Royal Architectural' Institute of Canada
Serial No 352, Vol. 31, No 12 EDITORIAL, Earle C. Morgan 428 ARTICLES OAA New Headquarters Building Opening Address of the President 430 Opening Address of His Excellency, the Governor-Gene:ral 431 History of the Association, 1890-1950, Raymond Card 432 History of the Association, 1950-1954, John Stuart Cauley 440 The New Building 450 Furnishings for the Building 453 ILLUSTRATIONS Sketch of McConkey's Restaurant, 0. Biskaps 429 OAA New Headquarters Building, Toronto Architects and Engineers, John B. Parkin Associates 442 NEWS FROM THE INSTITUTE 455 Contributors to this Issue 458 Viewpoint 459 INDEX TO VOLUME 31 460 COVER Night View, OAA New Headquarters Building, Toronto Architects and Engineers, John B. Parkin Associates Photograph by Ben Schnall, New York The Institute does not hold itself responsible for the opinions expressed by contributors ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL' INSTITUTE OF CANADA EDITORIAL BOARD EARLE C. MORGAN, CHAIRMAN ERIC R. ARTHUR (F), EDITOR F. Bruce Brown (F), Toronto; C. S. Burgess (F), Edmonton; Howard D. Chapman, Toronto; P. A. R. Dickinson, Toronto; J . P. Dumaresq, Halifax; Arthur H. Eadie, Toronto; A. G . Elton, Toronto; Robert C. Fairfield, Toronto; E. J. Gilbert, Saskatoon; Wm. S. Goulding, Toronto; Douglas E. Kertland (F), Toronto; Fred Lasserre, Vancouver; H. Claire Moll (F), Saint John; Jas. A. Murray, Toronto; Forsey Page (F), Toronto; S. M. Roscoe, Hamilton; John A. Russell (F), Winnipeg; Wm. J. Ryan, St. John's; R. A. Servos, Toronto; E. J . Turcotte (F), Montreal; G. Everett Wilson, Toronto. J. F. SULLIVAN, PUBLISHER All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES, 57 QUEEN STREET WEST, TORONTO 1 EDITORIAL ARCHITECTURE SHOULD BE A GROWING, changing and constantly improving profession.
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