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(Ü Ru B a Iip R JU N E 11, 1981 Issue 125 #an Jirattriani ( Ü r u B a i i p r LESBIAN/GAY FREEDOMDAY The annual Lcsbian/Gay Freedom Day Parade is right on schedule and promises to be the finest celebration of the anniversary of the Stone­ wall rebellion yet celebrated in San Francisco. FRONT LINE OF FRJ^EOqM^...... year, for the first time, the word “Lesbian” has been incorporated into the name of the fete, achieving co-sexuality in the Parade Committee OttACcU which was too long in coming. THE GAY QUESTION, Part III con­ “Front Line of Freedom,” the theme of this tinues this issue. One of the most im­ year’s Parade reflects the sentiments of Parade portant books on homosexual rights Committee co-chair Greg Day believes to be true, ever written.........................page 2 “suggesting both the urgency and integrity of our BOOK REVIEW S all new....page 4 cause, yet reaches out to other groups also strugg­ ling for freedom.” Carl Driver's T H EA T R E......pages 7 & 8 'This year, the Parade Committee has made full BLACK & WHITE MEN TOGETHER legal commitments to achieving Third World and ELEC T A NEW P R E X Y ......page 5 disabled and youth parity, by 1983. Proof of the A CALL FOR MASS NATIONAL commitment is that of the Board, fifty percent AC'TION against Reagan...page 3 of which are Third World, women, disabled per­ KQED & KRON trips.........Jiage 8 sons, youth, and older persons. As well, one of the first two gays ever elected in a citywide elec­ CLA SSIFIED S.....................page 15 tion, Dr. Tim Wolfred, of the Community College COPS INVESTIGATE COPS..."The Board, sits as a Board member. Knock At The Door."........page 3 'They dynamic Barbara Cameron is co-chair with GAY PICNIC SET .............. page 4 Day this year of the Parade Committee, giving to The MOCKINGBIRD CHIPS about alot the planning & direction, her years of experience, of people, places and things, 9 thru 15 and has been of great assistance to the Committee FILM REVIEWS.................. page 4 The Parade Committee has NOT been ts^en over by any group or faction as some have said falsely. NATIONAL LESBIAN/GAY GROUP 'The Parade Committee this years represents for FORMED (NOLAG).........page 6 the first time, the overall lesbian ^ d gay comm­ GAY MAN BEATEN SOUTH OF unities. 'I^e Parade will be the biggest and best MARKET BY YOUTHS......page 3 Chip SUwart, and Thomaa-Mtfk. an two of the atan o f the iiew Theatre fU ^o- yet held. The SF Crusader urges your support, of ceroa production, *‘NEWS BOY*'by Arch Brown. It opena June 11 th and pUya TOM LOVETT UNVEILED...page 14 the Committee and your fullest participation. through July 2 6. For aee ad on page t , and then aec thia exciting play^_ BAY AREA P.A.M. CALL TO ACTION The May 3 demonstrations in Washington, shows that we can. SI003 iioaiofl San Francisco, Seattle, and other cities have had The new proposal by PAM for the National a tremendous impact, internationally as well as Day of Resistance to overturn the entire Reagan here in the U.S. It was not only the huge num­ program and for an All-Peoples Congress to plan THE SUNDAY BRUNCH bers (100,00 in D.C. alone), but also the broad and organize the Day of Resistance, is designed 11:00 am ■ 2:30pm diversity of representation that made these march­ to strike a blow nationwide at the Reagan admin­ es so significant. May 3 clearly signalled the emer­ istration. gence of a new mass movement. The Peoples Congress and Day of Resistance ^ CiJbHc (lirand This new development comes not a moment appeals to everyone, from the tenant's groups on Tin:-! n i e too soon. The Reagan administration is continu­ the block, to the local C E T A workers, to all of ing to push ahead with its vicious program of cut­ the Welfare Rights Organizations, to workers figh­ Bar and Restaurant backs, war, racism, and political reaction, while ting for safety on the job, to daycare and health­ IftilO Folsálfn 41 12lh Siiw t giving new support to such fascist regimes as those care workers, to draft age youth, to the elderly, San FrarHTS4'o in El Salvador, Guatemala, and South Africa. women's organizations, enviromentalists, anti-war Piano Enlertainmenl aw«nrttom. t2*-27n Reagan's anti-human, pro-big business program activists, and so on. demands that we organize mass resistance; May 3 Every constituency and very nationality----- Black, Latino, Asian, Native, women, men, lesbian gay and straight, able-bodied and disabled - will be meeting locally, regionally, in weeks to come to draw up their demands, choose their