Orthoptera: Gryllidae)

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Orthoptera: Gryllidae) © Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, 2007 Taxonomic study of Mexican Phalangopsinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) A.V. Gorochov Gorochov, A.V. 2007. Taxonomic study of Mexican Phalangopsinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 16(2): 177-200. Two new genera, 20 new species, and 4 new subspecies of spider-like crickets (tribes Luzarini and Paragryllini) are described from the following Mexican states: Veracruz, Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Tabasco. Keys to Mexican species of the genera studied are given. A.V. Gorochov, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia. This paper contains descriptions of new taxa of with clear statements that many of sclerotizations Phalangopsinae from tropical forests of Mexico on the dorsal (epiphallic) fold of the male genitalia with keys to Mexican species for all genera in many branches of Ensifera have independent considered. It is based on the material from Zoo- origin from the same membranous fold, and it is logical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, very difficult to understand their homology to a St. Petersburg (ZIAS) and the Natural History particular membranous area of this fold. Museum, London (BMNH). The terminology of the male genital structures is given after Gorochov Tribe Luzarini Hebard, 1928 (1995, 2002). It is presented here in Figs 1, 2, 39, 40, 48, 49, 55, 59, 73-75, 84-89. This terminol- In the catalogue by Chopard (1968), the genera ogy is a somewhat modified variant of that by Amphiacusta Sauss. and Phalangopsis A.-Serv. Randell (1964) with additions from some other were included in the same tribe Heterogryllini authors (Alexander & Otte, 1967). The genital Hubbell, 1938, but not in Luzarini. My study of structure of most crickets is described with help the male genitalia in Amphiacusta and Luzara of this terminology. Walk. showed that they are rather similar in these As noted previously (Gorochov, 2002), “the genera, but Chopard’s opinion led me to provi- Randell’s idea of functionally-based terminology sional consolidation of the group Amphiacustae is more suitable in comparison with all others, Hubbell, 1938 with the tribe Phalangopsini Blan- as it allows one to use a few terms for numerous chard, 1845, as I had no opportunity to study the convergent structures of more or less similar ori- male genitalia of Phalangopsis (Gorochov, 1986). gin”. So, the same term can be used for structures Later, the genus Amphiacusta was included in of convergent origin as well as for homologous Luzarini (Desutter, 1987), but Otte (1994) returned structures. This is especially important when ori- it in Heterogryllini (and illogically transferred gin and homology of structures are more or less Heterogryllus Sauss. to Phalangopsini), and Goro- unclear (usual situation in Grylloidea). Another chov (1995), lacking material on Phalangopsis approach would force us to give numerous dif- and Heterogryllus for cheking these views, simply ferent terms for numerous similar structures in repeated his own previous supposition. different groups of crickets. Now (after my study of Phalangopsis, but not of Desutter-Grandcolas (2003) wrote that as dif- Heterogryllus), I agree that the Amphiacustae are ferent dorsal genital sclerotizations in different su- more related to Luzarini than to Phalangopsini and perfamilies of Ensifera were called the epiphallus may be placed in Luzarini because of the similar by Gorochov, “this author thus considered that the type of the male genitalia and ovipositor. Their dorsal sclerites present in Gryllidea, Tettigoniidae male genitalia (Figs 1, 2, 39, 40, 48, 49, 55, 59) and Rhaphidophoridae are homologous”. But have a characteristic epiphallus consisting of a the book by Gorochov (1995) cited by Desutter- more or less transverse median bridge and a pair Grandcolas contains a special chapter about the of lateral arms usually directed backwards, and evolution of genitalia and a scheme (Fig. 1155) a pair of ectoparameres of unclear origin often 178 A.V. Gorochov: Mexican Phalangopsinae • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 16 divided into 2 movable, more or less sclerotized (much smaller than in Fig. 19) hind median notch, or structures (sometimes upper projections or proc- without notch (Fig. 23); hind lateral lobes of this plate undeveloped (Fig. 23) or diverse . 