The Leaky Bucket As a Policing Device: Transient Analysis and Dimensioning 1 Introduction
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The Leaky Bucket as a Policing Device Transient Analysis and Dimensioning y Dimitris Logothetis Kishor Trivedi Center for Advanced Computing Comm GTE Lab oratories Inc Department of Electrical Engineering Sylvan Rd DukeUniversityBox Waltham MA Durham NC Abstract Policing the mechanism that the network uses to ensure that the user conforms with his negotiated contract is an imp ortant asp ect of the forthcoming broadband networks based on ATM The leaky bucket algorithm has b een adopted by ITU for merly CCITT as the means to p olice ATM connections The p erformance of the leaky bucket ie howwell can the leaky bucket algorithm enforce the parameters of the negotiated contract is a topic of ma jor interest In this pap er we derive expressions for the timedep endent state probabilities and the timeaveraged stateprobabilities for the leaky bucket rate control scheme Our mo del is based on the theory of Markov regenerative pro cesses In particular we show that the leaky bucket state probabil ities are p erio dic when studied in continuous time We also compute timeaveraged measures and show that our results sp ecialize to those obtained bySidi et al for the longrun b ehavior of leaky bucket Our results are more general however in that they apply to the transient regime and to more general arrival pro cesses Finallyusing our timedep endent analysis we dimension the leaky bucket parameters and quantify tradeos on these Intro duction Due to ATMs inherent prop erty to supp ort any bandwidth requirement an access control scheme is needed to ensure that a user do es not exceed his negotiated parameters One asp ect of Usage Network Parameter Control UPCNPC is p olicing The role of p olicing Part of this pap er has app eared in the Pro ceedings of INFOCOM y This work was supp orted in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant EEC is to ensure that nonconforming cells are marked as low priority cells or they are lost ITU formerly CCITT has standardized two equivalentmechanisms for p olicing one of them b eing the leaky bucket In this pap er we will present the timedep endent analysis of the leaky bucket for general p oint arrival pro cesses In contrast to previous works we allowfor nonstationary arrival pro cesses ie pro cesses where their parameters change over time since such pro cesses can capture overload b ehavior Wewillshow that the state distribution of the leaky bucket when studied in continuous time and assuming a p oint pro cess as general as the BatchMarkovian Arrival Pro cess BMAP is p erio dic This b ehavior although rep orted earlier is not widely known We then compute the timeaveraged state distribution and show that its limits exist Since we treat the leaky bucket as a p olicing mechanism ie as a mechanism to lter incoming trac we concentrate on loss measures Weidentify twotyp es of loss measures The rst one that we will refer to as tagged cell loss is dened as the probability that an incoming cell is lost or marked with low priority As we shall see later this measure p ossesses a p erio dic limiting b ehavior The other one that we will refer to as fractional loss is dened as ratio of the exp ected numb er of lost cells over the exp ected numb er of arrived cells in a given interval of length tWe shall see that this measure has a limiting distribution Despite the fact that ITU has standardized only p eak rate as a trac descriptor the ATM Forum considers two other optional trac descriptors namely burst tolerance or p eak rate duration and sustainable cell rate or mean rate The second part of the pap er will b e devoted to dimensioning the leaky bucket enforcing trac parameters such as p eak rate mean rate and p eak rate duration The mathematical to ol that we use is called the Markov regenerative or semiregenerative pro cess The remaining of the pap er is organized as follows In Section we describ e the leaky bucket rate control scheme and present the necessary background on Markov regenerative pro cesses and the BMAP pro cess In Section wedevelop the mo del based on the BMAP input pro cess while in Section we present the mo del for nonstationary input pro cesses and study the overload b ehavior of the leaky bucket In Section we study the abilityof the leaky bucket to control the desired trac parameters Finally in Section we present our conclusions Background In this section we review existing work in the analysis of the leaky bucket rate control scheme and wepresent some mathematical preliminaries needed to study the timedep endent b ehavior of the leaky bucket namely the delayed Markov regenerative theory and the batch Markovian arrival pro cess Fractional loss directly related