TOMORROW: S un ny High SOVLow 57“ u stan g d a il y M C:ALIFORr''l A P0LYTEC:HNIC state UNIVE1Í.S1TY

American forces Read about Cal Poly will and Taliban host Cal State campus crime Fullerton this militants involved on our weekend. in the deaths of interactive 147 Afghans. online map. V % p f IN SPORTS, 8 IN NEWS, 3 ONLINE Volume LXXIIl, Number 14t Friday, May 8, 2009 ASI ELECTION COVERAGE Kelly Griggs elected president

Matt Fountain friends and a really good network of people \U'S1AN(. DAIIY (helping me). It was a fun process,a fun cam­ paign and it’s just very surreal.” (\il l\)ly stiuii'iits will have a new “ilirci. t Ciriggs also said that the campaign and student liaison" next year in KelK ('iriggs. election process was the greatest experience I he art and design senior was elected as of'her college career. 2(HF)-2(>10 Associated Students Inc. presi- “ I just had fun with it,” she said. “ I felt ileiit with the plattorni ot'being a link be­ like every night 1 would come home, my tween the adiiiinistration and the student face wiuild be tired from smiling all day. Hut bod\. it was such a good process; it was honestly (’■riggs was elected president after the best educational experience that I’ve had Wednesday and I hursday's electitin, with a so far at this university.” P f ': uner turnout of'over 20 percent of'the stu­ C'urrent ASI president Angela Kramer said Hi « dent btidy. I )ue to a problem w ith the tnit- after the elections results were announced side vendor who was contracted to count that she looked forward to continuing to the votes, a iiumerKal breakdown of' the work w ith (Iriggs, making her transition to votes was not av.iilable bv press time. student btidy president as easy as possible. The results were announced at H;.SU p.m. ’’T his IS why we do elections in M.iy,” X Miursday evening before a crowd of' ap­ Kramer said. "It’s ,i month-long transition proximately 2(K) students in the University process. I, very thing I’ve worked on this vear. Union I'la/a during May Mayhem, a school- I’ve worked really hard to make sure we can sponstired .u tivitv night. tr.uisition well." (higgs s.iisi after the announcement that Kramer said that she was “very proud" she glad her message restmated with the of (Jriggs, adding that she believed (iriggs student bodv. w ould be a true representative of the student “I think I really did my research and that boily. has to do with the leadership positions I’ve "Kelly is great, she has a phenomenal held and I was able to build my platform off personality, is a great listener," she said."T his the issues that I feel the students really want position takes a lot tif learning, a lot of grow­ , NICK miistanc . daiiy and connect with," she said. ing, and I think she’s going to grow into it Art and design senior Kelly C>riggs will be next years ASI president. The election results were “I know that 1 had a lot of'support, great quite well. I really do.” released last night at May Mayhem. Calif, wildfire imperils Santa Barbara; homes lost

JeffWilson mained out of control and firefigliters AsvK lA riii I’uts s were on alert for a predicted return of a “sundowner” — fierce winds SANTA BAKBAKA, C'.alif. (A1») that sweep down late in the day from — Paradise is not Itrst, but it’s in the Santa Ynez Mountains towering Haines — again. close behind Santa Barbara. The seasonal wildfires that men­ A sundowner on Wednesd.iy af- ace this idyllic coastal city roared to ternwin turned a slumbering brush life earlier than usual but with all- fire on rugged slopes above the city 7 s t(H>-faniiliar femcity, burning man­ into a towering wildfire that hurled r # sions to their foundations and forcing flames into homes and spit embers more than 13.IHM) to Hee. Dozens of into more distant neighborhoods. homes were destroyed, (»ov. Arnold Some .S,4(K) homes were evacuat­ Schwarzenegger said. ed, and another 13,(MK) people were ” I knew it was time to le.we,” advised to be ready to leave. ^<1 said Tom Morse, 62. a day after he “It started firestorming dramati­ dusted oft' his motorhome as the fire cally,” said Gregg Patmnyk, a lifelong neared his Mission C'anyon Heights Santa Barbara resident who grabbed house.“ ! could see the flames getting a hose and started wetting his roof i close.” when he saw other houses ablaze. The fire was just the latest to rav­ “The fire got within 200 to 300 feet -a; T age the area known as the American of my house. ” Vv V *S a. Riviera, home to screen stars, former “There was a lot of pressure to ■jft' presidents and Oprah Winfrey. The leave,” he s,iid. “Police wanted me blaze reached the burn area o f an­ out and 1 got a frantic call from my other wildfire that just six months sister, who was walking up the hill to K EITH D . CU LLO M ASSOCIATED press ago destroyed about 200 homes in get me. So I packed up the car and A Santa Barbara County firefighter attacks flames in a fully involved structure on Williams Way in Mission Santa Barbara and Montecito. Canyon, as strong winds spread fire throughout the hillside community above Santa Barbara, Calif. Wednes­ The latest 1,3(K)-acre fire re- see Fire, page 2 day. 2 News editor: Rachel Cilas; News designer: Omar Sanchez M u s t a n g D a iiy mustangdailynews^' Friday, May 8, 2009 : N ews :

