ogston, ficers, 1203 by Dr. W. A. Jamieson, 346; at the opening of IOO9; typhoid fever at, I09, 1917; the water - Lunacy, prosecution under, 2853 the Section of Medicine in relation to Life supply of, Ioog; opening of winter session at, -Notification, a question under, I596, 1917 Assurance at the annual meeting of the British I 36o; the Royal Infirmary, 2843- Professor - Superannuation, claim of medical Medical Association bY Dr. C. Muirhead 35o: tephienson. ib.; the Students' Medical So- officers under, I66o; x896,claiii of pension under, at the opening of the Section of Tropical is- ciety, Lb. 1792 eases at the annual meeting of the British Aberration, temporary, medical responsibilities Vaccination, I898, leading article on 431- Medical Association by Dr.F. Manson, 352; at in cases of, 65 correspondence as to, 522; circular by Locai the opening of the Section of Physiology atthe Abnormality, hereditary digital, 725 Government Board as to, 517,135I, 1355, annual meeting of the British Medical Asso- Abortifacients, the sale or, I17, 207, 1727; the 1370, I448, 1462, 1519, I580; a legal view of ciation by Dr. W. Rutherford, on univer- traffic in, 1270 its effect, 637 ; form of certificate for conscien- sity work in relation to medicine,3a3; by Pro- Abortion, self-induced instrumental, 657, 749 tious objector under, 752; duties of magis- fessor M. Foster, 1028 ; on modern universities, 841, 1013; tubal, with clinical notes of eigl, trates under, 827, 1084; the conscientious ob- by Dr. R. Saundby 2034; on the importance cases of ectopic gestation, 803; in Canada, jector, a legal point, II86; effect of the, 2380; ot personal character in the profession of 2102; criminal, 1570, I655, I847; advertisements leading article on the conscientious clause in, medicine, 2038 as to, 1572; early, ovum from case of, i6i8; 1443; Dujardin-Beaumetz on, Isoo; resolutions Addresses to medical students, i196, 23749 14649 criminal, the law as to, 1702, 1772; charge of of Worcestershireand Herefordshire Branch as 1472, i588 procuring, acquittal, I853; charge of against to, I650; and the Vaccination Officers' Associa- AdY, B.. treatment of rheumiiatismii, 1296 a midwife, ib. tion I66o AdeJaide, undermanning of lunatic asylum in, Abortions, recurrent, prolonged retention of - Workmen's Compensation, appointment of 2946 placenta in, 717 medical referees under, 43, 66, I33, 213, 259, 446, Adley, Surgeon-General W. H., deatlh of, 131 Abrahams, B. L., myxcedema in a child, 432 452, 498 652, 753, 822, 1151, 2202; provisions of, Adults, young, the importance of increasiDg the Abram, J. H., an advertising pamphlet, 2342, 44; ana coroners' inquests, 107; and epilep- respiratory capacity in the anaemias of, 938 13649 1451, 2493; three cases of pneumonia, tics, 454; medical certificates under, SI6, 662, Advertisement, the gentle art of, I6oo 1343 1383, 2796; claims under, 5r6; house-surgeons Advertisements, indecent, in Australia, 520; Abscess, hepatic caused by the bacillus ty- and certificates under, 844; and medical prac- abortion, 2572; abortifacient in newspapers, phosus, a contribution to the surgery of the, tice, 1645 ; the working of, 1769; appeals under, I637 I49; large tuberculous mesenteric, excision 1853: fees of referee under, 2857; at Saddle- .,Esculapius, discovery of a temple of, 744 Of, 1336; perinephric, with coma, Lb.; - wortll, 19I1 Affieck, J. 0., the progress of tlherapeuties, 306; dural 1930; subpbrenic, J931 Actinomycosis of tongue, 1224 recent synthetic analgesics, 1057 Absorption, intestinal, 776 Acts, the Medical, prosecution under, 66o, 96I; Africa Imperial, A. F. Mocklel rev., goo Abuse of i1ospitals, 132 2771; of medical aha- the medical and the medical profession, x634, Age. influence of in surgical akections, 30 rities, 1354, 1704 1643, I955; appeal against conviction under, Agglutinating bodies, I095 Academy of Medlcine, American, annual meet- 2657; Mr. V. Horsley on the amendment of, Air, liquefied, on draught, I25; liquefied, an ac- ing of, 29- papers and discussions at, 32 I883 cident with, 2532 Royal of Medicine in Ireland, annual Adami, J. G., on the bactericidal functions of Aitchison, Dr. J. E. T., obituary notice of, 1107 mneeting and list of officers, etc., 1469 the liver and the etiology of progressive he- Aitken A. P., the hygienic control of milk Royal of Medicine in Ireland, Section patic cirrhosis, I2I1 supply 414 of Anatomy and Physiology, exhibits, 85; Adamkiewicz, A., Die Functionstorungen des C(. C., aseptic midwifery, 2203 unusual course of phrenic nerve, ib.; muscular Grosshirnes, rev., I88o Albuminiuria, dlfferent forms of in diabetes, fibres of the aesophagus, ib.; muscular fibres Adams, G. W., scissors forceps, 22I2 224 of the stomach, ib. Address, presidential, at the annual meeting of Alcarnose, 58o Royal of Medicine in Ireland, Section the Midland Branch, by Dr. W. A. Carline, 222; Alcohol, injection of in the treatmentof guimica- of Medicine, recent clinical experiences of presidential, at the annual meeting of the worm 237; in dlrugs and drug preparations, septiceeiem and enteric fever, 1747; acute North of England Branch, by Dr. W. Robin- 1043; In he hospitals of Trinicad, IIIO lisemorrbagic ascites, Lb.; a country herbalist's SOn, 223; presidential, at the annual meeting neurosis, remarks on, 958 cure for the "king's evil," ib. of the Southern Branch, by Mr. W. E. Green, Alcoholism in France, i65I, I721 Royal of Medicine in Ireland, Section 224 ; presidential, at the annual meeting of the Aldbrough, typhoid fever at, 527 of Obstetries, tuberculous tubes, 1876; IOO British Medical Assoeiation, by Sir T. Grainger Aldershot, opening of new hospital for soldiers' cases of abdominal section, second sernes, ib. Stewart, 281, 322, 325; in medicine, at the an- wives and children at, 338- opening of newv - - Royal of Medicine in Ireland, Section nual meeting of he British Medical Associa- mess at for sergeants of RA. M.C., 1289; sick of Pathology, diffuse enchondroma of thigh, tion, by Dr. T. R. Fraser 287, 12- in surgery soldiers at, I657: diphtheria at, 1917 x689; tuberculosis oculi, ib.; bicuspid aortic at the annual meeting of the Briiish Medical Alexander, W., rupture of uretlhra, I6Ig; the opening, Lb.; lesions of heart, Ob.; septic Association, by Mr. T. Annandale, 293, 313; pathology of ovarian tumours, I821 pysemia, Lb.; pathological ulna,, ib. at the opening of the Section of Medic ne, at Alexandria, The Sanitation of, A. Veronesi, rev., Royal of Medicine in Ireland, Section the annual meeting of the British Medical of Surgery, ligature of subelavian artery for Association, by Dr. G. W. Balfour, 297; at the Afford, Mr. H. obituary notice of, 121 secondary hiemorrhage, 2746; coxa vara, 1747 opening of the Section of Surgery, at the an- Allan, C., pig buile in Graves's disease, I842 - St. Petersburg Militai-y Medical, the nual meeting of the British Medical Associa- F. J. (Birmingham', experiments witl centenary of, I9o8 tion, by Dr. T. Duncan, 299; at the opening of gaseous disinfectants, 425 Acardiaes, The, and their CoDgeners, F. Sellatz, the Section of aud Diseases of F. J. (London), diphthleria In Londonl, rev., 632 Women, at the annual meeting of the British I896-98, 613 * TiCzD BiLtmmALI 1V IDICAL JOU&NL INDEX. [DEC. 31, 1898.

Allchin, WV. H., some considerations preliiminary 58i, 748, 824, 2203; lhysterical, cured by the ad- treatnment of medical officers in ib.; strain on to the study of dyspepsia, ii6i niinistration of chloroformi, 898; and otlier the medical service of, 2789,medical officers of Allen, H. E preliminary examinations, Speech Defects, A Treatise on, H. C. Bastian, and 1 ae, IOI_5 Allison, T. M., on hepatic cirrhosis, 954;I9I0 tlle .ev., I260: traumatic, 2578, 2744 Army t?iehealtlh of in I896, 449 treatment of chronic renal disease, io5i Aporti, iron and in anieinia, 2277 _ taian,Swiss, tile iiiedical service of, 843 Allworthy, S. W., the common or rock limpet Apothecaries' Act. Ste Act United States, tlle mnedical departniienit of, shell as a nipple shield, 848 -- Hall, Ireland, pass lists, 454-re- 74I;proposed inquily into the orgaimisation Althaus, J., On Failure of Brain Power, its gulations of as to diplomas, 538; the licen- of,845; a female iii edical officer of tlle, ib.; Nature and Treatment, rev., 1750 fiateship of and the double qualilication, 2790; losses of in the war, 930; the charges agaiiist Althorp C F. M., strangulated lhernia, 1494 examimners at, I926 the nmedical department of, 2283; the surgeons Alston, iI., a case of hyperpyrexia, I062 Society of London, pass lists, 210, of, and British miiethods, I96o Alveneu as a health resort, 247 338, 663, Ioi6, 2292, 2378, I659, 1959 ; regulations Arnold, F. S., cantharictes as a hemostatic in Amaurosis malarial, 925 of as to five years' curriculum, 531; exemption haematuria and its use in albuininuria, I020 Amblyopia, toxic, due to lead, 2556 from examinations of, 1112 Arnott, Lieutenant-Colonel, the pathology of Ambulance work, in London, 655; amllong rail- , practice as an, 2273, I290 plagues, 858; on plague, 862; tlmeunclassified way men, I857 Appendicitis, treatment of, 31, 27I fevers of tlle tropics, 865; the treatment of Amenorrhoea and marriage, 2663 Appendix vermiformis, occupying a liernial sac chronic dysentery, I286 America, United States of, See United States found perforated by a pin, 2256; resembling Arsenic in aniemia, 1177 Ammonia, gaseous, poisoning by, I256 supernumerary testicle, 2428; strangulated in Arteries, middle cerebral, emlibolismli of, 1556- in the treatment of tropical a retroperitoneal fossa, i6i8; removal of the iliac, transperitoneal ligation of the, I8I7 dysentery, 8go 2948 Artery, braclal, ligature of for wound, I551 Amyl hydrate, diabetes insipidus treated by, Appointments and the value of practices. 1112 riglht carotid, aneurysm of, 2554; COlllllOll 629 vacant Poor-law medical, 2532; to hospitals' iliac, thrombosis of in typhioid fever, 2555; Anremia, iron and arsenic in 1177; perniicious, etc., 2898 subelavian, ligature of for secondary hemor- peculiar condition of the coion in, I876 Arbitration, proposed, for settling dispute, 277 rliage 2746 Animias of young adults, importance of in- Archaeologica medica, 8I5, 903, 1004,1727 Aithiauk, G., Etudes sum- la Tuberculose, rev., dreasing the respirato'ry capacity in, 938 Argentine Republic, British practitioners in, 572 1564 Aniesthesia, epileptiform convulsions during, Armistead, Dr. W. presentation to, 1728 Arthritis, Rheunimatoid, its Patlhology, Morbid 235 Armstrong, W., a disclaimer, 756 Anatomy, and Treatment, G. A. Banimatyne, Aniesthetics, unregistered dentists and tlle ad- Army, British, promotions and appointments rev., 634; the treatment of by lhot air baths, ministration of, 374, 1I87, 1523; action of on in Royal Medical Corps of, 24, 232, 2o8, 396, 455, i6II, 2724, 2745 animal and vegetable protoplasm, 775; deaths 525, 578, 659, 75I2 843, 1015I 2202, 2377, 2465, 2527, Ascites, acute hammmorrhagic, 2747 under, I004; pure, I62I 2593, 2057, 2727, 2789, I855, 1924, I915, I960; promo- Ashanti anid Janmian, Travels and Life iii, R A. Analgesics, recent synthetic, the therapeutic tions and appointiiients in medical reserve of, Freenman, rev., 898 value of, 10$4 24. 2o8, 396, 455, 5I5, 659, 75I, 843 928, 2202, 2377, Ashby, A., the Isle of Man, 2663 Anarchism,the )athology of, 837 2465 1527, 2657, I855, 2924, Ig6o; the Royal Army H., omi congenital syphilis, 1153: II54; Anastomosis, intestinal, bya new method, 3' Medical Corps, 57, 205, 232, 206 273, 433, treatment of sumimer diarrlicea in cilildremi, Ancrum, Dr. W. R., obituary notice of, 1375 523, 20I2; the medical staff of, in India, 2IO; 2340 Anders, A. J. M., A Textbook of the Practice of medical officers for army corps, 297; changes Ashie, E. O.. carbuncle treated witlh antistrepto- Medicine, rev., 988 of station, 208, 456, 843, I202, I594, I856; aseptic coccus serum, 2427 Anderson, A. R., perforation of typlhoid ulcer, surgery in the field, 208; liable to re- Ashton, H., an outbreak of food poisoiming, I456 operation, recovery, 220 call, 276, 456; army medical officers on the Asliworttl, J. H., chlorea complicating preg- --Mrs. E. G., deatlhs in childbirth, 823, retired list, 455; the uniform of tile Royal miancy, 84 839,8927 Army Medical Corps, 456, 66o; the new titles, Aspiratiomi of miiammary cancer durimmg reiimoval, J., the Seameni's Hospital Society and 456, 525, 660o, 2202, 2594; cost of entrance into 1427 its visiting staf, I9I0 tlhe Royal Army Medical Corps, 5I5; employ- Assam, dispenisaries in, 2266; sanitary report of -R. J., the significance of anatomical ment of retired medical officers, ib. ; exainiin- for I897, I792 variations, 697 ation for promotion, ib.; results of examina- Assistant, principal amid, 66I, 752, 2378 -T. McC., a plea for the more general tion for Royal Army Medical Corps; 578, mllor- Assistants qualifed, the alleged deathi of, 220; use of tuberculin by the profession, 94 tality and disease in the, 659; glycerinated umiqualihced and prescribing clhemists, 831; --W., The Deformities of the Fingers calf lymi3ph, 66o; the director-general and his unqualified and tIme General Medical Couiicil, and Toes, rev., R6o assistant, ib.; old brigade-surgeon-lieutenant- 2378; female shop iin,Paris, 1857; and notiflca- Andrew, Dr. A., death of, 1057 colonels, 66o, 84,; the Royal Army Medical tmon fees, Andrewes, F. W. follicular enteritis due to Corps and the Army List" 75x 827; books Association, I8I9American Medical, treatment of streptococci and bacillus enteritidis sporo- for the examination for medical service of, pulmonary tuberculosis, 29: hospitality of tIme genes, I253 752; varicocele and the examination for the Deniver professiomi, 30; diabetes mellitus, ib.; Andrews, S., fees under the new vaccination inedical service of, 847; immortality of expedi- yellow fever and dengue, ib.; otlher commiiuni- order, 1521 tions of, 992; the range of the new titles, 2025, cations, 30, 32; influence of age, sex, and race Aneurysm, popliteal in a female, 153; of the 2377; tenure of office of directors-general of, in surgical affections, 30; removal of tIme aorta, cerebral embolism, death, i252; trau- IIo9; the medical reserve of, and civil prac- stomnacli, ib.; intestinal anastomimosis, matic gluteal, 1415; of the right carotid artery, titioners, 2202, 2377; syphilis in tlie, 2444, 2525. erysipelas toxins in the treatment of inoper-31I 1554; of abdominal aorta, I56o- of the aorta 585, 1654, 1723, 2786, i846, 2954; health returnsof able sarcooma, ib.; treatment of appemidicitis, involving the root of the left carotid, treated the, 2535; the exaiminations for the medical ser- ib. by distal ligature, i683; in a boy aged I5, '745 vice ol, 2572, I638; a hypothetical case, I595; of Aniierican Medical Colleges, Angioma, cavernous, oforbit, 62I the medical charge of imperial service troops, neeting of, 29 Angus, H. B., epithelioma penis, 1934 1657 of American Medical Editors, meet- Aniline and malignant disease, 1950 Dutch, healtli of, 1789 ing of, 32 Animals living, experiments on,293; an experi-' - French sick leave in tlle, 449; use of dipli- - Army Purity, the work of, 1789; the mental study of the intelligence of, 836 theria antiioxin in, 666; measles in tlhe, 838; founding of, nI6o Ankylosis of lower jaw, treated by removal of mortalityof expeditions of, 99I manceuvr-es of - British for the Advancemnent of wedge from the lower condyle, 1432 medical service of, I28I; commemoration of Science, annual meeting of, 730; president's "Anlage,"' I963 medical officers of, 2594; the health of the, address, ib.; numberof meniibers,733; genmeral Annandlale, T., the present position of surgery, I65I; the medical reserve of, 1789 arrangenments, 833; section of muathemnatical 293 German, food poisoning in, 2532 and physical science, ib.; section of zoology Annual, Illustrated, of Microscopy, rev., I826 Indian, promotions and appoLntiiients in and physiology, 83 ; scientific grants, 836 Anthrax, prevention of in Italy, 378; treatimiilt medical staff of, 24, 232, 208, 276, 396, 455. 525, 659, British Laryngolical, Rhinological. 1912 751, 843, 925, 2025, I209, 220I, and officers of, of, of? I86o, stomatitis 1289 1465, 2527, 2593, Otological, II62; meeting Antipyrin, following the administra- 2657, 2727, 2789,I855,e915, I96o; thie medi(cal ser- 2497 tion of, 807, 932 vice of and the plague, iI8; allowance for me- AssoCIATION, BRITISH MEDICAL, programme of Antiseptic, a cheap and effective, 2732. 1795 dical services in, 208 ; the health of the army annual meeting, 49, 95, I8o, 262; annual Antiseptics, intestinal, in diabetes, I550, I812 and frontier opera , 209; the north-west ninuseuni, 54, x86, 499, 577; excursions, 55, 102, Antitoxin, diphtheria, use of in the Frencl frontier rising in India, ib honours for the i86, 269, 437; notices of mot'on, 202, 187, 270; army, 666; the new, sale of, 128I frontier war, 209, 276; pay in, 276; informiiation receptian rooms, I86, 268; ladies' tickets, i86, - tetanus, traumatic tetanus, treated as to the medical service of, 340; heat apoplexy 268; excursion to St. Andrews, 200; and the with, 83; tetanus treated by, recovery, 718 and enteric at Pindi, 396; the standard of National Deposit Friendly Society, 27 the An'titoxins and toxins, the nature of the an- vision for the medical service of, 456; public constitution and conduct of, ib.; notes on tagonism between, 2220 healtlh in India, ib.; the statistics of the annual meeting at Edinburglh, 324, 373; first Antivaccinating " doctors," 136 frontier operations, ib.; charge pay in, 525; general mneeting of members, 321; weheomiie to Antivaccination propaganida, 246, 1572 regulations for admission to medical service Edinburgh, ib.; vote of thanks to Dr. Roddick, Antivaccinators in Scotland, 1451 of, 567; text of warrant granting corps titles ib.; honorary members 322; adjournedgeneral Antivivisection in the United States, 1708 to medical service of, 645, 658; the Committee meeting, 325; armny medical reform, 326; second Antivivisectionist propaganda, 2087, I270, I288, on Field Hospitals, India, 659; allowances in, general meeting, ib.; election of council, ib.: I262, 2375, 2452, 1514 ib.; the Indian press on the new warrant, 752; annual meeting I899, ib.; proposed alteration Antrectomy as a means of treatment in suppur- the surgeon on the Commander-in-Chief's of by-laws, 327; the articles and memorandum ative middle-ear disease, 1241 force in, 843; the undermanning of the medi- of association, 328 cientific grants, ib.; suim- Antrum, maxillary, cyst of the, 2624, 2725 cal service of, 923; the civil and military mary of proceedings of sections, 328, 36i; the Aorta, aneurysm of, cerebral emnbolism, deatlh, divisions of the medical service of, I284, 2377; pathological museum at annual meeting, 333, 2252; abdominal, aneurysm of, I560; aneurysm grievances of the medical service of, 2202 ; the 370; third general meeting, 380; the address of the, involving the root of the left carotid, secretary to the P.M.O. Bombay, i'77; book oni in surgery, ib.; fourth general meeting, -8i; treated by distal ligature, 3685; bicuspid open- geography for candidates for medical service the address in psychological medicine, ib.; ing in the, I689 of, 1472; the principal medical officer in, 2573, vote of thanks, ib.; annual dinner 382; golf Aphasia in relation to testamenitaly capacity, I772; courses of operative surgery for, I594; tne matcll, 387; members present at tile anilual [Ta.m BazIzu DEC. 31, 1898.] INDEX. MI Wm JOUUMAZ V

meeting, 440; and the Vaccination Bill, 446; meeting, ib.; chairman's address, ib.; vote of Brancl, annual meeting of, 279; report o memorial to Home Secretary on fees to thanks to chairman, lb.; discussion on in- council, lb.; president's address, ib.; Con- medical witnesses, 507; list of authors and fluenza, ib; skiagraphs of injury to forearm, tagious Diseases Act, ib.; communications, ib. others who have presented books to the lb. ethical and medico-political matters, I8o; en- library of, 636, I632; leading article on progress AssoCIATION, BRITISH MEDICAL, British Guiana tertainments, ib. of, I699; the annual meeting of at Portsmouth, Branch, confirmation of minutes, 925, 2582; AssociATIoN, BRITISH MEDICAL, North of 1709 r-epresentative of branch on Association England Branch, annual meeting of, 26I; in- ASSOCIATION, BRITISH MEDICAL, Council, pro- Council, 925; the serum treatment of yellow stallation of new president, mb.; -anatoria for ceedings of, 159, 5o6, 1278; report of, I6x, 325; fever, ib.; Dr. Palmer Ross, ib. ; malarial consumptives, ib; election of officers, ib.; medical practitioners and unqualified den- amaurosis, ib.; mortality in Georgetown, ib.; votes of thanks, ib.; repolt of Constitution tists, II87 departure of Dr. Shannon, ib.; accounts, 1582; Committee, lb.; the late Mr. Ernest Hart, 262 - Anusthetics paper, I583; the Malaria Commission, ib.; the pr evention of tuberculosis, lb.; annuai Committee, report of, I77 dinner to Dr. Daniels, ib. dinner, ib.; confirmation of minutes, 2293; - - Constitution - -CCambridge- the prevention of consumption. ib.: new mem- Committee, report of, i64, 325 shire and Huntingdonshire Branch, annual bers, ib.; communications, ib.; demonstra- -Committee on meeting, 26I; election of officers, ib.; by-laws, tion in the wards, 2I94; dinner, ib. Control of Railway Servants and Mariners' ib.; the administration of gas, ib.; distribution - North of Eyesight, report of, 176 of cancer in Cambridge, ib.; Ireland Braiich, annual meeting, 389; - General Prac- -- CeylonBranch, confilmation of minutes, 389, 2582; an- titioners and Ethical Committee, report of, confirmation of minutes. 95, 2940; new mem- nual report, 389; election of office-bearers, 176, 325 bers. 95, 925, 2940; medical defence, 95; ib.; deatlh of Di. David Johnston, ib; new -176, ~ ~ Inebriates president's address. ib vote of thanks, ib.; members. 389 1582; communications, 389, Legislation Committee, report of, 174 representative on Parliamentary Bills Com- i582; introduciion of new president. 2582; Medical Chari- mittee, ib.; paper, 95, 2940; cases, 95, 2940; vote of thanks to retiring president, ib.; pre- ties Committee, report of, 275 medical registration, 925; vote of thanks, sident's address, ib. Parliamentary ib.; death of Dr. Lisboa Pinto, IX40; - - North Wales Bills Committee, report of, I64, 325; proceed- rules and regulations, lb. annual din- Branch, annual meeting, 389; new members, ings of, 177, 1349; instruction in tropical dis- ner, lb. ib.; report of couiicil, ib.; election of officers, eases, I77; fees for attendance at coroners' ner______ib______- Dorset and lb.; honorary secretaries, ib.; Branchl council, inquests, ib.; registration of midwives, ib.- the West Ilants Branch, new members, 26I, 2367; ib.; places ofmeeting, ib.; president's address, treatment of incipient insanity, lb. the reiorm autumn meeting, 26i; discussion, ib.; com- lb.; papers, etc., lb.; annual dinner ib.; con- of the Medical Acts, ib.; army medlical reform, munication, 26i, 2367; excursion. 26i; dinner, joint meeting ofwith Lancashire andCheshize 278; vaccinatiou, ib.; Dockrell v. Dougall, Lb.; 26i, 2367; conjoint meeting of with the West Branch, 2293 (which see) thle Poisons Bill, ib.; appointment of Chair- Somerset Branch, 2367 election of officers, ib.; N o rt h e r n man, 2349; Scottish Poor-law medical officers, next meeting, ib.; grant, ib.; the Vaccination Counties of Scotland Branch, death of the ib.; prevention of tuberculosis, ib.; reappoint- Act, 2898, ib. president-elect, 146I new president-elect, ib.; ment of Committee, ib.; resolution of the Sec- Dundee and unqualified dentists and the administr-ation of tion of State Medicine, ib.; superannuation of District Branclh, unregistered dentists and aniesthetics, ib.; demonstration in the infirm- medical officers of health, I350 the administration of anesthetics, 374, ary, ib.; dinner, ib. Scientiflc 2287 ______-Oxford and Grants Committee, report of, I66 - East Anglian DistrictBranch, annual meeting, 278: luncheon, Therapeutics Branch, annual meeting, 48: confirmation of ib.; installation of new president, ib.; confirm- Committee, report of, I74 minutes, ib.; report of council, ib.; autumnal ation of minutes, ib., president's address, ib.; Aberdeen, meeting, 49; new members, 49, 926; treasurer's ireport of council, lb.; election of officers, ib.; Banff, and Kincardine, Branch, confirmation report, 49; election cf officers, ib.; vote of con- January meeting, ib. of minutes, 48; new members, 48, 2779; repre- dolence with Dr. Barnes, ib.; new president, Perth ire sentatives of Branch on Association Council, ib.; vote of thanks, ib.; British Medical Bene- Branch, confirmation of minutes. 2523; elec- 48; excursion, ib.; dinner, ib.; annual meeting; volent Fund, ib.; medical officers of hospitals tion of officers, ib.: new members. ib.; reports i369;. annual report and balance-sheet, ib., and fees, lb.; luncheon, 49, 926; communica- of treasurer and of the council, ib.; next meet- eiection of officers, ib.; demonstration, ib.; tions, 49, 926; Norfolk ard Norwich Hospital, ing, ib.; dinner, ib. annual dinner. ib.; the diagnosis and tr-eat- demonstTations and exhibitions, 49; dinner, ______-S5 h r o p sh ir e ment of pleural elfusions, 1779; communica- ib. and Mid-Wales Braneh, representative on tion, ib.; treplbliniDg for injury, I940; the force - E dinburglh council, 94; new members, 94, x649; president's developed by bullets on impact, ib.; skia- (Fife and Mid-Lothian) Branch, annual meet- address, 94; ringworm, ib.; cases, ib.; the graphy of the femur, ib.; exhibits, ib. ing, 93; confirmation of minutes, ib.; new mem- antiseptic management of wounds, ib.; tea, Bath and bers, lb.; branch list, ib.: treasurer's statement, 95; introduction of new president, I649; con- Bristol Branclh, annual meeting, 92; installa- ib.; amended by-laws, ib.; election of officers, tirmation of minutes, lb.; report and fitnancial tion of new president, ib.; new members, 92, ib. statement, ib.; election of officers. ib; the late 1779; Ieport Ot council, 92; election of officers, _-- -Grahamstown Mr. John Gill, ib.; vote of tlhanks to retiring 93; votes of thanks, ib.; dinner, ib.; confirma- and Eastern Province Branch, the late Dr. president, ib.; local medical men as officers of tion of minutes, I460; the prevention of tuber- Atherstone, 838: the late Mr. Ernest Hart, ib.; health, lb., medical witnesses, ib.; pathology culosis, ib.; communications, 2460, 2779; un- new member, ib.; communication, ib.: speci- in general practice, ib.; the relief of dental registered and advertising dentists, 1779 men s, lb.: Medical and Pharimiacy Act Amend- pain, x6 0; the uses of pure carbolic acid, ib.; 1Birminglham ment Bill, ib. annual dinner, lb. and Midlaind Counties Branch, cyst of par- -Griqualand S o 11 thern ovarium, 2342; carcinoma of splenic flexure of West Branch, confirmation of minuites, x8o; Branch, annual meeting of 390; election of colon, ib.; intussuseeption occurring twice in election of officers, ib.; meeting, ib.; camp officers, ib.; donation to Royal Medical Bene- the samepatient,ib. papers,1342 x629,i878; con- fever, ib.; specimens, ib. volent College, ib.; communications, lb.; pre- genital enlar-gement of the lorearm, x6i8; ~ - Ja ma i ca sident's address, ib.; visit to the Veuitnor Con- anomalous case of progressive muscular Branch, the late Mr. Ernest Hart, 205 suinption Hospital, ib.; luncheonD. b. atrophy, ib.; ruptured kidiney, ib.; carcinoma- -____- Lailcashire -S o u t]hern tous clhange supervening on an innocent and Cheshire Branch, annual meeting of, go; Branch, Isle of Wight District, confirmation of tumour of the breast, ib.: mediastinal tumour, report of council and financial statement, lb.: minutes, 388; notices of meeting, ib.; time treat- ib.; tooth plate removed by cesophagotomy, ib.; introduction of new president. ib.; vote of ment ot pulmonary tuberculosis, ib; tUrwemia ovum from case of early abortion, ib.; ap- thanks to retirinjg president, ib.; president's with few symptoms, ib.; next meeting, 389; pendix vermiformis strangulated in a retro- address, ib.; vote of thanks, lb.; auditors, 92; annual dinner, ib.; the rational treatment of peritoneal fossa, ib.; gastro-jejunostomy. 26I9; election of officers. ib.; vote of tlhanks to the pulmonary consumption, 2460; maternal im- instrument for breaking up impacted gall secretary, ib.; communications, 9I, 2293; pressions, ib.; the diagnosis of typlhoid fever, stones. I877; ovarian cyst lb.; stricture of the luncheon, 9I; exhibits, ib.; excursions, ib.; lb.; next meeting, ib. cesophagus. retrograde dilatation from the dinner, ib.; conjoint meeting of with the stomach, ib.; Murphy's button, ib.; extradural North Wales Branch, 2293; proposal as to Branch, Winchester district, conflrmation of abscess, 1930; urinary calculi, ib.; enteric annual subscription, ib.; the climatology of minutes, 2582; new members, lb.; the certifi- fever;'and pylephlebitis, lb.; subphrenic ab- the coast of North Wales and the open-air cation of the insane, ib.; cases, ib.; hypnotism, scess, 1931; myomata of the uterus, ib. treatment of phthisis, ib.; dinner. ib. ib. Border Coun- Metropolitan South-Eastern ties Branch, annual meeting, 94; confirmation Counties Branch, annual meeting of, 47: re- Branch, annual meeting, 48; luncheon, ib.; of minutes, 94,1523; new members, 94,2523; port of council and treasurer, ib.; election of address, ib.; votes of tlhanks, lb.; report of place for annual meetings, 94; Cumberland officers, lb.; president's address, ib.; the policy council, ib.; financial report and votes of Nursing Association, 94, 2523; formation of of the Association, ib.; dinner, lb. money, ib.; annual ineeting I899, lb.: officers local section of branch, 94 ; report of council, Metropolitan and councif, ib.; report of the Constitution ib.; election of officers, lb.; future meetings, Counties Branch, North Lendon District, the Committee, ib.; dinner, ib. ib.; instillation of new president, ib.; presi- early diagnosis of cancer of the stomach, 158I; -______South-Eastern dent's address, ib.; dinner-, 94, 2524; the late cases, I582; vote of thanks, lb. Branch, East Kent District, visit to Hythe Dr. I'AnsoD, I2,3; representative on Associa- Metropolitan Churcb, 1102; confirmation of minutes, ib.; tion Council, tb.; medical men and unregis- Counties Branch, South-Eastern District, con- chairman of the next meeting at Canterbury, tered dentists, ib.; procidentia uteri, lb.; firmation of minutes, I649: demonstration of lb.; the bones in Hythe Church, ib.; the dia- sanatoria for consumption, ib.; medical officers cases, ib.; vote of thanks, lb. gnosis of the commoner zymotic diseases, of health and practitioners, ib.; Widal's - ~~~~~~~Metropolitan ib typhoid reaction, 2524 Counties Branch, West London District, con- South-Eastern -- Border Coun- firmation of minutes, I908; cases, ib.; vote of Branch, East Surrey District, confirmation of ties Branch, Roxburgh, Berwick, Selkirk, and thanks, ib.; tea, ib. minltes, 3g; next meeting, ib.; the admini- Peebles District, meeting of, 2102; next New Zealand stra' ofatisthttics for advertising and 6 TDs vi K1 D JamtlI INDEX. [DEC. 31, 1898. unregistered dentists, ib.; the late Mr: E. H. Association French, for the Advancement of Atony, gastro-intestinal, treatment of, 580 Galton, lb.; communications, ib.; dinner, lb. Science, tihe meeting of, I87; resolution of as Atresia of rectum, 1878 ASSOCIATION, BRITISH MEDICAL, South-Eastern to vaccination, 498, 644; and the prevention of Atrophy progressive muscular, anomalous Branch, East Sussex District, specimens, 1280; tuberculosis, 742 case oi, I6I8 papers, lb.; dinner, ib.; communications, I779 Health and Sickness, experiences Atropine, eczematous eruption produced by, -~~~~~- ~ South-Eastern of, I92o 987 Branch, West Kent District, next meeting, Hospital Reform, proposed meeting Attendance on families of medical men, i663, 2780; the late Mr. S. Woodhams, ib.; bella- of in Edinburgh, 208; meeting of in Edin- I730; on urgent cases without medical order, donna in broncho-pneumonia, ib.; paper, ib. burgh 329-; proposed meeting of and subjects 1791 South-Eastern of discussion at 748 Attendant's Companion (The), C. Mercier, rev., Branch, West Sussex District, confirmation of Howard, report of, 2293 2262 .minutes, 1522; next meeting, ib.; re-election of Irish Medical, and the improvement Atthill, L., cleanliness during the monthly honorary secretary, fb,; diphtherial paralysis, of the Poor-law medical service, I792 period, 1384 lb.; acute peritonitis, ib.; myxcBdema, 2523; Irish Medical Schools' and Gradu- Auricle, right, of heart, primary tumour of, sudden death, ib. ates', annual meeting of, 336; the chairman- 1335 --- ~~~~SouthMidland ship of, 2276; general meetlng of, I646; dinner Auscultation, panting in, 848 Branch, confirimation of minutes, 22I93; new of, tb. ; vote of thanks to Mr. R. P. O'Callaghan, Australasia, British practitioners in, 570; dis- members, lb.; communications, ib.; vote of 1792 eases of, 2532, 2599 thanks, ib. Manchester Medico-Ethical, address Australia, typhoid fever in a rural district of, - ~~~~~South Wales by Mr. V. Horsley to, 2883 424; indecent advertisements in, 520; cases of and Monmouthshire Brancli, annual meeting,, - Manchester and Salford Sanitary, phthisis suitable for the open-air treatment 390; vote of thanks to retiring president, lb.; and lamp explosions, 56 in, 949 election of officers, ib.; report of council ib.- - Medical, of Munich, the 6sth birth- Austria, prohibition of sale of British "patent statement of accounts, lb.: proposed publica- day banquet of, I512 medicines " in 5I8; British practitioners in, tion of a volume of Transactions, 390, 2779; Medico-Psyehological, of Great Brit- 572; medical degrees of universities in, IzIo; Branch organisation, 390; president's address, ain and Ireland, annual meeting, 335; presi- pellagra in, 2320 ib.; cases and specimens, 2294; papers, ib.; dent's address, ib.; votes of thanks, 336; annual Authors, some old, and their books, 1257 confirmation of minutes, 2779; new members dinner, ib.; papers and discussions, ib.; litera- Auto-intoxication, I90 ib.; the open-air treatment of phtbisis, ib., ture for examinations for the certificates of, Autotoxnemia in relation to the neuroses of de- other communications, ib.; luncheon and 668 cadence, 5I2 dinner, lb. Metropolitan Provident Medical, the Axis traction with ordinary forceps, 2391, - soutil-western appeal for funds for, 1834 I869 Branch, annual ineeting, 262; installation of New York State Medical and the Aylesbury, the guardians of, on the trained new presidenit, ib.; new meinbers, ib.; report prevention of tuberculosis,i579 nurse, 665, I659 of council, ib.; the organisation of the Branch, for tlle Oral Instruction of the Deaf Ayling, A. H, W., treatment of pneumonia by ib.; the Midwives Registration Bill, ib.; report and Dumb, annual report of, 248 digitalis, 235 of the Constitution Committee, ib.; medical Polish of and Natural- Ayr, the sanitaiy inspector as a medical expert, defence, lb.; army medical reform, ib.; election ists, prohibition of congress of, 435 at, 2707 of officers, lb.i excursion and annual dinner, for the Prevention of Consuinption Ayrton, NY. E., the physics of smiiell, 833 ib.: confirmatlon of minutes, i68;x Dr. Harper and other Forms of Tuberculosis, formation of Barnstaple, ib.; elections, it.; communica- Of, 328 tions, ib.; an-nual dinner, ib. of Public Vaccinators and the new B. -______-__- Staffordshire vaccination order, 1520; the advantages of Baber, C., ear disease and life assurance, 98I; Branch, annual meeting, 1524* introduction of joining, I647 experiment and clinical experience in laryng- new president, ib.; .presidential address, ib., Railwayand General Travellers' Pro- ology, etc., 2230; nasal hydrorrhcea 1248 reports and financial statement, ib.; next tection and railway reform, 2769 Babes, V., Untersucllungen uber aen Lepra- annual meeting, ib.; election of officers, ib. of Registered Medical Women, meet- bacillus und uber die Histologie der Lepra, Stirling, ing of, I57, 2258 1495 rev., goo Clackmaninan, and Kinross Branch. confirma- St. John Ambulance, annual report Baby farmers and the Infant Life Protection tion of minutes, I908; resignation of honorary of, 66; annual meeting of Bristol Branch of, Act, 2358 treasurer, lb.; casc, ib.; specimens, lb.; new I Il7,96: and railway mnen, 2274 - Feeding, a Doctor's Advice to Mothers in members, ib. Scottish for the Medical Education the Rearing and Management of Infants, rev., Sydney and of Women, and the medical education of 1065 New Soutlh Wales Branch, annual meeting, 95; women, 840 Baccelli, G., on the Italian " Risorgimento," confirmation of minlutes, 95, 290, 878, 1007, 2524, Scottish Poor-law Medical Officers', II75: on intraserous medications, I177 2786; new members," 95, 390, 2007. 2524; report meeting of, 336 Bacilli, dead tubercle, the pathological effects of council, 95; president's address, lb.; the South Durham and North Yorkshire of, 6oi; tubercle, resistance of to freezinig, I795 late Mr. Ernest Hart, 95 ; election of officers, Veteriniary and the prevention oftuberculosis, Bacillus, typhosus, a contribution to the surgery ib.; representation oIn Council of Association, 2270 of hepatic abscess caused by, I49; of diph- ib.; coimimunications, 95, 390, 838. 2780; address State Children's Aid, memorial to theria, Neisser's diagnostic stain for, 599: of of retiring president of, 27I; discussion, 390; the Local Government Board from, z98 typhoid, nornial serum in relation to the dia- the reporting of death to the coroner by Vaccination Officers' and tlle new gnosis of, 599; enteritidis in a case of gastro- medical men, 1007; Widal serum reaction Act, i660 enteritis, 6oo; enteritidis sporogenes, folli- 1524; the prevention of tuberculosis, ib.- Volunteer Medical Ambulanee, cular enteritis dueto, I253 ; of plague,action of resignation of honoraty secretary, 2780; elec- shield competition of, 396, 456; classes of germicides on, 2566 tion of new councillors, ib.; Midwifery Nurses instructlon by, 3I377 Bacteria, pathogenic, the chemical products of, Bill, ib. Associations, nursing, 280; medical aid, con- considered with special reference to enteric West Somerset sultants for, I897, I9II fever, II, 73; lantern slides of, 2I22: vaginal, Branch, annual meeting, 93; installation of Astasia-abasia, case of, 2494 in pregnancy, 2509 new president, ib. : confirniation of minutes, Asthma and its treatment, i86i Bacteriological diagnosis of infectious disease, lb. * report of Council, ib. treasurer's aceount, Asylum, Claybury, Professor Virchow at, 1274 21357 ib., electioni of officers, ib. ; the late Mr. Ernest Darenth, the management of, 2I82 examination, value of before, Hart, ib. ; next annual meeting, lb. ; president's East Sussex Lunatic, annual report of, during, and after surgical operations, 2332 address, ib.; lunclheon, etc., ib.; conjoint Bacteriology of water, 35; German journal on meeting of with Dorset and West Hants - Royal Albert, Manclhester, annual 2I5; kitcnlen, 375; of the normal conjunctivai Branch, o067 (whlich see); meeting of supporters of, 1093; scheme to sac, 486; of London sewage, 49I; Applied,T. H. x ~~~Worcester- raise subscriptions for, 2782 Pearmain and G. G. Moor, rev., I498; of in- shire and Herefordshire Branch, annual Royal, Morningside, instruction at, fantile diarrhoea and cholera nostras, I832; for meeting, 48; election of officers, ib. ; communi- 554 general practitioners, books for, i963 cations, ib.; the Vaccination Act, I898, I650; Aeylums, lunatic, assured pensions for officials Baginsky, A., post-diphtherial paralysis, 595 paper i65i of, I96; London County, report of the patholo- rheumatic heart disease in children, II32; on Association, Britisli Medical Temperance, break- gist to, 642; a graphic mliethod of case records congenital syphilis, II52; Diphtherie und fast, etc., of, 370, I585 in, 689 * lunatic, in Ireland, officers of, 2289 diphtheritische Croup, rev., 2692 of Britisl Postal Medical Officers, Atherstone, Hon. W. G., obituary notice of. 751 Bahadurjee, Dr. K. N., death of, 498; obituary annual dinner of, 40 Atherton, meat poisoning at, 2469 notice of, 1202 Brussels Medical Graduates, annual Athetosis, double, 2432 Bail, 0., bactericidal substances in leucocytes, meeting of. 223 Athletic sports, United Hospitals, results of, 1095 -- Canadian Medical, annual meeting 2I3 Bain, W., the secretion of bile in man, 774, 775; of, 724 Atkinson, T. R., Aids to Examinations, rev., the study of the mechanism of bile secretion, -- Ch-urch of England, Burial, Funeral, 7:5; oycle saddles, 273I 780; metabolism of nucleins, 782; the treat- and Mourning, annual meeting of, iII Atlas of Histology for the Use of Students, A. ment of congestion of the liver not dependent Clinical Research, the work of, 2793; Clarkson, rev., 87; of Illustrations of Path- upon organic disease or associated with the offices of, i856 ology, rev., 632; and Essentials of Pathological febrile disorders, 942 Colonial Nursing, half-yearly meet- Anatomy, 0. Bollinger, rev., 809; of Methods Baker, Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel 0., the pro- ing of, 2777 of Clinical Investigation, C. Jakob, rev., 989; posed school of tropical medicine, 278 Cork Medical Benefit, general meet- and Handbook of Surgical Operations, 0. Major R on plague, 862 ; the unclassified ing of, 370; aniual ineeting of, 2907 Zuckerkandl, rev., 2436; of Laryngology and fevers of the tropics, 865 -County and City of Cork Medical Rhinology, 0. Gouguenheim and J. Glover, ___S. I.. treatment of bromidrosis, 280 and Surgical, banquet of, I$96 rev., lb.: und Grundriss der traumatischen Balfour, Mr. A. J., on the endowment of re- Forfarsllire Medical, annual meet- Frakturen und Luxationen, H. Helferich rev., search, 202 ing and dinner of, 42; meeting of, 2258, 2562, x6?5; of Bacteriology,!C. Slater and E. J. Spitta, G. W., personal experience of an almost. 193a4 re',, 2879 forgotten episode in medical history, 297 DEC. 31, 1898.1 INDEX. eTMrMzuzc&i FevUNAzYJG. Aou

I I Ball,C. B., radical cure of hernia by an im- jugular vein, exciion of a large tubercu- Berry, G. A., the absorption of aqueous humour proved method of torsion of the sac, 1479 mesenteric2424*'abscess3636 by the iriS, 483; operative treatment of stra- Ballance, H. A., septic thrombosis of thelonsBeatson, Surgeon-Generai J. F., obituary notice biSMUS, 484; operation for incarcerated iris, lateral sinus. 1244, I241 Of, 455 485 Baltimore, the abuse of medical charities at, Beatty, W., what are we to understand by ec- J. B., presidential address to Bradford -.2840 zema?m 708 Medico-Chirurgical Society, 1494 Bananas and plague, 252 Beddard, F. E., Elementary Practical Zoology, S. H., aneurysm in a boyI aged 1745 Banby, A., L'Occlusion Intestinale, rev., 1692 rev., 990 W., the advancement of public health Bandages, rubber-frec elastic, 635 Beeby, Dr. W. T., presentation to, 213 during the last quarter of a century, 239 Bankruptcy and Poor-law medical appoint- Beef fluid and extractIo66of, Bertillon, J., diabetes in France,999 ments,I izo Beer, T., accommodation in the lower animals, Besson, A., Technique Microhiologique et S9ro- Banks, SirJ., resigns Regius Professorship of 31578 thturapique, reV., 633 Medicine in University of Dublin I1276 Beevor, C E on intracranial tumours. 68;;on Beven, 0., cantharides ashaemostatica in W- . M., a foreign body in the larynx,669i the action of the latissimus dorsi in hnematuria and its use in albuminuria, 8o7 xthe rays and the detection of bullets, ib. hemiplegia,bUiaterai 976 Beveridge, Captain W. W. 0., carbuncular boil Bannatyne, Dr. C., presentation to, 5I7 Beheim-Schwarzbach, B., the power of sight of of face,pericarditis, death, 1430 G. A., RheumatoidArthri tis, its natives of South Africa, 1731 Beverley, M., aphasia in relation to testamentary Pathology, Morbid Anatomy, and Treatment, Behring, Professor, and the patenting of diph- capacity, 748 rev., 634 theria antitoxic serum, 643, 996, ioo8, 2843 Beyrout, school of medicinexI6iat, Bannerman, G. G., colotomy for intestinal Belfast, correspondence from, 272, 2652, 2782;Bib, rubber, withpouchl, 8867 obstruction,284I the new Royal Victoria Hospital, 272; the Bickerton, R. E., notes on ophthalmology in Major W. B., the testing of Haff- Ulster Medical Society, ib; typhoid fever in, Vienna, 8i8 kine's plague prophylactic in plague-stricken 65I,729,292,I926, 2442,I652,2768;thee annual Bicycling for nurses, 1585 communities in India, 856 report thof e medical superintendent Bidie. Captain G., penetrating wound of abdo- Bantock, G. G., on dysmenorrlwcaa 20 officer of health, 2652 ; Dr. Lorrain Smith's re- men with protrusion of intestine, 897; cocaine Bar. admissionthe,toI383 port on the water supply of, 2782, 2904; .the iinigid os, 2847 Barber, Mr. E., death of 6 enteric occupation Of, 2785 Bielby, E., abdominal pregnancy, laparotomy, Barber's shop, sanItary eformI in tlhe, 845 Belgium, the Government of and matches with- recovery, 237 Barbier, H., La Diphterie, rev., 262 out phosphorus,i98; British practitioners in, Bier's treatment of tuberculosis, 529 Barbour, A. F., the promontory and the build 5721 Bile as an antidote to venoms and disease of the pelvis, 56- Bell, J., introductory remarks at the opening of toxins, 627; the secretion of in man, 774; tihe Barclay, W. M., two cases of intestinal ob- the Section of Diseases of Children, 346 study of the mechanism of the secretion of, struction, laparotomy, recovery, 2333 Belladonna, the dosage of 1495 780; as an antidote in variola, 842; pig in Bardeen, C. R., The Johns Hopkins Hospital plaster,I883 Graves's disease. 2842 Reports, rev.,2664 Benedikt,M., history uses and dangers of hyp- Bill, Habitual Inebriates, amendments to,292 Barendt, F. H., what are we to understand by notism, 677 on suicide, 682 - Local Government (Ireland), editorial re- eczema? 7I0; xerodermia pigmentosa, 2342 Bengal, sanitary report of forI896,908; vaccina- marks on, 258; tile appointment of medical Barker,E.,A. a new suture for the intestine, tionin, 1266 superintendent officers ofhlealth under, 328 mesentery, etc.,148; 200 consecutive opera- Benham, F. L., the advantages of venesection in - the Poisons, leading article on, 36 tions for the radical cure of hernia,722; The acute pneumonia,'339 - the Vaccination, leading article on, 2552289, Surgical Affections of the Stomach and their Bennett, E. H., injuries of the elbow-joint, the conscience clause in, 309; and the British Treatment, rev., 1748 Medical Association, 446; Dr. H. Coates on, W. J. T., a case of winged scapula,I251 A. J., treatment of acute dysentery by 449; Mr. H. N. Hardy on, 450 Barling, A. S., ether pneumonia, 1374 Bentley,large eiiemata, 878 Bilngham, J. J., inversion of uterus, 8o6 H. G., carcinomatousclhanges super- -J.W. N. munificent bequestsI856by, Bingley, the medical officership of health, at, vening upon innocent tumour of the breast, Bequests, 23,I32, 448, 575, x2i8,I182,I18; 2856 743' I6I8; stricture of the cesophagus, retrograde Ben-bei, occurring in temperate clmates, 872; Biniodide of mercury, formula for, 755, 848, 2020, dilatation from the stomach, 2877 rice and, 924; cases strickell by, 1427 2472 Barlow, Dr. A., the late, appealoln belhalf of the Berlin, correspondencefrom,xi6, 205, 270,I1008, Bird, J. B., sanatoria for consumption, 1523 widow of, 67, 226, 280, 400, 460, 520, 756, 2020 1281, 2368, 146x, i65I,I843,x9o8; pauperchildren, Birds, effect of environment on, 1964 H. P., sloughing of abdominal wall and ii6; trachoma, ib.; congress of Prussian medi- Birkett, H. S., foreign body removed from the prolapsc of fcetal intestine in a transverse cal officers, ib.; the anniversary of the Em- naso-pharynx, 1235 presentation, 987 peror Frederick's death,ib.; a medical club, Birmingham, the watersupply of, 1174; cor- Barmen, the medical profession and club ib.; the Berlin Ambulance Society, ib.; a hy- respondence from, 1195; the prevention of practice at, 647 dropathic institute in the university of, ib.; tuberculosis at,I579 ; proposed university at, Barnes, F., Chavasse's Advice to a Wife ontlle walking contest, vegetarians v. flesh eaters, 2648; proposed "consulting institution" at, Management of her Health, rev.,89 lb.; Professor Koch on bubonic plague, 205; 2897,29I11 Barr, J., on hepaticcirrhlosis, 950; the treatment the vaccination law,206; a female club doc- Birmingham, A., muscular fibres of the cuso- of chronic renal disease, 2050 tor, a proposed sanatorium for consump- phagus,85, 698; muscular fibres of the stomach, T., ear disease and life assurance, 979; tivesib.;in the Silesian mountains, ib.; incomes 85, 698 experiment, and clinical experience in Iaryng- and salaries of medical professors, 270; a Pas- Birth. and death, the time of,9I6 ology, etc.,I230; extradural suppuration in teur Institute for, ib.; honour for Professor v. Biscuits (whisky). 648 the sigmoidtossa due to ear disease, 2234; Leyden,ib.; the Emperor and the German Bishop, E. S., unusual case of ovaritis, i560; the double acute mastoid empyema with exposure Red Cross Society,ib.; the proposed Polish coiimbined method in pelvic surgery,I928 of dura mater on one side, operations in congress,ib.;meat poisoning at Hamburg, ib.; Bismarck's brain,I376 both,I235; suppurative middle-ear disease, Prince Bismarck and the medical profes- Bismuth subgallate tabloids,Io66 2242; septic thronmbosis of tlle lateral sinus, sion,S5-; sanatorium for diseases of the Blachstein, agglutinating bodies,2095 1244 lungs, ib.; general news,5II,I908; rules for Black, Dr. D. C., obituary notice of,I942 Barratt, W., an experimental inquily Into cirr- hospital construction in, 742; clinical in- Blackwater fever. See Fever hosis of the liver, 2743 stitutionsof, 798; Congress of Scientists and Bladder, the feniale, operation for elevation of Barrow, B., tetanus, treatment by antitoxin, and Medical Men at Dusseldorf, I008; the in prolapse orcystocele, 232 recovery, 7I8 Germans at Kiantehou, ib.; Professor Behring Blair, C. S., an uliusual form of marginal kerat- Barrs, A. G., early feeding in typhoid fever, and his serum patent,ib.; sanitation at Ger- itis,i8ig 1590 man health resorts, ib.; the decrease of tuber- Blake, T. W., influence of locality in the preva- Barry, C. J., acetanilide in sunstroke, 2350 culosis,b.: the Red Cross exhibition in,I096; lence of malignant disease, 234 Barton, J.,unusual cour-se of phrenic nerve, 85 medical reform,I28i; instruction in mental Blandford, G. F., the plea of insanity in crimi- Barwise, S., interpretation of the results of diseases,ib.; female municipal schoolteachers, nal cases, 587; on suicide, 682 water analysis, 2093 ib.; hygiene of German health resorts, ib.; Blane medal, award of,I289 Bastian. H. C., A Treatise oii Aphasiaand other diphtheria antitoxin,ib.; ophthalmia in West Bleeding, post-mortem,I546, 2796 Speech Defects, rev., 1260 Prussia,ib.; a new Red Cross decoration, 2368; Blight, W. L.,deatl certificates for friendly so- Bags, hot-air, the treatment of arthr-itis by, supervision of lunatics at large,ib.; the uni- cieties and insurance companies,I29 2745; cold, thle treatment of typhoid versity extension movement in Germany,ib.; Blindness in Spain, 999 fever26I1,2724,by, x8io a serum for the cure of foot-and-mouth dis- Blood, the changes in after experimental thy- Batten, F. E., the pathology of diplhtlherial ease,ib.; Professor von Esmarch's jubilee,ib.: roidectomy, 608; the granules precipitated in paralysis, 2540 a new municipal hospital, 2462 ; the river water by chioride of ammonium, 6io ; examination Battle, W. H., septic infection of urinary tract, supply of, lb.; medico-gymnastics in German of in malaria, 893 2322; traumatic gluteal aneurysmii, 1415; hospitals,I65I ; school doctors in, ib.; leprosy films, tlle preparation of,I876 malignant disease of large bowel, 1491 sarcoma in Prussia, ib.; a successor to Father letting, subconjunctival for humor- treated by Coley's fluiid, 1554, 2784 Kneipp,East lb. : dlstrict medical officers, ib.; rlhagic retinitis,I55 discussion on at the Italian Bavaria, small-pox and vaccination in,9g1 another Behring patent, I843: Professor, Medical Congress, II76 Bayliss,Rt. A., the application of hydrochloric Roentgen, ib.; taxation of private hospitals, vessels, intracranial, the occurrence of acid in sciatica, etc., 2550 ib.; a new suburban hospital for,ib.; proposed nerves in, 782 Bays, J. T. phthisical patients in South Africa, vegetarianhospital for,ib.; hydropathy at the Blow, the ' knock-out," 2946 I796 Charitd, ib.; an unpublished work by Pro- Blower, artificial for calf lymph, 2773 Bazaar, the Press, proceeds of, 43 fessor du Bois-Reymond, ib.; the Berlin ambu- Board, the proposed Central Hospital, the Beach, F., the neglect of early traininig of the lance service, lb.; an international congress Charity Organisation Society and, 2834 mentally defective, 686 on tuberculosis, I9o8; the centenary ot the - Local Government, circular of as to Vac- Beale, H. H., inasal inhalation tube, io66 St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy, ib,; cination Act, 1898, 5I7, 2352, I355, 2370, 148, 1462. Beatson, G. T., on the use oif ('l-bosapol in tlle the German Society for the Establishment of 1529, I58o, i646, I7I9, 2773, I904; and Boalds of disinfection of the surface of the body, 235; "Lung Sanatoria," ib. Guardians, I774 excision of mass of enlarged cervical glands Bernard, W., the neglect of early training of the Local Government, for Scotland, Dr. J. B. (tuberculcus) with a portion of the internal mentally defective, 685 Russell appoirnted to, 2087 viii KDmzA Jozu&TL INDEX. IDEC. 31, 1898.

