MARCH 2013 ADAR/NISAN 5773 Hakol the Voice of the Pelham Jewish Center
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MARCH 2013 ADAR/NISAN 5773 Hakol The Voice of the Pelham Jewish Center A Message from the Rabbi In my thinking, the nature of what see that finding meaning in our Calderon: I am happy about this it means to be Israeli will be deter- heritage does not require full hala- participation in the words of To- mined by the degree to which Jew- chic (legal) observance. This is rah. ish pluralism will take hold. As of slowly beginning to happen. Ruth now, Israeli society is defined by Calderon, a new member of Knes- It doesn’t translate perfectly, but distinct communities separated by set from the Yesh Atid party, gave essentially, this man who has never fixed religious lines: one is either a stunning speech on the Knesset heard a (secular!) woman teach secular or religious, period. floor a few weeks ago. In it, Talmud jumped in and partici- Within each of these groups there Calderon (a secular Israeli with a pated with her. She welcomed this are surely subgroups (ultra- PhD in Talmud) taught a story as a deepening of Torah. All of Orthodox, Religious Zionist, Reli- from the Talmud to the entire this took place on the Knesset gious Sephardi, secular, secular yet Knesset. Without a doubt, this was floor (you can watch the speech traditional, etc). But for the most the first time many (if not most!) on my blog with English subtitles- part, Israeli social networks are of the members of Knesset heard it is worth the 14 minutes). essentially homogeneous. Chil- a woman teach Talmud. There dren attend a religious or a secular was a wonderful moment during Remarkably, one reaction to her school, a religious or secular youth her speech in which MK Vaknin speech was the suggestion that it group, and so on. from the ultra-Orthodox Shas was an assault on Judaism. The party interrupted her editorial of Kikar Hashabbat, a The result is that Judaism is per- (interruptions are not uncommon haredi (ultra-Orthodox) news site, ceived by most Israelis as being for the Knesset). Calderon was wrote, “…we are watching on live “owned” by the religiously obser- teaching that in the story, the broadcast the new Enlightenment, vant. Secular and religious Jews name of the rabbi is connected to the new powers that have risen perceive Jewish ritual, observance, the word “rechem,” which means and want to destroy the Haredi and texts to be the domain of the womb. This is when Vaknin inter- society as it is today...Rabbi Shai religious (read: Orthodox). Even rupted her: Peron, Rabbi Dov Lipman, and though secular Israelis speak He- the "Rabbanit" [sic] Ruth Calderon brew and live according to the Vaknin: Rechem also [has a nu- are using our weapons- the Tal- Jewish calendar, they are largely merologically significant] value of mud, the Gemarrah, and the cut off from their own traditions. 248 (the number of positive mitz- Poskim- against us, while simulta- We had an Israeli au pair live with vot). neously using it as a fig leaf. ” This us for six months. On her first exposes the sickest element of this Shabbat here we invited her to Calderon: Thank you. Yasher dynamic: the notion that secular Shabbat dinner. She was excited Koach. Thank you for participat- and liberal Jews are hijacking Juda- because it was the first time in her ing. ism by finding it meaningful, and life that she heard the Friday night that this in turn, is an attack on kiddush. She was twenty-one years Vaknin: I think the idea that she is Haredi Judaism. old. saying is wonderful … If it were only the haredim who The only way that this will change believed this. Alas, this sentiment is if secular and religious Israelis is shared by many secular Israelis MARCH 2013 ADAR/NISAN 5773 If it were only the haredim who be- Judaism as the domain of the Or- THE lieved this. Alas, this sentiment is thodox are now enjoying music that shared by many secular Israelis who grew out of our tradition, studying PELHAM also think that we should leave all Talmud alongside Nietzsche and JEWISH Jewish religious expressions to the Freud in secular, co-ed batei haredim, as anything else is disin- midrash (houses of study), attending CENTER genuous. synagogues of the Reform and Con- servative Movements, and so on. 451 ESPLANADE This is where we come in. We But these changes require our en- PELHAM MANOR, NY 10803 American Jews can model an ener- couragement and support. One way PHONE: 914-738-6008 getic Jewish life that transcends the to invest in the future of the State of FAX: 914-931-2199 labels of secular or religious. Israelis Israel is by supporting institutions EMAIL: [email protected] have a great deal to learn about the working