tV^ ;, j ' V ' r; .

X TtMWsBtMr Average Dally Ctrqtlatlon Par's mat ai C. a Waathar' POr the Meath at Daeasibar. IMM fUraiMlLX^ Mr

6,613 ^ aC.tha Aadll 4 ^ MiaifbiMier--^A City of ViBage Charm


.J- ;-.-'- ' XX ' Laying K e ^ d f Uncle Sam’s Newest Wai Plans to

4,000 Ships tp Air

^ Fleet®uying Year

Rear Admiral To *BQck Private’ Is Heir ’ To Part of Big Estate Reveals Num h^ \ Urges Repeal of Gausc Seize 40 Italian Fort Devens, Mass., Jan. 7.— let>ort Several Persons ted Despite Dfefrys (Siving Clergy Exemption Damaged by Previona ■Draftees here teamed to- K ill^, or Wounded in id . Botdenedu at that one of their “ buck prl- Bomb Attadu at Aban­ vatOv buddies Is heir to part of Midlands Town When BeptUe, Jan. T.— The Meeting of Rouse Na- a $ljip0,000 estate left by his Washington Council of Church­ doned Field; Armad Houses Demolished; es and Christian Education rec­ v^'Commi^ee Today. father\and that he la quite content Tp remain to khaki to ommended today repeal of tha Patrols Already Tafil- -- ' London Is Kept Under. - r f complete year of training. Selective Service claiwe ex­ ing Defenses of Next Washington, Jan. 7.——(IP) Nov. 18. LondoUi Jsn. 7.— (^P)— G er­ draft boards for aervloe ctessi- add about 4,000 airplanes to — An R JLF. communique s*- The elder Alford filed Nov. man rsiders we’re reported to fleatton, thuf giving Uiem no its fleet this year. The chief opportunity to accept military nouniced today that British 24. His will, recently probat­ have killed or wounded sever­ of Naval aviation, testifying ed. bequeathed his finure es­ service or refuse tt on grounds roops thrusting deep iaio al persons in S -Midlands town I of consetance rather than pro­ at the opening of an investi­ tate to hla widow, his and jibys had reached El Adem. todfiy in the heaviest of a- se­ fession status.” gation of the Nav 3f*8 ship­ hla daughter. \ the airport for Tobruk, fiad ries of daylight raids against building and aircraft pro­ A ;here captured 40 Italian B. 8. Missouri that induatrial area, London grams by the , House N aw Admiral aa rk Woodward. mb attacks. The _ Italiaas tu»n Into a two-ocean u a ^ . \ ^ ported jn the suburb, of a | \ reach this month was 334— tad abandoned the airpert. El town where several houses about double that of Decern- InHartford Bardia Loss; Adem is only l5 miles sooHi were demolished. This raid L cr of 'Tobruk. ' Jn reaponm to ■ questions by Sui^ey Shows was carried out as London Tobruk. TO mUes west ot eap- Chairman Vlnaon (D., Ga.|, Towers Greeks Report Ne was kept under alert for more B u ^ e t High Rail O a s li tured Bardia. la tea next majm said that white he was "o f course than three hours and the Italian stronghold to tea path e f not MUsfled” with the present out- tee British advance, and atmod Hoiis^ Short city’s anti-aircraft defenses put, he felt that everything poa- Seven Others Shaken Up ' 8 Fascists Determined to patrola were reported ahneagy. aible was being done to remedy the Gains in 2 Sect roared repeatedly at the at­ Fight W *r to Finish teMtog Its defenaes as Qeo. Sm altuatlop. As Freight Slams In­ tackers. P. WavsU sought «o Srhedotee Not Maintained Boom ■' Two exploolons were heard In W ith Allies ito De^ance keepyltoly’s Norte African AraiF Diacuaslng delivery achedules to Rear of Standing Assert Italian Hbld in London soon after the - alrens onJoM defenslva. . , Germans Den whicb he aaid had not. been main­ Combination T r/a i n« i aounded. In the late afternoon ma- Of Roosevelt Plan* , (Tha forces which readiaa W tained, Towers told the committee itions Are W orse in Tepeleni - Klisura Re­ ,chine-gun fire waa heard from a Adem presumably wow mschail-

that among the reasons were gion ' Is Weakening; plane over the capitaTa oiitaklrta. Rome, Jan. 7.—W)—^The Hallj Ixsd onito raportod to L o a t a to shortage of machine tools and tool­ Hartford.. Jan. 7. ~x — Four __^jie Parts of Country DubUn Bombs ^ tl-a lrc ra ft fire waa heard in be "now to contact wlte tea oal» government conceded tee makers and failure of some sub­ men were taken tp/loeal hospitals /ilian Anything Seen Foes’ Casualties'Heavy. ■ \ __ various London diatrteta and defenses Of Tobmk.” contractors to fulfill their obliga­ after a "double-header” frelgf aloM the Thanyta estuary. . Army’s capture of Bardia with « i t that tee coiatad roaid aU _ way acroaa Libya to TrlpoB to tions to prime contractors. olammed into the rear of ^a_s< ^ Since Last Conflict. From Reich rdoBen Nat Fluatored declaration today of Its ^term iiia- •Athens, Jan. 7.— (yp>—The ,Tbe admiral said that on Jan. 1, Lonfionera went about their bus- Uon, with Germany and Japah a* vuinarable to ooa attook* vatWHi the Na\y had 2,5*0 planes on hand tog combtoatlon train at the lEThlph Greeks *faported ijew gains quarters there eald Italy's rasto^ ineaa 'Mthout fluster deaplto the Its sUles. to fight the war to a fin­ and expected to add About 4,000 station of the New Haven RaUpiisd Planes , Might long almfi and the anti-aircraft Ing Libyan air bases were a toy. about 6 a. m. today. •/ a I!ome-IuHdtoV"t^i^ l?d i ^‘**”*‘ ish to virtual deftnance of Presl- forced constantly to shift wem* during the next 12 montha. About fire, usually persistent for the : dsnt Roossvelt’s plan for more 3M would have to be deducted, he None of the frur w s believed to Have Flown Over Neu­ 1 daytime. . wnrtU . . be seriously hurt. Offlee® of the I United StoUs aid to BrlUto. Tfbrak “ . oaid, to compensate for anticipated Even wnm the shrill whistles Although the fall of Bardia last losses due to craahes and other railroad to New Haven Said that tral Ireland Jan. 142; o f. London nobbles warned that TobrUlt itself was boiribefi agtiii to addition to these, s e i^ othera housing shortages In some parts of jT ^ ^ le n i-K lls u rA re ^ o n o f A - Sunday, with heavy loeaes, was causes. To Continue Probe. the ralden were overhead hurry­ not admitted offlciaUFuntU today. impaling the future schedule were shaken up. Only one of the the oouiltry worst than ing shoppers \ and buelneasmen S 11 was a passenger, the others be­ seeit Atace the test war. vancfi.tiw>rthea8t of Cnimara. iBditor Vlrglnlo Gayda auteorl- west, the communlqas saM. dellveriee of tha, lastJOUlB, ^ — —— - - — - merely lo^ed tm and kept going. totlvely'dedared Italy had “all tee ing 'YaUroAd wortto^ A national survey by------The. —Asix>- I J,— ^-jhes from th e fro n t Berlin, Jan. T—(S>)—Germany Taxis, buses anrf^cks kept mov- Boomba feU along Tobruk’s wa­ ^ mqntha. Towers said the Navy re­ At Hartford homtal were: John 'clated Presa today found authori­ men and means neeiMd to continue ceived an even 100 planes / teat said, threatens to. cut the dteclalmed today any respoodbll- tea war with undiminished energy ter fremt and on military Altkan, 61, 95 CaMtoI avenue, paji- ties In some cities which are keys *"^53te*n5doi» could be heard fly­ within the towm It raportod, "toll., October, 119 In November and 171 sanger; Fred C /Fnaw. 44,102 VAto Italian X^munlcations be­ Ity for bomba dropped near Dub- on all fronts. to December. \ to the. armament drive using ing'low but could RPt be seen be­ full daUils of tea damog*.' Btreet. Springfield, Maos., railway phraaea iQta these to describe hous­ tween Te^lM ii and Valona, Un the night of Jan. 2-8, but sAld cause of the clouds. "Howevsr glganUo the British not be observed.” One. The estimated monthly ^ v ^ e s mall dark. And Blllott Hoffmam It was poodblo that German empire’s resourcss appear on for this year follow: \ / , • ing conditions: the Greeks’ major objective A town in the Home counties— plane was shot down aad 42, rallwai^ mall clerk. A ll auf- •'A criate' by June.” planes mlghtAaye flown over neu- the area ardund Londtte—also was paper and tee promises which tea ’probably deatroyed,” It hmmm January S34; February 268: fei«d bacK tojurieo, according to in southwestern Albania. Unltsd Statss brings alongside “ Appalling shortage of houses." North of K t^ ra , they said, trql Ireland uG|re) the night of attacked. Bursts of machine-gun MlUtairy circles here sstfto^od March 299; April 884/ May 898; the hospltol. . ■ and anti-aircraft fire w ^ heard teeto,”' Gayda declared, “ tee Axto June 872; July 882; August 865; A t ^ Fnto6to’a hoopital. was "This iectlon la short 10,000 capture of a o;500-foot height Jan. 1-2, authorised aourcea said. r means are more Immediately and teat appitarimatoly 50,000 Hawm homea.” kve Greek foroefi command of a The German gdvUrnment prom- and bomlm exploded to the dls- trtwpa ware coocmtinted at T to I John f , Morrissey. 71. 349 Albany tande. , ., I more powerfully efficient." fCoatlaiied On Rags FMir) avaafie, plAlforro' man for the Rall- . "Need added bousing, sanitary I area to the raar of Italians „ad the Irish eh a r^ d’affsiTA to ‘•Vlctoiy must bslong to ths ibruk. which la about 70 miloa a..d s t^ t facillttea.” . Berlin tfiat It would continue qe- Gunfire end the sound of ptenes of Bardia and atratogicallF tot- • wayi^Cpreas Agency to Hartford, bolding out ATofind the torrii. could be heard ahorUy befortt the AxU.” bs asserted. Coast Ctttea W orst_____ The peak Is near aimther 4JI00- goUatlc^ oonociiitog tee ttghta portent hocauaa Its harbor to suffered a laceration of the alarm and It,waa believed one or Bxpeet Fateer Coeperatien of tea beat on tea Ubyan c o u ^ ., Coastal cities, espedsUy smalt foot height reported taken the and reported bombtoig, and would two German aircraft- were In view of a cabinet declaration day before to that aone, Where the offer regretlt and reporatldns for iTha approacbea to tee - ” ” itoBelm Mtaor Injortee and medlum-alaed towns, where low clouds to a hit aad run attae today of eoltdarlty wlte (formany were «Ud to be already barred^/, , The railroad offices Hated as hav­ ahip-bulldtog tor a two ocean Italians admittedly era putting up poealbte dAmage, U tovaatlgAttotia and Japan after , tee aetbaek to Flashes! strong realstanoa. • \ showed German fliers ware \ to ■alders In EAat Anglin tea British fleet , ’ (Lata BuUeltas at the (ff) WfN)/ ing minor Injuries requiring only Navy and an expanded merchant Other raiders also were report­ ,Norte Africa and President Rooee- I A British headmmrtenr fill I lin t alfi: marine dominate the • Industrial Maont Oswl^^ blame. relfs meseage to Coogreesr ob- Harold Sturtevant, Jute RlopeU, Of bomb fragments allcigedly ed to an east Anglian town and I munlque merely eeld of LilMma * OeOplold Factory Hit T scene, appeared to be the worst Grade claims Of the numb^ of [the rumble o f aeveiil high ex- expected further co-opera- Tbd Luaoiar, mail clerks; Cari ■ufferera. Communities near big abpwtl to be of German o r t i^ a between tee Axis powers, Berito, ilaa. 7—<*7 — Chriatlanabn, transfer mail clerk at men taken , mount a lo^ y, communique asld: (Ceattowed ea Fagn Army aad Nary training centers each day bring reports ot.a "Brltteh: Ue egitatloo te at work (Conttnoed On Page Etgkt) with tee Germans planning som# Gennaa ooureea that tha Hariford atoUon; W. J. Moran, ateo in many cases reported great nes^niovei p e r h ^ to southsasL SHcr- masaeagar for the Hallway topreaa h red or more. Yesterday, fob to have this aseertloo appear as a need for bomes. a government spokes^ 'ptenful German chaltengs to |re- tag ap p aff^ aad' the Agency tn-Haitford; R. T. Fitager- In the large manufacturing cen- . soufoes said more and aid, freight oonduator "deadhead- 222 arlaohefs. Including find.’ . . Bulgar Army of a cd teM factory AWtthwaat of were captured. With more Oknasa t f o ^ were moving Lowlon triMp a Gemma Maas at­ tog” ea the freight tihto, and F. J. V’Thla' has'a specially vtcloua ef- iMiist Reduce Iffach. baggage maater the com- (OaottiiMd Ob Fags Two) tha Gredu aoy. they If one remembers how the terough^uafiAry ai»d R u m ^ tached tt titoi aflermtoau ‘lim y aaM at However.Xraj^irto abroad of Got- Wnatton train. ^ . quantities o f war mate- b A ir Force Itw lf time and Faces Tui4»; \Sve Mtt were eoMM. A railway 'aystematicaUy violated fet^ Scrap Pric^l man troop\aaovameata into Italy, wtattoa aad tnu M la tha MMIaads An investigation was undertaken immadiately. McABWblle. the raU- lUes are a|so rign tanrltory as over MamtUte. otear than > ^ ta of tee German trace hoadmd tew i a tow aitttade, !3uldrep Quit to tfie Zurich, Basal, etc., caus­ Air Oorpa, a « ^ were fiaUy de- tt was stated, road decltoed to make any atote- 1 A lm o s t A U -o f mast on the probable pause of Oie from ing danfilge tbefe. . ” [Federal Control Threatp alsd. \ I mm— of pteaee ««ee kit at a the low •Of the aecond aight’A bembtog. Faactot o ou iM fienlad furtear Maased to Sonlh; N a ^ OaeBttt- w m A ,Italian It added,,“ ae to the case of t& ened Unless Action teat any m lU tm cooferanca be- ^Spltfiie' ■ Bagtam Cat Off Atheate.4u^cion Arises, that they UraM 1^ O aad Itoltoa Doubt' Tiurk Movm Tbp combination train, known os ted or $ ~ trytag to SgM off Osrama Vj__ Imul tMt in botii nsiiui , bombs dropped with Is Taken VolunUrily. fcommaads would\taka .place to I iratoh were about to at- Niusfbar/60. and made up od nine provocatory. intentlone after itonia to the next^ew dsya, al- cars, moot of them bagg)M>e, M o r e T h a n 2 5 0 / P a r a d e I man^ wounded had been le ft be- Sofia. Bulgaria, hemmed L----- ' hind Iq swift Fascist withdrawals. Churchill methods.” , Waahtogton. Jsn. T.—(g^ L a on l Mg German Army .aowea Utt *^****7'. • 0 and' ax^ e aa cars, pulled into the (Genttoned on n g b t) Out as . Elm jEUy Fire- An air bombardment of VMA (The German* have cooteruted Heiidereon, defanae comiqlsatoner Danube to Rumania aad repoitafi* War Move Orittcal atatton hare at 5:88 a, m. ’ rha an­ that tee liner Atbenla, sunk on asrigned to price roattera. said to­ gina was cut off so that two cars men -Fi[gfat ifor Hour. was reported____ by , .the Bcqral . Air ly-growing Turtoto ooaenpO ' Jaa. 1 (M ' ■eports Force. Its communique — tee night of Britain’s entry tote day that drasUo etepe looking to-j acrose her soutbere frontier, o o i^ ha removed, aad th f crew be­ tee mar Sept 1939. Arse sent down ward control of Irop and steel acrap | froas hwaghelr that T M ( SlamsseJ gan its loading and unloading. A British borabera. bucking rain gnd reported today to have masaed Al­ /toroes\haa crissad the Mehoag New Haven/Jan. 7.— n 11* 1 1 oventuaUty. TurkiihTurittab aouraen po; ^ [Merit System caused damagea unofficially eati A government spokeaman pic Unfavorable W eaker terday with scrap dealera from Italian Political Circles ,.rted that if tha Naxla ' a mated at over $18,000. cities scattered throughout the Turks sdneger. Frtvato advicea tured the beavUy-retoforeed Ital See Rtiosevcit Message ^ . ..^Utol. lads Chlaals In oontreat to the calm attitude. tea|^n. defense Uaes uaee eeas resisting stiffly Ham pers Fliers epuntry. toilgaria to To Face Test of the kindergarten and tower yielding, Berlin,' Jan- 7-:(4^T-Unfavor- A volunUry refi“ ®tlon of at least teat tee ladk ef tee lada- Mveral drilan per ton on future w in to Id «.lo*l«a Wur YCnOiaao Atiay, AWiX* a^vsfiHNaQeetimatad atSw grade pupUs. pealc-stricken par-1 xThe b , high comtnicoauaaad limited its able Weather hamper^ German sqta. who rushed to the aoene, kept Bales of Iron aiw steel scrap had J tyLffT?!’ [ In ^ etio n Proceedings (OaallaQa4 Foe* Tw al been ufgSd on the Mustty by tlw ByTi..A^tW Pr». I p— polioa offleials aqxious as they at­ (Oaattaaad oa Paga Two) 'm prlee stabOtoatton division of the tea frontier to * sar. auppartod hr 159 aireraft. | Started by Assistant tempted to dash Into the burning Preeident Rooaevelff wetoSL I eventuality and predietad. I Started by Assistant National Defense Commiseion, the to Congreai waa deicribed by Ital­ three-story brick classroom struc­ eommlseioner said. I they, would retoaU- to Spain Goto Neate Personnel Director* ture. ' W in 'ta in Drastte Stops ian poUUcal clrclea today aa "a iTliraclaa forts, on tto -r—----- MadrM. Jsa..' Faithfully foHowto g the order* “ Unlcse voluntary actioo is suc- fiaclared will to an Ideological war I Bulgan waited and hoped teJR- of their instructors, tte hoys and to tto flrid of toternal petttlcs ato eountry would not ba mads a Hartford. Jan- 7— m —T fa Express Highway System x a * ^ . dcafttc stoM looWng to­ Argnttna h to arrtva In giila Toarehiid into two otlwr nsAr- wards control will bs rscolnmend- a patent' reticence of tto aiqie m UefleU, umvfiu, butMfiv fonm o f them css»^ atote’a maclt Apatam wUl undergo t£e flcht for maintenoBoe of «*what wa —hope dMtottf---- _ Spain/ H wna wnrnan vonoar, wim a major Judicial taM before Jud^ by hutldtaga . of tea Hamilton ” Henderson addsd. 7 jam tons of tea gralna betag nn- straat acboM. Later, after .teair Seen Valuable to America .jm stotomsnt said that nprs- cratie and selfish ImperlaUaito’* count" , ■m eat A. IngUa to Snparior court The Fascist governmedt its e lf. te One en Nail Mas*.. J| tonSad In'tiw test law day*. (Tha bar', thaiaday, at 2 p. m., as the ew hiitg had been saved, tee chil­ asnUtlvea of ths trade had agreed Wheat sbortaga In Spnln barnma rasolt of toJImcUon procoetf’---- dren were sent bonM. with governmaht authorities at Bke teat o f its German partner, Hie odds to Sofia etm were Ts Make lanstlgstisa Detroit. Jan- T-HJfl-rChartesfiNew Jen^ refrained froip comment do Mr. „ »bdut four to one teat tee as aonta teat a ttrlngant broad [startsd today by I.auranoa yesterday’s c«n(f ftooe teat eurrwt an J in y anamnseJ In Smith of North Canaan, provl Once tea btase bod bean brought M. Nohte. Peaaeylvaiaa TOTipOa prorainents______^ bifidtog do scrap were several dol- Rooda^lt’s persooaUst-peeeeotto would move in—perhapa 39 aoststant atato peraormai rdar control. Acting Fire Mar-1 Cemmlralon engbmaf.Joid T b a ^ Ha told ___ per ton higher than neeeseaiy reoommandatlooa for all-out aid to ^ tew days, *^erhapa not *2Su,^ the^ conv^tion hare, teal c m ’ ww? _ia l Kucana MuUtoan aaifi halciety o f Autamottva ■ngliiasra to- to bring out tee teonaga required jsmbattlad...... democracies ...... ■------agataat tee dtreotar. oonotructicn of axpraaa htobwaya Tha Bulgarian high oossMSto Si Through Attomeya William H. would XBaka an limnadlate to vea tl-]^ y that linmedlata ccM ttu c tt^ will ertota new problems -for the I to support present capacity opera­ uttctators. Btodfutt and William Jd. Harney, n tic o . • AT«tefo. of expr isa highways automobile deaignen aiM n ^ u - tions «P lh e steel industry. Atmoapberie oondltlona tater- flgurativriy shrugged Ua Mr. tenith aaaka to restrain Par- l^ m e n were succasaful factaremraewrer*. Theyn w y will w „. have to« buildvm. . - . The toUmate ferad wlte radio reception to Bef- dare, grtottag fo a ^ to 1 koeptof tee flamef canfinad to tea w >t -aC-tee natten a todn a ^ . ^ Un ato a Nasi Foreign Office Horn and man of Its Army SMl jaenaal Otiactor WlUinm M. Doo- per cent of tto ^ c le s . he said, thatrrtll op*r-1priee^«Kt^ IvttltelB iM and top ttitaintotoS Oommlt. uppiv girorfioor. , oMd---- * as •• an aiadlterium. I par coot p$ ttp valuation ato aafely and ecooomlcaily at l-seo eajd. was to bring w sppbpa— o fold for that rauto no Oraak Orthodox Cbrietmaa. bnt tea tena e f water paarad tato I end 40 pm* cent of its Mthoitosd reaction waa obtoto- Although Bulgaria'u •••►• I tea from proreadlng with new Is entiimy feasible and higher cruising speeds; [to a level n«A to ejreed 420 per 'amtonttona for the platoUffs $4,- tee otructur* caused rmttoderahia 1 ” r?ralwlte ^eeeter” Systtona TtoB tor Number 1 heavy ineRing ahte feeday. Afi dn previous oceo- Btrcngte has been ertimai He cited n proposM ---- about 500.000 men. oifiy^^ 800 post damage to tee tower stories. Walter A * Jones, chairman of the aipna. tt was underetoto Adolf Hit­ torhata A t s Olanee Mr. Smith was ofM-of four grad­ atudento attending daaoea to ! forenoon ^ t w lte tto d m W ^ ----- ler wanted to study tee preeident’e 100.000 are under arma. A1 Turnpike Omnmtoehxi. for a high­ ttoes are alpng tee terek Now Tark. dan. 7, (F) "■ ed above W to racent wrltton tha nearby buildings w m aUe to way oflaring "de hixa transpoito* ^ Keen Interest Shown -words before giving a tfo-eff ef hla teats. The committee refospd to owiUiHie their school Aag witfioift -rfapttag fuel systems -> e l- 1 v r press on what fo sny. Y u g o s la v ------tton for all rlssma of traffic from are aooas tto_Daouto fiTMtt go abMd with the oral axamtoa- tntornmUmi other te*n tea onett*- the mduatrial mlfidto wagt to tea U teids ^ fVgbtfkgbt andato tto value M < In Price Proposal Tto Italian peUtkal naetion. as i r | . T . « T . tiOne op tlw fiounfi thgt thMa maot atteiidint ttoew n Sra 90 ocean porta of the AUohtiq. aon- rei" endnielt to tmprovtofi tto New Xofk. Jen. 7.—


