Musical Instruments Story 14

Review Key Words tube bugle

Write a Prediction





Read the Story The four kinds of musical 73 instruments. The ukulele looks like a 5 instruments are wind, percussion, 79 small . It has four strings. It is 9 stringed, and brass. 87 usually played for dancing. The 12 The flute is a wind instrument. It 93 is also like a small guitar. It has 19 has a hollow tube. The tube has 102 a small body and a thin neck. The 26 finger holes on the side. The flute 110 instrument is light and fragile. It is 33 plays a high tune. 117 seldom used today. 37 Chimes are percussion 120 The and bugle are brass 40 instruments. Chimes are metal tubes 126 instruments. The tuba has 18 feet of 45 of many sizes. They are hung in a 133 tubing. It plays low sounding music. 53 wood frame. They ring like bells 139 The bugle is an instrument of few 59 when hit. Chimes can play a true 146 notes. Its main use is to 66 scale. 152 communicate military messages. 67 The ukulele and lute are stringed 155

Cold Timing Score: ______Final Timing Score: ______

Copyright© 2001 READ NATURALLY 27 Level 2.7—Long Vowels Musical Instruments (long u) Answer the Questions 1. Write the names of two instruments 3. Which instrument is used to that look like small . communicate military messages?



2. What are chimes made of? 4. What word from the story means to send information? ______

5. Write a sentence telling one way the flute and tuba are different.


______Number Correct: ______

Practice Word Lists (long u) use tune lute tube flute 5 tubes true used tubing tuba 10 hula music bugle musical ukulele 15 tune lute tube flute use 20 true used tubing tuba tubes 25 music bugle musical ukulele hula 30 tube flute lute use tune 35 tubing tuba used tubes true 40 musical ukulele bugle hula music 45 flute tube lute tune use 50 tuba tubing used true tubes 55 ukulele musical bugle music hula 60 tube tune flute lute use 65 tubing true tuba used tubes

70 Passed Down: ______Passed Across: ______

Copyright© 2001 READ NATURALLY 28 Level 2.7—Long Vowels Musical Instruments (long u)