166 DIRECTORY. Bailey Joseph, wire '\\Torker, 82 Canal walk Barter Thomas Willoughby, watclunaker &nd Bailey Thomas, gent., road­ jeweller, 15 High street Bailey Mr Wm. 4 Bellevue place Bartholomew Mrs A. 7 Peninsular t~rrace Bailie Mr John, Thetia villa, Bartlett Chas. beerhouse and fiy proprietor, Baiss Wm. beerhouse, 67 Lower East st 38 Bedford place Baker Mr Alfred, 8 Cnmbury place Bartlett Mrs Elizabeth, Freemantle Baker Augs. brewer; h Belmont Lodge, :P. Bartlett Mr George, Adelaide road, P. Bake~ Mrs Elizabeth, lodgings, Millbrook rd Bartlett Jacob Sulgar, grocer, &o. 5 High st Baker Isa.ac, shoemaker, Castle lane and 36 Bernard st; h 3 Upr. Chamberlayne Baker John, grocer, Freemantd.e Bartlett Isaac, porter, 58 St Mary's t>l [pl Baker My. Ann, dressmll.ker, 27 St Mary's pl Bartlett Stphn. Sylvanus W alter, ship broker, Baker Mrs S112an, 7t Orchard place 10 Oriental place 1 h Baker Wm. beerhonse, 5 King street Bartlett Wm. butcher, 11 Upper East at Baker Wm. John, maater of the School of Bartlett Wm. Hugh, drnggist, 8 Cannte road ..4.'1't1 Victoria Rooms; b 4 Russell ter., P. Barton Mr Alfred, lS Bedford terrace Baldwin Samuel, shopkeeper, St Mary's road Barton Robert, shoemaker, Freemantle ;Bale Misses E. p.nd C. school, Honndwell Barwick Da'rid, bootmaker, Latjmer street Ball Charles, printer, 8 Strand Bascomb Bennett, painter, 4 Cambridge at Ball Mn Lonisa, 31 Bugle street Bascombe Ja.mes, vict. Goodridge's H~.tel, 10 Ballantine Mrs Henrietta., 6 Onslow road, N. Queen's terrace Ba1la:rd Henry James, tailor, 49 Oxford st Baseley Jas. Bennett, hatter, hosier, tailor, Balson Ellen, beerhs. 11 Upper St Mary st and oTitfitter, 165 High street :aampton Mrs Mira, 7 Lower Lyon street Baskin Robert, surveyor, 5 valley Ba.mpton Mr Joseph, Craven street Bassett Jph. coppersmith, 15 St Andrew'a rd Banes Nathaniel Wm. haircutter and per­ Bassett Rbt. Goodenough, solicitor, (Co:x:well fumer, 41 Above bar and B.,) deputy coroner, &c. 8 Gloucester Banger John and Co. carriers by raihvay, square; h Millbrook &c. 4 Bridge road Batchelor .Ann, beerhouse, St James' street Bannister Jonas, tailor, 18 Bernard street Batchelor Manrice, beerhonse, Simnel st Barbel' Geo. Hy. loan office, St Mary's place Batchelor Samuel, turner and cabinet maker, Barber HaJJnah, dressmaker, 11 Coleman at 30 College street Barfoot John, auctioneer; h Swathling Batchelor Wm. John, vict, West Quay Tav. Barford John D. veterinary surgeon, Spa Bates John, builder, Cossack strailt road, and Shi'l'ley Bath James, baker, 28 Canal walk Barker Mr Wm., Prospect Cottage, Shir"ley Bath Wm. tea daler, 62 Bevois street Barkley Luke, in map office, Highfield Batt Mrs Ann, baker, 12 King street Barling Alfred, grocer, 67 High street Ba.ttcock Hy. 'Vict. Royal Pier Hotel, Quay Barlow Andrew, brewer and spirit merchant, Batten & Lukia, tailors, &c. 11 Above bar High street, Shirley Batten Chas. Geo. ; h 4 Lower Bellevne ter Earnard James, shoemaker, Cossack street Batters George, shopkeeper, 24 Bevois st Barnard Ma.rtha, grocer, Waterloo terro.ce Baner Mrs. 5 Cranbury place Barnard Mary, school, St Mary's street Baveridge Mr Charles, Millbank street Barnes Amelia, school, 14 Bemard street Baxter Geo book agent, 5 Manchester st Barnes Arthnr, contractor, 12 New road Bayly Wm. draper, ·&c. 19 Bridge st :Parnes Chas. vict. Crown & Sceptre, Bevois Baynha.m Benjamin Lewis, lodgings, 2 Pe-

Barnes David, blookamith, Portswood [valley ninsular terrace • Bames George J ohu, vict. St George's Hotel Baynton, Capt.ajn Edw., Shirley Wa1'1'en and dining rooms, 14 Bridge street Beach Richard, superintendent, Railway St,a. Barnes Henry, Blechynden Station master Beal Mrs Ann, 3 Henstead terrace [tion Barnes Hy. Benj. engineer, 16 Richmond ter Heal Charles, house agent, 6 Bevois va.lley Barnes Lady Georgians, 21 Carlton crescent Beamen George, beerhonse, South front Barnet James George, clerk, Freemantle Beamen Harriet, beerhonse, Honndwell Barnes John, cab owner, 19 Bevois street Bea.rdmore Joseph, picturer cleaner and m· Barnea John, &hop keeper, Hill storer, 66 Oxford street Barnes Rbt.,French polisher,6 Vincent's walk Bearns Thomas, jnn. cider merchant, Winkle Bames S112an Carolina, school, Angleseo. pl street, and Devanshire Barnes Thos. tailor and hatter, 20 Above bar Beaton Mrs J ane, W e11ington street, Shirley Barnes Thomas, hairdresser, Back of Wails Beanmont Mrs Maria, Park road, Shirley Barnes Thos. vict. Carpenters' Arms, Cross st Beavis Comeliua, joiner, &c., Church rd., S. Barnes Wm. blacksmith, Co:rford, Shirley Beavis Jomes, ~ooper, 11 Mount pleasant Barnes MrWm.Geo.Bea.nmontLodge,Shirl.ey Beavis James, builder, S Vincent's walk Barnett Dd. boot & shoemaker, 68 Bevois at Beavis John Wm. curator of Cemetery ~ h Barnett Geo. vict Ship and Anchor, Bevois st 19 Upper St Mary street Barnett Wm. beerhonse, Northam Beavis Capt. Thos. A., Gloncester Lodge, S. Baron John Leach, clerk, Beavis Thos. builder, West India tel'TII.Ce, S. Barrow .Arthnr, Esq., Freemantle Beavis Wm. tide waiter, 8 Vincent's walk Barry J.Qmes, baker, l\fi11bank s•t