I’iaggio scooter U) see the tire. Hlsewhere, a southern New Mexico wild­ homes were evacuateil. Fire State Assemblyman Pedro Nava tied fire destroyed three homes and ilaniaged .i In southeastern Arizona, winds cooperated continui'dfrom pttgc I Wediiesti.u w ith his w ite, twai dogs and a cat. fourth near the small mountain coniniunit\ riuirsd.iy in holding down a wildfire that had rhev tossed [uctures, documents and a tew of rimberon. It also burned five outbuildings, destroyed three homes and critically injured a leti, pit. kiiiii Ikt up on the way." days ot clothes into a car and went to the home such as sheds and garages, aiul lO vehicles, tire man, officials said. 1 blaze was 30 percent Nearly l,4on tiivtlghters trom many de­ ot a ti iend. information officer Darlene Hart said. Iw'enty contained. partments were on the lines, aitlei.1 by aireratt. "I've learned how important preparation Authorities reported 1(1 tiretighters injureil, IS in an emergency," he said. "1 he public has iiu luding three who sheltered in a house dur­ to be prepared to move, .iiul in Santa Ikirbara ing; a tirestorm. I he\ were in goovl eondition they are prepared. When the police squad car It a I os Angeles burn eenter but two faeed sur­ came through with loudspeakers telling us to gery. t hher iii)unes ranged trom smoke inhala­ leave, there was no .irguing. And they will all tion to ankle sprains. be back.” I here were no speeitie numbers available Morse, the executive director ot the envi­ on property losses, l ire oOieiaK would not ronmental group (ilobal Preservation Projects, elaritv the gowrnor's estimate, saving .issess- sail! he's not surprised by so many tires, blam­ ments were still under wa\ ing It on global warming, 1 he eitv's location on the state's central coast " lemperatures are rising and humidity lev­ gi\es It some ot the best we.ither in the workl, els are dropping. It means more tires,” he said. w ith tempeiMtures routinely topping out in the warming can't be bl.inied tor specific T'(is,and \ iews ot the I’acitic Ocean. Now w ith tires, but it creates conditions that foster larger a population ot about ‘)0,(l(lo, it dates to the and more frequent wildfires, scientists say. «f, j Spanish colonial er.i ot ('alitornia and a Ko- "A warming climate encourages wildfires man C '.ithohc mission established in the 17S(ls through a longer summer period that dries fu­ is a nu)or tourist draw. els, promoting easier ignition and taster spread," but the geography that gives it be.iuty and a the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental serene atmosphere also brings danger. P.inel on Cilimate Cihange wrote in 2(K)7. “I'm trom the b.ast Coast and at this pt)int 1 latch, the sciioter-riding illustrator, said his I'd rather put up with this than the winter," w ite grew up in Santa BaAsara. s.iid evacuee Jim [latch, 40, an illustrati>r who “1 ler family thinks this is normal,” he said. MK'.HAKl, OW FN UAKFR ASSiKaATU) I’RKSS returned home to pick up clothes riuirsd.iy “But after living here for 20 years 1 think the Santa Monica Fire Department Battalion Chief Jose Torres watches as a wildfire flares up and nu>tored up jesusita Road on a baby blue fires are getting worse.” in the hills Santa Barbara, Calif, on Wednesday.

ASI Board of Directors J Results ä llll» * * H m M

College of Agriculture, College of Engineering: Food, and Environmental Tanner Bennett (246) Sciences: Lindsey Davison (257) DON'T Cammie Schlemer (340) Wes Carlson (364) ä FORGET Kaitlin Spak (253) Kody Kester(371) Matt Teresi (217) r MOM... Kelsey Rugani (446) on Mother's Day Benjamin Scott (357) Jacob Samuel (175) College of Liberal Arts: Lauren Babek (332) Joe Ciesinski (282) 800 Ralm Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.594.1942 College of Architecture Tricia Rosas (240) and Environmental Danielle Tucker (186) Design: Tyler Hatrich (115) College of Science Lindsey Newman (151) and Mathematics Ryan Santillan (161) Katie Berger (253) Nick Dindio (200) Orfalea College Josh Lazarus (186) of Business: Jessica Patton (210) Jamie Callahan (233) Megan Cleary (236) * Students could only vote for board Solomon Reda (225) members in their own colleges. The Jesse Schwartz. (249) numbers of votes each candidate 0 received are noted.

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« ISA.« « AJkAM.*« m oAAAZ JIX > U 4 *1 k.«jaa. a 1040 Court St & 1907 Broad St. San LuisObilpo, CA 805.781.6188 Friday, May 8, 2009 M u s t a n g D aily Wire Editor: Cassandra J. Carlson : N ews : Afghan official: 147 dead in fighting

