(If we do not receive your choice for January by this date we will not be able to process your booking)

Below are 26 film titles and 6 Cinegi titles for you to consider for the Jan-April season

Please take a moment to read through the introductory notes before jumping into the menu.

Even if you are a seasoned Moviola partner, please follow the booking instructions on the next page. This will help us to process your requests quickly and accurately.

The Summer 2018 season starts on May 1 and ends on August 31. A new menu for that season will be sent to you at the beginning of March. Do not book films for May 1st and after from this menu.

Many Thanks

Toby Walkley

Programme Director Moviola, November 2017


1. Send an email to [email protected] as soon as possible, and not later than December 15 (for associates) and December 1 (for partners, to allow time for preparation of publicity materials). Please send it as a separate email - NOT by hitting reply, which can lead to messages going astray.

2. If you are an associate, state if it is a GOLD or SILVER booking. If you are a partner, make sure you have booked your dates with Christina first, to ensure she can schedule a presenter for you.

3. State your venue name.

4. List the dates and films you would like for Jan, Feb, March and April. Give me at least TWO spare films in case your first choices are not available (I will always consult you on any substitutions that might be necessary).


Confirmations -

When you book your films from Moviola, I send you a Confirmation Form on which the level of charge for each film is clearly set out. You should read this carefully before replying to me that it is correct.

The confirmation is our agreement to supply films for you for the season and we refer back to it in any case of a query on your invoice.

It is also your license to show the film and your proof for anyone who requests it that you have booked the film properly, so be sure to read it and keep it safe.

Film Hire Charges -

Most films on this menu will have no minimum guarantee charge. This means you pay us 35% of your box office regardless of how many or how few tickets you sell. However certain films, despite their quality, attract very few bookings across our network. From this season onwards any film not generating more than 10 bookings will be subject to a minimum guarantee per show of £60. We will of course notify you if this happens.

If you choose a film which is not on our menu it will carry the £105 minimum guarantee levied by the distributors. You pay us either this minimum guarantee or 35% of your box office, whichever is greater. Children’s/Family Films -

Attracting a sufficient audience to make such films viable is extremely difficult. Young people want to see films immediately on release and at the lowest possible cost. Furthermore, these films are only available to us to show once they are on sale to the public. This demographic is also far more likely to download films from the Internet, or to buy them on Blu-Ray and DVD.

So, a word of caution that across our network, venues have found audiences for these films hard to attract.

We have no specific children’s films on this new menu. If you would like to screen children’s films, send us a list of titles and we can check pricing/availability for you.

Help Us Stamp Out Film Piracy -

All films shown to the public have to pay a licence fee whether or not any ticket price is charged. As a Moviola venue, you operate commercial film shows in exactly the same way as your local multiplex or full- time cinema. You advertise shows and sell tickets, and the London film distributors expect a proportion of your sales as film hire.

If you find or hear of any venue near you which claims to be operating in a different way - for example advertising free shows or telling you that they get their films cheaper - we would like to know. It is in our interests to ensure that shows are properly licensed.

Programming Guide

The latest menu goes forward until the end of April. A number of films on the menu are not yet released in the UK, but will be available later in the menu cycle. As a result of this, some release dates will be approximate, and we have based dates on our experience of release schedules over our 20 years of collective programming.

When you book your films, there is always a chance that release dates will be changed by distributors at short notice, and this is sadly completely beyond our control. We will of course give you the maximum notice we can if one of your choices needs to be changed, and help and advise you on finding a suitable replacement.

We have 250 venues across the country, showing a huge range of films. Every venue and audience is different and we have therefore tried to include the broadest possible range of films from around the world. There really is something for everyone, and we hope you enjoy choosing your films.

Should you have any queries regarding the menu, or would like to discuss your choices further, please do not hesitate to contact me, via email at [email protected] or by phone at 03330 118764.

Further information on all the films, including synopses, pictures and reviews, can be found at

Further/alternative trailers for all the films are available at


2017 Biography/Drama/History

105 mins PG

Available now

June 1944. Allied Forces stand on the brink: a massive army is secretly assembled on the south coast of Britain, poised to re-take Nazi-occupied Europe. One man stands in their way: Winston Churchill (Brian Cox). Behind the iconic figure and rousing speeches: a man who has faced political ridicule, military failure and a speech impediment. An impulsive, sometimes bullying personality - fearful, obsessive and hurting. Fearful of repeating, on his disastrous command, the mass slaughter of 1915, when hundreds of thousands of young men were cut down on the beaches of Gallipoli. The untold story of Britain's most celebrated leader, uncovering the true nature of Churchill's herculean war-time status and his vital relationship with "Clemmie" (Miranda Richardson) - the love that inspired him to greatness.

"Bolstered by clear-cut direction from Teplitzky,and with excitingly staged disputes over the controversial operation at hand, Churchill hits all the right notes, bringing a slice of history to life in its most palatable and entertaining form." Radio Times


2017 Comedy/Drama/Romance

102 mins 12A

Available now

An American widow (Diane Keaton) finds unexpected love with a man (Brendan Gleeson) living wild on Hampstead Heath when they take on the developers who want to destroy his home.

