The Cord Weekly

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The Cord Weekly WATERLOO LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1968 '] Varley urges student voic in operation of university In a proposal, last night tabled by faculty has 9 members. They have Students Council Vice-PreRident John not recommended any student::; on :m Varley, students are to have parity this committee because in many cases ·:~:~ it deals with student.-.:;' personal pro­ : ~ and equality in the functioning of the university. blems. Varley said students should :::: In an interview, Var]e,y said the be represented on this committee. He proposal is not asking too much from proposes 8 faculty and 1 student. the administration. He said, "both At the department level there have Dr. Healey and Dr. Taylor have said been no suggestions made formally. they would be receptive to proposals Varley said he will recommend th:1t suggesting student equality and par­ the same parity be instituted at that ity on the committees." level. Varley explained he doesn't think The Admini:-;tration has two wee"ks the administration wants tokenism. to decide on the proposal according­ This has been the complaint of the to Varley. He said this would give University of Waterloo Federation. the council time to make appoint­ The proposal suggests some of the ments and get people on the com­ committees reduce their faculty or mittees to get used to the system. administrative representation in fav­ Varley added "I think all faculty our of student parity. chang-es and course changes are to The University Admissions Com­ be submitted to the administration mittee, at present composed of 6 by December 15. We want the stu­ faculty and administrative members dents to be on the various commit­ and the registrar, Varley wants chan­ tees before any decisions are made.'' ged. The proposal asks for 3 contin­ Varley said he is confident the uing members, 3 students and the proposal will be accepted in good registrar. This committee makes final faith. "This ig a reasonable com­ photo by AttTrins decisions on standards of admission promise which will concretely illus­ right this time. and courses required for admission trate the trust between the facultv, to the whole university. administration and Students Council." The University Curriculum Com­ Varley said there mnst be parity mittee which deals with overall long­ on the committees. "If only a few range planning of new courses and are present they can't bear the full Wfights back programs may also be revised. The load. This you can see by the number present 10 members will be changed of faculty and administration on the by Anne Welwood to 5 continuing and 5 students. committees." e Wedne:-;day at noon, W. G. Hagey, The Academic Advi:.;ory Council is \Vhen asked why he want,; narity l'nivet·llity of Waterloo, gave the stu­ made up of 13 faculty and adminis­ within the structure, he said, "Tf we Y wanted. After weeks of pressure trators, and 2 students. Varleys pro­ want the system to operate pro}Jerly and passed motions, the students finally posal changes thi,; to 8 faculty and there must be a spread of resonrce"4 of the C'ampus Centre. adminic;trators and 8 students. Varlev or students from each sector of the of Campus CenLre Director is said this would not increase the siz.e university. unnecessary. of the committee or reduce its ef­ He also said this would prove there This rnc,tion was brought to fectiveness. is no tokenism but equality. "You the Provost's Advisory Commit­ In the Art.c; and Science F~culty would also get a better concensus," tee and bhe committee delayed. Council. the 100 members will be he added. The Student Council passed the joined by 50 students according to The Political Science department moti()n anyway. the proposal. These 50 students would has asked for suggestions for il"l de­ The moti()n read, "Campus be taken from the department level · partment. Varley said a proposal is Centre, while open for use by representatives. being drafted along the same lines all members of the Universi!ty, is the students' building and Varley said, "in this case parity as his overall proposal. therefore the policy for the build­ would lead to an enormously large "The bulk of the representatives ing should be set by a commit­ council. \Ve want to keep the body would come from the Soph class." tee composed of a majority of workable so we halved the repre­ When asked how Council may vote, students, wibh representatives sentation." Varley said they will accept the re­ fmm other gr()ups in the Univer­ The Arts and Science Curriculum port because "it is not forcing stu­ sity, subject to the direc-ti()n of rommittee is composed of 7 faculty. dents