thy over the loss of life in a White 1 louse meeting Wednesckiy Three U.S. defense officials, speaking anonymously, saidT hurs- with Afghan Bresident Hamid Karzai, w'ho contends that such day that it is possible the investigati'rs would find a mix oflauses killings undermine support for the fight against the Taliban. for the deaths — that some were caused by the firefight between Defense Secretary Robert dates, whose two-ciiy visit in Af­ the Americans and the Taliban, some by the U.S. airstrike and ghanistan was overshadowed by the case, offered a new expression some deliberately killed by laliban fighters hoping U.S. bombings of U.S. regret for the deaths but stopped short of taking blame. would be blanieil. U.S. officials maintained that theTaliban might have been respon­ Taliban militants often take over civilian homes and launch at­ sible for at least some of the deaths. tacks on Afghan and coalition forces. U.S. officials say the militants “We regret any, even one, innocent civilian casualty and will hope to attract U.S. airstrikes that kill civilians, thereby giving the make w'hatever amends are necessary,” ( iates saidTlnirsd.iy during militants a propagamla victory. a visit to the war zone. “We have expressed regret regardless of U.S. military spokesw'onian (kipt. Elizabeth said she how this occurred.” did not yet have information on what the investigative team rhere has been no official death count, either from the Ameri­ found. A U.S. brigadier general headeil the team, along with Af­ cans or the Afghans, from the fighting in the Bala Buluk district ghan milita»'y and police officials. Monday night andluesday. ABDUL MAl.hK ASSociAThi) i-r k ss Abdul Basir Khan, a member of Farah s provin­ An injured Afghan woman from the Bala Baluk, district cial council who said he helped the joint delegation of Afghanistan, is seen on a bed at the hospital in Farah from Kabul with their examination Thursday, said he province of Afghanistan Tuesday. collectetl names of 147 ilead — 55 at one site and 92 at another. Khan said he gave his tally to the Kabul Rahim Faiez team. [Q ASS(K lAII I) Pkl SS 1 le said villagers tokl iiwestigators that many of greem the deail were buried in mass graves of 20 or so Sobbing relatives sliowed U.S. and Afghan investigators the people. Investigators did not exhume the bodies, ac­ demolished buildings and graves in two western \ illages where a cording to Khan. local ofticial siiid l luirsilay he collected the names of 147 people (Tying family members angrily showed investi­ ^ » killed in a disputed incident involving American forces and fali- gators bom bed-out buildings and lines o f graves. ban militants. “They were pointing to graves and saying,‘This is If local reports of the death toll are confirmed, it would be the my son, this is my daughter,’” Khan s.iid. deadliest case of civilian casualties in Afghanistan since the 2(K(1 The international Red ( t o s s has said that women U.S.-led invasion that ousted the laliban regime. and children were among dozens of dead people its Be smart... be greenl teams saw in twii villages, where houses lay in ruin Although the results of the joint U.S.-Afghan investigation CONTACT us... to be SEEN! were not e.xpected to be announced until I riday, Afghan^blamed following the bombing. U.S. bombing raids for the sleaths in the villages of (¡anjabad and What happened remained a matter of dispute. ph: 805-473-5064 or U.S. forces ordered airstrikes tin T.iliban militants (¡erani. In the capital of 1 arah provinc e, where the fighting took email: [email protected] place, some 15<> stone-throwing protesters chanted “Death to after a firefight, but Afghan officials say the bombs America” and clashed w ith police. killed civilians w ho were hiding in their homes. The large number of civilian deaths conies at an awkward time Villagers said they gathered children, women and tcir the Obama administration, as it steps up its military campaign eUlerly men in several compounds near the village here w hile emphasizing the importance of nonmilitary efforts to ofUerani to keep them .iw.iy from the fighting, but stabilize the country. President Barack Obama expi;essed sympa­ that the compouiuls were hit by airstrikes. Channel the Carihhean with Bluebird Salon ^ ' A s

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ron722 Marsh St. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 For appointment call 805.593.0234 M u st an c ; D aily Friday, May 8, 2009 w ww. m ust aii|i¡daily. net : N ews : After slaying, police warn WORD ON THE STREET State Brieft “What were the deciding factors Wesleyan students to stay in MOUNTAIN VIEW (AP) — (¡oogle Cdiief b.xecutive Eric on how you voted for the new Schmidt is taking a government John Christort'ersen times Wednesday inside a book­ Associated Students Inc. president?” inquiry into his role on Apple ASSCK'IAIKD HRhSS store cafe just otf campus by a Inc.’s board in stride, expressing gunman wearing a wig. Two years “I think I might vote for Jacob confidence that the probe won’t Wesleyan University students ago, she complained to police in since his plans for next year find any evidence that the ties be­ seem doable. Just talking to Jon were told to stay in their dorms New York that the suspect, 29- tween the two companies throttle his plans seem very hopeful... and the city’s only synagogue year-old Stephen 1‘. Morgan, had competition in mobile phones it doesn't seem like his experi- closed Thursday as police warned stalked and threatened her. and other technology fields. errce as a church leader will that the man wanted in the shoot­ University officials said police In a media session held Thurs­ ing death of a woman at a book­ told them the suspect expressed day before Google’s sharehold­ help guide him." store may be bent on killing other threats in his personal journals to­ ers meeting in Mountain View, students and jews. ward Wesleyan and its Jewish stu­ Schmidt said he hasn’t considered -Ken Mangalidan, Apparently applying the les­ dents. stepping down from Apple’s board biology senior sons of Virginia Tech, police and An official with knowledge of because he doesn’t view the mak­ administrators locked down the the investigation told The Associ­ er of the iPhone, iPod and. com­ 3,()()()-student campus and stepped ated Press that police confiscated puters as a “primary competitor.” up patrols as authorities hunted Morgan’s car and found a journal He echoed that sentiment when “I voted for Jacob because for the killer. in which he spelled out a plan to a shareholder later asked him to step down from Apple’s board to (Cal Poly) Dems endorsed Johanna Justin-Jinich, a 21- rape and kill Justin-Jinich before avoid further government scru­ him." year-old student, was shot several going on a campus shooting spree. tiny. • • • -Tara Scheuer, SAN DIEGO (AP) —The biology senior San Diego Union-Tribune is cut­ ting 192 jobs in another round of hiyoffs affecting all departments at the newspaper. DISTf^^iCTSeSALON The Union-Tribune said Thursday the layoffs amount to about IH percent of its staff, which will be reduced to about H5(l after “I voted for Jon and that FREE HAIRCUT & STYLE the cuts become effective July came from the fact that I had The layoffs come three days class with him and he’s in my WITH ANY COLOR SERVICE after Platinum Equity, a Meverly major. He’s got what it takes Mills private equity firm, com­ to do the job." REFER A FRIEND &RECIEVE 50% OFF NEXT VISIT pleted Its acquisition of the news­ paper from Gopley Press Inc. CA1...L, TODAY B C X X y CXIR’ APPaNJ>v^ENn’ 'vMTH -Henry Phan file newspaper did not dis­ com puter science RYAN CRUZ 805.541.9996 close the number of cuts in each 790 MARSH STREET, SL-iTE A i m OBiSFCi. CA 93401 department, including in the newsroom. THIS WEEK IN MUSTANG ATHLETICS






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WE ARE THE MUSTANGS Friday, May 8, 2009