lA.Nri.KsiT;:: V: 1.1 k m a m " :; r t :::. c o m m , n ;i"^ »A V, JAl'ft ARY 7.1941 L'lS'l- Inaugural Evening Crown Large. Increase ForeseeU^ ' .Q • Strik elsSe t t ; s s x r* ” '"’ •' '"'1 A n ti-T an k C o. ^ M e n H u r t Fo rt Benning^ Imla^t Qass Surviey Show s Pitteburgh—HoOeingHoiisUng admlnla-adminis­ __ _ . ; In Barga ining Agreetnei trator aeports ‘•very ■ deflnlte"i Fo r Thursd ay homo shortage here and nearby, T o H o ld D rill In H artfo rd Show n in'M ap 5! Into: H ouses Short Says it may become as acute as s t e i m Wsshingtofi, Jam 7—OP)—Unionttion, many corppratfom in 19i 7, when individual bedrooms Of Our Were listed tpr workers. About , H a il C rasli Sketch R^^eived ’Here Airoraft, WoAeirs at I pfficlala and labor relationa ex- posted the terms ofjin oru ' o r S e le c tive S e rv ic e i t e B o o m $33,000,000 housing projects un­ Soldiers Also to Have Fairchild Plant Vote to 1 perta foresaw today a marked to- ment oa factory ' Second der way 01* ffitlshad recently Is \Shpw8 ^tTipre . Co. K Varioiis Ylews Given SolicUor for Miuion^ I crease In collectlve bergatotog David J. Sapoas, fonnar / ' Fingerpnnts Taken at fynas Page One) legreemehts because of the Su- sOdoomlst o f the Labor i>«U th« dwteton. AfU r Ui4 r t f ^ Tem ple; (OoBtimied STona Page One) this vicinity. . , Lay Down Tools. Rock Island, 111.—Hero and at iFin Be Stationed. AiM m tM J^ts in Out* ^Given $ 1 7 9 ; Lo$et it 1 preme court decision .upholding the who made an asteastra Xheney Appoint-Vg^j h»» nouaia o* w» -TTie Araoi^K Tonlght. . 'Wait la scheduled the\ part written eoatraeta Named* tere the situation waa leaa uniform, Motliie,' HI., Slid DaVanport, la., 27-roinu1 Labor Board’s authority to reqiUre ^ for DIrtrirt 1A|S."^S,S£K ^'V:? nearby, Rock Island. Arsenal boom Hartf; ,^ e train originates ■ ■ ^ By bnnny Shea , lying D is^W of Town Farmlngdale, N. Y,, Jan, written contracts between emplcnr* coUecUvs bargalntoff.' fOn though fuch defenae locaHUea aa catuing continuing houathg short­ Members of ^ e Antl-Tq^ Oom N< and ends its . run (nevcland, Jan. 7.— —. -A strike of workers eng* "trOtneadoga increaae” la the John Mather chapter, Order of Pltteburgh, Bridgeport, ' Oonn., A map arrived here mcently -Costa Ar^Discussed. ers and employes. age. Mora than $4,000,000 la being psny. wiQ hold their first dfUKssa- Springfield. There- was a lone dime in aircraft .production at the Both CIO President PhlUp Mur­ gotiatioB of written employsr W l't Dallolay confanrad the aaeood de­ Philadelphia, the Hampton F^wla f«nt to relieve it. slOn o f the hew yisar this etenlng. from First LteuL Wqlter Cowles, toe ’Tambourine with which ploye agreeipeata to-tbs next : fTOUp «UM« th«4* area of Virginia, and San Pran- TM freight daalgnateid as Etogtoeertog Division of ray and AFL President /WUUam gree on a claM of eandidataa laat Ibdtaiaapolla—’Thla city, dasplU AU men are urged to attend, as id ^ S 3. runs from t^a Cedar HIU now In Port Bamiing, Ooorgla. The • •^The Placing of atr(fri lights to Thomas Howells soUcittd for' Green applauded the dedirion. or iix iDootbfl. % 5 or C U * 3 ,a»v* no rt*1it at ctaco aU Indicated sttuatlona rang­ clilld Engine and Supreme eourt actlca aaa»:| 8«J«ctiv* p*«l t« a clMrtflMUim. night at the Maaonio Tampla. largest amployiqant on record, flBgerprthU will bs taksn nt this y a ^ In New^Havaa to Springfield. sketch Is a.genei«l la j^ of Camp | various locatiooa abbut) towia a gospel .mtorion at a bus Murray ckUed It ^'^‘rebuke’* to 8M«cuv« I ^ Aatttumm ing horn "bad” to "aoute.’' tima. This teak in bring undsrtek- yesterday in Its deeialae oa a M- :K'after an oral under- DOard overstepped its authority la . - • * ist.TfcDts tnsy ffo to dtlior o* tnc#6 Hamilton, Charlaa HoUla^r, Jr.. p o i ^ »*■ hava to apbroxlraata laiva It la also itresaed tbait mamt and J. Oarrity of New Haysn the wood O. Bowera, reporting on some more and^aslud Patrol- stsn^g or/terms has been reach- lA Which tncludah Man- In making Royca Holllater, Joe Newbury, thoughylnma loeaUtlaa Indloar amounts to halp towns\naar da- observe the tlma for the 0nU, center. Bordering the lake are the Bellamy Porter: I’l l it down tour toola at 7:45 m. ordering the firm to embody to a second. Conductor Daniels kras In lighting conditions to the Board man '‘ y ■ l i MfoUowil: /T ttair appaaU; Thty wUl auppiy William Weber. .Harold Joyce, prograte o f tha praannt prop ^ fansa projaeta which d m houa- which la sat for 7:80 o’clock parade grounds with'a road riH)- real?” * \ T h u ip^ r ahouid negotiations fall written agree ment any oadw^ llbn,/hiran whan eomplatad. would charge. V r ning on each ride of the training of Selectmen, asserted laat nlgbt toe aircraft company and Bee WIdeepreed Effect reached wlto its fm- a^Hsee W. Brown, i Sunny aecasaary advtca and carry th# ap- Thomaa P. Pargueon, G. Everett iBg. sanitary and atreete \faolli- BttarvliBwa srill ba axts^ sd at At 5:48 today, for some unknO^ Porter found the sudden Faiaco _ . y,, dUtrict appa^ Hill and Edward McCann. etlU iMva UM taw homaa ‘ area. Those roads are now khown \ Maintaining tost It to extremely ____ 661, Aviation D t ^ o ii of the Among CIO leader# particularly, ployea. ' ..... ' ' . ■ n a il .Woat Hartford: Usa. An axampla Is CharlaStown, thlk tlma by tha comjpanyyofficers rssson. It rounded ths bead Just be­ philanthropist seated In the the court’s action was commended at no coat to tha raglatrant. Naw ofticara appointed for the ng tids of el workers. Ind., site of a amokaleas powdar to any yotmg mam dcslrm to Join aa Roads A and B. Following the uneconomic for toa to'wn to fur­ station with hla ahoea off gaily United Automobile Workers (CIO) Net- Beqnlred la Act rent of the present term are aa plant under construction, whSra low Union station and came axw* inside of ttie horseshoe around you> The company emptbyes 240 men. aa hs'vlng a widespread effect 00 The Wagner act itself does aat Thun far thara hava no ap- / But unUl thsae /Isrge-acn ls this company’s forces. / ^ denly upon Number 80, standing nish street lights, .coating to some wiggling Ms toes and aski ' JImln Btreat_Hart- paala rtiade from tha decialona of followa: Standard Bearer, Sher­ homes are raatbr, some of them atlon haa risen from 900 to the Post hospital, a lar as much as $25 each per him where be got the m^nby On Hecia o$ Navy Cootisct . employer-employe relations. specifleaUy require a m lOm Pay cheeks for ths Jisst quarter at tbs platform. _ building with an elBctent Those In CIO who went through M d HoarcU Chaney, of thU tha local board. wood Haugh; Junior Steward, many months from now, thara are since Oct 1. ' have not aa yet arnted, but are when adjacent property tax- and how come. . The threatened strike was auto-' agreement as part of’ths oottfcthre ^ Ttmn’a Naat Quotn Robert WtUiama; SanUnal, auu-las localities whara tha defenaa affort Atexpndria. La.—Rants havs F ie lf IM Spaed Unkimwn physicians to insure the hea not large. Bowers said that "I got it at a bank—'Tve the bitter strike against "UtUe bargaining process, and aooM aoi-. expected to wlthliy^a abort time. the soldiers. In back of the J orlxad on toe heels of toe sigidng Steel” In 1937 where one of >the ‘‘ •^IttglitTa Appaal - Manchaatar'a nhxt quoU of Campbell; Almoner, Robert Ham- la dafinltely being Retarded by in- skyrocketed at thla town, near AmvaJ of ths chawp will ba pub- How fast the freight was going ny outlying districta the tax WXlked my laat nilie,” came ployera raised a questkxi a* Uton; Pracaptora. i, Charlaa Hoi- tat U a large clearing of a $1,478,000-Navy contract by chief labor demands was a signed lU who dlaagrea with drattaaa will laava hara nant T^ea- sulftclent eheltaf. \ Camp Beauregard and other lliihed Im m ediate upon thrir re­ could not ba determinad. Railroad Income Is more than expended In toe sTAwere, toe Fairchild firm for expansion of to whether the board could, dtoact. dav morning at alght o.clodk. Hater, Jr.: 3, Royca Holllater; 8, tratolng centers. Lack 1,000 tha training grounds whieb bordsra Porter le o n ^ he had Just agreement, estimated that the written contract aa part of oa ■1 at tha local S^ecUva CnaaliataetoiT 89ai ceipt by the firajr aargeant. man kald It miut ^ v a been slack­ tha National Guard Parade ^wchooltog, school bus transporta- plant faculties. I hoard with ragard to thalr Thay will repoi>rt — at ^ tha InductKm Joe Newbury; 4. William Weber; Migratory and tralter camps, homes. . ening dpeed becauisa thara was to tlpn, garbage collection and other arrived on a/baa from ’Troy, ■’chances are pretty good now” of order. ' - - 8, Harold Joyce: 6. Thomaa P, Par- Bridgeport, - Conn.‘—City esti­ Grounds. Bordering State High­ The union has been negotiating getting the independent steel mak­ The court called the wrlttaa I have tha right to ap- canter, tha Hartford Y.M.CA. at and daily commutation from long ba a stop In tha Hartford freight way No. 48 la the National Guard seirvlces before street lights are N. Y., aii^ook him to police with the company since Sept. nine o’clock next Tuaaday »o™ - giiaon; f, C. Everett HIU. dlatancea by automoMleX are un­ mated t j gain 35,000 In population yards. ' considered. Admitting that the headquarters for more rational ers into a written CIO contract. agreement toe “final step la the ing. Tboae arho hava baan notlflad It waa announced that the In­ In 1941, against normal growth of Cennans D eny la v a g e and Storage Area and the aiMklng a blanket 5-cent-an-hour They also predicted that many bargaining proceas.” satisfactory atop-gapa In some lo- But there waa no opportunity to large water tanks to supply the tax income of the town should expUm^ons—scooping up the to report at tha looal office for In­ itiatory dagraio will b# conferred 300. Soclaltat Mayor Jasper klc- $17^n route. pay increase, elevation of the atart e.nployer# who have been bolding The employer who refussa to on February 8. A rehearaal for caltUea . /. halt tha momentum of tha big troops In the artgs. v afford eqdal opportunities to ail Ing wage from- 50 to 55 cents an duction naat Tuaaday are aa fol- Tha Eaderal government 1^ Levy told Fcdetel ’'government train. in the prime service# such as edu- lowells moved on sadly,,the back from entering signed con­ honor with his signature tbs oral kma: ♦jii* degree will be bald In the Ma- needs at: least-500 to 600 new ^lin Bo m b s 48rd DIvlBioil; lonesome dime still piimlpg hour, raising of thla to 65 cents af tracts with labor unions, would do agreement he haa made wtto a aonlc Tempi# at liSO.p.m, Sunday, homes for 88,537 famiUaa under It rammed the empty ‘’dead­ In the southern-most part, of the cation, health and transporUtion ter 90 days arid complete mlaaai- Order No. way in 39 atates at pfesant, and dwellings and saja he dares not head” coach at the.end of Number Bowers believes that in many^ his tambourine. - / o7 rose so readily now that the highest labor organtsatioo, the court artd, V-y«*-^ohn Auatln McKenna, January la. put figure any higher for fear camp te apart for the fleation of all plant employe. Mrs. Fraitolln D. Roosevelt Is flUed In New Yo'rk cltyNter her inaupiral ‘'venl^ with court had settled the question of ’’discredits toe organlxatlea, ia>- Tha DeMolay basketball team President Roosevelt yesterday ap­ F r o m R e i c h 60, heaving It up on the frame­ 43rd Diyteion. of New England. It cases in the outskirts street Uw The union, which recently coH' The First Lady will wear the Roosevelt diamond neckincc, a family heirloom proved 8.446 additional family Mom wilt die out work of the lead freight engine and are not actually a necMplv white satin columns of satin fall from whether the Labor Board had peira the bargaining proceaa aad ^**14—Edward OUaa Uyiich. will go to Bristol tonight to play Columbus, O.—With residential ta interesting to note that there la ducted a strike at The VuKee Air the gown. The gown falls in front Vlth a classic Cowl dra^N^d power to'order an agreement. tends to frustrate the aim of tbs the baaketball quintet of the De- unite. Of the latter, however, building rivalling 1938-29, no im­ shoving Number 60 some 310 feet an area lii^ e aouthem corner of Walkers are few in such he craft plant to Downey, Calif., has the shoulders down the back to the heels, and thero form the SWEmia Anthony Squatrlto, about half are In our ouUytiw (Contlnnad Prom Baga Ona) said, and many car drivM* prefer I C aucuses W iH Merely Posted Tenna statute to secure indtistrtal peaea Uolay chapter in that city. mediate housing shortage indi­ north, according to Police Oapt. this area. ^It la rectangular In announced Its determination to through coUect^ve bargaintog.7 IS—Roy Albert Olaon. poaseeaiona and bases. A t least John F. Uadigan. to . drive at nlgW wltin^ over­ While the question was in Utlga- 6S—Charlaa Jamaa Morriaon. Following laat algbt'a meeting cated.' and British fliers^ last night, in shape and la knom as Section B-5. organise the entire aircraft-indus­ a aoclal hour with refreabmente 46,000 more units ate Presence e i the '‘deadhqad” at This area Is reseryM for the 169th head illumination.'*'. 6t —Elnar Oadrga Solomonaon. tha U. S. Housing Au formed sources said, today. cited ths method of uiatallation of D iscuss Plan s try, and ia reported to have ite TO—Loula Patay PontlealU. waa anjoyad. the end o f the comMinatton train Infantry regiment Connecticut. greatest strength in this area in taller at 12 The extent of the pi They asserted individual Oer The i:-:Uoh la divided, into three lights ta surromidlng towns whero nor Martin^ who long haa been tar Tl—WUUam Kranklln Chamban...... mainplanes bombed various apota probably prevented ’ more aerloua the Ranger plant, which makes air­ Reservations Now Ready T b 1 ^ terested In the youth’s welfare, Cidnapera Given dlcated, however, by the ‘Greeks Advance Injuries. The men who #ere hurt parts for the three battriiqna, and lights are plaeed on every third . , . • TO—Prancis Harhart L«wta. in the VlrglnU ehlp-^Udlng ill England during thSv day and or fourth pqtotastead of generally M etubers tof L egislature cooled A m y and Navy .training i flF O lC “ Th»y "ey there U nothing wrong SO—Prank Chprlaa Xabeirt Jr. merely were btisy In the baggage inall and each one of these is separated Into plane engines. A aasa^a^i^i^ phyalcally or menUUy.” Merit System alone. It le eetlmated, there le night, but the 01 companies. K Company ’ on every second pole as here. For Roosevelt Inaugural Prison Sentences Baeauaa ona or more o f tha man lack of some 10,000 homes; the In Two Sec; were harraasment raids, express cars up ahead. ~ IpiM Other Views. To Attend Rival Party Niccolla cxpre:.aed ^titude for nainad above may hot be Inducted (The ' British rsported thsre Although the wreck was not py toe second section of the tolrd T o Fat cleared away and tha track opened with Bowers, believe that Gtitherings Today. ArrangeirtetltS vA>mplel* fe«t,* then observed: I FoUowing around in tha fer The *7.00 seats are covered and Moacoa-, Jim. fr o m armed forcaa. 0 »a following named for defense workers and their on Britain. Tha R. A. FT, they arid, until 8:10, there was vlrtoally no of a horaeahoe, thrsa Infantry _ite should be placed, not with W a r A ffects Washington, Jan. 7—Many of! c ' "You must remember that Pve man may ha required aa raplaoe- made restricted attacks on Judta XngUa thla morning oh- Private construction In many The apokesipan said Improving Infantry troops. This forma the almost every section o f. town plana at caucuses preceding the They, may do so by addressing the tSS—Walter Uannlnt ParfU. down 'Seven barrage balloona in ~ Housing and Hospitality (Jommlt- away from the White House but NIccolU, who became a klllei' at "A t Medical Lake,’’ ^ h* said, ’1 gan$rt*rs,” declared the wumaa;. I darad tha prlnclpala into court, areas hsa been turning out dwell­ weather permitted a step-up In Bulgar Army aeml-clrcle .ending on the other Tt lights are wastefully opening tomorrow of the 1941 Gen­ Marked Increase Noted the patode will pass In front of proeecutor, P. Falvtahevtoaga. ■ 1S4—Holdaworth Harrlaon Sharp Thuraday, to show eauaa why they which were bobbing Just above a Bide of the lake with a large clew placed, are generally p«»rly lo­ tee. Parlor# F and G, Willard Ho­ 12, gained hla freedom today, learned to drive a cat. I sure am 14X—Bmait;Pradarick Kluman, ings side by elds with Federal the fighting, an^declared Greek layer of clouds. eral Assembly. thero.^^. - ' equipped with a high school diplo­ a ’nut’ about automobUea now.” She did nrt ask the death p a a ^ . ■hould not be raatratnad frony;>ro- projects, but ths president has forces drove ahead yesterday in ink with roads leading from the ca te and relocated for Leaders, who liwe expressed a l In Casffs o f C erebro tel, Washington, : D. C. ’This • I. Th< . These accounts were confirmed committee has to ite card indexes, Take Two Hoars Ho Pass. ma earned during hla nine years ty, pointing out that tt waa flw . ng with I Xslgnated H dlatricU In which he two sectors. \ by today’s high commai\d com­ Face# Turks camp to the state highway. the iake of efficiency. In such hope that organlzftion might be It ia estimated that the preal- behind prison walls, and determin­ youths’ first offense and tttat thiqr cited bealdea Mr. Donningnil are has decided that private building In the coastal sectoiy along the Other Units / a acbeW of relocation, the p r» ■ p ^ y to coepedite inauguration of Spinal Fever. accommodations for thousands of BrAdley Calls iMIaa Henrietta 8. Pitch, chtsf chief eX' munique, wlilch said other targets Also bordering the Iwe In a visitors. More than twenty of dential Inaugural parade to Waah- ed to vindicate a governor’a con­ Boy in Holdup only robbed I friend’s bouse was Inadequate to the need. road from Chlmara t o th^ port of ent mSmr of lights Democratic Oov.-Blelt Robert A. « ig _ w___ IQ amtner In the personnelPersonnel u ei^Depart- - in south and central England (Ooatlnoed from Page One) third circle are reserwoona Wt a Washington’s first-class hotels ingtoii January 20, wlU take two fidence ill him. an unsuccessful attempt to kMaaF*'; ^>re are a few highlights of Valona, the Greeks were\sald to were subjected to low-level bomb­ spread out\ farther, or brighter Hurley, were expected to confer on lin d en . Jan. 7—(J*)—Sir Wil­ hours to pass a given point. It Niccolla, lid 21 a frail and stu- hU cMld. H l e e t m c J a n . l o ment and two of three membera medical regiment, ^ mm. Meld lighte might placed in the, re­ have accommodations for visitors To Aid Mother theV o'« iban three score clUes have beaten back veteran Itellan ing and machine-gunning attacka. told the Assembly last night that this point preceding the caucus son Jameson, chief medical offi­ will bje essentially a military pa­ dioua appearing youth, w m grant- The loader, named Orhaloff, anMIvT \ ® of tha examining committee, and towns covered by the survey: blackshirt unite and captureda73 Artillery imlta, TlFmm. A r t e r y maining flxtto*A without an in­ at this tlpe. But bear in mind State’s Attomay Hu Hugh ■ M.■■ Alcorn ■■ Several nounded BrtUah bomb- the Tturkirii foreign policy eras hndan Engineer^regiment Thee# sesslona. cer of the Health Ministry, dis­ that room reservations may be rade. ' The theme will bo Na­ eu an executive parole yester^y sentenced to ten years ta prtNB San ^anclsco—State Division inen. era were drclared d a m sM In an creased coat. . Democrats, dominant in the Sen­ tional 1 Defense. The only civil­ by Gov.' Clarence D. Martin after and C. L. Campbell of Albany, N. aimed to secure "a^ty of the artillery unlte/Torm another cir­ , Snggeat a^Sorvey closed today that Britain was ex­ made by addressing the Housing New ' ITork, Jan. T—(A)—Slx- and othsia to 1^ and thiea yearn Hartford, Jan. T.--UP)—Chair­ Yn of the New York State Per­ of Immlgtetlon and Housing aaj« Northeast of the coastal batUO attack on an airport knd ’’several n ation,. ...ih comnlete reliance ate, 'were scheduled to meet at 8 ian mkrehera Will be groups from arrangements had been completed man J. Kenneth Bradley has Is­ there Is a >ush of "IndustrlM ml- sone, the Greeks claimed Occupa­ 'V.’ell-almed hits” were reported on cle around^roe lake wlUi a third From the oplnlons\expreseM it periencing a marked wartime In­ and Hospitality Ctommlttee, Par­ for him to start work today as teen-yeaf^d Joseph Bellavia. ar­ sonnel Department upon our Alliea.” ) / large papam ground in the center f m., while' Republicans', c o n ^ l- crease ' in cerebro-spinal fever lors F and G. WUlard Hotel, the*C, C. e.. Works Projects. Ad- rested after attempting to hold up Favese Longer Servlee sued a call for a meeting of the The third committee member. grants” to trailer camps, making tion of several small mountain vil­ a^ chemical factory, a ball-baar- facing toe blue waters of Klngs- hlng.toe Hou^ act their ministeation and th.e National apprentice In a machine shop. Republican State Chntral Commit­ conditions aa tb, aanltatlon. crowd­ lages and capture of an "important inp plant and rail facilities. RoSaia 8e<^Only Hope effort to have an entire survey (meningitis).. Washington, D. C. Nine year# ago Herbert, an Ul- a Brooklyn grocery wlto a toy R. C. Nyman, pei^mnel offliier at /e elevation of water sur- meeting for 8 p. m. He said that cases reported to . May Reeen'* Seata. Youth Administration.' ’They will pistol yesterday, said he did it to 'Ankara, Turkey,' Jan. 7— tee In this city Jan: 18 to diaeuaa ing,- etc., almoaV as bad aa th^ mountain position" In KUsura' Authoritetivf' aourcea in Sofia the street lighting system nmde, Senator Albert L. Coles of be selected from \ National De­ dreas^ emaciated lad. The AnatoUa Agency reported Yale Unlverelty, resigned irecent- hava said tcft weaks Bulgaria’s toe lake la 177. and on the recommendationa tiiCT him increased from 1,500 in 1939 The ;parade on Peimaylvanla father had been tent to an Idtop get money ao hla mother wouldn’t organtsaUon of the 1941 aeaaton h and today Mr. Nyman express- previous "agrlcultiMl migrants section. la Oeneral Bridgeport, Democratic Senate to about 12,500 In 1940. The 1038 moat fense 1 Building Projects here in have to go to a charity hospital day Turkish AseemMy approval ef o f tba Oeneral Aaaembly and al- Thousands ara flocking Into Axii^ P fficials only hops o^kaaptng tha (3ermana filed lights may be much chang^ avenue yrtll be one of the asylum for the insane, fatally shot a measuie prolonging ^ /o ^ y e T ’' ad crltlclaih of the examining pro- on ths Runiimiaa rim of the Dam. Taking the camp as a whole, toe Bowers proteated leader, said h e. had Joined ■with figxire waa 1,268. colorful and Interesting ceremon- Washington. elfoly Sheriff John .Wormell. at when She bore her seventh cMld Uad matters cedura. ^ shacks and hovate•ndsOver<^d- horaeahoe formation la very in- Senator Joseph B, Downes of Nor­ Jameson added that, although In llnauguration Day, January, late this month. the military service of The nottce. laeued yeal Italiant Capture ' uba la t ^ t Soviet Ruaaia inigat efelnst toe practice of placing a iea in Washington on January 30. Asotin. Wash. Wormell had wr- flM ”It might prove more benefi­ InR Rpirtin^nt wid hotik fRcUltl#*. ^e^nain Silent teieitlng with tha lake as tha cro- wich, Democratic nominee for Sen­ ”We are still very much afraid of It is announced that plans have 20, |ln WasMngton, President •*It Was for my mom,” hp.wept. called up. Recruits . 21 years ■aid the meeting would tekp A private contractor laxbullding oppose A German move ncnpaBuI- ■treet Ught on a highway «nd tow Roosevelt will leave the. White prised the boy aa he waa burglar- and ovar are included. cial If experts were em ploy by ^Important Poiition* g ^ a toward the Greek frontier or ter and toe circular roads adding ate president pro tempore, to ask­ cerebro-spinal fever, our. great been completed for' twenty-five ixlng an Asotin atore. ^ 1 wanted her to have the beet.” “ mattara pertalmng to the organ!' [tM Pertonnel Department to pre­ 1,000 homes for M^re IslsnXNavy to tha beauty of the scenery. / dimming It with a shade so that It ing Rep. Hugh M. Alcorn, Jr., of dread of it haa gone” because the HouaO in time to arrive at the xaUon Of the l» 4 l Oeneral Assam- Rome. Jan. 7,-HA*)—^Renewed air (Oontlnned freki Page One) the Dkrdanellea. 'wUl not shine into an adjoining thoueand seots for the convene He aald later he had meant only pare all merit ayetem examlna- Ysrd. . activity along the Albanian front Buildings board toe roads aa they Suffield. and Rep. William L. Had­ mortaUty rate had fallen to lence of those who wish tO watch Capitol for the Inauguration cere­ to scare the sheriff. Governor bly. tha raport on proposed legltla- tloha ahb If the volunteer examin­ Phliadelphls-^Presldent of City gome Bmkan observers said they wind their way about the lake. residential property. Where auto monies at noon. Aa .soon aa the and the capture of en ‘’ Important took hope from tlm unexplained den of West Haven, prominently fraction of what It once was.” the par^e. It'U furtoer srtd Martin, in reporting the parole, Uen based on the 1940 party plat- ing commlttei# w ere. reaponalble Houstfig Authority ssys ’’appalli Roma accused Mr. Itoosevelt of The center line of toe camp runs difficulty occurs, he thinks, toe mentioned aa House RepubUcan Pneamoaia Cases Inotease ceremonies and the inaugural ad­ ■•poslUon” from Greek Troope were leading hla country beyond acUvitlM of Alexander Mlhalco- that wllln, and if, there *■ x^6«- Bsked; form and su^n Few Pedeatrlana mittees. '» reported. stand ■naket Ommlttee, 727— the time it reaches tha reviewing Tutored by Officials ■■if] it was bia plan to euminon the prepare the tests, but pais on the homsa needed for Oefenae vmrk- close connections vrith ths Tokyo here wlto the title of first coun' each regimental area U a After Some diarusalon', the Board Enteric fever cases, he said, stend. Pennsylvanto avenue will pcwttlon; wher^ the Italians aaiO aellor. X Want Separate Committeea I5th atieet, N. W.. Washington. From the start of his prisw committee at Intarvala of about a rcsulta. era Navy h is asked for 1,000-unit quantities oyautoixiatlc weapons Foreign Office, said his eounsri break, and sewage disposal pltoU voted down a proposal that street mountedfrom 1,500 to 1030 to be too root# he will take both life, Herbert because of his youth month to dlecuae party program against a ’’dlctetor’a peaev*^ coOtd ThriM sources said be might are eminent There are ajeo l^ la He added that the Democrats 3,800 laat ytor. D; C. These seate range. In prlM project, partly to care for aeveral and munltloha wers abandoned. lights be placed on toe new Bolton from $2.00 to $10.00. The $8.00. going to and coming from the waa kept apart 'rpm most of ^ and acUvIty. be interpreted as “refitsfl to rsc- baVe come to Bulgaria to counter- throughout the ckmplng would insist upon separate house Dysentery cases, after dropping capitol, and those on Pennsylvania hundred famlllea living in trailers The Italian war bulletin said Srt'Naxl presaura on King Boria. luad east of Lake street. It waa $9.00 and $10.00 seats are cov er^ inmates of the state penitentiary near Navy Yard. ogntse any agreementp^ between The map U a true picture of toe toa general opinion that Tew and senate committeea from 4,170 in 1938 to 963 to 1039, avenue will, have the opportunity at Walla Walla. He was Hute^ Vandals at W ork several prisoners" were taken by Others, howavar. potntad out new home for toq Guards, and U Besides toe speaker and major­ and face the reviewing stand In Short 3.000 Bomea the Fascist forces in. patrol clashes other powers which do not con­ pedestrians use this highway.^# rose to/2,500, hq aald, to see him pass both ways by prison officials, hand-plckM form to American ^llcy." The Umt M j^ oovlteh ’s last big Job appearing with toe approvri m ity leader nomlnationa. Republi­ ' Against these figures, covering which the President wUl appear. Itertsmouth. N. H.—Navy Yate along ths front. was as bhlat delegate to Soviet- pUn to inataU these llghU had tnmatee and the Walla Walla At State Theater Japanesc-language / press canried theConatructlon Division •* toe been approved at the town meeting cans wiU name candidates for en- Engtond and'Wales, Jameson cit­ school superintendent. ^ survey sh^ws area short 3.000 Four Planes Shot Down Clerman negotlaUona over Polish Office of toe Quartermaster Oen­ groaaing rierk, clerk, two assistant ed drops in the prevalence of homsa with projects under ^ y Four "eneipy” planes wers re­ the speech wlthoui ^Itorial com'^ in October, but toe Selectmen feel I atate—ran into a snag u toe two A ycRr RRo, Governor MRrUn 7 Pass. ment. / boundaries, apd thay 'doubted )ie eral. TMa column wishes ex­ clerk posta, and other house pori- diphtheria and acariet feyer and promising only half that number. ported shot down, ona by Italian had been sent ^ oppose tba Ger­ tend its thanks to Llaut Cowlesto that the expenditure of funds for Defetiise Program committees withheld approval had him taken to the Official British qunrtera said tiona asserted that Britain’s health “is tal c . Medical Lake, where he was FRANKLYN A ep4Clal police lookout is bebjg than 80 par cent of Navy anti-aircraft guns In a raid on an man darigna in Bujgarta. for too nmp. and to toa tottaUOT the purpoae has not yet-been Justi­ standing up well to the Strain of pending another hearing on Thurs- tea ths message/w^ Inspiration Half an hour earlier, county placed under the care-of pfcychla- - I contemplated ffor the State theater Ygrd workers live In Portsmouth. Itellan base In Albania and three Commander for permission to fied. The expense o f inataUation Clears Hurflle day. - due to'the fact that vandaU al- in a clash of fighter plane squa­ to the peopte and leaders of this Bulgaria’s PramlW Bogdan Phil- would he conaideraUe. with only a meetinga of RepubUcan repreaen-1 war. SEDAN m$ny .commuting from Msins and off waa expected or to­ publish lU contents. doctor! have given Ha F l««r Tern regdy have started to lOot new fit- Massachusetts towns as far as 50 drons cruising over ths battle- country to/^pursue their struggle half doxen homes being served at tativea wlU nomUidte candidates Uhga and flxturee recently 1q- fully conXdent/tnat no shortage of morrow from hla “health” visit to T^*Board, lowering for mtopr patronage appointtoenta SUB Straager After Yew bert full clearance,” told GovOr- to 80 miles sway. front. Vienna where.