KwaJaleln Hourglass

VOL XXI, NO 251 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1984 CONGRESS APPEARS SEEN AS MOST SIGNIFICANT STEP SINCE 1960 SPLIT HEADED FOR VICTORY SINO-SOVIET ACCORDS SIGNED NEW DELHI, Indla (UPI) Party, or BJP, was vanqulsh­ PEKING (UPI) -- Chlna at Peklng's Great Hall of lng Slno-Sovlet relatlons -- Prlme Mlnlster RaJlv ed at the polls, wlnnlng and the Sovlet Unlon, In a the People "These are lmportant Gandhl's ru11ng Congress only one seat In the early maJor step toward endlng The pacts call for the documents, lmportant ques­ Party Saturday headed for a returns thelr 24-year feud, today JOlnt deslgnlng and con­ tlons and lmportant agree­ 1dnds11de vlctory In na­ BJP leader Atal Blharl slgned three agreements on structlon of factorles, the ments," sald Arkhlpov, who tlonwlde polls marred by VaJpayee, a former forelgn economlC, trade and techno- exchange of technlcal and wlll end a nlne-day V1Slt electlon vlolence that mlnlster, conceded defeat 10g1ca1 cooperatlon sClentlflc data and per­ to Chlna on Saturday kl11ed at least 35 people to the Conqress Party can­ A Forelgn Mlnlstry Offl­ sonne1, and the creatlon of "They wlll deepen the Offlclal returns showed dldate, the son of former cla1 descrlbed the accords, a Slno-Sovlet commlttee on mutual trust and under­ the Congress Party won 176 maharalah of Gwallor Madhav­ slgned by vlsltlng SOV12t expandlng trade, sClentlflc standlng between the two of the 223 seats declded rao SClndla Flrst Vlce Premler Ivan and technologlcal cooper­ countrles and create a good so far out of a total of "As a Democrat, I accept Arkhlpov and hlS Chlnese atlon atmosphere " 508 par11amentary seats at the verdlct of the people of counterpart, Yao Yllln, as Olplomats sald the ac­ Arkhlpov, who headed a stake In Indla's elghtn gen­ Gwallor," VaJpayee sald In the most slgnlflcant Slnce cords are 11ke1y to en11st contlngent of thousands of eral electlOn a statement "I must add, the Slno-Sovlet Spllt of Moscow's ald In modernlzlnq Sovlet advlsers In Chlna In Congress Pal tv sources however, that the maharajah's 1960 hundreds of Chlnese fac­ the 1950s, sald he "couldn't In New Delhl clalmed to be vlctory has In no small mea­ "Surely, these may b, the torles bUl1t wlth the help help thlnklng back to 1eadlng In 400 constltu­ sure been due to money, most substantlal agreements of Sovlet advlsers and the glorlous days of good enCles and would surpass muscle power and mlnlsterlal Slnce re1atlons between our technology durlng the 1950s re1atlons between our two the two-thlrds maJorlty power " two countrles were stralned )peaklng tonlght at a peoples" slaln Prlme Mlnlster Indlra Most of the BJP's tradl­ 1n the 1960s," the spokes­ banquet ln the Sovlet Yao descrlbed Arkhlpov'S Gandhl won In 1980 tlOnal supporters 1n the man sald Embassy, the 77-year-old V1Slt as a success, saYlnq Indla's maJor Opposltlon so-called Hlndl-speaklng Yao and Arkhlpov, the Arkhlpov halled the "pos­ the Sovlet offlclal '5 four party, the 8haratlya Janata belt of northern Indla voted senlor-most Krem11n offlcla1 ltlVe experlence" of hlS days of talks wlth Chlnese to V1Slt Chlna In more than talks wlth Chlnese leaders, leaders had borne frult FOR THE 1980 MURDER OF FAITH HATllAWAY 15 years, slgned the accords saylng they opened up new Vao sald "formldab1e durlng an evenlng ceremony posslbllltles for further- Robert Lee Willie Electrocuted tasks lle ahead" In Louisiana's "Gruesome Gertie" OPEC REACHES UNANIMOUS ACCORD ANGOLA, La (UPI)-­ Ellzabeth and Vernon Harvey, Robert Lee Wlllle, who who watched the executlon ON CREA 11NG MONITORING PANEL raped and kllled a teen-ag­ from a wltness room GENEVA, SWltzer1and (UPI) Twelve of the 13 OPEC Subroto sald the mlnlS­ er after her hlgh school "I would Just llke to -- The Organlzatlon of Pe­ countrles had agreed to cre­ ters would meet agaln to­ graduatlon party, was exe­ say, Mr and Mrs Harvey, troleum Exportlng Countrles atlon of such an audltlng nlght to select a commlttee cuted by electrlc chalr hope you get some rellef reDorted today that ltS 13 group by Thursday nlght In to "draft detalls of the early today as hlS Vlctlm's from my death," he sald members have agreed to the a bld to prevent cheatlng mechanlsms" of the audltlng parents watched "Kllllng people lS wrong creatlon of a speclal p3nel on output quotas and prlces system The group would be Wlllle was electrocuted That's why you've put me to to monltor each natlon's and thus restore credlbl11ty asked to produce flnal de­ In the large oak chalr death It makes no dlffer­ compllance wlth productlon to the carte 1 talls of the plan "as qUlck­ dubbed "Gruesorre Gertle" ence whether lt lS cltlzens, and prlce accords Nlgerlan 011 Mlnlster ly as posslb1e." he sald for the 1980 murder of countrles or governments -­ The unanlmous accord was Tam Oavld-West held out, de­ The creatlon of the mon­ Falth Hathaway, 18, who was kllllng lS wrong," he added announced by Indoneslan 011 mandlng a package deal ltorlng group, expected to wa1klng home from the grad­ The Harveys, who earller Mlnlster Subroto after a WhlCh reportedly would al­ comprlse four natlona1 011 uatlon party when she ac­ sald they supported the 21-hour mornlng meetlng low hlS debt-rldden country mlnlsters plus OPEC ASS1S­ cepted a rlde from Wlllle death penalty and had walted Flnal agreement was achleved to produce more 011 at a tant Secretary-General Fad- and Joseph Jesse Vaccaro four years for Wlllle to when Nlgerla, WhlCh had been lower prlce, promptlng In­ hel Chalabl, was seen as She was raped and stab­ dle, agreed wlth prlson of­ the flnal holdout, flnally tense pressure from the oth­ the only way to end wlde­ bed 17 tlmes flclals not to speak wlth agreed to go along wlth the er natlons overnlght spread cheatlng by OPEC Paul C Phelps, secre­ reporters untl1 off the prls­ plan But at today's meetlng, members In the face of tary of the LOU1Slana De­ on grounds "We have reached a unanl­ Subroto sald, Davld-West weak lnternatlona1 demand partment of Correctlons, "Do you want to dance?" mous declslon on the ques­ "lnformed the conference Wlthout such dlsclpllne, sald Wl111e, 26, was pro­ a sml11ng Harvey asked a tlon of the body to audlt that Nlgerla accepted the several mlnlsters had warn­ nounced dead at 12 15 a m reporter as he left the prls­ member countrles on produc­ reso1utlon as lt stands ed, an all-out prlce war Wlllle's flnal words on about 30 mlnutes after tlOn and prlClng," sald Su­ Nlgerla supported (the mon­ was lnevltable both wlthln were addressed to hlS V1C­ the executlon He sald he broto, the current OPEC ltorlng plan) wlthout res­ OPEC and wlth lnfluentlal tlm's ~other and stepfather, was gOlng to have a drlnk presldent ervatlon " non-member producers

BECAUSE OF JAUNDICED PEE POLICIES Cosmos 1614 Confirmed SINGAPORE PLANS As Reusable Craft ~oSCOW (UPI) -- An of­ flclal provlded the flrst UNESCO WITHDRAWAL formal conflrmatlon today PARIS (UPI) -- Slngapore "There lS a somewhat that the Sovlet Unlon lS has become the thlrd natlon Jaundlced lnequltable as­ testlng a reusable space­ to glve notlce of Wlthdraw­ sessment on small natlons craft, WhlCh has been de­ al from UNESCO for what Am­ by U N organlZatlOns," he scrlbed by Western space bassador Davld Marshall to­ sald "Payments by small experts as a scale model day called "Jaundlced" fee natlons have been ralsed, of the U S shuttle po11cles whl1e they were malntalned Raoul Sagdeev, dlrector Marshall Thursday of­ or fell for blg natlons " of the Space Research In­ flclally advlsed the U N Marshall sald also that stltute, told a news con­ EducatlOna1, SClentlflc and UNESCO fal1ed to serve the ference, "We're experlment­ Cultural organlzatlon that lnterests of Slngapore "It lng wlth a reusable shuttle Slngapore would wlthdraw lS not partlcular1y rele­ that lS reusable In prlnCl­ lts membershlp at the end vant to our own lnterests ple " of 1985 We have other prlorltles " H1S comment came nlne The Unlted States an­ The wlthdrawa1 of a days after the launch of nounced a year ago and con­ smaller natlon marked a Cosmos 1614, a sate111te flrmed Dec 19 that lt wlll new setback for the ParlS­ that orblted Earth one pullout at year's end be­ based organlzatlon tlme and returned to a cause of poor management Ironlcally, both the splashdown In the Black and over polltlclzatlon at Unlted States and Brltaln, Sea It was the flrst offl­ UNESCO as well as other Western clal conflrmatlon that the Brltaln handed In ltS countrles, have frequently satelllte was a model of a one-year's notlce Dec 10 complalned that UNESCO de­ reusable space plane and plans to wlthdraw at C1Slons were slanted In fa­ The Sovlet news agency the end of 1985 unless re­ vor of the Thlrd World and Tass announced the experl­ White House spokesman Larry Speakes tells forms are enacted snall natlOns ment a success at the tlme, newsmen Dec 14 that the Un~ted States and Cuba have Marshall, who serves In Slngapore, a spokes­ but gave no detalls other announced an agreement to repatr~ate 2 700 Cuban crlm­ both as ambassador to France man sald the country's con­ than to ldpntlfy the sput­ lnals and mental patlents, marklng the flrst accord 3nd UNESCO, emphaslzed the trlbutlon to UNESCO rose by nlk as Cosmos 1614 and say between the two countrles durlng the Reagan Admln~- Slngapore wlthdrawal was 100 percent between 1965 lt had completed ltS task strat~on See related story Page 2 (UrI Photo) unconnected to the Brltlsh and 1975, but has Jumped by Sagdeev says lt lS not and Amerlcan declslons more than 400 percent Slnce an lmltatlon of the shuttle World New§ PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1984 Philippine Broadcaster INTERNALLY A FEMALE, BUT BORN ~ BOY News Briefs