MAY 23, 1997 VOLUME 24 NUMBER 28 sa nc] 3 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES REP 90 Forever in their debt Hurricane Thor rips through South Florida By Mark S. Krzos News Editor Hurricane Thor hammered South Florida early Tuesday morning, leaving thousands homeless and millions without power. It was one of the fiercest hurricanes ever to make landfall in the during a mock hurricane exercise conducted by Emergency Management offi- cials throughout the state Monday morning. Lee County Emergency Management officials con- ducted the annual exercise that will, hopefully, give them a better idea on how to plan, coordinate and respond to a threatening hurricane before and after it •please see page 9A Council refuses Manning support Tie vote forces continuance Peg Hofschneider stands alongside the DC3 in Nadzab, New Guinea. As one of the women in By Mark S. Krzos the Army Nurse Corps in W WII, she explained, "We had to fly low, under 10,000 feet because News Editor there was no pressure in the planes, and we had to get out of there before two in the after- Lee County Commissioner John Manning was noon because we would get socked in from the build up of heat and humidity in the area." Hofschneider today stands outside on the dock behind her Captiva cottage named "Bedside looking for a show of support from Sanibel City Manor," a play on words from her husband Leo's medical career and her nursing career. Council members Tuesday when they were asked to nominate him to the Florida Constitution Revision Commission. Instead, Manning was blasted by the council for his lack of service to the island. Peg Hofschneider still serving "My problem is that there has never been a Manning sighting on the island as far as I know of," Sanibel City Council member George Madison said. her fellow man and woman! "I don't know of anything Manning has done for By Gwenda Hiett-Clements evacuation mission in New Guinea. Sanibel. Every time we've asked him for something, Staff Writer "We weren't worried. We were young; anything the answer has always been 'no.' So I won't support Peg Hofschneider, part of the first Army Nurse goes," she noted. his cause now." Corps air-evacuation unit in World War II, has never Hofschneide-r is featured in the book G.I. Much of Sanibel's ire came after the city voted avoided being in the middle of the action or serving Nightingales: the Army Nurse Corps in World War II. unanimously to support the appointment of City whenever called. In the book, author Barbara Brooks Tomblin noted, •please see page 3A Hofschneider was stationed in the South Pacific "The vast distances of the Pacific and the primitive Theater in 1943 as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army conditions of many of the combat zones made Nurse Corps attached to the 5th Air Force. She was prompt evacuation of wounded all but impossible Family desires to one of 25 women in the first air-evacuation unit pro- until the Army Air Force began medical air-evacua- viding medical care to wounded soldiers being trans- •please see page 8A ferred from the front lines. She flew the very first improve 'Papa's' Long-time islander remembers image on Sanibel By Mark S. Krzos News Editoj- life in war-torn WWII The Ernest Hemingway Festival coming to Sanibel July 18 through July 20 will be nothing like the one By Mark S. Krzos became an armament officer," found out we didn't know any- in Key West, Hilary Hemingway said at a May 16 News Editor Ranzoni said from the back patio thing," Ranzoni said. press conference outside the Sanibel-Captiva Islander Frank Ranzoni said his of his Sanibel home. "Since I fin- For the first three to four Chamber of Commerce. tour of duty during WWII made ished in the top ten percent of my months he realized that the mili- "Our dream is to make this a family event," him a man and that his experi- class I was sent to maintain a tary had failed to properly prepare Hemingway said explaining the reasoning for coming ences during the war were not as bomb site." him and others for war, "The-fi-r-st to Sanibel is to remove the element that tarnished the bad as some veterans. Ranzoni's main duties involved three months was hell on wheels image of the great literary figure, Ernest Hemingway. Ranzoni was what GFs called a inspecting bombs and ammunition trying to do anything. It was such "Sloppy Joe's saw the look-alike contest as a way ground pounder—one who made at an army base in England. "I hard work in the beginning, mak- to make money and the Hemingway Days grew out of sure bombs used during the war was called up Dec. 17, 1941 and I ing sure everything was working that," Hilary Hemingway said. "There's a lot of anger hit their sites and effectively wasn't miserable at all. Training properly, I don't think I slept more and hurt in that town." destroyed the target. wasn't so bad, but when we •please see page 7A "I went to armament school and arrived in England, we all quickly •please see page 2A 2A Q MAY 23, 1997 • ISLAND REPORTER Islanders take fighting mosquitoes personally

By Gwenda Hiett-Clements StaffWriter "Trouble of it is, we shouldn't of killed off the mosquitoes," said Clarence O. Rutland in a newspaper interview in the late 70s. What's Rutland the who died at age 92 in buzz? January 1982, came to Sanibel Island in 1895 with the original farm- ing and fishing pioneer families. In his later years he was so familiar to islanders and visitors that people called him "Uncle Clarence." When he was growing up, he enjoyed a quiet, isolat- Hanging on the wall at the Sanibel Historical Museum is a ed lifestyle living off" the bounty of the mosquito swisher made of shred- land, but mosquitoes thrived on the ded palm fronds which people island along with the abundant fish and used to brush the pests away Today's personal mosquito fighting equipment includes repellents wildlife. before entering the house. and anti-itch creams displayed by Mary Kolody, pharmacist at The "You could just swing a bucket Corner Pharmacy in Bailey's General Store. around in the yard and get a gallon of walls outside and inside the museum. A photograph titled "Grandfather's DEET, they all work the same People 'em," he said In the interview Rutland just need to be sure they aren't spend- lamented that now the mosquitoes are Survival Kit" by Charles McCullough has in it an old fashioned spray gun to ing their money on things that don't under control, people swarm to the work. For example, bug zappers don't island. bomb mosquitoes and when the pests got loo bad, a little something to "keep work on mosquitoes because they are He preferred the mosquitoes attracted to blood." But efforts by Lee County Mosquito your spirits up," a bottle of bourbon. Also in the old Bailey's General Store Bill Opp, director of Lee County Control did bring Sanibel's salt marsh Mosquito Control said, "We always mosquito population under control and there is a variety of hand-held canister sprayers. recommend that people who are going now most islanders and vacationers to be working outdoors wear light col- Today instead of screens around prefer to avoid the "pesky little crit- ored clothing and spray the repellents their beds, people just screen in their ters" at all costs. into their hands and then rub them on entire backyards — pool and all — and In Rutland's days people armed their necks and face." arm themselves with over-the-counter themselves with swishers (hand held And the general recommendation brushes made from palm fronds), net- repellents and bite treatments. Mary Kolody, who just took the from all "mosquito experts" was to ting around their beds, and a good pair avoid being outside during prime feed- of running legs. position as head pharmacist at The Corner Pharmacy in Bailey's General ing times — one hour prior to sunrise Jody Brown of the Sanibel Historic and one hour before sunset. Village and Museum points out that Store, said, "There are a variety of mosquito repellents (Off, Cutter, and Kolody said, "If someone comes to much "mosquito paraphernalia" can be the pharmacy with swelling and itching found at the village. Mosquito swishers even one called Florida Swamp) that all Mosquito netting canopies were work well." from bites, we recommend antihis- common in the early 1900s. made of shredded palm fronds which tamine gels like After Bite or Benedryl. Truls Jensen, research entomologist people used to brush the pests away It all works fairly well. If someone and Burn. If inflammation persists or from the University of California said, before entering the house hang on needs something stronger, we have Bug there are other problems we always "As long as the repellent contains recommend that they see their doctor." PAPA'S INTEGRITY •from page 1A Weather High Low Rain According to the Hemingway family, the festival May 15 90 65 held annually in Key West became more associated May 16 87 72 with drinking and partying than the celebration of his May 17 87 70 works. May 18 85 72 The decision to move the festival from Key West May 19 92 71 to Sanibel was up to the family and after touring May 20 92 73 Sanibel, Hilary Hemingway said Sanibel is more like May 21 94 72 the Key West Ernest Hemingway knew and that if he Rainfall for May so far is 4.8 inches compared with 3.8 inches for the entire month last year were alive today, he probably would have chosen Note: rainfall levels are recorded from the Sanibel as his place to write. morning of the day given to the following morn- "It wasn't a difficult decision for me," Hilary ing. Hemingway said. "But the final decision to move it to Source: Sanibel/Captiva Islands Chamber of Sanibel was Patrick's (Ernest's son)." Commerce, Tuesday, at the meeting of the Sanibel City Council, Mayor Bob Davison said the city has been receiving a lot of inquiries about the festival from worried residents that believe the festival will morph Editorial office (941)472-1587 Hilary Hemingway talks to the press during a Display advertising (941)472-1587 into the drunken spectacle Hemingway Days became meeting at the Sanibel-Captiva Chamber Classified advertising (941) 472-1587 Subscriptions: (941) 472-1587 in Key West. But Davison said the city will assure its Commerce last week. Business office (941)472-1587 residents that every ordinance will be strictly Fax (941) 472-8398 Funds raised by the festival will be split up in Street address The Village Shopping Center enforced. thirds, with one-third going toward the American 2340 Periwinkle Way Sanibel, Honda 33957 City Council member George Madison, who was Diabetes Foundation (the Hemingway family has a long history of suffering from the disease), one-third The Island Reporter (USPS 813-580) is published weekly each on hand during the press conference, said Sanibel and Friday by Gulf Coast Weeklies, Ino, P.O Box 809, Sanibel, Florida Key West are like night and day. Pointing out the fact going to a wounded veteran's group that is yet to be 33957-0809. Subscriptions Sanibel, Captlva and Lee County, $22 per year that Key West's Duval Street is basically a row of named, and one-third split between the J N. "Ding" including state sales tax, continental United States, or split subscrip- bars, restaurants and boutiques, Madison said Darling National Wildlife Refuge, the Care and tion, $28 par year Including state sales tax, foreign, $42 per year Rehabilitation of Wildlife and the Sanibel-Captiva Penodlcals postage paid at Sanibel, Florida POSTMASTER- Send Sanibel's commercial development, namely the bars, address changes to the Island Reporter, P O Box 809, Sanibel, Conservation Foundation. Funds raised will be han- Florida 33957-0809 are spread out and would make it nearly impossible to dled by Hagen-Palen, a local CPA firm, and festival Gulf Coast Weeklies, Inc publishes the CAPTIVA CURRENT, sustain any type of party atmosphere. organizers promise the books will be open. FORT MYERS BEACH OBSERVER, GULF COAST WOMAN, ISLAND REPORTER. According to festival organizers everything from The Hemingway family hopes that this new festi- Sundial's shrimp boil to the literary conference itself The publisher assumes no financial responsibilities for typo- val will restore the memory of Ernest Hemingway— graphical errors In advertisements, but will reprint without charge that will require advanced reservations, thus limiting the the father figure he drew on in his books Moveable part of an advertisement in which the typographical error occurs If an error occurs the management must be notified within three working number of people that may attend each event. Feast and Islands in the Stream. days The publisher retains the right to refuse or revise any adver- Hilary Hemingway added that organizers are fully tisement Highlighting this first festival will be a literary aware of how the City of Sanibel operates. "This is conference featuring best-selling writers Randy © 1997 GULF COAST WEEKLIES, INC the city that drove McDonald's away. We're going to Wayne White and Jeffry P. Lindsay, and at least two abide by their rules," she said. Pulitzer Prize-winning authors yet to be named. ISLAND REPORTER Q MAY 23, 1997 Q 3A No bomb, only a simple park expansion MANNING MOVE 'from page 1A By Jill Goodman Council member Andrew Reding to the Lee County Staj^ Writer Conservation 2020 Just behind a vegetation barrier Environmental Land next to the bike path that runs Acquisition program. between the Children's Center and Manning side-stepped Middle Gulf Drive is a swath of Sanibel and appointed cleared land. three developers and no The land is being cleared as en vironmentah sts. additional park land for Algiers Park (Gulfside City Park). Although Manning's According to Rob Loflin, appointment was support- Sanibel's Natural Resources ed by Sanibel City Director, this latest $400,000 pur- Council member Wally John Manning chase of 22 acres will increase the Kain and Sanibel Mayor park to a total of 59 acre*!. Bob Davison, Reding and Madison were strongly opposed to the nomination. The vegetation barrier is still in place because the initial clearing "I'm going to take a very, very vehement opposi- of exotic vegetation is unattractive tion to that," Reding said of the motion to support to look at. Manning and added that Southwest Florida maybe better off without anyone representing it. "We have more work to be done Algiers/Gulfside City Park is being expanded by 22 acres on the exotics. We plan to put in a increasing the park to a total of 59 acres. Reding added that Manning has shown no support walking path in about a year and for the environment and has no regard for Sanibel there will be a little pond and pic- of the Butterknife subdivision. whatsoever. nic tables," he said. "We will con- "We are making a mess remov- Currently there is a fee to park "I couldn't think of anyone worse to appoint," nect to the bike path that goes into ing the Brazilian pepper and it will cars, but you can access the park Reding said. "I heartily hope we're going to deny the park and there will be a bike look bad for about a year. The itself by walking or biking in. this." rack and a hiking trail." pepper was so bad that the only Loflin said there will be no added other way to remove it would be Sanibel Planning Commission Chairman Dick Loflm said the total amount was parking spaces. to kill it in place and then you Downes said he agrees with Madison and Reding. paid for by the state of Florida Loflin explained that since the would have a lot of dead sticks. under the Florida Community "Manning is certainly not supportive of the unincor- land is choked with Brazilian pep- This way, it will look like a bomb Trust program which is part of the porated parts of Lee County," Downes said. per, the best and most economical hit it, but it will restore native Preservation 2000 state land Both Reding and Madison said if they were to sup- way to clear it is with mechanical plant and animals as a much faster acquisition program. The property port someone from the county, it would be means. rate," he said. was sold to the city by the owner Commissioner Ray Judah. Mayor Davison said he could count, two for the Let's hear it for the grads! appointment and two against. The tie vote resulted in Please stop by! a continuance until the next meeting when The Island Reporter's pictorial history books The Island Reporter will published a special Councilman Bob Janes will be in attendance. are sold out. No additional orders will be taken. graduation issue June 4. If your child or grand- child is graduating from high school or college The Florida Constitution Commission Revision If you paid for a book but have not picked it up, Commission will be made up of 37 commission please call Shirlene at (941) 472-1587 or stop by this year, please send a photograph, biography members and will be charged with holding public the office at 2340 Periwinkle Way. and future plans to the Island Reporter, P.O. Box 809, Sanibel, Fla. 33957. Deadline is May 30. hearings around the state and examining the state's Constitution.

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drinking restrictions for the PEOPLE: after all, the Gift of Life program. This program brings children Claims to fame squawks of the sea-birds and noise of the waves with life threatening heart problems to the U.S. for To the editor: almost drown out the "music" on the radios! surgery which is performed pro-bono by some of our How bogus can Sanibel become? A three-day fes- To put it politely, maybe there should be a running top surgeons. Money raised for this cause are for the tival commemorating an author's possible footstep on of the bulls — but remember that Sanibel has a clean- expenses involved in bringing the children and a par- the island! The answer seems to be a pseudo claim to up law, the Sea-Around-Us has its own retrieval sys- ent or guardian from their home country, and for fame and fortune, neither of which is needed by the tem, and hurricanes have their own agenda! expenses during their stay in the U.S. city. Irene Brown, My personal thanks to those who gave so gener- But I am ignoring the possibilities — there could Sanibel ously of their time and money to make this event a be many more footsteps and Lee County could, success. against the wishes of the islanders, build its high-rise Maureen E. Smitt, bridge, above all those nuisance, slow-flying birds. A great putt Tournament Chairman Then Sanibel could get rid of its antiquated building- To the editor: height restrictions and USE the Causeway road or On behalf of the Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club, I Algiers land that the Sanibel taxpayers bought (surely wish to thank all the merchants, restaurants and Satisfied taxpayer Sanibel doesn't need to preserve so much land from hotels who donated prizes for our District Challenge To the editor: development!) by building one or two high-rise park- Golf Tournament last month. I came from a place where the Department of ing garages. Of course, there would be a need for The Sanibel-Captiva Rotary club was able to Public Works means seven men in the department more" bogus beach, and for removal of noise and donate in excess of $3,500 to the Rotary International standing around watching the eighth man work. That is why I was so pleasantly surprised to see that it's different on Sanibel. Last week a Sanibel Public Editorial policy Works crew led by Randy Wright worked on the drainage problem on Sandcastle Road from morning The Island Reporter welcomes your opinions in either letters to the editor or guest columns. Letters to until night. When I say they worked, I mean they the editor should be typed or printed neatly and should not be more than two double-spaced paged long. really worked at digging, scraping, pushing, shovel- They must be signed with the writer's name, address and phone number. The address and phone number ing and sodding. Throughout the entire time, they are for our records only and will not be released to other parties except with permission of the writer. No were all very pleasant and accommodating to all the open letters will be published and the subject matter of the letter should refer to topics of specific interest neighbors. to the islands community, The Island Reporter reserves the right to edit any submission and to limit the number of letters printed per Individual to one a month. As a Sanibel taxpayer, I feel fortunate that we have such dedicated employees working for us. Ken Monahan, Sanibel Sea turtle lighting ordinance ••..and other thoughts On May 6, 1997, the Sanibel City in jeopardy. Speak to your neighbors in a documented history of man's abolished? Slaves freed? Taxes paid? Council unanimously and friends who volunteer at greed, indifference, love of monetary Slaves freed? Water safe to drink and approved an ordi- Care and Rehabilitation of gain and other similar "noble" motives. air healthy to breathe? You get the idea. nance designed to Wildlife and Sanibel-Captiva Japanese routinely slaughter turtles, Part the Sanibel Congregational protect the sea turtle Conservation Foundation if using their shells as wall emblems, or Church Covenant has special of mean- nesting and hatching you doubt my words. It's a grinding them for use as aphrodisiacs. ing to me. It states - "it is our purpose process here on cruel world out there for the Mexicans steal their eggs and eat them. to protect, in every way we can, the Sanibel. George R. critters. Americans build on and light their land that God gave us here on Sanibel Campbell has written Sanibel dares to be differ- beaches resulting in a loss of habitat and to foster protection of all birds, ani- - "extinction is forev- ent. Our sanctuary island pro- and causing the death of thousands of mals and plant life - as well as people er". Some people may tects its wildlife. While the hatchlings. There are cases of sea tur- on this fragile barrier island". believe such laws are beach lighting ordinance will tles being mutilated and murdered. Amen. On May 6th, your City unnecessary and that also serve as motivation to Man is the great predator. Council once again affirmed that ethic, man's common sense, heighten our efforts to educate Observe the world. In an era when which is also embodied in the Sanibel responsibility and residents and visitors alike, it we routinely treat each other with so Vision Statement. It was a good day for good will may beGeorge Madison provides us with an important little dignity, to expect people to be self people as well as our threatened sea relied on to save enforcement tool to protect regulating in dealing with wildlife is turtle population. species that are on the brink of extinc- those gentle giants - our sea turtles - naive or delusionary. Madison is a City Council member tion. from needless destruction. Laws that are fair, clear in language and volunteer coordinator for the I suggest that it is precisely the The belief that people will act and enforceable are an appropriate Sanibel-Captiva Conservation absence of those qualities in a small responsibly and with good judgment in method of achieving social reform. Foundation Sea Turtle Monitoring minority of folks that has placed the the face of overwhelming evidence to Without a law would women vote? Program on Sanibel. survival of our turtles, manatees, et al the contrary is folly. It does not factor Would child labor and sweatshops be

island REPORTER Community perspectives Michelle Moran Editor

Morgan Newcomb General Manager Trophy houses? Mark S. Krzos News Editor At the present time home is a process of Gwenda Hlett-Clements, Jill Goodman there is a good deal of Bill Schlackman is a experience not simply a Staff Writers controversy surrounding trained clinical psy- place. Saul Taffet very large homes on chologist who One is reminded of a Photographer Sanibel. As a matter of applied his educa- Zen story. The Zen Kim Crouthamel fact a case was recently tion in the field of Master tells one of his Advertising Manager marketing, special- decided in court regard- students to leave the Christine Flack, Pam Yenel ing a 10,000 square foot izing in consumer Advertising Sales motivation. He monastery and go into house on the Sanctuary. the world with the task Shlrlene Grasgeen The Sanibel City Council moved permanently Classified/Circulation to Sanibel after of finding his home. opposed this development retiring from his The student wanders the Liz Baxley and the courts upheld the Production Manager marketing research world for years without belief the home did not firm in the United much luck. One day Janice Caron, Bill Schlackman, Rupert Ingram, Nola Thelss, Pnscilla reflect the consistency of Fnedersdorf, S. Giovanna Giacomazzi, Frank L Palaia, Jr., Kingdom in 1989. while quietly meditating Peter Kelly, Jose Leal, Ada Shlssler, Charles Sobczak neighborhood and its sur- 1m Columnists he is thunderstruck. He rounding homes. discovers that the head A house of course is not necessarily a home! A being carried on his shoulders is where his home home is where your sense of security lies. Where you resides. There is great truth in this — four walls don't feel relaxed, happy, comfortable and self expres- make a home though it is the basis for a house. sive—that is where your home exists. It can be a "sleeping bag" or a "mansion." In some senses your •please see page 6A ISLAND REPORTER -Q MAY 23,^897 '• &A TO ffflE BEACH mM 4-6" Subs (Your Choice) • 4 Chips 1 4 Cookies • 4 Med. Drinks I $10.99 I gnoil with i oupon only thru Fri., June 6* 1997 \ I I I Pcrtwirnkfa Way % 2496 Palm Ridge Rd. Sanibel I m 472-1155 SUIIWAY *

Buon Appetilo" -Andrea IrVTERINATiONAl 472-1141 MEdicAl CENTER

May Your Come and Enjoy A. Wonderful Memorial Day „-= Dining -K--^s=- Experience vBe Filled With Peace^ AUTHENTIC NORTHERN ITALIAN CUISINE From All of Us! FRESHEST FISH & SEAFOOD and MEDITERRANEAN FAVORITES Roz Wegryn, C.E.O., Eli Zonana, M.D. -Enjoy our full service bar Yvonne Zonana, R.N., Win Smith, Lie. Acup. -Try our famous fresh Lime Margueritas Glyn Grisham, L.M.T., Laurie Wyngaard, Office Asst. -Live piano for dining & listening pleasure Neiva Pokorny, Dir of Operations# ^^fc^ 5* -Chef's Specials changing daily 4301 Sambel-Captiva Rd. if ™ *at the 3 mile marker EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 395-WELL (9355) FRESH MAINE LOBSTER MEDITERRANEAN STYLE We specialize in private parties GIFT CERTIFICATES • TAKE OUT AVAILABLE Reservations Welcome HQ @& EM 2761 W. Gulf Drive • Sanibei • Next to Nutmeg Village 1/2 mile W. of Tarpon Bay Rd.


Ful - Sot. Son. -

Barney Incredible Edibles

2330 Palm Ridge Road -12 Great Shops in the Palm of your hand - 6A • MAY 23, 1997 • ISLAND REPORTER Sixty Something Off we go into the wild blue yonder By Priscilla Friedersdorf mountains of Colorado was gay, had just had a fight 500 pound bombs instead of say some empty Pringle with his mate, a visit from his straight arrow Chip canisters filled with red food coloring for prac- Priscilla church-going folks from the Midwest and he had Friedersdorf is a tice runs over the Arizona desert, a high powered travel and feature just turned 35. Now any of these taken separately mogul of the military industrial complex tells me it writer and photog- would bring on a hissy fit but together it was is important for all trainees in the air and on the rapher. She began enough for him to fly off into the wild blue yonder, ground to understand they are handling live ammu- her career in jour- four 500 pound bombs on the wings, at the contiols nition. And how, I ask him, can a bomber go off the nalism four years of a billion dollars in tax money and a full tank of radar screen when we have been able to tell for years ago as the police gas. from satellites the maturation of a stalk of corn in the reporter for the In the cunning way they have of announcing Ukraine or whether Quadaffi moved his tent stakes Island Reporter. things but hoping you don't make the connection, during the night? You don't want to know this but he She is a Sanibel the military issued a statement of reassurance a few said, "Well, we can detect planes as they break the resident and days later to the effect that all of the personnel peripheral boundaries of the U.S. but once they are spends part of inside we don't have the detection capability of each year in Washington D.C. and St. responsible for the firing of intercontinental ballistic Leonards on Sea, England. missiles are given a debriefing each morning before tracking them." they assume their stations to determine if they had We can only pop another Prozac and be grateful words with their wife, cut themselves shaving, had a "Flying high into the sun, down we dive .spouting Timothy McVeigh with his military haircut and care- hangover, or got a cross letter from their Mother. our flames from under, off with one terrible roar, we fully ironed civvies didn't choose a career path in Only after they respond positively that life has not live in fame go down in flames nothing can stop the the Air Force. recently landed an unsettling blow are they allowed Army Air Corp." For now, I am calling Lee County Mosquito to have the box with the little red switch marked We learn in a small article on an inside page that Control to inquire if anyone dissed their helicopter "off and "outta here." the Air Force pilot who ditched his plane in the pilot in the Brew Pub last night. When I question the wisdom of using four live

ine is a singular passion for the Ocean. Below is a poem I wrote a few years ago. It's Every time I come across the Causeway about shorelines, contrasts and differences. I hope Mon my way back home to Sanibel, with you enjoy it. To Catch the rhythmic, almost trainlike thumping of the tires across the evenly spaced expansion joints in the A Catfish three bridges, I am mesmerized by the beauty of the surrounding sea. Even at night I do my best to catch SHE IS THE OCEAN a glimpse of her in the reflections of the lights at Punta Rassa, or the bright streetlamp by the boat launch. The Gulf of Mexico, a gift sublime, She is the ocean. In the daylight, the crossing of those few miles is He is the land. dreamlike. The magical interplay of wind, light and Smooth. Jagged, the surface of the water. The changing colors, from the azure of the Mediterranean, to the slate grays of She changes with the wind. Temperamental. a cloudy, wind swept morning in winter. Watching Moody and elusive. the rippling near the edge of shore, telling me by the He remains steady. Predictable. Self assured. curve of the waves whether or not the tide is rising She is water. Pure azure. or falling. White capped, calm, stormy or serene the Liquid and flowing, like tears. same painting of that magnificent landscape changes He is not. He is heavy and dark. The color of with every brief crossing. No wonder we find her so rocks. beautiful. For 'she' is ocean. The ocean is feminine by She is eternal. . Liquid and beautiful, we have always per- A rhythm that goes on forever, like the tides. ceived the water as female. Like a woman, she is He is finite. Moving in massive chunks of time. They do not need each other to be free. temperamental and enchanting at once. As an ocean, she is the mother of life. It is something primal. She is beautiful. Children are born. Intuitive. True. Like grace itself. Portraits of moonlight. Some drift out to sea and become women. The land is male. In the great balance of yin and He is rough. Broad daylight appeals to him. Some head inland to make things. Things that yang, passive and aggressive, male and female, the grind. genders compliment each other. Look at the names They meet at the shoreline of love. of mountains if you doubt this: Mt. Rushmore; Mt. It is a complicated place, full of beaches, cliffs This will never change. Everest; Mt. McKinley; K-2 and Pike's Peak. As And ceaseless waves. Some whispering. Some She is the Ocean. assuredly as the ocean is feminine, the realm of raging. He is the Land. rocks and soil is masculine. We, as a collective con- sciousness, have decided this. It will never change. Their relationship is never easy. Charles Sobczak, 1996 They need each other to complete the circle.

TROPHY HOME «from page 4A off' purposes. They want to make a statement about attracting a younger very affluent group of people It seems to me that a person has a right to their "importance" and "success." These people want who enjoy large homes. And many such homes have the type of house he wants so long as he conforms to to feed their ego. They may want to show their supe- already been built and are in progress of develop- the "space - land" ratios; and in all other ways con- riority over other people; or they may want to stimu- ment. forms to the building requirements. If the city wants late envy in other people. Yes, we can and should put some constraints on to restrict house sizes it should do so with appropriate Of course at a deeper level, these latter motivations future development (which in fact is being contem- laws and regulations so that a person considering are often indicative of intrinsically low self-esteem. plated by the city); but to go back to the past is building a house knows from the start — even before The need for "prestige" and "status" associated with a impossible. The rise in land values alone almost purchase of the land — the limitations on house size "Trophy" home in their minds may be an expression "forces" people to put up a different, more expensive that will be operative. of their need for recognition; and below that lies their house than used to be built on Sanibel. My own view is that a restriction to 6,000 square desire for love and being valued by others. Though there are limitations to the future con- feet on an island like Sanibel should be adequate for It is appropriate to appreciate that both functional straints for houses, we ought to do what we can to most people thinking about building a new house. and "prestige display" behavior can be operative at preserve the casual relaxed life style on Sanibel. Just Existing dwellings greater than 6,000 square feet the same time. The "balance" between these motiva- as we set limitations on heights of multi-family would be grand-fathered in. tions will vary from person to person. dwellings; analogous (but appropriate) regulations There are two issues worth thinking about. First, But regardless of a person's motivation in building might be instituted which would ensure effective why do people want to build very large houses for a large home the city has no right to frustrate the landscaping heights, etc. We need to make sure that themselves? Second, why do a significant minority of actualization of these motives except to the extent these dwellings do not spoil the natural appearance of people on Sanibel take "so much" exception to the that the building itself will be in some way detrimen- the environment. That they do not "stand out" as eye development of so called "Trophy" homes? tal to the community. And in such instances it sores in the environment. With regard to building a very large house practi- behooves the city to clearly define the constraints in I think that the above reasons for controlling the cal needs may be operative in many cases-; family terms of the building laws. development of very large houses on Sanibel are size, or a wide range of hobbies all of which may It is useful to examine why a significant minority legitimate since the character of our Island is impor- require a good deal of space. And there may be plea- take exception to large houses on Sanibel. tant to all of us including most of the people who live sure in having large spaces so that you can roam Many Sanibellians want to preserve "Olde in these large houses. A less generous factor may be around the house... spread yourself out; conduct vary- Sanibel." The informal, casual relaxed life style as it operative as well and that is envy. I am fairly sure ing activities in different parts of the house, etc. is represented in simple buildings, reminiscent of a that this unconstructive attitude is present in a very These are what I would describe as functional/experi- tropical or at least a Florida style. I am sympathetic to small number of cases. It is as well however among ential reasons for building a large house, this'view; but it is no longer realistic! Our island has those who take exception to large houses to explore But many people want a large house for "showing changed enormously since the early 80s. We've been their own motivations honestly. ISLAND REPORTER • MAY 23, 1997 • 7A WAR-TORN ENGLAND .from page 1A than a couple hours a night," Ranzoni said. What made it more difficult was that his faction, the U.S. Army 94th Bombardment Group, was suffer- ing from low morale. "J was never really "We had a poor commanding officer," Ranzoni said. "It was really hard to take when some planes afraid, but hearing the came back from a mission and ours didn't." But that soon changed for the ground pounders buzz bombs made you when that officer was removed and replaced with another. At first bombing missions consisted of feel a little uneasy." strategical missions—bombing airplane factories, ball bearing factories and submarine pens. Later on in trfe~ war, when the Germans were retreating, bombing Frank Ranzoni, missions became more tactical. WWII Veteran "For example, during the Battle of the Bulge and after the invasion we were doing more tactical bomb- ing," Ranzoni explained that tactical bombing usually involved blowing up railroads, bridges, roads and points of resistance. Although Ranzoni didn't see any fighting action, he did have a few close calls. One time a stray years, which explains why his yard looks more like a German plane came down the road blasting away at jungle than the typical Sanibel backyard. the ground troops. Ranzoni and other troops ducked "We built this house in 1974 and came down here for cover. Luckily for Ranzoni, the German was a on vacations," Ranzoni said. "When I retired we poor shot and he escaped injury. | moved here permanently." "They would come over the base occasionally and £ According to Ranzoni, he' 11 be spending Memorial drop some bombs and shoot up the air field, but we J£ Day doing what he does just about every day—tend- really didn't have many close calls," Ranzoni said. "I S ing to his vast garden. was never really afraid, but hearing the buzz bombs Islander Frank Ranzoni said his tour of duty "I don't do anything special," Ranzoni said. "I made you feel a little uneasy." during WWII made him a man and that his don't go out with my little hat, salute the flag and Ranzoni said while many spent the war in constant experiences during the war were not as bad then drive home in my Japanese car," fear, he had the ability and time to take in shows at as some veterans. But Ranzoni has no regrets about serving his coun- London theaters. couple of times I was pretty nervous," Ranzoni said. try and being a soldier. "The army was a valuable "There was this one play, I must've seen it ten "But I never saw anyone leave. So if the civilian pop- experience for me. It made me into a man." times throughout the war, called 'The Lisbon Story,'" ulation didn't leave, there wasn't any sense in a sol- Ranzoni said explaining that the musical was about dier leaving. After a while you got used to it." the war in Lisbon. "I enjoyed it so much and it After Berlin fell to the Allies, the lights in England Remembing all those brought me so much enjoyment during this time that I came on and everyone began celebrating by lighting even sent the heroine of the play Patricia Burke a bonfires, dancing and partying in the streets. "I who served to protect dozen carnations. They cost about a pound a piece. I couldn't enjoy it because I was on a train headed was surprised it never made its way to the United back to the base," Ranzoni said. our country this States. It had such wonderful music." Less than a year later Ranzoni left his military Memorial Day! But not every play went smoothly. Often a sign off career and went back to school and attained a PhD in to the right of the stage would start blinking—AIR Botany from the University of California at Berkeley. RAID. Later, he taught Botany at Vassar College for 25 The Island Reporter Staff "You would see that sign blinking and for the first

HOLIDAY TRIFECTA GOLF KIDS SUMMER SPORTS CAMP TOURNAMENT Two sessions: June 16-20 August 18-22 Trifecta Golf • Lunch • Prizes Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday - Friday On each of the three summer holidays. Ages: 7-11 years Tee times: 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Cost: $125 per child Cost: $30 per person each event, Scheduled to fill in the gaps between school $75 all events. Prizes awarded for individual events and for and Sanibel's Summer Wreck Program. The most points throughout the three-day series. Dunes' Sports Camp gives kids a solid taste of golf and tennis. Crafts and lunches are Memorial Day, May 25 - Part I also included. Plus, a fun tournament winds Event:.Four-Person Scramble up with an award ceremony to cap off all SUMMER the activities. Independence Day, July 6 - Part II HAPPENINGS AT Event: Four-Person Scramble JUNIOR TENNIS CAMP June 16-August 14 THE DUNES Labor Day, August 31 - Part III Time: 10 a.m. -12 p.m., Mon. - Thurs. Event: Individual Callaway Ages: 6-15 years GOLF & TENNIS CLUB Cost: $12.50 per day, $40 per week.

