PAGE SIX THE SOUTHERN NEWS WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1946 King Kolax Drops Ork To Join Billy Eckstine Popular Singing Maestro GI-BAND MAKES DEBUT With New Ork PLANS TOURS Featured IN N. Y.; " NEW YORK -Singing maestro of the all-time greats of jazz mu- NEW YORK —South and south- tirely of recently discharged U. i Navy BRICE TO BE BillyEckstine, who is setting new ¦sic. Kolax, who until recently ¦ western dance and music lovers, S. Sea Bees. CAROL was fronting his own outijt, join- i will see and hear a “new idea in The new dance music combina- attendance records in his current originated by tion, I !ed the Eckstine band last week MEMPHIS MOVIE aance music,” Henri alter a successful series of AT FLA. COLLEGE 'engagement at the smart Club and gets a featured spot with Bil- I Woode and his orchestra, sixteen break in dates at New York's Sudan in , has fortified ' ly in Club Sudan floor show. | man aggregation, comprised en- Apollo Theatre and the famed . the Savoy -NEW YORK—Carol Brice, the I ~T he popular bronze balladcer, | CENSOR BUSY Ballroom, will commence a is to have tne limited tour at major .K;< greatest of young American con- whose ambition southern ¦ J&S musical in the southwestern in traltos, open greatest band busi- | and cities mid will the Florida A»- now a 10-man brass see ! June. ncultral and College's \ ncss. has Mecliincal WITH NATIONAL MUSIC Boasting sixteen top : lion, tive trumpets and five trom SHEARS star instru- a special S summer session with af- JiK'n who bones. Kolax, ( mentaists, ter season concert. Miss Bines is I will be featur- Memphis (ANP) all members of the ¦ of hot trumpet i The scissors same battalion, appearing this concert as •• icd on most the Sea Bee the band in band, will!' ¦> inkling moving picture censor of was organized an special favor of her husband, work in the Eckstine OBSERVED originally di- :be written into all Eckstine ar- \ Memphis is 77-years Lloyd WEEK rected by Woode, as part of the Neil Scott, who is a former high 'J old. rangemenis on trumpet. 11 tilth '). Binford, a Baptist armed forces entertainment pro- school student of Dr. William engage- deacon from gram, only Gray, now president of the Flor; Eckstine's Chib Sudan . Mississippi, who asserts there is : and is the such ser- mi ni has provided Harlem night 1 AT SHAW vice combination to remain fully da educational institution. much sin in cinema and it is. Miss .Brice’s formal concert life with its greatest, hypo since 1 toe intact after discharge, to bid for days old Colton his duty “to rip it out.” He must RALEJGH Three events at on April at New the when the name band fccbgnitioh in civil- season ended 26 drawing pa- fi el the same way about color it Shaw University presented in Haven, Conn., and she has turned Club was downtown I shearing ian life. ton age in Billy cred- m: merciless of Lena Greenleaf Chapel withili,, the week (pronounced down several lucrative offers to [ t droves. is ' i Woode Woody) has ited with having more than tri- ' Horne and Rochester wherever : highlighted the celebration of Na- long been as one of appear in concert since Mav I. they appear in a picture is atty rcfcdfenized She pled the Sudan's previous i tierial Music Week. May 5 to 12. the nation’s top-fiight arrangers will do several network current engagement,bus:-! I 1 uiaication. The observance was opened Mon- , broadcasts during the summer ntss in his j appears to and has contributed to the popu- through May 29. 