Aurelija Augulyte FX: mean reversion Nordea Research, 30 August 2015

The message of the Jackson Hole is that they don't know, but optimism remains that inflation is on the way back. FX appreciation as a hurdle. Go with central bank bias or stay in the range.

I found funny to get the hint summary of the Jackson Hole conference in the very banner of the page, right in the middle :)

Figure 1. Find a hint...

Overall Jackson Hole content smells like an urge to coordinate FX more. Summary: we don’t understand inflation, but better don’t let FX overshoot. (Read Engel's 5. Exchange Rate Misalignments). The media was all over the paper which downplayed the USD impact on inflation, but Fischer did raise the concern. Actually his words reminded me Draghi last spring in his argument that “larger effect [on core inflation] comes from exchange rate value of the dollar”. But even bigger concern is about yet-to-come impact on growth in 2016 and 2017….

Figure 2. The worst is yet to come? Nonetheless it seems Fed and BoE (Fischer and Carney, respectively), seem ready to make the first step - hike - sooner than the markets see (September is on for Fed!) BUT, they are not exactly happy with the , saying it will be big time influence on the rate path, which they claim is more important than the timing of the first hike (agreed).

Turning to the week ahead, ECB is on the tap. And the for ECB to do more has only grown over the past week: it seems a few major banks expect some extention of QE to come. But as I highlighted last week, the 5y5y breakeven inflation is not just an ECB issue. And for now ECB is compacent, including Constancio’s input on Saturday – nothing about the EUR. Nada. Why? Maybe because the conditions are totally different than those we had last year when ECB started talking the EUR down, notably the credit is picking up finally. Here I have gathered some important numbers – compare and contrast...

Figure 3. The euro area is in a better shape now Fischer has highlighted the date of the payrolls – this Friday. But it seems Fed has already put a "check" on the labour market, thus needs a big miss for them to delay the hike just due to that (<150k and wage growth <2% pa). It feels like the stock market (read: China) is more important to them when they meet on September 17th. And here is why…

Figure 4. Better hold here!

Where does this all leave the FX? Go with the central bank bias – whatever has strengthened a lot, has to weaken, whatever has weakened a lot, has to strengthen, or we just range until anything big happens. Any stronger US data may give “oh, Fed hike! Risk off” reaction, but if you see last week’s response to stronger US GDP – the Markets cheered, commodity FX gained against the USD. Because ultimately growth is good news, as Fed’s Bullard said last week: it will be “good day” when Fed lifts rates.

September, is that you? /China

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