HUMPHRIES (Tp,Voc) 1913-1978
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Mister “After you’ve gone”, a forgotten trumpeter FRANK “FAT MAN” HUMPHRIES (tp,voc) 1913-1978 by Mario Schneeberger first issue. 2001/06/06 last update: 2001/10/10 late additions: 2016/04/27 Preface 2016 Back in 2001 I have elaborated a study on Frank Humphries. Now, in 2016, I have decided to publish it on Internet. The text is still from 2001, when I used a computer Sharp 3100. As with the breakdown of this machine all my entries got lost, I now have scanned the paper in order to present the contents in the original form. This is possible because in the meantime only few points have turned out to be wrong or questionable. These are listed here below. Contents Label scans Introduction, page 1 to 3 Musical career (biography, band personnels, gigs, discography, solography) page 1 to 15 Musical career “mystery corner” page 16 Musicians’ index Additions to the written text Musical career, page 7: SLEEP and THERE’LL BE... may stem from 1945 (source of information unknown) Musical career, page 12, AFTER... and LONESOME...: Duke Parham is on piano; both titles are arranged by Eddie Durham (info from “Newark Swing City” by Kukla). Bruyninckx has a slightly different personnel, with Herbert “Duke” Parham on piano and possibly Don Byas on tenor, under the pseudonym Don Warren or Don Juan. Musical career, page 13, LAUGHING...: Daniel Gugolz thinks that Buddy Lucas, who worked for Jubilee, could be on tenor sax. Yvan Fournier collection 2OOr/rO / rO 1 Introduction Preface When I prepared a presentation of Joe cuy in 1993 I questioned if the fiery trumpeter on AFTER YOU'VE GONE by Lucky t'tillinder is really Frank Humphries, rnentioned in the liner notes, and not as expected Joe cuy. Frank Humphrj-es was unknown to me. He apparently has not made jazz history, as he is rnissing in all standard publications except for Chiltonts Whors who of jazz. Only the indefatigabLe Johnny Simmen bas interviewed hirn and thus brought him to 1i9ht. And Theo Zwickyrs impressive collection of films and photos as weLl- as his research work on band personnels fills many gaps in the picture of this forgotten artist. Recentl-y a jazz expert told rne that he had never heard of Frank Humphries. This gave me the last kick to write this booklet. It is accompanying a presentation of Frankts music at |'.}le Jazz Circle Basel on June 7, 2OO]-. This booklet describes the rnusical career of Frank Hunphries. Atl bands and recordi"ng sessions with his participation are mentioned. Tunes with solo by Frank are listed with natrix number and soLos. The solos are noted as usual in solographies, with sorne minor specialties: t I nelody ( ) obbl-igato or short solo - collective irnprovisation or four-four vom/vof/vog vocal mal-e/ fenal e/group sp speaking Acknowl edgements Otto Flückiger Yvan Fournier Roger Häner Dieter Hartmann Martin Meyer Mike Vogler Theo Zwicky Sty1e Frank Humphries has adnired Louis Amstrong and Roy Eldridge, He p]ays forceful and fiery or lyrical , in upper or lower registers. His tone is clear and rarely or never dirty. Ile may place a strong vibrato at the end of a phrase, sometimes whirnpering Like Roy Eldridge (e.9. AFTER YOU'VE GONEon Alanac). With nute he ptays Ilrost1y smooth obbligatos and is not easy to recognize (e.9. with Tab Snith except first session) . Licks known fron Howard l{cchee appear sometirnes, e.g. in LONESOMEMOOD. When compared to Joe Guy, his rnate in the Millinder band, Frank has the clearer tone and binds the notes less than Joe Guy. But both show Eldridgers influence and are hard to distinguish. Joe Guy uses eillespie licks, Frank not. Frank rerninds often of Arnstrong, Joe Guy 2OOr/rO / rO 2 fntroduction not. As a singer he follows in Louis Armstrong I s footsteps. Legacy Frank leaves us not more than thro dozen recordings where he comes into prorninence as gifted trumpeter or singer. He had the capability to write jazz history but the expectation did not naterialize. As a sideman he played a rnajor role with Lucky Millinder onIy. ttillinder gave hin space to prove his musical competence and shovmanship. On AFTER YOUTVE GONE he is featured throughout, and his trumpet solo is as impressive as Roy Eldridgets hrith cene Krupa dating f rom l-941-. As a leader he was not to becone a big name, naybe by lack of a hit tune or by lack of a el-ectrifying itthing of his o!'rnrt, say personal style. But he deserves more attention as he has created a few menorabl-e if not outstanding solos, the rnost rernarkable ones being, fron rny point of vie$r: LAZYBoNES with the washboard Rhythn Boys AFTER YOU'VE GONE (on Hindsight) with L,ucky Millinder YOU IOVELY YOU and ALL NIGHT LONG with Tab Srnith LONESOMEMOOD hrith his o$rn band. cenerally his output