4 esses of lateral epiphallic arms are separated from 3. Male genitalia: median epiphallic bridge with large the main body of these arms and more or less hind median notch (Fig. 12); lateral ectoparameres movable; in this case, they are here named “lateral with proximal part wider than distal part (Fig. 13) ectoparameres”, the previous ectoparameres are and inner distal process rounded and directed partly here named “medial ectoparameres”, and separate upwards in relation to longest outer distal process (Fig. parts of the latter ectoparameres, “dorsomedial 14). Female genital plate with comparatively deep hind median notch (Fig. 15); female hind femora almost 1.1 and ventromedial ectoparameres” and so on) [in times as long as ovipositor. [Eastern Veracruz] . Phalangopsini, the epiphallus is rather simple . N. santiagoi sp. n. in shape, and in Paragryllini (their epiphallus is – Male genitalia: median epiphallic bridge with small partly similar to that of Luzarini), ectoparameres hind median notch (Fig. 16); lateral ectoparameres with are absent (Figs 73-75, 84-88) or originated from sclerotized proximal part narrower than distal one (Fig. 17) and inner distal process acute and directed partly movable hind lateral lobes of median epiphallic downwards in relation to longest outer distal process bridge (Fig. 89)]. The ovipositor of Luzarini in (Fig. 18). Female genital plate with not deep hind profile is with the apical part of lower valves median notch (Fig. 19); female hind femora 1.4-1.5 almost completely covered by the apical part of times as long as ovipositor. [Eastern Veracruz] . upper valves (Fig. 29, 41) or with the lower valves . N. alejandroi sp. n. 4. Male genitalia with hooked lateral ectoparameres. well exposed from base to apex (Figs 50, 58) [the Female genital plate with deep hind median notch and distal part of ovipositor of Luzarini sometimes rounded hind lateral lobes . 5 similar to that of Phalangopsini, but not to that of – Male genitalia with more or less square lateral ec- Paragryllini (for comparison, see Figs 71, 79)]. toparameres from above (Fig. 21), and/or female genital plate different . 6 5. Stridulatory vein of male tegmina with 253-291 teeth. Genus Noctivox Desutter-Grandcolas & Female probably indistinguishable from that of N. Hubbell, 1993 bolivari. [Western Veracruz; Northern Oaxaca] . N. chopardi Des.-Grand. Note. This genus is known only from Mexico. – Stridulatory vein of male tegmina with 218-245 teeth. It comprises large spider-like crickets with rather Female probably indistinguishable from that of N. chopardi [Western Veracruz] . N. bolivari (Chop.) wide (oval or almost round) tegmina in male, 6. Male genitalia with median epiphallic bridge almost which are transformed into a large stridulatory lacking hind median lobe. Female genital plate with apparatus. Females of these crickets are apterous, very small hind median notch . 7 and their males are lacking hind wings. At night, – Male genitalia with median epiphallic bridge having these crickets usually sing or walk (with help distinct median lobe (Fig. 20), and/or female genital of their long and rather thin legs) on the bark of plate different . 8 7. Male genitalia with proximal part of lateral ectopara- tree trunks not far from the ground; at daytime, meres distinctly widened in profile. Female probably they sit in the hollows of trees (sometimes in the indistinguishable from that of N. dissimilis. [Western cavities under died bark or under died wood). The Chiapas] . N. hubbelli Des.-Grand. diagnostic characters of this genus were published – Male genitalia with proximal part of lateral ectopara- by Desutter-Grandcolas (1993). She wrote that meres not widened in profile. Female probably indistin- guishable from that of N. hubbelli. [Northern Chiapas] “outside Chiapas, only a few troglobitic species . N. dissimilis Des.-Grand. are known in Amphiacustae: they belong to the 8. Head with almost straight upper edge in profile and genus Noctivox and are quite strictly localized in large lateral ocelli (Fig. 3) . 9 Oaxaca and Veracruz”. However, all species of – Head with rather strongly curved upper edge in profile Noctivox collected by me and my colleagues in all and small lateral ocelli (Fig. 4). Female genital plate without any hind notch, but with small hind median these states are not associated with true caves. lobe (Fig. 23). [Eastern Chiapas] (male unknown) . N. mikhaili sp. n. Key to species and subspecies of Noctivox 9. Fore surface of epicranium with distinct light vertical median stripe. Male genitalia as in Figs 20-22. [North- 1. Fore tibiae with only inner tympanum (sometimes also eastern Chiapas] (female unknown) . with traces of outer tympanum) . 2 . N. sergeyi sp. n. – Fore tibiae with both inner and outer tympana . 10 – Fore surface of epicranium with brown median area. 2. Male genitalia: median epiphallic bridge comparatively Female genital plate with moderately deep hind notch long and narrow (Figs 12, 16); lateral ectoparameres and almost acute hind lateral lobes (Fig. 24). [Southern distinctly bifurcate in distal part (Figs 13, 14, 17, 18). Oaxaca] (male unknown) . N. oaxacae sp. n. Female genital plate with moderately deep hind median 10. Male genitalia with median epiphallic bridge almost notch and rounded hind lateral lobes (Figs 15, 19) . lacking hind median notch, and/or female genitalia as . .3 follows: genital plate with hind median notch not very – Male genitalia: median epiphallic bridge short and wide deep (less deep than in Figs 28, 33), ovipositor 1.2-1.3 (Fig. 20); lateral ectoparameres not bifurcate or almost times as long as hind femora . 11 not bifurcate in distal part. Female genital plate with – Male genitalia with median epiphallic bridge having deep (distinctly deeper than in Fig. 15) or very small more or less small (but distinct) hind median notch ZOOSYST.
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