Otorohanga Community Board


11 August 2011


11 August 2011

Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otorohanga Community Board held in the Council Chambers, Maniapoto St, Otorohanga on Thursday 11 August 2011 commencing at 4.03pm.


Minutes are unconfirmed and subject to amendment at the next meeting of the Board.












Otorohanga Community Board – MINUTES – 11 August 2011


Mr R Prescott (Chair), Mrs EM Cowan, Mr AG Ormsby (attended 4.07pm), Mr PD Tindle and Mr DR Williams.


Cr D Pilkington, Messrs DC Clibbery (Chief Executive), R Chadwick (Engineering Manager) and CA Tutty (Governance Supervisor).


Resolved that the apology received from Mrs AC Laws be sustained. Mrs Cowan / Mr Tindle


The Governance Supervisor reported that a request had been received from the Beattie Home Rose & Flower Show for banners to be erected at the north and south ends of Otorohanga and to allow chalk roses and flowers to be drawn on the Maniapoto Street pavement prior to the day of the Show. Following discussion a resolution may be required. The Engineering Manager advised he has a report prepared by Council’s Roading Manager on the Kiwitown Mitre 10 vehicle access which may also require a resolution.


Mr Williams moved that the minutes of the meeting of the Otorohanga Community Board held on 14 July 2011, as previously circulated, be approved as a true and correct record of that meeting. Mrs Cowan moved an amendment to the resolution of 14 July 2011 regarding the Project Kiwiana request to erect Silver on the Fin Phillips Reserve. The amended motion being – ‘That the Board grant approval to the Project Kiwiana Committee to erect Silver Kiwiana Installations on the Fin Phillips Reserve, subject to the maintenance, erection and removal of the Installations being the responsibility of the Committee and that their removal is at the discretion of the Board.’ The Chief Executive reported that there were issues around whether the Silver Ferns are signs and if so, under the current District Plan they would require a Resource Consent. He said the definition of a sign is extremely broad however, being, “any display or device (including frames and other supporting structures and lighting) visible from any place, which is intended to attract the attention of passing people”. The Chief Executive further advised that should it be accepted that the Silver Fern installations are signs, there is the question of whether they are ‘on’ or ‘off’ site signs. ‘Off’ site signs are those not on the site that is selling or providing a service. Mr Ormsby attended the meeting at 4.07pm. The Chief Executive referred to ‘off-site’ signs and the standards and rules that apply, in particular that which states that ‘Advertising signs are to be located within one kilometre of the activity they advertise.’ He advised that the application to erect the Silver Ferns referred to this project as being a ‘promotion’ of the Rugby World Cup. Mrs Cowan then recited a description of the Silver Fern being ‘the Silver Fern is widely representative of NZ and . It is a powerful and emotional symbol of inspiration and one that all ’s can relate to. It’s no surprise that the Silver Fern symbol is widely used in sport, given NZ’s passion for and commitment to sport. However, it is misleading to regard it as merely a sports symbol, it pervades the imagery of all New Zealand and has inspired New Zealanders in all aspects of their lives… from the

