PProgramg Day 1 July 21

19:30 Welcome Reception (at Mizu no Uta )

Dayy 2 Julyy 22

8:408:40-10:00 10:00 Oral Session: Chairperson/Daisukep Takezawa RAD51 loss of function abolishes and de-repressesde represses illegitimate T1 integrationgyp in the Didier G. Schaefer, Fabien Delacote, Florence Charlot, Nathalie Vrielynck, MarieMarie-Pascale Pascale Doutriaux and Fabien Nogué RRapidpp id repair i of f DNA ddouble bl strand t d bbreaks k (DSB(DSBs)( ) is i a common feature f t T2 of higher and lower plants, plants as well as mammalian cells Jaroslav Kozak, Marketa Smidkova and Karel J. Angelis Stress-induced miR1026 dependent regulation of a bHLH transcription factor T3 mRNARNA in i Physcomitrella Phyp it ll patens t Marta Anna Tomek, Basel KhraiweshKhraiwesh, Daniel LangLang, Stefan JansenJansen, Jens TimmerTimmer, Ralf ReskiReski, and WlfWolfganggg FFrank k Effect of externally added trehalose on the growth and sugar partitioning in T4 Physcomitrella patens Nelson Avonce and Patrick Van Dijck

10:00-10:20 Coffee Break

10:20-12:00 Oral Session: Chairperson/Stefan Rensing T5 PP2CPP2C-mediated di t d abscisic b i i acid id signaling igg li in i liverworts li t Salma Begum BhyanBhyan, Kenji KomatsuKomatsu, Midori KanekoKaneko, Akter KhaledaKhaleda, Yoichi SakataSakata, Kimitsune IhikiKIshizaki,,y Katsuyuki kiTY T. Yamato, ,y, TkTakayuki, kiKhhi Kohchi and d DiDaisuke k TkTakezawa T6 Submergence response requires ethylene signalling in Physcomitrella patens Yuki Yasumura,,,CJ()V, Ronald Pierik, L.A.C.J. (Rens) Voesenek, and Nicholas P Harberd Cloning and Functional Analysis of the Key Involved in Jasmonic Acid T7 BiBiosynthesisy th i in i PhPhyscomitrellayp it ll patens. t Sarathchandra Senarath Bandara, Takahiro HashimotoHashimoto, Kosaku TakahashiTakahashi, Michio SatoSato, HidHideyuki ki MMatsuura t and d KKensuke k NNabeta b t T8 The Early of Mutualistic Plant-FungusPlant Fungus Interactions SbSebastian ti HHanke, k, ChChristina i ti NNeu,,g StStefan f AA. RRensing i PpCCA1a/PpCCA1b and PpCRR genes as circadian clock-associatedclock associated genes in the T9 Physcomitrellayp patenspatens. Setsuyuki Aoki, Santosh B. Satbhai, Takafumi Yamashino, Ryo Okada, Takeshi Mizuno, Kazuhiro Ichikawa

12:0012:00-14:00 14:00 Lunch 14:0014:00-15:50 15:50 Oral Session: Chairperson/Mamoru Sugita FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF PHOTOPROTECTIVE LHCSR PROTEIN IN T10 VITRO AND IN VIVO IN Physcomitrella patens Julien Girardon, Alessandro Alboresi, Matteo Ballottari, Giulia Bonente, Tomas Morosinotto and Roberto Bassi Microtranscriptomepp of the liverwort species Pellia endiviifolia spsp. p B: T11 evolutionary implications PPawel l PiPiszczalka lk ,,y,y,j HliPikHalina Pietrykowska, kSliAlbWjihKl Sylwia Alaba, Wojciech Karlowski kid and Zofia Szweykowska-KulinskaSzweykowska Kulinska T12 Mitochondrial in Physcomitrella patens Stefanie Mueller, Sebastian Hoernstein, Andreas Zimmer, Marco Vervliet-Scheebaum, Ralf Reski T13 Proteome analysis of and of PP. patens AA.Yu. Yu SkripnikovSkripnikov, NN.B. B PolyakovPolyakov, SS.V. V DolgovDolgov, II.A. A DeminaDemina, MM.A. A RogovaRogova, VV.M. M Govorun T14 Microarrayyp expression pprofiling g of PP. p patens Manuel HissHiss, Sandra RichardtRichardt, Luise WolfWolf, Theodhor TikoTiko, Daniel LangLang, Stefan AA. Rensing

