NAVAL SUBMARINE LEAGUE Pacific Southwest Chapter 2019-2020 Activities

The Pacific Southwest Chapter continued to be on a “roll” throughout the year, until the COVID Virus changed things, as it did for most of the world. The April 2020 scheduled events got wiped off the slate and the COMSUBPAC Sailor of the Year activities and the Submarine Birthday Ball got re-imagined or can- celled, as did our April Luncheon and Forum. However, before the recent dramatic changes, our luncheons continued to be the high points in our outreach and activities plan. We had an outstanding group of speak- ers throughout the year that brought with them interesting and professionally related topics for our at- tendees. Our average attendance was at about 65, but we were pleased to see active duty attendees when they could break from their busy schedules. It was gratifying to see Midshipmen at several of our meetings from the NROTC Unit here which combines the students from five of the local colleges and universities. Our speakers included: Commodore Chris Cavanaugh, COMSUBRON ELEVEN, Retired CDR Ray Fer- brache “China’s Submarine Force”, CAPT Brien Dickson, CO of , CAPT Tim Slentz, CO of Naval Base Coronado, CAPT Mike Dowling, CO of the Tactical Training Group Pacific, Retired CAPT Zoltan Kelety, Marine Superintendent, Scripps Institution of Oceanography “Flooding Casualty on USS DOLPHIN”, CAPT Eric Cooper, USCG, CO Maritime Security Response Team West, RADM Tom Ishee, Director, Undersea Warfare Division, (N97) and Retired CAPT Charlie MacVean “Admiral Rickover-Up Close and Personal”. The Chapter has begun the practice of recognizing a sailor at each luncheon with the presentation of passes to either the MIDWAY Museum or the San Diego Maritime Museum. The sailor to be recognized at each luncheon is selected by the COMSUBRON ELEVEN Command Master Chief. Tours are always high on the list of “Items of Interest”. The tours are always predicated on asset availabil- ity. The Chilean submarine CS O’Higgins was enroute to San Diego when she was turned around to return to home port to comply with the COVID guidance from Chile. We were able to tour the USS ESSEX (LHD- 2) in the Fall of 2019. Time with the Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing was highlighted with “flight time” in the MH-60 Simulators. Tours of the Submarine Learning Center, the USS ALEXANDRIA and the Marine Mam- mal Facility rounded out our touring. We participated in the welcoming of USS ANNAPOLIS as she arrived in San Diego and we were also in the send off activities for USS PASADENA. In January 2020 we asked to participate in the grand sail away ceremony for the Peruvian submarine BAP ANGAMOS. Gifts were ex- changed and we watched them get underway for their 30 day transit home after their very productive and professional exercises with all manner of US Navy assets in the SOCAL areas. Although the COMSUBPAC Sailor of the Year activities were scheduled for San Diego, they got realigned into a virtual event which allowed the finalists to remain in their respective homeports. Still, we honored the terrific achievements of the winners as we provided VISA Cards to the COMSUBPAC Ashore and Afloat winners and the COMSUBRON ELEVEN Senior and Junior Winners Ashore and Afloat. The Chapter also honored the 2019 SUBRON ELEVEN Battle Efficiency Winner—USS HAMPTON. In this case we have giv- en money to the submarine’s FRG (Family Readiness Group) for them to use as needed. We likewise assisted in the arrival festivities for USS ANNAPOLIS. The Chapter continues to increase interactivity with the NROTC Unit which is physically located at the University of San Diego. Currently the Sophomore Class instructor is a submarine qualified Lieutenant who served on an SSN in San Diego and so he has been very keen on ele- vating NSL awareness among his students. And as always, we stand ready to support the Freddie Warder Award as requested. The Chapter was led during this period by: President—CAPT Sam Ward, USN, (Ret.) Vice President—Mr. Bruce Renne Second Vice President—CMDCM JR O’Donnell and Jeffrey Hiscocks, USN, CSS11 Treasurer—CAPT Keith Fargo, SC, USN, (Ret.) Secretary—CAPT Charlie MacVean, USN, (Ret.)

CAPT Sam Ward with the CO and XO of

the Peruvian Submarine BAP ANGAMOS

Naval Submarine League

Pacific Southwest Chapter April 2019 Newsletter [email protected]

April and May Activities As is normal at this time in the Spring, we will not have an April NSLPACSW Luncheon and Forum.