Sex-Change Recipient INGLEWOOD, Ca11f (UPI) -- Dlrector Sam Pecklnpah, whose fl1m credlts lnc1uded "The Becomes Seventh Member Wl1d Bunch" and "Straw Dogs," dled today He Gives Birth In England was 59 Of Media Slain This Year LONDON (UPI) -- A woman born a boy has glven Pecklnpah dled at 5 40 p m Greenwlch ~ANILA, Phl11pplnes (UPI) -- Two unldentlfled blrth to a son of her own ln England, two doc­ Mean Tlme at Centlne1a Hosplta1, a hosplta1 gunmen shot and kl1led an outspoken commentator tors reported 1n thlS week's Brltlsh medlca1 spokeswoman sald Offlcla1s would not dlS­ for a labor-run radlo stat10n ln the central Journal Lancet close the cause of death or other detal1s Clty of Cebu today, the seventh member of the Slr John Dewhurst and Dr Ronald Gordon sald * * * Phl11pplne medla slaln thlS year the healthy 5-pound, 9-ounce baby was de11vered LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- Presldent Reaqan, ln Vlcente V1110rdon, 46, a practlc1no attorney, by Caesarean sectlon at Northhampton ln the Brlt- an lntervlew released today, lowered expec­ was shot tW1ce 1n the face as he prepared to get 1sh Mld1ands to a 26-year-old mother, who has tatlons of upcomlng arms talks wlth the SOV1- out of h1S car near h1S downtown law off1ce, po- not been named et Unlon, saYlng real progress on arms con­ 11ce sa1d V1l10rdon had Just arr1ved from host­ The Lancet report sa1d the mother had a sex­ trol "lnvolves hard bargalnlng" that could lng h1S dally 6 to 8 a m "Labor Hour" talk­ change operatlon at age 4 after doctors dlS­ extend far beyond the meetlng next month ln show on DYLA radlo covered she had been damaged by a drug glven her Geneva, SWltzer1and "Vlll ordon was known for h1 s f1 ery broadcast mother dur1ng pregnancy "We must temper our expectatlons wlth agalnst communlsm and shenanlgans ln the govern­ Internally, she was female wlth normal female rea11sm," Reagan sald "A two-day meetlng ment," the state-run news aqency sald chromosomes, a womb, fa110plan tubes and ovarles, cannot solve the comp11cated lssues before A reqlona1 off1cer of the Natlona1 Press Club, but the male sex hormone methyltestosterone us We hope lt wl11 be a constructlve be­ V1110rdon was elected last week as dlrector of glven to her mother had resulted ln the deve10p­ glnnlng for further detal1ed negotlatlons the chapter ln Cebu, the country's th1rd-largest ~ent of a tlny penls, the doctors reported But lt lsn't an easy Job" Clty some 365 m11es southeast of Man11a Surgeons 1n Sheffle1d performed a serles of * * * Nat10nal Press Club Pres1dent Antonlo Nleva operat10ns to change her external organs and she LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- A Northrop englneer sald 1t was the seventh k1111ng of a member of was renamed a glrl arrested last week has been lnd1cted for the Phll1PP1ne med1a thlS year and denounced allegedly trY1ng to sell bl1l10ns of dollars what re sald had aoparently become a P011CY to Cuba t-.kJy Not Be Able To Fulfill In Stealth bomber technology to FBI agents el1Mlnate outspoken lournallsts poslng as Sovlets "!Ill these kllllnos f]ave one thlnq ln cOl11fTlon," Promises Not To Persecute The three-count lnd1ctment alleged Thurs­ salei ~'leva "They were all SW1ft assasslnatlOns day that Thomas Patrlck Cavanagh met three and ln all these the k111ers have never been ATlANTA (UPI) -- A U S Justlce Department tlmes wlth undercover aGents offer1ng to apprehended " attorney sald Thursday that Cuba had prom1sed sell them secret documents, b1uepr1nts, "It means the lssue of press freedom has fTleta­ not to persecute refugees belng held 1n U S prls­ drawlngs and other lnformatlon lnvo1vlng the morphlzed lnto a 11fe and death proposltlOn," ons who are deported, but added Cuba "may not be Stealth bomber, deslqned to pass undetected Nleva sald "It's been a very bad year" ab1 e to llVe uo" to 1ts agreement through enemy radar Nleva sald commentators ln Cebu are among the The attorney asked U S D1strlct Judge Marvln * * * most vocal ln the country "They're very hard to Shoob to 11ft hlS October order proh1bltlng the DENVER (UPI) -- Three people wounded ln control I thlnk they've been glvlng the ml11- government from deportlng any of the 2,746 Cu­ John W Hlnck1ey Jr 's 1981 attempt to as­ tary some problems" bans ln U S Jal1s wlthout flrst conduct1ng saSSlnate Presldent Reagan wl11 ask the full Pollce sald lawmen had been moblllzed to lengthy asylum hear1ngs panel of a federal appeals court to dec1de track down the kl11ers who commandeered a taxl Llftlng that order would allow the Immlqratlon whether they can sue Hlnck1ey's psychlatrlst, after the murder and sped away and Natura11zatlon Servlce to proceed wlth the an attorney sald today deportatlOns Three Judges of the U SlOth Clrcult Polish Policeman Gives The U S government announced Dec 14 lt had Court of Appeals on Thursday ruled agalnst reached an agreement wlth Cuba to return Cubans the comp1alnts of former presldentla1 press belng held 1n U S prlsons The Cubans (about secretary James Brady, Secret Servlce agent Stunning Account Of Hours 1,500 are belng held 1n the Atlanta Federal PrlS­ T1mothy J McCarthy and po11ceman Thomas K on) were elther convlcted of crlmes ln Cuba or Delahanty Before Priest's Death thlS country Tf]ey came to thlS country durlng * * * the 1980 "1anel "Freedom F10tl11a " FOLSOM, Ca11f (UPI) -- A baq contalnlnq TORU~, Poland (UPI) -- One of four secret po- human bones, lncludlng a foot and a leg, was 11cemen accused of murderlng a pro-So11darlty Nose-Blowers Bewa re found near Folsom Prlson, apparently havlng prlest test1fled today the c1erlc tr1ed to es­ been tossed from a car, po11ce say cape by Jumplng out of thelr car trunk and JEFFERSON CITY, Mo (UPI) -- A state 1eglsla­ An off-duty guard found the remalns of screamlnq, "Help me, spare my llfe " tor ~as sa1d he lntroduced a b111 that would the apparent vlct1m of a butcher slaYlng on "We caught rlfTl before anyone heard h1m, tren make nose-blow1ng an offense, punlshable up to a rural road east of the prlson Wednesday, tled a rope around h1S neck, behlnd h1S back and $200, 1f It'S done ln a restaurant ln a "loud, Po11ce Chlef Hal Barker sald Thursday under hlS bent legs," sald Lt Leszek Pekala obnoXlous or offenslve manner" * * * "~Je tled the rope so that lf he stralqhtened ~emocratlc Rep Fred E Wl111ams of St LOU1S, BANGKOK, Thalland (UPI) -- The two k1l1- hlS legs, he would stranC'le hlfTlself " a 16-year House of Representat1ves veteran ers of a Canadlan tourlst near the northern In a stunn1nq account of the rours before the and a declared candldate ln the St LOU1S resort Clty of Chlang Mal have been sen­ murder of the Rev Jerzy POPleluszko ln October, mayor's race, sald many encounters w1th overac­ tenced to 11fe 1mprlsonment Pekala descrlbed how he ann anotrpr lleutenant tlve nose-blowers, especla11y at breakfast tlme, The tour1st, Robert K11nck, was shot to obeyed every order glven by thelr captaln He plus complalnts from constltuents prompted h1m death Dec 16 whlle drlvlng a motorcycle to also sald that at one DOlnt they trled to per­ to fl1e the bll1 Standard, unobtruslve nose­ V1Slt a famous Buddhlst temple on the out­ suade thelr superlor not to k111 PODleluszko b10wlng would be permltted ln dlnlng areas, he sk1rts of Chlang Mal, 436 ml1es north of Pekala, 32, Lt Waldemar Chmle1ewskl, 29, and sald Bangkok Capt Grzegorz Plotrowskl, 33, are charged wlth * * * murderlng POP1eluszko, a champlon of the outlaw­ STOCKHOLM, Sweden (UPI) -- The Sovlet ed So11darltv Un10n who was known throuohout Po­ Financial News Unlon today set off ltS 27th underground land for hlS f1ery antl-government sermons Col Dollar c10s1ng ln Tokyo was nuclear exploslon thlS year, equallng the Adam P1etruszka, 47, lS charged wlth aldlnq and 250 30 y'en number 1t detonated ln 1983, Swedlsh selsmo1- abettlng the crlme and In Zur1ch was OglStS reported At the Openlnq of the trla1, a state prosecu­ 2 5900 SW1SS francs "The number of nuclear tests 1n the SOV1- tor sa1d two of the accused had been told by CLOSING METALS et Unlon contlnue to be on about the same Plotrowskl that the order to kl11 the prlest Gold levels as ln the last SlX years," sa1d Nl1s- ong1nated at the "hlohest level" of Poland's off J 90 at 308 30 010v Bergkvlst of the Hagfors Observatory government Sllver * * * up 0 25 at 6 36 BANGKOK, Thal1and (UPI) -- Cambodla's of­ WASH INGTO/l D(lST REPORTS flcla1 news agency reported today that Chan DOW JONES CLOSING AVE~AGES Sl, prem1er of the Vletnamese-1nsta11ed gov­ Expansion Being Planned 30 Industrlals up 1 65 at 1204 17 ernment 1n Cambodla, 1s gravel y 111, contra­ 20 Trans up 3 21 at 556 91 dlctlng Japanese news reports that he had For Rapid Deployment Force 15 Ut111tles up 0 15 at 146 80 dled 65 Stocks up 1 21 at 486 46 * * * WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Peaqan admlnlstratlon Volume 77,070,000 shares MANAGUA, Nlcaragua (UPI) -- The govern­ plans to expand the U S Rapld Deployment Force SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY ment, f1ght1nq some 12,000 rebels opposed to early next year when lt sends the f1rst of 13 Sandlnlsta rule, blamed the Reaoan admlnls­ armed cargo ShlPS to the eastern Atlantlc, The Surf And Sun tratlon for the country's nearly bankrupt Washlngton Post reported today AS OF 12 01 A M economy and warned clt1zens of eoua1ly hard The Post sald four of the new vessels, part of Frlday, December 28, 1984 tlmes 1n the year ahead a new three-ocean fleet that wl11 be loaded wlth Dally ralnfa11 12 * * * U S ~arlne Coros weapons, wlll sall from ~llmlng­ Monthly total 4 60 BONN, West Germany (UPI) -- Forty East ton, N C , In February or March Yearly total 57 37 German refugees holed up In the \;est German The