May 2014 Issue
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Washington State Grange News May 2014 Informing Grangers Since 1912 103rd Year No. 5 Attendance was up at this year’s Teen Weekend, held in Pullman April 5-7. These young Grangers enjoyed a number of activities, including a tour of the campus of Washington State University. Here they pose alongside a statue outside Martin Stadium. For more on the weekend, check out Youth Director Jerry Gwin’s column on page 10. Be prepared for heavy traffic if you choose to take your RV to convention By Jerry Zabriskie the convention site. It is recommended that Take Washington I-5 Exit 7 to 134th Street, Convention Wagon Master you personally call the rental agent for the go East 500 feet to State Highway 99 then Your Wagon Master does not recom- Hazel Dell Grange to make sure there is go south 0.3 miles. For reservations call 2014 state convention mend taking an RV to the State Conven- space available for you. Make your reser- (360) 573-0351 for reservations. Bad traf- information inside: tion this year as traffic to and from any vations with Linda Lundin, (360) 694-5739 fic. campground will be difficult due to heavy between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. or email rental@ Van Mall RV Park (58 full hookups): Page 2: Beard growing contest, morning and evening traffic into and out of About seven miles from convention site. golf tournament, UPDATED Portland from Vancouver. Also, the bridges Vancouver RV Park (94 full hookups): Take Washington I-205 Exit 30S to Exit lodging information, meal infor- over the Columbia River are often opened About four miles north of the convention 30A, go east 0.6 miles on Exit 30A to Gher mation (picnic, celebration ban- to ship traffic at inopportune times; how- site at 7603 NE 13th Ave, Vancouver, WA Road north 0.2 miles to NE Fourth Plain quet, Family Living breakfast), ever, if you must, here is a list of local RV 98665. Call (360) 695-1158 for reserva- sites: Road, then west 0.4 miles to 102nd Ave., and IMPORTANT TRAFFIC tions. then go south 0.1 miles. For reservations INFORMATION. Hazel Dell Grange Parking Lot (dry 99 RV Park (25 full hookups): About call (360) 891-1091. Have fun getting to camping only): About four miles north of seven miles north of the convention site. and from the Convention. Page 6: Tentative schedule, Jansen Beach RV Park (69 full hook- entry form for bowling tourna- June issue deadline – May 6 ups): On the Oregon side near the Colum- ment. bia River. About ½ mile from convention site. Take Oregon I-5 Exit 308 to North Hayden Island Drive and go west 0.3 miles. June 24-28, For reservations call (503) 289-7626. 2014 Red Lion Inn Columbia River RV Park (77 full at the Quay hookups): On the Oregon side. Take Ore- gon I-5 Exit 307 to E Marine Drive, go east Vancouver 1.5 miles to 13th Ave., then go south 100 feet. Call (503) 285-1515 for reservations. 2 WASHINGTON STATE GRANGE NEWS STATE CONVENTION MEALS meal ticket order form. Due to the fact that we are in a hotel/ • Has Beens Luncheon: to be held Thurs- 125th convention beard growing contest convention center, we are unable to offer day, June 26 at 12 p.m. in the Vancouver Contest open to Grange members only. All contestants must enter the contest at daily lunch service this year. The hotel res- Room at the Red Lion Inn at the Quay. Will registration by Tuesday afternoon or evening of the convention. Be prepared to have taurant will be open and there are several order off of a limited menu and pay indi- your picture taken at the time of entry. Bears will be measured at time of registration. restaurants within ten blocks of the hotel/ vidually. The following categories will be judged: convention center. • Celebration Banquet: to be held Thurs- 1. Longest beard The following group meals have been day, June 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Ballroom 2. Best full face beard scheduled for the convention: at the Red Lion Inn at the Quay. The cost 3. Best goatee • 125th Anniversary Picnic: to be held is $26. This is a plated dinner that includes 4. Best mustache Wednesday, June 25 at 12 p.m. at Vancou- starter salad, grilled breast of chicken with 5. Most scraggly ver Landing (50 feet downriver from the sautéed mushrooms, onions, and thyme, 6. Most unique hotel). The cost is $10. This is an old fash- provolone served with penne pasta, fresh There will be a prize for each category. Winners will be announced later in the ioned picnic with chicken breasts, roll, po- vegetables, rolls and butter, coffee, tea, and week. tato salad, fruit tray, strawberry shortcake, dessert. Order tickets on the meal ticket or- and lemonade or iced tea. After picking up der form. your lunch, you