delegates, and have input in carrying through the Congress, and above all, in plannina the mass demonstration for the Day of Resistance. We will grow in power and capabilities and help to shape a movement that can go beyond protest to challenge the Rea­ gan regime, and change the relationship of politi­ cal forces in the nation in favor of the vast majori- [ty of the people. The challenge is great; the possiblities are e- normous; united we can do it! Build the spirit of [May 3! Build the People's Congress! Overturn PATIO fllEXIOAnO the Reagan program! The People's Anti-War Movement (PAM) is asking you and/or your organizations to do three EMAHIofltel STRCCT things: 1) Endorse the Peoples Congress and Na­ (Lootad on Markot Straat. boMvaan AHia'i and Church St.) tional Day of Resistance, and join in organizing; 2) Make a donation (check payable to PAM). We Try Our CMiciou« FLAUTAS, o o w t n ó wHh |are sorely in need of funds; 3) Attend our upco­ •our cr««m «ñd gueenmole. HOURS: CREAME CHICKEN ENCHILADAS. wMi W eekdays ming PAM Organizing Meeting on........................... tour erAAiw and mahad cAaaaa. 11:30am - 11pm TH U RSD A Y, JU N E 18th at 7:30 PM TOSTADAS CHEEU ENCHILADAS SF WOMEN'S BUILDING ^otwNiOTiofi nawi. Friday 8« TAMALU - CHILES RELLENOS 3543 - 18th Street at Valencia. TACOS - BURRITOS • BEANS A RICE Saturdays And try Yolortda't Mtwic i Ptitry and Flan. 11:30am til iWe have just opened an office in Oakland and we 12:30 am. will be opening an office in San Francisco within G' 0 Sunday 2-10pm week or so. A U, n In struggle and unity, for PAM. afcaialalairfeiaiaiaila DICK BECKER ñ u KNOCK AT THE DOOR “WE’RE THE POLICE, AND WE’RE HERE TO INVESTIGATE This is the third part of the Bob McCubbin book, "The Gay Question. A COMPLAINT THAT YOU MADE AGAINST THE POLICE This book, available at "Modern Times Bookstore" 17th & Sanchez St­ FOR BRUTALITY AND HARASSMENT........ reet, causes serious doubt in the mind of any reasonable person as to the sincerity of the major political parties sincerity towards Lesbian/Gay You simply just don’t send a killer to investigate a killing do you? You don’t send one of those / I ' l G K T rights, and if you finish the book, you will realize that under the current ia\ system of government, Lesbian/Gay rights shall N E V E R become a reality I heterosexual child molesters to investigate a case I 15 a c u ì y of child molestation do you? „ „ ...witness the Moral Majority, etc. rb NEWS CLIPS So tell me then, just why does Chief of Police t 1 A NEW BEGINING FOR EX-CONS 1 Con Murphy send his bluecoats to investigate the generacy. Stalin complaints against his bluecoats behaviour? , The main activity of the Scientific Humanitarian remained punishable by death until 1861 and remained and other Soviet lea­ The founding of "Alpha House" on Ocean Avenue, by Committee, was a petition campaign directed against illegal until 1967, Wilde was tried and convicted by the ders also used gay­ Ruth Hildebrand and Peter Messina marks what is hop­ So many times people have said that when the so-called investigators come to their door, they have Paragraph 175. The petition set forth the scientific and press as well as the court and was sent to prison for three baiting to discredit ed to be a place of hope for those ex-offenders being wen fS?c^ th¿i? wfy in, quite possibly in the hopes of finding some ülegal items around your apart- humanitarian reasons for ending the legal sanctions agai­ years. revolutionaries and released from the prisons around the state. Panic spread among England's homosexual population nst homosexuals, The Committee's approach was to others inside the Alpha House will serve both lesbians and gay men. Oh'yes'^HiTsFPD^IiR^ Affairs officers/investigators are not stupid ^ ^ m e would Incidendy, Wilde was the only British literary figure of solicit the signatures of prominent people who would Soviety Union. There Their aim is to provide food,shelter, monetary, educa­ be ^i^d one item that most press ignore or don’t even know, that is, that the personnel the time willing to sign a petition in support of the Hay- is also evidence of lend an air authority and respectaWity to the movement. tional, employment and emotional assistance to both nai Affairs do NOT always make the investigations. For The market martyrs in the U.S. He died a few years after direct government Southern Station make investigations agamst charges ag?mst then fellow oncers Is that rignt. In 1898, with the signatures of 900 prominent doctors, his release from prison.
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