State Bail Reform Mandate Stirs Controversy

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State Bail Reform Mandate Stirs Controversy Property of the St Patrick’s Day Parade Get your Irish on with our exclusive St. Patrick’s Day Parade pre-view, featuring tons of great photos, features and holiday OURCE specials! See inside. VOL. 100 NO. 09 75 CENTS L State bail reform mandate stirs controversy ____________A tko wouldwould be be represented represented at atdetention detention hearings hearings and and that that the the court appearance and to centralize the proceedings. By Elana Knopp vast majority of these county assignment judges have Under the new system, many of those charged with Staff Writer ordered municipal public defenders to provide representa­ crimes will be going to county jail instead of the munici­ Municipalities throughout the state are being asked to tion for indigent defendants in superior court. pal lockup — and a defendant now must make their first provide representation for certain defendants in Superior The major overhaul of New Jersey’s bail rules were set appearance in court within 48 hours of his incarceration. Court as part of new bail-reform policies that went into up in order to establish non-monetary bail alternatives for The new public defender mandate was implemented in effect in January. order to make this new court timetable possible. individuals unable to afford bail while awaiting their trials. Defendants provided with this representation include The new rules are supposed to speed up pretrial procedures According to the New Jersey League of Municipalities, some indigent offenders accused of a disorderly persons Judge Glenn Grant, acting director of the state Administra­ and nearly eliminate monetary payment of bail. crimes or domestic violence offenses. The new bail rules will now determine pretrial incarcer- tive Office of the Courts, has advised county assignment The mandate to send municipal prosecutors to Superior See MANDATE, Page 7 judges to decide how such domestic violence defendants Court was put into place to speed up a defendant’s first Summit holds open house for Community Center By Jennifer Rubino ages. However, the exterior of the building Staff Writer will keep its traditional appearance. On Thursday, March 2, the Summit “We deliberately changed the name of Department of Community Programs invit­ the building from the ‘Recreation Center’ to ed residents to attend an open house infor­ the ‘Community Center,”’ Judith Josephs, mation session about the new Community the director of community programs, said Center building to be located at too Morris at the event on Mar. 2. “We want this to be Ave. in Summit, where officials reviewed a place where all members of the commu­ building plans and the proposed construc­ nity can come together. We will keep the tion schedule for the renovations. brick building and Colonial spirit. We want “The new Community Center will a classic look that will stand the test of include 11,600 square feet of additional time.” space, with an expanded senior lounge, Residents from the community asked full-sized gym, additional restrooms, questions and raised concerns they had enhanced meeting spaces, an area for regarding the new plans which include a teens, kitchen space, improved parking, new 35-spot parking lot, covered drop-off and accessibility improvements,” Summit area, individual check-in, larger bathrooms public information associate Megan and offices, gymnasium, multi-game room Property of the Trindell said in an email on Mar. 3. and senior lounge. The Community Center is expanding to The new parking lot will be located on make it more accessible to people of all Morris Court, and residents of the street Hillside Public Library wanted to make sure the parking lot would­ n’t be an intrusion. Their concerns about the lighting in the parking lot were also Photo by Jennifer Rubino If o H/// addressed, and they were assured that City architect Tom Potter discusses the floor plan for Summit’s new Commu- there wouldn’t be a glare. nity Center. “We will be moving the bocce court and there is no place of safety nearby,” Josephs we will take it apart and move it when we’re of flexibility with the building. We have said at the event on Mar. 2. “We are work­ ready,” Josephs said at the event on Mar. 2. met all project requirements and all our 9 ing with Briant Park to put one there “We will dismantle it and it will be moved bases are covered with the design.” because it’s quite isolated here where we to the right of the parking lot. It will be Residents also requested that a play­ could build one down the hill. It takes time, We remind pur readers to push their more visible and outside the senior lounge. ground be added to the center, but the clocks forward one hour before retiring request was denied. research and money.” The new senior