to build a society that re- WEBSITE: vibrancy of a pluralistic Jewish life flects the diversity of Jewish life that from us, a model in which we we know can exist. I hope that you Rabbi David A. Schuck should take pride. For too long the will consider this obligation and Education Director Ana Turkienicz relationship between Diaspora and privilege with the seriousness that it Caretaker Adam Bukowski Israeli Jews has been one sided, with deserves. Office Administrator Kim Lewis Americans "sitting at the feet" of our Israeli brethren for a dose of pride L'Shalom, BOARD OF DIRECTORS in our heritage and Jewish identity. It is time for us to balance out the relationship. It is our responsibility President Kate Lauzar to help Israelis see that a rich and Executive Vice President Andrea Prigot Rabbi David A. Schuck diverse Jewish life strengthens the Treasurer Jill Goldenberg Secretary Marshall Jaffe Jewish people. We can teach and Religious Practices Steve Martin model this. We must. A Message From the Membership Maria Abeshouse Social Action Rachel Collens President Fundraising Lisa Daley We have been doing this beautifully House Darren Lee every summer as hundreds of Is- Communications Jack Klebanow raelis spend time at our Jewish Each month, as the deadline for Learning Center Hildy Martin camps. In them, they discover a Jew- Hakol submissions approaches, I Youth Programming Michelle Dvorkin ish life that is somewhat foreign. see your faces in my mind's eye. As Family Programming Liz Tzetzo I think and write and edit; as I throw They expect that seeing women reading Torah, leading tefillot, and out what I wrote and start over; as I PROGRAM COORDINATORS wearing tefillin will translate into an consider a new idea---- through all odd expression that resembles Juda- these moments, I see a parade of your faces. I imagine that I'm talking B’nei Mitzvah Beth Serebransky ism but isn't quite right. As they ad- B’nei Mitzvah Project Cheryl Goldstein just, many of them discover a Juda- with you, and I wonder: will YOU Continuing Education Jeanne Radvany ism that explodes in its love of To- find this idea relevant or interesting? Hakol Kim Lewis rah, God, and mitzvot, and does so What exactly will you find compel- Accounts Receivables David Ploski ling and engaging? Kiddush Coordinator Leah Leonard in authentic and moving ways. For Israel Programming Virginia Lanoil many of the Israeli women, both secular and religious, it is the first This month it occurs to me that our time they feel that they can live a talking need not be imaginary! I can fully Jewish life in ways that were actually initiate a dialogue around The deadline for articles and other sub- inaccessible to them. And then they this topic, so I am taking this oppor- missions for the April, 2013 issue of the return home to Israel and begin a tunity to ask you directly: Hakol is Friday, March 15th. Please search for a similar community, Is there something that interests you send to Kim Lewis at [email protected] which of course, is difficult to find. about synagogue life or leadership and copy to Jack Klebanow at that you would like to hear about? [email protected]. Things are changing in Israel, albeit When the HAKOL arrives, what do very slowly. Jews who have seen you want to find inside from your president? I would like to 2 MARCH 2013 ADAR/NISAN 5773 enlist your help in shaping the Furthermore, every Shabbat, dur- Jewish nation, the development of voice of this monthly column. We ing the Kiddush, we mention its national identity and connec- can create this space, together. “Zecher le’Yetziat Mitzrayim”- a tion with God. Therefore, the col- remembrance of the Exodus from lective celebration of Pessach, our To that end, I invite you to share Egypt: “ For you have chosen us your thoughts with me. Let me and sanctified us from all peoples, Passover Seder, becomes a reaf- hear your suggestions for topics or and in love and favor gave us Your firmation of every generation, one any other thoughts you might like holy Shabbat as a heritage.” must feel as if he himself has to share regarding the best use of come out of Egypt. The Passover this space. I'd like nothing better The examples above illustrate Seder is a framework for setting than to be in conversation with how, Yetzi’at Mitzrayim is men- up the paths for connection to the you! So write me an email tioned in Jewish tradition weekly individual and the collective’s nar- ([email protected]), give me a and even daily. Why is it so cen- call (654-9486), or drop by my tral to our Jewish identity and why ratives of liberation through retell- house for coffee or wine (81 on top of that do we also devote ing and reliving the story, as we go Vaughn Ave, New Rochelle).