Board, Metropolitan Asylums, annual report of Brereton, J. G., the diagnosis of typhoid fever, Buist, R. C., two synphysiotomies in domestic Statistical Committee of, 205, 447; annual re- 2460 practice, 794 port of chairmanof, 212 ; meetingof, 398 Bridgend, tramps spread small-pox at, 212 Bullar, J. F., glioma of the optic nerve, 2340 Boards of gualdians, lhousing of the sick by, Bridgwater, fees under the new vaccination Buller. F., enucleation of the eyeball, 488 279;* the Local Government Board and, 2774 orderat, x8o Bullet, the new service, 39, xi8; localisation of Boeck, C. P. M., the nature and treatment of Brierley, J. B., the constitution and conduct of by skiagraphy, I671 lupus erythematosus, 701, 707 the Britis Medical Association, 274; the use Bullets, modern, the effect of, 518; modern Bohm, A. A., Lehrbuch der Histologie des and abuse of midwifery forceps, 479 small-bore the wounds produced by, 823 the. Menschen,brev., 989 Brighton, the new borough isolation hospital x rays and the detection of, 26I9; the lorce. Boil, carbuncular, on face, pericarditis, death, for, 2453 developed by on impact, 2940 1430 Bright'sdisease. See Disease Burdett, Sir H., on the Prince of Wales's Hos- Bois, C. A., clinical studies with spleen and thy- Briscoe, J. F., the certification of the insane, pital Fund, 377; The Effects of the DiamondT roid extracts, 684 2582; the osseous system in the insane,I676 Jubilee on the Resources of the Voluntary Bollinger,O., Atlas and Essentials of Pathologi- Bristol, special correspondence from, II7, 520, Charities, rev., I749 cal Anatomy, rev., 8og 1195, 2908; St. John Ambulance Association, Burdett's Hospitals and Charities, I898, the. Bolton, compensation to medical officers under II7; nursing at the workhouse infirmary of, Yearbook of Philanthropy and Hospital Extension Act of, 1292 23I ; thelhealth of duringI897,5I0; the laundry Annual, rev., 21 Bombay,measures taken to control the plague of the Children's Hospital, 2I95; the St. John Burial, philanthropic and medical aid, 668 epidemic in, in 1897-98,s58,9II ; laboratory for Ambulance Association, 1196- the water sup- reform, iii provision of ProfessorLustig's plague serum at, ply of, 1352 the salary of the medical officer Burke, Edmund as an amateur medical practi- xoog; sanitary report of for 1897, 2265; lunatic of healtli of, I895, 2909; remuneration of re- tioner, 292 asylums of,I266 sident medical officer of health at fever hos- Burnley, tlhe Board of Guardians of and the. Bond, F. T., on the pollution of rivers, 404; vac- pital, 2908; Hospital Sunday,I909 Burnley Hospital, 56 cination with special referenice to legislation, British Columbia, practicein, 520 Burns, A Critical Essay on the Treatment of, 4I4, 421 ; the vaccination surrender, 657 Guiana, medical appoirtments in,568- particularly by the Picric Acid Method, H. N. Bonesetter, censure of a, 66i; attendance by on the parasite of the pernicious malarial fevers Dakhyl, rev.,I064 cases of fracture, 196I of, 869: filarie and filarial disease in, 878 Burns, Dr. J., testimonial to, I909 Boobbyer, P., endemic typhoid and disinfection Honduras, medical appointments in, Burot, F., Les Troupes Coloniales IIl: Hygiene. of exereta,I092 569 du Soldat sous les Tropiques, rev., 240 Book debts, value of, 2383 "British Pharmacopoeia." See Pharmacopeaia Bury ,J. S., cases of nervous disease, 2620 keeping, medical, A.B.C. system of, 2383; Brittany, infant mortality in,1780 Bus , J. P., cases of perforative gastric ulcer Medical, Veale's System of, rev., 1565 Broadbent, SirW. H., appointed -extra- treated by operation, 2407 Bordeaux, bureaux de bienfaisance at, 205; ordinary to the Queen 256; the significances Butlin, H T., Halsted's operation for removal. medical reform at, 2295 and consequences of different states of vas- of cancer of the breast,I665,I844 Boric acid in milk 2466 cular pressure with theirgeneral management, "Butter cyst" of the breast, I254 Bose, F. J., Le Cancer, rev.,I063 933, 937; on intracranial tumours. 967; rheu- Button Murphy's two cases of resection of Bottles, medicine, proposed name and address matic heart disease in children, 2232; on the bowei treated by, 2*7; in enterectomy for- on, 1795 prevention of tuberculosis, 236I ; on defects in strangulated hernia, 2520; Murphy's, from a. Bourcart, A., the importance of climate in the the hospital system, 2365; the 8eamen's Hos- case of enterectomy, 2877 treament of pulmonary tuberculosis, 948 pital Society and the visiting staff of the Sea- Buxton as a health resort, 247; its Baths and. Bowel, two cases of resection of treated by men's Dreadnought Hospital, 2763,I840 Climate, S. Hyde, rev., 812 Murplhy's button, 17; large. malignant disease Bromidrosis, treatmentof, 225, 280 Buzzard, T., the influence of micro-organisms. of,I492 Bronchiectasis, hyperpyrexia in a neurotic and their toxins in theproduction of diseases. Bowes, P., an outbreak of food poisoning, 1456 woman with, 2552 of the central peripheral nervous system, 970 T. A., intestinal obstruction due to in- Bronchocele, excision of isthmus of, 2820 Byers, J. W., the surgery of elvic inflammation. duration of the great omentum, 628 Bronner, A., crystals of cocaine in preference 472: the use and abuse o imidwifery forceps,. Bowles, R. L., further experiences of dangers to solution, 490; a plea for a more thorough 478 connected with respiration and their avoid- sterilisation of nose and throat instruments, ance, 220 I2243, 2244 C. Boxall, R., interstitial uterine fibroids with Brooke, G. E.. the colonial medical service, 926 Cabs, the heating of, I583 placenta proevia, I8I9 W. F., successful removal of stones of Caesarean sectioni, two cases of, 2432; for dysto- Boy, public school, the physique of, 1360,I638, unusual size from both kidneys, 2424 cia due to ante-partum hour-glass contraction 2786; chyluria in a, 2432; aged I5, aneurysm in Brouardel, P., Traitd de Medecine et de Thdra- of the uterus, I870 a, 2745 peutique, rev., 293 Caird Professor, niemorialS to, 2282 Boyce, R., the anaerobic bacterial treatment of Brown, Lady Susan Georgiana, the will of, 930 Calculi, pancreatic, i8i6; urinary, 2930 sewage, 273 C. W. H., compound dislocation of un- Calculus, impacted renal, in left ureter and Boyd, M. A., on hepatic cirrhosis,953 gual plhalanx of thumb, i6 atrophied right kidney, suppression of , F. D., pulmonary regurgitation, 2823 - F. J., the Local Government Board and operation, death, necropsy, xx6o - S., electrolytic treatment of inoperable Boards of Guardians, 2774 Calcutta, report of the health officer of, 753 malignanttumours, 2422 Jas., the Medical ExpertAiQdCommittee, Caldecott, Colonel R., death of, 2202 Boys physical development of, 1857 Caledonia " plague on board the, 2833 Bradbury, J. B, on vascular pressure, 935; on Dr. J., presentation to, 2493 Caley, H. A., prevention in medicine, the neecl hepatic cirrhosis, 953 Dr. P., death of, 2788 for a forward movement, 2072 Brackett, E. G., the American troops at Santiago, T., on trichinosis, 924 Calf, vaccinia in the, I653 743 Browne, E., paralysis of accommodation after lymph, glycerinated. note on, 628, i637; Bradford, antivivisectionist meeting at, 2087, influenza, 485; the use of holocaine in oph- failures with1, 2646, 2664, 2732 2288, 2362; St. Catherine's Home at, 2278; the thalmic practice, 620 Call, the courtesy, 2599, 2795, 2929 water supply of, 1263 Sir J. C., introductory address to stu- Calmette, Dr., munificent gift by, 2452; the cura- Bradford, J. R., carcinoma of the gall bladder dents of Pharmaceutical Society, 2097 tive value of the antivenomous serum of in without cholelithiasis, I555 S. 0., punctured wound of chest pro- the treatment of inoculationswith the poisons. Bradshaw's Dictionary of Bathing Places, etc., duced by fish, 2599 of Australian snakes, I805 rev., 1726 Sir T.. the works of, 68 Calwell, W., the floors of sanatoria for consump- Brain, The, and its Membranes, Traumatic Inju- Bruce, A., micro-organisms in the production tion, 460; treatment of diseases of the stomach,. ries of, C. Phelps, rev., 720; Section through of diseases of the central peripheral nervous I330 the, for the purpose of Elucidating the Fibres system. 975 Cambridge, distribution of cancer in, 262 within it, E. Nebeltliau, rev., 2347; some W., inspection of documents of the Cameron. Sir C. A., the hygienic control of milk. advances in the surgery of the, 1537'; cysts in General Medical Council, I952 supply, 4I3 the, 2875; tubercle of the, 2929 Brunton, Dr. J., presentationto, 993 J., rheumatism, 2020 - Power, Failure of, its Nature and Treat- T. L.. exercise and over-exercise, 2272; J. S., the hygienic control of milk. ment, J. Aithaus, rev., I750 treatment of diseases of the stomach, 2328; supply, 423 Brains wanted, 1359 white bread or brown bread, 2452 R. W. D. M'M., surface wells as a Braithwaite, J., two cases of Caesarean section, Bryant, J. H., hoemorrhagic pancreatitis, x8I6 source of water supply, 407 1432 T., injuries of the elowjoint, I328 Cameroon Coast (The), i. Plehr, rev., 899 Bramwell, B.. on intracranial tumours, 969; Bryce, W., eczematous eruption produced by Campbell, A. W.. cYsts of the pineal, 2746 micro-orgaBisms in the production of dis- atropine, 987 C., the Workmen's Compensation Act; peripheral nervous sys- Buchanan, Captain W. J., epidemic cerebro- at Saddleworth, I9II eases of the central H., the tem, spinal fever in India, 872; remarks on the Respiratory Exercises in 95 J. M., the phenomena of hypnotism, death-rate of dysentery and on dysentery and Treatment of Disease, rev., 88, 275, 450; mitrl 669. 678 liver abscess, 892; A Manual of Gaol Hygiene, stenosis, II8 Brand A. T., policlinic, I964 rev., 90I H. J., four obscure cases of intra- Brandi, L.. Klinik der Krankheiten der Mund- Bucharest, the Institute for cranial disease, 959 hole, Keifer, und Nase, rev., 23 cine at, 753 Medico-Legal.Medi- J., a case of operation for perforated. Brazil, British practitioners in, 572 Bucket, the stomach, I868 gastric ulcer, 250 Bread, Wheaten, Tison, rev., 2262; white or Buckle, Surgeon-Major R. T., death of, 2202 J. A., the charge of misconduct. brown ? 2452, I588 Buckton, Mrs. C. M., on the servant and mis- against, 66I, 5o6,1528 Breast, "butter cyst" of the, 2254; carcinoma- tress question, 2523 W. M., some old authors and their tous change supervening on an innocent Buhiler, A., Untersuchungen ueber den Bau der books, I257 tumour of the, I6I8: Halsted's operation for Nervenzellen, rev., 8I2 Camphor habit, the, and its dangers, 84 removal of cancer of the, 2665, I783, I844, Buenos Ayres, medical congress at, 259; open- liniment, poisoning by, 727, 986 2922 ing of institute of hygiene at, Igg; the di- Canada, professional recollections of a visit to, Breathing at high tensior, the patho- rectorship of the bacteriological institute at, 25; British practitioners in, 570; abortion in,. iogical effects of, 6z) 845 I202; medical registration in, I27S DEC. 31. l8Q0.1 INDEX dMecLL JOUUNLA i

Canal, hyallue cyst of producing a double lens, Catheterisation of Eustaehian tube,I238; of the Chilclbirth, deatl-S4in, 823, 839, 927,TOII, 11049 1198; 485; hyaloid, and its relation to cyclic exuda- ureters in both sexes, 1412 ; The Instrumental the notification o. I008 tion, io. Treatment of Urinary Disease with special Re- Childe, Captain L. F., the pathology of plague, Canary Islands, sanatorium for Europeans in, ference to the Technique of, R. Kutner, rev., 858 '77I i88r Childhood, rheumatic dilatation of the heart In Cancer, distribution of in Cambridge, 26i; Bosc, Cattle, tuberculous, compensation for, 19I2 the rheumatism and chorea of, I9 F. J., rev., 1063: the microparasites of, 1207 ;of Caudwell, E., motor cars, 520 Children, underfed school, 256; the ill-treatment the lip in early life, 1287, 1957; primary of liver, Causland, the unclassified fevers of the tropics, of, 320; Skin Diseases of, G. H. Fox, rev., 720; partial hepatectopay for, I300; mammary, 866 deficient, institution for, 755; note on the- -aspiration of during removal, 1427; early. Cautley, E., congenital hypertrophic stenosis of action of bromide and iocdide of strontium microscopic and other fallacies, 1535 the the pylorus, 1490 on exophthalmic goitre in, I042; The 'pathologyof, 1560; in relation to the dwelling, Caverhill, T. F. S., the value of sanatoria and Mental Affections of, W. W. lreland, rev., 1065; 1571, 1622; of stomach, the early diagnosis of, the need for their establishment in Great pauper, cottage homes for, I085; rheumatic 158I; multiple family, 6I2; of tle breast, Britain, 946 lieart disease in, 1129, 1296; young, operation iHalsted's operation for removal of, i665, 1783, Cell, Tlhe, and the Tissues, 0 Hertwig, rev,ggo for mastoid disease in, I 41; movable kidney 1844, 1911 Centuries (The): A Chronological Synopsis of in, Ir54; erythemaenematogenies (enemarash) Cane, L., hn3morrhage into the pons Varolii, History on the "Space for Time" Method, in, 1255; treatment of sunimer diarrhcea in, I06I rev., 22 1340; young, treatment of intussuseeption in, Cannabis indica, poisoning by, recovery, iI6o Cerebral Function, Disorders of the, A. Adam- 1343; 13oliday and infectious disease, 1574; un- 'Cant, W. J., pulsating exoplhthalmiios with visible kiewiez, rev., I88o vaccinated, records of, 1181: and young tumour,I8I9 Certificate or inquest? 194 persons, a distinct variety of hip-joint disease 'Cantharides as albremostatic in lioematuria and Certificates of death for friendly societies and in, I6I5; of retired medical men, attendance its use in albuminuria, 807, I020; treatment of insuranee companies, 119, 275; false of deathl, on, 1663; of deceased medical men, education hamaturia by,i51i prosecution for issuing, 194; of lunacy in of, 1730; unvaceinated.I832; mentally defi- 'Cantlie, J.. Prize Essay on Leprosy, rev., 22; on Scotland, 457; medical under the Workmen's cient, books as to, I859 plague, 862 Compensation Act,5i6, 662, 1383, I796; mislead- Cllilds-Macdonald, G., complete removal of the Cape of Good Hope, report of colonial veterinary ing medical.II82, I198, 1373 stomachl,Si8 surgeon in, 1266 Certification of pauper lunatics in Ireland, 207, Chili, Britlsh practitioners in, 571 Capsule, intragastric. I867 514, 658; of the insane, 1582 Chill due to a sudden clhange in temperature 'Carbery, A. D., tetanus neonatorum, 628 Cestan, E., La Thdrapeutique des EmpyZimes, amounting to 1500 F., effects of, 895 Carbolic acid, treatment of enteric fever by at rev., 722 China, health of German troops in, 135 the British General Hospital, Nowshera, Pun- Ceylon, medical appointments in, 569 Chinese, instruction in, 135 jab, 888; pure, the uses of, 1650 Chadderton, outbreak of food poisoiiing at, 1456 Chiropodists, army, I696 'Carbonic acid gas, the treatment of leuco- Chadwick lectures. See Lectures. Chirurgie des Voies Urinaires, E. Chevalier, cythaemia by,I614 Chalmers, A. K., the hygienic control of milk rev.,I825 , poisoning by at Snaefell, 32 supply, 412 Chloride of ammonium, tlle granules precipi- 'Carbo-sapol, the use of in the disinfection of Clhamberlain, J., on the proposed Birmingham tated in the blood by, 6io the surface of the body, 235; the composition University,I648 of in the treatment of ring- of, 1883 Chancre of the laclhrymal sac, I56; lingual from worm, 847 Carbuncle treated with antistreptococcus serum, indirect contagion, I8I5 Chloroform, exact dosage of to the lower ani- I127 Chaplin, Mr. vaccination and the "Star," 195: mals, 831; hysterical aphasia cured by the ad- 'CarAuncles, excision of, 1604 memorial to on the registration of midwives, ministration of, 898; in India, I418; death Carcinoma, substernal, 1253; of splenic flexure 19I8 under, 1875 of colon, 134I; of the cardia, operation for Chapman, A., Income Tax: how to get it re- Choledochotomy, a series of cases of, 1404 curettement of, 1546 ; of the gall bladder with- funded, rev., 1435 Cholelithiasis, carcinoma of the gall bladder out cholelithiasis,'555: intratlhoracic, 1556 C. W., E psom College, 1371 witlhout, I555 Cardew, Surgeon-Major G.S., deatlh of, 751 Mr. J., presentation to, 394 Cholera, in Madras, 448, 498, 577; nostras, the 'Cardiff the vaccination service at, 1569, 1702 Character, personal, the importance of in the bacteriology of, i832 Cards, visiting, 848 profession of medicine, 1038 Chorea, of childiood, rheumatic dilatation of -argill, J., yellow fever in Jamaica, 885 Cliareot, Dr., unveiling of monument to, I778 tlle heart in, I9; complicating pregnancy, 84, L. V., the Roentgen rays in ophtlhal- Charcot's disease. See Disease 8o6 mology, 482; paralysis of accommodation after Charities, medical, II99; medical, the use and Chorlton, cottage liomes for pauper children in influenza, 485 abuse of, 1354, 1704; medical in Islington, 1503 Io8 ; a "Colony" asylum for imbeciles ana Caries, spinal. See Spine Charity and science, io68 epileptics in, 1479 'Carless, A., aneurysm of the aorta involving the Charles, T. E., the nature and significance of Choroid, congenital absence of, I8I9; atrophy of root of the left carotid treated by distal liga- leucoCytosis. 607 the with sclerosis of the choroidal vessels, ib. ture, i685 Charrin, A., Les Defenses Naturelles de l'Or- Choroiditis, symmetrical in the early stage, Carlier, E. W., some clhanges that occur in some ganesme, rec., I88o I8I9 cells of the newt's stomaclh during digestion, Charts of hearing power for various tuning Cliristian science, before the law, I5o8; what it 780, 78I forks, 1239 is, 1515, 1599 Carline, W. A., the sins of teetotallers, 222 Chatham, J., gout as a factor in life assurance, scientists, the, 1187 the collapse of the Carlisle, the prevention of tuberculosis in, T645 766; pregnancy in relation to life assurance, case against, I9I6 Carmichael prize essays. judgment as to, 376 769 Christmas books, rev., I694 J., clinical types of infantile pneu- Chavasse, T. F., ectopia vesicre, T560 cards, i6o6 monia, 1148 Chavasse's Advice to a Wife on time Management Cliristophers, S. R., normal serum in relation to Carpenter, G., Chavasse's Advice to a Motlier of her Health, F. Barnes, rev., 89; Advice to a the diagnosis of the typlhoid bacillus, 599 oni the Management of her Children, rev., 634 Mother on the Management of l1er Cllildren, Clirobak, successful splenectomy in pregnancy, ,Carr, J. W., a case of localised pontine lesion, G. Carpenter, rev.. 634 I769 962 Cheatle, G. L., sarcoma of the middle ear, Churchill, F., open-air treatment of phthisis in Carroll, J.. railwav refoirm, I963 1240 seaside verandahs, 949; treatment of spinal Carslaw, J., erythromelalgia, 1342; a case of Chelsea, the plhysic garden at, 320, 1833; the caries, 1129 syringomyelia, 1923 water supply of, I834 Churton, T., thrombosis of the hepatic veins, Carter, T., tlhe action of glycerine upon per- Chemistry of the tlhyroid gland, 391 3430 chloride of iron, 400 Chemists, prescribing and unqualified 7assist- Chiyluria in a boy, 431 "'Carthage," plague on board the, 318, 391 ants, 83i Cinematoscope, tihe, as an aid in teaching, Carwardine, T.. spindle-celled sarcoma of Cherry, T., the nature of the antagonism between 658 rectum. I555, 1811 toxins and antitoxins, 1120 Circulation, The Disturbances of and their Cary, A. J., tne new vaccination order, T521 Cheselden, W., anatomist and surgeoin, 8I5 Treatment (Nauheim Metlhod), S. C. Grliupner, Case, Mr. H., obituar-v notice of, 59 Chest,'punctured wound of produced by fish, rev., II65 Caset records in asylums, a graphic metliotl of, '599 Cirrhosis, hepatic, clinical varieties of, g9g; 689 Chevalier, E., Chirurgie des Voies Urinaires, vinegar as an alleged cause of, II07; hepatic, Caseinogen in milk, the pliysico-chemical state rev., 1825 1177; progressive liepatic. tIme etiology of of, 779 Clieyne, W. W., the treatment of hydrocephalus 1215: tliroinbosis of hepatic vein in, 1430; 0o Caselli. Professor A., death of, 1376 by intracranial drainage. 1155; r-epair of the the liver, an experimental inquiry into, I743; Casb, J. T., the pharmacology of the alkaloids of bridge of the nose by a rabbit bone, 1431 of right lung, 1814; of liver in a child, 1930 aconitine (A. napellus), I041 Chicago, sanitary reform in the barber's shop at, Civilisation, wheat and, 828 Casper, L., catheterisation of the ureters in both 845; correspondence from, 1282, 1721: opening Clamp and ligature in vaginal hysterectomy for sexes. 1412 of medical schools, I28I; outbreak of typhoid malignant disease of uterus, 6I8 'Castor oil and oil of castor, 135 fever, lb.; mortality of soldiers after the war, E., atrophy of the choroid with sclerosis Castration in enlargement of the prostate, I4I6 ib.; opening of consumptive hospital at, 1359; of the choroidal vessels, 18i9 Casts, intestinal. 807; fatty in diabetes, 1472 the death-rate of the army and navy during J. J., congenital suberomial dislocation Casts, plastic. See Paraffin the war witlh Spain, 1721 ; the treatment of of shoulder, 1431 Cat, the and diphtheria, ig6r tuberculosis, ib.; the Society of Internal Medi- J. M., on intracranial tumours, 968; a Cataract, the surgical treatment of, 620 cine, ib.; a new hospital, ib.; epidemic me- contribution to the study of the gastric juice, Catarrh, chronic gastric, chronic dilatation of ningitis iD, 1949 1863 gallant conduct of the stomach associated witlh, 11126: acute Chiene, J., injuries of the elbow-joint, 13I8 Lieutenant T. H. M., febrile associated witlh inflamed glands of Child, The Development of the, N. Oppenlieim, I1465I465 head and neck, 1744; serous of the middle ear rev., 1064; myxoedema in-a, 1432; epileptic, W. B., septic infection of urinary tract, produced by the adliinistration of home for, 1534; eirrhosis of liver in a, 1930 1312 iodide, i8i3 labour and india-rubber manufacturers, Clarkson, A., An Atlas of Histology for the Use Catheter dish, a new, 635 io86 of Students. rev., 87 -sstand, an aseptic female, 1826 Childbed and scarlet fever surgery, 1897 Clayton, R., censure of, 66i 1 MUDICALThu BanJOURNAI j INDEX. [DEe, 31, 1898.

"4Cleanliness during the monthily period," 1296, lations of as to diplomas, 535; annual dinner organisms in the production of diseases of 2384 of, 2890 the central peripheral nervous system, 974 -Cleft palate, the operative treatment of, X391 College, Royal, of Physicians of Ireland, pass Colman, W. S., syringomyelia, 2432. Cleveland, Dr. W. F., obituary notice of, 1726 lists, I30, 220, 454, 2203, 2596, 2790; regulations Cologne, opening of branch of Red Cross Clifford, Surgeon-General F. M., death of, 122, of as to diplomas, 538; St. Luke's Day at, I274; Society at 246I 332 officers, etc., of, 2292 Colohan, J. 33. S., motor cars, 520 Climate. The South African, W. C. Scholtz, rev., Royal, of Physicians of London, on vac- Colon, carcinoma of splenic flexure of, 2342; 379, 241; the importance of in the treatment of cination, comitia of, 1456, 2775; lec- peculiar condition of in pernicious aiu8emia, pulmonary tuberculosis, 948 tures at, 379. 2087; office bearers at 380; regu- 2I876 Office, the, and Clinch, case bilateral occipital poren- lations of as to diplomas, 532; St. iuke's Day Colonial instruction in tropical 96I; cephaly, arthropathic dystrophies, at, 2274 diseases, I565 2925 Royal, of Surgeons of Edinburgh, regu- Colonies, the Crown, medical service for, 220, on Clouston, T. S., the neuroses and psychoses of lations of as to diplomas, 535; examination for 926; tropical books diseases of, 2383 decadence, 303o; aphasia in relation to testa- the Fellowship of, 2207; memorial from to Colonisation, French, the cost of, 2577 Colony, proposed iiientary capacity, 585; the plea of insanity Lord Lansdowne oln the Royal Army Medical working for epileptics, i895 for chronic criminal cases, 88, I653 Corps, 2526; pass lists, 2532, 2926; annual din- Colotony membranous colitis, I426; for Clowes, G. F., diabetes insipidus, treated [with ner of, 2640 intestinal obstruction, I842 ainyl hydrate and paraldehyde, 629 Royal, of Surgeons of England the elec- Colour sensations, complementary, experi- on Club, Cambridge Graduates Medical. annual tion to the Council of, 57, 224; the dental ex- iiients the production of, 777 Colton, B. S., meeting and dinner of, 132 aminationg of, I29; exhibition of additions to Physiology, Experimental and Charing Cross Hospital Students', open- museum at, 202 meeting of Council of, 260, 2265, Deseriptive, rev., 1563 ing of new recreation ground for, 2178 I566, 2939; Fellows of and the use of the letters Coma, perinephric abscess with, 2336; the work of, 2906 the Flannel Shirt the work of, 1390 F.R.C.S., 340; on vaccination, 377; pass lists, 1842, to, Combe, J., on Liverpool Medical, dinner I590 5I6, I292, 2659, r959; the D.P.H. examinations of, congenital syphilis, 2252; on kidney in the National Liberal, and snmoke abate- 520, 848; regulations of as to diplomas, 53I; movable children, 2254 ment, 829 Appendix XI to the Second Edition of the Commission, the Malaria, members, etc., of, 826 Club-foot, the treatment of, 1234 Descriptive Catalogue of the Pathological Plague, for India, members, etc., of 2445; Clubs, "compulsory sick," 39; the battle Specimens contained in the Museum of, J. H. of, 2274, the duties of, I588, 2636; the work 647; appointments to, 668; Fellows of Royal Targett, rev., 725; the Calendar of, 2266; bust of, I84I, i9o6 Colleges and surgeoncies of, 1295; compulsory of Sir Richard Owen, 2265; Committee of -______the Prisons, Dr. Donkin appointed to, I086 shop, the Committee on, 2705 Management, ib.; laboratories, ib.; Jenks on Coates, H., the Vaccination Bill,449 Scholarship, I266; annual report, ib.; Disci- Royal, the London water sup- Coats, Professor, the illness of,I909 pline Committee, ib.; portrait of Sir Erasmus ply, meeting of, 232, 244 Cocaine, crystals of in preference to solution, Wilson, ib.; Bradshaw Lecture, ib.; members' Royal, on Sewage Disposal, meet- uteri, 790, of, 255; delay in 4go; in dilatation of the os 1374, gowns, ib.; business at annual meeting, 2530; inlg report of, 2450 Royal, x656, 2847 diplomas of Membership, IS66; teaching ar- oni Vaccination, the Re- Cochlea, tone sensation with reference to the rangements for students of the firstyear, ib.; port of, J.-C. McVail, ,ev., 630; index to re- function of the,353 annual meeting of Fellows and Members, ib.; polt of, 832 Cocoa, Hanson's oatmeal.Io66 lectures at the, 2834; report from the Board of Commissioners, the Lunacy, report of,IOOI; for Cceliotomy, vaginal, M.Landauon, 465 Examiners in Dental Surgery, 1939; report Scotland, report of,1098 Coghill, J. G. S., sanatoria for the open-air from the Committee of Management, ib.; Commissions, a judicial viewof,494 " treatment of consumption, 206 erasure from the Medical Register," ib.; Committee, the Central, and the Pasteur Iisti- Colehester, the town council of, and Dr. Thresh, resolutions at the annual meeting, ib.; medical tute for, 998 494," natives."497 scale for merchant and passenger ships,I940; the Dangerous Trades, report of, Coldstream,G.P.,the as an ib. cinematoscope the Fellowship Examination, I350 the in teaching, 658 Royal of Surgeons in Ireland, distribu- Departmental on Compulsory Shop Clubs, Coleman, C. A., a case of quadruplets,1429 tion of prizes at, 230,I450;pass lists, 220, 2596, members of,I705 Medical J. B., lesions of heart,1689 2790; regulations of as to diplomas, 538 the Expert Aid and the pro- Coley, F. C., medicated wines, 725 St. Mungo's, Glasgow, instruction at, spectusof,58 treatment 565, VW. B., erysipelas toxins in the 548; opening of winter session at, 2369; the Midwives Bill, and the General of inoperable sarcoma, 32 - changes in medical staff at, 574 Medical Council, 27

of the fascia of Person Coley's fluid, recurrent sarcoma _-- University, Bristol, the faculty of and estate of lunatic, of positionof, 209 the back treated by, 226; treatment medicine at, 544; opening of winter session at, 452, 720, 2554, 574; mata by injection of, I688, 565; changes in medical staff of, an tleTsetse Fly, report of. 2632 1784; lympho-sarcoma treated by, 718 appeal for the medical library of,I222 on University of London Act, mem- Colitis,ehronic membranous, of over ten University, Dundee, appointments at, bers of,I642 and the duration cured by right inguinal colotomy 256; instruction at, 549; opening of winter Coinmunity, profession, the reciprocal of the duties of,28I and subsequent closure artificial session at,565;* changes in medical staff at, as 2426, 2963 and the University of St. Andrews, 2467 Companies practitioners, 249 Collapse, saline injections in, I663, 2732, 1795 University, Liverpool, new museum Compendium, the Chemist's, C. J. S. Thompson, College, Anderson's Medical, Glasgow, instruc- school of hygiene for,II0; the medical faculty rev.,9oI Compensation for tion at, opening of session at, 565; of, 545; opening of winter session at, 565; loss of appointment, 1292 Act. See changes in medical staff at,574 changes in medical staffof, 574, 2452; the new Act Campbell, Belfast, objects, etc.,of,494 laboratories of physiology and pathology for, "Compulsory sick clubs," 39 King's, London, the medical faculty 9I5, 2009, 2099,II79,II89; the professorship of Conference, British Pharmaceutical, meeting of, 448 542;opening of winter session at, 564; changes midwifery at, 2203; meeting of governors

in medicalstaffof, 573; entrance scholarships of, 2283; proposed new physics laboratory for, Congress, Balneological, date and place of meet- ing at,_ _9&ason 2370 of, 2938 University, London, medical faculty W_rench Gyniecological, meeting of, faculty of medicine at,544 opening of summer of, 543; opening of winter session at,565; 2282 French sessionat,565; opening aadress at, 2028; open- opening address at,0o69; dinner of old and Surgical, date, place of meet ing of winter session at, 1195; distribution present students, I079; entrance scholarships lug, etc., Of, 277 on clinical prizes at, ib.; annual dinner I596of, at, io8o; appointments at, 2532; and the Frenchi, Tuberculosis, meeting of, * resolutions passed Medical, for Women, Edinburgh, university, i88 433 at, 496 struction at, 548 University,Sheffield, the department German Anthropological, meeting of, of Medicine, University of Durham, medicine at, 546; opening of winter session 734 pointments and scholarships at, 546; opening at, ; changes in medica saff Of, German Dermatological, meeting of, 565 574 I98 of winter session 556;at, ch ages in medical University, of South Wales and Mon- German, staff at,574; address by the President, 2079; mouthshire, the medical school Of, 546; open- Otological, annual meeting distribution of prizes, ib. ing of winter session at, 565; changes of, 65 Owens. Manchester, opening of Christie medical staff Of. 574; ening address at, German, of Scientists and Medical exhibition at, Library and laying of foundation stone of Yorkshire, Leeds, the medical depart- Mer, io8; addresses to be de- at, 398 Whitworth Hall at by Duke of Devonshire, s6; ment Of, 544; opening of winter session at, livered programme of, 644 meeting of, general the medical department Of, opening of 565;ehanges in medical staff Of, 574; opening ioo8, 2095; addresses, 2095; proceed- 545; ings of sections, ib. winter session at,556; changes in medical address at, 2038 staff of, and Polyclinic, Medical Graduates, International, of Applied Chemistry, 57 date, of of Pr-eceptors, the preliminary examina- foundation of, 298, 320; meeting of governors place meeting, etc. Of, 223 -nternational tion of, I2846, 952 Of, 2703; and theLondon post-graduate course, of bermatology, date, Queen Margaret's. Glasgow, the govern- place of meeting, and subjects of discussion at, ment, etc., of, 848 Conieges, Royal of Physicians and Surgeons, 2857; discussion on syPhilis, etc., at, 2927 Queen's, Belfast, annual report Of. 496; See Conjoint Board International, o1 Hypnotism, date place of meetin instruction at, 549; opening of winter session Collier, H. S., dislocation of the hip-joint getc.o, 369 56at, arising in connection with acute fevers, International,of and Ob- uQeen's, Cork, instruction at, open- 1139 stetrics, date, place of mieeting, etc., of? 2728 55o; International ing of winter session556at, Collimgwood, Dr. D., presentation to, Medical, psychiatry at, 65I 845; -Queen's, Galway, the Calendar Of, F. W., the antiseptic properties date of meeting and sections at, 2725; the opening of winter session565at, sawdust, 2663; degrees and diplomas, 2732 Section of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryng- Royal Benevolent, Epsom, an- Collins, Reginav., oog Medical 42, 6o, 203, 222, 226 ntraItna Ooological, date, place nual report Of, 222; appeal for funds for, 392, E. T., the Roentgen in ophthalm- 997 1273, I284, 2358, 1372, 2463, 2953; founders'day olOgY, 482; operation for incarcerated of meeting, etc., Of, Interniational on Tuberculo_l2, date, Royal, of Physicians of Edinburgb, regu- J., on intracranial tumours, 967; micro- place of meeting, etc.,i19Cof, Tun Bsr. xi i MmeAa DEC. 31,3 19 1898.]898.] INDEX. tK=ja" J"jLxA& Congress, Italian, Medical, date, place of meet- Corlette, C. E., the proposed school of tropical Cullingworth, C. J., the surgery of pelvic in- ing, etc., of, 297, 930; meeting or, "I75; discus- medicine, 2844 flammation, 46r, 472; the importance of per- sions at, 1176; papeis at, ib.; social entertain- Corlieu, A., the last illness of Richelieu, 1087 sonal character, in the profession of medicine, ment at, II77 ; the Italian revival, I264 Cornea, demonstration on the histology of the, 2038; ectopic gestation complicated by fibro- Medical of Hygielie, date, place ofmeet- 48;injury to, 2 myoma, 3I62 ing, etc., of, 2890 Cornwall, J. W., vaccinia in the calf, 2653 Cunningham, D. J., the significance of anato- Mineral Water, date, place of meeting, Coroner and doctor, 2359 mical variation, 694 etc., of, 338 Coroner's court, the, 454 Curds as an article of diet in diabetes, 932 National, of Medicine in Portugal, Coroners, the election of, 459 Cureton, E., on ringworm, 94 meeting of, II3 Corps, the Royal Army Medical, 57, 205, 206, 273, Curettement of carcinoma of the cardia, opera- - of Royal Institute of Public Health, 433, 523, 2022; text of warrant as to, 232; tion for, 2546 date, place of meeting, etc., 310; meeting of, an undermanned service, 253; promotions Curetting in suppuration of middle ear, 2249 575, 756, Ioo6; resolutions of, ioo6 and appointments in, 208, 396, 455, 525, 578, 659, Curnow, J., thickened skull, 2432; the proposed of Physiologists, meeting of at Cam- 75I, 843, 2025, 2202I 2377, 2527, 2593, I657, 2727, I859 school of tropical medicine, 2845: the Seamens -bridge, 649 224;- regulations for admission to, 567 andthe Hospital Society and its visiting staff, I9I0 of1 Sanitary Institute, date, place of 'Army List," 75I, 827; the relief season of, Curtin, T. H., traumatic aphasia, 2578 meeting and arrangements as to, 41; pro- I05; nominations to, by medical schools, etc, Curtis, H., singer's laryngitis, 223I, 2233 gramme of, 914; section of sanitary science I278; and the expedition in Khartoum, 2446; Cut-throat, suicidal, note on a case of, 722 and preyentive medicine at, 0ogx; section of statistics as to advantages, etc., of, I5II; me- Cycle, the, and its medical foes, 994 engineering and architecture at, I092; section morial from the Royal College of Surgeons of race, medical preparations for, 205 of physics, chemistry, and biology at, ib. Edinburgh to Lord Lansdowne as to, 2526; saddles. See Saddles. -- Scottish Plumbers', meeting of, Surgeon-General Hamilton on, I655; in India, shows, the, 1704 636 I657 Touring, A. W. Rumney, rev., 725 Conjoint Board in England, pass lists, 230, 662, Correction, a, 2205 Cycling and pregnancy, etc., 215 2530; regulations of as to medical and surgi- Cosgrave, E. MaD., a new and original method Cyclo-therapeutics, 2836 cal diploinas, 530; institutions from which cer- of making casts, 840 Cyprus, medical appointments in, 569 tificates are accepted by, 556; regulations as Costume, academical, 2964 Cyrano de Bergerac and the doctors, 254 to diploma in State medicine, 56I Cothran, L., the extirpation of consumption, Cyst, large clear, of the ronjunqtiva I55; of the Board in Ireland, pass lists, 220, 276, 83 hyaline canal producing a double lens, 485; 454,I 203, 2378, 1467, 1595; regulations of as to Cotterill J M, on intracranial tumours, 969 orbital case 01, 487 meibomian, polypoid medical and surgical diplomas, 537; regula- Couch, chnicai, model of, 2867 growth from a, 620; oi parovarium, 2342 ; ofthe tions as to diplomas in State medicine, 563 Council, General Medical. See Medical maxillary antrum, I6I4, 2725; ovarian, 2877 Board in Scotland, pass lists, 454, 1595; County Council of London, on the meat and Cystocele, operation for elevation of the female regulations of as to medical and surgical milk supply, iI8o; and lectur-es on first-aid, bladder in 232; treatment of, 786 diplomas 534; regulations as to diplomas in 2296; and the London water supply, 2452, I508; Cystoscope and ureter catheters, relative value State medicin4. 562 and the prevention of tuberculosis, I459; of as aids to the diagnosis of surgical diseases Conjunctiva, large clear cyst of the, I55; lupus and the notification of puerperal fever, 2703; of the kidney, 242I of, 2493 and the muzzling order, i855; and epileptic Cysts of the urachus, 2275; multiple abdominal Conjunctivitis, diplo-bacillary, clinical and colonies, 1895 dermoid, i556; of the pineal, 2746; in the bacteriological study of, 485 Coupland, S., appointed commissioner in brain, i875 Connal, J. G., rupture of the tympanic mem- lunacy, 2363 Czaplewski, disinfection by formaldehyde, Io96 brane with clonic spasm of the facial muscles Cousins, J. W., remarks on a case of penetrating in a diver, 729 gunshot wound of the abdomen, immediate D. Connecticut, U.S.A., the prevention of tubercu- laparotomy, suture of stomach, recovery, 145; Daiber, A., Mickroskopic des Auswurfes, rev., losis at, 2776 the surgery of pelvic inflammation, 472 990 Connel, J., the use and abuse of midwifery for- Coventry, hospital abuse at, 2293 Dairies, Indian, 2452 ceps, 480 Covering. locum tenens and, 2595 Dakhyl, H. N., Contribution CritiqLue a1l'Etude Connolly, R. M., African hnemoglobinuric fever Cowsheds, country, I639 der Traitement des Brulurcssp6cialement par commonly called blackwater fever, 882 Coxa vara, or deflection of the neck of the l'Acide Picrique, rev., 2004 Connor, P. S., removal of stomach, 30 femur, 230: remarks on, 1394; notes of a case Dalton, N., compensatory hypertrophy of lung, "Conscientious objector," the metropolitan of, 2422; Sir T. Stoker on, x60i ; or scissors legs, 2253; double athetosis.I432 magistrates and, 648 *an object lesson for, 668; 1785 Dalziei, T. K., injuries of the elbow-joint, 2328 and his reasons, 739 a legal point as to, xI86; Craig colony for epileptics, remarks on, 2364; Daniel (a dental) come to judgmenllt, 492 and medical magistrates, II98, I590; at Liver- prize for treatment, etc., of epilepsy offered Daniels, C. W., filariae and filarial disease in pooI,1283; verses on, 2535; at Oldham, 2905 by managers of, i860 British Guiana, 878 Considerations Sanitaires sur ]'Expedition de Cranbrook, the scale of fees under the new vac- Darenth, the proposed union of the asylums at, Mfadagascar, etc., G. A. Raynaud, rev., 23 cination order at, I647 2578 Consultant and general practitioner, 147I Cremation, in Norway, 278 ; literature of, 5I9; in Davey, Dr. A. G., presentation to, 232 Consultants for medical aid associations, 2897, Indiana, 753 ; in Liverpool, 272I ; for infectious Davidof, M. v., Lehrbucli der Histologie des I922 diseases, 2764 Menschen, rev., 989 Consultingrooms for poor patients, 19I9 Crematoria, information as to, I859 Davidson, Major D. C., the unclassified fevers of Consumption, the open-air treatment of, 69, 206, Creosote in tuberculous diseases, 237 the tropics, 865; the ti-eatment of acute 667, 748, 755, 946, 1383, 147I, 2523, 2536. 1599, 2620, Creosotol, 2883 dysentery by large enemata, 877 1842; treatment of by tuberculin, 77: the r,pres- Crete, casualties in the disturbances in, 832 J. M., the Roeiitgen rays in ophtalm- sion of, 223; among English Jews, 646; the Crewe, tlle prevention of tuberculosis at, ology, 48I, 483 ; the value of stereoscopic photo- prevention of in the county of Durham, 829, 2838 graphy and skiagraphy, i669 996; the extirpation of, 83I; the pure air treat- Crilib, C. H., experiments with gaseous disin- Davies, A. T., the surgery of pelvic inflammation, ment of, 1044; the campaign against, I085 fectants, 425 472 Consumptives, The Cure of, W. H. Daw, rev., 99o; Cripple, home for, 2535 E., death from liglhtning, 987 sanatoria for, 1126; treatment of in Paris, 2461; Cripps, H., Ovariotomy and Abdominal Sur- E. T., self-iniduced instrumental abor- Poor Adult in France, Switzerland, and Ger- gery, rev., 2562 tion, 842 many, G. Sersiron, rev., 1936 Crocker, H. R., on lupus erythematosus, 706 H. R., autotoxaemia in relation to the Contempt of court, 2854 Crocq, Dr. J. J., death of, 9I6; obituary notice of, neuroses of decadence, 5I2 Contract practice, tlle medical profession and, 2024 Davis, Dr. M., obituary notice of, 2207 34, 225, 203, 370, 447, 729, 992, 2222. 2354, x5I6, I645, Croft, E. O., hysterectomy for sarcoma ofuterus, R., the bones in Hytlic clhurch, 2202 i696, 2777, 2907 2433 Daw, W. H., The Cure of Consumptives, rev., Contracts, in restraint ot practice, 454; vaccina- Crombie, A., the unclassified fever of the tropics, 992 tion, termination of, 2774 862; treatment of acute dysentery by large ene- Dawson, W. R., analysis of the ocular pheno- Convention, International Sanitary, ratification mata, 877 mena in 40 cases of general paralysis of the of, 46 Crookes, Sir W., presidential address to the insane, 687, 689 Convulsions, epileptiform during anaesthesia. British Association, 730 Day,J.J., gunshot wound of thorax involving 235 Crookshank, E. M., the proposed school of lung, recovery, I684 Cooke, F. G. H., Tablets of Anatomy, rev., 720 tropical medicine, 2783 J. -R., cantharides as a h.1mostatic in F. H., fatal case of wasp sting, 1429 Crooin, J. H., surgi-^a interference in gynae- hiamaturia and its usc in albuminuria, 2020 J. G., a case of scissors legs, I683 Co0logy 557 W. A., constructive mrurder, 29I2 T.. Tablets of Anatomy, rev., 720 Crosby, Dr. T. B., elected Alderman for Lang- Dea,f-mutes, education of in India, I98; oral in- Cooper, Miss J., the fatal acciaent to, 378 bourne Ward, i856 struction of, 277; education of, 2208 L., cesophagotomy for impactedartificial Cross, F. R., subconjunctival for Deane, J. E., the charge against, 66I teeth, 2334 hoemorrlhagic retinitis, I55 Deas, F., the National Deposit Friendly Society, Co-operation, the Nurses', munificent gift to, 753 Mrs. F. R., presentation to, I742 2372, I589 Coorg, medical and sanitary report oR the pro- Crosse, W. H., the treatment of malarial fever Death, of Mr. F. F. Foster-Foster, 59; Mr. F. -i. vince of, 908 and of blackwater fever, 2074; blackwater V. Grosholz, ib.; Surgeon-Captain A. W. Cope, A. E., the new vaccination order, I520 fever, 2875 Forbes, 122; Surgeon-Major-General J. C. Copeman, S. M., on vaccination, 420: secretion Crouch, C. P., transfusion of saline solution in Morice, ib -Dr. A. Voisin, ib.; Surgeon-General of bile in man, 775; minute by Mr. Chaplin on collapse, 727 F. M. Cliiord, 122, 232; Mr. M. Howard, ib.; the work of, I637 Crutches, improved, i500 Surgeon A. J. Wall, 232 Surgeon-General H. "Coq volant," I963 Cuba, the Spanish drug bill in, iII; the Young, ib.: Surgeon-Geneml W. H. Adley, ib.; Cordes, A., scarlatina in an infant, T683 American troops in; 2522; the return of the Dr. D. Johnston, a75; Dr. D. J. Cuddy, ib.; Cords, vocal, two cases of malignant disease of Spanish troops from, 2745 Surgeon W. G. Peck, 455; Professor G. Ebers, the, thyrocondrotomy, I228 Cuban fever. See Fever 490; Dr. W. Pepper, 495; Dr. K. K. Bahadurji, Cork, the medical profession and contract Cuff, H. E., A Course of Lectures on Medicineto 498; Mr. H. Mac Callum, 5x1; Dr. F. Sheerar, practice at, 370 Nurses, rev., 725 526; Dr. C. Giacomini, ib.; Dr. C. A. Macaulay, TD BT I xii=11 QLL JoUR AJ INDEX. [DEC. 31, 1898.

51;Dr. T. IlAnson, 57 Mr. M. A. Diet in hyperacidity, 432 Downie, J. W., catheterisation of Eustachian Wood 578; Brigade-Surgeoii F. B. Bakel, Diets, mixed, effect of on salivary digestion, iIo tubes, 2238; three cases of foreign body in the 659; beputy-Inspector-General E. W. Baw- Digestion salivary, effect of mixed diets on, IIO throat in which the position was determined tree, ib.; Deputy-Surgeon-General J. R. Digitalis, treatment of pnieumonia by, 235 by the Roentgen rags, I243 M. Lewis, ib.; Dr. J. Wallace, 744; Mr. F. J. Dilatation, rapid. of os uteri, 756; a new mnethod Doyen, E., the treatment of pelvic suppuration Hawthorn, 755; Mr. J. Shackleton, ib.; Mr. S. of, 790, I374, I656 463; operative reduction of congenital dis- B. Farr, ib.; Surgeon-Major G. S. Carden, ib.; Dilator, nasal, 668 placement of the hip, 2396; a new method of Mr. T. J. Gittens, 842; Surgeon-Major-General Dimmock, Major H. P., measures taken to con- resection of the pylorus and of the intestine, J. Inkson, 843; Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenant- trol the epidemic of plague in the city of 24c# Colonel P. N. Mookeijee, ib.; Dr. J. Crocq, Bombay in the years I897-98, 858 Dr." the title of, 1790, 2795 926; Professor Toscani, I0o9; Dr. G. Hart, Diphtheria in London, 24, 232, 222. 244, I596, Drage, L., deaths in childbirth, 927 1014; Dr. J. T. K. Lipscomb, ois5; Dr. W. Gar- m66i; in London I896-98, 6II; treated by in- Dragooning a medical congress: 435 diner, X201 ; Surgeon-Major R. T. Buckle, ib.; jection of antitoxic serum in Uniiversity Col- Drainage. surface, as a source ofcdrinkingwater, Colonel R. Caldecott, 1202 Lieutenant-Colonel lege Hospital during I896 and 2897, 624; pre- iio6 intracranial, treatment of hydrocephalus J. Riing, 1289; Professor A. Caselli,I376; Mr. E. vention and treatment of, 642; of throat, by,II55 Barber, ib.: Miss M. E. Webb, I465, Mr. S. nares, conjunctiv.i, and uretlhra, serum Drains, lhouse, in St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 2791 Woodhams,1526; Brigade-Surgeon F. Penning- treatment, recovery, 8o6; drouglht and, 830; Draper, J. W., the use and abuse of midwifery ton, 1527; Dr. C. P. Deljiannis, 2592; Dr. A. history and etiology of. 848; literature of, foreeps, 471 Dunbar, ib.; Dr. Gruby, i651i; Mr. W. E. Hacon, 932; etiology of, I095 the relation of fibrinous Dreaper, R. H., Irish dispensary doctors, 2787 I656; Mr. J. Y. S. Young.ib.; Dr. A. Andrews, rhinitis in, 2249, 2338, 2464; New Bacterio- Dress in hot weatlher, 4Q3, 580 I657; Dr. A. Walton, 2727; Surgeon-General A. logical and Clinical Investigations in, H. Driburg as a health resort, 247 Smith, ib.; Mr. F. Hawthorni, 1788; Mr. W. Barbier and G. Ulmann, rev., 1262; and Drought and diphtlheria, 830 Smith, ib. Dr. P. Brown, ib.; Mr. H. Lewis, Diplhtheritic Croup, A. Baginsky, rev., I692; Drugs, compressed, 68; death-dealing, 737; the I836; Professor Kantlhack, 1898; Lieutenant- quarantine in, 2732 at Aldershot, 2927; and alternating administration of by rotation as a Colonel Mayne, 1905; Staff-Surgeon E. D. the cat, i69i practical principle of treatment, 938 and drug Minter,I942 Diplomas, old medical, the sale of, 2664; and preparations, alcohol in, 1043 the Spanish bill D ath from acute plumbism, 209; by violence," degrees, 2732 for in Cuba.IIIO operations as causes of,734; and birth, tle Disclaimer, a, 756 Drummond,D., on vascularpressure, 937; ether time of,9I6; from liglhtning, 987; from lauglh- Disease, the toxic origin of, 287; infectious, pneumonia, 939; on hepatic cirrhosis, 954 ter, I088; "unnatural," 1093 sudden, 1523; contracted at work, 523, 644; and its treat- Drunkennessin alhorse, 997; the jurisprudence from an enema of laudanum,I66I ; from over- ment and tlhe profession of medicine in the of, 2362 in the streets of Paris, treatment of, lying attributed to vaccination, 1721; under yearI899, 2738,I8ox,I87I 1356 chloroformi, 1875; sudden, twelve days after Bright's, chronic, the treatment of,I8; Drury, H. C., bicuspid aortic opening,I689 parturition,I878 chronic, venesection in, 452 Drysdale, C.R., on vaccination, 420 D 'Ath, G. H., the new vaccination order, 1463 Clharcot's of joints, amputation for, 2494 Dublin, new disinfecting house andmortuary D lath-rate, corrected in the metropolis, 1791 foot-and-mouth, serum for the cure of, for, 1532; Lord Iveaglh's gift to, 2943, 1951 D 3aths in the profession abroad. 122, 209, 275, 2368 Graves's, pig bilein,I842 Ducket, C. A., the case of,I628 5I7, 1015, Ixo8,I376, I465, 1727; in childbirth, Duckworth, Sir D., the Harveian oration on the 823, 839, 927, 0OIl, 1104,I198; underanaesthetics, malignanit, influence of locality on the influence of character and right judgment in 1004; from wild animals and snakes in India, prevalenceof, 234; slhall we operate or not medicine, 2209, i88I 1433I in?99; aniline and,I950 Duct, nasal, amode of irrigating, i448 Decadence, the neuroses and psychosesof. 303 Nagana or tsetse fly, researches as to, Dujardin-Beaumetz, Dr., on the Vaccination Act, De Camboulas, L. B., Le Suc Ovarien,Effets I768 2509 Physiologiqueset Therapeutiques, rev., 87 woolsorters', the preventionof,374 Duke, A., warm dry-air inlhaler,I501 Deformities of the Fingers and Toes, W. Diseases, tuberculous, creosote in, 237; ma- Duke of Argyll on vaccination, 495 Anderson, rev., 360 larial, investigation of, 254; of Infaicy and of Westminster on vaccination, 1448 De Frumerie, G., Massage Gynecologique, revi., Childliood, L. E. Holt, rev., 359; soil as a Dukes, C., the etiology of "return," cases of 63I factor in the spreadof, 422; of the Upper scarlet fever, 842; infectious diseases and pre- Degrees and diplomas, 1731 Respiratoly Tract, P. W. Williams. rev.,Io66; paratory schools, 1288 Dela Mare, P., onl Louis XIV as a tlierapeutist, infectious and preparatory schools,II82,II98s T. A., axis traction with ordinary forceps, IOOO 2288, 2372, 2573,I587 Deldpine,9I8 S., tuberculosis and the milk supply, tropical. See Tropical Dulerg,J., case of subacute rheulmatism under- Disinfectants. gaseous, experiments with, 425 going the Tallermai treatment,I620 Delivery, mode of in a case ofshoulder presen- Disinfection, Mr. C. B. Lockwood on, 802; and Dunbar, Dr. A., death of, 2593 tation, 1428; post-miiortemi, 1892, 1964 infection,I962 Dunican,J.. iiiodern operating theatres, 299 Deljiannis,Dr. C.1P., deatlh of, 1592 Dispensary, is it a public institution ? 665 3. D., procidentia uteri, 2523 Delmege, Fleet-Surgeon A. G., made M.V.O., doctor. See Doctor. Dunfermline, opening of Moray wing of cottage Io88 nmedical servic, the, 2273 hospital at, 2590 Demetriadi, L., the Medical Sickness and Acci- Reading, annual reportof,2I3 Dunn, Mr.J. E., presentation to,I660 dent Society, 274 Dispensers, 2295.I663 Duotal, and lady, I883 Democrats, social, the iiiedical profession Dittel, Dr. L.R. v., obituaryof,753 Durante, Professor,the professional jubilee of, in Germany, 647' Diver, rupture of the tympanic membrane with 55 Dengue and yellow fever, the differential dia- clonic spasm oftlle facial muscles in a, 729 Durham, the prevention of in between, consum ption the gnosis 30 Divers, Dr. E decoration of,I792 county of, 829, 096; contract medical practice Denmark, British practitioners in, 571 Dixey, F. A., diphtheria in London,I896,Q8,6I i in,I527; proposed sanatorium'for the county Dentists, for theAinerican Navy, 212; unregis- Dixon, W. E., a preliminary note onthepllarma- of, 645 tered andthe administration of anaistlietics cology of the alkaloids derived from the Durham, H. E., the agglutinating or sediment- 374,1I87, 2523; unregistered and adveltising. mescal plant,Io6o ing properties of serums and their relation to '779 Dobie, D. R acute yellow atrophyof liver, 2492 immunity,588, 593; an epidemic of gastro- D-ep6t sore-tllroat at Portsmoutlh, 40 Dobson,A. large foitus, 848 enteritis associated with the presence of a Derbyshire, contract miedical practice in,I5i6 Dockrell, M., on lupus erythematosus, 706; the variety of the bacillus enteritidis (Gaertner) Dercum,J. X., onintracranial tumours,967; treatment of sarcoma by Coley's fluid,720 and with positive sero-diagnostic evidence (in micro-organisms intlle productioil of dis- Doctor, the public duties ofand his relation to vivo and in vitro),60o; the nature and signifi- eases of the cenitral periplheral nervous the State, 137; changing the, 756, 932, 2599; cance of leucocytosis, 607 ; the present know- system,974 coroner and, 2359: the Irish dispensary, 1363, ledge of outbreaks duem to eat poisoning, 1797 De Rothschild, H., L'Allaitement Mixte et 7272587, T770, 2787,I956. 2964; of physic, an' Dutch, H., the assumption of medical designa- l'Allaitemeiut Artificiel, rev..0o65 eighteenith century, 2796; the Irish dispensary, tion, i86I De Santi, P., sar-comiia of the scalp of nineteen substitute 8for, 857 Dyer, H. G., treatment of 'spinal caries, 1129; a years' duration,I2254 Doctor's holiday, the, 68, 280, 460 correction, 2296 Desquamation inscarlatina, 756 Doctors, antivaccinating, Cyrano de Ber- Dysentery, acute, treatment of by large ene- Detmer W., Practical Plant Phlysiology, rev., gerac and, 254; old ScottisI3,6;o, 17 mata, 876; chronic, 886; tropical, ammonium 1879 Dollar, J. A. W., A Handbook of Horse-shoeing, chloride in the treatment of, 890; the death- Deuchar, D., difficulties of medical advisers of rev., 723 rate of, 892; severe, cardiac failure, hypo- life assurance offices, 772 Domicile, the question of, 1790 dermic of artificial serum, recovery, control of injection Dewar, Principal, thehlygienic milk Donald, A., vaginal section. 795 896; chronic, treatment of,2I03, 1286 SUpPly,44 3 Donaldson, F., modern bullets,5I8 Dysmenorrhea, discussion on at the British De Watteville, A., "coqvolant," v963 Donations, 398, g38, 2027, Gyneecological Society, 358 Dhooly, a I449 220, 930, 2264, I6o,26578, 20, new, 2722 Dyspepsia,II6Isome considerationis preliminary to Diabetes, mellitus at the Massachusetts General Donkin, Dr. H. B., appointed a member of the the study of, Hospital from 1821I897,to 30; mellitus and Prison Commission,Io86 Dysphagia in laryngeal tuberculosis, treatment itstreatment, 120; mellitus. the different forms Donovan, W., the Medical Sickness and Accident functional, i6x6 of in, of thyroid Of, 2250; albuminuria 224; effects in Society, 227; aseptic midwifery, 2297; an Dystocia due to ante-partum hour-glass contrac- 524; insipidus, treated by amyl hydrate and eighteenth century doctor of physic, 2796 tion of uterus, Caesarean section,I870 Daraldehyde, 629; curds as an article of diet DoorpDates,I0I1 Dystrophies, the axthropathic, 1925 In, 932; in Franice,927; organotherapy in, 1269, Dougall, J. MeP., the new vaccination order, 2664; Mellitus, B. Naunyn, rev.,1433; fattY 2462 E. casts in, 1472; intestinal aiutiseptics in, 550, Douglas, C. C., poisoning by primula obconica, Ear, a case of noma of the, 724 ; disease of and I812; insipidus, case of, 1554 2472 life assurance, 977; Mozart's. 998; extradural Diaiar,Ies6,Diabetics,I8269,28institution for, 2599 J. J., the local action of crude diph- suppuration in the sigmoid fossa due to dis- theria toxin, 596 ease of, 1234; middle unnianageable complica- Diarrhea, summer, summer, treatment in 740; of Dowlais, vote of censure by colliers at on action tions of suppurative disease of, 1235; middle, children, 2340;;infantile, bacteriologyof, 1832 of medical magistrates,Io0 mechanical vibration applied to the spine in DEC. INDEX. ETun Buirruu xiii 31, 1898.] = MUZDICALLJTOUNAZ - the treatment of sclerosis of, 1238; middle, Enterectomy for strangulated hernia, 2320 Faith-healing, 2287, 2374 sarcoma of the, 1240; middle, antrectomy as a Enteritis, follicular, due to streptococcus and Falkland lslalds,imedical appointments in, 569 means of treatment in suppurative disease bacillus enteritidis sporogenes, 2253 Fallows, J., the use of compressed fluorescin in of, I24I: middle, curetting in suppuration Epilepsy, traumatic, treated by trepliuning, 2343; the diagnosis of corneal abrasions, 489; poly- 'of, 249; middle, thyroid treatment of disease the pathology and treatment of, iiCo poid gr-owtlh from a meiboiiiail cyst, 620; epi- of, 2250; middle, serous catarrll of, produced Epileptics, pauper, the treatment of, 996, II97, thelioina of the larynyx, 2233 'bythe administration of potassium iodide, I8I3 I374, I525; the Craig Colony fol, I364; a Family, a cancerous, the histoly of, 254 East, E., British Medical Benevolent Fund, 2787 "colony" asylum for, 2479; Swiss Institute Famine and plenty in the Middle Ages, I97 7Eastbournie, ceontract medical practice in, I5i6 for, I875; working colony for, I895 Famines, water, 747 Eastburn, A. S., conviction of, 277; appeal of, I657 Epiphyses, Traumatic Separation of the, J. Farnborough, scheme for the drainage of, 2469 Eastes, G., cardiac disease and life assurance, Poland, rev., 2935 Farnfield, W. W., creosote in tuberculous * an improved 237 .762-pregnancy in relation to life assurance, 769 Epiphysis, lower of the femur, diseaseS, T., the open-air treatnment of consump- method of treatment of separation of, I815 Farqulmar, J., post-mortemn delivery, 2964 tion, 1842 Epistaxis, a simple method of treating, 2744 Farquharson, R., the public duties of the doctor East London, the water supply 654, 729, Epithielioma of lip in a youth i8 years of age, and lhis relations to the State, 137 825 of, 575, Io62; of the larynx, 2233; squamous, excision Farr, Mr. S. B., death of, 731 Eben, Professor G., death of, 490 of the left scapula for, I424; of penis. 2934 Farrar, J., a speedy metlhod of dilating the os Eccles, A. S., the treatmenlt of gastroptosis, Eruption, eczeniatous produced by atropine, 987 uteri in parturition, 790 1331; model of clinical couclh, 2867 Erysipelas, Erysipelas Toxins and the Serum- Fashion, the influence of on medicine, 2073, 2358 Eclampsia, uriemic, morplline in, 152; puer- therapy of Malignant Tumours, R. Eschweiler, Fayrer, Sir J., elected governor of Wellington perai, literature on, 459; puerperal, case of, 1337 rev., I825 College, 2I0; presidenitial address to Sanitary Ectopia vesicie, 116o0 toxins in the treatment of inoperable Congress, Ioo6 E3ctropion ofthe female urethra, 988 sarcoma, 32 Fee for examination in a police case, 667: for Eczema, what are we to understand by it ? 7; Erythema enematogenes (enema rash) in fracture of femur, 2383; for emergency,sum- the treatment of, 2613 children, 2255 nmons, I795; CODSultatiol], I927 Eddowes, A., on lupus erytlhematosus, 706: the Erytliromelalgia, case of, 2342 Feeble-nminded, the futur-e of, '448 .unhealthiness of wood pavement, a suggested Eschweiler, R., Die Erysipel-Erysipeltoxin -und Feeding, early, in typlioid fever, 2590 remedy, 749; aseptic vaceinlation, the respon- Seruptherapie der bosartigen Geschwulste, Fees to medical witnesses, 65; to medical officerS sibility of parents, 2904 rev., i825 on steamboats, 34o; to medical witnesses, 'Edge, F., washing apparatus for hands,' 02I2'; Essays on Museums and other Subjects con- memorial of British Medical,Association to peripheral neuritis, I878 nected with Natural History, Sir W. H. Home Secretary as to, 507; assurance com- 5Ecdgeworth, F. H., effects of thyroid in diabetes, Flower, rev., i500o pany's for examination in accident cases, 532 524 Essentials of Modern Treatment of Disease, K. 749, I0o6; to medical witnesses in criminai Edinburglh, the sanitation of, 40I; the annual M. Madkarni, ret'., 2825 cases, 5i6; to medical officers of workhouse in- meeting at, 434; the new fever hospital for, Essex; the county council of and notification of firmaries, 66i; a question of, 662; medical io; 502I; post-graCuate study in, 558; medical edu- disease in holiday children, 2574 life assurance examinations, 2384, I535, 36oo; cation of women in, 840; the campaign against Ether pneumonia, 939, I200, 2374 for St. John Ambulance lectures, 2472 ; under *consumption in, io85; correspondence from, Ethyl chloride spray (Pictet's), 635 the new vaccinatioil order, 2520; at inquests, 1282 ; opening of the medical schools, ib.; Sir Etiology of the insanities, modern conceptions cottage hospitals and, 2525; for affidavits as to 'T. G. Stewart on tuberculosis, ib.; Professor Of, 342 lunatics, 2575; scale or under the -new vac- Rutherford on hypnotism, ib.: typllus fever in, Etiquette, medical. See Medical cination order, I580, 2646, 27I9, r773, I839, 2905; 1596, I66o, 1704, I949; the water supply of, 2632 Eve, F., tendon grafting, or "function transfer- Poor-law in Scotland x6o0; at inquests, cottage Edkins, J. S., The Elements of Histology, rev., I434 ence," in the treatment of infantile paralysis, hospitals and, 1726; ior vaccination under the Education, Physical, The Elemiients of, D. 2233 age of 4 months, 2839; of referees under Work- Lennox, rev., 2435; of the children of deceased -- H. W., the preliminary examination of the men's Compensation Act, 2859; notification, medical men, 1730 College of Preceptors, I846, 2953 as 3istants and, I929 Effusions, pleural, the diagnosis and treatment Evesham, the medical profession and contract Feet, an arch support for the, 89; of Chinese of, 32779 practice at, 34, 225, 203, 447, 729, 2354 women, 2577 Egan, C. 3., morphine poisoning in infancy, 1795 Ewald, C. A., the treatnient of chronic renal dis- Fehling, H., the surgery of pelvic inflammation Egypt, pellagra in, 88i; the healtlh of the troops ease, 2049; treatment of diseases of the 470; tIme use and abuse of midwifery forceps, In, 1577 stolmalac, 2324, 2332; on tlle Ventnor sana- 477; treatment of cystocele, 787 Einhorn, M., Diseases of the Stomach, rev., I26i; torium 5I0o; Handbuch derallgemeinen und Fellows of Royal Colleges and club surgeoncies, *exhibition of instruments, I867 specielien Arzneiverordrungslehre, rev., 2750; ete., Z295 Elasmobranchs, the development of the sympa- a new gastroscope, I867 Female, popliteal aneurysm in a, 253; human, thetic system in, 700 Ewart, Sir J., treatment of acute dysentery by menstruation and ovulation in, i868 Elbow, external dislocation of, 17 large enemata, 878 "Female lives," 1950 Elbow-joint, injuries of tlhe, 23I7 W., the treatment of chronic Bright's Femur, bending ot neck of with marked eversion ZElder, W.. aplhasia in relation to testamentaly disease (tubal nephritis) reconsidered, I8; of foot, 1432; an improved method of treat- capacity, 583 treatment of leucocythalmia, 235 ; the alternat- ment of separation of the lower epiphysis of, Electrical conductivity and molecular concen- ing administration of drugs by rotation as a I8iis; skiagraphy of tlle, r940 tration. 778 practical principle of treatment, 938; on hepa- Fenn, Lieutenant-Colonel E. H appointed traction on the underground railway, tic cirrlrosis, 953, the treatment of chronic staff-surgeon to the Viceroy of India, 2526 I630 renal disease,I05- ; vinegar as an alleged cause Fentem, the etiology of endemic goitre, xs88 Electricians, miiedical and masseurs, 2785, 2846, of hepatic cirrlhosis, II07; rheumatic heart Fenwick, P. C., congenital subluxation of the I9lI disease in children, II32: the treatment of lhead of the fibula, I06I Xlectricity in the Diagnosis and Treatment of leucocythemia by carbonic acid gas,I624; dis- W. S., the early diagnosis of cancer of Diseases of the Nose, Throat, and Ear, W. ease and its treatment, and the profession of the stomach, I58I Scheppergell, rev., 2624 medicine in the yeari899, 2738,x8oi, 287I Ferguson, J. H., Handbook of Obstetric Nursing, 3Electrocutioni, Dr. J. A. O'Neill on, II84 Examinations, Aids to, T.R. Atkinson, rev.. 725; rev., 8X2; repeated ectopic pregnancy, 2933 jElectrode, the deglutable stomiacli I868 preliminary, 2920,I952; postmortem, 2945 Ferments, soluble, I095 in inoperable nialignant tumours, Excise duties, 65 Ferrier, D., the treatment of intracranial 2420 Exercise and over-exercise, 2272 tumours, 964, 970; micro-organisms in the pro- Elements of Plharmacy. Materia Medica, and Exhibition, medical missionary loan in Edin- duction of diseases of tlle central peripheral Therapeutics, W. Whitla, rev.,I346 burglh, 3I0 nervous system, 975 Ele.phantiasis in England, 67; of the vulva, 898 Exophthalmos, pulsating, with visible tumour, Fever, biliary, in Cape of Good Hope, 2266 Ellis, H. H, "Studies in thie Psychology of Sex," 28I9 __ blackwater, Dr. Sambon on, 866; Dr. R. 1466 Exudation, cyclitic, the hyaloid canal and its M. Connolly on, 882; and haemoglobinuria, DLD. L., the treatment of eczema, I6I3 relation to, 485 926; Mr. W. H. Crosse OD, 1074; Dr. Harford- Mr. R., obituary notice of, 928 Eyalmi, how the plague was fought in in the Baattersby on, zig; amid quinine, I287; case of, T. S., treatmiient of flat foot, 3o seventeenthl century, 2447 2875 !Ellison, M. A., A Manual for Students of Mas- Eye, two cases of tertiary syphilitic lesions of - "boo-hoo" 2706 sage, rev., 812 the 488 ; some abnormalities of the muscles of bubonic, insanitary environment cause of Embolism of middle cerebral arteries,I556 the, 699; the scrofulous, 744- malarial affec- spread of, 88o Emigrants, medical guide for, 1207 tions of the 870; tension of in irido-cyclitis, cerebro-spinal, epidemic in India, 87I Emin Pasha, the medicine chest of, 2532 2340; tuberculosis of the,I689 - Cuban, time transmission of by insects, I848 Emperor of Abyssinia, the and surgical opera- symptoms unilateral, exophthalmic goitre enteric, clhemical products of pathogenic tions,1707 witli,629 bacteria considered witlh special reference to, Empress of Austria, the assassliiation of, 837 Eyeball, the operations now usually substituted II, 73; malarial, a case of, 25; in an Australian Empyema, double acute of mastoid, 2235; the for enucleation of the, 488 rural district, 424: and public water supplies, treatment of,I322, 2535; double, three cases of, Eyeballs, themechanism of the conjugate move- 435; gravitating, 527; at Maidstone, 527, 1081; 2624 ments of the, 255 in Belfast, 65I, 729, 922, Io96, 2442, 2652, 2768; 3Empyemata, The Therapeutics of, E. Cestan, Eyre,J. W., a clinical and bacteriological study Dietetic Treatment of, G. B. Queirolo, rev., rev., 722 of diplo-bacillary coniunctivitis, 485; the bac- 8I0; treatment of by carbolic acid at the Enchondroma of thigh, 2689 teriology of the normal conjunctival sac, 486 British General Hospital, Nowshera, Punjab, Encyclop.edia of Therapeutics, 0. Liebreicli, 888 ; at Aberdeen, 2009, I9I7; at Pais- rev., 2750 F. ley, Ig_85, I837; endemic amld disinfection Enema of laudanum, deatli from,I66i Face, carbuncular boil on,1430 of exereta, 1092; green stools in, 2252, 2947; at E:nemata, large, treatment of acute dysenttry Factories, the new medical inspectorof,435* and Chicago, 2282; The Cold-Bath Treatment of, by, 877 workshops, annual report of the chief in- F. E. Hare, rev., 2347; the diagnosis of, 2460; Energy, the Doctrine of, rev.,I824 spectorof, 726 notification of doubtful cases of. 2468; Dr. S. England, elephantiasis in, 67; the open-air Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Phainips on the treatment of, 2485, 1492: treatmento0 consumption in, 949 regrulations of as to diplomas,535 thrombosis of tIme lhcart ini, witlh embolism of 7 TUB BIIiTISU 1 xiW KUD2C&L JOURIELMj INDEX. [DEC. 31, 1898.