FATHER'S DAY JUNIOR GOLF PROGRAM / TOURNAMENT OF June 23 - July 28 . // Time: 9 a.m. - 10 a.m., Monday's^' GOLF SUMMER SPECIAL GENERATIONS Ages: 6 -18 years • >','/, May 1-October 31, 1997 Saturday, June 14 Cost: $5 per session Tee Times: 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. 50% off range balls Format: 1 best ball, of 2 GROSS & NET, or free bag of balls 90% handicap. on the day of play Cost: $25 per person, includes prizes thcDUNES Golf & Tennis Club 949 Sandcastl'e Road Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 472-3355 8A • MAY 23, 1997 • ISLAND REPORTER Notes from the city desk: Dunlop's tire treads, Reding on a roll and Cape's vision not 2020 By Mark S. Krzos tion, but City Council members did take advantage of the light agenda to Lynch and filling in for Pritt was News Editor seem supportive of his plan. brief the City Council on some of his Assistant City Attorney Beverly Grady. No parking—Sanibel City Council In the dark—City Council member ideas. One of Reding's campaign Blinded by the light—Cape Coral's member Andrew Reding said he is tired Andrew Reding complained that he promises was to do something about vision for acquiring environmentally of seeing the Dunlop Road islands used was left in the dark when an ordinance the rising costs of running a political sensitive lands has been blinded by the as parking lots and places to make U- surfaced that suggested that the campaign on Sanibel. threat of significant tax increases in the turns. According to Reding, since the Wildlife Committee and Vegetation May the four winds blow you safe- coming years. addition to BIG Arts the situation has Committee be fused into one entity. ly home—The City Council meeting Since the city rejected the Municipal gotten worse and now wants to do "I was stunned," Reding said when Tuesday was riddled with absences. Taxing Unit known as the Lee County something about it. he first heard of the proposal and took City Council member Bob Janes was Preservation Lands Taxing Unit earlier Reding said tire tracks are now visi- exception that he was not made aware out'of town, Assistant City Manager this week, the Lee County Preservation ble on the grass, so instead of making it of the city's plan, especially since he is Bill Mills was on vacation and City 2020 environmentally sensitive lands an issue of enforcement, he wants to the City Council's liaison to the Manager Gary Price, who was on vaca- acquisition program has been put in make the issue one of beautification. Wildlife Committee. tion last week, had car troubles out of jeopardy. Reding outlined a plan that would add Campaign contribution solu- town and was forced to miss the meet- But the Sanibel City Council unani- vegetation to the islands, thereby mak- tion?—Sanibel City Council member ing. In addition, City Attorney Bob mously supported the tax and sent ing parking and U-turns impossible. No Andrew Reding was on a roll early Pritt was also missing. Filling in for along a letter demanding the County action was taken involving his sugges- Tuesday morning. He said he wanted to Price was City Finance Director Renee Commissioners look into alternatives. ARMY NURSE -from page 1 tion flights. Patients were flown out of to learn plane identification and field. Hofschneider explained, "We Nadzab, she became pregnant with the the forward areas to hospitals ... by become knowledgeable about tropical were there for six to eight months. We couple's first son. She stayed in service regular Army crews . . . and specially diseases." had to wash our hair in this awful for eight months without anyone know- trained flight nurses." After graduation from Medical Air- water. We had escorts to the latrine ing. She said, "We didn't eat much, so How Hofschneider came to be one Evacuation School the nurses began because the rats that roamed the area no one could tell. Finally, time was get- of those "specially trained flight nurs- their journey to Brisbane, for were enormous. It was lough, dirty; we ting close and I had to tell my com- es" is credited to the time period in transfer to their duty assignments. One were always hungry and the cigarettes manding officer. I was sent to the which she lived and her personal cir- amusing story Hofschneider tells is were lousy! (She continues today what Presidio and back home where my first cumstances. She said, "I went into about a stop-over in Bora Bora where she refers to as her 'one vice' — son was born." nursing because all my friends were the nurses were invited to a party at a cigarette smoking.) Return to civilian commitments doing it, and my morn wouldn't let me Navy officer's club. She wore the one Of the work she did, Hofschneider Hofschneider keeps very busy on go to New York to be a dress designer." evening dress she was allowed to pack said, "Triage was a new word back Captiva fighting smaller, though impor- Her life in the Army Nurse Corps — a bright red one. She said, "I was then, but that is basically what we did. tant civic battles. Her calendar doesn't wasn't very fashionable, but she did offered a darling little baby boy (in There was the technician, staff show many free days. She said, "It say, "I loved our uniforms. They were exchange) for my long red dress. I sergeant, and my self. After we had keeps my mind active and this is a very this beautiful powder blue with a sharp didn't take him!" gone over the wounded, we would take busy little place!" Eisenhower jacket and pants with "When we first arrived, we lived in a off from there and move them to She is secretary of the Captiva Civic stripes up the side." tent. It was so very cold and we had Brisbane or Townsville (Australia) hos- Association; she served for three and a Hofschneider, originally from one pot belly stove we took turns tend- pitals." half years filling a vacancy and has Indianapolis, Ind., worked for two doc- ing. From there we were sent five at a Tomblin notes in her book that the been elected to two additional terms. tors in Lebanon, Ind. at the beginning time to a luxurious hotel — Surfer's planes were refitted to hold 18 litters, She said, "Why is it the women always of her career. She explained, "They Paradise. nine on each side, three tiers high. get the job of being secretary?" enlisted and I planned to follow, but I "When we all got there, there was a There was a small area for walking She is a member of the ad-hoc Lee broke my ankle playing golf and had to big party planned to celebrate. I didn't wounded and room for a large, heavy, County Congestion Pricing Committee defer my enlisting for six months. One have a date so we scrounged around medical kit. Flight nurses did a lot of which is currently in the process of of those doctors showed up with his and someone came up with a drunken actual bedside nursing. With no physi- revising toll procedures to alleviate wife at my door last year. Can you little air force man for me. And that's cian on board the planes, the flight grid lock on bridges to Sanibel and believe it! He probably tracked me when I met my husband (Dr. Leo J. nurse had the entire responsibility of Cape Coral during season. She has down from our Christmas cards." (She Hofschneider). He wasn't the drunken caring for her patients. been a member of the Captiva has been at the same Captiva address little air force man; he was in the Next, Hofschneider was stationed in Memorial Library Board for 10 years since 1974.) infantry. We were married 30 days later Nadzab, New Guinea with four other and is an alternate for the Lee County The air-evacuation experience at St. Agatha's in Brisbane. He was on nurses. "When we first got there, the Library System Advisory Committee. Training for the air-evacuation nurs- leave, and I hadn't been sent to the five of us were taken to the tent bar- And she is the secretary (again) and a es took place at Bowman Field near combat area yet. We were married racks to meet the soldiers. Right as we commissioner on the Captiva Fire Louisville, Ky. She said, "The training Sept. 1, 1943 and he died five years walked in, the lights went out. Five Control District. A strong democrat, was mentally and physically exhaust- ago this May 24. Quite a long mar- girls with all those men!" she recount- she said, "I have worked at the polls for ing! It was an intense six weeks — rig- riage, right?" ed, always remembering the humorous the last 17 years. It's a friendly, newsy orous calisthenics, forced marches, After a month's stay in the luxury incidents first. gathering!" close-order drill. Of course, we already hotel, the nurses were stationed in Port "Once we were pinned down for five On women in the military, she said, had the nursing background but we had Moresby, New Guinea near the combat days in our tent by a sniper. Finally, "Women are absolutely capable of han- zone in tents at the end of a dirt air- one GI sneaked around and tracked him dling combat. I learned how to shoot a down and shot him. We were back to 45 for protection. When I was in the work. They didn't want us there caring service, everyone had a great respect for the wounded and saving lives." for the nurses. The enlisted personnel SUNSET CffPTIVfl She said, "We got shot at all the loved to have us there." time. There was no identification on The air-evacuation unit has been in the planes as hospital planes or any- all the conflicts since W.W.II and HffRBORSIDE CONDO thing. We had to fly low, under 10,000 Hofschneider has attended reunions of feet because there was no pressure in the 804th Medical Evacuation Combat the planes and we had to get out of Unit over the years. She said, "We there before two in the afternoon don't talk about the war though. All of because we would get socked in from us were there; we all experienced it so the build up of heat and humidity in the we don't have to dwell on it. We talk area." about our families." Hofschneider would meet her hus- band on leave, and while stationed at

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IT' l r°° ' S. ° ? 8 D«*s and Saeened Porches bring all the natu- Realty, Inc. ral ta»'y -"to to;home_Enjo y three gorgeous bedrooms, three and one half baths,, third story waterfront Loft/Libra^, waterfront pool Dock with boat lift This property has everything for complete enjoyment of the lifestyle including deeded beach access Don t miss this opportunity to own one of Captiva s fmesthomes Completely decorator furnished Price $1695 (BO KffREN BELL Call Marsha Clifford Sanibel Realtor Since ]983 PMR Broker/Sales Associate Prlsi-llln Murphy 472-5154 • 1-800-233-8829 (941)472-1511 800-233-8829 (941)472-2902 Krnlly, Jilt. ISLAND REPORTER Q MAY 23, 1997 • 9A Council explores need for new crosswalks By Mark S. Krzos "Eventually traffic will subside and allow cross- do any good, then maybe we should just get rid of News Editor ing," Castle said. "The recommendations we made, them all." Accidents will happen with or without crosswalks. we feel are appropriate. More is not necessarily bet- City Council member Andrew Reding, who proba- At Tuesday's meeting of the Sanibel City Council, ter." bly knows more about bicycle riding than anyone on City Engineer Gates Castle told City Council mem- Of the ten crosswalks examined, only three made it Sanibel, said he's doesn't drive a car and since mov- bers that, for the most part, crosswalks are not needed past the Public Works review process. Those that will ing to Sanibel has logged over 11,000 miles on his in the multitude of areas suggested late last year. now get a cost estimate for the crosswalk and bicycle. But City Council member Wally Kain, who was bikepath connection include Periwinkle Way and "I've never encountered any problems when cross- once struck by a car while riding his bicycle, begged Palm Ridge Road, Periwinkle Way and Bailey Road ing the road," Reding said. "The only close calls I've to differ with Castle's findings. and Tarpon Bay Road and Periwinkle Way. A cross- had were in front of driveways. Common sense needs "I can see some merit in every one of the ten rec- walk at Tarpon Bay Road and the Post Office was to prevail...and until we come up with a necessary ommendations," Kain said. added into the mixed later, despite strong opposition crosswalk...I'm not in favor of this." Castle stressed pedestrian patience and said many from Castle. But Kain stressed the need for a crosswalk at of the suggestions that did not make the cut were due Kain appeared upset that more crosswalks did not •please see page 10A to the lack of need. pass the test, said sarcastically, "If crosswalks don't HURRICANE THOR •from page 1A strikes. Florida and a hurricane activated and recovery But despite how Tropical Storm Thor, warning is now posted has begun." advanced the Lee County according to Lee County for the east coast stem- The Lee County Emergency Operations Center is, Lee County TEAM Simulations Janet ming from just north of Emergency Operations Public Safety Director Drilling, formed last Palm Beach and extend- Center is one of the most John Wilson says safety Thursday in the western ing all the way down to technologically advanced of the residents is depen- Atlantic about 350 miles Homestead. operations centers in the state. Its capabilities dent on every individual. east of the Leeward "It now looks like it's include: a generator islands packing winds of going to affect Florida "All of this is only as back-up; a state satellite 50 mph. and is taking almost the good as something we down link; blast faxing During the exercise, as same track of Hurricane call IR—individual machines; conference officials explained the Andrew," Drilling said of responsibility," Wilson call capabilities; alert step by step procedures the possibility of the said. systems for the hearing of how they react once a storm increasing again to One of the major con- impaired; its own weath- hurricane is formed, a Category 3 hurricane. cerns for islanders is the er consultant and; spe- pseudo-broadcasts by the Later in the day, the fact that hurricane shel- cialized computer pro- Weather Weather ters will not open 36 Emergency Operations officials McClure and grams that predict tides Channel Channel hours in advance. That is Drilling tracking Thor at headquarters. and changes in atmo- and CNN now west coast are locked hurricanes to ever strike the time barrier island spheric conditions. told offi- announces down, airports are closed the United States. Only residents are given the cials exact- that Thor's and throughout the Hurricane Camille and In responding to the order to evacuate. ly what winds have Southwest coast of the 1935 hurricane are aftermath of an emergen- "Sanibel will be given Hurricane increased Florida evacuation has stronger than Thor. cy, the center is also state notice to evacuate 36 Thor was dramatically begun on barrier islands Later Tuesday morn- of the art and features a hours in advance," up to. to 105 mph, and all vulnerable areas, ing, Thor, as it makes its specialized response unit, Wilson said noting that a disaster communica- for now, at least, securing B y making it an McClure said. way across the state tions unit, port genera- a shelter will be up to the Saturday extremely By Monday night sweeps over Naples with tors, satellite phones, a individual. "We're look- winds powerful Hurricane Thor again winds still at 130 mph— 400 gallon water tanker ing into securing shelters increased hurricane. In increases. With maxi- it appears that this storm and a communications for barrier island resi- to 60 mph addition, mum sustained winds at will be the most costly to John Wilson semi-truck that is, dents, but as of yet, noth- and the their hurri- 140 mph, Thor is now a ever make landfall on the according to Lee County ing has been worked storm was cane expert Category 4 hurricane and United States. predicts further strength- the outer bands begin "Once the storm Communications out." continuing its west north- Director Michael west track. ening as the storm lashing the east coast passed over Naples and To find out more approaches the east around Miami. entered the Gulf of Bridges, "the most about hurricanes, the "By now the advanced mobile trans- coast. Early Tuesday morn- Mexico, the Emergency 1 997Hurricane Emergency Operations portation communication ing May 20, the Operation Center Conference will be held Center is activated and Dade and Broward center in the state." everyone is briefed on Counties are now under Emergency Operation response operations Wednesday, May 28 the storm situation," Lee evacuation and the Center ceases work due begins," McClure said Inside the center, a beginning at 10 a.m. at County Emergency Southwest coast of to the high winds and noting that coordination plethora of tables are sur- the Sundial. Guest speak- Management official Florida looks like it will will reopen once the and recovery teams rounded by numerous ers will include Wilson Kahn McClure said. also be affected by storm passes. Again, throughout the state are televisions, high-tech and WINK-TV's Jim "The storm information Thor's wrath. Later Thor's winds increase to being dispatched to aid charting maps, electronic Reif. hotline is activated, traf- Monday morning, all 155 mph, placing it the affected areas. "Our bulletin boards, over 100 fic is restricted to barrier bridges on the east and among the most deadly message center will be telephones and a bevy of islands and boat owners computers. are advised to secure their vessels." Sunday morning May This Friday, 18, winds from Tropical Storm Thor have increased to 65 mph and Sanibel May 23rd a hurricane watch has ALL YOU been posted for . In Lee County local schools and govern- Brew Pub " M ment offices are closed CAN EAT for Monday for evacuat- Casual • Fan • Family Dining ing residents to use as 11:30 AM-10:00 PMt 7 Days shelters. Traditional "Lee County has English Pub Style declared a state of emer- 395-2030 gency, the shelters are 1547 PERIWINKLE WAY opened and mobile home MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Fish-N -SBP residents are asked to evacuate," Drilling said. Sanibel Brew Pub Homemade Chips By late Sunday night is pleased to introduce Tropical Storm Thor Cole Slaw and Memorial Day, May 26 becomes Hurricane Thor It's a Mexican Fiesta as winds again increase "PALMETTO Hushpuppies at the Brew Pub to 86 mph. $ Monday morning, PALE ALE" Featuring Nachos, Hurricane Thor now A sparkling Summer Ale crafted from 9.99 Tacos and Burritos appears headed for a Barley Oats and Local Wildflower Honey. Serving all day from Serving all day 11:30am head-on collision with A Light and Fruity All-Natural Ale! the Southeast coast of 11:30 AM to 10:00 PM 10:00 pm 10A • MAY 2$, 1997 Q ISLAND REPOftTEFi Community Flag burning The American Legion Post No. 123 will be burn- If sea turtles could say 'thank you' ing worn flags under a legal permit issued to the post. If sea turtles could, Anyone with a flag in need of destruction should call they would thank the 472-9979. six kids from Southwest Florida Marine Institute who American medals came to care for their On exhibit at the Sanibel Public Library through- nesting habitat at out May is the American Medal collection of C. Bowman's Beach May Rende. The medals are displayed in two cases located 6. near the Reference and Youth Areas. More than 3,500 The story of medals in the U.S. began with an Australian pine award to General George Washington for forcing the seedlings were pulled enemy evacuation of Boston in 1776. In 1782, to keep the sand clear Washington established the Purple Heart. During the where the turtles nest. Civil War, Congress authorized the first permanent Given one year, these U S. military medal—the Medal of Honor. Civilian seedlings could have av/ards are presented to citizens for outstanding ser- grown from five to 10 vices. feet. Australian pines A military decoration is always shaped like a can take over sea turtle cross, a star or a hexagon. Service medals are always nesting beaches pre-^ ci •i:ular. The congressional Medal of Honor displayed venting sea turtle in the exhibit was on by an Air Force Major in females from nesting. Vietnam. The institute pro- The American Medals and Decorations on exhibit vides a rehabilitation aie intended to be a distinctive symbol of a Nation's program that works gratitude to its honored military and civilian citizens. with juvenile offenders Other medals exhibited include the Navy and in an educational and IV arine Corps Medal, the Soldier's Medal, the Silver marine environment. S:ar, the Navy Cross, the Distinguished Service Cross, the legion of Merit, the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star and the Civil War Medal. Call the Library for additional information at 472- Hurricane I.D. Cards CPR course offered 2483. As hurricane season rapidly approaches, it is time The Sanibel Fire Control District will offer a CPR to begin preparation. The City of Sanibel is now Heartsaver course May 27 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. accepting requests for Hurricane I.D. Cards. Pre-registration is required. The cost of the course is SCCF summer day camps If you do not have one of the following items, you $8. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a The Environmental Education staff at Sanibel should apply for a Hurricane I.D. Card: towel or pad for your knees. For further information, Captiva Conservation Foundation is looking forward 1. An "A" Beach Parking Decal receipt along with call the District at 472-5525. to sharing their enthusiasm and knowledge of local a photo I.D. nature and outdoor pursuits with children this July. 2. A Florida driver's license showing your Sanibel The Foundation will offer two five day sessions— address (or a P.O. Box), Democrats seek diversity J ily 7-11 and My 14-18. Mondays of each week will 3. Or a Sanibel Property tax Bill receipt along with The Florida Democratic Party invites all interested b i full-day sessions and the remaining days will run a photo I.D. registered Democrats of Lee County to apply for until 12:45. Camp will be based at McCarthy's All property owners who do not have one of the selection as delegates to the 1997 State Conference to Marina on Captiva where shady bayside grounds and above, please send your request and a self-addressed, be held October 3 through 5 in Tampa. a classic summer-vacation cottage will allow campers stamped envelope to: Qualification forms, which must be filed between tu enjoy nature study, crafts and gain skills in outdoor S.E.M.P. May 1 and June 15 are available from the following activities. Transportation is provided. Cost for the 800 Dunlop Road party executives: County Chair Joe Guardiano, Vice camp is $110 per camper and each camper may Sanibel, FL 33957 Chair Lori Tomaselli, State Committeeman Robert attend one session only. For further information or to If you have any questions, please contact the Geltner, State Committeewoman Barbara Fagan. register a camper, please call SCCF at 472-2329. Sanibel Emergency Management Office at 472-3111. Send your request for forms to one of the above at Democratic Party of Lee County, Renaissance Center Station, P.O. Box 97508, Fort Myers, FL 33919- 0508. Or call 466-6197 for information. At the time of qualifying all Delegate candidates must sign a We must be crazy to offer over statement agreeing to work actively for the election BOATERS' PRIVATE RETREAT! 30 combinations of pasta & sauce of Democratic candidates in the 1998 election. dinners including soup or salad and fresh baked bread with roasted tusmz moKimm$m$% garlic & oil Sewing days for only The Southwest Florida Chapter of the American Sewing Guild will hold its monthly meeting June 28 $9.95 at 12:30 p.m. at the Lee County Extension O Department building on Palm Beach Blvd. in Fort LJf course we also offer Myers. All interested sewers are welcome. This meet- Chicken Puttenesca ing will feature Ginny Janke who will discuss fabric Veal Saltimbocca weaving and buttonhole application. For further Shrimp Alia Venezia information call the Lee County Extension office at Calamari Marinara 338-3232 or the Club Administrator, Barbara Hayes, along with other favorites •please see page 14A as well as • 2 lots overlook the scenic Sanibel Rim; with dockage available on site, 2 bis The Island's Only with dockage available at private community dock Wood Fired Pizzas! CROSSING GUARDS 'from page 9A • Private, gated enclave with private beach access and private beach paviliion, •••1/2 s~ i Periwinkle and Palm Ridge Road. "There has been an private community pool, private clay tennis courts accident of record in that location," Kain said. • Just 11 total residences, all subject to stringent protective architectural standards News-Press A* Resident Gus Samsel also urged the City Council • Easy 10-minute access by boat to San Carlos Bay and the Gulf, convenient by to place a crosswalk on Tarpon Bay Road leading to land to Sanibel shops, restaurants, golf and the mainland mm®. the Post Office. Lot#1 $395,000 HOW • $275,0001 "Put a crosswalk to the Post Office before some- Lot #2 $395,000 NOW'$305,000! one gets killed," Samsel urged. Lot m IllliliSOLO! I I'I liiii iiijim But Castle fought Samsel, saying that once across Lot m SOLD! the street, pedestrians will have no place to go and pleaded with the city not to add one in that location There s no place for bikes to go once they get across, Castle said noting that it may be more dan- H E 1 l,_X_Y. I «_ dinner from 6:00 pm 7 days a week gerous to have a crosswalk there than not 472-1998 1200 Periwinkle Way But Council members approved the four additional Call 395-0909 (or more info. crosswalks by a four to zero vote. Council member Licensed Real Estate Broker Bob Janes was excused. ISLAND REPORTER Q MAY 23, 1997 • 11A School news Sanibel students will have more choice Let's hear it for the grads! By Jill Goodman they reach the next level, such as According to Smith, a bus will The Island Reporter will published a special Staff Writer from middle school to high have to be added for the island graduation issue June 4. If your child or grand- Island students will be part of school, then they will have to children electing to go to the child is graduating from high school or college the effort to end segregation in apply to their choice school. The Three Oaks School. this year, please send a photograph, biography Lee County soon. high school students will choose "The District is behind school and future plans to the Island Reporter, P.O. Box Lee County School District from Fort Myers, Cypress Lake choice. It solves a lot of issues 809, Sanibel, Fla. 33957. Deadline is May 30. Program Evaluator and and Estero high schools. Students and manages growth. As areas Allocation Planner Mike Smith can still apply to magnet or full over-populated they (the school said school choice becomes time MWA schools." Smith said. board) were redrawing bound- effective in the 1998-1999 school "If we want to have unity sta- aries almost every year. This will sion of HOBY is to seek out, recognize, and develop year. tus, we have to do something. Of give parents more options in leadership potential among high school sophomores. Next year, Sanibel Elementary the 67 counties in Florida, Lee schools with special programs Fawcett entered Canterbury as a ninth grader and school fifth graders will be asked County is the most segregated," and will allow for more special- has established herself as a class leader. "Her positive to choose from three middle Sanibel Elementary School ization in schools," Smith said. attitude, superior sense of dedication, and consistent schools: Three Oaks, Cypress Principal, Barbara Ward said, Parents with question can reach effort in all she undertakes combine to make her a Lake and Dunbar. adding, "This will do it, except Smith at 337-8515. candidate for any future leadership role," said Susan "Students already in a school for the added expense for trans- Romano, Canterbury instructor. will be grandfathered in. When portation." Fawcett volunteers during the summer at a preschool and also works with retired greyhounds. Center of the Islands is from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. She is active in school sports and drama, is on the Ward celebration An afternoon program is also offered until 5:30 p.m. honor roll, and is a member of the National Honor All Sanibel Elementary students, alumni, and their Children need not be toilet trained for admission as 2- Society. families are invited to the Education Celebration year-olds. She will attend the HOBY weekend seminar at Open House to honor Barbara Ward on her upcoming "Although some openings remain, next year's two Barry University in Miami in May with an all- retirement this summer. The Education Celebration and three year old classes are filling up fast. We have •please see page 12A will be June 3, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Sanibel lots of space for four year olds," said Director Elementary School. A retirement celebration will be Rosemary McConkey. held June 8 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at The Dunes for par- McConkey is accepting applications at the school ents and members of the community. RSVP to between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Monday, Maureen or Bonnie by June 2 at 472-1617. Wednesday, and Friday. A $100 registration fee is required with each completed application. All interested families are invited to an open house Citizens of the Week at the school at 350 Casa Ybel Road between 1 and 3 Congratulations to Citizens of the Week for May 5 p.m. Sunday, June 1. For more information, call 472- -9: Kelsey Greten, Michelle Marinello, Andrew 4538. (See story Section B, page 2.) Richter, Stephanie Albert, Katherine Boorujy, Lindsay Phillips, John Tolisano, Jackson Stone, 6 Connor Fratus, Alec Cohn, Hattie Pierce. The worker On Broadway' coming up of the week is Karen Judah for being such a great The Creative and Performing Arts Magnet School speech teacher. at Cypress Lake Middle School is presenting "On Citizens of the Week for May 12-16 are: Joey Broadway," a showcase for talented students. The Earle, Catie Pinault, Aaron Walton, David Batchelor, public performance is Thursday, May 29 at 7 p.m. at Karl Murdock, Russ Cronin, Sarah DeGeorge, Max the Cypress Lake High School Auditorium. It is Krause, Anita Preston, Tony Tromba. The worker of located at 6750 Panther Lane in Fort Myers. the week is Kathy Zocki for her cheerful nature and Admission is free; donations will be accepted at the for being such a wonderful teacher. door. Dates to remember Fawcett to attend O'Brien Friday, May 23 — dismissal at noon Jackie Fawcett, Sanibel resident and daughter of Monday, May 26 — no school Robert and Karen Fawcett, was chosen to represent Sanibel's Jackie Fawcett was selected to rep- Tuesday, June 3 — Education Celebration, 6:30 Canterbury School at the Hugh O'Brien Youth resent Canterbury at the Hugh O'Brien Youth p.m. Foundation Leadership Seminar (HOBY). The mis- Foundation Leadership Seminar. Wednesday, June 4 — Math Team, 8:30 a.m. Thursday, June 5 — Geography Contest, 8:30 a.m. Friday, June 6 — Kindergarten through fourth grade, Swim Party 8:15 a.m. Fifth grade will be in Tampa Sunday, June 8 — Barbara Ward's Retirement Celebration, 5 to 7 p.m. at the Dunes Monday, June 9 — Spelling Bee, 8:30 a.m. Fifth grade celebration, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 10 — Last day of school. Awards Day, K at 8:30 a.m.; first through fourth at 9:30 a.m.; fifth grade will be at Sun Splash. Congratulations to Mico Mico Manarite's Pinewood Derby race car won first place in the Tiger Cub Scout Division of the Southwest Florida Council Pinewood Derby. When all of the first place winners raced against each other, his car won third place overall.

BAYSIDE VILLAS BEACH VILLAS are excited to bring you the immeasurable ambience of Recreation announcement iBdrm/2Bathfrom $250,000 iBdrm/1 Bath from $335,000 South Seas Plantation on Captiva Island. Famous for its The Sanibel Recreation Complex pool will be 3 Bdrm/3 Bath from $385,000 2 Bdrm/2 Bath from $423,000 closed from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. June 6 for Sanibel 3 Bdrm/2Bath/U>fi $535,000 tropical vegetation and panoramic waterfront views, South Elementary's Annual Pool Party. The pool will Seas Plantation is theepitomij of island resort living. reopen to the public at 12:30 p.m. Children's registration Island preschool now accepting registration for 1997-98. South Seas & Captiva Properties. Ltd. Registration is now open for the 1997-98 school ?O Box 194, Captiva Island, FL 33924 year at the Children's Education Center of the Call our South Seas resort real estate specialists 941.4721994 Islands. The non-profit preschool offers a nationally MARINA VILLAS TENNIS VILLAS accredited curriculum for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. 2 Bdrm/2 Bath from $359,900 l Mi from $233,000 Sandra Baramf Fred Newman G/oria The learning day at the Children's Education 12A • MAY 23, 1997 • ISLAND REPORTER SCHOOL NEWS "from page 11A hold three workshops for students PUBLIC HEARINGS expense-paid scholarship to meet dis- grades two through 12. tinguished leaders in business, educa- Creative Dramatics for grades two CITY OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA tion, government, the sciences, and the and three will be Monday through arts. Friday from June 30 through July 11. The Sanibel Planning Commission will conduct Public Hearings on Class will meet from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 10, 1997 beginning at 9:00 A.M. at Sanibel City Hall in Summer programs Students in grades four and five will meet from 12 noon to 2 p.m. the Council Chambers (MacKenzie Hall), 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibel, Basketball coach Terry Kelly and Florida, to consider the following applications: members of the Canterbury team that Theater Workshops to help student competed in the State Finals this year learn pantomime and improvisation will be offered for grades six through 9:30 A.M. Reconsideration of a request (an initial public hearing will hold a basketball camp for girls and boys who will be in grades three eight. They will meet Monday through was closed on April 22, 1997) for a development permit Friday, July 14 to 25 from 10 a.m. to to provide for the construction of an approximately through eight in the fall. The camp will be Monday through Thursday, June 23 noon. Students in grades nine through 1,310 sf single family residence with an on-site wastew- to 26 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. for grades 3 12 will meet from noon until 2 p.m. ater disposal system and a tennis court; in combination through 5 and from 4:30 to 7 p.m. for All workshops are $75 per student with an existing single family residence and on-site grades 6 through 8. The cost for each for each two-week session; registra- wastewater disposal system, unifying two single family session is $65 per participant. For more tions must be received by May 30. For parcels of land located at 5270 and 5250 Indian Court information call 481-1156 or 481-4313. information, contact Sugarman at 481 - 4323. (Lots G and 35, Unrecorded Caloosa Shores Subdivision Also, Deb Sugarman, head of - tax parcel nos. 12-46-21-T3-00009.0010 and 12-46-21- Canterbury's drama department, will T3-O0009.016O) into a unified residential (cluster) devel- opment pursuant to Land Development Code Section Students honored for duck stamp efforts I.F.4.a. Submitted by Timothy J. Murty, Esquire, for By Jill Goodman "The national winner was from Joseph Giattini and Cheryl Heeke Giattini, Trustee of the Staff Writer California, and his design was of a Jacquelin Goeller-Giattini Qualified Personal Residence J. Norwood "Ding" Darling was the Canadian Goose. Ironically, the adult Trust Agreement. Application No. 97-11442 DP. first designer of the Federal migratory design winner was also of a Canadian hunting stamp. His concept, which Goose," Player said. 9:50 A.M. Consideration of a request for conditional use approval expanded to involve youngsters in art The adult stamp, which is required for a 20-seat fast food restaurant, to be known as The and conservation became so successful for hunters to have affixed to their Bean of Sanibel, to locate in a portion of the building that it is now an annual national event. hunting licenses, will be available July currently occupied by Beach Floor and Decor in the According to "Ding" Darling Refuge 1 foi hunters and collectors as well, at a Ranger Scott Player, the Junior Duck cost of $15. Sanibel Square Center at 2242 Periwinkle Way, (tax par- Stamp contest is divided in four Proceeds of the winning junior duck cel no. 26-46-22-T2-00009.0000) pursuant to Land groups: first, second and third place, stamp go to school progiams promoting Development Code Article I, Part I. Conditional Uses, and an honorable mention in each cate- conservation education through the Section I.I.I. Purpose and Scope, Section I.I.2. General gory. The national contest is open to all aits. Requirements, and Sub-section LI.3.m. Restaurants. students from Kindergarten through Sanibel Elementary school art teach- Submitted by The Bean of Sanibel (Carolyn and Del high school. This year, 591 Florida er Jaye Boswell encourages her stu- Straub), the applicant for Charles A. Nave and Goldie students submitted their original water- dents to enter the contest. Four of her Marie Nave, property owners. Application No. 97-136 fowl art scenes following the duck students placed in the state competi- CUP; and stamp format. tion. Second graders, Luke Scott and Consideration of an application for a development per- The Florida winner, selected March Susie Gaydos, fifth-grader Nick 21, is 18-year old James Wiggs from Gleason, and fourth-grader Jessie mit to divide the building currently occupied by Beach Pensacola. His "best of show" design is Wheeler all received honorable men- Floor and Decor into two (2) commercial units, and to of a family of Whistling Swans. tion in the state competition. add additional parking spaces and landscaping at the Sanibel Square Center, 2242 Periwinkle Way, in order Sanibel for The Bean of Sanibel, a fast food restaurant, to occupy Elementary one of the two units with the other unit to be occupied by School stu- dents Susie Beach Floor and Decor or another permitted use. (tax Gaydos, Nick parcel no. 26-46-22-T2-00009.0000). Submitted by The Gleason, Bean of Sanibel (Carolyn and Del Straub), the applicant Luke Scott for Charles A. Nave and Goldie Marie Nave, property and Jessie owners. Application No. 97-11462 DP. Wheeler were recognized for their 10:15 A.M. Consideration of an ordinance amending the Land entries in the Development Code of the City of Sanibel by creating a national new sub-subsection I.E.22.f.(12) to provide that the City Junior Duck Manager or his designee shall grant a special event per- Stamp com- petition. mit if the activity for which it is requested has been held previously and has demonstrated compliance with permit conditions of any previous permit; amending subsection LE.22.n. to provide that non-compliance with the condi- tions of an authorized special events permit may be BEACH HOME grounds for denial of future permit applications; provid- ing for codification; providing for conflict and sever- ance; and providing an effective date. Submitted by the SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION City of Sanibel. Application No. 97-194 LDC.


If a person decides to appeal any decision of the body with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. h front home at South has view., of fh'P~r:if ?»f Seas Plantation In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons has views of the Gulf of Mexico. Home is sold partially furnished and in immaculate condition. Excellent rental potential CaH for needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding more information. Realistically offered at $925 000 should contact Gary A. Price, City Manager, no later than one day prior to the proceeding. Telephone 941-472-3700 for assistance. If hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers, PMR PriseiHa Murph r Jy 800-955-8771 (TDD) or 800-955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance. Realty, ' * * * * KfiREN BELL J3 ISLAND REPORTER • MAY 23, 1996 Q 13A

Canterbury School's first graders spent their school day, Friday, May 17 on Monkey Business Sanibel. Accompanied by parents and teachers Lynn Miller :. and Alice Speakman, they went to the Shell Museum to learn about native shells, Periwinkle Trailer Park to see Dick Muench's menagerie, and Gulfside Beach to have fun and lunch. Left: Dick Muench shows the students a baby bird being cared for by hand as one of the lemurs watches Below: Brittany Whitenack, Jenna Utley- Holliday, and Emily Pierot enjoy burying their friend Emma Yudelman in the sand.