-aoma said, he saw Net a Real Hune this tims. — , ^ ■uTled at a large ooet. It le 'Another formation of ours,’’ the war material^rlU delay or hamper /I Selectman Harold Reed, who asked Including doorkeepers, messengers Boaton. Jan. T—<*V-Two phases American Consul Wichita. Kas.—No home short­ German Foreign Minister Joachim and toe like. RosweU. N; M.—<8V-*-The moth­ thought that the destruction and age despite growth In employment war bulletin said, "despite un' efforts/to tecure vtctoh'-” If traffic "on toe highway might be er of three sona./eeeUng a divorce of Governor SaltonsUU’s program thefts are due to youths who Ths omelal AuatraUan radio Von Rlbbentrop. Aa a tula birds do not use ^ i r Kacb of the eight counties was In plane factories from 1.-800 year f.~vorab|s Westherj bombed an Im­ nasta for i^eeptag putpoaaa 'considered, concluded that street from her second husband, testified for coordinating Maaaachuaotta Dies at Hamburg will. I# caught, be prosecuted to portant enemy, objective.” said ”Mr, Roosevelt’s address hak lights to that eection Would be aUottod three o f these posts. ako to 5,000 now and estimated delighted Australia; it la felt that toe parent Incubating th a^ ga w* House Democrats have already he left her and went to Florida a faclUtiet wlUi toe national defense I the full extent of the law. A epe 15.000 by late summer. None of the Italian planes w mains In the nest nt nlgtat; toe mainly for beheflt of pedestrians, year after toeir 198& manrlage. cial device la to be used to protect reported missing. ' toe president'hlt every major nail Must Reduce of which therO are few. and not for caucused. program cleai^ their first logl^* SeatUe—Local Housing Authori- otoey parent'Usually sleeps near­ Ih contrast to the serious bual- “Under what clrcumatances did he Berlin, Jan. 7.— James the attlnge. It la Bald. ty predicts crlaiB by June. Govern- on the head.” car traffic. leave you?” asked hat attorney. Uve hurdle today, with the UbeU*' Manager Jack Sanson has com­ by. nesa of preliminary organisation Joseph Murp^ Jr.'. 58. tor ■'the E OaUand Street liient m*y have'to atep In to sup­ Powerful Scrap Prices A* Flaa Acres She repUM: *1 didn’t want, to hood they would reach toe House, plained thgt .crystal light bulbs and CqUege Werkeia RecoBunended for Installation at toe caucuses Uila afternoon and leave m home town aifil my three for action on Thursday. It four miontha United States / TaL8191 , ply homes. Same situation at tonight, tnuMUon and oefemeny jl general at Hamburg, died Opaa Bveataga other StUnga have been atolen, n'remerton and 'Pacoma. If man knew how to harness the 'Were eight UghU in the Pine Acres boys, ^ didn’t know him well - The Legislature’a Joint Commit­ T rv tf h a lp and thkt curtain draw cords on CMrgy. released by_spUttlng the Statistics show that 80 per,cent (Oontinaed Froa Pngs One) win be toe theme of toe Inaugura­ tees on MlUtery Affairs and PubUc last night of spinal meningi­ *How wouiil a Ufa I Bath. Me;—Housing facllltlef of the male studenta and 25 per tract, which haa added a large sum to go with Mm.” tis 'after a six-day illness. ths mesxanine have been slashed taxed to limit, but aq far neigh­ uranium atom, a two-doUar pound to ths grand list of the town, and tion Iteelf tomorrow. Safety approvei bllla calling for a ma maal unforaiaan off and carried awayr- ‘ of uranium could producers much cent of the female students of paid as muto aa $85 a ton for euch Te Meet at •Deatr^y” Mean $350,000 appropriation to outfl.t w d Prior to his appointment to the boring towns absoiBlnE ovsrflow American colleges are working S T A T E V which Is a thoroughly residential .^Aenba Hambuirt post, be had served, 12 New ship yard building at South useful heat and - power as. 1350 scrap, although official quotetiona aKtioo. Ah additional light ia pro- aoverao^Elect Hurley and (Jov- clothe a state guard of 7fiOO offi­ tons of coal. their way through school. TODAY and TOMOEROW etnor Baldwin, whom ho defeated , Jan. 7.—(JT) — Informed irearsAS chief of the Commercial Just FoUowtag Ut^eaa Portland has Increased rents, may wers $3SM) bid. $34 asked. noesd fM- Jordt atreet, and aeveral /i cers and men, and lease of Shawm# kofflce In the SUte Department to present housing problem later Nwi-lfitegrated ateal produtera B ^ts will be relocated, tocliiding by 10,600 votee,. win meet for toe said to^ y that an Ameri- state forest to the Federal govern^ wbeit 6.000 go to work. depend on aemp almost exclurive- instaUatioas on Hilliard and Olcott the Hartford Club to­ it to Brest, France, ment for expansion ^ vanla and a member of the Phlla-. Shipbuilding says expansion Of fore th# present pries rise got temlna If some of the Ughta .on axiccesaora, the membera o f the ed” by British bOmha the night of which toe Federal government haa i m , widow is in Wash/ visit, young Wsekea emitted fre­ mflitary ataffa of each and their Jan. 4. No othar details of t^ , POPULAR quent, but eoft-voloed, ’’.Ouchee!” pk^x>U beyond present 14,000 men der way late last vear. A reduc­ that road may be qptead out and offered to build In Bedford and / hinges on houses for •workers. This Makes It a Bum tion of $4 or $6 n ton In the eort wives. raid on the German-occupied Concord and then turn over to the •• aa the dentist probed hare and set to now pOaltiona. From the club the eotcNTfuIly Ft6Bch port were given. there. ’*00100.^ said bis father, .Housing projscta under way, total o f thrir raw materials waa ragard* The placing of brighter lights on FOOD MARKET •d by steal men as important to uniformed Foot Guard and *’that's not hurting—what do you 817,000.000. Mato street haa resulted in much Guard units will escort the party keep saying 'Ouch* fo r ? ” His Renta Show Big Jump profitable operations Improvement there, It waa said, Jap Invitation 855 Main S trttt Robinow BotMint Columbus, Oa.—House rente up to the CapitoL answer: "Well. Jhe woman In hers It was aald thaftha proposed and a gradual improvement of There toe Oenand. Aaaembly— ahsad of me kept saying It.” 30 to 50 per cent, hotels packed tnmwifmim pries would TSSUlt in s Conies T oo Late ii" * ** |t*®*®* montha of debate over auto Farm Parity Payments .coat aavlag at from. 81,75 to $3.35 ^ “ «tofense and lUi probable a ton fur tba large totagrat^ As tnirte* nnd«r a Lift Insutanc* Tntot^agreeiiWHt, wt iroald amiaga Wednesday Morning Specidh steel companies who require smell* marketing problem, labor legiala- Put In Budget Messaj^ Shanghai._ ^an. -7-qf>—United | store Closed A t 1 P. M..Wednesdgy«. ' ers proportions of acrap In . thrir Is felt that better service can he tlon and many others—win con­ I Stotes Niaval and Marines .officers the insurance proeccds and pay the incone aa directed. I# aathartaed products. ' given if a more scientific arrange-' received invitations too late to | vene to Joint -saaaloa, after organ­ by the afreem ent. we woald alpo atake paymenta from the principal to mget ment of instaUations can be effbeti ising, and bear Governor Huriey*a Wattilnxton. Jan. T.-^gV-^PreM-# between fam 1 attend toe annual Japanese Naval dIblUlKE 8PRDIO SIRLOIN-OB CUBE f Onto AppehitiMiti SaogM inaugural addreaa. d^^SSSSi- I ^ held to n a a ^ w : J.pan- MMOULDESLAMB Tomorrow Night 1 . ’Tomorrow evening, in the huge purity ehouM be approved.' ese-rontmied section at tba Inter­ emerfencies. Ptaa: Oroee McDonald hi thorttativriy today to have broken The parity funds wouk. ba ta national Settlement The Invita­ STEAKS tenaaa City, Kaa Sargt. **Dancing On A Dime” state armory, comes the toauguia- addition to the $500,000,000 to BiU Fabian. 80, long ambltioua tion ball—CoaneeUcut's most bril precadent by putting ta hla budget tion arrived after the ceremonies We ahall be glad to explain the Life Insurance Tm al plan ip detaiL CHOPS French Concerned ...... to Congress $312,000,000 basic soil conservation benefit j were completed. for n West Point appointment Uant social event. checke that have beconm a part of gave uip hope aa ba aotrainad irith Thuraday • Friday aad Sat. for tom parity payments for toe British officers also wers ab­ «niE THIEF OF BAGDAIF ' Over Jap Clash the admtoietration’e fam pro-1 sent apparently for the same lea- hla Nat$anal Guard unit for Oemp first gram. Mn, but ItaUan knd French at­ 2 1 * lb. 3 2 « »>• RobtaBoa. Ark. ’Twenty mlMtea Ptaa . . "OAT CABAIXEBO” That Is tbs amount voted Thepe facta beeama known Just Catholics Honor by Oongrsas to 1940, despite t ^ taches witnessed the display of after tba train pultod out BUTs before Secretary of Agriculture force, wMch included a parade of B -IN -G ^ mother received erord at hla aj>- Hanoi. Frqach Indo-Odna, Jan. I T ___ ‘* “**"*®“ of toe parity PLATE. : .i> ______’ " Wlekard went before a HouOo , rormer iyovemor from last year's budget 8.000 Japanese' Marines and] polntmant to the academy.. Army 7—(F) —French authorities ex-1 Apprtyriationa Subcommittee to mechanised units. ) i St. James'st School Hall, Park St. ■* .yffjctoia said ha could accept .presaed coooern today over a clash Persons who already have aeon outline hla department’s needs for ipORMED BEEF Ib-'H * TODAY - WEDNESDAY between Japeneee and French | Ms dstoUed recommendations for the fiseal year wMeh hegtoa July Pltstjr of Pairkiaff Spaes! tnwps at toe entrance to Fort Ha­ nsxt ysai'a Agriculture approprta- L The budget hureau haa reported Oetotei Mandiester, N. H-, Jin- 7— — tioa bUl asid that tbs Mg fund was noi Sunday to wMch coa of. toa V^haer - Gov. Francis Parnttl authoritativMy to have peupared a PWEET TANGERINES 1 PINK GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE latter waa'aald to have been as- Indudsd primarily ap “a f u r t ^ bllUdn dollar'MU for Congress ap­ Neb.—.. Mtoop o f ths Manchester The preMdent waa reported to point where they would have tbs hccauas aba peialsts In toying housa and were opposed by atx ilinrsei — the NsMiua have decidod to ask to st Ooagreaa ■e«*ie purchasing power, to rela* agga with bright greaa yolka. Aa Freacli soldlcn. oindsla i -msBufSetarer, who IsCt office a few | fba fuU sum avaOablo for tion to industry, as they lipd from aa axpCrtaiant, aaveral haaa were ROONEY GARLAND n c charged toe - Japanese ap- dajrs ago after aervtag tero terme,' parity at Ma dtocretkm, but to ap­ 1909 to m e H$jhakCRT8TALITB ESSO 3 0 PRIZES fed dye last September to show toe oaxtBOj were rosktog au atosse^! waa iaveated lart night (n N w propriate ^ __^ _ only__ $80,000,090______la..eaab A midwastmn fbm coagreae effect of food on eggs. All have to cnxh thojr troops to avoid toci- York at a roectiag of members of I sutoorias tbs Agriculture De- MANCHESTER " V msn said that with porito, ”a far­ $3.00 ORDERS AS PRIZES retanmd to toying ordtnnry tgga deats. toe order. ^Ipartment to borrow tha npt ■« mer eouM buymy as auaway Mds R was dtoclosed ths Jspansse CatboUe aourcea aald that <*>71 needed from one of the b e iM sd to % K seoh FUEL OIL except this ton a bnsbtt of whsst aa • r » REGULAR GAMES! 0 FREE GAMES! UPTHEBRnO .vice minister of war would arrive ■bout W Of toe approximately 20.- msnfs Isrwlinc that five-year period AP Feature Scrvtea ;to cart beaiAs la thalr to toManol this afbnnoea by ptai^ 060,000 OatooUes to- the United WB laeb Beltar On roper The peyniwifs an made to „ •' PAUL WHITEMAN but toe purpma of toe visit was S4 HOURS! T E L . WOO 4 DOOR PRIZES! Police Superintandeat d m itM : anapty tot (— lUM iimiilisriMn to the That wiB help keep the total crowen ef sttpulatsd crops, who j'l " b ORCHESTRA not order, wUeb resbrlcta edmiarinn to with - TRUST CO, ' Wheeler *«< Bridgeport Oobs-. In n test tba has a popoto- o f tfie moaqr reqnsats dovra to a JL^^IOISSIOH s'*,ROCe inveatod a "bomb texT* ba pnaiaeBt meatoeni ef toe tottll ■ oaa of toe N o • te the PLUS! BOBT. MONTOmiBHT as to Member Federal Dapa^ into Cera. Tmm BuspiekMa pM kager oat ta Aa used to card games, the wtth "MmaMly of ehameierf - prttotoiy. T t ' TablesChain Ta ^cwMSBiaOate MO! B a onea apaecs. I fa amSa ¥■ ' tor asear BROTHERS ia a LuiilipUoB to amito • a fa ftia a ta o K t « a oM « « ta r batter. '" '^ w n r d " ,;%-A llmacis: j . fbr as T mat enSM PUIBI ¥ » UANCRESTER IVCNING JD, BtANCRESTER, TUESDAY. JANUARY 7» 1941 MAW'WF.SI ER RVENING HERAiJ) MANCHESTER CONN. TUESbXY, JANUARY 7,1941 be held at her h*me-inatead of In tba old inn at the home o f Mra. W a p p i n g BsMtiwtoy Pogtaini Once Ag&in ury the Dead in the Holy Land ‘R a^ Hatred’ ; / C o l u t n b i a Junto' Squler. The. meetings are fiu^tliday First Teacher Obituary held on ■Thuradaya with an average « , O fw ii ntyaidana' of tba Mancbaater Weeceft Rtoe attendance, of 33 metobers. The 73*8, ‘ aaaodatloe Who wlU- One of Draftees Law Is Upheld 15-13, WltSmaotte DIvtotoa total membership of the group to Received raapond to amarfancy eallato- ors ovar 80. . - ' ^ mof^w aftatno^n ata Doctora Mtoa Beathh Stltoa; Oaorga Iwndberf and Alfred F a i i e i w The\ Cfolumbla Congregational ■ Warif at construction of the naw giiM t c f bar comilPi Sundquiat. , Ed wait] O. LyBcE b o h Date Set for" SeBtra^ 933.000 town ball was begtoi tokt SUlea of Pleasant VaBscr. Resident W rite* ;j**church\has a balance o f 110.18 for week by J. R Naoto oA WlUtonfin- and nttended aerrice# at the V /NadNalaea i.,.-:'' ing of Kunxe, /Lead* the fiscal year Just ended. It was L ist Due t o ^ Inducted .The funeral of Ned Nraon, of Rbbtosoh. Jr.; second assistant. tic, who has been awards the con­ ptng Community ehnreh: to Commemo-. announcM over the week-end by tract at n. figure of 118.150, Tha Mr. and Mrs. Eugene PlaR M i N e x t a . m . 33 Biro street, who (tefi suddenly er of Bund. . Milton Pot|ter. Milton wUl also Stafford Springa t h e E T c n jU Sattoday aftemoon,/waa held at ^ B o l t o n act aa secretary. Mlaa UUISn Treaauren Raymond E. Lyman. A t cellar has been dng by the Jones family have been the guests eglBr, About Town the Watkins Funeib] Home./-8!aat * r e s e i i t s Jonse wlU be aeslstant aecntary, '' a Nefto the annual meeting o f the church Construction companyr also of and Mrs. P la tt's sister a to awrikag,; Edward O. Lyncb/-a member of. Newton, N. J , J|Ui.-7—(ff)— M ^ o r Oiyda MaiahaU WlUlmantlc. The bqlfdtog to to be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MaSm j t e u M Schurtnaa umI Imt Centto. atreet. g t 3:30 this after- end Lucius W. Robinson, Jr^ with V 473, Staffdvg held to th*'chapel Friday evening The ngular meeting of the V. f. tbe faci^ty of Mancbeator High, is' Rqv. Ttojntan O. Dustataon, Suaeex County Judge John C. PhoM 4887 hla brother'Donald wUl be treas­ all offlcersAwere re-elected for the 90 feet long and 40 feat vide, with F. WetherMl. of Watarlwry. tOM Batfwt* Orabba. « ( ' tbs Emanuel LuUieran Loeey upheld today the ooaaUtu- ptoas dravm, by Archibald R. The Young Poopla’a Soo e ^ W. will be held tbia avenUg at the first local taachar to ba*^(alla!d M e s s a g e urer and asaislant treasurer. Miss The following engagements at ensuing yeA ■» follows: Tre^rer, WMI atrcat. raoalvad ttdajr 8:15 at tba Hoipa, Mancbeatar which. Mr. Nelson was Uooality of New Jenaye “ race H i s Tbe Ladles' Benevolent Society LUllan Grtffing will be pianist. A Raymond E\ Lyman; Church rom- Sharpe of this town, architect. The Um First Congregational chnUA my, into the Army via tba Salactiva '.NpMleiatad. During tbe five Stafford couples have been toning hall wUl to to the basement South WtodSbr to anxtoaaly awHt* m t M r brbUMr-ta*law, AJrtbur Orcen. Servloa Act and la dua to report hatred” statutee and set Jan. 31 )od will h(Ud' ita regulwr meeting on music committee waa. appointed announced: riitlttee.. Claywn E. Nunt knd Hor­ Mnd male. Gustafson with M n . Charles N. FlUroore aa ace W. Portea; mlwlonary commit­ o f the butldlng shd this auditorium tog a snow storm af they *ra ttpr Xttfbnat or M fbatar atraat for Induction next Tuesday morn­ '8 ^k'm " the Arms of Jaoua" for the sentencing of Wilhelm^ Thursday afternoon at (he Oom- Mr. mnd Mra. A lex Muxto of tog to plan n alelgh-rkto party. t a n t f ICaBChaatar Kra. C A. Ooodrict. vice chair­ ing at Hartford. If aec^tad, be fenae be carried out this chairman, the two other memben StaJtordvUle announced the en­ tee, Mra. C * a HutchUto. Mrs with a Seating ca j^ lty of ,400 will 'Fads, ''Fkda each Earthly Kunse, National German-Ameri-. RockViUe^s ^Siief Exet:!!* month. muntty HaU. The meeting wUl ba on thk second Ws^. A large This evening nt 7:46 th ereto* a prtnUd oaird« a»- man o f the Republican Town com- will be sent immediately to Fort can Bimd leader,' and eight being Mlse LUllan Grtffing and gagement ef their daughter Lm- Ralph W. Rowland and M lw mlttae and president of the Hart­ oy", accomphpied by Mrs. R. K. Emblem Ctob begin at 1:80 and Mra. W alter Arthur AbeU. Twenty-two recog­ kitchen.and office spice wlB also be a meeting of tha Church 0#4^ ^ Uwt h# U 85 jraiwa oM Davens. Ayer. Maas, to begto Anderson, t aoaociatoa on indlctmenta live RepGits - on Bust* da to Ateo FontaneUa, son o f Mr. Marlon HolmeV msmber of the 1^' ford County Republtoan Women's yt%T of trsliililE. The RockylUe Emblem C3ub wUl Gleae^tc, Mrs. Claude McKee and nition ptoa wen awarded for Sun­ and Mrs. Valentink FontaneUa of Tri-County Unllpn committee, Mrs. be Included to the buUdtog. which cU at the paroonage,- Matters to Mr. DaF^orcat waa bom on Burial waa to Mm East eema- tog them with "proteoting hold a bustoeaa meeting on Wed- Mra. Ay a On' Rec Center. at the Ella Home. Mre. May Mc­ tatioB should Call Ifrs . Chariea WiU be quoted later. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Stmem . wlU hpld memorial servlcw for tMa town. T b ^ had on# non ter fire department, Jonh. B. Dou- None of the men to court Veigh, president, at Manchester Sumner before ten o'clock on organist o^the cnurch (or the past Mad at the affc o f S3,, and a the membere attended the meet­ substitute until the ckisa o f tha Attendance at tha American Le­ of West Mato street annqjmce Mrs. Nancy R. Porter during the gan, Albert Anderson, BmU Fet- as Judge Loeey d(^ered a half- wiU preside at the meeting. Thursday.' , , 31 years, reslgnro ths position at regular meeting to the old ton \on Modern knitting w. He»in. and loft Man- ing In Hartford thU afternoon, curreiit sefnaater and then a "pai^ erson, Carl Thoren and A. Bbiaon- hour-vk^ opInlbiylHit their attor­ ckvUle, Jkn. 7— (Special)— gion Distinct meeting Sunday at thv engagement of their, daugh­ the meeting andlwaa prewnted a aponaored Jby the club In tlmt Hope Chapter Meetfiig 'The JOIly Club w ill meet this t te Hebron town hall waa some­ ter. AmeUa Bllwbeth to Loula Wedneaday evening. Cfflcera of t turn out more work about a dacada afo- Mr. manant subatituta" w ill probably son. ■ 'n ney, John wtoeila filed an following message waa pre- g ift on/behalf o f t t e church. Mra. city. The guest speaker waa C. R. to named for tbe rest of the time The regular meeting of Hope evening et the home of'Mra. Ann what affected by. the severe F k ^ r i Son o f Mr. and Mra. John Grange will conduct thiimprewlve' sons knitting by _ _ jt who la a daaoaodant of tion tmmedjatoly and to tbe Common OouncU by Cfiutpter No. 60. Order of Btoatern Skinner to QuarryvUle. Ctorolyn RoblnsoA was named operator to oM eetental eunOy ean o to Stevonicn of the Waterbury Re- that Mr. Lynch U la tba . Army^. weather, risky motoring, etc. Ferrerl of Rockville. The wedding ritual with special miwlcAn charge [would appeal. Mills last evening, I Star w ill be held this eyentog in Mrs. Ellen Brown, Mr. and M n. will take place on Saturday, Feb- organist to succeemMrs. Hunt, who mSchtoea. W4. M H ^ M ta r to antar -Um aiaploy of pubUean-Amerlcan who qiolce on He Uught la the elements:^ Otbm Facing Seateacal Then was an attendance of about of Mrs. Laura Squler. plaiHst. ••Fraedom o f the Preea." U waa grades until a year ago wbaa be < U m iniiiade O iib evening marks the begin­ Masonic HaU. Mrs. Alice K. Oliver Brown of Hartford were 40, whUe usually 75 or more are roa-'y. 33, to S t Edward's Catholic was named flnsnctlti secretary of 1h— j Bratbam. at tba ttma that Kunae, the men are - ning of maoUier year o f C ity bual- Hetots, Worthy Matron wlU pre- thv church. PhlUp n- Isham- w ill the first of a atrlaa of nieeUnga on waa promoted to the nlgh.acbo^. .pprott of Andover, Sunday vlriton at the home\ of present But thia vna considered church here. Snn ancafcd In tba waavlnr of neos, a business in which every ride a t the bualneae session which Mr. and Mn. Harry Munro.' Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gretka continue to serve ttbbana. Mlaa Dalbraat waa am- tba tbemc. "Safeguarda of Democ­ In Fine Program itern leader; M a t' WIU be followed by carda and re­ good under the circumstances. racy," and waa attended by ’wom- clUaena should be vitally totereat- Mias Angela SUIano of South Some came from quite a distance, of StaffordvUlS announce the en church fo r another J ^ r, aa a dark by Chanay hhlar of brlngtoo, atate ed; You, as membsR o f the Court freshments. Bolton spent the Week-end with gagement o f their twin daughters, fram t»early all the towns in timaurer: Laotuud D. Qfirk of Sonmn, DanielaonvUle. and other Rev. and Mra Du^C Wain, for­ and the fam ily Uvad on N avy Plans lo Add of OtHumou OouncU, have Mrs. LUllan Cooley la chairman Miss Jean Munro. Rose Marie Grelka to LIbro Fan-- Hartford county. , Naw York, w r it e fo r (he Bund of the committee to charge of the towns to 'Tonand and Windham mer resMenta of thto t o ^ when I Tba Cbamtoada Mualeal d u b aponalbUlty of managing this Memben the Women’s Sort' County. toll son of Mrkv Augusta FantoH he was pastor of thelchurch hare ntegaatoa, "Fie«N. America"; the buatneas. I am convinced that arrangementa and ahe-WtU be es- of Furnace Avenue. Stafford Tbe Connecticut Horticultural 4,000 Ships to A ir Once again death comto to tha war-scarred Holy Land, a battleflald thfough^ the ages/ Th^ ^ held Its monthly meeting yester­ Rev. John C. Ftttlha to Union City, ety of Chrlotian Service' who are Wonl has been received tbat were present at ths insetlng. They DdPtoaaa ocoaatonany wrota administration during the paM alated by the following, Mra. Mat- to need of transportation to any Springs and Miss' N ellie 'Jane nad prone and tba card re- Society w ill present John Claire from poi " Urn bombers, on long range flights hall the Mngtn of the Mediterranean, day afternood at Center church atate Bund aeem kry; Richard tie BarnetL Mr#. May BlankM- Mr. and Mrs. Addison Clark of 'are spending the winter In H art­ Monteitb of Oaltfomla. ln «n tllue- tine, membars af the Civil Guard carry their degd tothe egtoetery. Though year waa conducted wisely andx, meeting to tbe future should call Grelka to Louis Salvador eon of by ralattvaa and fHioda |o- Fleet D uring Year Above,!, to 'TeJ A viv, PaJeatin house, and the ftSlovribg program Schiele and PatoSchahr^mldt of economically. Due to the (act that burg, Mre. Lota Beebe, Mrs. Ethel Lebanon have moved to AahbV. Mrs. Lena Salvador Of Wllllngton ford. where they are Wtudylnk at trated lecture, "Tbe Desert of the dlsaftmui raids occurred aorte, weeks ago. oicturt above it among first to reach United States. Paterson,' C M Schlpplmrst of Mrs. Ann Skinner two days to Maw., where Mr. O ark bw been the Hartford Seminary during/ aara baatdaa tba aama and was' rendered by tha members: there waa no, election last year the rr, Mre. Gertrude Byere, Mre. advance of the meeting and she Avenue, , Stafford Springs. No a ooupiaW leading;^ Southwest," tomorrow evening at Glen Rock and Oeorge Nepppert personel of the Common Council' Lebeshevaky, Mre. Elrie Stelg- called to take charge of the East­ dates have been set for -Ui'e wed­ furlough from mlaalohary dutl*^ tbe Avery Memorial, Hartford. Duet, two piahos. Chanson by at CUffslde Park, triiatees of will arrange for transportation- ern Farmers’ Cooperative which (Oaatlaoed From Page Oac) ■ rematoa the mme, therefore I aee SMra. Irene Lana,. Mra, Esther Agnes and Theresa Kurys a n dings. ’ in Africa. cbaatfbl ^ M t day by day. The ^ctures will be for the moat quired to obtain final approval of F. Groton, playad-by M ra ElaanOr Camp Ndrdland. Hewitt, Mra. EmUy S. Metcalf, hu Juat been opened there. Mr. A report on the annuU roll call the British Sid legislation than W iU Ifrain B oys no teaCason why the City affairs confined to their home on French Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mknna of woadacftd help In Ufe'a part colored movies. While a September SM: Octotor 338; Nov­ Engagem ents BeniMtt iuul Mrs. )^rglnia Whlte- . Judge Loae/a ruling was on dti-' efficiently man- Miss FTorlne Slater, CHlfford Bar­ Clark la a nephew of Miss Anne Bronx, -N. Y., annoimce the en­ of the Columbia chapte of the number o f the local Oardfn club they did with the opposition ex­ murrera filed by Wlnana from the ahould not be Road with colds. and PhlUp Clark o f this place. ember 375; Decembe'r 399. hUl. , aged'this year nett. LeaUe Cooley, E d v ^ WIU- Tbe Christmas entertainment of gagement of their daughter Lycy American Red Cross, mafie to Mrs. mambars are enrolled In tbe Horti­ Aeke Bffert of Strikes pected againat it ' T o F igh t Fires Individual indictments. Tha de­ by, George B. MUne, Dr. E. H. Mrs. Clark Is the former Mlw to Theodore S. Gnatowskl, son of Fannie Dixon Welch, ebafrman and tba caption. One Plan Considered Soprano soloa by Mrs. Ruth In m y message last year men­ the N o r ^ school which .was post­ cultural society, three additional Repreacntatlve Maas (R... fendants admitted tha facts to tha tion w u made that we had nO Metcalf, ^ r r y Lebeshevaky, Mrs. AUene Warner o f GUead. M-.' and Mrs. B. OnotowakI of treasurer, shows a total m $132.35 yMaBda.” ara the fol- One plan reported under con- Smjrt^-MartUi SbCdd, " A Spray of Rosea," Son* buio, but contandad they wars to- poned vral be held on Thiuaday af- Robert F. Porter and Joseph gnus tlekats may ba obtained on appli- BUaabeth , Spaulding, Mra. Ray­ Minn.), asked Tovfeni whether - ■ (acuities to the Way of recreation ternpCn at the school. The enter­ Colburn Road, Stafforehille. Mlw in jnemberahlpa and contslbutlona fo r bln eation to tbs eeoretary, Mrs. Nor­ labor unrest or strikes had been a eideration Involved use of a Fed- Mrs. L. Sharwbod Martin of derson and "Critic Ldve Bong," ouffloiaBt to warrant proaeeution mond Ranisdril, Mr. and Mra. E. Griffing, Jr., have started to work­ Manna attended James Monroe it waa announced over tlto week­ card: aral corporation .to asaiat the South Coventry, fprinerly of SbeUqn, Jan. f —4JP)—Plana‘wars fo r our 3Toung people. Little did I tainment w ill begin at 1:45 and man AOh. a aerioua factor In delaying produc­ and that the laws und|N- which at that time, that I would Henry Seften. __ 1 ing with United Aircraft at East high school and graduated from end. This Is an Increase of nearly ttew Bka this, with IS a Mtsr .. __ . Briliito - t o liquidating their aecuri- Manchester, announces''the en­ being made today by the local A paper on the life o f F'rank they were returned were uncon­ (rienda and parents are Invited* to tion. haVe the pleaaun o f presenting Sabra TrumboU CEapte Hartford. -They- commute from Huivtor college In 1939. Mr.