BritishJournal ofOphthalmology 1994; 78: 185-190 185

Representation of the visual field in the occipital striate cortex Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.78.3.185 on 1 March 1994. Downloaded from

Robert McFadzean, Donal Brosnahan, Donald Hadley, Erkan Mutlukan

Abstract pole,2 although Inouye included a small repre- The representation of the field of vision in the sentation of the ipsilateral macula in each human striate cortex is based on the Holmes occipital following the discovery of macular map in which about 25% of the surface area of sparing in some clinical cases.' Such bilateral the striate cortex is allocated to the centrallS representation of the macula has subsequently degrees of vision. Foliowing the introduction been invoked by a number of authors in primate of computed tomography of the , he animal experimental studies to explain the accuracy of the Holmes map was apparently clinial phenomenon of macular sparing,""-15 confirmed by clinical/radiological correlation, although in other studies bilateral representation but a revision has been proposed by Horton of the macula in the striate cortex did not and Hoyt based on a magnetic resonance occur.'6-18 Clinically, owing to fixational eye imaging study ofthree patients with visual field movements of one to two degrees during peri- defects due to striate lesions. They propose metry, there must be at least three degrees of that the central cortical representation of macular sparing to make the finding reliable vision occupies a much larger area. This study using currently available perimetric tech- reviews the perimetric and imagingfindings in a niques."" However, the bilateral representa- larger series of patients with striate cortical tion theory proposed in the above experimental disease and provides support for the revised studies is dependent on a nasotemporal overlap representation. The clinical phenomenon of across the vertical meridian which is only 0-6 to macular sparing and its relation to representa- 2 degrees wide."-" tion of the macula at the occipital pole is also Recently the traditional Holmes hypothesis discussed. was challenged in a magnetic resonance scanning (BrJ Ophthalmol 1994; 78: 185-190) study5 ofthree patients with striate disease and a revised map of the representation of the visual field in the human striate cortex was produced The representation of the visual field in the in which the area serving central vision was occipital striate cortex was initially delineated expanded and the area devoted to peripheral by Inouye' and subsequently by Holmes and vision reduced. Similarities to data from closely Lister2 in studies of wounded soldiers in the related non-human primate species were noted, Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905) and the first in particular to electrophysiological studies of world war (1914-1918).2 Thereafter Holmes Old World primate genera, in which central devised his original 'schema' which gained wide- vision occupied a large proportion of the striate spread acceptance.4 In this diagrammatic outline cortex.'6172324 Indeed, in macaque monkeys the ofthe striate cortex Holmes demonstrated repre- central 15 degrees ofvision occupy about 70% of sentation of the contralateral hemifield of vision the total surface area ofthe striate cortex.2324 on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. in each , with the horizontal Horton and Hoyt's revision of the classical meridian occupying the base of the calcarine Holmes 'schema' requires confirmation in fissure and the vertical meridian demarcating a larger series of patients and the clinical the outer perimeter of the striate cortex. The phenomenon ofmacular sparing further elucida- macular region was represented posteriorly at tion. This paper attempts to address these two the occipital pole, while the peripheral visual issues. field occupied the anterior striate cortex in the region ofthe junction ofthe parieto-occipital and calcarine fissures. It was appreciated that the Materials and methods Departments of Neuro- macular region extended over a relatively large Patients suspected of suffering from occipital ophthalmology and part ofthe striate cortex and, using a planimeter, cortical disease had a full neuro-ophthalmic Neuro-radiology, Institute ofNeurological it has been calculated that 25% ofthe surface area examination including detailed perimetry. Sciences, Southern of the striate cortex was attributed to the central Goldmann dynamic and/or Humphrey's static General Hospital, 15 degrees ofvision.' Following the development threshold perimetry were used in the majority of Glasgow R McFadzean of computed tomography (CT) of the brain, cases, but if there was any doubt about the D Brosnahan several authors confirmed this original concept findings these were confirmed on the Bjerrum D Hadley when they found a good correspondence screen in a few cases. Imaging of the visual E Mudukan between visual field defects and the location of pathways, to confirm the presence of striate Correspondence to: Mr R McFadzean, striate lesions on CT according to the Holmes cortical disease and exclude any other lesion, was Department ofNeuro- 'schema'.`-9 An activation study of the visual carried out using a CT tomoscan and/or 0-15 ophthalmology, Institute of Neurological Sciences, cortex using positron emission tomography Tesla magnetic resonance (MR) scan. In some Southern General Hospital, (PET) scanning also supported the Holmes patients an initial planning scan was carried out 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow G51 4TF. 'schema'.'0 in the sagittal plane to identify the oblique course Accepted for publication Furthermore Holmes believed that the macula of the calcarine fissure, which does not of course 22 September 1993 was unilaterally represented at the occipital run in a straight line. Its oblique plane was 186 McFadzean, Brosnahan, Hadley, Mutlukan