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famous NZ export Fernleaf butter, the badges of most NZ Army Units, Neil Dawson’s Civic Square sculpture in Wellington, Katerina Nehua’s swimming costume for endurance swimming (1904-48), to our National Netball team, the Silver Ferns.’ ‘It has played an inspirational role for the military NZ Army contingents, who saw overseas service in the South African War of 1899 – 1902, are understood to have worn fern leaf badges. The fern leaf had become the Army’s predominant badge by WWI. And of course the Silver Fern is the leading symbol in NZ’s national game, rugby.’ Mrs Cowan expressed the opinion she believed the proposal was a continuation of the Kiwiana theme. The Chair said he still struggled whether the Silver Ferns are actually a sign. Mrs Cowan replied that they are a symbol of a nation. The Chief Executive again referred to ‘off-site’ signs Standards 20G one of which reads ‘No sign may be erected upon an archaeological, historical or cultural site or any site of significance identified by Iwi/hapu. He reported that the decision needs to be made by Council’s regulatory division and that it is their belief that a Resource Consent is required. The Chief Executive then read the description of a temporary sign being ‘a sign which is erected only for the purpose of informing the general public about upcoming Community events, elections or property sales. The sign may only be erected for a period not exceeding six months and is to be removed within seven days of the completion of the event, election or property sale’. Mrs Cowan queried whether every time Project Kiwiana wishes to erect Kiwiana signage is it going to have to go through a Resource Consent process. The Chief Executive replied this would not be the case as most such ‘signs’ would be permitted activities. Mr Ormsby said he would like to see more Silver Ferns erected on the Fin Phillips Reserve and reported that Mr Phillips had donated the land for the benefit of this town. Mrs Cowan queried whether the District Plan rules have been interpreted correctly as the Silver Ferns are not exclusively for the World Cup. This is a longer project for the benefit of the town. Mrs Cowan then presented a letter forwarded by Council’s Environmental Services Manager to the Chairperson of the Project Kiwiana Committee. The letter referred to the Silver Fern signs which have been erected on the Bob Horsfall Reserve (this is incorrect and should read the Fin Phillips Reserve) at the north end of Maniapoto Street. It stated that the rules of the Otorohanga District Plan allow for temporary signs to be in place for up to six months and are to be removed within seven days of the completion of the event. With the final of the Rugby World Cup being held on 23 October 2011, a Resource Consent will be required if these signs are to remain in place after 1 November 2011. Mr Tindle expressed the opinion he could not see Council hamstringing the proposal as it has benefit to the Community. He said he would like to see them remain on the Fin Phillips Reserve and he felt that the process should be handled through Council’s Regulatory staff. Mr Ormsby replied he is of the opinion that the issue should be handled by the Community Board as this is ‘our’ town and the Board should be involved. The Chief Executive reported there was no problem. The Silver Ferns could stay until the end of the Rugby World Cup and after that they would become a permitted activity as they are then not advertising anything. He agreed that the Environmental Services Manager’s letter needs to be revised. Mr Williams expressed his opposition to the erection of the Silver Ferns and expressed the opinion that there are too many kiwiana items around the town. He said the Reserve should be established as a bush reserve. Mr Williams said that although the majority support the proposal, he is in opposition to it. Mrs Cowan then withdrew her amendment to the motion on the understanding that Council’s letter is clarified. Mrs Cowan then seconded the confirmation of the minutes and the adoption of its recommendations.

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Mr Williams / Mrs Cowan


Item-49 OCB MATTERS REFERRED FROM 14 JULY 2011 Discussion REQUEST TO REMOVE TREE ON ROAD RESERVE – TE KAWA STREET Mr Williams referred to the request to remove a tree from Road Reserve adjacent to a property at 57 Rangitahi Street, Otorohanga and said this had been inspected by Mrs Rosemary Davison and himself. He reported that this is only one lonely Maple tree which, other than requiring pruning, did not appear to be creating any problems. Mrs Davison and Mr Williams agreed that the tree should remain in its current position. This was conveyed to Council’s Community Facilities Officer.

LIBRARY MEETING ROOM SURPLUS The Chief Executive advised that any surplus tables or whiteboards from the former Library Meeting Room have already been disposed of.

POOL COMPLEX – CHANGING TABLE The Engineering Manager advised that the installation of changing tables as requested by IHC at the Pool complex is in process with Council’s Community Facilities Officer obtaining prices.


PROGRESS PARK In reply to Mr Ormsby, the Chief Executive advised that a section has been sold in Progress Drive for a figure slightly less than the original asking price. He said the purchaser is a scrap metal dealer currently located on Tuhoro Street.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mr Ormsby queried where the town was headed and suggested there is a need to look at the current position in the town. He said there is a number of food outlets being established. Mr Ormsby requested Members give consideration to future opportunities for the town.

COMMUNITY TOUR Mr Williams requested a meeting be held with Mrs Rosemary Davison, Council’s Community Facilities Officer, Mrs Cowan and himself to tour the town and look at the gardens, Reserves, etc. It was agreed that such a tour should be undertaken by all Members of the Board therefore it was agreed that this take place on 8 September 2011, commencing at 2.00pm.

I-SITE FACILITY Cr Pilkington reminded Members of the official opening of the new i-Site tomorrow, Friday 12 August 2011, commencing at 5.30pm.

PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT MONEY RE-ALLOCATED The Engineering Manager advised that an allocation of $10,000, originally made for new playground equipment, has been transferred to the Sundry Reserves Account. He said it was agreed that more playground equipment is required however, he outlined two other suggestions that might require this funding –

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1. installation of new lino at the Kiwitown Caravan park in the kitchen and laundry areas, at a cost of $4,500, 2. Two new tables at the Reg Brett Reserve. The Engineering Manager advised that a sum of $10,000 has been allocated over each of a four year period under Sundry Improvements.