By Gwenda-Hiett Clements

New board members elected to city housing committee Sanibel residents, University of Maryland New York City, and a of Churches. Samuel C. Ford and the and earned a master's doctorate in divinity During its May meet- Rev. Dr. William C. degree in business from Westminster ing, CHR's Board elect- Schram, have been voted administration at College in Pennsylvania. ed the following officers members of the Board of Rutgers. He served 36 He has served in various — (The Very Rev.) Directors of Community years with Bell Atlantic capacities with the William P. Dodd, Housing & Resources, Corp. and its predecessor national staff of the President; George Inc. (CHR). (The Very companies, retiring in Presbyterian Church, and Kohlbrenner, Jr., Vice- Rev.) William Dodd, 1990 from the position of as pastor of Presbyterian President; Ray Pavelka, Board president, executive vice president. churches in Port Secretary; and Karen announced the appoint- Bill Schram, a retired Jefferson, NY, Pelham, Bell, Treasurer, CHR is a ments after the monthly Presbyterian minister, NY, and Dayton, Ohio. non-profit organization CHR Directors' meeting. moved to Captiva in He has also served on the which administers In making the Samuel C. Ford 1988 and became minis- Rev. William Schram boards of Goodwill Sanibel's below market announcement, Dodd Year" by the Sanibel ter-in-residence at Church of Christ. He is Industries and Children's rate housing program in said, "Sam and Bill have Captiva Lions Club in Chapel by the Sea. After also an active member of Services in Dayton, accordance with state great enthusiasm for 1994. He is currently the three years, he moved to Friends In Service Here where he chaired the and local requirements, Sanibel's affordable moderator at Sanibel Sanibel where he has (FISH). board of the Children's obtains grants for hous- housing program. We Congregational United served as a part-time pas- Born in Cincinnati, Medical Center. He was ing needs, and acts as the look forward to having Church of Christ. toral assistant and visit- Schram is a graduate of a trustee of the national City's liaison to numer- Presbyterian Church ous governmental hous- the Island benefit from A native of ing minister with the Williams College. He their expertise and sup- Sanibel Community holds a master's degree Foundation and at one ing and social service Washington, D.C., Ford time, president of the committees. port." graduated from the Church and the Sanibel in divinity from Union Sam Ford, a seven Congregational United Theological Seminary in Greater Dayton Council year resident of Sanibel, played a major role in organizing the Bailey- Matthews Shell Museum, THE 12TH ANNUAL SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WINE FAIR and remains highly active in that organiza- AT SOUTH SEAS PLANmnoN tion. He is also a member SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1997 of the capital fund drive Join the premier wine event in Lee County, committee of the Old and you'll become a true connoisseur Schoolhouse Theater, the while having fun and sampling Sanibel Captiva some of the best wines in the world. Conservation Foundation (SCCF), Care and Events include,- Rehabilitation of A Champagne Brunch Featuring Champagne Veuve Clicquot Wildlife (CROW), and Seminars With The Winemakers the Ding Darling The "X" actor: Wildlife Society. He was Tomorrow's Consumer honored as "Lion of the Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?: Planning A Food & Wine Event Single Vineyard Designations: All Your Grapes In One Basket! RENT Winemakers Debate the Pros & Cons Terroir: BOATS How Soil And Conditions Produce Fishing and Shelling Those Great Flavors Closest to Outer Islands The Grand Tasting Wines & Winemakers from acclaimed U.S. Vineyards 472-5800 Wonderful foods from all of South Seas Resorts' Chefs Price $75 per person, inclusive. Jensen's Marina For reservations and additional information, Captiva Island call 472-7554. 14A • rUAY 23, 1996 • ISLAND REPORTER


The following property deeds were Frye, Jane E. to Ronneback, AGENDA FOR MAY 27,1997 recorded at the Lee County Adelheid, U121, Mariner Point Condo, MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Courthouse during the week ending Ph 1. $168,000. May 11. The following property deeds were COUNCIL CHAMBERS (MACKENZIE HALL) Ackerman, Sue, and Ackerman, Sue recorded at the Lee County 800 DUNLOP ROAD, SANIBEL, FLORIDA Trustee and Ackerman, Sue Trust to Courthouse during the week ending Begraft, Donald F. and Bonnie A., G15, May 13. 6,811-465-216, $1,200,000. City of Sanibel, 112 Periwinkle Way, 9:00 AM 1. Approval of minutes of regular meeting of Hayes, Elizabeth Garrett Trustee and Boardwalk by Kelly Brothers, $23,000. May 13, 1997. Hayes, Elizabeth Garrett Trust, and Scott, 9020 Mockingbird Dr., Lower Hayes, James S. to Hogan, Sandra H., Level Encl. By Kennedy Construction. 2. Report from Director of Planning. L2, Ph. 3, dunes at Sanibel Island. $50,000. $560,000 PMF Enterprises, 200 Periwinkle Wolter, Gary R., to Dibiase, Way #212, Repl. Screen & Roof Etc., 3. Report from Planning Commission Members. Anthony M. and Donna, L137, Bg, $6,000. Dunes At Sanibel., $450,100. Caribe, 2669 W.Gulf Dr., Bannister, Dan W. and Audrey M., Renovations by TMS Renovations, 4. Report from Planning Commission Chair. to Yeaser, Marjorie D.,L5 Bg. Dunes $39,600. At Sanibel Island. $290,000. Stevelman, 4686 Rue Bayor, 5. Public Comments and Inquiries. Yeomans, Eugene H. trustee to Addition by TMS Renovations, Sanibel Captiva Conservation $64,081. Foundation, G28, S21-46s-22e, Sanibel Michigan Homes, 1293 Par View 9:20 AM 6. Adoption of Resolutions. Island. $100,000. Dr., Screen Enclosure by Abaco Alum, Condos. $7,480.' There are no resolutions to be adopted. Sweedler, Marion C, to Arnold, Neal, 1740 Dixie Beach Blvd.LP Mary T., and Jones, Kent W., &343, Tank by Amerigas, no value. Loggerhead Cay condo Ph 1, $339,000. Davison, 3663 West Gulf Drive, Cassin, Leonard J., and Arlene M., Structural Repairs by Mike McGinn, 9:30 AM 7. Continuation (from May 13, 1997) of a request to Norris Peter J. and Trudie A., U20, $10,000. for a development permit to modify and enlarge the Seashells of Sanibel, $207,600. City/BIG Arts, 900 Dunlop Rd., an existing boat dock and to add a second boat Rizzo, Thomas F., and Rizzo, Structure for Stage Lights by Foye Thomas F. Trustee and Sailer, Edward Bldrs., $1,000. lift in the human-made public canal inlet from and Joan E. Unitrust and Sailer, Casa Ybel Resort, 2255 West Gulf San Carlos Bay adjacent to the site located at Edward and Joan E., and Sailer, Drive, Concrete Deck Repairs Paul 1504 San Carlos Bay Drive. Both the boat dock Edward and Sailer Joan E. to Davis Systems of SW., $34,825. McManamon, Paul F. and Laura S., Ramming, 2011 Mitzi Lane, Pool and boat lifts are to be accessory to the existing Apt. 241, Sanibel Moorings Condo, Enclosure by Exceptional Encl., single family residence located on the subject $200,000. $3,320. parcel (i.e., Lots 17, 18, and 19, Block A, Browne, Albert E. Jr. and Lucinda Schenke, 5206 Punta Caloosa Ct., Unrecorded Sanibel Isles Subdivision - tax par- Merry, to Fox James E. and Lois C, Underground LP Tank by Ferrell Gas, Apt. 1311, Sanibel Moorings Condo. no value. cel no. 18-46-23-T1-00001.0270). As submitted $188,000. by Bray Marine Construction for property own- ers Reese R. and Linda K. Kauffman. COMMUNITY NEWS •from page 10A Application No. 97-11469 DP. at 768-9590. Darling and expires one year from the month of issue. The cost is $12 and can be purchased at the Visitor Center. 9:50 AM 8, Open discussion among Planning Commissioners Noah's Ark For additional information call 472- regarding Planning Commission Functions and Summer visitor and other Noah's 1100. Goals and the methods and procedures for Ark devotees will be glad to know that the Ark reopens for business June 10. achieving them. Patrons please note that Sambel's CROW garage sale favorite thrift shop is only open The Care and Rehabilitation of a. Discussion of the interim work of the LDC Tuesdays and Fridays during the sum- Wildlife's semi-annual garage sale will Review Committee. mer months. Hours are the same as dur- be held June 14 under the CROW resi- ing the winter season—9:30 to 12:30 dence building. p.m. If you have items to donate, exclud- b. Specific discussion items by individual mem- The Ark is behind St. Michael and ing clothes, please call Anita at 472- bers of the Commission. All Angel's Church. It sells clothing, 3644. furniture, household items, books and magazines all at bargain prices. 10:00 AM 9. Presentation of Planning Commission Chair's Donations to the Ark can be left on Romance writers Draft Hurricane Preparedness Report. the porch of the Ark at any time. Large The Southwest Florida Romance items may be picked up at your request. Writers will meet May 24 from 1 to 4 ALL IN THE CITY OF SANIBEL, p.m. at Books-A-Million in the Edison Mall. For more information call Diane LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA New refuge pass at 549-0069 or Joyce at 731-9449. The J.N. "Ding" Darling National On June 28, at the same time, there If a person decides to appeal any decision of the body with Wildlife Refuge is selling a new will be a buffet-luncheon writer's Entrance Fee Pass as part of a Federal workshop conducted by multi-pub- respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hear- Pilot Program designed to assist with lished author Tina Wainscott held at ing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and for funding public use programs in refuges. such purposes may need to ensure that a verbatim record This pass is valid only at "Ding" •please see page 16A of the proceedings is made, which record includes the tes- timony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Recycle persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Gary A. Price, City Manager, no later than one day prior to the proceeding. Janice J. Caron, M.Ed.,CAP Telephone 941-472-3700 for assistance. If hearing LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH THERAPIST impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers, BOARD CERTIFIED ADDICTION PROFESSIONAL 800-955-8771 (TDD) or 800-955-8770 (VOICE), for assis- CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERPIST tance. (941)395-2184 • Individual, couple and family therapy • On going group for post divorce adjustment Wednesday evenings 6-7:30 p.m. • Hypnosis for stress management, smoking cessation, anxiety disorders, including panic attacks and agoraphobia, weight control, sports enhancements ISLAND REPORTER • MAY 23, 19% Q 35A Police watch

TICKETED— Rollerblades which she believes fell Michael Underwood of Bonita out of a car in a Periwinkle Way park- Local resident swerves into DUI Springs, May 16, cited on Causeway. ing lot May 17. Road for a tag not attached, $43. THE MUSIC DIED—A Fort Sanibel-Captiva Road Myers man called police to the fishing Gregory Thomas Rhodes of Pine Steele said Rhodes rifled through his Melody C Anderson of Captiva, pier May 17 after discovering someone Tree Drive was arrested and charged wallet and while holding his license in May 20,59 mph, $ 173. pried the Sony CD player from his with driving under the influence after his left hand said he couldn't find it Jack Warren Ellison of Fort Myers, Jeep. The $300 system was stolen he allegedly swerved into oncoming Steele asked him to perform a field May 18, 58 mph, $173. while the car alarm was armed. traffic May 19. sobriety test. Officer Mark Steele was passing According to Steele's report, Rhodes Alan V. Pierce of Fort Myers, May GOLDFINGER—A couple vaca- - 17, excessive speeds, $83 tioning from Illinois phoned police Rhodes at 8 17 p.m. in the opposite failed the test stopping half way May 17 after discovering a $2,000 gold direction on Sanibel-Captiva Road through it to say, "I can't do this I'm LOST & FOUND—A Texas and diamond anniversary rings missing when the truck Rhodes was driving wasted." woman went for a walk on the beach from the bedside table. The woman allegedly swerved. Steele turned He was arrested and charged with May 21. After losing track of time, she took the ring off the night before, woke around and pursued Rhodes, pulling driving under the influence, failure to looked to her pocket watch which she up and went for a walk. The rings was him over after pacing him at 57 mph. sign traffic summons, failure to main- discovered missing. The $600 gold missing when they returned to their Rhodes allegedly exited the vehicle tain a single lane, possession of drug watch was lost in the area of West Gulf Middle Gulf Drive condo. and met Steele at the back of his car. paraphernalia, open container, and Drive; a woman turned in a pair of Steele reported Rhodes staggering and speeding. Rhodes is scheduled to holding onto his vehicle for balance. appear in Lee County Court June 9. After asking him for identification, —Michelle Moran. Some warnings and arrests for carrying the green Lawrence Samuel Genta of Naples was pulled over for speeding May 18 at Sanitael Police Statistics 12:28 a.m. on Sanibel-Captiva Road. While asking for his license and registra- SO j tion, Officer Anthony Thompson smelled an odor of marijuana allegedly com- BB9 Public Service ing from the vehicle. A subsequent search of the vehicle revealed a bag con- taining a green leafy substance. The substance tested positive for marijuana. A film container and empty aspirin container containing marijuana residue. •10 Alarms | Thompson also found a marijuana pipe in the vehicle. 011 Call* Genta was arrested and charged with possession under 20 grams and pos- I i i » ^H Are:* Ct session of drug paraphernalia. He was also given a speeding ticket for 53 mph ^^ Animals ••

which carries a $148 fine. His 1991 Acura was towed. 30 A day earlier, a 19-year old Naples man was a bit luckier when he was III 1 I pulled over. Thompson again pulled a vehicle over for speeding and noticed 25 rolling papers in the ashtray of the vehicle. Proi»orty Calls flH gH A check of the car revealed a bag containing a green leafy substance, but 20 M l i this time a call from the West Rocks area regarding a possible prowler resulted III ASBISI/ 16 I - I *Z 1 Jurlidlct in Thompson having "to leave the scene. The Naples man was given a warning ^B ni-.«hled |H ^^ ^| and the drugs were seized. III city 10 Ordmanc Na ! IIilI l H 1 "° III• i 5 • • l • • I I I • 0 LLJ ••HUHIWIMMJ The Palmda at the SancM Beauti/ul Views Everything The Name Implies 'fyou seek privacy in Sanibel's most natural setting, uncrowded access to / the island's only private golf club, and a stunning selection of luxurious single family, villa and condominium residences, visit The Sanctuary on Sambel Island

Second Floor flan (Suite Tkrtt) Situated overlooking the 3rd hole at Sanibel's only private golf club, this My furnished, designer-decorated home includes every feature and amenity you could desire, The widow's walk sunset terrace offers 360° tree- top views of the Sanctuary and Pine Island Sound. The wrap-around pool includes j cascading waterfalls from below the curved ' aquarium glass dinette windows. The open design of this exquisite home takes full advantage of the island ambiance. Take in the grandeur of our award-winning Priced at $1,655, OOO clubhouse and be sure to see our newest single family, condominium, and villa residences NOW OPEN! Starting at $3 79, OOO Waldrop Homes • Carlton Naumann Classic Homes • Wolter Group • Frey & Son Homes • BTS Construction Corporation

For further information contact Sanctuary Realty Services, LTD licensed Real Estate Broker Phone us for directions Call 395-0909fir information and directions to ThePalenaa, 1/800/725-4222 • 941/472-4222 16A Q MAY 23, 1996 Q ISLAND REPORTER COMMUNITY NEWS 'from page 14A — Vanderbilt Inn, Naples. For further information call County Republican Executive Committee along with Kelley at 945-2006. names, addresses and occupations of the attendees and should be mailed and postmarked by the deadline Lincoln day dinner to PO Box 61407, Fort Myers, FL 33906-1407. The Lee County Republican Executive Committee is having a fund-raising cocktail reception and dinner Five Lions awarded at the Sheraton Harbor Place June 3. Five Sanibel-Captiva Lions have been named as The private cocktail party will begin at 5:30 p.m. Melvin Jones Fellows, one of Lionism's most preti- followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Keynote speakers giou honors. include Florida Comptroller Robert Milligan, Florida The Fellows announced at the club's recent annual Education Commissioner Frank Brogan, Florida dinner are: Lions Alan, Boers, Jom Kramer, George Senate President Toni Jennings and Florida Speaker McKinnell, Dean Skaugstad and Bill Wollschlager. of the House Daniel Webster. Cost for the dinner and cocktail reception together is $125 per person. The dinner alone is $75. Paid Please stop by! reservations for the reception and Lincoln Day dinner The Island Reporter's pictorial history books are sold out. No additional orders will be taken. If you must be made in advance. Deadline for paid reserva- paid for a book but have not picked it up, please call Shirlene at (941) 472-1587 or stop by the office at tions is May 27. Make checks payable to the Lee 2340 Periwinkle Way.

LISTING OF THE WEEK GRAND BAY FRONT ESTATE Stately 4 bedroom 5 Vi bath \i L'rS \ beauty! Enjoy being on the "beach" everyday. Owner ;" %\ willing to trade for income "Resort Properties", Call Fred Spring or Betsy Belpedb, H (' Broker-Salesmen (472-6726 or 454-3822) $1,195,000

SAHIBEL INN OLD ISLAND CHARM SANIBEL'S PREMIER HOME Beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit with GUf of Mexico views! Quaint home overlooks Dinkins Bayou and has 150' Bayfront estate bordering conservation land. Guaranteed leaseback nets $23,000 plus. Amenities indude direct access to Bayl Great location, call Tracy to Breathtaking views of San Carlos Bay, Causeway, tennis, swimming, pool bar, restaurant & so much more. Call see this home today! Tracy Walters, Realtor Punta Rassa & Pine Island. 4 bdrms, oak floors, 2 Lynda Traveta), Broher-Salesman (4893201) $31

GULFSIDE CONGO THREE BEDROOM CONDO NEARLY 2 ACRES ON THE BEACH! ST. CHARLES HARBOR This condo sits in the midst of Sanlbel's nature) One of a kind home London Bay 91 "Dream Home" is offered garage, great rental complex with on-site Private & exclusive, 4 bedroom, 4 bath home with management and weekly rentals. Pets permitted! Pool, 2 tennis courts, on-site rental management fullyfamished ove r 10,000 sq.ft. of total area, pool, Jacuzzi, dock, spa & views of the beach that you only dream of. In private dub & more. Gated community 5 minutesto Sanibel. Cal Pool, tennis, & beach! Call Lynda Traverso, and beautiful beach. Call Lynda Traverso, Broker- Salesman (489-3201) Only $245,000 exculsive Gulf Ridge Community. Call Trevor Nette, Lynda Traverso, Broker-Salesman (489-3201) $1,195,000 Broker-Salesman (489-3201) $259,000 Broker-Salesman (472-2930) $1,975,000

GULF FRONT TAHITIAN STYLE CONDO SANIBEL ARMS WEST VERY NEAR BEACH IN BEACHVIEW THIS ONE HAS IT ALL! Living, renting, playing, owning on tie beach is a reality. 1st Row easy living 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo with Great views of 5th green from tils ground level 3 bdrm home & Canal, dock, pool, location, light & bright & airy 2 or 3 Cai today GuK Fronttoo bedroom, two bath for a new slight Gulf-view. Complex features pool, tennis & on- stepsto beac h pain. Cathedral ceiling in famiy rm, new cabinets bedrooms, 2 baths great lanai & deeded beach parking. owner. Call Beefy Wiiams, Broker-Salesman (472-5457) site management, Unit in geat condition! Call Glenn & ceramic tfe In kitchen & baths lovely pool & spa, aUracfvety Call Rich or Barbara Garcia, Realtors (472-5147) $339,000 Carretta, Broker-Salesman (489-2904) $259,000 furnished. Cal Dan CornCRS (395-7353) $359,953 Won't Last At $379,000

FABULOUS VIEWS OF SAN CARLOS BAY THIS COULD BE YOUR SPECIAL PLACE A3 MINUTE STROLL TO THE BEACH! GOLD COAST CAPTIVA Bdra open balcony off 2nd bedroom. Extra windows in Open & airy oonterriponaiy home, cathedral ceilings, loft forTreker Estate 16662/16658 Captiva Drive. 128' of beach Two Bertram,too bath , 2nd floor comer unit, very pretty, new den or study, fireplace, a marble master bath & gourmet frontage 2 beautiful homes surrounded by lush tropical master bedroom, nicely lurnished, newcaipetfi vinyl afew kitchen, great rental potential .(owner never ived here year years ago. Owier motivated! End of complex unit Call egt in kitchen,room for pod. Owner financing possfele. Call landscaping, tennis court large pod & spa Call Trevor tound) or great second horra Cal Becky Wfems, Gary Jacobs, Realtor (3956798) All For Only $425,000 Nette, Broker-Salesman (472-2930) $2,175,000 BeisyBelpedo, Broker-Salesman (454-3822) $192,500 Broker-Salesman (472-5457) Asking $223,900 BUILDING SITES A SANIBEL GOLFER'S DREAM AFFORDABLE LAKE FRONT HOMESITE RARE OPPORTUNITY OVER 200'OF SEAWALL BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE ON LAGOON Bujd^your winter tome- # The .Sanctuary, Lots of privacy in quiet end of150 Feet of Bay Frontagel Everyone's )n private Connie Mack Island overlooking In Gulf Shores subdivision. Deeded 1 iream! Someone's realifyl Build your SsHbei's new p&aie $R dub cornmun8y. subdivision. Plenty of wildlife nearby. viarina & open waterway. Direct access on abeach access, paved roads in area of ;ustom home & enjoy the views! Covered Ovarfpoks late,:g»en & fata .Trudy Betsy Belpedio, Broker Salesman stand of Estate homes. Very private! Call for nicely • maintained near beach homes. (454-3822) $55,000 mat dock included, w/lot. Call Tracy nore info. Ralph Galietti, Realtor (454-3891) De>#iR«$pr (472-3042) - • - Walters or Barbara Hail, Realtors Great Value! Call Lynda Traverso, Price Reduced!! $245,000 $400,000 472-3121) : :: , $739,000^ Broker^Salesman (489-3201) $139,000 MAY 23, 1997

-~^i i , \

Cruising for cash

U.S. Senator Connie Mack joined hundreds of volunteers from the businesses and civic communities to raise nearly $70,000 in the fight against cancer. The American Cancer Society Relay for Life put a new twist on the fight for cancer, bringing Rotarian Jim Guilfoyle's son Michael out dressed as "Carmen Miranda" in the Wacky Olympics. (Michael's team took home the silver). Outgoing Sanibel-Captiva Lions President Peter Maneri took a break from walking to watch the fun. More photos inside, see page 8B. Photos by Gwenda Hiett-Clements. Porsches, Harleys, Beemers...dreams come true By Mark S. Krzos idea of a one stop recreational,shop that Business School ten years ago, knew a inside the small office were ringing as News Editor for a reasonable rental fee, anyone can gentleman in who opened an soon as someone else hung up. "It's I never thought I'd ever be behind make seeing Sanibel and Captiva an exotic car rental shop and was looking off-season and we were completely the wheel of a $91,000 automobile, but affair to remember. for other locations throughout the sold out last weekend," Burns said. thanks to Resort Recreation (located Originally from New Canaan, Conn., United States. "It's amazing the success we've had just before the Sanibel Toll Booth Burns originally started his moped "I told them this area was ripe for over such a short time." Plaza) any ordinary Joe, who has business 21 years ago on Nantucket. A this sort of thing," Burns said noting Officially opened for business April dreamed of owning or driving a year later he was living on Sanibel and that exotic car rentals are nothing new 2, Resort Recreation offers renters Porsche, BMW, Mercedes or Harley soon opened Island Moped. After the to the Miami and Fort Lauderdale area, seven different Harley Davidson Davidson can make those caviar meteoric rise of his moped business on but are non-existent on the West Coast motorcycles, (Burns said the Hogs are dreams become a reality. Sanibel and Nantucket, he opened sev- of Florida. "So we worked out a deal the hottest item for rent) and five cars "For $329 a day anyone can ride eral more in resort communities across and gave it a shot." to choose from — a green on white around the islands in a $91,000 car the United States. So far, business has been going BMW Z3 (that's the BMW James Bond (Porsche Cabrio 993) and feel like a A friend Burns met at Harvard extremely well for Burns.- Telephones drove in "Goldeneye"), a Corvette, a millionaire," Resort Recreation owner Mercedes E-320 and a Porsche Cabrio Peter Burns said explaining that all the 993 — and he's looking to add more. cars for rent are convertibles. "It really "Right now we're looking to add makes seeing these islands more enter- some classic cars to rent," Burns said taining and enjoyable." noting that he's had offers from collec- Although the exotic cars and tors to rent their cars. "Everybody has Harley's are not typically the tourists' been so receptive to our business." main mode of transportation, Burns is In addition-to the cars and motorcy- banking on them renting one of his cles, Resort Recreation also rents bicy- rides for a day or two. ' cles, scooters, limousine service and "They can keep the top down and do takes people on nature tours. •*:>, their sightseeing in style," Operations "It's all put together to make it easier Manager John Ottervanger said. for the tourist to enjoy their vacation "We've got a regular customer from better," Ottervanger said. "If someone England that comes over on business call us up from the airport and wants a about once every two months and car, we'll even pick them up." reserves our Heritage Softail (Harley There are three ways to rent the cars Davidson). We had another tourist that and motorcycles: full day (24 hours), was staying at the Sanibel Sonesta and Sunset specials and for the half day. enjoyed his car so much he came back *Cars for the full day range from the day after day and kept renting from KBMW Z3 at $179 to the Porsche us." S Cabrio 993 at $329. The Harleys are all Burns, who founded Island Moped Resort Recreation owner Peter Burns and Operations Manager John $149 for the day. and has been in the resort/recreational Ottervanger want you to ride in style during your vacation on the For more information call Resort business for 20 years came up with the islands. Or anytime for that matter. Recreation at 472-5698. 20 O MW2ByW97, Q ISUANO' Children's Education Center grows with its students By Gwenda Hiett-Clements StaffWriter It's Monday morning. The children at Children's Education Center of the Islands are absorbed in their various activities. In the art room Michelle Tran paints her "happy face" as Kendall Cook carefully washes the ink used for making leaf prints from her hands. In the main room Amy Alexander imagines how she will look as a bride years from now, and Israel Salazar moves his car along the route marked on a carpet play area while Samantha Davis builds her future home. In the computer area, Noah Bronstein spends his time mesmerized by the anima- tion on the screen. In the back room Alex Hayes and Ian Molnar practice their creativity with Gak, a mix- ture of borax, glue and water, they made with the help of their teacher. None are aware that Rosemary McConkey, direc- tor of the center, is juggling the morning's events in preparation for the final city inspection of the Center's new building. She has just turned the build- ing alarm's being set off accidentally into a fire drill practice and she has a list of other things to do includ- ing getting a phone installed before the inspection. But, she didn't miss a second when it was time to gb to the piano to play "I've Been Working on the Railroad." McConkey said, "That's their favorite song and that's their clean up music when it's time to go outside." Framed in the glow of the morning sun, Michelle Tran paints her "happy face." Playing dress Open house to celebrate the completion of the non- up, Amy Alexander checks out how she will look as a bride years from now. profit accredited school's new building will be directors, said that parents began working to bring the The school employs five teachers with degrees in Sunday, June 1 from 1 to 3 p.m. on their five acre property up to code, ran out of money in 1995 and the Child Development Associate program. campus at 350 Casa Ybel Road. stopped working on it. McConkey said, "State law requires that at least one The building was donated to the school by John She said, "I am most definitely happy to see it instructor be licensed; all of ours are." Naughton and relocated there four years ago where it done. It was a real eyesore for some time. We have She explained, "We have a regular schedule. Our has sat waiting on funds to put into remodeling. definitely depended on people's generosity and good children are very bright and the school is designed to Kathy Thompson, president of the school's board of nature." meet the needs of our Sanibel parents and to prepare She said, "When our first child (daughter Kelly) the children for future schooling." started school there, my husband (Larry Thompson, The school's physical environment allows for indi- owner of Lazy Flamingo) took over the building pro^ vidual learning centers and has separate areas for ject." She explained that he and some of the people computer instruction and art. Each day which begins who work for him donated time and materials at cost. at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. includes music, story Thompson said, "It was a group effort! But, it time, age-specific classroom activities and outdoor OO GOOD REASONS wouldn't have been done if it hadn't been for Larry." activities. Parents are involved in weekly take-home BUY A HONDA. She added, "Money to help with the building renova- Skill-Builders. tion came from a Lazy Flamingo Golf tournament • 90 HP lour stroke, 1590 ee four cylinder OHC. The Center does offer an after-school day care pro- • Uses regular unleaded gas-bums NO oil-better with a $5,400 donation and Kiwanis gave $3,500 gram and plans a Summer Computer Camp for its for trio environment. with a matching private donation." current enrollees. • Unsurpassed fuel economy and range. Another parent Steve Bronstein, owner of Mangi e McConkey, in her fourth year as director, came to • Power lilt and trim isstandard, •INCREDIBLY QUIET. Bevi restaurant, donates to the school through his Sanibel as a retired school counselor from Illinois. "I • Capacitor discharge ignition for quick starts. "Doo-Wop" concerts. He hosted one in the fall and found out that I had a lot left to give to people and has another scheduled for Tuesday, June 3. Other knew that I could do the most to help with preschool fund-raising events such as the Third Annual children. I worked on an innovative program (relating Children's Spring Festival of the Islands and the to early childhood education) through a grant 22 school's 1, 2, 3 Rummage Sale in the fall contribute years ago that was implemented in Illinois schools." to the running of the school's programs. Children's Education Center of the Islands' acade- At the present the school has 35 children enrolled. mic program is based on that study — Parenting 941-285*4334 McConkey said, "I think by this time next year we Utilizing Pre-kindergarten Skills (PUPS) — devel- will have a waiting list. The most children we would oped from the U.S. Department of Education's WATERFRONT DRIVE • (THE I5LAHD FLORIDA ever accept would be 40 so that there would be no Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title IV C. 5 miles from Boca Grande Pass more than 10 children per teacher. Our parents want a McConkey has always known the importance of Always wear a personal floatation device while boating and read your owners manual. low ratio for individual attention. They don't want the children just herded around." •please see page 3B

Gulf Side Pine Island Sound DATE LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW DATE LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW May 23 2:10 a.m. 5:33 a.m. 12:18 p.m. 7:57 p.m. May 23 3:44 a.m. 7:41 a.m. 1:52 p.m. 10:05 p.m. May 24 3:06 a.m. 6:02 a.m. 12:57 p.m. 8:45 p.m. May 24 4:40 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 2:31 p.m. 10:53 p.m. May 25 4:07 a.m. 6:41 a.m. 1:41 p.m. 9:35 p.m. May 25 5:41 a.m. 8:49 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 11:43 p.m. May 26 5:10 a.m. 7:26 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 10:31 p.m. May 26 6:44 a.m. 9:34 a.m. 4:04 p.m. May 27 6:19 a.m. 8:48 a.m. 3:29 p.m. 11:24 p.m. May 27 7:53 a.m. 12:39 a.m. 5:03 p.m. 10:56 p.m. May 28 7:11 a.m. 10:49 a.m. 4:44 p.m. May 28 8:45 a.m. 1:32 a.m. 6:18 p.m. 12:57 p.m. May 29 7:53 a.m. 12:23 a.m. 6:21 p.m. 12:56 p.m. May 29 9:27 a.m. 2:31a.m. 7:55 p.m. 3:04 p.m. 8:29 a.m. 1:17 a.m. 8:04 p.m. 2:30 p.m. May 30 10:03 a.m. 3:25 a.m. 9:38 p.m. 4:38 p.m.