Table I Pathological lesions (n=26) No ofcases Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.78.3.185 on 1 March 1994. Downloaded from Infarction 15 Neoplasm 5 Haematoma 3 Cerebromalacia 2 Arteriovenous malformation I

Table 2 Visualfield defects (n=26) No ofcases Complete homonymous hemianopia 17 Incomplete homonymous hemianopia 5 Discrete homonymous scotomas 2 Bilateral altitudinal 2

Figure 3 Ti weighted (IR 16001401400) parasagittal Table 3 Macular Table 4 Occipitalpole/ sparing (n= 17) magnetic resonance sectwn shows a left occipital infarct involvement (n= 17) involving the superior bank ofthe striate cortex (arrowhead), No ofcases* but sparing the posterior striate cortex. No ofcases Macular sparing 9/11 Sparing 10 Macular splitting 0/7 determined by drawing a straight line on the Splitting 6 Sparing/splitting 1 *One case demonstrated both macular sparing and splitting sagittal scan joining its anterior (at the junction (case 5). with the parieto-occipital fissure) and posterior (at the occipital pole) limits. Subsequent scans were performed axially in the plane of the calcarine fissure or coronally at right angles to it. The imaging changes were then compared with the patient's visual fields and the expected visual fields according to the Holmes 'schema' and Horton and Hoyt's map.

Results Occipital striate cortical disease was identified in 26 patients with an age range of 21-82 years (average 50 years) and a male to female ratio of 11:15. The majority of patients suffered from were a occipital infarction but there also number of other pathologies (Table 1). The visual field defects were recorded (Table 2) in which a complete homonymous hemianopia is defined as one which extends to within 10 degrees ofcentral fixation, while an incomplete homonymous hemianopia lies beyond 10 degrees from central a fixation. A blind patient presented with on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. macular sparing homonymous hemianopia and then lost the residual field a few days later due to FigureI T2 weighted (SE presumed bilateral occipital infarctions. 2000180) axial magnetic Macular involvement - that is, within 10 resonance section shows a left central occurred in 17 occipital infarct involving degrees of fixation, the anteromedial striate patients, unilaterally in 16 patients, and bilater- cortex, but sparing the ally in one patient (see below). These were posterior striate cortex.

Figure 2 Goldmann dynamic visualfield shows a right homonymous hemianopia to within 10 degrees ofcentralfixation usingI2e and I4e targets. RE Representation ofthe visualfield in the occipital striate cortex 187

infarct following a head injury (Fig 1). Accord- ing to Holmes this infarct should have produced

a right homonymous hemianopia extending to Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.78.3.185 on 1 March 1994. Downloaded from within 60 degrees of fixation, while Horton and Hoyt predict a perimetric defect extending to within 20 degrees of fixation. In fact Goldmann 300 dynamic perimetry showed a right homonymous hemianopia extending to within 10 degrees of central fixation (Fig 2).

Case 2 A 35-year-old woman developed a left occipital infarct (Fig 3). According to Holmes such a LE RE lesion would produce a right homonymous Figure 4 Humphrey's hemianopia extending to within 30 degrees of static threshold central visual fixation, while Horton and Hoyt predict a field field (30-2 program) shows a right homonymous defect extending to within 12 degrees offixation. hemianopia to within 10 Humphrey's static threshold perimetry showed a degrees ofcentralfixation. right homonymous hemianopia extending to within 10 degrees ofcentral fixation (Fig 4).

