Post-Gazette 2-19-10.Pmd
VOL. 114 - NO. 8 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, FEBRUARY 19, 2010 $.30 A COPY PRESIDENT’S DAY, We Need Job Creation Policy, Not Gimmicks by Herman Cain an Italian Perspective The president, his admin- forecasts.” In fact, the ad- work, the current offering of by Maria Gloria istration and most members ministration still believes a $5000 tax credit to employ- (Reprinted with permission from of Congress still don’t get it! it can rebuild the economy ers who hire an unemployed L’Italo Americano- ) So let’s try to explain job cre- through health care legisla- worker, plus a limited-time ation another way. You tion, clean-energy initia- suspension of part of their love for Italy and things Ital- stimulate the creation of tives, infrastructure projects, payroll taxes are just propa- ian, as early as 1764 during jobs by reducing an and small-business tax ganda gimmicks. his college days. employer’s cost to keep breaks. Here, again, are some of Thomas Jefferson was people employed (less taxes), Representative Eric Can- the real job creation policy born in Virginia on April 13, and then by reducing the tor (R-VA) gave the most suggestions that the presi- 1743 and died on July 4, cost of a business to grow laser-like description of the dent and Congress are not 1826. He served as our third their business (less regula- report. “The Obama Admin- listening to: president form 1801 to 1809. tions). If these two things istration’s report is full of Make the current tax rates He was 28 years old when he happen then jobs will be cre- blame for the policies of permanent.
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