1 Binford be in the , day morning 10 larity many mbhths but no formal concert: i which continues i censor job “pure at o’clock When the nf head line dance Because ot the trerm ndous sue 1 for pleasure” music department presented Miss Basie, other than the FAMC engage- since came a $20,000 band attractions. Count 'cess it had with Eckstine, the : he to it from Marjorie Williams, mezzo soprano, Goodman, ment. has a year insurance posi- 1 Benny Cab Calloway. | Sudan’s management is endeavor- • executive in program of numbers. Harry James, Miss Brice appeared thirty working $25 a classical Tommy Dorsey, iing to arrange a return tion and has been for The second program, “M;s- ; many from November 1 to April for on- per1 was recently titled and other famous band tunes gagement by the bronze month. This hik- ique Mcderne,” 2i> during the season just ended. singing edI S2OO presumably because Mem- featured the Shaw leads have featured Woode’s been intention to dedi- idol after he fulfills theater and 1 University Women’s Glee Club and rhythmis arrangements. It had her next phis citizens thought he merited the past season entirely to one-niter committments I other choral units in a concert of Daniel M. Gray, personal man- cate Eckstine opens his road | the raise. study and the care of her young month 1 Crime, sex, Negroes featur- popular and semi-classical selections, ' age of the famous Internationa! son, Jr., KING KOLAX four on May 30 with a week on and Sweetheart.'; of Rhythm. All-Girl Neil Scott, but public ed in “too prominent roles” are and was presented Friday morning ' stage Royal Theater in ‘ - demand forced her to abandon of the Bal- for paper at 11:45 o'clock. The concert was ' orchestra, has been engaged as - timore. specialties the Binford those plans. cutting. " heard by students, faculty members ' business and promotion director through ol power- Baker, lovely songstress, coll “Brewster’s Millions The young singer is refusing the addtion Ann was1 cut and delegates in attendance at the fox ,the.-Wopde, - trumpeter King Kolax, to ' because Roochester “had L 2 engagements during the house one continues share vocal honors ways” Of- concert already potent brass section singing ' too familiar about him: annual convention of Business summer months because of the his I with the maestro. a of Negro Colleges, “The Sailor Takes Wife for the ficers theh in PERFECT FORM! Dan Leon- ley, Ga., June 17-27; Northwest- taxing demands of herVicxt con- same Films at reason. featuring session Shaw. ard, American Red Cross water l ern State College, Natchitoches, cert season which begins at the Lena Horne are shown in.entire- The Faculty Concert, Friday OTHEUO TO NEW safetly Instructor, is telling an La., June 3-13; Camp Carolina. Berkshire Festival during the ly only in Negro o'clock, theatres. night at 8 featuring Harry Aquatic School that form Brevard, N. C., June 3-13 second week of August when she “We can't allow student and .. movies where L. Gil-Smythe in piano recital was is essential to diving. The August 19-29; and the Negro sings the Braham's Alto Rhapsody \ .|; Negroes are given special equality eyes Jeeiir rtars the final item on the music week she has Tennessee with Dr. Serge Koussevitsky and with white people; it might cause OPEN AT CLUB say it! This summer a Aquatic School at A. on April 26, 1947 calendar. The observance was under Southerner will have the oppor- and I. State College, Nashville, eyds when she disturbances down here,” Binford of the Department gives first formal concert at WITH DOLORES CALVIN < cut at the Orpheum g direction Music tunity to attend one of five Na- June For information on her attendance i says. of University. The two 17-27. New York’s Carnegie Hall. Miss ! Mrs. Count Basie downtown shop- Theatre in Les Angeles this week ! Shaw first tional Red Cross Aquatic Schools: enrollment, see your local Red Brjro He banned “The Southerner” programs were arranged by Miss SUDAN is almost completely book- I ping in plaid pedal pushers and t the King Cole Trio reigned. New I[¦ lie it portrayed Pine Mountain State Park, Chip- Cross chapter. a because declared Thornhill, of the ed for the season 46-47 with the ( | alack flats looking ala California. ' York was saved by truce. (tthe people of the south as “il- Mildred Director NEW YORK—Caleb Peterson, exception a troupe ! ] University choir. of few dates in her j i Mme. Sara Spencer Washington al The Jack Benny arrived litrate mendicants,” and most re- Jr., who has been hailed as the middle winter and early spring the Theresa overnight. The coal t this week by plane from Chicago | cently has prohibited “The Out- Instrumental solos on the Men- ' c day morning program were offer- “New Othello” throughout tbdr. strike halted Chicago's Oriental then- . Jack Benny went into the Hotel i law.”] didn’t object,to as a sensa- ¦ He Jane ed by Miss Boykin, pianist America result of his I tre where the band ' \ . lmoi.