“This slight, modestly sweet and mildly charming affair squarely aimed at the older cinemagoer is just the bill for those seniors’ matinées where the ticket comes with a cuppa and a biscuit." Empire

“Overall, Hampstead is a cute, entertaining comedy, if rather shallow, exploring the relationship of two older characters with a fascinating backdrop of events. It creates a warm feeling through the cinematography and script, highlighting the importance of not caring about one’s image.” The Upcoming


2017 Animation/Biography

94 mins 12A

Out on DVD Feb 12

No other artist has attracted more legends than Vincent van Gogh. Variously labelled a martyr, a lustful satyr, a madman, a genius and a layabout, the real Vincent is at once revealed in his letters, and obscured by myth and time. Vincent himself said in his last letter: ‘We cannot speak other than by our paintings’. The world’s first fully painted animated feature, which took 5 years in the making, brings to life a stellar cast and a true tribute to the Dutch master.

“Loving Vincent bills itself as the first fully painted feature film and it is primarily for this reason that it is worth seeing. Each frame is an oil painting on canvas, requiring a team of over 100 painters, and imitates Van Gogh’s famous style – except in flashbacks, which are monochrome and tend more towards realism. Interestingly, it is in these flashbacks where some of the most stunning sequences of the film take place, perhaps because the constant movement of the more stylistic scenes can be a little distracting at points. Everything in these sequences flickers with colour, including stationary objects, in a way that gives the picture a vivid and impressionistic atmosphere but also makes the few static images jar somewhat. Still, it is hard not to be mesmerised in the face of such a masterfully crafted piece of art and it is perhaps the only fitting tribute possible to Vincent van Gogh’s legacy.” The Upcoming


2017 Documentary/Biography

84 mins 12A

No release date as yet

Rob Curry and Tim Plester's follow-up to the award-winning documentary Way of the Morris, is a lyrical response to the life and work of folk music icon Shirley Collins.

“Whilst at times the documentary slows in pace, the passion and devotion that Collins shows for folk music quickly rectifies this, and it’s a joy to see. Ultimately, this is a powerful film about a powerful woman who has had the courage to take back what is rightfully hers, through a successful career in music, and combined with beautiful scenery and a wonderful soundtrack, this documentary will become as loved as she is.” The Upcoming

“The Ballad of Shirley Collins is a warm portrait of a much-loved singer. Curry and Plester were given exclusive access to Collins and it feels like a very personal project throughout. The decision to avoid a straight chronological retelling of her life and career is an astute one. The format employed gives it an added freshness. In the end though, there’s only one winner. Regardless of anything else, the greatest thing about the The Ballad of Shirley Collins is the music. And that’s beautiful.” Backseat Mafia


2017 Comedy/Drama/Romance

120 mins 15

Out on DVD Nov 20

Don’t be put off by the awful title. This “boundary-pushing but still effortlessly charming” romcom tells the story of the cross-cultural romance between Pakistan-born aspiring comedian Kumail (playing himself) and graduate student Emily (Zoe Kazan) – a romance which is at odds with Kumail’s parents’ plans to find him a suitable Muslim bride. When Emily is stricken with a mystery illness, Kumail has to negotiate the crisis with her parents (Holly Hunter and Ray Romano), who he's never met, while dealing with the emotional tug-of-war between his family and his heart.

“Like many true stories, the material doesn't quite sustain a two-hour movie, but the script - co-written by Nanjiani with the real-life Emily - is often laugh-out-loud funny, bravely fencing with interracial tensions in post-9/11 America. Really, though, it's just an old-fashioned love story - and it works.” Radio Times

“Directed with loose-limbed, naturalistic charm by Michael Showalter, this poignant, insightful and consistently funny film has Annie Hall-style authenticity.” Mark Kermode


2017 Biography/Drama/Sport

105 mins 15

Out on DVD Jan 22

The story of the 1980s tennis rivalry between the placid Björn Borg () and the volatile John McEnroe (Shia LaBeouf).

“Despite expectations the film is made with integrity, although did Mac use the F-word so freely on England's green and hallowed ground? Sverrir Gudnason is perfectly cast, hinting at Borg's depressive underside, while Shia LaBeouf has the energy and the fire to set this match alight. Together they make it real.” Eye for Film

“It wouldn’t be a surprise if questions were asked prior to the filming of Borg McEnroe over whether a feature-length picture can be produced covering a well-known sporting event in which the outcome is also fairly common knowledge. However, with a plot that is fleshed out with in-depth studies into the youths of both Borg and McEnroe, the story of Wimbledon 1980 takes on an entirely new meaning. The emotions that come with the lifestyle and the differing personalities of the players are portrayed wonderfully by both Gudnason and LaBeouf, the former is simply brilliant, proving to be a very talented newcomer to Hollywood screens, and LaBeouf shows – despite the comments he may have received – he certainly still has “it”. With unique cinematography, accurate costumes and a soundtrack strong enough to strike a thrilling chord, Borg vs McEnroe is a film for both tennis fans and those less interested in the sport.” The Upcoming


2017 Biography/Drama/Romance

115 mins 12A

No release date as yet

When Robin (Andrew Garfield) is struck down by polio at the age of 28, he is confined to a hospital bed and given only a few months to live. With the help of his wife's twin brothers (Tom Hollander) and the groundbreaking ideas of inventor Teddy Hall (Hugh Bonneville), Robin and Diana (Claire Foy) dare to escape the hospital ward to seek out a full and passionate life together - raising their young son, traveling and devoting their lives to helping other polio patients. Very mixed reviews for this one, as you can see below.

