SENATE-Wednesday, September 18, 1991 the Senate Met at 10:45 A.M., and Was MORNING BUSINESS Canyon
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23384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE September 18, 1991 SENATE-Wednesday, September 18, 1991 The Senate met at 10:45 a.m., and was MORNING BUSINESS Canyon. There he will attempt to por called to order by the Honorable J. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem tray himself as he has attempted to do ROBERT KERREY' a Senator from the pore. Under the previous order, there in times past as the environmental State of Nebraska. will now be a period for the transaction President. Now that the campaign season is offi PRAYER of morning business not to extend be yond the hour of 11 a.m., with Senators cially kicking into gear leading up to The Chaplain, the Reverend Richard permitted to speak therein. the 1992 elections, the President's po C. Halverson, D.D., offered the follow The majority leader is recognized. litical advisers have reminded him ing prayer: that, during the last campaign, he Let us pray: promised to be the environmental Come now, and let us reason together, SCHEDULE President. Yet he has been the saith the Lord: though your sins be as Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. President, in ob antienvironmental President for his scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; entire term so far, and now that his though they be red like crimson, they servance of the religious holiday, there will be no rollcall votes today. How campaign for reelection is coming up, shall be as wool.-Isaiah 1:18. he is beginning a series of photo oppor Baruch Hashem. ever, the Senate will be in session and we will be considering the Interior ap tunities and imagemaking opportuni Blessed be the name of the Lord. ties beginning with this trip to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, on propriations bill. I understand the managers expect to consider a number Grand Canyon. this Day of Atonement, Yorn Kippur, Mr. President, the Bush record on the our hearts fill with gratitude when we of amendments to that measure and we environment is a fraud. The gap be hear the remarkable promise of the hope to have it in position to complete action early tomorrow on that bill. tween his rhetoric and his record is as prophet Isaiah. Make real his word in deep and broad as the Grand Canyon it our minds and hearts that God invites In addition, for the information of Senators, we will be required shortly to self. And I just want to say this: Any us to reason with Hirn concerning His one who sees George Bush as the envi eternal love and desire to forgive. As act on legislation affecting the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings law. There is ronmental President at the Grand Can the Day of Atonement was that day on yon ought to look closely for Elvis, which the high priest made atonement a specific time period for consideration of that measure. I will be consulting alive and well, rafting by on the Colo for the sins of the people and the Na rado River. A zebra cannot change its tion, Israel, may this holy day be one with the distinguished Republican leader on how best to proceed on that stripes by standing on a busy street on which all of us in our Nation take corner in a city. And neither can atonement seriously, acknowledge our measure, as well as consulting with him on how best to proceed to other George Bush become the environ need-our sin-personally and cor mental President by standing in front porately, and open our hearts to the pending measures including unemploy ment insurance reform, Department of of one of the most beautiful and scenic loving, gracious forgiveness and spir places in the entire world. itual renewal of a holy God. Save us Defense appropriations bill, and other appropriations measures. I will have Let us look at the record. Where the from indifference to the destructive global environment is concerned ness of sin and the blessing of right further announcements with respect to one or more of these matters during which is now facing the most serious eousness. threat in the entire history of human In His name who was righteousness the day today. Mr. President, I yield the floor. kind-the world and the American peo incarnate. Amen. ple have looked to President Bush for leadership. Instead, not only has he failed to provide leadership, he has APPOINTMENT OF ACTING EMERGENCY UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION been the principal obstacle to efforts of PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE others who are trying to save the glob The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem al environment. Time after time as na clerk will read a communication to the pore. The clerk will read S. 1722 for the tions around the world have met to Senate from the President pro tempore second time. talk about what can be done to limit [Mr. BYRD]. The legislative clerk read as follows: the pollution that is causing global The legislative clerk read the follow A bill (S. 1722) to provide emergency unem warming; to limit the threat to the ing letter: ployment compensation, and for other pur rain fores ts; to stop the poisoning of U.S. SENATE, poses. the oceans and the loss of living spe PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. President, I ob cies-time and time again George Bush Washington, DC, September 18, 1991. ject to further consideration of the bill. has stood in the way-stonewalling the To the Senate: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, of entire world. He takes his advice prin the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby pore. The bill will be placed on the cal cipally, of course, from John Sununu. appoint the Honorable J. ROBERT KERREY, a endar. On the domestic front, Mr. Bush's Senator from the State of Nebraska, to per The Senator from Tennessee is recog record is no better. Let us look at his form the duties of the Chair. nized. energy policy. Here we have a policy ROBERT C. BYRD, which encourages our collective habit President pro tempore. of taking 2,000 pounds of metal with us Mr. KERREY thereupon assumed the GORE CALLS BUSH GRAND CAN- everywhere we go, and of burning gaso chair as Acting President pro tempore. YON VISIT ENVIRONMENTAL line in cars and trucks that get very HOGWASH low mileage. Efforts to do something Mr. GORE. Mr. President, today the about that have been stymied by the RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Nation will be treated to another in a White House. The energy policy pro The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem series of photo opportunities by the posed by the President seems to be pore. Under the previous order, the White House when President Bush based on a single principle: At all leadership time is reserved. travels in grand style to the Grand costs, the objective is to ensure an un- •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. September 18, 1991 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 23385 limited supply of gasoline for John from the White House to allow more The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Sununu's limousine. I cannot find any timber harvesting than is environ ROBB). The Senator's time has expired. other organizing principle in the policy mentally responsible." To quote fur The Chair recognizes the Republican that he has put forward. All the ele ther from news accounts, Forest Serv leader, Senator DOLE. ments to encourage conservation and ice employees claim that "Administra Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, was lead efficiency and alternative sources of tion officials are trying to force un er's time reserved? energy were cut out of the President's sound land stewardship to benefit the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen energy program. So now he wants to go timber industry." The Oregonean re ator is correct. The Senator is recog to the Grand Canyon and say he is the ports that environmentally minded nized in his leader time. environmental President? Forest Service officials are being It is a fraud, Mr. President. It is a pushed out, and our colleague from Illi fraud, and I hope the American people nois, ALAN DIXON, told us the other day ALL NECESSARY MEANS won't buy it. The facts simply don't that similar problems are occurring in Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, on August square with the image the President is the Shawnee National Park. In that 2, the distinguished Senator from Con trying desperately to portray. park, the Deputy Assistant Secretary necticut [Mr. LIEBERMAN] and I intro Let us look at the history leading up of Agriculture has said that he will not duced a resolution to support the use of to this visit to the Grand Canyon. The suspend any timber harvest even "all necessary means" to force Iraq to EPA had to fight hard to achieve the though it is the environmentally re live up to the conditions of the U.N. 90-percent reduction in emissions from sponsible thing to do. The President cease-fire resolution. area powerplants that the President should also travel to Yosemite and find The resolution passed unanimously will announce. And what was one of the out about the $2 million in golden para further evidence that the United States principal obstacles the EPA had to chutes which his representatives gave is, indeed, united and determined to en overcome? None other than the White to the people who run the concessions sure full and complete Iraqi compli House. Specifically, in this case, the there.