-.Ona- $50 over the anmunt raised a year an around yoo, nobody ty hoidtogs in thia country, and gagement of her daughter. Miss fire department, under the super­ LaForge was read by Mfa Alice stitutional. attend. Edwin O. Prloa of 533 Adams The admiral replied that strikM this ipatter before the cltiaena at Sabra Trumbull CStapter, their Hebron homes. Every day towskl to a graduate of Stafford ago and. does not includs \reporta ____you «x» today may save yea atraat who waa Injured last week perhapa to act aa -the clearing Shirley Martin, to John. A. Shaw, and M ra pitow .ssng, It waa tha first court teat of the Daughters of the American Nathan W. Ellis who has been or two one seems to hear of more tnieilevaxiiasflfa RobVa ____ bad not seriously affected the Smythe, son o f Mrs. Catherini: .O. vision of Conunlosloner Clifford our ntect annual C ity Meeting. a resident of Bolton for nearly a High school anil receive! his from Ihe Hebron and Andover/ and your tomfito a Vx of iIckMa, And nobody ua along, In aa automobile student on the hotUM for the whole leaao-lend A. Mervrin, to train a number of "H l^ " by LaForga statutes, poMsd to 1935. lutton, wUl hold their Jabumy local men who have secured em­ Bachelor of Science degree from throat, cheat and h a ^ ami r^ m « « a c t y aab after blm> program, but continuad: Smythe, R. N , of 31 Wadsworth ’Through the generoelty o f The M. decade wUI leave on January -fif­ suxlliaries. which are to wonry and tiouBIs later. friths warmsd ckrib. .VapoRite acte Berlin tumplka and removed to program. boys, ovar 17 years old; for fire Mra Anna Friy prepared a T. Stevens' and Sons, 0>.. tbe ex­ meeting at the home of M » Le­ ployment with this munitions com­ th College of Pharmacy, Colum­ T do think that in many fac- An informed legislator said that street piqMr on the life of Henry Hadley, teenth to become a Cavalry Cap­ diction of the local chapter, FbDow thMestegile ntesaf h a ^ : to briM roUaC 2 ways at a (M tt tbe Hartford Hospital, U reported toriaa small groupa of workers arc fighting service aa a precauUon- ecutor o f thV F. W. SwlndCUa ea- roy Hale, o f ' Dayia avenue, on pany. Our country needs the bia University to 1938 and Is as­ era in the campaign in gand tWaga an It to tlM administration and congreaalonal a^.dafense measure. Mra Levrila Kent, Mra Bather Wednesday afternoon al three tain in tbe United States Army at sistant manager In a Liggett Live nonitw. Avoid anooiM Eat sthnulatca surtetx(ofaitat«rt^ to bo Mtgbt^ Improved. \Berton reatleas." O othing Ration tata, and Frahcto T. MaxweU. a woritera and they are glad to get were Mrs. Vera C. Tayljraylpf; t im ^ Ibod, &tekTlBnty^o< water. atiengi Jaekaoa^ the driver. eacapM with leaders were trying to decide Zelewiti-Cajkowskl ApjMoval of the plan .was given Hodgktaa and Mra. Frey eang Fort RUey, Kansas. He has been drugstore, to New York’ city. lU^a wanifrgpnaltkte M ^ t ittle for Representative. Mott (R., Ore ), whether to set up sn entirely new recreation centet'-, to thC C ity of o'clock. the Jobs. man, Mrs. Welch, Mr. Keepaliminatlbn lateilw.TaksMinc V -nnbody oared )uat a' only a alight bead Injury. Mr. and Mra. Frank Zelewits, of hy the Rukrd of Aldermen at a Hadley’e "Roade." RockvUle WlU become a reaUty far Dr. McGowan of the American a member of the United. States Work on tbe Jewish Synagogue yan, . Inquired aa to whether "Fifth corporation or to expand the pres­ 3 Regent street announce^thS en- Mra Eetber Sealart read an ar­ / Set fo r N orw ay 4 to Spring-ring-1 Army cavairyCavalry Reservei for the Henry Beck, Jowph/ N. exerdae dally—prefcabte autdoora. vapon that atal inroting tost night The boys unit beyond our antlclpatioo. The last International CoUegb , to 8i has been held up at prewnt by the Get plenty o f teat and a*^— thalrrltatod air ■abody tboimbt Qolumn", acUvitlea were responsi­ ent functions of either the Reepn- gagsasant of their daughter, Miaa ^ 1 serve aA^n nuxtUary division ticle In nward to Sidney Hemer field. Maaa.. wiU tba'Speaker of past five years. A former reri- Meson A. Nuhfer. Mrs. Fre« tba Tba Aabury group wlU meat City Meeting voted that a com­ cold snap which is being felt here. and Mrs. Loula 9»iracchl. ton atood an alona In^ Thursday afUmoon at two o'clock ble fo r any of the delays and atruetlon Finance Corporation or Lana Barbara Zalawltx, to Edward of the local een cases which, Lane, Rockville. • ■------Mra. Eva Wood’s pi^>ar was on to bto^ tolly ona naw stilt mid shirt going to be a very Importimt yn- PIummer,,/Mra. Miron J- Case, a gdlng concern: AU children Uv- TeL 4M-A Rockville MM 8V WMM, ISteniMN . tnadWnssyoaa at first glance, looked like sabo­ senators and representatives in the compoeer Oley Speaks, while dR taktog and therefore should Mra. Gebrge Talcott. Mre. University la the Reserve Officers Wlllimantlc waa fined $5 and t e drops af VIdto V s t e w o l ^ Manebastar Orson Parent-Tcacber the packed and attentive House R oyal N eighbors or thalr equivalent to other gar- tog at or beyond a mile Umit from (a b awaaC junt batauna o f tba Aaaoctatidn will ba held tomorrow tage.” he aalg, "but which proved Mra. Shaw sang "Morning," and menta a year, a digest received studied carefully. roy Martin. Mlaa M a rg m t 8. Mc­ Tnitotog Corps of the Cavalry the school they attend and many for a violation of the rulw of nsstril right aimy. hrah Manda ara baaa mada. not to to on careful investigation.” chamber, sought to remove any Lean; Jdrt. BUaabeth D. Klngaton. Branch. Tbe loeing aide to l940 of the road. prevont many oaxle fiwn d a w evening at eight o’clock In the aa- Lodge to O bserve 'Sylvia,” l>otb ^ Spaaka hare dlscloeed today. The streeta at our. city are to within a nearer radius are being Old Timers Setback Club ” treat­ tba tblngB In comaMn ara He said "careleosnaas," which partisan character from the quee-. In stall O fficers The prograip closed with a two- tha best of condition. The method MrA Arthur R Newelland Mtae J. Mr. and Mrs. Ellts plan to CUnton W. Lew is to a paUenf[ tog, bscaiiita Va-lnyopl .la Sanrsaaiy satnbly baU of tba Qraan school. lion by pointing out that both The digest, appearing to The picked up and carried to school. ed tfie winning aide including their to todkxti The toaaker win be Mlaa Barbara was to be expected because super- instrument duet by Mra Bennett Deutsche Zeitung, aald a elotntog at resurfacing streets when neces­ Alice MaxweU. maintain their residence to Bolton The limit varies somewhat accord­ St. Francla' hoapltrt to Hartf< designed to help • »»" arant to Uaa on. not bacauaa vtsory force# In the factorica were major political parttaa wore to although Mra. EI|ia w ill stay with wlvw to n turkey :finner Saturday where he to under obaervattoo. defBWes sgsinsrool^ (If a h j^ Judklna of tba Hartley-Salmon / V i s i t i n g N i g h t and Mra WhltehUl, "Awakening," ration card contained 300 pfknts sary as has been done the past ing to greater traffic dangers to evening at the poms o f Mr. and ______J llC ^ ff o f oumahroa, abnormally spread out, waa re- vlrtuaLggreemefit on .Brltlah aid by Englemann, an arrangement by year or two has proven aatiafac* her parents to New London. Mr, Mtoa Anne B. Dlx. prsaWent cold cauots s t u ffb ^ you’ll Rnd clinic, Hartford, and bar riibject. when they went to the people In ^ra. Hilda Beerman was In­ for one yoMr. A man’t suit takes tome parta o f the town, and to Mrs. Burton L,. Sweet of Mato that a Iter drop# qfVa-liom ol h ^ . o f V ida Va-timnoi and a M e boaaiMO o f tba paopla who aponalble fo r most puch cases. Sproea 340 potato and a shirt 80. tory and economical and I b e lte e Ellis has been employed by the conveyance capacity where the the Columbia Auxiliary, Bril Ida VapoRub today—bate - "Our Cblidran In a Changing the election last November, stalled aa oracle of Mancbeatcr Aetna Fire to Hartford. Friends, street. The next meeting of the c t e the cloabig mucut airt naakas . earn. World," ' A social time with re- Flew Planaa Modem A warm coat fo r a woman costa should be continued. I have pfevl- A n d o v e r need l|lasa urgent. I t to hoped club w ill be held Ssturdny night War Relief, has announced that Asked by Maas how many Naval Austin Oommenda Address Temple (Chapter, Order o f the Camp No. 3840, Royal Neighbors, oualy mentioned the poBstb|lity of of Mr. Ellis wish him well to bis btssthtag freer and oadar.) froehmenta will follow the meet­ Eastern Star, will observe visiting 3u0 potota, while a cotton aummer that paHlta and children wiU ap­ at tbe home of Unwood R. Camp­ tha remainder o f the W planet ware modem In every aense. Senator Auatta of Vermont, sot- at a meeting held last evening at coat requlraa 180, a wool draos cutting the southwest at Mrs. MaitweU Hntohlason new position. months, the weekly meetings ing, A oordtai lavttoUon la ax- tag Republican laader In the Sen­ matrons and patrons' night at Its the home of Mrs. Jotm Sodarburg M etured as D um b preciate tbe trouble and expence bell of Main street. On that an W a ^landor da- Including self-aealing gas tanka. 130, and a pair of atocktags 15. the Middle Road back abbut thirty 157^ WinimaBtlo Mr. and Mrs. John 'nmbrall of which the town to taking on Its tandad to all paranta living la or ate commended the address and meeting In the Masoolc Temple to­ of 18 (Teatmit street, '^ e cere­ Manchester who plan to build to Mr. and Mra. Frank R. Firtion out of tba district, to attend this Towers replied: "Very few. Onljr The digest Indicated that the feet and regrading tide Interaec- shoulders for tbe children’s pro­ and daughters Alletta Mae and Jtiid*5^>iy of tba world, when the latest fightara are complete." later to a radio brodcast last night morrow evening. A supper at 6:30 mony followed a delicious chicl^n Norwegian clothing reatrictiona tloi, I still believe tJAt this would Bolton this spring were visitors to mastinS. d^ared that tha American people to the banquet hall will precede Ageuto of H itler Funeral eervlcea (or Ixiuia Tur­ tection. Vnllda, o f W w tfleld, Maw., and you baiaa aommad It aO up, Some planes have been sent back supper served by Mrs. Soderburg. ware mote severe than those to improve the center of our city. ner were held Saturday afternoon town Monday evening. The Hebron Wonmn’s Bridge Mrs. Bllwbeth Allen of Suffteld la In tba awlrtng of fttenda. to the factoriaa for modernisation, were enlisted oh the side of Great tbe meeting, Past Oracle Mis. EUxabeth Duffy Germany. Due to the fact^ that all City De- Mveral Boltonltea plan to at­ Tba Alplaa soolsty will hold its Britain and ware "preparing to at 2 o'clock at the home of the Club bu postponed Ita weekly and Mre. C. William WIsrs, of ha said, adding that such work did Mrs. Ella Douda, worthy matron was tha tostaUlng officer, with 'partmenta have been functioning late Mr. end Mre. Ralph W. Baas. tend the testimonial dinner to be partiw since tbe annual banquet Rockvine, were visitors at the ragutor monthly meeting tomor­ pay the cost at freedom if they Portland, Me.. Jan. 7 — |g) — given George Robinson of Oovsn- row aveotag at 7:50 .,,at the Nor­ not have them "completely mod­ pf Climax Chapter of Merrow and Stats Oracle Rachel Muhale, effteientiy. l>ee no reasons for Leon Austin of North Coventry held tote to the fall, u there were home of Miw Hattie R. M. Berr ern.” / u v e to. X / Chariea Heints of Hope Chapter of ceremonial marshaL American citiaans who maintain any ipB citl recommetutetlo&R Rt try ( » Monday evening, Jan. 18. ¥u Sam m oiied man atrcat riubhouae. In flu en t Spreads Congregational church officiated. many' social events conflicting with and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. CampbaU, To wand the close o f tbe eetalon, "Lot no dictator." ba said, "get Rockville will preside to the East. Mra. Beerman’s aasociato offi­ that more United States add to this time,/ The bearere were George Merritt, a sale at youf 'favoritc the impression tbat Americans Britain wlU tovoWa thia country to iU dates. 8\ipers praised Erie, Pa., Jan. 7— -Henry District Deputy Mrs. Winifred o f oitixana born# hare" or "ba da- attog 83,983 new cases for the Uam C. and Anna Felber to buUd ntay calk ‘the local president, town oalto, one to take care o f a diatitet gnuadpn* ia- called, so tha committaa may go Furnlas of Hartford who was the for the coming year. Otahgera laundry tnick, and ona to fight otrwt. Broad Brook. The commlt- tba 80th aa they must ba shtop« "to tbe bottom'^ of tha subject. the address. Senator Capper (R., B. .Vincent 68, founder and di­ crivad by those who cry out tbat week ended Jan. 4, Dr. Oox aald a home 34x88 at the corner of Thomas J. Birmingham. here feel a pride to the fact that tae reports w ill be given and of­ without this message— this c o ^ oatriwtlona and aa* by tba and of the month. Some Kans.) described It as '.another rector of the Erie playhoilse and guest of honor, preaented a- paarl more help for England Will get tis total roported casea protwhiy Bast and Center streets, and this fire in a poultry pluL tba fan alaetlon oam- Pobb ration Prebleaa necklace to Past Oracle Mrs. All local Far Bureau memWa the local grange b u been awarded (3iarlw P. Mtur hu been re­ ficers elected fo r the 1941'fair. have been out atnoe summer, and war speech." Representative 'nnk- composer of more than 100 musi­ Into war. Such help la tha bast have not been reported. . ■ / waa granted. are notified of a regional meet­ a blue ribbon for 1940 aeblSve- The Longview P.T.A. met tost Slant stream o f messages— you’d Whether all the testimony would Carrie Toratenoen. M ra D uffy and way to keep out of war." elected fire chief for the coming tba comtnlttaa urges that now that be made public waa problematical. ham (R.. Maas.) asserted that the cal Works, tnciudlng an opera and SU hundred Cases of pneumonia. Dr. J. Ralph Morin waa appoint­ ing, to which they are invited,, to ments,' for the third consecutive night at the Longview school. A annouinoad the holidays ara over, the wonwn president had "declared- war on two operettas, 'died o f a heart ail­ Mrs. Munale each received a gift fouV tim et the normal Incidence, ed Milk Inspector (or another year, with George Brooks, John stumble, fumble, err in your deci­ Mauftoa M- MUUgan, apadal MambSra noted that President for their services. '' be held on Tuesday o f this- week year, from National Orange Lec­ Johnston and Jeaw Hllto u assiat- program of music with Dr. B. look up these garmenU, finish Rooaevett, to hla message yester­ the whole world," and Represen­ ment today, three hours after he have baen reported to the HealOv year, and tbe committeea of the at North Coventry Grange Hall turer James C, Farmer. Bpptoger, a war refugee to charge. sions as voter and citizen. YouM' to tba attociay ganaral, tbam up.If.passible and return tative Short (R., Mo.) called the waa admitted to a hospltaL The remainder of the evenihg DepartmenL coupcU w ill remain the same as anto. Norton Warner w u elected WUnam S. Tarver, aaalBtaat day on the state 0^ the union, said; was pleasantly ^>ent to playing Public Records at 1:80 p. m. • ' Tbe American Legion at Ita aecretwy u d Ao)>ert Foote treas­ The addrew was gtveir by Ootmty them to neadquartere as above. "The Oongreas, o f course, must measege "a left-handed declara­ the paat year. Mr. and Mrs. EUsworth Coveil last meeting at Hebren Town Hall YM.C.A. Secretary William Rua- cost yourself money, time, and per­ I. attorney. N eitb «‘ would tion of war."' Braketnaa FatoUy Injured'' setback and other -games. Mr. ’ Alderman Paul Menge waa urer. rightly keep itself Informed at all Soderburg played the violin and attended the toataUatitm of the voted to give a.card party at a aett. Members who dwtre to do M wby Dnvin was called nor Comments in Uila vein took Is­ elected preeldent of the City Ooun­ new offleera of Coventry Grange Mrs. Chariw P . Miner and haps your liberty. timaa on the progreqa of the (de­ there waa chbra singing of popu­ H ospital Notes later date, a week or two before daughter LuclUa Ann have wwtog for thf Red Crow are ask­ Mtesdge WHtr aapaet «C campaign financing sue with Mr. Roosevelt's flat state­ Providence, R. I.. Jan. 7.— AppBeatfoa cU, having served to this Capacity State P olice W ill fense) program. However, there la lar alia. on Thursday evening. Mr. OoveU Easter, to help raise money to pay, ed to get to touch with Mtoa Marie ' ba -ankad about. ment that aid to "democractea'' la Thomas' J. Brady, 40, a yaril Application for a marriaga li­ during the paat year. There waa kaa been appointed esristent sec­ turned from a vacation spent with certain Information, aa tba Con- no contest for this honor. (or 'atr tobalator for the coming the former's .mother, Mrs. Alice Ludwig of Ellington avenue. Wboelar iD „ M ont), not an act of war, "even If a dic­ bnticeman, was toju-'sd ffta lly ear­ cense has bean filed at tha offtoa retary of Uw Connecticut State now ambuianoe which Hebron D on D anbury Hats Itaelf Will feadUy r^ognlsa, The next meeting of the Council 'niompaoo to Aubutn, Maw. In short, you’d not be able to ■ yastarday that Davta [ch. in tha Interests of our own tator should unilaterally proclaim ly today while making a coupling of the town cleric by Robert G. Admitted, tots yaatardaar: M n- Grange b. the executive board of wiB share'with other towns'sur­ ba panntttad to appaar noon between two freight cars during Kittle and Evelyn A. Custer, both wlU be held on Tuesday evening Mr .•iiifi Ity and thoae o f the nationa it so to be.” Show er Is G iven Sylvia McLoughUa of 118^ East the order. Friends ate pleased rounding Colchester, if aU goes R eport Paraguay to Garci keep up your job of being a com­ .a Sonata aubcommlttaa, Mcmbera rose and cheered when switching operations. He apparent­ of thia town. l^ ter street, M ». Betty B oyo January 14th. »• ' . ' with this appototmant and tender are aupporttog, must o f needs « City Coaii weU. There seemS to be no doubt by Wbaeier, to. taatlfy Danbury, Jan. 7.— Danbury- Mr. Roosevelt finished hia speech ly stepp^ In -a switch-frog which Permit of South Wtadeor, Clarence Ms; him. their congratulations on the petent, self-governing citizen in at etoiigto by Senator Lea irin to the City Court at Rock- ately to town as "Aunt Nan.” had By NORMAN CHAN Trooper tan In color, thayt art of early Consideration to a N avy re­ head, who wars prasidtog. Both Sherwood O. B ow etw te Eulldtog vtUa on Monday charged with a great use to our townspeople. A Let someone interfere wdth the to obtala a **pbon3r paaca tlm sombrero tops and ware pro­ branches of Congraas quickly Uautonant Baatrice Arnold who Clara Hodgkins o f M CeniJfl th< misfortune to faU end break Tha annual masting ef the Bueno# Aires. Argentina, Jan. T. quest for 5509,0(X).000 additional Inspector Edward C, EUlQtt Jr. violation------at the--- rules- of tbe road. , her leg on •Thursday. Sha la a pa- later imnounoement w ill be made Bobth-Dimoek Library Aasocto- CMmwf MnMte* to *1ntn Kaal Qamuuiy'a -ebamnuta duced by Tha F. H. Lae Company. authority to provide ehlpbulldlng cessed untH tomorrow, and Isgls- Ona out of every five brides tn la to be married Thursday evening street, Mrs. Jennie Ju^ e i abinit tbe card party. There wlU —i/Ti—Tbe newspaper La Naclon, messenger— corrupt him, suppress gntoC tba fire." iQifland Is aged 30 or more. “ ptato Walter Hooper of Wll- Oak street, Helen Brielo ^ Waa- and failure to reduce ep«jd ft u ^ent wt the Wtodham/MemoriaJ tion win be held at the library on to a dtopatch from Formosa. A r- Tbe bata are'lrimmed with Con­ and armor and ordnance facllittea laVora gathered to the halla-to dis­ be all aorta o f games and two fine him< delay him— and it is you who necticut blue bands. Officers will cuss the prealdential meaoaga. Umantic, at the Salvation Arm y tonbury, Harry Lotatorrf 83 F ^ intersection. He waa fined W “ d hospital hoi^tal and as yetjdyet la not ablei Monday evening, January 18. ganttoe provlnctol capital close to ... Secretary Knox told Vlnaon to n t s U e k at ance street, Richard Prior of 138 •ooato o f $A Ha ^ ^ I to ^ receive U e iv e viritors.vlaltori. jSMlse as BaiBenton hams wUI be diapoaed of. wear new ties of matching color a letter mafie public yesterday Some of Comments- citadel, waa honored with a mio- I t h u been announdqd that the The Glrto’ Club will ineet this tba Paraguayan border, aald today sufi^er. ' ' .. cellaneoua ahowar last aventog at Well# street and Mrs. Bdwd State PolteMoan John Yaakulka of has made her homa-'wlth Mr. and evening at the home of Mrs. Leo there were rumors tbat Para­ S till Seek B ody baglimtng tomorrow. The new that I31S.000,(X)0 additional was Wtlllara S. 'Knudaan, a /defense Waahington. Jan. 7—(IR ..-Mra. the StadflKsprings Barracks. Mrs. A . H. Benton/for some’' time. regular Ineeting of Oowel Henry your" history book, headgear supplants the vlaored oommlsaioner. passed and com- her homo. 300 Spruce atreoL It Davis and tnfimt amt of 15 Proctor Flaherty, oo Mato etreet Walter guayan military forces from tha I ' / Per-baps you hadn’t realized that ntoded to Increase ahlpbuildlng It's No Racket was gtvan by her sister. Mrs. Cart FrimkUn D. Roosarrit aald today Meeting Mias Madelalne Bremhall. of CUmpkm Chapter, DAR, hu Cbaco r^ona were marching to-1 caps in uaa for many years. capacity and 1194,000,000 to ex­ mentod that "It bit the nail on the aha was "astonlahad and aaddan- 'The LMgue of Women Voters been postponed from Wednesday, VanAredato wUl entertain with a and mine, there was a O f Am y M ollbon Nyberg, who was aosistad by Mrs. **Atenltted today: Hartford, is a giieat at the honA chalk 'talk. ’ . ward Asuncion. few cents’ worth of newspaper pand faciliUea for providing head." Senator Barkley (D., Ky.), Robert Bonadiea. The decorations^ ed" at lack of applauaa from the Crooka of 183 Mato a ty t arid' la meeting this afternoon at Li­ of Mrs. Paul BramhaU of Long Jan. 8, to Tbursday, Jan. 18. Tbe Tbe Paraguayan legation heiy | Atory about “carrying a ■term Hospital armor plate and guha. termed it "magnlAccnL" and the asMary Knits postponement la caused by other Robert F lin t oon of. Mr. and •Y - -T - ware to pink and blue. Repubileaa sector when President Pierre Caatofiguay l}f 65 Oloott brary HaU with Mrs. Oliver Peck HUL returned to said R had no news of ^ y dtoordst you how hold cashally in your hand* veteran Senator Olaaa .(D„ Va.), Roosevelt addressed (fongroea on piaeitUnf The topic fo r discus­ social events acbeduled to take 'Mrs. R E.' FHnt 1 message to Garcia,” 1 am The bride-elect received many ®Hve. ^ ' hto hbm«| iSter a'tferee waeks’waeke’ stay to tbe Paraguayan capltaL is your mainaintact with the world ‘ lamdoo. Jan. 7—i^ K - The,, bogy Washiniiton. Jan. 7— Aaso^- Sentiment for Aid called It "fine." Representative beautiful gifts, both personal and the atate of the union. MimRoose. Blrtb todey; A «S » to t e . and sion waa '*Tba o f Democ- place to But Hampton which aC Am y Johnson KolUaon. noted ctato Justice Hugo Black entered Treadway (R., Maas,), a long­ velt beard bar .husband’s aptoefa would interfere with the attend at the Windham Community boor- sohmwhat vague, now, for the heme, among the latter an Mrs. Rudoljto Cartoon, o f 30 Eaaax racy." • ' ’ pital wbaiw be undersyent an riper- you live in. BiftMi weaUQ filer. wsr~ still Oeorge Waahington University Ansteen Roosevelt time member, expreaaad the opin­ electric toaater, sandwich ^ grill yerierday fromA box In the Houaa street ' . saperler Oeort M arlborough anoe of the members at that time. about who sent it— and atogbt by boatmen today in the hospital today for examination and ion that "It probably represents and ailex coffaa niakcr. A buffet gallaiy above tha aaetion wbtro tha Dlacbarged today: Adato Geha Tbe glO.odO «v U action o f Mrs. The meeting wUl be held at the ation (o r a ruptured appendix. True, you see other people, you taaten of the Thamea eatnary, Washington. Jan. 7—uei —A Tbe anntinl report of the adact- dta^oaia. The Justice appeared at aurg of congreaslonal sentiment tha feeling of tbe vaat majority of lunch w to served. Rapublicana sat ring of RockviUa, Arthur Do r : Brace Wilcox of this dty against Mrs. Howard Cars borne o f Mrs. N. N. ‘ HUl, Bast who Garcia was^ drowned after baiting bia chambers In the Supreme court cltimna." 30 Griswold atraat and Mrs. Jo| C lty .^ RockvUte la echeduled Hampton. Mre. George K. White men. titesurer, tax ooltoctor, hear broadcasts, read magazine* for extensive British aid today 334-3, Bos health officer, and Board of Bduea- o f a .plane she was flying for building early la the day but com­ answered President Roosevelts On the other hand. Senator Van- Sltoatlea Omver. Ashton and infant daughter of . _ be beard before a Jury at the wUI be u eaelstant hostess. East But all of us remember and books about the state of the sir transport amtiUary. plained of a fever. denberg (R., M id i.), aatd " it 'iffm Par NaveJ Offlear Mea. Rldn atraat o f Tolland Cfounty Superior Hampton members of tbe Middle- tion,' hfia Just belb lasoed, for tbe call for a "swift and driving in­ A t the regular tdeeting. o i M arl­ year ending August 81, \840; how necessary it was for the mes­ autlMktoatlon papers crease” to armament production, atroug plea for peaca throu^ Rio Da Janalro, Jan. 7— Oanaua: 79 patients. - ’’ Court on WednoecUy. ^ J a n i^ town chapter wlU be Included to world. But where do these others war-by-pro«y," while Senator Taft^ Fla.< Jan. 7—* la expected. ber home In Norristown, Pa., aft­ “The predident la asking again 80, executive maval officer on the ~ Pass Opiuaaeir y Exanaa B. Sebata of Hartford wlU repre­ on seven candidates. A Harvest The Rev. tL R. Keen preacbed er vtotttof Mrs. J. LsRoy Sdmey' have made some costly mistake if Bnaday afteinoao Intecated Moscow, Jan. 7 --or)—The gov­ The reaction generally bespoke Preaideat Roosevblt's meaaage ' ^ : ■' — I Supper was served during the eve­ ^ newspapers. ? o ff h tr course. Some gear ernment orgsii, Ifiveetia. announcr readiness to take up at tha earli­ for imlimtted peroonal authority Woodrow WUaon'e war mesa steamer Levtatban during the sent Mra WUcox while the dty Sunday at the U a. m. aerrice of he Hadn’t got the message— straight to loan abroad aa much as be sees World war, diad today of a long Ansonla, Jan. 7—(/P)— Georgs A. ^vUI be represented by Attorney ning. A spedal. meeting of tba HL Peter's Bplacopal ebureb on The hour of tba teetlrooolal dto waa found beauing her name, ed tods) that Soviet Russian oil est poBslbla moment a detailed of 1917 and addad *Uha present ait- Grange wUl be held Thureday e ^ I ’m not suggesting tbat you pin waa still undetermined plan under which "biUiorm of dol- fit without ooming to Congress iUneos. - Hardiag. a ahlp captain_____ Oomotock of this city, aacraUry Bernard J. A ckern^ The caee N tha^theme of the Epiphany. He no- (or Georgs H. Robartaoil tn tba and on time. What made history production to 1940 fell short of uation is graver than S3 yoaia many oftbo State Board of Exanrinera to ntog at which tima there wUl M anyone was- with tba 53- the yoar't plan, although it ex­ lara worth of the weapons of dte for appropriatioua or further au­ ago." to tlM Booton harbor the result of a fall on an Icy aide- also, spoke on confirmetion. Mr North Coventry Community any medals on 'the messenger. But thority, and confusing Inaxtricably yearn, was maotar of W. K. “ Vah- ' Optometry, today announced that walk on Proepeet street laM win- Installation of offloeis. House, on Monday, January 18, to was the faithfulness df the pUot ■ when tbe ^dne. ceeded the 1839 Output, ngurea fanae" could be lent or leased to . The Doroae eodety wUl meet Keen is desirous of preparing a if he’s molested or threatened or our alraady copfuaad defense priv derbilt'a yariit qn sevaral world too follow ing had pamed tbe op’ , _____ claw for confirmation u 'a- visit at 8:80. Tbe Garden Ctaib will have by lookouta flying at about were h jl given. England and other “ democracies"; .AM to EagbuM OnSttod. liiureday afternoon. messenger. feat, suddtnly turned and made as Mr. RooMvelt recommended 'to gram with that of England." crutaeo. tometry examinatiooa held by thc- ‘ntere are two other cases from Suffragu Blahop Walter e b u ^ o f tbe dacorntioBs. board recently: Benton J. Lyman, Paul Roberto. Master end Mrs. glide Into tba aetuary. At Gale Deiaya Uner his message- yesterday. Vichy, Jan. 7:^-0P)—Portiotia scheduled fo r J i ^ Gray Is expacted later to the year On Tbursday evening the church Im apne for the moment that Srldgaport; Janim J. Eagan, Banericus vs. nw Automobile Roberta, chaplain of tba local to Uie riiurch here. Mr. Keen basketball team wUl d a y tba ;alM Jumped. Administration leaders already OI%-ea AUaata Past Preoldent Rooaevalt’a .congreaelon- Grange ere plonntqg to attend tbe were at work on the complicated Meyer Sampsan and Albert L. Ina. Ce- of Hirtford: Georgs W. that an who wlah to Join the RockvlUs Llom at tba Rcwkvllto you are General Garcia. You re Jersey C ity ,'N . J.. an. 7—(P>— al addram manttontog aM to Eng­ Mmpktoa AdlmlnlstfatoT C.L8. et state Qtanga session..which is bar Delayed 34 boura by a northwest problem of procedure_3 nd iMrtSla- land were omitted today from tha Bhankman, New Haven; Elmore claw win oonummieate vrith him. Town Halt ai 7M). Tbair regular Danbury, Jan. 7.— da retirwaant day to revive a three-months old ed, meanwhile, fo r the first Indi ■ ^ ^ T f i o p at 3.1M mUaa. Watbington. Jan. 7—(8b— Tbs rv«i*w««s V. Pendleton va. Mary , of that Orange and **■ - An- This me»sage-^the news of the baby boy who suffocated in a car- taaaaU will go on duty to Panama dover Monday night assisting, with Mlaf Sarith hu now fetnined to AU iHtoraatad tn> aawteg Cor tba CtCkxk k Amada'r tegoia- paara aga. cation <4 proportiona of the over­ PbUadelphia, Jan. 7.-t(B )—T he ■tato DeportmiBt dtocloaad today Ijutg, at a l. . I her sdMol dntlw to Wert Rart- Red Cross win -tesat la tba flea htella aapptag. The infant all prograaa. Oongraas will learn with tba U. & Navy within tha A l w P. Fahey vat Um ^Hart- installation at that piaca. day-'-may warn you of a threat jto F ro cte. Jr., son ^ Mr. and Mra. Pblladriphia atoto bofpltaL wbars Kt few vreeka..hff diaeleaad todaiy that it bad revbksd tha itoaaae o f fo n i, . bouse wiitoiadar MiiBiag at le . wngieewrikM n'sir enffw per then how much monsy 3lr. Rooaa iQvaaUgatora qra loolmig Into tbe tin iW tod Americaa-Spaatah AM fofd Cons. Trust Oo. et a l AW*** MAran stadaoto at tbs Unlvar- pass a law you oppose and want te F i m ^ A . Roebe, was p u f to tha valt wants immadtatato for tha In his final praas coofereaea. Ha T e Beeoe o’clock. carriage by Ms m e tW about 9 deaths of ibulr aged mantel, per- aald Mrs. Vaadsrbttt and his faaa- Haaalltoa. Bermuda, Jan- 7.—(ff) comsBlttea to collect (mMa to the rity of Onaiurtirut who hava rk- O’CLOCK cop rii manufacture qt erar suppUea. tlants after "unexplalnad" tajuriaa, United States for use to hcUlgar- *y5^|2*w5coK ve. Rayteaito J, protest. I t may inform you o f th? a.aa. A a hour later abe found him There eras general mipport Qy win go to Panama with him -•Hritiah officials jfsatorday oon- Doloy WOoox vn. Ray- ford, Jon. T— Tha tumed to their otndiw. lactude auffocattog and caUsd.for help. was daacflbcd by Its own auperin- Saeatad a torge «juaatig[ o^rita- eat oouatriao. Fergnoon tha Mtaaok Marla Smith, I valiant service a good public offi­ among legislatora for vast ninda when he takaa up hla duttaa. bm AJ. F a r g n w B vM yn .r 'a offtoa tandent today "a dlagraoa to any mond J. GitfOag, Edwin Sadth and JuUus New , N. T , JM. T-OP) l-LB . to arm Amariea Itaelf, but sonm -community." va. Rayaaoedand J. Fan I tbht C d A Fradtrick E. PbMan of cial has performed.'” Oanatey divlaton la party ranks ovar tha Um dsMxaar. wbe M / _ iStoatAMd woxM kaaania act^ JItoatate. QUead stadoota tocluda i—Georgb Dneay, 48, o f tba B A fi* Hartford, < araaldatit'a maka tha -"T rn r TteiwltoiliaTlTi asEMaxt to ’ReSart Feats and Lav . It may tell you of an a p p r o a ^ CMM. tf On the west United Btataa as arsenal for ooua- VltoiM k A unst et North ia d Jan. 7 -r-m — A ir •to fit Amariea. would triaa "new ba actual war with ag- '^Roagh Deaadtog o f tha ing storm and |^ve yOu a chance to to a LouloriUe. Ky.. Mrs. n p ilk u i< L - 0 8 ^ .0B - Miaparel^^ Or ffve jqu ■ ' - ..... • ■■ • ' ”?-.v?'-’