“Part exuberant love story, part great escape adventure, this is an old-fashioned tale of triumph over adversity that refuses – like its protagonists – to succumb to confinement. I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed and cried so much at the same movie.” Mark Kermode

“Andy Serkis’s directorial debut initially promises to be a rare shot at sincere romantic melodrama based on Cavendish’s story. But depressingly, it very quickly turns out to be a punishingly twee instructional biopic, in which a testing human life is boiled down into the screen equivalent of a non-prescription pick-me-up. Think The Theory of Everything without a science bit to concentrate on.” The Telegraph


2017 Biography/Comedy/Drama

106 mins 15

No release date as yet

Not all audiences will find this to their taste, but Armando Iannucci’s black comedy has garnered rave reviews. It follows the Soviet dictator's last days and depicts the chaos of the regime after his death. Standout performances from Simon Russell Beale (Beria), Michael Palin (Molotov) and Andrea Riseborough (Stalin’s daughter Svetlana).

“The Death of Stalin is superbly cast, and acted with icy and ruthless force by an A-list lineup. There are no weak links. Each has a plum role; each squeezes every gorgeous horrible drop.” Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian

“Iannucci has proven time and again, with The Thick of It and its US spin-off, Veep, his ability to uncover the vanity of power-grabs and the ways weak, grasping personalities expose themselves in politics. Quip for quip, the face-offs here match those shows in speed and finesse, while heading towards an altogether more chilling conclusion: the laughs are fully intended to stop dead at a certain point, as the actual import of the back-stabbing and table-turning sinks in.” The Telegraph


2017 Crime/Drama/History

143 mins 15

Out on DVD Jan 8

Directed by Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty). A police raid in Detroit in 1967 resulted in one of the largest race riots in United States history. The story is centred around the Algiers Motel incident, which occurred in Detroit, Michigan on July 25, 1967, during the racially charged 12th Street Riot. It involves the death of three black men and the brutal beatings of nine other people: seven black men and two white women.

“Plunging viewers into the sights, sounds and hidden stories of that period, the film is an aesthetic masterpiece: darting between the sizzling excitement and glamour of makeshift summer parties and theatre wings, and the increasingly warzone-like streets and back alleys of impoverished and seething black urban communities, archived footage spliced in between serves to peg the events that unfold firmly in their historical fact.” The Upcoming

“Bigelow is tough. She doesn't compromise on violence. She has no time for sentimentality. She knows what she feels and she feels the heart of the city bleed out. She doesn't preach. She observes.” Eye for Film

“Detroit is an expansive, angry, somewhat ragged, but always engaging watch. A vital, provocative statement on the oppressive power structures embedded deeply in American society, it suggests we’re on a very long road towards a fully shared recognition of the need to change.” Radio Times


2017 Action/Drama/History

105 mins 12A

Out on DVD Dec 18

Not quite as many war movies as last season, but this one’s a cracker!

May/June 1940. 400,000 British soldiers are holed up in the French port town of Dunkirk. The only way out is via sea, and the Germans have air superiority, bombing the British soldiers and ships without much opposition. The situation looks dire and, in desperation, Britain sends civilian boats to try to evacuate the beleaguered forces. This is that story, seen through the eyes of a soldier amongst those trapped forces, two RAF fighter pilots and a group of civilians on their boat, part of the evacuation fleet. Directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Tom Hardy and Mark Rylance.

“Dunkirk is a tour de force of cinematic craft and technique, but one that is unambiguously in the service of a sober, sincere, profoundly moral story that closes the distance between yesterday’s fights and today’s. Mr. Nolan closes that distance cinematically with visual sweep and emotional intimacy, with images of warfare and huddled, frightened survivors that together with Hans Zimmer’s score reverberate through your body.” New York Times


2017 Documentary

135 mins tbc

No release date as yet

“CLAPTON IS GOD”. With these words graffiti-ed across London, Eric Clapton became the ultimate guitar hero. He is the only ever three-time-inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, an 18-time Grammy Award winner, and widely renowned as one of the greatest performers of all time. A Life in 12 Bars is told through Clapton’s own words and songs. It features extensive interviews with Clapton himself, along with his family, friends, musical collaborators, contemporaries and heroes, including late music icons B.B. King, Jimi Hendrix and George Harrison.