*“u. Rochester went into the Russell'sJ curves, he said, but “the Ida with performance a in New the University choir, and by tional of that role Nite-Life York : was playing, cutting the shows to ! Hotel Theresa. William Grant jjpicture haa too much shooting.” Miss few weeks ago in Los Angeles, ROY WINKINSIN Still, Alethia Ransome. : a minimum. The street car strike I famed West Coast composer, I Binford has been the cause of Featured soloists at the Biltmore Hotel Auditori- !. on “Musique were Miss spent his 41st birthday nursing a|r much wry laughter in Holywood Moderne," um, open a Henry is soon to under BV ALVIN MOSES In Dick is deeply RADIO WARNING painful extraction. Case and has been threatened with a Helen Satterwhite and Black- engagement addition. racial- tooth Mar-' c by mon. The limited contract in “THE Gras featuring “Aunt Jemima" , s st it at least one producer. baritone solo by Mr. at DAWN PATROL” conscious after the fashion that RACIAL BAN AT di is However, thr next show Harlem’s “Club 11 NEW YORK Roy Wilkins, As- who is really TeA Gordell, the ori-1J he goes merrily on with Blackmond was given a few horns Sudan.” Mr. Peterson comes to NEW YORK lANP) Harlem, ] builds for fuller recognition from his whitting, and comments: he left by plane Cali- city-within-a-city, sistant Secretary of the NzKACP PEPSODENT OF- ginal singer of Ziegfeld's "Show ‘ before for the Sudan after having recently with more ex- , the snooty overlords who dominate " be the Robeson, enroute tc “Criticism bounces off me like fornia where he is to be presented completed working ploited people dwelling in per . ill featured guest en Now ' Boat." Paul ! with Lena it purely on the theory that "white York Station WEVD, Tuesday. May ! West Virginia, stopped off to hear' Wdtcr off a ducks back.” in concert in several cities. Horne in “As the Clouds Go By” square foot than any other given ! j 3 is right.” That's a statem.ent that 21st. from 9:45 to 10:09 P. M. The FICE BROKEN ' Josoh White at Case Society Down-1 for Metro Goldwyn Mayer. Mr. area in the civilized world, knows ' Peterson, burns me with the kind ‘of heat program, called “University of the ! town. also completed recent- the score on many angles folk liv- . waves, Ah-.’' will to The Chicago looking ravlshingly ly ‘Till The they say are a part of pur- be devoted a discus- Chicago (ANP) i j Lena Horne, Dynamaestro End of Time” for ing outside of this ghetto circle fail white, < gatory. black nor siSii f the rise of fascism and the branch of the Pepsodent Tooth- I lovely, is taking the town these Lucky Millin- RKO picture as he sings the im- to give them credit for. Keeping Neither i i with melody, just standing alone by itself, is ever resultant attack against all minori- paste company week yielded days. At Club Baron Flossie mortal Jerome Kern the subject in the realm of night I last oohed ' “Old Man River.” Plans are right. ties in America. The recent pogrom and they be- clubs and taverns. I believe that 37- |io pressure from civil rights | ing explored pos- From 10 o’clock until 3 a. m. Sat- in ; Columbia, Tennessee, will be and ahhed. King Cole Trio club fans der Born Band Leader to ascertain the year-old Dickie Wells is as smart as an example groups and hired Miss Helen are swarming the offices for I dbility of Mr. Peterson and his in urday evening. I studied the many- usird of the insidious ' i ' tick- the ways of management and Fascist-Klan program to suppress Wideman, a typist, on a tempor- the Kraft broadcasts. Peg Leg Hollywood cast performing sided problems contingent to suc- assignment. ets to WILMINGTON j Lucky Millinder. dynamic, per- creative ideas (advertisement, in- ( postwar reforms with the ary Miss Wideman I ( enjoying ball games before “Othello” at the Watergate in cessful dance promotions. The place social previously had been denied Bates ¦ Since the