January 2014 No. 440

DIARY Fri 3rd 14.00 Art Club, Village Hall Sun 5th 09.30 Epiphany, Holy Communion at Stanford on Avon Tue 7th 09.30 Midweek Avon Swift Holy Communion, St Nicholas’ Church Wed 8th Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50) Thurs 9th 19.30 Kilworth Korks, Village Hall Fri 10 th 14.00 Art Club, Village Hall Sun 12 th 09.45 Family Service, Baptism of Christ, St Nicholas’ Church Mon 13 th 19.30 Parish Council Meeting, Village Hall Tue 14 th 09.30 Midweek Avon Swift Holy Communion, St Nicholas’ Church Thurs 16 th 19.00 Defibrillator Training, Village Hall Fri 17 th 14.00 Art Club, Village Hall Sun 19 th 09.45 2nd Sunday of Epiphany, Holy Communion, St Nicholas’ Church Tue 21 st 09.30 Midweek Avon Swift Holy Communion, St Nicholas’ Church Tue 19.30 W.I. Village Hall Wed 22 nd Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50) Fri 24 th 14.00 Art Club, Village Hall Sun 26 th 10.30 3rd Sunday of Epiphany, Avon Swift Holy Communion, Gilmorton Tue 28 th 09.30 Midweek Avon Swift Holy Communion, St Nicholas’ Church Fri 31 st 06.00 South Kilworth School Window Presentation, St Nicholas’ Church 07.00 Rededication of Window, St Nicholas Church

ADVANCE NOTICE Friday 28 th February Bowls Club “Fun and Games” Wednesday 5 th March South Kilworth News AGM Thurs 22 nd May European Elections Day Village Hall

The South Kilworth News is edited by Ann Saunders Please send copy for the February edition by 23rd January to Ann Saunders Smithy House, Welford Road Tel: 575 338 Email: [email protected]

The South Kilworth News is printed by Colin Olle. Advertising enquiries to Colin Olle Croft Acre, The Belt Tel: 575 791 Email: [email protected]

EDITORIAL The year has of course sped by but I notice from this months’ article and other notices throughout the year, that the roll out of superfast broadband is one thing which is happening (or rather not happening) very slowly. This seems rather inappropriate. Hopefully there will be some good news from the Annual Parish Liaison Meeting at the end of the month; however I sceptically think that if there was good news it would be published rather more rapidly.

Having got my first grumble of the year out of the way, I wish a Happy New Year to everyone – readers, contributors, advertisers, copiers, distributors and people who just recycle the SK News! Ann Saunders

VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Contact Michael Murphy on 01788 861877 or 0777 6065385 CLERGY NEWSLETTER Because you’re worth it... Well, Christmas is over! All the work and planning for the feast is done until December, leaving only the evidence around our waistlines! I imagine that many of us will be making resolutions around that subject... But I want to ask this: how important is our appearance to God? How does God measure us?

We see endless suggestions on the media that in order to be likeable, popular and accepted we have to own the latest gadgetry, wear the coolest clothes, be able to talk about the popular programmes on TV... We are pressed to produce the perfect plates of food, to dance like professionals, and to keep making ourselves anew in the style dictator’s image – because we’re ‘worth it’!

But we were not cast in such a simple mould. We are made in the image of God - and God is not so easily confined to one body shape, one type of car or laptop. God is not found in a particular shampoo or hair colorant. God is infinitely greater and infinitely more varied than that.

God has accepted a huge variety of people into his service. Few started out perfect, all were changed by life and experience. Have a look at some of them, like St Francis, and rich kid whose heart was changed, or Nelson Mandela, terrorist turned true democrat and honourable leader of his people. They were people who grew and changed under the influence of the Holy Spirit. All of us are called to serve God too, each with our own gifts, even though most of us have things in our past that we regret.

The comforting and disturbing thing is this: God knows that. God measures us not only by our deeds but by our intentions and our willingness to grow and change. We are all able to do good deeds, but God sees not only the deed but the thoughts behind it. We can hide nothing from God. Amazingly, despite this detailed view into our deepest selves, God still loves us all. God thinks we’re worth it.

Jesus, when asked which was the greatest of the Commandments, said: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. ... And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Matthew 22 v37-40)

So we should love ourselves, and strive to perfect ourselves, not as the pressure of social expectation dictates, but into the people God intended us to be.

We are of infinite variety – but in God’s eyes, every last one of us is worth it. Phew! Happy New Year Jane Kennedy: Associate Priest

The Living God Five Wednesday evenings, at Swinford Rectory, each one following one chapter of Alister McGrath’s recent book “ The Living God ”, exploring together some basic Christian themes. Each evening begins with a simple celebration of the Eucharist at 7 pm and the session lasts from 7.30 to 9 pm…each week is self-contained, if you have to miss one!