2016 Drama/Romance/War

107 mins 15

Available now

A riveting World War II thriller that is filled with espionage and romance in equal measure, The Exception follows German soldier Stefan Brandt (Jai Courtney) as he goes on a mission to investigate exiled German Monarch Kaiser Wilhelm II (Christopher Plummer). The Kaiser lives in a secluded mansion in The Netherlands, and as Germany is taking over Holland, the country’s authorities are concerned that Dutch spies may be watching the Kaiser. As Brandt begins to infiltrate the Kaiser’s life in search of clues, he finds himself drawn into an unexpected and passionate romance with Mieke (Lily James), one of the Kaiser’s maids whom Brandt soon discovers is secretly Jewish. When Heinrich Himmler (Eddie Marsan), Head of the SS, decides to come for an unexpected visit with a large platoon of Nazis in tow, the stage is set for a breathtaking showdown, as secrets are revealed, allegiances are tested, and Brandt is forced to make the ultimate choice between honoring his country and following his heart. From the official website

“The Exception won’t surprise you with its basic plot beats, TV-movie-like look and predictable outcomes, but will mostly please throughout. The film’s biggest asset is its well-written dialogue, particularly the material given to Plummer’s dethroned Kaiser. His unpredictable tantrums and wit delight throughout – possibly of the best characters we’ve seen the seasoned actor play in recent years. . . Marsan is well-placed too as Hitler’s right-hand man and leader of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, though his appearance is sadly limited to just a couple of scenes. Any film with Marsan in it give it that extra gravitas and you know that the source material will be strong if he’s put his name to it – which is the case here. David Leveaux‘s motion picture debut is actually a strong one. The celebrated stage helmer manages to extract well-honed performances from all of his actors, and seems equally solid at creating tension during the film’s few edge-of-you-seat moments, which, while predictable don’t actually leave you feeling disappointed once the slightly clichéd finale plays out.” The Hollywood News


2017 Biography/Drama/Romance

105 mins 15

No release date as yet

The story is based on the memoir by British actor Peter Turner and follows the playful but passionate relationship between Turner (Jamie Bell) and the eccentric Academy Award-winning actress Gloria Grahame (Annette Bening). First meeting in theatrical digs in London, the legendary femme fatale and her young lover share a passionate relationship for a time but then drift apart. Years later she collapses while on tour in the North of England, and turns to her one-time lover for help and support. He takes her home to Liverpool to his parents (Julie Walters and Kenneth Cranham) to be looked after.

“Bening superbly captures Grahame's way of talking, fears of ageing, and her old-school allure. Jamie Bell creates a characterisation of depth and maturity that makes his relationship with Grahame completely believable. Their chemistry together is superb. The moving, well-judged, wonderfully acted film has humour, compassion, tenderness, kindness and sadness that is even more moving because it all basically happened.”


2017 Biography/Drama

107 mins PG

No release date as yet

Directed by Simon Curtis (My Week with Marilyn, Woman in Gold), the film looks at the relationship between children's author A. A. Milne (Domhnall Gleeson) and his son Christopher Robin, whose toys inspired the magical world of Winnie the Pooh. Along with his mother Daphne (Margot Robbie), and his nanny Olive (Kelly MacDonald), Christopher Robin and his family are swept up in the international success of the books; the enchanting tales bringing hope and comfort to many after the First World War but the cost to the family may be greater than any of them anticipated.

“Gleeson is fine as the terse, tetchy and ultimately guilt-stricken Milne, though Robbie seems miscast in the trickier, often unsympathetic role of Daphne. The standout performance belongs to Macdonald, who brings genuine emotional potency to her scenes as the all-seeing Olive.” Sight and Sound

“This is ultimately a sad tale and not the wistful joyful film that the trailer may portray it to be.” Film and Faith


2016 Drama

103 mins 15

Out on DVD Jan 15

In Between follows the lives of three strong, independent minded Israeli-Palestinian women sharing an apartment in Tel Aviv. Away from the constraints of their families and enforced tradition, they find themselves ‘in between’ the free and unfettered lives they’re aspiring to lead and the restrictions still imposed on them by a blinkered society. Laila (Mouna Hawa), a successful lawyer, craves the love of a good man who she thinks she’s found in the apparently open-minded and handsome Ziad. Salma (Sana Jammelieh) works at menial jobs in restaurants and bars hoping her long-held dream of being a DJ becomes a reality. In the meantime she falls for the beautiful trainee doctor Dounia but is forced to keep their lesbian relationship secret from her family. Laila and Salma’s hard partying ways initially come as a shock to the more traditional and reserved Nour (Shaden Kanboura) who is still studying for a degree and seeks a simple life. She is set for an arranged marriage to fiancé Wissam, seemingly a pillar of the community but who behind closed doors isn’t the man he appears to be. The three girls are rocked by a shocking series of events that will push their beliefs to the limit and change their lives forever whilst sealing the bond of friendship. From the official website

“With beautiful cinematography by Itay Gross, the atmosphere of In Between is uplifting amid the drama. The writing is witty, thought-provoking and poignant and all the actors are excellent, especially Hawa, Jammelieh and Kanboura. Depicting a very sophisticated, relatively socially harmonious Tel Aviv in a part of the globe that is often characterised in terms of conflict, the work is moving, entertaining and revealing.” The Upcoming

In Hebrew and Arabic with subtitles


2016 Documentary

89 mins U

Out on DVD Nov 13

The cats of Istanbul are everywhere. They curl up on stoops, car hoods, and cafe benches, they sit on piers and in doorways. They sneak beneath tables at flea markets and leap on scraps outside the fish markets. Ceyda Torun's film profiles seven individual cats, each with its own distinct life, routine and personality.