Arts and Entertainment Editor: Emiiie Egger Arts and Entertainment Designer: Miiena Krayzbukh Bravo replacing ‘Runway Lawyer: Suriname with ‘The Fashion Show’ promoter admits I Braxton scam Arny Belfor ASS(X lATKI) PRI SS lU F sLA PARAM ARIBO (AP) — A Su­ riname promoter acknowledged trying to pass off a Las Vegas-based entertainer as six-time Grammy winner Tom Braxton at a disastrous show dubbed the “Phony Toni” concert by local media, his law'yer said Thursd.iy. Angel Ventura told a judge he scammed people into paying up to S.S3 thinking they would hear the famous singer at a much-hyped show 111 this poor South American country more than two months ago, 5 e c / N w / s a i defense lawyer Laniure I.atour told DAN STKINBl-Kt; ass (h :i a i h ) I’RKSS The Associated Press. Singer Toni Braxton poses on the “I le confessed in front of the in­ line at l.upus lA’s 6th annual vestigating judge to the charges and Bag l.adies benefit luncheon in said that he was aware of what he Beverly Hills, Calif. was doing," Latour said. I lie I eb. 2S show ended abrupt­ Investigators saul she had gone into ly after Braxton impersonator Irma hiding immediately after the Para­ Johnson-l inn hit a sour note at the maribo concert turneil into a me­ beginning of the second song. She lee. was rushed off the stage to a loud Supporters m 1 ,is V'egas have chorus of boos and a volley o f trash. come to Johnson-1 inn’s defense, Prosecutors have accused |ohn- waging an Internet campaign on si>n-l inn, 4o, of trying to p.iss her­ her behalt. self off .IS Braxton, best know n for the hit song “Un-break My Heart" — . Lcsw/iifn/ /Vc.s.vwriter IXtriJ and appearances on ABCi’s“ ! )ancing M il'iuldcn in SiW JiitW, / ’iicrfi) R iu\ With the Stars." tenirihulcd to this report. She has been m jail for the last two months awaiting a scheduled trial M.iy 2f> for allegedly defrauding SU I do Iku the nearly 3.gether. 9 5 4 8 6 7 1 2 3 tor TV audiences, they’ll now be element to the show, and Mal­ Rowland is looking for a spark Johnson-Finn’s husband. Ray­ rivals. lis probably has had her share of — and an i>utfit she’d wear — mond Finn, s.nd she augmented Bravo is debuting “The Fash­ front-row catwalk seats next to among the l.S participants, while her 20-year singing career by im- ion Show" on Thursday (B) p in. Nina (iarcia. Mallis says she is eyeing both cre­ perstsnating various stars as a "trib­ EDI ) to fill the void left by“Broj- And there is, of course, the ativity and practicality. “You have ute artist" and was also the victim of 7- \ theatre / ^ ect Kiniw.iy.” which bolted to rival weekly challenge. to be able to walk in it, step up a Ventura, who aggressively promoted Lifetime. Bravo recruited designer There’s n>om for multiple step in it,” Mallis says. her as the real Braxton without her Located at 817 Palm St. Isaac Mizrahi, singer Kelly R ow ­ fashion-themed reality shows be­ Rowland thinks it’s the judges’ knowledge. Downtown near the mission land and IM(i Fashion Vice I’resi- cause it’s an industry that average collective perspective that will The show was the first time she Enlighten Up! dent Fern Mallis, the force behind Joes and Janes are mesmerized by benefit the wannabe style stars had performed as a Braxton look- Weekdays: 4:15, 7:00 much of New York Fashion Week, and understand, says Mizrahi, who the most. a-like, he said. Finn also alleged that Sat; 1:30,4:15, 7:00,9:15 for its new reality show. didn’t name his obvious competi­ “We’re all very honest,” she Ventura, who was arrested Monday Sun: 1:30,4:15, 7:00 There are a few tweaks to “The tor. The sixth season of “Project says.“Firm Fern and Honest Isaac, in a bar in Paramaribo, the capital Everlasting Moments Fashion Show": Each week a win­ Runway” — which has already that’s what I call them.” of this small former 1 )utch colony, Weekdays: 4:15,6:45 ning garment is to be manufac­ been taped — will air this sum­ And her nickname? “Classy pilfered the box office pit>ceeds. Sat: 1:30,4:15,6:45,9:15 tured and sold to the public via an mer on Lifetime. Kelly,” says Mallis. Finn, during a Thursday tele­ Sun: 1:30,4:15,6:45 online store; all the designers are “As a judge. I am looking first “We taught a lot of tough phone interview from Washington, Is Anybody There? professionals; and the winner at for integrity. I can’t tell yet about love,” Mizrahi says, “ ft was hard where he is getting U.S. politicians such as Senate M.ijorit\- l.eader 1 lar Fri, Mon. & Thurs: 7KX) the end of the season will have his niches that people will fit into, but for me. As a judge I couldn’t tell Sat; 1:30, 7:00,9:15 or her own line available at retail. we have to tram them to think them the polka dots were god ry Reid and Rep. Shelley Berkley of Sun: 1:30, 7:00 However, the similarities to properly and then think about the awful." Nevada involved in her case, said he No Show Wed w as “ecstatic" that Ventura confessed but that N.inlioe's comments ni.uie Paris 36 his wife’s ordeal in Suriname Daily 4:15 from o\er, GeiMral AdwlMion; $ 7.50 M aU nM $ 5.00 M e .in w lllle . poll, e h ,i\e ■.let.uilt d Monday AM alMwn $ 5.00 myipaca.coin/ 005 ( ) Ventur.i's girltrieiul. Sigi et S.mi)- on M ustang D aily M u s t a n g D a i l y 77i<’ I’oiVf of Cii! I\yly since 1916 O p i n i o n /E d i t o r i a l Graphic Arts Building Suite 226 Editor in chief: Marlize van Romburgh California Rotytechmc State University mustangdaily(tl Friday, May 8, 2009 Managing Editor: CJiana Magnoli San Luis C>bispo, CA 93407 (805) 756-1796 editorial (805) 756-1143 advertising (805) 756^784 fax mustangdail>@gmail.coin e -m a il Stop lying to yourself; editors & staff EIC0MMEN15 editor in chief Marlize van Romburgh managing editor Giana Magnoli you’re drunk 1 am very disappointed in the Mus­ news editor I3achel Glas tang 1 )aily’s decision not to endorse a news designer Omar Sanchez candidate tliis year. 1 don’t necessarily wire editor Cassie Carlson You know the type. I le’s liad double shot of teejnila after I’ve man he was. Still, it’s something believe it is the I daily’s place, or any sports editor Scott Silvey 1 1 beers in two hours but ... had eight beers tonight, imiyhe I’ve learned to live with. 1 learned newspaper for that matter, to take sports designer Kate Nickerson “I’m not even drunk bro. I it’ll make me feel something,” after having my first and only political sides. However, I think that online editor Lauren Rabaino don't feel anything.” I told my roommates a couple Milwaukee’s Best a few years ago denounc ing all of the candidates has arts editor Emilie Egger It’s a claim that many college weeks ago. I’ll spare yon the that 1 will never fill my father’s done the school a disservice and could arts designer Milena Krayzbukh men make when drinking with gruesome details but three of ns beer drinking footsteps and that’s copy editorsA le x Kacik. Jennifer friends or at the bar. Whether were praying to the porcelain god something I’m comfortable with. discourage voting participation. fitcomb, BieehanYohe-Mellon Megan trying to impress a woman or that night and we only have two T hat beer is what I imagine sewer If the decision was not to endorse Hassler.Tim Miller to look like ‘tlie man' in front of toilets so yon can figure that one water tastes like. a single candidate, I understand, but I head photographer Knsten Hays your friends. I’m here to say, just out on your own. If that is evi­ So do yourself a favor — stop could have settled for best two out of photographers Nick Camacho, like jimmy told the Bloods and dence of anything, it’s that when