15:50-16:10 Coffee Break

16:1016:10-17:40 17:40 Poster Session for odd numbers

17:4017:40-19:10 19:10 Poster Session for even numbers

1919:30 30 DiDinner

Day 3 JJuly l 23

8:40-10:10 Oral Session: Chairperson/Nir Ohad T15 Crossingg Physcomitrellayp patens strains: a new tool for an old story. storyy Pierre-François Perroud, Stuart McDanielMcDaniel, Lauren Gunther, Gunther David Cove and Ralph Quatrano T16 Expressionpy of recombinant antianti-CD20 CD20 scFv antibody in moss Physcomitrellay Marketa SmidkovaSmidkova, Marcela HolaHola, Martin SpryngarSpryngar, Karel JJ. Angelis microRNA156 functions for caulonemal ggp growth and gametophore transition in T17 Physcomitrella patens SH(Jh)ChSunggy Hyun (Joseph) ( p) Cho, anddMih Michael lJ J. AAxtell ll Aiming at a quantitative analysis of a microRNA160-controlledmicroRNA160 controlled regulatory T188 circuit in Physcomitrellayp patens Philipp Rödel, Gotelinde Seumel, Stefan Jansen, Jens Timmer, Ralf Reski and Wolfgang Frank

10:45-12:25 Lunch, and move to Hokkaido University

13:00 Coffee break 13:3013:30-16:50 16:50 "New Frontiers of Plant Sciences with Physcomitrella Patens" Organizer/Tomomichi Fujita S1 ThThe moss model d l system.y t What Wh t it can do d and d what h t still till is i needed. d d David JJ. Cove, Andrew CC. CumingCuming, Yasuko KamisugiKamisugi, PierrePierre-François François PerroudPerroud, Ralph SS. Quatrano anddil Stuart McDaniel S2 DNA repair pathways and gene targeting in Physcomitrella patens Andrew Cuming, Yasuko Kamisugi, Didier Schaefer, Fabien Nogué, Jaroslav Kozak and Karel Angelis -wide phylogenetic comparative analysis of plant transcriptional S3 regulation:g,g,ppylti a timeline ti li of fl loss, gain, i expansion i and d correlation lti with ith complexity l it Daniel Lang, Benjamin WeicheWeiche, Gerrit TimmerhausTimmerhaus, Sandra RichardtRichardt, Diego MM. Riaño-PachónRiaño-Pachón, LiLuiz GGCG. G. Corrêa, ê RlfRRalf Reski, kiB Bernd dM Mueller-Roeber, ll R b StfStefan ARA. Rensing ig S4 Genome sequence of Physcomitrella patens and beyond TkiNihiTomoaki Nishiyamay Molecular mechanisms of reprogramming from a differentiated cell to a stem S5 cell in the moss Physcomitrellayp patens Mitsuyasu Hasebe The function of TONNEAU1 in moss reveals an ancient mechanism of division S6 plane specification in land plants LLara SSpinner, i MMartine ti PPastuglia, t li KKatia ti BBelcram, l MMathieu thi PPegoraro, MMagali li GGoussot, t DDavid id BBouchez h and Didier G. Schaefer The moss Physcomitrella patens as a model to study desiccation tolerance: the S7 rolel of f ththe ttranscriptional ipg ti l regulator l t ABI3 Ralph SS. Quatrano, Heather MarellaMarella, Yoichi SakataSakata, Abha Khandelwal

17:45-19:25 Dinner

19:2519:25-20:45 20:45 Fireworks

DDay 4 JJuly l 24

9:00-10:20 Oral Session: Chairperson/Hiroyoshi Takano T19 FFunctional ti l study t dypy of f RMR receptor t family f il in i PhPhyscomitrellayp it ll patens t Sanaa Ayachi, Didier GG. Schaefer and JeanJean-Marc Marc Neuhaus SSwitching it higy between b t asymmetric t i cell ll didivision i i and d symmetric y t i cell ll didivision i i iin ththe T20 mossmoss, Physcomitrella patens Kohei Nakamura, Ayako Ichiriki, Masaki Ishikawa, Yoichi Sakata, Ralph Quatrano, Takeshi Maruyama, Koji Mikami, Mitsuyasu Hasebe and Tomomichi Fujita T21 PpAPB genes regulate stem cell characterization in the moss Physcomitrella Tsuyoshi Aoyama, Yuji HiwatashiHiwatashi, Shigyo MikaoMikao, Kenichiro HayashiHayashi, Motomi ItoIto, andd MitMitsuyasuy Hasebe H b SRB1, a bZIP transcription factor is a promoting factor for reprogramming T22 from a differentiated leaf cell to a pp pluripotent stem cell in Physcomitrellayp patens Kaori Miyawaki, Mineko Iwata, Masumi Ohshima, Kumiko Ooba, Kari Thompson, Kyoko Hoshino, Keiko SogaSoga, Mari ObaraObara, Minoru KuboKubo, Tomoaki NishiyamaNishiyama, Nagisa SugimotoSugimoto, Yoshikatsu SatoSato, YYuji ji HiHiwatashi, t hi MitMitsuyasu Hasebe,H b TTetsuya t KKurata t 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break