“Kedi means cat in Turkish, and it’s impossible to resist this shamelessly satisfying documentary about the thousands of stray felines that prowl the streets of Istanbul. For centuries the city has dealt with what might be termed a cat problem. But Ceyda Torun’s warm-hearted film definitely sees Istanbul’s feline army as an asset, deploying drone shots and slinky, roving, ground-level cameras in some of the most elegant camerawork ever to grace a nature doc.” Time Out

“A collective portrait that’s as elegant as its light-footed subjects, it’s guaranteed to soothe a weary mind, and just might lower blood pressure, too.” Hollywood Reporter


2016 Horror/Thriller

109 mins 15

Out on DVD Dec 26

From the novel by Peter Ackroyd. In high Victorian London, a newly promoted police inspector, John Kildare, (originally to have been Alan Rickman, now played by Bill Nighy) is charged with investigating a gruesome series of Ripper-type killings in the East End, attributed to a terrifying "golem", a monster from Judaic mythology. Kildare narrows down the possible candidates to 4: Karl Marx, George Gissing, the cross- dressing music-hall star Dan Leno, and an unsuccessful playwright and journalist called John Cree, who is dead, apparently poisoned by his wife Lizzie. As Lizzie stands to hang for the murder, Kildare works furiously to prove her innocence.

“The film has a genuine sense of grand Guignol, the Gothic undercurrent of bloody horror. The use of flashbacks as an aid to the storytelling process is handled with imagination. There are surprises; there are shocks; there are revelations. Take nothing for granted. Don't trust the messenger. Even lies are tainted.” Eye for Film


2016 Comedy

83 mins 12A

Out on DVD Dec 4

Fiona (Fiona Gordon) is a small-town Canadian librarian. When her orderly life is disrupted by a letter of distress from her 88-year-old Aunt Martha (delightfully portrayed by Emmanuelle Riva), who is living in Paris, Fiona hops on the first plane she can and arrives only to discover that Martha has disappeared. In an avalanche of spectacular disasters, she encounters Dom (Dominique Abel), the affable, but annoying tramp who just won’t leave her alone. Replete with the amazing antics and intricately choreographed slapstick that has come to define Abel and Gordon’s work, Lost in Paris is a wondrously fun and hectic tale of peculiar people finding love while lost in the City of Lights.

“Thank goodness for burlesque duo Abel and Gordon. They are, simply put, the two funniest clowns working in cinema today. No, really: Dominique Abel is a Belgian-born, vaudeville-style human pretzel and gifted physical comic on par with Chaplin or Keaton, while real-life Australian wife Fiona Gordon is a Tilda Swinton- tall redhead with Olive Oyl elbows and an Easter Island profile. And with their latest film, Lost in Paris, they are bound to finally register on America’s radar — because who wouldn’t want a picturesque trip to the French capital that delivers more laughs than a nitrous oxide leak near the hyena compound? In fact, I’d go as far as to promise that Lost in Paris offers the three most delightful sight gags you’ll see on screen all year.” Variety


2016 Biography/Drama/Romance

115 mins 12A

No release date as yet

Maudie, based on the true story of the Nova Scotian folk artist Maud Lewis (1903-1970), is an unlikely romance in which the reclusive Everett Lewis (Ethan Hawke) hires a fragile yet determined woman named Maudie (Sally Hawkins) to be his housekeeper. Maudie, bright-eyed but hunched with crippled hands, longs to gain independence from her stifling family, and she also yearns, passionately, to create art. Unexpectedly, Everett finds himself falling in love. Maudie charts Everett’s efforts to protect himself from being hurt, Maudie’s deep and abiding love for this difficult man and her surprising rise to fame as a folk painter.

“It's a touching and unexpected story, with British actress Sally Hawkins rising to the demanding challenge of the title role, not just in suggesting Lewis's gnarled physique but also her life-affirming response to nature, which made her child-like drawings of flora and fauna so disarming. The true-life origins are underplayed, which allows the emotions to speak for themselves and it's hard to fault either of the leads, though it's fair to say we're always aware how hard they're working to realise these unusual, ultimately worthwhile roles.” Radio Times


2017 Action/Adventure/Drama

112 mins 12A

No release date as yet

Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers (Kate Winslet and Idris Elba) must forge a connection to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow-covered mountain. When they realize help is not coming, they embark on a perilous journey across hundreds of miles of wilderness, pushing one another to endure and discovering strength they never knew possible.