Wednesday 22 January: “Which God are we talking about?” Wednesday 29 January: “A personal God: love and faithfulness” Wednesday 5 February: “An almighty God: power, compassion and suffering” Wednesday 12February: “Creator of heaven and earth” Wednesday 19 February: “Mystery or muddle? The Trinity” [Come for the Eucharist at 7, or just turn up at 7.30… this is an informal group!]

For more details, contact Canon Chris Oxley on 01788 860445 or via [email protected]

RE-DEDICATION OF WEST WINDOW ST NICHOLAS CHURCH Our stained-glass West Window, after more than 100 years of exposure to the prevailing weather (and previously to acid rain), had become dimmed by dirt accretion, by the deterioration of painted areas and warped in its leadwork by pressure of the wind.

In 2013 the window was dismantled and completely cleaned, paintwork restored and set in new lead by Claire Williamson Glassworks of Loughborough and reinstalled mid-October.

It was designed, fabricated, and installed by Messrs. Hardman & Co of Birmingham in 1869 to an order by Catherine, Countess Beauchamp as a memorial to her mother Sarah, Baroness Braye of Stanford Hall, who died in 1862.

At 6.00 pm in the Church on Friday 31 st January 2014 children of South Kilworth Church of Primary School will make a presentation based on the window, followed by an interval for refreshments and there will be photographs of the restoration process. The window will be floodlit.

At 7.00 pm The Assistant Bishop of Leicester, The Right Reverend Christopher Boyle will lead a service of re-dedication in the presence of Baroness Braye and members of her family.

All are welcome to attend this rare event. Sam Lloyd Churchwarden

CHURCH BAZAAR St. Nicholas' PCC thanks all who supported their recent bazaar; £1,176.01 was raised towards the upkeep of the church.

SOUTH KILWORTH BOWLS CLUB If you are interested in joining the club or for further details, please contact the Secretary, Keith Rickhuss on 01858 575792. Email: [email protected]

TOTE NEWS FINAL DRAW December 2013 Winners Drawn Friday 6 th December 2013 £50 Adam McGuire No. 17 £40 Martin Fletcher No. 28 £30 Jackie Harrison No. 50 £20 Richard Trueman No. 3 Well done to the lucky winners! Thank you to all who have participated over the years.

The first Fund Raising events being organised to replace the Tote will be a “Fun and Games Evening” on Friday 28 th February 2014 – more details to follow.

For more information, please contact Maggy Roberts - 01858 571238 email: [email protected]

Maggy Roberts

NEWS FROM THE SCHOOL We’ve now reached the end of 2013 and as usual the school has been very busy in the run up to Christmas. The Christmas play “The magical Christmas Jigsaw” was performed very well by the children. The traditional carol service on the last day of term with the nativity tableau built up by Reception was also a great success.

Key Stage 2 children enjoyed a theatre visit to Birmingham to watch “A Christmas Carol”

We were also extremely fortunate to have a visit from Father Christmas who gave us all presents to put under our tree.

Earlier in the month the Year 3/ 4 children gave their debut strings ensemble performance. All of them have been learning a stringed instrument this term and gave a short concert to parents. They are looking forward to performing at De Montfort Hall later in the Year.

Year 5/6 have been doing a lot of investigative work in science and looking at materials that give the best chemical reactions to create imitation volcanoes! Coke and mintoes work very well! Year 3/4 have visited new Walk Museum in Leicester to learn more about the Egyptians. The reception children have visited an art gallery in .

To find out more about our work please visit our website . We do still have a few school places for next September, please do telephone for an appointment if you would like to consider South Kilworth Primary for your child next year (01858 575307)

Finally we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Angela Dewes Headteacher

ST MARY'S HOUSE A HAVEN FOR THE ELDERLY HERE IN LUTTERWORTH (ED: This is a letter that Mary Guppy sent to The Harborough Mail)

Dear Sir, One hears such detrimental stories about the care of the elderly in this country that I felt I had to put a different story here in Lutterworth. Two years ago it was decided, not without tremendous heart searching, that my parents had reached the point that they needed, not a nursing home, but perhaps a little more help but still retaining independent living. We found the ideal place in St Mary’s. Converted from the old rectory and set in beautiful grounds quite close to the cricket ground lies this idyllic haven for the elderly. Each flat is self contained, and on site is 24 hour care if needed, a wonderful restaurant which serves a mouth watering lunch daily. Birthdays are remembered cakes made, and sherry or wine drunk! Earlier this year sadly we lost my Mother, after 70 years together this was a tremendous blow. During her final months she was looked after here with love compassion and dignity both by the staff on site, the district nurses and our wonderful doctors. Over the last two years I have spent many hours here, visiting several times a week. In all that time I have found the staff in every department to be always cheerful, very kind, and nothing is too much trouble when dealing with the residents. My father is now living in the flat alone, but the consideration he has received has helped tremendously with the loss of my mother. Run by Housing Association it is an example of how the elderly should be cared for in the twilight of their years. Perhaps the Minister of Health would like to visit, listen and learn! Yours faithfully Mary Guppy (Mrs)