10:40-12:00 Oral Session: Chairperson/Jeong Sheop Shin Genome-wide analyses of mRNA expression and histone H3 methylation in T23 Physcomitrella patens curly leaf mutant Takaaki Ishikawa, Yosuke Tamada, Yuji Hiwatashi, Masumi Ohshima, Tetsuya Kurata, Tomoaki Nishiyama and Mitsuyasu Hasebe Towards elucidating the epigenetic mechanism mediated by the Polycomb T24 complex in Phiscomitrella patens Nir Ohad Cloning and functional characterisation of Armadillo-related genes in T25 Physcomitrella Laura A. Moody, Younousse Saidi, Susan Bradshaw and Juliet C. Coates An analysis of CRUMPLED LEAF homologous genes of Physcomitrella patens T26 by gene disruption Yasushi Yoshioka, Naoko Tsurumi, Yamato Kato, Yukari Iida, Yasunori Machida, Chieko Sugita and Mamoru Sugita

12:00-13:20 Lunch

13:20-14:40 Oral Session: Chairperson/Yoichi Sakata T27 Timing of DNA replication in of Physcomitrella patens Takashi Murata and Mitsuyasu Hasebe Analysing the plasmodesmal regulation at a single cell level in Physcomitrella T28 patens Munenori Kitagawa, Jun Matsuzaki, Yoshikatsu Sato, Tomomichi Fujita Can moss read nonsense: exploring gene regulation by nonsense-mediated decay T29 in Physcomitrella James Lloyd, Yasuko Kamisugi, Michael Deeks, Luis Arciga-Reyes, Andrew Cuming and Brendan Davies T30 Physcomitrella patens , a model plant for studying the molecular basis of site- Mamoru Sugita, Shotaro Ohtani, Mizuho Ichinose, Masato Uchida, and Chieko Sugita

14:40-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-16:50 Business meeting: Chairpersons/David Cove Physco genome workshop: Chairpersons/Stefan Rensing, Daniel Lang