“The Mountain Between Us could have easily swayed into a mediocre cinematic experience, but there truly is tons to get out of the movie – most of all its believable, likeable characters, the two great performances from the big names headline, and some inventive film-making from Abu-Assad. Definitely worth seeking out.” The Hollywood News


2017 Crime/Drama/Mystery

115 mins 12A

No release date as yet

Kenneth Branagh directs and stars in this new version of Agatha Christie’s novel, in which the Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot finds himself stranded on a snowbound train in company with thirteen strangers and a corpse. There cannot be a person in the world who does not know the outcome, so the fun will be watching a cast of top-notch performers including Judi Dench, Derek Jacobi, Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer and many more go through their paces. Let’s hope Branagh can muster up a better accent than Albert Finney’s in the 1974 version.

“Branagh has mapped out his film as scrupulously as his screen alter ego does the investigation, and fights the tendency for starchy period stories to wilt into camp. But a shade more playfulness would have gone a long way. This Orient Express clatters handsomely along, but I left the cinema wishing it had had the nerve to jump the rails.” The Telegraph

“An enjoyable journey with a stellar cast, though the baggage we carry as modern viewers sees this ride derailed before its denouement.” Empire


2017 Drama/Mystery/Romance

106 mins 12A

Out on DVD Oct 30

From the 1951 novel by Daphne du Maurier. A young Englishman (Sam Claflin – Their Finest) plots revenge against his late cousin's mysterious, beautiful widow (Rachel Weisz), believing her responsible for his death. But his feelings become complicated as he finds himself falling under the beguiling spell of her charms. This one should do very well for us – Gothic melodrama and wonderful Cornish scenery.

“My Cousin Rachel is a highly enjoyable mystery thriller of the sort that modern communication and the internet have made impossible to set in the present day. Adapted and directed by Roger Michell, it is a fantastically preposterous psychological drama featuring a lush score from Rael Jones and a tremendous lead performance from Rachel Weisz – who is mean, minxy and manipulative. Her sheer charisma persuades you to overlook one or two plot glitches. I can only describe this film as the roistering missing link between The Talented Mr Ripley and Far from the Madding Crowd.” Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian


2017 Drama/Thriller

92 mins 15

No release date as yet

Set in rural Pakistan, the story moves back and forth in time in a non-linear fashion that balances the tension masterfully. The main action shows teenage girl Nazo (Suhaee Abro), her younger sister Saeda and their mother, resisting a group of bandits intent on entering and taking possession of their home. Flashbacks tell of how the family feud began, with happy family moments often tainted by the high tension between the girls’ father and his younger brother Mehrban, who claims to have a right to their house. Mehrban uses his friendship with a ruthless police officer to get his brother arrested without a valid cause. Believing the women of the family to be completely vulnerable, Mehrban sets out to take the house by force, but he is faced with an unexpected reaction. The Upcoming

“My Pure Land is a gripping piece of imaginative film-making, one whose invention and power defy the connotations one would attach to a brief summary. While notionally a film about a land dispute in Pakistan (but that precis is more dry than the property in question, less fruitful, less powerful), this is a film as defiant of convention, of expectation, as its protagonist, an amazing expression of talent.” Eye for Film

In Urdu with subtitles


2016 Drama

120 mins PG

Available immediately

Two centuries ago, in dangerous times, a young smuggler is deeply in love with a wild yet mindful woman who lives alone in her dead father's house. He battles against ill health and she struggles with all the uncertainties. They swear they will never be parted. The present day and a 15-year-old boy arrives with his parents at the house, now a renovated holiday let, for a much needed break. The boy’s love of history and his rampant imagination lead him into a bewildering and painful journey to re-unite the lovers from the past. The 18th and 21st centuries intermittently collide in this intriguing ghostly story of enduring love and adolescent angst.

This one will be of special interest to venues in Dorset, as it was filmed in Cerne Abbas, Dorchester and Burton Bradstock.


2017 Comedy/Drama

71 mins 15

No release date as yet

Janet (Kristin Scott Thomas) has just been appointed to a key ministerial position in the shadow cabinet – the crowning achievement of her political career. She and her husband Bill (Timothy Spall) plan to celebrate this with a few close friends. As the guests arrive at their home in London the party takes an unexpected turn when Bill suddenly makes some explosive revelations that take everyone present by surprise. Love, friendships and political convictions are soon called into question in this hilarious comedy of tragic proportions. From acclaimed British filmmaker Sally Potter and featuring a star-studded cast that includes Patricia Clarkson, Bruno Ganz, Cherry Jones, Emily Mortimer and Cillian Murphy.