pretending you’re sober and just three. And 1 think we all know who F^tnck Fina, Megan Keating Matt Fountain (Tips in South l*ark,“C'ome on.” yym’re drunk yon obviously don’t accept the happy truth. If you’ve the two would be. Experience does layout manager Andrew Santos- Most of the time these drunk­ think clearly. had double digit beers, you’re matter. johnson ards are so desperate to come off 1 don’t even know who 1 was probably drunk. — Denise Nilan advertising coordinator Jessica sounding sober that they end np trying to impress. At a certain Response to "Mnstiin^ Doily Lutey sounding like Jimmy does. It’s re­ point it becomes ingrained in Scon Silvey is o journalisni senior endorses no one this }>eor" business managers Sarah Carbonel. ally niinecessary. Isn’t the whole yon that a real man drinks real iW(f the Mnstiviji Doily Ian Toner Brittany Kelley point of binge drinking to get beer and he feels nothing. sports editor. The Mustang I )aily is a student advertising managers Gaby Horta drunk? Well, revel in yonr drunk­ My dad drank Milwau­ newspaper that tries to maintain a Ashley Singer Charlotte Lilley ( enness then. Don’t hide from it! kee’s Best Light seem­ level of c redibility among its readers. ad designers Daryl Daley, Justin Rodn- Trust me, most women aren't ingly every day of my Endorsing a candidate simply out of guez. Andrew Santos-Johnson, Mai-Chi Vu, tradition rather simply cheapens this Jason Cope, John Dixon, Sara Hamling impressed by a man who claims to c hildhood and he w’as credibility when no single qiKiIity advertising representatives drink a 12-pack of Bud Light in never really drunk in candidate exists (or when none distin­ Megan Dilley, Jessica Schnoeder Kacy a two-honr sitting before show­ front of me. 1 have II. N guish themselves fmm the pack). The Shin. Jenny Staskus, C olin Pnnci, Bnttni ing np at the party. “T hat was just to live my entire I )aily took the correc t position hea‘. Klick, Knstin Coplan. Adam Rachta, Enka me pre-gaming,” they might say life knowing that no I’ve been trying to tell the differ­ Powers, Diew Toney with a shrug to mdieate it was a matter how much ence between .ill three candidates for faculty adviser ieiesa Allen thrice-weekly oeenrreiice. “Now Milwaukee’s Best A general manager Paul Bittick I’m going to really start drink­ Light 1 drink. I’ll .iwhile now. I’m not 5, so fancy shirts ing.” never he quite the -V and hnz/words don’t affect me like write a letter Not only is that hot hrnnette they used to. In the end, I decided to you’ve been scheming on not go­ write in the names of various Mnppet Mustang Daily reserves the nght ing to care, yonr friends m.iy not characters who also show admirable o to edit letters for grammar profanities either because they'll kmnv the value's. I’m pulling for Lozzie Bear and length. Letters, commentanes and ’09-'l(( trntli. Most of yonr friends liere caiToons do not represent the views of at Gal Poly have known yon tor — John Swanson the Mustang Daily. Please lim it length to j O a while. Tliey knew yon before Response to o eonnnent on “.Miistoim 250 words. Letters should include the yon started drinking that night. Doily endorses no one tins )’eor" wnter's full name, phone number, major and class standing Letters must come Yon can’t trick tliem If yon can, they’re bad friends who don’t p.iy “Are my regular Kepnbliean crit­ from a Cal Fbly e-mail account. Do not ics reac hing for their inhalers yet?” send lene's as an attachment Rease attention to yon sober. Ah, sterc'otyping. What a wonder­ send the text in the bcxiy of the e-mail. Yon m.iy be able to trick some ful thing It is. I giic“ss yon wea* try­ By e-m ail: random people at a party into ing to label all Kepnhlieans as neals. [email protected] believing yonr body is 6.5 By mail: percent beer and a 12-pack I suppose this was meant as an insult, Letters to the Editor for yon is just replenish­ but they say that neals will inherit Building 26, Room 226 ing yonr body, but re­ the earth so I take it as a compliment. Cal PblySLO.CA 93407 ally, w hat’s the point? Next time, stick with the polities and I’m not going to lie. I’ve leave the attac k at home or on the In­ done it. I’ve fallen pniy C2) ternet. (As we all know the Internet is corrections to the foolish bravado a w ry serious place. Seriously.) — Dave The Mustang Daily staff takes pnde in that is faux sobriety. Resfxnme to “Ohania's Snpnwe C^ourt publishing a daily rrewspaper for the Cal “Sure, give me that choice to infhuvce /hdicy for dtxades” Fbly campus and the neighbonng com­ munity. W e appreciate your readership and are thankful for your careful reading. Please serxj your correaion suggestions tc [email protected]. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR notices The Mustang D aily is a "designated Globalists trying to save whole (yes, believe it or not, there want to do tonight?” whole thing reeks of affirmative public forum." Student editors have full the world, not take it over are other countries out there) as “The same thing we do every action, like maybe Sean Benn or authority to make all content decisions CYilin McKiiii, are you really inhabitants of the Earth to pro­ night, Biden...try to take over the Berez Hilton threatened to sue the without censorship or advance ap­ that dense? Do yon honestly be­ cure, nourish, manage and protect world!!!’’ college if we didn’t meet a “(Jay proval lieve there is a secret organization (cough cough) all that important Quota” for voice in onr paper. The Mustang D aily is a free newspa­ of so-called “globalists” that are stnlT(like air) so that we won’t run Patrick Fina Fourthly, along the same lines, this per: however, the removal of more than attempting to infiltrate all major ourselves into extinction within environmental management and is what I think is known as “re­ one copy of the paper per day is sub­ governments with a secret agenda So years. I’m not sure how yon protection freshman verse discrimination;’’ this whole ject to a cost o f 50 cents per issue. to unify the world under one op­ twisted a global eftbrt to save the colnnin she is complaining about pressive and freedom-quashing environment (again, cough cough) Sex column doesn’t cater the preconceived notions that . PNINIMIHY rule? Man, I thought Nero was into a backdoor attempt of gov­ to majority of students “we” have against her. but that U nIVIMSIIY (iRAPMH paranoid. ernment orticials to take over the Editor, I’m not sure why we whole idea is based on the ones she Syshms H.S.C AI WA Y.HM' To be blunt, I was shocked world. need this “LBTG-friendly” sex has abon. ns! Talk about “progres­ ||<,S< AI WAY MAI and ashamed to see that you’re Maybe yoirrc*^ right, though. I colninn in onr paper. F'or one, sive.” W hat if someone (especially May 8.2009 an Environmental Management mean, we can’t hear what govern­ there seems like there is barely a man) asked to write a “straight” Volume LXXII, No. 140 ©2009 and Protection major, for I am ment oftTcials say behind closed any demand for it. I bet not even sex column? Liberals would throw' Mustang Daily also one. You, better than anyone, doors. I’ll utilize some early 1990’s a fraction o f a percent o f (',al Boly a fit. should know that the Kyoto Pro­ pop-culture dialect to demonstrate students identify themselves like this possibility: that (gay), so where’s the market W h o t 's one cheese called^ tocol was established for a pretty Ryan Moriarty damn good reason — to work as a “(ice Obama, what do you for this column? Secondly, the physics senior í

