September 2011 The Office A review of the Hong Kong office market Also interested in Inside Singapore office space? Visit below website to download Hong Kong’s top 30 a Singapore market review rental choices marketresearch.html The information in this publication should be regarded as a general guide only. Whilst every effort has been taken to take care in its preparation, no representation is made or responsibility accepted for its accuracy. Corporate Locations (HK) Limited License No. C-042434 Tel (852) 2251 8767 /
[email protected] / DEMAND Demand for office space remains robust Demand for office space throughout The demand has been spurred from several Hong Kong has remained robust, quarters including companies expanding in although net absorption in the CBD their existing buildings, new companies setting up in Hong Kong, as well as those companies has slowed due to lack of supply. re-locating because of the escalating rents. Even the most expensive building in Hong Kong, namely Two IFC, Asset management companies/hedge funds has seen positive leasing activity vary in size, but many have been moving/ attracting new occupiers, mainly expanding their offices including Ortus Capital who expanded earlier this year moving from from the finance sector such as DST The Center to St George’s Building and Advisors, Horizon Asset Management, Senrigan Capital expanded within its current Investec Asset Management, GF building in Wheelock House. 8 Queen’s Road Funds, Spanish bank BBVA, as well Central has attracted several companies in as Russian aluminium giant Rusal.