2 common iliac artery, ;55-; complicated with Fluorescin, compressed, the use of in the dia- Fulton, G. C. H., on vaccination, 422 pregnancy, 2559; and the soldiers returning gnosis of corneal abrasions, 489 Fund, British Medical Benevolent, the report of, from the Cuban war, 1584; early feedinig in, Foetus, large, 848, 2600; gunshot wound of the, 252; appeal for funds for, 392; appeal for 1590, I656; and watel, 1720; clinical experi- 1524 ciothes, etc., 1787 ences of, 1747; the cold-bath treatment of, Folker, H. H., toxic amblyopia due to lead; 1556; Countess of Dufferin's, annual report of, x8xo; the entity of,I82Q; prolonged incubation ophthialmia neonatorum, i842 iI88 period of, 2928 and pylephlebitis, 1930 Fontanelle, the sagittal, 254 Hospital Saturday, resolution of as ta Fever, hay, coliective investigation as to in Food, poisoning by at Oldham, 496; retention charge for medicines, 2596 Switzerland 1469 of in stomach for eighteen days, 668; poisoning Hospital Sunday, amount of, 66, 2698 ; dis- malarial, Mr. W. H. Crosse on, 2075 by in the German army, 2532 tribution of, 378, I698 puerperal, the notification of, 2703 preservatives, iogI tie Nansen, competition under, 1855 rheumatic, acute dilatation of the heart Foods, diabetic the chemistry of, 290; un- the Niglhtin6ale, annual report of, 2r2 in, I9 labelled tinnea, 256 Prince of Wales's Hospital, formation of - scarlet, the, etiology of"return cases" of. Foot, flat, treatment of, 340; pad on the dorsum comnmittee of visitors of, 296, 1728; Sir H. 614, 842, 1013; desquamation in, 756, 2208; in an of in rickets, 2237; marked eversion of, with Burdett on, 377; new stamps for, 827; dona- infant, 2683; angiosa, 2842; surgery in and bending of neck of femur, 2432 tion to, 930; distribution of, I893 childbed, 2897; and measles coexisting in the Forbes, Surgeon-Captain, death of, 122 same person, 2928 Dr. D. M., dinner to, 320 G. - typhus, at Guy's Hospital, 2364: in Lon- Forceps, midwifery, the use and abuse of, 472, Gabbett, P.; certificates under the Workmen's don,I54; in Edinburgh, I596, i66o, 2704, 1949;in 749, 1724; scissor, 635, 932, 2222, 1383; axis- Compensation Act, 2796 Kensington, i66o traction, 668; practical instruction in use of, Gabe, J. B., tongue depressor and tlhelrmometer yellow, and dengue, the differential dia- I295; ordinary axis traction, with, 2390, 2869 case,I882 gnosis between, 30; serumthierapeuties in, Forearm. congenital enlargement of the, i6I8 Gairdner, Sir W. T., investiture of as K.C.B., 647 ; insanitary environment cause of spread Foreign Office, tlhe, and tiie school of tropical IIO; aphasia in relation to testamentary of, 88o; in Jamaica, 885; in the United States, medicine, I832 capacity, 58I, 2203: the plea of insanity ia 2220, 2278, I36I Forlanini, C., on suprarenal extract, II76; on crimiiinal cases, 588; the prognosis of cardiac -evers, unclassified, of the tropics, 862; the per- thyroid seruintherapy 2277 disease in its bearings upon life assurance, nicious malarial, of British Guiana, the para- Formaldehyde, disinfection by, 2O96 757, 762; does evidence of limited family site of, 869; acute. dislocation of the hip-joint Formalin, the permanency of preparations of, vitality call for an advanced rate of premium? occurring in connection witlh, 2238 2449; as a preservative of milk, 2952 763; the remote results of pericarditis, Efrench, 1). P., the Iirish dispensary doctor, Foriiiulas, Pharmaceutical, P. MacEwan, rev., IOI I 1957 725 Gall bladder, rupture of, laparotomy, cure, 2406; Fibres, muscular, of the cesophagus, 85; of the Forster, J., the hygienic control of milk supply, carcinoma of without cholelithiasis, 2555 stomach, ib. 413 stone, intestinal obstructioni from impac- Fibroids, palliative treatment of, 2732 Fortescue, W. J., skiagraphy of the-femur, 2940 tion of resulting in death, 2489 Fibromyoma, ectopic gestation complicated by, Forwood, Sir A. B., memoir of, 2203 - stones, impacted, instrumiient for breaking 1162; of penis, I356 Fossa duodeno-jejunalis, the, 2589 U 7,I 87 Fibrosis, early thyroidal, the diagnosis of, 942 Foster, ProfessorM., university work in relation L., La Grippe, rev 89 Fibula, congenital subluxation of the head of to medicine, I028 Galliarw, Lieutenant-Colone'l T. J., rapid promo- the, xo6I treatment of fractures of, 1934 Sir W., on Poor-law administration, Gallwey,tion of, 2728 Fielden, V. G. L., desquamation in scarlatina, 2450 Galt, H., note on a case of suicidal cut throat, 2208 Foster-Foster, Mr. F. F., death of, 59 7II Fiji, medical appointments in, 569; British Fothergill W. E.. unusual case of ovaritis, 2560 Galton, F., the study of heredity, 836 practitioners in. 57I the fire ceremony in, Fotlheringlam, J., morphine poisoning in an Gambia, medical appointments in, 569 925 infant, 1251 Gamgee, L. P., congenital enlargement of the Filaria strongulus, a false tubercle in the pig, Foulkes, Surgeon-Captain T. H., injection of forearm, I6i8; extradural abscess, 2930 sheep, and goat, 425, 5II alcohol in thetreatment of guinea-worm, 237 Ganglion, the Gasserian, excision of for tri- Filariao and filarial disease in British Guiana, Fowler, J. K., The Diseases of the Lungs, rev., geminal neuralgia, 2396 878 I58 Gangrene, spreading traumatic, 2420; of lung, Filter, stomach-tube, i866 Fox, E. L., treatment of arthritis by hot air, I56o Finlayson, J., rheumatic heart disease in 1724 Garden (the Physic) at Chelsea, 320, 2833 children, 2232 on congenital syphilis, 2I53; the F., ventilation of tunnels and buildings, 2947 Gardiner, A., compressed drugs, 68 diagnosis during life of retinal and labyrin- -G. H., Skin Diseases of Children, reC., 720 Dr. W., death of, 2201 thine hemorrhages in a case of splenic leuk- - J. T., aspiration of mammary cancer during Gardner's Household Medicine and Sick Room amia, 1925 renoval, 2427 Guide, W. H. C. Staveley, rev., 238 Finny, Dr. W. E. St. L., presentation to, I326; - R. H., death in childbirth, IO2I; "female Garrod, A. E., association of congenital heart acute haemorrhagic ascites, 2747 lives," 2950 disease with the Mongolian type of idiocy, Fire ceremony in Fiji, 915 Foxwell, A., enteric fever and pyleplliebitis, 2930 2255; cysts of the pineal, I746 "First aid," what is it? 2200; by railway men, Fracture, bonesetter's attendance on cases of, Gas, sewer, and septicremia, 280; water, poison- 1274 I96I ingby, 2560 Firth, J. L., on incurvation of the neck of the France, medical ministers in 247- students in Gases. the new, Professor Ramsay on, 2893 femur (coxa vara), with notes of a case, the universities of, 299; Briiish practitioners Gaskell, G. P., the treatment of pauper imbe- 2423 in, 572; pauper lunatics in private dwellings ciles and epileptics, II97, I525 Fish, punctured wound of clhestproducedby, in, 69i ; the teaching of hygiene in schools in, Gastric. See Stomach 2599 832; diabetes in, 997; legacies by patients to Gastro-diaphanoscope, tlie, 2867 Fisher, F. L., the case of, 2722 medical practitioners in, ro88; the practice of Gastro-enteritis, an epidemic of associated with T., on hepatic cirrlhosis, 954; rheumatic medicine in, I207; medical practice by tlhe presence of the bacillus enteritidis, 600 heart disease in children, II33; movable kid- foreigners in, I383; medical assistance for the Gastro-enterostomy for inoperable disease ofT ney in children, 2255 poor in, 246I alcoholism in, I651, 2722; leprosy the pylorus, 2554 Fishermen, deep-sea, a French mission to, in, 2792 Gastro-jejunostomy, case of, I6I9 647 Franchlini, C., antipneumcooccal serum, 2277 Gastrostomy, a new operation for, 2546 Fisk, S. A., diabetes mellitus at the Massa- Francis, L. A., morphine in uriemic eclampsia, Gastrotomy on a horse, I920 chusetts General Hospital from 2822 to I897, 252 Gattel, F., Ueber der sexuellen Ursaclhen der 30 Fraser, Colonel J., appointed P.M.O. North- Neurasthenie und Angstneurose, rev., 8ii Altzgerald, D, P., some abnormalities of the Western District, 2728 Gedaril. the battle of, i8q6 ocular muscles, 699 T. R., the toxic origin of disease, 287; Gee, S. J., the "tripod of life," gi6 - F. C., puerperium complicated with bile as an antidote to venoms and disease GenmIiell, J. E., sudden death twelve days after cerebral liiemnorrhage, 2I6; measles in an in- toxins, 627 parturition, 2878 fant, possible infection at birth, 987 Freckles, treatment of, 2472 General Medical Council. See Medical Flannelette, poisonous, I26I Fredelick the Great and medicine, IOOI Genital tract. See Tract Flatau, E., Normale uiid pathologischen Ana- Freebridge Lynn Rural district increase of Genu valgum, the pathology and treatment of, tomie der Nervenzellen, rev., 722 salary of medical officer of health of, 457 21395 Fleas in Central Africa, 434 Freeman, Captain C. E., syphilis in the army, Georgetown, mortality in, 925 Fleming, Captain C. C., honours for, 1924 1786 Gerhardt, K., on hepatic cirrhosis, 953 R. A., micro-organisms and the pro- R. A., Travels and Life in Ashanti and Germany, small-pox and vaccination in, 25; the duction of diseases of the central peripheral Jaman, rev., 898 movement for the repression of tuberculosis nervous system, 974 W. T., aseptic midwifery, 2204 in, 286, 2204; medical practitioners in, 293; Flesch, M., Prostitution und Frauenkrank- French, Mr. G. H., presentation to, 993 British practitioners in, 572; female emanci- heiten, rev., 88 Frere, A. H., biniodide of mercury, 848, 2472; pation in, 823; the volunteer ambulance ser- Fletcher H M., viscera from a case of congeni- the scale of fees under the new vaccination vice in, ioi6; comic medical journalism " made tal syphilis, 4.30; green-coloured urine, I686; order, 2646 in," 2512 peculiar condition of the colon in pernicious Freund, L., the Roentgen rays in the treatment Gestation, ectopic eight cases of, 803; ectopic, anaemia, I876 of hypertrichosis, 648; a photographer's skin complicatedby iAbromyoma, 2262; tubal, hae- Flexner, the bacteriology of tuberculosis, 1205 disease, ib. morrhage from the Fallopian tube without Flinn, Dr. E., dinner to I0I7 Frew, W. S., recent synthetic analgesics, 2056 evidence of, 1492 Floeckinger, sounding uhe Fallopian tubes, 830 Freyberger, L., embolism of the middle cerebral Gewand, E. H., malarial amaurosis, 925 Floors of sanatoria for consumption, 460 arteries, 2556 Giacomini, Dr. C., death of, 5I6 Florence, the sanitation of, 1894 Fripp, Mr. A. D. made M.V.O., Io88; haemor- Gibraltar, medical appointments in, 569; Flour-gluten, starch in, 495 rhagic pancreatitis, 3i86 British practitioners in, 57I; the public Flower, SirW. H.,Essayson Museums and Other Fry Sir E., on commissions 494 hea.lth in in 2897, I266 Subjects connected with Natural History, rev., Firlrringer, P., Textbook of Diseases of the Kid- Gilbert, A., Trait6 de Medecine et de Thmra- £500 neys and Genito-Urinary Organs, rev., 630 peutique, rev., 2936 BiLima DEC. 31. I1898J INDEX. rTxKI3DCAL JOUAIL XV

Giles, A. E., on dysmenorrlioa, 20; treatment Grfupner, S. C., Die Storungen des Krieslauss Gynecology, Operative, H. A, Kelly, rev., 22644 ofcystocele, 788 undilire Behandlung mit Badern und Gym- Conservative and Electro-Tlierapeutics, G. Gill, J. W., fees under the new vaccination nastik (Nauheimer Methode;, rev., ii65 B. Massey rev., 1499 order, 2729 Graham, R. B., the use of pumice stone, 68; Gyromele, tlhe,I865 Gillespie A. L., note on the action of bromide gout as a factor in life assurance, 766 and iodide of strontium in the exophthalmic Grant.J. D., ear disease and life assurance, 982; H recent synthetic experiment and clinical research in Habitual Inebriates Bill. See Bill goitre of children, I042; otology, Mr. W. E., of,I656 analgesics,I056; the pharmacological action etc., 1229; the treatment of singers' laryngitis, Hacon, deatlh stipaviridula, 2059; treatment of diseases of 1232; epithelioma of the pharynx, 1233; SUp- Haddon, J., on hypnotism, 678, 184I ; on vascular purative middle-ear disease, 2237; pressure,9I6 the stomach, 2332 mechanical intra- F., a case sulphonal poisoning, vibration applied to the spine in the treatment Hadiey, W.J., diabetes insipidus, I554; Gillett, J. of thoracic carcinoma,I556 8o8 of sclerosis of themiddle ear,I238; demnon- Girl, young, unsuspected pregnancy in a, 2208; stration of a short process for making charts Haematemesis, treatment of by perellorido of Landr-y's paralysis in a, 2337. of hearing power for various tuning forks ac- iron, ii8 Girls, feeble-minded, employment of, 208 cording to Hartmann's method, 2239 Hnimatoporphyrinuria, case of, 685 Gittens, Mr. T.J., death of 842 F. W., cleanliness during the monthly H2ematozoonl ingoitre, 925 Given, J. C. M., clinicai and microscopical period, 2384 Hematuria, cantharides as alhiemostatic in,807, varieties of the ringworm fungus, 26I9 Pe L., bile as an antidote in variola, 842 2020, 1551 renal, the etiology and treatmiient of, GlaisterJ., on the pollution of rivers, 403; the Grasset, a hmmatozoon in goitre, 915 2326 plea oi insanity in criminal cases,588 Graves's disease. See Disease. Hvemoglobinuria and blackwater fever. 926 Giand, mammary, the selective powers of Gray, H. M. W., trephining for injury,I940 Haemoglobinuric fever. See Fever, blackwater tissues as illustrated in, 776 R., Poor-law medical officers in ireland, Hiemophilia, case of, 987 Glands, enlarged cervical (tuberculous) ex- 5I3 Hiemorrhage, cerebral, puerperium compli- cision of together with a portion of the Dr. W., presentation to, 2292 cated by, 2I6; into the pons Varolii. io6I; from internal jugular vein. 2224; inflamed, of head W. G., fees under the new vaccination the Fallopian tube without evidence of tubal and neck, associated with acute febrile order, 1719 gestation 149I; obscure, from a single kid- in, 57I ney and its cure by nephrotomy, 2547; catarrh, 2744 Greece, British practitioners for, Glasgow, sanitary inspection in, 653; corre- Green, C. D., extensive sarcoma of the medi- secondary, ligature of subelavian artery spondence from, 2282, 1369,I909o opening of the astinum, I876 1746 medical schools, 2282; memorial to the late __ W. E., serum treatment and its results, Haeimorrhages, retinal and labyrintliine, tle Professor Caird, ib.; Dr. J. B. Russell ib.; 224 diagnosis of during life in a case of splenic proposed reconstruction of the Royai In- Greenfield,W. S., the pathological effects of dead leuksemia, 2925 firmary, ib.; dispensary department of the tuberele bacilii, 603; the nature and signifi- Hnmorrhoids, an operation for,i6o8 opening of the winter on pleural irrita- W, M., the testing of the plague pro- Western Infirmary,ib.; cance of leucocytosis, 606; Haffkine, of session at St. Mungo's College, 2369; the pre- tion and pleurisy, 609 phylatic, in plague-stricken communities vention of tuberculosis, ib.; the munificence Greenway, H., idlosm in a syphilitic patient, in ILndia, 856 of the corporation of, 2708; testimonial to Dr. 1920 Haggard, H. R. Doctor Therne, rev., I692 John Burns, I909; the illness of Professor Gregory, W. H diphtheria of throat, nares, con- Hahn, soluble ferments, 1095 Coats, lb.; the pathological department of the junctivae and urethra, serum treatment, re- Hahnemann, a monument to, 68 university, lb.; the health department of the covery, 8o6 Haig, A., demonstration of the granules pre- city,I9IO Grey, H., the open-air treatment of phthisis, cipitated in the blood by chloride of ammo- Glauber's salts, the discovery of, I857 748 nium, 6io; on vascular pressure, 37 of nerve, of pineal body, Griffith, A. H., cyst of the hyaline Haig-Brown, C. W.. tlle physique of boys enter- Glioma the optic 2340; canal, produc- schools, 1746 ing a doublelens, 485: case of orbitalcyst, 487; ing public 2786 Gloucester, the antivaccination agitation at, enueleation of the eyeball, 488; syphilitic Hainsworth, E. M., popliteal aneurysm in a 2269; impenitent,I 5o8 lesions of the eye. 489; acute exophthalmic female, 253 Glover, J., Atlas de Laryngologie et de Rhinol- goitre with ulcerative Keratitis, 490 Hairs, superfluous, treatment of, 2472 ogie, rev., 2436 J., sympathetic ophthalmia, 207 a case Hale, G. E., cephalic tetanus treated with anti- of the ulcerative tetanic serum, recovery, 82 J. G., inspection of documents of aeute exophthalmic goitre, with 9T2 General Medtcal Council, 2952 keratitis, 490; an unusual form of marginal Halifax, the provident dispensary at, Glycerine, action of upon perchloride of iron, keratitis, I8I9 Hall, A. J., case of membraDnous inflaimmination a of the tongue and mnouth witlh of tile 400 T.W., gangrene of lung, I560o; specimen preseince Glynn, T. R., on the affinity of the clerical and showing one of the possible relations of mitral staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, and other medical professions, 2370 to aortic disease, I684; enlargement of liver, microcoCci, 15- Godfrey, H. W., maternal impressions, 1460 I820 B., the treatment of shock, '8ig Godlee, R., The Diseases of the Lungs, rev., 258 Griffiths, L. M., an appeal for the medical library C. H., stomatitis following the admiiinistra- Godson, L. J., the uses of pure carbolic acid, of University College, Bristol, 1112 tion of antipyrin, 932 Grimthorpe, Lord. See Lord. F. de H., the Medical Sickness and Aeci- i65o dent 227 Goff, A. S., treatment of haematuria by can- Gripper,W,, treatment of hypertrichosis, 5ig Society, tharides, 255I Grosholz, Mr. F. H. V., death of, 5 Hallen A. H., yaws in mother and infant, 896 E. G. newspaper prescribing, Growth as an agent in (i) production and (2) the Halstea's operation for removal of canicer of the Goffe, L., 58 breast,I665, 2783 Gottre, exophthalmic, with ulcerative keratitis, removal of deformity, 5 D. J., of 490; exophthalmic, with unilateral eye sym- Grube, K,, different forms of albuminuria in Hamilton. the nature anid significance ptoms 629; a haematozoon in, 925; exoph- diabetes mellitus, 224 leucocytosis, 606; on the Liverpool Medical tlhalm'c, note on the action of bromide and Gruby, Dr. death of, i651; the eccentricities of, School, 2462 ex- G. G., atresia of rectum, 2878 iodide of strontium on in children, 2042; 1705 the Local ophthalmic, thyroidectomy in, 2297; endemic, Griinbaurn, A. S. F., the agglutinating properties J., superannuation uinder of serums, 592 Government (lreland) Act, 2898, 2595 thieretiology of, I588 - J. B., retireinent of, "Golconda, plague on board the, 2949 Guaiacolate of piperidine, cases of phthisis Surgeon-General Gold Coast, medical appointments in, 569; treated with, I54 2363; the Royal Army Medical Corps, I655 British practitioners in, 57I Guide et Formulaire de Tlherapeutique G6ndrale - J. R., recent synthetic analgesics, --cure, 2535 et Speciale, V. Herzen, rev., 633 I056 Golders Hill, proposed purchase of, 209 Guild of St. Luke, the medical service in state Hampstead Heath, the proposed extension of," 277 Goldie-Scot, Dr. T., presentation to, I660 of, 1027, 2272 109 of movement of in infancy, Golding-Bird, C. H., case of multiple prostatic Guillemard, B. J., open-airtreatment of phthisis Hana, development stones, i6 in South Africa, 948 I878 und pathologischen Guinea-worm, injection of alcohol in the treat- Handbook of Horse-shoeing, J. A. W. Dollar and Goldscheider, A., Normale A. Wheatley, 723; of Nursing, i Anatomie derNervenzellen.rev.,72I ; Die Bedeu- ment of. 237 ren., Obstetric tung der Reize fur Pathologie und Therapie Gulland, G. L., the occurrence of nerves in F. W. L. Haultain and J. H. Ferguson, rev., im Lichte der Neuronlehre, rev., II66 intracranial blood vessels, 781 ; sulphonal 822; for VolunteerMedical Officers,V.Mattliewim Golf, the therapeutic virtues of, 827 poisoning, I821 and G. Harpei, rev., II66; of Treatment by matchof B.M.A., 387 Gumma of the tongue, 2432; of liver, 1493, i686 Feedin and Dietetics, E. v. Leyden, rev., 2348, of, and Gunn. M., of the hyaline producing a of Comparative Pathology and Treat- Gonorrhcea, chronic, treatment 280; cyst canal 1564; Schneidemuhl, rev., of Marriage, L. Jullien, rev., SIo; the latency of double lens, 48$: the hyaloid canal and its re- ment, I636; General infection by, 2558 lation to cyclitic exudations, ib.; acute ex- and Special Prescriptions, C. A. Ewald, rev., goitre with 2750 Goodall, E. W., post-diphtherialparalysis, 595 ophthalmic ulcerative keratitis, the surgely of pelvic in- Goods, rights of purchaser on sale of 277 490; crystals of cocaine in preference to solu- Handfield-Jones, M.. Gordon, W. (Exeter), recent synthetic anal- tion, lb. flammation, 472; the use and abuse of mid- gesics, o056 Gunshot wound of throat received in action in wifery forceps, 479 W. (Salisbury), death under anaestheties, Tirah, report on, I7; penetrating of abdomen, Handford, H., perforation of typhoid ulcer, 2875 immediate laparotomy. suture of stomach, re- operation, recovery, 220; on vascular pressure, Gouguenheim, A., Atlas de Laryngologie et de covery, 145 ; of the pregnant uterus and fcetus, 936; on hepatic cirrlhosis, 953 Rhinologie, rev., 2436 14u* of t iorax involving lung, recovery, 2684 Handwriting of medical meim, 999 Gould, A. P., lupus treated by thyroid colloid Guihrie, L., myopathy, 1344: left hemiplegia Hands, washing apparatus for, 1012 1432 the value of pressure in the treatment of associated with atrophy of the right optic Hankin, E. H., plague in India, I095 wounds, I688; pancreatic calculi, I8I6 nerve, 2432 Hardman, W.. vaccination and small-pox, the medical E., the eye, 744 future, I848* G. M., medical journalism and Guttmann, scrofulous Hardy H. S the vaccination surrender, libraries, 32 Gwynne, E., the medical officer of health as a 450 764 2258 Hare, br.C. [, obituary notice of, I9I3 Gout as a factor in life assurance, public teacher, - Jenner 2852 A Treatise F. E.,TheColdBath,Treatment o Typhoid Gowers Sir W., on Sir W. Gynleeology, Medico-Chirurgial on, 2347; the cold bath treatment of Grace, br. W. G., and the Bristol ioard of Guar- F. Ladabie-Larave and F. Legueu, rev., 723; Fever. rev.. dians, 1017 surgical interiereuce is, 2557 typhoid, x8io Tas BiLmm I xvi WrDt"L JOUIRXA,& I INDEX. [DEC. 31, IW-

Hare, H. A., treatment of appendicitis, 3I Heredity, the study of, 836 Horder, T. G., lhospital reformi, 121, 2o8. 39r, 748; lJare-lip and cleft palate, 1146; emarks on, I147 Hern, J., the operations iiow usually substituted the Natioual Deposit Frienidly Society, 451; Harford-Battersby, C. F., on blackwater fevet-, for enucleation of the eyeball, 488 insurance companies and medical examina- I"99 Hernia, strangulated, in old age, 237; two hun- tions, a plea for uniformity, 772; the use anid Hiarley, V., an experimental inquiry into cir- dred consecutive operations for the radical abuse of medical charities, 1354; the new vac- rhosis of the liver, 1743 cure of, 7I2; strangulated, eiiterectomy. cinationi order, 1462 Harper, Surgeon-Captaini J., A Handbook for Murphy's button, recovery, 1320; tlle radical Horne, J., thrombosis of the lateral sinus, I244; Volunteer Medical Officers, r-ev., iI66 cure of by displacement, 1408; retroperitoneal, the pathogenesis anid earlier clinical evidences Harris, D. F., the plhysico-cheinical state of in which recovery took place after operation of laryngeal tuberculosis, 1245, 1247 caseinogen in iiiilk, 779 1411; radical cure of by an improved method Horse, Clinical Diagnosis of Lameness in the T., malignlant jaundice (typhoid icterus), of torsion of the sac. 1479, I654; strangulated, W. E. A. Wyman, rev., 813: drunkenness in a, I878 1494; inguinal, radical cure o1, 1842 997; gastrotomy on a, 1920 HLrrison, G., localiser for x rays, 1882 Heroin, I883 Horses, sick or injured, ambulance for, I96I W., ptosis anid facial palsy, 2I6 Heron, G. A., time treatment of consumption and Horsley, V., the treatlmient of spinal caries, 1127: Hart, A. H., iodisin in a syphilitic patient, 192C lupus by tuberculin, 77 on miiedical reformii, 1437 ; report of to the regis- Mr. E., votes of conidolence, et,., as to Herringliam, W. P.. myositis ossificans, I255 tered practitioners o1 England and Wales, death of, (3, 95, 205, 262, 838; foundation of Herschell, G., treatmenlt of disease of the 176I ; masseurs and medical electricians, x846 ; scholarshiip as miiemorial of, 197 stomach, 1322; the use of mechanicalvibratioin address to the Manchester Medico-Ethical F. L., duties of public vaceinators under in tlhe treatment of atony of the stomiiach and Association on the procedure of the General the birlth registrationi fee, 1773 intestines, I867 Medical Council and the reform of the Medi- Dr. G., deathl of, I014 Hertwig, O., Die Zellen uild die Gewebe, rev., cal Acts, I883 J. B., the analogues of the male and 990 Hospital, a Roman military, 1725 female genital tracts, 156 Herzen, V., Guide et Foirmulaire de Thdra- - Addenbrooke's, Cambridge, forma- Hartmanil's method of making cllarts of liearing peutique Gdnerale et Speciale, rev., 633 tion of committee of management for, 1727 power for tuning forks, 1239 Hewat, A., gout as a factor in life assurance, - Birminglham General, out-patients at, Hartridge, G., syminetrical choroiditis in the 766 1276 early stage, Igi9 Hewetson. HI. B., the teachinig of otology in the Birmingham and 'Midland for Skin Haslam, W. F., iltussusception occurring twice proposed niew university at Birmingham, T656 and Urinary Diseases, instruction at, 554 in the same patient, I1341; fibromyoma of Hewlett, R. T., Neisser's diagniostic stain for the Burnley. See Hospital, Victoria penis, 156i; gastro-jejunostomy, I6I9; urinary diphtheria bacillus, 599; A Manual of Bacteri- Chialmers, Edinburgh, new wing for, calculi, 1930 ology, Clinical and Applied, rev. 1563 1707 Hatton, G. S., radical cure of inguinal lhernia, Hey, H. D., case of puerperal eclampsia, 1337 Charing Cross, distribution of prizes I842 Hicks, Mr. J. B., and the charge of perjury at medical school of 277; the medical schlool Haultain, F. W. L., Handbook of Obstetric against a medical man, 1945 of, 539; opening 01 winter session at, 564; Nursing, rev., 812; a series of abdominal sec- Highlands and Island., mecdical officerships in, changes in medical staff at, 573; the Huxley tions, 1932 I384, 1535 lecture, 1021, 1073; annual dinner ot club of, Havana, thie sanitary regeneration, 738; the Hill, Alex, unnatural deaths, I093 1074; entrance schlolarships at, io8o; annual medical studenits of in 1871 and Spain, 1271 - Alfred on the pollutioim of rivers, 404; on dtnner of past and present students at, II85 - Hawaii, the annexatioml of by the United States, food preservatives, io0i donations to special fund of, x66o; closure of leprosy and, 913 A. B., construction and ventilation of house convalescent home of to phthisical patients, H twkins-Ambler. G. A.. the 'ioctor's lholiday, 68; drains, 1092 1732, 1796 the Liverpool Pathologricam Diagnlosis Society, J. R., criminial abortion, .6-- for Children Belgrave, the proposed 1848; saline irrigationl iii abdominal oper-a- J. W., typhoid and public ivater suppiies. removal of to South London, 201, 1360 tions, I878 435 for Children, East Londoni, endow- Haworthm, J., the prosecution of, 66I - W., ea.r disease and life assurance, 982 ment of new cot at, 66; instruction at, 552; Hawthorn, Mr. F., deatlh of, 1788 Hillier, A. P., clhronic dysentery, 886; quinine opening of convalescent home at Bognor for, Mr. F. J., deathi of, 751 as a proplhylactic in malaria, 12C0 1578 Head, fcetal, fromito-antcrior positions of tlhe. Hime, T. W., time abuse of iimedical charities, for Children, Pendlebury, instruction '54 I704 at, 553 Headache powders, dangers of, 434; toxic symp- Hiud, W., the passage of the uteiine sound into a, for Children, North-Eastern, instru- toms produced b;, 987 a Fallopiami tube, I489 tion at, 552 Health resorts, notes on, 247, 728, 1004: lygiene Hinder, H. C., a fatal case of liydatid of the Clhrist's, vaccination at, Ir85 at, 740; the prevenitioni of ttie slander oni, lung, 1490 City of Dublin, in-truction at, 550 I1110 Hinds, F., sudden deatlh, 1523 City of Londoni for Diseases of the Heape, W., miienstruationi and ovulation in Hine, H., tlle new vaccinationi ordir, 1521 Chest, instruction at, 553 iponkeys and in the hiumllani femiale, i868 Hinsdale, G., Syringon3yelia, rev.. 634 Connaught, presentat on Heart, acute dilatatioii of in rlheunmatic fever, Hinshelwood, J., tertiary syvplilitic lesions of to, 1915 Aldershot, ig; rheumatic dilatatioti of in thie r-heumatism thle eye, 487; time use of holocaine in oplhthal- - for Consumption and Diseases of the and chor -a of childlhood, ib.; prognosis of mic practive, 6i9, 620 Chest, Broinpton, instruction at, 553; lectures disease of in its bearings upon life assurance, Hip, operative i-eduction of congenital disloca- at, I 205 757; wounids of the, 828: disease of from tion of tlhe, 1396 - Dental of London, distribution of laughter, 829; rheuimatic disease of in children, Hip-joint, dislocation of occurring in connec- prizes at school of, 275; annual dinner of, 1129, 1236; associatioit of congenoital disease of tion witlh acute fever, I1138; a distitiet variety 1792 with thie Mongoliani type of idiocy, 1253: of disease of in clhildreni and youmig persons, Devon and Exeter, instruction at, primary tumour of right auricle of heart, 1333; I6I5 555 congenital disease of, 1344; s. ircoima of tle, Hi ppocampus major, a new dissectioii showing Edinburg] City for Infectious I555; thrombosis of in typhoid fever, ib.; the internal gross anatomy of the. 698 Diseases, instruction at, 554 lesions of, I689; temiiporary ectopia of, t706 Histology, The Essentials, E. A. Selitifer, rev., :Emsworth Victoria Cottage, opening - Straini, Acute, and its Treatment, T. Scelott, ggo; The Elements of, E. Kleimi anid J. S. of, 388 rev., 1261 Edkins, rev., I434 Foundling of the Annunciation, Heat, the, in America, 916 Hobday, F., exact dosage of chloroform to the Naples, results of sanitation in. 1771 Heath, C., the operatiomi for removal of cancer lower aniimals, 831; Pori'os operation and French, London, opening of conva- of the breast, 1783, 1911I o6phorectominy on domestic animals, I-I30 lescent home in connection with, III8 Heaton, G., appendix verimiformis strangulated Hogben, E., pauper lunatics in private dwell- - Great Northern Central, the chairman- in a retroperi-toneal fossa, i6i8 ings in Scotland, 689 ship of the Committee of Management of, 458; Hebb, R., actinomnycosis of the tongue, I254 Holiday, tlle doctor's, 68, 280, 460 instruction at, 55I Heel, tender, due to exostosis of the os calcis, Holland, British practitioners in, 571; medicine Guy's, biennial dinner of, I8; distri- "159 in, 743, 832; medical temperance in, 881 bution of prizes, etc., at, 202; anonymous Helferichl, H., Atlas und Grundriss der trauma- Holland, C. T., lupus treated by x rays, 1342 donation to for medical research, 398; the me- tilchen Fraktureli und Luxationen, rev., Holman, C., time widows and orphans of medical dical school of, 540; opening of winter session I625 men, 391; Royal Medical Benevolent College, at, 564; changes in medical staff of 573, 1448; Hellier, J. B., peniipliigus foliaceus, 1560 1284 entrance schlolarships at, iO8o; typhus fever Helme, T. A., extrauterine pregmiancy of twelve Holmes, Dr. G. W., decoration of, I857 at, 31364 years' duration, I620; treatment of placenta Holocaine, the use of in ophthalmic practice, - the Hampstead, the work of, 45 prlevia, 1621 6I9 Jervis Street, Dublin, instruction at, Hemeralopia, intermittent, 1133 Holt, L. E., Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, 550 Hemiplegia, the bilateral action of the latissimus rev., 359 Jessop, Sheffield, instruction at, d6rsi in, 976; left associated with atrophy of Home counties, some sanitary matters in, 1790 554 the right ootic nerve, 1432 Office, the, and dangerous trades, 505 Johns Hopkins, Reports of, C. R. Bar- Hemmeter, J. C., Disease of the Stomach, rev., St. Catherine's, at Bradford, 1178 deen, rev., xO64 8o0 Secretary, deputation to as to poisonous- Kent and Canterbury, instruction at, H6no que, A., Spectroscopic de l'Urine et des matches, 319; memorial to as to fees to medi keigments, rev., 631 cal witnesses, 1507 Kin s College, dinner of past and Henry, R., plague on the "1Carthage," 391 Hommeopathy ancd the doctrine of signatures, 35 present stuaents, 1077 Hepatectomy, partial, for primary cancer of the Hong Kong, correspondence from, 272, 5II ; r'e- _ - Lady Dufferin, Karachi, the;work, et>. liver, 1300 port of medical officer of health for, 272 the of, 752 Hepbur.i, D., the shape of the s3lid abdominal plague at, 5xI ; medical appointnients in, 569 - Lincoln County, instruction at, 555 Drgalms, 698 Hope, E. W., the value of the present method of London, proceeds of bazaar in. aid of Herbert, Captain H., tension of the eye in irido- estimating the population of tlle great towns funds of, 43, 277; the lectureship on public cyclitis, 1340 of England, 404 lhealth at, 378: the medical school of, 541 Herdman, W. A., oysters and human disease, Hopkinson, Dr. J., gifts by the family o to openine of winter session at. C64: clhanges in 836 Owcns College, etc., 1578 , medical staff. etc., at, 573; old students' din- I B.nm. [Tzx IOURNAl xvii I, 1898.] INDEX. MEZDIQAL

ner, Io77; entrance scholarships at, Ic8o; the annual dinner, ib.; entrance seholarships at, Hunter, Ii. K., tile case of, 1702, 1711, 1836, 2847 charge for medicines at, 1596 io8o R. H. A., clhorea complicating pregnancy, Hospital, London Temperance, instruction at, Hospital, St. Vincent's, Dublin, instruction at, 8o6 550 W., thrombosis of the heart in typhoid 55I Lying-in, Queen Charlotte's, instruc- of San Giovanni, at Turin, visit to, fever with emiibolism of common iliac artery, tion at, 552 I2E7 '555 McLeod for Women, Jaffna, Ceylon, Seamen's, Greenwich, etc., instruction .W. K., cases of nervous disease, I342; the work of, 1792 at, 55I the visiting staff of and the Seamen's cirrhosis of liver in a child, IQ30 Magdalen, Bath, and the training of Hospital Society, 1716, 1763, i839 Hunting, W., compensation for tuberculous mentally deficient children, I575 for Sick Children, Belfast, clhanges in cattle, I912 Margate, reopening of, 1768 staff of, 1411 Hurry, J. B., average sickness in friendly socie- Mater Misericordin, Dublin, instruc- for Sick Children, Great Ormond ties, I020; the ol-ganisation of medical relief, tion at, 550 Street, instruction at, 55I; the Lewis Carroll 1838 Maternity, Glasgow, statistics of mid- cot at, 1469 Huskie, J., self-induced instrumental abortion, wifely cases in, 840 for Sick Children, Neweastle-on-Tyne, Meath, Dublin, instruction at, 55I instruction at, 554 Huteilinson, D. H., the sedimenting properties Mercer's, Dublin, instruction at, 845 Sir Patrick Dun's, instruction at. 550 of serums, 593 Middlesex, the medical school of, 541; Stanley, Liverpool, new out-patient -- J., on congenital syphilis, 1149, I154 opening of winter session at, 565; new build- rooms for, 1283 J., juni., on congenital syphlilis, ings, etc., at, 573; opening address at, Io68; Steevens's, Dublin. instruction at, 550 I53; injuries of the elbow-joint, I3I9; excision dinner of past and present students, 1077; Sussex County, instruction at, 554 of the Gasserian ganglion for trigeminal entrance scholarships at, Io8o Swansea, opening of new operating neuralgia, 1396; ani inmpr-oved method of treat- , National dinner of staff, etc., theatre at, 1454 ment of separation of the lower epiphysis of Dental, the 1630 Throat and Ear, Brighton and Sussex, femur, i8I5 National, for the Paralysed and Epi- opening of new buildings of, I836 Hutchison, R.. the pharmacological action of leptic, Queen Square. instruction at, 553 Tlhroat and Ear, Central London, in- the thyroid gland, 142 Netley. See Netley struction at, 553 Hutton, W. M., a contribution to the study of Norfolk and Norwich, instruction at, University College, donation from the cmnpyema, 1321 a fatal case 555 Queen to. 66; cases of diplhtlheria treated by Hydatid of tlle lung of, T490 its Baths and Climate, rev,, Nortbern Liverpool, instruction at, injection of antitoxic serumii at in I896 and I897, Hyde, S., Buxton, of 553; nurses' lome at, I782 624 8I2; tlle pure atir treatmenlt conlsumption, -Nortlh-West London, instruction at, * Victoria, Burnley and the Burnley 1044 55'1 Board of Guardians, 56 Hyderabad Assigned Districts,-civil hospitals -__55_--Nottingham, General, instruction at, Victoria for Conisumption and Dis- and dispensaries in, I266; sanitary adminis- 555 eases of the Clhest, Edinlbur ghi, instruction at, tration of tlhe, 'b. - Presidency General, Calcutta, pro- Hydrastine hydrocllorate, the physiological posed rebuilding of, 1792 Victoria Cottage,Kingston-on-Thames, action of,1052 Reigate and Redhill Cottage, changes opening of, I856 Hydroceplhalus treatment of by intracranial inistaff of, 1364 Vletoria for Sick Clhildren, Chelsea, drainage, II55 Rotunda, Dublin, instruction at, 55I meeting to raise funds for-, i96i Hydroclhloric acid in sciatica, 1550 clinical report of tlie, 82I West London, Haininerasmith, instrue- Hydrophobia in the Philippiine Islands, 1381 -Royal Albert, Devonport, instruction tion at, 55I Hydrorrhwa, nasal, 1247 at, 554 Westminster, the medical sehool of, Hygiene, Germian joulrnials on, 215; du Soldat Royal, Belfast.'opening of session at, 543; opening of winter session at, 565; changes sous les Tropiques, F. Burot and M. A. Legrand, _1275 iu the medical staff of, 573- medical slcool rev., 240; at healtlh r-esorts, 740; tlle teacliing Royal, Bethlem, instruction at, 552 dinner, I079; the physicianship of, 1452; the of in Frenceli schiools, 8;2; in elementary Royal Ear, Soho, instruction at, lectureship on medicine at, 2596; the assis- SChOlOIs, 1092 .553 tant to, Hyperacidity, diet in, 432 physicianship i836 a -- oRoyal Edinburgh, for Sick Children, Whitworth. Darley Dale, reopening-of, lyperpyrexia, a case of, Io6i; in neurotic instruction at, 554 1898 wvomian with bi-oncl iectasis, 1552 Royal Eye, Manclhester, instruction and Staffordshire the rays in the treat- Wolverliampton Hypertrichosis, treatmentRoenitgein at, 55 General, instruction at, 555 inent of, 400, 648; of, 519 Royal Eye, Southwark, instruction at, for Women, Sollo Square, instruction Hypertroplhy, compenisator y of tlle lung, 1253 552 at, 552 Hypniotic suggestion, a,_756 - Royal Free. See School of Medicine for Wouien and Children, Manchester, hlypnotismii, books on1, 459, 847,; tlle phenomena for Women instruction at, 554 of and the theories as to its nature, 669; and - Royal Hants County, instruction at, Hospitals, reforn3 of. II, 504; abuse of, 132, 1791 practice, 735; Professor Rutherford on,. I282; in iniformation as on, 1582; discussion at District of Border 555 India, etc., to, 279; cottage, tlhesisCounties Branch Royal London Ophthalmic, instruc- information as to, 667; state-aided and volun- on, I841 of tion at, 552 tary, 755; in London, history of, 1112; fever. Hysterectomy vaginal for malignant disease Royal Portsmouth, instruction at, statistics of, 1383; isolation, 1505; cottage and uterus, clamp and ligature in, 6i8; for sarcoma 555 fees at inquests, 716 ; and tuberculous of uterus, 1433 Royal Sheffield. donation to, 5I8 patients, I956; qualification- as surgeon of, Hythe clhurch, the bones in, 1102 Royal, for Sick Children, Glasgow, 2x963 instruction at, ; changes in staft at, Adelaide Medical and in- I. 555 Surgical, no- I596 struction at, 1550 I'Anson, Dr. T. F., death of, 575; obituary Royal Southern, Liverpool, instruction of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, tice of, 750 at, instruction at, 552 Ice cream, the dangers of, 39; cheap, 436 - Royal United, Batlh, instruction at, Richmonid, Whitworth, and Hard- prosecutions, i855 554 wicke, instruction at, 550 Ice creams, bacterial, 1249; the chemistry and Royal Victoria, Belfast, modification Hostel, the Nurses', annual epolt of, 1354 bacteriology of, 1708 of charterof, 272 Hotchkis, R. D., a case of lh.cmatoporphyrin- Ictcrus, the pathogenesis of, T177 Royal Westminster Ophthalmic, in- uria, 685 Idiocy, association of congeniital heart disease struction at, 552 Houses, new, space in rear of, 457, 665 with the Mongolian type of, I255 St. Bartholomew's, the medical school House-surgeons and certificates under the levers, Captain P. G., ligature of the brachial of winter session at artery for wound, 1551 of, 539; opening 564; Workmen's Compensation Act, 844 treatment changes in medical staff at. 572 ; old stuaents' Housiing of the sick by Boards of Guardians, Imbeciles, pauper, the of, 996, I97,- dinner at, 1073; entrance scholarships at, iIi8; 1791 1374, IC25; .a "colony" asylum for, 1479 fifty years at, 1I83 * Hogairth's paintings at, nI86 Howell, T. M., ear disease and life assurance, Immiiunity after excision of malignant disease, medical of. of St. Geolrge's, the school 980; cathetelrisation Eustacliian tubes, 1238 1343 ? 540; opening of winter session at, 564; clianges Howard, Kingsbury, v., 253 Impelrtinence (what is) 494 in medical staff of, 573, 1836; opening address at, Mr. M., death of, 122 Ince J., The Latin Grammiiar of Pharmacy, rev., 1067; students' dinner at, 1074; Sir Samuel R., preparation of blood films, 1876; 725 Wilks on medical education, ib.; the treatment the proposed school for tropical diseases, I9II Income Tax: How to get it Refunded, A. Chap- of malarial and blackwater fever, ib.; exhibi- Howarth, Dr. W. J., presentation to, I792 man, rev., 1435; claims for repayment of, tion, 1077; entrance scholarships at, 1532 Howse, H. G., case of impacted renal calculus in St. John's Diseases of the Skin, left and kidney, sup- public recognition of plague work in, 39: for, ureter, atrophic i-ight theT', medical staff iio; education of instruction at, 553 pression of urine, operationi, death, necropsy, arWy froiitierini, -St. Mary's, the medical school of, 541; ii6o deaf mites-ft, Io8; the campaign in, opening of winter session at, 564; new build- Hudson, J., on congenital svphilis, 320; venereal disease in, 435: military hos- ings, etc., at, 573; opening address at, 1071 Hughes, Captain L. M., the unelassified fevers of pitals in, 646; Pasteur Institute foi-, 734, 998, dinner of past and present students, 1078; the tropics, 865 1772 ; Dr. W. J. Simpson on plaguein. 853; test- entrance scholarships at, xo8o Hugo, Surgeon-Lieutenant, gallant conduct of, ing of Haffkine's prophylactic in plague- St. Mary's, Manchester, instruction at, 296. 253 stricken communities in, 856; epidemic in- fever ; sick in, 553 Hunt, G. B., cases of diplitheria treated. by cerebro-spinal in, 871 transport St. Patrick's (Swift's), Dublin, addition j.ections of antitoxic serum at University 1015 ;* the Report of the SanitaryCommissioner of premises to, 212 College Hospital during il8o6 and i897, 624 with the Government of forthe Year i8o62 II69; St. Peter's for Stone, instruction at, $53 Hull, the municipal autlhorities of and bacteri- the. increasing employment civil assistant' St. Thomas's, bequestbySirR. Rawlin- ological diagnosis, 1952 surgeons In, x8.q; famine. and pestilence in, son to, 132; the medical school of, 542; open- J. M., nasal hydrorrhlea, 1249: the relation 1265; a special Plague Commission in, 1274, ing of winter session at, 565; changes in of fibrinous rhinitis to diplhtheria. ib. the sanitation of stations in, 1364; chloroformn medical staff of, 573; appointments at 754; Hunter, A. T., medical education of women in in, 1418; deaths from wild animals and snakes distribution of prizes at, 1078; old stuaents' Edinburgh, 840 in, 143I; rdairies in, 1452; soldier cooks In TM 2EVllii xXMI1nmIJOvMAXJ INDEX. [DEC. 31, 1898.

1514; investigation of rinderpest in, 2r640; the Insanity, the plea of in criminal cases, 585, i5o6, Jacob, H. W., insurance companies and medical the 2722; open-door subordinate medical service in, I66o: 2587. I653, the treatmenit of, aid schemes, 2767, 2787 toria Health Institute for, I706; medicalplague 838 Jacobs, C., the surgery of pelvic inflammation, appointments in 2732 the work of the Insects, the transmission of Cuban fever by, 464 pensaries in tlle kIortth-Western Provinces 1848; propagation of plague by, I9o6 Jacobson, W. H. A., acute pancreatis, x8I6 in 1897, I950 Inspector, the sanitary as a medical expert, 2707 Jltger, kitchen bacteriology, 373 Indiana. cremation in, 753 Inspectorships, government, 2207 Jakob, C., Atlas of Methods of Clinical Investi- lndiarubber mainufactur;es and child labour, Institute, Borouglh Polytechnic, additions gation, rev., 989 Jamaica, xoS6 2857 associateship and medical appointments in, 568; yellow Index to the Vaccination Commission's repolt. fever in, 885 832 fellowship of, IO29 James, A., clinical varieties of hepatic cirrhosis, Mnebriates Act. See Act. the Imperial and the University of 949; tuberculous neuritis, 2492 Iniebriety, treatnient of in America, 257 ; London, I832 D., scissors forceps, 932 ties of from the legislative and Jenner, of Preventive Medicine, Jamieson, W. A., the application of rest in standpoint, 69I; treatment of, I663 annual general meeting of, instruction treatment of diseases of the skin, 346, 737; on Inefficiency, a premium on, I833 564; progress of, I897 lupus erythematosus, 707; tylosis, I492 Irfancy, development of movement Sanitary, results of examination of, Japanese, the, as sanitary reformers, I576 1873 I856 Jardine, R., the use and abuse of midwifery Infanit, measles-in an. possible infection Institution, Liverpool, Medical, meeting of, IoO9, forceps, 478; the teaching of midwifery, 748; poisoningin 2252, 937; morplhine an. II86, 1257; presidenitial address, I257; case, aseptic midwifery, 782, 1009, 2372, I6oo; aila- weeks, otitis media followed by mastoid I342; an advertising pamphlet, ib.; xerodermia tation of os uteri, 79I; saline injections abscess in, operationi, recovery, S552; pigmentosa, ib.; lupus treated by x-rays, collapse, 2732 tinia in an, i683 immunity after excision of malignant disease, Jaundice, malignant, 2878 Life Protection Act. See Act. 2343; traumatic epilepsy treated by trephin- Jaw, iower, ankylosis oi treated by removal and mortality of, Infants, milk 43; ing, tb.; pneumonia, ib.; treatment of wedge from the lower condyle, 2432 829; dyinig, increase of weight in, zooo Natural susception in young children, ib.; unauthor- Jaynes, V. A., the new vaccination order, I520 and Artificial Feeding of, H. de Rothschild, ised reprints, 2493; gumma of liver, ib.; Jeannel, M., Chirurgie de l'Intestin, rev., 722 life rev., IO65; operation for mastoid disease of conjunctiva. ib.; osteomalacia, ib.; suppura- Jefferies, H., cardiac disease and assurance, 2241; the mnicro-or-ganism of simple tion in the tympanic cavity. ib;; clinica 76I basic meningitis iIi, 1I57 microscopical varieties of the ringworm Jellett, H., aseptic midwifery, IO02 Infarction,liemniorrlagic, of the small fungus, 26I9; speciinens, ib.; a foreign body in Jenner, the proposed memorial to, 492 84 the larynx, ib.; the x-rays and the detection medal. See Medal Inifection and disinfection, I96I bullets, ib.; rupture of uretlhra, ib.: sanatoria Sir W., obituary notice of, 2849 Infield, S., traumatic parotitis, for consumptives, 2620; and tuberculosis, Jennings, C. E., saline injections in collapse, Infirmary for Clhildreln, Liverpool, instruction sudden death twelve days after parturition, '795 at, 553 2878; atresia of rectum, ib.: saline irrigation Jessop, W. H., injury to cornea, iSig Edinburgh, Eye, Ear, and in abdominal operations, ib.; infective Jewish poor, health of the, 42 instruction at, 554 disease, 2879 Jews, in the University of Moscow, 66; English, Eye and Ear,'.Myrtle Street, Royal, lectures, etc., at, ig6i consumption amongst, 646 instruction at, 553 Royal Masonic for Girls, the: Johannesburg, small-pox at, 666 Glasgow, Eye, instruction at,555 to, 2020 Johns, W. A.D., the open-air treatment Gloucester General, etc, Instruniients, nose and throat, sterilisation sumption, 948, 2383 at,S55 1243 Johnston, G. J., epithelioma of lip in youth for, Leeds General, a new nursing Insurance, sick and old-age pensions, I8 years of age, io62 2952 companies, mortality statistics of, J., measles and scarlet fever coexist- Northampton General, instruction 226; and medical examination, a plea for ing in the same person,I928 555 uniformity, 772; and medical aid schemes, J. C.,on lupus erythematosus, 707 -Royal, Aberdeen, changes in staff 2767, 2787 R. McK., ear disease and life ance, in 1573 Intestine, small,hlemorrhagic infarction oftle, 98o; antrectomy suppurative ear of nose Roya], Braadford, inistruction 554 84; protrusion of in penetrating wound disease, 2242; sterilisation Royal, Bristol, opening of new operat- abdomen, 897;resection of, 1553,I656 throat instruments, I244; nasal hydrorrhaea, ing tlhcatra at, 2094 Intoxication, the jurisprudence of, 2362 32249 -______Royal,l)erbyshire, instruction 554 Intracranial disease, four casesof, 959 Jones, C.R., case of haemophilia, 987 Royal, donation to funds 2202 Duildee, Intussusception occurring twice in the same Dr. D. E., death of, cancer in 2I0 patient, 234r; in young children, treatment - E. L., distribution of Royal, Edinburgh, at,'s48; of,3343 bridge, 26I and the substitute for Professor Fraser, of 2020 15731 Iodide of potassium, doses Of, 460; serous -P. R., biniodide mercury, clhanges in the staff of, 1596 catarrh of middle ear produced by the-admini- H. E., a mode of irrigating the nasal duet, Royal, Glasgow, subscriptions to new stration of, 2823 490- some unmanageable complications of dispensary buildings for, 43; proposed Iodine, metallic, in syphilis, 460 suppurative middle-ear disease, I235; SUp- struction of, 2282 lodism in a syphilitic patient, 2929 puration in the tympanic cavity, 2493 Royal, Manchester, rebuilding scheme Iodoformogen, xo66 - H. M., unusual cases of ovariotomy, 359 for.56 Ipswich, the prevention of tuberculosis at, J. H., the case of, 27I2

the Bill for case of: Royal, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Ireland, certification of pauper lunatics in, 207, Captain J. L. T., interesting new site for, 647 Poor-law bite at IIo, 524, 658; superannuation in the Aden, 897 Royal, Preston, medical representa- medical service Ot1 457,665, 296I; Poor-law R., treatment of spinal caries, 2228; tlle Managing Board of, in connection tion on 2520 cai officers in,5233 2947; the Local Government cation of the hip-joint Hants, munificent offer in enlargement Royal South (Ireland)Act and themedicalprofession in, acute fever, 1139; castration instruction the to build new wing for, 66; 555 workhouse reform in, 740; lunatic asylum prostate, 2427; osteomalacia, I493 Staffordshire General, instruction officers in, 2289 S., cases o1 phthisis suitable for open-air 555 Ireland, W. W., the insanities of inebriety, 693; treatment in Australia, 949 West of England Eye, instruction at, The Mental Affections of Children, Idiocy, T., renal tuberculosis,I 878 555 imbecility, and Insanity, rev.,Io65 Jordan, F. W., scissor forceps, 2384 instruction with clinical notes Western, Glasgow, 555 Irido-cyclitis, tension of the eye in, 2340 J. F., tubal abortion the dispensary department of, 2282 Iris, the absorption of the aqueous humour of eight cases of ectopic gestation, 803; myoma surgery of Inflammation, pelvic, the Of, 46I; the, 483; incarcerated, an operative procedure uterus. 2932 tiple, in serous membranes,I o62 for, 484; tumour of the,I8ig "Journal of Tropical Medicine," the first Galliard, 89; influenza, L. rev., iron in anaemia, 2277 ber 497Of, 485; nervous a 835 acoommodation after, sequelve Irrigating the nasal duct, a mode Of, 490 Chinese medical,I Of, 2494 Irrigator, urethral,rSo0 Journalism, comic medical,' made in inhhabitedhouseduty,5995 Irving, J., iodism in a syphilitic patient, 2929 many,y 2512 of Man, Inhalation tube,ori-nasal, io66 Isle information as 266to, 3 Jubilee (The Diamond), Effect of on the Inhaler, warm dry-air, ; modified Islington, medical charities in, 2503; the sources of the Voluntary Charities, Sir ib. vention of tuberculosis in, 2579 Burdett, rev., 2749 Injections, saline. S5ee Saline isthmus of bronchocele, excision of, 182o Juler, H. E., paralysis of accommodation Inkson, Surgcdn-Major-General J., death Italy, the prevention of tuberculosis in, influenza, 485; two cases of tertiary syphilitic

preven- lesions a of Inoculation for plague, 2207 the prevention of anthrax in, 378; the of the eye, 488, 489;mode InIosite in urine, aetection and estimation tion of malaria in, 436; British practitioners gating the nasal duct, 490; myxosarcoma the 848 iin 572; public health, in, 639; foundling ,I889 8io inquest or certificate 194 pitalsIooi;in, a course of hygiene for engin- Jullien, L., Bldnorragie et Maniage, rev., Innuests, unlsatisfactory, evidence at, Si6; eers in, 1583 after operations, 662; and necropsies, Iveagh, Lord. See Lord K. niedicalwitntesses at, 929, x658; the Kala-azar, or the epidemicii malarial fever of "theview" at, 995, iio6; and post-mortem JJ Assam, successfully eradicated from tea gar- examinationi, 2220; the holding Jackson, G., the Council of the Royal den lines, 892 out medical evidence, 2854 of Surgeons of England, 57; sterilisation Kanthack, Professor, deathI829;of. obituary Insane, ocular phenomeaa in general paralysis nose and throat instruments, 2224; the notice9942Of, of the, 687; Certification of the, 1582; the of curetting the middle ear in cases Of SUp- Kashmir, the medical mission to, 2293 osseous system in the, 2677 puration,2249 kauffmann, 0. J., anomalous case of progres- Insanities, etiology of the modern conceptions T. V., an historical sketch of the sive muscular atrophy, x6x8 of, 342; of inebrietyfrom the legislative medical profession or medical craft Kava-kava,2207 Keary, medico-legal standpotnts,69I tain, 799 P. M increase of salary to, 2292 DEmC. -3'1,I I8981- . INDEX. LKzDxcA,L Jo -A

Keith. A. D., dislocation of testes, I6 Labour and refreshment, io88 the bacteriology of London sewage, 491 ; a den- Kelly, H. A Operative Gynecology, rev., I I64 Lack H. L., fibrinous or membranous rlinitis talDaniel come to judgment, ib.; the medical Keloid (Alibert) and intractable patches of and its relation to diphtheria, '338 profession and the mode of entering it, 521 chronic inflammation of the skin treated by "Lady with the lamp,' 1772 the medical curriculum, 522;the cost of medi- searification, I5I Lady Meathon Irish and English workhouses, cal education, 523; the Royal medical Kelynack, T. N., Renal Growths, their Path- I855 services, ib.; post-graduation study, 524; ology Diagnosis anld Treatment, rev.. 126I Lagos, medical appointments in, 569 old-age pensions and invalidity, 641: Kendali,J. G., saw for removing stiff bandages, Laing, Dr. J. McG., appeal on behalf of widow the report of the pathologist to the London 1826 of, i 36 183 County Asylums, ib.; diphtheria: prevention and Kennedy, R., cases of traumatic musculo-spinal Lake, WZ. C., spacein the rear of newhouses, 665 and treatment,642; liypnotism practice, paralysis with restoration of function after Laking, Sir F. H., made K.C.V.0., io88 735; the tonsils as the seat of entry infec- seeondary operation, 1402 Lamb, W., the diagnosis of suppuration in the tions, 736; rest in diseases of the skin, 737; I399 ideal, Kensington, typhus fever in, I66o accessory cavities of the nose, I56i mortality, real, supposed, Kephissia as a health resort, I004 Lamp, portable reflector safety, 1501 823; physician ancd actuaryin life assurance Ker, Dr. Alice, dilatatioln of os uteri, 791 explosions, the Manchester and Salford 824; aphasia and testamentary capacity, ib.; Keratitis, ulcerative in exoplhthalmic goitre, Sanitary Association and, 56 the East End water famine, 825; medicine in 490; marginal, an unusual case of, 1819 Landau, Th., vaginal cceliotomy, 465; extirpation the tropics, gog; the Section of Tropical Medi- Kerr, J., nervous,-sequeln of influenza, 1494; of the myomatous uterus by the vagina, 790 cine at the aninual meeting, July, I898, 91I; astasia-abasia, ib. Landouzy, L., Les Serothdrapies, rev., Fog the acclimatisation of white men in the J. M. M., the use and abuse of midwifery Landry's paralysis in a girl, t337 tropics, 912; shall we operate or not for malig- forceps, 478 Lane, W. A., restoration of the shaft of the ulna nant dise3se? 993-the cycle and its medical N, alcohol in drugs and drug prepara- by the insertion of the femur of a rabbit, 1553 foes, 994; the abolition of "the view" at in- tions. 1043 Langton, J., presidential address to Clinical quests, 995 ; Professor Virchow's address, Ic8i ; N. T., clinical studies witlh spleen and thy- Society of London, 1254 the university ideal, I082; the will and its roid extracts, 684 Lankester, Professor E. R., appointed director diseases, io83; University College, Liverpool Keser, Dr., decoration of, 744 of natural history department of British 1179; Lord Lister's address, iI8o; milk ana Khalifa, the medical risoners of, 913 Museum, 378 meat in London. ib.; collective suicide, II8I; Khartoum, service ofmedical officers in the ex- Laparotomy for abdominal pregnancy, recovery, the League and the law, I267; the fight against ; in pedition to, Ixo8; sickness in the expedition- 237; forintestinalobstructioi), 1333; for rup- tuberculosis, ib. organotlerapy diabetes, ary force to, 1269, I357; the Royal Army Medi- tured gall bladder, 1406 I269; the new vaccination order, I355 the cal Corps and the expedition to, 1446 Larynigitis, singers', treatment of, 1231 plague in Vienna, 1356; the bacteriological Kiao-Chau, precautions against plague at, 666 Laryngology, and the diagnosis of disease, 1357; the conscience otology, expansion of, 344; and Kidney, malformation of and displacement, rhinology and otology, the mutual relation- clause, 1443; syphilis in the army, I812 without mobility, 6io; malformation of, 896; ship and relative value of experimental re- i896, 1444; the sense of smell, ib.; isolation the treatment of chronic disease of, 1045; moV- search and clinical experience in, I220 hospitals, 1505; the plea of insanitv, 15o6; the able, in childreni, II54; hasmaturia in, 13I6; Larynx, epithelioma of, 1233; excision of, I605; etiology of malaria, 1507; the water supply of relative value of the cystoscope and of ureter foreign body in tlhe, I6ig London, I508; tlle vaccination service I56g-; catheters as aids in the diagnosis of surgical Lascars, peculiar infectious disease in, 1342 criminal abortion, 1570; cancer in relation to diseases of, 1411; single obscure case of hve- Lassar-Cohn, Praxis der Harnanalyse, rev., 99o the dwelling, 1571 the army medical examina- morrhage from, and its cure by nephrotomy, Latham, A. C., multiple abdominal derinoid tion, I572: the General Medical Council, 2633,- I547; ruptured, i6i8 cysts, I s56 I670 1766; the right to practise, z634; Kidneys, successful removal of stones of unl- _____F., The Sanitation of Domestic Dwell- human and avian tuberculosis, I635; the law as usual size from both, 1414 ings, rev., 1750 British Medical Association; z699; the King H. W., the treatment of pneumonia byiron Latissimus dorsi, bilateral action of time in hemi- to criminal abortion, If7' ; the home of the perchloride, I488 plegia, 976 University of London. 1765; mosquitos and King Williamstown as a resort for plhthisical pa- Latter, C., the diagnosis of the commoner malaria, 1767; the entity of enteric fever, 1829; tients, IOI9 zymotic diseases, 3102 the dental business of the General Medical 'Kingsbury v. Howard. 283 Lattey, W., motor cars, 68 ; Landry's paralysis in Council, I830; the Peculiar People and the 4King's evil," -; of tuberculosis, a'country herbalist's cure for, 1747 a girl, 1337 law, 1831 tLe prevention I891; Kingston-on-Thaames, vacc;ination administra- Laudanum, drinking of, 1574; death from an tuberculous patients under the Poor Law, ib.; tion at, 1380 enema of, I66I post-mortem delivery, I892; Lord Iveagh's Kinneir, F. W. E.. niyxcedema, I523 Lauahter, heart disease from, 829: death from, gifts, 1943; visceral neuroses, I944 Kitchen bacteriology, 373 I088 Leaf C. H., the Surgical Anatomy of the Lym- rev., Klein, E., The Elements of Histology, rev., 1434 Law, W. T., tuberculous sputum, 1286 pllatic Glands, 1625 Kleptomaniac, control of, I963 Lawford, J. B., operation for incarcerated iris, League, the Antivaccination and the law, 1267 der Nonconformists' Defence and Klinik Krankheiten der Mundhole, Keifer, 484, 485; diplo-bacillary conjunctivitis, 486 Medical und Nase, L. Brandt, rev., 23 Lawrence, A. E. A., the surgery of pelvic in- Protection, objects, etc., of, 739 Klondyke, British practitioners in, 572: an outfit flammation, 472 Lean's Royal Navy List, rev., 634 and for, 1599 H., keloid (Alibert) and intractable Lecture, the Bowman, on Pie etiology Knee, an injured, how to treat, 433 patches of chronic inflammation of the skin educative treatmnenit of coiivergent strabismus, Knee-joint, sarcoma of synovial membrane of, treated by, I51 Priestley Smith, I; the Cavendish, on growth 1552 T. W. P., glioma of pineal body, I746 as an agent in (i) production and (2) removal Kneipp, Father, a successor to, i65I Lawrie, J. M.. a case of chronic membranous of deformity, H. Marslh, 5; the Huxley. on Knife, aseptic pocket, 1826 colitis of over ten years' duration cured by advances scieiice and their bearingon Knight, J. T., prolonged incubation period of right inguinal colotomy and subsequent medicine and surgery, I02I ; the Bradshaw on typhoid fever, i8 closure of artifcial anus, 1426 myxcedema and allied disorders, W. M. drd, Knott, J., pathological iln-, I689 a country "Laws of health," books for lectures on, '47' 1473; the Bradshaw, on tlle union of wounds, herbalist's cure for tlle " king's evil," 1747 Lawson. A., bacteriology of the normal conjunc- T. P. Pick, 1733 on the chemical pro- Knowling, E. M., paradoxical pyrexia, 1927 tival sac, 486, 487; testing syphilitic lesions of Lectures, the Croonian, Koch, Professor R., on buboniic plague, 205; re- the eyes, 489; myxofibroma of the optic nerve ducts of patlhogenic bacteria, with special ported visit of to Italy to study minalaria, 498; sheath, I556 reference to enteric fever S. Martin, II, 73; in Rome, Ioo8; on malaria, i583 C. W., peculiar respiratory disorder pro- on nursing infectious disease. books on, Kocher, T., tllyroidectomy in exophthalmic duced by the habitual use of strychnine, 1927 279; on Medicine to Nurses, A Course of, H. E. goitre, 1298; intestinal obstructioni, ib.; septic Lay suggestions for hospital reform, 504 Cuff, rev., 725; the Clhadwick, foundation of, infection of urinary tract, I314; spasmodic Lazarus-Barlow, WV. S., the nature and signifi- 1187; first-aid, medical sweating, 1296; the torticollis, T404 cance of leucocytosis, 607; on pleural irrita- Harben, by Sir R. Tllorne. 1458, 1502, i580; Koenig, F., Lehrbuclh der speciellen Chirurgie tion and pleurisy, 6og; A Manual of General on Giddiness and Hysteria in the Male, Sir T. Morison subject fur Aerzte und Studirende, rev., 8II Pathology, rev., I063; substernal carcinoma, G. Stewart, rev., 1497; the of, K6lle, W., rinderpest in South Africa, 922 1253; thrombosis of the hepatic vein Jn cirr- 1524; the Morison, summary of, I640; popular, Kollmann, J., Le4irbuclh der Entwickelungs- hosis, 1430 on medical subjects by medical meli,I663; the and its treatment and geschichte des Menschen, rev., 241 Lea, the sagittal fontanelle, 154 Harveian, on diseases of medicine W. Ewart, Krokiewicz, treatment of tetanus, 741 Leach, C. H., Time Law Relating toyVaccination, the profession in, I899, Kroll's stereoskopisclhe Bilder fuhr Schielende, rev., 1750 1738, I80o, 1871 ; ambulance, 1795 R. Perlia, rev., i88I -_ R. A., The Law Relating to Vaccination, Leech, D. J., recent synthetic analgesics, 1056' Kruse, alleged degeneration of civilised races, rev., 1750 the new "Phamacopceia," I058; the dosage of I095 Lead (virgin). 755; toxic amblyopia due to,I556 belladonna and nux vomica, 1494 Kiimmell, W., Die Kranklleiten des Mundes, poisoning in the Potteries, 245 J. W., perinephricabscess with coma, 1336 ret., 1824 LEADING ARTICLES :-The bacteriology of water, Leedham-Green, C A ruptured kidney, I6I8 Kutner, R., Die instrumentelle Beliandlung der 35; homaeopathy and the doctrine of signa- Leeds, extension of ie fever hospital at,II68; of medicine. the Harnleiden mit besonderer Bertichsichtigung tures,ib. ; the Poisons Bill, 36 practice by un- annual dinner of school I857; der Technik des Katheterismus, -ev., i88i registered persons, 103; thie Collins case,ib. ; biological sewage tanks at, 1903; a new nursing the Royal Army Medical Corps. I05; the pro- home for the infirmary, 1952 L. proposed Midland University,tb. ; the Vacci- Lee-Metford rifle. See Rifle lunatics in Labadie-Lagrave, F., Traitd Medico-Chirurgical nation Bill, 159. 251 ; the chemistry of dia- Leeper, R. R., certification of pauper - de Gyn6cologie, rev., 723 betic foods, I9o; autointoxication, ib.; com- Ireland, 207, 658 in Laboratosries, bacteriologlcal, in London, 1524 panies as practitioners, 249; the legal and Lees, D. B., acute dilatation of the heart Laboratory, the proposed national physical, xo86 medical professions and the Chancellor of , I9; rheumatic dilatation of and choreaot Work in Physiological Chemistry, the Exchequer, ib.; the Edinburgh meeting, the heart in the rheumatism in F. G. Novy, rev., 1936 XII; the address in medicine, 312 ; the address childhood, ib.; rheumatic heart disease Labour, rapid digital dilatation of os uteri in surgery, ;33 the annual meeting of I898, children, 1129, 31131 during, 2I6; premature, a table of cases of in- 371; the address in psychology, 372; the Vac- leeward Islands. medical appointments in, 569; duction of, 6I9; "missed," 785 cination Act, 43I; diet in hyperacidity, 432; British practitioners in, 571 VUD~K TXaiOLLbmvzuzJMU.RW&t1j INDEX. LDEC. 31, ISg.