lounge will include a lobby, See SUMMIT, Page 8 to bed on Saturday night. bathrooms and kitchen area. We have a lot “We cannot put a playground where Carlos F. Arias, CLTC, CRPC® Balance your priorities today for a more Be Brilliant' Private Wealth Advisor Ameriprise confident tomorrow. Financial Business Financial Advisor Retirement Income Wealth Preservation 123 N. Union Ave, Suite 306A ARIAS & PARTNERS Strategies Strategies WEALTH ADVISORS Small Business Tax Planning Strategies Cranford, NJ 07016 A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Investments Medicare Strategies 908.272.0188 _Hablamos Espaiiol Financial Services, Inc. 2 — March 9, 2017 — Union County LocalSource Building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place girl scouts This message is sponsored by these community minded businesses and organizations ROSELLE SAVINGS BANK THE GATEWAY FAMILY YMCA HANNON FLOOR COVERING INTERNATIONAL TIRE 235 Chestnut Street We’re More Than a Gym, We’re a Cause 1119 Springfield Road & PARTS WAREHOUSE Roselle Branches in Elizabeth, Union Automotive Parts & Tires 908-245-1885 Rahway & Union 908-686-6333 Repairs & Service 655 Raritan Road 908-688-9622 6 Bower Street Cranford DR. PATRICIA McCORMACK Linden 908-272-0333 M.D., F.A.A.D. 908-862-2577 515 North Wood Avenue, Suite 101 BOYLE TREE SURGERY CO. Fax 908-862-0971 Linden Tree Surgery In All Its Branches [email protected] 908-925-8877 WM. S. RICH & SON INC. Fully Covered by Insurance Est. 1927 Union Jewelers & Pawnbrokers JONES FUNERAL HOME UNION COUNTY LOCALSOURCE 908-964-9358 / 908-352-4124 1000 Stuyvesant Avenue Serving Union County 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue Union 247 Elm Avenue Union 908-687-7002 Rahway 908-686-7700 NFINEUM USA L.P. 732-381-6981 Linden KENILWORTH BAGELS SUPREME KATHLEEN B. ESTABROOKS, ESQ. VETERANS CENTER VFW 2230 ARNOLD'S PEST CONTROL 33 South 21st Street 252 Mountain Avenue 524 South Avenue East Providing quality pest control Springfield Kenilworth Cranford since 1966. 973-376-9381 908-276-2277 Family Owned And Operated “Kathleen B. Estabrooks a Former Girls Scout In Honor Of Our Veterans Cranford wishes the GSA another 104 Years.” 908-276-9769 908-276-8062 SUMMIT CAR WASH & DETAIL FEATHERBED LANE SCHOOL Professional Service at Affordable Rates CENTURY 21 - JRS An Educational And Learning Experience 100 Springfield Avenue For All Your Real Estate 801 Featherbed Lane Summit WHITEWAY PET SHOP Concerns and Sales Clark 950 Elizabeth Avenue 908-273-0830 138 Westfield Avenue 732-388-7063 Elizabeth Clark 908-353-8610 732-396-0606 CHAPELS OF EDEN FUNERAL HOME ROSELLE SEAFOOD LEE MYLES 110 South Munn Avenue Connect Yourself To... 111 W. 2nd Avenue 1415 Stuyvesant Avenue East Orange THIS Web-site Roselle Union 973-674-6100 WWW.NINAINANI.COM 908-241-5990 908-687-0300 908-209-5220 Union County LocalSource — March 9, 2017 — 3 Young activist leads the way for students at Elizabeth High By Elana Knopp direction. I want to ensure that all students Staff Writer and parents are heading the right direc­ He’s only 16, but Kason Little is going tion.” places. Little said that he became interested in The Elizabeth High School junior has politics during his freshman year in high become a familiar fixture at Elizabeth City school. Council meetings, Board of Education “What stirred the sense of activism in meetings, and at political debates and town me is through the high school environment halls throughout Elizabeth and beyond, here in Elizabeth,” Little said. “I diligently and he is not shy about letting his feelings observed policies that were both positive known to politicians in high places. and negative, and the implications of those But a few months ago, Little decided to policies.” set up his own committee to ensure the According to Little, he likes to observe betterment of high schools throughout each angle of the city, specifically how it is the city. educating its students. Little is the founder of the Students of “I felt that some changes were needed to Elizabeth Advisory Committee, a nonprofit fit specific students with specific needs,” group that meets after school hours. He Little said. “When I attend the Elizabeth said he has chosen one student from each Board of Education meetings diligently, I high school in the city to act as a represen­ observe every individual who is a current tative for their schools. BOE member serving our school district as “A few months ago, I took the initiative BOE commissioners.” in starting the Students of Elizabeth Advi­ Little has been critical of the board, and sory Committee,” Little told LocalSource in he has been outspoken at meetings of the a March 4 email. “Since Elizabeth has vari­ BOE — something that, according to Little, ous high schools, the committee consists of has not won him any friends on the board.
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