ShlPS wl11 remaln on cnll lndeflnlte1y In TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN Embassy 1n Prague ended today a twn-week the eastern Atlantlc ln case thelr cargo lS need­ Sunr1se 7 02 a m hunger strlke des1gned to Wln re~lSSlon to ed ln a reglon, anywhere from rlAF"s northern Sunset 6 39 p m em1grate, the West German neVJS agency DPA flank to AfrlC?, the newspaper sald Moonr1se 12 45 p fTl quoted sources ln Bonn and Pranue as saylng The huqe ShlOS -- fll1ed ~lth tanks, trucks, Moonset 12 21 a m * * * cannon, am~urltlon, water, fuel and food -- cost H1 T1de 9 35 am, 3 5' - 9 35 p m 3 7' NOUMEA, New Ca1edonla (UPI) -- The leader more than $100 Ml1110n each and are the flrst Lo T1de 3 16 am, 1 8' - 3 19 am, 2 3' of natlve Me1aneslan separatlsts sald today Sh1PS mO~lflc~ and loaded expressly for the Ma­ SUNDAY he was ready to negotlate a step-by-step rlne Corps, the Post sald Others w111 be deploy­ Sunn se 7 03 a m Moonn se 1 21 o m move to lndependence from France wlth com­ ed ln the Indlan Ocean and western Paclflc be­ Sunset 6 40 p m Moonset 1 04 a m plete soverelgnty by 1986 tween now arc 1986 Hl Tlde 11 03 a m , 3 5' - 11 03 pm, 1 tJ' Jean-Marle TJlbaou, leader of the natlve, The purrosp of the Papld Dep10vment Force, and Lo T1de 4 22 am, 2 :)' - 5 05 0 m , 2 5' or Kanak, separatlst polltlca1 party called ltS current €XOanSlon, lS to allow the Unlted MONDAY for a referendum on a new const1tutlon ln States to respond qUlck1y to any cr1S1S The new Sunrlse 7 03 a m Moonr1se 1 58 p m September and sa1d 1986 should be "year one ShlPS wl1l permlt the stockplllnq of heavy eoulp­ Sunset 6 40 p m Moonset 1 48 a m of lndependence " The Kanak Party declared ment near llke1y trouble spots around the world Hl T1de Not avallab1e ltse1f a provlslona1 government ln November so that Marlnes flown to the area wl11 not run Lo Tlde Not avallable of thlS year out of suppl1es, the newspaper sald It has not FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 been declded where the ShlPS wlll be based Commentary HOURGLASS, FRIDAY , DECEr'BER 28, 1984, PAGE 3 Can you tell the difference? Analysis of Soviets' By WILLIAM F BUCKLEY JR They can quarrel throughout the rest of hlstory over who's selection of Ustinov's replacement prettler, Marllyn Monroe or Greta Garbo, who's better, ~ozart or By LOUISE BRANSON Beethoven, who was the better general, Alexander or Napoleon, MOSCOW (UPI) -- The select10n of Marshal Sergel Sokolov to re­ but one thlng they can never dlsagree about, and that lS that the place the late Defense Mlnlster Dmltrl Ustlnov proves that mem­ greatest feat of moral ldlOCY ln modern hlstory was commltted by bers of the Kremlln's aglng leadershlp are stlll reluctant to re­ Psychology Today ln the recent lssue ln WhlCh lt proved that sen­ llnqulsh power to younger men, d1plomats sa1d Sunday sltlve, well-educated people can't, really, tell the dlfference The body of Ustlnov, 76, lay ln state 1n the ornate Hall of between the Sovlet Un10n and the Unlted States Columns In central Moscow for the second day Sunday as thousands The press release reads, "Nat'l Sur­ of Sov1et cltlzens flled past to pay thelr last respects before vey Reveals Hlghly Educated Amerlcans Monday's Red Square funeral Can't Dlstlngulsh Between Unlabeled Rus­ By choos1ng Marshal Serge1 Sokolov, 73, to succeed Ustlnov, s 1an & Amen can tv'lll tary Act lOns " The Presldent Konstant1n Chernenko, 73, and Forelgn Mlnlster Andrel flrst sentence of the story goes on to Gromyko, 75, wlll be able to retaln thelr grlp over lnternal and say, "The w1dely held assumptlOn that arms POllCY the arms race 1S a struggle between "They are rel uctant to rellnqulsh power," a \

The Houiglass lS an unoff1c1al publ1catlOn authorlzed under the prov1s10ns of AR 360-81 It 1S publ1shed by Global Assoc1ates Monday through Frlday (exclud1ng hol1days) at the d1- rectlon of tne command1ng offlcer, U S Army KwaJale1n M1ss11e Range, Marshall Islands, un­ Command1ng Off1cer Col W1111am A Sp1n der contract DASG60-82-C-0063 ThlS 1S an offset publlcat1on, wlth a dally clrculat10n of Publ1C Affa1rs Off1cer J1m Wlttmeyer 1,950 The Vlews and opln1ons expressed hereln are not necessar11y those of the Department Edltor Courtney Danko of the Army Commun1cat10ns should be addressed to the Hourglass, Box 23, APO San Franclsco Feature Wr1ter PatrlC1a Everett 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Mater1als appearlng In the Hourglass may not be re­ Copy Ed1tor, C1rculat10n Jo Ann Nechetsky pr1nted w1thout the approval of the command1ng off1cer, U S Army KwaJaleln M1ss11e Range Sports Wrl ter Ruth Horne All want ads and not1ces must be subm1tted on GA Form 8020 R-4 by 12 30 p m the work1ng day Orlor to publ1catlOn Locali ./ ~ or lid New§ PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1984

~.-c..-.. .-..-..-..--..-..-.-...-....-....-.....-.....-..--- Holiday Hours Top Of The Charts New Year's Eve I Musical Specials LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- The top 20 adult contemporary slngles of 1984, based on ACTIVITY HOURS For The Year's End Blllboard's survey of sales and broadcast AFRS 9 a m -mldnlght From AFRTS play R1Ch • Yuk theaters Regular Schedule Casey Kasem wlll play the top 100 1 "If Ever You're ln My Arms Agaln" Ivey Hall Closed songs of 1984 on Amerlcan Top 40 on Peabo Bryson Televlslon Regular Schedule New Year's Eve from 4 05 pm, or af­ 2 "Hello" -- LlOnel Rlchle Gear Locker Closed ter the Blue Bonnet Bowl Game, to mld­ 3 "Stuck on You" -- Llonel Rlchle Hobby Shop Closed mght 4 "Tlme After Tlme" -- Cyndl Lauper Hourglass Regular Schedule Bob Klngsley and Amerlcan Country 5 "Sad Songs (Say So Much)" -- E John Llbrary 1-4pm Countdown wlll play the country hltS 6 "The Longest Tlme" -- Bllly Joel Small Boat Marlna Closed of 1984 ln a speclal slx-hour count­ 7 "Leave a Tender Moment Alone" -­ Bowllng Center 1-4 p m down Sunday, Dec 30, from 12 05 pm, Bllly Joel Spec Svcs Photo Lab Closed or after pro football, untll 6 p ~ 8 "Read 'Em and Weep" -- Barry Mamlow Golf Course Sunrlse - Sunset On Saturday, Dec 29, Amerlcan Top 9 "Got a Hold on Me" Chnstlne Teen Center Closed 40 wlll present a two-hour speclal of McVle Famlly Pool 10 a m -4 p m the great rock 'n' roll artlsts of the 10 "Almost Over You" Sheena Easton Adult Pool Buddy System '50s from 4 05 pm, or after the Hall 11 "Joanna" -- Kool & The Gang Emon Beach 10 a m -4 p m of Fame Bowl, to 6 p m 12 "I Just Called To Say I Love You" Coral Sands Buddy System l_~~~~ ______..-.._.-c_~ Stevle Wonder Maln Snack Bar Normal Hours 13 "Dnve" -- The Cars Golf Course Snack Bar Normal Hours ~orship Services 14 "Belleve ln Me" -- Dan Fogelberg Emon Beach Snack Bar Normal Hours CATHOLIC 15 "Almost Paradl se Love Theme Snack Wagon 11 a m -noon Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) From Footloose" -- Mlke Reno & Ann Wllson Rlchardson Snack Bar Closed 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel 16 "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Yokwe Yuk Club Food* 6 p m -2 a m Sunday Masses Blues" -- Elton John Yokwe Yuk Club Bar* 6 p m -2 a m 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel 17 "The Way He Makes Me Feel" -- Bar­ Oceanvlew Food 5-10 p m 9 15 a ~ , Island Memorlal Chapel bra Strelsand Oceanvlew Bar 4 p m -12 30 d m 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center 18 "ThlS Woman" -- Kenny Rogers PDR Normal Hours Monday-Frlday Masses 19 "Thl nk of Laura" -- Chn stopher Macy's & Macy's West 9 30 a m -1 30 P m 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Cross Surfway 9 30 a m -2 30 P m Confesslons 20 "An Innocent Man" -- Bllly Joel Laundry 8 a m -1 p m Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacrament Country And Western Barber Shop 8 a m -1 p m Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's offlce, call 1 "To All the Gl rl s I've Loved Before' Beauty Shop 8 a m -4 p m 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call 84535 JUllO Igleslas &Wlllle Nelson Warehouse 716 and 816 7 a m -1 30 p m beforehand 2 "I Can Tell by the Way You Dance Ten-Ten Normal Hours CHURCH OF CHRIST (You're Gonna Love Me Tomght)" -- Vern *New Year's Eve party patrons only Sunday worshlp lS held at 9 a m ln Gosdln Room 20, George Seltz School Vlsltors are 3 "Mama He's Crazy" -- The Judds New Year's Day welcome For more lnformatlon, call 82613, 4 "I Don't Wanna Be a Memory" -- EXlle ACTIVITY HOURS 82639, or 82451 5 "Ellzabeth" -- The Statlers AFRS 9 a m -mldmght CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 6 "You're Gettln' to Me Agaln" -- Jlm R1Ch , Yuk theaters Regular Schedule SerVlces are held ln Room 18, George Glaser Ivey Hall Closed Seltz School Prlesthood mpetlng lS at 8, 7 "I Got MeX1CO" -- Eddy Raven Televlslon Regular Schedule Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are 8 "Let's Fall to Pleces Together" Gear Locker Closed at 10, and the rel'ef soclety meets at George Stralt Hobby Shop Closed 11 a m Vlsltors are welcome For more In­ 9 "Just Another Woman 1n Love" Anne Hourgl ass No PubllcatlOn formatlOn, contact Mark Hanson, 82885 Murray Llbrary 1-4 p m Servlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m 10 "Angel 1 n Dl Sgul se" -- Earl Thomas Small Boat Marlna Closed ln the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call Len Conley Bowllng Center Closed Cooper, 99600, for lnformatlon, and Rlchard 11 "I Don't Know a Thlng About Love" Spec Svcs Photo Lab Closed Smlth, 99467, for transportatlon -- Conway TWltty Gol f Course Sunrlse - Sunset PROTESTANT 12 "Long Hard Road (The Sharecropper's Teen Center Closed Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wlll be Dream)" -- Nl tty Gn tty Dlrt Band Famlly Pool Closed held at 8 and 11 a m at the