Legacies by patients to medical practit.oners, John Dalton and the at( ml- thieory, 653; ing schemes in, 1192 ; smoke in, 127L;-the Io88 Sydenliaio'sletters, etc., 654; Professor N. A. London. county Council and the water supply Legge, Dr. T. M., appointed medical inspector of Trzaska-Chrzonszczewsky on the physiological of,I45I1 1508; enteric fever in,.15tic; typhus in, factories, 435 injection of blood, etc., 1005; new "Encyclo- I514; bacteriological laboratories ill, 1524; Leghorn, an anthropological institute at, 248 pindia Medica," 1277, 1367; the manufacture of some aspectsof sanitary administration Legrand, M. A.. Les Troupes Coloniales, III, cripples to be let out as tramps, 1459; Mr. iii,i637; water under,I939 Hygiene du Soldat sous los Tropiques, rev., 240 Harold Frederic's view of medicine, i504; Dr. Longevity in Spain, 1898 Legueu, F., TraitdMMdico-Chirurgical de Gyn6c- Max Uhle on "tobacco," ib.; German prospec- Loomis, A. L., A System of Practical Medicine 010 ie, rev., 723 tuses of Carlsbad, ib.; Count de Maistre on by American Authors, rev., 238 Lehr uch der Nervenkrankheitenfuhr Aerzte, 0. Clhristian Science, 1568; Dr. E. S. Yonge on the Lord, Grimthorpe, the conversion of, 1187 Oppenheim, rev., 1564 insanity of the criminal,ib.- Dr. Patrick on Iveaglh. the gifts of, 1943,195I Leicester, philanthlropic burial and medical aid the plague, ib.; the oldest anatomical memor- - Lansdowne, thememolial to from the at, 668; the coining municipal election at, 1292 anda extant, 1629; Mr. Harold Frederic on Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh oia Leighlton, G. R., recurrent poisoning by the doctors,I630; Ovid as a neurasthenic, 17i8: the Royal Ar-my Medical Corps, 1526 primula obconica, 1159 the formular-y of Nicolas Nolleson. ib.; Pro- -- Lister, speech of oni Vaccination Bill, 429,; Leistikow, L., Therapie der Hautkrakhieiten, fessor A. Macalister on the "atlas" and epi- address of at opening of Thomllpson-Yates reit., 63 stropheus, I764; the invention of the spittoon, laboratories,iI8o,iIgo Lennox, D., Tile Elements of Physical Educa- ib. J. R., syphilitic enlargement of the pinea, tion, rev., I435 Little, D., operative treatment of strabismus, 1I746 pro- enU- a Lens, double, cyst of the hyaline canal 48*4; operation for incarcerated iriS, 485 ; Louis XIV as therapeutist,Iooo ducing, 485; traiispareot, extraction of in high cleationtheof eyeball, 488 Love, J. K., experiment and clinical experience miyopiai, 480 E. M., on coxa vara, 1394; scissors legs, in laryngology, etc., 1230 Lentaigne, J., appointed surgeon to the House- orcoxavara, '785 Low, G. M., cardiac disease and life assurance, hold, enchiondroina of thighi,I689 J. the Medical Graduates' College as a factor in life assurance. 766; 744; F., 762; gout 769; Le Page, J. F., axis traction with ordinary and Policlinic, 1912 pregnancy in relation to life assurance, forceps, 1869 Littlejohn, Sir H. D., the sanitation of Edin- extra rating as a statistical problem, 772, 774 Leprosy, Essays on, J. A. Thompson and 98I Prize burghg , 40I ear disease and life assurance, Cantlie,rev.V 22; in Russia, 388; Investiga- Littlewood, H., excision of the left scapula for - R.B., on the pollution of rivers, 404 tions Regarding the Bacillus and Histology of, squamous epithelloina, I424; abdominal sec- Lowe, Mr. G. J.R., presentation to, 1725 V. Babes, rev., 9o0; and the annexation of tion in volvulus, 1820 G. M., tenderheel due to exostosis of the Hawaii by the uJnited States, 913; the main- Liver, treatmnent of congestion of, 941; clinical oscalcis, I 159 tenance and diffusion of, iigg; in East Prussia, varieties of the bacterio- - Maister the will of, 151 ci-rrhosis of,949; Peter, of I566 ; in France, 1792 logical functions of, 1215: partial hepatec- Lowsoni, D., an operation for elevation tlhe Lermitte, E. A., a case of septicsemia treated tomy for prinmiary cancer of tlme.1300; acute female bladder in prolapse or cystocele, 232 with antistreptococcus serum, death, i6ii yellow atrophly of, 1492; gumma of the, 1493, Lucas, E. W., Practical Pharmacy, re"., 1935 Leucocytes, bacter-icidal substances in,I095 i686; an experimental inquiry into cirrhosis, R. C., intestinal resection, 1553,I656 Leucocytheemm a, treatmentof, 235; thetreatment of the,I743; enlargement of.I820; cirrhosis of Luccheni, assassinates the Empress of Austria, of by carbonic acid gas 1614 in aclhild, 1930 837; the anthropology of, 1447 Leucocytosis, tlme nature aild significance of, Liverpool, correspondence from, 657, 838, 009, Luckham, L. S., treatment of spinalcaries,II29 604 I103, 1283, 1369. 1462, 65I, 1721, 178i, 1909, 1951; Luckman, E. L., fractured patella, 1428 Leukasmia, acute, literatureof, 460; splenic, the diminishied diarrhlea miiortality, 657; the work- Luff, A. P., enlargementof spleen, 1344 diagnosis durinig life of retiial aild labylin- househlospital, ib.; opening of the Thompson- Lumbago, treatment of,I35 thine hoemorrlhages1,925in, Yates laboratories, 657, 1009,I099; the efficiency Luiimibrici in the peritoneal cavity, 63o Levy, A. G., the blood changes after experi- of the cityhospitals. 838; vaccilnation in, the Lunacy in Wiltshire, 1576 mental thyroidectomy, 6o8 first conscientious objector, 839; theclosingof Lunatic, Committee of person and estate of, Lewis, Dr. F. W., presentation to,439 the necropolis, 839, 1369; inauguralm-leeting 20Q Mr. Hayter, death of,I836 of the session of the Medical Institution, b0og9; Lurfatics at large, 115; pauper, in Ireland, certi- Dr. Henry, obitualry notice of,iIC8 ttie Ladies' Sanitary Association, ib.; proposed ficationof, 207, 514, 658; receivinglhouses for, W. H., retentionof food in the stomacl union sanatorium for tuberculosis, 1283;dona- 255;pauper iii private dwellings in Scotland, I8 days, 668 tions towards further extension of the build- 689; escape of fromn asylums, 'I95; pauper, LewisLtam, early treatment of mental affections ings of the medical school, ib.; miieting of the quarterly return of by district medical officer, at, 1770 governorsof University College, the treasurer's 1792 Leyden, E.v. ,Handbuch des Erntihrungstherapie annual statement, ib.; new out-patient rooms Lundi Kotal, the health of the troops at,I98 und Dititetik, rev., 1348, 1564 for the Stanley Hospital. ib.; the crowding of Lung, foreign body in, abscess, recovery,I159; Libraries.medical, in the United States,I642 St. George's Hall. ib.; themagistrates and the compensatory hypertrophy of the,I253; a fatal Library of the British Medical Association, list conscientlous objector, ib.; annual review of case of hydatid of, 1490; gangrene of, i56o; of authors and others who have presented the work of the HIealth Coimmittee, 1369; meet- right, cirrhosis of,I814 books to, 636,I632 ing of the Antivivisection Society, ib.; Dr. Lungs, The Diseases of the, J. K. Fowler and R. Liddell, J., recent synthetie analgesics, 1056 Glynn on the affinity of the clerical and medical Godlee, rev.. 58 Leibreich,0., Encyclopaedie der Therapie, rev., professions, 1370; the demaind for new physics Lupus, treatmenit of by tuberculin,77; vulgaris, 1750 laboratol-y at UJniversity College. ib.; Professor treatment of by TR tuberculin, 8o; erythe- Liesching, C. E., strangulated hernia in old age, D. J. Hamilton's remiiarks on the medical matosus, thel nature and treatment of, 701; 237 schoolof, 1462: opening of a new infirmary at treated by x rays,I343; treated by thyroid Life assurance, medicine and, 350; medically Winsford, ib.; proposed hospital for chronic colloid, 1432;ofconDjuuctiVa, 1493 lives in, prognosis of doubtful 391; cardiac diseases in children,I651 ; the treatment of Lushingtonl, Hon. S., on the ravages of small- disease in its bearings upon, 757; gout as a tubei-culosis, 1652; medical students annual pox, 495 764 pregnancy in relation to, factor in, ; 766; dinner, ib.; a laboratoly for the study of tropi- Lycett,JS. A., liaemorrhagic infarction of the the medical advisers of offices of, some of cal diseases, 1721 ; the progress of cremation, small intestine, 84 762 extra rating in as a of the, their difficulties, ; ib.; death fronii overlying attributed to vaccina- Lymphatic Glands, the Surgical Anatomy statistical problem. 772; physician and actuary tion, ib.; annual dinner of resident nmedical C. H. Leaf, rev.,I625 in, 824; and ear disease,977; and war risks, officers. I782; new operatinig theatre at Mill Lympho8sarcoma, treated by Coley's fluid,718 "447 Hill Infirmary.y, o909; formal in as apreservative Lyon, T. G., medically doubtful lives in life Lsaving appliane, a, 1857 of milk, 19531; proposed clhanges at the Ladies' assurance, 391; cardiac disease and life assur- jigation, transperitoneal of the iliac arteries, Clharity, ib.; the celitenary of the Atheneum, ance, 762; pregnancy in relation to life assur- I8I7 ib. ance, 769; ear disease and life assurance, 982; Ligatures, aseptic, 1826 Livers, decomposing, seizure of in Bermondsey, the prevention of tuberculosis, I656 Lightning, death from, 987 1I85,I466 LyoIs, bequests to the medical faculty of, 656 Limpet, thle shell of as a nipple shield, 848 Llangammarch as a healtlh resort, 247 Lip, epithelioma of in a youth i8 years of age, Llobet, A. F., Onze Annees de Pratique Chirurgi- 2062; cancer of in early life, 1287, 1957 cale, rev., 239 M. Lipscomb, Dr. J. T. N., death of, 1015 Lloyd, J., injulies of the elbow-joint, xIig; car- Maar, on lupus erytheimiatosus. 707 Liquor ferri perchllor. and sodii lhyposulphis, cinoma of flextire ofcolon, 1341; tooth Maberly, F. H., holidays for doctors, 460 splenic i6i8 renal '599 plate removed by cesoplhagotomy, Macalister, C. J., the treatment of chronic - thyroidei, "B. P., i898," the dosage of, Local Government (Ireland) Act. See Act disease, 1051 See Bill of the nerve 273 Governmentx (Ireland) Bill. Macallum, A. B.. micro-chemistry Lister, Lord. See Lord. Localiser for rays, I882 cells, 778 ; changes in the cells of the newt's T. D., fibrinous or membranous rhinitis Locality, influence of, on the prevalence of stomach during digestion, 1780 and its relationi to diphtlheria, 1464; sarcoma malignant disease, 234 Macan, A. V., the surgery of pelvic inflamma- of the heart, 1555 Loch, C. S., medical charities, 1199, 1365 tion, 470; the use and abuse of midwifery for- Liston, H., aseptic midwifery, 927 Lockwood. C. B., further report upon aseptic ceps, 478; tuberculous tubes I876 Litchfield, F., death certificates for friendly and septic surgical cases, 802 McArdle, J. S., dispensary meaical service, 1173 societies, 275 Locomotor ataxy. See Tabes Macaulay, Dr. C. A., death of, 517 Literature, obscene, cllarge of publishing and Locum tenens and principal, 58o, 1208; and - Mr. S., presentation to, 336 selling, 1466 covering, 1595; unuqualifled, I859 MacBride, P., the expansion of laryngology and LITERARY NOTES :-46, 1I5, i88, 248, 5o6, 653, I005, Lodge, S., excision o0 isthmus of a bronchocele, otology, 344; ear disease and life assurance, 1277, 1367, 1459, 1504, 1568, I629, 1718, 1764, i828; I820 977, 983; experiment and clinical experience Burns and tlie medical profession, II5; Lofthouse, Surgeon-General R. C., treatment of in laryngology, etc., I230*epithelioma of the Dr, G. S. Woodllead on vivisectors, I88; John anithrax, i86o pharynx, I233; suppura ive middle-ear dis- Hunter's method of embalming the dead, 248 ; London, diphtheriain, 24, 13I III, 244, 1596, i66I; ease, 1238; catheterisation of the Eustachian Stevenson on women's rights, Dr. mid- R. L. ib. ; post-graduate study in, 557; ambulance work tubes, 1239; antrectomy in suppurative G. W. Watson on "bacilli," ib.; Dr. W. H. in, 655; the open-air treatment of consump- dle-ear disease, 1242; cases of laryngeal and Drummond on the Canadian summer, 506; tion in, 949; milk and meat in, IIgo; rehous- nasal diseases, 1250 [Tun Bznyuux DEC. 31, 189F.] INDEX. MuzDic.LL ou3xAiA.&

McCall, Annie, sanatoria for the open-air treat- serums, 52; the pathological effects of dead the surgery of pelvic inflammation, 470; treat- ment of phthisis, 1383 tubercle bacilli. 604; septico-pyaefnia, 1689 ment of cystocele, 788 MacCallum, Mr. H., death of, srI Madagascar, the plague in, I698. I776, 1841. i9o6 Martin, C., conservative surgery of the ovary, McCandlish, J. M., pregnancy in relation to life Madden, 'T'. M., the use and abuse of midwifery 791 ; the after-treatment of abdominal section, assurance, 769; the medical advisers of life forceps, 480 - 1256; Murplhy's button, 1877 assurance ofces, some of their difficulties, Maddox, E. E., Tests and Studies of the Ocular C. J., the nature of the antagonism ib. Muscles, rev., 1935 between toxins and antitoxins, Ji20; the- McCann, F. J., clamp and ligature in vaginal Madkarni, K. M., The Essentials of Modern curative value of Calmette's antivenomous. hysterectomy for malignant disease of uterus, Treatment of Disease, rev., I825 serum in the treatment of inoculations with Madras, cholera in, 577 the poisons of Australian snakes, x8o5 6i8 448, 498, C. McCardie, W. J., the case of tlhe late Mr. H. K. Madrid, foundation of Society of Biology and L., fracture of the zygoma, 1551 Hunter, i847 Philosophy in, I69I J. C., multiple inflammation of serous- McCartliy, J. G., a new dissection showing the Magistrates, medical, 132, 373, 1439, A88; duties membrane, I062 internal gross anatomy of the hippocampus of under the Vaccination Act, i898, 817, 1084; S., the chemical products of pathogenic- major 698 medical. and the conscientious objector, II98; bacteria considered with special reference to. McCausiand, R. B., ligature of subelavian artery of Liverpool and the conscientious objector, enteric fever, Ix, 73; cases of diphtheria in -for secondary hamorrliage,I746 1283 University College Hospital treated by injec- MacCormac, J. M., on intracranial tumours, 967; Maguire, R., pulmonary osteo-arthropathy, 1343; tions of antitoxin serum during,896 and x897, tem,micro-organisms974 in the production of dis- congenital heart diseaseI344 624; asthma, and its treatment, i86i eases of the central periplheral nervous sys- Maidenhead, the scale oi fees under the new Martius, causation of disease, 1095 Martyn, G. K., stomatitis followlng the adminis- K. C. order at, 1647 t SirW., made io88 vaccination Maidstone, typhoid fever at, 517, iooI; the tration of antipyrin, 807 Massage treatment, hlistoly of,195; McCulloch, A., aseptic midwifery, 928,II97 Volunteer Medical Staff Corps at, 1293 the Gynaec- MacDonald, G., experiment and clinical expe- Mailard, Surgeon W. J., gallanlt conduct of, ioi6; ological, G. de Frumerie, rev., 631 antipneumococcal serum, - rience in rhinlology, 1224 gets Victoria Cross, 1770 Massalongo, 1177 - S., Widal's typlhoid reaction, 1524 Main, Dr. R., presentation to, 993 Masseurs and medical electricians, 1785,1846, MacEwan, D., septic iniectioin of urinary tract, Major, Dr. H. C., presentation to, 19I7 I9I 1313 Mala.rin., the prevention of in Italy, 436; the Massey, G. B., Conservative Gynecology and P., Pharmaceutical Formulas, rev., 725 parasite of and the mosquito, 849; appearaxi]ce Electro-Therapeutics, rev..I499 McFadyean, J., the patlhological effects of dead of pigmentation in lyinphocytes in relation to Mastoid, operation for disease of in infants and * tubercle bacilli, 603; on pleural irritation and the diagnosis of, 88i an epidemic of on board young children, 141; double acute empyema pleurisy,609 ship with a record of blood examinations, 893; of,I235; wounds of the facial nerveduring Macfie, C., cardiac disease and life assurance, quinine as a prophylactic in, 1200: and other operation on the, 1240 762 Blood Parasites, H. Ziemann, rev., 1498; the Matabele rebellion, surgery oftlhe, 1842 McGachen, F.W. D., thenewvaccination order, etiology of, 1507,i833; Professor Koch on, 1583; Matches without yellow phosphorus,198, 254, 152T, 158I and imiosquitos, 1768; Captain F. Smith oln, 271, 340; poisonous, deputation to the Home Mctillivray, A., the hyaloid canal and its rela- I807 Secretary as to, 3I9; phosphorus in, 496; thev tion to cyclitic exudation, 485; the bacteri- Malcolm, J., metabolism of nucleins under new,923 ology of the normal conjunctival sac, 487; physiological and pathological conditions, 78I Matchmaking and phosphorus poisoning, 95 enucleation of the eyeball, 488; crystals of Mallory, F, B., Pathological Technique, rev., 721 Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, ancl cocaine in preferen1c tosolution, 490 Man, secretion of bilein, 774 Therapeutics, W. H. White, rev.,988 McHardy, M. M., the Roentgen rays in oph- Manchester, correspondence from,56, ii6; Maternal impressions, 1460 thalmology, 482 opening of the Christie Library and lay- Maternity, Royal Edinbur-gh, instruction at, Macllwaine, S. W., aseptic midwifery,IIo6 ing the foundation stone of Wliitworth Hall 554 Mackay, G., paralysis of accommodation after by the Duke of Devonshlire at Owens College, Matthews, Reginav.,645, 66o influenza, 485; am ode of irrigating the 56; Manellester and Salford Sanitary Associa- Surgeon-Major V., A Handbook for nasal duct, 490; acute exophtlhalmic goitre tion and lamp explosions, ib.; Burnley Hos- Volunteer Medical Officers, rev.,II66 with ulcerative keratitis, 490 pitalr-eport, ib.; milliona doses of medicine Maude, A., "Mr. Walker, the hygiene humorist," J. Y., the significance of anatomical per annum, ib.; infirmary rebuildingschem e, 580; sanatoria for the open-air treatmentoL variations, 698 ib.; Victoria Universitydegree day, ii6; in- phthisis,i383,I732 Mackecihnie, Dr.., presentation to, 666 firniary site question, ib.; sanitary inspectors Mauritius, medical appointmentsin,569 McKendrick, J. S., statistics of miidwifery conference, ib.; the sewage difficulty, ib.; May, S. W., cocaine in rigidI656os, cases occurringg witlii a period of thlree ineeting at as to instruction of the feeble- W_ V., certification of lunatics in Ireland, months in the Glasgow Materniity Hospital, minded, 1448;i a colony " asylum for imbeciles 5114 840 and epileptics, 1479 Mayct, F. 0., Traite de Diagnostic M6dicale et de McKenna, F., case of vicarious menstruation, Mann. J. D., Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Semdioogiee, rev., 1346 7I8 rev.,989; aneurysm of abdominal aorta, i06o; "Mayflower," the work of, 1003,i08o Mackenzie, G. H., a case of malignant polypus poisoning by water gas, ib.; tumour of the Maynard, E. F., chronic dilatation of the sto- of the nose, withi reiniarks, 8i pons,I878 miach associated with chronic gastric catarrh, - H. W. G., vascular murmur of Manna, 1641 1126 obscure origin, 1554; hospitals and tubercu- medical arrangements for, 579, Mayne, Lieutenant-Colonel T., dry urinals, Manoeuvres, 7429 death of, corctorn,tnaouspatients,17251956 929 1590; 1915 a r M., the General Medical Council, Manson, P.. Tropical Diseases, rev., 157;opening'pnn Mayors, medical, I1504,156 address at the Section of Tropical Diseases, Measles, rash on flu-si dayofsymptoms, 152: in Mackey, E., measles, rash on first day of sym- 352 the mosquito and the malarial parasite, the French Army. 838; in an infant, possible Ptoms, 152; traumatic aphasia, 1744 849; appearance of pigmiientation in lympoo- infection at birthi, 987 ; and scarlet fever co- Mackie, Sir J., the will of, 66 cytes in relationi to the diagniosis of miialaria, existing in time samiie person, 1928; andru - Mackinnon, Sir W. A., miiemorial tablet to, 396, 88i8; human and bovine tuberculosis, 1170; on bella, 1948 658 sleeping sickness, 1672; the Seamen'sHlospital Meat, inispection of in American cities, 1502 Mackintosh, A. J., intestinal casts, 807 Society and itS ViSiting staff. I053 extract, a,1I85,41466 Maclachlan, J. T., aseptic midwifery, 1010 Manual. Clinical, for Imidia, C. Sibthorpe. rev., poisoning at Atherton, i469; the present Maclaren, Rt., perforative gastric ulcer, 1408 239; for Students of Massage, M. A. ElliSOn, knowledge of outbreaks due to, 1797 McLean, C. J. I., aseptic midwifery, 1105 rev., 812; of Gaol Hygiene, Captain W. J. Meathi Home of Conmfort for Epileptic Women MacLennanl, A., aseptic midwifery,I010 Buchanan, rev., 901; of General Pathology, and Girls, annual report of, oi W.- the treatment of obesity and W. S. Lazarus-Barlow, rev, 1o62; Of Clinical Lady. See ady myxemdema by a new preparation of thyroid Diagnosis by Means of Microscopical and Meatus, hyperplasia of, complicating sup. ("o thyroglandin "), 3 79, 1536;cliemisty of the Chemical Methiods, C. E. Simon, ib.; of Bac- purative otitis media, 1874 thyoid gland, 391 teriology, Clinical and Applied, R. T. Hewlett, Medal, the Jenner, awar-d Of, 43 Macleod, H. H. B., the antiseptic treatment of rev., 1563 Mediastinum, extensive sarcoma of the, 1876 wounds, 94 Maragliamio, E.. on blood letting, 1176 Medical aid schemes and insurance companies, Macnamara, N. C., the Royal Army Medical Margate, opening of sea-bathing hospital at, 1767, 1787 Corps, 57 1768 ______Council, General and the Midwives Bill J., typhioid fever in an Australian Marie, A., pauper lunatics in private dwellings Comnmittee. 37; the business of, 107; regula- gcNaughton, tions of as to the registration and education rural district, 424 in France, 6oi Macpherson, J., on suicide, 683; the ocular Marlborough House, meeting at re suppression of medical students, 525; regulations as to phenomenon in general paralysis of the of tuberculosis,I889,1832, i899 professional education, 526; regulations as to insane, 688 Marquis of Salisbury visit of to the Continent, State medicine, 5fo; regulations of as to dental Major W. G., syphilis in the army, 666 I6surgery, 572; and uniqualified assistants, :137& Marriage and amenorrhea, 27 president's address. i626; results of 1525 1663 inspection of docu- MacRury, C. W.. the Indian Plague Commission, Marsden, H. S., filaria strongylus or false tuber- service examinations, 1627; xI88 cle in the pig, sheep, and goat, 425 I ments,i627, 1629, 1759, 1910, 1952 penal eases, of business, McVail. D. C., the treatment of chronic renal Marseilles, religious versus lay nursing at, 1380 628,I71X, 1712p; the prograiime i629-. 050 Marsh, H., growth as an agent(I)in production leading article on work of, I633, 1700, 1766, the disease,d case of late Mr. J. C., on the pollution of rivers, 404; on and (2) the removal of deformity,5; sarcoma the Hunter, 1702,aa1721; question of procedire, 1712; report fron vaccinatiOn, 420;Tlle Report of the Royal of synovial membrane of knee-joint, 1552; a Executive on Vaccination, rev., 630; the case of bullet wound of tie leg in which the Coemittee, 1713, 1715; penall CoCmmission cases and the Councils, 1713 medical profession and theI State, oo6; the bullet was located by 1671 Branchi skiagraphy, Penal Cases Committee, the pro- Sanitary nstitute congress, 1107 Marshall, C. D., gliomaof the optic nerve, 1, lo the 1715; cedure of, a report of Macvie, A., the charge of malpraxis against, 1959 ______C. D., yphilis in the arm, 1954 1725; correction. ib.; MeWalter, J. C., a note on the new "Pharma- J. J. de Z., Stretcher Drill Illustrated, thie Education Commit-tee, 1751, 1752,;6::1 IO Midwives Bill Committee, 1753; report Dy copela,"a rev., 726 report McWeeney, E. J., the sedimentiDg properties of Martin, A., the development of ovariotomy, 359; thle Public Health Committee, 2754; or xxii KU JBIoIt3n] INDEX. [DEC. 31, 1898.

I i exceptional cases, ib.; an explanation, ib.; 678 ;.on suicide, 683; The Attendant's Corn Moore, S., poisoning by camphor liniment, 727. proposed alteration in tlle building, 2755; panion, rer., 1262 W., the new vaccination order, 1371 memorandum on reciprocity, ib.; stand- Merthyl, vote of condemnation on action of Morgan. C. L., an experimental study of animal ing orders, ib. report by the Pharmacopceia, medical magistrates at, 207 intellignene, 836 Committee, ib.; otlher business, ib.: persona- Mescal plant, the pharmacology of the alkaloids _ R., the Association of Public Vacci- tion of registered practitioners, 1756; employ- derived from,IO6o nators, 2647 ment of unqualified assistants, ib. ; instruc- Metcalfe, W. F., intestinal anastomosis by a new ______Dr. G. B., presentation to, 247 tion of students under the new Vaccination metliod 31 Morice, Surgeon-Major-General J. C., death of, Act, 1757 ; report of the Medical Aid Associa- Meteorology of the recent summer, I45I 1I2 tion Committee, ib. ; Finance Committee's re- Meter, gastric motor, i866 Morison, R., wound treatment, I48I; treatment port, ib..; report of itnspector of examination, Mexico as a health resort for consumptives, 197 of fractures of the tibia and flbula, 2934 ib. ; grammar schlool and the five year's curri- Meyer, W., a monument to, 378; unveiling of the Morley, F., grinding the teeth, I795 culum, 2758; fines under the Medical Acts, memorial to, 136I, 2440 Morphine in uriemic eclampsia, I52; poisoning 17$9; direct r-epresentation, ib. alleged in- Micro-organism of simple posterior basic me- by in an infant2 1251, 1795 fringement of the Medical Acts, ib.; university ningitisin infants, II 7 Morphinomania in Prussia, 1017 degrees, ib.; Medical Ordinance, Trinidad, Micro-organisms and tiieir toxins, influence of Morris, E. G. F., acute peritonitis, I522 2898, 2760; registered practitioners and the on the production of diseases of the central M., what are we to understand by ec- Law Courts, ib.; dental business, 2760, I830; peripheral nervous system, 970 zema? 707; the use and abuse of internal vote of thanks, 176I: Mr. V. Horsley on thle Mleturition, frequent after parturition,I731 remedies,.in the treatment of skin diseases, procedure of,I883; and preliminary examina- Mid-Derbyshire, contract medical practice,in, III3 tions,I920, 2952 1645,I777, I838, 2907 Morrison, J. T. J., fracture of inner wall of orbit 3Medicaldesignation, the assumption of,I86o Middle Ages, iamine and plenty in the, I97 into anterior ethmoidal cell, 2562 etiquette in Poor-law appointments, Midwife, chalge of abortion against, I853 Morse, T. H., perforative gastric ulcer, 1407 I66o Midwifery, medical students and, 432 the teach- Morselli, E., on suicide. 682 men,lhanddwr-iting of, 999; foreign orders ing of, 748; aseptic, 782, 927, I009. I104, 1197, Mortality statistics of insurance companies, 226 for, 2203; and municipal work, 2292 I284, 1371. I533,I6oo; A Treatise on the Science Morten, H.. A Complete Systemui of Nursing, rev.. officers, burgh, in Scotland, the difficul- and Practice of,W. S. Playfair, rev., ii64 8I2 ties of, io6 engagements, 662 Mortis, H. E., the new vaccination order, 1521 officers, district, report of illness of Midwives,IQI8 training of,I383; the registration of, Morton, C. A., excision of the upper end of the pauper to Board of Guardians by, 24; quarterly tibia formyeloid sarcoma as a substitute for return of pauper lunatics by, 279; dismissal MiNulicz. J., Die Krankheiten des Mundes, rev., aimiputation. 228; the pathology and treatment of after three years' service, 1Q27 I824 of genu valgum,I395 perforative gastric ulcer, officers of health, analyses of water by, Militia, promotion and appointments in medical 2407 212; salaryof, 527; appointment of as parish staffof. 75I,I202, I289, I727 Mosquito, the, and the malarial parasite, 849; officers, 665; as public teachers, 2258; com- Milk, and infantile mortality, 43; physico- the life-history of,90I pensation for loss of appointmentby,I292; chemical state of caseinogen in, 779; sterilised Mosquitos amid malaria, 1767, 2833 and practitioners. 2523; aiid private practice, pure andliumanised.Io66; and tuberculosis, Mossop, I., ectropion of the female urethra, 988; I573; salaries of,I895, 909 Io86; separated condensed, 1273; condensed, reniiarks on hare-lip, 1147 officers, Poor-law, in Ireland, 5I3,I947; and tuberculosis, 1384; boric acid in, 1466; Motor cars, 68, 520, 1719 superannuatiomi of, 654, 1905, 2953; and security formalin as a preservative of,i9sI Mott, F. W., post-diphtherial paralysis, 595; the of tenure. 929; salaries0o, 929, 2905 supply, discussion on theliygienic control pathological effects of dead tubercle bacilli, officers of workhouses, extra duty for, of, 420; tuberculosis and, 927; suggestions for 604; the blood changes after experimental 1204 profession. See Profession improving, I092 thyroidectomy, 608; micro-organisms in the Millard, C. K., the etiology of returln cases" of production of diseases of the cemitral peri- referees, appointed under the Work- scarlet fever, 624, 1023 pheral nervous systeni, 975 men's Compensation Act, 43, 66,I33, 223, 259, iler. F. N., a warning, 460 Moullin, C. W. M., the treatment of sarcomata 446, 451, 98, 652, 753, 822,II5I, 2202 G. V., case of miiyopia in which the sub- by the injectioin of mixed toxins (Coley's relief, lecture on,I305 jective test and estimation by retinoscopy fluid), 45I; septic infectioln of uriniary tract, reform, Mr. V. Horsleyon, 1437 showed considerable difference in the amounit 1309; excision of one of the vesiculae seminales, Medication,iiitravemious, Pr-ofessor Baccelli on, of the error of refraction, 489 ; exophthalmic 14I8 II77 goitre with unilateral eyesymptoms, 629 Mountain sickness, 248 Medicine, the practice of in the New England Milleraining,I567 Mouth,nmembranous inflammation of, 153, 340; colonies, 38; forensic, books on, 67; the old Milligan,W., experiment and clinical experielnce phliegmonous ulceration of the treated with and the new in,I4I ; and life assurance, 350; in etiology, 2225, 1231 epithelioma of the antistreptococcus serum, 1813; The Diseases psychological, instruction in,556; State, in- pharynx, 2233; antrectomy as ameans of of the, J. Mikulicz and W. Kiimmel, rev., struction in, 559; State, instruction and labora- treatment in suppurative ear disease, 2242; 1824 tory classes in, 563; in Holland, 743, 832; sterilisation of nose and throat inistruments, Moxham, M. C., the new vaccination order, 1521 Forensic and Toxicology, J. D. Main, rev., 2244; laryngeal tuberculosis,I246 Moxon, Mr. T. H., obituary notice of, 2176 989; university work in relation to, 2029; pre- Millionaire, a medical,I9I Moynilman, G. A., the fossa duodeno-jejunalis, vention iii the need for a forwardmovelient, Mills, C. K., The Nervous System and its Dis- 1589 0731; the influence of fashion on, 2072, 358; eases, rev., 632 Mozart's ear, 998 the influence of character andright judgment J. H., three simultaneous rashes, 8o6 Mud-baths imi North Italy, 755 in, 2209, i88i in the nineteenth century, 2523; Milroy, T. H., the nature and significance of Mueller, Dr. H. F., obituary noticeI465;of, pro- monarclis and, 1707 leucocytosis, 607; mimetabolism of nucleins posed monument to, 1514 Medicines, patent andm edical shareliolders, under physiologicaland pathological condi- Mugford, G. H., time relief of dental pain,I650 826; quack, whlat the vendors of I73Isay, tiolls, 782; chemicalclianges in pelagic Muir,R., the nature and significance of leuco- Meigham, S.,enutcleation of the eyeball, 488 durinig maturation, 782 cytosis, 604, 608; the blood changes after Meikle, J., gout as a factor in life assurance, 764, Miiiahan, L., miiasseurs and medical electricians, experimentalthyroideetom y,609; pleural irri- 766 ]9IgI tation and pleurisy, ib. Mekran, operations at, 276 Mineral waters. See Waters. __ W. L., difficulties of medical advisers of Melbourne, correspondeimce from, 271 ; the New Minter, Staff-Surgeon E. D., death of, I942 life assuranceoffics, 772; ear disease and life South Wales Branclh of time British Medical Mistress and servant questinntlhe, 1513 assurance,98I Association, 272; treatmnent of appendicitis. Mitchell, W., treatment of bromidrosms,28o Muirhead, C., medicine and life assurance, 350; ib.; the destitute poor, ib.: licensing fees and Mockler-Ferryman, A. F., ImperialAfrica, revi., gout as a factor in life assurance, 766; the the hospitals, ib.; the Infant Life Protection Moffat, R. U., blackwater fever andhliemo- medical advisers of life assurance offices, some Act, ib.;hlealthl of, ib. globinuria, 926 of their difficulties,77;; ear disease and life Melchior, M., septic inifection of urinary tract, Moir, J., the use and abuse of midwifery assurance,o7 e 13I0; electrolytic treatmi ent of inoperable forcePs,479; a table of cases of iiiductiomn of Mullan,theA., sins of teetotallers, I203 malignanttumour,2420 preiature labour,6I9 Mumford, A. A., development of movement of Melsome, W. S., the value of bacteriological exa- Mole,lmydatidiform, fatal caseI884of, hand in infancy, 2878 mination hefore, during, and after surgical Molecular concentration and electrical con- Munk, Dr. W., obituary notice of, 2924 operations, 2332 ductivity, 778 Munro, A. C.. on vaccination. 421 Membrane, tymijpanic rupture of in a diver, 729 Mompesson, Rev. W., work of in fighting the Munyon's remedies, charge against the com- Membranes, serous, multiple inflamnimnation of plague, 1447 pany's phiysiciani, 66i I262 Monaco, British practitioners in, 572 Murder constructive," 224, 255, 1364, 1837, 1922, Mendelsohn, on nursing,I095 Monarchs and medicine, 2707 2920 Menelek, Emiiperor of Abyssinia, and surgical Monckton. F. A., initestinai anitiseptics in dia- Murdoch, J. B., movable kidney in children, operations, I707 betes,1550 meningitis, simple posterior basic in infants, Monkeys, menstruation and ovulationI868in, Muriel, G. J., medical men and unregistered the micro-orgaiisiii2,I57;of, supposed tuber- Monro, T. K., gaseous ammonia, dentists,2523 culous, recoveryfro,, 2256; epidemic, in 2256 Murmur, vascular, of obscure origin, 2554; a Chicago, 25949 Monsarrat, K. W., Surgical Technics in Hospital cardio-pulmonary or a respirato-ry murmur Menstruation, vicarious, case 72*8;Of, cleanliness 'ractice, rev., 241 rhythmical with the heart beats, 1740 during, 2296, 1386; and ovulation in miionkeys Mookerjee, Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel Murphy, Dr. T. J., presentation to, 259 and in the human female,I 868 P. N., death of, 843 Murphy's button. See Button Mental diseases inNorw^vay. 99 Moor, G. G., Applied Bacteriology, rev., 1498 Murray, G. R., the dosage of liquor thyroidei, Mentally defective, the neglect of early training Moore, J., antistreptococcus serum in the treat- "British Pharmnacopcema, 2898," 273; the dia- of, 686; Poor-law provision for. 2896 ment of primary venereal sores and their gnosis of early thyroidal fibrosis, 942 mercantile marine employment2I6in, complications,i6o - Dr. J., obituary notice Of, 578; the late, Mercer, F., the case. 1711 J. E., Orthopae dic Surgery, rev., 634 2664 Mercier, C. A., the plea of insanity in criminal -- J. W., recent clinical experiences of Dr. Mary H., appointed medical inspec- Cases,58 588, 587, 2722; suggestionan d crime, septicmemia and enteric fever, 2747 tor of schiools, 2777 'DEC. 31, X898.] INDEX. TM Ban= xlxii Murray, R. M., tlle use and abuse of midwifery of micro-organisms and their toxins in the Nuns, Spanish, the longevity of, 1857 forceps, 472, 48I; the latency of gonorrhceal production of diseases of the, 970 Nurse, attendance of labour cases by, 235 infection. I558 Netherlands the prevention of tuberculosis in Nurses, board school, Iog; Notes oil Pharmacy R. W., the treatment of spinal caries cattle in, 65 and Dispensing for, C. J. T. Thompson, rev., 2228; treatment of club foot, II34 ; lare-lip and Netley, distribution of prizes at army medical 634; recognition of services of, 754; religious cleft palate, 1I46; treatimient of iltussusception school at, 395; visit of Queen to, 2788 versus lay, 2380; bicycles for, I585; training in young children, 1343 Nettleslhip, E., the Roentgen rays in ophthal- of, I65I; religious and lay, 2793; Sioux Indian, Murray-Aynisley, J. H., xoreign body in the lung, mology,482; renalretinitis, I8i9 I856 abscess, recovery, I I39 Neufeld, (;., as the prisoner of the Khalifa, Nurses' Hostel. See Hostel Museum, the annuai 54, I85, 499, 577; the 913 Nursing, in workhouse infirmaries, 232,222; A annual pathological, 3,3, 370 Neuralgia, trigeminal, excision of the Gasserian Complete Systemof H. Morten, rev., 812 Musgrove, C. D., the eftects of a clhill due to a ganglmon for, 2396 Nux vonmica, the dosage of, 2494 sudden change in temperature amounting to Neurasthenia, The Sexual Causes of, F. Gattel, Nyulasy, F. A., the use anld abuse of midwifery I50s F., 895 rev., 8iI forceps, I724 Muzzling order, revocation of in North York- Neuritis, tuberculous, 2492: peripheral. 2878 shire and Durhamii, si8; anid the London Neuroses, visceral, 2944 0. County Council, 2855 in sawdust as treatment of by 79, Neve, A., chloroform India, I428; Obesity, thyroglandin, 2536H. Myers, Brigade-Sur-geon-Lieutenant-Colonel A. a surgical dressing, 2535 Obituary nlotice of, Mr. H. Case, 59; Mr. R. B., syphilis in thie armiy, I846 E. F., the surgical treatment of cataract, Alford, 121; Surgeon-General J. P. Beatson, - F. W. H., tlle psyclhology of hypnotism, 620: sawdust bags as a surgical dressing. 896; 454 Dr. W. S. Speer, 455 * Dr. J. Murray, 578; (74 hysterical aphasia cured by the administra- Dr. W. Pepper, 663; Dr. G. Roper, 664; Dr. T. Myles, T., radical cure of lherinia by torsion of tion of chloroform, 898 F. I'Anson, 750; Dr. L. R. v. Dittel, ib.; Hon. the sac, I654 Newell, A. G., aseptic midwifery, II05, '535 W. G. Atherstone, 752 ; Dr. J. Wallace, 842; Mr. Myoma of uterus, I931 P., a cheap and effective antiseptic, R. Ellis, 928; Professor J. J. Crocq, 2024; Dr. Myomata, Uterine, tlle Treatinent of J. B. 1731 G. Willis, ib.; Dr. J. E. T. Aitchison, 2207; Dr. Sutton, rev., 721 New England, the practice of medicine in the M. Davis, ib.; Dr. H. Lewis, Ixo8; Dr. K. N. Myopathy, congenital, 1344 colonies of, 38 Bahadurjee, 22021; Dr. D. E. Jones, ib.; Dr. W. Myopia, cases of in whichi the subjective test Newington, H. F. H., on suicide, 683 R. Ancrum, 1375; Lieutenant-Colonel J. Ring, and estimation by retinioscopy showed con- Newman, D., malformatioii of the kidney and 23I6; Mr. T. H. Moxon, ib.; Dr. J. M. V. Pren- siderable difference in the amiioutnt of the error displacements without mobility. 6Io; septic dergast, 2464; Dr. H. F. Mueller, 2465; Sur- of refraction, 489; high, extiactionl of trains- infectiomi of urinary tract, 2302; cases illus- geon-General W. C. Maclean, 259I; Dr. W. F. parent lens in, 489 trating some points of interest in the etiology Cleveland, 2726; Surgeon-General A. Smith, Myositis ossificans, I255 and treatment of renal haematuria, I3I6; the 2787; Sir W. Jenner, 2849; Dr. C. J. Hare, 19I3- Myrtle, A. S., the hot-air batlh in the treatment relative value of the cystoscope and of ureter Dr. W. Munk, 2924; Professor Kanthack, I942; of arthritis, 2745 catheters as aids in the diagnosis of surgical Dr. Campbell Black, I942 Myxmedema, treatmeiit of by thyroglandin, 79 diseases of the kidney, 2422I Obstetrics, Dr. A. R. Simpson on the teaching 1536; in a child, 1432: aind allied disorders, Newsholme. A., on vaccination, 420 Of, 300 '473; case of, 1523 New Soutlh Wales, meat inspection in, 2579 Obstruction, Nasal, W. J. Walsham, rev., 86; Myxofibroma of the optic nerve slheath, 1556 Newspaper prescriptions, 40, 58, 729 intestinal, due to induration of great omen- Myxosarcoiia of orbit, I8I9 that occur in some of tlle sto- tum, 628; in-testinal, Dr. Kocher on, 2298; Newt, changes intestinal, two cases of, lapalotomy, recovery, machl cells of during digestion, 780 from N. New York, a fund for women medical students 1333- fatal intestinal, resulting impac- Nagana disease. See Disease at, io6i: an anticigarette regulation in, II63; tion of gall stone, 2489; Intestinal, D. Bailby, Nail-biting habit, the, 1795 the prevention of tuberculosis in, 1579; medi- rev., i692; intestinal, colotomy for, I842 Napier, A., recovery from supposed tuberculous cal schools in, 2642 Occupations, unhealtliy, books as to, 2927 meningitis, 1256 New Zealand, old-age pensions in, I642 O'Connell, P., large fmetus, I6oo Naples, antirabic vaccination at, 753; results of Nice, the sanitation of, 2894 O'Connor, A., medical students and midwifery, sanitation in the foundling liospital at, 1771 Nicoll. J. H., radical cure of spina bifida, 1242; 432 Nasal. See Nose septic infection of urinary tract, 1322; tlle Ocular. See Eye Nasmytlh, T. G., the lhygienic control of milk of chronic of the pro- O'Dwyer, Dr. J., proposed memorial to, 458 supply, 4I- treatment enlargement for foreign bodies, three cases state, 23r4 Cfsophagotomyfor Naso-plharynx, foreign body removed from tlhe, Nicolson, D., on suicide, 683 of, r329; impacted artificial teetlh, I334; 1235 work of in-the removed by, I6I8 Nightingale, Miss F., the Crimea, tootlh-plate muscular fibres of Nasse, Professor D., the fatal accidenit to, 741 2772 CEsoplhagus, tlle, 85, 698; Naunyn, B., Der Diebetes Mellitus, rev.. 2435 Nippers, intragastric, I867 idiopathic hmypertroply of, 2432; excision of Navy, An3erican, rank of miiedical officers in tlhe, the shell of the rock limpet as a, part of, x605; stricture of the, retrograde dila- 842 Nipple shield, tation from the stomach, I877 German, freedoni of froin small-pox, 848 from Ogilvie, G., syphilis in the ariiiy, 739 Nitch-Smith, Dr., rescue of boy drowning melanotic sarcoma of I585 body, Italian, hlealth of the, 1292 by, 212 Ogle, C., tlle pineal the Japanese, duiring the Cllino-Japanese Nitre, sweet spirit of, I639 I745 war, 992 Niven, G. W., supernumerary ribs, 2732 Ogston, A., the wounds produced by modern R.oyal, promotioni and appointments in and in the small-bore bullets, 823; the force developed Nodules, bony cartilaginous tonsils, bullets on medical service of, 24, 131, 208, 276, 396, 455, 525, 2254 by impact, 2940 life-table 578, 659, 752, 843, 928, 2025, Iio8, 1201, 1377, 1465, Noises, street, 42, 256 Oldham, food poisoning at, 496; the 2527, 1593, 2657, 1727, 2784, 1789, I855, i960; regula- Noma of the a bacteriology of, for, 2834; the objector at, x9o5 tions ear, case of, 724; conscienltiouspregiwncy, five for admnissioni to the mnedical service of, 2095 Oliver, J., extrauteriine anteriormoimths'abdo- 566; successful candidates for tlle inedical ser- " Non-combatant," a, killed in action, 42 fwtus, placenta implanted on vice of, 2594; the surgical outfit of, I702, 2722, Noott, R. H., the plea of insanity, 2722 minal wall, operation, recovery, I6I3 2847, 2954 Nordrach, the rational treatment of phthisis at T., cerebral tumour successfully removed I the UJnited States, the miiedical department the sanatorium at, 983 by opelation, 2607 of 1512 Norman. C., the ocular phenomena in general Omiidurman, the battle at, 745 Neale, R., eleplhantiasis in Enigland, 67; doses of occur- Omentum, great, intestinal obstruction due to paralysis of the insaime, 688; beri-beri induration 628 iodide of potassium, 460 ring in temperate cliimiates, 872 of, W. H., a case of double placenta, 2684 Normington, A. E., external dislocation of the O'Neill, H.. some advances in brain surgery, Nebelthau, E., Gehirndurelhsclinitte sur Eliiu- elbow, I7 terung des Fasserverlaufes, rev., I347 North Wales the climatology of and tle open- 2537 J. A., on electrocution, I284 Nebuliser, a, I866 air treatment of phthisis. I293 Onze Annues de Pratique Chirurgicale du Doe- Needle douche and double force irrigator, x866 cremation British teur Andres F. Llobet, rev., 239 Norway, in, 278; praotition- on domestic animals and Porro's Neisser's diagnostic staiin for the diphtheria ers ih, 572; mental diseases in, 999 Oophorectomy bacillus, 599 Norway, N. E., intestinal aiitiseptics in diabetes, operation, 2520 Nelsonl, J., presidential address to Ulster Medi- 1812 Ootacamund, the insanitation of, 753 cal Society, of 8i; an Operations, inquests after, 662; as a cause of I558 Nose, malignant polyus the, opera- I violence," The and Nelson's wound at the battle of the Nile, 37 tioni to remove the deformity from a fracture death by 734; Typical Nephrotomy for obscure hoimorrhage from and displacement of the triangular cartilage their Perlormance onl the Dead Body, E. Rot- single kidney, 2547 of the, 2234; repair of the bridge of the by a ter, rev., 2262; surgical, value of bacteriological Nerve, optic glioma of the, 2340; riglht optic, i-abbit bonie, 2431; the diagnosis of suppura- examinations before, after, and during, 2332 left hemiplegia associated witlh atrophy of tion in the accessory cavities of, I56I Ophthalmia, sympathetic, 207; in Newly-born the, 1432; optic, myxofibroma of sheath of, Notes, Literary. See Literary Children, S. Stephenson, rev., Io65; in West Notification, a defect in the system of, 5I3, 644; Prussia, x281; sympathetic, beginningfourteen - Cells, Normal and Patlhological Anatomy of syphilis in Prussia, 648; of childbirth, I008; days after excision of the injured eye, I8Ig; of A. Goldsclleider and E. Flatau, rev., cases of of neonatorum, 2842 722: of doubtful typhoid fever, I468; Dr. D. A. Robertson on the pro- micro-chemistry of tlle, 778; Researches cn puerperal fever, 270 Ophthalmology, in the Structure of the, A. Buliler, rev., 822; facial, Nottingham, the mel ical profession and con- gress of, 308l the Roentgen rays in, 482; wound of the during operations on the mas- tract practice at, Vienna, notes on. 8i8 toid, 2240 -MedicaC4Union. See Union Opie, E. A., condensed milk and tuberculosis, in intracranial blood Nerves the occurrence of Novy, F. G., Laboratory Work in Physiological 2384 inoculations vess;ls, 782 Chemistry, rev., 2936 Oporto, antirabic at, I98 Nervous disease, cases of, 2342, I620 Nucleins. miietabolism of under physiological Oppel, 0., Leharbuchi der vergleichenden mikro- - System, The and its Diseases, C. K. and pathological conditions, 782 skopischen Anatomie der Wirbelthiere, rev., Mills, ren., 632: The Central, Contribution to Nuel, P., the absorption of aqueous humour by 242 the Pathology and Pathlological Anatomy of, the iris. 483 Oppenhicim, hI., Lchlibuch der Nervenkrank- A. Pick, rev., 8Io; central peripleral, influence Nugent, E. J., the case of, I960 liciten fiir Aelzte, rev., 2564 THE BImsI I 2xxV MEDICAL JOUILALJ INDEX. [DEC. 31, i89F*

Oppenheim N., The Development of the Child, tion, 2399; diplitherial, 2522; diphtherial, the Patenting of diphtheria antitoxic serum, 643,, rev. . 1064 pathology or, 2540; chronic syphilitic spinal, 996, Ioo8, I843 Oration, the Harveian, 1209 the pathological changes in, 2922 Paterson, A. M., abnormalities as a clue to nor- Orbit,, cavernous angioma of, 62;* malignant Parasite, tlle malarial, and the mosquito, 849: mal development, 696; the development of the disease of the, 1344; fracture of inner wall of of the pernicious malarial fever in British sympathetic system in elasmobranchs, 7200 into anterior etlimoidal cell, 156I; myxosar- Guiana, 869 Pathological Technique. F. B. Mallory and J. H. coma of, I8I9 Parathyroid, accessory, in the human subject, Wright, rev., 722 Ord, W. M., myxcedema and allied disorders, 1253 Patlhology in general practice, I649; Professc IJ73 Paris, correspondence from, 225, 205, 270, 449, Virchow on tbe value of experiment in, 2945 Order, the Distinguished Service,-appointments 656, 838, I007, 2203, 2295, 2280, 2368, 246I. 2524, Patients and practitioners. 847 to, I789 1583, I651, 1720, 2780; general news froom, II5, Paton, D. N., intestinal absorption, 777; proto- of St. John of Jerusalem, admission of 656, 838, ioo8, 2280, 2368, 2583; liquefied air on plasm and zymic action, 780; chemicalchanges honorary serving sisters of, 754 draughit, II5; lunatics at large, ib.; improve- in pelagic ova. 782 Orders, foreign, for medical men, 2202 ments at the Morgue, ib. ; the Bor deaux Pauper. medical officer's report of illness of to Organism, The Natural Defences of the, A. bureaux de bienfaisance, 205 ; miedical pi e- Board of Guardians, 24 Charrin, rev., i88o parations for a cycle, race, ib.; the French -Paul, G., germ-free lymph, 1095 Organotherapy in diabetes, 1269, I664 Society of Hygiene, ib.; the protection of F. T., immunity after excision of malig- Ormerod, J. A., micro-organisms and the pro- infant life, 270 poisonous perfunies, 272 nant disease, 2343 duction of diseases of thie central peripheral refuges for indigent people, ib.; matchlmaking Paulin, D., medical fees for life insurance ex- nervous system, 974 without phosphorus, ib.; the milk supply of, aminations, 1384 Ormsby, L. H., a century's progress in surgery, 449; a new biological institute, ib.; sick leave Pavements, wooden,652: wood, the unhealthi- 1271 in the army, ib.; the spitting nuisance, ib.; ness of, a suggested remedy, 749 08 calcis, tender lheel due to exostosis of, II59 infant mortality, 656; neglected sanitation, lb.; Payne, J. F., oIi the pineal body, I746 - uteri. See Uterus. the recent great heat, ib.; bequests to the Peace scare, the, 643 Osborn, S., what is "first aid ?" 1200 medical faculty of Lyons, ib.; nmeasles in the Pdan, Madame, presentation by of pathological Osler, W., beri-beri occurring in temperate Frenclh army, 838: the open-air treatment of and anatomical casts to the HOpital St. Louis, 'climates, 876; treatment of acute dysentery by insanity, lb.; small-pox as Nature's scavenger, 388 large enemata, 877; on hepatic cirrhosis, 952; ib.; surgical practice of hospitals in, 932, Pearls, epithelia], in the tonsil, 2431 rheu-matic heart disease in clhildren II32 the special courses in the medical schools of, Pearmain, T. H,, Applied Bacteriology, rev., 1499 clinical value of enlargement of the spleen, IC07: the medical attendance at the bureaux Pearson, A. E., enteric fever complicated witlb I590 de bienfaisance, ib * the prevention of bovine pregnancy. I259 Osseous system in the insane, 2677 tuberculosis, ib.; the notification of clhildbirth, C. Y., thie treatment of spina bifida by Osteo-arthropathy, pulmonary, two cases of, 2008; stray dogs, ib ; medical counicillors, lb.; open operation," 1393 It43 a metropolitan railway for, 2i03; dispensary Peat wool, Beraudine, 635 Osteomalacia, case of, 2493 midwives, lb.; a doctorate of pharmacy, ib.; Pechell, M. L., Professions for Boys, and How to O'Sullivan, A. C.. early lip cancer, 1957 intermittent liemeralopia, lb. a dental Enter Tlhem, rev., 89 Otitis media followed by mastoid abscess in an congress, ib.: sanatoria for tuberculous Peculiar People, the, 65, 2378; and the law, 1832 infant aged 5 weeks, operation, recovery, I55I; patients, 2295- escape of lunatics from IPedder, Private, recon3niended for Victoria suppurative, complicated by liyperplasia of the asylums, 'ib. ; medical reform, ib.; the CroSs, 2276 meatus I874 abuse of hospitals in. 2280; the Gynaecolo- Pegler, L. H., ear disease and life assurance, 982 Otology, iaryngology, and rlhinology, the mutual gical Congress at Marseilles, 128I; army an operation to remove the deformity from a relationship and clinical value of experimen- medical service manceuvres, ib.; Professor fracture and displacement of the angular car- tal research and cliniical experiment in, 1220; Pinard on puericulture, 2368; action against a tilage. 2234 teaching of in tlle proposed new university for Lyons surgeon, lb.: revaccination of French Pellagra, in Egypt, 88I: in Austria, 1320 Birmingham, i656 medical students. lb.; medical assistance for Pelvis, the promontory and build of the, 256 Ova, pelagic, chemiiical chaniges in during matu- the poor in France, 146I; the treatment of Pembrey, M. S., the physiological action of ration, 782 consumptives in; ib.; medical superintendencee hydr-astine hydroclhorate, 2052 Ovarian Juice, the Plhysiological and Thera- of thleatres, I462; ieform of the Assistance Pemphigus foliaceus, case of, 1560 peutic Effects of, L. B. dc Camboulas, rev., Publique, 1524; the Paris Anthropological Penis, fibromyoma, of, I56i; epithelioma of, 2934 87 Society, lb.; the supply of provisions to tlle Pennington, Brigade-Sur-geon, F., death of, 2527 Ovariotomy, unusual cases of, 359; the develop- lhospitals of, ib; treatimient of street drunken- Penrose, C, B., A Textbook of Diseases of Womiieik ment of,lb.; and Abdominal Surgery, H. Cripps, ness in, 2536; a new clinic in the HOpital St. rev., i 47 rev.. 2562 Antoine, 2583; wine drinking in La Vend6e, F .G. diphtherial paralysis, 1522 Ovaritis, unusual case of, i.56o ib.; the heating of cabs, lb.; alcoholism in Pension, claim for under Superannuation Act, Ovary, conservative surgery of thc. 792 France, I651, 2722; the lhealth of the French I792 Overcoats, poisonous, 17C6, 1897 Army, lb.; thetrainiingof nurses, ib.; the death Pensions, assured for lunatic asylums officials, Ovulation and ilienstruation in rnonkeys_and in of Dr. Gruby. ib.; typhoid fever and water, 296; old age and invalidity, 642: old-age, in the human female, i868 2720; contract medical practice, ib.; physical New Zealand, I641; old-age, and sick insur- Ovum, from case of early abortion, I618 education, ib.; the water supply of, 2780; con- ance, 2772 Owen, E., the library and the work of the Medi- tract medical practice, lb.; inifant mortality in Penzance, unqualified medical practice at, 2290 cal Society of London, iii8; the operative Brittany, ib.; hospital abuse in, 2835; female Pepper. Dr. W., death of, 495; obituary notice of, treatment of cleft palate, 139I; gastro-enter- shop assistants at, I857 663; monument to, 734 ostomy for inoperable disease of the pylorus, Parisatologie, A. Weiclhselbaum, rev., 2348 Perchoride of iron. the treatment of hvemat- I554; a distinct variety of hip-joiint disease in Parker, R., nine cases of hepatic and biliary emesis by, II8; action of glycerine on, 400: children and young personis, i6I5 surgery, 88o; gumma of liver, 2493; on the-ex- the treatment of pneumonia by, 1488 Oxford, the prevention of tuberculosis at, cision of some car-buncles, 1604 Perfumes. poisonous, 272 notes remote results of, sup- I776 PARLIAMENT.-Medical inl, 44, IIT, 299, 257; Pericarditis, tlle JOI-;inci- Oxygen, treatment of wounds by, 520; at hiigh the Vaccination Bill, 44, 222, 299, 257, 337, 379, purative. treated by cartilage resection, tension, the pathological effects of breathing, 429; the Prisons Bill, 44; the new warrant, lb.; sion and drainage, broncho-pneumonia, death, 6Io Indian Medical Service, ib.: barrack schools, I605 Oysters and liuman disease, 836, 2i98, 2374, 1463 ib.; calf lymph, ib.; the Habitual Inebriates Peritonitis, acute, 2522 Ozanne, G., ti-eatment of acute dysentery by 99, 337, the London Univer- Perkins, G. S., treatment of gastro-intestinal Bill, III', 257, 429: micturition after large enemiiata. 878 sity Bill, 222, 299, 257, 337, 379; the Poisons Bill, atony, 58o; frequent parturi- I99; vaccinatioii, I99; ITI; tion, 173I III, III, vivisection, - P. deatlh certification at Walsall, iii ; the Lunacy T., an antivivisectionist fiasco, 2288 Packard, F. R., the practice of mnedicine in the Bill, 299; the Irisli Local Governinent Bill, ib.; Perlia, R., Kroll's stei-coskopiselie Bilder fur New England colonies, 38 the Phar-macy Acts Amendment Bill, lb.; re- Schielende, rev., i88I Page, F., case of simiple stricture of the pylorus port of the Army Medical Department, 257; Pernet, G., medicine in Holland, 832 in which a stronig band was found extending lead poisoning, ib.; i-etiring age of army medi- Peroxide of hydrogen in psoriasis, 1732 between the liver andthe pylorus,pyloraplasty, cal officers, lb.; priva.te patients in public Perrott, Dr. C. J., and the medical officership of cure, 237 lunatic asylums, ib.; repor ts of Lunacy Com- the Oldland District of theWarmley Union, 138c0 - H., ankylosis of lower jaw treated by re- lb. Peru, British practitioners in, 572 ' missioners, unqualified assistants, 337; moval of wedge from the lower condyle, 1432 advertisements and illegal practices, ib. ; Pest, Bubonenpest, Scheube, rev., 1935 Pain, dental, the relief of, 1650o tuberculosis, lb.; venereal disease in India, Peters, G. A, a nlew and original method of Paisley, enteric fever at, I085, 1837 lb.; lead and phosplhorus poisoning, 379 making casts, 622, I586 Pakes, W. C. C., blackwater fever, I875; the pre- Parotitis, traumatic, 7I7 Petruscliky. bacteriology of noma, 1095 paration of blood films, I876 Parovarium, cyst of, 2342 Pfeiffer, E., on small-pox and vaccination, I095 Palm, T. A., aseptic midwifery, iro4 Parry, R. H., cases of spasmodic torticollis, Phalanx, ungual, of tlhumb, compound disloca- Plsy, facial, and ptosis, 2I6 1403 tion of, i6 Pamphlet, an advertising, 2342, 2364, 2452, 1493 Parsons, H. F., half a century of sanitary pro- iPharmacopceia, 2898," a note on the, 1057 ^ Pamphlets, undesirable, 2378 gress and its results, 2622, 2787 errata in, I649; tIme evolution of the, 1827 Pancreatitis, haemorrlhagic, I816; acuite, ib. Partner, junior, eligibility of for office vacated Pharmacy as a profession for women, 68; The- Pane1 N., the antipDeumococcal serum of, 2277 by senior, I380 Latin Grammar of, J. Ince, rer., 725; Practical, Panting in auscultation, 848 Partnership, dissolution of, 454 E. W. Lucas, rev., 2935 Paraffin casts, Professor Peters's method of, 621, Parturition, frequent micturition after, 273r; Pharynx, epithelioma of the, 2233 748 840, 2208, I586, 2725 sudden death twelve days after, I878 Phelps, C., Traumatic Injuries of the Brain andl ParaIdehyde, diabetes insipidus treated by, 629 Party politics, public healths and, 644 its Membranes, reev., 720 Paralysis, post-diplhtherial, 593; general, of the Pasha of Egypt, a dental operation, 436 Philadelphia, correspondence from, 2584; insane, thie ocular phenomena in, 687: infan- Patella, fractured, 2428; treatment of fracture typhoid fever and the returning soldiers, ib.; tile, tendon grafting in, 2239; Landry's, in a of by the open method and suture, i668 the medical, dental, veterinary, and pharma- girl, 1337; traumatic musculo-spiral, with "Patent medicines," British, prohibition of sale ceutical schools of, ib. restoration of function after secondary opela- of in Austria, 5I8 Philip, R. W., universal applicability of the DEC. 3I, I898.] INDEX. rLMEDICALTHF BRITISHJOURNAL XXV