Case 3 A 40-year-old man developed a right occipital infarct affecting the superior bank of the calcarine cortex (Fig 5). According to Holmes su~ch a lesion would produce a left inferior homonymous quadrantanopia extending to within 30 degrees of fixation, while Horton and Hoyt predict a field defect extending to within 10 degrees offixation. Humphrey's static threshold Figure S Ti weighted (IR 16001401400) parasagittal magnetic resonance section shows a right occipital infarct perimetry demonstrated a left inferior homony- involving the superior bank ofthe striate cortex (arrowhead), mous quadrantanopia extending to within 6 but sparing the posterior striate cortex and the anterior striate degrees of central fixation (Fig 6). This patient cortex at thejunction ofthe parieto-occipital and calcarine fissures (arrow). also demonstrated sparing of the left monocular temporal crescent with sparing of the portion of

the superior bank of the right calcarine cortex divided into macular sparing - that is, outside 3 adjacent to the parieto-occipital fissure. (Fig 7). degrees ofcentral fixation, and macular splitting - that is, within 3 degrees ofcentral fixation, cases (Table 3). Imaging involvement of the occipital Case 4 pole and operculum was then identified and com- A 56-year-old man developed a spontaneous pared with the perimetric abnormalities (Table right parieto-occipital haematoma without an

4). In two elderly patients with macular sparing it underlying vascular malformation and subse- on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. was not possible to identify precisely whether the quent cerebromalacia with involvement of the occipital pole was or was not involved owing to occipital pole and operculum (Fig 8). According movement artefacts on the scan. to both Holmes and Horton and Hoyt such a lesion would produce a left macular splitting homonymous hemianopia, as in this case (Fig 9). Figure 6 Humphrey's CASE ILLUSTRATIONS static threshold central visual field (30-2 program) shows a left inferior homonymous Case I Case S quadrantanopia to within 6 A 21-year-old man developed a left occipital A 48-year-old woman developed bilateral degrees ofcentralfixation. occipital infarcts after a stormy course following clipping of a ruptured anterior communicating

...... aneurysm (Fig 10). According to Holmes

...... such a lesion would produce a macular splitting left homonymous hemianopia and a macular ...... sparing right homonymous hemianopia extend- ing to within 15 degrees of fixation, while according to Horton and Hoyt such a lesion 30c would produce a macular splitting left homony- mous hemianopia with a macular sparing right homonymous hemianopia extending to within 2-5 degrees offixation. Charting on the Bjerrum screen in this case showed a macular splitting left homonymous hemianopia and a macular sparing right homonymous hemianopia extending to LE RE within three degrees ofcentral fixation (Fig 11). 188188McFadzean, Brosnahan, Hadlev, Mutlukan

Discussion Left These cases and the others reviewed in this series

clearly demonstrate that Horton and Hoyt's Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.78.3.185 on 1 March 1994. Downloaded from ( 1 concepti of an expanded area serving central 11 M3 vision with a reduced area devoted to peripheral lS vTision can be confirmed in a larger series of patients. Although there are considerable varia- 17 (1I (17) tions in the surface area and extent of the striate 18 cortex in humans, the findings from the present study indicate that the central 10 degrees of (i) visual field are represented by at least 50-60% of (1) the posterior striate cortex. Cases 1 and 2 clearlv demonstrate that at least 50% of the 750 posterior 2? 75~ striate cortex is devoted to the central 10 degrees of visual field. The field defect in case 3 extends to within 6 degrees of fixation while a similarly large area of posterior striate cortex is preserved, and in addition, sparing of the monocular ?? 24 temporal crescent corresponds to sparing of the (PI) 2? striate cortex adjacent to the parieto-occipital/ calcarine fissure junction. Case 4 illustrates 21 21 macular splitting dependent on involvement of the occipital pole and operculum. while in case 5 sparing of the left occipital pole and operculum results in sparing of the right central three degrees of vision, but involvement of the right occipital pole and operculum causes loss of the Figure 7 Humphrey's static threshold peri'metry (temporal crescent program) shows sparirg of' left central three degrees of vision. The latter the left monocular temporal crescent. case clearly demonstrates both macular sparing Figure 8 TI weighted (IR and macular splitting dependent on the integrity 1600140/400) oblique axial of the occipital pole and operculum. magnetic resonance section Indeed these cases suggest that Horton and parallel to the plane ofthe Hoyt may have underestimated calcarine fissure shows _ slightly the cerebromalacia ofthe right _ extent of the central 15 degrees of vision on the occipital lobe including the tuIL posterior striate cortex, although variations in operculum. local anatomy might to some extent account for this. Our findings in the human striate cortex are compatible with microelectrode recordings in macaque striate cortex- 24 in which studies of linear and areal magnification factors concluded that the central 10 degrees of vision was repre- sented by between 55-60% of the surface area of the striate cortex. In addition the pattern shift visual is largely a reflection of macular vision26 with 60% of the amplitude of the waveform being generated by the central eight on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. degrees of vision. Such a finding is compatible with the concept that a large part of the occipital pole, from which most of the visual evoked potential recording is derived, represents central vision. Figure 9 Humphrey's It may seem surprising that the original static threshold central visual Holmes 'schema' was confirmed by CT and PET field (30-2 program) shows a left macular splitting studies.6'0 The CT scans, however, were carried homonymous hemianopia. out in the customary orbito-meatal plane which slices through the calcarine fissure obliquely and therefore does not give an accurate representa- tion of the local anatomy. An activation study of the using PET scanning" was carried out in the anterior/posterior commissural line and was therefore subject to similar morpho- 300 logical misinterpretation. The calcarine fissure, 30° although taking a variable course, does run obliquely in an anterosuperior direction from the occipital pole to the junction of the parieto- occipital and calcarine fissures. Therefore an initial sagittal planning MR scan, as in this study, to identify the orientation of the calcarine fissure with sequential scans axial and coronal to LE RE the plane of the calcarine fissure give a much Representation ofthe visualfield in the occipital striate cortex 189