Island Memo­ 13 "Mona Llsa Lost Her Smlle" -- Davld Adult Pool Buddy System rlal Chapel Chaplaln Rlchard G QUlnn Allen Coe Emon Beach 1-4 p r.l wlll preach the selmon entltled "One More 14 "That's the Thlng About Love" Coral Sands Buddy System Year" Don Wllllams Maln Snack Bar 9 a m -8 30 P m Speclal mUS1C at both serVlces wlll be 15 "If You're Gonna Play ln Texas" -- Golf Course Snack Bar 7 30 a m -6 30 P m provlded by thp SUZUkl Vlollnlsts plaYlng Alabama Emon Beach Snack Bar 11 a m -3 30 P m "Joy to the World," "0 Come Llttle Chll­ 16 "Stlll LOSl ng You" -- Ronm e Mll sap Snack Wagon Closed dren," and "Sllent Nlght " 17 "Woke Up ln Love" -- EXlle Rlchardson Snack Bar Closed Sunday school classes for all ages are 18 "Somebody's Needln' Somebody" Yokwe Yuk Club Food Closed held at the George Seltz School at 9 30 a m Conway TWltty Yokwe Yuk Club Bar 1-11 p m Adults are present to asslst newcomers ln 19 "Tennessee Homeslck Blues" -- Dolly Oceanvlew Food 5-10 p m flndlng thelr classrooms Parton Oceanvlew Bar 4-11 p m The Sunday evenlng worshlp serVlce on 20 "Uncle Pen" -- R1Cky Skaggs PDR ROl-Namur wlll be held at 6 30 P m ln the Albums Breakfast 5-9 a m Communlty Center and wlll be led by Chap­ 1 "Thnller" -- Mlchael Jackson Brunch 10 a m -12 30 P m laln QUlnn 2 "Sports" -- Huey LeW1S & The News Dlnner 4-7 p m Gospel serVlce wlll be Sunday evemng, 3 "Can't Slow Down" -- Llonel Rlchle Dec 30, 7 o'clock, Island Memorlal Chapel 4 "An Innocent Man" -- Bllly Joel The PDR wlll be open New Year's Day from JOln us for an lnformal tlme of worshlp 5 "Colour by Numbers" -- Culture Club 9-10 a m for coffee and donuts to mess and song 6 "1984" -- Van Halen members only A thought for the day U S educator 7 "Ellml nator" -- ZZ Top All retall facllltles, to lnclude Ma­ N~cholas Murray Bu~ler sard, An expert ~s 8 "Synchronlclty" -- The Pollce cy's, Macy's West, Surfway, Barber Shop, one lvho knows more and more c bout less 9 "Footloose" -- Soundtrack Beauty Shop, Laundry, and T V Repalr Shop and less " 10 "Seven and the Ragged Tlger" wlll be closed New Year's Day, wlth the Duran Duran exceptlon of Ten-Ten, WhlCh wlll be open 11 "She's So Unusual" -- Cyndl Lauper from 9 30 a m untll 12 30 P m 12 "Heartbeat Clty" -- The Cars 13 "What's New" -- Llnda Ronstadt YESHUA -- 14 "Break Out" -- The POlnter Slsters 15 "Mldnlght Madness" -- Nlght Rangel' A Channel 9 Special 16 "Rebel Yell" -- Bllly Idol From AFRTS 17 "Madonna" -- Madonna "Yeshua," a flve-part mlmsenes pro­ 18 "Shout at the Devll" -- Motley Crue duced by the Internatlonal Lutheran Hour, 1':1 "Uh-huh" -- John Cougar Mellencamp wlll alr on Channel 9 Monday through Frl­ 20 "The Blg Chlll" Soundtrack day, Dec 31 through Jan 4, on both R01- Namur and KwaJaleln On ThiS Date In History The program takes Vlewers back to early In 1832, John Calhoun, at odds wlth blbllcal tlmes startlng wlth the Roman Em­ Presldent Andrew Jackson, became the flrst plre ThlS lS not a drama Host Dr Oswald U S Vlce presldent to reslgn Hoffman narrates the early hlstory of blb­ In 1836, Spaln recognlzed the lndepen­ llcal lands and tlmes, speaklng about the dence of Mexlco early days of Yeshua, or Jesus In 1950, advanclng Chlnese forces cross­ , d Check the dally program llstlng for the I I, l)-I lJllh( ed the 38th parallel, dlvldlng llne be­ startlng tlme next week of thlS program tween North and South Korea §ports HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1984, PAGE 5 THE IICTION STIIR TS Coaches Needed The Junlor and Peewee Soccer Program SOON (ages 8-14) currently has 95 students slgn­ The 1985 basketball ed up and only four volunteer coaches, says season 1S tentat1ve1y Youth D1rector Clndy Pender "We must have scheduled to begln e1ght coaches ln order to run the program Jan 18 Team rosters Four more coaches are needed by Jan 8," are due at the requlred she sald managers' meetlng Thurs­ To volunteer, call Pender at 83331 or day, Jan 10, at 6 pm 83754 'We need your help," she sald ln the Communlty Center Numbered, un1form Jer­ IN MEMPHIS seys are requ1red for maln season play, accord­ lng to Specla1 Servlces Auburn Tigers offlcla1s * * * Take Liberty Bowl The 1985 soccer sea­ By JIM LEWIS son lS tentat1ve1y sched­ MEMPHIS, Tenn (UPI) -- Bo Jackson romp­ uled to beg1n Jan 17 ed for two touchdowns and Auburn's defense Team rosters are due at grabbed four lnterceptlons Thursday nlght the Jan 10 managers' to lead the Tlgers to a 21-15 vlctory over meetlng 1n the Communlty Arkansas ln the Llberty Bowl Center at 5 15 P m Jackson scored on a 2-yard run ln the A soccer offlclat1ng flrst perlod, but made the decldlng pOlnts CllnlC w1ll be held w1th 5 30 to go ln the game wlth a 39-yard Jan 14-15, 5 15 pm, dash down the sldellne that gave the Tlgers ln the Communlty Center a 21-9 lead and put a damper on a comeback Unlforms are not re­ b1d by Arkansas qUlred for players, but Early ln the fourth quarter Nathan Jones are strongly encouraged knocked the ball loose from Auburn's Brent Shoes must be worn dur1ng Fullwood and Jones outmuscled Auburn's Pat game play Washlngton for the ball on the Tlger 6- * * * yard llne Three plays later Marshall Fore­ For more lnformatlon man dove over from the 2 Arkansas' try contact Spec1al Servlces for a two-polnt converS10n falled and the Razorbacks were behlnd 14-9 Arkansas scored another touchdown late ln the game on a 25-yard pass from Brad Jordan Instrumental Taylor to James Sh1best to pull wlthln SlX pOlnts, but Auburn's defense held the Ra­ In Chicago Win zorbacks as tlme ran out NEW YORK (UPI) -- Mlchae1 Jordan's game The vlctory gave Auburn of the South­ was out of thlS world eastern Conference a 9-4 record on the sea­ But then agaln lt had to be because son, whlle Arkansas fell to 7-4-1 World B Free was hlttlng shots from any Jackson, voted the game's most valuable place closer player, ga1ned 88 yards 1n 18 carr1es to Jordan scored a season-hlgh 45 pOlnts lead the T1ger attack to offset Free, who set a Chlcago Stadlum Arkansas opened the scor1ng on 1ts record for three-polnt fle1d goals, ln flrst posseSS10n The Razorbacks recelved 1eadlng the Bulls to a 112-108 vlctory over an Auburn punt on the1r own 28 and dove 58 the Cleveland rava11ers yards to the Auburn 11 where Greg Horne Fret, who ras been nurslng a groln pull, booted a 3l-yard fleld goal w1th 5 04 to hlt 5-of-8 three-polnt attempts and scored go 1n the flrst quarter 30 pOlnts ln all But even the veteran But that was all the offense the Razor­ guard 15 learnlng about the sensatlonal backs could muster 1n the flrst half rookle from North Carollna On the ensulng klCkoff, Auburn drove 80 "He's 1n a class of h1S own," sald Free yards ln 11 plays capped by Jackson's 2- of ,Jordan "He's gOl ng to be great and yard dlve 1nto the end zone Robert McGln­ he's got a lot of yeats to go " ty's extra pOlnt attempt was wlde, glv1ng Jordan was lnstrumEnta1 at the cr1tlcdl Auburn a 6-3 lead Kevln Porter 1ntercept­ pOlnt 1n the game Cleveland had moved ed a Taylor pass and romped 35 yards for w1thln 80-~g wlth 1 32 left ln the th1rd Auburn's second touchdown Washlngton quarter But 0u1nt1n Dalley scored and Jor­ scrambled for a two-rolnt converSlon to dan reglstered a three-polnt play to glve put the T1gers ahead 14-3 w1th 1 17 to go the Bulls a f1ve-po1nt lead enter1ng the 1n the f1rst quarter flnal 12 m1nutes Ch1cago then ran off the f1rst four p01nts of the fourth quarter to rega1n a Sports World comfortable cushlon Pete Rl1verla (above) h3d a 70 In the F7~yht 10-13 ~n KGA's Decenber Medal Play (UPI) -- Some lucky fan lS gOlng to get "That stretch at the end of the th1rd (r,cto oy NATE JACKSON, Kentron photo Lab) more than he or she bargalned for 1n buy­ quarter was the key," Cavaller coach lng a t1cket to Monday's Peach Bowl betwee~ George Karl sald "They got a three-po1nter, Purdue and Vlrg1nla The Bowl's organlzers then we should have held for one shot We KGA Announces are offerlng a $lO,OOO-dollar bonus to the d1d not They scored dnd we were behlnd " person who buys the last avallable tlcket, The Caval1ers had won two stra1g~t er­ Medal Play Winners 1n a glmmlck they hope sparks a sellout ter1ng the contest and thelr road (ecord By PAM BARTON Peach Bowl Presldent Don [lllOt Heald says falls to 2-11 W1nners of the KwaJale1n Colfers' Asso­ about 50,000 of the ava11able 60,000 tlck­ The tnumph vias thE' thlrd stra1ght for c1atlOn Medal Play held Dec 22-23 are ets have been sold so far the Bulls FL IGHT 0-9 FLIGHT 14-19 Elsewhere, San Antonlo clobbered Port­ * * * RJdy Tancayo 70 Fredd1e Ta~ahash1 68 (UPI) -- St John's head basketball land 141-120, Kansas Clty outlasted Hous­ Dave Bernella 74 Steve Mack 68 coach Lou Carnesecca lS flghtlng mad about ton 96-92 and Boston 1hrashed the Cl1ppers Doug McLaughl1n 75 Ray Yamada 69 a publlshed artlcle Wh1Ch charges that St 118- 103 Ron AJlfu 75 Jerry N11m1 69 John's players are pa1d by the school The Denn1s Kun1m1tsu 75 Sam Asano 70 February 1ssue of Ins1de Sports magazlne NHL Roundup FLIGHT 10- 13 FLIGHT 20-34 says top players at St John's "reportedly (UPI) -- The Wlnnlpeg Jets are off to Pete Rl1ver1a 70 P-Nut P1amonte 72 gross $1,000 per month, whlle bench-warmers the1r best start Slncp J01n1ng the Natlonal J1mmy Sawada 71 Bennle Wall 75 average $600 " Hockey League 1n 1979 Ton1ght they'll try Dave Harns 71 Lucy Kaholokula 75 Carnesecca says "I'm 1n the publlC eye to close the n1ne-p01nt gap between them Pam Barton 75 Moon Mullen 77 I expect th1ngs llke th1S, but don't at­ and flrst-p1ace Edmon10n ln the Smythe D1- Harry Ar1sue 75 Tommy Marshall 77 tack my k1ds " He says he's brought the V1S10n In one of four games scheduled, art1cle to 5t John's lawyers to see 1f the Jets are plaYlng 1he Sabres 1n Buffa­ Football On The RadiO they