Trentishoe Down and Heddon’s Mouth Cleave

Start Hunters Inn (SS 655 481)

Distance 10.8km (6 ¾ miles)

Time Approx 4 hours

Route Terrain Woodland tracks, moorland, uneven coast path, long, steep descent to finish

OS Map Landranger 180 ( and ) Explorer OL9

Heddon’s Mouth, the haunt of smugglers in the 18 th and 19 th centuries, is one of Exmoor’s few accessible coves. This track follows the lofty Coast Path, across Trentishoe Down, affording spectacular views of the coastline and finally down through the sessile oaklands of the Heddon Valley.

Coming out of the hunters Inn turn right along Jose’s Lane and cross the River Heddon. Just before crossing the bridge, turn left through a gate and at the next junction turn right, passing to the left of a pretty cottage. Cross a stream and turn left along a level track through woodland. At a fork take the left, lower, path which follows a wall to meet a lane where you take a left.

After a short distance, turn right onto a rocky path signposted Ladies Mile, a path cut into the hillside , which takes you along the top of the woodland. This level path leads to Trentishoe Manor and was thought to have been constructed so that the ladies of the manor could walk to church. Before reaching the manor look for a narrow path leading off to the right and uphill.

There follows a steady climb with some short level stretches, eventually emerging from the woodland into gorse and bracken and a grassy path underfoot. Follow the dry stone wall on your left till it drops away 90* left where the path carries on uphill. Continue on uphill past a small post, following the path over the edge of Trentishoe Down. This site was home to a group of Bronze Age barrows and here it levels off to meet a road and the contemporary Glass House. Looking west, the magnificent Holdstone Down can be seen, the highest coastal hill in the southwest at 1,145ft.

Turn right and take in the fabulous views of the cliffs on the eastern side of Heddon’s Mouth and of the Beacon. The lane descends gently and at the 1 st parking area, bear left walking through to a broad grassy path continuing down to meet the Coast Path.

Turn right and follow the coast Path, now rocky underfoot and at the next fork keep straight ahead. The path continues through 2 gates and across an area of grassland above Neck Wood. Follow the bank and pass through another 2 gates, keeping straight ahead. Eventually, take a left at a footpath post keeping to the Coast Path. The path now becomes rocky underfoot and somewhat exposed, as you head towards Peter Rock. Here the path turns sharp right with stunning views below of Heddon’s Mouth and a restored 19 th century double limekiln which lies on the rocky beach. The path now runs inland, across an area of scree, downhill into woodland and through a gate. Turn right onto a broad track which now runs along the valley bottom and to a kissing gate.

Turn left, passing Harry’s Orchard, stocked with traditional English varieties and cross the river back to the welcoming sight of the Hunters Inn. Rest your weary body and slake your thirst in the convivial atmosphere of this historic inn!

Heddon Valley, Exmoor, North , EX31 4PY | 01598 763 230 | [email protected]