open-air treatment of pulmoniary tuberculosis, Chadderton, 1456; by meat at Atherton, 1469; Prescriptions, newspaper, 40, 48, 719; the writing 2I7 by food in the German army, 1532; by primula, of, i599, 1664, 1796 Philippines, a Chinese regiment for, 338; the 1535; by water gas, I560; by meat, the present Presentation to, Mr. A. T. Wooldridge, 66; Dr. diseases of, 373; lhydroplhobia in, 1381 kniowledge of outbreaks due to, I797 A. G. Davey, 132; Dr. W. J. Murphy, I59; Dr. Phillips, C. D. F., the plhysiological action of Poisons, plhotographers', 40 W. T. Beeby, 213; Dr. G. B. Morgan, 247; Mr. hydrastine hydroclilorate, 1052; recenlt syn- Bill. See Bill S. Macauley, 336; Mr. J. Cliapman, 394; Dr. F. thetic analgesics, 1054 Polak, the hygienic value of wood pavement, W. Lewis,4'9; Dr. C. Bannatyne, 517; Dr. 0. E. P., the value of venesection, 1874 652 Collingwood, 651; Dr. D. Mackechnie, 666; Dr. - F. L., consultants for medical aid asso- Polanid, J., Traumatic Separation of the Epi- R. W. Roberts, ib.; Mr. G. H. Ward-Humph- ciations, I91I physes, rev., I935 reys, 832; Dr. J. Brunton, 993* Mr. G. H. S., chyluria in a boy, 1431; the treat- Police, the liability of, III0 French, ib.; Dr. R. Main, ib.; Dr. W. Gray, ment of typhoid fever, I485, 1492; early feeding " Policlinic," 1964 1292; Dr. F. J. Waring, ib.; Dr. W. E. StL. in typhoid fever, 1656 Pollard, Mr. A. J., presentation to, I9R0 Finnjy, 13I6; Dr. J. Brown, 1493; Dr. T. Goldie- Phosphorus in lucifer matches, 496 Pollatshek, A., Die therapeutischlen Leistungen Scot, x660; Mr. J. E. Dunn, ib.; Dr. J. B. poisoning and match making, 195 des Jahres, I897, rev., I826 Russell, 1707; Mr. G. J. R. Lowe, 1725; Dr. W. Photographers' poisonS, 40; skin disease, 648 Pollock, J. E., lime bags, 135 Armistead, 1728; Dr. W. J. Howarth. I792; Photographs withiout camiiera or , 830 Polypus, malignant, oh nose, 8I Mrs. Richardson Cross, ib.; Dr. H. T. Sylvester Phthisis, cases of treated with guaiacolate of Pons, a case o1 localised lesion of tlle, 962; Var- i856; D. J. Burns, I909; the Connauglit Hospi- piperidine, 154; the open-air treatment of in olii, lhcemorrhage into, io6i; tuniour of the, tal Alderslhot, 1915; Dr. 11. C. Major, I917; Mr. South Africa, 948, I796, i86o; the rational treat- 1I878 A. J. Pollard, I930 ment of at Nor-dirachi, 983; the clLmatology of Poole, T. D., addresses to medical students, iia6, Pressure, vascular, tile significance and con- North Wales and the open-air treatinent of, I464 sequence of different states of, 933, 1287; the 1193. See also Consuimiption 46 Surgeon-Major, W. C. T., report on case of value in the treatment of wounds, I688 Physician, title of. See Hunter, H. K. gunsliot wound of throat received in action in Priestley, Sir W., the use and abuse of midwifery Physiology, Researches in the Laboratory of TJirah, recovery, 17 foreeps, 477 M. C. iichet, rev., 1499; Experimenital and Poor Law, reform of administration of, 1450; Primula obconica, recurrent poisoning by, I159, Descriptive, B. S. Coltoii, rev,., 3563 tuberculous patients under tlle, I89 1472, 1535 Pick, A., Beitr-age zur Patlhologie und patlio- Poore, G. V., water famines, 747; on Sir W. Prince, H. T., fees under the new vaccination logischen Anatomie des Centralnervetn- Jenner, I852 ordel, 1719 systems, rev., 8Io Pope, the, the lhealth of, 449, 1583 Prince Bismarck and the medical profession, - T. P., the union of wounds, 1733 Population of the great towns of England, value 5"I Pickett, J.. an appeal on behalf of the widow of of tlle present method of estimating, 404 of Wales, the accident to, 252, 317, 375; the late J. McG. Laing, 136, 1385 Porencephaly, bilateral occipital, case or, 96I the Paris correspondent of "Truth" on the Pig bile in Graves's disease, 1842 PoiTo's operation and oophorectomy on domestic accident to, 433; the health of, 574; honours Pigmentation in lymphocytes? appearance of animals, 1510 for medical attendants on, Io88; the recovery in relation to the diagnosis of malaria, 88I Porto-Rico, medical practice in, 1836 of the, 1636 Pike, W. W., aseptic midwifeiy, 1285 Portsmouth, depOt sore throat at, 40 Principal, and locum tenens, 58o, I208; and as- Pim, A. A., puerperal pyrexia treated by anti- Portugal, formation of Association of Medical sistant, 66i, 752, 1378 streptococcus serum, 1489 Practitioners in, 212; British practitioners in, Prison medical service,,regulations for admis- Pinard Professor, on puericulture, I368 57' sion to, So8 Pineal body, discussion on at the Pathological Post, transmission of morbid products by, 495 Prisoners, sick, 43 Society of London, I745 Post-graduate study in London proposed Col- Pritchard, 0., the sale of abortifacients, 117 Pitt, N., hyperpyrexia in a neurotic woman lege, for 198, 320, 557; course in London, 998 U.. ear disease and life assurance, with bronchiectasis, 1552; acute pancreatitis, Post-graduation stuciy, 524, 557 q8o; epithelioma of time pharynx, I233; SUp- I8i6 Potassium iodide. See Iodide purative middle-eardisease, 1237 Pitts, B., transperitoneal ligature of the iliac Potter (The) and Lead Poisoning, W. D. Prender- Prize, Alvarenga, award of, 635; subject of, 1660 arteries, 1817 gast, rev., I58 Parkes memorial, subject, etc., of, I526 Placenta, prolonged retention of in recurrent J. C., mode of delivery in a case of im- Prizes, scientific, 214 abortions, 7M7; pracvia, treatment of, I621; pacted slioulderpresentation, 1428 Proctor-Tims, F. R., treatment of chronic gonor- double, a case of, I684; expulsion of the, 1795; Potteries, lead poisoning in the, 245 rhcea, 280 prievia, with interstitial uterine fibroids, I8I9 Potts, F., the open-air treatment of plltlhisis, Profession, the niedical and contract practice, Plague, the, in the East. 23, 203, 505, 655 822, I002, 1383 34, 115, 203, 370, 447, 729, 992, I354, I5I6, I645, I696, I098, II78, 1277, I366, 1455, 1518, I566, I647, I698, J. A., epileptiform convulsions during 1838 I907 ; thle and the community, the recipro- 1.776, 1841, I906, 1951; public iecognition of work anaesthesia, 236 cal duties of, 28I the medical and the mode of in in India, 39; thie Inldian medical service and, Pougues-les-Eaux as a health resort, 728 entering it, 521 ; medical in Britain, historical iI8i; the value of evacuationi in the preventioii Pounds, T. H., ether pneumonia, 1200 sketch of, 799; the medical and its difficulties of epidemics of, 203; bubonic, Professor Kochl Powell, A., acquired tongue-tie, I875 and its rewards, 1067; the medical, in its rela- on, 205; bananas andt 252; oU board a P and Power D'A., otitis media followed by mastoid tion to the State, xo6g; and the Medical Acts, 0. steamer, 3I8, 39I- in Hotg Kong, 5II ; ill abscess in an infant aged 5 weeks; operation, 16.34, 1643, 31955 India, Dr. W. J. Simpson on, 853; the testing recovery, 1551 Professions for Boys and How to Enter Them of Haffkine's proplhylactic in plague-stricken - J. H., the history of a canlcerous family, M. L. Pechell, rev., 89; the legal and medica tiommunities ill Iidia, 856; an account of the '54 and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 25 1 aneasures taken to conltrol the epidemic of in 154 Miss L., the fatal accident to, 378 Professor, what is a ? 848 the city of Bombay during the years I897-98, Poynton, F. J., rheumatic dilatation of the Promontory, the, and the build of the pelvis, £58, 92I ; the pathology of, 858; how our fore- he,art in the rheumatism and chorea of child- 156 fathers fought the, 903; in Sind, 921; in India, hlood, 19; cardiac disease and life assurance, Propaganda, antivaceination, 246 Mr. Hankin on, I095; inoculation for, 1207* ill 762; rheumatic heart disease in children, I133, Prostate, treatment of chronic enlargement of, Vienna, 1276, 1336, 1445, i66o; how it was fought 1296 1314 ; castration forenlargement of, I46 in an English village in the seventeentlh cen- Practice, by unregistered persons, 103; medical, Prostitutes. examination of in Prussia. 753 tury, 1447; appointlmients for of medical men the risks of, 209; contracts in restraint of, 454; Prostitution and Diseases of Women, M. Flesch, as to, I636; and army medical officers, 1657, price of share of, 58o; purchase of, 662; value rev., 88 I9I5 ; on the ss. " Caledonia," 1833; propagation of share of, 667; in the Transvaal, 743; un- Protoplasm, animal and vegetable, action of of by insects, I9o6; in the "Golconda," '949 qualified, 752- law of purchase of, II12; ap- anaesthetics on, 775; and zymin action. 780 Plant Physiology (Practical), W. Detmei, rev, Rointments and the value of a, ib. ; unquali- Protozoa, as Causes of Disease in Man and the ied medical at Penzance, I290; foreign, value Domesticated Animals, G. Schneidemtlhl, rev., Playfair,I879 J., pregnancy in relation to life assur- of, I963 I063 ance, 766, 769 Practise, the riglht to, I634, I643 Proudfoot, T., death in childbirth, ioII Dr. W., complimentary dinner to, io0; Practitioner, unregistered, conviction of a, 277; Prussia, notification of syphilis in, 648; examin- the use and abuse of midwifei-y forceps, 476 medical and patient, ib.; general and con- ation of prostitutes in, 753; morphinomania, Plekn, F., Die Kamerun-Kuste, rev., 899 sultant, 1471 1017 Plenty and famine in the Middle Ages, 197 Practitioners, degrees for, 559; patients and, Pryce, T. D., vaccination and small-pox, I848 Pleurae, irritation of and pleurisy, 6o0 847 Prynne, as an ale drinker. io88 Pleurisy and pleural irritation, 609 Pregnancy, clhorea complicating, 84, 806; Psoriasis, peroxide of hydrogen in, 1731 Plombi6res, the waters of, 460 ccling and, 215; abdominal, laparotomy, re- Psychology of sex, 1466 Plowden, Mr. and the charge of perjury against covery, 237; in relation to life assurance, 766; Ptosis and facial palsy, 216 asmedical man, 1945 unsuspected in a young girl, I2o8; tubo-abdo- PUBLIC HEALTH.-Health of English and Scotch Plumbers, the registration of, 930, 1532 minal, I491; vaginal bacteria in, 1509; enteric towns, 24, 130, 211, 244, 398, 457, 517, 665, 752, 845, IPlumbism, acute, death from, 209 fever cornplicated with, 1559; extrauterine, ,929, ioi6, II09, I1204, 129I,t 1380, I468t 153I, 1596, Plulal qflices, 929 five months' fretus, placenta implanted on 659, 1728, 1791, 1917, I960; tlieadvancement Pneumonia, treatment of by digitalis, 235; Dr. anterior abdominal wall, operation7 recovery, of during the last quarter of a century, I39; G. A. Balfour on the treatment of. 297 ; ether, 1613: extrauterine of twelve years duration, English urban mortality, 210, 1203; vital sta is- 939, 1200, 374; infantile, clinical types of, 1148; 1620; successful splenectomy in, 1769; incar- ties of London sanitary districts, 243, 1379; ;acute, the aclvantages of venesection in, 1339; cerated ovarian dermoid tumours during, zymotic mortality in London, 397, 1467; the three cases of, 1343; treatment of by iron per- x8i8 ; repeated ectopic, 1933 Registrar-General's quarterly return, 456, 1531; chloride, 1488 Premium, advanced rate of, does evidence of in Italy, 639; and party politics, 644 Pocklington, potable water at, 212 limited family vitality call for it ? 762 Puericulture, Professor Pinard on, 1368 Poisoning, by carbonic oxide at Snaefell, 32; by P-rendergast, Dr. J. M. V., obituary notice of, Puerperium complicated by cerebral heemor- camphor liniment, 717, 986; by sulphonaI, case 1464 rhage, 2I6 of, 8o8, 1337, i821; recurrent by the primula -464 W. B., The Potter and Lead Poison- Puffin Island, the biological station at, 742 lobeonica, 1159, 1472; by cannabis indica, re- ing, rev., I58 Pumice stone, the use of, 68 *covery, II59; by morphine in an infant, 1251, Prentice, G., blackwater fever, 868; treatment of Puinjab. sanitary report of for 1897, 1265; the 1795; by seous ammonia, 1256; by food at acute dysentery by large enemata, 877 lunatic asylumg of, 1266 * THE BarRI- 811 I XXVl MLDICAL JO;I1.NALj INDEX. [DF(-'. 31, 1898.

Purchaser, rights of on sale of goods, 277 Reid, E. W., secretion of bile in man, 775; tlle ib.; Besson, A.. Technique Microbiologique et Purdy, J. R., rapid digital dilatation of os uteri selective power of tissues, 776 intestinal S6roth6irapeutique, 633; Herzen, V., Guide et during labour, 2I6 absorption, 776, 777 Formulaire de Therapeutic G6ndrale et Purefoy, R. D., clinical report of the Rotunda G., on the pollution of rivers, 404 Speciale, 633; Lean's Royal Navy List, 634: Lying-in Hospital. 82I T., demonstration on the histology of the Thompson, C. J. S., Notes on Pharmacy and Puritans, thirsty, 930 cornea 483 Dispensing for Nurses, ib.; Moore. J. E., Ortho- Purslow. C. E., ovum from a case of early abor- Reinhardt, C., surface drainage as a source of pedic Surgery, ib.: Bannatyne, G. A., Rlieuma- tion, I6i8 drinking water, i0o6 toid Arthritis, tb. ; Tonta. I., Raggi di Pyelitis, the diagnosis of, 152 Relief, medical. See Medical Rontgene e loro Praticele Applicazioni, ib.; Pylephlebitis and enteric fever, 2930 Renal. See Kidney Hinsdale, G., Syrinigomyelia, ib.; Carpenter, Pylorus. case of sinmple stricture of in which a - Growths, their Pathology, Diagnosis, G., Chavasse's Advice to a Mother on the strong band was found extending between the and Treatment. T. N. Kelynack, rev., 226I Management of Her Children, ib.- Cooke, liver and pylorus, pyloroplasty, recovery, 237; Renner, W., elephantiasis of the vulva, 898 T., and Cooke, F. G. H., Tablets of Anatomy, a new method of resection of, 2408; congenital Renton, J. C., treatment of diseases of the 720; Fox, G. H., Skin Diseases of hypertrophic stenosis of the, 1490; resection stomach, 2330; the surgical treatment of Children, ib. Plhelp, C., Traumatic' of, 2492; gastro-enterostomy fox inoperable sciatica, 2402 Injuries of the Brain alldits Membranes, with disease of, 2554 Report, annual of the chief inspector of a Special Sttldy of Pistol-shot Wounds of the Pyrexia, puerperal, treated by antistreptococcus factories and workshops for the year I897, Head in their Medico-Legal and Surgical serum, 2489; paradoxical, 2552, 1576. 1927 726 Relations, ib.; Goldscheider, A., and Flatau, Reports and Transactions, rev., 242, 633, 724, 8iI, E., Normale und pathologische Anatomie der Q. 2262, I565, I882 Nerven-zellen aut Gruncd der neueren For- Quack medicines, what the vendors of say, I731 Respiration, further experiences of dangers schungen, 722; Mallory, F. B., and Wright, , clerical. episcopal prohibition of, 930 connected with and their avoidance, 220 J. H., Pathological Technique, ib. ; Sutton, Quadruplets, a case of, 2429 Respiratory capacity, imiportance of increasing J. B., On the Treatment of Uterine Quarantine, report, the Canadian, I94; after the in the anaimias of young adults, 931 Myomata, ib. Weber, H., and Weber, F. P., diphtheria, 1731 Exercises in the Treatment of Dis- The Mineral Waters and Health Resorts of Queen, visit of to Netley Hospital, 2788 ease, H. Campbell, rev., 88, 275, 450 Europe, 722; Jeannel, M., Chirurgie de l'In- Queirolo, G. B., La Cura Dietetica della Febre Responsibilities. medical, in cases of temporary testin, ib.; Cestan, E., La Therapcutique des Tifoide, rev., 8Io; the pathogenesis of icterus, aberration, 65 Empybmes, ib.; Dollar, J. A. W. and Wheat- 22377 Rest in the treatment of diseases of the skin, ley, A., A Handbook of Horse-shoeing, 72 Quetta, the health of, 2764 6, 737 Labadie-Lagrave, F., aid Legueu, F., Traiid Quill, Lieutenant-Colonel R. H., the treatment "it esuscitator," intragastric, I866 Mddico-Chirurgical de Gyndcologie, ib.; Rov- of chronic dysentery, 1013; greenl stools in Retainer system, the, 147I sing, T., Klinische und experimentelle Unter- enteric fever, I252 Retinitis, hvemorrhagic subconjunctival, blood- suchungen iiber die infektiisen Krankheiten Quinine as a prophylactic in malaria, 1200; letting folr, x55 ; renal, I8I9 der Harnorgane, 724; Ince, J., The Latin blackwater fever and, 2287 Revaccination of inmates of institutions, 658; of Grammar of Pharmacy, 725; Targett, J. H., French medical students, 1368 Appendix XI to the Second Edition of the De- R. REVIEWS AND NOTES ON BOOKS:- Burdett's scriptive Catalogue of the Pathological Speci- Rabagliati, A. C. F., on Christian science, Isog Hospitals and Charities, I898, the Yearbook of mens contained in the Museum of the Royal Rabbit, repair of the bridge of tlhe nose y a Philanthropy and Hospital Annual, 22; The College of Suirgeons, ib.; Atkinson, T. R., bone of, 143x; restoration of the slhaft of the Centuries: A Chronological Synopsis of His- Aids to Examinations, ib.: Shaffer, N. M., ulna by the insertion of the femur of, I553 tory on the "Space-for-Time" Method, 22; Brief Essays on Orthopaedic Surgery, ib.; Rum- Rabies, decline of, I66I Thompson, J. A., and Cantlie, J., Prize Essays ney, A. W., Cycle Touring, ib.; MacEwan, P., Race, influence of in surgical affections, 3I on Leprosy, ib.; Brandt, L., Klinik der Krank- Pharmaceutical Formulas, ib.; Cuff, E. H., A Races, civilised, alleged degeneration of, 1095 heiten der Mundhdhle, Kiefer, und Nase, 23; Course of Lectures on Medicine to Nurses, ib.; Radnor spring mineral water, Io66 Reynaud, G. A., Considerations Sanitaires sur B. Bradshaw's Dictionalv of Bathing Places, Rail, transport of sick and wounded by, I93 L'Expedition de Madagascar, et quelques etc., 726; Marshall, J. J. ae Z., Stretcher Drill Railway men and ambulance work, 2857 autres Expdditions Coloniales Franpaises et Illustrated, ib.; Stedman, T. L.. Twentietll -- underground, electrical traction on, I630 Anglaises, ib.; Walsham, W. J., Nasal Obstruc- Century Practice of Medicine, 8o8; Bollinger, reform, I769, I963 tion 86; Clarkson, A., An Atlas of Histologyfor 0., Atlas and Essentials of Pathological Ana- Rainsford, H., the nail-biting habit, 2795 the iJse of Students, 87; De Camboulas, L. B., tomy, 809 Landouzy, L., Les Sdrothdrapies, ib.; Rambaut, D. F., analysis of the ocular phe- Le Sue Ovarien: Effets Physiologiques et Hemmeter, J. C Diseases of the Stomach ib., nomena in 40 cases of general paralysis of the Th6rapeutiques, ib.; Flesch. M., Prostitution Queirolo, G. B., I:a Cura Dietetica nella Febbre insane, 687 und Frauenkrankheiten: Hygienische und Tifoide, 8io; Pick, A., Beitrage zur Pathologie Ramsay, H. M., a case of serous catarrh of the volkswirtlischaftlichle Betrachtungen, 88; und pathologischeni Anatomie des Central- middle ear produced by the administration of Campbell, H., Respiratory Exercises in the nervensystems, ib.; Jullien, C., Blenorragic et potassium iodide, 28I3 Treatment of Disease, ib.; Pechell, M. L,, Pro- Mariage, ib.; Gattal, F., Ueber die sexuellon Professor W.; pure anaesthetics, I62I; fessions for Boys, and How to Enter Them, 89; Ursachen der Neurasthenie und Angstneurose, lecture by at Paris on the niew gases, I893 Barnes, F., Chavasse'sAdvice to a Wife on the 8Ii; Wiedersheim, R., Grundriss der verg- Randall, M., three cases of double empyema, Management of Her Health. ib.; Galliard, L., leichenden Anatomic der Wirbelthiere fur I6I4 La Grippe, ib.: Manson. P., Tropical Diseases, Studirende, ib.; Koenig, F., Lehrbuch der Ransom, E., the National Deposit Friendly So- I67; Shaw-Mackenzie. J. A. On Maternal Syph- speciellen Chirurgie fur Aerzte und Studir- ciety, 12I7 ilis, x68; Prendergast, W. D The Potter and ende, ib.; Haultain, F. W. L., and Ferguson, Ransome, A., sanatoria for the open-air treat- Lead Poisoning, ib.' Fowler,. K., andGodlee, J. H., Handbook of Obstetric Nursing, 8I2. ment of consumption, 69 R., The Diseases of the Lungs, ib.; Loomis, Btihler, A., Untersuchungen ilber den Bau der Rashes, three simultaneous, 8o6 A. L., and Thompson, W. G., A System of Prac- Nervenzellen, ib. ; Vanverts, J., De la Splenec- Raven, T. F., a case of malarial enteric fever-, tical Medicine by American Authors, 238; tomie, ib.; Morten, H., A Complete System of 25 Staveley,W. H. C., Gardner's Household Medi- Nursing ib.; Ellison, M.A., A Manual for Stu- Ravenhill, Miss A., hygiene in elementary cine and Sick Room Guide, ib.; Ollier, J., Onze dents oi Massage, ib.; Hyde, S. Buxton its sc.hools, 1092 Anndes de Pratique Chirurgicale du Docteur Baths and Climate, ib.; Wyman, W. E. A., The T. H., the Medical Sickness and Acci- Llobet, 239; Sibthorpe, C., Clinical Manual for Clinical Diagnosis of Lameness in the Horse, dent Society, 57 India, ib.; Tebb, W. S., A Century of Vaccina- ib.* Freeman, R. A., Travels and Life in Ash- Raw, N., primaly tumour of right auricle of tion and What It Teaches, ib.; Senn, N., Tuber- anti and Jaman. 898; Plehn, F., Die Kamerun- heart, rupture of inferior vena cava, 2335; culosis of the Genito-urinarv Organs, Maleand Kiiste, 899; Mockler-Ferrvman, A. F., Imperial traumatic epilepsy treated by trephining, I343; Female, 240; Burot, J., and Legrand, M.A., Les Africa. goo; Babes, V., Untersuchungen fuber sanatoria for consumptives, 2620 Troupes Coloniales: III. Hygibne du Soldat den Lepra Bacillus uind fiber die His- Rawdon, H. G., two cases of strangulated sous les Tropiques, ib.; Wishart, J., The Botan- tologie der Lepra, ib.: Taylor, R. W., A hernia, enterectomy, Murphy's button, re- ist's Vade Mecum, 241 ; Monsarrat, K. W., Sur- Practical Treatise on Sexual Disorders of the covery, 1320 gical Techniics in Hospital Practice, ib. ; Koll- Male and Female, ib.; Buchanan, W. J., A Raye, J. J. A., scarlatiniform ulticaria, 253 mann. J., Lehrbuch der Entwickelungs- Manual of Gaol Hygiene for the Use of Medical Raynaud, G. A., Considdrations Sanitaires sur geschichte des Menschen, ib. Oppel, 0., Subordinates, 90I; Verone3i, A., II Ritana- l'Expedition de Madagascar, etc., rev., 23 Lehrbuch der vergleichenden mikroskop- mento d'Alessandria d'Egitto, ib. ; Thompson, Reade, A. E., Charing Cross Hospital Convales- schen Anatomie der Wirbelthiere, 242; C. J. S., The Chemist's Compendium, ib., - cent Home, 2796 Transactions and Reports, 242, 633, 24, 8xx, Anders, J. M., A Textbook of the Practice oi Receiving houses for mental disorders, 255 2262, 2882; Holt. L. E., The Diseases of Infanc Medicine, 988; White, W. H., Materia Medica, Rectum, spindle-celled sarcoma of the, 2555, and Childhood, 359; Dana, E. L., Textbooc Pharmacy, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics, I8II, atresia of, I378 of Nervous Diseases, 360; Sedgwick, A., A ib. ; Mann, J. D., Forensic Medicine and Toxi- Red Cross Exhibitioni in Berlin, xI96 Student's Textbook of Zoology. ib.; Anderson, cology, 989; Bohm, A. A., and Von Davidoff, Rees, D. C., an epidemic of malaria on board W., The Deformities of the Fingers and Toes M., Lehrbucli der Histologie desMensehen ein- ship with a record of blood examination, 893 ib.: Spencer, W. G., Outlines of Practicai schleisslich der mikroskopischen Technik, ib.; Reeve, R. A., the Roentgen rays in ophthal- Surgery, 630; MeVail, J. C., The Report of the Jakob, C.. Atlas of Methods of Clinical Investi- mologY, 482; crystals of cocaine in preference Royal Commission on Vaccination: a Review gation, ib.; Schafer, E. A., The Essentials of to solution, 490 of the Dissentients' Statement. ib.; Furbringer, Histology, ggo; Hertwig, 0., Die Zelle und die Referees, medical. See Medical P., Textbook of Diseases of the Kidneys and Gewebe, ib.: Beddard, F. E., Elementary Prac- Refreshment and labour, Io88 Genito-Urinary Organs, ib.: Henocque, A., tical Zoology, ib.; Lassars-Cohn, Praxis der Regina v. Collins, 4I, 6o, 203, 222, 226; v. Matthews, Spectroscopie de l'Urine et des Pigments, 632; Harnanalyse, ib.; Daiber, A Mikroskopie des 645, 660 Frumerie, G., Massage Gynecologique, Answurfes. ib.; Daw, W. H.,rhe Cure of Con- ;Register," the Dentists', 668 Methode Thure-Brandt, sb.; Lestikow, L. sumptives, ib.; Lazarus-Barlow, W. S., A Registration of plumbers, 930, 2532 Therapie der Hautkrankheiten, ib.; Mills, C. Manual of General Pathology, Io63; Simon, C. Regurgitation, pulmonary, I820 K., The Nervous System and its Diseases, E., A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis by Means Reichardt, Dr., the charge against, 274'; sub- An Atlas of Illustrations of Pathology 6422sb. of Microscopieal and Chemical Methods, ib.; scriptions to the defence fund for, 460 Schatz, F.,Die Acardii und ihre Verwanrten, Bosc, F. J., E Cancer, ib.; Schneidemuhl, G. [THE BRiTISH DEC. 31, I898.] INDEX. [MEDICAL JOURNAL xxvii


Die Protozoen als krankheitserreger- des Law Relating to Vaccination, lb.; Ewald, C. A., 485; enncleation of th-e eyeball, 488; tertiary Menschen und der Hausthiere, lb Bardeen, Handbuch der allgeimenen und speciellen syphilitic lesionls of th-e eye, 489; extraction C. R., The Johns Hopkins Hospitai Reports, Arzneiverordnungslelere. lb.; Althaus J., On of transparant lens in Ihigh myopia, 490; I064; Dakhyl, H. K., Contribution Critique a Failure of Brain Power, its Nature and Treat- the plea of insanity in criminal cases, 588; the l'Etude du Traitement des Brulures speciale- ment, lb.; Liebreich,0., Encyclopaedie der use of holocaine in ophthialmic practice, 6Ig ment par I'Acide Picrique, ib.; Oppenheim, Therapi, ie b.; The Yearbook of Pharmacy, Robertson, J., soil as a factor in the spread of cer- N., The Development of the Child, lb.;Ireland, I823 Snonw, H., Twenty-two Years' Experience tain diseases, 421 W. W., The Mental Affections of Children: in the Treatment of Cancerous and Other Robertson. W. G. A., tonsillar calculus, 1492 Idiocy, Imbecility, and Insanity, 1065; De Tumours, 1824; The Doctrine of Energy, lb.; Robinski, S., shall we operate or not in malig- Rothschild, H., L'Allaitement MixteetL'Al- Mikulicz, J., and Kiimmel, W., Die Krank- nant disease? 993 laitement Artificiel, lb.; Stephenson. S., Oph- heiten des Mundes, - Eschweiler, R., Die Robinson; H. B, "butter cyst" of the breast, thalmia in Newly-born Children, ib.; Baby Erysipel, etc., 1825; Sladen,lbb D -Who's Who, lb.; 1254; suppurative pericarditis treated by car- Feeding, ib.; Williams. P. W., Diseases of the Madkarni, K. M., Essentials of Modern Treat- tilage resection, incision, and drainage, Upper Respiratory Tract, the Nose, Pharynx, ment of Disease, lb.; Chevalier L., Chirurgie broncho-pneunmonia, death, I6o5 and Larynx, o66; Stokes, W.. William Stokes, des Voles Urinaires, lb. ; Pollatschek, A.; Die - H. S., professional recollections of a his Life and Work, x163; Playfair, W. S., A therapeutischen Leistungen des JarreS 1897, visit to Cannadda. Treatise on the Science and Practice of Mid- I826; Picque, L.. Proces-Verbaux,MMmioires W., the repression of consumption, wifery, Kelly, H. A., Operative Gyne- et Discussions, lb.; The Illustrated Annual of 223 cology, lb.;I664;Tillmanns, H., The Principles of of Microscopy. lb.; Slater, C., and Spitta, E. J., Robson, A. W., blackwater fever and quinine, Surgery and Surgical Pathology, 1165; Till- An Atlas of Bacteriology, I879; Detmer, W., I287 manns, H.. A Textbook of Surgery, lb.; Graup- Practical Plant Physiology, lb.; Charrin, A., A. W. M., secretion of bile in man, 775 ; ner, S. Die Storungen des Krieslaufs und Les Naturelles del'Organisme, I88o; hepatectomy for primary cancer of the ihreC., g mit Bdern und Gymnastik Adamkiewicz,Defenses A., Die Functionstorungen des liver,partial1300, tendon grafting, 2373; exci- (NauheimerBehandlun lb.; Goldscheider, A Grosshirnes, lb.; Kutner, R.. Die instru- sion of the I130Gasserian ganglion for trigeminal Die BedeutungMethode,,der Reize fiir Pathologie mentelle Behandlung der Harnleiden mit neuralgia, 1396;traumat ic musculo-spiaa} und Therapie im Lichte der Neuronlehre, besonderer Beriichsichtigung der Technik des p aralysis 1402; a series of cases of chole- Matthews, V., and Harper, J., A Hand- Katheterismus, Duckworth, Sir D., The dochotoniy, inlcluding three of duodeno- I666;book for Volunteer Medical Officers, lb.; Harveian Oration,I88I;lb.; Stdhr, Textbook of clioledochotomv, 1404; gastric tetany, I559 Bastian, H. C., A Treatise on Aphasia and t istology, lb.; Scarff, A. M., The Taxpayer's Roclie, A., a simpie inetliodof treating epistaxist other Speech Defects, 1260; Kelynack, T. H., Cash Book, lb.; Perlia, R., Kroll's stereo- 1744 Renal Growths, their Pathology, Diagnosis, skopische Bilderf fr Schielende, lb.; Maddox, Rodinan, W. L., Influence of age, sex, and race and Treatment, 126: Einhorn, M.. Diseases of E.E. Tests and Studies of the Ocular Mus- in surgical affections. 3o the Stomach, lb.; Schott,* T., Zur acuten cles, 1935; Lucas, E. W., Practical Pharmacy, Rodwell, E. M., a case ot triplets, 280 Ueberanstrengung des Herrens und deren lb.; Scheube, Pest Bubonenpest, lb.; Poland, Roe, E. H., the General Medical Council, inspec- Belhandlung nebst einen Anhange ueber Beo- J., Traumatic Separation of the Epiphyses, lb.; tion of documents, 1910 bachtungen mit Roentgensrahlbn, lb. ; Bar- Brouardel, P., and Gilbert, A., Traitd de M6de- Roentgen rays in hypertrichosis, 400, 648; in bier, H., and Ulmann, G., La Diphtdrie, 1262; cine et de 1936; Sersiron, G., ophthalmologY, 48I; and their Practical Use, Mercier, C., The Attendant's Companion, lb.; Les PhthisiquesTherapeutique,Adultes et Pauvres en France I. Tonta, rev., 634; three cases of foreign Tison, Le Pain de Froment, lb.: Rotter, E., en Suisse et en Allemagne, lb.; Novy, F. G., body in the throat in which the position of Die typischen Operationen und ihre Uebung Laboratory Work in Physiological Chemistry, the body was determined by,1243;; 1UPUs an der Lieche, lb.; Schafer, E. A., Textbook of lb. treated by, 1342 ; and tlhe detection of bullets, 1345; Whitla,W., Elements of Phar- Reynolds, G. H infectious diseases and pre- i669; localisation of bullet by, i671; localiser }'hysiology,macy, Materia Medica, and Therapeutics, 1346; paratoryschooiS, 1288 for, x882 Mayet, E., de Diagnostic Mddical et de Rheumatism of childhood, rheumatic dilatation Rogers, Captain L., the epidemic malarial fever S6mdiologie.Traitelb.; Nebelthau, E., Gehirn- of the heartI in, 9; treatmentI Of, 020, 1295; ot Assam or kala-azar successfully eradicated durchschnitte sur des Faserver- subacute, undergoing the Tallerman treat- from tea garden lines,89I; appointed,.deputy laufes, Penrose.ErlIuterungC. B., A Textbook of ment, i6o imperial bacteriologist, 1708 Diseases134I3Of Womem, ib; Hare. F. E., The Cold- Rhinitis, fibrinous, relation of to diphtheria, Rolleston, H. D., idiopathic hypertrophy of the Bath Treatment ofTypooid Fever, lb.; Thresh, 1249, :1338, 1464 cesophagus, 1431 J. C., A Simple Method of Water Analysis,I348; Rhiilology, laryngology, and otology, the mutual Rome, correspondence55,from, IcC80449, 1583 Leyden, E., Handbuch derErnahrungs- relationship and relative value of experi- the professional jubilee of Professor Durante, therapie und Dihtetik, 1348,1664; Weichsel- mental research and clinical experience In, is ; the healthi of the Pope, 449,- 583; public baum, K., Parasitologie, 1348; Klein, E., and baths449;for, health of the Italian army Edkins, J. S., The Elements Of HistologY, I434; Rhodes, J. D., replacement of detached scalp, I896,in lb.; general news, 449; Professor Naunyn, B., Der Diabetes Mellitus, 1435; 1920 Koch in, ico8; foundling hospitals in Italy, Lennox, D., and Sturrock, A., The Elements of J. M., nursing in workhouses, 212; the lb.; the University of Bologna, lb.; Professor Physical Education, lb.; Chapman, A., Income treatment of pauper imbeciles and epileptics, Lustig's serum for plague, ioo death of Pro- Tax, How to Get it Refunded, lb.; Zucker- 996, 1374 fessor Toscani, ib.; Professor Xoch on malaria,, kandl, 0., Atlas und Grundriss der chirur- Ribbon gauze, Milne's, 635 1583; a course of hygiene for engineers in gisehen Operationslehre,I436; Schneidmulil Ribemont-Dessaignes, Dr., memoir256Of, Italy, lb. Lehrbuch der vergleisehenden Pathologie Una Ribs, supernumerary, I732 Roper, G., fronto-anterior position of the frontal Therapie des Menchen und derHlausthiere, Riceand ben-bei , 914 head, obituary notice of. 664 lb.; Gouguenheim, A., and Clover J, Atlas Richards, C. M., practice in British Columbia, Rose,3555;W., aneurysmi of the aorta involving the de Laryngologie et de Rhinologie, ib.; 520 root of the left carotid and treated by distal Stewart, T. G., Lectures on Giddiness and on Richardson, Sir B. W., the memoirsIII0of, ligature,I685 *Hysteria in the 1497; Pearmain, T. H., Richelieu, the last illness of, 1087 Rosenbach,0., on hepaticcirrhliosis,954; on loco- and Mo3r, C. G.,Male,Applied Bacteriology, 1498; Richet, C., Physiologie, I499rev., motor ataxy,ib. H., Ueber Malaria und andereBlIut- Richmond, D., case of sulphonal poisoning, 1337 Rosenstein, S. S., on hepatic cirrhosis,953 Ziemann, nebst Anhang eine wirksame Rickets pad on the dorsum of the foot in,13137 Ross, D., a fatal case hydatidiformof m Iole, 814 MethodeT)arasiten der Chromatin-und-Blutfarbung, lb.; Ridge,J. J., rapid dilatation of os uteri, 756; __ J. M the bygieiiic control of milk supply, Ricliet, C., Physiologie, 1499; Massey, G. B., aseptic pocket knife,1826 414: medicalofficeis ofliealth and practi- Conservative Gynaecology and Electro-Thera- Ridley, Sir M. W. SeeH om e Secretary tioners, 1523 peutics, lb.: Flower, W.H., Essays on Museums Rifle, the Lee-Metford, the effects of the,2352 Rotter, E.,Die)typiscliehe Operationen undihre and othier Subjects connected with Natural Rigby, J. A., masseurs and medical electrlcians, Uebung an der Leiclhe, rev.,I262 History,I500; Cripps, H., Ovariotomy and I 786 Roughton, E. W., perforating gastric ulcer; Abdominal Surgery,1562; Hewlett, R. T.. A Rinderpest in South Africa, 922, 1266; investiga- operation. deatlh, necropsy. 84 Manual of Bacteriology. Clinical and Applied, tion of in India,I640 Roumania,tlle repressionof tuberculosis in, 661; I563; Colton, B. S.,Phlysiology, Experimental Ring, Lieutenant-Colonel J., death of. 1289; British practitioners in,571;tlhe spirit ration and Descriptive,ib.; Arthaud, G., Etudes sur obltuary notice of, 1376 and the soldier in,i452 la Tuberculose, 1564; Oppenheim, H., Lehr- Ringworm, treatment of,94; chloride of sodium Routh, A., the surgery of pelvic inflammation, buch der Nervenkrankheiten fur Aerzte und in the treatmentof 847; clinical and micro- 472; trcatment of cystocele, 786, 788 Studirende, lb.; Scheppegrell, W., Electricity scopical varietiesof the fungus of,I6Ig Rovighi, A., hepaticcirrhosis, 1177 in the Diagnosis andTreatment of Diseases of Rio de Janeiro. the Pasteur Institute at, 846 T., Klinische und experimentelle the Nose, Throat, and Ear, 2624; Leaf, C. H., Risks, professional,I853 Rovsing,Untersuchungen uber die infektiosen Krank- the Surgical Anatomy of the Lymphatic Ritchie. J., cardiac disease and life assurance, heiten der Harnorgane, rev., 724; septic infecJ Glands,I625; Helferich, H., Atlas und Grund- 762; does evidence of limited family vitality tion of urinary tract, 1305; obscure hiemor- riss der traumatischen Frakturen und Luxa- call for an advanced rate of premium?ib.; rhage from a single kidney and its cure by tionen,ib.; Sheild, A. M,, A Clinical Treatise pregnancy in relation to life assurance, 769: nephrotomy, 1547 on Diseases of the Breast,I69r; Baginsky, A., difficulties of medical advisers of assurance RoyalNavy List, Lean's, rev., 634 Diphtherie und diphtheritische Croup, 1692; offices, 774; ear disease and life assurance, Rubella and measles,I948 Banby, D., L'Occlusion Intestinale, lb.; Hag- 982 Rumney, R., Cycle Touring, rev.,725 gard, H. R.. Dr. Therne, lb. Christmas Rivers, discussion on the pollutionof, 401 Russell, A. E., cysts of the pineai, 1746 Books, 1694; Visiting Lists and Diaries, Riviera, correspondence from,I780; homes for Dr. J. B., appointed member of Local i696, I882; Christmas cards, lb. ; Barker, rest on,ib. Government Board for Scotland,I087; the A. E., The Surgical Affections of the Rix, W. K., the sale of abortifacients, 207 career of, 1282; dinner to, 2642; presentation Stomach and their Treatment, I748; Bur- Roberts, F. T., the personal factor, 1271 to,I707 dett, H., The Effects of the Diamond J. B., injuries to the elbow-joint, 1318 Russia,leprosy in, 388; British practitioners in, Jubilee on the Resources of the Voluntary Dr. R. W., presentation to, 666 57I: medical education of women in, I671^ Charities, I749- Schlesinger, H., Beitrgge zur Robel-tson, Dr. A., the progress of ophthalmo- prohibition of use of stays for girl students Klinik der Rtlckenmarks and Wirbeltumoren, logy, 308; the operative treatment of strabis- in IOI8 ib.; Latliam, F., The Sanitation of Domestic mus, 484; operation for incarcerated iris, ib.; Rutherford, T., thymol in whooping-couOh, Dwellings, 1750; Leach, R. A. and C. I., The paralysis of accommodation after influenza, 1020 T11E BRIrIsH MEDICAL JOULNAL1 INDEX. [DEC. 31, i898.

&tutherford, W., tone sensation with reference to Scharlieb, Mrs. M., "missed labour," 785 treated with antistreptococcus serum, death, the function of the cochlea, 353; secretion of Schatz, Die Acardii und ihre Verwandten, rev-., I6xi ; clinical experiences of, 1747 bile in man, 775 632 Sersiron, G., Les Phthisiques Adultes et Scheppergell, W., Electricity in the Diagnosis Pauvres, en France, en Suisse, et en Allemagne, S. and Treatment of Diseases of the Tlhroat, rev., 1936 -Sac, lachrymal, clhancre of tlhe, 156; normal Nose, and Ear, rev., I624 Septico-pynemia, case of, I689 conjunctival, bacteriology of tlle, 486; torsion Scheube, Pest, Pubonenlpest, rev., 1935 Serum, treatment by and its results, 224 ; normal of the, in the radical cure of heriiia, I479 Schiff, E., tlle Roentgen rays in hypertrichosis, in i-elation to tlle diagnosis of the typlhoid SSaddles for cycles, I663, 1731, I795, i86o 648 bacillus, 599; artificial in acute dysentery, 896; .Saddleworth, the Workmen's Coimipensation Act Sclilesinger, H., Bertriige zur Klinik der of foot-and-mouth disease, 1368; manufacture at, I9I1 Ruckenmarks und Wirbeltumoren, rev.. 1749 of in Swvitzerland, 176I lSaenger, M, the surgery of pelvic inflamma- Schneidemiilhl. G., Die Protozoen als Krank- antipneumococcal, therapeutic action of, tions, 469, treatmenit of cystocclc, 787 heitserregen des Menschen und der Haus- "177 septic- -St. Christau as a health resort, 728 tlhiere, rev . I063 ; Lehrbuch der vergleicheudeni antistreptococcus, puerperal St. George, Soutlhwark, the crypt of the church Patliologie und Tlierapie des Menschen und aemia treated by, ii6I; carbuncle treated with, of, ItI, 244 der Hausthiere, ret., I436 1427; puerperal pyrexia treated by, 1489; in St. Helena, medical appointments in, 570 Scholtz, W. C., The South African Climate, ret-., the treatment ot primary venereal sores and St. John, W. St. A., a case of intestinal obstruc- 2AI their complications, I6Io; a case of septic- tion from the imiipaction of a gall stone result- School, Catholic University Medical, instruction iemiatreated with, death, i6ii; phlegmonous ing in death, 1489 at, 549 ulceration of the mouth treated with, 18I3 St. Martin-in-tlie-k'ields, house drains in, 1791 Cooke's, Medical, instruction at, 543 antitetanic, cephalic tetanus treated by, !St. Pancras, insanitary lhouses in. 1469 of Instruction, Volunteer Ambulance. 82; so-called idiopathic tetanus treated by, St. Petersburg, dress for female students of syllabus of courses of instruction at, IOI5; I1337 medicine in, 1375 annual concert and distribution of prizes at, antitoxic, cases of diphtheria in Univer- St. Ronan's natural mineral water, 1826 sity College Hospital treated by injections of -Saline solution, transfusion of in collapse, 7M7, of Medicine for Women, Edinburgh, during i896 and 1897, 624; the patenting of, 1663, 1731, 1795; irrigation by in abdominial suspension of, 576 643, 996, Ioo8, 1843; diphtheria of throat, nares operations, I878; normal, I882 of Medicinie for Women, London, open- conjunctivae, and urethra successfully treated -Salmon, infective (?) tinned, 645 ing of new laboratories at, 201; clinlical by, 8o6 Saltet, R. H., tlle hygienic control of milk instruction at, 543; oDening of winter ses- Calmette's antivenomous. the curative supply, 413 sion at, 565; new buildings, etc., at, 573; value of in the treatment of inoculations with ,Samarkand, outbreak of plague at, 1366, 1456, changes in medical staff of, 574; opening ad- the poisons of Australian snakes, I805 1519, 1648, 1777 dress at, 1072 Serums, the agglutinating or seds menting pro- .Sambon, L. W., on blackwater fever, 866 of Medicine of Royal Colleges, Edin- perties, and their relation to immunity, Samways, Dr. W., mitral stenosis, 275: on vas- burgh, students at, 223; instruction at, 548; 588 cular pressure, 936; rheumatic heart disease changes in staff of, 54 Serumtherapeutics, L. Landouzy, rev., 809 in children, Ix34 of Physic in Ireland, Dublin, instruction Servant and mistress question, the, 1513 -$anarelli, G., serumtherapeutics in yellow at, 549; opening of winter session at, 565; Services, public, entering of before beginning fever, 647 changes in staff at, 574 private practice, I296 -anatoria for the open-air treatment of con- for tropical diseases, formation of, 200; Sewage, the anaerobic bacterial treatment of, sumption, (9, 2o6, 511, 667, 1126, 1195, 1383. 1471, arrangements as to, 244, 1565, I637; correspond- 273, 514; wasted and wheat starvation, 738; 1523, I599, 1620; for consuiliptives, the floors ence as to. I783, I844, I9IO; and the Foreign tlue biolysis of, 1093 of, 460; for consumptives, tlle value of aind Office, i832 Sex, influence of in surgical affections, 30 tlhe need for tlhcir establislhment in Great Schoolboy's teetlh, I896 "Sexual Inversion," prosecution for publishinig, Britain, 946; the lhygienic treatment of con- Schools of medicine, metropolitan, post-gradu- 1466 sumption independently of, 947 ate instruction at, I9gI Seychlelles, medical appointments in, 569 .Sanatorium for consumption in Yorkshire, -______tlle medical, clntries at, 1273, I363 Shackleton, Mr. J., deathof, 751 1447; for Europeans in the Canary Islands, preparatory, and infectious disease, Shaffer, K. M., Brief Essays on Orthopiedic Sur- 1771 3i82, II98, I288, I372,1573, 1587 gery, reV., 725 Sandwith, F. M., treatment of acute dysentery public, phiysique of boys at, I360, 1638, Shah, the, anid his American physician, 1357 by large enemata, 876: pellagra in Egypt, 88i Shannon, R. A., the of "return" cases 1786 College of etiology. Sanitation, domestic, the evolution of, 1092; - of Surgery of the Royal Sur- of scarlet fever, 841 of Domestic Dwellings, F. Latham, rev., 1750; geons in Irelana, instruction at, 549; opening Slhark bite, interesting case of at Aden, 897 results of in the FoundlingHospital atNaples, of winter session, 565 Slharp. G., literature of diphtheria, 932; time 1771 ; in health resorts, 1946 Schott, T., Zur acuten Ueberanstrengung des Liverpool Pathological Diagnosis Society, 1847 3ansom, Mr. C. L., decoration of, 1452 Herzens und deren Behandlung nebst einen Sharpe, W. C, " cleanliness during the montlhly Santiago, the American troops at, 743 Anhange ueber Beobachtungen mit Roentgen- period," 1298 sarcoma inoperable, erysipelas toxins in the strahlen, rev., I26I Slhattock, S. G., accessory parathyroid in the treatment of, x; recurrent of the fascia of Sciatica, the surgical treatment of, 1402; hydro- human subject, 1253; acromegalic skull, ib.; the back treated by Coley's fluid, 226; myeloid, chloric acid in, I550 sarcoma treated by Coley's fluid, 1723; cysts excision of the upper end of the tibia as a Science, recent advances in and their bearing of the pineal, 1749 substitute for amputation in, 228 of the on medicine and surgery, 102I; and charity, Shave, Prof., tuberculosis and milk, io86 middle ear, I240* of scalp of nineteen years' Io68 Shaw, C., Sir T. Browne, 68 -duration, 1254; of uterus, hlysterectomy for, Sciences, preliminary instruction in, 556 C. E, epithelioma of the larynx witl x433; of synovial membrane, I688, 1728, 1784; Scissors forceps. See Forceps microscopic specimen, 1233 of kinee-joint, l552; of the heart, 1555; spindle- legs, a, case of, 1683; or coxa vara, 1785 Shaw-Mackenzie, J. A., On Maternal Syplhilis, celled of the rectum, I5-5, i8xI; melanotic of Seleremna neonatorum, I062 tev., I58; syphilis in the army, I8I2 and I896, the pineal body, I745; extensive of the medias- Sclerosis of the middle ear, mechanical vibra- 1614 tinum, I876 tion applied to the spine in the treatment of, Shearer, Dr. F., death of. 5x6 1374: of Zarcomata. the treatment of by injection of 219 ; of the choroidal vessels, 1819 Sheen, A., faitlh healing, the procedure Coley's fluid, 451, 7I0, 1554; infective in dogs, Scotland, the difficulties of burgh medical offi- the General Medical Council. 1725 1807 cers in, ro6; lunacy certificates in, 457; pauper Sheffield, proposed new infectious diseases lios- -" Saturday Review," letter in as to lhospital lunatics in private dwellings in, 689 ; report of pital for, 1575, 1728 reform, 504 lunacy commissioners for, Io98; antivaccina- Slieild, A. M., recurrent sarcoma of the fascii of 4aundby, R, the Royal Army Medical Corps, tors in, I451 the back treated by Coley's fluid, 226; four 2o5o instruction in tropical diseases, 244: Scot_-Moncrieff W. D., the anaerobic bacterial cases of abdominal section for severe injuries venesection in chronic Bright's disease, 451; treatment of sewage, 514; the biolysis of sew- without external wound, 1339; A Clinical modern universities. I034; the treatment of age, Treatise on Diseases of the Breast, rev., I6qI chronic renal disease, 1o05; treatment of dis- ScurfielI0g3H., H., suggestions for improving the Shephierd, F. G., significant and non-significant eases of the stomach 1328 milk supplies, 1092 variations, 696 Saunders, Sir E., and tiie Pasha of Egypt, 436 Scurvy, infantile, in North America, 639, 750 Sheridan, Dr.. false clharge against, 209 Savsge, G. H., the charge against Dr. Reichardt, Sealy, G. J., white bread or brown bread ? Ships of war, ventilation of, 1292 of awell, 274 I588 Shock, the treatment of, I8I9 for removing stiff bandages, I826 Secrecy, professional and criminal offences, Short, T. S., the treatment of arthritis by hot-air .Saw of Sawdust, the antiseptic properties of, I663 1439, 1526; professional, and the disclosure baths, I6iI ; subphrenic abscess, ig r bags as a surgical dressing, 896, 1296, incidental discoveries, I509 Shoulder, congenital suberomial dislocation of, Section of Tropical Diseases at the Edinburgh 1431I latrines and urinals, 1576, 1590 meeting, leading article on. gI, 913 presentation, impacted, mode of de- Saxby, T. E., poisoning by cannabis indica, re- Sedgwick, A., A Student's Teitbook of Zoology, livery in, 1428 covery, r159 rev., 360 Shoulder-joint, the anatomical basis of reduc- Scalp, sarcoma of of nineteen years' duration, Selection, natural, the statistical study of, 835 tion by manipulation of dislocation at the, 1254; detached, replacement of, Iza Semon, Sir F., experiment and clinical experi- 700 .fcapula, winged, case of. 1251; left, excision of ence in laryn googy, I220, 123I; epithelioma of Shuter, G. P., ether pneumonia, 1200; insuscep- for squamous epithelioma, 1424 the larynx, 1233; address by at the unveiling tibility to vaccinia, 1958 .Scarff, A. M., Taxpayers' Caslh Baok, rev., i88i of the monument to Wilhelm Meyer, 1440; the Shuttleworth, G. E., the neglect of early train- Scarification, keloid (Alibert) and intractable position of laryngology and otology at the next ing of the mentally defective, 686; Poor-law natches of chronic inflammations of the skin International Medical Congress, ig provision for the mentally deficient class, treated by, isI Senior, A. W., scarlatina. desquamation of, 756 1855 Scarlet fever. See Fever Senn, N., Tuberculosis of the Genito-urinary Sibbald, J., suicide, its psyclliatrical and social "Scarlatina. See Fever, scarlet Organs. Male and Female, rev.. 240 aspects, 678 -Schiter, E. A.. The Essentials of Histology, rev., Septic-emia, sewer gas and. 280; puerperal, Sibttiorpe, Surgeon-Major-General_C., A Clinical ggo, Textbook of PhymiloZy, r ., 1345 treatel_ by antistreptococcus serum, ii6i Manual for India, rev., 239 I THz BRITISH DEC. 3I, i898.1 INDEX. NIEDICAL JOURNAL XX

Sichel, Surgeon G., Kephissia as a healtlh resort, forceps, 477; extirpation of the myomatous Society, Medical, Birkenhead, meeting of, 2259 1004 uterus by the vagiiia, 788 2562, 2934 Sick and wounded, transport of by rail, T93 Smyth, Surgeon-Major J., the diagnosis of pyel- -Medical, Bournemouth, annual meeting Siegfried, cyclo-therapeutics, I836 itis, 252 and list of officers, 2434 Slerra Leone, medical appointments in, 569 - R. M., the rational treatment of phthisis Medical, Continental Anglo-American, Sight of natives of SouthAfrica, the power of, witlh reference to Nordrach sanatorium, 983 proposed meeting of at Edinburgh, 212 1731 Snaefell, the mining disaster at, 32 Medical, Folkestone, meeting of, 2562, Sigmoid fossa, suppuration in the due to ear Snell, S., large clear cyst of the conjunctiva, i55; 2879 disease,1I234 chancre of the lachrymal sac. i56; stereoscopic Medical, Glasgow Southern, officers, Sillar, W. C., the treatment of chronic renal dis- photography. 2785 etc., of, 2263; annual dinner, 2354 ease, 2052 Snellen, H., the development of the operative Medical, Hull, list of officers of, I624' Simon, C. E., A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis treatment of strabismus, 483, 484; operation Medical, Kidderminster, meeting of, by Means of Microscopical and Chemnical for incarcerated iris, 484 ; operation for enu- 2823 Methods, rev., 2063 cleation of the eyeball, 488; extraction of Medical, of London, the library and the Simond, the propagation of plague by insects, transparent lens in high myopia, 490 work of, IrI8; some consideratibns prelimi- I906 Snow, H. early cancerous disease, microscopic nary to the studyof dyspepsia, ii6I ; four cases -9o6 S. C., chronic membranous colitis, and other fallacies, 2535; Twenty-two Years' of abdominal section for severe injuries with- I963 Experience in the Treatment of Cancerous and out external wound, 2839; the advantage of Simpson, A. R., the teaching of obstetrics, other Tumours, rev., I824 venesection in acute pneumonia, lb.; gastro- 300 Snowman, J., acute febrile catarrh associated enterostomy for malignant disease of the py- W. J., on plague in India, 853 with inflamed glands of head and neck, 2744 lorus,I554; vascularmurmurof obscure origin, Sinclair, W. J., the use and abuse of midwifery Societies, friendly, statistics of, 847; friendly, ib.; aneurysm of the right carotid artery, ib.; forceps, 48 average siokness in, 2020 diabetes insipidus, lb.- a case of sarcoma Sind,t piague in, 922 Society, Abernethian, opening meeting of, I283 treated by Coley's fluid, 2554, X688; miscel- Singers, the laryngitis of, 2231 of Anaesthetists, annual meeting and laneous cases, 2555; the value of pressure in Sinus, lateral, septic thrombosis of, 2244 list of officers, 2344; meeting of, 2622 the treatment of wounds, I688; transperi- Sirdar, the eyesight of the, 2708 Antivivisection, Liverpool, meeting ot, toneal ligation of the iliac arteries, 2827' Skeete, G. M., lumbrici in the peritoneal cavity, 2369 -Medical, Manchester, meeting of, 2226, 630 of Apothecaries. See Apothecaries x560o; 'amputation for Charcot's joint-disease, Skelton, S. G., the Medical Expert Aid Commit- Balneolo ical and Climatological, Bri- 2495; the dosage of belladonna and nux tee, 58 tish, officers ol, 222; meeting of, 2274, 2495, vomica, ib.; cerebral ,tumour, ib.; tumour of Skerritt, E. M., case of protracted sleep, extend- 1822 the pons, 2878 ; peripheral neuritis, ib. ; renal ing over 50 days, 957 Blackburn Philanthropic Burial, the tuberculosis, lb.; development of movement Skiagraphy. See Roentgen prospectus of, 668 of hand in infancy, ib.; malignant jaundice Skin, intractable patches of chronic inflamma- Charing Cross Hospital Medical, concert (typhoid icterus), ib. tion of treated by scarification, 5Is; rest in the by, 232 Medical, Manx, and the prevention of treatment of diseases of, 346, 737; Thera- Charity Organisation, and hospital tuberculosis, 2775 peutics of Diseases of the, L. Leistikow, abuse, 233; and the proposed central hospital Medical, Midland, jnbilee dinner of, rev,, 61i; the use *and abuse of internal board, 2834 IIQ5; new members, x56o ectopia vesice, ib.; remedies in the treatment of diseases of, Clinical, Chelsea, meeting of, 2344, I624 fracture of inner wall of orbit into anterior 1223 Clinical, of London, presidential ad- ethmoidal cell, 356z; fibromyoma of penis, ib.; Skipton, contract medical practice at. 2777 dress, 2254; myositis ossiflcans, I255 cases the diagnosis of suppuration in the accessory Skrimshire, J. T., scale of fees under the new illustrating the association of congenital heart cavities of the nose, ib. vaccination order, I647 disease with the Mongolian type of idiocy, ib.; Medical Missionary, Edinburgh, loan S3kull, acromegalic, 2253; thickened, 243T erythema enematogenes (enema r-ash) in exhibition of, 320 Sladen, D., Who's Wlho, re., 2825 clhildren, ib.; vermiform appendix occupying Medical, Newport, list of officers of Slater, C., An Atlas of Bacteriology, rev., I879 a hernial sac found perforated by a pin, 256; I259; meeting of, I624 Sleep, protracted, extending over 50 days, 937 syringomyelia, 2432: congenital suncromial - Medical, Northumberland and Durham, Sleepiness after meals, Io88 dislocation of shoulder, ib.; chyluria in a boy, meeting of, 1259, 2623 ; cases, etc., 2933; treat- Sleeping sickness, Dr. P. Matison on, 2672 ib.; repair of the bridge of the nose by a rabbit ment of fractures of tibia and fibula, i934; Sloan, S., the use and abuse of midwifery bone,ib.; double athetosis,ib.* ankylosis of lower epithelioma penis, ib.; specimens, ib. forceps, 479; frequent micturition after par- jaNv treated by removal of wedge from the of Medical Officers of Health, the turition, 2732 lower condyle, 2432; myxaedema in a child, ib.; medical officer of health as a public teacher, Small-pox and vaccination in Germany, 25; and lupus treated by thyroid colloid, ib.1 gumma 2258; presidential address, 2433 ; cancer in vaccination, facts about, 67; traimp-spread, of the tongue, ib.; left hemiplegia associated relation to the dwelling, i622 222; at Johannesburg, 666; the freedom of the with atrophy of the right optic nerve, ib.; Medical, Oxford, meeting of 2345 Germanynavy from, 739; as Nature's scavenger, bending of neck of femur, witlh marked ever- -_____ Medical Protection and Medico-Etlhical, '838; and vaccinationi in Bavaria, 998; in the sion of foot, ib.; sarcoma of synovial mem- East Suburban, Limited, formation of, 42 Soudan, 2003 ; and vaccination at the Dussel- brane of knee-joint, 2552; a case of hyper- - Medical, San Diego (California), election dorf Congress, 2095; at Stockton, 2380; and pyrexia in a neurotic woman with bronchi- of women as officers of, T32 vaccination, the future, I848 ectasis, ib.; intestinal resection, 2553; restora- Medical Sickness and Accident, the age SInell, the physics of, 833; the sense of, 2444 tion of the shaft 'of the ulna by the insertion limit, etc., of. 57, II7, 207, 274; meeting of Smith, Surgeon-General, A., death of, 2727; of the femur of a rabbit, ib.; gumma of liver, Executive Commiteee of, II3, 505, I080, 2503, obituary notice of, 2787 i686; green-coloured urine, ib.; operation for I2777 - A. J., one hundred cases of adbominal the effects of gastric ulcer, I687; lingual Medical, South-West London. chronic section, second series, 2876 chancre from indirect contagion, I815; pan- discharges from the ear and their treatment, - A. L., the surgery of pelvic inflamma- creatic calculi, I8i6; hmemorrhagic pancreat- 262 tion, 472; the use and abuse of midwifery for- itis, ib.; acute pancreatitis, ib. Medical, Swansea, banquet of the, ceps, 479; treatment of cystocele, 788; treat- - Clinical, of Manchester, officers of, ii63; ment of displacements of the uterus by the treatment of summer diarrhcea in children, -55 Medical, Ulster, annual meeting and operation, based on 200 cases, 792 234o cases of nervous disease, 2620; cases of list of officers of, 272; introduction of new E. C. M., beri-beri stricken case, 2427 sulbacute rheumatism undergoing the Taller- president, i558; vote of thanks to retiring Captain F., malaria, immunity absence man treatment, lb.; extrauterine pregnancy of president, ib.; presidential address, ib.; report of negro immunity, variety, 2807 twelve years' duration, ib.; treatment of of council, 2559; election of officers, ib.; annual F. J., micro-organisins and the produc- placenta praevia, ib. dinner of, I692I meeting of, x822 -tion of disease of the central peripheral ner- -- Clinical, North-West London, annual Medical, University College, annual vous system, 974 dinner of, i437 public night of, 2272 G. B., infective sarcomata in dogs, 2807 - Dermatological, of Gr-eat Britain and - Medical, West Penrith, list of officers of, G. M., a case of noma of the eal-, 7r4 Ireland, meeting of, 86, 2434, 2690 2259 H., the surgery of pelvic inflanimation, - for the Employment of Epileptics, an- Medical, Wigan, meeting of, 845 472 nual meeting of, 202 Medical, York, opening of session of, Mr. J. Greig, tlhe memorial to, 2094 Epidemiological, presidential address, 1272 Staff-Surgeoni J. L., decoration of, i836 2622, 2787 - Medico-Chirurgical. Bradford, presi- J. R., the physiological effects of breath- --Gynnecological,Britisli,specimen.S,20, 358, dent's raddress, 'r494; strangulated hernia, ib.; ing oxygen at high tension, 6io 2256, 2828; dysmenorrhcea, 20, 358; unusual cases nervous sequele of influenza, ib.; astasia- N., treatment of spinal caries, II29 dis- of ovariotomy, 359; the development of ovari- abasia, ib. ; specimens, 2495; meeting of, 2748 location of the hip-joinf in connection with otomy, ib,; the after-treatment of abdominal Medico-Chirurgical. Bristol. annual acute fevers, 2239; on coxa vara, I394; spasiiio- section, 2256, 2627; the combined method ini pel- meeting of, 2259; thie library of the, 2504; dic torticollis, 2404 vic surgery. 2928; annual dininer of, 2748 meeting of, i623, 2934 P., the etiology and educative treatmeiit Harveian,!6i8,of London, pulmonary osteo- Medico-Chirurgical, Edinburgh, resec- of convergent strabismus, I; accommodation arthropathy, 2343; congenital lheart disease, tion of pyloru%, 2492; tylosis, ib.; tonsillar tlheories, I556 2344; myopathy. lb.; enlargement of spleen, calculus, ib.; tuberculous neuritis, ib.; acute Sir T., address at opening of session of ib.; malignant disease of the orbit, ib.; con- yellow atrophy of liver, ib.; election of of- Abernethian Society, 2283 genital dislocation of patella, ib.; malignant ficers, I493; cases anid specimens, I820; pul- Mr. W., death of, I788 disease of large bowel, 492I; the treatment of monar-y regurgitation, ib.; sulphonal poison- Smithson, 0., phlermonous ulceration of the typhoid fever, 2492; functional dyspliagia, ing, 2822 mouth treated with antistreptococcus serum, I6i6 ; annual dinner of. 2728 Medico-Chirurgical, Glasgow, meeting I813 Hunterian, meeting of, 2495 of, 2I63, 2497, I624; case of nervous diseases, Smoke abatement, the National Liberal Club Laryngological, of Loncion, meeting of, 2342 ; erythromelalgia, ib.; peculiar infectious and, 829; in London, 2272 85, I690 disease in Lascars, ib.; tubercle of the brain, nuisance the, I638 -Medical Aid, National, aud contract 2929: perfor-ating ulcer. 2930; cirrlhosis of liver Smyly, W. J., the use and abuse of midwifery ractice, I907 in a clhild, .`b.; payer, ib. 1 2[2[2[ MEDICALTXTz DRn:.iXJOUxRNALI INDEX. [DEC. 31, '898.