Islands Night at the Lee County Sports Complex on Transponders explained Six-Mile Cypress, home field for the Miracle The Sanibel-Captiva Islands Chamber of Baseball team. Commerce will host a meeting for residents and busi- Free tickets, banners, a parade, promotions, San- nesses concerning the launching of the "Transponder" Cap Little League participation, along with good by the Department of Transportation. Not to be mis- baseball, beer at half price, and plenty of vendors taken for a hand held computer, the Transponder will highlight the evening. replace the stickers currently utilized at the Toll All profits will go to Island charities. Last year Station. This new technology will be explained, over $2,250 was given to needy families and to Hope including the affects on residents and businesses, at a Hospice. For $100 businesses can receive all the tick- seminar Wednesday, June 18 at 9 a.m. at the Sundial ets they need, availability to set up a promotional Beach Resort in the Sanibel Room. For advance table, and opportunity to have a float in he pre-game reservations please contact Liz at 472-1080. parade. You can also have your banner in the stadi- Charles Lewis of Corporate Meetings & um, promotional announcements, plus an Islands Sundial gold award Incentives magazine presents the 1997 Night T-shirt. For more information contact Sam Golden Links award to Ed Lockard, Dunes Bailey, Project Chairman at 472-1516. Sundial Beach Resort along with its sister property Golf & Tennis Club head professional and the Dunes Golf & Tennis Club has received a 1997 Dunes Golf & Tennis Club General Manager Golden Links Award from Corporate Meetings & Jean Baer. Just the facts Incentives magazine. This is the second year for the The Sanibel-Captiva Islands Chamber of properties to receive this distinction. Sundial and the on the criteria of providing a quality golf experience. Sundial Beach Resort, in its affiliation with the Dunes Commerce will host a seminar with Walter Klages Dunes were selected for this honor by 26 members of who outlines tourist activity during 1996 on the the Professional Golf Association and golf industry Golf & Tennis Club, is the only facility in Lee County to receive this award. Islands including occupancy, average daily rate, executives who made up the 1997 Corporate source of business and future trends. The seminar will Meetings & Incentives Golden Links Advisory board. Islands Night Facilities were selected to receive this award based •please see page 12B Thursday, June 19 will be the Fourth Annual BUILDING A PLACE FOR KIDS 'from page 2B

music education and, with her piano Caldwell, vice'president; Karen Hall, Left, Noah Bronstein learns what it takes to keep the action going in playing, includes it in daily activities. treasurer; and Cindy Pierce, secretary. the school's computer area. Above, the Children's Education Center "With all the current news in the media . The school gained accreditation last of the Islands has a renovated "new" building thanks to benevolent emphasizing the importance of music March from the National Academy of parents and businesses on the island. The new center will open and other early learning even before Early Childhood Programs, a recogni- Sunday, June 1 with a special dedication. two, it is obvious that more people are tion attained by only five percent of paying attention now." early childhood programs in the U.S. Plans for utilization of the new The Academy administers a national, building are in the developmental voluntary, professionally sponsored stages. With emphasis on those early accreditation system for all types of learning skills in mind, McConkey schools and child care centers. The Just See the View from said, "I hope to open classes to teach Academy is a division of the National parenting skills for parents with chil- Association for the Education of Young dren under two." Children, the nation's largest organiza- Other ideas in development include tion of early childhood educators. dance classes, gymnastics, and drama McConkey explained, "We prepared Sanibel classes. for the review by the Academy for six The school for children ages two months, and earned our accreditation through five was founded in 1974 by with great praise." The process Sojiviow island parents. The first school was in involved an internal self-study and an the old Bailey's store on Bailey Road. external professionalreview. The school's board of directors is par- A-l ent-based. Officers in addition to 727 East Gulf Drive Thompson as president are Tad And you'll fall in love with this outstanding condo -k A-l Location (convenient east end) k A-l Unit (West side - 1st living floor) CalLJulie Potts * A-l Complex (only 12 units) * A-l Furnishings & Decor •k A-l Construction (elevator, garage, etc.) * A-l Condition... $750,000 A GULF FRONT HOME WITH THE CONVENIENCE OF CONDO MAINTENANCE Information or Showings Contact LIGHTHOUSE POINT ADA SHISSLER, GRI $249,000 395-0038 •472-2311- 3 bedroom • furnished • Light 941-472-5187x54 (800) 388-2311 & bright with over 1800 sq. ft. 800-553-7338x54 RE/MAX HALL OF FAME of living area • • Great price for a great condominium • Bay Find Your Place With of the islands views & 2 open air balconies. VIP 46-.U MAY 23, Community calendar ums, the shell museum and under). Rain cancels 9 and the shore. Friday, 9 tour 472-3644. Singin in the rain to 11 a m. Sights and The History Tour—A trip Al-Anon, noon, Cypress Lake from Sanibel's Point Sanibel Community Band Concert Ybel to the end of Church. in Lakes Paik Captiva. Daily, 1-3 p.m. was rained Adults, $15, children, Alcoholics out, but the $10 J.N. "Ding" Anonymous, 8 p.m., evening was Darling Wildlife open speaker meeting, Natural Wildlife- far from a Refuge—Tour the refuge St Michael and All History Boat Tours, wash out. with an expeit. 9-11 a.m. Angels Episcopal sponsored by the The bands daily except Friday. Church. Sanibel-Captiva played for Adults, $10; children, $7 Conservation Foundation several hun- Call 472-8443. Adult Children Of and Captiva Cruises sets dred friends Alcoholics (ACOA), 8 sail every day from and family in Miss Paradise p.m., Sanibel South Seas Plantation at the school Cruises. Backwater Community Church. 4 p.m. aboard the Lady cafeteria. fishing—bait, tackle pro- Chadwick. Cost is Hamburgers, I' vided. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Mi $17.50 for adults and $10 hot dogs and daily. Adults, $35; chil- for children 12 and all the trim- dren, $20. Sealife SATURDAY under. Children under 3 mings were Encounter Excursion— ride free. Foi details, call donated by Marine biologist, touch 472-5300. Other daily local restaurants. A bake sale provided desserts. The proceeds from the ticket tanks and aquariums on cruises are as follows: 9 price will go towards funding camp scholarships for band students -Jill board. 12:30-3 p.m. daily 24 a.m,—Morning Nature Goodman except Sunday. Adults, Cruise; 9 a.m.—Cruise to $35; children, $25. Cabbage Key and Champagne Sunset Useppa Island; nightly Cruise—7:30-9:30 p.m. sunset cruise. p.m. Saturdays from 9 every Friday. An hour of a.m. to 1 p.m. 472-2483. Wildside Adventures prayer, singing and wor- daily. Adults, $18; chil- Natural Wildlife- Kayak Tours and ship. Call Joan at 472- dren, $10. Call 472- History Boat Tours, see The Bailey- The Sanibel-Captiva Rentals. Explore the bar- 1936 for more informa- 8443. Friday. Matthew's Shell Conservation rier islands from sea tion. Museum. Located at Foundation nature cen- level. Natural history, Sanibel/Captiva Adventures in 3075 Sanibel-Captiva ter is open to the public sealife, sunrise, sunset, Indigenous Marine Rotary Club Breakfast Paradise Trolley Tour Road. Open Tuesday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., starlight and full moon Life Aquarium, featur- Meeting, 7:30 a.m. every and Miss Paradise through Sunday, 10 a.m. Monday through tours offered seven days ing tarpon, trout, snook Friday at the Hungry Cruises. See Friday list- to 4 p.m., Closed Saturday, Admission a week. Daily hours are 9 redfish, grouper, horse- Heron, 2330 Palm Ridge ing for more information. Mondays. A half-hour $3/per person over 17 a.m. to sunset. Located at shoe crabs and others, a Road. Visiting members Call 472-8443. lecture and slide show years of age. Native plant McCarthy's Marina on touch tank with live welcome. 395-0512. daily. Tuesdays through nursery is open 9 a.m. to Captiva. Reservations shells and a research/ Yoga at BIG Arts, Fridays at 11 a.m. and 2 5 p.m. and by appoint- required for guided tours. educational display. Aerobics at the 9:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday p.m. Admission for ment on Saturdays. The Children's Summer Located at the Marine Sanibel Fitness Center. mornings open to all adults $5, youths, 8 to SCCF offers guided trail Sealife Sessions. For Habitat Foundation's Professionally certified interested participants. 16, $3, seven and under walks Monday through children 8 to 12. $35 per Barrier Island Research instructors offer the fol- Call 395-0900. and members are free. Saturday at 10 a.m., 11 child; accompanying Laboratory, 900 Tarpon lowing classes for every- Suggested visiting time a.m. and 2 p.m. adults free. Call for spe- Bay Road. Open seven one. Nice 'n' Easy, 7:15 Sanibel Historical for exhibits 45 minutes cific times and offerings, days, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. a.m.; Mixed Impact Village and Museum. to one hour. Gift Shop on 395-2925. 472-3558. Aerobics, 9 a.m.; Body premises. For further Bird watching with See Friday. 472-4648. Martin Packard. For Shaping, 10:15 a.m.; information call 395- Short Step, 11:30 a.m. 2233. amateurs or experts the Fitness with Carla Islands Trolley Tour. Wildside Adventures tour is offered seven days Ferrel at the Sanibel Sanibel Trolley offers a Free to members. Call Kayak Tours and a week, make reserva- Community Center on narrated two-hour tour of 395-2639. Rentals. See Friday list- The Sanibel Public tions by calling 472- Periwinkle Road, Sanibel and Captiva— ing. 395-2925. Library is located at 8375. A voluntary dona- Mondays, Wednesdays, history, people, places Sanibel Sea Kayak. 770 Dunlop Road. Open tion of $25 or more per and Fridays, at 9:30 a.m. and wildlife. $10 for Naturalist Brian Sanibel Sea Kayak. Monday and Thursday person is requested and adults. Departs at 10 a.m. Houston offers daily sea See Friday. from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. goes to the Sanibel- Sanibel Community and 1 p.m. from the kayak tours through Tuesday, Wednesday and Captiva Conservation Church Worship Hour chamber of commerce. Buck Key, the Gulf of Yoga. At the Sanibel Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 Foundation. from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Call 472-6374. Mexico and rookeries in Fitness Center Saturdays, Pine Island Sound. Leave 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Canoe Adventures. from 'Tween Waters 395-1787. Enjoy the ultimate Marina on Captiva. wilderness experience in Trips. 8-11 a.m. and 1-4 J.N. "Ding" Darling MILLARD BROWN Florida with Mark "Bird" p.m. $35. Sunset and National Wildlife Westall. Daily canoe and night cruises,, $25. 472- Refuge. Visitor center RE/MAX REALTY GROUP van tours to "Ding" 5161. open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Darling, Sanibel River, Saturday-Thursday. #1 SOLD MLS LISTINGS IN FT.MYERS Buck Key, Mound Key, Country Line Dance. Closed Friday. One Corkscrew Swamp and With Sandra D. at the Wildlife Drive open sun- the Everglades. 472- American Legion Post rise to sunset daily 5218. 123 on Sanibel Captiva except Friday. 472-1100. Road at mile marker Gate times vary, contact Sanibel Historical three. Fridays, 7-9 p.m. visitor center for Village and Museum. Free. 472-9979. specifics. See the 1913 Rutland House museum, 1927 CROW Tour. Care Step aerobics at the Bailey country store, and Rehabilitation of Sanibel Recreation 1927 Reed post office, Wildlife offers guided Complex. 9-10 a.m. 1926 Miss Charlotta's tea tour at 11 a.m. Monday- Babysitting available. $3 room, 1926 Model T Friday, and Sunday at 1 a class. 395-2543. Ford and vegetable gar- p.m. Tours of the wildlife "Want to take the mystery out of selling your home?* den representing farming rescue facility begin in Alcoholics era on Sanibel. 10 a.m. to the education pavilion Anonymous, 9 a.m., CALL MILLARD'S A TEAMHRCTI 4 p.m. 472-4648. with an introductory talk next to library on and short video and pro- Captiva Rd. (Look for ("Simply the best" in personalized service) Adventures in ceed through the outside library sign.) Paradise Trolley Tour. compound and take 941-4S9-0444 about one hour. $3 dona- Shelling Sanibel— Island Seniors Water Trolley to live aquari- tion requested (except for members and children 12 •please see page SB ISLAND REPORTER 'Q 'MAY 23, 1997 • 5B Community calendar

•from page 4B SCCF offers guided trail walks Monday through Aerobics, 10 a.m., $1 per Saturday at 10 a.m., 11 SCA Crab Races class. Sanibel Recreation a.m. and 2 p.m. The second annual potluck dinner Complex pool. 472- was held at the Sanibel Community 5743. Fitness with Carla Association (SCA) May 15. Ferrel at the Sanibel After dining on salads, muffins, Aerobics with child Community Center on casseroles, aspics and desserts care, 9-10 a.m., Sanibel Periwinkle Road, brought by members and the ham and Recreation Complex. Mondays, Wednesdays, turkey provided by SCA, the 50 or so Nursery open until 10:30 and Fridays, at 9:30 a.m. adults and children were treated to a.m. for additional work- Tim Jardas' rapid-fire banter and out. 472-0361. Donation Adventures in well-known crab races. suggested: $2.00. Paradise Trolley Tour Jardas' show is famous at 'Tween and Miss Paradise Waters and he has flown all over the Cruises. See Friday list- country to entertain groups. Last year ing for more information. his show raised $6,000 for the United SUNDAY Call 472-8443. Way. Carolyn "Gee Gee" Collins of Sanibel Hams. Meet Sanibel was the big race winner of the the first Monday of evening, taking home $50 in prize 25 every month at 7:30 p.m. money for the fastest crab overall. in City Council chambers The proceeds of the crab races at city hall. Call 427- were split and Debbie Gleason received $75 to be used for the playground repairs. Gleason said that vol- 5130 or KQ4UW for unteers are needed to help with the work." Jill Goodman more information.

Natural Wildlife- Sanibel, B.C. A slide Public Library Mondays noon. Guests welcome, is ready to teach you. the Dunes. For informa- History Boat Tours, see presentation by Charles at 6 p.m.. For children in no fees or reservations. Call 472-5743. tion call Peter Hilger at Friday. LeBuff, each Monday at grades 4 to 8. Call Dr. Faye Granberry 472-1397. 3 p.m. in the visitor cen- at 472-6940. Scrabble practice on Wildside Adventures ter of the J.N. "Ding" Yoga. At the Sanibel Tuesdays at Shell Point The Master Kayak Tours and Darling Wildlife Fitness Center Mondays, Chess players want- Village at 7 p.m. There is Gardners meet the first Rentals. See Friday list- Society's building fund. 7:30-9 p.m. 395-1787. ed at Island Seniors. no cost, but reservations Tuesday of every month ing. 395-2925. Learn about life wildlife Play chess on Tuesdays are a must. Call 466- at 10 a.m. at the Sanibel on Sanibel and Captiva Friendship Bridge. at 1 p.m. Non-chess 0657. Public Library. Speaker Adventures in before the Causeway. At the Sanibel players may play bridge Kaye Cude, authority on Paradise Trolley Tour Subjects covered Congregational United or backgammon. If you The Sanibel Bicycle plants and their care. For and Miss Paradise include: Lighthouse and Church of Christ, 2050 would like to learn to Club meets every information contact Dr. Cruises. See Friday list- refuge history, hurri- Periwinkle Way, play chess, Karl Godert Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. at •please see page 9B ing for more information. canes, mosquitoes, Mondays from 1:30 to Call 472-8443. wildlife populations, 4:00 p m. $2. Everyone water supply, and much welcome. Call Gertrude Canoe Adventures. more. Get to know the Ford at 395-1770 for See Friday listing. real Sanibel and Captiva. more information, Questions are encour- 11509 Andy Rosse Lane Sanibel Historical aged. Scrabble practice on PO Box 1090 •Captiva, FL 33924 Village and Museum. Mondays at Shell Point See Friday. 472-4648. The Sanibel Public Village at 1 p.m. There is 941-472 6669 • 1-800-741-4752 Library Summer no cost, but reservations [email protected] Sanibel Sea Kayak. Reading program is held are a must. Call 466- See Friday. each Monday beginning 0657. CAPTIVA ISLAND June 23 and continues ROOSEVELT CHANNEL ESTATE PROPERTY Sanibel Emergency through July 28. Shellcrafters 125' on navigable water, 1.39 acre plus contemporary ground level home with 3 bedroom suites. Preschool students meet Workshop. Mondays Large living/dining area, sunroom, open gourmet kitchen and two large sundecks. Extras Radio Amateur Net, include freestanding double garage, heated pool, hot tub in screened gazebo, dock and Gulf 7:30 p.m. Frequency is at 7 p.m.; Primary from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at beach easement. Zoning permits construction of a guest house and caretakers' house on the 146.79 with a tone coded School (Grades K, 1, 2) the Sanibel Community property Beautifully furnished, $999,950 squelch of 173.8 Hz. meet at 1 p.m.; and inter- Center. Visiting Hams welcome. mediate students (Grades NAVIGABLE WATER ESTATE Alcoholics 1.84 acres with 155' on navigable water, split level home with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, very large 3, 4, 5) meet at 2 p.m. living/dining area, eat-in kitchen, screened pool & double garage. Extras include: caretakers' Alcoholics Anonymous, 10 a.m., cottage, boat slip & interest in 40' easement to Gulf beach. $750,000, Sanibel Women's Group, Anonymousv8 p.m. Step Duplicate Bridge. group, Sanibel Mondays at 7:30 p.m. at Sanibel Congregational CAPTIVA DRIVE GULF FRONT United Church of Christ. Two guest bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, large living/dining area, open gourmet kitchen with pantry, Congregational Church. the Sanibel Community all top-of-the-hne appliances, large utility room, screened porch & open deck on first level. Center. Master suite with morning kitchen, library and sundeck on second level and lower level has 3 A 1 *c o h o 1 i c s car garage area and large open area for cabana or game room. Security system, central vac sys- Aerobics at the Anonymous, 6:30 p.m., tem, fireplace, room for an already permitted and approved pool are just some of the many Sanibel Fitness Center. Captiva Survivors, next extras. Completely furnished $895,000 Professionally certified to library on Captiva Rd. (look for library sign). CAPTIVA BAYFRONT CONDOMINIUM instructors offer the fol- Second floor, corner unit with large master suite, guest bedroom and second full bath, mexican lowing classes for every- tile thru out including large screened porch with berber carpet m bedrooms. Very private, quiet one. Nice 'n' Easy, 7:15 and bright location with great bay views. All amenities, gulf beach, pool, tennis, dock and ele- a.m.; Mixed Impact vator. $360,000. Call Helen. Aerobics, 9 a.m.; Body BAYFRONT PENTHOUSE CONDOMINIUM TUESDAY Large top floor corner unit with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths and fireplace in living/dining area. Very Shaping, 10:15 a.m.; large entertainment area with hot tub room plus screened lanai. Large storage area, elevator and Short Step, 11:30 a.m. ; all amenities: beach, dock, pool and tennis. $669,500. Furnished. Mixed Impact Aerobics, Natural Wildlife- SANIBEL ISLAND History Boat Tours, see 6 p.m. Free to members. Call 395-2639. 27 UNIQUE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Friday. Describes this two-story elevated beachfront home, one of the earliest concrete residences built on Sanibel and an example of the "De-Constructionist" School of Architecture, provides the The Sanibel-Captiva Pajama Story Hour utmost in Island lifestyle living irr one of Sanibel's prestigious gated communities. First level Conservation at the Sanibel Public includes a large master suite with screened porch, separate guest wing with 2 bedrooms, bath, Foundation nature cen- Library every Monday storage and utility room. Top level features great room, with sunken kitchen, open on three sides for unobstructed views of the Gulf of Mexico and sunsets. There is also a screened porch, ter is open to the public at 7 p.m. Children , ages Natural Wildlife- History Boat Tours, see bath, very large open sundeck and storage area on this level. Amenities include pool and tennis 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., 2 to 5, are invited to wear courts. Offered furnished for $995,000. Monday through pajamas and bring a Friday. Saturday, Admission favorite stuffed toy. NATURE LOVER'S PARADISE HOMESITE Horticultural Society On quiet and secluded private "Porpoise Point" in Blind Pass area of Sanibel, 135' on navigable $3/per person over 17 Children must be accom- of the Islands. Meet the water with .mature lush vegetation. Boat ramp. FL Lie. RE Broker has interest in property. years of age. Native plant panied by an adult. first Tuesday of every Owner financing available. $350,000. nursery is open 9 a.m. to Library Kids Club month at the Sanibel 5 p.m. and by appoint- Public Library 10 a.m. to ment on Saturdays. The meets at the Sanibel 6B • MAY 23, 1997 Q ISLAND REPORTER


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(he Relay for Life brought cancer sur- T!vivors, business leaders, family and friends together for a 24-hour camping event. Teams jaised funds for the American Cancer Society turning in nearly S40.000 more than the initial S^O.OOO goal. The event began May 16 and ended with some very tired but emotionally ener- gized volunteers at 6 p.m. Saturday, May 17. Sanibel- Captiva Lions President Peter Maneri and Lion Francis Bailey took to the track for the cause, while Team Captain and Lion Michelle Moran saw her Wacky Olympic team win the Silver Sand Dollar with their pyramid team cheer. Photos bv Gwenda Hiett-Clements Included in the pyramid are: bottom, Michael Guilfoyle, David Emmons, Richard McCurry; middle, Katie Guilfoyle and Michelle Moran; and top, Kayla McCurry. Bailey stopped by to see massage therapist Cathy Curtis of Sanibel who donated her time to give participants a relax- ing rub-down. Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club Team Leader Jim Guilfoyle gets close to the crust in a pie eating contest. Community Bank of the Island's Richard McCurry f ** camped out for the entire 24 hours with wife Meg and daughters Kayla f and Kelly. McCurry stayed on the track for most of the evening for the Sanibel-Captiva Lions team with members of the Island Reporter. He was a bit tired on Saturday Congratulations to all who participat- ed. For those who didn't, see you next yeail-Michelle Moran


UPPERDECK Wednesday Thru Sunday

Great Prices for Waterfront Accommodations! Motel Reservations 463-9258 RENT (Boat Docks Available) BOATS Fishing and Shelling Clowst to Outer Islands By Chuck Andrews 472-5800 About Tax-Free Deferred Exchanges Jensen's Marina Q. / have heard about tax-free deferred real estate Captiva Island exchanges. Please explain how they work? - - C.W. A. The regs fall under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. The Islands' premier builder In summary, it's for income property owners (not residential) who since 19831 wish to swap property and defer paying capital gains taxes. Section 1031 provides that no gain or loss will be recognized for federal tax purposes when owners of like-kind properties held for pro- ductive use in a trade or business, or for investment, exchange them for one another. Identification of the replacement property has been a t major area of concern in the past. In deferred exchanges, an owner gives up title to their property SUPER HAPPY HOUR! before finding the replacement. The replacement property must now be selected within 45 days after the surrender of the original property, GEORGE Monday Thru Saturday 3 - 6 p.m. and it must be acquired within 180 days. The new rules allow the tax- PARKER DRINK SPECIALS! payer to identify up to three possible replacements of any market INC. value within 45 days, or an unlimited number of potential replace- o OFF'ANY ments with aggregate fair-market value not exceeding 200 percent of • NEW CONSTRUCTION the value of the property to be surrendered. (Continued next week) DINNER ENTREE! • REMODELING • DESIGN Seating before 6 p.m. Thru 5/27/97 Excluding Holidays My real estate services are personalized to your ri coupon per.person, per visit, please! needs. If you have any questions or need professional (941)466-5100 advice, please call me at 472-2311. Ask me about a IBEE MARKET ANALYSIS of your property. STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTOR _^ CG-C007963 ISLAND REPORTER Q MAY 23, 1997 Q 9B Community calendar

•from page 5B Bunting Lane. For more Periwinkle Road, each month. 6:30 dinner Immunizations. The information, call 395- Mondays, Wednesdays, meeting at Sanibel third Thursday of every Step aerobics at the Faye Granberry at 472- 0130 or 472-0404. and Fridays, at 9:30 a.m. Community Center. month at the Island Civic Sanibe! Recreation 6940. Visiting Lions welcome. Center from 9 a.m. to 12 Complex. 9 a.m. Free Al-Anon. Sanibel Common Concerns Call Bob Steele" at 395- p.m. Sponsoied by the babysitting. $3 a class. Learn Bridge. 12:30 Community Church. Group for recently 1952 for more informa- Lee County Public 395-2543. p.m. Island Civic Center. 8:35 a.m. divorced women in their tion. Health Unit, overseas 40s and 50s. A therapeu- immunizations are avail- Country /We stern Adventures in Alcoholics tic group for women fac- FISH sponsored able for a nominal fee Dance. Thursdays, 2-4 Paradise Trolley Tour Anonymous, 8 p.m.,ing the need to build new Support Group tor the and children's shots are p.m. at the Island Civic and Miss Paradise San/Cap Tuesday Night lives in the wake of lone- Visually Impaired, meets fiee to those under 18. Center (old libraiy build- Cruises. See Friday list- Group, Sanibel liness, guilt, anger and the first Wednesday of ing). 472-5743. ing for more information. Congregational United rejection. This group will every month at 3 p.m. at CONA-Committee of Call 472-8443. Church of Christ. offer a positive program the Island Civic Center. Neighborhood Tai Chi Chuan class for accepting you divorce For further information Associations meets the at the Sanibel Fitness Aerobics at the Aerobics with child as a solution, not as a call 472-0047. fourth Thursday of each Center. With Val Parker. Sanibel Fitness Center. care, 9-10 a.m., Sanibel punishment; for laying month. Call Urban 12:30-1:30 p.m. $10 per Step aerobics with pro- Recreation Complex. your past to rest; and for Kiwanis Club of Palmer at 472-1316 or class for non-members of fessionally certified Nursery open until 10:30 reaching out toward new Sanibel-Captiva Faye Granberry at 472- the fitness center. Call instructors at 9 a.m. and a.m. for additional work- healthier ielationships. Islands. Meets every 6940 for more informa- 395-BODY for more 6 p.m. Free to members. out. Donation suggested, Life does get better. On- Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. tion. information. Call 395-2639. $2 00,472-0361. going group. for breakfast at the Wednesdays, 6 to 7:30 Hungry Heron, 2330 FISH-sponsored 12 Steps For Zonta International p.m., $20 per session. Palm Ridge Road. Living Again Support Everyone, II a.m., meets the first and third Call 395-2184 Visiting Kiwanians are Group for Grief Sanibel Community Tuesday of every month WEDNESDAY welcome. Call 472-1537. Recovery. Thursdays, Church. 472-2684. at the 7:30 a.m. at the Island Seniors line 10:30 a.m. at the Sanibel Hungry Heron dance. 2:30 p.m. at the Alcoholics Community Church. For Alcoholics Restaurant. Visiting Island Civic Center. 472- Anonymous, open step more information call Anonymous, Noon, Zonta members wel- 28 5743. meeting. Sanibel Diane Shepherd 395- Men's Big Book Group, come. For details call, Community Church, next 2440 or Friends in Sanibel Congtegational Sheila Hoen, 472-0540. Family Planning and to Jerry's, 8:30 a.m. Service Here at 472- United Church of Christ, Pregnancy Testing. At 0404. across from Periwinkle Island Seniors the Island Civic Center Shopping Plaza. Bridge for Fun. At the the second Wednesday of THURSDAY School Age Story Island Civic Center Natural Wildlife- each month from 9 a.m. Hour. At the Sanibel Alcoholics Tuesdays at 1 p.m. History Boat Tours, see to 3 p.m. Public Library Thursdays Anonymous, closed dis- Friday. from 3-3:45 p.m. cussion meeting, St. Step aerobics at the Preschool Story Michael and All Angels Sanibel Recreation Sanibel Hams break- Hour. At the Sanibel 29 Aerobics at theEpiscopal Church, 8 p.m. Complex. 9 a.m. Free fast. The third Public Library, 770 Sanibel Fitness Center. 454-0330. babysitting. $3 a class. Wednesday of every Dunlop Road, 472-2483. Step aerobics with pro- 395-2543. month at 8 a.m. at Jerry's 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. For fessionally certified Alcoholics Supermarket. Call 427- children ages 2-5, instructors at 9 a.m. and Anonymous, 11th Step FISH sponsored 5130 or KQ4UW for accompanied by an adult. Natural Wildlife- 6 p.m. Free to members. Workshop Group. 6:30 Caregivers Support more information. History Boat Tours, see Call 395-2639. p.m. at the Sanibel Group. Meets the fourth Friday. Congregational Church. Tuesday of every month Fitness with Carla Sanibel/Captiva Yoga. At 'Tween at 10:30 a.m. at the home Ferrel at the Sanibel Lions Club. Meets first Shots for Tots and Waters Inn Thursdays, 9- of Topper Schram, 1774 Community Center on and third Wednesdays of Overseas 10:30 a.m.

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Please visit our 11 ,OOO sq. ft. Showroom. Our experienced staff will help coordinate while you're here or away. Or, call us and we'll come to you! serving the Sanibel OUR GUARANTEES.. and Ft. Myers Beach invites you to realize your dream « LOWEST PRICES We Are Not On Cleveland Ave (41) So Our Overhead Is Lower • COMPLETE SATISFACTION: Deal Directly With Owner Mot A Hero-Today, communities tor (Bono-Tomorrow Salesperson over S years. Join of ownership of your very own iddnd vacation home • PAST, FREE DELIVERY: if You Mead It Quickly our long list of in a gracious, private island club, • NO PRESSURE SALES: TaHe Your Tims And Browse No Ons Will Bother You satisfied customers. CONVENIENT INQUIRE* LOCATION FROM SANIBEL & The Useppa Property Company, Inc. FT, MYERS BEACH mm Pull Service, F«tt Time CMM Kedm „ f 5l:UR£CDli»WB ExclusivelyservingUseppalstandsince i980, 94X/283'1061 * licensed Steal Estate Broker p, O. Box 640 • Bokeella, HoritJa 33922 MINERS PLAZA - 155OI MeCRCCOR BLVO iOB • IvfAY &3,1§9§ 7 • Sports

Beachview men's golf 1997 Sanibel-Captiva Little League In a two best ball of four tournament at Beachview This week's standings... Weekly Highlights: May 17 the team of Tyke Wilcox, Corney Becker, Major league Nat Sheckman and Jim Carlile cruised to a four Wins Losses stroke victory shooting a 116 to edge out Tom 1 Astros 12 6 This week Paul Bogden Judson, Les Snell, Dick Grant and Mel Bleiberg. Rich 2Mets 11 6 took away the heat with Empert, Marty Gallagher, Jack Harrington and Mac 3 Rockies 11 7 two home runs over the McClintock finished in third with a 121. 4 Giants 8 9 fence. Last week's On May 10 in a three best ball of four tournament, 5 Yankees 1 17 heavy hitters were Les Snell, Dave Spoehr, Howard Seyffer and Dick Bogden again with Grant shot a 192 to nip Tom Redford, Bill Pritchard another over the fence and Mac McClintock by two strokes Minor League Wins Losses 1 Pirates 9 0 homerun and Sean In a two best ball tournament of four on the back Grzyb who slammed it nine May 6 the team of Jim Hornbrook, Bob Neth, 2 Angels 6 4 Joe Hoffman and Dick Grant shot a 60 to beat the 3 Indians l 5 5 over the wire. team of Ralph Suechting, Tom Redford, Lee Gibson 4 Cubs ' 2 8 and Nate Sheckman by four strokes. 5 Tigers 2 8 Patty Berg Men's Golf Softball Wins Losses 1 Phillies 9 2 Classic June 7 2 Dodgers 2 9 The Patty Berg Men's Golf Classic will be held June 7 at Fiddlesticks Country Club and will benefit the American Cancer Society. The scramble format will begin at 1 p.m. and is $150 per golfer and includes green fees, golf carts, prizes and awards. Entry forms are available by call- person for each event and $75 for all three. Golfers division Alex and Leslie Cook of Sanibel won and in ing 936-1113. will play in foursomes and should call 472-2535 for the mixed C division Lynn Biser and Bob Biser of Trifecta at the Dunes their tee time. Fort Myers won. The Dunes Golf and Tennis Club is offering a spe- Sundial Beach Resort's cial holiday trifecta golf tournament that will be held Men's softball over the next three holidays — Memorial Day, 7th Annual Doubles tennis On May 6 the All Island Team beat Sanibel Independence Day and Labor Day. The golfer that In men's division A, Gary Solandz of Sanibel Rental/Sanibel Grill 19-13. The Ruffnecks beat on collects the most points over the three holidays wins a teamed up with Blake Mallick of Tampa to win. In Loco's scoring 20 runs to Loco's 8. TMS/Lazy three day two night vacation at South Seas Plantation. the men's B division Warren Doane and Pat Flamingo crushed Barrier Island Title 18-9. Winners of individual events can garner dinner at Bloomberg, both of Sanibel, won their division. On May 8 the Ruffnecks stomped on Barrier Island Chadwick's, Windows on the Water and at the Dunes. In the mixed A division Fernando Carballo and Tee times will be pre-arranged between 7:30 a.m. Diane Richards of Fort Myers won. In the mixed B •please see page 12B and 2 p.m. on the three holidays. The cost is $30 per the strongest predictors of injuries and disabling ill- ment couldn't hurt). Anything less is a cause for nesses as we grow older. But the good news is that concern. But, even if your score is low, 5 seconds or Soul stretching balance is not inevitably lost with age, any more less, balance CAN be exercised, and your body will By Bonnie Clancy than muscular strength is. Most people with thank you. impaired balance can attribute some or all of this Your balance actually consists of several compo- Bonnie Clancy is deficit to disuse or misuse. nents, including sensation on the bottoms of your an ACE certified feet, ankle flexibility, lower body strength and joint personal trainer True, there are illnesses that directly affect bal- and occupational ance, such as Meneire's disease and Parkinson's integrity, a balance monitoring system that includes therapist at the disease, but most people with impaired balance can the inner ear and brain, and the eyesight. If any of International attribute some or all of this deficit to disuse or mis- these systems are impaired, your balance may be Medical Center. use. And even these balance disorders caused by adversely affected. Additional infor- disease process can be treated, to a degree, with bal- If your eyesight is impaired, be sure to have plen- mation and free ance exercises. ty of light at home to prevent falls. A night light is handouts for her The problem with poor balance is that it tends to often not enough illumination to get to the bathroom exercise ideas are be a self-perpetuating disorder. People with poor safely at night, if your balance or vision are available at 4301 balance choose to walk less, thereby exercising impaired. A bedside lamp you can turn on before Sanibel-Captiva Road or call their balance less, and progressively become even standing on the floor is better. Clancy at 395-1097. more unstable and less willing to get up and walk. Besides walking, strengthening exercises for the To test your own balance, try standing on one leg lower body can help you maintain your balance sys- Did you know that you can exercise your balance at a time, first the right, then the left. If you are able tem strong and intact. Walking barefoot on the beach just as you can exercise your muscles? to stand on each leg without holding on for 30 sec- is terrific exercise for the legs and feet; so is walking Poor balance and lower body strength are among onds, you have very good balance; 15 seconds each in the pool (water at chest height). There are also is good, 10 seconds each is adequate (but improve- specific balance exercises you can practice.

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ndrew Davies swings and connects for a three base hit for the Mets last Aweek and is congratulated as he reaches third base. Tim Goodman holds the base waiting for the next man up to get him home. Later Davies took the mound to pitch his team through the final inning and get a win for his record. The Mets beat the Astros, 15-7, giving the two top teams even 11 -5 records for the sea- son. That record changed to Astros 12-6 and Mets 11-6 this week. The official season wraps up tomorrow when the players will shake hands and their parents will head home one last time till next year. Depending on the outcome of tomorrow's game, a play-off between the Astros and Mets may take place on Tuesday, followed later by the All-Star game. Photos by Saul Taffet

• MAKSII V (ill lOltl) • AIAISSIIA CIJII'OHI) • M\HSII V OUITOItl) Little League anniversary PURR-FECT PROPERTIES! The Sanibd-Captiva Little League will be 25 years old next >ear. Plans iire already afoot lo have a party in honor of everyone who has ever played on an island team. If anyone can provide names of people who have moved away who should be invited, give their names to Many Harrity. The party is scheduled for the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend, in May of 1998. Harrity is in the process of forming a committee and hopes, to have the planning done by December. Pnrr-fecl Investment Pool Home 1 Call Dick Mennch 472-2812 oi Marty Harrity 472-8825 to volunteer your Orn! of SanlLrl'ii pri-inier resorts - Siimliil Inn Tim, lup p()lu ll(.(ln)(11Ui tl,rt.(, l.utli, liigi- ] I limue. Very ni-jr two liedniiiiu/two hath Gulf view unit m a lieauhfii] ilra(.|, „;,[, ,\m\e,\ U(, e,H_ yfry ,lrivatt, i,,( utlllll j111>t [;,,,,) ! M help.- Jill Goodman • • "----lut |32S,000. atSaf.9,500.AMuhtSee!

