and Jura Transport Forum Meeting, Islay , 19/3/14, 10.30am

Present: Jean Knowles (JMK), Martin Arnold (MA), Billy McFarlane (WMcF), Donald Ewen Darroch (DED), Kirsten Laurie (KL), Maureen MacKinnon (MMacK), Ken McLean (KML), Niall Colthart (NC).

Apologies: Andrew Campbell, Simon Richmond, Anne Horn, Michael Varley, Christine Darroch, Moira Gillies, Robin Currie, Joe Hughes, Glenn Roberts.

Welcome: JMK

Mins of Last Meeting: Proposed KL, seconded MA.

Matters Arising: Updates from Jura. They have received a new ambulance and training, just awaiting PVG disclosures. An exercise is to be arranged for scenario testing.

ASPC Scot – JMK hasn’t been asked to attend but understands that ferry fares have been increased.

DED suggests dealing with and Bute Council (A&BC) directly, no purpose in writing to ASP about it but issue has been rectified.

Tue and Thur available on request and Sat has also been requested but unlikely for ferries to meet 7am boat.

Passenger ferry is continuing this summer.

Ferries: In the new summer timetable the Sat boat now travels to (PA), not (PE) and has the layover there. 4 new sailings have been introduced to the timetable. Winter timetable has experienced a lot of disruption and nearly 2 months on 1 boat service.

Islay and Jura Ferry Committee (previously IJFUG) has been reinstated.

KML reports problems booking patients for hospital appointments. They are being told sailings are full when they’re not. CalMac is in the process of devising a new booking system. Often health passengers seem to be those most inconvenienced by the current system. 3 day notice for some appointments. Not enough communication between local and central CalMac offices.

WMcF points out that it has been raised at the IJFC that the PE office needs improving and CalMac need to address a replacement plan for Arran and Heb. Isles.

JMK: There is a big difference in capacity which can be confusing for people, especially visitors, while booking.

Airport Issues: No representative present, need to check if email address on record is the correct one.

NC: Summer timetable will remain as standing which seems to be working well. Only change is Sunday flight arriving at 15:15 and departing 16:10, earlier that it has been. Extra flights are being scheduled for the Feis, more targeted than in previous years. 3 flights available on some days.

The Oban flight has been performing well. Full some days and fairly steady despite the weather over the Winter. Airport Open Day has been scheduled for Sat 16th August – programme is being confirmed just now.

Airport exercise planned for the 3rd or 4th Sat in June.

JMK enquires about ambulance flights coming to terminal 2, NC replies that it’s quite common for the flight to be sent there. No security is required and logistically it works well and is used by other private planes.

Due to poor weather the plane has been taking extra passengers to cover the CalMac cancellations. Extra wind means disruption to flights has been lower than normal, less cloud cover, better visibility.

KML worries about putting patients on to the Oban plane as EU legislation requires accommodation to be found in event of cancellations. Mr Jolley won’t negotiate on this point and patients can be left stranded. Mr Jolley believes that the legislation doesn’t apply but KML has researched and is sure that it does. 3 or 4 people have been stuck in Oban as a result. Question raised if it would be the same situation as the Jura ferry and A&BC are responsible but NC’s understanding is that it would remain the responsibility of the airline. Need to find the right person to write to at Transport regarding this issue.

KML: Between June and September 60 planes were unavailable to book. Often appointments are short notice, is it possible to look more closely at demand over the summer months? If bulk booking are possible it can really skew the booking process. Patients need to be a greater priority. KML would like to explore the possibility of bringing over a small plane especially for patients and then if spaces were free they could be filled with commercial bookings. JMK suggests that perhaps the Campbeltown service could help and perhaps we could write to Loganair. NC advises there would be an issue with the airline.

KML: It would obviously be in the airlines interest to have full flights and at the moment they are missing the majority of patients needs. NC agrees it’s not in their interest to have empty seats.

Group discuss various options including if the last 2 seats could be kept for patients on each flight or if it is possible to map usage where demand is highest. Could NHS perhaps pre-reserve seats?

NC suggest that Loganair would need hard data before they’d be able to make a decision.

JMK: Now that no ultrasounds are being conducted locally that contribute to higher usage. Change in NHS practice has resulted in greater usage in the past, e.g. when breast screening comes around there is normally a surge in travelling requirements following that.