on the committees." the Student Council of the Fed­ The proposal i,; that this be changed He added the Students Secretariat eration of Stude·nts. to 4 f::Jrultv and 3 students. will make up a large part of the reps. (Continued on page 3) On the Petitions Committee the on the Committees. i OK, what do you -do once you liberate a campus centre? photo btl Max CoztDel&l P•ge Two THE CORD WEEKLY Federation pooh-poohs recent studen In a better late than never dis­ ents, and organized pressure operation and support of all citi­ ad appears to be the ad itself. In play, the Ontario Secondary groups were. Teachers and prin­ zens in our attempts to educate its attempt to rationalize the sit­ School Teachers' Federation Wed­ cipals who have voiced opposition responsible citizens for a demo­ uation it has done more to dam­ nesday (Oct. 16) bought adver­ to the education system either cratic society." age the prestige of the Teachers' tisements in major Ontario news­ were not considered irresponsible The Toronto Telegram ran an Federation than the radicals papers. The ad called "a letter by the ad or self-expiated by it. impromptu survey in Metro To­ could hope for with a similar of concern regarding the Second­ It then says the current unrest ronto and found that people were amount of print. ary Schools of Ontario" used lib­ is "symptomatic of the revolt hesitant about granting the au­ So far student reaction of this eral misrepresentations and faulty against an· forms of authority thority the principals sought. campus to the ad has been wide logic to plead its case. within our society." It forgot to The biggest consequence of the ranging. Some have said that they Toronto School Board Chair­ mention, however, that there is man Ying Hope suggested the ad both good and bad forms of au­ may have been a "power-play" by thority. The revolt was aggrava­ the executives of the Teachers' ted by what they called "sensa­ Federation. He questioned its dis­ tional reporting" by the mass media. Principals, it says, are play only after recent disturban­ charged with treating their stu­ ees rather than during them. He dents as "would a kind, firm and said the ad was probably the judicious parent." The ad points ; \liews of the federation executive out that the principal is responsi­ rather than its membership. ble for "maintaining proper or­ One school principal said that der and discipline in the schools." he was not consulted in the plac­ This is nothing more than a ing of the ad and had experienced "catch-all" phrase which appears :no trouble with the people sing­ in such other documents as the led out by the ad. Queen's Regulations and Orders The ad reads: "We, the second­ to ensw·e the right to rule of ary school teachers and princi­ those in charge of carrying out pals of Ontario, wish to express the regulations. our confidence in the young peo­ The attempts of principals to ple in our secondary schools. We carry out this responsibility in an regret that their educational ex­ "increasingly permissive society" perience has been interrupted in (neither defined nor stated to be recent weeks by the irresponsible good or bad in the ad) are meet­ eonduct of a few students, trust­ ing resistance from "a few ir­ ees, parents and organized pres­ responsible persons within educa­ sure groups." What the introduc­ tion and from outside pressure tion of the ad forgot to do was to groups." define the terms of its sweeping Then comes the pitch in a nice generality. The nebulous term ir­ bit of patriotic flag-waving. "As responsible appeared throughout a group charged with the respon­ the ad. The ad failed to define sibility for educating the youth who the students, trustees, par- of Ontario, we solicit the co- A funny thing Want to see FLARE done with a flair? Well, now happened in the is the time. And "STAR" is the place. See the Peruvian new flare bottom slacks in slight bells, or all the jungle way "Elephants". Avail­ able in patterns or plain colors in self-supporting or belt loop waist band. While you are here, Some years ago, take a gander at our new an adventurous turtlenecks. And why individual from not? ••• Try on a The Coca-Cola medallion for kicks. It's Company pushed all part of the new his way a hundred and fifty miles into "FLARE". the jungle outside lima, Peru. His mission, for promotional purposes, was to introduce Coca-Cola to the primitive Indians. Deep in the bush, he flushed a likely-looking woman, and, Levis, Lees, H.I.S., Terry-Williams, Puritan through his interpreter, explained his errand, where­ upon the woman reached into a sack she was carry­ ing and neatly plucked forth a bottle of Coke, and offered him a swig.
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