THEAKHSBACE Winner Takes All
THEAKHSBACE Winner takes all... Today, the United States military-industrial complex will manufacture three nuclear weapons. They did the same yesterday. TTie day before that. Theyll do it agmn tomorrow, and the day after that Each weapon will range from the small "Alpha" weapon, with an ex plosive power of 500 (onnes of TNT, through "Bravo" (1,000 tonnes), "Echo" (10,000 tonnes) to "Mike" (5,000,000 tonnes)*oand beyond, to 25,000,000 tonnes.-^ < Utey will go to make up the largest nuclear arsend on earth, an estimated 8,000 milUon tonnes of nuclear firepower. The bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 194S, had an explosive power equivalent to 20,000 tonnes of TNT. It destroyed the centre of the city, immediately killed 78,000 people, injured 84,000 and demolished 62,000 buildings. Mixy "Using the Hiroshima analogy," said Ruth Legar Sivard, fcMmer economist of the Arms Contrd and Disarmament Agency, writing in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists atom." each with up to 17 warheads fach having of April 1975, "the nuclear stockpHe of the United States alone translates into a The Stockholm Institute of Peace a yield of 100,000 tonnes of dynamite. potential kill-power 12 tones the present worid population." That's about 615^385 Research, the worid's most prestigious The captain of a Trident submarine will bombs each the yield of the Hiroshima. and respected peace research organisa be the third most powerful person on earth. The submarines will go so deep nuclear scientists from the Harvard-MIT tion, reported last year that about 35 The rest of the worid, the USSR, that it will be almost impossible to contact Arms Control seminar concluded that countries will be able to make atomic Britain, France, India, Israel, probably theni.
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