may eat in the amphithe- • GROW Club Breakfast: to be held Fri- ater or take your lunch elsewhere. Order day, June 27 at 6:30 a.m. in the Vancouver Book your 2014 state tickets on the meal ticket order form. Room at the Red Lion Inn at the Quay. Will • Family Living Breakfast: to be held order off of a limited menu and pay indi- convention lodging now Thursday, June 26 at 7 a.m. at the Red Lion vidually. Book your convention lodging early rooms each for Grange members: at the Quay. The cost is $20. This is a plat- • Past Family Living District Directors ed breakfast that includes scrambled eggs Luncheon: to be held Friday, June 27 at The 2014 convention committee has Comfort Inn & Suites with cheddar cheese and fresh chives, ba- 6:30 p.m. in the Vancouver Room at the secured a limited number of rooms 401 East 13th Street con, roasted breakfast potatoes, breakfast Red Lion Inn at the Quay. Will order off of for delegates and others attending the (855) 499-0001 breads, coffee and tea. Order tickets on the a limited menu and pay individually. 125th annual session June 24-28 in This motel is downtown and Portland Vancouver. Book early to secure lodg- is having a big event over the weekend ing for you and your family. and have limited rooms. 2014 STATE GRANGE CONVENTION MEAL TICKET ORDER FORM The Red Lion Inn at the Quay has a Laquinta Inn & Suites block of rooms reserved for convention 1500 NE 134th St Name_______________________________________________________________ attendees. Rooms are $79 per night. (360) 566-1100 To reserve a room, call 360-694-8341 Shilo Inn & Suites at Salmon Creek Grange Name_________________________________________________________ and ask for block code WAST0622 WA 13206 NE Hwy 99 Telephone (________)________ Email (if available)_________________________ State Grange Convention-Delegates (360) 573-0511 Wednesday, June 25 (RQ). The block is being held until Ask for the 2014 Grange Convention June 1. group rate when you make your reser- ______125th Anniversary Picnic Lunch @ $10 each ___________ Call them to reserve now at (866) vation. Thursday, June 26 365-9867. You may visit www.VisitVancouver- Three other motels have set aside 20 for more local information. ______Family Living Breakfast @$20 each____________ ______Celebration Banquet @ $26 each____________ 2014 State Grange “Green Moun- TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ___________ tain Scramble” Golf Tournament Make checks payable to: West Side Convention District The Westside Convention District will host a golf tournament June 23 at 9 a.m. at the Mail tickets/order form to: Terry Abbott Green Mountain Golf Course at 2817 NE Ingle Rd, Vancouver, WA 98682. PO Box 8 Silver Creek, WA 98585 The cost for the nine-hole tournament is $15 per player. Carts can be rented at the rate of $8 per person. Fill out the below form to participate. Make checks payable to Westside Convention Directions to the Red Lion Inn at the Quay District. Mail completed forms and checks to Terry Abbott, PO Box 8, Silver Creek, I-5 South to Exit 2 (Mill Plain Blvd.) WA 98585. Right onto Mill Plain Blvd. (becomes 15th Street) After six blocks, turn left onto Columbia Blvd. Name: ________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Inn at the Quay is about two miles on your right Mailing address: __________________________________________________ WARNING: About 35 percent of Southwest Washington residents work in Or- egon. The I-5 freeway is the main thoroughfare from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and traffic City: ______________________________ State: ______ Zip: ______________ can be atrocious. To avoid rush hour traffic: Your signature: ___________________________________________________ I-5 South to Exit 4 (78th Street) Right on 78th for two blocks Left onto Hazeldell Ave. Travel south for about 1.5 miles Turn right on Main Street. Travel south for about 2.1 miles SPECIAL SCRAMBLE RULES Right on Evergreen Blvd., follow for two blocks CLOSED SCRAMBLE: Each member of the team hits a drive off the first tee. The Left on Columbia Street. Travel south for about 10 blocks best shot is selected and everyone plays from this drive, except the golfer whose drive was Inn at the Quay is on the right selected is not allowed to hit the next shot. This way your best golfer will not dominate all shots. Each team will continue to select the best shot until holing out. If your ball is chosen the best shot, then you will not be allowed to hit. Remember, the person who holes out is the last to hit and will not be eligible to drive off the next tee. Pomona Calendar Anyone who has played less than 10 rounds of golf may tee the ball up using a tee on all shots, except on greens or in traps.