The Sustainable Management of Climbing Areas In
Cooperation in the European Mountains 3: The sustainable management of climbing areas in Europe European Programme Established in 1987, the European Programme seeks to identify and analyse the economic and social forces impacting on biodiversity conservation, and apply the power of the constituency to address them. The Programme is active in species and ecosystem-based conservation within the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors and supports regional and global policy analysis and recommendations. IUCN is present in 47 of the 55 countries of the Pan-European region. IUCN's European constituency, 325 governmental and non-governmental members, six expert Commissions, and the Secretariat, provides a broad-based democratic forum for exchanging views, and taking joint action. Over 3,000 experts, organised into six networks (on ecosystem management; education and com- munication; environmental law; environment, economy and society; species survival; and protected areas/Parks for Life), provide scientific weight to the policy formulated and disseminated by the European Programme in seeking to influence societies. Since 1997, the European Programme has been co-ordinated from the IUCN European Regional Office-ERO, (based in Tilburg, The Netherlands). There is also a Central European Office (in Warsaw, Poland), a Russian Federation and CIS Office (in Moscow, Russian Federation), and a joint IUCN-REC unit (in Szentendre, Hungary). European Regional Office Cooperation in the European Mountains 3: The sustainable management of climbing areas in Europe Brigitte Hanemann Environmental Research Series 14 IUCN - The World Conservation Union 2000 The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN or the Government of the Netherlands concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
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