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1 y Across 28 It may be 55 Subjects of 2 .3 4 S 6 1 0 n TT" 1 3 cracked open some Toulouse- imethii ’ ■ negotiated 29 Emmy award­ Lautrec 14 paintings 9 “... Be the Tie winning Ward w 1 F< that Binds" 31 World view? 57 Electrolux brand (Christian hymn) 33 Little ones 56 Ringing ML 1 8 I 14 Looking for 35 Aching response? trouble? 59 Pom m e ___ ■ 36 Lances ¡ '4 15 Visit on an 37 Having a good 60 Some yo-yo m ocean cruise, vantage point tricks K_ say 38 Vantage ■ 16 Hairstyle 40 Peace Nobelist Down populanzed by Ralph BurKhe's 1 Comic book David Beckham alma mater exclamations \ 3 17 AftecteO to a 41 “Falling Man’ 2 Sons of. in ■ * greater degree novelist Don Hebrew .X’ n o 4 0 18 With 4-Down, 43 Metier 3 Like yam ■ smoker's fee 4 .'' ^ ^ ■ 4 3 4A 45 “I won't ask 4 See 10-Across 19 Walpurgis Night again’ vis-d-vis May 5 Close behind 47 Harvey 6 Attire worn with Day Wallbanger frock coats I” ‘ «,3 20 Syllable mixers, bnefty repeated after 7 Dim ■ ■ 40 “Win a Date • Í M •hot" W ith ___ 8 Black (Lakota 1 2 1 ______EmblemHamilton!" (2004 ... (2002 Kentucky film) visionary) Derby winner) 9 1961 Anthony 1 49 Moriarty, to * 22 Own Holmes Ouinn title role responsibility 10 Slewed 1 50 Scuba tank Putzl« by John Farmtr 25 Refine meas 11 Hollywood star 27 It has energy in 53 When, whose memoir 24 Head on a 34 Surprise 50 Jim’s partner on reserve colloquially was titled “The plate? shower? "Adam 12 Good, the Bad. 25 Restaurant 39 Honor 51 Ferment and Me’ special ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 42 Setting for 12 Caterer's setup 26 Education Martin 52 Cult followers? J E W H W for a hot buffet pioneer Maria Scorsese's 54 Have left when 28 "She Wore a "Kundun" u V A 13 1971 N L M V P all is said and who was later Yellow Ribbon’ 44 Wintry stretch done SCREENPRINTING G A Y G co-star. 1949 45 K., Kafka’s twice A L 55 Post-cold war EMBROIDERY Manager of the 30 Something most protagonist in inits Year fish lack “The Trial" 56 Stock company, GREEK LEHERS 15 Savanna region 32 Org that’s got 46 Without % your number? exception fbr short % M stretching from PROMOTIONAL ITEMS! Senegal to Chad For answers, call 1-900-285-5656. $1 49 a minute or, with a credit 20 Leader with card. 1-800-814-5554 Roosevelt and Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday «ANIES Churchill at the crosswords from the last 50 years 1 -888-7-ACROSS Cairo AT4T users Text NYTX to 386 to download pu/zles, or visit 15% OFF Conference, nytimes com'mobilexword for more information. 1943 all cal poly orders M M Online subscriptions Today's puzzle and more than 2.000 past ' 22 Dramatist Brecht puzzles, nytimes com/crosswords (S39 95 a year) > 23 Old Spanish Share tips: nytimes com, wordplay D»SM!'W*lT!iS«ianT«JI)i»OMU-.Ml TVS 805 547.1622 swords Crosswords for young solvers ni^imes com/learning/'xwords SPORTS e d i t o r : mustangdaü Scott Silvcy Friday, April 8, 2009 SPORTS miist;ini^dailysports(^ MUSTANG DAILY