KIWITOWN MITRE10 The Engineering Manager referred to a memo prepared by Council’s Roading Manager on vehicle access to and from the Kiwitown Mitre10 property. The memo reported that following the last Community Board meeting, a letter was written to Kiwitown Mitre10 to request an update from them on their proposal for access to and from the property. A response was received which assured Council that trucks delivering stock to the store can turn within the site and leave the property in a forward direction. This will provide an acceptable solution and that the Roading Manager would be satisfied with the provided level of public safety of this resulting change in practice. The Roading Manager recommends a further letter be sent to Kiwitown Mitre10 confirming Council’s approval of this change, but confirms that future unsafe practice will result in positive actions to restrict access to Ballance Street and protect the public. Mr Ormsby reported that Kiwitown Mitre10 have tidied up the site however, a truck and trailer unit will not be able to turn onsite. He queried where they will be able to park as they make a delivery once a week. He said the Board needs to be consistent in its consideration of this issue and for the matter to be managed safely. Mr Ormsby reported that the stays on the boundary fence are taking up turning space. The Engineering Manager advised that this was not over to Council to repair as Council had stood it up as a temporary repair when it fell over. The Chief Executive advised that when the new premises were established at the time of Consent, this was an opportunity for the Operators to get the issue right. The Engineering Manager confirmed that the requirement to cater for trucks turning on site has never been carried out. The Chief Executive confirmed that the Company did not obtain a Resource Consent. Mr Ormsby suggested that Council communicate with Mitre10 regarding the boundary fence. Members agreed to adopt the draft letter to Kiwitown Mitre10, as presented.

BEATTIE HOME ROSE & FLOWER SHOW The Governance Supervisor read a letter received from the Otorohanga Beattie Home Rose & Flower Show Committee requesting permission to erect banners promoting the Show at the north and south ends of Otorohanga two weeks prior to the Show and to enable chalk roses and flowers to be drawn on the Maniapoto Street pavements on the days leading up to the Show. He informed Members that the Show is to be held on Friday 18 November 2011. Members agreed with the request and also confirmed that in future staff be able to approve such a request.

STRATEGIC PLANNING Mr Tindle reported there was an issue he wished to discuss, since it had been decided that the Committee meetings of the Board be dis-continued. He said previously to that the Board had spent some time on strategic planning however, this had not been followed through. He said he would like to see the Committee meetings re-instated as he felt without these, the Board meetings only 12 times per year was not enough. Mr Tindle referred to those people who voted him onto the Community Board and said he would like to be able to inform them of what the Board is doing for the benefit of the Community. Mr Ormsby expressed the opinion that the Otorohanga District was great and referred to organisations such as the Otorohanga District Development Board who appeared to be making positive steps forward. He felt that Board

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Members should have their ‘fingers on the pulse’ of what is happening. He said there are a number of opportunities out there. Mrs Cowan referred to recent strategic planning meetings chaired by Mr Roger Brady and felt that these could assist Board Members to ascertain what they are doing, where they are going and to give consideration to some future projects. Mr Ormsby made mention of the Resource Consent process and queried whether the Consents are structured correctly in order to assist people. Mrs Cowan again referred to the business meetings in particular work commissioned by the Otorohanga District Development Board. She expressed the opinion that this Board should be accessing the help of an expert. Mr Tindle agreed with Mrs Cowan’s comments and questioned whether the Community Board and the Development Board should meet regularly in an attempt to identify and/or achieve bigger and more important things. He said receipt of education to achieve this would be personally well received by him. It had also been suggested whether the Board explore a partnership with the Otorohanga Kiwi House in respect to local tourist attractions. Mr Tindle confirmed that he would be prepared to give up more of his own time in order to ‘know more’. Mr Ormsby suggested an approach could be made to Rabo Bank to meet with Board Members to ascertain how the rural Community is doing. Cr Pilkington suggested that the Board proceed working towards quality rather than quantity of discussion. She suggested that such proposed workshops could be held in conjunction with the current Board meeting dates. Mrs Cowan advised that Mr Brady’s possible available dates are 18/23 August, 8/13 September 2011. The Chief Executive suggested that an initial meeting be held with Mr Brady to ascertain the scope of a workshop with Mr Brady. Cr Pilkington reported that it is often beneficial for the Community Board to meet without staff present.


The meeting concluded at 5.06pm.


DATE: 8 September 2011

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