with Millinder is very satisfying, whilst on the Tab Snith recordings only the first session meets the high expectations, the rernainder representing rather anonymous contributions . Of later recordings there are sorne fine contributions such as AFTER YOUTVE GONE or f CAN|T GET STARTED. Others are partly marred by I'funnyrr vocals: LAUGHING AT LIFE has a rather borinq vocal dialogue while the band swings like mad, and the De1la SirTrpson sides Live frorn the excellent tenor saxophone rather than from the foreground actors. Sources of infornation Main source: Storyville (Johnny Simnen, interview v/ith FH L971,/O2) Le Point du Jazz (Johnny Sirnrnen, L976/05 lupdated versj-on of 1971]) General discographies: Jepsen, Blues Records, Jazz Directory, Tom Lord, Bruninckx, Rust. Liner notes: 3 LPs Tab Srnith on Saxophonograph, 3 LPs Lucky Millinder on MCA, Al-amac, Hindsight, CD Wynonie Harris on King/ace 457, CD Lucky Mi.l-l-inder on classics L026 Otto Flückiger/Kurt Mohr files Theo Zvrickyrs photos and investigations on personnels and gigs First Pressings 1,952 & l-953 (Galen Gart) Whors who of )azz (John Chilton) ZOOL/LO / 70 3 fntroduction Tenors Vol .1, 3 & 4 (Jan Evensmo) Lucky Millinder (Jazz Publications #S by Kurt Mohr et aI) Discographie critique (Hugues Panassid) The King label (Ruppli) AFRS Jubilee (LotzlNeuert) The career of Jimrny Butts (Otto Flückiger) Count Basie (Chris Sheridan) Foreword to the second, third and fourth edition It happens as always: when the work j-s thought to be finished it reaLly starts. The first edition was made possible through the indispensable help of Dieter Hartmann who gave me Johnny simmenrs interview with Frank Humphries. Then I received substantial additions by Otto Flückiger and also a lot of photos and personnels by Theo zwicky. This 1ed to the second edition. Shortly afterhrards Theo Zwicky sent further photos and a list of club dates, and Yvan Fournier placed the hitherto unavailable Abbey recordings at rny disposal. This material was included in the third edition. And then again Theo Zwicky sent neh/ inforrnation, the most inportant being that the Vernon Stern Band - including Frank Humphries - takes off in L932 and not in L929 as thought hitherto. The present fourth edition is definitelv the last one. 2OOr/LO / LO 1 Musical career FRANK rrFAT tlANil HUITTPHRIES Born: 19L3/O4/08 Gracey, Kentucky Died : 197 B / LI/ OI I Nyack, New York His brother Hildred plays saxophone His nephew Teddy Humphries sings, plays piano and organ His nephew Roger Humphries plays drums FH moves to Pittsburgh, Pa. L92X ORIGIIIAIJ HUUPHRIES PLAy BOyA Pittsburgh, 1928 Frank Humphries(tp), Hildred Hurnphries(as), Stuff Johnson(p), Earl Norvell (dr) . Note: Some sources clain that Baron/Byron earrison(bj) and Leroy Brovrn(2nd as) are added a few months 1ater. It is beLieved that they j oin in l-93 1 onLy. 1929-1931 FH's activities during his brother Hildred's tenure with the KoMEDY CLUB ORCHESTRA(L929-l-931-) are not known. (New) EUUPERIES PIJAY BOYS ? Pittsburgh. L93L/?O4 Frank Humphries(tp), Hil-dred Hunphries(as), Leroy Brown(2nd as), ... Testine(ts), John Graharn(p), Mac Mans(b), Baron/Byron Garrison or Joe westray(bjo) , Earl Norvell(dr). Note: Testine is the father of the young Testine Brothers, playing tenor sax and trumpet respectively. Baron/Byron Garrison is spelt Barron Gaston in some sources. HIniPIIRIES I PIJAyBOYS New Kensington, Pa, L93t/O5 Pittsb. cour. May 9, L93L gives this personnel of the rrnew local bandtr: Dave Page, William Hickerson, Frank Hunphries(tp), Hildred Hunphries, Leroy Brown(as) , Henry Jer^rel1(ts), John Graharn(p), Steve Washington(bjo), Earl Norvell (dr), Bert Taylor(von), Willian Hunphries (rngr) . PITTaBURG üARLE}|ITES AAND Pittaburgh, L93L/O7= Frank Humphries, Dave Page(tp), Bob Murray(tb), Hildred Humphries, Denny !{ashington ( as ) , Willian I'Biggsrr Biggers(ts), ceorge Horbe(p), Steve Washington (bj , g, vom) , Ghost Hor^re11(b, vorn) , trBiddyrt (dr) . 2OOr/LO / LO 2 Musical career EUIitPf,RIEA BROTEERAI DOUBITTNGBAND pittsburgh, 1932 Frank Humphries (tp, c1 ,ts), Hildred Hunphries(as,tb,tp), Andrew Woods(bj,tp), BiIl Conp(b,as), Willian Banks(p), EarI Norvell(dr). VERIION ATERII BAND pittsburgb, L,32/OZ= Frank Humphries, V{i1liam rrChickrr Hickerson, Dave page(tp), Bob Murray(tb) , Hil-dred Hunphries(as), ,.. Baker(as), ... Fisher(ts), Alger Willians(p), ... Johnson(b). No d.runmer nentioned. Note: FH claims he was with Vernon Stern in l-929. There is no evidence for that. The band did not exist before L932. Hickerson is called Henderson in some sources. Fisher is probabl"y Bud Fisher, 1931- with Dixiets Stornpers of South philadelphia. f,UI.|PHRIES BROTEERS! BAND pittsburgh, Lg32/Og/25-27 The band performs at the Fullertone Theatre in the fiIlEy MANrr revue.