MANCHESTER EVENING' HERALD* MAjlcHBlSTER. CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7,1941 , V MANCHESTER' E\hENlNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAT, JANUARY , I M l 7 havs been in better health and en­ joyed life much mhre, And I am ActrefsJHitii R ecreation CultFoUower saUsAed with my futufe." . Exi wa ilMlV hav* to ft|1it thant aloha catear to Indlcato that he will not Getting Interatted in tfae QatgiiS^ Section SERIAL STORY A. O, Grant of _,8haalA^ City, Ctelif., apparently sought to coun­ 4 b m t l | M l f r ona tey If w« <*« “°t flo our utmbat be a good governor, and a good D ^ Tells Benefits Program Being deal to Indtcate that, he will'be., Censor Prolie Center Rents ter government efforta to 'east ta kalp tka aUiaa dafaat tham noW., CONSCRIPT'S WiFE doubt on whether BaUart had con­ Siiitag^ Jbraik tlMMa wti* oppoaa tW» policy, can 7'ogeUier with all other - right Today; ferred with the "aaceiided master” minded people of this staU It la 8-0, Junior boya' ^m e room RetiiW Steel Gempany St. Germain on Mount Shasta. .Washington, Jan. 7—-(JV-rA/tata r the next alx the movement und hla widow, Ed­ Similar legislation wa# ap-i bm would doubtful If t^ re has evV been an­ 4:45—Young Wlddbr Brown 4:15, opening Hialeah, tsm season. day calling tor a censor's'Inveatl- group E. 8. . na, and their atm, Donald, are ance policies to lapse. contribottan of MBMBCK o r ___ ' and fearleaii aid to heroic paoplea /Warh la iiot «aaaatlal to I months. Martha, they'll send yog 5:00—Girl Aloae proved last aeselon by tha. Senate ^ TBB aasoaaTBD « w « Thea one di^, there la a letted for Short ’waves: DJB DJD Berlin. gation of a new play, "Battle of -8-10, BowUni^aUeya reserved for among the nine "I Am" leadera 000 Ir. the first year ------Tha..., aaaaclalaa...... Praaa...... It atela»*aa , who. If aa help them enouyh. may other who developed ao rhpldly In a check for half aailary. Decent, 5:15—Lon* Jmiriiey Edudation and Labor Committee BUL Ha had baea dratted. ' huh?" , 8:45, Master Concert: J2K Tokyo, Angela,” In wMcK she U etarring. P; Bmond’s group E. S. / now on trial. operation^ approved «tat* executive rapacity and In i^stery 5:30—Jabk Armstrong 8:05. light music; TGWA Guate­ The vote waa preceded by Ooun- 8:80-10, Moriartya’ /baaketbaU Only SI,ood Week but never reached a vote In the tteasra'rrfl af all «* aawa :w attaat ? ;.;S---- .X. .r :» . be ahla to detroy the wolf W i t h - "Wonderful of theuK” They had "Thay gave me a logical and for medlcaLcars. of the problem^ of ^nnemdut 5:45—life Osn Be Beautiful mala, 10. opera "La Toaca;" CISC cUman Michael J. Wart’s demand period E. 8. / reeiaonable explanation of the rid­ Senate. Wagner said aome It would huthortae flO, aa It ar nat atharwtaa eradlia# In nut our ever havlnj to bloody our V... Ohepter Two awakened to duty, too. change* would be made In draft­ tait aaaar and alaa .the laenl nawa statesmanship In hp abort a tl 8:00—N eta and Weather GSD GSL London, 10:80, Radio 8- 7. Vikings bafltetbaU dle game of life," Starrett, now a croup In Federal grtata for handa. ' 8:15—StricUy Sports with Bob ISP* Allowed Debutante ing the new bill. aalilianed harala Hla frank announcement that She seemed to hear him saying Newsreel. 1 W. 8. «der, teatlfled. diaablUty comptatatioo. an Hrhta at raanHloailaa af There It ona more paaaaye of It aU happened ao swiftly. She Stefile • 7- 9, Junior iketball practice He daetered the BaUarda. per- Mr. Rooaevelt aald In his ,ims- 000 for fuepltal ------. _ aaaeial. aianatehea harain aia a l a a no Intention of abandoning his again. "I've been drafted." 8:80—Alfredo Antoolno's Orches­ sage to Oongreaa yesterday that raaarrad ___ ' that hlatoric menaane which It la ^ could hhi;dly believe it when aha W. 8. sonMly, made no claim of healing Ne^York, Jan. 7.-"JV—Brenda 000,000 for medicsd servieed And the room waa still swimming woke one 'morning to the — tra Frasier will have to struggle along the widening of opportunltjta for to be hoped will be loat on none of/lnteinterest In the publlc'hffalni of 8- 8. Four 'Ung aUeys open powera, cwitandlng that healing children. 815,000; Tull aarrlaa allaal af H. B. around her. Blll'a ahowe? running, the 1:45—LowaU Thomas on 81,000 a week again this yesr. medical care waa one of Urt many pubUc health work, hla atate and nation, that'he Is by Honey," BUI pleaded. "Darling, W. 8. ■ / came about "only through the darrlea Ina thoi-xe. wh% only half eonadoua of streaming in the windows, i Loo—Fred Wsring’s Olchestra 8-10, Two aUeyS reserved tor Surrogate James A. ■ubJecU connoted with our social for maternal and cl no means saying farewell a^he re^ don't look like that. It's nothing. L.15—History In the Headlines— WDRC mighty 1 Am praaenoe, forme'rTy TahH ahart B aaraaaataM raa. what ta at atake. tee In-the War voice of her brain sSjUng, Mra. Rnta'a group'W. S. known as Ood. - n thorlxed Mr*. Brtnda f w i t ^ a U economy that' called tpt ‘Immedi­ vice. Leeser amoanta ^Uaa_ BaH»iya_l*?«^i,..^,f***'“~ wa naaetal Am~ tires from the governorship, will I f I have to go. I have to go.’* the last day, He goes tonight To^ Andra Schenker Hartford rlM yesterday to use 857.00® In ate Improvement." aalda for hdn KaW Tark, Chleana. OatraTl menace littlw but opportunity to Martha steadied ' heraelf. Her S-lO, Two alleya reaerved for "t waa never chahmd anything, he welcome news to many thou­ night!" 7:80—Muatco 1888 ke. 225 Bk Mr/'ramer’s group W. 8. or aollcItM, nor did Ftto ao In my 1941 seeing that her daughter did May Bo Linked to Defense investigations. Baaian. further their irwn personal fdr- husband's face came back Into 8:00-^ohmiy Presents Wagner, who emerred with the sands of hla fellow.-citixens regard­ A t breakfast, he said, 'Tm ac- olaasaa,” ha continued. ^ whatever debutantoa do. MBMBSR AOprr BtmvAO o r tiiheh. whether they hie profltefrs. focus. She aaw hla crisp dark tuaUy liking the idea. I waa get­ 8:80—Musical Treasure Cflieet. That amount la less than half president yertytxtey before the 0:00—Battle of the Sexes TaeadJty, Jaa. 7 Tomorrow: "1 had no financial arrangement ClRCtlUlTlpHn or pOllUclaiii'. Indlvlduallatlc In- less of pdlltical affiliation. curls, the tightened line of hla ting fed up at the store, ghlt like 8-9, Junior boya’ game room wlth/the Ballarda and the ‘love MUs Frasier's eatlmatcd annual message waa delivered aald It waa llpa. Her flngera went up. to pat 0:80—Fibber McGee and MoUy 4:00—Portia Faces Life. tha HaiaW Prlallnn OawaaW. The retiring governor la young. a mule on a treadmill.. Sam* old 4:15—We, the Abbotts. I open B. 8. and W. S. ' ‘ ^ tw supported my efforta In the Income of 8177.000 from trust likely that rii expanalon of health duatrlaliata or predatory labor hla cheek. 10:00—Bob Hope lae., aaaaiaa aa naaaaiai raaaanal. It la conceivable that after an In­ cuatomers, bu^ng the same Old 4:80—Hilltop House. 8-8:45, Jimior boys’ plunge yrork. If they fell uiort, I made up funds totaling 83,1)00,000. facilitiea could be worked out amty far tjmo«rahliloal arram aa- leadera. Said the Preaident : "Tha So he had been conadripted, 10:80—Uncle Walter’s Dog House connectioh with tbe deftaae “•SmI C O L D i aaatW m airartlaawama la tha terlude he may return to the posi­ Junk. A a to g them, got a Job, hbW X 11:00—News and Weather 4:45-^Kate Hopkins. ^ i period B S. the difference myself.” brat way to deri with the few after all. There waa nothing they much you make, how much ^can 5:00—Ad liner—Dance Program. 8-7, Intermediate baaketbaU Aakad by a' defanae attorney If tenor’s Father Dlea gram Manehaatar Branirn could do to change It. He would 11:15—The Party Line Preview alackera or trouble makera Is. tion for'wHlch hla two years of exa you pay a week ?" 5:15—The O'NeUl’s. league E. 8. the "I Am” teachings had changed ■We. ------alreadidy are _ Ung a lot L. go away. For a whole year. Hla ll:80-^PoUsta Orchestra of the hoapltaia that we wer aim­ Tuaidny, January 7 perlence have ao admirably equip­ Her breath rtught. “I didn't 5:80—Ad liner—continued. | 8-7, SmaU gym open for hand- hla Ufa. Starrett rapUed: Dublin. Jan. 7;—(Jh— Andrew ilrat, to ahame them by patriotic country needed him. The United 12:00—War News McCormick, father of Count John ing at In' tha original Mtt” he 6 6 6 J ped him. know you weren’t luq>p^" AJd. 5:45—Scattergood Balnea. |baUE.8. “There have been so many mul- aaaraplaa, and If that falla, to uaa States Uf America. . . . “Sure I was happy ."H e waa al­ 8:00—Eseo Reporter —Newe and 7-8, SmaU gym open tor boxing titudlnoua benefits. Mc(k>rmack, the tenor, died today. pointed out "They are being b(illt ' ■wes-itr-’rtiei^ bbt Meantime we may look forward Her thoughts flitted In and out, 12:05—The Party Line now by the government 'to tike All(. AM Witlimit F tha aoveralgnty of fovemment to most impatient “But things get , Weather. E. 8. . 'I have been more prosperous He waa 87. to the administration of the In­ like lltUe darting blrda. BUI 12:55—Newe l Preldent Rooaevelt opened hit aava (ovemment." monotonous after a while.” Ihey’d ' ,1:00—Silent ^ 8:05—Hedda Hopper’s Hollywood. 7- 8, Beginnera' swimming class coming governor with equanimity would soldier. But there waa gotten monotonous In New Yorit 8:20—Edwin p. HiU. I for women E. 8. maamh on tha aUta of tha naUrwi ho war. only a precaution, a de­ and In tbf belief that, as a loyal That’s why he camd here, she re­ 8 :8 0 -^ u l Sullivan Revtews the 8- 0, Intermediste swimming Aa,iaWay that ht whs deUvor- fense. Only a year In an Army Chickens Coaic Home son of Connecticut, he will func­ membered. A.M. Newe. • Olsss for women E. 8. IpC It at aunnant unprecadent- Camp. Duty. . . . She laughed It off. ‘The Army 8:00—Knights of tba 8:45—The World Today. I 7:80-10, Bowling aUeys reserved A particularly good eaatople of tion with Intelligence, tolerance, "Lots of mtn enlist," BUI waa won’t be monOntonoua. Not much! 8:25—News 7:00r-Amoa ’n’ Andy. for' Mlsa Andereon'a group E. 8. ad In tba biatnry of tha Unton" saying softly. "Lota of men Join ebtekena coming home to roost la dignity and for the well being of Drills and hikes or whatever they 8:80—Gene and Glenn 7:15—Lanny Ross. • Miriam Bopldiis 7-10, Ree aenlor bssketball nad cnplatnad that ha uaad Uia the army for a career.' caU It." 7:00—Morning Watch . 7:80—Helen Mencken— "Second league E, 8. the syncbronlaatlon of the .Su­ the great Union of which this awtd ~u«pnoad«itad'' baoaoaa "‘at Hla arms were around her. He Paul rang their doorbell half an 8:00—News and Weather Huaband.” that the police go to the theater 8-10, West Side Men’s senior atata la but a part. kissed her. "It’ll only be like— Bn Hrrrtam time baa Amrica'a preme Oourt'a decision in . the hour before train time. "1 should 8:15—News From Here and' 8:00—Court of Missing Heirs. and "dose it up." bowling league W, 8. Heins Company caae yesterday like having a Job out of town. have brought flowtrs." he aal^ . Abroad 8:80—First Ntghter. Police (tommiasloner Joseph F. 6-9, Junior Independent basket- Memfty baiatt no aerioualy thraat- Martha, ifou could come up to 1:80—Radio Basaar '8:55—EUmer Eiavla—News. baU league W. S. Gamea are; The Only Building 0»f Its with announcement of another "But I g o t thla" It waa a compact Tlmllty and a censor attendrt the ■ wtthDut da It ta today.” camp ’ week-ends. I’ll be home oil kit, leather, with comb and mirror J:55—w n C a Program Parade O^p^We. the People. evening performance and announc­ Frank’s Amoco va . Vikings; are ^aln, aapUclt'hforda; CIO Btrlke In an airplane factory leave sometime,” and rasor and chromium- contain^ 9;00_News Reporters 9:30—Prbf. (Jute. ed the play, written hy Tennessee Yank’s va. Falcons. . at Farmlngdale, N. Y. Tha Helps Wc&hington "Why, Bill, you—you talk as If era for aoap, toothpaste, shaving 0:15—Food News 10:00—Cllenn Miller's Orch««tra. Williams, could continue if certain worth tha maanhMf of which la you're used to tt already." He waa caae waa a test of the right of an cream. 0:80—Studio Program 10:15\lnvltaUon To Leatang. lines were expunged. cf(M t« BO BtaapprtiMWdon. But accepting it. He waa not rebel­ 0:45—Tba Otadel 10:45—Music Patterned fbr Dane* employer, who haa submitted to "Say, that's awall!” Bill grinned. Agrees to Change# iar alt tbelr plalnnaaa and drtnIU- Daybook lious. Something Stabbed at her “A pint would have been useful, 10:00—Thla SmaU Town \ ^ In ^ ./■ After a consultation, Umltty Ships Remain Kind Now Wmb iaH anonaoua atgiilftcancc the form of ^ e c tiv e bargaining heart aa she realised that almost too." 10:15—Kolght of the Road \ Reporter—News and 10:80—EUen Randolph said, the management agreed to under the W ^ c r Act, to refuse By Jack Stinnett HEALTH AND DIET ^tfl might be an adventure for The three of them piled Into the Weataer. / make the proposed changes. The one nwy well aronder Into how hUn. A change. Something dif­ 10:45—^The Guiding Light 11:05—Spot Roundup. M a y —tndn thair full Import waa to sign an agreement that may front seat of the Ud car. BUI 11:00—The Man I Married Theater Guild la presenting the Amity Hurdles Waahlngton-^The Department ADVICE Maii)^)o.ut M ahh^H^ ferent. Perhaps, hb even wel­ 11:10— Newa^ •f nu. World, havs bssn reached with the work- along hla suitcase in the back, A 11:15—Agatest the Storm 11:25—Music [nterlude. play. > drhM. How many B M and-wom­ of Commerce la alap-happy over comed tt. Miss Hopkins said tha dram^ \By George Tucker* dejected Butch, leaping ih behind 11:80—The Road of life 11;80—Bob )ter’s Orchestra. en and hoyi and gtrla fait tha fuU erai' bargaining agency. The court plaatica. In.the vast vaulted foyer Pumlabad by the McCoy BUINwaa like that. He had curi­ them, anlffed unhappily and naked dealing with a Mlsslsalppl delta' osity and a . houndleM thlrdt for 11:48—David Hasum 12:00—New biplomatie Relatipns anl^^t of thair maahlnc. kakl uaianlBiOUBly that such a re-, of the department's building Health Sendee New York—I alw ay^aay let-2nd Natlonkf Vlce-Preifldent of in low growls what was wrong. 12:00 Noon—Tour Treat Orchestra. wife who falls in love/With anoth­ (sometimes referred to locally, as excitement Marriage had not set­ 12:05—J < ^ Ke Between Russia, United "Amaatca'a aaeuitty"—tha pow- fuaal la Illegal, being In fact a re­ “Look," Paul aald, aa thay PIC. 12;3D—Paul Pendat Orchestra. er man while her husband Uea \ "Hoover's Ifolly" because nobody U » p«ch « tled him. turned Into the station drive. "Tha critically Ul, waa "not dirty" and •r t i thla aatlon to maintain tha fusal to bargain collectively and Addree* commttnleetioaa to H m 12:15—Gena and Glenn 12;55VNews. States More Cordial. up to that time had ever thought \ Herald, AttontlOB McCoy when they want to: \ Heldt/^ Crusader#, Manafleld 12 :80—Weather Man that “I haven't got to the point fraadoBi with arhlch lU nama haa aa unfair labor practice. This cuts of Commerce aa Important enough ‘Dear Sir—I noticed In your mb^ ” where I have to appear In dirty Htolth Servlee tenderly. "Uke a UtUe boy, Ptoy- 12:85—Day Dreams TooMiTow'a ernsn bawi utterly aynonymoua for no the ground from under not only .to be housed In such an edifice) column that you aay Billy the Kid ^ tenderly, laughing, and men carrylhg suit 12:45—Rhythms Of The Day plays. , / Washington, Jta. 7—(j:)—Eleven there now la on diaplay aa big an was on the New York City 'police 1/ Comment: It la everything you Ing soldier. caaes,.and older aromen clutching, 1:00—News, Weather /P..M. \ ’The dirt IS .something In the email ships which still fly ths many ganamtleea—haa baan\ ao t ^ .Utlgant Helna Company but a exhibition of plastics aa Washing-' Treatlag Tubereuloala blotter as having killed a man !, claim It to be, I am oompelled to handkerchiefa, were getting out of 1:15—The UtUe Show * 7:00—Esso Reporter —News snd mlnda of some of the people who iOsgs of Baltic republics "shsorb- eoi^Maly a part of tha Uvoa of number of other large employing ton ever haa aeen. They walked out'lnto'the street. Weather. \ \ there and went west to^scape the ^dmlt. the other cars. 1:80—Mairjorle Milla have seen'It," ahe. added. "They ed” by Soviet Ruaria remain one the hmartran peopla for ao long a concerns that had ^ adopted the There la everything from false Those who reed this column yea- gallows ' at the age of 17. Ac­ • • • ■ Peg, so rusty and dilapidated, 2:00—How tu'E nU r A OontaBto| 7:10—Music Off tbe Reco^—Rajr read meanings into it according to teeth to brassieres; from milady’s tertay will recollect that we dle- *Tm not the only one who's be­ of the-major obataclas to more time that It la almoal Uhe aaklnc tame procedure. cording to the Saga of BUly the ar Sir: I was interestod In s6 contrary, was suddenly dear. ing left behind," Martha said, U And Win / Barrett. their own auppresaed feelings." dainty- pumps to football helmets cuased preventing tuberculoBla, I t ’a a good thing we have Peg,” 2:15—Dlse(ufe Prevention/ Best 7:55—Esso Reporter —N and friendly rolatlona between Moscow tham to try to Imagine^ the uni- Now It happens that the worst-jI that would atop the Jar of a Kim­ and now today we are going to Kid, by Walter Noble Bums, he youlv description of Kip's Bay waa cold comfort was bom Nov. 23, 1S5S.... ,and she .uld. "I can drive up to see Inside, the station araa crowded H sa lta M L Weather. • and Waablngton. ^■etBt without a aun -whea you offaaaa that labor unions have brough; from fragile-looking bits dlscuaa the treatment of tubcrcu-.^ on l ^ t River, where the British 8:00—News at Europe. ha killed hie flret man In Silver lande^during the occupation of you." and noisy. As they pushed their BKNirdux, MJ>. Tbe ahlpa taavi been tied up In plaad with Uiam to jttiink of Amar- commlUed against popular opinion of costume Jewelry to airplane- loala. 2:80—0 »e e r t Matin 8:15—Shoppers Special- c, ^est Indies Seen, windshields that toss machine-gun If the patient IS severely 111 and ty. New Mex., at the age of Manhattan, and also in a refer­ "Yes, If the camp's not over 10 way tonwrt the gate. Paul said, American harbors ever since tbelr aiBca tha paaaaga of the Wagatr ■ The man be killed ■ waa a 2:20-74Cedley Time 'Dme. ka with her flranddm gnon and har bullets aside like pellets from A has a higli fever, sbortneaa of ence to \ cornfield made by you miles away. I wonder—where do "Reminds me of a scene from a 8:80—Emo Reporter —News an home porta In Europe passed into bto^m lth who waa fighting with 8:00/-Mary Marlin N ‘Infiltration^ Base ygyillatlim hfotight u n ^ thd act--worae than, tha notorloua ait- bean-ahootbr. breath, aweato and a rapid loss of where th \ NY Public Library they send the "men from thla Vi­ hawareel. Kissing tha.boys good- Weather.. Russian control. mim named Moulton who had now atanda\ You aay Washington cinity?’’ He added thoughtfully, by.’! S :l^ M a Perktea Authoritative aourcee diacloaed thralldnm o( an alien rule. Mil- down atrlkea—Is this ^display of Wlwt PtapUra Are weight, and coughs, he rsquirea S:20—Pepper8:80—F Young’e .FamUy 8:35—Shoppers Special—contteU' / ■■. The day I waa over there, there immediate attention and should be befriended BlUy several days be­ tried to commit aulcide there. "Funny, how you never give the Marthh’a eyes atung, har Ups t o ^ that—aside from ths ques­ Mmw of them Juat can't taka It ta. wllUngneaa to hold up the national 8:45—Vic aad Bade . ed. ! was a fellow standing around. I watched very closely, until the fore. According to the Saga of Would you M good enough to army a thought. I bet I can't name quivered. But she had promised 9:00—Preee News., Washington, Jan. 7.—(/P)—Sena- tion of what, if anything, to do iB/pdihapd pneultarly unfor- dafensa program tor the aake of naked him; “Whaddyumean plaa­ active symptoms have subsided. BiUy the Rid he would be 81 give me your Authority for this two forts, off hand. And what I erself she arould sand BUI aaray 9:15—American . School of the tonO'Mahoncy (D., Wyo.) said to­ with thaao ahipe—f^om atic re- lationa between the Soviet and the tuaata that our daawcrattc po||tt- gaining aome union advantage. tica?" And hia answer waa; "Gen­ In tubereuloala aa In any chronic years old no^ if he had Uvfld. 1 aUtement I bav\bMrt the ume remember from" ROTC drill In tb-a smile. Air. day that he had. been convinced on erally speaking, plastics are sub- was wondering. If ‘you could tell thing Mid but have no recognised high acbool, you could stick in "You'll arrite to me, BiU? Every a recMt vialt to Haiti that German United Stataa wen on a more cor­ nal Bjmtom Im oparatod to maha Nothing that labor could possibly disease, patient must be taught 9:45—Morning MelodtcB. / atancea capable of being molded how to take care of himself and me the date ttaai .be was recorded authority for it. ThX history books eye of a needle." day?" agenta were using that West Indtea dial basis than they have been In the paofila au*too familiar with do could ba more effective In 10:0O^By Kathleen Noms. ' or ptherwise fabricated (with thla Is only possible When' be_ In the NY dty Jmllce books as apparently have glbMed over-that Separation. She looked ^ him BUI set his suitcase doam. "Well, Radio 10:15—Myrt and Marge- coUntte as a base for “ inflltn^n^’ years. coloring matter or a filler) into Into the United States and Latin Refuses To Give Up Skipe Tiewtaga with atarm' and fomcasta arousing reaentmeht and disgust knows something about the dis­ having killed the oynerman. J- M, incident . tn W asbln^n's life. hung^ly. She must rem em ^ the thia to I t honey." Hto Srms reach­ ^ay hy 10:30—Stepmother. . a. deairrt solid foi;m; thla condi­ ease from which he la suffering. Scharteiv Poughkeepsie, N. Y." Signed: M. L. MasonABocheater, ed for her, and suddenly ,she arts America; Since the United States still of aatloiill coUapoa, ao baadtad la tha ooimtry aa a whole than line at hla Jaw, the b M of hie 10:45—Woman of (^urage. recognises - Latvia, Lithuania aad tion betog obtained by a physical The four cardinal points In the Minnesota." clingliig to Mm. “BUL Ob, Standsrd TInw 11:00—Ghartie and/Jeeele. •Tliere\la no question that there aheut in Prealdantlal campalgna this callous disregard for all patri­ or chemical Interaction between eyes, the way bis lumda were 'big ar# Fifth/ Column acUvIUeS In Estonia \aa independrot rapubUca, treatment of. tuberculosis are rest, Comment: Why don’t you drop and capable on the^ h e e i. She bit darting." . 11:15—Martha Webetar. that tha people loag^ ago learned otic conaideraUpna. And had It the moieciilea of a wide range of food, education and fresh air, and Harry Cany, care of Paramount Comment: A number dK books ^‘Don't cry, honey, ru bo Haiti," O'Mahoney told reporters. I however,^ tt has refused to turn materials.’' her Up. They had never been New York. Jsa, 7—(V)—It’s al­ 11:30—Big Sis^, I "German agfnta an sitting around ' over to Soviet Ruaria tha .Baltic that they ware meanlnglead. Be- not been for the perpetual sniping all four must be combined In the Pictures, ^remount Bldg., New touch on Washington's booid^ of separated, notAeven for a nlgbt. ing of you every rnlnutc.” 11:45—Aimt Jdmy’s Storle# Well, no doubt He knew what proper proportion. For example York, a note and ask him to tell despair during this battle. \Ttae He shook bands with M. most anybody's optelon as to bow there achemtiS to 8*^ toto thla nations' abipe which sought safe eause. now that the Pcaaldcnt, at the Wagner act In which cer­ since the mlputer bad said the 12 :00—Kate/Smith Speaks.' , havens in American porta. he was talking about, but that plenty of the right kind of food In you the atory.of the Incident? He best d^riptlon of it ta to \ be 'Take care of her, boy,' said listensra are reacting to the cur­ 112:15—Vfheh a Girl Marriea country." \ with all the fore* and eloquence at tain Industrial elements have en, aeems to me to be putting it the the proper combination, plus plen­ solemn words over them. And "Reeixmaiblejiersons” In Haiti, Russia is badly te need of mer la an authority mt the eariy life found' In John Hyde Preston*a DOW, they’d be apart for a year. gruffly. ‘Tm depending you.” rent musle situation on the air, te 112:80—Romance of Helen Trent fela command, trumpeto Uda warn­ gaged there ta amall doubt that hart way. Plastics are -IIHe radio ty of frash air for the patient with of Blliy the Kid. and would be ft O'Mahoney said had told him such chant shipping and wants tbe vee- ReVoluUon, 1778." Wash A' whoL'^year. It stretched before which tunes under copyrteht to 12:45—Our Ctal Sunday. aele but none of tba negotiatioUa, —you can't explain them, but active tuberculoBla, who la allow­ glad to give you the Information. never confessed to axiicidal Inten- 'a girt o| activities had ahpwn marked In­ ing of p ^ - t o our naPonal aacuri- the recalcitrant unlona' atrlkea m there they are. You take a little and endless. Martha stood tber The American Sedate of (tompoa- 1;Q0—Esso Reporter —News and crease recently. \Tbey cited cases, bare or In Moscow, has yet edtab- ty, It petbapa has to aome unreal- defense tnduWtrkB- would have ed unlimited exercise, la a waata Uona but the evidence aeema to stone, as BUI B d ^ Ut ers, Authora and PubUshera no Weather. coal tar'or hammered soybeans, at both time and effort Let, me case I never told you be- he related, of German vlaltore with Ushed a basis for an aecsptabl* mix them with w-little air or wa­ "Dear Mr. Tucker—I noticed In be that with hla men streaming BIU w ia saying. "1 love tie steps Into the Hto face longer are baart oa the majority 1:05—Mate Street—Hartford. solution to the problem. / rtag folk much tha sound of the brought such a 'tidal wave of pub­ emphasise agiln, that over exer- In panic, refusing to stand tbelr : —Woman In White. large bank aooouQ^ and no appar ter, run theni through a press and one of your recent columns thi Martha." appeiMrt St . a over aome* at statioas. It would take a na­ 1 15 ent mcana The Baltic shlpa are among tbe mam oM cry of wolf. lic Indignation that their leadera else kills many Puente. you eay y6u could not And n mgle ground, he did turn hia horse to­ one else'a face, pidtod tm the tion-wide, bouae-to-house checkup 1:80—The Mght To Happiness. you get ev^r^thhtg f r ^ s>'nthetlc Of course patients with high caae I never told you,” she 266 foreign merchantmen which A f t thla time there la' a wolf— would have been overwhelmed and Bilk to j^ r A h ift kn-dca. vocal recording of 'Ave M ^a. ward the advancing anem^ ( ^ 1 love you, BiU Mar- comers of her Up I and smUad. She to 8*^ OB exact accounting. 1:45—life Cta Be Beautiful. have taken refuge in American fever abolild afay In bad, because ride slowly, 'with arms dangWng w. sun there are certain iiidlea- 2:00—Young Dr. Malone. the gaunteat, hiungrtaat, moat over-ridden, / The-^Inese started making For your Information Larr:^ Cot­ ataU.' waved to Mm/ porta to escape .the risk of falling W’hite there la the slightest degree ton, with Horace HehR, nude a at hla Bld^, toward tbelr m ld ly A voice cri(M. /AU aboard! All tloDS from available eources that 2:15—Joyce Jordan—Ohrl Interne 1295,000 O b t^ n Into British or Axia handi at aaa. htoodthlraty wolf that baa e ^ r It is entirely unfair to the great papidr-mache about aa far back of fever, this Indicates an active tenhd Ms shoulders, jpa firecrackera, but since papier- beauillul recording of the hunaber approaching yanks. Several of hla He aboard!" Thera ivas the risteg enough oognteaaee of develop- 2:80—Fletcrilr WUfy. Uke the others, they hav* earned stalkad tha earth. It is daaper- body of/industrial leadar^p that progreo. Thla activity may con officers raced up, seised the loose "rn bi the news to them at snort of ^ engine, thq deapeninf meata is being taken on the other 2:45—My Son ft L no revenue, but ore piling up port ;>imache w-aan't an inatrument of tlnue for weeks or months, but aeveral noontba ago. yDrlnk. to was struck by Jobs in Month ately to h* hoped that those who It Bhotlid suffer from the r e ^ - slaughter, it took civilixation Me Only With Thine la on reins, and led their rtmmander- the store.” \He rumble of wheels. The train ba* etde of the loudspeaker to make it 8:00—Mary Margaret McBride. chargee inateed. when tha temperature becomes In-chief to safety. I>re8tan thinks other tbi "1 amnder If 1*0 poesible to reflect the (^jiteloos of 8:15—dotden ■freeaury of Song. cannot grasp the genuinanaaa of cltrpiM of a small element of un- about ten centuries longer to fig­ normal and contlnuaa so for aome the reverse aide. Hope you will gfn to raova. Martha araved trail* Baale KHmeMa at FeBey ure out that It waa a plastic and ♦«1H • listen. Larry's nndlUon there can be no doubt that Wash­ get tha Job tofteramrt." tloally/ Suddenly ahe araa runntef. sonM groupe. However, for the 8:80—Ebbo Reporter —News and A bhsie p r ^ p t* of American tha Fmaidaat’B alarm will not Im itructable rebels pgatnat all time, then the. patient may Indulge ington deliberately did this In the "There's ( ’ about I t They moot p ^ tta Usteners seems to Weather. Washington. Jah- 7.—( A —jBtat* foreign poUcy, officiala said, waa plaatica were pretty hot stuff. In a certain amount of mild exer- of both these nunibers ta superb to kaep up. *3011 Bull" bno many. lahor laws, but beca.i^ these 1st' Now,' after some 25 years of wUh that a bullet find him then have to take back.” he Ustantef along, with s p o ^ c 8:85—Studio Matlnoe. employmeht offices filled ttS.OOO the United Statea government's else. —ln«t yog mlghy call me allgtaUy ul aald, "Martha. D o s t" , f____ _ The Forther Herald Bunding who comes aft- , surveyn tending to show not too It arfll not ba Rooaevelt'a fault «r people have sought and obtain' commercial development -and pnjudiced In his favor, being the and there. "Yea. If the Ihe scaiciely hoard him. Sha wa* Jobs In prlvste.lndustry during.Nor refusal to reoognls* the transfer The next eaaentlal' to arrest of ar me doesn't le,t.k\lot of dead- m u^ concern ime ’way.or the ■vember. Federal Security Adihlnta of sovereignty at any tarritory ac­ taart«BM» A' W « A . ■ *■ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' jtf t h ^ art. Hia aroualBg cry ed a great dekl of publicity in about ten years of epneentrated'I tubereuloala la the education of along bealda the trata. het attention from both the men 4n /- beats walk out arltb lamond:ringa eyes on BUl'a face. "Qoodby other. ‘ trator McNi((t announced totajr, quired by force of uma- thd people was raoonaht anou their efforts to unyeat the Labor the patient. He must ba mads to ao there won’t be store O eanaata On SMwrttan Roosevelt Frietid adding that this waa the " — Ih line with that poUey, they the laboratoriea. plaatica''Sre com­ realise that destructive baUto of kidney In p6rmal health does only' darling. Goodby.” But She wsntrt to awaken the moat )ackadatBi/al. ^latlohs laws they have quite ing Into their own. When^ you ceme back to." He VtoB ASCAP cornea thin oom- volume tor any November explained, the United Btatas has On Hilliard Street ither moment of seeing Mm. vniir action such aa ovar-eXerclaa. otor- about oow^tbtrt sis much work as A Thought ment: "We have been getting ■eveayearaateca the ^nlted refused to rooognte* any of the to atir out of their coroplac'enre mistakenly come to be regarded aa comb, your hair and brush It could do. If neceaury. You wUl know, I always meant to get Sbd ran aa if. aomrtiAw, ahe could- In Prison Camp teeth and switch off your lights miat I feeding indulging In too many lata a rinjg. Martha. Better'^ many complaints particularly Employment Servlc* waa ■eixures of other nations by 0#r^ the moat torpidly aclf satisfied. representing the whole industry;-, hours, will make bis condition see from thla that there to a w i^ keep up. As if, aomehow, ahf from Ustanara who. follow the night, the chanepa are ten to one one—-the one—" The one could prevent betiig left-behind. ; ad.' many. Italy, Japan or Soviet Rusk worse. It should ba remamberad margin of safety and tbto explains But love ye your sanwiii donee bands oa the air, inqulrteg ' WhUe the total of public and pri- \0lat end hea dacUhed to surrender • “ We will hot,” Be aald. "be Intiml- or at least Its major part And you are uaing plaatica. , ' ' - why one kidney wlU be able to given her. But inexorably tha train moved Berlin, Jan. T.—(ff)—CUpL When you shove the family Ja- that in the majority of eases tu- and do good, aad lead, hop- why tune# preyloualy played f vste Job placementa during Novem­ nny ahlpa or other property hers Occupied By The Orford SoaR Comi^ny dated by the threats of dictators the popular reaction ' to thla la a 'berculosiB may take months or carry on and do the Votk required "Don^t sweet" faster. BUT# face waa draarte| Jalopy into gear, you are lising lag, for aethitog agate; and “But 1 should have aaved h a m no mora" Charles Davis Morgani United ber declined 10 per cent from, the owned h r the conquered nations. that thay will regard aa a breach meaau'iV of sympathy with or- even years to develop, and that after the other baa been rsBMved yow reward shall ba great away. Then It was gone. Her arts Broadoast Music, toe-* «P States dttaen hnd college taya prevtoua month. McNutt said they Betetiene Improved Osaerally I plastics. They are in your kitchen. aurglcaUy. Nervous symptoms do money. I didn’t " dropped to ^ e r side. "He's gon ^ cf intotnatlonaLlair, and as m ganlxed labor which -In aome Caaea : they are on your clothes, and the during tbU period the patient may —Luka dHS,' ~ til* broadcasters te otapetitlM were 26 per cent above November Despite the impeas* * the For Many Years As A WarehouM be noticeably Urad moat at the not espactolte tadicata the onset r v « got a ring,” she said. "The I friend of Prerident Roosevelt is In act of war, our aid to the deraoc- it laaat—for example these s ir - : Department of Commerce is doing • • • with ASCAP. aa^: rt tba n year agv, and 45 par cent higher ■hips, generally Improved rria- Ume. Ha may have night aweata. of Bright's Disease, and tba fact only one > wanV" Paul was running toward Usttaer reaction has bdn favor- a Oerman.prison camp, the ynlted th u In November, 1038. tiqw srer* aald to have resulted that mild aervous symptoms have To love an enemy to the dto- Hto hand cloaed over hers. raciaa artalch dare to reaut their pUne factory atrikea-goea fa ril*^ ‘!r^^‘ «.r^ li* and a cough may or may not de­ tinguiahed charactcrtotlc of a re- AU at once, aha w ' able. TTier* la ao dearth d|r popular States embassy dlicleasd today, McNutt elsa reported that ein- from talks betFoan SumnSr aggt saaicna. Such aid la not an; beyond the deserts of the unions, lures as this: Ten years ago the velop. _ , ■ developed would therefore not bo Paul," she ertod ' tuaee. latareat aeoaas the same an ployment arising out of tha defanae Welles, undertacratery of state, The value of freah air lies In tig coaclustve evidence of a tendency Uglota airMch to not o f M O kqt of A t the Air Transport plant Morgeu. whoaa wife. Louise act oC war. even If a dictator: Thera can scarcely be a doubt output of synthetic resins amount­ Ood<-R6Jaa. ‘Paul, Fm a conscript’s wtft now.” Warfield Morgan of Baltimore, U program waa reaponalble for an 8 aad Oonstantin Oumanaky. tbe stimulating effect upon the cellff to nephrltto. ^ Martha said, ‘T li ask for Ume (Ta Be OsnttBMd) O f tha 885 broadcast station* la per cant deeraaes hi benefit p ^ - Soviet ambemador. Tbaea convar- Hamid unOatoratly -^roclalM It to j that much of the tolerance exteqd- ed to approximately 31.000,000 ^(Oisrdtoaia) off. I want to stay with you every a cousin of the Doohea# of Wtota pounds—ten years later, to 213,- of the body. It la only common tbs country, BM l reported It had msata under the urtemploymtat te- ■atione have been atetM at dear- An Ideigl Plant For -He.PsBlgaed Flag minute. untU you—leave.” eor, was captured aeriy ta Juiti Le ao." ' . i ad to the airplane strikes can be 000,000 pounds. aenae that a paUent will do better QueaUoa: Mrs. O. O. L. writes; up 588. while ASCAP ad-, ■uranc* law. ing up outataadteg ooinmerctal In the Invigorating air of the. "The doctor u ys that a friend of She stumbled as she got .out of while fighting In-tha British Army l.Lat that sink in upon those half- i traced directly to the persistent Out Tut-Ug King Tut vtaed Its Ust had grown to noariy in the Battle of Vlandera. the em- and economte queetlone srhlch mountalna, rather than in. the mine baa a dleeaea called *Giar- Tba Stars and Stripaa. was des­ the car. The blood pounded In 200 la aome hiatanree, non-com- may AaMtfeaDs wbo'sack to aban-1 actlvltlca of a few atiff-necked And now we get down to what btasytaJd. Irritatod normal rriatiena duety, emoky air of the leiffe dtoato.’ Oould you please give me ignated Iqr Francis Hopkteson. a her ears. It seemed to her almost Meriden, Jan. 7—(ff)—Miss A. DMidal stationa dgnod with both between the two nations. waa to me the moat fascinating aignar of tha Declaration of Inde- Morgan's ease has been Manufacturing P (Ido the' BriUidt empire and Its al- I manufacturers who^ from the very cltlea. The doee at tm h air should a UtUa Informatioo .on the sub- as though she was saying fareweU Elisabeth Bigelow. U , director at British Press Hits Informed officials have empha- part -/Qt the commerce department pandanee, and not by Botay Rosa. to the Whits House by vaitous Uns to thair fata for fear that Herr . beginning have fought' the Indus- exhibit... the work that Charles ba prescribed for each petlent ^ to the gay and carHeaa Ufa they the Meriden PubUe Health and ■teed that tbs talks hava hem eon- the rooms.In srtUch the patient A ^ e r : "Glardtosto" to also had known untU ^ now. Saying Vlattteg Nurse Aasodattoa fbr 21 Heavywdght King Joe Louis tta friends, tt wa# dlecloeed. but under H itler BBlght construe our aaaUt-' trial Relations act at every turn, E. Sando of the Departme'ht of International law ta is tactually a Three New Bodies fined to commercial aad economic Agriculture has been doing with Uvea or alcepe should tb » caUad Ftogellant Diarrhea and to farewell to the laughter and dano: years and apaat praaldsat aad comes a ebntastaat for the second svbjecta, but tt wag pointed out anca to them as aa act hoaUle t o ! with the obvious determination windows wide open and tol* r t w a chronic lafactlon which occurs tag and the IrresponaitaiUty. director of Tfae Oomieotlcut State British aUkUer bodsuae ba Jollied In A-1 shape and ready fop occupancy at once. O f heairy mill constme* a synthetic ream that's a dead time to the C38 Cbooae Up SIdee the British fovcaa and took part te that ta y lroprov«m *»t te Wueqten- 1dm and his hidaous amblllona;; not to submit to any federal labor an axceUant opportunity for reeov- in the intestines, and occa- The country hsH given her bus- Nuraeo’ Aaaoclatlon. died at her snorts quls ‘niursday night. On Americaa relations tn that fisld ringer for clear glass. He haa been combat London, Jan. 7.—(^-r-TTie press iion with excellent " id ventilation. Steel sash with wired ghua. x irte are willing ao soon, even be-' law whaUver If they could poaai- burying bugs Snd ears of com Blaoaliy occurs la tha liver and OUR band a atem duty to perform; and home. Sbd waa a Mtlva ef Cbl* - t i * previous visit to the program might have an important ' effect **TT»oe# oC my readers who srould gall bUdder. The patient wlU prob­ aba, Ma wife, tad her part la Chester and began tar work te today criticteed' Prinie Mteistar in creating mora ooeporntiv* re* fo t« he has ao much as pointed a bly help It. It is they—not by and 'butterflies in blocks of this June Ml he bbd a perfect score. Churchill's appointment of three stuff and turning out preserved like to. havs “ “ "ESSS? ably notice of stomach I t too. She'd have to stay hoM. this dty Dee. 1, Itlt . Utions on any strietly poUtical Drivewaya both aides o f the huilding with ample parking Bpace. ' a b «ls gun or a Hngla plaa* | mUas the majority rt industrial- »TTniii9if?ULOBI8. “BRE trouble, (wd may adffer from dlar- new executive bodies whose beads questions whlta might arise te the| apeclmen. that wbuM ouUlvo 1 GOOD ataM and waltteg. She'd have to ’Tunita tonight: Japan Protests . form a eommitta* to regulate and sgHaM TU. to accept Hitlers lata-who have created a bad, In- Tut's inununy. rhM which alternates with con- come to thla office every morning. T:45; future. • ar* Invited to writ* for X?r. FraiA stlpatloa. There to uauaUy anemia, The war—NBORad 7:15, spota the industrial war effort. Overall dimensions, 35’ x 100’. 11’ ceiling height^-both flooia. r i| ^ to order tha coursa ot Amer-1 Jurioua but very real, class con- Banda, a 45-year-old bio-chem- Not as before. alnq>ly because It ■Mtai 8, 10, I L 17'JO; CBS 8:56. The DaUy HetahL Laborite iat, after several years of research McOoy Health Bervfce In car# together with a poor appeUte and NEICHE thtega easier—but because Bermuda Search^ 'Ica'a conduct. .sclousncas which now In oonalder- thla newspaper and eocloaa ate as the dtoiuM progrM U . tha pa­ 10:45; WJE-NBC 9:80; NBC 17. nowwapor. eommeabed: haa managed the feat-of imbed­ now there’d be her own ttvtag to WBAF-NBC-S. Jotey Pi Mr. Rooaevelt r a t lo n i^ i thinlahle measure protects defense cents In tooae stamps and a lar*^ tient may bscoua weak and loaa "It doaa not pcevida—as mem­ Bootlegging Still ding'these apecimeha in an un- aks. - *ss ^ta* a. of Bwee; •‘Ml. ■ " -s bers ef P a r lte i^ t win trentaant- iieratchable ctoar-'plastic and re­ arif-addrssssd eavalopa. nn^r**, weight The paUent to atoo eaHly Venezuela Tokyo, Jan. 7.—5P)-JapM haa dr t anaa to the dicUtora'by a dec-: strikes froip -the naUon-Wide In- sea that your oeplea are hi tk* Irrltoted and frequently becoasu Duty, H waw-A Mg word. C H E V R O L E T FIbbta MoOoa; 10. Boh Hope ly point out when Partlament ex­ Will Sell or Lease At A Very Reasonable Figure taining not only parfhet form, ev­ On a typical Venasualan firm larattaa- which avary thinking t d ic t io n they would 'othSnriae mall right away. extremely MrVous. The dtoeau to Strangely, an imtoailair Tooriaff Sedaa 10:80. Undo made a atroag protaet to Britain amines the premiers move—all Seen Flourishing en to the minuU hairs on the legs jrou may find coffaa, lx MarahaU thought as she WABC-CB8—8, Court of M A a asH M knows to ha truth abao- havemtcltad. of a tarantula, but perfect color­ caused by Olardla Inteatinalto LUMNewl ■galnat the. detaatioei and aaareh- the pbwerfu^ fuU-tbn* government H u'ir-n- And ^ ^ w era arhlch to a parasite tafectlag the oranges, potatoes, sugar cane, co­ whlked Into the sunny offlee where tag Hein; S:SO, First NIghter; 8 maciiina for the appfieetion ef a totoi “ Whan tha dictators are I — — ------■ -- ing. He haa ptoaeryed frogs, conut pahns, beauis and jpom. she typed spacifleations for atr- ing of Japanesa traae-Atltatic enakee (with bared fangs), pea­ amall Intutteaa but arhlch occa- ^ tbs P so j^ : 9:80. Prrtse ruthleee. eooidteatod output pUn.” Washtegten, Jsa. 7,—(ffv—Boot­ For furthw infdhnation inquire at O ueatiyiffM S^ Ingulf ptanas. that perhaps tbtor genera- Qois: lo a s , Invltathm to tcsro - -travriers at Bermuda, the goven- cock futtaera, spikes of wheat Hoaally ftsda tU aray into the gall MR havs The Times predictsd dleappoint- legging. sqntetaffly fk * btoddar or U««r. As a gaaaral role S m —bets qad Bin's—had heart $175 ment amwuneed today. mdnt. "because powers*given the larrifwlth repenl ef preedhltldB, and eats and even moOw. whose " I 1^ the le ft kjdncy *^5? ***^ velsaed a very hardy t m af tba Osordar to ssore common ta all too Uttto of duty until now. It FW-KBO-T. Ew The protaet .was deilvared by gevmmaaant last May to requln ^ is s fleatishtog^tedurtry. part. T ta y did not .wait i. Toaaorrew the administrstlaa at daUcaU______ceterlng _ would ba vpeat •vertl years age e a ^ hy jr t w diiiidig farts Moi i ifly ar BelghUB to eem- the govemsMnt ef Ooitoectlcut' ky any k5MM"strong enough te i i W at thathe preaaat tlma outsM ^Udxaa than te adults, but aaay had never been a stem taskmoker Ben Bmnl* (Jute: 8:85. Foreign Mtelatm' Yoeufce Matsuo* to *idaoo themortv’ea, their servtoe* Becret Berries Chief Fiank J. aervous aytaptosaa. Do ba fouad In thoaa who are grown. to be rertioned rtith. No U st: 9, Grand OeatrmI . 15. ha to tbe British ambsmarttw; Mr and t h ^ property at tbe dltaMal WUaon, rcsertsd today that out of M act of war." >10 pais from the hands of Re-jl|^u Itoulrt I * " *“ iay'P«2*i«|" r af ladto. pcaached Its noceastttoa. It bad tad 15-MI. Rtaert Lsrite Oalgio. Aa offleial the 85JI7IITS ee*w*B eeerteted #er THE HERALD PRINTING WUttra C. BuUttt addrei (ff Hia MaJtaW*- • • •’Fcre not hriiig bis pal-I puhllean w, Governor_ Raymond E. only know that'H la hoo-expenalv* danger of developteg Bnghia DO part te Urtr Uvea. • Edward Weeftp pregrtaA . statemoBt said tt dodared that ac­ Tbe Tteaes added that tbe vtolattoa Creshy Ta Art Orchid earn to a cotnraen rem- Paul BUlott raked hto stroag a\HfUe Baldwte to thoee of Democratic not a-jot of air or nioiature Is le ft ; Dlaeaaa?" ^ ady tor coMa to Venasueto MBB-6:15. Ed 9:85. tion takta hr ttrttita autimritles -htffl to th/tenbeddad spertmen. Sclen-! Ajwwsr: T ^ Sagan tbreiMh Ma katr MOrtan Ooold uithsrtri; 15:48, at Tie I III! ell wag Otariy an abtax> W ■ f ■ . ■ lO M ds tt a weak Oovernor Robert A, Hurley. What tiats and aeodleoa'already are tUv only awa.I ■HHliQrkldnay wttl wddM Mw^wuw^ HeUywood, Jan. . r - iT H - Z M M S hla BBI had basa cxBad. TM.MB1 at heOgtlBBt . tt li a prttey of all- Wad rt Bovenor Mr. Hurley wUl thsir darbies to Or. Baadorsum as kealtky aa tha Croshy’s hietl ar. Bob to •to*. S 1 tftnftftt thdy-d Ufa frtwe'te be M u tes for the future ^ ba ». aa tha Wilaap wfick la o a t ■Id dtedeea^-^aseyt that t b m ' is bclM-piiblic- I i 1. . ■ -I - --