can do anythlng about lt lo The Ollers are 1dle Saturday sports on AFRTS 1224 AM rad10 * * * Thursday nlght the CapItals wldened 5 30 a m - Seattle vs Mldml (UPI) -- Free-agent pltcher Dave Rozema thelr lead over the Phl1adelphla Flyers to 9 a m - New York Glants vs San Franclsco has slgned a two-year contract wlth the four pOlnts wlth an overtlme vlctory over Sunday Natlonal Football League act10n Tf'xas Rangers the Islanders 1n Unlondale, NY, 5-4, 5 <0 a ~ - Chlcago vs Washlngton * * * Washlrgton leads the Patrlck Dlvlslon w1th 9 a m - P1ttsburgh vs Denver (UPI) -- The North Korean Central News 47 p01nts In other games, Montreal tlpped Monday football actlon Aqency reports Madagascar has declded to Quebec 5- 3, New Jersey beat Toronto 4-1 , 8 a m - Peach Bowl Purdue vs V1rgln1a boycott the 1988 Summer 01ymp1cs and Boston and Los An~eles skated to a 6-6 1 p ~ - Bluebonnet Bowl lexas r~r1st1dn t1e vs West Vlrglnla See Monday's Hourglass for weekend results Focus PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1984 Avoid Frustrations Over Resolutions NEW YORK (UPI) -- It lS often better to avo1d 'cllI1ders mak1ng New Year's resolu­ Ann t10ns than to make resolu­ tlons that wlll be too d1fflcult to keep "People should refra1n Dear Ann Landers ThlS lS Dear Ann Several weeks from settlng thelr goals By ERMA BOMBECK my second marrlage, and a ago my boyfrlend lost hlS too hlgh," Dr Robert I have always cons1dered myself an happy one My husband's ex­ ant1que money Cl1P wlth London, head of the short­ "average" consumer For the past 35 years, wlfe lS 36 years old, opln­ $300 He was certa1n he term psychotherapy proqram I've trudged through supermarkets several lonated and spolled They last had lt when he was ln at New York Unlvers1ty's tlmes a week looklng for bargalns, had one son my apartment, but we t1edlcal Center, adv1sed readlng labels and thumplng frult It lS apparent that the searched for hours to no Wednesday In all that tlme, you'd thlnk that boy lS growlng up to be avall He lS depressed "For lnstance, lf one once I'd be approached to be a part of oplnlonated llke hlS mother, over thlS loss because the dec1des to stop smok1ng one of the dlScusslon groups that I see stubborn and nasty If my CllP was a qlft from hlS and at the same tlme lose so often on televlslon commerclals Ch1ld (a glrl) got lnto half qrandfather welght, the chances of I saw one the other nlqht of a group of the th1ngs th1S boy dld, I Last nlght when I was settlng oneself up for denture wearers seated around a table would stralghten her out ln at hlS place for dlnner, fa1lure become even whlle the leader put a head1ng on the a hurry he unlocked a chest I had greater, and consequently chalkboard, "DENTAL PROBLEMS" One by one It seems the boy lS the been curlOUS about for a the person could very well they tlcked off some heavy concerns llke only th1ng my husband and I long t1me, took out some end up feellng worse" liS 11 PPl ng" and "teeth that 1ook du 11 " f1ght about He th1nks I cuff llnks and left the If people make -- and They were well-dressed and I wondered want to get the k1d ln room to answer the door keep -- thelr resolutlons, how often they met and where Dld they trouble, WhlCh 1S not true Wh1le he was gone, I'm they feel better and all go out afterwards and bob for apples? I admlt I don't llke belng ashamed to adm1t, I snoop­ "actually lmprove self­ Dld they pay dues? How lonely would you around h1m He lS sassy, ed through the chest percept10n and day-to-day have to be before you J01ned a denture 111-mannered and knows I can There were some p1C­ llfestyle as well ," London wearers d1SCUSS1on group? see r1ght through h1m tures of hlS former glrl­ sald The "Laundry Staln" group always In­ I don't see anythlng frlend and letters and London sald he has trlgued me ThlS commerclal shows a good comlng out of th1S Do papers I d1dn't have t1me heard of people resolvlng group of housew1ves who stand around and you? Trouble In The Bay to read at the bottom of to do everyth1ng from tell a moderator about the1r toughest Area the chest And 10 and stoPPlng smoklng, dr1nklng stalns Dear Trouble Not as the behold, there was the and gambllnq to "remem­ "It's blood l " says one of them that s~tuat~on stands I assume money Cl1pl I am truly berlng to tell the boss personally wouldn't turn MY back on the boy l~ves w~th h~s On The Horns Of A Dllemma what a great Job he's "No way," says another surly staln mother Is ~t poss~ble to In Fort Worth d01ng every day, to prom- f1ghter, lilt'S grease l" suggest counsel~ng for the Dear D~l Tell h~m ~ou 1Slng never to draw for Just when the moderator seems to be ch~ld w~thout start~ng World snooped and take your an 1ns1de stralght " loslng control of the group, he comes War III? The k~d sounds l~ke lumps He probably w~ll be It may be better to forward and flashes a bottle of bleach he needs to talk to a profes­ so thr~lled to have h~s Sk1P the trad1t1on lf one fuat 1S gOlng to turn thelr llves around s~onal about h~s anx~et~es he~rloom back he'll forg~ve thlnks mak1ng New Year's I thlnk that group would be lmposslble Rest assured, he ~s no you for be~ng so nosy resolut1ons 1S futlle and to penetrate as 1t lS raclally and eth­ happ~er than you does not want to add frus­ nlcally balanced Unless a whlte, 50-60- I have sa~d ~t before and For Ann Landers' booklet, trat10n or anx1ety to hlS year-old Cathollc, marrled, w1th 13 ap­ I'll say ~t aga~n N~ne "The Key to Popu 1a rl ty, " own llfe, accord1ng to the pl1ances, who drlves a sedan, votes only t~mes out of 10 when second send 50 cents wlth your adv1ce of psych1atr1st Lon­ at presldentlal electlons, has 16 years marr~ages fa~l ~t ~s because request and a long, stamped, don of educatlon, 3! ch1ldren and uses of the ch~ldren from a self-addressed envelope to California Makes waxed dental floss dles I don't prev~ous marr~age Invar~­ Ann Landers, POBox 11995, stand a chance ably, the spouse s~des w~th Ch1cago, III 60611 Millions With Amnesty I know I'd flt ln well at one of those h~s (or her) k~ds and the asplr1n sem1nars No one descr1bes a marr~age goes down the Copyr~ght 1984 News SACRAMENTO, Callf (UPI) headache any better than I do I'm very dra~n Group Ch~cago Inc -- Del1nquent taxpayers graph1c I had one last week that started 1n Cal1fornla have pald 1n my tall bone and nerve by nerve worked the state government ltS way up to the base of my skull and almost $4 mlll10n ln back then rlpped through the bones and settled Your Individual taxes Slnce an amnesty llke round tWlrllng razor blades behlnd program began Dec 10, my eyes Maybe you have to know someone Horoscope two state agancles report to sponsor you for the group One of the late f1lers I know they don't have any problems ======Fraftces Drake =====::::::::::::::::== was a man whose father gettln~ teen-gqers to_qO to the sem1nars purchased a $15,000 for control over bad skln, but where do FOR MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 1984 Mercedes-Benz for hlm but they get the people who flght the traff1c told the Department of from work, rush through dlnner, change ARIES Don't spoil what should be a Motor Veh1cles 1t cost clothes and drlve heaven knows how far (Mar 21 to Apr 19) wonderful time through self only $5,000 The tax loss to Slt around and hear a lecture on Use mtwtlon about a career matter mdulgence You and a loved one are to the state was more than femlnlne products? Some of them even You're full of new hopes for the com on the same wave length torught $600 take notes and make sketches mg year The social scene looks very SAGITTARIUS "When asked why h1S Last nlght I saw a commerc1al where a promISmg (Nov 22toDec 21) TAURUS You're tempted to spend beyond father was not applYlng group of women were slttlng around (Apr 20 to May 20) your means Romance makes you for amnesty, the son re­ comparlng thelr rlce I had the feellng Curb an mclmatlOn to exaggerate somewhat giddy Trust your IDStmCts pll ed that Dad's con­ they were gOlng to turn rlce lnto a four­ Though ,tv\! may opt for qwet tunes about a career mterest SC1ence was not bothered year program wlth a teachlng degree I torught, you are very much at peace CAPRICORN as much as h1S," sa1d the turned to my husband and sald, "Can you Wlthm yourself (Dec 22toJan 19) GEMINI You may take advantage of a holi state's two tax-collect1ng lmaglne anyone meet1ng regularly to talk (May 2lto June 20) day sale You're m a sentunental agencles, the Franch1se about thelr rlee?" You may expend so much energy mood and easily swayed by romance Tax Board and Board of He was asleep H1S mouth was open He fraterruzmg durmg the day that you Togetherness IS yours to share EquallZatlOn was snOrl ng don t have much left over for late­ AQUARIUS Of the $3 9 m1ll1on re­ On the other hand rught celebratIOns (Jan 2OtoFeb 18) CANCER You needn't go out of your way to ported co 11 ected, $2 5 m1l- (June 21 to July 22) make an unpresslOn Someone likes 110n was 1n personal Fonda Singed And Purged There's no better way to spend New you Just the way you are The day IS 1ncome taxes and almost (UPI) -- Academy Award-wlnn1ng actress Year's Eve than With those for whom tailor-made for lovers $1 4 mlll10n 1n back Jane Fonda made mllllons from her workout you care about the most It's a happy PISCES ... book, but belng Amerlca's f1tness queen for you (Feb 19to Mar 20) odIIIC sales and use taxes, LEO You will either give or receive a spokesmen for the agenc1es also cost her "23 years of agony" Fonda, (July23toAug 22) gIft Thoughtfulness IS the key now, sa1d Almost 50,000 47, revealed Wednesday she had bullm1a, You'll have to cut back on those ex but ward off a tendency to fmanclal Cal1fornlans have asked ln Wh1Ch she would compulslvely gorge tra