Countryside Access Forum

NEWSLETTER December 2015/January 2016

Top Story Grand Western Canal After a wet and gloomy couple of months, a photo by Mark Gliddon, winner of the Grand Western Canal’s 2015 photo competition seems the right image to take us into 2016. Mark’s sunset photo in the landscape section of the competition was taken from the Dudley Weatherley Jubilee Bridge near Halberton. It shows the attractiveness of the towpath as an easy walking route.


Government strategy for sport and forthcoming action The Government has now published its strategy for sport following consultation during 2015. Sporting Future: A New Strategy for an Active Nation can be viewed in full on SSIBLE.pdf

Importantly, the strategy includes a section on outdoor recreation and recognises this sector has much to contribute in terms of health and economic benefit. The approach is a cross-departmental one and the strategy includes the statement:

“While the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has a strong interest in getting people active in all settings, including outdoor recreation, we recognise that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has policy responsibility in for the ‘fabric’ of the natural landscape, including rights of way, the England coastal path and National Parks. Given our joint interest in this area, DCMS and Defra will continue to work together to ensure the potential of our natural capital (including rights of way, canal and river paths, National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, accessible forests and open spaces) to meet physical activity needs is met. Other departments also have a role in encouraging outdoor activity, for example the Department for Transport (DfT) in delivering walking and cycling infrastructure or the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in relation to urban green spaces and parks. These departments will also be linked in to this work.”

Government will submit a formal, annual report to parliament setting out progress in implementing this strategy.


Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy A public consultation will take place on the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, a duty in the Infrastructure Act 2015, during the early part of 2016. Details of the overarching ambition of the strategy and timescales are on: investment-strategy.pdf

Cycling injury A cyclist in Lancashire has received £65,000 in an out-of-court settlement for life changing injuries he suffered when an “out-of-control” dog lead got caught in the spokes of his bike.

Nature Improvement Areas The final report on ‘Monitoring and Evaluation of Nature Improvement Areas’ has just been published. Twelve areas, including Northern Devon, were selected in 2012 to receive Defra funding to help “protect wildlife and connect people with nature” as well as providing economic benefit. The projects also involved many hours of voluntary work. “Learnings from the Nature Improvement Areas will now help to inform Defra’s 25 year plan for action on the environment which will be published later in the year as part of a comprehensive, long-term vision to protect the country’s natural heritage.” Link to the press release, report and executive summaries is on: thousands-more-hectares-for-our-wildlife


Cycling and walking marketing campaign

Image courtesy of DCC

Devon County Council News Centre reports the launch of a video, created with Visit Devon to kick-start a campaign to encourage “ramblers, cyclists, tourists and locals to take advantage of the county’s wonderful variety of walking and cycling trails”. People are also being encouraged to highlight Devon as a place for walking and cycling this year on the ‘#PlaceToBe’ Twitter feed.

“The film will be used across social media to encourage people to spread the word, and get more people using the trails. With miles of traffic-free walking and cycling trails set in spectacular natural landscapes, Devon is presented as the ultimate destination for an active getaway for all the family.”


Councillor Stuart Hughes responsible for Devon’s cycle route network, said: “Being outside and enjoying somewhere special helps us feel happier and more connected to nature, whether that’s on an off-road trail or more challenging route.”

“Devon has an exceptional variety of multi-use routes set in some of the country’s most beautiful natural landscapes. We’re looking forward to showcasing this fantastic walking and cycling offer both inside and outside Devon.”

The campaign will use shortened versions of the film to target families, older couples and keen cyclists, encouraging them all to find their #PlaceToBe on a walking and cycling holiday in Devon.”

To view the video and other quotes go to: for-walking-and-cycling/

Council efficiencies DCC is working with City Council and County Council to procure and delivery a joint programme for highway maintenance across the whole area. This will provide the opportunity for improved efficiencies and delivery of additional benefits. Potential tenderers are putting in bids for the new contract which will commence in April 2017 and run for seven years.

North Devon and The coastline and seas around and Exmoor have been studied in detail and a new report, North Devon and Exmoor Seascape Character Assessment, has just been published by LUC. The National Trust, the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Exmoor National Park Authority, , Torridge District Council and Natural England have worked closely together with the consultant. The report celebrates the landscape, natural and cultural qualities of the area and will be useful for future planning, conservation and policy work affecting both off-shore and on-shore.

Dave Edgcombe of North Devon Coast AONB said: “As this new report so accurately reveals, this stretch of coastline is rich in both nature and culture. To the people who flock to its long sandy beaches or walk the that runs its entire length, its value lies as much in the sense of wildness and sheer beauty as in its rugged headlands, high cliffs and rare wildlife. This coast and its surrounding seas are also rich in heritage and archaeological sites, with evidence of submerged ancient forest, prehistoric and Roman features and the many shipwrecks of the past.”

Sarah Bryan, Head of Access and Conservation at Exmoor National Park Authority said: “One of the reasons that Exmoor was designated as a National Park is its wonderful coast with the highest sea cliffs and the longest coastal woodland in the country so we are delighted to have been involved with the production of this report which will help us ensure that these precious assets are cared for into the future.” and-exmoors-unique-seascape

Full report on (large file)


North Devon North Devon Council is starting work to improve the Cairn to Lee Bridge cycleway in . During January trees will be coppiced along the cycleway, which is built on the old railway line between Ilfracombe and and forms part of the Devon Coast to Coast cycleway NCN 27. In addition, some trees which have come down in recent storms will be removed. This work will allow more light onto the path and enable wild flowers to flourish. Views over the Slade reservoirs will be much improved. The Cairn is an historic woodland on the southern outskirts of Ilfracombe, owned and managed by North Devon Council, with the support of the Cairn Conservation Carers group.

Photo by Andrew Moulton, North Devon Council

Full story: Torridge District Council Torridge District Council is also carrying out winter work on Northam Burrows to remove 12 hectares of scrub and cut a further 4 hectare site cleared last year. This work is part of a Higher Level Stewardship Scheme, funded by Natural England. The programme of scrub removal will benefit rare plants such as water germander, found at only two other sites in England, plus improving grazing and recreational access.

A volunteer event is scheduled in February to allow the local community to participate in this work.

Northam Burrows, a SSSI, falls within the North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is also in the United Nations designated Biosphere Reserve. It offers people living in the area and tourists the opportunity to explore 253 hectares of coastal land near Westward Ho!

Photos © Northam Burrows Country Park

Further information on Northam-Burrows and 4

Teignbridge District Council District Council is currently running a consultation on its Parks and Green Spaces and has an on-line survey. The survey aims to capture views of the quality of these areas and how they are being maintained and to help improve parks and green spaces in the future. If you use green spaces in Teignbridge do complete the survey which is open until Friday 12th February.

And finally.. In the last couple of years ’s Public Rights of Way Wardens have taken on responsibility for maintaining the lower categories of unsurfaced, unclassified County roads. To give you an example of these roads, the photo below shows a uUCR, (number 301, category 12) at Simms Hill, Islington used in a recent Motor Cycling Club road rally. Despite the weather the event was much enjoyed by both participants and spectators and a variety of vehicles took part. For some the hill proved quite a challenge.

Photos: Sam Jeffcoat, DCC Warden