April 11-14 activities are focused on the Submarine Birthday Ball

April 5-USS ALEXANDRIA Change of Command at10:00 am April11-Pacific Southwest Naval Sub League Social Event This is a first of many. Naval Base Point Loma is inviting us all to a 4 pm time together featuring a talk on the USS THRESHER, lost 4/10/1963. Retired Captain Jim Bryant will describe his research into and the results --=...:.Ss:5,_-- . . of this event that changed so many aspects of our submarine's �- :!:-� �,,;, construction and operation. '!), � April12- 8:00 am, Tour Submarine Learning Center April12- 10:00 Old Timers Luncheon (Tolling of the Boats and Taco Buffet at the USS RONCADOR Memorial) USS THRESHER April13-Submarine Birthday Ball (SSN-593) April14-Oceanview Brunch Opens Its Season. May 14-NSLPACSW Luncheon/Forum, RADM Ed Anderson from SPAWAR speaking Tours of a ZUMWALT Class DDG and an SSN are still being worked on and are dependent on ship availability.

Details for all of these functions or events have been provided separately. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact NSLPACSW at: [email protected] Or 619-508-4401 (Talk or Text)

June Elections At our June Meeting Officers will be elected for the next Year. Please let us know if you, or someone you know, is a potential Candidate.

Sam Ward, President ([email protected])


Pacific SW Chapter I

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter May 2019 Newsletter [email protected]

Our Program for May 14th, 2019 DATELINE- ELEVEN With Commodore Chris Cavanaugh

Captain Chris Cavanaugh, a native of Convoy, Ohio, graduated from the United States Na­ val Academy in 1993 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After commissioning, he attended the University of California at Berkeley and earned a master's degree in Nuclear Engineering. He later earned a master's degree in Foreign Affairs from the Catholic Uni­ versity of America and was selected as a Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seminar XXI fellow.

His sea duty assignments include serving as a Division Officer in USS PORTSMOUTH (SSN 707), Engineer in USS CHARLOTTE (SSN 767), and Executive Officer in USS ASHEVILLE (SSN 758). He commanded USS ALBUQUERQUE (SSN 706), leading a team that completed two Western Pacific deployments, earned a Navy Unit Commendation, and was awarded the COMSUBRON ELEVEN Battle Efficiency "E" for 2013.

His shore assignments include serving in the Strategy and Policy Division (N51) for the Chief of Naval Operations, as Squadron Engineer for COMSUBRON THREE, as the Submarine Executive Officer/Post-Executive Officer detailer at Na­ vy Personnel Command (PERS-42), and as Deputy Director for Nuclear Propulsion Programs (N133) for the Chief of Na­ val Personnel. Most recently, he was the Program and Budget Branch Chief (J8 PBAD) for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Captain Cavanaugh is currently serving as Commander, Submarine Squadron 11 in San Diego. He also recently de­ ployed to Argentina as Commander, Task Group 46 to lead search and rescue efforts for a missing submarine, ARA SAN JUAN. His personal awards include the , Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal (five awards). He is proud to have served in units awarded the Navy Unit Commendation, Meritorious Unit Commendation (three awards), and Battle Efficiency "E" (four awards).

For The Latest on Everything, Check Out Our Website

Sam Ward, SAM President WARD ([email protected]) Pacific:: SW Chapttr

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter June 11th, 2019 Speaker Update

Our Updated Program for June 11th, 2019

"China's Submarine Force, Are They the Sleeping Giant?" With CDR Ray Ferbrache, USN, (Ret.)

Captain Brien Dickson, the Commanding Officer of Naval Base Point Loma, was originally scheduled to be our speaker for June 11th. However, "Needs of the Service" have dictated a change in his plans and availability. We have assurances that he will return to our podium in the Fall.

Commander Ray Ferbrache was born and raised in Turlock, CA. He was a graduate of the California Maritime Academy in 1960 with a Bachelor's Degree in Nautical Engineering and a US Coast Guard License as 3rd Assistant Engineer for Steam and Diesel, Any Horsepower, Any Ocean. He then served for one year in the Merchant Marine before being called to active Duty by the .. Commander Ferbrache served for two years on a Destroyer Es­ cort, then was assigned to Submarine School, New London, CT .. He completed his submarine Qualification on USS CAI MAN (SS-323), then served as the Ops/Nav Officer on USS CARBA­ NARO (SS-337), Then on to Executive Officer, USS TANG (SS-563), Following that, he was the Commanding Officer, USS TRINGA (ASR-16) and then the Executive Officer of USS EMORY S. LAND (AS-39). Commander Ferbrache's Staff Duties included those in the Intelli­ gence Field. His last Naval Service assignment was at the Operational Test and Evaluation Force where he was the Test Director for the evaluations of the Tomahawk Missile Block I set, then the Mk 48 ADCAP Torpedo and finally the CCS MK1 Combat Fire Control System. Ray Ferbrache married Patricia Ann and they have 3 Children and 4 Grandchildren. Commander Ferbrache has long followed and studied the navies of foreign countries. We will be hearing of his latest focus on the Chinese Navy and its growing submarine force. Ray Ferbrache has been a long time member of the Naval Submarine League and the United States Submarine Veterans, Incorporated.