■ m Cal Poly and Fullerton square off

Ml S1AN(, DAIIY SIAM HI POHI in the conference, have a champi­ would likely boost the Mustangs onship pedigree. The Titans have off the bubble for the 64-team re­ It doesn’t get any closer to a made 30 NC.AA Regional appear­ gional field. must win series titan this for the ances and are four-time national C'al Poly is playing without Cial Poly baseball team. champions. freshman second baseman Matt The No. 12 Mustangs (32-13, Meanwhile C'al Poly has never Jensen who is out for the rest of 1(1-5 Pig West C'onference) are in been invited to the postseason at the year after a broken clavicle a dogfight for second place in the the Division I level. A series win suffered in a collision against San / Pig West. One of the teams stand­ over Cal State Fullerton could go a Francisco last Saturday. / ing in their way — not only in the long way towards guaranteeing the C'al State Fullerton brings a strong / conference but also of a possible Mustangs their first regional berth. ‘pitching statl to match up against t a postseason berth will visit Baggett With an NC:AA RPl ranking the Mustangs high-octane olFense. Stadium this weekend. of 50th according to Boydsworld. They are led by starting Cal State Fullerton (34-12, com, C'al Poly may be on the bub­ Daniel Renken (6-2, 2.27 ERA), 12-6) will face otTagainst the Mus­ ble for a regional selection despite Noe Ramirez (5-1,2.80 ERA) and ■41. tangs tonight at 6 p.m. in a three being ranked 12th in the polls. C'al Tyler Pill (8-1,3.21 ERA). game series. State Fullerton is currently second The Titans won two of three NICK (.AMAC:H0 m u s t a n g DAM-Y Fll.E PHOTO The Titans, currently No. 6 in in the RPl behind North C'aro- last year at Cloodwin Field in Ful­ Cal Poly sophomore infíelder J.J. Thompson throws to first base dur­the Top 25 polls lina. lerton and hold a 53-30 advantage ing the Mustangs' 7-4 victory over San Francisco last Sunday. and tied with C'al Poly for second A series win against the Titans in the all-time series.