day he was a tot inilpetual motion maestro, loses and Washington, novations, decorations et al) as ( consequent threat to our democra- em-I j departure to join the Ink Spots gains D. C. was the 369th Regimental armory. ! pkyment by firm his knee pants. Lucky the p an average of 15 pounds Meanwhile, Mr. Peterson most of the white club operatives institutions. the because she Iin Louis for a long road tour. Millinder weekly is giv Charlie Barnett, orchid song and tic iis a Negro. | St. ' dynamaestro. due to Ms arduous jump- ing in Midtown Manhattan. A large Dorothy Maynor, caught by a wanted to be a fiand ; ’ vocal concerts with excerpts dance maestro once romantically A college sophomore, the young \ ¦ news: ing-jack antics in front of his mus- from original “Othello” (order you might say (and I know I reporter not locking her best. Both leader. Traveling throughout Amer- ic-makers.j A special the con- linked with sarong-wearing Doro- ' woman had an advertisement | vitamin diet suming the latter half of pro- j you secretly saying it, chum) but were embarrassed. She was subbing ica and Europe with his parents, j the thy Lamour, was the featured at- placed -by the company for night | j prepared by a »lohn Hopkin spec- gram. He intends secure book- one that will prove itself anytime I i j for her house-keeper. who were threatrtcal performers, j to traction or as we say Har- ! typists to help wind up a certain ! ialist enables the effervesent Lucky ings for full presentations you have two talking time inselect Nat Cole won’t be able young Li.cky was hypnotized by of ( hours i section of the work at the plant. I Mrs. to! i to continue his mad-cbp cavort- “Othello” deep 'to spend with Wells lemese "the common.” by join her husband after he gets set- | the rhythmic action of music direc- j ings. in the south with brother like The promoter, a certain guy When interview the personnel a mixed cast. haye upon numerous occasions. swell in New York. tors. Whenever the opportunity 11 out of town, ven- ONE SOLID WEEK director. Miss Wideman sard she tied arose, from lost on the was told the company did not ! Millinder would grab a ba- ture to not tan and childlishly attempt because there had be —STARTS— hire Negro typists because “the 1 to lead less 2,400 persons in huge the than the white employees would quit.” MARIANANDERSON band. When only thirteen, Luc- drill shed before the first penny- brought ky actually directed a Sunday, May 26 The case was before Chicago ag- could be called his own. As it turn- the Chicago Civil Liberties com- TENOR ! gregation amazing the musician# Composer SPONSORS of “Salt ed out. what with the rain and oth- with Pork” mittee, and it was found the Pep- ' his dexterity and dynamie er things, less than 1.000 in the soednt company had violated the cavortings. After a interlude ' took FEND I brief fun by ex-band boss -city’s FEP The com- | as master of ceremonies in the Mid- furnished the ordinance. McFarlin, of lovely Lena brought case to NEW YOR Pruth dle West, to Horne. Barnett re- j mittee the court accomplished ot young he decided make a test the ordinance. Municipal the most career out of W, ceived $1,500 for his evening’s wc-k Ito i orchestrta conducting Wanted to to another . I Go Judge i American tenors, climbed Va. but my friends (three of them) . .. Clorfene recommended : and for the past decade been ring on rung ot recogm- has that the company employ Miss I the world : one of the leading swing took it on the chin, but good I I tion week when he gamed trie I nations BY DOLORES CALVIN | don't think I 'Wideman. last | maestros. I them up. They come The play that we have been wait- A jury was by active patronage ot the worlf ! I ; to : trial demanded Lucky Millinder the internation- Sister Tharpe Tours NEW YORK (C) We met the me.” ing to tell about because it was Morris Leibman, Pepsodent lenowned contralto, Marian An- I sponsored ! ally famous Dynamaestro is a mus- i man who wrote the hit Decca re-! I Discharged from the Coast Guard produced and an acting role was 'lawyer, but this was withdrawn derson. Miss Anderson ! at Cobb'., I ician by avocation, but his real NEW YORK—Sister Rosetta 1 cording1 tune “Salt Fork, West Vir- two portrayed by the same man (Cana- it was agreed to out of McFarlin m a concert I I after years' service, in which land settle work is traveling. He's a hobo ' ginia" this week and were quite da Lee) opened Wednesday nite, ' ap- Mill inn, in Western Connecticut. I life's Tharpe, America’s sensational he sang the choral group, court. After Miss Wideman's in at heart, 1 1 to he always in Billget ( May 8, at the Cort a tew miles from her home ; ! but unlike professional ho- Gospel favorite, amazed find that has theatre in New pointment, Leibrnan asserted: bos, singing will com- interested back into the music business right j in past no Davien. 'i is the hardest working band- mence an been in the southern I York. The title as you well know "A ; tile there will be Conn. all-religious Concert place away. When discrimination based on race, col- Miss Anderson was present with | ! leader in the music industry, tour of twelve southwestern, mid- and has wanted, more than ! Louis the great Iiby now is ON WHITMAN AVENUE. H. along j It's not unusual anything1 else, to go to West Virgin- bandleader and singer, playing ¦ or, creed or religion in hiring at her husband. O. Fisher for~a Tello.v western and southern states in ' i was 1 1 After cheering the superb perfor- Pepsodent. The firm will comply with many other notables of the j world-traveler to see the dynamaes- mid June. ia State College. These were the i the Paramount for the second time i i mance of actor-producer Lee until For in- thoughts handsome, July, ! with law in every respect." world of arts and music. tro coverting in front of his band The guitar-playing song stylist of 6 ft. Bill last Bill went to see him about I Imy hands ached from clayping, I tiie a of the Tennyson,, his songs. ' Commenting on this statement, stance, these are few in some famous ballroom in Europe will appear in all major cities 23 year old tunesmith ( ¦ Louie decided that Bill can only say I disagree were Wai- of that heartily Ira Latimer, director of the C. C. greats who present. ! and to again see him weeks later ' West Virginia, Tennesse, Arkan- who is a little surprised himself at had real talent for putting punch with the white critics (and any I ter Cassel, the leading baritone headlining in his own success. | in tunes and s IL. C., said it did not indicate a I some theatre in the : sas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas. ' let. him have free reign colored ones) who say as has been Metropolitan Opera change in the company’s policy of the Asso- : j United States. Louisiana, Mississippi and North “I’ve always liked to write," ho to get a novelty together. elation, Farge, great said in most daily newspapers. “It Negro employees only Frank La the Lucky Millinder and his orches- ' a tour began. “I can’t ever remember Leaving the one day, Ito hue in composer, and his Carlonia with West Coast when Paramount is just not good theatre.” What I unskilled positions. The case is teacher and i tra have played in scheduled for early fall. I wasn't thinking up tunes. Only I Bill went to the office of Chappie wife; Sperry, Sr., India. China* : The say is this: “IT IS GOOD THEA- I still in court pending outcome of Mr. and Mrs. ' j Australia, Europe and South Amer- tcur, directed by Cultural Willett, the arranger the Zan- Sperry Gyroscopi; Fran- Con- for TRE." but. “On Avenue” Mis.; Wideman’s appointment for of Miss , ica; wherever there are dancers certs Society, Radio City. N. Y. zibar. There he happened to see a Whitman ces Alda, famed soprano of tne ! won't even come close to touching one month. This is the first viola- the chances are they have will be conducted in leading au- postal card from Salt Pork. W. Va. Metropolitan Opera; Mrs. James thrilled Women Beauticians off the spark that will solve th? ! lion of the FEP passed by tne I to Lucky's inimitable brand ' and chhurches, under and in five he had pieced Melton, wife of James Melton, of ditoriums minutes problems city council in November, 