Early Holiday Deadline Advertising Deadlines for The Island Reporter Sundial Beach Si Tenme Keeort-Onr lMilnniim Ui|i fhiur, Issue Date May 30th will be as follows: "Evivulivi h'mtc\ gltml Hlllilltlnli, ]>rillltLrulIy futlllHlltil will) u Purr-feet Condo Kiiai mil ifil iiirimn1 Piirc lulmi'il tu Siyj,5()() Fm m^Iit il, imiv One hedroom, first floor condominium. Excellent ADS REQUIRING PROOF \mt,mm, •(;»„!,„ .suit,.", ,,.iy well fmnikh,! I'm,- inlmn! in condition. Convenient location, $93,000. S22U,l)ltl) Sunihul nffrii* alt ti'suil iimi nitii"i, fytLn gulf privi- FRIDAY, MAY 23RD 5 P.M. (,i«aL()|>[.iii linuty1 Make i.ifu. SELLER .SAYS SELL!! ADS WITHOUT PROOF TUESDAY, MAY 27TH (12 NOON) Call Marsha Clifford Sanihcl Realtor Since 1983 PMR (941)472-1511 800-233-8829 Our offices will be closed Monday, May 26th in (941) 472-2902 PHscilla Murphy Observance of the Memorial Day Holiday! Realty, Inc. - Thank you for your cooperation • MAKSII \ IXIKFOItf) • MAKSHA 12B Q MAY 23, 1997 • ISLAND REPORTER BUSINESS 'from page 3B Professorship symposium for 10 a.m. to 12 noon be Thursday, July 10 at 5 p.m. at the Sundial Beach Thursday, June 12 at the University of South Florida. Resort. For reservations contact Liz at 472-1080. Barnett seminar The program is open to the public. For additional "Solving the Successful Business Puzzle: Putting information call Barry Bonvillian, associate dean for all the Pieces Together" will be presented May 29 at external and international program at 590-7300. Aid for flood victims Sheraton Harbor Place by Barnett Bank in partnership The Sanibel and Captiva Islands Association of with Florida Gulf Coast University, National Realtors recently donated over $400 to assist the Association of Women Business owners, and the City PMR leaders flood victims of Western and Eastern of Fort Myers and Lee County Government. For April Mary Lou Bailey has achieved the Top North Dakota. The cash donation was raised at an Cocktails, Hors d'oeuvres and vendor viewing will be Listing Associate of the Month designation. John and annual end of the season reception at the Dunes 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. with the seminar form 7 p.m. to 8 Elisabeth Smith have earned the title of Top Sales Country club. If you are interested in providing assis- p.m. For information call Sherry Koger, 275-2353. Associate of the Month. Both Bailey and the Smiths tance, call 472-9353. are consistent top producers. Fischer tops VIP works on fitness RE/MAX Sales Associate Bari Fischer has earned Naumann tops for April VIP staged an all company seminar based on Top Producer for April. This is the second consecu- John Naumann & Associates announced that the Health and Fitness for the Busy Executive in May. tive month she has earned Top Producer. Top Sales Associate for April is Steve Harrell, The seminar held at Edison Community college cov- Realtor. He joined JNA in November of 1996 and has ered areas of stress management and relaxation tech- been a consistent sales producer. The Top Listing niques, assessing current level of fitness, nutritional Small Business meeting Associate for April is Lynda Traverso, Broker-sales- guidelines for fitness and how to design an optimal Charles Anderson, district director of the U.S. person. She was the top Residential Sales Associate personal workout, while balancing a career and a Small Business Administration will be keynote of the Year for 1994,1995, and 1996. busy personal life. speaker during the next W. Thomas Howard SPORTS -from page 10B Title 17-7. Fat Daddy Mac's scored 28 runs to crush Volleyball for businesses Bridge scores Sanibel Rental/Sanibel Grill 28-13 and the All Island Team pounded Loco's 31-18. The 1997 Sanibel Island business employees six Duplicate bridge met at the Community Association May 12 under the direction of George In games played May 13, TMS/Lazy Flamingo on six coed volleyball indoor tournament with double Emerson. Winners of the north/south were Pat and defeated Sanibel Rental/Sanibel Grill 24-6. Fat elimination and best two out of three games will be John Eichenlaub followed by Eileen and Lex Daddy Mac's showed the Ruffnecks who's boss by held on a Saturday at the Sanibel gym. To sign up Roulston. Winners of the east/west were Annemarie beating them 21-14. Barrier Island Title dominated your team call Frank Vetter at 332-9137 or 482-6484. and Herb Gordon followed by Taffy Libby and Dale Loco's 17-3. McGinley. In match-ups played May 15, Fat Daddy Mac's Mercedes and the Miracle used Loco's as a punching bag by scoring 15 runs to Duplicate bridge also met May 26 winners were Join the Southwest Florida Mercedes Benz Car pat and John Eichenlaub. Helen and Preston Bassett Loco's 5. Barrier Island Title nipped the All Island Club of America at the Lee County Sports Complex Team in a pitcher's duel 21-20. The Ruffnecks lost and Murr Mooney and Kay Trimbur finished tied for May 30 at 7 p.m. for a game between the Charlotte second. again to TMS/Lazy Flamingo 15-7. Rangers and the Fort Myers Miracle. At the entrance, attendees can view an example of Women's softball each new class of Mercedes S Class, the SL Class and Swim program feature the SLK. Special parking has been set aside Baby swim classes will be held Tuesdays and The Lazy Flamingo beat out Bailey's 23-13 on for Mercedes owners attending the game. Thursdays starting on June 3 from 11 a.m. until 11:30 May 7. For more information call Stephen Zoeller at 433- a.m. The cost is $10. For more information call Coby On May 14 Bailey's General Store scored 21 runs 8300. at the Sanibel Recreation Center at 472-0345. to crush Barrier Island Title 21-13. Even the smallest detail is JOE & JOAN BURNS LOGGERHEAD critical to the successful sale Lovely, bright & beautiful, 2 bed, 2 bath condo at one of or purchase of your home. the nicest complexes on Sanibel. Enjoy all the amenities this wonderful condo has to offer; overlooking lovely courtyard of flowers & palm trees; steps to pool and beach. Could be good rental income. Priced to sell $269,900. EASTWOOD LANDINGS Outstanding canal home in one of Sanibel's nicest private gated communi- ties of only 12 homes. Your success in buying or selling your Situated on a large pri- property rests on your real estate agent's vate lot, this beautiful ability to handle each detail of your home features vaulted transaction, no matter how small, with care ceilings, 3 bed, 2 & 1- and precision. 1/2 bath, family room with fireplace, large That's why Margie provides the very finest real estate service—whether it's arranging kitchen with eating area, the best possible financing to purchase your all opening to large deck home, securing contracts and title transfers, overlooking pool area or qualifying buyers prior to your sale. She & canal. Tennis courts & understands the intricacies of the real estate steps to the beach, make market and can help you earn the most for this a perfect home. your investment

To set your real estate success in motion, call Margie today for a no-obligation consul IffiLEfJ THOMAS REjVLTY tation to discuss your real estate needs. 11509 Andy Rosse Lane PO Box 1090 • Captiva. FL 33924 941-472-1511 941-472-6669 • 1-800-741-4752 htre' MAY 23, 1997


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i -..--,.-. ."',", ".'•.."•"" 5 -'- •"•>•-""'• ''i*^"."1"1 -"''"•' •"'": "• < >" San-Cap Art League 'draws' a loyal following By Gwenda Hiett-Clements Staff Writer ick Wiight, a member of the Sanibel- Captiva Art League, said, "A big part of Dthe reason we are here in Sanibel has to do with the arts. When we came here we went to BIG Arts and met the people who are in the Sanibel- Captiva Art League." Wright said, "And we (he and his wife Maureen) really researched where to retire. We spent three weeks and went to all the Florida cities we found interesting. We narrowed it down to three places and rented for a month in each. Once I took a course here and found everyone to be so friendly, open and nice, we started building our dream house." Wright is just one of the over 135 members of the Sanibel-Captiva Ait League which has been active for over 30 years. The League participates in various activities throughout the year. They have two juried shows — one in the fall and one in the spring. The members also have regular meetings four times a year at which an artistic demonstration is given or a video is shown on a special artistic technique. To celebrate the sea- son, members also have a pot-luck pitch-in social gathering. The Art League's Summer Show at BIG Arts in The Phillips Gallery opened May 1 and will remain Capturing her interpretation of Tarpon Bay buildings, Ginny Johnson puts finishing touches through Oct. 10. There are 53 pieces in the show; on her watercolor. many of the works are artists' renditions of island scenes from recognizable landmarks such as the Old Schoolhouse Theatre to nature trails through "Ding" Darling. There will also be an Art League Summer Show at the Sanibel Library in June. Carol Rosenberg, public relations chair of the group, said, "The two summer shows are open to all members and there is no judge so everybody gets an opportunity to have his/her work exhibited." Weekly portrait sessions during January, February, and March are open to anyone interested. Plans are made for those to be held at BIG Arts in the upcom- ing season. The group's weekly paint-outs scheduled every Thursday during the season are open to all from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There is no instructor, no fee, and an informal critique at each. During the summer months, year-round members bring a bag lunch and stop at San-Cap Art League member Carol The finished result of a paint-out is Carol noon to critique their work. Hagerman critiques participants' artwork at Rosenberg's acrylic of Tarpon ?ay Marina. Rosenberg said, "Membership ranges from people an Art League weekly paint-out. traveling — have spent two winters here since build- who have an academic background in studio arts and announcing, the organizing, the collecting of the art, ing their home. Although Wright never had formal fine art to those who have started to paint after retire- the judging, the arrangements for those not chosen to training he has had a life-long interest in art and has ment from earning a living or rearing a family. Many be picked up, the hanging of the show. Normally, we sold many portraits. He retired from being a vice- have taken lessons at BIG Arts or continue to go to have a reception for the opening. Some one has to do president of a Johnson and Johnson owned company. art workshops around the U.S. and abroad." that. Someone has to be in charge of awards. He worked in marketing, sales, and new-product Officers of the group are Dick Smith, president; Someone has to take the show down. A lot goes into development. Jean Gibson, vice-president; Nancy Jones, treasurer; shows you don't see!" Wright has been drawing since he was three, but as and Nancy Smith, secretary. he said, "My mom had one word — starvingartist — Smith and his wife Joan retired to Sanibel. When Artist profiles that sticks in my mind. However, my mom was a very he is not painting, they spend time on the tennis court Ruth Mutchler: brave lady. She used to set me down in the living and golf course. Smith said, "We have a pretty stable Ruth has been a member of the San-Cap Art room and let me use an ink well and encouraged me membership. We have members from Fort Myers and League for less than one year. She recently celebrated to do my 'art.'" the Beach because artists who are planning to enter her 75th birthday. Although she has been here since He added, "I have done portraits on commission shows will be members of more than one of the 10 art 1989 she now has time to give to painting. She said, for three different boards of directors in pencil. But leagues in Southwest Florida. We get together with "And I'm not going to give it up!" I've had enough careers, 1 don't want to be a selling the other leagues to arrange dates for shows to avoid She had a portrait studio in Monroe, New York and artist. I'm enjoying learning to use different media — conflicts." since joining the Art League has been learning to use watercolor, acrylics, sculpting." He continued, "Also we have a fair number of watercolor instead of oils. She has two of her water- He said, "We're traveling to Hong Kong for the snow birds who are here for a short time. The active colors in the BIG Arts Summer Show. changing over of rule from England to China and I paint-out membership is seasonal. Forty may be there Mutchler said, "I enjoy the association in the Art will take lots of pictures. I keep saying I'm going to in February and only four in the summer. What I do League with people who have the same interests as I paint from my photos, but I keep piling up photos, see is a significant increase in the quality of work." do. And I love painting out of doors. I am finished not paintings! The good thing about belonging to the Smith explained that the League has a board of with the pressures of running a studio. But painting is Art League is that I do much better at painting when I the love of my live. I love doing it and being with directors and chairs to handle various functions such have a schedule, something marked on the calendar, a people who enjoy what they are doing. It's exhilarat- as the shows, the publicity, the paint-out calendar, the place I have to be at a certain time." ing!" newsletter. He added, "I really enjoy the Art League paint- For the paint-outs scheduled for the summer, she "It's like a little business, just not as pressing. And outs because they're fun and relaxed and it is nice to said, "I'll be there!" one of the problems is we end up having a central have someone else's eye looking at my work. People group of people who do most of work. The shows Dick Wright: see different things. And you don't have to take their take lots of organizational work there'*«•—-'s- *thu~e Wright and his wife Maureen — who split their •please see page 3C time among Sanibel, a home in Pennsylvania, and 'X-Files' lone gunman set to fire off laughs at Loco's this weekend By Mark S. Krzos ing some punk band's T-shirts. News Editor "I wore a Ramones shirt, the Beat Farmers, For the most part "The X-Files" is not a funny Suicidal Tendencies and D O.A. In fact, I was a show. It's creepy, scary, eerie and any and eveiy other drummer for the worst punk band in the world," adjective that is synonymous with weird. "The X- Haglund said admitting his taste has somewhat mel- Files" preys on your fears of the unknown. What's lowed with age. "I guess I'm not that angry any- around that comer? What is this strange scar on the more." back of my neck? Hmm...I've never seen that before. But Haglund says Langly will continue to be a I wonder where the devil that came from. So X- punk fan. "Since the show has caught on and our Philers (those who watch the television show reli- characters (Lone Gunmen) have caught on, it seems giously) may find it hard to believe that one of the like every punk band in the world is sending me their show's stars, Dean Haglund will bring his fast-paced, T-shirt to wear on the show. I know next year I'll be high-energy comedy act to Loco's Island Comedy wearing a Fugazi T-shirt." Club this weekend. were originally cast for a lone Haglund plays Langly — one of the three Lone episode (E.B.E.) but Frohike, Langly and Byers were Gunmen that appear sporadically on the show. These granted semi-permanent positions after the show's three iiber-geeks are plugged into a world few of us writers cruised the World Wide Web and found that know, or for that matter would care to know. It's a X-Philers loved the characters and welcomed their world of dark government secrets, spies and cover- comic relief. The character Langly was developed by ups. The Gunmen consist of Byers, Frohike, Haglund at an audition for the part and instead of see- Haglund's Langly (the one that looks like Wayne's ing Langly as a sort of militia man, Haglund looked World's, Garth) and publish an underground newslet- to his computer friends from college. ter called the Magic Bullet as well as leak information "They weren't your pocket-protector types. They to FBI agent and series star David Duchnovy's char- were all really cool guys that were into some bizarre acter Fox Mulder. stuff," Haglund said. "They liked really weird music Perhaps no television show in history has seen like Sun Ra. They were not geeks; they were Riot such a phoenix-like rise as "The X-Files." Due to its Dean Haglund of the X-Files will appear at Nrrrds (like Riot Grrrls, punk rock females)." writing, special effects, creative casting and stellar Loco's this weekend for a special appearance. For those who have not caught on to "The X- acting the show, is without hesitation one of the best comic relief to an otherwise frightening show as well Ftles," here's a brief synopsis of what has happened: dramatic television shows to appear with the last 10 as provide the viewing public with something that 1.) Mulder's sister was abducted by someone or years. everyone can relate to. something on Nov. 27, 1973 and since that time he Although most of the credit goes to series creator "I'd like to think it's our stunning good-looks," the has devoted his life to explaining the unexplainable Chris Carter, who is unquestionably the best science- 30 year-old Haglund said from his home in and finding out what happened to his sister; 2.) A fiction producer since the Twilight Zone's Rod Vancouver, B.C. "Many people can't relate to FBI project is currently underway by some underground Serling, (Carter may even be better!). A tremendous agents that don't have sex (Mulder has had sex once government entity called the Syndicate, where its amount of the success of "The X-Files" goes to its in four years and Scully has been on one date in four apparent goal is to create a super-race by fusing alien stars Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, who plays FBI years). People relate more to computer guys with DNA with abducted human DNA — all designed to agent Dana Scully and the others including the Lone conspiracy theories." create an army immune to biological warfare; 3.) Gunmen, FBI Assistant Director Skinner, Cancer As far as similarities between Haglund and his Agent Scully was one of the abductees, who had a Man and the ever-present aliens, ghosts, serial killers, character Langly, they both know their way around a small chip implanted in the back of her neck. She unexplainable plagues and sewer mutants, computer, have blonde hair, and both have an affinity Haglund, along with the other Gunmen, add some for punk rock music. Langly can often be seen wear- •please see page 3C


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LICENSED'INSURED BONDED Excel! Construction & Roofing p HOME BUILDING & REMODELING A full service contractor INTERIOR EXTERIOR ELECTRIC, INC. dedicated to exceptional quality at a reasonable price • Remodeling • Roofing CONSTRUCTION CO • REPAIRS & NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS • KITCHENS • • Kitchen & Baths • Renovations • 24 HOUR SERVICE CALLS D A-piJC • VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT SANIBEL SQUARE Michael J. Valiquette "Lowest Prices on Sanibel" CENCRAL CONTRACTOR FREE ESTIMATE 8595 College Pkwy. SERVING SANIBEL & CAPTIVA SINCE 1981 Island Resident Lie #CGCOS6909 472-1841 Lic.#ME00084 Phone: (941) 472-0200 Hurricane Protection Consultant 1974 936-7271 056908 island ADVERTISE YOUR MESSAGE HERE REPORTER TO REACH OVER 24,000 READERS 6AKIP&, ANO CAKtJVA, FJ.ORIQA ISLAND '• MAY 23, 19&7 '• '3C Sanibel resident creates community study of serial killings By Jill Goodman tremendous population and had a huge impact on all Staff Writer these people. Joe Fisher speaks in soft tones matching his gentle Serial killers fit into a pattern by repeating similar manner, the antithesis to his size, which is over six actions. Fisher said there are two types of killers and feet. reasons why the killer kills. The FBI has studied the He is the president of InterData, Inc. a consulting psychology of serial killers and can determine the business specializing in market research studies of type of killer — organized or disorganized — from marketing investments. Most of the books he has the murder site and based on that, they can tell what written in the past are technical works for a special- age and sex they are likely to be. ized audience — people in the advertising business or Disorganized killers usually live within a few who are in the alcohol substance abuse area. Those miles of the crime scene. Organized killers are the books deal with whether or not advertising causes classic media stereotype, like Ted Bundy. They are people to drink more and, if so, does it cause them to very charming, above average intelligence and get drink to the point where something bad is going to their victims to cooperate. They also collect trophies happen to them? He is considered an expert in his of the crimes and get sexual gratification out of the field and works with the Federal Trade Commission murder itself. and has been on public TV. "The crimes themselves and the killers are not dis- With that background Fisher's new book Killer cussed in the book only to the extent they underscore Among Us: Public Reactions to Serial Murder, is a what the chapter is about. For example, the son of surprise of a non-fiction page turner. Sam in New York is about how the media feeds the "I always wanted to write to a wider audience. The fantasies of the killer and how they have a pecuniary technical books are limited because they are marketed interest in keeping the citizenry whipped up. The citi- to a very select audience," Fisher said explaining the zens have a real need to find out everything, so you new book was written for a contemporary audience get this reciprocal process going on," Fisher said. who likes to read interesting works on popular things Joe Fisher and his daughter Jane get ready "The people get more and more afraid and the killer in the news. for his upcoming hook signing. gets more and more excited and the press makes more "It was an idea I came to in graduate school 20 Hurkos was. These guys were clearly in this huge money. The press gave him a handle and merchan- years ago. It was this whole notion about how com- battle in the press." dised him." munities act when there is a serial killer around. I was Fisher also lived in South'Carolina at Folly Beach Pointing to the case of Jeffry Dahmer, Fisher said, in two cities where there were, in fact, serial murders. when three teenage girls were murdered. "Now here's a guy who killed 16 men over a four One was in Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti where there was a "What peaked my interest was there were certain year time period. There were seven categories of peo- man by the name of John Norman Collins, also called things happening repeatedly in the community and ple who could have stopped him and never did." the 'co-ed killer.' Over a very short period of time there was a common pattern in people's reactions. Fisher believes his ability to continue the killings there were seven deaths. What really differentiates Particularly in Ann Arbor; people were scared stiff," was because Dahmer had a very clever way to main- that case is that there was a real battle between Jon he said. " There weren't any murders in Ann Arbor tain his anonymity. His book is almost a Norman Collins, the killer, and Peter Hurkos, the psy- except for these girls." historical/sociological study because it deals with the chic who had come in to solve these crimes," Fisher A person in the United States is as likely to be social construction of every day life. It deals with said. "It got to the point that the killer would dispose struck and killed by lightning as to die at the hands what happens to a community when there is a serial of bodies within almost eyesight of the hotel where of a serial killer. From Killer Among Us. killer, how the people begin assigning blame, ques- Peter Hurkos was staying. He went to the hotel and, Ann Arbor is a college town, and brings many stu- tioning why they police can't find the killer. was in the restaurant where Peter Hurkos was dining dents from all over the state. Because of this fact, It talks about the psychological process the and he sat at the next table saying what a buffoon Fisher said the reaction to the murders affected a •please see page 4C

X-PHILERS 'from page 2C "We think we're an underground, Anderson have little time for conven- before the first commercial. Haglund thinks she might have been part of the rebellious entity, but I can't say either tions. also appeared with Robin Williams and experiment, but doesn't know for sure. way. I don't know if we work for the "I was always the class clown even was pictured on last week's TV Guide. Now, she, like others who have report- FBI or not. They write show by show, in the first grade," Haglund said The next time you can catch the ed similar scars, is dying of an inopera- so we're as much in the dark as you explaining that in his routine, he asks Lone Gunmen on the show will be the ble cancer. are. They keep everything very secret," audience members to participate in a second episode this fall ("The X-Files" The one thing that is for certain Haglund said. "I'm the least knowl- mock episode of the show. "Everybody appears Sunday nights at 9 p.m. on about the show, is just when you think edgeable because I'm out in public the loves it. I do a lot of characters and I FOX). But,you can catch Haglund and you have the answer or an explanation, most." am more theatrical than just standing his side-splitting comedy throughout suddenly all the proof disappears. What Haglund, because he's a comic, there and telling stories and jokes." the weekend at Loco's Island Comedy will happen next year? Only the writers interacts more with the fans than the Before "The X-Files," Haglund Club on Sanibel-Captiva Road and and series creator Chris Carter know show's regulars do. could be spotted around the Vancouver Rabbit Road. Showtime is 9 p.m, with for sure. "I go (to conventions) because it's a Comedy circuit and could be seen in bit seating at 8:30 p.m. Tickets for Friday So are the Lone Gunmen a faction of lot of fun for me. I'm not in every parts on television. He sold drugs to and Saturday are $15, Sunday's admis- the FBI or are they some sort of under- episode so I have the time," Haglund Lorenzo Lamas in HBO's Mask of sion is $12. For further information call ground conspiracy theory freaks? said as he explained that because of Death and in an episode of Lonesome Loco's at 395-0245. According to Haglund, he's not exactly their rigorous schedules Duchovny and Dove, he was beaten, hanged and dead sure. PAINTING IT OUT 'from page 1C Whitney in New York esprit de corps of the Art put an emphasis on com- the summer months at suggestions!" exhibited their work in City. He is the dean of League which I enjoy so position. The sessions her son's sheep farm in Carol Hagerman: juried and non-juried American watercolors much. We have support- are supportive and Lacrosse, Wis. Hagerman is currently shows. from the 40s and 50s. I ive friendships that nur- encouraging for begin- "I learned from getting the schedule She is from co-wrote Whitney's ture our painting, for ners and intermediates. Whitney who said to together for the San-Cap but lived in Holland and biography with man from making the most of what Painters learn as they go substitute the word inter- Art League's paint out Canada, moving with her England. It was on the we have. We have sculp- — I lecture; they paint. est for talent. Anyone locations for next season husband's job. Hagerman best seller list in 1994; tors, print makers; not all Then teach, stop, paint who really has an interest which she has done for graduated from the I'm proud of that. our members are — so they have time to should pursue their art." the last couple of years. University of Cincinnati Studying with Whitney is painters." work. Hagerman spends She has an extensive aca- as an advertising design where I learned to enjoy Hagerman will be demic background and is major. She gradually teaching; his style is con- teaching three watercolor a member of the teaching switched to fine arts. tagious. sessions in November at LIVE MUSIC LIVE MUSIC faculty at BIG Arts. "I think it began with She added, "It's the BIG Arts. She said, "I Many of her students studying with Ed DRAGON'S DEN continue to paint with the Art League and have We Care For People, Not Just Their Teeth CIGAR BAR You'll like the personal attention we give to THURSDAY NITE your total dental health and appearance. BRING YOUR OWN OR ROLEX OWNERS ENJOY ONE OF OURS. ADD DIAMOND ELEGANCE TO YOUR WATCH Custom Diamond Dials '550. HAPPY HOUR 7 DAYS A WEEK Custom Diamond Bezels '850. « Change Your Dial Color '125. « 3 to 7 PM M-SAT. 3 to 6 SUN. SPECIAL ROLEX OVERHAUL If CLEANING • Cleanings & X-Rays • Crowns • Bridges Wed. Nite BIG BAND JAM SESSION 7 to 11 NORMALLY $25!)-$35l) < HAPPY HOUR ALL NITE NOW ONLY f 199 • Oral Care Exams • Dentures & Partials Ron Gillenwatcrs, D.D.S. Thurs., Fit, Sat. Nite Bonnie Lancaster and Darla Foster • Cosmetic Dentistry • Implant Prothodontics COMPLETE FAMILY DENTISTRY Sunday BIG BAND JAM 7 to 11 CtN£ t Located In The Golden Dragon .„_, „, Heart of the Islands Plaza 17105 San Carlos Blvd. * Summerlin Square 1620 Feriwinkie Way IWINN-DIXIE SHOPPING CENTER (Cor. SunvneriinS San Carlos Blvd) 466-991 Sanibel Island,, FL ,13957 466-2888 472-1454 LIVE MUSIC LIVE MUSIC (3:; "Or, Art briefs and the cost is $10 for a single session. Talk to me Paint with friends Call 395-0900 for more information. The Off-Beach Players' production Enjoy good company in the air-con- of "Talking With" directed by Vince ditioned comfort of BIG Arts. Hone up Kelly closes this weekend at The Old on your painting skills and acquire new Father of the Bride Schoolhouse Theater on Sanibel. ones. Call 395-0900 for more informa- at Broadway Palm Regular performances will be held at 8 tion. p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Forget the Steve Martin and Diane Tickets are $13, $5 for students 17 and Keaton film of the same name. Think under. Tickets are available at Bailey's Acrylics with Sandi Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn. and Needful Things. For information Morrison Averill Now you've got the idea for Broadway call 472-9357. Palm's Father of the Bride that will be Join this popular BIG Arts instructor presented from June 5 through July 5. this summer as she takes you through Ticket prices are $18 to $34. For reser- Arts with Carmen the aspects of acrylics. The series runs vations call 278-4422. Carol Rosenberg's "Chapel by the Attention teens! Fill your Mondays now through July 10 on Thursdays Sea." with awesome adventures in the arts from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The Poetry contest with Carmen beginning June 16 and cost is $60 for the series and $13 for a Off Broadway single session. Call 395-0900 for more A $1,000 grand prize is being running through July 21. The classes Kennedy's Children •— a play about will include creating cards, comic information. offered in a free poetry contest spon- sored by the Florida Literary Guild. the turmoil during the Camelot era books and posters, taking photographs when Kennedy was in office is told and creating photo collages and creat- The deadline for entering is June 10. Yoga with Pam Send one poem 21 lines or less to: from the viewpoint of five characters. ing your own newspaper. The cost for The play runs now until May 31 with the entire $56 and $10 for a Experience the revitalizing power of Florida Literary Guild, 3232 SW 35th yoga this summer. The movements Blvd., Suite 156, Box 147035, performances Thursday through single session. Gail 395-0900 for more Saturday evenings at 8 p.m. Sunday information. release stress and produce a feeling of Gainesville, Fla 32614-7035. strength and tranquillity. The series matinees are at 1:15 p.m. and tickets runs Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. until 11 are $5. It contains adult subject matter. This play is not to be missed. Call 278- 4422 for more information. To sing like Ella A free voice class begins June 7 for women who love to sing. Beginning at GET THE 7 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church, 7401 Winkler Road in Fort Myers. Come and BEST LOCAL learn how to let your voice sing like a bird. For more information call 482- Sanibel News by 6742. Subscribing to Crimes of Heart John Mason's "Boca Grande." island The 1997 Summer Community Theater season at the Pirate Playhouse Painting display opened with "Crimes of the Heart" on May 22. Paintings exhibited by Sanibel- Captiva Art League members Ken A Pulitzer Prize and New York Turney and Carol Rosenberg are now Drama Critics Circle Award winning on display at the Jacaranda throughout play, "Crimes" teems with humanity FREE PRINT the rest of this month. and humor as it examines the plight of with subscription three Mississippi sisters in the early In addition John Mason and Gordon 1970s. Ultimately, the play is about Coughlin have their work currently on how each of the sisters escapes her past display at the First Union Bank next to to seize the future. the Captiva Post Office. Both are mem- bers of the Sanibel-Captiva Art League Neil Simon's" ''Rumors" follows and and have traveled and painted exten- will run from June 26 through July 12. sively. The story is about a disastrously •please see page 6C

SERIAL KILLERS •from page 3C community goes through to maintain its sanity, how people try to find a rational explanation to an irrational need to kill, "We can't understand whyTomebody"would just continuerxrkHlr Fisher said^ He explained that the FBI and police use psychics to help them with crimes. However, most psychics only are good at telling about past crimes with no prior knowledge, but they don't dp as well looking forward- Fisher who has a Ph.D. from Tufts University, came to Sanibel two years ago from Westport, Connecticut with his wife Dorit, and their children, Jake and Jane. He began research for the book intending it as a compilation of personal inter- views starting with the Boston Strangler. "There are not to many people still around {who remember the case) and those that are don't want to talk about it any more," he said. Pelican In Paradise MATSUMOTO It was when Fisher went to the Boston Library and began looking at clippings he realized that all the information he needed was right there. So it became a Annual $22 $28 $42 study of how the press handled the cases and the reactions of the communities. SambelJCaptiva Outside Lee County Outside Rates: & Lee County or split residence United States Fisher will be available for book signings at Macintosh Book Shop on June 6 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. His book is now on sale. I NAME, f ' i ADDRESS. •'"- i CITY STATE ZIP Dr. Michael W. Babatz PHONE NO. Dr. Nadine B. Maki Board Certified Optometrists Q Check enclosed • MasterCard • Visa ACCOUNT NO. EXP. DATE NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS SIGNATURE - • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Complete Contact Lens Service 1 1Q YESi Send my FREE PRINT, I've enclosed an additional $3 for cover postage and handling. Cataract and Glaucoma Screening • BiFocals and Mono Vision • Treatment of .Eye Disease • Colored Contacts } Q No. Don't send my poster now. I'll stop by the office to pick It up when I'm in town. 1 Medicare assignment accepted • Rigid Gas Permeable/Toric RATES: $22 for Sambel/Captiva & Lee County—$20.75 plus $1.75 Florida sales tax; $28 for Florida or split residence $26.42 plus $1.58 Florida sales tax; $20 for states outside Florida, $42 for foreign subscriptions. Babatz & Maki P. A. 466-1819 Gladiolus Gateway Plaza 11600 Gladiolus Dr. Q.1 MAV&V Q.1 SCS Fun in the sun

Super Crossword

ACROSS energetically Plains judges 40 Obliquely cattish 1 Nag, nag, 50 Investigative 91 Not ours 2 Strict 41 — mater 79 Part of B.A. nag clues 93 Regain one's Mennonltes 42 Beloved 82 Proofreader's 5 D'Urborvllle 51 Round or hearth 3 Seamstress 43 River rising In mark lass mount starter 96 Engenders Bstsy Great Slave 84 Weight 9 Go to the 52 Word of woe 97 Meadow 4 Doctors' Lake allowance mall 54 Winter munchers clients 44 Russian 86 Sultry 13 Engrave with forecast 98 DDE's home 5 Warning council 88 Cooling acid 55 Cooking state signal 45 Droops In desserts 17 Island group spice 100 Dry, as wins 6 Element In the middle 90 Repulsive north of 56 Branching 101 Political moral 47 River feeding 92 Stolen goods Tonga 59 American Incumbents philosophy the Ohio 94 Kind of daisy 18 Native author/critic 104 Muni or 7 London log? 48 Chantausa 95 Redgrave of American 61 Christie or McCartney 8 Eden Invader Home the theater 19 Gypsy Karenlna 106 Capitol VIP 9 Kind of 49 Greenland 96 Forehead 20 Sen's lorte 62 It landed on 107 Lotion sailing ship: settlement 98 Put forward 22 Pindar, lor Ararat Ingredient abbr. 61 Highly an opinion one 63 Washington 108 Chew the fat 10 Broadway seasoned 130 Swells with 23 River flowing crossed It 111 Alabama musical sausages fluid to Hudson 65 Long river In river, 11 Kukla's friend 53 Medium's 101"— girl I" Bay Georgia 114 Missouri 12Jalalat sessions 102 Observes 25 Valuable 67 — Gay; River feeder 13 Retired from 56 Kind of race 103 Struck dark wood historic plane 117 Uncomplain- active duty 57 Siamese heavily 26 Huckleberry 69 Contemptible ing one 14 Wind measure 105 The original Finn's river person 118 River rising Instrument 68 Lake, port "Scarlstt" 28 U.S.-MexIco 71 Nick of In Big Stone 15 Hag and canal 107 Asian border river Hollywood Lake 16 Members of 60 Call forth mountain 30 Bat wood 72 Unobstructed 120 Being In debt the crew 63 Juno beetle system 31 TV soap star view 121 Sicilian 17 Intoxicating 64 Nine: comb, 108"—My Way" Braeden 75 River to the volcano: var. plant Juice form 109 Baxter and 32 Guldo's Ohio 122 Potent or 21 Corrosives 66 Like a pub Bancroft highest note 77 Mrs. In puncture used In soap drink 110 Asks tor 34 Reticule Madrid starter 24 Eyelashes 68 Existing In charily 35 Dangerous 60 Cutting tool 123 Attack the Ily 27 Broadway hit the Intellect 112 Twining curve SI Canine cries 124 Rich sources signs 70 Public stem 36 Presently 83 Construction 125 Blind 29 Flatter warehouses 113 Sicilian 37 Game bird of serviceman 126"— Hamilton effusively 72 Actor's tourist town the marshes 84 Russian Woman" 33 Town on portion? 115 Makes 39 Pet of Nick despot (1941 movie) 17 Across 73 Esau's wife meadow and Nora 85 Bonnie ol 127 Sale ' 36 Military 74 On — sounds 41 Recognizes songdom condition assistant (equlvaient 116 Small as valid 87 Wife of Siva 128 Cake 37 Goat to) branch 44 Selects for 89 Footllke ingredients antelopes 76 Above, In 119 —-picker special duty organ DOWN 38 Logan or Aachen (overly fussy 4G Work 90 Lakes or 1 Moslem Fitzgerald 78 Electric one) Bridge coluinn

TIMING IS EVERYTHING South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH • J108 VA1093 • Q93 The race for the establishment of tricks is a highly distinguishing feature • KJ7 of notrump contracts. Given more time, each side would usually be able to devel- WEST EAST 4K75 • Q8432 op and win more tricks, than it does in the ordinary course of events. V Q87 • J642 • K854 • A2 In this deal, for example, South starts with eight tricks, and would have 4642 *85 no trouble making ten if he could get the opponents to cash the A-K of diamonds SOUTH *A6 right away. He would acquire two diamond tricks, which he does not have ready- VKB • J1076 made, and this would make life easy for him. • AQ1093 But if the defenders function efficiently, they win the race against time The bidding; South W«at North Eut and defeat the contract. Assume West leads the four of diamonds and East wins 14 Paaa 1* Fu dummy's queen with the ace. The object of the queen play by declarer is to get INT PBM 2NT Pua 3NT East to return a diamond, which East might not do if the queen remained in Opening lftBd -— four of f dummy. But if East is alert, he does not return a diamond. He views the queen play with jaundiced eye and returns the spade three instead. He concludes from the lead of the four, a fourth-best card, that West has at most four dia- monds and South therefore also has four. The spade shift beats declarer fair and square. South plays the six, whereupon West takes the king and returns a spade. East ducks, of course, and South wins with the ace. Declarer can cash eight tricks but is then fin- ished. Finding declarer with only two spades may be viewed as a lucky shot by East, but actually it is not that "I always wanted to be a unlikely on the bidding. Since South has four diamonds and opened with a club, he may easily have five clubs. professor of English, but I Declarer's other four cards are almost sure to be divided 2-2, which means he has exactly two spades. never liked those jackets with elbow patches." Kids Corner