delicaCies or your waIStline may extravagance for 1nformatlon about the herself wlth food, vomlt, then eat aga1n expand Loved ones make plans for YOU BORN TODAY are versatile the future but should learn to speCialize for your program, whlch ends "I would lltera11y empty a refngerator," VIRGO greatest success Cultivate both self March 15 Fonda told Cosmopol1tan magazlne "I (Aug 23 to Sept 22) diSCipline and a good educatIOn and Tax off1c1als hope to spent most of every day elther thlnk1ng You're mclmed to be more ex then your path will be smoother Your recelve about $66 mlll10n about food, shopplng for 1t -- or blnglng travagant than IS your custom You artistic talents WIll brmg you success 1n back taxes bv that and purg1ng " Fonda sald she wants to may attend a function given by a work m mUSIC, wrltmg and pamtmg Scien­ colleague Social life IS a plus ' tifiC research also may appeal to you tlme tell those wlth bullmla that vomltlng to LmRA It IS essential that you like your work stay sllm "wlll destroy thel r llves " She (Sept 23 to Oct 22) for you to put forth the proper effort A Thought For The Day says she had bul1mla from the ages of 12 The daytune hours are best for Birthday of Henri Matisse, artist, Presldent Harrv Truman to 35 -- "23 years of agony" -- but was romance Later, you may choose to John Denver, smger, and Sarah sald, "If you can't stand cured when she became preqnant wlth her brmg the New Year m at home base Miles, actress OptlIIllsm reigns supreme the heat, get out of the second Ch1ld, Troy "The cholce was be­ SCORPIO k1tchen " tween belng a good mother and wlfe and (Oct 23toNov 21) © 1984 King Features Syndicate Inc Need a paper? Call 84190 be1ng a bullm1C," she sald JEn tertainmen t HOURGLASS, FRIDAY DECEMBER 28 1984 PAGE 7 TELEVISION Dec 29 - Jan A MOVIES Dec. 29 - Jan 6 ---_._------,------Rlchli-rdson --Ive-Y-Haif-i Yokwe Yuk Tradewmds KwaJalem ROI-Namur / JU 6 30, 8 30 / JU, r t. '10 ~ 00 I - -A.---.cM.--"Pc---M'-.------"S"A""TU..eR"'DA"'Y,----·------Neverend1ng 7 30 Chlldren's Programs---ll 00 Rlchard Slmmons S Story 11 25 Rlchard SlInInons 11 20 Hee Haw A 7 30 PG Super seveJsallad Of Str1pes 11 50 Hee Haw/Salute (ends) 12 10 "The Space Movle" T To-Be Announced GregorlO Cortez 1 30 "Capture of Grlzzly 1 30 Dlsney BullwhlP Grlffln Pt 1 _cl_ 30 G ~~ ______R Adams" 2 20 USA Hot Spots 3 05 Dlsney Danlel Boone 3 10 It Takes Two 3 55 Independence Bowl Alr 3 35 Washlngton vs St LOU1S Closed Neverend1 ng An Off1cer And A Force vs Va Tech 6 25 NFL Revlew/NFL Magazlne Story Gentleman 6 25 Amerlcan Interest 7 10 CBS Weekly News PG r 6 55 Washlngton Week 8 10 SOlld Gold 7 20 60 Ml nutes 9 00 Hotel 8 15 Enterta1nment Th1S vJeek 9 50 "30 Wlnchesters For El Closed Closed Super Seven 9 05 Hotel D1ablo" 9 55 "Enormous Changes At 11 20 New York Hot Tracrs The Last M1nute" 12 30 MUS1C Store ~+------~~------~'------+------~ 11 40 New York Hot Tracks ~r~;~a~Y36~oPle Rollover ------12 55 MUS1C------Store - - -SUNDAY ------Closed i i 12 30 700 Rel1lj10US Programs --] 00 Rellg10us Programs I R PG 8 35 60 ~lnutes 7 55 CBS Weekly News I 9 30 "D1al Hot L1ne" 8 55 "The Presldent's Analyst" I 11 10 Father Murphy 10 40 Father Murphy/W1ld K1ngdom Closed I Closed To Be Announced 12 00 W1ld K1ngdom 11 55 ThlS Is Your L1fe 12 25 Th1S Is Your L1fe 12 20 Battle L1ne (Burma) 12 50 W1de World Of Sports 12 45 Thr1llmaker Sports I 1 45 Wash1ngton vs St LOU1S 1 10 Wlde World Of Sports T1mewalker 4 35 NFL Rev1ew/NFL Magaz1ne 2 05 Independence Bowl A1r Force Closed 6 30, 8 30, Aga1nst All Odds 5 20 Israel In Search vs VlrglnJa Tech 12 30 For Peace 4 35 Amer1can Interest R R 6 20 CBS Weekly News 5 05 Wash1ngton Week 7 20 AfterMASH 5 30 The Bounty Exper1ment F Agalnst All Odds 7 45 Allce Pt 1 6 20 Enterta1nment Th1S Week R Closed Closed 6 30, 8 30, To Be Announced 8 10 Dallas 7 10 AfterMASH/A1lce Pt 2 I , 12 30 R 9 00 "Murphy's War" 8 00 Dallas .-1------10 45 Reg1s Ph1lb1n 8 50 "The PatrlCla Neal Story" i 11 35 "Murphy's War" 10 40 Reg1s Ph1lb1n _ _ _ S \ ------MONDA Y ------A La Trav1ata Closed . Closed To Be Announced 2 15 Ryan's Hope --rZ 00 Ryan's Hope/Comedy Shop T I 2 40 Class1c Country 12 50 Latln Tempo/Fam1ly Feud G I 3 05 W1th Th1S R1ng 1 35 Perspect1ve On Greatness 3 20 Sesame St /Fam1ly Feud 2 30 Donahue (Profess1onal Women) S 4 40 General Hosp1tal 3 20 Facts Of Llfe/G1mme A Break U Closed Closed Closed Closed 5 25 Yeshua Pt 1 4 10 General Hospltal N 8 00 6 25 M1am1 vs Dallas 4 55 Yeshua Pt 1 10 35 9 00 Hart To Hart 5 55 Grambllng vs Southern U 11 25 9 50 Solld Gold 8 40 "Washlngton Beh1nd Closed II 1 LE JEUNE SP01 SNIICK 811R liND LOUNGE 1215 1040 Best Of Carson Doors" Pt 1 1 05 11 30 Donahue (Joan Col1lns) 10 30 Slmon & Slmon Matinee, 1 P m Moonlight MOVie r-.,.~.£. ___ l2_3Q.t'!y~t~rylh~a!r~ _____ 11 ~O_Eme~ald PQll1t_N_A S___ _ Saturday Saturday, 9 30 p m TUESDAY ~ 9 10 Grambl1ng vs Southern-IT 30 Wlld K1ngdom Super Seven To Be , 12 00 3, 2, 1 Contact 11 55 ThlS Is Your L1fe I, If-:. Announced 12 30 Vegetable Soup 12 20 Sllver Spoons Sunday I i 12 55 USA Hot Spots 12 45 Goodnlght Beantown '" - I 1 1 45 Facts Of L fe 1 10 Cl ass 1c Country To Be Rated PG - 2 10 G1mme A Break 1 35 MUS1C 't1l Mldnlght 2 35 Ryan's Hope/Fam1ly Feud 2 00 Ryan's Hope Announced ( 3 20 PerspectlVe on Greatness 2 25 Farnlly Feud Rated G Senior Teens Only 4 15 General Hosp1tal 2 45 Donahue (Havlng Bables) 5 00 Yeshua Pt 2 3 35 Yeshua Pt 2 AGAINST ALL ODDS Rachel Ward, Jeff Br1dges 6 00 Mrs Woman Of The World 4 35 General Hospltal Drama RT 125 R 7 25 Class1c Theatre 5 20 60 Mlnutes A gangster hlres a shady cha l acter to flnd h1S glrlfrlend who has left "Destry Pldes Agaln" 6 15 Mrs Woman Of The World h1m, abscond1ng w1th a large bundle of h1S cash The h1red pursuer catch­ 9 00 Slmon & Slmon 7 45 Dallas vs Mlam1 es up wlth the lady and falls 1n love w1th her They become lovers, and 9 50 Emerald POlnt N ~ SilO 20 Hart To Hart the gangster sends others to track them down B 00 10 40 Donahue (Med Soclety) 11 10 Best Of Carson ___ 11_3Q "D~s!ri B.1de~ ~g~ln"______BLACK STAR Ammated RT 66 G WEDNESDAY --The-story of Black Star and h1S w1nged horse lS based Sllghtly or 2 15 Ryan's Hope --300 Ryan's Hope Greek mythology Black Star and h1S frlends the "Trobbls" recelVed the1r 2 40 Wayne Thomas 3 25 Wayne Thomas myst1cal powers from the Anc1ent Ones Black Star battles eVll Overlord 3 30 Sesame St /Fam1ly Feud 4 15 Fam1ly Feud to keep h1m from cast1ng a powerful spell and tak1ng over the k1ngdom 4 50 General Hosp1tal 4 40 Donahue (Leglslat1on) 5 35 Sllver Spoons 5 30 General Hospltal LA TRAVIATA Teresa Stratas RT 105 G 6 00 Goodn1ght Beantown 6 15 Yeshua Pt 3 ---Opera-s-ung by Placldo Domlngo (Ital1an w1th Engl1sh subt1tles ) 8 00 6 25 Yeshua Pt l 7 15 Rem1ngton Steele 9 00 7 25 Rem1ngton )teele 8 05 Trauma Center ORDINARY PEOPL E Dona 1d Sutherl and, Mary Tvl er Mnore 9 50 8 15 Trauma Center 8 55 "Wash1ngton Behlnd Closed Drama RT 125 R 1980 10 40 9 05 "Lady Of Burlesque" Doors" Pt 2 Th1S f1lm deals wlth the confl1cts In the relat1onsh1ps of a fam1ly af 12 15 10 40 Dav1d Letterman 10 35 Dav1d Letterman ter one of the sons drowns 1n a boat1ng accldent 1 00 11 25 Donahue (Marllyn Horne) _ _ 12_1.? "::L~dy Qf_Burle~qLJe.:'. ______l ROLLOVER Jane Fonda, Kr1s Kr1stofferson - - THURSDAY Drama RT 111 PG 1981 2 15 Ryan's Hope/Rockworla--3 00 Ryan's Hope A bank1ng troubleshooter and a former mOV1e queen become embr01led 1n 3 35 F1ght Back/New Zoo Rev 3 25 Rockworld I an Arab plot to control Amerlcan banks 4 25 Fam1ly Feud/Gen Hosp 4 15 Fam1ly Feud 5 30 Battle L1ne (Burma) 4 40 Donahue (Rape Vlct1ms) SUPER SEVEN An1mated Adventure RT 66 G 5 55 Thr1l1maker Sports 5 30 General Hospltal ---~he super heroes -- Hercules, IS1S, Merl1n, Pegasus, Tosh1/Super 8 00 6 20 Yeshua Pt 4 6 15 Yeshua Pt 4 Samural, and ~anta and Morey -- battle agalnst EV1l Sorcerers, Whale 9 00 7 20 The Fall Guy 7 15 The Fall Guy K111 ers and "M1 ng the Merc1l ess " The super heroes fl ash back and forth 9 50 8 10 Magnum, P I 8 05 Magnum, P I through t1me and adventures to make sure good tr1umphs over eV1l for the 10 40 9 00 "Our Fam1ly Bus1ness' 8 55 "Wash1ngton Behlnd Closed betterment of manklnd 12 15 10 15 The New Show Doors" Pt 3 1 05 11 05 Donahue (Globetrotters) 10 30 The New Show TIMEWALKER Ben Murphy, Nlna Axelrod 11 55 "Our Fam1ly Bus1ness" ______Mystery RT 86 PG ------FRIDAY Deep w1th1n the tomb of the anc1ent Egypt1an k1ng Tutankhaman, a V10- 2 15 Ryan's Hope --3 00 Ryan's Hope lent earthquake shatters a wall, reveallng a coffln of Ank-Venhar1s, or, 2 40 Aga1nst The Odds 3 25 Aga1nst The Odds "Noble Traveller" Surround1ng the coffln are the bod1es of SlX anclent 3 00 Sesame St /Fam1ly Feud 3 50 Fam1ly Feud attendents, all of whom d1ed horr1bly 4 20 People's Court 4 10 People's Court 4 45 General Hospltal 4 35 Donahue (Women) THE BALLAJl OF GREGOR 10 CORTEZ Edward 01 mos, Tom Bower 1983 5 30 ~lSSlSSlPP1 5 25 General Hospltal Western-Drama RT 99 PG 6 20 Yeshua Pt 5 6 10 Yeshua Pt 5 Based on an actual event In turn-of-the-century Texas, th1S mOVle lS 8 00 7 20 Cheers 7 10 M1SS1SS1PP1 about a young Mex1can cowhand who k1lled a sher1ff Cla1m1ng 1t was 1n 8 25 7 45 Duck Factory I 8 00 Knlght Rlder self-defense, he then outrode and outwltted hundreds of Texans 1n hot 8 50 8 15 Kn1ght R1der 8 50 H1ll Street Blues pursu1t for 11 days, unt1l he was f1nally turned 1n by a bounty hunter 9 40 9 05 H111 Street Blues 9 40 "Was~llngton Beh1nd Closed 10 30 9 55 "Beyond Rea sonab 1e Doors" Pt 4 Second Feature At The Richardson Saturday At 930 pm Doubt" 12 20 11 50 Donahue (Allerg1es) ':B~yonQ ~e?s2n~ble_ ~_ ___ }2_49 - - -- To Be Announced AFTV programs and scheduled start~ng tlmes are subject to change JEn tertainmen t PAGE 8, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1984 