• • • I 1 . ' V ''.-’rT? '■ y, rv2i ;t> • /. . . ‘ ‘ , .■" u ,1 MANCHESTER EVENING HEHAJLD. MANCHESTER, CONN. JUB8DAY, JANUARY 7, IW I MANCHESTER EV|:VnNG HEP>.LI> TUESDAT, JANUARY?, 1941 Watson Threat Pat V e n ^ o Jolmtiy Bulla •V School for Skaters: 1 Mid. and BriVU* B ritish'T roops To Lead Grand March with Ck>y. Hurley Coventry Sets Belgium fe Hun^^ Red Wings Are Latest Orchid Growth been pounding the Naid ralW^Qrt Ae Ice Scorer B ylfvtn f JfifT **' Held toDcaw we bav; toombad Reach A irport Meetii^Date Undefeated Olympic Speed Skating Champion. O f Los But Not Starving Sensations of Hockey Earns an . E v e n , B r e a k other big: raUway (OMtlBMd rteas Fag* Om ). . langers* Ace Movw to ' Mmover Mrhh Poor Man*f Goifi To Be Held on Saturday; Second Place; aU] Tlpa For Begtohen . WiA HaHford Foe; Grammar School velopmenta. "operations . toward Former Prime Ministet Rookie Goalie, Youii^ New Yale Coach Sksten are not born. If you caii toref $3,500 Ti j UhMw* Eventaally needed in Retting auppllea to ad* Tobruk are proceeding satisfac­ To Dificttfifi Propem^ Cdwley Still Leads. - Farr Again W inner. G a m e s air ****^*vjf torily." About Town Says jPoor Hardest Hit, Hnstlen Carry D e^it walk youN'ean learn to skate, ey in Ridi M m lx>wer Cost for helped the traniporl iltuatton in Two Forttficatloa Uses New High SchdoL whether you are 3 or^50. There a n Pat Vendrillo, 439, was held to Germany,’ he eald. ^ . To Hrights in the Na* Montreal, ^an. 7—iF8p-Phll Wat­ W ith 281 f4M^72 T*he Tobruk defepsex- hastily TlipuMmlfi. Are Now simple fundamental*! though, with - Eight Grad* Staadlag Rooumtic Flower. ••Lota of their advance fleld^ strengthened while the Italian Coventry, Jan. T.-^EduoaUomU Tbe LadiaB’ GuUd of B t Mary's son of toe New York Rangers atola toe aecond drew of hie fistic career too. are poorly fitted for winter Bpieeopal church will omit ita Unemployed. tional Rink LeaguO. which you muat be acquainted. at the Valley Arena In. Holyoke, Team w "suicide garrlsoB” at Bardta ' questions WlU loom large as votora the scoring ebow to th* National (3hallengeri Los Angets^’xi^T . TniiSjfiriti Jm - T—>—A , 84- Hockey Laagna, but Bll» Oowlay of Speedboya .. way for the poor naan's gaff A.T. !>«*« »«» ^ “ *• * ^ P * feed Bon^ Sc*^ to the west, were said to consist of at 1:80 p. m. to the North Coventry By Milton Broaner Importance. A good Snug fitting 16. 142V4. of Hartford. It waa Comata ..... » * ess 8 * It wah pointed out alao thw in two lines t)f fortlficaUons. with wUf tfk* place Thursday aftei* NBA Service StaB Corteepoadenl year-old goalie plsjrtog his first tha managed to pion—3^-yenrerid Johnny \rtpo<^ ^ Community House, promising shoe must be used. For men and Pat'a 30th engagement and he had Zebras ...... the flret taonth* the outer ring approximately 35 spirited debate 1s the Iseub of en­ noon, January Ifi. Belgium Is not starring, but season to the big time and a flock hang onto the lead. boys the same aise skating ahoe Black 'ILawks ...... who won tho richest in th* Um« it (ire the Oermana were able to um miles W clfcumference. things alt his own way through the dorsement of a proposed regional, ahd is hungry. of teammatea With lota of drive Watson bagged four goala and as your street shoe should bo Bulldogs Ckaifornia’a winter » - & ttny ««aud nwHl »o bomba end fuet eeleed In the British quart*"* expressed con­ Tb* Woman’s Auxiliary of SL -' That is the judgment of Paul worn,, with a medium weight flrtt two rounds until DsBello tn il rnoAm tt with n 85 cant high school which some persons and hustle have turned the De­ M assist to move up to second Comta (8) m Moem—*n which pallon of France^ and. the Low fidence . that these fprOflcsUons wish to sea erseted. to Mansfield, Mary's church wUI meet in • ther Van Zeeland, tor . three ]reara woMen aock. For woman and caught him wrlth a solid punch to P Nama B baU. / eould not withsUnd a tjiree-way parlMi house Friday at 8 p. ea, to among t^ Point-getters with w, the head to toe third that floored taUIy Dny ine»<™ h lower cort for Oountrtes j near tbe University of Connecti­ prime minister of the little nation troit Red Wings 'tato hockey’* four behliid Cowley, who waa out glrlx wear a oiza smaller skating 1 Robb If . .4 a a m^.'O Thn cocky eon of oM * r. romnnlic flower. __ flourcee here believe a battering from land, sea and air cut. If tbe proposal is endorsed. It work ob' bandages for the' M4mo- and now to the United States try­ latest Cinderella team. shoe than street shoe. Do not an. the local iWttler for a count of nine. 2 Afisto, rf Carotton—Greensboro, to bs lily this proceie tahe* of theiw hee been ueed up. W hM such is Sir Archibald is preparing rlal hospital. Hoeteeaes will be of action for the vrsek. The judges rendered a split decision will place Cortntry among those ing to do*what he can to hrip his In the short space of eight day* tlclpate more than a aise larger 1 Ubert c —pul together nnmds o f 71- te eiflht year*. been destroyed by to give them. ■ Mrs. Albert Lindsay, Mrs. SanriiM countrymen back to Belgium. HU apurt put him a point •itl'ln^d and tha referee voted a draw, 68 for a 73-bote score o f SRI These' sources also saw *>"*11 towns which are seektog permis- the onruahlng Red Wing* have for children. 1 Hawitt, Ig ...... ^ 1 lart^ painaiaklng «*p«n- no auppHee must be brought up aton legtslatlon to establiah suf h a Brown and M rx Joseph JohnetotL "The necesaiUes of the after- of Toronto't 8yl Appx v^ho added Billy Parr, 134. made hla second 1 Kannedy, r f 0 captured tho efaiteenUi aanhai po^biUty that Marshal Rod^fo climbed Into a flrat-place tie adUi I one to his previous total, while Beginners’ flnt pair of skates have cut tour to »ix nwatht from farther bach. school. math of tbe invasion have foreed tba appearancx a* a oro and achieved ■ Angeles Open and tbe 33J508 the oa« year nortaally i»- BrtUnh aviation clrclm alao e ^ Gmiiianl could reinforce the To­ David Emera of Brooklyn, to the RaDdegs (t ) Bulla, son or a preacher itv that the Germane may h ^ e In the first place, they declar^. morrow chargrt with obetnicttog t df foes and foUoweca for fourth with 30 points. ommended. flret round of a ecehduled four- orchid aw** ■fl** keep, also rather costly, arlll no youngish Van Zeeland told ke. ■ 1 Briggx If ...... 0 0 shooting at his firri tourm on further worh hy which M curtaUed their air ‘JJ the Royal Air Force now Is master doubt be sired. There ar* many a fir* hydrant to front of the tele­ latest reports from Belgium Jimmy Orlando of Detroit con­ Shoes should be laced loosely rounder. Farr's flret Mow floored 3 Gankofekie, rf ...... 0 0 victory, passed paca-settln|g weather to permit organUaUon of o f the air in North Africa, while phone exchange yeUerday. Fred _t all started Chriatmaa Day over toes for proper circulation th# New. Yorker and hla second fln- 0 ■i to apeed up the later Ufa of who, for sducatlonsi ressonx cated. "The daily allowance when the Red Wings ended a four- tinued to lead to tbe matter of 1 La Franclx c ...... 1 my Ttemson at th* nfae-botef; preparations for an Invanlon. for a practically every yard would like to see the eelidol found­ Burkhardt of 115 Charter Oak very -coarse bread per person Is penalUes arith 44 minutes spent In and snugly around instep ahd an­ M ed him off. 3 KsnehL Ig' 8 2 of iresterday's ffiaal round, mass aerial a»ault. when Coastal road from Tobruk ^to street and James Murphy.qf 188 game losing streak with their . Joe Coburn was unable to appear 3 March, rg ...... 0 0 *^®5jwM a-tha •hl^brwa'-of ed. There are others who, contsnt 275 grama or slightly leas than first •victory over the Maple Leafs the box. kles. Skates should be sharpened tb* preasure on tb* tour b o r « ^ tahtUy—coat up to Wpo spring coroeSr Tripoli—a matter of more than 700 Silver Lane,'East Hartford, will' 10 ounces. 'Ilie daily ration of at least every .ten times of use. on the card becanae of an injured with present schooling faculties, since the play-offs In Scoring leaden: hand but wlU'probaMy be In action knocked two strokes off par 71 miles—la vulnerable to the Runa of doubt that the involvement In ad­ answer chafes of non-support. meat la 40 g——- — -•— Plajrer Glab O A Pto. 9 TotaU ...... 8 3 8 the day. •. the Britlah Mediterranean fleet. next Monday night when Pet* Sebre at half: 3-1 Comets. Re- ^^*^Doad*e*to to Rich Oaat ditional cost and taxes to wise at ouncea And, Four days later they knocked...... Cowley, Boston .;.. 9 18 27 F irst'nm e Of) Ice Thomson was the first • long period of growth, the Seven Merchant Ships Applications now are bring Vendrillo. Sr., takes hla flShtera to fefeqs: Annello, Shields. Half of Ouna Lost this time. butcher, this i off Chicago's Blackhawks while Watson, Rangera .. 7 18 23 You must rememtofr to 'bend Holyoke agxto. leader with a 88, three ahots _ tlMt they bloom only once an- Lost During Week In the aecond place, it waa said, Sss littls Aivaatsfe taken at the municipal buUdtog bone. Torontiu waa losing to the New Apps, Toronto ....10 12 22 knees and shoulder in rhythm of Buna. Johniiy, a un. maaity and that a good plant pro* Most Coventry people see no fo r the coming COC camping “MUk Is a rarity. It UxsUowed York Rangera and on New Year’s HsxtaU, Rangers 18 7 20 Speedboya (3 .^ pounder, moved to tho London. Jsn. 7.-r<^—"H!*. A ?’ the lUllana-through to**»L " * with leg' you put forward. Push P Name - F T ilaaaa cNUy three or four miwera on miraity announced today M»ht ^ veraea at Sidl Barnwii and Bardla great sdvmitafs to tbs regional period. Local youths who wish to only, to expectont mothers iWd to day cut .toe idle Leafs’ margin to N. ColvUle, Rangers 9 11 20 the ice with opposite leg. Don’t Bscond round with a M. tha aaaraga. all contribute to the achool of itself. They feel that it enroll for tbe term may get com­ very young children. Buttri^ ia 10 19 1 8. Vtocl, U ...... 0 8 again look qver on tha third en merchant ship# tpUllng 87,fiS« have loat at leaat half the jpina. two games with another triumph Emerson W. (SpUce) Netoon Howe, Detroit..... 9 walk or nm, just glide with I Sports Roundup 0 4 probably won’t be any better than plete details from Albert Behrend. very scarce. Potatoes—usually a (above) former University 18 0 B. Lxvey. rf ...... with a 71, wbUa BuBa waa MiS coat. • V ^ tons had been lost "by “ • ■upptiea, munitions and motor over the Blackhawka. Wiseman, Boston . . 7 11 : rhytom and coordination.. Bring 0 P. Caprx c ...... 0 4 Ifl Dewarth’a aapertnWirta. he lion" in the week ending Dk . W. traimport facllltlea with which the high achoolB to nearby towns Three so far haijje registered. good crop—were considerably Last Saturday they/trounced Iowa tackle, was named bead DriUon, Toronto . . 10 7 ‘ 17 tog to a 75 that tocludod two where Coventry jrouUi now Is sent; rear leg forward and relieve By Eddie BrieU .0 Marcblsotti, Ig .... 0 3 l^%u social fpod eflaturee^ the The total included three Britlah their North African Army waa ruined this time by disease. th* Leafs In Toronto, their flrat football Coach of Yale University, L. Patrick, Rangers 6 11 17 weight from forward leg aa you Irvlag Jaflfoe 0 ally strokes Imposed for pis; It wUI be no nearer than these “The Ibt of the poor Smtar Worse 0 Jonex Ig ...... \.. 0 the wrong baU. shipa aggregating **-f*f. S fi equipped at the outset of the cam- Frederick P.' Fltchner, former victory there alnc* November, Nelson, 85, former Yale line coach, IXunart, Boston .. 8 7 16 repeat same motion. DON'T keep New York. Jan. 7—(F>—Bowl­ 1 Plerro, rg . 1 7 'nfaw,** he aaye. "we are tour Allied veeaela totaling 1#,348 schools, and lt‘ la feared by many manager of the Manchester Ga* than that of the weU-to-do. Jiiat 1988, and then shut out the Mon­ is the flrat non-graduate named G. AU«d, CMcago .. 8 6 16 Long bttUng 11)010000 .that eventual coate may be heavy as In every country Vlth restric­ knee* apart. DON’T look down at glide and don’t be slrald of a fall. ing along: Georgia Tech, which 0 Hxyex fg 0 0 nig aaperlmeata by which Moreover, the BriUah suggested. Conmany, left an estate of 830,- treal Canadlena toe next nlfht to to to* He was Ul when Abel, Detroit...... 5**- 10 15 the Ice, but straight ahead. Swing won only two scheduled games tha final round with a str to feed tha young orchid plant ^^^e week's loaeea totaled only —more so than tuition fees now 867.75, when he died recently to tions upon qurrjency there are share the driver's seat. newa of toe appolntoaeat reached Uotter, Detroit.... 8 7 15 This la inavltabla In skattog. 13 1 35 over BuUa, who now caUs between tha time of MarahSl Grazlanl may he.altate to paid to nearby tpwns. black bourses where you can get arms looeely, avoid jerky motion. Fall properly, though, and you last year, dug up picture* o f Its Totals home. He couldn’t keep It. apito^m ately half tha move troops from western Libya to West Hartford, aa Inventory filed Back of the eensatlonal spurt him. Bauecr-Boston .... 7 8 IS Rest at frequent lntcn?kto to 1940 Orange Bowl win over Mto- Zebras (8) and bloora.*' weekly loajs since the war started, In the meanwhile, voters will be yesterday to the Hartford District better bargain rates, so there are are Johnny Mower*, who has had Sebmidt, Borion . . 7 8 10 won’t jget hurt. When you stum­ P Name F Masted those 36 cent balls 1 defend Tobruk because of the pos­ asked to approve the selection of black markets where the rich can allow leg and body muscles to ble, bend the kneea, throw your eouri to show around th* banquet, whUe th* crowd, sympsthotte the Admiralty taW. sibility of attack from the French Probate Court, ehowa fewer goals scored against him Taylor, Toronto ..5 10 13 loosen up to the process of their circuit... .to* sports editor of one Belltoghlri. If ...... \ 0 The announcement aald the Oei> schools in nearby towns for Ugh •' . often get a bigger porUon Of the than any other league goalie, the M; OolvlUe, Rangers 7 7 14 arms and body forward and break Link, tt ...... 0 sauas of those strohen off. t R a i d s territory of Tunisia on the west. school purposes, for Coventry various foods. development for luting. the fall with aid of extended small Nebraaka paper waa to dead the day before, whooped and ‘ mana had claimed to have sunk Gen. Maxime Weygsnd, the —Photo by John Raley A meeting of the Manchester imbroved first Itos play of Eddie Lougbiraii Gets Schriher, Toronto 11 8 14 set on seeing toe Oomhuakan la Oebome, o 1 1 during the week in question "a to­ pupils and to authorise contracts "'nie suffering is worse to the Warox Don Groaao and Bid Abel, Bring a atlck "or atralght-back armx Don’t sUffan tha body. This 0 3 French commander In North Mrx Ernest L. Averill Radio Club will be held tonight at Goldup, Toronto .. 10 4 14 tha Roee Bowl, be rod* out there Fleh, ig R eporled Heavy tal of 130,168 tons; or nearly four to be made for tuition. 7:30 at the borne of Fred Edwards small cities than In big places like and Anewly-foimsd Ito* of R. COnacher, Bouton 9 8 14 chair on th* lee and lean weight will causa a backward fall and Aceto, rg 0 3 In tha wladup. Bulla surriy Africa Is known to have a slxeable. Both of the school questions will forward as you push this support on a hog train. Railroad official* conSdenUy dropped a feop Umea the actual flgmw." .. on Blreh strCet. Teolght^s meeting Brussels and Antwerp. Llaoom^ Alex Motter and Joe Traffic ^rth Demon, Moutreal .8 6 14 poaalbe injury. told him to. be sure to wear his, G. Vinci, rg ...... 0 0 Avenge «8,000 Tmm Weekly wen-armed forc4 at hU disposal, be seted on under a special peti­ "Tba metropolitan cities were around and relax, your full Always wear gloves to prevent putt on tbs 18th green for Us and th* possiblUty frequently has Hartford. Jan. -7.—Mrs. will be presented to Mrs. will be devoted to a study of the Fisher. Wares, Detroit .... 7 7 14 hat so they'would unload him at P afaO W ) For the flS weeka of the war to L. Averin, wife of the- commandant Hurley by Mrs AverilU tion filed by the town board of edu­ code. hardly bombed at all by tba Ger­ Mowerx hp from IndianM>oUx W. Corse, CMcago .8 11 14 weight, bending knees and lean­ akin bum If you fall. Smile. Don’^ 3 Totals I 1 ” 5 well knowing that Craig Wood. town auggeated that, should Ger­ cation. , man forcea BruneU, especially, ing forward. Do away with any the right place....And Ed Bales Re- Mamaroosek. N. T.. bad the end of December. mercanUle of the First Company, Oovernor’a . The biennial reception, given by has yielded ohly five goal* In the Former Fistic Qiamp be tense or too aeriout, Don't be of th* Chattanooga Newe-Fre* Score at half: Speedboyx bombb were heard in the tolppUig loeaea exclusive of that man detnanda upon the French In other directions, the meeting escaped, aa it was an opro town. five recent victories and 48 to 28 support as soon aa you can and discouraged. Th* first ton* times fereee: Shleldx Jartuto. ty com* la with a 88 sad government at Vichy become too Foot Guard, will be eecorted by the Foot Guard Company at Hart­ Mrs. Francis P. Wheeler who Press, aent an ambulanoO to to* lleovy gunflie and loet at Dunkeiwe, averaged ap- ford, In honor of the governor on wiU be asked to hear the annual But in the smaller placea Which gamax He hae aporad two shut- W atches Over Tickets try It alona. of akatlBg are th* developing od Thomson and tb* ______been heart earlier ov- exacting, he might re-enter the Governor Robert A. 'Hurley to the reports of town officlaU, act on the died S t her home, 104 Newton were to the path of the invading station to meet mouraera return­ charging Clayton HoXtasr proxUnaUly 68,000 tons weekly, a grand march at the Inaugural ball the evening of inauguration day, street, Hartford, Sunday nig^t outs and has alloarad but one goal You must keep jrour body r*' stages, after which your skating ing from th* Sugar Bowl, Chatteaien (38) town near London but no Naval apoketman aaW. war and strike a blow at the has been a major social and mili­ budgets of th* Selectman anfi armies ahd which were defended, to ntos otbbr tuts. ^ At $50 Per W ^k. Local Sport taxed and avoid any tenaeneas. will show continued Improve P Name B - F T Benny H<^gan as Ms chief wa baard than. Axis in U byx Wedneeday night. Mrs. Hurley Board of Education and to trans­ was the mother of Mrs. Clarence 0 ^•Slnce the beginning of the war, will bo escorted by Major Averlll. tary function to Connecticut for Thbrnton of this town. destruction was terrible. Grosso, Wars* and Abel, the Don't work too b*"!. Allow your ment. Got the Misery. 1 Flsherty, I f ...... 0 0 longer. •IM erara raportod near May Strike at Bengari act the other usual annual businese “That, of course, ha* disturbed latter at 22 tbe club’a/(oung*at DeguUx If ...... 6 0 18 When the day was over and ■ad ovar a KMlanda tha Oermant have loft.bjr Prior to the mlllt'\ry and civic re­ more than a century, in fact its PhltodelpMx Jsn. 7—(F)—Ds- skates to carry you forward by Vols a gnat record were 1 Itoking and scuttling a total of 1,- origin is to be found in colonial of the town. maricets and abops so that food player, have had toe fana/Jioaree proper ' weight balance as you (Next; Bow to Start s Figure) The 1 Ferguson, tl ...... 0 0 0 sun, a espridoua thing 8ome\ aourcea here auggeated ception for Governor Hurley, in the In addition to this, the meeUng James J.' O'Brien, 83, of bonair Tommy Longhran, udio re­ Chatter / Jiaktogi 8 ducked in and out of ntti 387,000 grosi tons of ahlpplng and that, while Tobruk Is the next logi­ state armory at Hartford, women times. supplies are more difficult to get. with their back-checking, to»t In 0 Daridson, 0 ...... S ' O Oarman bomber believed to will decide what action is to be cheater street, Hartford, who died A typical example is tbe ancient tired undefeated as llghtheavy- A cream puff each week they wer* 1 B. Davix Ig ...... 0 1 1 ail day. had drifted down la itoan a i3Mniicr dived four ths ItaMane 454,000 tons,” hs said. cal British objective. Sir Archlbeld at St. Fmncia’A Hospital, Hart­ recent game* the Uscom b^l^: Tha Ooanactlcut Sports Writenf m addiuon. 46.000 gross tons token Ip regard to the easterly town of Touroal. The whole in­ ter-Flsher line has done all the welfht boxing champion a decade AlUann reported a sellout today | taking, L Alcock, Ig 0 0 D Paclflo ■ bar* mile or so away, i^toattaat two trawlera in might xtUmpt X 350-nUIe dash ford, yeaterday monung, was a ' But in old New Orleans 0 Sherman, r g ...... 2 0 4 final score read: ^ watchere on tha of neutral'tolpplng under enemy penetrated Libya to south of To­ town line. terior of th* dty waa gutted. damage. ago, now watohea over trafhe for its second annual (banquet at acroea the deeert sande south of been entirely broken and who brother of Thomas L. O’Brien, of "It la hard to answer the ques­ Both Ltocombe, who baa four UckeU for a living at 850 a week. They tried Boston beans BuUa 381; Wood 388; eoktrol or useful to the enemy has Tebruk to atrtke at the Mg lUItan Were captured, killed, wounded, or bruk, ahd that the port town was Gerard street. Manchester. the Hotel Bond to Hartford, Jan. tion as to how self-sufflcleht to goals and four assists to hla cred­ "Sure, come around and ae* me 27 . . . toe SRO siro went up ten Sees a 3-Ring Circus And oh. how they're tummies are ^ T ota ls ...... U I 83 and Hogan 884, Ihom iim twice and-ma' been eunk. baee e t Bengali. lalsalng in the desert., m under blockade by - the British Block Hawks (38) Thus, the toUl enemy losses food Belgium was in times of it In the last seven games, and if yob aver get a ticket," kidded minutes after Aluance members I aching. ^ Ukeabl* daik horse the eaaeta, then re* British pxtrola were said to hav^ War Material Seised , Mediterranean fleet;) Hose Company No. 8 of the •Tominy” after hie appointment —Pisrea Wycha 1 La Franclx I f ...... 8 1 7 meat. WilUe Ooggin of near one ahlp. ■mount to more than 1,750,000 South Manchesterchestc Fire • Depart­ peace. It is true Belgium is a / Fisher were alao brought up from met yeaterday to allot tickets for | been operating aouth of Tobruk From the crushing of these' •Continued patrol activity waa /V. K Stocks Mghiy toduStrialixed country in Imflanapotto. Ftohar was wK^led yeeterdiqf as chief derk of a. new­ the event . . . a suggestion to aejl 1 Noren, rt 0 0 0 F ix. 885. / lepaatad the ma* even before the fall -of Bardla, and units, the amount of war material reported along the Sudan^ fron­ ment will hold a regular monthly ly organiaed dty traffic court at Under New Grid Rules Hot Steve 1 R* KaiMhl, c •••*.,« 3 1 .8 8oma reduoUon In the recent which mlHa and mines. employ a only recently to replace injured tickets for rooms other than the Cttnmptens Esr Barii there waa some speculation that aelsed by the British can be judg­ tier. ~ Adams Bhep...... STi meeting to their house tonight. 