to the cell loss ratio CLR Quality of Service QoS parameter of ATM is probably more suitable for dimensioning but more dicult to compute when compared with the tagged cell loss The Leaky Bucket Rate Control Scheme In high sp eed networks conventional windowow control is not feasible since propagation delays are the dominating factor in overall delay rather than transmission or queueing delays In simple words if we force the transmitter to wait for an acknowledgmentwe will force it to remain idle for a long p erio d of time since a time equal to the roundtrip delay elapses b efore a new message can b e transmitted For this reason alternativeschemes for owcontrol need to b e found One of these is the so called ratecontrol scheme where the arrival rate to a buer is ltered through a p olicing device One such device is the leaky bucket rate control scheme The leaky bucket see Figure consists of a token generator a p o ol of tokens and an optional buer Tokens are generated every seconds and stored in the p o ol if the p o ol contains less than L tokens Otherwise the token is lost Packetscells arrive to the buer according to a trac pro cess that needs to b e controlled The arrival pro cess can b e as general as the BatchMarkovian Arrival Pro cess BMAP although most of our numerical investigations consider sp ecial cases of the BMAP suchasMarkov Mo dulated Poisson Pro cess MMPP the Interrupted Poisson Pro cess IPP and the Poisson Pro cess PP Furthermore the input pro cess can b e timeinhomogeneous ie its parameters maychange with time as we shall see in Section An arriving packetcell that nds the token p o ol nonempty departs the system immediately while removing one token from the token p o ol An arriving packetcell that nds the token pool empty joins the queue if the buer is not full Now when the queue is not emptywhich means that the token pool is empty and a token arrives one packetcell departs immediately taking the token with it Arriving cells Departing cells M 321 Buffer 1 2 Token pool L Token generator Figure The leaky bucket rate control scheme Existing mo dels in the op en literature are concerned with steadystate measures Wecan characterize these mo dels as follows uidow mo del for arrival sources are considered in p oint pro cess mo dels with continuoustime in p oint pro cesses It should b e noted here that this denition of the leaky bucket is slightly dierent from the one adopted by ITU and ATM Forum with discretetime in Brownian motion mo dels and analysis based on sample paths in In this pap er we will describ e the continuous timedep endent b ehavior of the leaky bucket adopting a p oint pro cess to characterize cell arrivals Delayed Markov regenerative pro cesses In the development of BMAPG and GIBMAP typ e of queueing mo dels it is commonly assumed that the time origin coincides with a service completion or an arrival instant When studying overload b ehavior of queueing systems as we shall see in this pap er we need mo dels where the time origin do es not necessarily coincide with service completion or arrival instant For this reason in this section we generalize the wellknown Markov regenerative pro cess MRGP to the delayed Markov regenerative pro cess DMRGP and develop the underlying equations that govern the conditional state probabilities Before we formally dene the delayed Markov regenerative pro cess wegive some short of lo ose denition of the Markov regenerative pro cess An MRGP can b e thought of as a pro cess where there exist time ep o chs where the pro cess regenerates in the Markovian sense ie the sto chastic evolution of the marking pro cess do es not dep end on the history of the pro cess but rather on the current state The time ep o chs that the pro cess regenerates together with the value that pro cess has at that p oint form what we call a Markov renewal sequence MRS The sto chastic b ehavior of the Markov regenerative pro cess can b e describ ed bytwo matrices namely Kt global kernel that captures the b ehavior of the pro cess assuming the regeneration has o ccurred and Etlocalkernel that considers the b ehavior b etween two regenerations It has b een shown that matrix V twithentries V t the time dep endent ij state probabilities of an MRGP P Z tj jZ i satises a matrix generalized R t Markov renewal equation V t Et dKxV t x Now for the developmentofthe delayed Markov regenerative pro cess we rst dene the delayed Markov renewal sequence the generalization of the Markov renewal sequence in Markov regenerative theory Denition Asequence of bivariate random variables fY T g is cal led a time homoge n n neous Delayed Markov Renewal Sequence DMRS if T T T Y n n n P fY j T x j Y ig F x ij n P fY j T T x j Y i T Y T Y T g n n n n n n n P fY j T T x j Y ig n n n n P fY j T T x j Y ig K x ij Then the DMRGP is dened