18:30 Optional Dinner Poster

The evolution of the miR390-dependent ta-siRNA pathway and its function in moss P1 development Yevgeniy Plavskin, Marja Timmermans P2 and their precursors from the liverwort species Pellia endiviifolia sp B Halina Pietrykowska, Pawel Piszczalka, Sylwia Alaba, Wojciech Karlowski and Zofia Szweykowska-Kulinska Nascent peptide-mediated post-transcriptional regulation in the CGS gene of P3 Physcomitrella patens Toshihiro Tsutsumi, Daisuke Kawasaki, Hitoshi Onouchi, and Satoshi Naito Can moss read nonsense: exploring gene regulation by nonsense-mediated decay in P4 Physcomitrella James Lloyd, Yasuko Kamisugi, Michael Deeks, Luis Arciga-Reyes, Andrew Cuming and Brendan Davies Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Eurhynchium and Rhynchostegium based on morphological P5 and molecular data in East Asia Qian LIU, You-fang WANG, Qin ZUO, Dai-hua WANG Molecular analysis of ABI3-mediated regulation of ABA-responsive genes in Physcomitrella P6 patens Izumi Nakamura, Takahiro Kawato, Masashi Saruhashi, Eunha Im, Teruaki Taji, Yoichi Sakata P7 Effect of complete deletion of GroupA PP2C genes from Physcomitrella patens genome. Norihiro Suzuki, Kenji Komatsu, Yuri Nishikawa, Hitomi Otawa, Mao Nakatani, Mayuri Kuwamura Teruaki Taji, Yoichi Sakata Disruption of PpABI1A that encodes a group A protein phosphatase 2C affects global P8 expression patterns of ABA-regulated genes in Physcomitrella patens Kenji Komatsu, Motoaki Seki, Teruaki Taji, Yoichi Sakata The role of ABA1 homologous gene in the ABA biosynthesis process of Physcomitrella P9 patens . Naoki Watanabe, Norihiro Suzuki, Satomi Kamoto, Teruaki Taji, Takahisa Hayashi, Yoichi sakata Effect of abscisic acid on sugar accumulation and freezing tolerance in the liverwort P10 Marchantia polymorpha Khaleda Akter, Ken Tougane, Midori Kaneko and Daisuke Takezawa P11 Abscisic acid-responsive gene expression in liverwort Marchantia polymorpha Midori Kaneko, Kenji Komatsu, Akter Khaleda, Yoichi Sakata, Kimitsune Ishizaki, Katsuyuki T. Yamato, Takayuki Kohchi and Daisuke Takezawa Enhancement of drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing Physcomitrella P12 patens bryoporin gene Sujin Hyoung, Hye-Kyoung Kwon, Quoc Truong Hoang, Sung Hyun Cho, Jeong Sheop Shin P13 The Early Evolution of Mutualistic Plant-Fungus Interactions Sebastian Hanke, Christina Neu, Stefan A. Rensing Characterization of a plant disease resistance gene homolog (PpC24 ) of Physcomitrella P14 patens Yusuke Tanigaki, Mikko Lehtonen, Akiko Kosaka, Mattias Thelander, Mai Kitukawa, Motomu Akita, Jari P. T. Valkonen Circadian Response Regulators (CRRs) of Moss Physcomitrella patens : Evolution of Pseudo P15 Response Regulators (PRRs) in land plants. Santosh Satbhai, Takafumi Yamashino, Ryo Okada, Yuki Tezuka, Tomonori Ito, Takeshi Mizuno and Setsuyuki Aoki FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF PHOTOPROTECTIVE LHCSR PROTEIN IN VITRO P16 AND IN VIVO IN Physcomitrella patens Julien Girardon, Alessandro Alboresi, Matteo Ballottari, Giulia Bonente, Tomas Morosinotto and Roberto Bassi Two MurA genes for the peptidoglycan biosynthesis are related to division in the P17 moss Physcomitrella patens . Koji Tanidokoro, Shoko Homi, Katsuaki Takechi, Hiroshi Sato, Susumu Takio and Hiroyoshi Takano Three Dynamin-Related Protein (DRP)5B genes are redundant for plastid divisions in P. P18 patens Emi Sakaguchi, Katsuaki Takechi, Hiroshi Sato, Susumu Takio and Hiroyoshi Takano P19 Dynamics of partitioning upon cell division in the moss Physcomitrella patens Naoyuki Tajima, Takashi Moriyama, Kohsuke Sekine, Naoki Sato P20 Characterisation of the PEX11 peroxisome membrane genes, in Physcomitrella patens Yasuko Kamisugi, Shiro Mitsuya, Alison Baker and Andrew Cuming P21 Exploration of Physcomitrella patens peptides A.Yu. Skripnikov, N.A. Anikanov, S.V. Dolgov, R.H. Ziganshin, V.M. Govorun, V.T. Ivanov

P22 Morphological diversity and its taxonomic value of oil bodies in Asian liverworts Rui-Liang Zhu P23 The role of palmitoylation in tip growth of Physcomitrella patens Sana Ayachi, Egidio Stigliano, Guillaume Gouzerh, Didier G. Schaefer and Jean-Marc Neuhaus Overexpression of the Arabidopsis gene UPRIGHT ROSETTE reveals a homeostatic control P24 for indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) Yue Sun, Yang Yang, Zheng Yuan, Jutta Ludwig Müller, Chen Yu, Yanfei Xu, Xinghua Shao, Xiaofang Li, Eva L.Decker, Ralf Reski, Hai Huang P25 Cancelled

P26 Moss diageotropica mutants are auxin insensitive Meirav Lavy, Michael Prigge, Kristof Tigyi, and Mark Estelle Proteomic analysis of SRB1, an essential protein for reprogramming, in the moss P27 Physcomitrella Patens . Yukiko Kabeya, Kaori Miyawaki, Masayuki Fujiwara, Yoichiro Fukao, Tetsuya Kurata, and Mitsuyasu Hasebe Towards deciphering the epigenetic mechanism mediated by the Polycomb complex in P28 Phiscomitrella patens Idan Pereman, Assaf Mosquna, Aviva Katz, Nir Ohad Regulatory mechanisms of initiation of a -like stem cell in Physcomitrella patens P29 CURFY LEAF deletion mutants Yuji Hiwatashi, Mitsuyasu Hasebe