82.500 a y W . When Gabby Hartnett goes to O MoFril, Ig ...... 1 0 3 Not to be Ignored, either, SpUdie. ■hipping loesss was attributed to ed from the equipment of on in­ ___ Mg part of the 8,000.000 people. Joe Carveth. ballroom with permission to croiKM the Army of the NUe might push The high command reported Air Reduc ...... 40!< If the Wtoge can keep up the The positiok la the latest Lough- in there later for the speaking was ^ T m >Ii Miami with tha GlantxV It will be 0 Brlgjpi, Ig ...... 0 0 0 Horton Smith’s dosing by tha trawien' the fact that Naxl long-range Xiong to the west across tife desert fantry division. there were "patrol- and artillery There will be a special n«eUng ^ o u ^ ‘ ran, regarded qa one of the heat deferred untU th* next, meeUng Go«Cn Ol IxCOrglB leCH 3 Robb, rgI ...... 9- u - *- eparkUng W for 386 that k iv l owever, and flad bombers which often attacked d ip ­ Alaska Jim /...... 6 of Mona-Ypre* Poet, Britlah War The fa ^ i« d^cU _ w ^ to pM* on toe two-week road trip the first Ume to hii 30 years of While holding Tobruk in a state of Besides small arms, such equip­ actions" generally along the front, Alleghany ...... ^ ahead, toe visions of a champion­ boxers to ever don a glovx haa Monday TOden Steals big losgua basebaUlng b* ^ .r "a a Ml fdlertss to an uproar with p nppearanoe o f ping in the AtlanUc. had been lea* elege. ment includes: 216 light auto­ ahd said In the TeasCnei dlatrlcf Veterana tomorrow night at eight ‘^toe^rid held since his retirement from the Says Change in Code Total* . •••••• • ■ • • • • . dropped/ from long rangx matic weapons, 48 heavy machlne- Allied Chem...... 165 ship may not be daydreamx Be­ trained In Florida.. . ;T^R *d So* ■ctiva recently benuae of bad Both Tobruk and ^Bengasi, as British mechanized foixea were Am C a n ...... 91V o’clock at th* Britlah-AmeriCan toe ginning tonjfht. toay take on toe Grapplen of various naUonsl- w*re In flret place 57_day* lari ^^^*‘**^*“****’ Denny/photo’s brave but i: araathar condl weather condtUonx which Ukawtse guna. I l l light mortars. 24 heavy put to flight by Italian artillery club on Maple street. Ptona for But ^^to farm p roA ict^ h ^ *^**fcat he tried the restaurant Makes Every Player a Marble’s Show Referee. Annello. ' flnleh with 387. continent kept wall aa many o t h ^ Italian baaes Am Home Prod ...... 50 V third-place groins at Boston ^ d Ities tangle In the four bouts that year, 20 more than the 1ig*re and wera believed to have hampered further west, h^e been heavily mortars, 36 field guns, 24 anti­ fire. "British Night" to be held In the butter, eggs, faU, ham—there wai hustoess. That Mew up. Then he Back In the also-rans were away from Qer- tank guns and eight anU-aIrcraft Am Rad St S 7 the situation that we exported then tasBt' ill order* the Ameri- tried being a m xn^r of boxen. make up a stellar prewram in thC Potential Ball -Toter. five more than th* Indians. .. >.. ■uhinarlne activity. bombed by the/R-A.F. Reports "Bardla Glorious Page"' High school assembly hall on Sat­ cans, HaFkx Rangers and Cana- weekly aasemble at Foot Guard Pitcher Johnny Rlgney’* salary Sevealh O nde Btandtag Open champions - and BHt* guns. •Am Smelt ...... 43V urday night, January 85, win be some and to turn bought some His fighter. Matt Aymond. won W i reaptta from the front kald that fires start­ A semi-official Italian state­ Am Tel and Tel ...... ,168 abroad.” diens. / ...... Hall, Hartford, Thursday night. AtlanU. Jan. 7—(F)—So you **Big Biir^ W ins PI b u talks with the WMte Sox should IMpta G u ld r i)r < ^ Dotza ed In iV>l>ruk4>y one aerial bom­ ItsUsn armored divisions con­ ment declared "th* world must furthered. Any membei^ of the a number of boutx then 'loet In­ "The Angel,” present world's make good llatentog. since his Phantoms .. .a..,'. •,••• 3 Byron NetsTn. the totter wHB nightly aamuit British Peg Prices sist of one Infantry regiment Am Toh B ...... h^. 738 Other games tonight pit the terest." Next be became a promo­ think jroU have trouMs following diU of Net Fttttg at bardment .vhr« vlalMe In Bardie. consider Bardla aa a glorious page Am Wat W k s ...... 68 Britlah Rellff committee is wel­ ^riddled Leata against the champion and sensational attrac­ fiance, Mias Dorotto Com ^y, Combattere . •. *.* ****** I a total of wMd) to ths transported to trucks, one tank to Italian arms." come to attmd. ter, but "toe bpye didn't appre­ tha ball to modern football? Broth­ Thunderbolts fOroa waa aald Oh Certain Foods Anaconda ...... 26T at Montreal and to* ciate my paying more than some tion throughout the country Queen Alice's Debut. happens to be troaftror of the h* could recall without digging up-; London, Jaa, 7:f< n —Food Min­ regtnlent composed of two bat­ It said that during the siege the Italy Admits tiawks against the Rangers meets the popular blond wrestler club....The bulletin board at U, Blue Comets ancient history li) hU briUtent e *-j Ita activttlea to a talions of assault tanks (11-tofi Armour I I I ...... '."Tr:...... 48 of the other promoten." er, take It from Georgia Tech'* Crusaders .. » e * • * *_* ister Lord Woolton announced to­ Italians Itadans were oppoe^ by 250,()00 Atchison- ...... 10 Late this afternoon to* ice at York. Leo Numa to toe feature match, C. I* A. announce* that "oprlng I rier. raooBtialaaanM AiRaldos), one battalion of light O n ter Springs pond waa still con­ A year ago Lioughnn was ap­ veteran Bill Alexander, you’re New York, Jan. 7.—(F)—Alice Royal Blues channal to Oar- day the pegging of prices of a fred *tneffective* troopa—mostly ^gltsh end Aus­ Aviation Oorp ...... 5V pointed executive secretary and two out of three falls. Tommy baaebril" practice gets under way Back, too, were Samsa^ tanks Iflve-ton Flats), one artil­ tralians — supported by "great sidered unsafe for akatlng and Bardia Loss; OT'oole, a sturdy and powerful about to swap kindergarten for a Marble has embarked upon her Jan. 8 ....And our old 8*1, Al lathers ... tbe popular Jimmy porta" .aarty toat variety of foods at not mors than lery ■ regiment, one motorcycle Baldwin CT ...... 18 supervisor to the city's bureau of Hornets . . . . * a e * e • *.• < the figures of last Dec. 3. tdon, Jan. 7—' (F) — Official armored units, not less than 1J)00 Balt and Ohio . •...... * 38 more cold weather will have to recreaUon. Hi* duUea w en to Irish tod from...San Francisco, three-ring dreus. ‘ career aa a tshnls professional, Bchacht, plana to clown In a num­ I Porky Oliver, Paul Runyan. He Usted^eoffee, cocoa, chocolate, ira estimated today that tbe company, one anti-aircraft com­ planes, and the entire Alexandrifi Bendlx ...... ,...84*, conle before the ei>ort can be teach boxing to BkUadelphla'e takes oa Lord Albert Mills, th* Inatead of only backs and *i>d* ber of Army camp* this eprlng— (•)/ Dudley. Jug MeSparten, Halt] Caglapd'a aouth Army at the Nile has ren­ pany, one engineer company and openedr there. It la explained Budget High Bowling BriUah giant, to tbe special eaml- with the launching of a financial as P Name eould ato oeca- canned and^oUed vegetables, can­ fleet." Beth Steel ..-...... 87V youngaten and keep'an en on toting to* pigskin, as Id the past free, gratia. And thafe nows! Cooper, *t ceterx UtUx a tea dered 94,000 Italian troops “ inef­ various service troops. that toe Ice on local pohda now flnal time limit bout of one fall well as an artistic svtcesss, but for 0 Petsnofi, If . ******/ rtpund threat, faded with a 71 Ught ah »g tha ned pork and beans, honey, flto an<' The fact the garrison held up Beth Steel 7, pfd ...... 130 the managen the dty’s play­ theretl be eleven potenUal baU- 0 Murphy, rf . . fective" in fighting to North Africa the British drive into Libya for Borden 191 may accommodate a few ekatera lOoattaned From pbg* Oae) grounds and swimmini; poolx Sammy Menacher, the speedy your "buck-ten” fan, 47-year-old Vales sf the Psspto. 388 and reUnquiabed tb* Utl* Pttneh ooaat and poultry pastea poultry, w est Mds Bse Lsngas matman who put up a terrific bat- csiriera every Ume those young Big BUI Tllden etill la tbe player 1 Rivosx c ... blsculifi, canned aoupa, since Dec. 9. . three weeks was cited. Can Pac ...... 3V but toe crowds that would use City council eUmlnated that job collegtons line up for a play. Last Wednesday area January won a ycac ago with a sears ■ound o f dlatant These figures Include,’ It was Losses at Bardia the park pond make It necessary (Bae AOsys) Ue with Steve Casey last week, who draws ’em through the turn­ 0 Arendt, Ig ■. authorlUUva quar- cheese, custferd pourdera, JeUI' During tbe slegx the statement Cerro De Paa 32V though they said staff ccmferencea from toe 1941 budget, but CUef -It’e that new rule, adopted by 1. 1841, A. D.. to most of w 363. > ■aid, at least 70,000 prisoners, to have a heavy fieexe before the "always'are possible under cloe* M agiatnte John J. O'MaUey step­ comes back to taokie Abe "King stiles. 0 Ambulosx rg Britlah planca bad nuts. Reported Heavy - said, the Italians shot down 53 Chee and Ohio ....., 42V Kong" .Kaabey, a tricky and wild the NaUonal CoDegtote Rules Com­ writes d. H. Petarson .»»• plus wounded end dead. Chrysler ...... 70 loe to safe. Axis cooperanOB." At toe West Sid* Reo alleys last ped forward and now "Tonunjr” 1* "Queen Alice" entered the play- eatenalve bombing His order forbids whcritoalsra, In.addition, the British forces Rome, Jan. 7.—(F)—Acknowl- British planes, sank two warships night tos East Sides swspt a 4 to batUer from Assyria and- judging mutes, aUowtog to* ball to be for-pay game last night to Marir mardk. N. D„ but In Naw 1 Totals retallsrs or manufactunya to ■ell which were bombarding the Coca Cola ...... 105V Premier Mussolini's govern­ bM of a clerical force and n- handed forward to any player be­ and Botton it w*a January 1,1841 were said to have captured "huge edgtog the fall .of the eastern ment. meailwhlle, with * . 0 victory from to* Fairfield Gro­ ■ponaiMe for keeping a weathw from toot week’* shindig, tos Jew­ son Square Garden by do ■ommqnique by the Miaistrlca at priceb higher than rach /sold quaa,UU*e'' of war materials. Libyan base of Bar<|ia two days stronghold, sank a steamer, and Col Gas and El ...... 4V cery while a atubboro DUlon’a out­ ish atblsts lx to for a toriUtog en­ hind the Itoe of sorimmage. Mary Hardwick, England's B- C. _____» P Nam* Dew May Ride Rome flacurttle* con- badly damaged a destroyer, tor­ Coml Inv Tr deficit of approxlroately 81,402.- eye on the dt3r*s income from traf­ Coach Alex, whose TeUow these foods for last 3. British mechanised uhlts, the ago, the Italian high command .re­ 1000,000 for toe past flacM year. fit pasted the Paganl's West Side* fic finex ■ counter. Tom\ Casey, brother of 8-6, 8-6, despite ragged control. A 0 M acclx activity over Britain Lord Woolton earner acknowl­ same source said, ‘'are now In con­ ported .today, that Itallain defend­ pedo boat,'gunboat ahd monitor. Co nil .Solv 101 Local Stocks a , . budget the fl^ gam* but th* West Side* Loughrxn, non' 85, regards his Stave and a ropiMnaUoo fighting Jackets havs gained some meaoure surpriatogly good crowd of 13,8tl On tto FIsN-Caff. .0 Caram^ night wld merely Cone Edison ...... 83V announced 88 000 000.000 In the DerJb^ edged Britain U sufferlhg from tact with the outer defenses ers and British attackers alike for the coming jrear, exclusive of came baiik to equeese out 3 pointo new job phlloaophicaily. Iriehman and i^appler, wlU have of fame by befuddling opponent*— contributed to a gross gat* of 836,- Pat Oomloksy Is M over Lou 0 •thing to fWkart.’ Oh- meat shortage, bu^mld he believed Cone Oil 6^ to a vary cloaely eontested match. a rough voyage to the opener with and fans—with plgHtto prsstldigli Nov* Friday night. .Joe LouU 0 Tobruk," Italian Libyan stronji- suffered heavy "losses in material To Speak at Harvard— ' Fnralsbefi by Pntnam and Ca. probaMb war coats. ; ‘T don’t bav* as much money as 614.60. I German reconnala- it la only temi hold some 80 miles from the Egyp­ and men-7-"faUcn, tvounded and Cont Can 89‘ Mika Bavarlok ringled for 188 and I used to," he mused. "But I have Ttommjr------Rlex------a husky^ and alam- .tatlon, observed today to* change But. while the customers ap­ to dttA Thursday to aee Henry 10 in a Libyan division, Conn. Post. 47V4 49V4 J. Breen ...... 88 98 118-r814 San Franclaco—Verne Bybee, son who make* the most number quarterback, for Instance, to take B "eery aerloasty damaged" In two have been "shot down by Nayai . Washington, Jan. 7—(FV-r Hsp* U gg and Myers B 97 Force and mlUtia (Black Shirts), ISO, Ogden, Utah, stopped Guy atsnee, 'when he was ‘way out. of pototntent es head of the stately dosed today that he haa tocent air rai^ and that several these quarters said. They added resentative Jenks (R.; N.H.), ap-lLookhc*d Aircraft ...... 878b Hartford El*e. LA' . M 66 W. K eans .. llS-fUS. of foul tries WiU be declared tbe the peas from center and poke It 18 McKoewn, If that the mechanised personnel to­ anti-aircraft guns during raids on who an flghOng herolcMly on Serean, 139, Los Aagelea (8). position for a Budge , piaoenieat im tog commission. 1 J. Struff, rf . fared a contract by BBC ataff mambers m rc killed at Arms Workers Ask pealed ta the House Naval Affaiia I Cbew'a ...... 34 Hartford Gas .,/... 88 87 ' many fronta against tbe forces of wtoher and he wiU receive toe between tbe legs of tbs guard who, Wright’s Calumet fanoo.. talled probably 7,500 men. Tobruk, Marshal Rodolfo Graxi- 8. New Eng. Tm. cn. 160 165 487 539 521 1547 Cincinnati—Leo Rodak, 183%, prixx This- conteqt Is open to aU in turn, might double up and run and threw Mr racqilst at the batti 0 A.' Jackaon. e UmIt posts. ani’s next Libyan base 70 ml)4s Committee today to demand from I Lorillard I....l^Jib Britlah imperialism and its satel­ or when be was far too slow goinff. ,^Todayto Gofo* Star. w ri^ t own* WMrtawoy. The lOntstry of Infom&tkm For W'age Increase To this toUI of 64.500, these to- t. , tt"— 8884 Unit nhimlnat (Sbx 180 124 PagasTs (8) Chicago, outpointed Herachel JMn- Junior nMmbore of the Recreation with It. or slt on IL or do anything 0 Oenovasl, Ig w a 0*0 • o a o laadl^ bwo.yaar.old of M formanta aald muat be added 10,- west oT Bardix the Navy Department a fullj'eportlMant Ward lites and In tbe face of puerlto after a deep lob and re-traced bis Ernest Tyner, Fcrt Pierce 1 8 in one night raid a heavy London, Jah. 7—(Fi—A million on tbe plane accident to which lll Nakh Kslv » a • • i « e e e. * 5 Western Maas, ^ . . . 85^ 87 Vb noaneuvera and abaurd threats of D, Hagsnow 188 110 118—856 er. 136, ClnctonatT tlO). Oenterx Tha cloaiag date for en­ elee he wanted to.' Or the quarter­ |l Vstranx rg a srlater book favorite to *»te ____ whii# newa 1 British arms workeis placed be- 000 corpa and auppiy troops, mak­ (The war bulletin made on, ref­ ^bidastrial 78 88 80—354 Hanmiond, Ind.—Jo*. Ghnouly, tries is Wednesday, Jsn. 8. John back might ure tbe trick Tennessee steps with an sxaggeraited Ump, (Fix) News-Tribune: "In thro* erence to British claims that their Jives wer* loet taro days ago to | N at Rise 18H enemy propaganda on tpls and. tbs H. Metcalf . leaning on his racquet as a cane. Kentucky Derby am May. ^ " , : : s ;f? artotraUdn tribunM today ing a rouglr total of 94,000 to 94,- 18H Acme Wire 18 31 F. POudrier . tt 91 115—808 St Louts lightweight outpointed Hedlund at the East Side Rec has tried a few yean ago, which then yean with the Fort Pierce highs, 4 Totals ...... * ® their plea for a wage Increase of 500 men whoa* forroatlona have advance mechanise^ units had California. Nat Cash B e f • • other M* of th* oceap, , Lest night's stand was the first fullback Willtom Besbs bos gained Score at half: 6-3. Bsfereos: Ja^ aald he had other offore sad : . ■hgUab and German. Nat Dairy ...... 14 Am. Hardware .... 84 88 "It eolemnly reaffirm* Italy* jJ F. White ... 97 114 115—839 Eddie Scott Detroit (10). received a good many entries to was called illegal, of toktog the not moke a dectolon for threepence (five .cental an hour to 87 89 R. Andisio . 91 100 107—398 flhlladelilhla — Frankla Donato. data and expects many more be-i of a tour scheduled through more 8,000 yards from sertoamagx goutx SMekM. The reading urent on “without Nat DUtlU 88 Vb unshskesbie fidelity to to* ball on tbe snap and pairing It than 50 citiex meet rising living coats. 4HIUnga and Spencer 4V4 5% 118, Phlladelphlx outpointed Nat for* tomorrow svenliiff. right back to tbs center, who would aouthpawod passes for more thm ion,” althouch eeverml N T Cantral .... 188b and tripartite pacts and Its no lease's (38) Tho young lowaa. )*■ 'etaff members .vere killed, RepreaentaUves of 'Ihe Amal­ Modernized Hungqrion Army Rolls Into the War Scene NY NH and H .. »,bs*s**« Vb Bristol Brass .. .. 47 50 unshokeaMe dedston to continue 494 518 583 1639 LItfin, 138%. Now York (8). run with It." J.800 yards and has soorsd^ 30 former jBckiar. ho* gat a ^ gamated Bnrineertog Union, with ,« . .... 188b Oott's Pat Unarms 78 51 DUtoaaV-ra Trantoa, N. J.—Ik* WttUamx Newark, N. J.—Toim iw /Adamx Alexander, a member of tbe rules Mests touchdowns not to montlon a h ^ lp V am » tt T w ta n s n . Ju s t ^i.mmounceinent said; „ '500.000 members, were th* first to Nor Am Oo ..... toe fight until victory, which must Dart 30 extra polnU....ln otherjg Idarcln, If ...... 1 . 0 8 300 for 1041 am i JUwther nlght,-"at th* peak hour Packard Met ...... a... 11 BCagle LoMc 7 9 give Italy Ita Just p la^ to the n*vj' npiitt 181,; Treoton. outpototod Tommy 158, Newaik, outpointedIte d ^ :k* Al- commltte*. arid the change also at tha all-ttae mark be heard; The General Engtoeer- ’ Bsartngs ... 187 1471. • i ■L' Warnar ‘ ;i..l08 91 85—891 fano, 188, Newark (8) worlds, a Beebe-gim." 11 * 3 0 4 ' •^wventng hroadcaata;*' bomb ex- IPOnn 88 Fafolr Europe and Ubente the wuid i Pbatanx 185%. New Yqrk (8). would cover the disputed:' "hidden The American Legion's Dart . . . . 8 - 0, 0 by Jackie Waetropx tog Trade* Union, representl^ Hart and Ooolsy . .. 188 145 H M eSah .... 98 98 84-380 . ^ 10 Lfliee ft eaTr-H. were Mid to have killed a Phelps Dodgs .. • a...... 85Vb from hypocritical and. exploiting b ril" pJay which VandmitUt used Lekgue, Idle over tiw holidays, will . . . . 3 o’ 4 During hto Stay at hogga llg another 500,000 workers, will be Hcndey Mach.. Com lOVb 18% W. Hand ...... 128 98 98-881 i—1841 Vsrstow-8 • 'i'.: and wounded a number Phil P e t ...... baa...... 40 oppression of British plutocncy. ■rr . - _ r in 1887 to beat LMiletaBa Stats. In launch Its aecond round tomorrow . . . . 8 . 0 has been fated at Mu I d im beard tomorrow. Ljaad^ Frary A Clk 85 27 8 . McOonkey ..188 114 9—889 __And so Alice has gone on an-11 MclAUgtuln. ig 8 tioax Tuesday he appeared-;i f jRaff members. The cases preaented by the un­ Pub Serv N J . a. a..^... 89 *me O oi^l of Mtolsten ex­ thle, tackle Greer fUcketeon con­ night at theLegton Home on Leon­ . . . . 8 .0 6 I etaff members were killed Radio ...... 48b New B rit Meta., com 41V4 68% pressed absolute convlctlao that cealed the ban behind hto knees ard stnfL PUy Is scheduled to pubtle recepoao la Ima m ions cover a score of trades to 85 540 510 455 153S High Cagers Out to Keep to drilartand. injured in tbe first raid' Rem Rand...... 884 North and Judd ... 88 deep mssses of 'Faadst' Italy an while th* backflold faked a wlda begla at 8 o’clock. 15 Totals U r 0 with Bobby Pritor. tho lowg f which wages, average approxi­ Peric Stow and yPlL 7 8 kid that mad* good AkMaprer Farmer Actor mately OVe pounds sterling (|20) RepuMlc Steel ...... 8184 ■twi win be to every circumstance end run. then dashed unmolaetsd 80 ■re ( t ) announcer, who continued b...... R 8884 u n ^ Mfg. Oo. . . . 16 18 T CSrvriaad Indtanx ■ week. Rsy Tab B .... equal to eventx*^ (Fasire ABoys) Meriden’s Record Intact yards to.score. |P Name B F l*wa announoementx was 778b BeovUl Mfg...... 87V4 is\k ______0 0 0 D e w . w ho to 18, already te| Say tocresae I'awxrraated gMtfs Roebuck . Mlkeo (1 ) __ Generally, explained Alex, the 10 Hannx rt .... Beifragx. former actor who 11V4 81 lex Oo. 18V4 14% ...... 0 0 0 nlag hto rettreoMat Employers have argued that In­ Bbell Union ...V 51% |B — WUllfeOagata today. W*dniMday and Ibhleldx Jagoutx . Dew's fathor ostim atai I workers Jaa. 16. Tax Cbrp ...... WindhnnE. This Friday night, playing on their home floor itt tbe back formation always have want­ ■ tors: Judge Sir OxvlnJSlmoods la pre- Timken ItoU Baa ...... 50V4 Osatxal Hanover .. • 101 Vb George'G. Dent, Adolph T. Stanonx- T. D u b i^ •. .100 122 HpppflTmPs* c(>* wtoardry sosms Thursday, but Hoppe 1a aI proMbi- eanttags at tXUMO ( tba'dlflleuny of-orgaais- 88 Vb Ctaase ...... 38V4 Cari R. Johnson. Robert J. Cotton however, the Ctorkmen wQJ b« sL BtanMeue gym ta' Meriden- ed that." hs obserirs^ "contending tiv* favorite now. Only a coff^ cte ■oil haa beau haipl . ■idtog officer of the three-man W. union Carbide . IVtod 8* *® more than anxiotis to help Mcri-. These rivals played a wierd game to InrriTiT- with tbs y e ^ already i^ittaeki by many planes. from arbitration UibunaL The other Unto* Pac ..... 80 Ctaenfioal ...... 49 - and Newtou F. Tsggert to appear V ltuU o...... 87 188 tt would add cleverness* at- reversal o f form on hto nwft wtmld P Name ever slae* he red* hto I flying . fields where ^Jlty ...... 87Vb befotre the 'bqaftf tola evening to be den keep its record tntaot for tho there last ssason with Maneheetor tsek.' haa ftomed hla championahip three gtjre thw Oevriond briUin* star a { 0 J. PaUeln, If . . ar Omaha on May : members are Prof. Sir Rector unit Alrcroft .. •i 488b gueby ...... 114 111 SUver CItyitea havnat copped aismergliig on top by 30-13 after •nomUtkme vary aecordtog Hetbertogtoa and Sir Jphn Forae- Unit Oarp ..... IVb Oontlnental ...... 18V4 I ■■ to their qualiScatlons Alex. Who knows a tUng or two cushion bUUarda match with Jric* chance to win. 0 B. Brown, rf ... "I kamr Bari C a n Cxctaang* .... 48V4 [ for appointment to th* supernum- doetoiOB la five stattx some at th* mostt nitUe ehoottog ■bout inaklng footballs dioappsar,'*’ Schoofor into a virtual sxMMtlon Hoppe’s form yeaterday kad the 0 Rivoaa. e ...... time aad would ter, a lawyer. Unit Gas le^ ...... 16Va Mnncbestar has dropped aU ever beheld on a chalked court ■harp waatkar varta- U fi Rubber 81w Flrat Nattooal . . . . . 1645 ] erary ' thinks tlM nil* change has posri- a'ppoarancs. grtoatod vetenna o f tha fltoSM 0 JC IlMifipgea. Ig fn hour over the Gqbraato Trust . . . 810 Thsee five names were selected three of Ita Ctose A starts to dato Manchester- has two more Mlltlea of new gridiron deoeptlan «ii»fc)ng ttpyie hsads fa) besrlklei>kj 0 Gatex rg **-*«*• Chut^ Reas* Bali Target iy a Saaelt 88V4 Harbsaws (3) gaaiss away from home next TM graytag Now Yotkar ril but • beattaeka*. * Loadon, Jma. . 7—


