Malouf Presser de Perlycroix Les troubles continuent sur la rue Angie and Sarko save the Euro! Le printemps arabe Saint-Denis. Qui y mettra fin? Page 3 Page 12 Page 10 Ensemble et libres Together and free 15BEATING DECEMBRE 2011 • VOL. 4, NO 6 THE BILINGUAL JOURNAL OF REFLECTION, OPINION AND THE ARTS • LEPAYETTE JOURNAL BILINGUE DE RÉFLEXION, D’OPINIONS ET DES ARTS WWW.THEMETROPOLITAIN.CA Minister assures protection for non-francophone media P.A. Sévigny
[email protected] uring an official government consultation which took place in the Théatre Rouge located in DMontreal's Conservatoire D'Art Dramatique, Quebec's Minister of Culture and Communications stated that there would be "no mandatory French language tests," for Quebec's ethnic and Anglophone media. Ministre Christine St-Pierre is presently leading a province-wide consultation which is examining assorted issues related to Quebec's media following the release of what has come to be known as the Payette Report. Payette: A community protected, Her assurance came in response to concerns voiced by Suburban publisher Michael Sochaczevski and Editor Beryl Wajsman, also publisher of The Métropolitain, in a battle won but the campaign their presentation. "We have no intention of imposing French language tests on the province's English or ethnic media, or affecting any of its rights and viability, and I would ask you to disseminate that message." she said. continues "We do, however, want to improve the French used in Quebec's French-speaking media," she added. One of the most important was the written a letter in support of our position Some 10 minutes into the presentation by Beryl Wajsman Payette recommendation that all accredited which was presented to the Commission.