Figure 10 T2 weighted cortex.27 Posterior lesions are located in the (SE 2000/80) axial posterior 50-60% of the striate cortex, including magnetic resonance section shows bilateral occipital the occipital pole and operculum, and affect Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.78.3.185 on 1 March 1994. Downloaded from infarcts, involving the macular vision - that is, the central 10 degrees in occipital pole and operculum the contralateral hemifield. Intermediate lesions on the right side but sparing these structures on the left lie between the anterior and posterior confines side. In addition there are and affect from 10 to 60 degrees in the contra- rightfrontal and temporal lateral hemifield. infarcts. The clinical phenomenon of macular sparing has generated much discussion since Inouye and Holmes's original publications.' 2 The findings in this study clearly demonstrate that macular splitting occurs when the occipital pole and operculum are involved by the lesion and macular sparing occurs when there is sparing of these structures. Unfortunately, in two of our elderly patients with macular sparing it was not possible to come to a definite decision about involvement of the occipital pole on imaging owing to movement artefacts during scanning. Attempts to explain the clinical phenomenon of macular sparing on the basis of bilateral representation of the macula with a naso- temporal overlap"'" found in electrophysio- logical studies in non-human primates, are unsatisfactory, as the extent of the overlapping retinal ganglion cells would allow only one to two degrees ofmacular sparing. In practice, because better impression of the local anatomy. Never- offixational eye movements ofone to two degrees theless, it is important to be cautious in relating during perimetry'9-" it is necessary to detect at the anatomical extent of a lesion on an MR scan least three degrees ofmacular sparing in order to to the functional perimetric findings, as the confirm the clinical phenomenon. former simply outlines disturbances of water The explanation for the clinical phenomenon content and distribution within tissues without ofmacular sparing is almost certainly to be found necessarily implying neuronal death, while the in a consideration of the blood supply of the latter is a subjective determination ofvariation in occipital pole and operculum which lie in a function at one point in time. Clearly patho- watershed zone between the posterior and

logical verification of the imaging/perimetric middle cerebral . There is a considerable findings is essential before precise determina- variation in the course and distribution of the tions can be made, but an approximate evalua- arteries supplying the striate cortex28 but in 50% tion can be obtained from the cases reported here of normal the calcarine branch of the and by others. posterior cerebral artery supplies the entire Indeed, based on the imaging findings, it is striate cortex. In the remainder, the occipital now possible clinically to classify striate lesions pole and operculum are supplied by the posterior

into anterior, intermediate, and posterior. temporal or parieto-occipital branch of the on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Anterior lesions lie adjacent to the parieto- posterior cerebral artery or an occipital branch of occipital fissure and affect the monocular the middle cerebral artery. In the former situa- temporal crescent of the contralateral visual tion a calcarine artery infarct would result in a field. This area has been shown to constitute less macular splitting homonymous hemianopia but than 10% of the total surface area of the striate in the latter a similar infarct would allow a

9O0 105° L2 750

Figure 11 Bjerrum central visualfield shows a macular splitting left homonymous hemianopia and macular sparng right homonymous hemianopta usingS and 10 mm white target at 2 metres. LE 190 McFadzean, Brosnahan, Hadley, Mutlukan

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