RED RYDER And Rwny Up B U V S E 1 .I . ,w K.KMT//I),/ a,e Sense and

Youth rim; meq wbo 'neither flag nor He was a new aad very nefvoua recrulL and dropped his rifle while * ' Youth Is not a time of life . . . flineh; man who have courage without shouting: men Ip whom at diin. The seirgeaat’s eyea pop­ II Is a state of mind. It Is-'not s ped out and for a few moments he matter of ripe checks, rad lips and tbe tourage of evcrlaatlag life runa sUlL deep and strong; men gaaped tor breath; supple kndea; It ts s temper of the Sergaant (roaring!—Hey, JNJU. will, a quality of the imagination, who know thrir meaaage and tell Aetoao^Rw for Sal* Help Wanted—l^einale BoSindiM LocatkNia it; men who know their place and how long have you been In the U A U 4 For Kent Bolton Fields s vigor, of toe emotione; it Is a fill It; men who kaow their busi­ arm y? w a n t e d —EXPERIBNCBD ahirt freshness of the deep eprtngs of Recruit—P-p-pleaae, air all d-4- 1>A8S BOOK NO. iMT DODGB 8BDAN. 1W7 Olds- Air Raid SheHkrs.. > Designed fo r U. S. life. Youth means a temperamen­ ness aad attend to It; man who inobiW w«an. IMT WUlys Sedan, machine preaa operators, ateady FOR RENT—STORE, comer of will not p a . shirti or dodge; men day, alrl te hereby given U«t W woik,- good pay. Apply Spotleaa Spruce and Mdrldge. Telelepbons For Dog Tests tal predomlndnbe of courage ever lM »- Pontlac sedan, 1M2 Ply­ timidity, of the appetite for att* who ore not too Uay to work; nor BttBk No. *»«>«* b y /n » e mouth sedan. <3ole Uotora, Park. vide Information about air pre­ |ra la In every being’e heart the your home-end you-to rulnS; OVEQ IKL A -ftekaM . t P S y f ^ coupe WANTED -BOY 18 years or old­ lie held January 12. A dinner ■of sronder, the sweet amass- quest? AM'CAKTT StoMC Nash, M Henderson Road. er. Apply at 73 BrookOeld’street, ■ - ■ ______—r - cautions necessary in tbe event of Musician—certainly, air. Don't move away, for evary place TM’BIOMT' , AAI' 1 MI Hwiinefls Services Offered M an emergency, reports Cecil C. follow at the Villa Louisa v t of the stare aad atar-Uka has devastatin' dota's! blood I WAftWILLl In ) after 5 o'clock. toe headquarters are located. ITnga aad-thoughte, the undauted Man—Then will you play a Wanted—Real Bhtate 77 BriggB> aiipervlaor of the archi­ game of aeUtalre untU I finish my —Lyl* Myers WOUMOd A8HES, p a p e r s removed week­ A REAL OPPORTUNITY tecture department at the school. A t the preeent time the Nevr. dhailenge of events, the unfailing ly. Chambers Trucking. Phons To Build Up a Btfntnesa of Your WANTED—UP TO 25 acres of No effort la being made to induce England is toe oiily Beagle Club childlike appetite for What next, 8260. Own partly cleared land on good road, anyone to build a shelter in his running field trials on Cottontail and the joy aiid game of life. HOLD EVERYTHING We vant a than for Manchester within 12 miles of Manchester. back yardi The plans are not be­ Rabbits in tola state. Interest In YOU are aa yOung as your faith, State full particulars and price in' as old as your doubt; as yoimg as Movtfiff—lltifliln f—- over 40, married and who la Inter­ ing copyrighted. ^Beagles in tola state has reached 'X. [CKIMNET Storac* to ested In hla future, which we can flriit letter. Blue Spruce Farm, Re-inforced concrete la specified a new high, many of them being your self-confidence, as old as guarantee to the right man. Com. Post Office Box '452, Manchester, by the Pratt students as the best used for bunting and tor show your fear;^aa young as your hope, ‘i 'i* M M miBIM AUSTIN CHAMBERS—local and MtuK have good references. Write Conn. materisl for shelter construction. dogs. There ara three Beagle as old as your d e s ^ r . They also plan on weis and roofs In the Central place of your POlIxRBAL BST.^TE Long Dlatance Movera. Tel. 8260. fair appointment: Mr. C. B. Butler, packs in the state. According to , heart there la a wireless station; 3URANCE 6A Holllater atreeL 210 Pearl street, Hartford. Conn, at least 12 Inches thick for ward­ Intendiid to be shlpp^ "knocked down," tkls sUelter wonld be own-' the American JCennel Club, the so long as it receives meaosges of ing off bombs. ed sectlon-by-sectlon on n cooperative basis. The sections are pre^ Beagle Is the second moat popular beauty, hope, cheer, courage, They suggest peacetime use of fabiicnted and are made of reinforced concrete. 10 feet wide at the the United BUtea R eB airtfif I t Doir»—Birds—Pets 41 Hurley WUl Be grandeur and power from the Individual bomb shelters as ga­ base and eight feet high on fall scale. « general public is Invited to earth, from men and from the In­ WANTED TO TUNE, typalr and FEMALE DOG bPAYED, 82.50, rages, storm cellars or gtorage this'Trial which! will be held finite, Bo long are yOu young. M an rh « ster space. Other research ahoWa how ttfng, and signs will When the wires are all doom regulate your piano or player female cats spayed 83.50, male Given Support to get the most proteP) —Gov. chester; chairman field tniU com­ men who are not fOr sale; men Haveh •T, ISiT relaated ahoda. -Better than , new Raymond E. Baldwin, retiring Re-' F. pyerson, and suggestions and In- ...who are honest, sound from cen Caah CbarsS WANTED— b o o k k e e p e r and cheap ahoea See them. Sam firTmatlon from the United States mittee, Robert G. Sternloff, rapom- iiatlva Oairs.. I T atai • eta publican chief executive, assured fleld. ter to circumference, trim to the itlaa Dars>> t ctsill «d Stenographer, steady employ- Yulyeg 701 Main. hla Buccessor, Robert A. Hurley,, And British governments. / heart’s core; men with epnscieaees THE WAORlOq Jll atstll «u mapL Muat have good recomn\en- Some of tbe students are hop­ Manchester residents int •tdera ter Irrasa'sr laaartiane and President RoosevelL today, ^ should contact the secretary, and'' as steady as the aeedld to the datlons. Apply 1007 Main a tre e t hla party's "loyalty and suppon.” ing the government will approve pole; men who will stand tor right ka dbarsaS at tha aaa. time rata b^ore 7 pu n>. Boats and Accessories 46 their models for Industrial com­ treasurer, John A. Leavitt of 168 oasal rataa far laas tana aaarr Si^aklng in a statewide Bearl street as soon as possible aa if the heavens totter and the earth BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Hpmot Swoot, Homo adlvartlalBK sivait ultaa raqaaat. w a n t e d — OUTBOARD Id^otor, broadcast last night, the goi^emor, munities' where large defense In­ reels; men who can tell the truth ardarad bafora tha third ar OIRL WANTED) TO work on dustries are . making construction he Is planning to move to Martin das erlll ha chargad only for counter, desirable poaition. Curb about 3500 R. P. M. Good copdl- whose two-year admipistratlon aad look the world right ih the ends tomorrhw, aald he would of new bouses on i. large scale an road, Glaatonbury, after being a eye; men who neither brag nor CMS fio s*o**n. MOve\ astaai aaaibar at tlmaa tha ad Service Laundry. 54 Malti atreeL tlon,. state price. Write Box rasident of M ancb^er for the last Id, aharglns at tha rata aarn- Herald. leave office with, the state in a immediate problem. ■a ailawaaea or rafunda ean Manchester. four years. ■ vur ■ aa eta tlaia ada. atessad strong fiscal perdition,” and ex­ me firai d«r.^ FOR SALE-23 FOOT boaL 8 1-2 pressed "hearty thanks" for the ^STORIES IN STAMPS *VH farhlddP , gleelay Haas aat WANTED—GIRL for part time foot beam. Ford V-S power. Tel. "eameat efforts, loyal coopera­ 4977 evenings 6 to 8., Daya^8085. tion and friendly respect" of Con­ State to Double ■ a n te Will net ha rsspenslhls housework. Tel. 8109. Eight Connecticut aaara than «aa laedrreet inaar- Roland Vaillant. necticut cltlxena and state em­ This model shelter, designed by a Tratt Instltote stodent, showrs .w< aay advarUssniant srSsraS WANTED—GIRLS AND young ployes. Its Fish Output what a family of average means,could build adjacent to Its resi­ ■iats UMS oaa tlaaa. women- to sew covers on base Pledge to Suooeeeor dence. It wonld be sank In tbe ground, camouflaged on top. Plans Delegates Named / loadvertaat qmlsstea ef In- balls at our factory. Apply to Foci and Feed 49-A anbUeatloB af aSvartItInc Of hla pledge to hla auccessor call for mechanical ventilation and a hand-operated dynamo. I IT Ml* rim es iMc. t. a ms a a »*t. ew. 1 -7 f. esetiaaS only by eaaaallatlen Tober Bsaeball Manufacturing Co. SEASONED HARD WOOD for and the presidenL he said: Hartford, Jan. 7.—WV-The state eharga swSa for the earvlea "It. the face of commem danger plans to double tte fiah output, even Hartford, Jan. 7.—(IF)— Eight A ' / - - » sale, cut any length for flre- ' 1 ‘That must be the new strategist I heard the general was ants must contorm ee or furnace, 89.00 ■ a cord, we will give our loyalty and sup­ If outside resources may be re­ Kelly’s Condition state delegates have been named V • getUngr easy aaS tyaocraphy with nald Gehrtng, Tel. 8758. port. quired, and to Increase toe stock­ 10,059 Farms to the National Young Republicans aaterced by tha eBbllan- K \ "In the solution of our common ing of pheasants, the/Board of convention Jsn. 31-Feb. 1 In Des thay reeanra tha riaht te Mvlha or raieet any eeny eSa- problems we will give them our Fiaheries and game teported to Is ‘Fairly Good^ Moines, Iowa. a.aa • •hlaattonable. Household Goods 61 earnest and sincere help. Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin. Supply Milk Names announced yesterday by FUNNY B f SINESS rd noons—Claaaieas aSs "Thia pledge of our loyalty, our Chairman L, Richard BeMen of tbe An opportunity that comes but "Double toe number of our pres­ Le^nd of St, George a puhllahaS asms 'day aaual he support and our help does not ent fish output is tlte goal,” the re­ W aterbury, Jan. 7.—UP)—For­ Connecticut gipup were: lead by IS e'einrk neea Satur- once In a Lifetime___Etecauge of mean that we as Americans must Clarence F .’Andrews of North Originated in Greece le.tA. port made public yesterday states, Fewer Licenses and Per­ mer Alderman Thomas P. Kelly, financial dlfflcultlea a young cou­ submit blindly ai>d silently to "a goal which po^bly may need Haven, state treasurer; Walter . ’pODAY Britain battles invasion What Next? Toar Waal Ads ple living in your community ask­ whatever course niay be taken, to one of the defendants In the Wa­ WASH TUBBS resources outsl¥o empower the Rooms Withoat Board 69 the sanitaUon, purity, packaging, laatraaUeas Selectmen to ^rrow inoney to labeling, and advertising of all drawing, showing this pattern al) • h a a • h a laid buL That wiU prove to you meet current /xpenses FOR RENT—NEWLY furnished Use Part of E|X Quota Each t - . ToiMrrow*B Menu foods, drugk, and cosmetics that -Ziraautta aeshdhaaa - room, private entrance, next To Work Makl^r’Draserto it is of service end affords a pro­ how easy it is. Just three pieces to o Chance of • Lifettffio faatad—laatractlens AR’nCLE'^tV—To are what ac­ Chestnut Lodge. Apply 101 Chest tection to every resident of Con­ sew together, so that you can fin­ f r e c k l e s a n d HIS FRIENDS Flaaailal Breakfast: Tomato juice, ish it in a few hours. And design (oglub^fMo rt gasaa tion tbe Town.will take In regard nut street. Bv Mn. Gaynor Maddox necticut a'number of times each OoportnnlUas ... to the Easterly Town line. fried corn meal, bacon, syrup, -No. 8857 is Just the kind of cover- M A V ff T H E Ojteceo. p p ff* 00 NEA Service Staff Writer day.” ______- r ' Il'MTIffll WHdcr ouw oe AND COUNT ^ SteRS U f o r r e n t —in p r iv a t e faml coffee, milk. _ aU-apron In which you take the . WHAT ARE hbU EffTTlR IS IT- ■ •Ig mmt SttaaSlaBa ARTICLE V—To see what ac­ ly, heated room,, next to bath. 172 Every child should have four Luncheon: Vegetable chow­ most joy and com fort It goes, IN H IM Ate------. W aatag—r aaaala ■...... tion tbe Town wishes to take on or five eggs a week; every other *ncyiNO (SOtATff JOW TMff RAklY- Waatad^—14ala. SB Mapis atreeL der, hard rolls, cocoa cream over the bead in a Jiffy, no butj ATQMf -VS/E’OK PLAY)MG W aatad ...... BS-A the following petition: member of the family at least tapioca, tea, milk. tons or ties or anything. It oovsra' FOOFerrs. A N D . .Waatag—Mala ar Samala >t three. But those eggs, so essential Dinner: Scalloped poUtoea Curb Stocks e\-ery part of your'draw^ that you jCM ’1HC j u o e e / W aatag ...... B1-a To the Selectmen of the Town Boarders. Wanted 59-.A to growth and health, .can appear W aatag—S'aanala . . . *1 with pork chops, red cabbage, want to prottoL and has broad Waatag—Mala .... BB of (Joventry, Jan., 3, J941. In any form desired. Deoserta wlto orange meringue, coffee, milk. straps that are practicaUy guar- aaat Agantitaa ...... We, the undersigned Legal Vet­ WANTED-^BABY or small child egga In them please everyone. Also Ark Nat Gas ...... antwd to stay where they belong. g aaah P B)a P ia ltry —■ era nif the Town of Coventry re- to board while mother works, nourish everyone. Asad Gas .and El A . Half a' doxen such aprons srlU VahUBaa : spef tfully petition your Honor­ inodem nearby country' home. In budgeting your eggs, count cornstarch In top of double boiler. ats Serv ... ----- make your housework go more V ^ ' S ' A T 9 ___ —BWta Write Box;B-, Ijerald. ', •baak—Vabtelaa able Body .to call a Town Meeting, those eggs used in desserts served Add cream and egg yolks, mixing El Bond and Share .. quickly and easily. O W D t S A Y » ag Buhsnaa ...... and that a Ballot be taken at such during toe week. If there ara four thorougMy. .'Add water, orange Nlag Hud ...... Make yourself s season’s sup­ Pats Poallry—Stack Town Meeting on the following In -your fan.ily-^two adults and Juice and grated rind. Cook'over Penn Road < 0 arUclesT Apartaieiita—Ftet»— ply, in gingham, percale, calico R e s a l e Tdnementa ■ M two children—your minimum egg hot water, stirring frequenUy un- Segal Lock or seersucker, ' cWwing gay, ag Asaasaoiiaa...... «t FIRST—To see If tha legal vot- budget ^should be 14 dgge a week. tU thickened. Cpver and cook 5 Unit Gas ^ . cheerful prints, and trimming e BfatartaU ...... «1 If you'uae, for exam^e, the two minutes longer. Place small cooklea \ i / —Watehaa-^awtlrg 41 erb of the Town of Coventry will, FOR RENT—i ROOM teneroant them with bright braid or Mas anthorlae Its Board of Education, desserts given below during a (vaniUa sriuere, chocolate drops or . A wU aaeaa—R agle.. 41 and‘garage, latest Improvements.' Legtoa Bowlers Leee binding. _ ' * jra a g ...... 4»-A or any agent or .sub-committee Apply 234 Center street. week's menus, you use four eggs, other kind) in the bottom . and -Dairy Pradaata M thereof, to participate In an effort so that means you have only 10 around the edge, of a 9-lncb ple„ Pattern N a 8857 is designed for Oaada ...... Bl FOR KE.NT—2 ROOMS and bath, more to use for the other meals. pan, FUl with the orange custard. The local Legion bowlers suf­ siaea 34. 39, S3. 40^ 42. 44, 40 and aag Tools Bl to secure permissive legislation to 48. Siae 39 requires 2 1-2 yards of atraaM ats ...... Bi make possible the establishment newly papered and' painteiL In­ It means, also, th at getting the. To make meringue: Beat egg fered a narrow 2-1 defeat from SCORCHY SMITH CoiilldentlEtIjrt H Stlnffl.l _ : Store Coalstaaat ... B< quire Tailor Shop, 3 1-3 Walnul falhily to eat lU requir^ ntlnlmum whites untU stiff, add sugar grad­ Wetherafle)d's.Ne. 2 team at West 35-inch m aterial: 4 1-2 yards of a regional high school in Mans­ trimmlngr Even this easy pattern at tha Staraa ...... h field. street. quota of nutrient-rich eggs need ually and- continue beating' until Hartford last night, dropping toe AgsaraV—Tors ...... B' be no'problem at all. first gsme by s single pin sad the Includes s detailed sew chait, • a y ...... h 'SEOONDr-^o see If tbe legal sUfl and gle«y. PUa meringue in laii Sit,*- r ------r- FOR RENT—3 ROOM apartmenL Next time you make a floalrating spoqnfuls'oa custard and top with second by two pins before srlnnlng For s Pattern 08 this attractive voters of the Town' of Coventry on bus HAS, suitable for couple. Uland, try making It with fr« £ orange sectlona Bake fit alow oven tke third by 43. It Wilkie roUed s model send 15c In Coin, Tour 4b wiU authorise its Board of Educa­ Phone 7191, orange Juice for the liquid. For a (325 degree# F.) for 15 mhautea nifty ringlp of 161 sod a triple of Tfeu. HIM ru . OMJ. I ^ T ^ ! n n BURY • •••••• .41;—a tion to designate Windham High 394 tor Individual boaora Tke Nsjne, ’Addraes, Style, Number pudding with surprised inside, add Oeeea Cream TOptoca and SlM to The Manchester Eve­ H IM B A C R •••• . n o w !. School, Manchester High School AVAILABLE. 4 ROote furnished orange cubes or sections. Pile It in ecorca:' (Sersea 4 to •) ning Herald, Today’s Psttem ' Ser- * » O e> ' and Rockville High School, as or unfurnished apartmenL Call tall-stemmed glasses erlth whlppsd nr--*—*"- (1 ) vics, 10e-7th -Ava, New Torii, N. ____ Wma Ba BChoola approved for -the attend­ 8787. ■niiida Uble^Mona granulated . WUkle .:...122 93 180—345 O Ftata. tM u t cream. Or, turn It into a pie by T. O y - o ance of Coventry secondary pu­ making It a' bit thicker and serv­ tapioca. 1-2 cup racoa, 2-2 cup Su­ L a C a fU .^ ...1 0 6 112 100—327 • • a « « O • « * • * * pils for any period not exceeding ing'it with cookies ps a base. In a gar, 1 2-2 cupe boiling water. 1 tall It Ballslep;^ .. 20 9flTOO-2M Plan, your spring wardrobe Ian years, and to enter Into a legal ARTHUR a: , r ddass pie dlrii. can evaporated Hfllk.' :2 eggs, sep­ F. Oervlnl .... *9 119 129—884 right now! You’ll find all the sp- *Z oaatract for the same 6n apecilied PtorMa Oraaga arated; 1-2 teaspoon salL i-"tea- t WUkle .....113 191 120—394 mxhred new stjrles in our Spring terms aatisfaetory to tlfe re^MO- (flama 4 to •) s|>oon vanilla. ' Fash ton Book, worked out in essT Uve boards a t oducatton. K N o n u k One^half cup sugar, S toble- Blend tapioca, cocoa aad sugar, -519 580.594 1993 destgns that yon can make your­ George G. Jacobson. add boiling water and cook, stir­ WetkereffeM Na. 2 (2) self. Smart cIoUmb for dsyt^, For spoons dornstarck, 1 -fl M ttstoe ...... 112 12S .115—355 Acthor J. VintoB. salt. 1-2 cup hsavy craanL 2 ring often untU tapioca la dear aftemooB and sports! AdoraUs ♦ ••••••.•• • e •• d ®3wa*d • . Praas. * yoUcs, 1-2 cup water, 1' 1-4 cups aad comas to top. Add milk Uand- BuU er _____ .'.100 100 103^^3 tilings tor the ddldren. Bend for Board a t Bducatloo. ocangs Jutoa. gratsd rind of ed wrth egg yolk* aad continue BUUard ...... 95 99 90--^7 jrour book right pow! Dated a t Oobeatry, Oonm, thia eooklag wltk ednsbant sttiriag un-. WUltams ...... 1 1 5 120 J58—M arange, 24 doiiJI cookiss. 2 R d fftery 93 IS* 105—341, P attern iQe, i^ tte m Book 16c, fourtli dayot Jaauary 1941. ^ AA Yawr N dfhbori whltaa 4 tU Bdxture tkickena . Poor over One Pattern and Pattern Book or­ ariffiy beaten salted, ^ g w9 I I I S ) Alkart B. Itermu^ ' , .'I sugar, fl to 520 662 551 lOiS dered together 25c.. ■ ^ . . . as ; Tom Cterk. •7gMritea«. PReitoMM -vanlUa aad ««aL ' ' ;■ - V ’ / ' , A '■ 3 T w;. 'A



I. hfary Buahnell Cheney auxll- Pythiang to Hold The annual meetlnit of the atock- torr. W. V.. wtll m eetjd* W ould Accept Police Board hoMera of the Odd rellowa, B * i^ V. a. Gammons Firm To Leave for South inoiTow e\-entng el eight q'HmA A ^ Q t T o w n Ilia daanrlatlnn tolll be held In Odd in the Stole Armory. ^ ^ . ' Meeting Tonight irbOowa’ ball on Wedneaday «ee* Names Officers New Roadways Meets Tonigbt Uiw, jaaiiatTH>. eltht o’plock. The anal concert Ti^eantol of Uiifee dtoecteii adll be eidcted and the Lulnfa Linne Lodge of Knlgfata of Pyth­ the iworta olflcera and dlrec- To H ear Result o f Siii;- '’sssrJrz^”^ of the Polish XaUonal Catholic Selectmeii Favor Streets ias win meet tomorrow Qlght at u s ChMtiiul atm l. b*vc toreI »rtllwill bebf made, church will to held Frltey night C Arthar .HoBgliiiui IM«d omcui M «c*tM from 8 o’clock at Orange HalL Reports yey on Traffic tiondi- at 7 o'cloA at Pulaakt hsH on E lid e d Seciratary o f In l^akewoo^ Cirde; ,„jai«> to th* Connecticut Henry Norwood, North ,atiuet and all tnsmbera ara of offleen for qte past term will AaaocMtion. tions Near Schools. Mhaa„ to etoitlns hla atoter requeitcd to be pfeaent Company Here. y^eport of PtJC Hearing he presented. and brother-in-law, . and Mra. Newly elected officers will be r » « t w Monthly m*eUnf ^ Waltor Lalley, of nton atreet. The Britlah-American chib will ^ The Board of Selactmea voted Installad st a Joiat Installation The board of polios eommiaslon- C. Arthur Hoaglu^. of 66 8U- sn win give consideration truiight ' n- -afen kn m of rtlrectoro t€ the T. M. hoc a few daya, meet tonight at » o'clock at Itt last night to reoomaaend to town meeting of the Second Olstriet, to cUibrooma. Following th* phen street, this town, waa elactod be held at Memorial Lodge at the to a report to be eubmltted by A. hrtn be heM »t elftrt o’clock dtraetor and aecratary of Tha Gam- meeting Uiat the new development oM m w n lS b t TryouU for the play whi ing laxiuaat beef supper will to north end on Wednesday. Jan. 15. Police Lieutenant WUIlam Barron \ Bpworth Laaaue wilt prea mona-H Company, Tueeday and acteU upon, after which a ad- In the inatrumant department of street bridge. Tha Public UtB- State Poller Helped !^ U be a aabatlon period and ^aa enjoyed. ttles Commissi(Xk, after a bearing cers will come here for the in­ clal timee wj Naval avtatlon for two yaara dur­ a hour ynth refreto»tnento e\-enlna.-January 14, and In addi­ stallation. !/ A.t the outset of the study, the tion plan a food itole for Saturday, ing the World war and In that ca­ In Hartford yesterday rooming, local olBoer was given a ssists^ by January 85. Detalla In regard to Two new post trucks pacity served at Panaaeola, Fla., found that reconatruetlon. w5l stats policemen and he has since aerve pubHe necessity and con- both project! niU be announced were\ivere delivered*^dellven« the ” ----- Manchester Columbia Univantty, and the Great made a check at all of the schools. later. poatofficc from Beaton yeaterjtoy Lakes Training School. Mr. Hoag- vmlence. Only final detaill of Clear View of Bar With this Information on hand and were p>it Into copimlaalon thto iund graduate from Pratt InsU- planning now renciain to be police board will be in a poslUo$ Start Now proved. The Willing Workera group will morning. They rcplach two tmeta tute In 1M4 and from then until In G rills Ordered: explain how matters stud meet at the South Methodlat that werp dpltvri^ to'stha offica 1827 was a foreman at Landers. Protection gainst koMa- garda to furnishing the protcctl Flrat Lieutenant CSuules W. The Selectmen referred to Town To Refinish church tomorrow afternoon at Bpvrral y^ara a^o ^ r c Frary * New Britain. In Bycholakl of the local Anti-Tank asked. It Is pretty well under- 2:50, the MUpah prmip at the ond hand «ara when they^frtved 1927 he cams to tha Gammon^ CoUnisel WflUam S. Hyde for his ’stood ampqg the commissioners here. The two tnieka replaced. *»» Holman Cpmpany aa aaatotant to Comjpany of the Rational Guard, opinion, a plan whereby the town Aa a rest^ of a visit to town by churrh thla evening at aeven bps been assigned to Fort Hen­ that to give the protection asked Your Floors o’clock, and the Oleanera at 7:30. over 10 years old. The trilcka William B. Gammona, Invanto^nd may be Indemnified agMnst claims an InapeCkv from the State Liq­ additional police would have 'to dommtaaloned thla morning a*p founder of tha company, and: for ning. Oaotgia, to take a tbraa- resulting from street snd hJi^ be named. montbs oourae at the Battalion uor Control Board, changes In the Dr. F, Forbea Bushnell of Wood- new. , , ■ /.Jha past aeven yaara has b ^ pro- way mishaps for an annual pre­ To Name Snperiiamerariea ',U- NATURAL BfAUTY dpeUou manager of the plant. Adjutant's school there, which la mium of 11,813.. ’appeanincs of grills using Vene­ bridi^ atreet left thla morning for scheduled to begin on Jan. 22. At the meeting tonight five men The ahooting gnllery located In. Hr. Hoaglund has b ^ m e na­ Accepted were the bonds of tian Minds on their windows have who have made application for ap­ OF YOUR FLOORS Ithaca,. N. Y.. to attend the an­ U.e store formerly occupied by the Bycholakl has already paaaed hla nual conferenceiof'the New York tionally known aa on/authority In Frederick H. Parker, water de­ beah made. The ruling by the Ldq- pointment to the police department Flrat National store on Main “ ■ Ola, with par- physical examlnatlona and will partment superintendent, for odr Board that It waa necessary vvUl appear. Of the five It ta ex­ SUte Veterinary College. He ex­ leave’ for Fort Benning late next pects to return to town Saturday. street, near the- Center, la cloaro. reamtng. Ha $5,000, and Alfred Howland,and, clerk, to have a clear view of the bar pected that two, and possibly three, It waa conducted by men from OTt American So- week. After completing the for $1,000. Attorney Frederick^ Fr< frtor the street,.has /resulted in will be named aa sureraumeraries. of town the past three, montj^ course he will rejoin the Anti- the removal of slats Jm the blinds. Officers elected by the St. Ce­ CV^ Va a wa a:a^ag| aa.a.PI'S* Manning advised the Boardard of his Routine business wtll be disposed celia choir, the Junior choir of S t For a few weeks the gallery did. Tank Company in Florida. acceptance of the post of o agent To those not Infomed the im­ of and the question of re-arranglng 0 t S SMILING T FI R LJ a good bualneaa. mootly , among Other d ird ^ f* elected by the John’s church on Oolway street Gammons-^lman Company yes­ of the town depoalt fund.A . / pression Is given that the blinds the present method of patrol by the ara:’ Prealdent Adele Sumislaakt; boys, but for the past month there Old Age Bnaneratton/^ luve been broken or are too small police cars after midnight, wUl be / m i VW « SMto Taa... tor Vaa has been a falling off of patron­ terday Shefwpod O. Bowers. vice prealdent Agnes Opalach: Mrs. Marion O. Fitch. Mrs, Eliaa- It was reported to the Board by for the Windows. considered. age. ____ Annual Meeting recording secretory, Phlllla Skra- beth q. PuiTar, and Mrs. Ethel M. Cecil W. England, aupetviaor of baes; financial aacretory, Phyllla the old age enumeration here, that GIbbona Aaaerobly, C. L. of C., Strong. Other oIBcenrofsravjf the com­com- Fereuce and treasurer. Helen pany are Mrs. Marlonon tL , Fitch, Of Brotherhood the enumeration of 18,018 persona " fS. Grsyb. will meet tonight at eight p clock In tha K. of C. clubrooma. ptoaident and treasurer,u«r, 1^ Sher- Ual^ to payment of old age taxes e-preaidMjL hea coat $975.17. Ten per cent vTood G. Bowers, vice- - The new officers amj committee' The Brotber^pod 6f4h* Emanuel thla coat hM been held back KALE'S SELF SERVE chairman of the Luther l.

Poatmaater Thomaia/J. Qulsh Tomorrow elected^or the coming yesr. The will, be the guest Hpekker at ^ Jan. 8.—Annual raeetlnii of Ec­ AU C E CXIFRAN Ufto inatallstlcln of the new officers wilt ' (Knowa An Queen Alice) Public meeting of the University club t«> clesiastical Society of Center Con- take place lipmedlately after the w3|M morrow evening at eight o clock gregatioiyU church. . SPIRITUAL MEDIUM Wed. Morning Specials election. ^ Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son I at the Y. M. a A. Hla subject ^Thl# Wmk Town Treasu^r George H. Wad­ Store Closes At Noon! Setback Party will be "Allen^ltegiatratlon. Bom With a VeiL Jan. 9.—Annua] meeting of Sec­ dell has been Obtotned m speaker Readings. Dally 9 A. M. to 9 P< Bf. I V. F. W. HOME ond Congregational church. for the meeting a^d will have os Or By Appointment. In t.he Servloe ba yeaia The Embtom club will bold Ita Jan. U.—Curio and Hobby ahow Green Stamps Given WUh Cash Sales. JDanetoMn' Manchester Green hla subject “ Taxes and the Serv­ of the People for SO Tears. regular m ^thly meeting tomor­ of Stamp Collectors Club at Odd WED., JAN. 8, 8:15 P. M. row afternoon at 2:30 at the Elka ice We Get for Our Dollar." A I l l ChurA Street, Hartford, Comi. Fellowa hall. s large turnout of mefiihers and Phone 6-SSS7 Jack Frost Priea of the Machine horns In Rockville.. Next Week Anderson-Shea Puat friends, of the Brotherhood is $4 Per Day. Jan. 13.—Annual meeting of and Amiliary. Cefiter Church Women’s Guild hoped for. After the program, Manchester Methodist church. refreshments will be served kpd a Sugar 5-Lb. Bag 26c wUtmeet at the church tomorrow Jan. 15.—Republican workers S PrUea! Refreshments! social lime win be hrid. All. Players Welcome! afternoon at 2:30. Mtsa Laura dinner-dance at Legion Home. Paint Co. Houae wilt be the leader, and the . Ray Ekickson arid his Devotion­ Coming Eveata al Group la in charge of the eve­ Admission 25 cents. gueat speaker, Mlsa Helen B. Jan. 9.—Annual meeting of fIfaiii St. Tel. 6854 ning’s activities. ’36 7 Laavena who will tell of the work Emanuel Lutheran church. My-T-Fine Desserts • of the Children’s Aid society In Jan. 23.—-Dessert-bridge at Odd PLYMOUTH Connecticut. The hoateaa<;8 will Fellowa hall, by Memorial Hospital ^ 3 Pkg,. be Mra. Emeat Kritemacher, Mra. Women's Auxiliary. COACH Robert Hawley. Mrn.-W. J. Field, Jan. 25.—"BrlUah Night” at Antique Specialties

LET HEAT PltoV^l Mra. CoUla Goalee, Mra. William High school auditorium for war No. 2Vt qaa Valvida C. Gardner, Mrs. George Hunt, Relief. Coin - Sterling Silver - $198 OIL fori / rhere are many bUr^rd Mra. W. F. Hawley and Mrs. Fred Jan. 26.—Hartford District Cho­ China • Pattern and Hopper. rus concert at Emanuel Lutheran Apricots “ Cans 25c reasbns why onrp^ la ^ Blown Class • ^four burner church. Fm I Oil yon'll p ^ e r. Bui The Mothers’ Circle of St. Ger­ Furniture • Etc. Large No. 5 Caa Del Monte the most pne^m proof la ard will meet tomorrpw evening In le home of Mra. Cheater E. Mor-

the simplest:/ Let os put 20 Trotter street.” American Antique FUNERAL 80 Oakland Stitot Pineapple Juice some in yopi' tank—so you Shop TeL5191 \ can note Hs more-heat, its 382 Main Street, Open, Evenings

lcast>c^! Try? FJ A. R. Balky - Sunkist Lemons

& r a Mg e o n . HEALTH MARKET In Any Quantity Any Time Dial

\ Wholesalty and Retail 3230 . deah,'Comfortable Cars! Mfedmsday Mwning Specials

Cearteebs Service At All Tlmesl TJie Coal Wise R a m t l t on. GONPAMT

Tha Treak’a Oa Va . . . Center Street Phone 5293/ C IT Y T A X I /. Serving t|tc Public fpr 23 Years. DENNIS hlVltPHT, Pro^ v Sirloin Steak Lb. 35C

For Haalthfhl Soup ■ \


Grem ilioasu ‘Lean STORE CLOSI S A T NOON W E D N E SD AY Please Dp Your /Chopping Wednesday Morning! V 158 EMridga Btraat / Daisy Hama ' U.29C And Flower Shop^ Plump—^Tender 5 for TM.9486

LV A $1.00 FOWL each'99c

WHgMng Ahnost 4 PAands! "N

Serve coM weather soups and boiled dinners. Meaty ANTHRACITE Shank Soup Bones, 1.5r and I8c . . . Knuckle Soup Boines,

10c lb. Bare Bones, 3 lbs. 10c. I,ean Reef and Ijim b f V i

for StewiRg. ; Honieycomb Tripe, ,23c Ib., and Country TheO ^illhaittSatisilfs

‘GIANT .57r Style Pinehurst Sausage 5leat, 29c lb.______; ; -


('rtsp, Fimk, Grerai v ■ Thrifty bayere like Lehi^ Valley Coal... YOU PAY FOa It tioatt ' 'o- - CD

BROCCOLI bunchISc S y «r "Rtetereel and there are mighty g o ^ reaaoiis for iL 9 New Beets. ..,,..2 bunches l5e Fttdl 6 il Ddltv«rl«a" 'IVORY SOAP First, Ldiigh Vidley coal'hBs all the waste and Flr«l car of Dr. PhllUp’a Tnw Ripened Nat- . < ' l a r g e ____12 for 61.00 nral Color Flortdas Just In . . . on ante . . imparities removed which means you get' )IUM.. .25 for ILQO $16 dse . . . at '

Dr..Pbinip’s ^ more pure coal, more heat pa* dollar. Sec­ O

UrSai^ ORANGES ond, it is a high heat coal which means mojre

WtMi 2 dozen 49c comforL Third, it - lasts longer and goes z -I. .urfor 5 dozen $1.00 _

Nott. to amm * O* awMtd w4. forthw than inferior eoal. Foorth, it is Y 20c .TlO^^rilWS • a a • a ay a^ • W# a a a a a a a a a • a tfOR* 22C m M B.4 SmI Mam'm am nn*, LU

16 for 11.00 . Indian River Grapefniit a ; 5 for 25e tea ace paariM vtW a e im 4haa h ^ mimti wkk dw rnmd adUosaade dean. Fifths jt gives steady, even hedthy

kfwW law teat wieaea taak. Sbk. M m MCiw m a ddhaw msIW Everbeat Pure Preaervea laf M l hesL mighty good reasons why it will Q. CNd Campany*6 Aathnolta will meet mnj |H$ wMm mm ^S eedleee Blaek Raopberry VEGETABLES heattag teat yoa give I t —4wcaiiaa it*a pro* FlaeepiAe atrawberfy fw whH»f pay yon, too, to call ns and order several lons. Caniiflpwer tested at the minee Sue eixe, ekanneee and

- «■ $ !»$ 4Jara95c GrcmBeana hankaaaitcat. Otdernowandaeewhat this

, uemtasstsa Wtw- Hi Ho Tender Sweet Pees IVeah Pcaa ■■aaas tn you in the form o f more heat.

3ca6R44e TcaRsll.OO Lcttqce <..... -10c I ears and kas east. t$ $»7 37e a

Tama ^ Maxwell Hoaac Coffee Sweet Potatoea ______25clb. The Manchester ^


77 G. E. WHUS & SON, Inc.

'p-Hichu rjlQrois >, i rr fu / nu//' ' CO. and Fuel Co. eMW* aappUen, rmat • 7aONE514S BBUIM'I 'RS6 . MAMCBBSTEM . Jill"