Society, Medico-Chirurgical, Leeds and West sarcoma of the pineal body, 1745; glioma of Spicer, W. T. H., sympathetic ophthalmia Riding, two cases of Cwesarean section, 1432 ; pineal body 1746; syphilitic enlargement of beginning 14 days after excision of the injure4 hysterectomy for sarcoma of uterus, 1433; the pineal body, lb.; cysts of the pineal body, eye, I8I9 cases and specimens, 1433, 1560, 1689, 1820; lb.; calcareous deposition in the pinealbody, ib.; Spina bifida, radical cure of, 1142; the treat- cases 1433; gastric tetany, 1559; enteric fever Sir W. Jenner. 1875 ; blackwater fever, lb.; the ment of by "open operation " followed by complicated with pregnancy, ib ; pemphigus preparation of blood films, I876; peculiar con- closure of the spinal canal, I392 foliaceus, I560; gangrene of lung, ib.; the dition of the colon in pernicious anaemia, ib.; Spine, the treatment of caries of, 1127; meehan- treatment of shock, I8I9 ; excision of isthmus extensive sarcoma of the mediastinum, lb. ical vibration applied to in the treatment of of a bronchocele, 1820; enlargement of liver, Society, Pathological, of Manchester, list of offi- sclerosis of the middle ear, 1238 ib. cers, etc., 1259; aneurysm of abdominal aorta, Spitta, E. J., An Atlas of Bacteriology, rev., I873 Medico-Chirurgical, Norwiclh, jubilee of i56o; poisoning by water gas, ib.: a contribu- Spitting nuisane, te, 449 the, 1949 tion to the pathology of cancer, lb.; unusual Spleen, clinical studies with extract of, 684; the - -Medico-Chirurgical, Nottingham, meet- case of ovaritis, ib. clinical value of enlargement of, 895, Igo; ing of, 1162, 1496, I623, 1823 Pathological, Reading, annual meeting enlargement of, 1344 Medico-Chirurgical, Sheffield, meeting of, T205 Splenectomy, J. Vanverts, rev.. 812; successful Of, 1345, 31496, i6go, 1748 Pathological and Clinical, Glasgow, re- in pregnancy, 1769 Medico-Chirurgical, West Kent, miieeting covery from supposed tuberculous mening- Spokes, S., the medical profession in its relation of, 1258, 1496, 1747 itis, 1256; poisoning by gaseous pneumonia, to the State, io69 Medico-Chirurgical, WestLondon, meet- ib.; card specimens, 1257; meeting of, I624 Sprague, gout as a factor in life assurance, 766; ing of, 21, 238, II62, 1496, 1747 ; extension of ac- Pathological Diagnosis, Liverpool, the extra rating as a statistical problem, 773, 774 commodation, etc., for, IOI7 work of, 1575, 1786, 1847 Spray, the gastric, I868 Medico-Ethical, Bolton and District, ---Pedriatic American, report of committee Sprent, W. S., the new vaccination order, 1520, annual meeting and list of officers of, 1293; of on infantile scurvy. 619 i58i annual dinner of, 1532; meeting of, I623 Pharmaceutical, of Great Britain, intro- Spurgin, W. H., the camphor habit and its National, for the Aid to the Sick andl ductory address at, 1097 dangers, 84 Wounded in War, the steamier "Mayflower" for the Relief of Widows and Orphans Spurway, J., kava-kava, 12C7 of, 1003; the work of in the Soudan, xo8o, I380, of Medical men, meeting of court of directors Sputum, Microscopical Examination of, A. of, 277, I293 Daiber, rev., ggo; tuberculous, 1286 National Deposit Friendly, the scale of Roentgen, annual meeting of, 1495; con- Squibbs, R. E. P., toxic symptoms produced by a charges, etc., of, II7, 451, 5II, I173, 1276, 1372, versazione of, 1639 headache powder, 987 1463, 1589; and the Britislh Medical Associa- Royal and the investigation of malaria Squire, J. E., a cardio-respiratory murmur or a tion, 274 diseases, 254; officers and council of, i660; the respiratory iimurmur, rlhythmical with the National, for the Prevention of Cruelty anniversary of, 1704 heart beats, 1740 to Children, the report of, 320 Royal, of Edinburgh, office-bearers of, Stammering, the historical remedy for, 999 -~ Obstetrical, Edinburgh, specimens, 156, 177I Stanley, D., mediastinal tumour, i6I8 I931; the analogies of the male and female Royal Medical and Chirurgical, the Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, presence of in genital tract, i56; the promontoi'y and build of treatment of chronic Bright's disease (tubal inembranous inflammation of tongue and the pelvis, ib.; presidential address, 1557 notes nephritis) considered, I8; acute dilatation of mouth, I53 of a case bearing on the latency of gonorrlieal the heart in rheumatic fever, i9; rheumatic "Star," the, vaccination and Mr. Chaplin, 195 infection, I558; election of officers, lb.; chroiic dilatation of the heart in the rheumatism and Starch in gluten flour, 495 * inversion of uterus, 1931 a series of abdominial chorea of childhood. ib.; fibrinous or mem- State, the relations of the doctor to the. I37 sections, I932; repeated ectopic pregnancy, branous rhinitis and its relation to diphtheria, Staunton, M.C., vermiform appendix resembling I933 1338; congenital hypertroplhic stenosis of the supernumerary testicle, 1428 Obstetrical of London, the sagittal fon- pylorus, 1490; exhibition of specimens, I615; Staveley,W. H. C.,Gardner's Household Medicine tanelle. I54; fronto-anterior positions of the at distinct variety of hip-joint disease in child- and Sick Room Guide, rev., 238 faetal liead, I55; acute bedsore after parturi- ren and young persons, ib.; death of Sir W. Stays, prohibition of use of by girl students in tion, ib.; specimens, I55, 1491, I8x8; tubo-ab- Jenner, I8I5; an improved method of treat- Russia, iox8 dominal pregnancy, I491; Inreinorrhage from m-nent of separation of the lower epiphysis of Stebbing, Rev. H., appreciation of, I895 Fallopian tube without evidence of tubal ges- the femur, ib. Stedman, T. L., Twentieth Century Practice of tation, ib.; congenital uterine tumour, I8I8; - Russian, for the Preservation of National Medicine, rev., 8o8 incarcerated ovarian dermoid tumours during Healtlh, proposed congress of, 498 Steel, J., the ease of, 1959 pregnancy, ib.; interstitial uterine fibroids --~ Seamen's Hospital, and the visiting Steele, E. A. T., sawdust as a surgical dressing, with placenta prvevia, I8I9* the use of forceps, staff of the Dreadnouglht Seamen's Hospital, 1296 ib.; list of officers of, 1857 17I6, 1763, 1839: and its visiting staff, 1910, 1952 Stenhouse, G. C., gout as a factor in life assur- -Obstetrical and Gynnecologica], Glasgow, - for the Study of Epilepsy (American ance, 766 list of officers of, 1434 National), organisation of, 66 Stenosis, mitral, ii8, 275; congenital hyper- Ophthalmological, of the United King- Surgical Aid, report of, I792 trophic of the pylorus, I490 dom, subconjunctival bloodletting for hiemor- Therapeutical, of Manchester, meeting Stephenson, S., Oplithaliiia in Newly-born Chil- rhagic retinitis, I55; the mechanism of the of, 86, I624 dren, rev., Io65 conjugate movements of the eyeballs. ib.; large Sock, an arch instep, 459 _ _ W., the use and abuse of midwifery clear cyst of the conjunctiva, ib.; chancre of Socks, white woollen at night, 1295 forceps 477 the lachrymal sac, I56; card specimens, I56, Soil as a factor in the spread of certain diseases, Stereoscopy in clinical photography and ski- 1340, I557 ; officers of, 213; glioma of the optic graphy, I669. I697, I785, 1848 nerve, 1340; the tension of the eye in irido- So'dier cooks in India, 15I4 Sterilisation of nose and. throat instruments, cyclitis, ib.; accommodation theories, I556; Soldiers, wounded, surgical appliances for, 646; 1243 myxo-fibroma of the optic nierve sheath, ib.; convalescent homes for, 727, I I09 Steven, J. L., rheumatic heart disease in child- toxic amblyopia due to lead, lb.; renal retin- Somerville, W. F.. difficulties of medical ad- ren, II33; the prevention of tuberculosis, itis, I8I9; sympathetic ophthalmia beginning visers of life assurance offlices, 771 the import- i369; tubercle of the brain, I929; perforating fourteen days after excision of the injured ance of inereasing the respiratory capacity in ulcer, i930 eye, tb; an unusual form of marginal kerat- the anasmilias of young adults, 938 Stevens, J. H., the new small calitre bullets, itis, ib.; pulsating exophthalmos with visible Soudan, the expedition to, 132; the medical II8 tumour, ib.; symmetrical choroiditis in the service of the expedition to, 64o, 648, 745, 832; Stewart, G. N., secretion of bile in man, 775 early stage, ib.; atrophv of the choroid with small-pox in the, I003; the National Society's experiments on molecular concentration and sclerosis of the ('loroidal vessels, ib.; myxo- work in, Ioo3, Io8o, 1380, 1439; the seamy side electrical conduCtivity, 778: the occurrence of sarcoma of the orbit, lb.; congenital abscess of of the expedition to thie, 157, I887; honours for nerves on intracranial blood vessels, 781 choroid, ib.; tumour of iris, I6; injury to the expedition to, 1593 J., a case of protracted sleep extend- cornea, lb. Sound, passage of into a Fallopian tube, 830, 997, ing over flfty days, 957 Orthopiedic, British, meeting of, I56I, 1489 Sir T. G., the reciprocal duties of3our 1879 SoMti Africa, British practitioners in, 570: profession to the community, and of the com- Pathological, of London, compensatory rinderpest in, 922; the open-air treatment of munity to the profession, 28I; Lectures on hypertrophy of the lung, I25*3; follicular en- phthisis in, 948, I796, i86o; the power of sight Giddiness and on Hysteria in the Male, rev., teritis due to streptococci and bacillus enteri- of natives of, 173r 1497 tidis sporogenes, ib.; acromegalic skull. ib; Soutliam, F. A., amputation for Charcot's joint - Surgeon - General W., ammonium accessory parothyroid in the human subject. disease, 1495 chloride in the treatment of tropical dysen- ib.; substernal carcinonma, lb.; butter cyst" Southbourne-on-Sea, remarks on, 458 tery, 890 of the breast, 1254: bony and cartilaginous Southport, the climate of, 247 - W. R. H., wounds of the facial nerve nodules in the tonsil, ib.; sarcoma of the scalp Space in rear of new houses, 457 during operations on the mastoid, I240; cyst of I93years' duration, lb.; actinomycosis of the Spain, British practitioners in, 571; Poor-law of the maxillary antrum, I614 tongue, lb.; card specimens, 1254, 1431, I556, medical appointments in, 8I7; blindness in, Stiles. A. J., treatment of hydrocephaluskby in- 1746. I876; thrombosis of the hepaticveins, 1430; 999: a military academy of health in. i040; tracranial drainage, 1157 thrombosis of hepatic vein in cirrhosis. ib.; and the medical students of Havana in I871, __ H. J., the operation for mastoid disease viscera from a case of congenital syphilis, lb.; 1271; longevity in, I898 in infants and young children, II41 thickened skull, 1431; epithelial pearls in the Spaniards, alleged inhumanity of, 1126 Still, G. F., rheumatic heart disease in children, tonsils, ib; idiopathic hypertrophy of the Spectacles, the invention of, 1447, I640, 1663 1131: on congenital syphilis 1154- movable csophagus, lb.; sarcoma of the heart, ib.; of the Urine and of Pigments, A. kidneyin children, II55; the treatment of hy- spindle-celled sarcoma of the rectum, lb.; Henocque. rev., 631 drocephalus by intracranial drainage, 1157; thrombosis of the heart in typlhoid fever with Speer, Dr. W. S., obituary notice of, 455 the micro-organism of simple posterior basic embolism of common iliac artery, ib: carcin- Spencer, H., congenital uterine tumour. i8I8; meningitis in infants, lb.; erythema enemato- oma of the gall bladder without cholelithiasi s. incarcerated ovarian dermoid tumours during genes (enema rash) in children, I255 ib.: intrathoracic carcinoma. I5.6; multiple pregnancy, lb. Stimuli, The Importance of in Pathology and abdominal dermoid cysts, ib.; embolism of - W. G., Outlines of Practical Surgery, Treatment in the Light of the Doctrine of the both middle cerebral arteries, ib.; melanotic rev., 630; gumma of liver, I686 Neuron, A, Goldseheider, rev.. xi66 THE Bsisi. DEC. 3I, I898.] INDEX. LMEDICALr JOVJLI,AL XX

Stipa viridula, the pharmacological actiou of, American war, 1358- intestinal, some rudi- Taxpavers' Cash Book, A. M. Scarff. rev.. i88i 1I59 ments of, x381; of the brain, some advances in, Tebb,W. S.. A Century of Vaccination and what Stockman, R.. the treatment of chronic renal 1537; obstetric in country practice, 1705; pel- it Teaches, rev., 239; the mission of in disease, I05-; the therapeutic value of recent vie, the combined method in, 1928 America, I642 synthetic analgesics, their benefits and atten- Surgical operations, treatises on, I795 Technics (Surgical) in Hospital Practice, K. W. dant risks, 1054, I056; the evolution of the Sutcliffe, W. G., surgery of the Matabele rebel- Monserrat, rev., 241 "Pharmacopieia," 1827 lion, I1842 Technique, Microbiologique et Sdrotlidrapeu- S., the pathological effects of dead Sutherland, G. A., infantile scurvy in North tique, Besson, A., rev., 633 tubercle bacilli, 6oI America, 750; the treatment of hydrocephalus Teeth, impacted artificial cesophagotomy for, Stockport, the state of the workhouse infirmary by intracranial drainage, II55, 1157 1319,1334; the relief of pain in the, i65o; grind- at, 457 H., dress in hot weather, 580 ing the, 1795; the schoolboy's i896 Stockton, small-pox at 1380 J. F., the plea of insanity in criminal Teetotallers, the sins of, 222, 512, 1013 Stoddart, W. H. B., ihe pathology of cancer, cases, 587; on suicide, 684; the insanities of Telford-Smith, T., oni congenital syphilis, I152 856o inebriety from the legislative and medico- Templeman C., the insanities of inebriety, 694 Stohr, Textbook of Histology, rev., i88I legal standpoint, 69I, 694; on drunkenness, Tendon grafting, in infantile paralysis, 1139; Mr. Stoker, G.. oxygen treatment of wounds, 520 1362 Mayo Robson OI0. 137 Sir T., on coxa vara, I60x Sutton, J. B., On the Treatment of Uterine Myo- Testamentary. See Will Stokes, Sir W., William Stokes,his Life and Work mata (Fibroids), rev., 72I; tubo-abdominal Testicle, 'apparent" supernumerary, 1149; un- (I8O4-I878), rev., 163; thyroidectomy in ex- pDregnancy, 1491; hemorrhage from the Fal- descended, and entranlce to the army, 1535 ophthalmic goitre, 1297; treatment of frac- opian tube without evidence of tubal gesta- Testes, dislocation of i6 ture of the patella by the open method and tion, ib. Tests and Studies oi the Ocular Muscles, E. E. suture, x668 Suture, a new, for intestine, mesentery, etc., 148 Maddox, rev., 1935 Stomach, removal of, 30 ; muscular fibres of the, Swain, J., a contribution to the surgery of he- Tetanus, cephatic, treated with antitetanic 858, 69; complete removal of the, 5I8; reten- patic abscess caused by the bacillus typhosus, serum, 82; traumatic, treated with antitoxin, tion of food in for I8 days, 668 ; Diseases of the, 149 83; cephalic, treatment of, 2o8; Deonatorum, J. C. Hemmeter, rev., 8o9; chronic dilatation Swansea, opening of new operating theatre at 62ii; treated by antitoxiin, recovery, 718; treat- associated with chronic gastric catarrh, I126; hospital at, 1454 ment of, 741; so-called idiopatlhic antitetanus Diseases of the, M. Einhorn, rev 126I- dis- Sweden, British practitioners in, 57I serum, death, 1337 cussion on treatment of diseases of the, 1322; Switzerland, the medical faculties of, i37; Tetany, gastric, I559 the early diagnosis of cancer of the. 18r * The British practitioners in, 57I; consumptive Textbook of Human Emiibryology, J. Kollmann. Surgical Affections of the and their Treatment, homes in, '534; serum m-aniufacture in, I76I; rev., 241; of Comparative Histology of Verte- A. E. Barker, rev., 1748; a contribution to the institute for epileptics in, 1875 brates, A. Oppel, rev., 242; of Zoology, A study of the contents of, 1863; retrograde dila- Sydney, correspondence from, 747, 1583; con- Studemit's, A. Sedgwick, rev., 360; of Diseases tation of stricture of the cesophagus from, 1877 sumption hospitals at, 747; infectious dis- of the Kidneys and Gcui-to-Uriinary Organs, P. Stomatitis, following the administration of anti- eases, ib.: criminal abortion, ib.; proposed Fiirbringer, rev., 630; of Special Surgery for pyrin, 807, 932 Medical Bill, 1583; Midwifery Nurses Bill, Physicians and Students, F. Koenig, rev., 8iI Stones multiple prostatic, case of, i6; of un- 1584; Dr. Rennier, ib.; epidemic disease, ib. of the Practice of Medicine, J. M. A. Anders usuai size, successful removal of from both Sykes, J. F. J., some points in public lhealtlh ad- rev., 988; of Human Histology, A. A. Bohm an4 kidneys, 1414 ministration, 1433; bacteriological laboratories M. von Davidoff, rev., 989: of Surgery, H. Till- Stools, green, in enteric fever, 1252, 1947 in London, 1524 mann, rev., ii67; of Plhysiology, A. E. Sclhifer, Storey,R,,cleanliness during the monthiiyperiod, W., castor oil, 135 rev., 1345; of Diseases of WVomen, C. B. Pen- 1384 W. J., a new surgical [method of making rose, reA., 1347; of Histology, Stblhr, rev., i88i Story, J. B., tuberculosis oculi, i689 casts, I308 Thacker, Captaini R. C., treatment of enterie Strabismus, convergent, the etiology and educa- Sylvester, Dr. H. T., presentation to, 1856 fever by carbolic acid at the British General tive treatment of, x; the development of the Sym, A. C.. poisoning by primula, 1535 Hospital at Nowshera, Punjab, 888 operative treatment of. 483 Symes, J. O., note on glycerinated calf lymph, Thames. the purificatioin of, 212 Strachan, J., on the alcohol neurosis, 958 628 Theatres, modern operatillg, 299 Straits Settlements, medical appointments in, W. L.. on congenital syphilis, 1154 Therapeutics, Dr. J. 0. Affieck on the progress 569; meteorological observations in the, 838 Symington. J., lantern demonstration on cranial of, 3o6 Street noises, 4I, 256 topography, 698 Thermometer case and tongue depressor, x882 Streptococcus, folficular enteritis, due to. 1253 Symonds, C. J., vermiform appendix occupying Thermometers, imiiproved clinical, 89 Stretcher Drill Illustrated, J. J. de Z. Marshall, a hernial sac found perforated by a pin, 1256; Thigh, encliondroma of, I689 rev., 726 gumm;a of the tongue, 1432 Tliin, G., the parasite of the pernicious malarial Strontium, the action of bromide and iodide Symons, W. H., cancer in relation to the dwell- fevers of British Guiana, 869 of on exophthalmic goitre in children, 1042 ing, 1571, i622 Tlhomiias, W., treatment of spiiial caries, 1129 Struthers, Sir J., the significance of anatomical Symphysiotomies (two) in domestic practice, W. T., three cases of cesophagstomiy for variations, 698 794 foreign bodies, 1319; rupture of gall bladder, - J. W., chronic inversion of uterus, Syphilis, Maternal. J. A. Shaw-Mackenzie, rev., laparotomy, cure, I406; an operation for '93' I58; metallic iodide in, 460; notification of in hoemorrhoids, i6o8; stereoscopic photography, Strychnine, 'peculiar respiratory disorder pro- Prussia. 648; congenital, some aspects of. I149: I848 duced by the habitual use of, 1927 congenital, viscera from a case of, 1430; in the Thomiipson, A. H., tumour of imris, I8I9 Students, old medical, 195 army, I8I2 and I896, I444, 1525, 1585. I654, 1723, C. J. S., Notes on Pharmacy and Dis- Sturges, M. J., the sins of teetotallers, 512 1786, 1846, '954; in the third generation. I8g9 pensiig folr Nurses, icv., 634; The Chemist's Sturrock, A. C., the selective power of tissues Syringes, hypodermic, German enterprise in, ompendiuni, rev., 90I especially as illustrated in the mammary I664 Professor D. A. W., appointed scien- gland, 776 Syringomyelia, G. Hinsdale, rev., 634; case of, tific member of Fishery Board for Scotland, Sudbury, the experiments on pure milk supply 114319 I92.3 I1708 at. 917 System. (A) of Practical Medicine by American 1708____ E. S.. cardiac disease and life assur- Suez, the disinfecting serviceat, II88 Authors, A. L. Loomis and W. G. Thompson, ance. 76I; on blackwater fever, 869 Suggestion, a hypnotic. 756 rev., 238 J. A.. Prize Essay on Leprosy, rev.. Suicide, its psychiatrical and social aspects, 22; the maintenaiice and diffusion of leprosy. 678, collective, i I8I T. Sulphonal, poisoning by, 808, 1337, I82I Tabes, Professor Rosenbach on, 954 J. T., Roentgen rays in ophthalmo- Summer, the recent, the meteorology of I45I Tablets of Anatomy, T. and F. G. H. Cooke, rev., logy, 482; a case of cyst of the lmyahine canal Sunderland, the prevention of tuberculosis at, 720 producing a double lens, 485; congenital ab- 1776 Tablets, compressed. I883 sence of choroid, I8I9, 1920 Sunstroke, acetanilide in, 1550 Tabloids, new, 635; bismuth subgallate, Io66 VW. G., A System of Medicine by Superannuation under the Act of I896. 398, IOI6, Tait, L., a new and original method of making American Autliors, eTV., 238 1292; public vaccination, 457; in the Irish casts, 748; cyst of parovarium, 1341 instru- W. R., a possible case of superfceta- Poor-law medical service, 457, 665, 844, IOI6, ment for breaking up impacted gall stones, tion, 807 1466, I595, I96I ; of Poor-law medical officers, 1877; ovarian cyst, ib. Thomson, Alexis, section of pylolus, 1492 654, 1905; service reckoned for under the Act Tallerman treatment of rheumatism. I620 Arthur, medicine at Oxford, II96 of i896, 3IxO, 1292; of Poor-law medical offi- Targett, J. H., Appendix xi to the Second D., aseptic mnidwifery, 1285 cers, a central fund for, 1786, I848, 1953 Edition of the Descriptive Catalogue of the J., on congenital sypPhilis, 1154 Superfcetation, a possible case of, 807 Pathological Specimens contained in tlhe R. S., peculiar infectious diseases in Suppuration, of middle ear, curetting in, 1249; Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Lascars, 1342 iu the tympanic cavity, 1493 ; of the accessory England, rev., 725 - StC., experiment and clinical experi- cavities of the nose, the diagnosis of, xI6I Tasmania, vaccination in, 629 ence in laryngology, etc., 1229; laryngeal tu- Suprarenal extract, Professor Forlanini on, Tattooing in America, iiio berculosis, 1246; nasal hydrrhorcea, 1247, 1249; I1176 Taylor, F., Royal Masonic Institution for Girls functional dysphagia, I6i6 Surgeon, a Spanish, humanity of, Io8o; of hos- 1020 W. A. U., the scale of fees under the pital, qualiflcation for, I963 G. G. S.. the treatment of lupus vul- new vaccination order, I647 Surgery, antiseptic, history of, I'35; aseptic in garis bv the T.R. tuberculin, 8o Thorax, gunshot woundi of involving lung, re- the field, 208, 254; the present position of, 293; J., medical officerships in the High- covery, I684 of pelvic inflammation, 46I; Practical, Out- lands and Islands, 1384 Thorenc as a health resort, 728 lines of, W. G. Spencer, rev., 630; Orthopiedic, R. C., cocaine in rigid os. 1374 Tliorne, Sir R., on the control of tuberculosis, J. E. Moore, rev., 634; of the Intestine, M. R. W.. A Praetical Treatise on Sexual 1458, 1502. I580 Jeannel, rev., 722; Orthopaedic, Brief Essays Disorders of the Male and Female, rev., 9oo -- W. B., the open-air treatment of on, N. M. Shafer, rev., 725 hepatic and biliary, S., aneurysm of right carotid artery, plhthisis in London, Q40 nine cases of, 889: and Surgical Pathology, I1554 Tliornhill, H., the unclassified fevers of the The Principles of H. Tillmann, rev.. II67; a - ~ Surgeon-General W., decoration of, tropics, 865 century's progress in, 1171; in the Hispano- I836 Thlresh, Dr. J. C.. and the Colchester town BRTTIS 1 XX1 MEDICAL1'i T JouRNALJ INDEX. [DrC.I89831, ---a council, 494; and the protection of water sup- peripheral nervous system,975;;iIiCYsts the Turkey, British practitioners in, 571 plies, 830; A Simple Method of WaterAnalysis, brain, 1875 Turnbull, Inspector-General A., insanitary en rev., 1348 Treves, F., resigns surgeoncy of London Hos- vironment the cause of the spread of yellow Throat, gunshot woundI7;of, foreign body in pital, 1276; some rudiments of intestinal sur- and bubonic fevers, 88o detected by Roentgen rays, I243 gery, 1385 Turner, A., the mechanism of the conjugate Thrombosis. septic, of lateral sinus, 1244 E., so-called idiopathic tetanus, miovements of the eyeballs, 255 'Thursfleld, T. W., medical magistrates and the Trevithicik,antitetan-us serum, death, 1337 A. S., varicella gangrenosa, 726 conscientious objector,I998 Tribe, P. C. E., aneurysm of the aorta, opera- D. F. D., experiments on the production -Thymol in whooping-cogugh, 1020 tion, cerebral embolism, death, 1252 of complementary colour sensations, 777 'Thyrocondrotomy for malignant disease of vocal Trichinosis, Dr. T. Brown on, 914 GG, rinderpest in South Africa., 922 cords, 12I8 Trinidad, medical appointments in, 569; annual G. R., the medical profession, its diffi- Thyroglandin, the treatment of myxcedema and report of the surgeon-general as to, 908; culties and its rewards, io67; the Seamen's obesity by, 79, 2536 alcoiol. in the hospitals of, iii0 Hospital Society and its visitingI9I1staff, Thyroid colloid, lupus treated by, 1432 Triplets, a case Of, J. G., cyst of the maxillary antrum. 1725 - ~ ~ gland, the pharmacological action of, "Tripod of life.'28otlie, 916 R., the clinical value of enlargement of I42; the chemistry of the, 391; effects of in Tropical Diseases, P. Manson, rev., 157; forma- the spleen,895, 1590 diabetes, 514: clinical studies with extract of, tion of school for, 200; instruction in, 244, Twentieth Century Practice of Medicine, T. L. 684; the diagnosis of early fibrosis of, 942; 155 i637, i832, 1844 Stedman, rev., 8o8 serumtherapy of, I177; treatment of middle- Tropics, tile uniclassified fevers of, 862 ; medicine Tympanic cavity, suppuration in the, 1493 ear disease by, I250 in the, gog: the acelimiatisation of white men Typhoid fever. See Fever, enteric. : hyroidectomy, experimental, the blood changes in, 9I2; the responsibilities of Great Britain Typhus fever. See Fever. after0 r 6o8 ; in exopltlhalmic goitre, 1297 In, 913 TySOn, W. J.. cardiac diseaseand;life assurance, -Tibia, excision of the upper end of for myeloid Trowbrid and Melksham Union. the-guardians 761; on vascular pressure. 937 sarcoma as a substitute for amputation,288; of and thiege vaccination order, 1770 treatment of fractures of, 1934 Truman, C. A. P., cycle saddles, 1795 U. 'Tidey, S., visit to the Hospital of San Giovanni Tsetse-fly disease. See Disease Ulcer, perforating gastric operation, death, ne- at Tarin, 1287 Tubby, A. H., coxa vara or deflection of the neck cropsy, 84; perforated gastric peratiion for, 'Tilley, H., ear disease and life assurance, 981; of the femur, 230 ; treatment of spinal caries, I150 1407; typhoid, perforation of, operation, two cases of malignanlt disease of the vocal II29; the occurrence of a pad on the dorsum recovery, 220; perforatingduodenal, opera- cords, thyrochiondrotomy, non-recurrence in of the foot in rickets,II37; retroperitoneal tion, neeropsy, 1429; gastric,operation for the one case after two years, 1218; experimiient hernia in whlichl recovery took place after effects of, 1687 and clinical experience in laryngology, etc., operation,I 141; on spreading traumatic gan- Ulceration, phlegmonous, of mouth, treated 1230; catheterisation of Eustachiian tubes, grene. 1420 with antistreptococcus serum,I813 1238; on laryngeal tuberculosis. 1246; on nasal Tube, Fallopian, sounding of, 830, 997,8489; Ulmann, G., La Diphtdrie, rev., 1261 hydrorrlioea, 1248 Fallopiani, hamorrhage fromn without evidence Ulna, restoration of the shaft of by the insertion 'Tillmanns, H., development of surgery, 1095 of tubal gestation, 1491 of the femur of a rabbit, 2553 The Principles of Snigery and Surgical Path- Tubercle, the bacteriological diagnosis of, ii88; Ulnae, pathological, 1689 ology, rev.,I6 65; A Textbook of Surgery, rev., of the brain, 1929 'Union, Nottingham Medical and contract prac- lb. Tuberculin, the treatment of consumption and tice, 34 Tinned foods. See Foods of lupus by, 77; a plea for the more general United States of America, treatment of inebriety 'Tirah honours fortlle expedition to, 2o8; the use of by the profession, 944 in, 257; university education in,338; British medical arrangements for the catnpaign to, TR, the treatmient of ilupus vul- practitioner in, 572; leprosy andt annexa- 1466 garis by, 8o tion of Hawaiiby, 913;the heat 9I6;in, rail- *Tirard, N., the treatment of chronic renal dis- Tuberculosis, the repression of in Roumania, way accidents in,IOI7; tattooing in,i3ro; ease,I045, 1052; the new " Pharmacopceia," 66:tlle prevention of, 191,38, 742, 1458, 1502, yellow fever in,II10, 1178,136I ; medical women 1059 1524, 1579I 1645, i656, 1775, 1832, 2838, I89q, 1899; in, 1392;m eat inspection in the cities of, 1502; -Tissues, the selective power of, especially:as il- pulmiionary, universal applicability of open-air an aiitivaccinationlmission in, 2642 ; medical lustrated in the mammary glands, 776 treatment the Maleand Female Genito- libraries of, ib. medical signatories to the 'Title of physician. See Hunter, H. K. urinary of,23I7;ofOrgans, N. Senn, rev., 240; the move- declaration of independence of,T707; antivivi- 'Tobago, medical appointments in, 569 ment forthe repression of in Germany, 286, 2204; section in, 2708; the death-rate of the army and Tomkins,HI. H., sell-induced instrumental abor- prevention of in Italy, 338; Bier's treatment of, navy of, duringthe war with Spain, 1721; tion, 841 519; and the milksupply,9I7; pulmonary, State laboratories in,19I7 'Tomory, J. K., notes of a case of"apparent" the importance of climate inthe treatment of, Universities, modern, Dr. R. Saundby on, 2034; supernumerary testicle,II49 948; renal, and its surgical treatment, 1002; German-speaking, medical students in,II 6o Tone sensation with reference to the function bovine, the prevention of, 1007; and milk, University work in relation to medicine, 1028; of the cochlea,353 Mo86; discussion on at the Dusseldorf Con- the ideal,I082 'Tongue and mouth, membranous inflammation gress,I096; human and bovine, Dr. Manson _ of Aberdeen, examiiiners at, 220;con- of with presence of staphylococcus pyogenes on, I170; and pseudo-tuberculosis, 1205; ferring of degrees at, 338;honorary degrees aureus and other micrococci, 153, 340; gumma laryngeal, the pathogenesis and earlier at,ib.* regulations of as to medical and sur- of the, 1432 clinical evidence of, 1245; laryngeal, treat- gical degrees, 534; instruction at,547; regula- depressor and thermometer case,I882 ment of dysphagia in, 1250; the fight against, tions as to diplomas in State medicine, 562; tie, acquired, 1875 1267; Sir T. G. Stewart oIn the prevention of, opening of winter session at,565 -Tonsil, bony and cartilaginous nodules in the 1282 ; Sir W. H. Broadbent on the prevention Anstralian, proposed, 726 225 ; epithelial pearlsin the,I43I of, 136I; Dr.J. L. Steven on the prevention of, of Berlin, the anatomical and.biologi- 'Tonsl s, the, as the seatof entryfor general in- 1369; condensed milk and, 1384; Studies on, cal institute at,734 fections, 736 G. Arthaus,rev., 1564; hniiman and avian,I635; for, 1008 of Bologna, proposed grants of funds T'onta,I., Raggi diRontgen e loro Pratiche oculi, 2689; the Murphy treatment of, 1721: Applicazioni, ret., 634 renal, hospitals and patients suffering for__oo8 of Brussels, pass lists, 230; degrees -Tooth plates, impacted,cesophagotomy for, 1319, from,I878;31956 for practitioners at,559 1334,I6I8 Tubes, Eustachian, catheterisation of, 1238; - of Buda-Pesth, the rectorship of,6 'Topography, cranial, lantern demonstration on, tuberculous,I876 of Cambridge,medical and surgical 698 Tuffier, renal ruberculosis and its surgical treat- degrees,65, 2467, 1595,I727,I854,I958; pass lists,65, Torticollis, spasmodic, cases of, 1403 ment, 1002 1378,1915,1958; theD.P. If.of,340; regulations of as 'Toseani, Professor, death of,I009 Tuke, Sir J. B., etiology of the modern concep- to medical and surgicaldegrees, 527;post- Toxin, crude diphtheria, the local actionof, 596 tion of insanities, 341 graduate study in,558; regulations as to 'Toxins and anitoxins, the nature of the an- Tumour, primary, of right auricle ofheart, 1335; diplomas in State medicine,56o; the pharma- tagonism between, 1120 innocent, of the breast, carcinomatous change cological laboratory at, 575; mode of address- Toys, poisonous 1964 supervening upon, x6I8; congenital uterine, ing bachelors of medicine at, 58o; entry of 'Trachomaallegedin East Prussia,Ii6 i8i8; visible in pulsating exophthalmos, 18I9; medical students, 1290; appointments, 2290, "Tract, male and female genital, the analogues of iris,ib. ; of the pons, 2878 1595,I958.lhistory of physiology,3229o; museum of of the, 156; genital, direct and indirect damage Tumours, intracranial, treatment of, 964; in- anatomy, ib.; affiliation of Sydney University, to the, 192 operable malignant, electrolytic treatment of, ib.; examiners, 1378,I854; matriculation, 1378; Trades, dangerous, theHome Office and, 505 2420; cerebral, successfully removed by opera- council of the senate,ib.; fellowships,I467,2530; Training,ear-ly, of the mentally defective, the tion, I6o7 of the Spinal Cord and of the Verte- council election, 2530; honorary degree,ib.; neglect of, 686 brae A Contribution to the Clinical History of, medical examinations, 1595; sanitary science, 'Traitd. deDiagnostic Mddicale et'de Semdiologie, H. Schlesinger, rev., 1749; incarcerated ovarian lb.; science schlolarships, ib. F. 0. Mayet, ret., 1346; de Mddecine et de dermoid during pregnancy, i8I8; Cancerous Columbia, large gift to, 2962 Thdrapeutique, P. Brouardel and A. Gilbert, and others, Twenty-two Years' Experience in Cornell, large donation to, 1017; rev., 1936 the Treatment of, H. Snow, rev., 1824 4"wantedbrains"at, 1359;adyprofessors at, 1375 ?ramps, spread of small-pox by,212 Tunbridge Wells, contract medical practice at, of Cracow, degrees of doctor of ^Transactions and Reports, rev., 242, 633, 724, 8ii, 992, 1112 medicine at, xco6 1262, I565, I882 Tuning forks, charts for hearing power of, 1239 of Dublin, degrees conferred at,I30, -Transvaal, medical practice in the, 743 Tunnels, ventilation of, 1947 I9I6; regulations of as to medical and surgical Treatise (A Practical) on Sexual Disorders of Tunnicliffe, F. W., white bread or brown bread? degrees, 536; regulations of as to diplomas in the Male and Femiale, rev., 9oo; Clinical on 1452 State medicine, 563; openin of winter ses- Diseases of the Breast, A. M. Sheild, ret., Turek, F. B., treatment of diseases of the sion at, 565; the Regius professorship of me- I69I stomach, 1328; a new operation for gastros- dicine at, I836 -Trephining, traumatic epilepsy treated by, 1343; tomy and one for curettement of carcinoma of - of Durham, regulations of as to ime- for injury, 1940 the cardia, 1546; demonstration of intragastric dical and surgical degrees, 529; degrees for 'Trevelyan. E. F., cephalic tetanus, 208; on instruments, i865 practitioners at, 559; regulations as to diplo- intracranial tumours, 968; micro-organisms Turin, visit to the Hospital of San Giovanni at, mas in State medicine, 56I; pass lists, 929, iom6, -and the production of disease of the central 1287; the antirabic institute at, i962 I"O9 3r TH ETII xxxiii DEC. 31, I898.] INDEX. IMDIcA,L JOURNAL

University of Edinburgh, pass lists, 230, 337, 453, V. Voigt, L., on Hamburg lymph, 2095 1378; the Calendar of, 209; the chair of public Vaccination and small-pox in Germany, 25; and Voisin, Dr. A., death of.'121 health at, 2 5' honorary degrees at, 319; an small-pox, facts about, 67; successful, grants Volunteer Medical Staff Corps, promotions anP Institute of Public Health for, 375; graduation for, 232, 398 458, 665, 1292, 2380, 2728, 2792, I827, appointments in, 232, 208, 276, 396, 455, 525, 753,. ceremony at, 392; regulations of as to medical I856; Mr. Chaplin and the " Star," 295; A Cen- 843, 2025, 2209, I202, 2289, 2377, I465, 2593, 2727v. and surgical cegrees, 532 ; instruction at, 547 ; tury of and what it Teaches, W. S. Tebb, rev., 2789, 2915; the medical serviceof, 209; the pro- fellowships, scholarships, etc., at, ib.; regula- 239 * the Royal Colleges on, j77 i a discussion on ficiency examination of medical officers of, tions as to diplomas in State medicine, 562; with special reference to legislation, 424; re- 2209; titles of medical officers of, 2202 opening of winter session at, 565* graduation solution of the French Association for the Ad- officers, necessity for instructing im ceremonial at, 1467; lectures on teratology, vancement of Science as to, 498, 844; in Tas- ordinary routine, etc., I449 etc., at, I898; number of students at, I9i6 mania, 629; the metropolitan magistrates and recruits, medical examination of, of Glasgow, the principalshlip of, 42; the conscientious objector to, 648; antirabic at I89 pass lists, 65, 229I2 graduation ceremony at at Naples 753; and small-pox in Bavaria, 998; Vo'lvulus, ibdominal section in, 1820 *37regulations of as to medical and surgical and small-pox at the Dusseldorf Congress, Vulva, elephantiasis of, 898 degrees, 533; instruction at, 548; opening of, I095 ; at Christ's Hospital, II85 ; in Bengal, 2266; winter session at, 565; changes in medical in one place, 229-; at Kingston-on-Thames, staff at, 574; post-graduate classes in path- I380; the Duke of Westminster on, 2448; at W. ology and bacteriology, 663; graduation cere- surgery by public vaccinator, I647; death Waldo, H., treatment of bromidrosis, 280 ; a caset mony at, 2530; the pathological department from overlying attributed to, 272-; The Law of cirrhosis of the right lung, i824 of, 2909 Relating to, R. A. and C. H. Leach, rev., 17501; Walker, the hygienic humorist, 580 - of Havana, the chair of practice of private, 2774 ; and small-pox, the future, 2848; H J severe dysentery, cardiac failure, medicine at, I793 aseptic, the responsibility of parents, 2904 injection of artificial serum, recovery, 896 of London, the reconstruction Act. See Act Miss Jane, experience of the open-air- scheme of, 38; pass lists, 392,452, i658, 2958; regu- Bill. See Bill treatment of phthisis in England, 949 lations of as to medical and surgical degrees, case. antiseptic, I647 Wall, Surgeon A. J., death of, 232 528; degrees for practitioners at, 559 ; regula- order, the new, 527, 2352, 2355, 2370, Wallace, C., bending of neck of femur with tions as to diplomas in State medicine, 56o; 2448, 2462, I259, I58o, I646, 27I9, I839, I904; a marked eversion of foot, 2432 meeting of convocation, 2290; failure to get Board of Guardians on, 2770 D., acquittal of, 2853 quorum for meeting of convocation, 2467; the service the, 2569, 2702 Dr. J., death of, 744; obituary notice of, home of the, 2765; and the Imperial Institute, surrender, the, 450, 657 2832; and University College, London, 2838 Vaccinators, public, superannuation for, 457- 842 - T. (Cardiff), excision of larynx and part. 20Midland, proposed, I06, 122 public, awards to, I583I; public, the duties of, of the cesophagus, I605 Moscow, Jews in, 66 2774; public, not resident in the district, 2839 T. (Edinburgh), pregnancy in rela- of Munich, the chair of dentistry at, Vaccinia in the calf, 2653; insusceptibility to, tion to life assurance, 766, 769 1958 Waller, A. D., action of anuesthetics on animal- 3_337_- of Odessa, foundation of medical Vaginal section, cases of, 795 and vegetable protoplasm, 775 faculty at, 65 Vaiencia as a winter resort, 247 Wall paper, arsenical, 2208 of Oxford, pass lists, 65, I9I5; regula- Valentine, B., the alchymist 646 Wallis, J. C., operation for the effect, qjgastric itons of as to medical and surgical aegrees, 526; Van der Burg, C. L., rice an&beri-befl, 924 ulcer, i687 regulations as to diplomas in State medicine,. Van Someren, E. H., the water supply of Venice, Walmsley, F. H., pension tQ, I6sg 560; medicine at, II96; the medical facu1ty of, 427 Walsham, H., bony andcartilaginous nodules i- 1790 Vanverts, J., De la Splenectomie, rev., 812 the tonsil, 2254; epithelial pearls in the tonsil, of Paris, theses at, 328 Variations, anatomical, the significance of, 694 1431r of Prague, opening of the academic Varicella, varioloid, or, 225; gangrenosa, 726 W.rJ,,-NAsal:Obstruction, rev., 86 year at, io33 Variola, bile as an antidote in, 842; antitoxic Walters, A. R., puerperal septicaemia treated by Royal of Ireland, pass lists, 276, 453, treatment of, 2663 antistreptococcus'serilm, II6i 1203, 2854; regulations of as to medical and Varioloid or varicella, 22X J., puerperal septiceemia treated by anti- surgical degrees, 536: regulations as to Vascular pressure. See Pressure. streptococcus serum, Ii6I diplomas in State medicine, 56,3 Veale, H. de P. B., a new catheter dish, 635; R. F:, observations on sanatoria for con- of St. Andrews, regulations of as to System of Medical Book-eeping, rev., 2565 sumptives, 2226 medical and surgical degrees, 534; opening of Vein, internal jugular, excision or a portion of, Walton, G. B., addresses to medical students, winter session at 565; changes in medical 2224 2374 staff at, 574,3 OI6; the Oxford of Scotland, IIIO; Veins, hepatic, thrombosis of, 2430 War, the seamy si of, i527, 2887, i956 and University College, Dundee, 2467; the Vena cava, superior, rupture of, 2335 - Hispano-Ame ican, medical news from, 45 assessor to the rector of, 2727 Vendde, wine drinking in, 2583 I87, 260, 328, 3g; contributions by German- of Tennessee, burning of medical Venereal sores, antistreptococcus serum in the 223,Emperor and Enipress-Frederick to fund in department buildings of, 2728 treatment of, I6Io aid of sick and wdounded at;'378 the horrors of Utrecht, the professorship of Venesection in chronic Bright's disease, 452; of, 494; medical repoits of the, 753; mortality at, 373 advantages of in acute pneumonia, 2339; the of troops after, 2282 ;surgery ill the, 2358; the gynaecology.Victoria, degree day at, II6; pass value of, 2874 killed and wound&l in-, 2377 lists, 453; regulations of as to medical and Venice, the water supply of, 427 risks and life assurance, 2447 surgical degrees, 528; regulations as to Venoms, bile as an antidote to, 627 Ward, A. O., a defect in the notification system, dipIomas in State medicine, 56o Ventilation of war ships, 2292; of tunnels and 523; oysters and disease,.ii98, 2463 of Vienna, students at, 8I8 buildings, 2947 Warden, C., experiment and clinical experience- of Wales, annual collegiate meeting Ventnor, Dr. Ewald on, 25IO in laryngology, etc., 2230 of, 2467 Verandahs, seaside, open-air treatment of Ward-Humphreys, Mr. G. H., presentation to, Unna, P. G., on lupus erythematosus, 703 phthisis in, 949 832 Jrachus, cysts of the, 2275 Vermiform appendix. See Appendix Waring, Dr. F. J., presentation to, I292 Ureter, malformation of, 896 Veronesi, A., Ii Risanamento d'Alessandria Warning, a, 460 Ureter-catheters and the cystoscope, relative d'Egitto, rev., 9oi Warsaw, reported outbreak of plague at. 1456 value of as aids in the diagnosis of sur- Vertebrates, Outlines of the Comparative Ana- Washbourn, J. W., infective sarcomata in dogs,_ gical diseases of the kidney 2422 tomy of, R. Wiedersheim. rev., 8IxI 2807 Ureters, catheterisation of in both sexes, 24I2 Verulam Review," the editor of and antivivi- Washing apparatus for hands, 2012 Urethra, female, ectropion of the, 988; rupture section, 2270, 2375, 2452 Washington County, establishment of bacterio-- of the, I6I9 Vesicula seminalis, excision of, 2428 logical station in, 782 Urinals, dry, 2576, 2590 Vibration, mechanical, the use of in the treat- Wasp sting, fatal case of, 2429 Urinary Organs, Clinical and Experimental In- ment of atony of the stomach and intestines, Water, analysis of by health officers, 222; dis- vestigations concerning the Diseases of, T. 2867 tilled in the dispensing of medicines, 340° RovsiDg, rev., 724 Victoria cross, the bestowal of, 844, ioi6, 2202; drinking, surface drainage as a source of, tract, the origin, effects, and treatment award of, 2770 IIo6; A Simple Method of Analysis of, J. C. of septic-infection of tue. 2302 Vienna, notes on ophthalmology in, 8i8; plague Thresh, rev., 2348; under London, 2939 Urine, quantitative examination of, 67; detec- in, 1276, 2356, 2445, i66o famines, 747 tion and estimation of inosite in, 848 ; Methods Vimbos, io66 supplies, the protection'of, 830; domestic,. of Analysis of, Lassar-Cohn, rev., ggo; green- Vinegar as an alleged cause ofJhepatic cirrhosis, 2027 coloured, i686 2207 supply, surface wells as a source of, 407;- Urc%uhart, A, R., on suicide, 683 Virchow, Professor, the visit of, 493; proposed of Venice, 427; of East London. 575,654, 729. Urticaria, scarlatiniform, 253 banquet to, 648; the Huxley lecture, 202, Io08I; 825; of Birmingham, 2274; of Brafor, 2263;. Uruguay, British practitioners in, 572 note on, 2084; banquet to, 2083, 2089; visit of of Bristol, I35,; of Belfast, 2782, 2904 Usher, C. H., cavernous angioma of orbit 622 to Liverpool, II03; at Claybury, 2274; the Ger- Waterhouse, H. F., on intracranial tumours, Uterus, rapid digital dilatation of os of aurin manpapers on the visit of to England 2276; 968 . labour, 226 756 ; clamp and ligature in vagina election of as deputy to German Reichstag, Waters, artificial mineral, the origin of, 43_; The hysterectomy in malignant disease of, 6i8; 2524; on the value of experiment in pathology, Mineral and Health Resorts of Europe, H. and myomatous, extirpation of by the vagina, 788; 1945 F. P. Weber, rev., 722 a speedy method of dilating the os of in par- Virgin Islands, British practitioners in, 572 Waters, A. C., oysters and disease, zw7 turition, 790, I374, z656, 2847; treatment of dis- Viscerafrom a case of congenital syphilis, 2430 Waterston, D., the anatomical basis of reduc- placements of 792; inversion of, 806; perfora- Visiting Lists, 2694 tion by manipulation of dislocation at the ion of, sotnding of tube ? 830, 997; hysterect- Vitality, limited family, does evidence of it call shoulder-joint, 700 omy for sarcoma of, 2433; pregnant, gunshot for an advanced rate of premium ? 762 Watkins A H., two cases of resection of bowel wound of the, 2524; procidentia of, 2523; Vivant, J. E., the importance of climate in the treated with Murphy's button, I7 C#sarean section in dcystocia due to ante- treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, 948 Watson, Dr. A., death of, I727 partum hour-glass contraction of, I870; myoma Voelcker, A. F., science and charity, I268; cal- G. B., addresses to medical students, of, 1932; chronic inversion of, ib. careous deposition in the pineal, I746 I588 1 Xxx2 v MEDICALMETREOBULT]HJOUILNALI INDEX. [DEC. 31, 1898.

Watson, Mary C., deaths in childbirth, vro$ Wiglesworth, A., aseptic midwifery, 1284 595.; the pathological effects of dead tubercIe Way, J. H. F., poisoning by camphor liniment, -J., ocuIar phenomona in general bacilli, 6o;, the nature and significance of recovery, 986 paralysis of the insane, 688 leucocytosis, 6o7; pleural irritation and M., case of impacted renal calculus in left Wilkes, E. A., scleroma neonatorum, bo62 pleurisy, 609; tuberculosis, diphtheria and the ureter and atrophied riglht kidney, suppres- Wilkinsoii, G., urethral irrigator, I501 treatment of sewage, 1092 sion of urine, operationi, death, necropsy, iI6o W. C., the prevention of tuberculosis, Woods, J. F.. hypnotism an organic disease, 677 Weak-minded, the care of, i855 4 Woodward, W.,the conscientious objector, Is5o Weatherly, L. A., the old and the new in Witk8, Sir S., on medical education, I074 Wooldridge, Mr. A. T., presentation to, 66 medicine, I41 Will, the, and its diseases, 1083 Woolsorter's disease. See Disease Webb, L. L., pathology in general practice, making, aphasia In relation to the capacity Workhouse reform in Ireland, 740 i649 for, 58x, 748, 824, 1103 Workhouses, Irish and English, Lady Meath on, - Miss M. E., death of, I465; proposed Willett, J. H., lympho-sarcoma treated by Coley's 1855 memorial to, I727 fluid, 7I8 Workmen's Compensation Act. See Act WVeber. F. P., The Mineral Waters and Health WVilliams, C., lingual chancre from indirect con- Wound, punctured, of chest, produced by fish, Resorts of Europe, rev., 722 tagion. I8I5 '599 H., The Minieral Waters and Health -Kenwick, "the monster," I96 Wounds, the antiseptic treatment of, 24; tIle Resorts of Europe, rev., 722 P. W., difficulties of medical advisers oxygen treatment of, 520; treatment o., I48I, Weeks, C. C., dystocia due to ante-partum hour- of life-assurance offices, 77I ; on vascular pres- I589; tlle value of pressure in the treatment of, glass contraction of uterus, Cwsarean section, sure, 937, 1287; Diseases of the Upper Respira- I688; the union of, 3733 I870 tory Tract, rev., Io66 Wray C., extraction of transparent lens in high Wegg, J. A., panting in auscultaticn, 848 R., the operative treatment of strabis- myopia, 489 Welchselbaum, A., PaVisatologie, rev., 1348 mus, 484: operation for incarcerated iris, ib.; Wright, B. J. E., the Medical Sickness and Weight, increase of in dying iilfants, Iooo paralysis of accommodation after influenza, Accident Society, II Wei-hai-Wei, the climate of, 753 485 lupus of conjunctiva, 1493 J. H., Pathological Technikue, rev., 721 Welch, Surgeon-Coloiiel F. i-., syphilis in tlle R. P., abolition of "the view" at in- W. S., spreading traumatic gangrene, army, 1725 quests, To6 1420 Weldon, M. R. F., the statistical study of - W., the treatment of empyema, 1533 Writing of prescriptions, I599, I664, 1796 natural selection, 835 W. L. 0., the new vaccination order, pads and lhandwriting, I599 Wells, surface, as a source of water supply, 4C7 1580 Wry-neck. See Torticollis Welsford, G, F., the new vaccination orderl 15521 W. R., note on multiple family cancer, Wunderlich, O., the National Deposit Friendly Welsh, D. A., the blood changes after experi- I612; the operation for removal of cancer of Society, 5311 mental thyroidectomy, 6og; pleural iriita- the breast, I844 Wyllie, J effects of environment on birds, 1964 tion and pleurisy, 6Io Williamson, G. E., cerebral tumours success- Wyman, 'W. E. A., The Clinical Diagnosis of West Africa, service in, 276 fully removed by operation, I607 Lameness in the Horse, rev., 813 .Ham, laying of foundation stone of asylum R. T., diabetes mellitus and its treat- for, 388 ment, 120; the pathological clhanges in a case X. Indies, British practitioners in, 571 of chronie syphilitic paralysis. 1921 X rays. See Roentgen. West H. A., the differential diagnosis between Willis, Dr. G., obituaij notice of, 1014 Xerodermia pigmentosa, case of, I342 yellow fever and dengue, 30 Willson, H. S., the V'atccination Act, I898, 512 WVheat and civilisation, 828 Wilson, A., epileptiform convulsions during Y. starvation and wasted sewage, 738 anaesthesia, 237 Yarr, Major T. M., malarial affections of the eye, Wheatley, A., A Handbook of Horse-slioeing, G. R., a graphic method of case records 170 rev., 723 in asylums, 689; the insanities of inebriety, Yaws in mother and infant, 895 Wheeler, H. J., fees under the new vaccination 693 Yearbook of Pharmacy, rev., I823 order', 177 H. McL., on the pollution of rivers, Yearsley, P. M., the thyroid treatment of middle- order,_'. 1. de C., perforative gastric ulcer, 401 ear disease, 1250 1407; the radical cure of hernia by displace- 40__ J. T., filaria strongylus or false tubercle Yellow fever. See Fever. meit, I408 in the pig, sheep and goat, S5n Yellowlees, D., the uses and dangers of lhypno- Whipple, C., perforating duodenal ulcer, opera- O., the diagnosis and treatment of tism,, 677; on suicide, 683; the insanities of tion, necropsy, 1429 pleural effusions, 1779 inebriety, 698 White, C. P., the Liverpool Pathological Dia- Wiltshire, lunacy in, 1576 Yeomanry, promotion and appointments in gnosis Society, 1786 Winder, F. A., the charge against, 1853 medical staff of, 396, Ig6o F. F., suppurative otitis media compli- Windward Islands, medical appointments in, Yonge, E. S., the treatment of dysphagia in .cated by hyperplasia of the meatus, 1874 569 laryngeal tuberculosis, 1250 W H, the treatment of hismatemesis by Wine drinking in La Vendde, 1583 Yorkshire, sanatolium for consumptives in, erc oride of iron, xI8; Materia Medica. Wines, medicated, 715 1446; fees under the new vaccination order in, Nharinacy, Plhariimacology, anid Tlherapeutics, Wingfield, H. E., on hypnotism, I582 158I rev.. 988 Winsford, opening of new infirmary at, 1462 Young, D., hereditary digital abnormality, 715 Whiteford, C. II., epileptiforiii convulsions Wishart, W. de W., mortality in Georgetown, 925 Surgeon-Genieral H., deatli of, 132 during anwesthesia, 236; imialformation of kid- Witnesses, medical, at inquests, 929, I658; medi- H. C. T., the surgery of pelvic iniflamma- ney and uretel, 896; wound treatm ent, 1589; cal, in waiting, 1703 tion, 471 saline injections in collapse, 1731 Wolstenholme, H. H., the British Medical Asso- -- J. scarlatina anginosa, I842 Whitla, W,, Elements of Pharmacy, Materia ciation and the National Deposit Friendly Mr. J. Y. S., death of, 6056 Medica, and Therapeutics, rev., 1346 Society, 274; the National Deposit Friendly M, post-mortem bleeditug, I535 Whitmarsh, J. L., the charge against, 209, 454, Society, 1286, 1464 929; trial and seiitence on, 1377; the case o0, Women, pharmacy as a profession for, 68; as I711 officers of a medical society, 132; modern, the Z. Whooping-cough, thymol in, 1020 beauty of, 495; the medical education of, 556; Ziemann, H., Ueber Malaria und andere Blut- Who's Who, D. Siaden, rev., I825 scented, 827; medical edueation of in Edin- parasiten, etc., ret., I498 Widal's reaction, 1324 burgh, 840; Chinese, the feet of, 1577; medical Zoology, Elementary Practical, F. E. Beddard, Widows and orphans of medical men, appeal education of in Russia, I671 rev., ggo for, 391, 450 stabbers, I96 Zuckerkandl, 0., Atlas und Grundriss der Wiedersheim, R.. Grundriss der vergleichenden Wood Mr M. A., death of, 578 chirurgischen Operationslehre, rev., 1436 Anatomie der Wrirbelthiere, rev., 8II Woodhams, Mr. S., death of, 1526 Zupnik, the etiology of diphtheria, Io95 Wiggins, B., prolonged retention of placenta in Woodhead, G. S., the sedimenting properties of Zygoma, fracture of the, I551 recurrent abortiolls. 17 serums, 593; post-diphtherial paralysis, 593, Zymin action, protoplasm and, 780 r TII BRITISH V DEC. 31, 1898.] INDEX TO THE EPITOME. IMEDICAL JOUa&AL INDEX TO THE EPITOME FOR VOLUME II FOR 1898.

The Figures in this Index refer to the Number of the Paragraph NOT the Page.

A. Ataxy, hereditary cerebellar, I83 Blood, bacteriology of in disease, 203; the in Abdomen, tlhrombosis and embolism of large Atresia. cicatricial, of the os uteri, 172 nephritis and uriemia, 219 vessels of, I ; teratoma of, 464 Atriplicism, 416 serum, human, the clinical signification Abortion, treatment of by abdomino-vaginal ex- Auricle, left, suture of, 362 of agglutination of Koch's bacillus by, I29 pression of the uterus, 346; missed twins, 443 Auto-intoxication in epilepsy, 359 Bloodgood, radical cure for inguinal hernia with Abscess, late dysenteric of liver, 224; pancreatic, Auvray, resection of the liver, 404 defective conjoined tendon, 307 surgery of, 267; large, of ovary after pneu- Bluhm, cystic fibroma of the round ligament, monia, 48 B. '7' Achondropfasia, fcetal, 331 Bacillus, Kochl's, the clinical significance of Blum, tuberculous endocarditis, 378 Achylia gastrica, the association of -chronic agglutination of by human blood serumn, 129; a Bobroff, cyst of the liver, 145 diarrhcea with, 20 comparative study of by the physiological Bode, placental tumours, 192 Acromegaly, hypophysini in the treatment of, effects of different products extracted from Bodenstein, tannate of orexin in anorexia, I78 45' cultures of, 136; agglutinations of, 140; the Bohn, toxi-alimentary dyspnoea, I44 Actinomycosis in man, I89; primary, of the tetanus in general paralysis, 224; typhoid, Bois, purulent arthritis and Friedlaender's skin, 231 post-typhoidal suppuration caused by, 257; pneumobacillus, 374 Adami, pathology of syphilis, 336; stages and the, in diphtheria, 435; the diphtheria, recog- Boissard, cicatricial atresia of os uteri, 172 forms of syphilis, 454 nition of, 471 Bolog nini's symptom in measles 323 Adams, irrigation by submersion in empyema, Bacteria, immunity of lydrocephalic fluid from Bombay, clinical aspect of the piague iD, 433 86 invasion by, 79; complications of diabetes by, Bone, hyoid, cases of, extirpation, recovery, 89; Addison's disease. See Disease 80 implantation of in the cranium. 459 Afterbirth, the, and hnemorrhage, 249 Bacteriology of whooping-couglh, Ioo: of the Bonnaire, pregnancy and gOitre, 251 Aged, intracranial teratomna in the, 373 blood in disease, 203; of epidemic pneumonia Bordier. tlle galvauic treatment ot hyperemesis Agglutination, of Kochl's bacillus by human in South Africa, 235 gravidarum, 310 blood serumii. the clinical significance of, 129; Badcock, dietetics of heart disease, q6 Bossalino, protargol in ophtlhalmnic practice, 55 of Koch's bacilli, 140; the cause of, 239 Bail, protective substances against the'staphlylo- Bouchard, the Roentgen rays in the diagnosis of Air, therapeutic action of on serous membrane, coccus infection, 372 pulniionarytuberculosis, 131 217 Balint, disturbed compensation in valvular dis- Bouillier, appeildicitis during pregnancy, 442 Albert, tumours of tlle placenta, 94; rupture of ease, 321 Bourhial. tuberculin TR, 125 the umbilical cord, IO9 Ball, treatment of fractured patella, 43 Bovee, tubal haemorrhage independent of tubal Albespy. unruptured lhymiien in pregnancy, 347 Bandage, pyramidal abdominal, treatment of pregnancy, 294 Albuminuria, post-epileptic, 399 post-partum haemorrhage by, 8 Brachialgia and brachial neuralgia, 284 Albumosuria, 340 Bang, the prophylaxis of animal tuberculosis, Brain, tumour of, 39; serous meningitis simu- Alimentary tract. diseases of the, 205 124 lating tumour or, 263 Allard, gonorrhoeal neuritis, 290 Barjon, haimorrhagic pleural and peritoneal Braitenberg, stypticin in uteline haemorrhage, Alkalies, effect of on gastric secretioni, 97 effusions in hepatic cirrhosis, 280 502 Alkaloids, artificial immunity by, 78 l3arremans, fibroma of ovary, I68 Branfoot, uterus bicornis. amputation of one Amnibee in dysentery and enteritis, 238 Flartlhel, organismal contents of the lungs, 453 cornu, recovery, 348 Amputation, interscapulo-thoracic, 420; at the Baseb, v., measurement of the lungs, 418 Braun, local aniesthesia and artificial ischaemia knee-joint in senile gangrene of the foot, 421 Bastian, the diagnosis of double uterus, 425; 497 Anaemia, thyroid extract in, 36 extrauterine gestation at term, fcotus dead Braun-Fernwald, repeated Caesarean section in Aniesthesia, Schleich's, in gynaecological opera- four years, 447 a case of extreme spondilolisthesis, 29I tions, 273; local, artificial ischawmia as a Baumber, clhronic ankylosing inflammation in Breast, cancer of the, igo; male, fibromyxoma of, method of producing, 364, 497 the vertebral column, 208 247 ; curability of cancer of the, 481 Anaesthetics, a ii1etliod of resuscitation in ap- Beaulavon, the treatmiient of poor patients in Breasts, diffuse hypertrophy of in a virgin, parent death from, 49; effect produced by on sanatoria, 237 271 the kidney and circulation, 393 Beckmann, interstitial not identical with tubo- Brentano, operative treatment of pericardial Anders, etlher pneumonia, 26 ovarian pregnancy, 234 effusion, 326 Aneurysm, cure of by gold wire and electro- Beclere, the Roentgen rays in the diagnosis of Brewster, appendicitis, 462 lysis, subelavian, treatment of by ex- pulmonary tuberculosis, I31 Brial, the thlerapeutic action of air on serous cision 245;of the sac, 327 Behring's tetanus antitoxin, 52 membrane, 217 Ankylosis of the hip, oblique osteotomy of tlle Bell, tllyroid extract in anaemia, 36 Bridge, some neglected signs in chest dis femur for, 147 Bellisari, consequences of a wounjd in the lieck, eases, i8 Anorexia, tannate of orexin in, 278 403 Bi3odliead, dry labour, 9I Antipyrin eruptions, I4 Benoit, tuberculin TR, I25 Bronchitis, treatment of, 99; fibrinous, 26o intoxication, 449 Berger, oblique osteotomy of the femur for Bronchoscopy, direct, 184 Antiseptics, gastric and intestinal, 95 ankylosis of the hip, 147; interscapulo-thoracic Brower, acute meningitis, I9 Antitoxin, tetanus, Behring's, 52 amputation, 420 Brown, trichinosis, 200 Apex beat, seat of tlle in tuberculosis, 341 Bergonie, therapeutic action of x rays on tuber- Bruce, the temperature in cerebral haemor- Apostoli, the electrical treatment of neuras- culosis, 132 rhage, 339 thenia in hysterical patients, 51, 355 Beri-beri, various views as to, 222 Brucek, sCailatinal mYOSitiS, 2o6 Appendicitis, the medical treatment of, 34: Berkeley, congenital tumour of the hard palate, Bruner, the blood in nephritis and uraemia, ten years' work on, 146; and renal colic, 358; I88 2I9 during pregnancy, 442; treatment of, 462 Berlioz, sero-guaiacol in the treatment of tuber- Brunuer, hernia of the bladder, 88 Arcoleo, mammary tubercle, 293 culosis, 134 Budin, treatment of abortion by abdomino- Argyll-Robertson phenomenon, 338 Bernheim, an ideal sanatorium, 138 vaginal expression of the uterus, 346 Arloing, tuberculin TR, 125 i the clinical signi- Berton-Sans, influence of the x rays on experi- Bugge, thrombosis of the vena cava inferior fication of the agglutination of Koch's bacil- mental tuberculosis, 133 lus by human blood serum, I2 a comparative Bezancon, hypertrophic tuberculosis of the Bul ley, milk, its absorption versus its diges- study of the physiological efhects of different colon, 121 tion, 35 products extracted from cultures of Koch's Bier, treatment of chronic rheumatism, I98 Burghart, pyrosal and plhenosol, 352 ta illi, I36 Bilhaut, injections of antitetanus serum into Burns, effect of on the eceliac plexus, 415 Arsenic in the hair, 120 the nerve centres in traumatic tetanus, 354 Burr, gonorrhcea as a factor in puerperal fever, Arrhythmia from pericardial irritation, 82 Birgelen, subcutaneous injection of iron, I55 29 Arteries, carotid and subelavian, temporary Bischoff, uraemic insanity, 102 Butler, the untoward effects of drugs, 506 closure of. 22: large, treatment of subelavian Blache, artificial serum in the treatment of rupture of, 244 tuberculosis, 135 C. Artery, internal iliac, bilateral ligature of the, "Black eye," treatment of, 316 Caasarean section, removal of pelvic exostosis 437 Bladder, lhernia of the, 88; sur-gical treatment after, 113 ; a second in a rachitic patient, 174; Arthritis, tuberculous, treatment of by blood- of tuberculosis of, 142; thrush of the, 363 repeated in a case of extreme spondylo- less methods 139; purulentand Friedlaender's Blanc, intermittent hereditary hydrarthrosis, listhesis, 291 the placenta in, 389 pneumobacilius, 374 dysenteric, 457 4I7 Calculi, biliary, removed by the dLuodenal route, Asearis lumbricoides as a cause of death, 223 Blanchet, an ideal sanitorium, I38 38I ; biliary, the bacterial origin of, 431 Ascites, treatment of by injections of oxygen, Blastomyces, pseudo-lupus vulgaris caused by, Calf lymph, nephritis following vaccination 350 101 with, 283 Ascoli, leucocytosis in pregnanCy, 387 Blastomycetes as sources of infection of malig- Calot, treatment of tuberculous arthritis by Asepsie, technical details in, zo7 nant tumours, 396 bloodless methods, 139 Ass's milk, 470 Bloch, resection of renal tissue as an aid to Camelot, coexistence of uLterine cancer andfibro- Asthma thymicum ? 47 diagnosis, 64 myoma, 505 Copies of the Index to the Epitome, with Title-page, for binding in separate form can be had on application to the Office, 429, Strand, W.C. - * BRITISH 1 MEDICALTou JOURNAL j INDEX TO THE EPITOME. [DEC.[D-Ec. 31, 1898.i898.