1.'ELEVISION PROGRAM GUIDE SHOWBIZ Brennan: Her Middle Name Kwajalein Roi-Namur Saturday Saturday Is "Endurance" HEE HAW Hee Hawlng guests JOl111ns; lIle regulars HEE HAW Guest Hee Hawers lnclude Barbara Man­ By JACK SFARLES are the Statler Brothers, George Stralt, drell, Ben and Butch McLaln, Chrls Golden LOS ANGELES -- It's a ralny mornlng, and El­ the Stoney Mountaln Cloggers and Jlmmy Henley leen Brennan, eatlng a breakfast melon ln a Unl­ NICKELODEON THEATRE "The Capture of Grlzzly NICKELODEON THEATRE "The Space Movle " A docu­ versal Clty restaurant, concedes that she gets Adams" Grlzzly Adams, a mountaln man, llV­ mentary look at the modern space age, In­ "a llttle uncomfortable" when the weather turns lng ln lsolatlon, learns hlS daughter wlll cludlng the Sovlet and Amerlcan race lnto damp "But then a lot of people wlth arthrltls be sent to an orphanage He returns to the space and the landlng of the flrst man on have that problem, too, I'm sure," she notes town where he's wanted for murder, and af­ the moon Shown lS footage never before Arthrltls, of course, lsn t what makes tlieen ter hlS capture he redeems hlmself Dan seen from the Unlted States and Russla Brennan susceptlble to dampness Though she's Haggerty, Klm Darby, Noah Beery, Keenan "30 WINCHESTERS FOR EL DIABLO" (1965 western) made great headway ln recoverlng from the 1982 Wynn, June Lockhart, Chuck Connors A Western wlth gunsllnglng mayhem as the accldent that almost took her llfe, she'll be "ENOR~10US CHANGES AT THE LAST MINUTE" (1970 Dra­ theme lncludes a notorlOUS outlaw, a sher­ dOlng therapeutlc exerClses for a long tlme ma) The trlals and trlbulatlons of three lff's son, a beautlful glrl, a herolc mar­ "I can do everythlng I need to now, but lt'S women -- one a young mother of three desert­ shal and a gold shlpment Karl Mohner, stlll too soon to say how much endurance I have ed by her husband goes on welfare the sec­ Tapsy Colllns, John Huston, Anthony Garof I made a fllm ond, a dlVorcee who's "sleeplng around," NEW YORK HOT TRACKS From the Bentley Club ln for Father Kle­ and the thlrd, a woman soclal worker, dl­ New York, hosted by Carlos de Jesus, the ser (Father Ell­ vorced ln her mld-30s, who wants to have a followlng guests contrlbute thelr talents wood Kleser, the baby Irene Cara, Kool and tne Gang, Gladys Jesul t prlest NEW YORK HOT TRACKS From the Fun House D1SCO ln Knlght and the P1PS and Luther Vandross whose Paul 1St New York, host Carlos de Jesus presents mu­ MUSIC STORE The MUS1C Store 15 loaded wlth cus­ Productlons SlC vldeo wlth guests Laura Branlgan and tomers awaltlng the appearance of guests turns Ollt ''In­ Larry Blackman Frank WllllS, Kenny Lane and the Mlghty slght,' the long­ MUSIC STORE The MUS1C Store lS loaded wlth cus­ Pope runm ng syndl­ tomers awaltlng the appearance of guests Sunday cated televlslon Frank Wl111S, Kenny Lane and the Mlghty "THE PRE~IDENT'S ANALYST" (1967 Comedy-Drama) sen es) the oth­ Pope The Presldent's analyst 15 forced to flee er day and I had Sunday for hlS llfe when the head of a spy agency to cllmb thlS "DIAL HOl LINE" (1970 Drama) The story of a cn­ feels he knows too much and orders hlm llq­ ra ther 5teep SlS hot 11ne center and the lnterwoven uldated At the same tlme, the top man of a slope I dld lt llves of the operators, the callers and the rlval agency orders hlm protected from for­ Eileen Brennan Wl th no troubl e tragedles, near tragedles and the successes elgn agents who are after hlm James Coburn, a tall, bu t I Vlnce Edwards, Chelsea Brown, Mlchae1 Lar­ Godfrey Cambrldge, Joan Delany, Svern Dar­ have no ldea how raln, June Hardlng, Felton Perry den long I could have kept cl1mblllg llke that" "MURPHY' S ~vAR " (1971 Comedy-Drama) The lone sur­ "PATRICIA NEAL STORY" (1981 BlO-Drama) A true Brennan, the versatlle actress who has appear­ Vlvor of a Getman submarlne attack lS res­ account of actress, Academy Award Wlnner ed ln such fl1ms as "The Stlng" and "The Last cued ln the mldd1e of a Jungle rlver by a Patrlcla Neal '5 lncredlble recovery from a Plcture Show," 15 probably best known to the pub­ lady doctor After belng nursed back to near-fatal stroke Wlth the love and devo­ llC as tough-talklng Capt Doreen Lewls ln both health, he decldes to rebul1d a downed alr­ tlOn of her author husband, Roald Dahl, the mOVle and televlslon serles verSlons of plane and take on the German submarlne hlm­ Patrlcla learned to walk, talk and contlnue "Prlvate BenJamln " self -- even though the war lS already over her career ln fllms Based on tre book "Pat "BenJamln" was stlll runlllng as a serles when Peter O'Toole, Slan PhllllPS, Horst Janson, and Roald" Glenda Jackson, Dlrk Bogarde, Brennan, crosslng a darkened Venlce street after Phl111pe NOlret Ken Kercheval, Jane ~lerrow Mll dred Dun­ havlng dlnner wlth her frlend Goldle Hawn, was REGIS PHILBIN Focus lS on dlet and exerClse as nock, Ed Be 11 str~ck down by a car She suffered compound frac­ dlscussed by guests coach Lynn Rogers of REGIS PHILBIN Guests lnclude actress Mlndy Cohn ture, of both legs, a broke~ Jaw and faclal cuts, Ca11fornla State Fullerton, actor Bernle wlth a reclpe for dleters, Patrlck Netter among other lnJurles Kopel1, Dt Rlchard Corlln and dletlclan wlth hl-tech fltness equlpment Sherry "Those were Just the physlcal lnJUrleS," Merle Schell H~rkptt from the SUlclde Preventlon Center Brennan says now, alluolng to months of depres­ Monday Monday Slon and a drug dependence lnduced by prolonged ~t~1 Ur LARSON Johnny's guests are comedlan DONAHUE Professlonal women dlSCUSS thelr ca­ use of palnklllers The serles was canceled Davld Brenner and slnger Johnny Mathls reers and thelr reluctance to marry durlng her convalescence DONAHUE Phll 's guest 15 actress Joan Co111tlS "WASHINGTON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" Part 1 of 6 Now two years later, havlng llcked her drug who dlscusses her 1 lfe as an actress as (1977 Drama) Based ln part on John Ehrllch­ uroblem durlng SlX weeks at the Betty Ford Cen­ well as her present career on "Dynasty" man's best seller "The Company," thlS fllm ter ln Rancho Mlrage, Brennan has flnally launch­ FAMOUS MYSTERY THEATER Everett Sloan stars as a explores the corruptlon spawned by the pur­ ed a comeback She co-starred wlth Ed Asner ln professor who wl11 stop at nothlng to get SUlt of power ln the natlon's capltal The He pllot of a prOjected new comedy serles, "Off what he wants, even hlS own murder CIA dlscovers presldentlal lnslders have the Rack Tuesday ordered wlde-scale wlretapPlng of federal As Kate Halloran, the felsty wldow of a manu­ CLASSIC THEATRE "Destry Rldes Agaln " In thlS aqencles and prlvate lndlvlduals (llff facturer of low-prlced women's sportswear, Bren­ c1asslc Western, the son of a famou> law­ Robertson, Stefanle Powers, Jason Robards nan lnslsts on becomlng the unllkely partner of man arrlves to clean up the wl1d town -- Robert Vaughn, John Houseman her late husband's crusty, chauvlnlstlc partner, but ln a new way A klnd-hearted saloon SIMON & SIMON A J and R1Ck. hlred by a beautl­ pl ayed by Asner glrl pays the prlce for helplng hlm Mar­ ful young thoroughbred tralner to f1nd her A creatlon of Dan Guntzelman and Steve Mar­ lene Dletrlch, James Stewart, Brlan Don1evy, horse, Lady, uncover a stolen thoroughbred shall, who prevlously produced "WKRP ln Clncln­ Jack Carson, Mlscha Auer rlng and an unsolved case of manslaughter natl ' "Rack" sounds llke a potentlal Wlnner DONAHUE The People's Medlca1 Soclety's ldea 15 on the racetrack "There are qUlte a few laughs ln the show," to 11cense doctors to educate the layman EMERALD POINT N A S Tom and Jack confront Brennan observes "Asner 15 very good ln a role wlth medl al and polltlcal savvy Deanna, demandlng her help ln exposlng Ad­ that's the exact OPPoslte of hlS own personal­ Wednesday m1 ra 1 Buk ha rl n Le 511 e pa III c 5 over A1 ex 1 ' 5 Hy , "LADY OF BURLE~QUE " (B&W) (1943 Myster y) A bur­ abduc t lOn Wlth a sldeways glance that's one of her lesque dancer lS found dead, strangled wlth Tuesday trademarks, Brennan takes 1n the raln-sllcked her own G-strlng Based on Rose Lee' 5 DONAHUE In thlS "On Havlng Bables" segment street "To the people lnvolved ln a televlslon popul ar book, "The G-Strl ng Murder" Bar­ four women descrlbe thelr pregnancles and serles, you know, success 15 a matter of llfe bara Stanwyck, Janls Carter, Mlchael 0' Shea, havlng bables and death But lt can't be that way wlth me any­ Plnky Lee HART TO HART The Harts seek refuge ln a convent more I've been throuqh 11 fe and death " LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Here's Oavld, untll Jennlfer can testlfy about the gang­ A Los Angeles natlve who's 49 and dlvorced, hlS zany humor wlth some helpers such as land murder she wltnessed Brennan credlts three factors wlth her recovery Alma Ballard and her costumed parrots, BEST OF CARSON Jack Lemmon relates hlS llfe "the support of my famlly and frlends and the Rene Taylor, plus Small Town News, and an success story and also presents Cl1pS from thousands of people who sent me letters of en­ "Ask Mr Melman" segment hlS hlt mOVle "Mlsslng " couragement the rellglous falth that I've had DONAHUE Featured guest 15 opera Slnger Marllyn Wednesday all my llfe and the fact that I was ln excellent Horne OUNAHUE Economlst Mllton Frledman dlscusses physlcal shape at the tlme of the accldent " Thursday leg1s1atlon made by elected representatlves, Now whether "Off the Rack" makes lt or not, "OUR FANILY BUSINESS" (1981 Drama) Fear grlpS WhlCh accordlng to Mr Frleiman may not be Brennan lntends to take slnglng lessons wlth an the lnnocent and the gUllty allke when the beneflclal eye toward returnlng to the muslcal stage, where second