“The Party is a delightful, concise romp that is fuelled by the irresistible chemistry of this fantastic ensemble. The dialogue simmers with wit and intellect but more often than not, Potter is reluctant to fully delve into the realms of intelligent drama.” The Upcoming

“The Party uses its single setting to claustrophobic, dramatic advantage. The dialogue is bitterly funny, even while dealing with the darkest of subject matters, touching on politics, family, fidelity and sexuality while maintaining a breezy comic tone. And amid the middle-class intellectual squabbling there’s a palpable sense of tension and danger. It’s openly theatrical, but if it feels like a film of a play, it’s a play you really should see.” Time Out


2017 Biography/Drama/History

110 mins PG

No release date as yet

And finally, what will undoubtedly be the huge hit of the season. The extraordinary true story of an unexpected friendship in the later years of Queen Victoria’s (Judi Dench) remarkable rule. When Abdul Karim (Ali Fazal), a young clerk, travels from India to participate in the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, he is surprised to find favour with the Queen herself. The two forge an unlikely and devoted alliance with a loyalty to one another that her household and inner circle all attempt to destroy. As the friendship deepens, the Queen begins to see a changing world through new eyes and joyfully reclaims her humanity.

“There’s both pointed mischief and genuine emotion in abundance as this fascinating true story emerges from the shadows of history. To portray Queen Victoria as a pioneering multiculturalist perhaps errs on the side of generosity, yet it’s surprising how much still rings true in this fable about Britain’s intoxication with the idea of India… as long as the more troubling reality remains safely at arm’s length.” Radio Times

“Dench has become the living embodiment of fine acting, so much so that it is easy to take her for granted. Don't even think it! Her performance as Victoria in the evening of her reign is not a reboot of Mrs B without make-up. It is riveting and unique and lifts the film above its entertainment grade into a position of genuine respect.” Eye for Film CINEGI

Having successfully trialled Cinegi in a number of venues between September and December, we are pleased to offer a short list of 6 titles from their catalogue. This requires the use of a Laptop computer on which to download the title for screening. This computer is then connected to the usual projector at your venue.

Costing of Cinegi titles works in a similar way to booking a regular Moviola film, but each Cinegi title carries a minimum guarantee of £99 including VAT, so you pay this or 35% of your box office, whichever is greater, plus the Moviola service charge. If you are an Associate this is £30 + VAT . If you are a partner (for whom we provide projection) this is £140 + VAT. When your screening is over, you email us a return for your show giving the total number of tickets sold and at what price. We then generate an invoice for you to pay.

Please let me know along with your usual Moviola bookings and I will arrange further details with you. If you are an associate venue you are free to book titles directly with Cinegi.

Cinegi shows require a Laptop or Desktop computer running Windows 10 and a connection to broadband internet for downloading Cinegi titles. Full technical specifications are available on the Cinegi website (link below). If you have the necessary equipment and would like to use this service, please let me know along with your regular Moviola bookings and we will provide you with more information about using the service.

The Audience (PG)

Winner of three Tony Awards® and two Olivier Awards. For sixty years Elizabeth II has met each of her twelve Prime Ministers in a weekly audience at Buckingham Palace – a meeting like no other in British public life – it is private. Both parties have an unspoken agreement never to repeat what is said. Not even to their spouses. Dame Helen Mirren reprises her Academy Award winning role as Queen Elizabeth II in the highly- anticipated West End production of The Audience from NT Live.

★★★★★ ‘Wholly tremendous’ Daily Telegraph

★★★★★ ‘Funny and truthful. I loved every minute.’ The Times

★★★★ ‘Helen Mirren dazzles again as Queen’ Metro

See a clip that illustrates the wit and warmth of this commendable production here.

Giselle (U)

The Royal Ballet perform Giselle from the Royal Opera House. The greatest of all Romantic ballets, Peter Wright’s production of Marius Petipa’s classic is a tale of betrayal, the supernatural and love that transcends death. Giselle, a peasant girl, has fallen in love with Count Albrecht, who has told her he is a villager named Loys. Her discovery of his true identity has devastating consequences... This programme includes an introduction film to Giselle.

Sample the grace, beauty and drama of this stunning performance here

"Spectacular and amazing; you move with them in a way you could not in the theatre. Like having the best seats in the house at fraction of the price." Gwinear Film Club audience member.

The Deep Blue Sea (12A)

From NT Live comes Carrie Cracknell’s critically acclaimed new production of Terence Rattigan’s devasting masterpiece. Helen McCrory (Medea and The Last of the Haussmans at the National Theatre, Penny Dreadful, Peaky Blinders) returns to the National Theatre in Terence Rattigan’s devastating masterpiece, playing one of the greatest female roles in contemporary drama. Tom Burke (War and Peace, The Musketeers) also features in Carrie Cracknell’s critically acclaimed new production.

A flat in Ladbroke Grove, West London. 1952. When Hester Collyer is found by her neighbours in the aftermath of a failed suicide attempt, the story of her tempestuous affair with a former RAF pilot and the breakdown of her marriage to a High Court judge begins to emerge. With it comes a portrait of need, loneliness and long-repressed passion. Behind the fragile veneer of post-war civility burns a brutal sense of loss and longing.

★★★★★ ‘Stunning. Exquisitely played. Beautifully judged.’ Time Out

★★★★★ ‘This production is a stand-out. Helen McCrory is fantastic. Carrie Cracknell directs with total assurance.’ The Times

For a taster watch Helen McCrory reflect on the challenges and rewards of playing Hester Collyer in The Deep Blue Sea here.