KML points out that the rules are changing for the budget. If it goes over the specified budget overspend has to come from other local budgets. More pressure from Scottish Government to use the cheapest form of transport i.e. not the plane. Currently £3million spend each year for Islay and Jura. Costs are unsustainable. JMK suggests that this info should be made publicly available.

KML: Quite prepared to pay for hotel bill because it still represents a saving of £80 potentially.

JMK: Patients without a car are the ones most likely to struggle with using the bus. KML: Auditors forced NHS Highland to come up with a policy and these types of ideas are very prevalent in it.

JMK: Twice as many outreach services on Mull as there are on Islay, if there were more it would reduce pressure.

KML: This is happening more and more on Islay but Loganair neglecting the needs of patients over the summer is forcing the NHS to look at other options. Medical desirability won’t be considered, only medical necessity. If people can manage they will have to make their own way and will be unlikely to get an escort.

JMK suggests writing to those writing the policy document at this stage before it is confirmed to request input.

KML: It will be a discussion document to begin with anyway.

JMK: Orkney and Shetland already have policy document’s in place and better provision.

KML: Is transport forum a fitting body to write to them?

JMK: User group here have experience so it’s worth trying to input. Many older/vulnerable people won’t feel comfortable travelling alone.

KML: Budget will be capped and spend will be determined locally so overspend will impact on other local services. That part is happening and more clinics will be delivered locally.

JMK: If less services are being delivered locally it represents more spend.

KML: Dr Pickering is actively trying to get more services to be delivered locally. JMK suggests Dr Pickering could be invited to the next meeting.

The group discuss problems with transport to health facilities locally e.g. no bus service to the hospital but 2 volunteer driver services currently operating through Red Cross and TimeBank. Danger this facility will be difficult to maintain because of concerns about training and relevant experience.

There could be ways to increase the capacity of the local hospital, improve transport locally and address the larger budget problem as a result.

WMcF: The community fundraised and campaigned for a scanner for the local hospital, it seems a shame that it is now no longer being used. JMK suggests that is a point the ICC could justifiably bring up. Is technology at Islay hospital currently being used to best effect? WMcF suggests that this can be raised at the next ICC meeting.

If concern is that staff lack skills or training locally to deliver services then it would still be more costs effective to fly one person over to carry out the service and save on a larger number of fares going out. KML points out that there would also be the cost of that person working for the day to consider.

Bus Service: MMAcK: Post bus service is expiring.

MA: A&BC are replacing this with an improved service from 20th July. JMK: Will new service go to the hospital as the post bus currently does?

MA: intention is that it will fully cover the existing service.

MMacK: Service is currently often oversubscribed in the summer months. A 14 seater vehicle would be good. It’s very busy. Must accommodate distillery tours and high demand from locals too.

MA confirms that there is an 11 seat minimum so chances are it will have 14 seats or over available.

WMcF: Current bus service provision has resulted in very elderly people having to walk to the hospital from the centre of in horrendous weather.

MMacK: Bus drivers do sometimes drop off passengers at hospital road even though they don’t have to but parked cars can often cause an obstruction for buses getting past. If bus times could try to fit in with peak demand that would make the most sense.

Historically there has been no Sat service for post bus. It would be good if there could be one included in the new service.

KML: It’s essential to have some contact between this new service and the hospital, especially if more services will start to be delivered locally.

MA: Will make it clear that the bus must go to the hospital on a regular basis.

KL suggests that signage and communication for this service could be made clearer, especially for visitors. MA agrees to report back.

JMK enquires if buses will meet the extra ferry sailings and MA agrees to report it back and see if something can be done.

MMacK: Buses need to be scheduled to meet the evening sailings from either port. Currently they link in with the bus from Glasgow but nothing on the Islay side. It means people are arranging to travel on the earlier sailing and then need to get the school bus which is not ideal.

Bus Stop: Charlotte Street bus stop in Port Ellen is to be removed and new stops installed at the public toilets opposite the Ramsay Hall and outside the RBS building on Pier Road.

Pavement is narrow next to RBS building, could it be built into the RBS garden if part could be bought from RBS or possibly build out into the road.

Date of Next Meeting: 9th September 2014.