SHAZAM! This Tmkertoy- like spacecraft not only plays tricks on the eyes, but also poses a math problem. To wit: You are asked to arrange any eight digits between 1 FLOWER SPOT! Our artist claims there are 27 and 6 In corner circles of the craft's structure so that the sum of the flowers in this scene. Let"s see how many you can amounts of any interconnected corner foursome is 15. discover. Digit 2, shown in cockpit circle, remains in place, serving as a SEE HERE! A classic anagram involves THE EYES. You are challenged to corner of either of two eligible four- _ rearrange these seven letters into a relevant two-word sentence. somes. Remember, you may use any digit from 1 to 6 as often as neces- A's HAVE IT! Eight of 16 letters in this word square are A's.You are asked to sary (but only one per circle) to find the four four-letter words in which they are 3 achieve totals of 15. contained. Word square words read both across 'A A How quickly can you comply? and down, of course. Definitions: E '*—ura«oq :g '2 '5 'E—aippiui 1. Big, fancy party. A A !l '9—do) %ejuoiuoi4 Suipseu .ABM OUQ 2. In the distance, It would seem. Tongue Test Taaiws i 3. Hot stuff out of a volcano. SAY FAST, and then faster: 4. Middle East Inhabitant A A Sue Sewell is coot In school FIND AT LEAST 6 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PANELS. Needless noise annoys Nellie How quickly can you fill in the words? J8*O| SI >pM| J|8M0 '9 MBUOHS SI 6ABe|S S '1UBJBHJP SI BIPUEH V Lo, tha loon, leisurely landing on the lonely x luejaiiip s\ ou Z -luejBjtip a BSON pl saouwoma A A lake. .$p £i-WAY 33,1937,a» ART BRIEFS 'from page 4C — botched wedding. award-winning Italian restaurant. play into the twists and revelations. "Dearly Departed" by Jessie Jones The season opens with William Veteran Playhouse favorite Niels Miller More plaid! and David Bottrell is a comedy set in Shakespeare's "The Comedy of will return in the role of Harpagon. The Broadway Palm Dinner Theater the backwoods of the Bible Belt and Errors," Oct. 20 through Nov. 8. The season ends with "The Business is featuring its own version of "Forever involves a family's struggle to bury the Audiences of all ages will delight in of Murder," a psychological thriller by Plaid." The four nerdy crooners with family patriarch. the compounding confusion as two sets Richard Harris, April 3 through May 2. heavenly voices will be portrayed by All summer shows open on a of identical twins, separated for years, London's critical and popular success, Gregory T. Edsell, Derek MacMahon, Thursday evening and run for three end up in the same city at the same the story centers on the interlocking Colm T. Reilly and Douglas Kampsen. weeks, with shows Thursday through time. Everyone mistakes the unwitting relationship between the successful Edsell is directing and choreographing Saturday the first week, Wednesday pairs for one another in the bard's most television playwright Dee, the detec- "Forever Plaid" with Sandy Kalan, the through Saturday the second and third foolish farce. tive-superintendent Hallet, and the production manager of The Dutch weeks. Next is "Moon Over Buffalo," a new humorless Stone. As the intrigue inten- Apple Theater, Broadway Palm's sister All shows begin at 8 p.m., with an comedy by Ken Ludwig (the author of sifies, the triangle points to revenge in theater. "Forever Plaid" plays through each direction. additional 2 p.m. matinee the final Lend Me a Tenor) Nov. 14 through May 31. Tickets are $18 or $34. For Dec. 13. It's 1953 and television has For details about subscription pack- Saturday. General admission tickets are ticket reservation call 278-4422. $13. Call 472-0006 for more informa- captivated the nation. This leaves a dis- ages and prices—including a four- tion. appearing audience for live theater as show package offered for the first time, it's played by George and Charlotte plus exclusive subscriber discounts at Hay. The marital mix-ups and missed area restaurants—call the Pirate BIG events Asela's Florida cues occur as this bumbling husband Playhouse at 472-0006. •Sculpture for Children (age 6 "Asela's Florida," a collection of and wife touring team makes one more through 12) with Marjorie Bronsted— black and white photographs, is on dis- grasp at stardom. Carol Burnett starred Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., play at the Sanibel Public Library when this show opened on Broadway. Vendors sought for through June 6. Cost is $48 for the six through May 31. Cuban photographer "Bell, Book and Candle" will street craft festival week series, $10 for single session. Asela Torres chronicles some of the entrance and equally entertain audi- •Painting and Drawing for Children Exhibitors are wanted for the 3rd people, places and events that evoke ences Dec. 19 through Jan. 17. John (age 6 through 12) with Marjorie the Hispanic influence in Florida for Annual downtown Fort Myers Street Van Druten's romance follows Gillian Bronsted—Saturdays, 10:45 a.m. to her. Craft Festival Saturday and Sunday, Holroyd and the publisher who is the 12:15 p.m., through June 6. Cost is $48 Other contributors to the exhibit target of her spell. June 21 and 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the six week series, $10 for a single include Florida Historian Miguel "To Kill a Mockingbird" will be pre- both days. session. Bretos and Historical Researchers and sented Jan. 23 through Feb. 21. Set in "We're seeking talented artisans Draftsmen Armando Cobelo and Hall small-town Alabama in 1935, Harper with new ideas, innovative techniques •Evening Watercolors with Marjorie Estrada. Lee's ail-American classic illuminates and original handmade products," said Bronsted—Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 9 The 16 panel exhibit is free and issues that are around even today. Helayne Stillings, show coordinator. p.m., May 14 though June 18. Cost is open to the public. For more informa- Adapted for the stage by Christopher "In addition, we are also looking for $60 for the series, $ 13 for a single ses- tion call 472-2483. Sergei, this is a powerful show. professional vendors who want to be a sion. part of the show's Green Market. Items Moliere's comic masterpiece, "The •Adult Sculpture with Marjorie we are accepting include bulk and spe- Playhouse lines up Miser" will be the season's fifth pro- Bronsted—Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. to 4 duction Feb. 27 through March 28. cialty food items, plants and flowers." The festival is located on First Street p.m., May 14 through June 18. Cost is next season This French play revolves around the $60 for the series and the clay, $13 for aging but vital Harpagon, who hoards in downtown Fort Myers. For further Anyone who renews or subscribes one session and the clay. his fortune to ensure that his two chil- information, call JoAnn Zimbalist at for the first time by June 1 will be dren live under his iron will. Snarling (954) 472-3755 or Helayne Stillings in Call BIG Arts at 395-0900 for more entered in a drawing for a gift certifi- Dobermans, scheming servants and the Tampa office at (813) 962-0388. information. cate from Mangia e Bevi, Sanibel's assorted hustlers angling for his wealth

ISLAND REPORTER OFFICE AT THE VILLAGE 234Q Periwinkle Way, UNfT K-1 472-1587 FORT MYERS BEACH OBSERVER INDIAN CREEK PLAZA 17274 San Carlos Blvd. FAX Fort Myers-Beach, Fl. 33931 Classified 472-8398 DEADLINES AWARD WINNING CLASSIFIED SECTION NOTICE ISLAND REPORTER To Classified Advertisera DEADLINE Sanibel Island Reporter As Low Ws resava the nghl to property clasmfy edit or raiect $ -^.FT. MYERS BEACH any ad Be sure lo check your ad the first week n TUESDAY-3:00 P.M. appears Wo will not be responsible lor errors after the As 5.75 nrsl publication and must be noMixl within three days OBSERVER DEADLINE In order to secure any adjustment FRIDAY - 4:00 P.M. All ads are priced at a flat rale, no refund or adiust- Captiva Current Per Week msnls lor unused weeks OBSERVER Prepayment required IT'S E \SY TO PLACE YC UR AD IN THE ISLAND REPORTER! Convenience!!! IN ISLAND REPORTER FORT MYERS BEACH OBSERVER Charge It! By Phone: 472-1587 PERSON- 2340 PERIWINKLE WAY INDIAN CREEK PLAZA FAX IT: 472-8398 SANIBEL, FLORIDA 17274 San Carlos Blvd. Fort Myers Beach, FL VISA customers9 attention with classifieds- Antiques Antiques Pets & Livestock Pets & Livestock Household Miscellaneous

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FRIDAY PRIME TIME 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 (2 NBC News News Wheel Jeopardy! Unsolved Mysteries Dateline NBC (cc) Profiler (cc) (S) R News Tonight (I) PBS rtis NowsHour The NewsHour Wash Wall $t Close jGoodbye Urban Renewal Charlie Rose (S) * Gated Community off W. Gulf Drive ®FOX News (cd Simpsons Home Seinfeld Sliders (cc) (S) R Millennium (cc) News (cc) M'A'S'H Cops (cc) ©CBS News News Edition Journal JAG (cc) (S) R JAQ Jinx (cc) (S) R Nash Bridges (co) News Late Sh * Deeded Beach Access GD WNPL Videos Real TV MadAbt Cheers Movie ** The Adventures ol Huck Finn Baseball (Live) * Pool, Tennis and Spa CD ABC Married News News (cc) ET Mailers [Boy Sabrlna Step/Step 20/20 (cc) News (cc) |Nlghtllne © WGN By/Bell By/Bell Mallei s Baseball Chicago Cubs al Cine nnall Reds (Live) iNews (cc) Wlseguy (S) S3 TBS Matters Matters Videos Videos Movie ** Summer Rental Baseball (Live) (cc) ©PBS The NewsHour Business Time/By McL'ghlln |J Pond Wash Wall St Mr Bean Benny Hill Brlttas ©SHOW The Outer Limits The Outer UrnHs The Outer Limits The Outer Limits The Outer Limits Polt gelsl Movie ©HBO Movie *** The Arrival (cc) (S) Movie Down Periscope (cc) Comedy Movie Behind Enemy Lines D Miller ©DISN Chip/Dale GoolTrp |Movle Worst WitUi Movie ** Hocus Pocus(BtO) (cc) (S) Movie Movie ©TMC Movie Atlantic City (5 45) (cc] Movie * Mall Moon Street Movie *** Leaving Las Vegas (cc) (S) Movie Hard Vice ©FAM Burnett Burnett The Wallons Luau on Maul Rescue 911 (cc) (S) The 700 Club Stooges Stooges * Come see this magnificent home in ©CNN WorldView (cc) Money |Crosstire Prime |Burden Larry King Live (cc) This World Today Sports Money a wonderful location (2) USA Renegade (cc) (S) Highlander (cc) (S) Movie * K 9 (1989 Comedy) cc) (S) La Fomme Nlkila Movie ©LIFE Sweep Debt The Wire The Wire The Dish Dates Movie * k The Favor Breaking Through ©ESPN Up Close SportsCenter NHL Hockey P iladelphia Flyers al New York Rangers (Live) (cc) Baseball SportsCenter (cc) ©TNT Heal ol Ihe Night Kung Fu Legend Pregame NBA Basketball Utah Jazz at Houston Rockets (cc) In NBA Movie © AMC Movie *** To Hell and Back H wood Commandos Movie *** Von Ryans Express Movie OS NASH Club Dance (S) Dukes ol Hazzard Motor Madness Dallas Shadows (S) ® A&E Qulncy, M E Law & Order (cc) Biography Guide to Historic Homes In America Law & Order (cc) ©NICK Clarissa Toon Doug (cc) Rugrals KaBlami Hap Days Lucy Bewitch Newharl Couple Taxi (cc) MTM @TRAV Flavors Travel Travel Undersea Sports Sports Travel Travel Europe Holiday Travel Undersea ©NOST More Money/Dolans What s II All About Love Boat Rocklord Files (cc) Streets of S F T Orlando The Tesoro Model at Butterknife Estates SATURDAY MORNING Open for Inspection 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 V. 10-3 Daily ©NBC Fishing Wall St Today Collection agencies (cc) (S) News Stewart Saved Hang CD PBS Body Puzzle Lamb Barney Tales Tugboat Cooking Desserts legions Cuclna Baking Thai ©FOX Riders Dragon Planet Dream CBaar Casper Rangers Spider Goose Eerie LllolLouie XMen CD CBS Paid Prg Paid Prg Animals PE TV PC4U Pumbaa Mask G eeK eR Ace Kipper Haunted Turtles CD WNPL Animal Why Why Orchestra 0 Twist Dancers Dragon Sharks Simian Sharks Flash WMAC Ghost ©ABC Business DuckTale Winnie Sing Cubs Doug Doug Ducks Tweety Tweety Ntmare News ©WGN Paid Prg Children Ch'lando People Farm Rpl Business Paid Prg Paid Prg Fishing Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Call our office Today ©TBS Boss? nteract Mind Planet Fllntstone Taz Man WCW Main Event National Geographic Explorer (cc) R 941.472.2255 ©PBS Str mslde Adventure Repples Barney Sesame Stree cc) Arthur |Maglc Creatures Newton s EaslEnder |EaslEnder out-of-state 800.553.2246 ©SHOW viovle Metropolitan Viovle Movie! Carry^ On Columbus Movie *+* Silver Streak (cc) ©HBO Movie ** Three Wishes (cc) (S) Lulu Hero Happily Movls" ** Coneheads (cc) (S) |LlfeStory Sports Contact us now through ©DISN Mickey [Tale Spin |Donalcl [Goof Tr p Chip/Dale Animals Animals Animal {Movie Heathcllll The Movie Movie CompuServe 72623.1 OG&compuserve ©TMC viovle ** Funny Bones (610) (cc) (S) Movie: *** Goldeneye (8 20) (cc) (S) |Movle [email protected] ©FAM Paid Prg Paid Prg Am Baby jHsalthy |Camplng Animal |Blg Jake Diner Family Challenge Movie ©CNN Daybreak Parenting Saturday Morning Showbiz [style Scl Baseball ©USA Bloomberg TV Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg WWF Llvewlre Pacific Blue (cc) (S) Your Island ii ©LIFE Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Pro. Paid Prg Paid Prg Our Home ©ESPN •Igesl SporlsCenter cc) Outdoors Flshln Outdoors Sportman Zoeller Outdoors Fishing J rnal |SportsCtr the Florida ©TNT Kung Fu

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PETER E. KELLY SUNDAY AFTERNOON ATTORNEY AT LAW 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 ©NBC American Fisherman Qolf Lessons Hoop-II-Up NBA NBA Basketball Utah Jan at Houston Rockets (Live) • REAL ESTATE CD PBS Computer [Magic Country Connection Antiques Roadshow Hobby Tracks H'metime |Workshop House (Victory ©FOX Movie: *•* Police Academy NHL Hockey New York Rangers at Philadelphia Flyers. (Live) Star Trek: DS9 • BUSINESS & CORPORATE LAW CD CBS Body Extremist St. Jude Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Goll MasterCard Colonial, Final Round. (Live) (cc) • LrriGATION'PROBATE ©WNPL Bureau Sweet V. Movie: **** Mary Poppms (1964, Children (Julie Andrews) Hercules: Journeys |Warrlor Princess • ESTATE PLANNING 2) ABC Aulo Racing (11) Indianapolis 500 (Live) Goll JCPenney LPGA Skins Game, Back Nine. • CONDOMTNIUMLAW @ WGN Sylvester California Slnbad Baseball Chcago Cubs at Cincinnati Reds. (Live) 10th Inn. Grilflth » TRUSTS-WILLS I?) TBS Movie: Blues Brothers (10.30) Movie: ** Stripes (120) (1981, Comedy) Movie: * Men at Work (1990, Comedy) NASCAR • GENERAL PRACTICE (941) 395-2211 S3) PBS On One Issues J. Pond A. Smith A Flight In Time A Fighter Pilot's Story (cc) (S) A Fighter Pilot's Story (cc) (S) ©SHOW Movie Movie: *+ A World Apart (12-35) (S) Movie: ** Robin and Marian Movie: Blq Picture 1633 PERIWINKLE WAY - STE.H, SANIBEL, FLORIDA ©HBO Movie: Eyes ol an Angel (12; 15) (cc) Movie: * Shadow ol the Wolf (cc) (S) Movie: Nighl Before (cc) Father S3 DISN Movie: Robin Hood Sitters Forward Torkel. |Ready Ocean ... Forward C. Brown |Dlsney |Gooflng Movie 1 3D TMC Movie |Movie: * Speed Zone (12 35) Movie: ** Parallel Lives (2,15) (cc) Movie: Indian Summer (cc) Movie ©FAM Movie: * Cannonball Run II (11:30) Movie: *** Papillon (1973, Suspense) (Steve McQueen.) Movie w E)CNN CNN Late Edition |World Report cc) Matters Future... Scl. Travel Early Jesse ©USA Movie: Jetsons: The Movie Movie: *** Darkman (cc) (S) Movie: #* Flrestarter (1984, Horror) (S) Movie ©LIFE Movie: ** With Murder In Mind |One West Walklkl |Unsolved Mysteries Movie: Jitters (1997, Drama) (Joely Fisher.) @_ESPN SportsClr. lOulside the Lines [Figure Skating Inline Challenc a |Beach Volleyball Golf US TNT Movie: *** Run Silent, Run Deep Movie: ** Fireball Forward (2.10) Movie: Bridge on the River Kwal (4 15) ©AMC Movie; ** The Sfory of Dr. Wassell (cc) Movie: *** Wake Island Movie: *** Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison RENT BOATS OH NASH Garage Road Race ol the Week |Champ'shlp Rodeo Trend TV Classic Hot Rod Fast Fishing Flshin' ©A&E Movie Movie: *** House of Wax Biography Week American Justice The Unoxplalned Fishing and Shelling • Closest to Outer Wands ©NICK Pete... All Thai Brother Space You Do? JWIId Kids Gadget Shorts Temple Global Lost Space @TRAV Inn C'lry Paid Prg. The Lonely Planet Journey to the Edge Parks Parks Sports Trips/Tips My Town My Town Quill Warren Paid Prg. Paid Prg, Crofting Today Movie: • Bulldog Courage Gangbust. Laughter 472-5800 S3NOST Marches Jensen's Marina • Captiva Island

SUNDAY PRIME TIME 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 2) NBC News News Dateline NBC si 3rd Rock Movie: ** Mr. Saturday Night (cc) (S) News Sports 3 PBS Virtues J. Benny Lawrence Welk Nat'l Memorial Day Concert Nat'l Memorial Day Concert Freedom Decision 3) FOX *)ews (cc) Seinfeld Beyond Belief Simpsons jKlng/HIII The X-Files (cc) |News (cc) Nt. Court High Tide (S) r OVERNIGHT LETTERS ©CBS News News 60 Minutes (cc) (S) Touched by Angel Movie Mews Mews GD WNPL Star Trek: Voyager Movie: *** My Father, the Hera Gunsmoke |Bounty Hunters Van Impe Paid Prg. 3D ABC Murphy |News Second Noah (cc) Videos Videos Murder One (Part 1 of 3) (cc) (S) Mews (cc) Movie PAK "N" SHIP SDWGN Slnbad Brotherly N. Freno Parent.. Harvey Unhappily |Rpger |News (cc) Replay Riche$ Vampire ©TBS Auto Racing NASCAR Coca-Cola 600. From Charlotte, N.C (Live) Movie: * Cobra FREE AIR DROP OFF FREE AIR DROP OFF 33 PBS Dear Babe IS) Lawrence Welk (S) Nat'l Memorial Day Concert Nat'l Memorial Day Concert Chef! (S) iRanq 3D SHOW Movie: ** Born Yesterday (6:15) (cc) (S) Movie: The Garden of Redemption (S) Movie: ** City Hall (9.45) (cc) (S) Movie: Clueless (S'45) (cc) lHappily Movie: **•+ Patriot Games (cc) (S) Authorized ©HBO Movie: Weapons of Mass Distraction (cc) FedEx Authorized 53 DISN Movie Movie Movie: Robin Hoed (6 40) (cc) Movie: *** Out ol Africa (10 05) (cc) Shipping ShipCenter 3D TMC Movie: Fluke Movie; * Magic in the Water (7 15) (cc) Movie: ** Juman|i (cc) (S) Movie: Coldblooded Outlet IS) FAM Movie Movie: The Night of the Twisters Hawaii Flve-0 Hawaii Flve-0 Remington Steele 2DCNN W'rldView Pinnacle Capital [Crossfire Prime |Sports Impact (cc) The World Today Sports NBA 2402 PALM RfBtSFROAD SANIBEL, FL 33957 | ©USA Movie: +** Sea ol Love (5:30) (cc) (S) Pacific Blue (cc) (S) Silk Stalkings (cc) The Big Easy (cc) Silk Stalkings (cc) ©LIFE Movie: ** Message From Nam (1993, Mimseries) (Jenny Robertson) Intimate Portrait (cc) One West Walkiki 395-1220 • 395-0958 (FAX) n°° PAGE - Out/In I HI) ESPN Golf (b 30) ISportsCtr. Baseball Baseball Boston Hed Sox at New York Yankees. (Live) (cc) SportsCenter (cc) ©TNT Movie: Bridge on the River Kwal (4:15) Movie: ** The Devil's Brigade (1968, War) (William Holden Movie SDAMC Movie: Red Ball Express Attrac. Movie: *** Von Ryan's Express Movie: ** The Story of Dr Wasspll fed WE PAK, WE SHIP | 32) NASH Outdoor Bass in-Fish Outdoor Go Flshl Back Rd. |Champ. Bull Riding RaceDay NHRA Garage Road Guide to Historic Homes In America Biography Paul Castellano HOURS: Mon - Fri 8:30 am • 5 pm I IDA&E America's Castles Mysteries of Bible ID NICK Afraid? A. Mack Kenan Brother Wub. News Hap.Days Munslers Couple Van Dyke Newhart Newharl Sat 8:30 am • 4 pm * Sun 9:30 am - 3 pm 1 HITRAV B. Dolson B. Dolson Journeys Undersea Undersea Undersea John Hemlnway Getaway Europe Journeys Undersea Now Shipping 100% Guaranteed Indian River Fruit 1 ij)NOST West Danqer High Notes Loretta Dante Stagecoach West Plains. West. Diamond The Law ISLAND REPORTER • MAY 23, 1997 Q 9C DAYTIME MORNING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 GD NBC 'lews Today Sally Jessy Raphael Jerry Springer Leeza W IM3WI GDPBS Body Homestr. Lamb Barney Sesame Street Puzzle Reading Various Various Various Various ©FOX J Quest Masked Batman Bobby's Bobby's [Spider Coach Nt. Court Alter Breakfast Gordon Elliott .1/-VW ©CBS News News This Morning Rosle O'Donnell Maureen O'Boyle The Price Is Right ®WNPL Gwen |Mcga Mask Bruno Samurai |Bananas Paid Prg |Paid Prg. Beverly Hills, 90210 Maury Povicti CD ABC News This Morning Good Morning America Regis & Kathle Lee Jenny Jones Caryl & Marilyn (ID WGN Copcland Griffith Various Griffith Daffy Anlman. Bewitch |Bewilch Empty Empty Griffith Griffith Linda Jnmberk @TBS Planet Taz-Man Scooby Scooby Brady Bewitch Little MousefPralrle 3's Co. Mama's Griffith Griffith Brnkrr/SalrxpprMcn © WPBT Buslnoss Rogers Couch Barney Sesame Street Arthur | Magic Lamb Barney Puzzlo Reading OS) SHOW Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials OB HBO Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials (fJDDISN Mickey |Tale Spin Donald Goof Tr'p Chip/Dale Mermaid Winnie | Mickey Wonder |Welcome Gumml |C. Bears ©TMC Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials ©FAM FIT TV Sampler Father Dowllng The Waltons The 700 Club FIT TV ©CNN Business Day Early Edition Morning News CNN, Co. ©USA Bloomberg TV USA Action Extreme Team Murder, She Wrote Tennis ©LIFE Paid Prg, |Pald Prg. Workout Workout Baby [Kids Sisters H'dmade |Gourmot Our Home S3 ESPN SportsConlcr SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenler SportsCenter SportsCenter OS NASH Oil the Air VldeoMornlng Dallas o Distinguished by Its quiet privacy 1 ®TNT Rudy |B. Bunny J. Quest B. Bunny Scooby Dooby Doo Fllnlstone |Fllntstone Gllllgan GlIHgan Spenser. For Hire o Spectacular expanse of beachfront © AMC Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials o Unique architectural design articulated In multi-level floor & A&E Evening at Improv Various Programs Various Programs Cosby Mysteries Mike Hammer plan with fireplace, pool & spa ®NICK Weln'vllle Beet'|ulce Gadget Chipmunk Looney Rugrals Lit. Bear Blue Rupert Muppels Allegra's Qullah o Unified residential gated community @TRAV On/Road Appalach, Travel Holiday Inn C'try Romantic Perf. Trip Exploring Various Various Italy Flavors o Only Gulf front available at $1,145,000 © NOST Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paper Chase: 3rd Streets of S.F.


DAYTIME AFTERNOON .Over 1600 sq. ft. of luxury living .Corner unit with expansive views .Wrap around lanal .Covered parking, cabana with bath 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 .Special price at $599,000 .Now is the time/May is the month CD NBC Nov. 5 Sunset Beach Another World Days of Our Lives Montel Williams News CD PBS Various Painting Various Various Rogers Tots TV Arthur Barney Sandlego |wishbone Creatures Bill Nye ©FOX Medicine Woman Mattock Doogie Hang In' Big Bad Rangers Star Trek: DS9 Roseanne Home ©CBS News Young & Restless The Bold As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfrey News News ©WNPL Movies & Specials Dating [Newly. Darkwing |Gargoylcs Aladdin Quack... Full H'se Prince ©ABC Hard... |Hosp. All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Judge Judge Rlckl Lake §D WGN Geraldo Rivera News Streets of S.F. Beauty and Beast Beverly Hills, 90210 Matters California ©TBS Matlock Movies & Specials J. Quest Fllnlstone Fllntstone California By/Bell By/Bell Caprlal Various Naples [Served? Movies & Specials Pasa? Arthur Magic Arthur Magic © WPBT 8Super 3 bedroom/3 bath Olde Florida Style Home ©SHOW Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials .Located on East End COD HBO Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials sWalk to Bay & Beach In minutes ©DISN Pony |Mermald DuckTale C Brown Winnie [Donald Movies 8 Specials |C. Brown Tale Spin DuckTale sFireplace, Skylights, new pool, 2 car garage (2) TMC Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials ,Appointment required. Asking $399,000 ©FAM Rescue 911 Home and Family Shop {Shopping Two Animal Carson Carson ID CNN Newsday | Burden CNN Today TalkBack Live Politics EarlyPrlme Showbiz Buyer* Seller Representation ©USA Tennis USA Live MacGyver Wings Wings Vacation Rentals & Properly Management ©LIFE Stewart ngredlent Sweep Debt Movies & Specials Various Programs Golden Golden ® ESPN Spoils & Specials Sports & Specials |Sports Sports & Specials ROYAL SHELL CS1NASH Aleene |Aleone Wlldhorse Saloon VldeoPM Amer. Country Hits Dallas Wlldhorse Saloon VACATION PROPERTIES ®TNT CHIPS Thunder In Paradise West Was Won Wild, Wild West Movies & Specials ® AMC Movies & Specials |Movles & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials 1-800-656-9111 • 472-9111 is) A&E Quincy, M E Law & Order Various Programs Cosby Mysteries Mike Hammer Licensed Broker ©NICK Lit. Bear Blue R. Scarry Storytlme Looney Bcel'lulce Toon Muppets Chipmunk Gadget Afraid? Rocko ®TRAV Travel Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Holiday Inn C'Iry Romantic Exploring Pert. Trip Undersea Travel Adventure Bound ©NOST More Money/Dolans Answers Wholey Movies & Specials High Rockford File;

, I

MONDAY PRIME TIME 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ©NBC News News Wheel Jeopardy! Foxwthy Foxwthy Movie: Abducted: A Father's Love (cc) (S) Jews Tonight ©PBS The NewsHour The NewsHour British Rail Journey : Vietnam: History Charlie Rose S) GDFOX News (cc) Simpsons Home Seinfeld Science Fiction: The Unknown News (cc) M'A'S'H Cops (cc) ©CBS News News Edition Journal. Cosby Raymond Cyblll Ink (cc) Chicago Hope (cc) News Late Sh. ©WNPL Videos Real TV Mad Ab't Cheers In House Malcolm Sparks Goode Mama's |Mama's Baywatch I Spike. ©ABC Married News News (cc) ET Champion ol Magic Murder One (Part 2 of 3) (cc) (S) News (cc) iNlghtline ® WGN By/Bell By/Bell Matters BZZZ! (S) 7th Heaven (cc) Vampire Slayer News (cc) (S) Wlseguy (S) J. r • * \ > ©TBS Movie. * Road House (5 50) Movie: ** Sleepwalkers (1992, Horror) Baseball (Live) (cc) ... I, 51) PBS The NewsHour business |Tlme/By Eye... |wild |fhe New Explorers American Experience: Vietnam: History OH SHOW Vlovle: *** Chances Are (cc) (S) Movie: *** Get Shorty (ccj (S) Movie: *** Fargo (cc) (S) ©HBO Movie: *** Top Gun (cc) (S) Movie: *** Sabrina (cc) (S) Movie' ** Eraser (1015) (cc) (S) ©DISN C. Brown C. Brown Movie: Snoopy, Come Home Movie Movie: *** Gus (9 50) (cc) Movie ®TMC Movie Movie: Beyond Rangoon (715) (cc) Movie: * The Scarlet Letter (1995. Drama) (cc) (S) Movie ® FAM Bradys |Bradys Bradys Bradys Hawaii Flve-0 Hawaii Flve-0 The 700 Club Stooges Stooges HDCNN WorldView (cc Money Crossfire Prime Burden Larry King Live (cc) The World Today Sports Money IS) USA Movie: K-9 (5) (cc) Highlander (cc) (S) WWF Monday Night RAW La Femrrve Nlkita Silk Stalklngs (cc) @ LIFE Movie: *** No Way Out (5) Movie: **** Dances With Wolves (1990, Weslern) (Kevin Coslner, Mary McDonnell) Homicide ©ESPN Baseball (4) (Live) |SportsClr. NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche at Detroit Red Wings (Live) (cc) Baseball SportsCenter (cc) ©TNT Movie: *** The Dirty Dozen (430) |WCW Monday Nitro Tony Schiavone (cc) Robin Hood WCW Monday Nitro © AMC Movie Movie: ** What Price Glory' H'wood Commandos Movie: *** The McConneli Story 03 NASH Club Dance (S) Dukes of Hazzard Today's Country (cc) Hello Darlln': A Tribute to Conway Twltty Dallas Charlie (S) as A&E Biography Bloqraphy Biography Guide to Historic Homes In America Law & Order (cc) ©NICK Clarissa Toon Douq (cc) Rucpts Arnold! Hap.Days Hap Days | Bewitch Newharl Couple Taxi (cc) M.T.M. ©TRAV Travel Travel Exploring Travel... Parks Parks The Lonely Planet Europe Travel Exploring Travel... ©NOST More Money/Dolans Jimmy Durante Love Boat Rockford Files (cc) Streets of S.F. T. Orlando

ARE BEST SEEN TUESDAY PRIME TIME FROM OUR 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 WATERFRONT ©NBC News News Wheel Jeopardyl Mad Ab't So Right NBA Basketball Houston Rockets at Utah Jazz (Live) News 2 BEDROOM ® PBS The NewsHour The NewsHour Nova (cc) (S) Frontline Their s(ory continues, (cc) (S) Charlie Rose (S) ® FOX News (cc) Simpsons Home Seinfeld Movie: ** Murder at My Door (cc) (S) ' |News (cc) M*A"S"H Cops (cc) 2 BATH ©CBS News News Edition Journal Promised Land (cc) Movie News Late Sh. CONDOMINIUMS (D WNPL Videos Real TV Mad Ab'l Cheers Moesha H'boys The Burning Zone Mama's Mama's Baywatch CD ABC Carried 'lews •Jews (cc) ET Roseanne Life Work Home |Spln City NYPD Blue (cc) News (cc) |Nlghtllne ®WGN By/Bell By/Bell Baseball Chicago Cubs at Pirates (Live) News (cc) (S) Wlseguy (S) • HEATED POOL AND SPA ©TBS Mailers Matters Videos Videos Movie' *• Rocky IV (1985, Action) Baseball (Live) (cc) (2) PBS The NewsHour Business Time/By Nova (cc) (S) Icrlmes Crimes Frontline Their story continues (cc) (S) • TENNIS COURTS ©SHOW Movie vlovle. Judge Dredd (cc) Movie: ** Mary Redly (9 40) (cc) (S) |Movle • FISHING PIER ©HBO Movie: Tuskoqee Airmen (cc Movie; ** Multiplicity (cc) (S) Movie: ** Grumpier Old Men {cc) {S) -1 02 DISN Chip/Dale JGoof Tr'p Movie Movie: The Jetsons Meet the Fllntslones Movie: Black Hole (9 50) (cc |Movle • ADJACENT MARINA ®TMC Movie Movie: Leaving Las Vegas (7 05) (cc) Movie: ** L A Story (S) Movie: New York Cop (1035) ® FAM Burnett Burnett Movie Hawaii Flve-0 The 700 Club Stooges Stooges ©CNN WorldView (cc) Money JCrossfire Prime Burden Larry King Live (cc) The World Today Sports Money OI-SITE iEiTIL NI1NAGEME1T ©USA Renegade (cc) (S) Highlander (cc) (S) Murder, She Wrote Movie: **+ An Officer and a Gentleman (cc) (S) Stalklngs ©LIFE Sweep Debt Intimate Portrait (cc) Unsolved Mysteries Movie: #* Betrayed By Love Homicide: Street Ali iE-SALES ©ESPN Up Close SportsCenler |NHL Hockey Philadelphia Flyers at New York Rangers (Live) (cc) Baseball SpqrtsCenter (cc) PRICED FROM $132,000 @TNT Heal of the Night Kunfl Fu: Leqend Movie: **** MASH (1970, Comedy) Movie: No Tims lor Sergeants ©AMC Movie Movie: **** Body and Soul Requiem Movie. Requiem tor a Heavyweight SANIBEL HARBOURSIDE REALTY ©NASH Club Danes (S) Dukes of Hazzard Yesterday & Today Prime Time Country Convers. With Burt Dallas (S) ©A&E Quincy, M.E. Law & Order (cc) Biography Columbo A Friend in Deed. Law & Order (cc) ©NICK Clarissa Toon Doug (cc) Rugrats A. Mack JHap.Days Hap.Days Bewitch Newharl Couple Taxi (cc) M.TM. ®TRAV Flavors Travel B. Dotson Inn C'try Adventure Bound Rough Guide (cc) Travel Getaway B. Dotson Inn C'try ©NOST More Money/Doians T, Orlando Love Boat Rockford Files (cc) Streets of S F. Jimmy Durante 106 • M'AY^3;il9 ISLAND FREE PRINT WITH SUBSCRIPTION TO THE —^ island

' NEWLY CLEARED & READY •NEWLY FURNISHED TO BUILD 1BEDROOM,1BATH • 140'X155' • NEARBY BEACH ACCESS 'PRICE REDUCED & BOAT DOCK • MVP $98,000 - $112,000 • CONVENIENT EAST END LOCATION • OFFERED FOR $82,900 The Prudential Florida Realty 1020 Pen winkle Way Sanibel, FL 33957 941/472-4000 »* 800/24^-7284 hup //www pruflundu com An Independently owned arid operated member or The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc


Quality home! Oak floor, Berber carpet, fireplace, Pelican In Paradise by IKKI MATSUMOTO gourmet kitchen, custom cabintry and bookshelves, corian, Diamond Brite pool and spa. Privacy and just steps from the beach. Annual Rates: 2340 Periwinkle Way CALLELLIE SEE, Realtor $22 Sanibel/Captiva & Lee County The Village 941-472-1511 800-233*8829 $28 Outside Lee County or split residence P.O. Box 809, Sanibel 941-472-6136 (eves.) $42 Outside United States (941) 472-1587 Priscilla Murphy FUR Realty, Inc.