Cancer, of the breast, Igo; primary multiple significance of agglutination of Koch's bacil- Duval, bilateral ligature of the internal iliac vginal, 406; of the rectum, extirpation of lus by human blood serum, 129; splenectomy artery, 437 by a combined abdominal and perineal and infective disease, 237 Dysentery, amoebao in, 238 method, 4601 of the breast, curability of, 48I; Coxa vara, 423 Dyspncea, toxi-alimentary, 044 vaginal hysterectomy for, 483; and ulcer of Cragin, congenital pelvic kidney obstructing stomach, the surgery of, 495; secondary of labour, 426 E. vagina after ovariotomy, 500; uterine and Cranium. implantation of bone in, 459 Ear, middle, tuberculosis of the, I86; peroxide fibromyoma, coexistence of, 503 Crespin, congenital hereditary mitral stenosis, of lhydrogen in diseases of the, 335 Capolongo larvae in the conjunctival sac, 230 380 Eberthl, intracranial teratoma in the aged, 373 Caporali, lavage in the stomach in chronic Crile, temporary closure of carotid and sub- Echinococcus, resection of the liver for, 225 gastric catarrh, 307 clavian arteries 22 Eclampsia, ante-partum and post-partum, 004; Carbamic acid in eclampsia, 194 Crises, ocular, in locomotor ataxia, 360 car bonic acid in, 94; puerperal venesection Carbolic acid, poisoning by, 304 Cristiani, lactophen in the treatment of in- ID, 2I3; hypodermic injections of saline solu- Cardiac. See Heart somnia in the insane, 53; lactophenin as a tion in, 446; puerperal, the organs in fatal Caries of hyoid bone, extirpation, recovery, 89 hypnotic, cases of, 500 Carnot hepatic extract in haimoptysis, 368 Curette, perioration148 of uterus by, 05I Ecmnesia, 85 Carotid, common or internal, danger to the eye Cushing, wound of thoracic duct, '344 Eczema, chronic on the hands, treatment of, of ligature of, 38 Cyon, hypophysin in the treatment of acrome- 378 Cassaripe in infecAious diseases of the eye, 403 galY, 4501 Edebohls, the other kidney in contemplated Cataract, senile, the spontaneous absorption of, Cyst, tubal rupture of, ovum uninjured, 68; re- nephrectomy, 498 248 troperitoneal chyle, removal of, 73; of the Edinger, experimental tabes, 490 Catarrh, chronic gastric, lavage of the stomach liver, 045; pancreatic, of traumatic origin Edlelsen, treatment of chronic eczema on the in, 307 operation, recovery, 2Io; pancreatic, fluid hands, 370 Cathcart, the nature of venereal warts, I8I from a, 259; dermoid, complicating labour, Effusion, pericardial, operative treatment of, Cattaneo, hysterical spasm of the cesophagus in 270 326 a child, 456 Cystoma, ovarian, dangers of in pregnancy, 486 Eflusions, hoeniorrhagic, pleural, and peritoneal in Cavazzani, the arrest of hoemorrhage, 450 Cysts, ovarian, and typhoid fever, 252 lhepatic cirrhosis, 280 Cayet, acute myositis, 419 Eiclihorst, intermittent, immobility of the pupil Centanni, secondary toxic products in infec- D. in tabes, I6o; toxiemic delirium in heart dis- tion, 300 Dartigues, removal of an extraperitoneal ute- ease, 282; the Argyll-Robertson phenomenon, Cerne, cause of pain as a symptom of twisted rine stuinp, 070 338 pediele, 484 Davis, cyclical stomatitis as a menstrual phe- Electrical treatment of neurasthenia in hysteri- Cervix uteri. See Uterus nomenon cured by oiophoritis, 69; eclampsia, cal patients, 50, 355 Chancre, soft, treatment of, 76; double, of the ante-partum and postpartum, 004 Electricity as an aid to diadermic medication, lids, 232 Death, sudden, in infants ? "asthma thymi- 369 Charmeil, serum treatment of syphilis, 394 cum," 47; apparent, from anmesthetics, a Electrolysis and gold wire, cure of aneurysm by, Charpentier, coxa vara, 423 method of resuscitation in, 49; ascaris lum 245 Charrin, transmission of toxins from foetus to bricoides as a cause of, 223 Embolism of large abdominal vessels, I; in mother, 395 De Bourgon, ephedrin, 430 childbed, 92 ; pulmonary in childbed, 349 Chauvet, the hydro-electric treatment of chronic De Bruijn, missed abortion, twins, 443 Em pyema, irrigation by submersion in, 86 rheumatism, 75 Delancy, treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, Endocarditis, ulcerative, treated with anti- Cheney, protargol in ophthalmia neonatorum 39.1 staphylococcus serum, 02; tuberculous, 378 and other conjunctival diseases, 278 Deiirium, toxaemic, in heart disease, 282 Endometritis, chronic, rational treatment of, Chest, some neglected signs in diseases of the, Demelin retraction of the uterus in labour, 149 31 ; haemorrhagic, iodide of potassium in, Sog z8 Denison, the modern treatment of tuberculosis, Enleritis, amcebae in, 238 Child, hysterical spasm of the cesophagus in a, 32 Ephedrin, 430 456 Denys, another new tuberculin, o26 Epilepsy in secondary syphilis, 40; operative Childbed, thrombosis and embolism in, 92; pul- Descensus ovariorum, 45 treatment of, 048 ; and hysteria, the association monary embolism in, 349 Desmos, surgical treatment of tuberculosis of of, 26i; section of the cervical sympathetic in, Children, fracture of the clavicle in, 27; renal the bladder 142 308; auto-intoxication in, 359 sarcoma in, 66; newborn, Raynaud's disease De Vlaccos, precocious puberty, 076 Erdmann, Behring's tetanus antitoxin, 52 in, 285; pulmonary tuberculosis in, 319; new- De Voogt, the female organs and thyroid gland, Ergot in chronic Imalaria, 402 born, severe flooding in, 409; Addison's dis- 301 Eruptions, antipyrin, 04 ease, 477 Dezirot, Addison's disease in children, 477 Erysipelas, metacresolanytol in,40r Chimenti, lavage of the heart and pericardium Diabetes, the bacterial complications of, 8o; Esdra, leucocytosis in pregnancy, 387 in purulent pericarditis, 468 diet in, I97; the dietetic treatment of, 350 Ether, effect of inhalation of on the lungs, 57 Chimici the influence of the spleen in destruc- Diadermic medication, electricity as an aid pneumonia, 26 tion of bacterial poisons, 502 to, 369 Etienne, preroseolar osteo-periostitis, 185 Cholecystitis, acute, 268 Diarrhcea, chronic, the association of with Eucaine 9, 54 Cholecystotomy, should the operation for in achylia gastrica, 20 Euphthalmin, II8 two stages be abandoned? 65 Diazo reaction, the nature of, II9 Exosplenopexy, 87 Cholera, immunisation against, 154 Diet in diabetes, 197 Exostosis, pelvic, removal of after Coesarean sec- Chorea, paralytic 207- the nature of, 397 Dietetics of heart disease, 96 tiOn, 003 Chute, congenitai defect of the fibula, 499 Dieulafoy, appendicitis and renal ColiC, 358 Eye, danger to the of ligature of the common Circulation, action of suprarenal extract on, Digestive secretions, the neutralisation of toxins or internal carotid, 383; cassaripe in infectious 107; effect of anaesthetics on, 393 bv, 182 diseases of the, 4033; luxation of from blowing Cirrhosis, Ile atic, hlemorrllagic pleural and Diler, serous meningitis simulating brain the nose, 44o peritoneal efusions in, 280 tumour, 263 Eyelids, double chancre of the, 232 Claude, the Roentgen rays in the diagnosis of Diphtheria, indication -for intubation in, 23; pulmonary tuberculosis, i30 and coryza, 320; the bacillus in, 435 F. Clavicle, fracture of the in children, 27 noma, 478 Fantino, actinomycosis in man, I89; cancer of Coccyx ankylosed, extirpation of in a lumbo- Dirner, large abscess of ovary after pneumonia, breast, Igo sacral kyphotic pelvis, 385 485 Fedorotskaia-Viridarskaia, emphysematous va- Cochez, congenital here tary mitral stenosis, Disease, Addison's, in cllildren, 477 ginitis, 205 380 Raynaud's, in newborn children, 285 Feeding, artificial, of infants, 334 Cole, inversion of uterus, 504 Stokes-Adams, case of, 492 Feet, sweating, formalin fur. 469 Colic, biliary, and cardiac lesions, 60; renal and Weil's, case of? 434 Femur, oblique osteotomy of for ankylosis of the appendicitis, 358 Diseases, contagious, iLnsects and-the transmis- hip, 047 Colobian, trophic changes in general paralysis, sion of, 56 Fenger, should the operation for cholecystotomy Disinfection, formaldehyde, 005 in two stages be abandoned.? 65 Co ln, hypertrophic tuberculosis of the I2I Diverticula, gastric, 220; deep cesophageal, 480 Ferd, intermittent hydrarthrosis of neuropathic Comby, pulmonary tuberculosis in thildren, 309 DixoD, podophyllin, 428 origin, I65; a case of trade paralysis. 400 Compensation distirbed in valvular disease, 320 Doleris, feetal tuberculosis, 8I; severe flooding Ferguson, gastric diverticula, 220; uretero-vagi- Coneetti, renal sarcoma in children, 66; im- in newborn children, 409 nal and ureters. abdominal fistulae, 275 munity of hydrocephalic fluid from bacterial Donati, section ot the cervical sympathetic in Fermi, the factors predisposing to pneumonia, invasion, 79 epilepsy, 308 242 Congress of Tuberculosis, president's address Donier, excessive temperature in pneumonia, Fever, enteric, immunisation against, I54; at, 5; progress made since last meeting of, 023 36I ovarian cysts and, 252; treatment of, 276; Cord, spinal, syringomyelia and sarcomatosis Dorland, repeated extrauterine pregnancy, 075 serum diagnosis in, 452; and insanity, 474 Of, 472 Dreser, heroin, 295 -hay, suprarenal substance in, 296 - umbilical, rupture of the, Iog Drop foot following alcoholic paralysis, 494 puerperal. gonorrhcea as a factor in, 29 Cornea, treatment of serpiginous ulcer of the, Dru-gs, and vesicular mole, 46; the untoward relapsing, the serum therapy of, 427 438 effiects of, So6 scarlet, after laparotomy, 422 Coronillin 255 Dubard, agglutination of Koch's bacilli, 040 Fibroid, embryonic, causing uterus duplex, IX; Coryza ana diphtheria, 320 Duct, thoracic, wound of, 343 of the Fallopian tube, i93 Cotarnine, the hydrochlorides of 489 Ductus arteriosus, persistent, 60 Fibroids, sloughing, operative treatment of, 463 Cotton, congenital defect of the Abula, 4g9 Duffau, splenectomy and infective disease, 237 Fibroma of ovary, I68; cystic of the round liga Coudray treatment of tuberculous arthritis by Dukhanin, sarcoma of the mesentery of the ment, 070 bloodless methods, 139; Lannelongue's sclero- small intestine, 306 Fibromyoma, large, of uterus, 328; and uterine genic method, 343 Duplant, rupture of left ventricle, 63 cancer, co-existence of, 5o5 (c11-wh. the action of Deronnine on, I96 Durante, Raynaud's disease in newborn Fibromvxoma of male breast, 247 Courmont, tuberculin T.R., o25; the clical children, 295 Fibula, coigenital defect of the, 4,9 T THE BrTiTSN JO'LRNAL xxi ]DEC., -31,I x8i88.l- I - -. INDEX TO THE EPITOME. [MEDICAL

.-a I Finkelkrant, rupture of vagina, 93 Gowers's tract, the termination of, 375 hlysterectomy, vaginal, the appendages after, Fischler, saccharated extract of tllymol in Gradle, headaches, 21 445; vaginal, compound hemorrhage after, whlooping-cough, rq Grammatikati, intrauterine injections in gynie- 467; vaginal, for cancer, 483 Fisichella. sypliilis of the femiiale uretlhra, 227 Cology, 152 I-hysteria and epilepsy, the associationi of, 26I Fistula, utero-iiitestiiial, 444 Granuloma, ulcerating of groin, 228 Fistula, uretero-vaginal and uretero-abdoniinal, Gravagna, treatment oi gonorrhcea, 353 T. 275 Gregor, artificial feeding of infants, 334 Idiocy, amaurotic famlily, 400 Fitz, albumiiosuria, 340 Grenet, diphtheria and coryza, 320 Immerwahr, antipyiin intoxication, 449 Fleiner's treatmenit of lhypercllorlhydria, 487 Grigorief, the bacillus in diphtheria. 435 Immunisation against cholera and typlhoid Flooding, severe, in newborn children,, 409; Grimm, ben-ben, 222 fever, 154 from rupture of placental sinus, 465 Groin, ulcerating granuloma of, 228 Immunity, artificial, by alkaloids, 78; of hiydro- Fluid fromii a panelreatic cyst, 259 Gurber, the active prineiple of the suprar enals, cephalic fluid fromii bacterial invasioni, 79; Faetus, the secretion of urine by tlhe, i6; de- 299 against poisons, 300 formed, in pr olonged gestation, iIi; niace- Gueuer, ruptured tubal gestation, subcutaneous Incdican, 38 rated, in latter half of pregnancy 388' trans- saline injections, 312 indigo blue, 38 miiission of toxins from to motiler. 395; in Guinard, oxytuberculin, 256 Tndol, 38 extrauterine gestation at termii, dead four Gunshot injuries of the spine, 496 Infancy, fatty scleroderma in, 51O years, 447 wounds, treatment of in military prac- Infant witlh spina bifida, prolapse of vaginal Foix, post-typhoid paralysis, i63 tice, 226; treatment of, 325 and rectal mucous membranes in a, 292 Foot, amputation at the knee-joint for seniile Gynoecology, intrauterine injeetions in, I52 Infants, sudden deatlh in ? "asthma thymicuni," gangrene of tlle, 421 47; sacchlarine in the feeding of, 298; artificial Formialdehyde, disinfection by, 115 H. feeding of, 334 Formaliii for sweatinig feet, 469 Hsemoglobinuria (quinine), 143 Infection, secondary toxic products in, 30!; Fowler, ten years' work on appelidicitis, 146 I-hemorrhage, post-partum, treatinent of by a general, starting fromii the tonsils, 302 Fraenkel, diffuse liypertroplly of tlle breasts in pyramidal abdominal bandage, 8; the after- Inflammation, chronic ankylosis. in the verte- a virgin, 27I birth and, 249; tubal, independent of tubal bral column, 208 Frazier, coxa vai'a, 423 pregnancy, 294; cerebral, the temperature in, Influenza, polyneuritic. 379 Freymuth, noma of thle vulVa, 209; diplitlieria 39; the arrest of, 450; compound, after vaginal Injections, intrauterine, in gyniecology, 152: noma., 478 nysterectomy, 467; uterine, stypticin in, 502 subcutaneous saline in rtiptured tubal gesta- Friedlaender's piieumobacillus and purulent Hair, arsenic in the, 120 tion, 312; hypodermic of saline solutions in arthritis, 374 Hlalasz, peroxide of hydrogen in diseases of the eclampsia, 446 Frieser, treatment of migraine, 2I8 nose and ear, 335 Insane, lactophen in the treatmnent of insomniia Friseli, v., tlhrush of tlle bladder, 363 Hands, treatment of chronic eczema on tlhe, 37o in the, 5- Fr6lich, neplhritis followiiig vaccinatioii witl Hara-kiri, a case of, Io8 Insanity, post-operative, 5; ureasnil, 102; and calf-lymph, 283 Harte, a case of hara-kiri, Io8 typhoid fever, 474 Fuchls, tannopin, 216 Hasbrouck, pulmonary osteo-arthropatlmy,286 Insects and the tr-anismission of contagious Ftirst, the treatment of gonor rhLlia in woniien, 9 Hauszel, sarcoma of the larynx, 269 diseases, 56 Hay fever. See Fever Insomnia in tllh insanie, lactoplhen in the treat- G Hayem, effect of alkalies on gastric secretion, 97 ment of, 53 Galante, post-epileptic albuininuria, 399 Headaches, diagnostic chlaracteristies of, 21 Intoxication symiptonis after injection of oleuni Gallant, fracture of the clavicle in clhildren, Heart, lesions of the and biliar y colic, 6o; cinereum, 5o8 27 dietetics of disease of, 96; tox2emic deliriumii Intubation in diplithleria, inidicationis for, 23; of in disease of, 282 lavage of in purulent peri- in stenosis of the larynx. 44' Gallois, tlle treatmient ..of tlle vomiiiting- ; syphilitic endo- pregnancy and of piithisis by oxygeiiated carditis, 468 ; disease of and pregnancy, 503 Iodide of potassiuni in lhemorrhagic water, 274 iHeideken, v., extirpation of an ankylosed coecyx metritis, 509 Galloway, ulcerating granulomnia of groin, 228 in a lumbo-sacral kyphotic pelvis, 38 Iron, subcutanieouis inijection of, 155 Gtalvagni, pericarditis callosa, 303 HIeitler, arrhythmia from pericardial irritatioii. somatose, 77 Galvanism, treatment of liypereillesis gravid- 82 Irrigation, intestinial, 13: by submersion in arum by, 310 Helbing, rhabdoniyoma in place of the left lumig, eimpyema, 86 Gangiene, puerperal, 195 i senile of tlle foot. amii- 279; experimental tabes, 491 Isclhenmia, artificial, as a metlhod of pr-oducinig putation at the knee-joint for, 421 Ilelbron, double chancre of the lids, 232 local alnestliesia, 364, 497 Gastric. See Stomachi llenld, tle operativetreatment of non-mialignant Gaucher, dropfoot followinig alcolholic paralysis, stenosis of the pylorus, 324 J. 494 Henry, hwmorrhagie pleural and 'peritomneal Jacobi, ergot in chlroic miialaria, 412 Gautier, on bile in biliary lithiasis, I77 effusions in hepatic cirrhosis, 280 Jacobs, fibroid of the Fallopian tube, "r Geigel, iiiurmiiurs in the femoral vein, 105 iHepatic extract in hiemoptysis, 368 Jacomet, reiiioval of hydatid of lobulus gpigelii, Geisler, the nature of diazo-reaction, II9 Hermaphroditism, 366 365 Gerdeck. forinaliii for sweating feet, 469 Hernia, accompanied by lhypertrophiied pro- Jadassolhn, imlmunity and superinifection in Gestation, prolonged, witlh deforiiied fetns. 1 12: state, 7; of the bladder, 88; predisposition to. clhronic gonorrhasa, 258 ectopie, operation foi near termii, live fmctus, Io6; epigastric, i67; congenital diaphragniatic James, bacteriology of the blood in disease, 203 miiotlher saved, 272: ruptured tubal. sub- in pregnancy, 173, 314; radical cure of, 288; Jess, pregnancv and heart disease, 503 cutaneous saline injections. 312; extrauteriiie radical cure of with defective conjoined Jessen, general infection startinig fromii the at termii fetus dead four years, 447 tendon, 307; sciatic, 382 tonsils, A02 Gevaert, ireatiiient of angular curvature of the lteroin, 295, 429 Joffroy, t e association of hysteria and epi- spine, 266 I1erzog a metlhod of resuscitation in apparent lepsy, 261 Gllon. a fatal case of gonorlica. 44 death from anaesthetis, 49; fibrinous broneli- Johnson, hernia complicated by hypertrophied Giajinis, the genesis of uric acid. 201 itis, 260 prostate, 7 Gilbert, lhepatic extract in lhenioptysis. 367 IHip, oblique osteotomy of the femur for anky- Joly, insects and the transmissioni of conitagious Gilchrist, pseudo lupus vulgar is caused by losis of, 147 diseases, 56 blastomyces, IOxI Hirseh amaurotic family idioCy, 400 Jones, A. J., tlle association of chronic diarrhwea Gilles, electricity as ani aid to diader mic iimcdi- Hirschberg, involuntary movements in tabes, 2 with achylia gastrica, 20 cation., 369 Hirschfelder, oxytiiberculin, 127 R., iiietatarsalgia, 46I Gilles de Ia Tourette, tim temnperature in cerebral Hivet, rupture of the uterus, probably traunma- Joslin, miietabolism in stomiach-affections, 455 lieinioirliage, 339 tic, in third month of pregnancy 250 Josserand, late dysenteric abscess of liver. 224 Gioffiedi, artificial iiiiiiiuiiity by alkaloids, 78 Ifo ffmiiann, the examination of the sputum, 41 Gioidaiii, suture of left auricle. 362 Hofiiiann, carbamic acid in eclampsia, 194 K. Giranideau, paracentesis pericardii. 392 Holmes, adrenal tumours in the kidney. 24 Kamen, priniary actiniomycosis of the skin. 23! Gironi. sciatic lier'nia, 382 Honl, the bacterial complications of dmabetes, 8o Karchler, clhroniic lead poisoniing, 84 Glantenay, malignant uterine disease iii yotutlh, HIoujel, exosplenopexy, 87 Keiffer, vesicular niole and drugs, 46 71 Hugel, treatment of laryngospasm. 488 Keim, congenital diaplhragmatic hernia in preg- Gmeinei. puerpemal laceratioii of rectunii above Huginer, congenital dmaphr-agniiatic hernia ii nancy, 173 sphiincter' 211 pregnancy, 171, tI4 Keller, saccharin in infantile feeding, 298; tlme Goelet, the rational treatuieiit of clhronic enido- Hutinel, artiflma serum i the treatment of artificial feeding of infants, 334 metritis and imietiitis, 3I; vaginal pessamies, tuberculosis, 135 Kelly, pneumaturia, 25 408 Hydatid of lobulus Spigelil, removal of, 365 Kemp, intestinal irlrigation. 13: the effects pio- Goffe, ti'eatmient of reti oversion of utei'us. 28 Hydrarthrosis, intermittent of neuropathlic duced by antestlheties on thme kidneys anid cir- of twinis death of origin. initermittent heredity. 417 3 Gogotsky, delivery after i65; culation, aiid anti- motlher. 72 Hydrastinine, the hydrochlorides of, 489 Kempner, ie action of sausage toxin Goitre alnd pregnancy, 251 : thic oper ati ve treat- Hydrocele of round ligaminent. 386 toxin on nerve cells, I5 nient of, 402; exophitlhahmnic, operative treat- Hydrocephalic fluid, immunity of from bac- Kenn, pregnancy and diaplhragmatic liernia, niient of, 43 terial invasion, 79 3I4 Goldspohlln, descensus ovarioruim, 45 Hlydrochlorides of hydrastinine and cotarnine, Kholmogoroff, secondary operations for ruptuire Gold wire and electrolysis, cure of anieur-ysm 489 of time perineuimi, 70 by. 245 Hydr-o-electric treatment of chroniie iheumat- Kidney, adrenal tumours on th-ie, 24; resectioni Gonococcus, the biology of tlle, 432 Ism, 75 of tissue of as an aid to diagnosis, 54; sai- - in malaria, (ionorrhcea, treatment of in womeii 9; as a fac- Hymen, unruptured, in pregnancy, 347 coma of in children, 66 lesions of tor in puerperal fever. 29; a fatai case of, 44; HIypera-sthesia gasti(c, 476 236; wounded, nephrectomy for- 342; con- treatmiient of by ointments, II6: chronic, im- llyperchlorhydria, Heimer's treatment of, 487 genital, pelvic, obstructing labour. 426; the munity anid superinfection in, 258; treatment Hyperemesis. See Vomiting otlher in contemnplated nephrectomy, 498 of, 3- lai'gin in, 371I; the pathology of, o90 Hypnotic. lactophienin as a, 448 Kidnicys, effects of aniestlietics oii, 393 Gout, toxic, the artificial production of, 357: Ilypophysin in the treatmen-t of acromegaly, Killiani, dii-ect bronchoscopy, i84 theory of, 398 45I Kirstein, wsophagoseopy, i6I n BtLTsa 1 XX.XV11 MEDICALTX1 JOURNALJ INDEX TO THE EPITOME. [DEC. 3I, 1898.

Klaussner, orthoform, 367 Levings, course and treatment of injuries of Milchner, the combination of the tetanus poison Klein, uncontrollable vomiting of pregnanicy, the peripheral nerve, 4 and ne-rvous substance, 337 Lewin, immunity against poisons, 300; carbolic Milk, its absorption versus its digestion, 35 Kneinaus, Bchleich's anaesthesia in gynieco- acid poisoning, 304; clinical aspect of the ass's 470 logical operations, 273 plague in Bombay 4A3 Mills, andry's paralysis, 24X Klippel, alterations of taste and smell in tabes, Ligament, round, cystic fibroma of, 71I; round, Mitchell, treatment of uriemia, 37 62 hydrocele of, 386 Miura, hereditary cerebellar ataxy, 183 Kluge lysol poisoning, Ligature, bilateral, of the internal iliac artery, Moller, measles, 264 Knejoint amputation a2?7the for senile gangrenie Mole, vesicular, and drugs, 46 of the foot, 421 Lll nthal, resection of the liver, 54 Mollities ossium, the ovaries in, 482 Kndpfelmacher, fatty scleroderma in infancy, Lindeann, effect of ether inhaiation on the Moncorvo, the nature of cliorea, 297 510 lungs, 57 Mongie, epigastric hermia, I67 Kocher, predisposition to hernia, Io6- radical Lithiasis, biliary, ox bile in, 177 Montesani, the tetanus bacillus in general para- cure of hernia, 288; the operative treatment Littauer, manual detachment of placenta, io lysis, 221; the factors predisposing to pneu- of goftre, 402; surgery of ulcer and cancer of Liver, cyst of the, 143; late dysenteric abscess of monia, 242 stomach, the, 224; resection of for echinococcIs, 245; Montessorl, the tetanus bacillus in general Koelzen, metacresolanytol495 in erysipelas, 411 resection of the, 384, 404; protective action paralysis, 221 Koenig, congenital varicose veins, 246 of against microbes, 414; the lower edge of Montgomerv, teratoma of abdominal cavity, 464 Kofmann, artificial ischaemia as a method of the 4 6 Morano, seat of the apex beat in tuberculosis, producing local anaesthesia, 364 Lloyd, tile z ray in medico-legal cases, 405 34' Kdppen, Bolognini's symptom in measles, 323 Lobulus Spigelii, removal of hydatid of, 365 Moritz, ulcerative endocarditis treated with Kdster, thrombosis and embolism of large ab- Locomotor ataxy. See Tabes antistaphylococcus serum, 12 dominal vessels, I Loewenthal, theserumtherapy ofrelapsing fever, Morphine, Poisoning by, 74 Kolle, bacteriology of epidemic pneumonia in 427 Mother, delivery of twins after death 0t, 72- South Africa, 235 Longuet, surgery of the sternum, 287 transmission of toxins from fCetus to, 395 Kornfeld, largin in gonorrhcea 371 Lovrich, ovarian cysts and typhoid fever, 252 Mouravieff, the action of diphtheria and strep- Korolenko, effect of burns on the c,nliac plexus, Ludwig, placenta prievia, rupture of uterus, tococcus toxins on the nervous system, 356 diastasis of symphisis, o50 Moussu, the contagiousness of tuberculosis, I39 K ssa, v., the artificial production of toxic gout, Lung, left rhabdomyoma in place of the, 279 Mouth, perforating ulcer of the, 58 357 Lungs, ekect of ether inhalation on the, 57; Movements, involuntary, in tabes, 2 Kouwer, rupture of uterus from without, iIo' measurementof the, 4I8; organismal contents Moynihan, treatment of subelavian aneurysm Krafft-Ebing, eemnesia 85 of the, 453 by excision of the sac, 327 Kramer, removal of peivic exostosis after Caesa- Lupus vulgaris (pseudo) caused by blastomyces, Mucous membranes, vaginal and rectal, pro- rean section, 113 I0I lapse of in an infant witl1 spina bifida, 292 Kreutzmann, torsion of uterus by a tumour, Luxation, dorsal, of the tlhumiib, x66 Murmur, mitral, disappearance of, 305 466 Lysol poisoning, 297 Murmurs in the femoral vein, IO5 Kiihnau puerperal tetanus, 153 Murri, quinine hiemoglobinuria, 143 Kurth, the diphtheria bacillus, 47I M. Myasis, intestinal. 265 McBurney, biliary calculi removed by the duo- Myasthenia, case of, 493 L. denal route, 382 Mygind, antidiphtheritic serunii in ozicna, 31s Labey, rupture of tubal cyst, ovum uninjured, McClanahan, indications for intubation in Myositis, scarlatinal, 2006; acute, 419 68 diphtheria, 23 Labour, dry, 9I ; retraction of the uterus in, 149: McCosh operative treatment of epilepsy, 148 N. derifiold CySt complicating, 270 ; comPlicated Mackenzie, podophyllin, 428 Nasse, nephrectomy for wounded kidney, 342 by parasitic twin, 329; obstructed by con- Mafucci, blastomycetes as sources of infection Natanson, the spontaneous absorption of sentle geniualpelvic kidney, 426 in malignant tumours, 396 cataract, 248 Labusquiere, the ovaries in mollities ossium, Maignot, treatment of ascites by injections of Nau, macerated fetus in latter. half of preg- 482 oxygen' 350 nancy, 388 Lactophen in the treatment of insomnia in the Malaria, kidney lesions in, 236; chronic, ergot Neck consequences of a wound in the, 403 insane,53 in, 412 Nencki, the neutralisation of toxins by the Lactoflhenin as a hypnotic, 448 Malfi, intestinal myasis, 264 digestive secretions, 182 Landr~'s paralysis, 24I Man, actinomycosis in, I89 Nephrectomy for wounded kidney, 342; contei- Lactin'en, the biology of the golocOCCUS, 432 Mann, operative treatment of irreducible retro- plated, the other kidney in, 498 Lambinon, second Caesarean section in a racli- flexion of the gravid uterus, 390 Nephritis, the blood in, 219; following vaccina- itic patient, 174 Maragliano, seruintherapy in pulnionary tubei- tion with calf lymph, 283 Lamphear, vaginal hysterectomy for cancer, culosiS, 228 Nerve, peripheral, course and treatment of 483 Maramaldi, coronillin, 255 injuries to the, 4; cervical sympathetic, Landouzy, tuberculin TR, 125; serumtherapy Marandon de Montyel, the differential diagnosi section of in epilepsy, 308 in pulmonary tuberculosis, I38 between progressive and alcoholic paralysis, cells. action of sausage toxin and anti- Lanys paralysis, 241, 322 I04 toxin on, I; Lange, sudden death in infants? " asthina tlhy Marcy, tendon suture, 6; the placenta in -_ centres, injection of antitetanus serumi micUm," 47,; primary niultiple vaginal cancer, Caesarean section, 389 into in traumatic tetanus, 354 406 Margarucci, surgical treatmeiit of intestiral Nervous substance and tetanus poison, the Lannelongue's selerogenic method, 343 tuberculosis, 42 combination of, 337 Laparotomy, scarlet fever after, 422 Marie, malignanit uterine disease in youtll, 7; system, the action of diphtheria and Lapointe, hypertrophic tuberculosis of the rliizomelic spondylosis, 318 antistreptococcus toxins on, 356 colon, 121 Martin, operation for extreme procidentia, I69 Netter, the treatment of poor patients in sana- Largin in gonorrhcea, 371 Marx, immunisation against cholera and ty- toria, 137 rarva in the conjunctival sac, 230 phoid fever', 254 Neugebauer, operation for ectopic gestation Laryngitis exudativa, 83 Matignon, atripticism, 46 near term, live feitus mother saved, 272; Laryngospasm, treatment of, 488 May, treatment of "black eye," 316 hemaphroditism, 366; uiero-intestinal fistula, Larynx sarcoma of the, 269; intubation in Maygrier, fnetal achondroplasia, 331 "44 syphilitic stenosis of, 441 Mayor, the action of peronine on cough, i961 Neuralgia, brachial, 243 brachial and bracliial- Laureus, severance of several toes, with restora Measles, in Munich in I897, 264 i Bolognini s syYm- gia, 284 tion, 479 ptoms in, 323; spinal nieningitis complicating, Neurasthenia, electrical treatment of in hysteri- Lavage of the stomach in chronic gastric 376 calpatients, 5r catarrh, 317; of the heart and pericardium in Meliiikow-Raswedenkow, preservation of ana- Neuritis, gonorrhemal, 290 purulent pericarditis, 468 tomical specimens, x Newman, plastic surgery of cervix uteri,'30 Lead poisoning, chronic, 84 Meltzer, pericardial tuberculosis, 475 Nicholas, tuberculn TR., 125 Leclerc, tuberculin TR., 125 Membrane, serous, the therapeutic action of air Nicolle, the cause of aggiutination, 239; poly- Ledermann, intoxication symptomiis after injec- on1 217 neuritic influenza, 379 tion of oleum cinereuin, 508 Meningitis, acute, 1.9; serous, simulating brain Noble, cure of aneurysm by gold wire aiid elec- Le Dentu, operative treatment of pelvic sup- tumour, 263; spinal comnplicating measles, trolysis, 243 puration, i9i 376 Nocard, presidential address at the Coingress of Lee, the medical treatment of appendicitis, 34 Meningococcus,'intracellularis, 28I Tuberculosis, I22; the identity of avian and Legrain, syphilis of the uterus, 48 Mental disturbance after operations, 345 human tuberculosis, IS8 Leick, Weil s disease, 404 Menz, paraplegia brachialis polyneuritica, 458 Noll, hydrocele of round ligament, 386 Lejars, treatment of subcutaneous rupture of Mertens, round worms Nomua of the vulva 2o diphtheria, 468 la* arteries, 244 Mesentery of the smallIo3intestine, sarcoma of, Nose, peroxide of hydrogen in diseases of tIme, Lelereff, the pathology of gonorrheea, 490 306 335 ; luxation of the eye from blowing the, Lemaistre, unruptured hymen in pregnancy, Metabolism in stomach affections, 455 440 347 Metacresolanytol in erysipelas, 411, Lemoine, senile pleurisy, 204 Metatarsalgia, 46I Obesity, treatment of, 277 Lenarcie, fluid from a pancreatic cyst, 259 Metritis. chironic, rational treatment'of,:31 CEdema, acute of the cervix of the uterus, 424 Leone,.iphtheria and coryza, 320 Michaelis, tuberculous endocarditis, 378 (Esophagoscopy, x6I Ldpiae, thedietetic treatment of diabetes, 351 Microbgs, protective action of the liver agaiiist, (Esophagus, hysterical "spasm of in a child, Lesshat, treatment of serpiginous ulcer of the 414 456 cornea, 438 Mignot, the bacterial origin of biliary calculi, Ointments, treatment of gonorrhcea, Ix6 Letulle, perforating ulcer of tlle mouth, s8; 43'1 Oleum cinereum, intoxication symptoms after ulceration of varicose veins on the stomach, Migraine, treatment of, 2I8 injection 508 SI' Minlieff, flooding from rupture of placental Olivetti. Nleiner's treatment of hyperchlor- Leucocytosis in pregnancy, 387 sinus1, 465 hydria, 487 [ Tim BRTTIS X DEC. 31, 1898.] INDEX TO THE EPITOME. MINEDICAL JOURNAL XXXlX

Ooiphoritis, cyclical stomatitis as a menstrual Pneumobacillus, Friedlaender's and purulent Rossolimo, the termination of Gowers's tract, phenomenon cured by, 69 arthritis, 374 Operations, mental disturbance after, 345 Pneumonia ether) 26 "typhoid," 159; epidemic Ru3i¶no, epilepsy in secondary syphilis, 40 Ophthalmia, neonatorum, protargol in, 278; in SouthAfrica, bacteriology of, 235; the fac- Rullmann, a pathogenic streptothrix in the protargol in the treatment of, 507 tors predisposing to, 242 : antitoxin treatment sputum, i8o Oppenheim, brachial neuralgia, 243; braclilalgia of, 333; excessive temperature in, 361; large and brachial neuralga, 284 abscess of ovary after, 485 S. Organ, the female and thyroid gland, 3II Podophyllin, 428 Sac, conjunctival, larve in, 230; treatmeiit of Orrowski, syrinomyelia and sarcomatosis of Poisoning by morphine and phosphorus, 74; subelavian aneurysm by excision of the, 327 the spinal cord, 472 chronic, by lead, 84; by lysol, 297; by carbollc Saccharin in infantile feeding, 298 Orthoform, 367 acid, 304; by sulphonal, 332 Saline solutions, hypodermic injections of in Osteo-arthropathy, pulmonary, 286 Poisons, immunityagainst, 300.; bacterial, influ- eclampsia, A6 Osteo-periostitis preroseolar, I85 ence of the spleen in destruction of 512 Salvatore, anticharbon serum in malignant Osteotomy, oblique of the femur for ankylosis Pollack, action of sausage toxin and antitoxin pustule, 98 of the hip, 147 on nerve cells, I5 Sanatoria, the treatment of poor patients in, 137 Ovaries, descent of, 45; in mollities ossium, 482 Porte, paralytic chorea, 207 Sanatorium, an ideal, 138 Ovariotomy, secondary cancer of vagina after, Potain, cardiac lesion and biliary colic, 6o Sarcoma renal, in children, 66; of the larynx. 50o Poucet, hypodermic injections of saline solu- 269; Oi the mesentery of the smal intestine, Ovary, fibroma of, 168 ; hydatid tumour of, 233; tions in eclampsia, 446 306 large abscess of after pneumonia, 485 Powers, the question of interference in recent Sarcomatosis of the spinal cord, 472 Ox bile in billary lithiasis, I7 simple fractures of the patella, 164 Sargnon, intubation in syphilitic stenosis of the- Oxygen treatment of ascites by injection of, 350 P-egnancy, uncontrollable vomiting of, go; larynx, 441 Oxytuberculin, 127, 256 treatment of the vomiting of, Iio; congenital Sarweg, removal of retroperitoneal chyle cyst, Ozena, antidiphtheritic seirum in, 315 diaphiragmatic hernia in, 173, 31I4 repeated 73 extrauterine, I74; extrauterine a full term, Sausage toxin and antitoxin, action of on nerve P. 214: interstitial, not indentical with tubo- cells, I5 Pain, cause of as a symptom of twisted pedicle, ovarian, 234 rupture of uterus in third month Sava, treatment of post-partum haemorrhage by 484 of, 25o; and2goitre1 251; extrauterine at term a pyramidal abdominal bandage, 8 Palate. halrd, congenital tumour of the, x88 the time of operation after, 253; tubal, tubai Scarlet fever. See Fever. Palleroni, resection of the liver for ecliino- hemorrhage independent of, 294; following Schaffer, technical details in asepsis, 107 COCCUS, 225 ventrifixation of the uterus, 313 ; unrupturea Schaller secretion of urine by the fcetus, I6 Paracentesis pericardil, 392 hymen in, 347; leucocytosis in, 387; macerated Schanz, luzation of the eye from blowing the Paralysis, progressive, and alcoholic, the differ- ftetus in latter half of, 388: appendicitis dur- nose. o ential diagnosis between, 104; post-typlioid, ing 442; dangers of ovarian cystoma in, 486; Schech, laryngitis exsudativa, 83 163; general, the tetanus bacillus in, 221; and neart disease, 503 Schiff, arsenic in the hair, x2o; the meningo- Landry's, 241, 322; general, trophic changes Prewitt, gunshot injuries of the spine, 496 coccus intracellularis, 28I in 377 case alcoholic, Procidentia extreme, operation for, i69 Schlagenhaufer, a fatal case of gonorrhnea, traae, c of, 401; dropfoot 44 fuilowi'ng, 494 Prostate, hypertrophied. complicating hernia, 7 Schleich's ansesthesia in gynaecological opera- Parasites, intestinal animal, 3 Protargol in ophthalmic practice, 55, 507; in tions, 273 Paris, typhoid fever and insanity, 474 conjunctivitis, 179; in ophthalmia neona- Schlossmann, formaldehyde disinfection, uI; Park, treatment of gunshot wounds, 325 torum and other conjunctival diseases, 278 ass's milk, 470 Parturition, acute inversion of the uterus after, Puberty, precocious, 176 Schmoll, gout, 398 4I0 Pupil, nterrmittent immobility of in tabes, I60 Schmorl, placental tumours, 192; congenital Patella, fractured, treatment of, 43; the ques- Pustule, malignant, anticharbon serum in, 98 tumours, 20o tion of interference in recent simple fractures Pylorus, the operative treatment of non- Schonberg, spondylolisthetic pelvis, 212 of the patella, 164 malignant stenosis of, 324 Schreiber. phosphorus andmorphine poisoning, Pathology of sYphIlis, 336 Pyrosal and phenosol, 352 74 Pauzer, iron somatose, 77 Schulhof. moderm views on trachoma, 67 Payr, pancreatic cyst of traumatic origin, opera- Q. Schultz, tandry's paralysis, 322 tion, recovery, 210 Qudnu, extirpation of cancer of the rectum by Schultze, hydatid tumour of ovary, 233 Pedicle, twisted, cause of pain as a symptom of, a combined abdominal and perineal meth'od, Schwarz, operative treatment of exophthVlmic 484 460 gottre, 439; compound hemorrhage 'after Peiper, intestinal animal parasites. 3 Quincke, treatment of bronchitis, 99 vaginal hysterectomy, 467; dangers of ovarian Pel, ocular crises in locomotor ataxia, 360 Quinine hiemoglobinuria, 143 cystoma in pregnancy, 486 Pelvis, spondylolisthetic, 2I2 lumbosacral Scleroderma fatty, in infancy, 5io kyphotic, extirpation of the ankylosed coccyx R. Semmelink, secondary cancer of vagina after in, 385 Raynaud's disease. See Disease ovariotomy, So5 Praire, flibro-myxoma of male breast, 247 Rayneau, mental disturbance after operations, Senator, tabes dorsalis, I62 Pergens protarol, I79 345 Senn, treatment of varicocele, 187; treatment of Par cditis caliosa, 303; purulent, lavage of the Rea, prolonged gestation with deformed fcetus, gunshot wounds in military practice, 226 pericardium in 468 II2 Seroguaiacol in the treatment of tuberculosis, Pericardium, arrhythmia from irritation of, 82; Reclus, eucaine P,I4 '34 lavage of in purulent pericarditis, 468 Rectum,puerperal laceration of above sphincter, Serum, antistaphylococcus, ulcerative endocard- Pdrignon, proIapse of vaginal and rectal mucous 2I1; extirpation of cancer of the by a com- itis treated with 12 - anticharbon, in malignant membranes in an infant with spina bifida, bined abdominal and perineal method, 460 pustule, 98; ariflcial, in the treatment of 292 Redard, treatment of tuberculous arthritis by tuberculosis, I35; horse normal and anti Perineum, secondary operations for rupture of, bloodiess methods, 139 diphtheria 254; antidlphtheritic in ozeena, 70 Reed, post-operative insanity, 5 315; antitelanus, injections of into the nerve Peronine, action of on cough, I96 Reitzenstein, deep cesophageal diverticula, 480 centres in traumatic tetanus, 54; treatment Peroxide of hydrogen in diseases of the ear and Remlinger, dysenteric arthritis, 457 of sy3philis by, 394; diagnosis by in typhoid nose, 335 Renal. See Kidney infection, 452 Pessaries, vaginal, 408 Rest, a neglected factor in gastro-enteric Seruitherapy, in pulmonary tuberculosis, 128; Petit, on the progess made since the last con- diseases, 50 of relapsing fever, 427 gress on tuberculosis, 123 Resuscitation, a method of in apparent death Shaver, labour complicated by parasitic twin, Petrucci, Stokes-Adams disease, 493 from anesthetics, 49 329 Petruschky, noma of the vulva, 2o9; diphtheria Rhabdomyoma in place of left lung, 279 Sieber, the neutralisation of toxins by the noma, 478 Rheumatism, chronic, hydro-electric treatment digestive secretions, 182 Pezzoli, larginin gonorrhoea, 371 of, 75 * chronic treatment of, I98 Siegrist, the danger to the eye of ligature of the Pfeiffer immunisation against cholera and ty- Richardson, acuie cholecystitis, 268; appenidic- common or internal carotid, 383 phoid fever, 154 itis, 462 Sievers, gastric tetany, 240 Phenosol and pyrosal, 352 Richter, treatment of obesity, 276 Sikoka, surgeryof rancreatic abscess, 267 Phosphorus, poisoning by, 74 Ricochon, an epidemic of tuberculosis, 130 Silvestri, iodide of potassium in heamorrhagic Plithisis, the psychological weight curve in, 473 Riegner, gastric and intestinal antiseptics, 95 endometritis, sog P.cci kidney lesions in malaria, 236 Ringworm, the treatment of, 15.7 Simanowski, the neutralisation of toxins by the Pichier, the lower edge of the liver, 436 Risley, cassaripe in infectious diseases of the digestive secretions, I82 Pick, embryonic fibroid causing uterus, duplex, eye, 413 Singer, thrombosis and embolism in childbed, II* gastric hyperIesthesia, 76 Rodet, influence of the x rays in experimental 92 Pilliet flbromyxoma of male heart, 247 tuberculosis, I33 Sinus placental, flooding from rupture of, 465 P.senti, protargol in the treatment of ophthal Roener, amcebe in dysentery and enteritis, 238 Sippe, scarlet fever after laparotomy, 422 mia, 50 Roentgen rays in the diagnosis of pulmonary Sirleo blastomycetes as sources of infection in Pitruzzella, treatment of gonorrhcea by oint- tuberculosis, 131; therapeutic action of on malignant tumours, 396 ments, x16 tuberculosis, 132; influence of on experimental Sirot, artificial serum in the treatment of tuber- Placenta, manual detachment of io; tumours tuberculosis, 233 ; in medico-legal cases, 40$ culosis, I35 of the, 94; rtevia, case of, I50; the in Roger, roteetive action of the liver against Skillern removal of tattoo marks, 156 Caesarean seetion, 389 microgeS, 414 Skin, prima actinomycosis of the, 231 Plague, clinical aspect of in Bombayi 433 IRonsse, the hydrochlorides of hydrastinine and Smell a ons of in tabes, 62 Planet, the electrical treatment of neurasthenia cotarnine, 489 Smith, A. H., antitoxin treatment of diphtheria, in hysterical patients, 5I, 355 Rosenfeld, perforation of uterus by sound and 333 Platonoff, a large fibromyoma uteri, 328 curette, Isr; diseases of the alimentary tract, L., pregnancy following ventrifixation Pleurisy, senile, 204 205 of the uterus, 313 Plexus, cceliac, effect of burns on, 4T5 Rosenthal, congenital diaphragiuati} hc: n-a in S., amputation at the knee-joint for P!neumaturia, 25 pregnancy, 173, 314 senile gangrene of the foot, 42I XI TIop XMEI)ICALInTTISI]JOURNAL] INDEX TO THE EPITOME. [DEC. 31, i898.

Solaro, auto-intoxication in epilepsy, 359 Tetanus poisonl and the nervous substance, the cervix of the, 424; double, the diagnosiss of, Solis-Cohen, suprarenal substance in hay fever, combination of, 337 425; the appendages of after vaginal hys ster- 296 Tetany, gastric, 240 ectomiiy, 445; torsion of by a tumour, 466; Somatose (iron), 77 Thomas, the treatment of r-ingwolrmi, 57 version Of, 504 Sommers, acute wodemla of the cer-vix of the Thomson, the effects produced by aiisthleties V. gravid uterus, 424 on the kidneys and circulation, 393 Vaccination with calf lymph, neplhritis fol Sound, perforation of uterus by, 151 Thrombosis of large abdominal vessels, I ; iii ing, 283 South Africa, bacteriology of epidemic pneu- chiildbed, 92; of the vena cava inferior, 3og Vagina, rupture of, 93; new operation for monia in, 235 Thrush of the bladder, 36- absence of tlle, 407; secondary cancer of a Ifter Spasm, hysterical of cesophagus in a child, 456 Thumb dorsal luxation of the, x66 ovariOtOlmly, 501 Specimens, anatomical, preservation of, 17 Thyroia gland, extract of in aniemltii, 36; th,c Vaginitis emphysematous, 2I1 3 of bone cranium. 459 Spiller, Landry's paralysis1 241 and female organs, 11 Valan, imiplantation in Spina bifida, prolapse of vaginal and rectal Thymol, saceharated extract of in wlhooping- Valvular disease, disturbed comlpensation I. 111, mucous membranes in an infant with, 292 cough, I199 321 Spine, treatment of angular curvature of the, Toes, several, severance of witlh restoration, 479 Van der Hoeven, the appendages after vagi inal 266; gunshot injuries of tlle, 496 Tonsils, general infection stalting from the, 302 hysterectomy, 445 Spivak, rest, a neglected factor in gastro-enteric Toxins, the neutralisation of by the digestive Van Roojen, venesection in puerpel-al eelaiI'np- diseases, 50 secretions, 282 ; diphtheria and streptococcus, sia, 213 Spleen, influence of on the destruction of bac- action of on the ne-vous system, 356: trauis- Vaquier, tuberculin TR, 125 terial poisons, 512 mission of from fcetus to mother, 395 Variococele, treatment of, x87 *Splenectomy and infectious disease, 237 Trachioma, modern views on, 67 Vautrin operative treatiiient of slouih ling Spondylosis. rhizomelic, 318 Treub, dermoid cyst comiiplicatinig laboulr, 270 1fibroids,463 Spondylolistliesis, extreme, repeated Ctesarean Treupel, diet in diabetes, 197 Vaiix, indol,indican, and indigo blue, f38 section in a case of, 2qI Trevelyan, a study of tabes, 262 Vein, femoral, murmurs in the, 205 Sputum, the examnination of the, 4; a patho- Trichinosis, investigation as to, 200 Veins, congenital varicose, 246; varice genic streptothr-ix in, I8o Tubby, metatarsalga, 461 ulceration of on the stomach, 5I Staphylococcus infection, protective substances Tube, Fallopian, fibroid of, 193 Velich, action of suprarenal exract on the ci r- against, 372 Tubercle, mammary, 293 culation, 117 Starek, disappearance of a imiitral murmur, 305; Tuberculin, another new, I26 Vena cava inferior, thrombosis of, 309 spinal meningitis complicating measles, 376 TR, the therapeutic properties oi, Venesection in puerperal eclampsia, 213 Stenosis, non-malignant of pylorus, the opera- 125 Ventricle, left, rupture of, 63 tive treatment ot, 324; congenital heredita-y Tuberculosis, the nmodern treatment of, 32; the Verney, the galvanic treatiuent of hyperemi tsis mitral, 380; syplhilitic of larynx, stenosis in, cure of, 33; intestinal, the surgical treatment gravidarum, 310 44' of, 42; fcetal, 8i; hypertrophic of the colon, Ver-tebral column, chronic ankylosing inflamn nia- Sternum, surgery of the. 287 121; animal, the prophylaxIs of, 124: pulmon1- tion of the, 208 Stokes, pseuao-lupus vulgaris caused by blasto- ary, serumtherapy in, 128; an epidemic of, Vinay, hypodermic inijection of saline solutLion inyces, 101 130; pulmonary, the Roentgen rays iu the in eclampsia, 446 Stokes-Adams disease. See Disease diagnosis of, rxI; therapeutic action of x rays Vir-gin, diffuse hyperti-ophy of the breasts ii n a, Stomach. effect of alkalies on secretions of, 97 on, 132; experimental, influence of the x rays 271 Vitrac, dorsal of the thunmb, I66 lavage of in chronic gastric catarrh, 3I8; me- on, I3 ; seroguaiacol in the treatment of,I34; luxation tabolism in affections of the, 455; ulcer and artificial serum in the treatment of, 135 'local Vogt, pulmonary eiiibolism in childbed, 349 cancer of, surgery of, 495; ulceration of vari- in the aged. 141; of the bladder, surgical treat: Voniiiting, uncontrollable, of pregnancy, 9o, 130: cose veins on the, 5I1* ment of, 142; avian and human the identity treatment of, iIo; of pregnancy and of plith Stomatitis, cyclical, as a menistrual plhenomienon oft I58, tne contagiousness oi, 159; of the treatment of by oxygenated water, 274; iinc cured by oophoritis. 69 illiddle ear, I86; pulmonary, in children, 319 trollable of pregnancy, the galvanic treatm enlt Stone, acute inversioni of the uterus after par- seat of the apex beat in, 341; pulmonary, of, 310 turition, 410 treatment of, 391; pericardial, 47I Vulva, nomiia of the, 2Cg Streptothrix1 a pathogenic, in sputum, i8o Tucker the afterbirth and heemorrhage, 249 Strube, heroin, 429 Tuley, 1' typhoid pneumonia," 259 Stump, extraperitoneal uterine, removal of, 170 Tumour of brain 39: congenital, of the hard Wagner, treatment of imimpermiieable trauim:ntie Stypticin in uterine hoemorrhage, 502 palate, i88; hyiatid, of ovary, 233; of brain stricture of the urethra, 289 Submersion, irrigation by in empyema, 86 simulating serous meningitis, 263 ; torsion Walger, treatiiient of enteric fever, 276 Sulphonal, poisoning by, 332 of uterus by a, 466 Walton new operation for absence of the vagiina Suppuration pelvic, operative treatment of, 191; Tumours, adrenal, in the kidney, 24; of braini, 407 post-typhoidal'caused by the typhoid bacillus, 39; placental, 192; congenital, 202: malignant, Warren. the curability of canicer of the breEast, 257 blastomycetes as sources of infection of, 396 481 Siiprarenal extract, action of on the circulation, Tuttle, bacteriology of the blood in disease, 203 Warts, venereal, the nature of, I8i Twin, parasitic, labour complicated by, 329 WVater, oxygenated. treatment of the vomitin gof substance in hay fever, 296 Twins, delivery of after death of mother, 72; illi pregnancy and of phthss by, 274 Suprarenals, the active principle of, 299 missed abortion, Wechselmann, antipyrin eruiptions, I4 Surgery of panereatic abscess, 267; ot the ster- Typhoid fever. See F1ever, enteric Weight curve, the psychological, in plitlhiisis num, 287 Suture, of tendons, 6 ; of left auricle, 362 U. Wei?'s disease. See Disease Swift, extrauterine pregnancy at full term, 214 Ulcer, perforating, of muouth, 58; serpigilnous of Wellmuann, normual and aintidiplhther ia h( orse Symphysis, diastasis ot, I50 the cornea, treatment of, 438; and cancer of serumii, 254 V Syphilis, secondary, epilepsy in, 40; of the stomach, surgery of. 495 Werner, post-typloidal suppuratioW caipyedd1 uterus, 48; of the female urethra, 227; a Ulceration of varicose veins on the stomuachi, the typhoidal bacillus, 257 second attack of, 22 ; pathology off 336; seriimin Wliitney, the time of operation after exItra- treatment of, 394; . G. Adami on, 454 Ullmniann, caries of hyoid bone, extirpation. re- uterine pregnancy at term, 213 Syringomyelia of the spinal cord, 472 covery, 8 Whittaker, the cure of tuberculosis, 33 Szontagh, normal and antidiphthieria lhorse se- Unna, treatment of soft chancre, 76 Whooping-cough, bacteriology of, i0o; sacc] rumll, 254 Unverricht, myasthenia, 493 ated extract of thymol in, I9 T. Uriemia, treatment of. * the blood ill, 219 Widal, local tuberculosis in the aged, I4I Tabes. involuntary movements in, 2; alteration Urethra, fenmale, syphilisof the, 227; treatmuient Wien, sulphonal poisoning, 332 of taste and smell in, 62 ; intermittent immiio- of impermeable, traumatic sti-icture of tlhe, Williams, the x ray in medico-legal cases, 405 bility of the pupil in, x6o; two cases of. I62; a 289 Winckler, tuberculosis of tlle middle ear, i86 study of, 264; ocular crises in, 360; experi- Uric acid, the genesis of, 201 Winkler, puerperal eclaniipsia, 5oo mental, 49I Urine, secretion of by the fietus, I6 Winselmann, euphthalmin, iI8 Tannate of orexin in anorexia, 178 Uterus, duplex, embryonic fibioid causing, II- Wittauer, hermaphroditisll, 366 Tannopin, 2I6 treatment of retroversion of, 28; plastic sur- Wolfe-Immermann, the psychologieal we'ight Tarchetes, serum diagnosis in typhoid injectioin, gery of cervix of, 30; syphilis of te, 48; ma- curve in phthisis 473 452 Tignant disease of in youth, 71; retraction of Women, treatment of gonorrlurea in, 9 Tarnovski, a second attack of syphilis, 229 in labour, I49; rupture of, i5o; perforation of Worms (round), Io0 Taste, alteration of in tabes, 62 by sound and curette, 351; operation for ex- Wound of thoracic dul, 344; in the neck, con- Tate, puerperal gangrene, 195 treme procidentia of, I69; remnoval of ati extra- sequenes off, 403 Tattoo marks, removal of, I56 peritoneal stump of, 170; cicatricial atresia of Teissier, thelrapeutic action of x rays on tubercu- os of, 172 ; rupture of the, probably traumatic, X. losis, 32 in third month of pregnancy, 250; pregnAncy X rays. See Roentgeii Temperature, the, in cerebral hleiiorirhage, 339: following ventrifixation of, 313; large fibro- excessive, in pneumonia, 36I myoma of, ;28; treatment of abortion by ab- Y. Tendons, suture of, 6 domino-vaginal expression of the, 346; bi- Youth, malignant uterine disease in, 71 -Teratoma intracranial, in the aged. 373; of ab- cornis, amputation of one cornu, recovery, dominal cavity, 464 348; gravid, operative treatment of irreducible Z. Tetanus, puerperal, IS3; traumatic, injections of retroflexion of, 390; acute inversion of after Zinn, persistent dLletus arteriosus, 6z antitetanus serum into the nerve centres in, 354 parturition, 410; gravid, acute cedenia of the Zusch, bacteriology of whooping-coughl, 00