June is A Special Month Without any Major Holidays, June probably has more celebrations than any other month. Weddings, Anniversaries, Graduations and family birthdays all seem to populate June. In recognition of the Joys of June, we are recommending that you all bring your spouse or best friend to our next Luncheon on June 11. We will look forward to hearing Com­ mander Ferbrache and catch up with shipmates and spouses. June-invite the Ladies Month

Stay In Sync, Check Out Our Website Election Da Summer Vacation Election of Next There will be no Year s Officers at the Luncheons/Forums SAM in July and August June Luncheon Sam Ward, President WARD ([email protected]) Pacific SW Chapter

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter September 2019 Newsletter [email protected]

Our Program for September 10th, 2019 "The View from Ballast Point" With Captain Brien W. Dickson, Commanding Officer Naval Base Point Loma

Captain Dickson is the Naval Base Point Loma Commanding Officer. He entered the Navy following high school graduation from Casper, Wyo­ 1"· \• ming. He graduated with distinction from the United States Naval Academy in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering. He has served for over twenty years as a Submarine Warfare Officer. 1 After basic submarine and nuclear training, his first assignment was onboard the USS ��\,•I, / KAMEHAMEHA (SSN 642), where he served as in a number of capacities including Dam­ age Control Assistant. While on board, the ship conducted deployments to the Western Pacific supporting various Naval Special Warfare missions as the Pacific's only Dual Dry �•' � {:M ( Dock capable ship. In August, 1997 he reported to the University of Nebraska NROTC Unit as Assistant Professor of Naval Science, where he earned a Master's degree in Me­ chanical Engineering. Following advanced submarine officer training, he reported to the USS OHIO (SSBN 726) (Blue) as the Strategic Weapons Officer. He completed three pa­ ' . trols including the last C-4 Follow-on CINC Evaluation Test before entering shipyard to I•�.-� begin the USS OHIO's conversion to become the first SSGN. He worked as a Submarine Ballistic Missile Planner assigned to United States Strategic Command from January 2004 - until December 2005. Serving as the USS LA JOLLA (SSN 701) Executive Officer, he deployed to the Western Pacific in 2006. Following a tour as the Operations Officer for Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, he took command of the USS JEFFERSON CITY (SSN 759). Under his command, JEFFERSON CITY deployed to the Arabian Gulf in 2011 -2012 earning a Meritorious Unit Citation and was awarded the Battle "E" for 2012. Following command of SSN 759, he served as the Deputy Commander for Training on the staff of Commander Submarine Squadron ELEVEN and as Direc­ tor, Operational Support for the Chief of Naval Operations (N2/N6F21).

Captain Dickson is authorized to wear the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and the Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal. The Naval Submarine League recognized him with the RADM Jack N. Darby award for inspirational leadership and excellence in command for the year 2013.

June Election Results Our June Meeting saw the Election of the Officers for the 2019-2020 Session President-Sam Ward Vice President-Bruce Renne 2nd Vice President- JR O'Donnell, css 11 Command Master Chief Treasurer-Keith Fargo Secretary-Charlie Macvean

Stay In Sync, Check Out Our Website

SAM Sam Ward, President WARD ([email protected]) Pacific SW Chapter

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter October 2019 Newsletter [email protected]

Our Program for October 8th, 2019 "The View from the Other Side of the Bay" With Captain Timothy J. Slentz, USN Commanding Officer, Naval Base Coronado

