tV^ ;, j ' V ' r; . X TtMWsBtMr Average Dally Ctrqtlatlon Par's mat ai C. a Waathar' POr the Meath at Daeasibar. IMM fUraiMlLX^ Mr 6,613 ^ aC.tha Aadll 4 ^ MiaifbiMier--^A City of ViBage Charm (TWELVE PAGES) PRMS THREE a MANCHESTER. CONN^. TUESDAY, JANUARY VISAX yDL.*LX, NO. 83 A d4eO ^ an raga IS) .J- ;-.-'- ' XX ' Laying K e ^ d f Uncle Sam’s Newest Wai Plans to 4,000 Ships tp Air ^ Fleet®uying Year Rear Admiral To *BQck Private’ Is Heir ’ To Part of Big Estate Reveals Num h^ \ let>ort Several Persons Urges Repeal of Gausc Seize 40 Italian ted Despite Dfefrys Fort Devens, Mass., Jan. 7.— ■Draftees here teamed to- (Siving Clergy Exemption Damaged by Previona K ill^, or Wounded in id . Botdenedu at that one of their “ buck prl- Bomb Attadu at Aban­ vatOv buddies Is heir to part of Midlands Town When BeptUe, Jan. T.— The Meeting of Rouse Na- a $ljip0,000 estate left by his Washington Council of Church­ doned Field; Armad father\and that he la quite Houses Demolished; es and Christian Education rec­ v^'Commi^ee Today. Patrols Already Tafil- content Tp remain to khaki to London Is Kept Under. ommended today repeal of tha - r f -- ' Selective Service claiwe ex­ complete year of training. ing Defenses of Next Washington, Jan. 7.—<A*)— Edward H Alford, Jr„ 28, of Alert for More Than empting mlnlatera and theologi­ Reaf Admiral Jdhn’H. Tow­ Brookline. aNHarvard Universi­ cal students from military, serv­ Fascist Stronghold in ty graduate, ^ -a a one of- the Three Hours; Two Ex­ ice. ers told Congress today that The resolution adopted unanl- P a th pi W avell’s Army. first selectees h) volunteer for plosions Are'. Heard. despite delays and bottle­ Immediate aen d ^ ln the origi­ moualy. complained "they are not called briore their local necks the Navy expected to nal peacetime diWt call on C!niro, Egypt, Jsn. 7>—(IP) Nov. 18. LondoUi Jsn. 7.— (^P)— G er­ draft boards for aervloe ctessi- add about 4,000 airplanes to — An R JLF. communique s*- The elder Alford filed Nov. man rsiders we’re reported to fleatton, thuf giving Uiem no its fleet this year. The chief opportunity to accept military nouniced today that British 24. His will, recently probat­ have killed or wounded sever­ of Naval aviation, testifying ed. bequeathed his finure es­ service or refuse tt on grounds roops thrusting deep iaio al persons in S -Midlands town I of consetance rather than pro­ at the opening of an investi­ tate to hla widow, his and jibys had reached El Adem. todfiy in the heaviest of a- se­ fession status.” gation of the Nav 3f*8 ship­ hla daughter. \ the airport for Tobruk, fiad ries of daylight raids against building and aircraft pro­ A ;here captured 40 Italian B. 8. Missouri that induatrial area, London grams by the , House N aw Admiral aa rk Woodward. <J. 8. N .;.pre*l^s )lanes which had been d ififo 45,000-ton battlcHhlp to be coimructcd In the BrooR vn NRvy Yhe Wr wagon” will be and the southeast coast. The Committee, disclosed that the program will ag^ by pirevious BritWi 4 Men Hurt dne of the Important additions to the armed naval forces which the expanded Midlands casualties were re* Italy Admits number the Navy expected to K>mb attacks. The _ Italiaas tu»n Into a two-ocean u a ^ . \ ^ ported jn the suburb, of a | \ reach this month was 334— tad abandoned the airpert. El town where several houses about double that of Decern- InHartford Bardia Loss; Adem is only l5 miles sooHi were demolished. This raid L cr of 'Tobruk. ' Jn reaponm to ■ questions by was carried out as London Sui^ey Shows Tobruk. TO mUes west ot eap- Chairman Vlnaon (D., Ga.|, Towers Greeks Report Ne was kept under alert for more B u ^ e t High Rail O a s li tured Bardia. la tea next majm said that white he was "o f course than three hours and the Italian stronghold to tea path e f not MUsfled” with the present out- tee British advance, and atmod Hoiis^ Short city’s anti-aircraft defenses put, he felt that everything poa- Seven Others Shaken Up ' 8 Fascists Determined to patrola were reported ahneagy. aible was being done to remedy the Gains in 2 Sect roared repeatedly at the at­ Fight W *r to Finish teMtog Its defenaes as Qeo. Sm altuatlop. As Freight Slams In­ Boom tackers. P. WavsU sought «o Srhedotee Not Maintained ■' Two exploolons were heard In W ith Allies ito De^ance keepyltoly’s Norte African AraiF to Rear of Standing Diacuaslng delivery achedules Assert Italian Hbld in London soon after the - alrens onJoM defenslva. , Germans Den whicb he aaid had not. been main­ Combination T r/a i n« i aounded. In the late afternoon ma- Of Roosevelt Plan* , (Tha forces which readiaa W tained, Towers told the committee itions Are W orse in Tepeleni - Klisura Re­ ,chine-gun fire waa heard from a Adem presumably wow mschail- that among the reasons were gion ' Is Weakening; plane over the capitaTa oiitaklrta. Rome, Jan. 7.