Priuted and published by the British Medical Associationi at their Office, No. 429, Strand, ill the Parish Qf St. Martiu-iu-the-Fields. in the County of Mid4lesee. tBEO. 31, sSg#.]MEMORANDA,L-!- L anux,1927 toneless state of the muscles. These are the cases so fre- afterwards experienced a desire to take abnormally deep in- 'quently described as weak joints, stretched or yielding liga- spirations, and he'felt that tco do so 'would overbcome th in- euents, etc. hibitory power over the lung, probably thea'tibi of the' dia- PROGNOSIS. phragm. One morning,' after a dose of strychni'ne, he did thke In eses in which distinct changes are visible in a few days, such an inspiration, and from that moment he experienced t}ie the prognosis is bad, tllough careful treatment may check the sensations complained of. They were, briefly, inabil'itytotake disease to some extent. Wlhen the primary disease has been deep inspiration, a fixation of the chest'walls compelling him .cured, sometimes improvement may be effected to a limited to stoop, weakness on exertion, great confusion. of thopgbtt extent. When the joint disease persists, good results may be and memory, occasional clay-coloured faeces, usually greater expected from treatment, if it is curable; but where the joint in amount than ordinary. After six months the apex beat disease is incurable, no improvement-can be expected, though descended to the sixth interspace, and headache and drowsi- the downward progress of the tissues may be retarded or even ness became marked. -temporarily arrested. Acting on medical advice he travelled for six months, but TREATMENT. was little benefited. All attempts then and subsequently to In every case of joint disease or injury the certainty10 of act on the heart with drugs increased the headache. dystrophic clhanges following to a greater or less extent must In October, I897, I examined him, and found the heait be remembered. In acute disease or trauma of a joint there is dilated slightly. There 'as a wide subcostal angle, with no special indicationi for treatment apart from that suitable marked epigastric pulsation. The chest moved en masse, and for the joint itself. Thie more frequent practice of aspiration was hyper-resonant. There was slight bulging in the hepatic may be recommended; properly carried out it is devoid of regioi. The patient had a very anxious expression. He risk; and there is no doubt that tensioni of the joint capsule said his life was a burden from headache and confusion 9f increases the tendency to these changes, and so must be thought occasioned by trying to think coherently on his cases. relieved by the best means at hand. After a few days careful He said he felt as if his chest, especjally in the hepatic comparisons of the twolimbs should be made; if atrophy is region, was too full, as if his lungs were distended,' but. that found massage should be at once employed, and passive move- any attempt to empty them only increased the headache arid rments as soon as possible. At a later stage, if there is not too mental confusion, and was followed by pale stools next mdrh- much irritability, tle faradic current must be employed, and ing. He had lost a stone in weight. in the cases where the reaction to this is feeble, sparking from I tried a great variety of drugs to act upon his liver, but a friction machine is recommended by Chlarcot. with little benefit. Most relief-was obtained from an ordinary In chronic cases, massage, douclhes, electricity must all be pill of aloes, nux- vomica, and belladonna with a couple of tried, and where tllere is no joint disease persisting systematic quinine lozenges. Without the lozenges there was no benefit. exercises may also be employed witlh great advantage. Where For the headache; antipyrin did temporary good. Bromides joint inflammation persists, as it often will do to a very sliaht were of no avail. For the emphysema, so-called by the degree, the question arises of its causation, and often it can be patient himself; senega, belladonna, and potassium iodide in shown to arise from the feeble manner in whichl shocks and small doses gave slight relief. Galvanism over the diaphragm strains are warded off by the muscles. In such cases rest and did no go6d fixation, together witlh the means already advocated for The patient in spite of treatment got gradually worse, be- improving the muscular nutritioll, will do much good. When came very melancholic, and so drowsy that he would sleep in the inflammation is rheumatic in origin the treatment must be his chair wh&entver 'left alone for five minutes. ,constitutional as well. Nervous irritability is often present, In October, I898, chiefly by way of experiment, I prescribed and will be improved by tonics rather than by sedatives. tincture of hyoscyamus 20 minims at night. The effect was The dystrophic condition- of the skin and other structures strikingly beneficial. After a single dose, the drowsiness usually does not call for special treatment; if, however, pains ceased entirely, and has never tended to recur except on of a neuralgic type are present analgesics inay be given with severe exertion. The headache and mental confusionlwete -caution. much improved. The lower ribs approximated, and the BIBLIOGRAPHY. patient could empty and fill the lungs more easily. The 1 J. M. Chlarcot, Sur l'Atroplhie Musculaire qnii Suce6de t Certainoes on returned to the fifth ULsions Aiticulaires, P'rogres Medical, 377, 1882. 2 Conibesemnie, Les apex beat, except deep inspiration, Atrophies Musculaiies d'Origine Periplie&ique, These de Montpelltier, I882. interspace. The patient has continued steadily to improve.: .n Descosse, These de Paris, I88o. 4 N6laton, Bulletins de la Sociel1 Anatomique I consider that in this case some amount of emphysema de Paris, Coxalgie, i835. 5Duplay et Celado, Note pour Servir a l'lftude was produced directly by the strychnine, but that there was des Alterati6ns Musculaires Consdcutives aux Fractures. Progres MWdical, T. ii, p. 69, I885. 8 Moussons, These de Bordeaux, I885. 7 Pitres et Vaillard, in addition an over-action ao the inhibitory centre of respira- Revue de MIfdecine, No. 6. i887. 8 J. M. Charcot, Amyotropliies Speciales tion producing whet might be called a general brain strain. Reflexes d'Originie Articulaire, Progre8s fedical, p. 225, 2893. 9 Plicque, The case is interesting as illustrating (i) a rare condition 3Les Aniyotroplhies d' Origine Articulaire, Gazette des p. I87, 1894. in 20 W. R. Gowers, Diseases of the Yervous System, Vol. ii,fI6pitaux,2nd Ed., p. 498. 1892. produced by strychnine and a serious danger its use, with- "' Plicque, loc. cit. Le Folt, Des Pareosies avec Atrophies Aigues de out any premonitory muscular twitchings ; (2) the excellent Quclques Groupes do Muscles dans Certaines Affections Articulaires et en effects of hyoseyamus in such a case after persistence of iParticul ier dans li'Hydrartlhrose, Societe de Chirurgie, I876. J. M. Charcot, for three Lecons du Mardi,',p. 336, I888. Brackett, Atrophy in Joint Disease, Bosto1 symptoms years, Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 24, December, I89I. 12 J. F. Malgaigne, C. W. LAWSON, M.A., L.R.C.P.andS.E., L.F.P.S.G. 'Traite des Fractures et des Luxations, T. ii, pp. I9, 49, x847. 13'Rayniond, Gilsland, Cumberland. Recherclies Expdrimientales sur les Amyotropliies Cons6cutives aux Artlirites Traumatiques, Revute de Mefdecine, 2890. 14 Barbillon, These de Paris, 2887. 15 Hiltoin, On Rcst and Pain, I887. 16 Clharcot, loc. cit. Ray- PARADOXICAL PYREXIA. mnond loc. cit. Erb, Electrotherapeutics. 17 Koniiloff, Annalen der Gesell- AFTER the discussionatthe meeting of the Clinical Society on schaft fur Chiruryie. JMo8keu, No. 3, i8).. 1- Hoffa. VolLmann's klinische rortraie Chirunrg. ,No. 19 November iith, and the note on the subject in the BR1TIH 13, I894. J. M. Clharcot., 16c. cit. MEDICAL JOURNAL, the following case may be of interest. The temperatures were on each occasion taken bymyself, and I can guarantee, that they are correct. There were no poultices, no MEMO hot bottles, nor anything up the sleeve; in fact, "no decep- RANDA.A tion " of any : MEDICAL, SURGICAL, OBSTETRICAL, THERA- Mrs. A., aged 35, was recovering from a very mild attack of influenza, when one day at my evening visit I found to my PEUTICAL, PATHOLOGICAL, ETC. great surprise that her temperature in the armpit was 1040 F., and on taking it again shortly afterwards it was io6O F. Shie PECULIAR RESPIRATORY DISORDER PRODUCED .BY said she did not feel uncomfortable, nor particularly hot. I THE HABITTUAL USE OF STRYCHNINE. gave a dose of phenacetin, but in half an hour -tlie IN October; 1897, I was consulted by W.,--a medical igan, aged temperature was IO70 F. As I was at first afra,id 31, for certain symptoms due, he said, to the taking of sttych- that the hyperpyrexia might be a dangerous complication nine two years previously. He had then been taking as a of the influenza, I asked for a second opinion, but when tie tonic liquor strychnine hydrochlor. 5 to IO minims. thrice temperaturxe in another half-hour was IO8°, with a pulse of Ioo ,daily, with a little sal.volatile. He was at first benefited, but and little or no discomfort, I was relielved at the thoughtlthat IgiS. lK.D> BRITISli GYNAECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [DEC. 31, 1898 I probably had to do with a case of ne4uiosis. W;thin half an Polluted well water was regarded as the probable cause of hour the thermometer registered its highest possible point- the first case in the house, which came under notice on Sep II3,40.', the patient now allowed that her head felt a "' little tember 15th, and its use was discontinued; this was almost strange "and that she had slight tremors of the muscles of three months 'before the boy's illness commenced. Notting- the limis, though they were imperceptible to me. She soon ham Corporation water was subsequently laid on, and the well afterwards began to perspire freely. The temperature now fell filled up; the drains were satisfactory, the milk supply also, $o 100.60, and,. a piece of the index being left above I 30, due but the closet was a midden i the f&eces and urine from the- to,the'.rapid fall ,of the mercury, the thermometer could only patients were, however, well disinfected. The infected house, be kept as a outiosity. The next day, when the patient was or closet, or something else may be said to have caused the' up, the temperatures, registered with a new thermometer, boy's illness, with the usual incubation period; but the lad's were most erratic, as the subjoined table will show: appearance for so many weeks previous to his illness, together I December 26th. iI A.M., xi-A, pulse 78. with evidence of other instances of a similar nature, opens up. Io P.M., o060, ulse I00. I P.M., 13 . the question, to my mind, whether a very much longer period 030 P.M., 107°. 3.30 P.M., 99.40 in left axilla, 10040 in days may not elapse before the' Ix P.M., I080. right axilla. than the orthodox twenty-one IU.30 P.M., 1I3*40, pulse 220. 9 P.M., I080 In right axilla. disease obtains the mastery, and also, indeed, whether the' 12 P.M., 0oo.60, pulse 78. 9.xS P.M., 990 in right axilla. disease is not mastered after a period of combat without other instances. De6ember'27th. December 28th. causing marked febrile symptoms in many 9 A.M., IX30, pulse I00. xI A.M., 99.40 in tileft axilla, I050 in Having noticed that some correspondence has recently 20 A.)U., 1060. right axilla. taken place respecting cold bathing in typhoid fever, I can say For several days the- vagaries of temperature continued, that Tam convinced from my own observations that great though the.patient was about the house. She was of a highly comfort, with lowering of temperature, has ensued, and -in neurotic and unstable temperament, and the presence of what my opinion life has been saved by frequent tepid sponging. Dr. Savage calls a " mad calorific area " seems the most pro- Carlton, Nottingham. J. T. KNIGHT. bable and descriptive explanation of the pyrexial condition met with in this and similar cases. Tenby. ERNEST M. KNOWLING, M.B.Cantab. REPORTS OF SOCIETIES, MEASLES AND SCARLET FEVER COEXISTING IN BRITISH GYNAE1COLOGICAL SOCIETY. THE SAME PERSON. JONES, M.D., President, in the Chair. ON October 3Ist, I898 F L., a girl, aged 8, had all the sym- H. MACNAUGHTON ptoms of measles, witL a well-developed and pretty extensive Thursday, December 8th, 1898. rash. Upon the morning of November ioth, the mother met SPECIMENS. me with the announcement that the child " had broken out THE following were shown: By Mr. CHARLES RYALL: (I) with measles again." And sure enough, there was another Myoma Uteri complicated with distended tube and broad widely-distributed rash but this time it was not that of ligament; (2) Large Fallopian Tube.-By Dr. MACPHERSON mensles but of undoubted scarlet fever, accompanied by LAWRIE (Weymouth): (i) Fibroid Tterus removed by subperi- high temperature and sore throat. This rash continued for toneal hysterectomy; (2) Fibroid Uterus undergoing ma- three days, gradually declined, and was followed by extensive lignant degeneration.-By Mr. J. W. TAYLOR (Birmingham): and very rapid desquamation and complete recovery. (i) Small Myoma removed from the fundus after anterior In the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL for October 20th, colpotomy, and division of the uterus; (2) Two Small Ovaribab N4ovember 24th, and December ist, I894, I find 3 cases re- Cysts, each removed by posterior colpotomy; (3) Tubal Mole corded of measles following immediately upon scarlet fever. with Right Fallopian Tube, removed by posterior colpotomy. In this case the sequence of the symptoms was reversed, but -By Dr. F. A. PURCELL: Uterine Carcinoma removed by in all of them the interval between the two eruptions was vaginal hysterectomy. about the same, namely, ten or eleven days, and in each case THE COMBINED METHOD IN PELVIC SURGERY. the poisons of both diseases must have coexisted in the same Mr. E. STANMORE BISHOP (Manchester) read a paper iay individual. which he related the following cases: Case i. Mrs. H. W., JOHN JOHNSTON, M.D.Edin., aged 28; second child, premature labour due to fright, fol- Honorary Surgeon to the Bolton Infirmary. lowed by severe hwemorrhage: miscarriage two years ago, followed by persistent hamorrhage; two months ago smart PROLONGED INCUBATION PERIOD OF TYPHOID bleeding, with excessive pain on left side, which is becoming FEVER. more acute; small firm mass in ovarian region, which is very Is the incubation period in some cases Qf typhoid fever much tender; removal by combined operation, because too firmly longer than that usually assigned to it? I have several times fixed to be brought down per vaginam; adhesion through attended patients suffering from typhoid fever whose friends omentuim to pelvic brim; recovery. Case ii. Mrs. J. A.C., have declared that they have been far from well for a couple aged 46 ; second child; born twenty-years ago;. menstruation of months or more previous to the attack. Of course, such since irregular and profuse; quantity increasing; sacral and a state might be due to other circumstances, or a severe re- hypogastric pain also increasing; bedridden for fourteen lapse following a very mild attack might account for it; but I months; double pyosalpinx; removal by combined opera- have, a suspicion that some cases whose direct cause cannot tion, because even after complete division of uterus per be ascertained may be accounted for on the supposition that vaginam, parts were too rigid to allow of their being brought the incubation period has been much longer than usual. Dr. down. On abdominal section two large pus sacs with adherent Roberts in his Theory and Practice C/ Medicine says that the intestine were found; recovery. Case iII. Mrs. C., aged Z9 v incubation period may be much longer than ten days, and Sir no pregnancies; scarlet fever: chill during menstruation; WWm. Broadbent in Quain's -Dictionary, "probably in most No period for fifteen months; loss of flesh for twelve months; caseS 2I days." night sweats for nine months; bedridden ten months; left leg .Quite recently the following circumstances occurred. For fixed in flexion; oedematous; double pyosalpin , removed by some nine or ten weeks, in a house where typhoid fever was combined operation, because parts too fixed, even after total present, two boys of the family had a somewhat drowsy ap- section of the uterus, to allow of their being drawn pearance, with " beefy" tongues, their suspicious appearance downwards. On abdominal section, small intestine evoking from me daily and anxious inquiries respectlng their found adherent to the tube, bladder, and iliae feeling, their answers being that they were all right; on fossa. The right ovary was found-a thick-walled abscess- each of these occasions I found the temperature was all right separate from the rest, and embedded in adhesions in the too. At last one became ill on December 3rd, with high tem- right iliac fossa. Death. Case Iv. Mrs. L. R., aged 39 perature andother symptoms of the disease. The other, with-" several miscarriages, no full-time pregnancies; increasing out any further sign of trouble, got quite himself again, menorrhagia and metrorrhagia; much pain; uterus enlarged both his general appearance and tongue becoming quite to size of six-months pregnancyy; partly soft, partly intensely normal. hard; uterine canal elongated; fibroid uterus. Removed by _.'..938.,]" UNIVERSI4EA' AXD COLLEGES. __ _LDk. , t8 j4 The small-celled infiltration;in the .stroma of the cancer been a considerable nuiiber of mothers vaccinated during consists chiefly of mononuclear elements, the so-called plasma pregnancy, or harving small-pox durjng or immediately ante- cells, whose protoplasmic granules stain a deep blue with cedent to preg'ancy, :there niay ha#e been several opportu- polychromic methylene blue. There are also many mast nities of observing what, if any, hastbe6 the degree of insus- celIs, the granules taking on a red colbur with the same dye, ceptibility of their mifants to vaccination.-I am, etc. While the polynuclear leucocytes which are present in con- Oaklands,,W.,Nov. 20th. G. P. SHUTER. siderable numbers, both in the stroma and between the layers *in the cell nests show a clear unstained protoplasm. Part of Dr. Snow's criticisms has been answered by what I 'have already said. I can hardly understand how anyone who COLLEGES. read my description could say, as he does, that there is no UNIVERSITIES AND record in it of le6cocytic infiltration. The term " small- UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. celled infiltration whioh I used, is, I think, better, because THIRD EXAMINATION FOR MEDICAL AND SURGLICATL DEGREES.-The follow- it does not involve,"a theory. ingcandidates have satisfied the Examiners,: Until the Part II.-J. L. Allen, B.A., King's; C.I H. Barnes, B.A., Clirist's; P. F. etiology of cancer has been cleared up the primary Barton, B.A., Joh.; J. A. H. Brincker, B.A., Joh * A. E. Carsberg, microscopic sign of malignancy, where lymph gland infection Ca. - A. W. Daniel, B.A., Emm. ; S. E. Denyer, M.A., Queens;, is absent, will, I believe, be the " limitless growth " of the W.B.A,Eardley, M.A., Joh.; E. E. Glynn, B.A., Cla.: W. D. Harmer, epithelium, and all considerations derived from the form of B.A., Kings; G. E. Harthan, B.A., Jes.; H; M. Hart-Smith? B.A,. Cali; J. H. F. Jerrard, B.A., Cai.; M. B. Johnson, B.A., Trin. H.; the cancer cells, and the reaction of the surrounding tissues A. C. Jordan, B.A., Sid. Suss.; G. S. Keeling, BA., Cai.; T. W. should be regarded as of diagnostic importance only in so Letchworth, B.A., Emm. ;'F. J. Lidderdale, Trin. A. F. MacCallan, far as they are shown by experience to accompany this primary B.A., Christ's; P. L. Moore, B.A., Joh. ; B. A. Percival, B.A., Joh.; S. P. Pollard, B.A., Cai.; C. Powell, B.A., Emm.-; C. Reismann, sign.-I am, etc., B.A., Joh * E. P. Sewell, B.A., Pemb.; C. C. Simpson, M.A., Trin.; A. C. O'SULLIVAN, M.B., P. T. Sutciiffe, B.A Emm.; E. C. Taylor, B.A., Joh. - H. C. Thorp, licember 7th. Lecturer in Pathology, Trinity College, Dublin. B.A., Emm.-' I. IE. Tuckett, M.A., Trin.; A. N. Walker, B.A., Queens'; A. M. Ware, B.A.,Pemb.; W. K. Wills, M.A., Joh.; R. 1. Willson, B.A., Emm.; A. G. Wilson, B.A., Cai. INSUSCEPTIBILITY TO VACCINIA. APPOINTMENTS.-Dr. Alex Hill has been reappointed a University Lbec- SIR,-It may be assumed to be generally accepted that there turer in Advanced Human Anatomy for five years. Dr. A. Macalister has are several different causes which lead to the declaration that been appointed an Additional Examiner in Anatomy. DEGREE.-At the Congregation on December I5th, Arthur Burton, M.A., an infant is ".insusceptible" to vaccination; well-known M.B., B.C., of King's College, was admitted to the degree of Doctor of statistics, such as those of Dr. Cory, seem to show that Medicine. Vaccination performed thrice unsuccessfully by no means implies an actual insusceptibility to vaccinia ; and no doubt in a large majority of cases returned as " insusceptible " the UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. M.D. EXAMINATION.-The followinlg candidates, lhave satisfied the Exa- vaccinator has been at fault either by scratching too minute miners in the subjects undernoted: an area of skin or by using inactive lymph: or, as has often Medicine.-P. E. Adams, St. Bartlholomew's Hospital: A. P. Allan, B.S., been found, the mothers have prevented the success of the Guy's Hospital- J. H. Bodman, B.S., University College, Bristol, operation washing, or otherwise and St. Bartholomew's Hospital; W. F. V. Bonney, B.S., Middlesex by purposely interfering Hospital; *J. A. O. Briggs, St. Bartholomew's Hospital; Maud Mary with, the "places " immediately vaccination has been com- Chadbura, London School of Medicine and Royal Free Hospital; pleted. F. N. Cookson Middlesex Hospital; M. Dixon, B.Sc., University It will probably be agreed, however, that if such causes of College ;, R. W. bodgson (Gold Medal); St. Mary's Hospital; E. G. D. Drury, B.S., St. Bartholomew's Hospital; G. R. Elwin, St. Mary's 'failure-are set aside there is a small residuum of cases truly Hospital; A. H. Evans, B.S., Westminster Hospital; J. W. Haines, insusceptible, in the sense that vaccination of infants, properly B.S., St. Bartholomew's Hospital; A. Heath, St. Bartholomew's Hos- performed with efficient on three occasions, with pital; A. Howell. St. Mary's Hospital; T. H. Hunt, B.S., Owens and lymph Yorkshire Colleges: *J. Hussey. St. Bartholomew's Hospital; W. H. intervals of a few weeks or months between them, has failed Jewell, B.S., Guy's Hospital; J. L. Jones, B.S University College; altogether. And most vaccinators-would probably recognise a C. H. J. Lockyer, B.S., Channg Cross Hospitai; A. A. Martin, B.S degree of partial insusceptibility, where out of several St. Mary's Hospital Elizabeth Jane Mofeltf, B.Sc., London School of insertions of a Medicine and Roy4l jFree Hospital; E., Pratt, St. Bartholomew's efficient vaccine over considerable area, made Hospital; G B. Price, B.S., UniversityColle e, Bristol, and St. Bar- -on two or more occasions, at most a single small vesicle has tholomeves Hospital; W. T. G. Pugh, B.S, Viddlesex Hospital ; A. resulted. W. Sanders, St. Mary%s Hospital; W. G: Savage, B.Sc., University The purpose 'of my letter is to inquire of those who have College; H. J. Scharlieb, B.S., University College; A. W. Sikes, BS.., B.Sc., St. Thomas's Hospital; E. 1. Spri gs, Guy's Hospital: W. H. had large experience of vaccination whether any information B. Stoddart, B.S., University College; t. H. Thiele, B.Se., Univer- can be furnished of the relation, if any, between such truly sity College; E. Thomas, B.S., University College; E. J. Toye, B.S., 'insusceptible or partially'insusceptible infants and the condi- B.Sc., St. Bartholomew's Hospital; Ethel May Vaughan, B.S Lon- tion don School of Medicine and Royal Free Hospital; W. B. Warae, St. of vaccination or variolation of the parents-particularly Bartholomew's Hospital; T. H. Wells, Middlesex Hospital. of the mothers. State Medicine.-W. E. Dixon, B.S., B.Sc., St. Thomas's Hospital; W. J. In the case of an infant born to a mother actually suffering -Potts, M.D., Owens and University Colleges. from small-pox, there are recorded instances in which the * Obtained the number,of marks qualifying for the Gold Medal. in- M.B. HONOURs ExAMNATION.-The following candidates have passed fant, vaccinated on several occasions with efficient lymph, and this Examination in the subjects undernoted: remaining exposed to variola, has developed neither vaccinia Medicine.-First-class: T. J. Horder, B.Sc. (Gold Medal), St. Batholo- or variola. This appears to he the extreme case of true in- mew's Hospital;*{. G. Lawrence (Schlolarslip and Gold Medal), St. MarY's. Hospital R.~H. J. Swan, Guy's Hosital. Seconcl Class : F. susceptibility dependent on the maternal condition. Are F. EwesH Middlesex Hospital- W. L. Grifths, B.Sc., University there known comparable instances in which an infant has College; F. C. Lewis, St. Mary's Hospital. Third Class: Elizabeth been born to a mother actually suffering from vaccinia, and Honor Bone, Royal Free Hospital; H. D. Singer, St. Thomas's and has proved Hospital. .insusceptible to vaccinations properly per- Obstetric Medicine.-First Class: T. J. Horder (Gold Medal), St. Bartholo- formed with efficient lymph ? And going further back, what mew's Hospital; H1. G. Lawrence, St. Mary's Hospital; J. 'P. has been the condition as to insusceptibility, or partial insus- Maxwell (Scholarship and Gold Medal), St. Bartholomews Hos- of infants born pital. Second Class: J. G. Emanuel, B Sc Mason College and ceptibility, to& mothers who have suffered from Queen's and General Hospital, Birmingham; *i. C. Lewis, St. Mary's variola or vaccinia before, but not long antecedent to, parturi- Hospital. Third Class: V. E. Collins, Guy's Hospital; D. J. Munro, tion ? And again, how long after birth does this insuseepti- Guy's Hospital; H. Peet, Yorkshire College; A. G. G. Plumley, 'bility last? Medical School and University College, Bristol, and Guy's Hospital; F. Riley, Westminster Hospital. Beyond two cases recently under my observation of infants Forensic Medicine. First Cla,ss- V. E. Collins, GUY'S Hospital; T. J. 'whose mothers had been successfully revaccinated shortly Horder (Gold Medal), St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Second Clasd: before the commencement of pregnancy, and who, after L. Gilbert, St. Thomas's Hospital: A. S. Green, Royal College of several vaccinations with Surgeons, Ireland, and Meath Hospital; H. E. Hewett, St. Th9jAas's lymph, efficient in other cases, pre- Hospital,; P. S. Lloyd, St. Mary's Hospital; H. D. Singer,, St. sented in one case no reaction, a-nd in the other a single Thomas's Hos'pital. minute vesicle on the second time of vaccinating, I'am unable M.S. EXAMINATION.-The following candidates have satisfied the to contribute 'any other facts the Examiners: upon subject. But the C. H. Fagge, Guy's C. E. M. Kelly, M.D., Owens College;I. §. vmatter has considerable interest, and in' Gloucester, Middles- Sloane, B.Sc., fIoapital;St. Bartholomew's Hospital; W. Turner, King's brough, and at other places, where no doubt there has lately -College. > - Duo. 31, £898.] MEDICO-LEGAL. [L 959

B.S. EXAMINATION.-The following candidates have passed this Ex- pital; F. W. Chesnaye (Section I), St. George's -Hospital; L. D. B. amination: Cogan, Guy's Hospital; A. G. C. Davies (Section II), Guy's Hospitar'; Fir8t Division.-T. V. Cunliffe, Owens College and Manchester Royal W. T. Davies, London Hospital; T. A. F. Fawcett (Section I), Leeds; Infirmary; J. G. Emanuel, B.Sc., Mason College; J. P. Maxwell J. E. Griffith, St. Bartholomew's Hospital; D. V. Lowndes (Section St. Bartholomew's Hospital- D. J. Munro, Guy's Hospital Winifred I), Westminster Hospital; E. P. Marett, St. Thomas's Hospital. Secretan Patch, B.Sc., Royai Free Hospital and London School of Forensic Medicine.-W. F.'E. Ashton, Birmingham; W. F. C. Bennett, Medicine; E. W. Spink, Yorkshire College. Sheffield; C. T. Bishop, Cliaring Cross Hospital; R. Brookes, 8econd Divigion.-Louisa Garrett Anderson, London School of Medicine Westminster Hospital; L. D. B. Cogan, Guy s Hospital; H. H. for Women; J. S. Boden, King's College; Elizabeth Honor Bone, Cotman, Aberdeen and London Hospital; W. T. Davies, London Royal Free Hospital; H. W. Bruce, Guy's Hospital; A. S. Cobble- Hospital; T. A. E. Faweett, Leeds ; J. E. Griffith, St. Bartholomew's dick, Bristol Medical School; E. Coleman, Guy's Hospital; Lucinda Hospital; D. V. Lowndes, Westminster Hospital. Catherine E. Forster, Royal Free Hospital; L. Gilbert, St. Thomas's Mfidwifery.-W. Archer, Leeds;. W. F. C. Bennett, Sheffleld; C. T. Hospital; E. G. L. Goffe, University College; A. S. Green, Meath Bishop Charing Cross Hospital; H. N. Collier, Guy's Hospital; S. Hospital and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland; J. P. Hall D..Dunikin, Cha ing Cro$s Hospital F. Elias, London Hospital; C. Owens College and Manchester Royal Infirmary; L. E. C. Handson, Fishera $t' Jrtholomew's Hospital M. P. Gabe, Middlesex Hos- Guy's Hospital; H. E. Hewitt St. Thomas's Hospital; J. D. Jenkins, pital; W. 4.~Gale, St. Thomas's Hospital; T. R. Griffiths, University Loiidon Hospital; J. C. H. Leicester, M.D., B.Sc.. University College; College ifoskital: T. B. Haig, St. Bartholomew's Hospital J. Jones, F. C. Lewis, St.-Mary's Hospital- J L. Maxwell, St. Bartholomew's Edinburgh; R. 0. Jones, Guy's Hospital; MacD. E. Judge, Guy's IHospital; Mary Elizabeth Pailthorpe, London School of Medicine Hospital; R. A. Lyster, Birminghanm; W. A. Sugden, St. Mary's for Women; F. Riley, Westminster Hos'pital; H. Siinigar, M.D., Hospital. Mason College; Florence Ada Stoney, London Schlool of Medicine The diploma of the Society was granted to Messrs. W. F. E. Ashtop, for Women; R. H. J. Swan. Guy's Hospital; W. H. M. Telling, Guy's E. U. Bartlholomew, W. H. I. Bathurst, C. T. Bishop, C. G. Catterall, L. D. Hospital. B. Cogan, G. J. D. Davies, W. T. Davies, P. T. Goodman, T. J. Vick, and C. Welch.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SIURGEONS OF ENGLAND. THE following gentlemen having passed the necessary Examinations and having conformed to the By-laws and Regulations have been admitted Fellows of the College: MEDICO-LEGAL. C. A. Worth, L.R.C.P.Lond.; A. G. Ince, L.R.C.P.Lond.; G. H. Sowry, M.B., B.S.Lond., L.R.C.P.Lond.; N. B. Harman M.B.Cantab., PRACTICE BY AN UNREGISTERED PERSON. L.R.C.P.Lond.; H. T. S. Bell. L.R.C.P.Lond.; A. W. Ormond, ON December 15th, at Houghton-le-Spring Petty Sessions, Joseph Steel L.R.C.P.Lond.; A. W. Sikes, L.R.C.P.Lond., B.Sc.Lond.; W. I. was charged that he on October 3sst, at Hetton-le-Hole, did unlawfully Hancock, L.R.C.P.Lond.; W. Stuart-Low, L.R.C.P.Edin., L.F.P. and falsely take and use the title of " F.C.S.M.," thereby implying and S.Glasg.; J. A. Bonnin, M.B., Ch.B.Adelaide, L.R.C.P.Lond. that lhe was recognised bv law as a medical practitioner. Mr. Meynell, Four other gentlemenl passed the examination (but have notyet attained barrister, instructed by Messrs. Wilson, Ornsby, and Cadle. of Durham, the legal age of 25 years), and will receive their diplomas at future appeared to prosecute at the instance of the General Medical Council, meetings of the Council. Twenty were referred for six months, and I for and,Mr. Edward Clark, of Newcastle, defended. Mr. Meynell, in opening one year. the case, said thiat thl charge was made under Section XL of the Medical The following gentlemen having passed the necessary examinations Act, I858, and, if convicted, defendant was liable to a penalty of L520. have been admitted Licentiates in Dental Surgery: Defendant was )before the court four years ago for unlawfully using the L. M. Balding, Chariug Cross and the Dental Hospital of London; letters M.D. and 4C., when lhe was convicted and he appealed, but the high O. Bell, Guy's Hospital, Dental Department. and School; H court upheld the magistrates' decision. The only distinction between this Belsey, Charing Cross, and the Dental Hospital of London "H. N: case and theone before that was tliat instead of using the letters "M.D.(Bc.)". Besford. Owens College, Royal Infirmary, and Victoria Dental Hos- defendant had used the letters "F.C.S.M.London." He liad utsd pital, Manchester; F., J. Bradburn, U7niversity College, Royal these letters and practised as a doctor in a number of cases. In the cane Infirmary, and Dental Hospital, Liverpool; P. S. Campkin, Guy's under notice a girl named Ethel Liddle was attended by defendant an-d Hospital, Dental Department, and School; H. Charnock, Guy's died of scarlet fever, and defendant after her death signed a qertificate on Hospital, Dental Department, and School; I. Cohen, Charing Cross, a form which was a copy of the Government form which defendant ha,d and the Dental Hospital of London; W. P. Crombie, M.B., C.M. had printed for himself. He signed his name and the letters " F.C.S.M." Aberdeen, Aberdeen University, and Guy's Hospital, Dental Hos- Mr. Meynell submitted that these letters were there, and for the purpose pital, and School; E. A. G. Dowling, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., of misleading ignorant people that this man was in some way qualified to St. Bartholomew's H-ospital, and the National Dental Hospital; H. act as a doctor. H. Evans, Guy's Hospital, Dental Department, and School; J. S. John Liddle, father of the girl mentioned, and Mary Liddle, mother, Farnfield, Guy's Hospital, Dental Department and School; L. M. spoke to defendant attending their daughter, but both stated and re- Fleetwood, Guy's Ho3pital, Dental Departmeni, and School; W. C. iterated in cross-examination that they consulted defendant kllowing him Harrison. Mason Universtf College, Queen's and General Hospital, to be a botanist only, and with tllc knowledge that he had no medical and the Dental Hospital, Birmingham; H. W. J. Hawthorn, Mason qualification. University College, Queen's and General Hospital, and the Dental James Elliott, registrar of birtlhs and deaths at Hetton, deposed to Hospital, Birmingham; C. H. Huckle, Guy's Hospital, Dental Depart- receiving certificates from defendant. He entered the cases, but they ment, and School; C.F.Je.ssop,Guy's Hospital,Dental Departmentand were not put down as certified. He knew defendanit was not a doctor. School; E. Mason,Owens College, Royal Infirmary,and Victoria Dental Dr. Sutherland, medical officer of health for the Southern Division of Hospital, Manchester; E. N. Mason, Guy's Hospital, Dental Depart- the Houghton-le-Spring District, deposed to receiving a notification that ment and School; A. Mitchell, Owens College, Royal Inflrmary and the girl named had died from scarlet fever. He knew defendant was not 'Victoria Dental Hospital, Manchester; W. H. Must, Middlesex Hos- a doctor and he destroyed it. pital and the National Dental Hospital I A. G. Payne, Charing Cross For the defence, Mr. Clark said that the case had signally failed. There and the Dental Hospital of London; W. F. Peach, St. Mary's and was no pretence whatever on behalf of defendant tllat he was a medical the Dental Hospital of London; W. H. Phillips, Guy's Hospital, man. The witnesses for the prosecution knew what he was, so did every- Dental Department and School; W. R. Read, St. Bartholomew's and one else, after his conviction a few years ago at tlle court. The letters the National Dental Hospital- A W. Roberts, Charing Cross and "F.C.S.M." did not imply that lhe was a medical man, and the prosecu- the Dental Hospital of Lonaon; H. Rose, Middlesex and the tion could not put any such construction upon them. Defendant's death National Dental Hospital; B. Sherratt, Owens College, Royal In- forms were not the same colour as those of the miiedical authority, and flrmary and Victoria Deintal Hospital, Manchester; J. I. Shorrock, when lie filled one up lie did not sign it as certified. The letters meant 'Owens College, Royal Tnfirmary andVictoria Dental Hospital, Man- Fellow of the Council of Safe Medicine, whose examipations defendant chester, and Royal Infiriiiary and Dental Hospital, Liverpool ; G. V. had passed. Smallwood, Mason College, Queen's and General Hospital Birming- The defendant gave evidence, and declared that all tlle people who con- ham; P. L. Smith, Masoni tCollege, Queen's and General Hospital sulted him knew hle had lio legal qualification. He had declared it him- and the Dental Hospital, Birmingham; W. E. Stelfox, Owens Col- self to the public six or seven times. He lhad never pretended that lie lege, Royal Infirmnalry and Victoria Dental Hospital, Manchester; was a medical doctor. The death forms he had had printed he drafted W. H. Thomas. Cliaring Cross and the Dental Hospital of London; out hiimself, and lhe did not sign themii as a medical man. Cross-examined E. A. Wolter, Charing Cross and the Dental Hospital; B. J. Wood, by Mr. Meynell, defenidant admitted that he lhad 400 people paying him University College, Royal Infirmary and Dental Hospital, from 6d. to gd. a fortniglht, and had a man to collect the money. Liver pool. A witness said that indignation meetings lhad been lheld at Hetton Twenty-six gentlemen were referred back to their professional studies against attempts to interfere with Steel's business. Sor six months. The Bench said the first case four years ago was perfectly clear, but in this case they had very serious doubts as to whether defendaiit lhad in- fringed the Section or Snot, and they would 'give him the benefit of the doubt. The case was dismissed. SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON. The Bench refused Mr. Clark's application for costs. PASS LiST, December x898.-The following candidates passed in: Other charges against defendant under different sections of the Act Suivgery.-W. F. E. Aslton, BirmiDgham; E. U. Bartholomew. Charing were also dismissed, and one was withdrawn. Cross Hospital; W. H. I. Bathurst (Section II), London Hospital; C. T. Bishop (Sections I and II), Charing Cross Hospital; C. G. Catterall (Section I and II), Leeds and Westminster Hospital; G. CHARGE OF MALPRAXIS. J. D. Davies, Leeds; H. Fawcett, Cambridge and London Hospital; AT the Leeds Assizes on December i8th an actioni was hleard before Mr. P. T. Goodman, St. Thomas's Hospital; A. H. Safford, King's Col- Justice Darling against Dr. A. Macvie of Baildon, for alleged negligence lege Hospital; T. J. Vick, Guy's Hospital; C. Welch, London in the treatment of a boy aged I6 yvears, who met with an accident in Hospital. August, I896, while jumping. He fel, and his knee was cut open. It was Medicine.-G. Aldridge, London Hospital; W. F. E. Ashton, alleged for the plaintiff that negligence had been shown in treatment. ham; W. H. I. Bathurst (Section II), London Hospital; Birming-W. F. and that as a consequence the boy had a stiff knee. The defendant gave Bennett (Section I), Sheffield; C. T. Bishop (Sections I and II), evidence, and stated that he had carefully examined the wound, and Charing Cross Hospital; R. Brookes (Sectiofn I), Westminster Hop- lailed to find any foreign body. There had be.en great .lemxmorrhage, the Th:o 311, gS] MEDIOAL NEWS. 6t a. s^in -the-thirty-two provincial towns, among *hieh tile hightat zymote death-rates were 3.5 in Leeds, 4.4 in Nottingham, s.z itU olton, and 7.7 in -wtanse&. Measles caused a death-ftte of, z.5 in* Motchester and i THE MEDICAL -NEWS. in Salford, 2.6 in Eolton, and 2.9 in Nottingham ; whoopifngoush of x.x in Halifax, and l.3 in Preston; "fevei " of z.x Iit Salford z 3 in- Brighton THE ROYAL INSTITUTION.A-At the Royal Institution of Grf at and in Bolton, and x.1. in -.Norwich. The mortalluy from scarlet Britain, which, will centenary fever showed no marked excess in any of the large towns. celebrate its 'next year, Plo- Thb SIN deaths from diphtheria in the thirty-three towns fessor Ray Lankester will oommekice a course of, ten lectures included 46 in London, 17 in Leeds, Io in Swansea, 7 in Sheffield, ,6 on The Morphology of ,the Mollusca, on January 17th, and Dr. in'West Ham, 6 in Liverpool, 4 in Brighton, and 3 in Cardiff. No fatal A. the thelJanner Institute of Preven- case of smallWpox was- registered during the week under notice, and no Macfayen, Director,of small-pox patients were under treatment in any of the 'Metropolitank tive Medicine, a course of .four lectures on Toxins and Anti- Asylum Hospitals. The imberof soarlet fever these hospitals toxiAs on February 9th. The Friday evening meetings' ill and in the London Fever Hospital, whieh had declined from 3 259 to commence on January 20th, when Professor Dewar will'give a 3,043 at the end of the five preceding weeks, had further -fallent 2,901 on, Saturday last, .December 24th; 221- new Ases were admitted during lecture'on Liquid Hydrogen; on February '3rd 'Mr. Victor the week, against 264, 276, and 260 in the three preceding weeks. Horsley will deliver a discourse on The: Roman Defences of South-East'Britain; and on March' 17th Professor Francis HEALTH OF SCOTCH TOWNS. Gotcli will give'a discourse on The Electric Fish of the Nile. -Du=No the week ending Saturday last, December 24th, 9I0 births and 549 kinds of are deaths were retered in eight of the principal Scotch towns.- The annual POISONOus FLANNELETTE.-Some flannelette rate of mortality in these towns, which had been 2z.o and 19.4 por ,.ooo in well known to be highly inflammable, and to counteract this the two preceding weeks further declinedto 18.2 last week, but slightly defect it appears that some manufacturers have recently been fexceeded the mean rate during thesame period An the thirty-three large saturating the flannelette with chloride, of zinc, a English towns. Among these8Sotch towns the death-rates ranged from deliquescent sx.6 in Leith and i5.2 in Paisley -to 21.1 in Aberdeen and 22.1 in Perth. , which thus keeps the material always moist. In one The zymotic death-rate in these towns averaged 2.3 per z,ooo, the highest analysis made.of flannelette thus treated it was found that as rates being recorded in Aberdeen and Paisley. The 252 deaths registered much as 23.12 per cent. of chloride of zinc and 7.88 per cent. last week in GlasgOw ineltided 6 from measles, 9 from scarlet fever, 9 from whooping-ough, and 8 from. " fever." Three fatal cases of measles of water was present. Chloride of zinc however, is not only and2 Of "fever" wre recorded in'Edinburgh. but has also an irritant efect .on the skin, and 4keliquescentnterial containing it in such quantity when worn next .the the INFECTION AND DISINFECTION. strface of body must excite a certain amount of dermatitis BOWMOuNT.-The context does. not throw any light upon tlie interpreta- add possibly some superficial uilceration. This form of tion of Section LVII of the Public Health (Scotland) Act, I897. Replying adulteration is thus injurious in several ways, an'd it would be categorically to our correspondent's queries we should say: well to avoid any flannelette which gives the sensation of (I) That by " disinfection " is to be understood any natural or artificial process by which a previously infected person or article is deprived of being damp. infectivity. VICTORIA' HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHLDREN, CHELSEA.-At the (2) "Infectious disease" is not defined in the' Act, and the phrase must be interpreted in a common-sense way. For the purposes of Sec- invitation of the Duke of Westminster a meeting was held at tion LVII it would be sufficient, we should say, to include under the Grosvenior House recently, to take steps to raise funds for the designation."infectious disease" the diseases compulsorily notifiable erection of new buildings for the Victoria ]Iospital foi Sickk under the Infectious Disease (Notification) Act, together with measles, Children, Chelsea. From the statements made by Mr. M. R. whooping-cough, and- perhaps chicken-pox. Smith, the Chairman of the Committee of Management Mr T. POOR-LAW SUPERANNUATION IN IRELAND. Pickering Pick, Senior Surgeon to the hospital, and Mr. T. H. M. writes: In the case of workhouse officials resident on the pre- Farquhar, the Treasurer, it appeared that the present build-. nmises and entitled to compulsory superannuation under the Local ings were never intended for the purpose, and in consequence Government (Ireland) Bill upon the Civil Service scale, are such officers of s'ructural defects and small'size were quite inadequate to entitled to include the value of their apartments in reckoning their salaries and emoluments? I- should be glad to know by what Act of meet the demand for beds. It was proposed 'to erect a large Parliament the Civil Service scale of superannuation is fixed. building to provide the necessary accommodation for in- *** Section II8 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, z898, to which patients, and to render the present house suitable for the use our correspondent presumably refers, provides in effect that existing of the staff and other purposes. A sum of £25,000 would be officers of boards' of guardians in Ireland shall, under the circum- required. stances mentioned in the Act and without prejudice to 'any existing AMBULANCE FOR SICK OR INJURED HORSES.-An interesting right, be entitled to receive superannuation allowances on the scale experiment is to be made at the forthcoming cavalry and according to the-Acts and rules relating -to JHerMajesty's Civil manceuvres in' India with horse ambulances. Scores of in- Service. The existing statutory rights of Poor-law officers in Ireland in stances are known to or artillery officers where valu- respect of superannuation allowances are defined by the Union Officers able horses, seriously cavalrylame or otherwise injured when on the (Ireland) Superannuation Acts, i865 and I872 and the Medical Officers march, or at a distance from cantonments, have had to be Superannuation Act (Ireland), I869. The Acts relating to the Civil Ser- destroyed, even when it was certain'that time and treatmeLt vice are the Superannuation Acts, I834 to I892, the 'scale of allowance would have given hopes of recovery, because there was no being regulated by the Superannuation Act, I859. We do not consider organised system by which sick or maimed horses of cavalry that the Acts we have quoted warrant, generally speaking, an affirmative or artillery could be removed to a properly equipped veteri- answer to our correspondent's question, but ,at the same time it is nary hospital. The reports on the experiments to be carried possible that the considerations present in any individual case may be out at the Aligarh-Delhi manceuvres with three horse ambu- of such a nature as to justify an affirmative answer in such case. lances will be interesting, and mayxultimately prove of great BONESETTER'S ATTENDANCE ON CASES OF FRACTURE. value to the mounted branches of the service. R. R.-(z) Our correspondent, we think, acted rightly in deciding to SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT BEYROUT.-It appears that there retire from the private case wben the bonesetter was called in. (2) If J sent for to a club patient he should attend, but we think' he is not is a medical school which rejoices in the unique privilege Qf bound to continue llis attendance unless the bonesetter ceases to having a Jesuit as its Director. This is the F'rench Me ical-:1 attend. (3) He should- retire from- a pauper case, but only after School at Beyrout in Syria, which is under the direction of explaining that he will be ready to give further-attendance if requested wheneverie is informed that the bonesetter's attendance has ceased. Father Catin. In spite of this remarkable anomaly of This promise should be made in the presence of a reliable witness. organisation the school appears to be a very successful one. The-teaching staff consists of eight French medical men, all,- DIPHTHERIA AND THEI CAT.-At a recent meeting of the former internes of French hospitals and holding the -doctor's Frimley District Council, the medical officer reported im- degree of the Universities of Paris, Lyons, and Montpellier. perfect sanitary arrangements in connection with the occur- Th'ere are Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacy and a rence of cases of diphtheria. In the case of two patients, a Laboratory of Microbiology, all under the direction of French mother and a child 21 months old, Dr. Walcot reported- that men of science. Recently a Midwifery Clinic has been added they had recently made a visit to Wandsworth, and that " a to the school. The ;number of *pupils is I30. It, is only cat in the house where they had.visited was, ill, and made a recently that the school has begun to grant diplomas, and at curious sound in breathing. The cat would neither eat nor present the average output is about ten a year.. A prolonged drink, and its breath had a bad smell. On the day after it, btruggle has been carried on to get these diplomas' recognise4. (the cat) was .killed, the child showed 'signs of sickness;J as valid 'by the Turkish Government ; but now, it is stated, which developed into diphtheria." The child died after a the matter is on the point of being settled in a satisfactory week's illness, but.the mother recovered. manner. 1962 uE=IJOiAL] DIARY. -. L-DM 3I1, I 9g.

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY.-It is announced that Columbia PADDINGTON GREEN CHILDRNS HOSPITAL-Sureonto Out-Patients; mustbo F.RL.C,S. University has received a gift of $so,ooo (/io,ooo), from a RAINWILL COUNTY ASYLUM (near Llverpool).-Assistant Medical Ofcer,.unmarried and not more than 30 years of age. lary £100 per annum, increasing to SO, with person name made public, to be devoted to the whose is not furnished apartments, board, attendance, and wshink. Applications to the Medical maintenance of a children'A ward in the Roosevelt Hospital Superintendent. ROYAL COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS OF LONDOI.-Mlilroy Lecturer for 1900. Applica- as'an increase of the teaching facilities of the medical school tions to.the iegistr by January 7th, 1899. (th'e College of Physicians and Surgeons). It is stated that RYDE: COJUNTY. HOSPITAL.-House-Physicia.. Slary, £10 per annum, with board, lodging, etc. Applications to the House-Surgeon by January 2nd, 1899. the ward is to be known as the Abraham Jacobi Cli-nic. It is ST. ANDREWS .UNIVERSITY.-Additional Examiner for Graduation in alteria 'also announced that a s'holarship has been established in the Medica. Appointment for three years. Applications to the Secretary, Univessity Court, by January 14th, 1899. medical school to be called the O'Dwyer scholarship, in ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL.-Assistant Surgeon. Must be F.R.C.S.Eng. Applicatiens memory of the late Dr. Joseph O'Dwyer. to Mr. E. M. Hardy, Treasurer's Clerk, bySFanuary 7th, 1899. SUNDERLAND INFIHMARY.-House Physician. Salary, £80, rising to £100, with ANTIRABIC INSTITUTE OF TURIN.--In the 4nnales de lInstitut board and residence. Applications to the Chairman of the Medical Board by January 5th, 1899. Pasteur of November 25th Dr. Francesco Abba, who succeeded TOXTETH PARK, LIVERPOOL.-Senior Assistant Medical Offilcer of the Workhouse Dr. tordone-Uffrqduzzi as director of the Municipal Antirabic and Infirmary, Salary £100 per annum, with board,.washing, and apartments. Applications, marked" Assistant Medical OM1cer,'. to the Clerk to the Guardians, 1& Institute of Turin, gives s'tatistics of the cases treated there High Park Street, Liverpool, by January 11th, 1899. during I896-97. In I896 the total number of persons who TYNEMOUTH VICTORIA JUBILEE INFIItMARY, Spring Gardens, North Shields.- Resident House-Surgeou, Salary, £100 per annum. Applications to the, Secretary, applied for treatment was 672. Of this number only 470 were by. January 11th. 1899. treated, as it was proved that the animals which had bitten WESTEBN OPHTHALIIC HOSPITAL, 153, Marylebone Road, N.W.-Assistant Surgeon. Applications to the Secretary by January 4th, 1899. the remaining 202 persons were not rabid. The mortality WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL Broad Sanctuary, S.W.-Xedical Registrar. Salary, 150 among the 470 patients actually treated was 0.21 per cent. perannum. Applications 1o the Secretary by January 2nd, 1899. During 1897 the number of applicants was 584, of whom 376 were treated, with a mortality of 0.26 per cent. From Sep- tember 30th, I886, when the institute was founded, to December MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS. BuIRRows Vincent, M.B., B.S.Durh., M.R.C.S., appointed Medical Officer for the No. ,2 31st, I897, the number of applicants was 4,728, of whom only Districi of the Aylesbury Union. were treated. The mortality among these was 0.73 per CARLAW, T. W.,X.D.(Canada) appointedi Clinical Assistant to the Chelsea Hospital for 3,396 Women. states that in I896 there was a great increase cent. Dr. Abba COTEs Dr., appointed.Xedical Offioer for the Great Barford District of the Bedford in the number of persons bitten as compared with preceding Union, vice u. Sprigge, M.D., resigned. DicrKx, A. A. G., X.D.R.U.I., J.P., ap ointed MedicalOfcer and Public Vaccinator for years. This being assumed to be due to negligence on the the Oolne District of the BurnleyUnion,viceJ. H. Keay, M.D.Edin., resigned. part of individuals and local authorities in regards to the LAMILTON W C., M B C M appointed Certifying Factory Surgeon for Plymouth, vice W. A. Buchen, Il 1., ,.lt.Ein., deceased. of rabies in dogs, measures were taken in combi- prophylaxis HILLxAN G. B. L.S.A., appointed Medical Officer of Health to the Castleford Urban nation with the prefects of the provinces which send the largest Counciil, ice W. Kemp, resigned. R. G., M.A., M.D., appointed Senior Physician to the Royal Hospital for institute to secure the slaughter as McKXzRROo, number of patients to the Sick Children, Aberdeen, vice Professor Stephenson, resigned. speedily as possible of all dogs, bitten or suspects. As the OBB, David, M.B., appointed Pathologist to the County Asylum, Prestwich,Manchester. Ross, Marion J.M.B., appointed Resident Medical Officer for the Workhouse of the effect of this the number of persons bitten by fox dogs Newcastle Unibp. diminished in i897 by about ioo. SUMNqE, F. W., B t.Cantab., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., appointed House Physician to St. MaXy's Hospital London. WOOD,Bichard, X D. reappointed Medical Officer of Health to the Driffield Rural MEDICAL VACANCIES. Council.

The following vacanCies are announced* ERRATUm.-In the notice of the appointment ofMr. F. W. Wright, published on AYLESBURY: ROYAL BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HOSPITAL.-Resident-Surgeon December 17th, it was stated in error that he had been Medial Otflcer to the £80, appointed Apothlecry,nnmarried. Salary, increasing to£100, with board, lodging, washing, Lingfield and Southern Districts of the Godstone Union, instead of to the Southern Dis- cals, candles and furnished apartments. Applications to Mr. G. Fell, Solicitor trict only. Aylesbury, by ranuary 2nd, 1899. BATH: ROYAL UNITED HOSPITAL.-House Surgeon. Salary £60 annu with board, lodging, and washing. to theBeretary DIARY FOR NEXT 5th, 1899. Applications WEEK. BIRMINGHAM AND MIDLAND EA AND THROAT HOSPITAL, Street, ¶Birmingham. House-Surgeon. Slaryat the rate of£42 annum, board, TUESDAY. lodging, and washing. Applications tothe by January 14th, 1899. Secretary Pathologeial Society of London Green: PrimaryCarcinoma of the Liver. OF LONDON OF THE CHEST Victoria CITY HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES Park, E.- 8.30 P.x.-Mr. A. E. Barker: The Finat Mr. D'Arcy Power: A Case of Intussus- Resident Medical Officer. Salary,£100perannum, with boar etc Also second to a R. six Sequel Case already reported of Re- ception. Mr. Lucy: A Case of In- Assistant Physician. Appointment for montbs. Salr at therate £80 moval of Cystic Disease of a Supposed tussusception. Mr. Barwell: A Case of annum. Applications to the Secretary by January 6th, 1899. Accessory Thyroid Body. Dr. Parkes Congenital Limb Deficiency and Redun- DERBY: DERBYSHIRE ROYAL INFIRMARY.-Assistant House Surgeon. Salary, Weber:On an Apparent Thickening of dancy, illustrated by lanternslides and .40 per annum with board, residence, and washing. Applications Secretary the Subcutaneous Veins. Dr. C. D. stereoscopic skiagrapha. byJanuary 18th, 1899. EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY. Additional Examiner inZoology. Period, four yeas. WDNYESDAY. Applications to Secretary, University Court, by January 7th, Obstetrical Society of London, seventh month, in which the Ftetus FINSBURY DISPENSARY, Brewer Street, Goswell Road, E.C.-Resident Medical £100 8P.m.-Specimens will be shown by Drs. was extracted by Vaginal Incision. Dr. Offloer. Salary, per annum, with furnished residence, attendanoe, coals, gas. and John Phillps. Drummond by Lea, Addinsell, Robinson: Vulval Dis- Applications to the8ecretary January 7th, 1899. Papers-Dr. Donald: A Case of Etopic charges in Children. G(VAN DISTRICT AsYLUM.-Junior Assistant Medical Offioer. Salary£100 (Intraligamentous) Gestation at the with board and residence. Applications to the Medical Superintendent, Hawkhead T Asylum, Paisley, by January 5th,1 9. IVRI'A HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE TH]ROAT Golden Square, W.-Resident Medical in Offloer. Salary, 0 per with board Earvelan Society ot London, 8.80 hesions have formed Joints, the Perin annum, lodging, and washing. Applications P.x.-M r. HowardMarsh: On the Sub- toneal Cavity, and other parts. the 7th, Secretary-Superintendent by January sequent History of Cases in which Ad- KENSINGTON DISPENSARY.-Resident Medical Offier, under85 of cations to theHon. Secretary, T. W. 0. Wheeler,20, Lower Phillimore Plaoe, Kensing- IFRI[DAY. ton, W., by January9tbh 1899, LEIOESTER INFIRMARY.-Honorary Assistant Physician. Applications Sec- West London Hedico-Chirurgical Annual GeneralMeeting. Election of by January 2nd, 1899. Society, West London Hospital, W. Officers and Annual Reports. The fol- retary 8.30P.x.-Mr. R.Lake: TheTreatmenl lowing will show cases: Dr. Scanes LIVERPOOL: ROYAL SOUTHERN HOSPITAL.-Resident Surgeon. of 1aryngel Phthisls.Mr. J. R. Lunn: Spicer, Mr. Charters Symondle Dr. JanuarySalary, 609th,guineas1899. per annum. Applications to the Chairman of Medical Board TwoC-se of Optic Neuritis associated Barclay Barn, Dr. Dundas Grant Mr. withMastoid Disease. Dr.'James Allan: Morley Agar Dr. Tilley, Sir 'Felix LONDON HOSPITAL, Phy Must be a F. or FBVER Islington, N-Assistant isian, A series of Twelve Tracheotomies for Semon, Dr.wWaitson W!ilsams4r.Wyatt to the by January 6th, M.R.C.P.Lond. Applications Secretary 1899. Laryngeal Diphtheriainyoungchildren, Wingrove Mr Atwood Thorne, Dr. W i.: LONDON LOCK HOSPITAL, 91 Dean Street W -House-Surgeon Hospital. with nine reoveries. HRll andD r.St. Cair Tho mson.lDinner! Salary, £50 per annum, with board, lodging, and wasig Applications Lar-nologteai Society o Len. atthe Cate Royal at 8 P.M. Secretary, at Harrow Road, by January 7th. don,BU, Hanover Square, W..0 pat.- LONDON THROAT HOSPITAL-Surgeon and a Pathologist. Applications Secretary, Modical Committee, by January 4th, 1899. M4NCHESTER: ANCOATS HOSPITAL.-Resident Junior House Surgeon. salary,£10 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. per annum, with board and washing. Applications to the Secretary. The charge for ainnouncements of Btrtls, MfarrtAdes, aind Deaths is MIDDLBSBX HOSPITA, Salay, £100, and fees for specl i"n.ert6g the W.-Bacteriologdst. forwarded Applications to Secretary-Superintendent by January 1899. U 6.,whiech seh 8houdbe sn po8t offrce order or staps woith NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE AN B House PARALYSED EPILEPTIC, Queen'Sare the notice not Laer than Wedneday noring -in order to insure imetion in bomsbury-.Senior Physician, Junior HousePbysiciani a licnt. Candi- dates must whether they would state accept eitherappointment. Salary for Senior ent issuO e. Junior with £100, £10, board, and apartments. AlsoPathologist. Hunorkrlum 54 Applications MARRIAGE. guineas, to the Secretary, by January 9th,189. RUTHRRFORD-NAPIVR.-At Hyndland Chureh GlWgow, on December 22nd b the NEW HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN Buston Road, N.W. Assistnt Very Reverend Story, D.D.,asisise by the Rev. Grey to PrinciIpa Henry traham, in the Out-patient iepartmeut, Secretary January 'Phystoica ApNlications Henry Rutherford MBCa Jean Hay Frew, second daughter of the late Robert 4th, I599 AsshetonNeapier, tsqi., ieVilo;;ner, Glasgow. NORWIOH: NORFOLK AND NORWICH HOSPITAL-Dental Surgeon also Asistant House Surgeon.Appointment for six months. Board lodging, washigpro vAded. Nosalary., Applisations to the Secretary by tanusry lOth,P899o DBATHS. resectively. ; DouBLEDAY.-On Christmas Day, at Long Clawson Mellon Vowbowbray, James Double- NQTTINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL-House-Physician, Salary£100per amnum, day late of Chiddingfold, Surrey, M.R.C.S.Eng. s TGuym,St. Thomas'rs,.Berlin. to£120. to the by 31st, ;risig Applications Secretary Janutrry 1899. M: Lond., M.D.Berlin, aged 71. XPOltDOR-&DCLIFFElNFIRMARY.-Surgeon. Applications lSecretary by Kwox-At East Molesey on Christmas Day, James Jenkinson Knox, X.A., M.B., January 16th. 1899. B.C.Cantab, aged 12, eider son of John-Knox, M.D., Bakewell. DpC 1898.1 LETTERS, NOTES, ETC. .. 31...... [m .Al. . .t0OY;iW OF ATTENDANCE AND OPERATION DAYS. AT THE Qneu,, anewer, and communication8 relating to sumbect to tehieh LONDON HOSPITALS. s8peci departmens of thc BRImSH MEDICAL JoURNAL are directd wai be CA3#oun. Reompton(Free). Attsdawee.-Daily,2. Operatioe.-Tu.F.8,3. fouad under thir respective headings. OmNITAL LJWDON OPHTHALMIC. - MendaeCes.-Daily, 1. Operationw.-Daily. RNTRAL LOiNDOJ THROAT, NOss, AND EAR.-Atte%dancee.-M. W. Th. 5., 2; Tu. F., 5. Operas9ons.-I.-p., Tu., 2.80; O.-p., F., 2. CHARING CHESs. Attendances.-Medioal and Surgical daily, 1.30- Obstetric, Tu. F., 1.80; M.R.C.S. asks whether'any instance is known of saccharine Skin, 80. Th., 1.46; Dental, M.,.9; Tlhroat dnd E;r, F., i.dO. Operatio;w.-Th. P. injurious effect on the eyesight. having an ONM4RS. HOSPITAL TORN WOMEN. AttscaanCe8.-Daily, I1.8. Operationa.-8. Th. F., 2. QUALIFICATION AS HOSPITAL SURGEON. CIT ORTH9PzDIC. Attendances.-8M. Tu. Th. F., 2. Operationa.-M.. 4. G. S., writes as r4sH LOZNDON HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN. Operaticm.-80. W. Th. F., 2. follows: A hospital advertises,' for assistant-surgeon GRAT NoRTHERN QRNTHAL. Atienda4ses.-Medical and Surgical, M. Ta. W Th. P., under the following conditions, quoted from its rule framed in I875: ,2.80; Obetric W., 2.38; I e, M0. Tb., 2.89; Throat and Ear, Tu. F. 2.30; Skin W., "Any surgeon appointed...... must.. be a Fellow or Member of one 2.80; Dental; W., 2: Operabess.-M. W. Th. F. of the colleges of the United Kingdom." I should be much obliged Gyrs. Attendance.-Mledical, daily 2; Surgical, daily, 1.30; Obstetric, 80. Tu. P., 1.80; if you would state whether, in your opinion, this condition wou]d be Aye M. Tu. Th. F., 1.8; EaB, r. 1; Skin Tti 1 - Dental, daily, 9; Throat, F., met by the appointment of a Licentiate of the 2. F., .30i (OLhtialmic) i, 1.30; Th., 2. Scottish Conjoint Board of the HOSPITAL FOR WOmEN, Soho. Atteudances.-Daily, 10. Operation8.-M. Th., 2. Colleges and Faculty, whose diploma,bears date I888. KIIG'S COLLEGR. Attendoaees.-Medieal and Surical daily, 2 Obstetric, daily 2; o..n *** We think that the hospital authorities would undoubtedly be W. Th., M., 1.30, F., 2, justified in construing the words " Fellow or " W!h,6i;;3ktn,Wt.,11.30.ily 1.30; Eye, M, QveraZwn.-*.f9i.1.30 Er Tk, 2w;F.,ii. hroat, Dental,M Member so as to include LoNsoN. Attendances.-Medical, dai&r, i.-p., 2, op., 1.80 ; Surgical, daily, 1.30 and 2; a Licentiate of the Conjoint Board mentioned by our correspondent Obstetric M. Tu. Th. F., 2; .p., W . S., 1.30; Bye, Tu. 8, 9;*ar, W., 9; Skin, Th., 9; Dental, Tu., 9. Operatsess.-Daily, 2. LOND*N TRMPERANCR. Attendancev.-Medical,M. Ti. W. Th. F., 1.80; Surgical, M. Tb., 1.30. operatiose.-M. Th, 4.30. ANSVWECRS LONDON THROAT, Great Portlapd St;eet. Attendancee.-Dally, 2; Tu., F., 6. Operations. -Di4ily, 2. J. A. A.-A kleptomaniac, if not certifiably insane orimbecile, MZTR,TOPOWiTAN.. Attendace8.s-M26dical and Strgical, daily, 2 - B., 9 Obstetric W 2 - himself under control as a voluntary might place re. W.,2; Throat and Bar, Th., 2; Dental, Ta. Tb. S., 9. (peretsons.-Tn. *., 280 boarder. There are no other T1., 4. institutions except reformatories in which he could be placed. MIDDLESRX. Attenddiace.-Medlcal and Surgical, daily, 1.-0; Obstetric, Ta. Th., 1.80; p.,M., 9, W, 1.80, Bye, Tu. F.,9; FEr and Throat Tu. F., 9; Skin, Tu., 4; Th., VALUE OF FOREIGN PRACTICE. 9.80; Ddnt, I.F.,9.30; W., 9. Operationbm-Daily, 1. EMIGRANT.-A good English practice when transferred realises about NATIONAL ORTHOPZDIC. Attendanees.-M. Tu. Th. F., 2. Operations.-W., 10. two years' purchase on the gross receipts. But most charges NEW HOSPITAL FOR WOMRN. Attendasee.-Daily, 2; Ophthalmic, W. S., 9.80 Opera. fluenced more or less by local and personal are in- tone.-Tu. F., 9. One year's circumstances as to amounts. NORTH-WBST LOTDOKN. Attendances.-Medical daily, exc. 8, 2, 8., 10; Surgical, daily, purchase for the practice named would appear to be fair. ee, , W., 10; Obstetric, W., 2; Eye, W.,9; Skin, F., 2; Dental, F., 9. per "Iona'-., 2.80. "COQ VOLANT." ROYAL rR, #outhwark. Attendances.-Daily, 2. Operatioms.-Daily. DR. A. DE WATTEVILLE (Welbeek Street, W.) wr?ites: Your correspondent UoYAL FiEtz Attendascee.-Medical and Surgical, daiVy 2; Diseases of 'Women- Ta. S., must surely have misunderstood the words 'coque du Levant (coccu- 9 lRye, M. F., 9; Skini Th 9 lat Nose, and Ear, W., 9. Operatione.-W. B., 2; lus Indicus), which are used to designate the drug used to stupefy flish i6pbtkalmlc), 80. F., &.9i;'(Dtseas f Women) 8., 9. on the Continent. The active principle is picrotoxin, of which very ROYA ILOXDON OPHTHALMIC. Attsdoac8a.-Da&lly, 9. Operations.-Daily, 10. small quantities are actually absorbed by the fish. I should ROYAL ORTHOPADIC. Attendancee.-DailY, 2. Ope&rations.-M., 2. poison to be destroyed in the processes of assimilation expect the ROYAL WRSTHINISTR OPHTHALMIe. Attendances.-Daily, 1. Operations.-Daily, 2. and the fish so and of cooking, ST. EBA.THOLOMEW's. Attendanee8.-Medieal and Sutgical daily 1830- Obstetric M obtained to be harmless when eaten in moderate W.F., 2; o.p., W. S., 9; Eye, . Tn. W. Th. 8 2 -c-p i3. Th.,'9 W S 2.30(Bar quantities. Tu. F., 2 S in, Tu 9 - LArynx Ta P., 2.80; ArtAopwic, 80 23t)' Dental, Tu. F., 9. BACTERIOLOGY FO-R GENERAL PRACTITIONERS. Blectriol, 80. Tu.'Ti. F., 1.0. retsous.-Dauy. 1.80; 0Ophihalmic), Tn. F., 2; W. M. M. J.-The two books we should recommend are Muir and Ritchie's Abdominal Section for Ovariotomy, F., 2. Manual of Bacteriology (Pentland, Lond. and ST. GRORGe'S. Attendances.-Medical and Surgical, daily, i.-p., 1; o.-p., 12 ; Obstetric, Mfedical Edin.); and Wethered's 1.-p., Tn. F., 1.46 op. 80l. Th. 2.30; EyeW S.,1.80; Bar, Tu., 2; Skin,W., 2.45; Microscopy (If. K. Lewis, London), the former for bacteriological Tkroat, F., 2- Ortiopmdic, F., 12; Dental, 80. Ta. P., S., 12. Operations.-Daily, 1; methods and descriptions, the latter for an account of examination of Ophthalmic&i., 1,; sDstal, Tb., 9. urine. Swift, Tottenham Court Road, isa reliable maker of microscopes. ST. MAJURI'S. Attenzdmaces.-Fistula and Diseases of the Rectum, males B., 2; females, For a good second-hand microscope Chas. Baker, High W.,9.80.. Operations.-M. 9; Tn., 2.30. probably the best firm to which to make 244, Holborn, is ST. XAHY5s. Attendances.-M iial and Surgical daIly, 1.45- op., 12.46: Obstetric, Tu. application. F., 1.45; O.p., M. Th., 1.;*eye,Tn. F., 9; lar, 1t. T 9;Tliroat, Tnu. F., 8; Skin, M. Tb., 9; Dental W S. 9; Electro-therapeutics, 1M. iA., 2.30; Children's Mledical, Tu. P Operationis.-k., 2.80.; Tu. W. F., 2; Tb., 210; B., 10; (Ophthalmic), F., 10. NOTE. S,E ST. F*RH'S. Attendances.-M. 2 and 5; Tn., 2; W., 5; Th., 2; F, (Women and Children), LEIER. 4; 5., 4. Operations.-W. F., 2. ST. OHAS'S. Attendances.-Medical and Surgical MTa.8. Th. F., 2; o.p., daily, 1.80; "ANLAGE." Obstetric, Tu. F. 2 o 1 80- Eye '.F. 2-op daily, exc. 5., 180; Ear, GREAT difficulty has been experienced in an 80., 1.80, Skin, i. L;* Thront, 1n., 180 Chidrn, S., 1.30; Electro-therapeu- for the convenient German word finding English equivalent tics, o.p. Th., 2; Mental Diseases, o.p., Th 15 Dental, Tu. F., 10. Operations.-M. anilage.: Among the translations W. Th. b., 2; Tn. F., 3.30; (Ophthalmic), A9., §; (Gyneacological), Th., 2. suggested have been forecast, fundament, rudiment, beginning, origin, SAMARITAN FRER FOR WOMRN AND CHILDREN. Attendances.-Daily, 1.B0 Opera- foundation and Dr. Arthur Willey recently suggested in Nature " prm- tions.-Gynmecological, M., 2; W., 2.80. ordium." 6ur contemporary states that Profes$pr Burt G. Wilder, while T-HROAT, Golden Square. Attendances.-Daily, 1.38; Tu. F., 6.80. Operations.-Daily, expressing an opinion favourable to this word, suggests " roton" *exc. 80., 10. already familiar numerous compouuds, as a UNIVERSITY COLLEGB. Attendawee8.-Medical and Surgical, daily, 1.30; Obstetrics, 80. equivalent. in, shorter ana better F., 1.30; Eye, M.W., 1.0; Ear, 8. Th.,9; Skin, Tu. F.,2; Throat, M. Th.,9; Dental, Ta. F., 9.30. Operations.-Tu. W. Th., 2. RAILWAY REFORM. WEST LoNDoN. Attendances.-Medical and Surgical, daily, 2; Dental, Tu. F., 9.30; Eye, DR. J. CARROLL (Glasgow) writes: I would respectfully submit that the Tu. Th., 2; Ear, Tu., 2; 8 10; OrthopaBdic W 2- Diseases of Women, W. S., 2; Elec- most urgent reforita is the provision on all long-distance trains of tric, 80. Tb., 2; Skin, 80. F'., 2; Throat and Nomse, Tu., 2; S., 10. Operations.-Daily, proper and sufficient lavatory accommodation for each carriage. The about 2.80; F., 10. urgency is well known to long-distance travellers on all WESTMINSTER. Attendances.-Medical and Surgical daily, 1.80; Obstetric M. Ta. F., no train, my our railways 1.L; Eye, Tu. F,, 9.80; Ear, Tu., 1.*; Skin, W.. 1.80; Dental, W. B., 6.15. Opera. in opinion, should be run more than a hundred miles tKW8.-M.Tu. W., 2. unless thus provided. Local; and short-distance trains would not be affected. I make this suggestion in the interests of elderly men and women who, as we all know, are often in great pain when compelled to retain their urine even for a comparatively. shiort time. Ladies with LETTERS, NOTES, AND ANSWERS TO children would also share and appreciate lavatory accommodation, as is shown by the invariable scramble to get intQ such a carriage. CORRESPONDENTS, CHRONIC MEMBRANOUS DR. J. CHRISTIAN COLITIS. R3ACH ORdI¢3 SIMPSON, (Cambridge) writes: In the BRITISH (OXNMNICATIONS FOR TEE OVBURNT WEEKS JOURNAL SHOULD THE MEDICAL JOURNAL of November sth Dr. Li4wrie reports an interesting IiOT Igtt,dJj MIDAY POST ON WENzsDAY. TELEGRAxS CAN 3E RECEIvED case of chronic membranous colitis cutred by right inguinal colotomy *N THIEBDAY MORNING. and subsequent closure of the artificial anus. He reters to a case re- COscVNICATIONs respecting Bditorial matters should be addressed to the Editor, 429, ported by Dr. Hale White and Mr. Golding-Bird as the Strand, W.C.. Lendon; thse conoerning business matters,non-delivery of the JOURNAL previously recorded. I to being only one etc., should be addressed to the Mager, at the OCRce, 49, Straad, W.C., London. beg point out, however, that Dr. Lawrie has JOURNAL unfortunately 'muised the report of the firSt case that was operated on AweHons desirmg reprints of their articles published in the BRITISH MRDICAL in this way, and which was fu,ly recorded by me are reqaotste to o6mmunicate beforehand with the Manager, 429, Strad, W.C. of in the Medical Pre88 CORRESPONim2s who wish notice to be taken ot their cosmunications should authenti and Circular Jk1y 2qth, iq6 There is Also a "further note" in the cate theO wit their names-of osurse not necessarily for publication. Msedical Piess9of July 20th, AS98, giithg the state of the patient more than CoRRzsPowxxNT5 not answered are requested to look to the Notices to Correspondents four years &ftor tie 6peiatfbn. This case Ais noted in the Yearbook of of tlIfo,lowing week. Treatment, and is also referred to in the article on Diseases of the Colon MAUhirqbtPT6` *ORWARDED TO THE OFFIEB O THIS JOURNAL CANNOT UNDER ANY in Allbutt's System of Medicine in b6th instances by Dr. Hale White. CIRCUSBTANOE 3BB RETURNED. Though my case was published subsequent to the report of the case IN order to avoid delay, it is particularly requested that all letters on the editorial busi- under the care of Dr. HalO White above referred to, the of ness of the JOURNAL be addreBsed to the Eltor at the Olfloe of the JOURNAL, and not kctual operkiion 'which wad perfdimed' priority the to his ptivate house. disputed; byIMr. Keith, has never been Ps la HEALTH DErtoTMN-We shallbemoh oblige toMedical Ofieers of Health If XI6a- irtidle oih Colitis by Dr. Hale White in the Laned, they will, o o g thir A and otr t, avour us with dus#gAeo* Mirch 2nd,' 1895 sajs,, It has Peen suggpsted that in a very intrwt- Cem. Cable cs miht i estifi)eo'pentO thecolon high up -" and in the TRI.n4RLEIa ADpRES.-UIe tl adise of the EDITORL of the IRTT5n" following teeatte in'Jnentimottedp that hd hadiitread prac- MszsanAa Jou;JrN Is MtoLogpL n oOm O address of thoe JU BNA tised this ofd that te ofhe DTS MEDICAL JMWI Ai Is Artffvac o report would be published later. full