Captain Timothy Slentz is a native of Dayton, Ohio, the birthplace of aviation, and is a 1993 graduate of the University of Notre Dame. He was designated a Naval Aviator in July 1996. Before taking command of Naval Base Coronado, he served as the base's executive officer. His sea-going assignments include service in Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 124, VAW-125, VAW-121, and FOUR. He served as the Commanding Officer of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 121, the Bluetails, from September 2011 to January 2013. During his time in command, VAW-121 earned both the 2012 Battle "E" and the RADM Fred Akers Award in recognition for being the premier VAW squadron in the Navy. Captain Slentz's shore assignments have been at VAW-120; the United States ; Headquarters, United States Africa Command in Stuttgart, Germany; and Navy Installations Command, as the Executive Assistant to the Commander. He earned a Master of Science in Management from Troy University in 1994, as well as a Master of Arts in National Secu­ rity and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College in 2007. Captain Slentz has accumulated over 4,300 flight hours and 440 carrier-arrested landings. He is a recipient of the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Strike/Flight Air Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, and numerous unit commendations and awards. Captain Slentz was named the E-2C Hawkeye Pilot of the Year in both 2000 and 2003 and was honored with the Naval Air Forces NAVY AND MARINE ASSOCIATION Leadership Award in 2005 and 2011. In April 2014, he was selected for and attended the Executive En- ergy Leadership Institute program at the National Renewable Energy Labor- atory in Golden, CO.

Stay In Sync, Check Out Our Website

SAM Sam Ward, President WARD ([email protected]) Pacific SW Chapter

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter November 2019 Newsletter [email protected]

Our Program for November 12th, 2019 "Advancing the Bounds of Tactical Innovation" With Captain Michael G. Dowling, USN Commanding Officer, Tactical Training Group Pacific

Captain Dowling is a native of East Northport, New York. He At­ tended the United States Naval Academy Preparatory School and is a 1991 graduate of the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. in Oceanography. He holds a M.S. in Military Studies from the United States Marine Corps Command & Staff College and a Mas­ ter of Systems Analysis degree from the Naval Postgraduate School.

Captain Dowling was designated a Naval Aviator in October 1993 and has accumulated more than 2000 hours in the CH-46D, MH-53E, and MH-60S heli­ copters. His aviation tours include HC-8 in Norfolk, VA; HC-4 in Sigonella, Sicily; and HSC-3 and HSC-23 in San Diego, CA. Captain Dowling also served as the Officer in Charge, 2515th Naval Air Ambulance Detachment in Kuwait. He was selected for aviation command and had the privilege of serving as the Commanding Officer of the HSC-23 Wildcards from 2009-2010. Captain Dowling also completed sea tours as the Navigator on the USS INCHON (MCS 12) and Air Boss on the USS MAKIN ISLAND (LHD 8). Cap­ tain Dowling recently completed his major command tour in Sasebo, Japan as Commo­ dore, Mine Countermeasures Squadron SEVEN.

Ashore, Captain Dowling served as the Aide to the Com­ mander, Naval Base Norfolk, VA and as a Programmer/ Future Capabilities Officer at USSTRATCOM in Omaha, NE. While at USSTRATCOM, he also served as the Exec­ utive Assistant for the Capability and Resources Integra­ tion Director (J8). Captain Dowling later served as the Deputy Director for Operations and Sexual Assault Pre­ vention Officer for Commander, Navy Region Southwest.

Captain Dowling is currently serving as the Commanding Officer of Tactical Training Group Pacific in San Diego, CA.

Personal decorations include the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with two gold stars, Army Commendation Medal, Navy and Ma­ rine Corps Commendation Medal with three gold stars and various unit and theater awards and citations. He is also the recipient of the 2000 SURFLANT Shiphandler of the Year award.

Stay In Sync, Check Out Our Website

SAM Sam Ward, President WARD ([email protected]) PacificSW Chapter

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter December 2019 Newsletter [email protected]

Our Program for December 10th, 2019

"USS DOLPHIN Flooding and Fire Incident And An Overview of Ship Operations at Scripps Institution of Oceanography"

Captain Zoltan Kelety, USN, (Ret.) Marine Superintendent, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Stephen Zoltan Kelety is approaching his eleventhyear as the Marine Superintendent at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, where he manages research vessels ROGER REVELLE, SALLY RIDE, ROBERT GORDON SPROUL, and research platform FLIP. Zoltan is a US Naval Academy graduate and is a 28-year veteran of the United States Navy, retiring in 2008 with the rank of Captain. He served the nuclear powered attack submarines HYMAN G. RICKOVER, WHALE, and LA JOLLA and ballistic missile submarine GORGE C. MARSHALL and commanded the world's deepest div­ ing submarine DOLPHIN. He additionally served as Director of the US Navy's Arctic Submarine Laboratory and completed a submerged winter Atlantic to Pacific crossing of the Arctic Ocean passing beneaththe North Pole. He is a veteran of the Second Gulf War serving as the Planning Officer for the CONSTELLATION Battle Group and CTF 55. Zoltan is married to the former Julia Craig of San Diego California. Julia serves as a Judge in the Superior Court of San Diego Cotmty. They have twin tv,enty-year-old sons. Zoltan enjoys backpacking on the Pacific Crest Trail, cooking, the adoration of his two schipperkes, and performing root cause analy- sis on the death of his bonsai plants.