1945, swing (exclusive sponsorship of local together the famous swing social in this I famed radio and Metropolitan American Establish New Rules now land | City Prosecutor Rosinia said. | | and religious groups. to fabled of liberty. —— ! Lucky Millinder and his church tune. Rushing Louie, they — famous back ordinance, to ! Opera tenor; the celebrated It is more than sincere plea Tile introduced Fat ! orchestra come to the Barn, Wil- ¦ Miss Tharpe, one of the nation’s agreed it was something new and a for WARNERS' by iAmerican soprano, Geraldine | popular recording artists, For Men Invaders racial understanding between the council- Aid. Oscar De-I Opera so- ! mington, N. C.. on Friday. May I most exciting for Jordan fans. The song better lPriest, reads in part: rar, the Metropolitan | : recently completed new whites and blacks, | (BIGGEST! partner 31st. direct from a successful en- several was then finished in collaboration American all “It shall be unlawful for any I piano of Curico Caruso which (CNS) j | during period golden ! gagement at the world famous Sa- will soon be NEW YORK Five hun- with Flcecie Moore. The play penny by Maxine Wood . person to discriminate against the of “The women meeting ¦age ot song;” voy Railroom in New Har- released. dred in the first . Bill, from New OrleansTclaims he is a carpet that should be fitted to 'any other person by reason of. and Mr. H. Clau- York’s V——— Beauticans’ Congress of every vice-preside/it ! lem, from where they have ! Official , has been schooled by ‘contact.” decent, liberty-loving, Amer- j race, creed, color, or national ori- ( |dia, of the Chase! been the Beauty His | Bank, and wife. heard weekly over Blue National Culturisis' idols are Duke Ellington, Johnny ican home, to be placed before the gin. with respect to the hiring, : National his thrice the South Africa Taxes League here last week heard dele- 1 ' McFarlin, who is a j coast-to-coast j Mercer, Sammy and hearth kneel the application for employment, ten- Mr. victim I network. gate after delegate for Cahn Julie where children polio like our late President ' call the oust- Stein. He admires and follows theltr and brownups for evening chats ure, terms or conditions of em- lof Relief Gifts ing of : Roosecvlt, sang his program Food men “invaders” into the ¦, all. when work is Davitjh ployment." of beauty culture and manu- done. As ; seated in a chair which was field • I Bill has written other tunes, sev- Bennett of Whitman Avenue, Cana- platform, DI KE ELLINGTON Robeson facturing of special brands of cos- raised on a raised Says eral which are recorded by Mer- da Lee does a bit of acting equal level, and metics. It was claimed "men can ¦ above audience from -1 cury. One is “I’ Coming Home To [to any seen currently throughout the out-set he had his au- ENDORSES NAACP YORK (CNS) Paul work on equality with women but Stay" done very NEW Rob- - by the Bills Samuels . the nation. captivated beauty of the on not as masters.” Chief speakers dience with the ( escn, chairman Council | Trio which is the story of an ex- I resent Lee being typed as “one DANCE! his fresh young robust voice DRIVE Affairs, Inc., charged that were Mrs. Sara Spencer Washing- ¦ warning girl I BIG African | serviceman his that iof ¦ of our foremost Negro players," All I and his magnificient artistry. needed food, sent to ton, of Apex Hair and News Com- he's returning I (desperately from overseas and Broadway knows that Canada Lee TOBACCO WAREHOUSE “There was both dramatic ut- WASHINGTON. D C. Wash- Ihe Union of South Africa for fam- pany, Altantic City, Mrs. Cordelia whafr he expects to find. Right now. CAROLINA a subtlety of i Greene Johnson, National Presi- i is one of America’s finest actors terance and fine ington-born Duke llrngton. nation- ine relief, was taxed 25 per cent Bill is rehearsing four girls for an STREET nuance in the tenor's work -1 Mrs. Gadsen, ¦ whether their skin be white, brown, VALLEY vocal al known orchestra leader and com- by the South African government. dent. Maude head of act in which he will sing. Th ishe's i a spark of vocal the