Matthew Bourne's Sleeping Beauty (U)

Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty is the perfect family programme to screen for heart-warming midwinter inspiration.

Matthew Bourne’s stunning production, Sleeping Beauty, begins in 1890, the year of the ballet’s first performance, at the christening of the heroine Princess Aurora. It was the Fin-de-Siecle period when fairies, vampires and decadent opulence fed the gothic imagination. As Aurora grows into a young woman, we move forward in time to the more rigid, uptight Edwardian era; a mythical golden age of long summer afternoons, croquet on the lawn and new dance crazes. Years later, awakening from her century long slumber, Aurora finds herself in the modern day, a world more mysterious and wonderful than any fairy story! A sumptuous, gothic fairy tale with a twist on the classic story, Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty will delight dance fans of all ages.

Or why not book ‘Two Sleeping Beauties’ – Matthew Bourne’s sumptuous contemporary choreography is preceded by a short silhouette film of the fairy story from pioneering animator Lotte Reiniger. The fairy who is not invited to the Princess's christening party curses her to die from pricking her finger on a spindle. A good fairy commutes the sentence to 100 year's sleep, to be broken by a kiss.

★★★★★ Scottish Herald

"Wicked and compulsively watchable" Time Out

"An eye-popping gothic delight. Unforgettable" The Observer Watch the trailer here.

Hangmen (15)

Praised by critics as ‘the most line-by-line funny play London has seen in years’ (Daily Telegraph).

Following a sell-out run at London’s Royal Court Theatre, Olivier and Academy Award® winner Martin McDonagh (The Pillowman, The Cripple of Inishmaan, In Bruges) returns to the West End with Matthew Dunster’s award-winning production of his deeply funny new play Hangmen.

In his small pub in the northern English town of Oldham, Harry (David Morrissey – The Walking Dead, State of Play) is something of a local celebrity. But what's the second-best hangman in England to do on the day they've abolished hanging? Amongst the cub reporters and pub regulars dying to hear Harry’s reaction to the news, his old assistant Syd (Andy Nyman – Peaky Blinders, Death at a Funeral) and the peculiar Mooney (Johnny Flynn – Clouds of Sils Maria) lurk with very different motives for their visit.

★★★★★ ‘The best new play of the year.’ Daily Telegraph

★★★★★ ‘Drop-dead hilarious.’ Independent

★★★★★ ‘Gripping, funny and dramatically tense.’ Sunday Times

★★★★★ ‘The funniest play in London right now.’ Time Out

★ ★ ★ ★ ★‘Brilliantly macabre.’ What's On Stage

See a preview of this laugh out loud comedy here.

No Man’s Land (15)

Sheffield Theatre – from the BFI archives: Meet a young Ian McKellen, treading the boards of the legendary Crucible Theatre. This film was made as part of This Week In Britain, a long-running series of magazine films commissioned by the government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, through the Central Office of Information, for television distribution abroad. Following their hit run on Broadway, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart return to the West End stage in Harold Pinter’s No Man's Land, broadcast live to cinemas from Wyndham’s Theatre, London.

One summer's evening, two ageing writers, Hirst and Spooner, meet in a Hampstead pub and continue their drinking into the night at Hirst's stately house nearby. As the pair become increasingly inebriated, and their stories increasingly unbelievable, the lively conversation soon turns into a revealing power game, further complicated by the return home of two sinister younger men. Also starring Owen Teale and Damien Molony, don’t miss this glorious revival of Pinter’s comic classic. The broadcast will be followed by an exclusive Q&A with the cast and director Sean Mathias.

This title is 'as live' and includes trailers, Presenter welcome, Pre-show film, on screen interval and Q&A with the cast. ★★★★★ ‘Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart are unmissable.’ Daily Telegraph

★★★★★ ‘A play packed with tension and conflict.’ Evening Standard

Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart discuss the show here.


Available Month Film From

JANUARY The Ballad of Shirley Collins Jan 2 The Big Sick Jan 2 Churchill Jan 2 Dunkirk Jan 2 The Exception Jan 2 Hampstead Jan 2 Kedi Jan 2 The Limehouse Golem Jan 2 Lost in Paris Jan 2 Loving Vincent Jan 2 Maudie Jan 2 tbc My Cousin Rachel Jan 2 My Pure Land Jan 2 tbc The Other Side of the Lake Jan 2

Detroit Jan 8

In Between Jan 15

Victoria and Abdul Jan 18 tbc

Borg vs McEnroe Jan 22

Goodbye Christopher Robin Jan 29 tbc

FEBRUARY The Mountain Between Us Feb 6 tbc

The Party Feb 13 tbc

The Death of Stalin Feb 20 tbc

Eric Clapton Feb tbc

MARCH Breathe Mar 1 tbc

Murder on the Orient Express Mar 5 tbc

Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool Mar 16 tbc

Cirque du Soleil tbc