Stay In Sync, Check Out Our Website

SAM Sam Ward, President WARD ([email protected]) PacificSW Chapter

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter January 2020 Newsletter [email protected]

Our Program for January 14th, 2020

"Maritime Response and Counter-Terrorism Assets"

Captain Eric M. Cooper, USGC Commanding Officer Maritime Security Response Team West

Captain Eric Cooper assumed command of Maritime Security Response Team West (MSRTW)in June 2019. MSRTW is the Coast Guard's west coast Short-Notice Maritime Response/ counter-tenorism unit, which includes Direct Action Sections, Tactical Delivery Teams, and command of all operational divers across the three Regional Dive Lockers in Honolulu, HI, San Diego, CA, and Ports­ mouth, VA. Prior to assuming command, Captain Cooper was the PacificArea Chief of Ctment Operations, Deployable Specialized Forces, and Shore Forces and was responsible for all U.S. Coast Guard missions fromthe Rocky Mountains to the waters offthe East Coast of Africa. Captain Cooper also served at the White House as the Director forMaritime Security and the Director forArctic Region Poli­ cy forthe National Security Council from2013 to 2015. Captain Cooper's previous assignmentsinclude: Deputy Sector Commander in San Diego, where he was responsible for all U.S. Coast Guard missions in San Diego and Imperial Counties out to 200 nautical miles offshore,as well as Arizona, southernUtah, and southernNevada; Commanding Officer at Maritime Safety and Security Team San Diego; United States N01thernCommand, where he served as a maritime planner and Crisis Action Team member in the Opera­ tions directorate; Executive Officerof Maritime Safety and Security Team Boston (91110); US Coast Guard Headquarters in Wash­ ington, D.C., where he served in the Naval Architecture Division of the Marine Safety Engineering and Standards Departmentand as a U.S. delegate to the InternationalMaritime Organization; Operations Officeraboard the USCGC WILLOW (WLB 202); and as the Navigator aboard the USCGC CHASE, where he enforcedUN sanctions in theNorthern Arabian Gulf. Captain Cooper joined the United States Coast Guard in 1992 and is thethird generation in his family to serve as a United States Coast Guard officer.He is a 1996 graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy where he received a Bachelor of Science de­ greein Mechanical Engineering. He also holds a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering fromthe University of Wash­ ington. Captain Cooper was selected to attend the Naval War College in Newport, RI where he received a Master of Arts degree in National Security and Strntegic Studies in 2008. He was the senior U.S. Coast Guard Fellow at RAND Corporation from2017 to 2018. Captam Cooper's personal awards and honors mclude the PresidentialService Badge, advanced _ ► I- Boat Force Operat10ns Ins1gma, Defense Supeuor Service Medal, Defense Meutouous Service 'J Medal, tluee Coast Guard Meutouous Service Medals, two Coast Guard Commendat10n Medals, .-,.( ""' the Global War on Tenor Expeditionary Medal and Global War on Terrnr Service Medal, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, the Coast Guard Overseas Service Ribbon and various service ,.,_]'"'< •• •. :,;-'.'-J._ and umt awards. Captain Cooper manied Kimberly in 1996 and they have tlu·ee children.

Stay In Sync, Check Out Our Website ida ToallofYoHOI xs Happy Wishe � 6est Sam Ward, President ( [email protected])

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter February 2020 Newsletter [email protected]

Our Program for February 14th, 2020

"An Update on Undersea Warfare-Present and Future"

Rear Admiral Thomas E. Ishee, USN Director, Undersea Warfare Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, N97

Rear Adm. Ishee is a native of Danielsville, Georgia, and a 1987 graduate of the University of Georgia, where he majored in mathematics and computer science. He was commissioned in 1988 after attending Officer Can­ didate School in Newport, Rhode Island and earned a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin and a Master of Arts in Security Studies from the Air War College.

His sea tours included assignments onboard submarines USS Narwhal (SSN 671), USS Sea Devil (SSN 664); en­ gineer officer onboard USS Tunny (SSN 682); and executive officer onboard USS La Jolla (SSN 701).