ln command of organlzed crlme ln the "WASHINGTON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" Part 2 of 6 her career began, set an example for people try­ Los Angeles area 15 released from prlson The mlnl-TV serles contlnues on the corrup­ lng to overcome addlctlons to drugs, alcohol and He 15 determlned to flnd out who set hlm up tlon ln the natlon's capltal even overeatlng, and prepare her sons -- Pat, 12, And ln the meantlme, hlS wlfe and one of LATE NIGHT ~vITH DAVID LETTERMAN Davld' 5 quests and Sam, 13 -- to enter college, "probably ln hlS sons are trYlng to lead llves outslde are comedlans Franken and Davls, and ac­ the East, where tney can learn to enJoy wlnter of the crlmlnal world Ray Mllland, Vera tress Erl n Grey sports " Mlles, Sam Wanamaker, James LU1Sl, Steven Thursday Apostle, Deborah Carney DONAHUE Women vlctlms of rape talk about thelr THE NEW SHOW New laughs wlth the New Show gang sltuatlons and the crlme WhlCh was perpe­ r~~:-l as Vlewers attend Buck Henry's Blklnl The­ trated on each of them atre, do battle wlth the Commandos From "WASHINGTON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" Part 3 of 6 ! With Dan Rather t Hell, laugh through another Weekend To­ The lnvestlgatlon contlnues on one of the nlght and explore the World of Nature most hlghly publlclzed cases orlglnatlng ln ~ Kwajalein Tonight at 6:25, DONAHUE Guests and members of the Harlem Globe­ the natlon's capltal § trotters basketball team are brlnqlnq a THE NEW SHOW Vlewers V1Slt a Russlan funeral multlmllllon dollar lawsult aqalnst the festooned wlth lnternatlonal guests, among l And Sunday at 6:20 p.m. Clty of Santa Barbara for wrongful arrest them Margaret Thatcher who was reported to Friday have drunk more than her share "BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT " (1979 Mys-Dra) The Friday § Roi-Namur Saturday at 7:10 p.m. facts behlnd a true case of a mlscarrlage DONAHUt Author Natalle Shalness, who has wrlt­ ~ of Justlce ln New Zealand Davld Hemmlngs, ten a "Blll of Rlqhts" for masochlstlc wom­ And 7:55 a.m. Martyn Sanderson, John Hargreaves en, 15 Donahue's quest I s::.:t DONAHUE Focus 15 on allergles and hyperactlv­ "WASHINGTON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" Part 4 of 6 lty ln chl1dren, what causes them and how The nllnlSerles contlnues wlth the lnvestl­ they are cu red gatlon of the wlretapplng scandal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~«: FRIDAY DECComICS


'fAK~'fAKKA ANI7 WHEN JA~ t...GFT Cl..Ol7t...E:'f,l 'TOLC' HeR 'fAI

"~4~!" l§~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~:::::::=~~=:7E~ C,.o•• wo,.d By Eugene Sheller I ACROSS 37 German 58 - Young 22 GratIng I 1 Urut of river 59 Box 23 Houston We 38 PICruC DOWN pro 5 Boston's pest 1 UnconsclOus 25 Surround ruckname 39 Female state 26 Rubber 8 Obsceruty parent 2 Actor Jack tree 12 Ohve U Muddy 3 Smger 27 Legal wnt genus 43 Drudges Horne 29 Royal 13 Plato's 46 Thesaurus 4 Expires fiddler "H" man 5 Chop 31 Wood 14 Anagram 50 DocIle 6 Indian sorrel for rate 51 Old-style 7 Local pubs 32 "I - a Lh:======~~===~~==;#~J~==~=;==~!!:!!::!.¥=~:;:=====;7:=:=~ 15 Office roofs 8 Endure Kick Out rant Parker and Johnny Hart force 54 RIverm 9 Strmgedm- of You" 17 Handle Asia strument 34 Fleshy WI? "~ 18 Blbhcal 55 SWISS 10 MaJor or fnut f name canton MInor 38 Gazes Wlth ~1?lHI N& 1li~ 0 0 ~ 19 LIght 56 - LOUISe 11 RIver duck satIsfac- J ~ a4N r~FY footwear 57 Myerson 16 Paddle bon U~ WITH = A~T 21 Therefore or Truman 20 Lends a hand40 Affums I A = f'lfO;CHIO" 24 Altar 42 T I ,~ ~i ,,~= Avornge_"'_ 27_I"~ ~ ~ = I word- MRIch r ~ lessly fabnc i' - f'IImfo- 28 FruIt 145 Complacent ---:::..--- -c.:..:: ', =-- 0 0 ,,_ ~ If'''' peel 47 Piece of ~.....",.'-':":------=------:--;---77--:-1 30 Pilot's luggage B C Hart record 48 MlssFerber 33 High note 49 Peter or c:t:€G ANYoNE ACTUALLy' E.Va< ARE YC;U t


yoU WE~E PIWSASLY NOT AWARE l"HAT FRED WAS ONE OF ~E FOREMOST NEWSPAPER CA~OON BUFFS AND COt...­ L-EcroR5 ON rOU/i:,/...ATE EDITIONS F~OM EVERY CITY WERE DE/"'/vERED TO PAGE 10, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY? DECEMBER 28: 1984 FOR SALE FRIENDS OF THE CARDILLOS -- PCS PARTY AT 16' HOBIE CAT, DUAL HARNESS, 3-HP motor, the Yokwe Yuk, Saturday, Dec 29 Call 57-ch hand-held VHF radlo, safety gear, Mary at 99204 for detalls and reservatlons beach box, lnstructlons lf needed, $4,000 takes all, $3,500 wlthout radlO Call Chuck 99177 weekdays JfJKWE YfK( ClU8-$P()NSOI(E1J NEW YEIIR 'S EVE PIIR TY PATIO WITH FENCE AND LOCKER, best Vlew on The club wlll be closed Dec 31 for a club-sponsored New'Year's Eve party The lagoon, wall-to-wall rugs ln llvlnq room & entlre club wlll be restrlcted to tlcketed patrons only A tlcket check wlll be kltchen & hall runner, new appllances conducted at the maln entrance If seatlng lS avallable, tlcketb may then be pur­ Leavlng Jan 27, asklng $2,000 or best chased at the door at the prlce lndlcated on the tlcket The club wlll open at offer, Tr 635, phone 82677 6 p m for cocktalls and close at 2 a m The club wlll be vacated no later than 3 a m ANTENNA WITH 20' MAST AND LEAD-IN WIRE, DINING ROOM? TARO ROOM BANYAN ROOM, HJKILAU LOUNGE $15 Call 82812 'PRICE $25 per person PRICE $15 peL person $30 at door $ 20 at °do'JT DUAL CASSETTE DECK, DOLBY ABILITY FOR TICKETS WILL INCLUDE TICKETS WILL INCLUDE elther tape one or two. rlght-left mlC Dlnner, 7-9 p m Pupus, 7-9 pm, D1SCO MUS1C Jack and recordlng from tape two to one Llve band, 9-2, Breakfast, 9-2, Breakfast, 1-2 am, only Have owned one month, wlll sell for 1-2 am, Wlne, Four Drlnks, Champagne, Four Drlnks, Par­ $70 Call 82342 Party favors ty Favors DINNER MENU INCLUDES BREAKFAST MENU ItCLUDES PORTABLE AM/FM tape deck wlth detachable Fllet Mlgnon, Lobster, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Ham, speakers and a phono Jack, 18-watt power Baked Potato, Vegetables, Jelly, Butter, Blscults, Cof­ output If lnterested call 82342 and ask Bread, Butter, Preset fee, Tea for Tom Orlglnal prlce $120, wlll sell ::alad for $90 or best offer TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW MAMIYA 645 1000S, AE PRISM flnder, 80mm Fl 9 lens, 35mm F3 5 lens, 210mm F4 len~, power drlve, focuslng handle, magnlfler, custom Mamlya alumlnum case, skyllght fll­ ters, only $899 Call W83774, H82628 EMERSON STEREO FEATHER TOUCH CASSETTE re­ corder AM/FM stereo recelver, flve-band graphlc equallzer, front-loadlng drawer, phonograph, auto-radlo statlon, search con­ trol Call 82833 or 83564 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, $500, 4-ft step­ ladder, $10, bar wlth storage and rall, $250, mlcrowave table, $10, dlshwasher, $50 Call 82303 HUGE TRAILER ADDITION, three rooms each wlth AC lncluded, carpetlng, extras, at Tr 601 Wlll accept offers over $3,000 un­ tll noon 12/29 Best offer takes lt Call 82303 FOUND CAMERA LENS CAP -- was on wall north of tmon Beach Call to ldentlfy at 84410 WANTED SCOUT~ASTER -- SEEKING QUALIFIED lndlvldual wlth Scoutlng background and wllllngness CALLING IT QUITS to devote hlS free tlme to a worthy group (12) of boys Plenty of parental asslstance, Late~t Ad"'lce on .(.Ivmg Up Smoking Just no know-how Call H82715, W83270

CHILDREN TO TAKE CARE OF DURING THE DAY Smoke more heavily than usual Call Isabel 82211

HELP WANTED Just Before QUlttmg

HOURGLASS SEEKS COpy EDITOR Full-tlme, o Smoke more hea\ lIy than u ual so the ('ltpenence challenglng posltlon Must have excellent becomes dlSla'lteful LJ Collect all your cigarette butts In one large glass tYPlng (70 wpm), grammar, proofreadlng container as a Visual reminder of the filth smoking represents Skllls Apply at Global Personnel 83388 o Practice gOing without cigarettes Don t thiOk of neter smoking ag81 n Think of qUitting In terms of one day at 8 time Tell vourselfyou won l smoke today dnd then NURSE, REGISTERED FOR GENERAL NURSING don l . dutles In lnpatlent and outpatlent cllnlc care Must have actlve & valld llcense for part-tlme (Shlft work) posltlon Apply to ------~~~~ Global Assoclates, Bldg 781, 8-3388 : Jog your mind Tonight At The Movies CASHIER AT TEN-TEN MUST BE ABLE TO handle Rlchardson - Heart Llke A Wheel money and operate cash reglster 20-25 hours J run to your 7 30 ------PG per week Interested adults may apply to t Ivey Hall - Ballad Of Gregorlo Cortez Global Assoclates, Personnel, Bldg 781, t library 6 30, 8 30 ------PG 83388 t Yokwe Yuk - The Rope 7 30, 12 40 ------PG NEED A YOUNG BOY AGE 12-14 to playa part Tradewlnds - Ordlnary People In "The Boxer," a mOVle that wlll be shot on 8 00 ------R KwaJaleln startlng May 1985 Must be able L....-..-.. ______..-. __,_. ______I Tonight On Television to remember baslc forms In martlal arts I I Call 84343 and ask for DennlS Kwajalein 4 50 General Hospltal COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES A Time For Resolutions 5 35 It Takes Two/Back Stage KSC JANUARY SCUBA COURSE PRELIMINARY help 6 25 CBS Weekly News seSSlons to prepare for entry quallflcatlons 7 25 M1SS1SS1PPl are free and offered by Barton Sat & Sun 8 15 Knlght Rlder mornlngs 8 a m Dec 29-30, Jan 5-6 at the 9 05 Hlll Street Blues Adult Pool (Pool not closed) 9 55 "Shadow Over Elveron" 11 35 Donahue (Exerclse Vldeo) KRC END-OF-YEAR PREDICTION RUN Tlmlng be- Roi-Namur 91ns at 11 p m Dec 31, Tr 641 Wlnner 4 35 Donahue (Chlldren's crosses flnlsh llne of approx 26-mlle All ergl es) course closest to mldnlght on 1984 slde 5 25 General Hospltal For more lnfo, call Carolyn Homan, 82255 6 10 M1SS1SS1PPl 7 00 Knlght Rlder THE DINING ROOM OF THE YOKWE YUK CLUB WILL 7 50 Hlll Street Blues be featurlng the entertalnment of ~att May 8 40 Mystery Theater on acoustlc gUltar & VOlce through Jan 12 9 30 "Beyond Reasonable Doubt" (llsten for dates on AFRS) Everyone lnvlted