SOUTH KILWORTH ART CLUB After a trial run the art club will now be meeting in the village hall on Friday afternoons from 2.00 until 4.30 during the winter months, to take advantage of the daylight. We would like to invite new members, contact Steve Agar on 01858/575520 or E-Mail [email protected] .

DEFIBRILLATOR TRAINING Some people have requested we organise another session of Defibrillator Training. This has been organised for 16 th January 2014 in the Village Hall, 7 pm start Other people are more than welcome to attend, if you could please let me know in advance Ernie Roberts [email protected]


Month Date Event Organisers Jan Thursday 9 th Jan Planning meeting for 2014 – SK Village Claire & Eileen Hall. Arrive from 7.30 for meeting to start at 8.00pm

If any more ladies would like to join the Kilworth Korks please e-mail Claire Hubbard (Email to [email protected] ) or phone 571156, so that you can be included in future Kilworth Kork communications. E-mail addresses will only be shared amongst other Kilworth Kork members.

KORKS PLANNING MEETING As we approach the third planning meeting this is just a friendly reminder about the meeting to be held on January 9th at the village hall .It would be great if as many people as possible could attend, or if not leave feedback or suggestions for future events.

We have had some great events and it would be useful to know what people would like to repeat or any new ideas.

The general ethos of Korks has always been that members have no obligation to attend any event , however talking to organisers from events it has been suggested that although this remains the case it would be useful if Korks could reply a simple yes or no to group e mails.

It has also been suggested that we may just hold events alternate months.

Your opinion is important so if you can't make the planning meeting please e mail your opinions to either Claire Hubbard or Eileen Burd. Many thanks for all your continued support Happy New Year.x Claire and Eileen

If any more ladies would like to join the Kilworth Korks please e-mail Claire Hubbard (Email to [email protected] ) or phone 571156, so that you can be included in future Kilworth Kork communications. E-mail addresses will only be shared amongst other Kilworth Kork members.

GOINGS-ON AT CHEVELSWARDE ORGANICS Owing to the strange weather last year - with the very late spring, and despite the lovely summer - the grapes were very late ripening. Unfortunately the harvest date was determined more by grapes dropping off the vines than by the ripeness of the fruit. This has resulted in a great deal of work in the winery to correct the acid levels and the sugar. Also because of the late picking the temperature of the must in the vats has been low so we have been trying to gently heat them. We are now waiting for the weather to warm up before racking the clear wine off the dead yeast and other rubbish.

We have quite a number of posts in the vineyard which have rotted off and fallen over. These must be replaced soon because it is difficult to prune vines which are lying on the ground! We are now using heavily galvanised steel posts which are guaranteed for 25 years, so that should reduce the worry.

We are expecting a young lady from France to stay for 6 weeks and we are hoping that she will become proficient at pruning. She is here mainly to polish up her English and gain knowledge of our customs etc.

I shall be pruning solidly but it is a challenge to do as good a job as possible. The downside is that it is mainly in the coldest part of the year. John Daltry

BROADBAND – UPDATE FOR PARISHES Council continues to work with Leicestershire County Council and British Telecom to maximise the roll-out of Superfast Broadband across the county.

As a rural district we recognise the need to put in additional investment (potentially up to £530K) to allow more of our residents to be connected in the period 2014- 2016.

We are still awaiting confirmation of which specific areas will be covered by the broadband roll out. This is expected before Christmas, with a view that the district council will agree its level of investment in January 2014.

This decision will consider the value for money achieved from the district council’s investment. In addition, there will be the need to engage with some communities who will not be connected as part of this initial phase of solutions and alternatives that may be available.

The next couple of months will be critical for parishes to fully understand the superfast rollout in their area. We intend providing an update at the Annual Parish Liaison Meeting at Leicester Grammar School in Great Glen on the 29th January 2014.

In the meantime information is available on the County Council website at

------Hayley Cawthorne Parish Liaison Officer Community Partnerships Harborough District Council, Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7AG TEL: 01858 821 379 Mobile: 07818 580 409 [email protected]