He commanded USS Key West (SSN 722). While in command, the crew was awarded the Navy Unit Commen­ dation, the U.S. Pacific Fleet Arleigh Burke Trophy and Battle Efficiency Award. He also commanded Subma­ rine Squadron 11, where he ensured the readiness of six fast attack submarines and oversaw the operations of three torpedo re­ trievers, a floating drydock and the Navy's submarine rescue systems.

His tours ashore included assistant professor of Naval Science at the University of Texas at Austin; engineer and executive officer of Moored Training Ship MTS 626; executive assistant to the deputy commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet; director of intelligence and special operations for Commander, Submarine Force U.S. Pacific Fleet; director of operations for Commander, Submarine Group 7 and Task Force 54/74; senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense for U.S. Pacific Command Plans; executive assistant to the Chief of Naval Op­ erations; deputy commander, Joint Functional Component Command-Global Strike; director of operations, U.S. Naval Forces Europe -Africa; deputy commander, U.S. 6th Fleet, and commander, Submarine Group 8.

Ishee is currently serving as the director, Undersea Warfare Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (N97), Washington, Dis­ trict of Columbia

His personal decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commenda­ tion Medal and the Navy Achievement Medal.

Happy Vale..ritines lJay

SAM Sam Ward, President WARD ([email protected]) PacificSW Chapter

Naval Submarine League Pacific Southwest Chapter March 2020 Newsletter [email protected]

Our Program for March 10th, 2020

"Admiral Rickover-Up Close and Personal"

Captain Charles R. Macvean, USN, (Ret.), PhD Secretary, NSLPACSW Chapter

Everyone in the Submarine Service has been touched by Admiral Rickover, either directly or indirectly. Some were touched lightly, some not so lightly. Because of timing and assignments, Charlie Macvean experienced many of those "touches" and in telling us about them, your perception and understanding of Admiral Rickover may change.

Charles Robert Macvean was born in Paterson, New Jersey in 1937. Following graduation from high school in Ridgewood, New Jersey, he attended Dartmouth College as an NROTC student. He earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree, Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, majoring in Engineering Physics, and was commissioned in 1959. Ensign Macvean served as Communicator on board the USS FORREST SHERMAN (DD931) prior to attending Cornell University where he received a Doctor of Philosophy De­ gree, majoring in Nuclear Science and Engineering. Lieutenant MacVea n then entered the Nuclear Power and Submarine Curriculum, completing courses in Bainbridge, MD, Windsor Locks, CT, and New London, CT. Lieutenant Commander Macvean was ordered to USS TINOSA (SSN606) in 1965 where he served as the Main Propulsion Assistant and Navigator and qualified in submarines. Following qualification as a Nuclear Propulsion Engineer, he attended the SSBN Navigator course and completed four POLARIS Strategic Deterrent Patrols as Navigator of the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (SSBN598 (Blue)). In 1970 he reported to the Office of the Secretary of Defense where he served on the staff of the Assistant for Atomic Energy. From 1972 until 1975, Commander Macvean served as the Commis­ sioning Executive Officer of the USS PARCHE (SSN683). He reported for duty as the Commanding Officer of USS SEAWOLF (SSN575) in 1975. During those three years in command, USS SEAWOLF con­ ducted extensive operations in the Pacific. In 1978, Captain Macvean assumed command of Subma­ rine Development Group ONE. This Group contained seventeen ships and units and was the sole Navy activity responsible for deep ocean search, location and recovery. Captain Macvean retired from ac­ tive Naval Service in October, 1981. Captain MacVean's awards, reflecting the performance of his ships, their crews and their families, in­ clude the Distinguished Service Medal (2 awards), the Legion of Merit, the Joint Service Commenda­ tion Medal and the Navy Commendation Medal. Dr. Macvean joined Hydro Products, which was to become a Honeywell company. He held several technical and management posi­ tions, including Director of Engineering, Director of Information Technology, and eventually, Vice President and General Manager. Hydro Products designed and manufactured viewing, video and remotely operated systems for use by the offshore oil industry, as well as the U.S. Navy. In 1989, Dr. Macvean became the Vice President for Business Development at Horizons Technology, a San Diego company developing and providing multimedia and mission planning software for the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps. After becoming the Corporate Vice President and Group Manager, mission planning systems were developed for the USMC AV-8 Harrier aircraft and the F/A-18 Hornet aircraft delivered to Australia, Switzerland, Finland and Malaysia. He also served as the President and C.E.O. of e-NET LLC, a company specializing in wireless E-mail applications. SAM Sam Ward, President WARD ([email protected]) PacificSW Chapter