Ramirez suspended 50 games for drug violation

Beth Harris and Ronald Uluiii Ranked 17tli on the career home 1 )odgers and fans he was sorry for ASS(K IMI 1) I’MISS run list with 533, Ramirez became “this whole situ.ition." the most prominent baseball player to “Recently, I s.iw a physician for a « r LOS ANC'.ELES — Manny be penalized for drugs. I lis ban came personal health issue. I le g.ive me a Ramirez jt>ined a growing lineup of three montlis after Alex Rodriguez medication, not a steroid, which he All-Stars linked to drugs Thursday, .idmitted using steroids, and at a time thought was OK to give me,” Ramir­ with the dreadlocked slugger banished when Barry Bonds is under feileral ez said in a statement issued by the A for 50 games by a sport that cannot indictment and Roger Cdeniens is pl.iyers’ union. shake free frx>m scandal. being investigateli by a federal grand “Unfortunately, the medication The Los Angeles 1 )odgers outfieKl- jury to determine whether he lied was banned iiiuler our drug policy. ■'! Í er was suspended by Major League when he told ( aingress he never used Under the policy that mistake is now Baseball for a ilrug \ iolatit>n, .idding a stemids or luinian gmwth hormone. my responsibility. I li.we been advised further stamp to w hat will forewr be .And Miguel Tejada sentenced in not to s.iy .inything more for now. I kiujwii .IS the Sten)ids Era. M.ircli to one year of prob.ition af­ do want to s.iy one other thing; I’ve “It's a tlark d.iy for baseball and ter pleading guilty in federal court to taken and passed about 15 drug tests certainly for this organization,” I )odg- misleading C'oiigress about the use ot over the past five seasons.” ers general manager Ned CT)lletti told pertbrniance-enhancing drugs. B.iseball added IKX'i to its list of repiirters on the fieKl at 1 )odger Sta­ No matter which w.iy b.iseball banned substances last year. dium. "This organization will never turns, the legitinucy of many of its I lis suspension was first reported condone anything that isn’t clean." recent home run and pitching records by the Los Angeles Times on its Web Ramirez s.iid he did not take ste­ is being i|uestioned. Sluggers Mark site. roids and was given medication by a Medwire and Sammy Sosa h.ive been While Ramia*z little to say. doctor that contained a banned sub­ tainted by steroid .illegations, Rafael Ci.inseco, who planned a news confer­ stance. A person familiar with the de­ Palmemi tested positive for a banned ence Thursdiy night iii Beverly Llills, tails of the suspension said Raniia'z drug and Jose C'aiiseco said he used was quick to explain why someone used the female fertility drug HCXT, them. might use IKXi. AS.SlKTATFO PRFSS or human chorionic gtinadotnipin. In eveiy case, players once believed “ It could be that a player used it fan Jose Valasquez shows support for Manny The person spoke toThe As- to be locks for the 1 lall of F.iiiie m.iy because he used stemid-. and went Ramirez outside Dodger Stadium on Thursday afternoon. stx iated Press on condition now be locked out. cold-turkey and needed IKXi to gc't of anonymity because the “You can’t havx* arguably the his levels back to normal. I had to use file one because he didn’t want to risk B.iseb.ill commissioner Bud Selig banned substance wasn’t ga*atest of our era, argu­ it when 1 quit steroids cold-turkey,” missing significant time in the second couldn’t comment on the suspension announcecl. ably the two greatest players of Cianseco, who pleaded guilty N o­ half of the season, the person famil­ because of provisions o f the manage­ “As tou(^ as it is for us, it’s our era and now another very, vember to a misdemeanor of trying iar with details of the suspension said. ment-union drug agreement, spokes­ pretty tough for Manny, too,” very gixxl player be under to bring HCXi across the Mexican The union said merely that he waived man Rich Levin said. Dodgers manager Joe Torre said.“I this cloud o f suspicion and border into the United States illegally, his right to contest the suspension. Ramirez became the fourth player know' he’s the one that did the not feel like it has ruined it told the AIV’l had to go to a doctor to Reaction to Ramirez’s ban came suspended this year under the major wrong thing and nobody for everylxxly,” Atlanta star get it and get my levels back.” swiftly, ftum major league clubhouses league program, following Fhibdel- IS trying to cover that up, C'hipper Jones said. Because MLB imposed the sus­ to the White House. phia relievvr J.C. Romero, Yankees but it’s still something “But what are you going pension as a*quired by the drug agree­ “It’s a tragedy. It’s a shame. My pitcher Sergio Mitre and San Fran­ that I know he’s sorry to do? You can’t be born in ment, the Dixlgers cannot further sense is, it’s a great embarrassment on cisco pitcher Kelvin Pichardo. about.” a different era. It is the Ste­ discipline Ramirez. He is allowed to ,”White House Losing Ramirez to suspension HCXi is popular among steroid roid Era,” he said. work out with the Dodgers but must press secretary Robert Ciibbs said. could be a huge blow financially for users it can mitigate the Colletti andTorrc said be out of uniform when the stadium The penalty left the best team in the Dodgers. The slugger has been side effects o f ending a cycle of the they found out about gates open for game's. the majors without its driving foree single-handedly responsible for in­ drugs. The body may stop produc­ Ramirez’s suspension Ram ia’z was not mentioned in and free spirit for nearly one-thial of creasing attendance, merchandise sales ing testosterone when users go off during an early morn­ the Mitchell Report, MLB’s official the season. and interest in the team, besides help­ steroids, which can cause sperm ing phone call fioni team report on drug use, and thea- had not Ramirez’s suspension beganThurs- ing it w’lii the NL West after his late- counts to decrease and testicles owner Frank McCourt. been whispers that he was among the iLiy, a day after the Dodgers bmke se.ason arrival in 2(K)8. to shrink. ' t Both said they were sur- sport’s juiced players. the modern major league record for Los Angeles even renamed a sec­ Ramirez’s suspension was /' prised and saddened at “It’s kind of shexking that he got a home winning streak, opening the tion of seats in left field at Dtxiger based not on a spring train­ ’ the news. caught up in anything, honestly. Man­ season 13-0. Barring any postpone­ Stadium “Mannywcxxl” in his honor. ing urine test result but rather Torn.* spoke to the a-st ny likes to play stupid, but he’s a patty ments, he will be able to return to the Hours after the suspension, the team evidence obtained afterward, a of the team during a closed-door bright guy. And he’s definitely awaa* Dodgers for the July 3 game at San removed a reference to those seats second person familiar with the '1/ meeting before batting practice. of a lot of things that he tries to act Diego. Ramirez will lose $7,650,273 from its Web site. suspension said, speaking on con­ “The mood was sad in the like he’s completely oblivious to,” said of his $25 million salary. Torre, however, insisted Ramirez is dition of anonymity because those clubhouse,” he said. “You can’t have Cincinnati pitcher Bronson Arroyo, Rodriguez and Ramirez are the welcome anytime. details were not released. MLB had someone who’s as much of an impact Ramirez’s former Boston teammate. two highest-paid players in the ma­ “The thing that was toughest for concluded the spring test was posi­ player and personality as Manny miss­ Ramirez’s agent, Scott Doras, and jors. With this su-spension, six of the Manny is how he disappointed every- tive, but the person said the players’ ing without It affecting people.” the players’ a.ssociation had gathered top 17 home run hitters in history btxly,” he said. “He loved it here, and association would have challenged the The 36-year-old Ramirez tried to materials for a possible appeal to an now have been covered by the cloud he loves how the fans get turned on result because o f“testing issues.” make amends right away, telling the arbitrator, but Ramirez decided not to of performance-enhancing drugs. by him. He was devastated.”