SatMte TV ®K$t%aW ' SOS at itsi WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 1 CD NBC News News Wheel Jeopardy NawsRad Men NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Chicago Bulls (cc) News 101- 199 Direct Ticket Movies CD PBS Tha NewsHour The NewsHour M.Russell Battleship American Visions (Part 1 ol 4) (cc) (S) Charlie Rose (S) 202 CNN CD FOX News (cc) Simpsons Home Seinfeld Movie: Tyson (1996, Docudrama) (cc) (S) Mews (cc) M'A'S'H Cops (cc) 203 Court TV CD CBS News News Edition Journal Nanny Nanny Where Are They? 2 Martin Scorsese *|OW3 Late Sh. 204 Headline News GD WNPL Videos Real TV Mad Ab't Cheers The Sentinel (cc) Star Trek' Vo 'ager Mama's Mama's Baywalch Grace ... 206 ESPN CD ABC Married News News (cc) ET Coach Carey Ellen (cc) PrlmeTlme Live (cc) tows (cc) iNlghtllne Sister 208 ESPN2 3D WGN 3y/Bell By/Bell Matters BZZZ! (S) Harvey Foxx Wayans News (cc) (S) Wlseouy IS) 212 TNT ©TBS Matters Matters Videos Videos Movie: **** Jaws (1975, Horror) (Roy Scheider.) Movie. **Jaws2 The NewsHour Time/By M.Russell 213 Home Shopping Netwl © PBS Business Durst American Visions (Part 1 of 4) (cc) (S) I Don't Want. Movie: Month In the Country (S15) The Outer Limits 214 Home & Garden Televi ©SHOW Movie ** Dangerous Minds (cc) (S) Poll'gelst Movie 1 215 E Entertainment Televisie ©HBO Movie. ** Only You (6 15) (cc) (S) Movie' ** The Grave (cc) (S) |Tracey Takes On . Movie: ** Screamers (cc) IS) 216 Much Music ©DISN Chip/Dale Qool Tr'p Movie Movie: Splash (8 20)(cc) Movie: * The Great Outdoors (1010) Movie: ** Mommie Dearest (6 50) 217 Black Entertainment I televisic 5BTMC Movie Movie: ** Roommates cc) (S) Movie Burnett Burnett The Waltons ' Rescue 911 (cc) (S) Hawaii Flve-0 219 American Movie Classics ©FAM The 700 Club Stooges Stooges WorWIew (cc) Money |Cross(ire Prime Burden Larry King Live (cc) 220 Turner Classic Movies ©CNN The American Edqe Sports Money Renegade (cc) (S) Highlander (cc) (S) Murder, She Wrote 221 A&E © USA MOVIB: The Three Lives of Karen (cc) (S) Silk Slalklngs (cc) Sweep Debt Intimate Portrait (cc) ' Unsolved Mysteries Movie: *• S 222 The History Channel ©LIFE e Lod Two Lives Homicide: Street 223 The Disney Channel (East) @ESPN Up Close SportsCenlor |Baseball (Live (CO) Baseball (cc) ghi |Kung Fu: Legend Movie: **FI 224 The Disney Channel (West) ©TNT Heat ol the Nl ishdance (1983, Musical) Movie: ** SI aying Alive (1005) 225 Discovery Channel •Tired of Cable TV © AMC Requiem Movie WENN Movie: *** Our Man Flint (196fi. Ariinni Club Dance (S) Dukes of Hazzard Life of Carl Perkins Prime Time Country 226 The Learning Channel 03 NASH The Road (S) Dallas (S) rate increases? We Quincy, M E. Law S Order Biography American Justice 227 Cartoon Network © A8.E cc) 20th Century Law & Order (cc) Clarissa Toon Doug (cc) Rugrals Arnoldl Hap.Days Hap.Days Bewitch 229 USA Network guarantee our rate (Si NICK Mewhart Couple Taxi (cc) M.T.M. Flavors Travel Travel Travel Outdoor Outdoor Paclflca Paclflca 230 Tno @THAV Europe Holiday Travel Travel to the year 2000! More Money/C olans Captain & Tennllle Love Boat Rocklord Fife (cc) 232 The Family Channel ©NOST Streets o! S.F Leslie Uggams 233 Superstation TBS 235 1 he Nashville Network * Compare our 236 Country Music Television THURSDAY PRIME 240 Sci-Fi Channel channel selection 242 C-SPAN prices to your local 9:00 243 C-SPAN2 I 9=30 10:00 10:30 24S Bloomberg Into. T V cable company! 248 T he Weather Channel 250 Newsworld International 252 CNN Intemational/CNNfn 254 The Travel Channel •EQUIPMENT 253 Bravo 271 ENCORE 1 '60s, '70s & 80s AS LOW AS 272 ENCORE 2 Love Stones $199®* ENCORE 3 Western 273 * (with annual subscription 274 ENCORE4 Mystery to total choice) 275 ENCORE 5 Action lovle: ** Dune (Short version) (10 tO] ENCORE 6 True Stories Movie: •** Body Heat (7 05) (cc) 276 Movie Quick and the Dead 277 ENCORE7WAMI

Movie: *** The Naked Gur

Up Close Sportscenter HL Hockey Detroit Red at_Colorado Avalanche (Live) (cc] 12995 S. Cleveland Avenue Movie ** Poison Iw (1992, Drama] Ft. Myers, FL 33907 MoWe »** The Paleface (715) (cc Movie i DIRECTV. s Country (cc) Dallas Deia Vu (S) SATELLITE TV AT ITS BEST Biography JFK A Personal Slo (141)276-7677 Doug (cc) Rugrals The Unexplained Law & Order (cc) Newhan Icbtipia Travel jGetawav Streets ol S.F. ISLAND REPORTER • MAY 23, 1997 Q 11C Comm. Prop, tor Miscellaneous Sale Condos for Sale Gen. Real Estate Homes for Sale Homes for Sale iUILD YOUR OWN CABLE 19,000 SQUARE FOOT HEAVY VOLUSIA COUNTY PRIVATE >ESCRAMBLER! Save COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON CLASSIFIED undreds of dollars for under 1.3 ACRES. Highway frontage, RETREAT. 25 ACRES - 12.00. Must have cable C2 zoning, built-in home, $34,900. Great Building Site. 472-1587 ccess. Don't waitl Call 24 finished area and warehouse Well wooded. Roads - Power - ours, Toll Free 1-888-466- space. OWNER WILL Financing, Heart of Recreation GOVT FORECLOSED HOMES 045. FINANCE TO RIGHT BUYER. Area. Call Now, Atlantic Land FROM pennies on $1. >/23/97 — ####— 37B72-1 Gem Real Estate, Inc. 995- Consultants. Toll Free 1-888- Delinquent Tax, Repo's, REO's, 2436. 635-5263. Your Area. Toll Free (1) 800- 5/23/97 — »«««— 37691-1 /OLFF TANNING BEDS. Tan at 5/23/97 —tmn— 37851-6 218-9000 Ext. H-7413 for ome. Buy DIRECT and SAVE1 SOUTH SEAS current listings. ommercial/Home Units from 5/23/97 —Mtt— 35322-2 199.00. Low Monthly Comm, Prop, for PLANTATION ayments. FREE color catalog. Rent BAYS IDE VILLA Ft. Myers Beach all today 1-800-842-1310. One bedroom CUSTOM CANAL FRONT Z23/97 —»»«#— 35768-1 "A" rated unit. IONA-MCGREGOR GREAT BUY! Stilt Home Exquisite view. ANOi Heated Screened Pool • • t Great income. Dock, Boathouse, Lift Wonderful Computers SUBLEASE Asking $269,900 furnished. COMPLETELY REMODELED 3 bedroom, 2 bath home PROFESSIONAL Call 1-800-300-1245 MANY UPGRADES just listed. SANIBEL OFFICES ext. 224 NewA/C Close to beaches, • • • BY OWNER. Low Maintenance Yard shopping and schools. Attractive Ground Floor 5/30/97 —#»«»— 36768-2 •$199,900 Oversized, Offices for Sublease. fenced lot DONT NEED A LOT OF ROOM 463-7074 Easily Accessible Building. with many fruit trees. BUT YOU WANT REALTY 5/30/97 -IH(- 36424-6 DISCOUNT Center of Sanibel. Ready for you todayl A LOT OF VIEW??? 1,090 sq. ft. Beautiful Sanibel canal and bay ONLY $99,900. OPERATING THIS MARINER POINTE $1,150 per month. views. Direct access, large 3 "CROW'S NEST1 SYSTEMS Utilities included. NORTH CAPTIVA ISLAND bedroom, 2 1/2 bath CBS piling Call Bari C. Fischer IS THE PLACE FOR YOU III • • • Available June 1st. home. Huge family room and RE/MAX of the Islands 472-8420 - 9am to 5pm - kitchen with bow window eating 3401 BONITA BEACH RD. Panoramic causeway, bay and SALES AND RENTALS (941) 489-0995 or 472-1113 area. Brick fireplace. Newly marina entrance views. or BONITA SPRINGS 5/23/97 —«*»«— 37741-6 remodeled master bath and (941)472-2311 Totally upgraded, 498-7660 porch. Screened pool, New 5/28/87 —»»»>— 37134-i designer decorated. BAYFRONT DUPLEX 7,000 Ib, lift. 941-472-3872. OFFICE CONDO One bedroom, one bath NEW COMPLETE DOCK, GAZEBO, 5/30/97 —HUH— 36960-4 600 + sq. ft. condo. MULTIMEDIA MULTIPLE USE OPTIONS. Pool, tennis, dockage, CLUB MEMBERSHIP Three Bedroom / One Bath Homes for Sale By Owner INTERNET SYSTEM TURNKEY READY. fishing pier. $685,000 HOME ON CANAL, $995.00 Copier, refrigerator, $249,000 Steps to beach. CALL FOR DETAILS. word processor, fax, Fully furnished, DRIVE BY furniture. ADA SHISSLER, GRI 8367 LAGOON ROAD WINDOWS 95 PRIVATE CLUB Large lot. Call 472-2330 VIP REALTY GROUP, INC. in Laguna Shores. AND 6/6/97 —tlmtl— 37840-8 Owner financing available. PHONE: HOMESITE 3 Bedroom / 2 Bath INTERNET CLASSES Ft. Myers Beach 941-472-5187 X54 POOL, TENNIS & $89,900, Pool Home AVAILABLE. 800-533-7338 x 54 DOCKING on SMALL CLASS SIZE- 1-800-999-0876 Office Space for Rent 5/23/97 —tWtt— 37406-2 $61,900 6/4/87 —ttlllf— 37432-6 Aquatic Preserve. CALL FOR SCHEDULE. Dock & Boatlift. GULFFRONT ESTATE SALE Minutes to Gulf. WE BUILD WEB PAGES Estero Beach & Tennis Club. Starter offices at $99/ month + OWN YOUR OWN ISLAND! 4629 BRAINARD BAYOU Asking $339,000. FOR YOUR PERSONAL South end of island. secretary services. Cellular COTTAGE, DOCK & WELL (off Wild Lime) Ring bell OR BUSINESS USE: Close to shopping. phones available. Includes 110 ACRES Ground level CBS or 3 PAGE BASIC LAYOUT One Bedroom / One Bath Sanibel home conference rooms & exercise (4 ACRES UPLAND) Call $99.00, Completely Remodeled near Beach and Refuse. 463-6340 room. 466-8682 with all upgrades. 5/30/97 —»»»!— 37712-6 $249,000 Three bedrooms, two baths. OWNER. CUSTOM BUILT MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE! On sewer. 5/23/»7 -tut— 3/335.6 NEW SYSTEMS Local: 765-1353 (941) 472-3000 Offers considered between STARTING AT $995.00. Days: 219-987-5120 $185,000-$200,000 Eves: 219-828-5343 FAX (941) 472-9635 Condos/Apts. for Rent 6/27/97 —Him— 5313-2 941-472-5224 PRE-OWNED SYSTEMS 6/13/97 —Hull— 37859-6 6/13/97 —umt— 37467-2 Homes for Rent FROM $369.00.

SVGA MONITORS PUNTA RASSA FROM $179.00. WATERFRONT CONDO Sell That Stuff With A Classified Ad! Annual Lease BAYFRONT HE ENTERTAINMENT PACK: Top Floor Comer Unit. Please Check Off Your Preferred Classification EXECUTIVE HOME GROLIER ENCYCLOPEDIA Recently Re-Done. • Antiques • Tools & Machinery • Mobile/Manufactured for Rent • Auctions Private 200 ft. on the Water Boat Dock 3 OTHER TITLES Spectacular Views • Baby Items • Cemetery Lots • Real Estate Distant D Business Opportunities • CfoOitng • Commercial Properly torSal e D Rental Snaring 3 Bedroom / 2 Bath $39.95. of Gulf & Bay. D Child Care Pool • Tennis. • Computers D Commercial Properly tor Rent • vacation Rentals Pool, Jacuzzi D Garage Sales TURN YOUR Marina Next Door. • Electronics & Cameras • Condos/Apartments for Rent O Annual Rentals Wheel Chair Access PROPRIETARY SYSTEM Available June 1st. D Garden Equipment • Condos for Sale D Want to Buy/Rent Real Estate D Help Wanted Ft. Myers Beach • Household • Duplexes for Sale • Automotive INTO AN $1200/ month. D Legals $1495 per month • Jewelry D Duplexes for Rent D Auto & Boat Supplies D Lost S Found • • • UPGRADABLE SYSTEM Call David at 482-0218. • Medical • General Real Estate • Boats & Motors 5/Z8/97 —ttltt— 37487-6 MILLION DOLLAR VIEWS FOR JUST $279.00. O Miscellaneous D Homes for Sale • Marine Accessories D Personals WOW I WHAT A PLACE II Near From this • Musical • Horns for Rent • Motorcycles & Bicycles D Personal Services Bay Front Home . PARTS • SALES • SERVICE beach and Health Park. Two D Recreational Vehicles • Oflice & Restaurant Equipment • Interval Ownership D Positions Wanted 6 Bedroom / 4 Bath • CUSTOM BUILT bedroom, one bath. D Pets & Livestock • Investment Property • Trucks S Vans O Services 200 ft. on the Bay NEW SYSTEMS Unfurnished. Newly • Sports Equipment • Lots & Acreage DUtility Trailers 2 Boat Docks • PRE-OWNED SYSTEMS refurbished. White glove clean P Swap 4 Trade Q Mobile/Manufactured for Sale • Announcements D Want to Suy-Mlscellansous duplex apartment. Includes Pool, Jacuzzi OUR SERVICE water/sewer, trash pick-up, DEADLINE: Tuesday, 3:00 P.M. 472-1587 2 Kitchens Ft. Myers Beach SETS THE STANDARD cable, lots of flowers!, private patio, nice neighbours. Only a Captiva Current $2495 per month VISIT OUR short trolley or bike ride to FT. MYERS beach. No dogs. $525. per & CAPE CORAL LOCATION month. Call for rental Island Reporter BEACH OBSERVER Month to Month 4418 DEL PRADO BLVD. application 466-8963, leave or Annual Lease. (4 BLOCKS NORTH OF message. 5/23/B7 —««»#— 37624-6 No refunds for unused weeks. We assume responsibility for the first Incorrect insertion only, and only if notified of that 800-484-8514 CAPE CORAL PKWY.) error by Friday noon after the ad appeared. We reserve the right to reject, revise and property classify all ads. If a tele- seo. code #8617 Two Bedroom / Two Bath phone number is to be part of the ad, it must be included in the context of the ad. All ads are prepaid and a check or 8/6/97 —«#«»— 37780-8 540-9606 money order must accompany all mailed-in ads. Punctuation Is free, so use it liberally to make your ad read clearly. s/a3/87 —tttt— 37113-s House -and- Private Party Heal Estate/Business One & Two Bedroom One Weak Addt'l Weak One Week Addt'l Week Apartments FT. MYERS BEACH $5.25 $4.75 $6.50 $5.50 ANNUAL RENTALS ports Equipment For Rent. Furnished • Washer/Dryer. SANIBELACAPTIVA $5.75 $5.25 $6.75 $6.00 FABULOUS LOCATION: -obic stepper & monorail ski Swimming Pool. ALL 4 PAPERS $8.00 $8.00 $9.25 $9.25 • Beautiful UF ster. Like new. $125, for Beach Access. ground level home h. 454-6178 No pets. offers 3/87 —Mil— 378O5-6 References required. 1.. 2.. 2 bedrooms / 2.5 baths 945-1647 plus family room Blt»l»7 —ItH— 37663-« 5.. 6.. and double car garage. "Gomm, Prop, for ONE BLOCK TO GULF 9.. .10.. 11.. Located on canal, Sale Ft. Myers Beach. 13.. .14.. 15.. .16.. This home is Quiet, Immaculate extra clean and Commercial Building One Bedroom Apartment. 17.. .18.. 20.. offers a on the corner Furnished or not. low maintenance yard. of Estero Blvd. 21.. .22.. 23.. .24_ Annual or Monthly. Now Available. & Mango St. e $475.00 25.. . Words in excess of 25 cost 25 each per week. $1,550/month. Ft. Myers Beach. Call Now FOR SALE 26.. .27. 28 . 29.. 765-7985 MID-ISLAND or Leave message please. 30.. .31. 32. .33.. 2 bedroom / 2 bath 5/23/9*7 —§lll— 37666-6 LONG TERM LEASE. UF piling duplex. 800 sq. ft. Cottage 34.. .35. 36 . 37.. VACANCY - Large screened porch. with 38.. Yard care included. EARLY SUMMER. . 39 40. -42.. 14'x16' Deck. $900/month, Commercial Zoned. 2-BEDROOM If additional space Is needed, use another piece of paper. Ideal for conversion AFFORDABLE Enclosed find a check or SANIBEL APARTMENT. Name money order for Call 472-6747 for more info, to fast food or retail. on these fine properties. GREAT LOCATION. CONTACT Address Phone Amount of Ad COMMUNITY HOUSING City , State Zip_ $ Call Ed, GULFBEACH & RESOURCES, To cover the cost of Wolfgang PROPERTIES INC. CITY HALL, Island Reporter/Captiva Current my ad for weeks. Properties, Inc. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 809, Sanibel, FL 33957 Lie. Real Estate Broker. 765-6607 472-1189. 8/13/OT —milt— 30341-2 2 */B7- —»«*»«— art si.g 12© Q MAY 23,1997 Q JSLAND:RERQRTER

Interval Ownership Real Estate Distant Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals

VACATION OWNERSHIP CLASSIFIED CAPTTVA GULF FRONT ON / i 8S8 S®nib@! SANIBEL ISLAND 472-1587 ESTATE HOME PRIVATE BEACH I ULTIMATE LUXURY FOR INFORMATION WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA The Sanibel Connection ON MOUNTAINS. Call toll-free for Vacation Rentals Lush setting and custom, elegant decor. 3-4 Bedrooms & PURCHASE AT free brochure of propertys and 3 baths. Very spacious, Sleeps 8. Heated lap-pool & exer- HILTON MANAGED homes. 1-800-438-8159. In Long Term Rentals cise room, master bedrm and large screened lanai over- RESORTS business over 20 years, Raper Purchase of Property look Gulf. Cable TV's & Sound System. Bikes & kayak. Reaity. INC P.O. Box 619, Perfect for adults with or without children. All amenities Please contact Murphy, NC 28906 1996 sales Excellence Award Winner including maid service. Brochure available. JOANNE PETERS 5/23/97 —IDit — 35832-1 Alan crotty - Broker salesperson Licensed Realtor $4,000 per week High Season $2,500 per week after Easter 941-395-0220 BEAUTY, PEACE AND TRANQUILITY DESCRIBE THE Sanibel Harbourside Realty Call owner (941) 395-0162 - Office (941) 395-2985 - Home PRICES START AT WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA $5,000 MOUNTAINS. CALL 1-800-343- 1 -888- Sanibel (726-4235) - Ton Free y 0465 FOR FREE email • [email protected] / The Atrium: Exclusive, INFORMATION ON HOMES ****** beautifully decorated, Gulf- AND PROPERTY ,OR WRITE front luxury. 2BR/ 2BA, den, APPALACHIAN LAND Pointe Santo DeSanibel . SIGNAL INN wrap-around balcony, fantastic COMPANY, 3510 HWY.64 LUXURIOUS GULF FRONT CM views. Sunsets! Available WEST, MURPHY, N.C. 28906. PENTHOUSE CONDO. SANIBEL ISLAND, FL after 4/18/97. Call owner for 5/23/97 —#f)ltt— 35949-1 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, # o # o # brochure. 800-484-7304 PIN screened lanai with SUNDIAL GULF FRONT 8286 or 770-664-7186. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA GRAND VACATIONS REALTY, INC spiral staircase to BEACH HOUSES & MOUNTAINS. Where there is private rooftop sundeck. SPACIOUS GULF CONDO TOWNHOUSES. 5/23/97 -mm— 23029-2 An ajfflllate of'7tf2itfet—~ cool Montain air, views and Gorgeous sunrise 1,2, 3 &4 BEDROOMS streams! For FREE brochure of and sunsets. - Beautifully Furnished Condo IN A O'raii(t Vacallgtis Company Seasonal Rentals Mountain Properties Call 1-800- Beautifully decorated on Gulf. SMALL & SECLUDED Over 20 locations 642-5333 Realty of Murphy 517 and fully equipped. 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath ENVIRONMENT. Cottages, Condos, —»»»«— 35227-2 Peaohtree St. Murphy, NC Call owner. ' with den. AVAILABLE WEEKLY. Homes and Estates. Tortuga Beach Club. Beach 28906. Substantial savings. Sleeps 6. 5/23/97 —Him— 36419-1 1-800-633-0042 or front. Several weeks. By (610) 664-2371 • Miles of Beautiful Beach NOW BOOKING • Pools • Tennis • Bikes 941-472-5141 owner. 941-395-23Q7 or 913- TENNESSEEI FREE COLOR FOR 1997/1998 SEASON I • Activity Programs Ask for Judy Michie 491-1803. BROCHURE AND LAND LIST! 6/13/97 —lltHI— 79-2 Prudential Florida Realty 8/6/97 —«*»»— 37748-6 • Golf Nearby Golf course community on 800-992-4690 Rental Division Summer Rates. Norris Lake. Pre-construction DIRECT GULF FRONT or 5/23/97 — Htltt— 24400-6 pricing from $24,900| Compare Reservations also being 941-472-4690 Lots & Acreage to $40K. Breathtakjng viewsl NEAR LIGHTHOUSE accepted for next season. ****** Low down with exec, financingl Fabulous Views! CALL OWNER 7/25/97 —M##— 18366-6 CLASSIFIED Selling fast! Call 1-800-552- (612) 484-9148 472-1587 9432. Upscale • Delightful 5/30/97 _#(!##_ 6361-6 5/23/97 —UttttH — 37124-1 Two bedrooms, Two baths SOUTH SEAS SO. COLORADO RANCH. 48 Very nicely furnished ****** PLANTATION SANIBEL SURFSIDE Classifieds Acres. $29,900. Beautiful mix Pool and Tennis GULF FRONT of rolling fields & trees with New private luxury home Find Your Place 472-1587 spectacular mountain views Please call on the Gulf. • • • and abundant wildlife. Minutes 800-982-3471 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. Two Bedroom, Two Bath With Builder has oversized lots on to lake & National Forest. 941-472-5550 Private pool and spa. Pool • Tennis • Gas Grills canal in exclusive gated Owner financing. Call now 719- 6/13/97 — ##««— 35-2 . Resort facilities subdivision. East end of 564-6367 Red Creek at optional. ALSO AVAILABLE If you have Sanibel location with Beach Hatchet. CALL OWNER 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom 5/23/87 -»»»«- 37834-1 30 days or more Club and private access. after 3:00 P.M. Rental Homes VIP to spend at RE ALT OR' Surrounded by beautiful 219-272-0889 Apartments existing homes. Call for more perhaps the 219-271-0115 (on & off beach) nicest place on Sanibel, SANIBEL / CAPTIVA / information 395-0909 Rental Sharing 5/23/97 —HIM— 7045-6 6/20)97 -»«<«- 25229-2 are a caring person or family, Shell Harbor Pool Homes FT. MYERS we have the place for you! # • • Two lots in The Dunes. One has North Captiva Island 2,000 sq. ft. Seasonal & Annual beautiful expansive lake view. Looking for stable adult with Beachfront home on tropical OWNER/BROKER Gulf front condo. Other looks on preserve. Call own job and transportation to barrier Island. Glorious gulf 1-800-325-1352 Rentals 2 bedroom, 2 bath sunsets. Pool, tennis, fitness for more information 395-0909 share 2 bedroom, 11/2 bath or 472-0457 6/20/97 —»««*— 25230.2 with den & Jacuzzi. room. Beach walking, shelling 800-237-7526 triplex with liberal minded male. 5/23/97 —itHII— 18467.6 Includes use of entire house Low density complex. & fishing. Steps to the waters' or 2 lap pools, sauna, edge. Water taxi available. and washer / dryer. Summerlin THE ATRIUM 813-481-6111 BUILD YOUR 6 lighted tennis courts. Weekly/ monthly rates. (941) & San Carlos area. $285/ Gulf Front. SANIBEL DREAM HOME Like new & would like to keep 549-7066 or (941) 472-6661. VIP Realty Group/ month + 1/2 of electric. Call 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, Den. it that way. 11/7/97 —HUM)— 7242-6 Rental Division on this roomy 454-5050 between 11am and Two weeks minimum. (330)568-0109. 6/13/87 — Htm — 24417.2 (.52 acre) lot 3pm. Photos available. 8/23/97 —*»*»— 37610-6 on prestigious 6/6/97 —DUItt— 169-8 SOUTH SEAS Rent direct from owner LOGGERHEAD CAY WEST GULF DRIVE PLANTATION and save! and enjoy (609) 985-0322 Fully Furnished *Gulf beach access SOUTH SEAS (609) 492-7389 Two bedroom, two bath Condo Oust across the street) Annual Rentals PLANTATION LUXURY GULF COTTAGE Pool - Tennis - Cable - VCR Convenient • * • ON THE BEACH 6/27/97 —Mint— 19234-2 STEPS TO BEACH mid-Island location BEACH COTTAGE 3 BEDROOM / 3 BATH PRIVATE BEACHFRONT *City sewer & water Ft. Myers Beach. * • • LOFT-POOL COTTAGES & VILLAS RENTING: ONLY $159,900 Annual rentals Two Bedroom / Two Bath TENNIS • ETC. Exclusive North Tip OFF SEASON RATES: Contact: available On the Gulf BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED. of Estero Island, SUMMER AND FALL ADA SHISSLER, G.R.I. June 1st. Sept. thru Oct: $850/ week Ft. Myers Beach. VIP Realty Group, Inc. No pets. January: $1300/week SPECIAL DISCOUNT Next to "Pink Shell Resort". OWNER 941-472-5187 1st, last & security. OffSeason: $950/week FOR SANIBEL-STYLE SETTING 1-516-628-1801 800-553-7338 ext. 54 Call Linda Leone Season: $1850/week MEMORIAL DAY WEEK 6/13/97 — §tHt— 24617-2 8/20/97 —»ti»- 2»673-2 AT ESTERO ISLAND VALUE Tropical Hut Reality Inc. 1-313-886-7872 MAY 30TOJUNE 6 Monthly rentals 25% off. 463-4424 6/27/97 —»**»— 254-6 2 BEDROOM/2 BATH BOARDWALK TO BEACH SHELL HARBOR - or $625 - $985/ week 3BR/2BA home ATRIUM FREE GOLF 463-2611 SANIBEL 1-800-654-3069 & ALL AMENITIES VERY PRIVATE. Exclusive Gulf front condo •Also* Deep water lot available. 5/23/97 —»»»*— 37794-6 • • • Fireplace, paddle fans, residence. Two week minimum. Call for Details on our 185 ft. Seawall - No bridge. WE ALSO HAVE screened lanais, BBQ, Available now, Call owner at Old Estero Suites - Gulf Access. Priced to sell. 1 & 2 BEDROOMS heated pool, tennis, bikes. (630) 887-7826. • A New Beach Resort • f.^ Contact Stan: 8/8/97 —tutu— 581-2 AVAILABLE All amenities. (941)433-1881 Vacation Rentals Opening December '97 GREAT RATES!!! 5/30/97 ~tt*»- 204?n.« ANCHOR GROUP, INC. LOGGERHEAD CAY Call owner * • • LARGE DISCOUNTS 8/30/97 —«««»— • 36572-6 • • • " 314-842-2147 SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION • Two Bedroom / Two Bath ...6/6/97 — nm»— 25308-2 Beautiful DIRECTTHROUGH OWNER 1-3 bedroom Bay Villas Gulf View OCEAN'S REACH oversized lot 2 bedroom & 2 bedroom Gulf front on Drive. Available: HOLIDAY RENTALS w/loft Beach Villas May 3 thru December 20: Short stroll to CALL10AM-11PM One Bedroom Condos Seasonal rates, $625/ week. Each accommodates four deeded beach. 714-499-1783 Sanibel & Captiva 1 Amenities optional January & OR Non-Smoking $120,000. Also, Sanibel Harbor Ft Myers 508-369-5601, April 18 thru May 2: 1-800-227-1783 Fantastic View 1-800-878-7495 $950/ week. 6/13/97 —*«»«— 11666-6 Beach, pool, tennis, bikes 6/6/97 —»*««— 37216-2 6/13/S7 —»«#»— 21848-2 February: Discounted Owner: I" $1,300/ week. Monthly Ocean's Reach - Gulf front 330-788-9329 March thru April 18: Rates 5/30/97 —»««»— 25493-2 Mobile\Manufactured condo, top floor. Pool, tennis, $1,450/ week. POINTE SANTO Far Sale newly redecorated, 1 bedroom, • • • sleeps 4. Excellent conditionl Two luxurious, Gulf front • 2nd Loggerhead Unit: Cottages, Condos ****** Great rates. Call owner. (612) 2 BR/2 BA Condos. Beachfront with Homes and Estates CAPTIVA FULLY FURNISHED 472-7994. "End unit" Sunrise & Sunset Views BEACH HOUSE DOUBLEWIDE ON 75x100 Closest to the beach. 2nd Floor LOT. 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS Breathtaking, unobstructed Annual Rentals Available - higher rates apply. PLUS DEN AND SCREENED view, lots of privacy. Lovely, Private CHANGE OF PACE • • • LANAI. NEUTRAL COLORS, New furnishings, beautifully furnished. Beautiful vacation home, 3 5% Discount OPEN CONCEPT, NEW professional island decor, Heated pool- bedroom, 2 bath. Your own on both units SHINGLE ROOF. BEAUTIFUL squeaky cleanl Tropical vegetation CLUBHOUSE & POOL, private tennis court and for 3 weeks or more. Spectacular gulf views TENNIS, GOLF AVAILABLE. swimming pool. 100 yards to All amenities Gulf of Mexico. Rent thru owner and save $71,000. GEM REAL ESTATE, 610-539-9281 INC. 995-2436. EVES: 995- (216) 338-8031 Call (908) 223-6748 800-572-6423 941-472-1764 8064. (216) 338-5281 \. «— 1085-6. 6/13/97 —Hit- 14978-6 941472-6565 5/23/97 —»«**— 37»50-6 6/27/97 —««»«— 77-2 6/25/97 rfttt- ****** .5/30/97 —llti- 2S581-2J ISLAND '.REPORTER Q MAY 23; 1'9@7 Q .1.3C

Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Automotive

SEIZED CARS FROM $175. GUEST COTTAGE CAPTIVA BEACH FRONT HOME RENTALS Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, CfiPTIVfl LUXURY (located behind main * 2 bed/2 bath w/rec room, large heated pool BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, house) * 3 bed/3 bath, Jacuzzi & tennis court 4WD's. Your Area. Toll Free 1 - GULF FRONT HOUSE One bedroom, one bath * 4 bed/2 bath, Jacuzzi - remodeled 800-218-9000 Ext. A-7413 for Furnished, cozy, quiet. * 4 bed/4 bath, screened-in pool current listings, Private Beach At Your Doorstep Beach and pool. All with Incredible views. All fully furnished. 5/23/97 —tttt— 35319-2 Long driveway into an acre of lush tropical estate grounds all to yourself. JUNE THRU DECEMBER 1) 472-2930 for rates & brochures. Exclusive. Tastefully decorated. 3/4 bedrooms or den. Sleeps 8. 3 1/2 941-472-3253 baths. Full-sized heated pool and spa, nominated for architectural award, 5/30/97 —tttt— 34041-a DOCKAGE with terraces and pool pavilion. All amenities. Brochure available. SOUTH SEAS TRANQUILITY BAY 4,200 per week Dec. 19th - April 24th CASUAL CAPTIVA PLANTATION FT. MYERS BEACH 2,700 per week April 24th - Dec. 18th Two bedroom, two bath. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths Have a relative coming DEEP & SHALLOW DRAFT Two minute walk to beach. plus loft. to the beach area? SLIPS AVAILABLE. (DAYS) 201-569-2111 (WEEKENDS) 914-687-0360 Shopping- Restaurants Gulf cottage Need a vacation yourself? Includes pool usage. OFF SEASON DISCOUNT on the beach. Rent this Direct Access to Gulf. MAY15-DECEMBER15 A+ rating. 3 Bedroom / 2 Bath (941)466-9700 CHATEAU SUR MER: one Photos on request. Bayfront Home. ASK FOR SANDRA CAPTIVA: Two bedroom, air $500/WEEK 5/30/97 — tttt— 36«50-8 minute walk to beach. conditioned, cute cottage. DECEMBER 16-MAY 14 BOOK NOW FOR: Pool • Jacuzzi • Boat Dock Enclosed porch, open decks. 3 Steps from Gulf. Available $950/WEEK FALL '97 From $550/ week. bedrooms, 3 baths. Furnished. weekly or monthly. 609-368- 941-947-9189 THANKSGIVING 941-947-9579 Month or Season. Spring and 1900. 6/13/97 — tttt— 34892-2 CHRISTMAS or Boats & Motors Summer rates available. Call 6/1»/»7 ~tHHI— 27440-2 NEW YEAR'S 1-800-484-8514 Jenny 630-543-9811 days. SANIBEL ISLAND AND Sec, Code #8617 CASH PAID FOR YOUR 6/8/87 —tttt— 37751-6 941-472-8178 BEACH FRONT CONDO Island Beach Club ALL OF 98. BOAT &/OR MOTOR !! 6/13/97 —»««- 27537-2 941-472-0225 (local) /NEW/ Gulf View # • • 1-800-579-1913 SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION Two bedroms plus two baths. Two bedrooms, two baths Unwanted, neglected SUNSET CAPTIVA 5/30/97 —tllllt— 37138-2 BEACH CLUB: Upper corner or abused Washer/dryer. Completely furnished. condo directly on the Gulf. Elegant 3BR/2BA Home Large kitchen. AVAILABLE: boat/motor packages SOUTH SEAS Available August 1 - 8. Two bought. in Pool - tennis - bicycles. '97 - '98 SEASON bedrooms, two baths. Sleeps Private beachfront community. Now booking Contact Owner PLANTATION All used outboard motors six. Owner 419-382-1592. - running or not - Fully furnished. weekly and monthly. 770-751-1999 PENTHOUSE UNIT 5/23/87 —inift— 37754-8 2CATV's, VCP, DISCOUNTSI 6/6/97 —#1)1111— 36087-2 3 Bedroom / 3 Bath any year, any condition CD/Stereo, W/D. Owner VIEW OF THE GULF also bought. Pool-Tennis-Boat Dock. 330-864-3094 THE DUNES AND REDFISH PASS FABULOUS SUNSETS Some used parts Call owner 3 BR/3 BA Tennis, Pool, All Amenities SUNSET CAPTIVA available. 615-371-9029 Beautifully Furnished Please Call Gina: Gulf front home. 458-8252 5/30/97 —tUt— 27737-2 Townhouse. Days: 800-678-1103 AVAILABLE WEEKLY. 5/23/87 —tttt— 3S31».<> Seasonal and monthly SUNSET CAPTIVA Eves: 941-395-9495 2 bedrooms, 3 baths. rates available. 6/13/97 —Htm— 37421-2 22 FT. SEA RAY BEAUTIFULLY Pool • Tennis • Boat Dock. SOUTH SEAS Call evenings: Ft. Myers Beach. 260 MERCRUISER 1/0, FURNISHED HOME. CALL OWNER PLANTATION (612) 788-8404 Gulf Front CUDDY CABIN, AVAILABLE WEEKLY: 941-472-5296 PRIVATE BEACH HOME 6/13/97 — tttt— 36090-4 Beach Access After May 20, 1997: DEPTHFINDER RADIO, 2 Bedroom, loft, 2 Bath. FISHBOXES, NEW SEATS, A+ Rating Condos & Cottages. 719-597-8402 Screened Lanais. 17863 San Carlos, 5/30/87 —tint— 37785-2 (119) GALLON FUELTANKS, Discounted Rates Nicely Furnished. 3 TV/VCR. Ft. Myers Beach. FULL CANVAS w/BIMIN I, Direct through owner Fully Equipped Kitchens. Pool - Tennis - BBQ Grill. Ashey Oaks Resorts. NEW PAINT 3 Bedrooms/ 3 Baths, Phone, Cable T.V., NORTH CAPTIVA Gulf Beach, Boat Dock, A Southern Family Tradition, HULL/TOPSIDES, loft - pool - tennis. A/C, Pool. "BUENA VISTA" And Morel antique colonial living. TRIM TABS, LOW HOURS, Beautifully furnished. Sleep 2 - 6. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath. Call owner at 1600 sq. ft living space. $3,495. O.B.O SPECIAL RATES: $400 - $650 weekly. Private, secluded residence. 314-532-3684 2 BR/ 2BA, Call Linda Leone ** MUST SELL!** Spring and Summer 5/23/97 —IttMt— 33104-2 Panoramic views of the Loft, patio, carport, 540-0140 972-680-2907 Tropical Hut Realty Inc. Gulf of Mexico. SANIBEL VACATION HOUSE - W/D, pool, boat dock, & 6/11/97 —#*#» — 36435-2 5/23/97 —Ittt — 28478-2 463-4424 Pristine beaches. SEASONAL / MONTHLY all the other resort amentities. 1-800-654-3069 Travel only by golf cart. MUST SELL!! RENTAL. Magnificent 3 Yearly, monthly, week|y, daily. 5/23/97 — Uttt— 37437-6 941-395-0390 20' SEABOLD THE VACATION HOME Bedroom, Two Bath. Seasonal rates. 5/30/97 —tHIt— 37786-2 Overlooking Golf Course. Eagle 260 Mercrulser, YOU'VE ALWAYS Filling reservations fasti Fort Myers Beach. Summer Beautifully Furnished And 466-3393 | # I * I SS Prop, Bucket Seats, WANTED rental beachfront condo. 1 Carpet, Sharp Boat- Decorated. Fully Equipped. or Most private beach Dock COZY EFFICIENCY bedroom, 1 1/2 bath By the Well maintained. Secluded Heated Pool & 1-800-819-3393 On bayou. Heated pool, APARTMENT month or for the summer. $500 Runs Great! Sundeck In Tropical Paradise Frank Hemelgarn, Jr. Wide porches, per month plus utilities. 1 -800- $4,995. OBO Setting, By Owner. Call (305) AAA* • Steps to Beach, Shopping, Open sunning decks. 875-3020. 540-0140 226-5326. 6/13/97 —tttt— 38341-8 Restaurants 5/23/87 -<»»>— 37903-6 Chateau Sur Mer area. 8/23/87 —tttl— 33122-6 • Quiet, Pretty Neighbourhood Leave Message. EFFICIENCY ON SANIBEL. Sanibel Island. Luxury 2 Idyllic luxury and comfort. in Ft. Myers Beach «/«/»7 —Ittt— 36605-2 Easy care no effort POINTE SANTO Mid-Island. One or two bedroom, 2 bath condo. persons. Weekly. $350/ week. • Furnished & Equipped MAKO vacation home. Most beautiful complex Furnished, with den. Monthly 941-472-0590. Ground Floor 20 ft. 72 Hull Three bedrooms, three baths. on Sanibel, rental only. Call 941-472-2841 8/30/97 -»##!»— 3S779-2 • Includes use of with 1987 Johnson 150. Monthly rentals. 10 acres on Gulf. or 847-550-1019. outdoor yard, picnic table, New powerhead in '90. Call for rates. Pool, tennis, BEAUTIFUL 5/23/87 — ttt»— 37H38-S gas grill, washer/dryer. Tandem Trailer activities director etcl 314-993-4843. CAPTIVA ISLAND Perfect for couple REAL SANIBEL HOME Hummingbird Fish Finder »/8/B7 —IU1I— 2«594-2 2BR/ 2BA luxury condo, GINGERBREAD HOUSE or single person. WEST END Spray Dodger sleeps 8, A new private home with $300/ week Designer decorated. Completely secluded Bimini Top SUNSET CAPTIVA Victorian Key West charm. $1,000/month GREAT FISHING BOAT Spectacular view. superbly furnished A 2 minute stroll from RESERVE NOW VERY DEPENDABLE Luxury three bedroom home. WEEKLY RATES: 4 bedroom home. New carpet and tile. a beautiful private beach FOR NEXT SEASON WALK TO BEST $3,900. $1750 PEAK SEASON on the Gulf. Great location- $750 OFF SEASON SANIBEL BEACH- Call 561-4638 Gulf and Bay Near historic B/aO/97 — tttt — 37312-6 810-363-9257 BOWMAN'S BEACH. Pool - Tennis Chapel-By-The Sea, and Call Owner Color Brochure (314)843-0937. and morel i/30/97 — tttt— 33400-2 South Seas, Plantation Resort. 941-765-6193 5/30/97 —Itttt— 37856-4 517-321-6324 Two bedrooms, 2 full baths; after 6 pm. • • V • A 5/23/87 _#»J|»_ 28776-2 •$• •$• •*• •<£• •$• «$• fully equipped kitchen; 5/30/97 — tttt— 37603-8 SELLING washer/dryer; want to LUXURY LOGGERHEAD CAY YOUR RENTAL SOURCE screened veranda. Buv/Tratie/Bent R.E. YOUR BOAT? GULF FRONT CONDO Enjoy our We are your Furnished with Shaker 1700 Square Feet fully furnished WE BUY AND SELL Island wide antiques. Very Private "up-front" INTERESTED IN TRADING Rental Consultant - Photos and references BOATS DAILY. Desirable Complex • two bedroom, two bath OUR TIMESHARE IN at NO cost to youl .available. Free Pick Up and Storage Near Lighthouse beachside- condo. NEXT YEAR FOR A WEEK IN Weekly or Seasonal Rentals December 15 thru April 30 32' x 8' Screened Porch on beautiful SANIBEL - WEEK 21, MAY 23 on Consignments. $1,400/week. 800-553-2246 Overlooks Beach SANIBEL ISLAND! (MEMORIAL DAY WEEK). Security Fenced May - $725/ week. 941-472-2255 2 BR/2BA + Den Steps to water's edge, CALL KATHY OR BOB AFTER June thru September and Lighted on busy Bright - Spacious - Breezy new carpet and tile, 5PM AT 617-328-4455. brokers/ $650/ week. San Carios Blvd. Beautifully Equipped plus complete 5/23/97 _nn_ 37841-2 October - $725/ week. consultants And Maintained kitchen and laundry facilities. November to December 14 of Pool - BBQ - Elevator ATTRACTIVE $695/ week, Covered Parking SUMMER RATES No pels. CALL STEVE OUR GUESTS RETURN THRU DECEMBER 20TR Automotive 5/30/87 —tttt— J1580-2 Rate applies to four people. YEAR AFTER YEAR! Pay less - Owner-Rented. AT Write: BEAUTIFUL POOL HOME Weekly Rentals Adults only. Henry Romersa CARS FOR $100.00 OR BEST WHARF MARINE EAST ROCKS Seasonal Rates Call 706-278-2654. 4911 Tangtevrood Dr. OFFER. AUCTIONED 432-9999 (WEST GULF DRIVE AREA) Color Brochure Available »/6/«7 —ittt— 3T«47-g Nashville, TN 372.16 LOCALLY BY IRS, DEA, FBI,. «/20/97 —tttt— 37483-8 Overlooking tropical lake. BY OWNER BRING YOUR BOAT 111 615-262-9859 4X4'S, RV'S, BOAT'S, Edge II Sea Kayak -16'. TwJn Tastefully decorated. 1-800-639-6690 •CANAL-GULF VIEW 5/23/87 —tut— 36»34-« COMPUTERS, &M0RE. CALL skegs, self-bailing, sit-on top, All amenities. OR 802-223-3649. •POOL-JACUZZI TOLL-FREE 24 HOURS 7 knee straps. Wet/dry storage, 3BR/2BA •> <$• ••• ••• •> •;• EAST EMD SANIBEL 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH DAYS- 1-800-972-5213, EXT With life vest, tooat cart. Mint AVAILABLE: 10/31/97 — »tt»— 3J4XI-6 Two bedrooms, two baths 470. condition. Need my living room APRIL 1997 Newly remodeled. GREAT ROOM & 5/23/87 —>«««— 3.5158-1 SCREENED LANAI. backll 472-2286. and CAPTIVA On Canal, near beach. 5/23/97 -.tttt— 37M1-4 97-96 SEASON LUXURY CAPTIVA ESTATE AVAILABLE: SLEEPS 9. Walk to beach. AND CHARMING March: $3,000 FROM $750.00 PER WEEK. 708-481-8188 GUEST COTTAGE Dec. & Apr.: $2,400/mo, 800-700-9595 ^ —tttt— 32387-2 With Tennis Court and Aug. thru Oct.: $1,800/ mo. or '88 MUSTANG Recreational Vehicles 941-466-4525 Private Beach Access, 508-693-6296 CONVERTIBLE! LANDS END 5/23/87 —«#*»— 37715.6 CALL OWNER TOLL FREE: [email protected] Towrnaster Trailer Hitch - car to VILLAGE CONDO 1-888-232-2400 8/13/97 . -tttt— 37071-2 WATERFRONT CONDO 4 cylinder, 5 speed motor home. Taken from a J94 At South Seas Plantation 5/30/87 -»»»*- 33881-2 New roof, new tires - 5.0 rims. Chrysler LeBaron. All parts 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath Ft. Myers Beach - Spacious two SANIBEL HARBOUR RESORT bedroom, two bath Condo for Spectacular Power steering, brakes, including cooling motor for Luxury Unit SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION seasonal rental. Private sunset views: windows & locks. transmission & monitor for Fantastic Ocean Views Beautiful Bayfront Condo! waterfront setting, pool, steps AC, Cruise, AM/FM CD-Stereo. motor home. $350. Also - 8' Weekly or Monthly Rentals Fabulous Water Views! Rent Two bedrooms, two baths. to the Beach. Times Square SHARP CARI Pickup Box Trailer with Cap. July, Nov. & Dec. Available through Owner and Save. All Resort amenities. (941) 395-1524. Leave area. South Land & Realty 941 - OWNER RATES. $2,995. O.B.O. Straight axle. $500. Call 463- Owner 800-897-0288 0003. message. Call 9-5. 463-3229. Call 810-583-5309 540-0140 REASONABLE RATES 6/13/S7 —/HUM— 37310-6 5/23/97 —tttt— 37722-2 6/18/97 — tttt — 37B76-2 5/23/97 —»*»#— 37848-6 5/30/97 —Ittl- 32991-2 5/30/97 . -*»»«- 36198-2 14C • MAY 23, 1997 • ISLAND REPORTER Announcements BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Garage Sales Help Wanted Legals Services EARN $1,000's working part CLASSIFIED time or full time. Call now for WE DO ESTATE RETAIL SALES HELP NOTICE OF details! Toll Free 1-888-943- SALES PART TIME 472-1587 9402. In a friendly environment - INTENTION TO 5/23/97 -#»##— 37B65.1 • • • Flexible hours GERMAN STUDENTS and other REGISTER NEED FAST INCOME? We FULLY LICENSED Apply at CLASSIFIED Scandinavian, European, advertise, recruit, close all STANLEY & LIVINGSTON'S FICTITIOUS NAME South American, Asian, AND BONDED 472-1587 sales for you. No hype, just big The Village The undersigned does Russian Exchange students • • • weekly checks. MLM/start up Sanibel hereby certify that she is arriving August. Become a WE DO MOVING SALES $150. Free information 1 -800- 472-8485 conducting a publishing GRACEWAY CLEANING volunteer host family/AISE. • • i 811-2141 code 14244 5/28/97 —####— 36546-2 company business at We live on Sanibel. Call 1-800-SIBLING. 5/23/97 —MM— 37B87-1 FREE ESTIMATES P O. Box #563, Excellent local 5/23/97 ~m»t— 37208-1 DRIVERS ... NOW HIRING YOUR OWN TRAVEL AGENCY. • • t TRUCK DRIVERS. Regional Sanibel, FL. 33957 references God, Jesus, Mary, St. Therese, Runs Available. Training under the fictitious name of Rental units, Mother Seton. Thanks for Part/full time Eagle Travel, America's largest Super Available. Excellent Pay & SEAGATE PRESS private homes prayers answered. JBK CONNIE'S Benefits. Consistent Miles, and that said firm is Weekly, bi-monthly. 5/23/97 -MM- 38H7-2 Agency, will establish local agency. Great $$, FREE and COLLECTIBLES Tuition Reimbursement, composed of the following low-cost travel, unique tax 16731 MCGREGOR Retention Incentive. Swift person whose name SECURITY HOUSE-CHECK & benefits. Training, photo ID for Transportation. 1-800-644- and place of residence MAINTENANCE PROGRAM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES two. SABRE software. 466-6399 2257. (eoe-m/f). is as follows: Inexpensive weekly house Investment $7,900, Financially 5/23/97 — I»M— 36014-6 5/23/97 —film— 37774-1 Diane McGuinness checks on all systems during 4187 Dingman Drive, your absence capable, successful, people- ISLAND INN DRIVERS.. SOLO/TEAMS/ oriented applicants only. FREE Garage Sale: Saturday May Sanibel, FL. 33957. Tony & Grace Lyons OWNER OPERATORS. SANIBEL VIDEO. 800-811-3553 Ext 24th and Sunday May 25th. At Ownership of 472-9449. TEAMS-$100k+, $2k sign -on I 21570 Widgeon Terrace, Ft Has immediate openings SEAGATE PRESS 6/13/97 —MM— 1724-2 Tralners-70k+! Top owner FL5. Myers Beach. Behind Church for 5/23/97 —MM— 37»aa-i is as follows: operator program. of Ascension. Children's full and part time Diane McGuinness -100% Conventional / Coast-to-Coastl clothing, 5th wheel hitch, truck front office / reservationists. It is my intention to apply Bonuses, benefits. Covenant Financial tool box, misc. household Tolls paid to the Department of State, Transport (experienced). 1- Child Care items. Benefits. 800-441-4394 ext. SF-7 Divison of Corporations, 5/23/97 —Illl— 37848-6 Good starting salary State of Florida CASH FOR YOUR REAL (Graduates). 1-800-338-6428 3111 West Gulf Drive ext. SF-7. Weekend recruiters. College student from Sanibel to register the said name of ESTATE NOTE If you receive 472-1561 SEAGATE PRESS 5/23/97 —MM — 3541H-1 offering after school and FRIDAY MAY 23 & 5/23/97 —MM— 37792-2 mortgage payments, call us for under the provisions best price. Residential, summer child care in my home SATURDAY MAY 24 GREAT JOB! or yours. Certified CPR, fun of Chapter 90-267 commercial, land. Nationwide SAM TO 2PM • • • VENDING: LAZY PERSON'S activities and/or tutoring. Call (Fictitious Name Act), buyer. First Capital Mortgage. DREAM. Few hours = BIG $. Kerry at 472-2232. 1429 JAMAICA, SANIBEL Friendly HQ for Laws of Florida 1-800-289-4687 Free brochure. 1 -800-820- 1986 Merc. Wagon, national sailing school (Section 865.09, 5/23/97 —mi — 36276-1 and retail group 4353. boat trailer, Florida Statutes), 1990. $$$$$ HOME OWNERS: Get 5/23/97 —MM— 37044-6 seeks 5/23/97 —»*t»— 33566-8 dinette set, trundle bed. Debt Consolidation, Home Misc. furniture - energetic support person HOT DOG CART for DIVORCE $125 * COVERS Improvement and Vacation Garage Sales indoor & outdoor. Loans! No Equity. No FOR SALE reservations and retail staff CHILDREN, PROPERTY Electric typewriter, Appraisal, No Application Feel If you're good with detail & DIVISION, NAME CHANGE, * • • Brother word processor, Credit problems understood. 24 Renovation Sale. Furniture, computers, & like variety, MILITARY, MISSING SPOUSE, HIGH' twin beds, pictures, etc. All adult & children's clothing Hour Approvall BRAUERMAN & MUCH MOREI call Karen ETC. ONE SIGNATURE EARNING POTENTIAL kinds of goodlesl 4300 Estero REQUIRED. *EXCLUDES FINANCIAL (800) 369-8043, 5/23/97 -«»»»— 37877-2 454-1700. Ext. 22. LOW Blvd., Ft. Myers Beach. Friday, Full or Part Time GOVT FEES, UNCONTESTED. 5/23/97 —MM— 37632-1 INITIAL INVESTMENT. Saturday & Sunday - May 23, South Ft. Myers office. PAPERWORK DONE FOR 24 & 25. 8am to 3pm. We Pay Cash For Owner $3,000. 5/23/97 — »M»— 37852-6 YOU 1-800-547-9900 5/23/97 —»»»»— 37B73-8 BUDGET DIVORCE. Financed Mortgages, Lotteries 567-0397 Help Wanted PART TIME 5/23/97 — ml— 35823-1 & Settlements. 800-886-2122. Cleaning Person 5/23/97 —MM— 37728-1 7/4/S7 — MM— 37103-8 for Ft. Myers Beach BUYING A HOUSE? No extra ESTATE SALE Condominium Association. CLASSIFIED cost. We find right real estate WANTED: • • • NEWLY LICENSED Pleasant working conditions person anywhere to represent ESTABLISHED Call 463-1423. 472-1587 you All databases, including REAL ESTATE AGENTS! 8/30/97 —MM— 37»53-» PROFITABLE BUSINESS. CONDUCTED BY "EARN WHILE YOU LEARN" FSBO. Buyer's Homefinding Prefer CONNIE'S EXECUTIVE Network. 800-500-3569 or Resort, Retail, Watersports, www.finderhome. com Boat Rental, etc. COLLECTIBLE'S CONTACT TOM WALSH HOUSEKEEPER Personals 5/23/97 -lilt- 37»23-1 433-2470- FOR DETAILS ON HOW TO NEEDED FOR WANT TO BUY A NEW HOME? 7/4/97 —nil— 37«69-« SMALL SANIBEL RESORT. FRIDAY MAY 23 & JUMP START Credit holding you back? YEAR'S PAY IN A WEEKI DUTIES INCLUDE: Purchase your dream home SATURDAY MAY 24 IMPOSSIBLE ... UNTIL NOWI YOUR BUSINESS INSPECTIONS PURPLE RINGER with no credit check. For New product almost everyone 7:30 AM TO 4:00 PM Telephone 463-1141 LAUNDRY Details, Call 1-888-211-1660 wants and no one has. CALL • • • SCHEDULING ext. 4801. FREE ... 24 Hour Info. Line ... • Sleeper Sofa & ORDERING. 5/23/97 —»*»»— 37869-1 1-888-681-8484. matching Love Seat THE SANCTUARY GOLF CLUB SALARY PLUS BENEFITS. 5/23/97 —tl»l— 37868-1 • Small Roll Top Desk & Chair is now hiring: CALL Two golf course 472-9100 CLIP • Entertainment Center Financial Services • Two 19" TVs maintenance positions MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Looking to earn • 2 Oak Side Chairs • Lamps and 10:00AM TO 4:00PM. "the tobacco shop with BIG MONEY? One landscape position. 5/23/»7 — Mil— 3785S-4 • Dining Room Table with 4 a hippie flavor" $$CASH$$ IMMEDIATELY $$ To hear recorded message Chairs • Pine Hutch • Sofa GREAT BENEFITS & PAY DRIVERS. ... pipes, papers, candles, by millionaire 472-8612 Solos/Teams/Trainees. for structured settlements, and • Upholstered Rocker imported cigs/tobaccos, deferred insurance claims. and receive 5/28/97 —tut— 3S365-3 There's a spot for you with one • End Tables- Coffee Table incense, jewelry & more. J.G. Wentworth 1- FREE MONEY • Glass Top Kitchen Table of the most professional, cassette tape. AVON - Act Now. No Door-to- highest paid driver groups in 800-386-3582. & 4 Chairs Door required. Earn up to 50%. KLEAR® & CARBO® 5/23/97 —mi— 35421-1 Call NOW. • 2 Rattan Arm Chairs the U.S. Call now for info, on Urine Cleansers 800-322-6169 Your products at cost. how you can qualify for our DEBT CONSOLIDATION. CUT • Loveiy large Pine Hutch Insurance available. Call Sandi PAYMENT to 50%. Reduce or ext. 4073 • 4 fold up Card Table Chairs lease-to-own plan! WIL-TRANS "18 and over" e/«/«7 — Mil— 37793-2 at 1-800-966-2166, Avon div. of Prime. 1-888-WIL- eliminate interest! Past due • File Cabinet* Pine Desk Independent Sales Rep. balances brought current! flat top • Pine Queen Size Bed TRANS. (1-888-945-8726). LOCAL CANDY ROUTE. 30 5/23797 — till— 37»71-1 3915 Broadway Same day approval. Non profit. Vending Machines. Earn apx. • Matching pair of Pine PL Myers, FL 33901 Licensed & bonded. Toll Free $800.00/ day. All for $9,995. Dressers- Double Bed PART TIME SALES (200'N. of Edison Mall) KCC 1-888-795-7675. Call 1-800-998-VEND, • Dresser with bookcase top $7/HOUR (941) 936-RING 5/23/97 —MM — 35423-1 5/23/97 -Illl— 37921-1 • Vanity & Mirror DOCKSIDE-SANIBEL Legals —mi— 319«3-« FREE DEBT CONSOLIDATION. We average $2,200. to $7,700. • Night Stand • 2 Twin Beds 472-9098 Immediate relief! Too many •/•7 —III*— 35191-3 per week. Call 1-800-322- with king head board debts? Overdue bills? Reduce 6169, ext. 7462 for a free 2 • Captain's Bed ANSWERING SERVICE monthly payment 30% to 50%, minute overview. Progressive • Freezer Chest • Microwave Positions Wanted eliminate interest. Stop wealth, education & turnkey • Kitchen Stuff* Garage Stuff SANIBEL collection callers. NCCS marketing. Only $1,285. • & Loads of Miscellaneous FULLTIME. (nonprofit). 1-800-955-0412. TOLLS PAID. REGISTER YOUR CAREGIVER available. investment. • • • // —nn— 38415-1 472-1323 Includes meals, doctor's ALL FURNITURE IN FICTITIOUS NAME $$ BAJILLION DOLLARS $$ DO YOU BELIEVE? This could -tut- appointments, etc. BEAUTIFUL CONDITION- WITH THE Experienced. Excellent Receiving payments? From be you - $3,600. a month. real estate sold? Annuity? Maybe morel It works! Free COME FURNISH ENTRY LEVEL references. Call 463-4898 and OBSERVER Lottery winnings? Nobody details - Send large SASE to YOUR HOME! SECRETARY POSITION leave message. 5/23/97 —Ml— 377»5-« pays more for cash flows. We'll AMT Associates, Dept. F-11, • ft NEWSPAPER SANIBEL prove it! Skip Foss et al 800- 1177 Branham, Ste. 500, San DIRECTIONS: PART TIME/FULLTIME Jose, CA 95118. Fort Myers Beach Observer 637-367-7. 905 SAN CARLOS DRIVE, Call Patty 8/23/97 — nil— 36883-1 5/23/97 —Illl— 37882-1 472-1000 Services FT. MYERS BEACH. Island Reporter DO YOU ENJOY TALKING ON •/11/97 —III*— 3887«-2 & Captiva Current THE PHONE? Turn your phone SAN CARLOS ISLAND. POSTAL JOBS skills into extra cash! Details TAKE SAN CARLOS BLVD Start $12.68/hour $38 will print your HEALTH call 1-888-455-9298 ext. 2403. plus benefits. 8/23/87 — MM— 37B«3-1 - CROSS THE LITTLE INTENT TO For application and REGISTER DOUBLE YOUR INCOME! and BRIDGES. TURN RIGHT DIABETICSI (USING exam information FICTITIOUS NAME slash your taxes. Exciting AT TRAFFIC LIGHT. Call 1-800-256-7606 INSULIN). Medicare pays for study course opens LOOK FOR in all three of our weekly Ext. FL111. publications. your supplies. We bill them, prosperity's doors. Full ESTATE SALE SIGNS. Se habla espanot, ship to you. Save Money. support system. $1,300. Call 1-561-394-9200. Satisfaction Guaranteed. minimum investment, 1-800- Sam to 9pm ISLAND LOCKSMITH Liberty Medical. 1-800-748- 995-0796 ext. 2072. Call ATTENTION ATTORNEYS! 1662. No HMO members. anytime. SALE — Illl— 37231-2 24-hour Emergency Service Mention Ad-AA01. 5/23/97 -Him I— 37884-1 We will print your LEGAL 5/23/97 ~mi— 38994-1 CONDUCTED BY POSTAL JOBS. Starting NOTICES for LOCK-IN UP TO 50% CONNIE'S $13.68 per hour & benefits, $5.50 PER INCH! DIABETICS! (USING INSULIN) INTEREST. Learn how LOW Clerks, Carriers, Sorters, As seen on TV, LIBERTY RISK investing in real estate COLLECTIBLES Computer Operators. For Exam For more details MEDICAL can save you money secured TAX LIENS can pay and Application info. Call 1- 472-2394 please call Katherine on supplies billed to Medicare. off for you. FREE CALL 1-888- 466-6399 800-955-9195 ext. 413. 8am to Walter, Norma & Dan Call 1-800-748-1662. Mention (941) 482-7111. 222-6939. 9pm. 7 days. Thompson AS-CD04. Sli3(t7 -Mil- 37«««-1 ATATAVATA 5/23/97 —****— 37730.1 mm -m*~ ,*,<... 5/23/97 -Illl- 3«458-« .5/30/97 -Ilil- «,., 5/23/«7 -IMI- 87.70.1 ISLAND-REPORTER • MAY 23, 1997 Q 15C The Best Red fids In The

MONOGRAMMING CHRIS & MANDY'S • a • a • 1 > 1 > I CONSIGNMENTS %. %• * # • • RON'S PAINTING & BOUTIQUE I'LL DUST TILL I BUST CALL BOB PAT'S UWN GUDDEN HOME PRO I'LL MOP TILL I DROP SERVICE PAINTER I'LL WIPE BUT FOR: 1 PROFESSfONALAND WON'T SWIPE. LICENSED & INSURED •PERSONAL SERVICE • FILL DIRT IT'S CLEANING • STONE DRIVEWAYS AFFORDABLE & •INTERIOR-.EXTERIOR WITH A MEANING . • STONE YARDS RELIABLE RESIDENTIAL- COMMERCIAL • BOB CAT • » t •BACK HOE FORT MYERS BEACH • PRESSURE CLEANING • BOX BLADE CUSTOM EMBROIDERY IONA AREAS ONLY • FREE ESTIMATES BABY-O- BABY! I'MAIKEN & MONOGRAMMING •BUSHOG MOWING TO CLEAN. • CONCRETE REMOVAL CHECK OUT • • • • CONCRETE CUTTING, • INSURED OUR BABY CLOTHES - We Embroider: SAWING & DRILLING ** FIRST MONTH FREE** • PAY UPON COMPLETION NEARLY FREE. CALL TERRY Hats, T-Shirts, Jackets, • SITE CLEANUP TO ANY 542-8012 Beach & Bath Towels ANNUAL ACCOUNT 14YEARS EXPERIENCE 0 0 0 LICENSED CRAFTS! -Just About Anything! OVER 2,700 DESIGNS & LIC P ["000286 REASONABLY PRICED It * All Home & INSURED 466-4409 S~A~E LIC. RX006466S o o a IN STOCK (Lie #960144) UNIQUE GIFTS & ANTIQUES '„, Office Needs (s Furniture •Affordable 482-1695 f 463-3682 j Dolls & Doll Clothes •Reliable Advertise Your Business -IH). i-fr29B-« ;• Gift Baskets 0 Paintings • Present a Professional • • # 7,4,87 —«»»•-- 32969 « v Floral Arrangements Image wrth Apparel 500 • n • • • NEW ITEMS S,30 97 —turn— 37293-8 worn by Employees ADVERTISE 0 Etched Glass with a Company Logo 0 Wooden Toys Q Jewelry CARPET CLEANING Create Your Own Design HERE CHICAGO 0 Christmas Corner • Great for Gifts HAULING 000 RESTORATION Bring this ad in & get MAKO SERVICES • Lasts Longer than 10% OFF silk screening • • T A • A any one item PETE'S UWN CARPET CLEANING TRASH MAN No Minimum Order 000 2 Rooms for $29 Light Hauling SERVICE, INC. SOME CRAFTER SPACE 5 Rooms for $55 Required • t • STILL AVAILABLE Licensed Construction LICENSED AND INSURED Sofa Cleaning - $30 Clean Up/Labor 000 Free Deodorizing SERVING Call For Estimate Skid-Steer Work, SOUTHWEST FLORIDA 590-9212 Demolition, JANITORIAL SERVICES • Annette • SINCE 1986 INDIAN CREEK PLAZA Acreage Mowing, • PAINTING • (formerly working » • • ON SAN CARLOS BLVD. Trucks For Roofers, Owner / Operator on Sanibel) RESIDENTIAL AND MONDAY - SATURDAY Concrete Removed WHERE-QUALITY 20 Years Experience Lee Co Permit #0028 COMMERCIAL 10AM TO 5PM 941-437-3260 COMES FIRST 458-8119 I 8 »7 —»

» JUKI IMI. I LEASED INVESTMENT MAKE A STATEMENT Reserve an estate lot in a prime PLAZA location and build the home of your dreams.,.a home that you DO YOU 2840 Pcriwinklii Way, Saniliel want now or in the future!. K 2 Fully KNOW ABOUT Leased Retail BUTTERKNIFEis Responsible Condos BUYER'S a 34 lot community with Real Estate tennis courts, pool/spa and Buy One, deeded beach access, Lot sizes range from 9 to 1.56 acres. Each estate homesite has city water and sewec I or BotSi nd Is ready to build. Bordered by Conservation property, Call for ommunity offers peace and tranquility with location, location, investment package cation. Don't let this opportunity pass you by,.,you owe it to ourself to be a part of Sanibel now. ORHSAN KNO BoE» Jura Call or visit the Model Home today - BUYERS ONLY 941-395-1200 WEED APPLY CHOICE 472-2255 • 1-800-553-2246 • (941)472-9676 REALTY GROUP, INC. 00-883-0210 BUTTERKNIFE ESTATES is located 999-6811 Pager J. B. Novelli Internationale West Gulf Drive opposite (941) 47M&S9 Casa Ybel Resort. lili I'U*1 KUHiI KOt!) HEAL won IM THE IPOTIIOHT NORTH CAPTIVA REALTY NORTH CAPTJVAS #1 REAL ESTATE BROKER Servicing the Island Community's Real Estate needs full-time for over 15 years LOOKING FOR YOUR ISLAND PARADISE? LET US SHOW YOU OUR ISLAND A Private Island CALL FOR PERSONAL TOUR: Golf Cart & Boating 941-395-1000 OR 800-418-4686 Licensed Real Estate Brokers Community P.O. Box 1000, Pineland, FL 33945 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Open 7 Days A Week

ijl AI.UV liu.Mi. '_yl'.U.H\ liO.VH. CAPTIVA: FOR ALL YOUR Weekly and Nightly Rentals REAL ESTATE NEEDS... Call... ADA SHISSLEK I

Summer is the best time to escape to Captlva Island. Prestigious, Rare Offering, Exceptional, Natural Environment, Quality. All of this only begins to describe this soon to be completed Our private homes and cottages are cooled by gentle ocean 2500 sq. ft. home in Gopher Walk Subdivision. Located on West breezes. Relax, swim, shell or watch a beautiful sunset all on Gulf Drive and consisting of 3 bedrooms & 3 baths, the living room, kitchen, family room & breakfast nook overlook the pool & decks. our secluded beach. We have accommodations from bay- This home is the perfect design for Sanibel living. side to beach-front. All of our homes are in the Call today for more information Village...c!ose to restaurants and shops. Listing agent has interest in property Let us be your 'One call" for captlva accomodations Call American Realty of Captiva Marsha Clifford Sunikl Realtor Simx 19113 Office:(941) 395-2490 or 472-0564 (941)472-1511 PrlsL-IIla Murphy Toll Free: US/CAN (800) 547-0127 UK 0800 967-162 800-233-8829 Realty, In*. FAX; 395-2623 e-mail: amrc@coconetcOm (941)472-2902 - ' She Finds The ||l North Captiva GULP VIEW AND H Island PropeHy You 1 WEEKLY RENTAL ,\ H WITH ALL THE AMENITIES I" 1 MM OF THE MAINLAND Want To Buy, $258,000 1 H A Private Golf Cart

& Boating Community And Finds •.•••:•• • • • Beautiful Gulf Beaches • No Cars • No Crowds if: • No Bridges • Seclusion Buyers For The m Home Prices Starting From $160,000 Property You SSSJI "* Lot Prices Starting From $30,000 ii X NORTH CAPTIVA Want To Sell SIS 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Corner Unit REALTY INC. with washer & dryer Licensed Real Estate Brokers ADA SmSSLER, (. P.O. Box 1000, John Gee Pineland, FL 33945 VIP Really Group, Inc. Open 7 Days A Week 1509 Periwinkle Way Sanibel & Marco For A Personal Tour Sanibel, FL 33957 Island Properties of the Island i (941) 472-5187 f Call (941) 395-1000 Ext. 54 VIPi 941/472-48O8 (800) 418-5686 • FAX (941) 395-2701 800-553-7338 1101 Periwinkle Way • Tree Tops Center