Beauticians ¦ black or yellow, or whether their touched with poser, recently said with Shipments of milk, corn, beans, Volunteer Corps, doing with Elton Hill, also an ar- genius in interpretations of it dollars I ¦ ancestors came from hluff Norway WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th his as he gave his ’ fish, other foods, were sub- Mrs. Carrie Taylor of Baton Rouge, • ranger and composer. songs and arias, endoresment to the I and or care the various that Washington jected to the impost, was La., Mrs. Pricila Dean Lewis of In- Os his current succes with ‘‘Salt darkest Africa. I did not unmistakably a great Branch, NAACP’s Mem-' which 10 P. M. ’TIL2 A. M. mark ar- bership Campaign by diana. Mrs. Essie Daviscn of Phil- passes too much for the scene where th? was consensus ot for 15,000 mem- paid the South African Food • Pork,” he it off with “next tist." This the bers. organizaticn, adelphia, Mrs. Besser Mercer of Bennetts, middle-class, really nice many Said 'the Duke’ as he present- Fund, a relief from I thing I knew Louie had recorded opinion of in the audience, sent by Washington, D. C. and Mrs. Mamye “colored call on Tildons, to ed a check for SIOO to Branch Pres- funds previously the Coun- '¦ i it." Since hearing his original in folk.” the who expressed the desire hear in the of Tilgham of Baltimore, Md. the sort of “nice-nasty” white resi- LUCKY MILLINDER McFarlin again in the very ident George E. C. Hayes, “I have a cil. Starvation interior | the new Astor film “Beware” which Mr. life the resiT*'’?* the There were the usual style shows, • stars Jordan dents ... I thought near future. special ! membership with the National South Africa is Louis and band. Bill the charac- ORCHESTRA At the re- drought in 25 years, entertainment at Club Sudan, more bespoke the imagination of AND HIS quest of Miss Anderson, Mr. Mc- NAACP Office, but since I am a most severe and I is than anxious to compose a ters of government Day Services. In a speech quanity playwright ' Farlin, is accompanied by his native Washinstknian. I wsh to and failure the to [ Mothers 1 of music for pictures. His Maxine Wood rathe 1 at Door, $2.50 Adv. Tickets, $2.00 who peo- 'by Mrs. Emma Clarrisa Clement than the honest, sypical Adm. wife, Mrs. Hazel McFarlin, sang take out a membership with my take adequate steps to feed its - ambition is to be in the musical situations " govern- selected “Mother of the Tear,” by find $1.25 (Price including tax) "Swing Low. Sweet C6'>riot ' , lo"d hr-meh durin" its campaign ple. Robeson stated. The ’ i setup at Metro Goldwyn Mayer and iwe ourselves in during Our White Spectators, the Foundation, beau- » among encores. In to his other ment has refused to allocated food Golden Rule live in California. However, he still' work-a-day-world existence her other In addition addition contr\ ticians were upon through- ¦ Entrance repetoire of buttons, ‘the Duke.’ who ap- it holds in warehouses there. called hopes to go to Salt Pork, the land It would easily stand even one Separate for White Spectators to the usual tenor's will out the country to, give aid, to the arias and art songs the young pear at Washington's Watergate on The famine and the general con- 1 of his song, and enroll in the State more Canada Lee; ... I hope it On Sale At: Towner, 24.1 S. Market St.: starving children of Europe. Tickets Boston Down tenor sang “Supplication” and June 16th, playing i program' of dition of the South African Negro I College. Under the GI .Bill of Rights, , will live on in re-shaped pattern Eagle St.; Store, Savoy Hotel, Ma.-:o - V Palace Grill, U. M. I. Drug “Window Pane," two composi- '¦' nc“rt music, has been responsi- will be the subject of a rally in he could organize a band right in I despite the fact that th» critics floston, promoter. tion: ~f lii: teachfT, the distill- ble for raising SB,COO (or the N. A Madimn SqinVn Garden, June- Cth. Save Your Waste Fat! I West Virginia which would have done a .par.ring-wcll job of ‘ . £>uifii»ed Frank La Farge. the Council. _ ¦ i please him. (singing its „ . /L C. P, ii called by _ i swan song.