—W)—^The Hallj Ixsd onito raportod to L o a t a to shortage of machine tools and tool­ Hartford.. Jan. 7. ~x — Four __^jie Parts of Country DubUn Bombs ^ tl-a lrc ra ft fire waa heard in be "now to contact wlte tea oal» government conceded tee makers and failure of some sub­ men were taken tp/loeal hospitals /ilian Anything Seen Foes’ Casualties'Heavy. ■ \ __ various London diatrteta and defenses Of Tobmk.” contractors to fulfill their obliga­ after a "double-header” frelgf aloM the Thanyta estuary. Army’s capture of Bardia with « i t that tee coiatad roaid aU _ tions to prime contractors. Since Last Conflict. From Reich rdoBen Nat Fluatored declaration today of Its ^term iiia- way acroaa Libya to TrlpoB to olammed into the rear of ^a_s< ^ •Athens, Jan. 7.— (yp>—The ,Tbe admiral said that on Jan. 1, Lonfionera went about their bus- Uon, with Germany and Japah a* vuinarable to ooa attook* vatWHi the Na\y had 2,5*0 planes on hand tog combtoatlon train at the lEThlph Greeks *faported ijew gains quarters there eald Italy's rasto^ ineaa 'Mthout fluster deaplto the Its sUles. to fight the war to a fin­ and expected to add About 4,000 station of the New Haven RaUpiisd Planes , Might long almfi and the anti-aircraft Ing Libyan air bases were a toy. about 6 a. m. today. •/ a I!ome-IuHdtoV"t^i^ l?d i ^‘**”*‘ ish to virtual deftnance of Presl- forced constantly to shift wem* during the next 12 montha. About fire, usually persistent for the : dsnt Roossvelt’s plan for more 3M would have to be deducted, he None of the frur w s believed to Have Flown Over Neu­ 1 daytime. wnrtU . be seriously hurt. Offlee® of the I United StoUs aid to BrlUto. Tfbrak “ . oaid, to compensate for anticipated Even wnm the shrill whistles Although the fall of Bardia last losses due to craahes and other railroad to New Haven Said that tral Ireland Jan. 142; o f. London nobbles warned that TobrUlt itself was boiribefi agtiii to addition to these, s e i^ othera housing shortages In some parts of jT ^ ^ le n i-K lls u rA re ^ o n o f A - Sunday, with heavy loeaes, was causes. To Continue Probe. the ralden were overhead hurry­ not admitted offlciaUFuntU today. impaling the future schedule were shaken up. Only one of the the oouiltry worst than ing shoppers \ and buelneasmen S 11 was a passenger, the others be­ seeit Atace the test war. vancfi.tiw>rthea8t of Cnimara. iBditor Vlrglnlo Gayda auteorl- west, the communlqas saM. dellveriee of tha, lastJOUlB, ^ — —— - - — - merely lo^ed tm and kept going. totlvely'dedared Italy had “all tee ing 'YaUroAd wortto^ A national survey by------ The. —Asix>- I J,— ^-jhes from th e fro n t Berlin, Jan. T—(S>)—Germany Taxis, buses anrf^cks kept mov- Boomba feU along Tobruk’s wa­ ^ mqntha. Towers said the Navy re­ At Hartford homtal were: John 'clated Presa today found authori­ men and means neeiMd to continue ceived an even 100 planes / teat said, threatens to. cut the dteclalmed today any respoodbll- tea war with undiminished energy ter fremt and on military Altkan, 61, 95 CaMtoI avenue, paji- ties In some cities which are keys *"^53te*n5doi» could be heard fly­ within the towm It raportod, "toll., October, 119 In November and 171 sanger; Fred C /Fnaw. 44,102 VAto Italian X^munlcations be­ Ity for bomba dropped near Dub- on all fronts. to December. \ to the. armament drive using ing'low but could RPt be seen be­ full daUils of tea damog*.' Btreet. Springfield, Maos., railway phraaea iQta these to describe hous­ tween Te^lM ii and Valona, Un the night of Jan. 2-8, but sAld cause of the clouds. "Howevsr glganUo the British not be observed.” One. The estimated monthly ^ v ^ e s mall dark. And Blllott Hoffmam It was poodblo that German empire’s resourcss appear on for this year follow: \ / , • ing conditions: the Greeks’ major objective A town in the Home counties— plane was shot down aad 42, rallwai^ mall clerk. A ll auf- •'A criate' by June.” planes mlghtAaye flown over neu- the area ardund Londtte—also was paper and tee promises which tea ’probably deatroyed,” It hmmm January S34; February 268: fei«d bacK tojurieo, according to in southwestern Albania.
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